Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 07, 1903, Page 3, Image 3

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-V-- M--
Striken in Holland Attempt to Tie Up
Bailway Lines.
Trouble la Espectefl to Spread to
Other Braarhea of Labor and the
trllae Mar Become General
Throughout Coaatry.
AMSTERDAM, April . At midnight a
meeting of the workmen' committee pro
claimed a general strike throughout Hol
land of labor engaged In transportation,
both by land and water. i I
The atatlon and wharfea are guarded by
troopa. The administration of the rall
roada haa taken atepa to aecure the running
of th foreign expresses under military
protection. A workman waa Injured by a
revolver shot fired by a aoldler today. Th
man who waa walking on the railroad waa
not aware that th atrike bad been pro
claimed and failed to reply to the aoldier'a
The prealdent of tha workmen'a commit
tee of defenaa In an Interview aald the
atrike proclamation Involved the entire
railroad ayatem and other land transporta
tion of Holland and th water transports
of the porta of Amsterdam, Rotterdam
Dordrecht and Zaandam.
Protest Aaralnat Lawi,
Th atrike, ba added, waa Intended aa a
protest against th anti-strike laws aa
well aa to aupport the demand of the rail
road men for an Increase of wagea be
fore the passage of the. laws mad an Im
provement in thla position impossible.
The president also aald tha strike would
spread to other branches of labor.
The ataffe of the shipping companies
trading with London and Hull have stopped
work In sympathy with the strikers.
Only one train left Amsterdam thla morn
ing and it waa protected by troops.
All business here la at atandstill on the
wharves and the mall boata which arrived
today could not be unloaded.
Dock Laborers Join Strike. t
ROTTERDAM, April fl. Th dock laborera
wagon drivers and all other engaged In
Industries Connected . with ' th port ' have
joined In th general atrike.
A formal declaration waa Issued by th
strike leaders here to th effect that the
strike waa not connected with the queatlon
of wagona, but waa aolely against tha pro
posed anti-strike laws. Th withdrawal
of tbeae lawa la demanded.
Tha railroad atatlon la guarded by ma
rines and a aufflclent number of employe
have remained at work to enabla th
runolrg of a trains today between Rotter
dam and Amaterdam.
THE HAGUE. April 6. A general atrike
of the railroad men waa proclaimed her
thla morning. Th railroad atatlona . ara
All of this can be avoided,
however, by the use of Mother's Friend before baby comes, as this
great liniment always prepares the body for the strain upon it, and
preserves the symmetry of her form. Mother's Friend overcomes all the
danger of child-birth, and carries the expectant mother safely through
this critical period without pain. It is woman's greatest blessing.
Thousands gratefully tell of the benefit and relief derived from the
use of this wonderful
remedy. Sold by all
druggists at fi.oo per
bottle. Our little
book, telling all about
this liniment,, will be sent free.
Til Brtiflild Regilitor Co., Atltiti, 6a.
It is Miss Tarbell's Great Story
of the historic fight between
that is making the unusually
big sale of the April McClure's
And the Brilliant Short Stories
"The Rlverman." A Blazed Trail Story. By Stewart Edward White
"Oscar's Chance, per Charley." By the new humorist, H. W. Phillips
"The Scheme of Sutcllffe, Swindler." The regeneration of a rogue. By
W. rt. Osborne ,
nisa Janumlt Latlit." A fascinating child story. By Empelgh flerwyn
"The Qulck-Dcclalon Board." A domestic problem solved. By Orace
& Richmond
"Who Was Her Keeper?" Child Labor ia the South. By Mary A. Bacon
Be Sure to get a copy of the
April McClure's
before they're gone 10 cents
guarded. The government Is endeavoring
to maintain the foreign mall service by
troop-protected trains. The service on the
Netherlands railroad la restricted.
Wllhelmina to Take hand.
Queen Wilhelralna, wbo la at Caatle
Loo, haa signified her Intention
to return to The Hague If affairs
of atate arising from the atrike situation
require her presence here. The government
hopes that the precautionary meaaurea to
deal with the strikers will suffice..
The government Is conferring with the
committee of defense concerning the de
mands of the strikers. If these demands
are rejected the men Intend to extend th
atrike to foreign railways and labor or
ganizations with which their union la con
Body Found In Barn Near Yankton,
Well Dreaaed and with
Money In Pocketa.
YANKTON, S. D April . (Special
Telegram.) The body of a young mafl, un
known here, waa found hanging from a
beam In a corn crib near the Great North
ern depot last night. From papera dis
covered on the body It Is believed hla name
waa Andrew Strand, but it la Impossible to
Identify him any further.
He was young, well dressed and had con
siderable money In hla pocketa. There
were no signs of foul play or clew to cause
for tha act.
Another Producing- Oil Well.
LANDER, Wyo., April . (Special.) Dr.
Henderson, the Englishman In charge of
the work of the English syndicate in the
Dallas oil fields, stated that another pro
ducing well was added to the list during
the past week, making eleven flowing wells
all told. The well la down 825 feet and Dr.
Henderson eays It Is the largest producer
of any In the fields. The drilling crews
are now down 500' feet on well No. 12.
Yankton City Election.
YANKTON. S. D., April 6 (Special Tel
egram.) Yankton'a city election today re
sulted In the election of Frank Fanslow,
democrat, mayor; Will Pterson, democrat,
marshal; William Dader, republican, treas
urer; George W. Klngabury, democrat, jus
tice; Lawrence Schaller "and. David., Lloyd,
republican, and Frank F. Rick and i. A.
Coxeher, democrats, aldermen. Ther
were no apeclal Issues.
Sella Telegraph
LANDER.', Wyo., April
6. (Special.)
Harry E. Wads worth, the newly appointed
agent of the Shoshone reservation, haa
aold hla Interests In the Lander-Rawlins
telegraph line to the Rocky Mountain Bell
Telephone company. This, line Is on of
the hlatorlo landmarks of thia aectlon. It
waa built In 1878 and for many yeara waa
used almost exclusively by the govern
ment. Erery woman coreti a
shapely, pretty figure, and
many of them deplore the
loss of heir girlish forms
after marriage. The bearing
of children ia often destructive
to the mother's shapeliness.
If SB(S0S.
Finding' of Eevo ver May Hate Important
rearing on to Matter.
Two thamkrri Had Bffi DImvI
id Remalalna; Ballets ('.
pood with Oae Taken fret..
Dead) Man's Brala.
DAVID CITY. Neb., April . (Special
Telegram.) There waa considerable excite
ment In the city thla afternoon when It
waa rumored that a revolver bad been
found with which It la possible Harvey
Llllie waa killed. A. L. Hughea employed
Jamea Clark to clean out an old well that
had not been used for several years, the
property being occupied by a tenant. Mr.
Clark went to work thla morning and aa
soon aa be went down Into the well, which
had very little If any water In It, he found
a thirty-two caliber, alx-shot. medium
length barrel, rim fire revolver, loaded with
long cartridges. Two of them had been
fired. The gun la a bright looking one and
compares exactly with the one Mrs. Llllie
told the officers that the man held in his
hand when he did the shooting, as to being
bright and glistening.
The well where the revolver waa found la
about one hundred feet from the Ll'.l resi
dence and at the time of the murder the
premises was occupied by Arthur Pepper.
The officers say that the bullets In the cart
ridges with which the revolver ia loaded
are exactly like those found In LUIIe'a
brain and In th barn 300 feet away. The
revolver Is In the possession of County
Attorney Evana, who decltnea at thla time
to give any further description of It than
above stated. . The motion for a new trial
will be argued and submitted to Judge
Good on April 17, and It la a question
whether or not the finding of this revolver
will have any effect on the motion for a
new trial.
Elder Howe, Well Known tte People
of Kebraaka, Joins the
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, April 6. (Special Telegram.)
Philander W. Howe, one of the oldest
Methodist ministers of the west, known
throughout Nebraska as pider Howe, died
this morning at his residence, 1S00 D
street, after suffering for two years from
a paralytic atroke and a weakness, due to
old age. Mr. Howe was 85 years of age.
Fifty yeara of his career were spent in
the east. Thirty-five years ago he moved
to Leach Lake, Minn., where for three
years he acted as teacher of the Indian
agency and as volunteer missionary. After
a brief pastorate In Minneapolis he came
to Nebraska, serving as pastor for the
Methodist church at Friend for several
yeara. Twenty-two years ago he became
pastor of Trinity Methodist church at Lin
coln. Mr. Howe haa been prominently
identified with various charitable and mis
sionary movementa In th west. For twelve
yeara he waa. chaplain at the atate peni
tentiary. Deceased leaves four children.
The funeral will be held . at the home
Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock.
Governor Appoints Delegates to Na
tional Convention at St.
' (From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. April . (Special Telegram.)
OoVarpor MJckey today appointed the fol
lowing delegate to the meeting of the Na
tional Good Roads association at St. Louis,
April 26. 27, 29: M. L. Fries, Arcadia: J.
H. Umatead, Fullertoo; P. F. Beghtol, Ben
nett; John T. Brady, Albion; Joseph Hall,
Tekamah; C. C. Reed. Vesta; J. M. Craven,
Armour; Cass Jones, Rulo; Charles Hunter,
Inavale; C. J. Weborg, Pender; D. A.
Stetson, Western; Vic Anderson, Minden;
H. C. Booker, Gothenburg; Charles Bos
aelman, Woraa; J. C. F. McKessou, Em
erald; John Halllgan, Albion; W. W. Blue,
Tekamah; O. A. Corbln, Tecumseh; Marion
Pyle, Pawnee City, O. J. Crook. Faila City;
J. L. Miner, Red Cloud; Uust Anderson,
Pender; Dr. T. J. Chldester, Western;
Peter Frltser, Oxford; W. A Woodward,
Supposed to Be SaflTerlna; From Mental
Trouble Due to a
HASTINGS. Neb., April 6. (Special Tele
gram.) Andrew Aachund disappeared from
hla home In Hastings last Thursday night
and all efforts to locate him have failed.
Mr. Aschund Is about 48 yeara of age and
baa been employed by George Brandt
for some time. Last summer he suffered
from sunstroke while employed at the asy.
lum and it la supposed that thla affected
hla mind and haa caused bis myaterlous
disappearance. He does not owe any bills
and be Is supposed to have had consider
able money about his person at the time
of bis disappearance.
Wind Reaponalble for Serious Acci
dent In Clay Center
Postofllee. CLAY CENTER, Neb.. April 6. (Special.)
While the post office, at tbla place was
crowded with patrona at noon today await
ing the distribution of the mail, the plate
glass window, lffilt feet la size and five
sixteenths of an Inch thick, came crashing
In. Miss Martha Allen, the 16-year-old
daughter of Hon. George A. Allen, was
badly Injured, her noae and rhln being
nearly cut off. Z. B. Holcomb. an elderly
man, waa badly cut on his head and bark
of hla ear. Othera were slightly hurt. Tbe
very strong south wind waa responsible for
the accident.
PaclOe Track
OGALALLA, Neb. April (.(Special Tel
egram.) JohD Gaule of Conway, la.;' was
found on the Union Pacific track neir
Korty with hi body cut In two and badly
Hla remalna were brought here and hia
people notified.
ghootlaa; Feverish.
FREMONT. Neb.. April . (Special.)
Rosa Mullison. who ia charged with shoot
ing John Weidner here early Sunday morn
ing, waa arraigned In police court thii af
ternoon. He pleaded not guilty and bla
preliminary examination waa set for April
11. Mullison Is not yet IS yeara old and la
not a bad looking boy. He waa quite nerv
oua when in court and fully realizes tha
seriousness of bis offense. Weidner, ,ths
man who was shot, ia not getting along
very well. Ha had considerable fever and
bla physician Is as yet unable to locate
th bullet, which la la th. lower part of
the iMomfn. If the bullet la extracted no
serious results ar anticipated and Weidner
will be out In a few daya. Weidner la not
disposed to talk much about tha occur
rence. He waa evidently pretty drunk, a
were all the rent of the party, and clalma
to hare only a dim recollection of what
occurred at the corner of Main atreet and
Military avenue. Mulllson's father la In
I the city and baa employed an attorner to
1 ok after hla aon'a Intereata. Judging from
the claaa cf booka which the boy wanted
when informed that he would have to re
main In Jail until Saturday, blood end
thunder atorle. of the Wild Bill clasa ara
reaponalble for what he did.
Groeery Store Is Robbed.
HUMBOLDT, Neb.. April . (Special.)
Sneak (hlevea laat night robbed the grocery
of Watts & Campbell of thla city, carrying
off $2 or $3 In cash and a similar amount
In metal due-bills, which the visitor doubt
less mistook for money.. A loss of some
thing like $6 or $S in canned goods, clgara,
tobacco, etc., waa alao sustained by the
proprietors. Entrance was gained by pry
ing up one of the rear windowa and the be
lief Is general that It waa the work of local
talent. The night watch thought he heard
a noise In the room about 4 o'clock In the
morning, but when he" made an examination
from the front of the building he could not
detect anything wrong, and decided he must
have been mistaken.
Kffort te Settle Daaaaares.
TECUMSEH. Neb., April . (Special.)
An effort has been made to aettle the case
of the heirs of J. B. Cooch againat the
County of Johnson, damages, out of court.
Mr. Gooch lost his Ufa by going through
a bridge with a traction engine. The heirs
dananded damagea from the county, the
county offered to settle for $750, but tbe
offer waa t-ejected. It la claimed that there
are reasons why the heirs cannot recover
from the county, for some reason the county
not being liable in the case under the cir
cumstances surrounding the accident.
atanipn Ara Imperfect.
The new two-cent postage stamp re
cently issued has been called In, aa an Im
perfection has been discovered In It. You
are also making a mistake In experiment
ing with different remcdlea to cure you of
sick headache, sour stomach, heartburn,
indigestion, dyspspsia, la grippe or malaria.
Hoatetter's Stomach Bitters Is the only
sure cure for these ailments, having been
used successfully for' half a century. We
urge you to try It. It will cure even after
other remedies have failed.
Wet Weather Delays Keedlna;.
STURGIS, S. D ' April 6. (Special.)
While a few of the farmers of Meade
county have already sown wheat, the ma
jority of them are greatly delayed on ac
count of tbe acow and rain. The ground
la too wet at present and nothing can be
done. Just aa soon aa the weather be
comes favorable, seeding will go on with
a rush.
South Dakota ' Farmers Oraranlse.
ELKTON, S. D.,' April 6. Farmers to the
number of 150 gathered her and organized
a local union of tbe American Society of
Equity of North America. This Is the first
organization In the northwest and enthusi
asm la high
Cared Hla Mother of Rheumatism.
"My mother haa been a sufferer tor many
year with rheumatism," says W. H. How
ard of Husband, Pa. "At tlmea she waa
unable to move at all, while at all tlmea
walking waa painful.; I presented her with
a little of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and
after a few applications she decided It was
tbe most wonderful patn reliever she had
ever tried. In fact, she, la never without
it now and la at all tlmea able to walk.
An occasional application, Of Pain Balm
keeps away the pain that- she waa formerly
troubled with." - :.
Two Fair Daya . Are Promised
for .Nebraska and
WASHINGTON. April 6. Forecast:
Nebraska and Kansas Fair Tuesday and
Iowa Fair Tueaday; Wednesday fair,
warmer in central and eastern portion.
Illinois Fair Tuesday and Wednesday,
fresh south winds.
South Dakota and Wyoming Fair,
warmer Tuesday; Wednesday fair.
Missouri Fair Tuesday; Wednesday fair,
Local Heeord.
OMAHA, April 6. Official record of tem
perature and preclpltutlon compared with
the corresponding day of the last three
1903. 1901'. 1901. 19 m.
Maximum trmner&ture &4 n9 48 7
rMinlimim temperature.... 41 38 3 j"
Mean temperature 4 4X i." o
Precipitation i T .00 .no .00
Record of temperature and precipitation
at Omaha for thla day and since March 1,
Normal temperature 49
Deficiency for the d.iy I
Total excess since March 1 .- 139
Normal precipitation 09 Incn
Lcrlolency for the day toiiirh
'i"i-liitiit in nltice Mrcb I ."8 Inch
Deficiency since March 1 1.42 Inch
Deficiency for cor. period In 1902. ...1.30 ln.-h
Excess for cor. ixriod In 1901 34 Inch
Reports from Stattona at T . SI.
Omaha, clear
Valentine, part cloudy..
North 1'lutte. clear
Cheyenne clear
Salt lke'Clty. cloudy..
Kapld City, clear
Huron, clear
Wllllstnn, part cloudy...
Chicago, i'l-udy
St. Iuls, cloudy
St. I'dul. snowing
Davenport, clear
Kintal City, car ,.
Havre, cloudy
Helena, cloudy
Bismarck clear
Gal vet ton, cloudy
T Indicates trace of precipitation.
Local Forecast Official.
-Jirii f
i I'i !! I
; ; Si ;
.... 6:i sti .no
.... 48 1 5o! .
.... M' od .01)
.... 3X 42 .00
.... 4 &0 .00
.... 46 4ft .00
.... 4-." 44 .01
.... 401 4t .00
.... 58 58 T
2i Ml .00
.... 44 44! .08
.... 541 2, .00
.... M 2 .00
.... 50 60 T
.... 42 44 T
.... 3K! i 401 .00
y.. b 70, .00
Test for Yourself the Wonderful
Curative Properties of
Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect It
To Prove Whol Swamp.Root, the World-Fattious Kidney, Liver and Bladder
Remedy, Will do for YOU, Every Reader of The Bee May Have a
Sample Bottle Sent Free by Mail.
7 Via 'I
: afcj T-T-pa4 W hsan
t 'fi(C
I wrote to Dr. Kilmer; &Co.,
atHingbainton, X. Y., for a free
i sample bottle of Swamp-Hoot,
and its effect upon me wat so
noticeable that I bought a sup
ply, and after taking a few bot
tles of Swamp-Hoot 1 had en
tirely recovered, ami in six
months I became the man you
see me now. I had kidney
'trouble, aggnrvated by bladder
trouble. as obliged to pass
water often day and night, had
back ache, and was run down
generally. A few bottles of
this remedy did more for me
thau a do7.en physicians could.
S0o Stillman St.,
Philadelphia, (Pa.) I-'ire Dop't.
If you are sick or "feel badly," begin taking the famous
new discovery, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, because aa soon as
your kidneys are well they will help all the other organs to
health. A trial will convince anyone.
Weak and unhealthy kidneys are responsible for many
kinds of diseases, and If permitted to continue much suffering
with fatal results are sure to follow. Kidney trouble Srritaies
the nerves, make you dizzy, reatlesa, sleepless and Irritable.
Makea you paaa water often during the
get up many times during the night.
arrangement haa keen made by which all of our readers who have not t'resdy tried It may have a .ample bottle sent absolutely
frea by mall. Also a book telling all about kidney and bladder troubles and containing n.any of :he -.housands upon thousands
of testimonial letters received from men and women, cured by Swamp-Root. In vrltlng be sure and mention reading Wt ga
oua offer In The Omaha Daily Be when sending your iddress to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Blnghamton, N. Y.
If you are already convinced that Swamp-Root la what you need, you can purchase the rrgular fHty-Jent and one-dollar
size bottles at the drug Mores everywhere. Don't make any mistake, iut remember the1 name. Swamp-Root pr. .Kl'mer's
Swamp-Root, and the address, Blngmamtoni N. Y., on every bottle. ' "
Offers to Foot All Bills Incurred by Cornell
Feror Patients.
rhllonthroplat W lanes Undent Placed
In Same Pecnularr Position aa
Before Typhoid Swept
' Throna-h Itlmca.
ITHACA, N. Y.. Apr.l S President Schur
man of Cornell university today announced
that he had received from Andrew Carnegie,
who is a trustee of the university, an offer
to pay all bills Incurred by students of
Cornell on account of sickness during the
recent typhoid epidemic. It Is Mr. Carne
gie's desire to place each student who haa
been 111 in precisely the same pecuniary
condition be occupied at the outbreak of
the epidemic. The gift Is applicable to all
sick students,' these who withdrew from
the university aa well as those who re
mained at Ithaca.
Th executive committee, at a apeclal
meeting held today to conalder the mat
ter, referred the execution of. Mr. Carne
gie's plan to the infirmary committee, with
power to act. President Schurman will
communicate at once with all atudents con
cerned. Purity la not often found tn the prepara
tion of Champagnes. Cook's Imperial
Extra Dry Is an exception.
Homeaeekera and Colonists.
On Tuesday, April T, the Missouri Pa
cific railroad will aell both one-way and
round-trip licketa at very low rates to
certain polnta in Kansaa, Missouri, Okla
homa, Texas, Arkansas and pointa In tbe
south and southwest. . For further Infor
mation, etc., call or address any agent
of the company, or Thomaa F. Godfrey,
P. T. A., southeast corner Fourteenth and
Douglaa afreets, Omaha, Neb.
Drowned In Cedar River.
CEDAR FALLS, la.. April . (Special
Telegram.) Roger Clay and Frank Boehm
ler, prominent young buslneas men, were
carried over the Cedar river dam In a
aallboat today and drowned. The bodies
were not recovered.
Tbe Tat, Boss Stiffened
Gold Watch Case is made of
two layers of Solid Gold with
a layer of Stiffening Mftal between n
welded and rolled together into one solid ti
. - . . i m
sueet of metal. The Jas. Boss Case is a
Solid Gold Case1 ior all practical purios.
The Stiffening Metal simply adds
strength and durability. The Boss Case
is guaranteed for 35 years by the largest
watch case makers in the world, who have
been making it for a full half century.
Every Boa Case has the Keystone trade
mark stamped inside. Ask any dci.'.cr to
show you one. Write us for a booklet
telling the whole story.
Th Ktyatoa walch Cu Cpant. Philadelphia.
this marky yoa know themj
I am a firm believer In that
wonderful remedy. Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Hoot. It's a great med
icine when a man is not. feeling
well; after exposure or loss of
sleep and irregular meals. It
is also a great medicine to tone
up and regulate a man. There
is such a pleasant taste to it
and it seems to go right to the
spot. I use it and recommend
it. There is more Swamp-Hoot
used by Kansas City tireinen
than any j)ther medicine twice
over. Yours truly,
Assistant Chief,
Kansas City, (Kan.) I "ire Dept.
day and obliges you to
Unhealthy kidneys cause
has ever teen able
the great Kidney, Liver and Bladder remedy,
Big Bargain
Only $33 for a ticket from
Chicago to California. $30
from St. Louis. $25 from
Kansas City.
Dally, to June IS.
Low rates from East generally.
Through tourist sleepcra and
chair cars.
Sec California's citrus groves,
oil wells, ranches, vineyards.
"Santa Ke all the way," Chicago
and KatiFH City to I .ok Angeles,
San Diego und 8an Francl.'co.
Interesting pamphlets free
telling about cheap la rid In Cali
fornia. E. L. Palmer, P. A.,
409 Equitable Bla
Dei Mo' jes, la.
Santa Fe
Delicate enough for the softest
skin, and yet efficacious in removing
any stain. Keeps the skin in perfect
condition. In the bath gives all the
desirable after-effects of a Turkish
bath. It should be on every wash
Imperial Hair Regenerator
n'r harmless prpratloa knewa
wnich tuatanily rwom ba!r te aar
color or sIumI tiorablo. lutta aaa
)mtw th hair clfwji, nitt and aKanv
MONTH. tampUotnair colore traa.
p"i?ui. a-nvacy aaanraa.
fcnperlal Chtrnicai O... kJi W. zji n.. n. I.
bold by Sherman it McConnell irug Co..
Mmaha. Meb.
Tor yeara tbls remedy hat been the
standard aervc restorative. Tbmunds
of happy men owe their newly found
strength to it tine.
bexiue Tills replace weakness and
exhalation with strength and vigor;
the brain oec-cimea clear; the nervee
steady and calm; gloomy forebodings
are tauiihed and perfect vitality ia ful
ly rca:6red.
If you arc auflenug as above, try a
box; you'll be encouraged by its effect
to take the full court of nlz boie
then If you are aot entirely cured, wc
will refund your money. Thla satis
factory offer is oneof tbe factors of
f 1 00 per boa ; S boses (with gut mil.
tee to cure or money b.tck , IS 00, Dialled
io nlain -. five.
tor sale by Koha Co., Omaha.
Dillon's Drug fciore. Uoutn omaba.
iavU isrug cvuuotl atluOa, la.
11 A a.ww..i.,I.j ,. i ,
1 t?hjmkm(u
I cheerfully give my endorse
ment to Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Hoot, which I sincerely believe,
from my own expenen. ". stands
at the head of all known cura
tives for kidney, liver ami blad
der troubles. -Jly
own cure and also my
personal observation during
years of service in the Toledo
l'ire Department, have con.
vinced me that SwampH
i n medicine of wonderful
merit. I have seen manv who
had been pronounced Incurable,
speedily restored to health by
Yours respectfully,
No. 1 Engine House,
Toledo, (O.)Firc Department.
rheumatism, gravel, catarrh of the bladder, pain or dull ache
in the beck, Joints and mtscles: makes your head sche and
back ache, ca.ices Indigestion, stomach and liver trouble; yen
get a sallow, yellow complexion, makiB you teel as though
you had heart trouble; you may have plenty of ambition, but
no atrength; get weak and waste away.
Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and ia vsed In the leading
hospluls, recemmended ty phvsictans in their private prac
tice, and la taken ly doctora themselves, because they recog
nize In it the greatest and most successful remedy that science
to compound.
Is s6 temaikably successful that a special
Fins New High Grada Pianos Offered b,
Almost Half Price
Make $150 in Ten Minutest) Getting
Your Piano Now. Oozans of Your
Friends and Nsigi bJU HaDa .a
So D j r i i g tn? fast Wen
Come in on Tuesday
Have you si en the beuutiful mahikau
cabed cabinet tcrand hlgh-otass upiijlu
piano in Iiospe'p show vi.uiow. a reu.wr
M'j pl.ino, tht 1h ,jw bvina sold in tli.a
Club Piano Bale for 1-37? Nearly iweui
pianos Jut ilk t re noitl tu kbrewu
buyers during the past week.
Beven or tigln pianos of tbe sam klmt
are atill left ior you to chouse from at thle
t'.iase also notice the beautiful fmicy oak
r mahoKHiiy cttxeri, target smxkI jprlgh .
pianos marke1 down to 113". Nowhere in
this city can you tecute the pame graui- or
quality of pi Hiio for anhtiii tes than
tisS. This piano isa standard make. full. -warranted,
and can be hud at the adver
tised price, fife), i n payment ut 1U ur tVn
town, and ti or $S per month.
These ara but a few fair samples of jut
what you can do at this Club Bale, which
ia creating a sensation among piano buy
era. i'ivo i.i riM nave koi o
The easiest way to buy and own a fine
p!ano at factory prices. This is the way.
TBVf' "ji
hostk t o..
IM All .
X Kit.
rieaaa aand cutntoaur
and all Information islioat
new Piano t lull to
Investigate the A. HOfiPB CO.
FIANO CLUBS. It will prove the bat
paying Investment aver made. Bj
Telephone 1SS. Da not delay.
A- Hospe Co.
15l.'t-mtn Douglaa Htreei.
SVHITg DOVF. CURB ovter tu ui iiruy itov.
Iks fur ttroDg Arlnk. tlia appotUe for whlra i-K'i'Hil
eilt after utlni nil renaeae. tilers Id any llquK
with or witUuut anowieag of pstlenlt liialelt-fts; ; f
Sherman UcCoanall Druar Co . oi.iaa v
Xeputy Sjtata Yetertniitiaa.
Food Inspector,
Office ana Inflnaarr. M'A and ktaaaa ttm.
Omaba. Nea. Telephone M