TTTE OMAHA DAILT KEE: TUESDAY. APftlL 7. 1903. 10 W Boy'a Clothing Dept. Third I loor. Boy 3! U UUW .UliOltwIl Clot hint Dept. Third Floor. IHK BK.LIAHLE ll'VHB, mm w SPECIAL TUESDAY SALES Great Purchase of Pearl Buttons On Sale Today. 3,000 icro of pearl button secured at a mot fortunate pur chase, on sale today at atartllng price. Theas buttons are In vari ous styles and size m de of Imported and domestic pearl. They are suitable for underwear, dresses and the faney waist trimmings so popu lar this spring. Every style from the smallest to the largest-many In this lot worth up to . Oc a dozen, today at f 1.5c, 10c, 5c, 2c Finest Embroideries at 15c, 71c, 5c . m i.. . .n.i.i .mhroMiri dir. lUPMir will ua "l'rl . tilth with the very finest embroiders, , nainsook and cambric or an wiatns. ' many are suitable for corset cot era, worth up to 35c, at 25c Bolts of Lace at 5 Cents. A spring offering of fine Valenciennes Lace. 2, too bolts of excllent quality. There are six yards JJJ in each bolt moat of, them -worth as high as 25c, today, . at, a bolt 35c Wash Laces at Big lots of fine wash lace, both Insertlngs and galoons, showing the neat est and daintiest patterns 01 iace., wide and showy styles, worth - up to 8&o,- at 75c Corsets arid These goods are made of English coutel ribbons and lace. They come in all fancies, also white, drab and black your choice of any In the lot at.. Extra at 000 pairs and oxfords, kid skins, Kedlam 8ol. Cmiar. Fdffa- SUdium Low EeeL ct Kieaooccnon or tmi amria awce. Watch ' J Our Windows- I PROMINENT GERMANS COMING lepra -enUtiYes of the Zaiieri Land Will Visit Omaha in May. THEY WILL INSPECT LIVE STOCK MARKET Party Includes Namber of Owner l Lars Estates la Germany Who Coma to Stadr Asrrtcal tara ta America. I The delegation of German agriculturists that la to travel through the United States during May and June will arrive in Omaha . on May 14 and leave the following morning over the Union Pacific for Ames, Neb. For several years the German colleges and the government have been studying the theories of farming and stock raising and year ago the German ambassador In Washington mad overtures to Secretary Wilson regarding the sending of such a del egation as la now coming to this country and he was told that every facility pos sible would be given them to study those things they desired to. The itinerary west of Omaha Includes Watson's ranch, Denver, Greeley, Colo., and Eaton, Colo. From there they go direct to California, in Omaha they expect to spend most of their time at the stock, yards and the packing houses. The party Is composed of the following: Dr. Rltter Victor von Bauer, Bruenn, Aus tria; Maximilian Buether, Posen, owner of feudal estate; F. Dterman, Sanltx, Meck lenburg, owner of feudal estates; F. R. Brettralch. Munich, Bavaria, government official; ITMrlch Behm, Kleetsow, Pome ranis, agriculturist; Conrad Dietrich Cob lonx, Speyer-on-theRh!ne; H. Eysenbart, Rangsdorf, Brandonberg. owner of feudal state; H7 Frederick Farber, Gera, agri - If the teacher could wipe away the blotches from her akin aa easily as she does the caricature with its pimply face, she wouia oe a nappy woman. Pimple and eruption are more than a disfigure ment to a woman, they make her sensitive and unhappy. The way to I cleanse the skin is to purify the Moor'- Dr. Pierce' Golden ITedical Discovery purines the blood, and re move the clogging accumulation and poisons which corrupt it. When these re removed, pimples, boils, eruptions, sores, aud other consequence of impure blood are entirely cured. For about one year and a half mv face was very badly broken out," wnlM mIm Carrie Ad. ma. of 116 Went Main St., Battltcrwk. Mich I trx-nt a rt deal of moary with doctors and for different kind of medicine, but received no benerit. At but I obtained a bottle of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Ducoverv. Before 1 had takea ne bottle of tltia medicine I noticed a change, and after taking three bottle I u entirely cured. I caa well recommend Doctor Pierce's Gnlttcn Medical Ducuvery to any one similarly anlicud." , , . 7 Accept no substitute for the Discov ery." .There is nothing; "just as good" for impure blood and skin diseases. The People' Common Sense Medical Adviser, iooS pages, is given away. Send at one-cent stamps expense of mailing only, for the book in paper covers, orti tamp for the volume hound in cloth. ddxcM Dr. IU V. i-iwee, Buflalo, N. Y. Tip. . 1 e vs: 2 I -X r -..-.. , , ..... , "t Ik I Four lam bargain sauare piled inserting, etc. In this lot are u!ase, - 15c, 7c,'5c ' - . - lnsertlnite, etc. In this lot are sulase. 10c, 5c and 2c. ana gaioons, owing ma ucv 10c, 5c, 2c Girdles at 29c. and French batiste, trimmed la illk j lengths and sizes,. In 29c Special $1.98 ladies' welt and sole shoes made of dongola and vici on new, up-to-date lasts, all sizes, and nearly all makes, made to retail for X,to.?:!!.!....$1.98 Watch Our Windows culturist; Dr. F. H. Flecken, Cologne; Erich von Fleuge, Speck, Pomeranla, gov ernment official; T. Fuehllng, Frechem, Rhenish Prussia, director of large es tates; A. Fuhrman, Berlin, agriculturist; Kurt Gabler, Sorau, Brandenburg, agricul turist; Arman Gain, Peek. West Prussia; Bernard Gontand, Llepalc, agriculturist; Charles Hanlch, Breslau, drrector of es tates; H. Kloevekorn, Underwagen, owner of estates; Victor V. Laffert, Brahlterf, Mecklsnberg, lieutenant of the reserve; Hans Lamp, Lelpsic, agriculturist; Dr. Eugene Court Loeber, Loboslti, Bohemia; E. Lomcks, Hoppenrade, Mecklenburg Schwerln, agriculturist; Dr. Felix Under man, Dresden, agriculturist; P. Moller, Schllefenberg. Mecklenburg, owner of feudal estates; Ferdinand von Prachter, Munich, Bavaria, government official; C. Recholta, Dolitx, Pomeranla, owner of feudal estates, Walter Richter, Taplou, East Prussia, ag ricultural Inspector; Fred Rueffer, Heidel berg, student; Bernard 8achss, Welsslg, Saxony, owner of feudal estates;' Jacob Schloesser, Koeln, Ehrenfeld, student; E. Schneppat, Neullenen, East Prussia, owner of feudal estates; Count von Schnurbeln, Rain, Bavaria; Ernst 81mons, Elberfeld, agriculturist; Count Sohenk von Stauffen berg, RIaetlsson, Wurtemberg; Charles Skeen, Jr., Breslau, agriculturist; Fred 8taakman, Lelpsic; Anton Trelp, Elberfeld, agriculturist; Prof. Vlel Hauer Mosback, Baden, teacher of agriculture; A. Wadsack, Tonnesraedt, province of Saxony; Dr. Mar tin Wtlner, Berlin, agriculturist; C. Wink ler, Lockwttx. Saxony, owner of estates. To Our Farmer Friends. Our barn is again open for transient conveniences as formerly, and our old barnmaster, Tom Baker and his assistants, will be tickled half to death to see you and take care of your horses and rigs while you do youc trading in town. Very spe cially would we like to ask you to visit the store and meet your old fi lends there and renew your trading with ua. THE BENNETT COMPANY. . Burlington Change Time. Effective April 6 the Denver train leave at 4:10 p. m.; tba Nebraska local for Lin coln and west, 1:60 a. m.; Iowa local, :TS a. m. Hawe $3 bats, Bptlng styles. Quality guaranteed. Stephens Smith, opposite P.O. Dr. Roy, chiropodist, wove, t ISM Farnam. AFTER BOYS FOR THE NAVY I.leateaaat Ryan Arrive ta Omaha asi Opens a Naval Reeratt tagc Statloa. Lieutenant J. P. C. Ryan, U. 8. N., ar rived In the city Saturday from Yankton S. D., and at one proceeded to the estab lishment of a naval recruiting depot her. The party will remain her on week, go ing from Omaha to Kansas City. The Navy department has long believed that the best recruits for the naval service are to be oh talned In the west and for tbla reason Is seeking men throughout this section. "The term' of enlistment 1 three year." says Lieutenant Ryan, "and the opportunities for advancement to the position of warrant officers is much trior favorable than In the army. The pay is good and the aervlce agreeable, giving, as It does, opportunities for visiting all part of the world. The service Is not rigorous, and with the re markable improvement In naval archltec ture, the conveniences aboard ship are lim itless, and the opportunities for physic and mental recreation are unsurpassed. " Taat Awtal cola and its terrible cough can soon be cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tlon. Try It. No euro, no pay. 60a, $L For sal by Kubn 4t Co. DIKD. MATHI8 Kdwln R . ged M years Funeral Wertnesdxy. April s. at ! p. m from residence, 2aii i'opplatoa avenue. ON BARGAIN SQUARE HATDEN BROS. INVITE TOU TO CALL EXQUISITE, BEAUTIFUL AND FASHIONABLE EASTER SUITS. SKIRTS AND WAISTS. TOU WILL RECOGIZE THAT IT . IS THE, WISEST POLICY TO BUT EARLY. TUESDAY IS AN IDEAL DAY FOR THE SHREWD ' BUYER. WE HAVE DECIDED UPON SEVERAL BIO SPECIAL Three hundred sample suit that just ar rived by express, on sal Tuesday at 175.00, 166.00, $60.00, 155.00, $50.00, I4C.00, $35.00, $30, $25.00 and $20. 00. ' ' 20 women's suits, the Ilk was never seen In Omaha before for the money. In 2$ distinct atylcs, some lined throughout with ilk taffeta drop, beautiful stylish suits, on ale at, only $18.50. 200 women' suit; these are garments that sold elsewhere for $17.00, on sal Tuesday at only $9.90. 75 excellent suits that are worth regular ly up to $15, on sal Tuesday at $.0. WOMEN'S SKIRTS Beautiful sample skirt -In etamlnea. voiles and crepe de chines, on sal at $46, $35.. $25, $20 and $15.00. 400 sample skirts in rainy day and dress sklrta. on sale at $12.50, $10.00 and $S.50. 1,000 women's skirt in black dress skirt. silk skirt, walking akirts, some of these SECOND WEEK OF THE The greatest sale of silk ever held in Omaha. The greatest excitement prevails. Thousands of Omaha women are benefitted by these remarkable bargains. , TUESDAY WILL BE A BIG DAY. Lotting Down Prices on Groceries New fresh kiln 5-lb. Banner .CQ Oat dried oatmeal New fresh kiln dried 1-6-lbs. Yankee t-lbs. Yankee Oat commeal, per pound lbs. Saxony 1 oat ...It, Oat IQiaB-lba Home I9C Shoe Oats Mincemeat per package CHAW ALBERT EDHOLI71, JEWELER. 107 N. SIXTEENTH ST., OPPOSITE THE POSTOFFICB . THE BIRD THAT LAYS THE GOLDEN EGGS will be at the above address ALL OF EASTER WEEK. FRESH LAID EGOS already HATCHED OUT for sale at EGGSACTLY the right price opposite the postofflce. " IH-ILRIDAN COA1L A perfect jubjiitui for Havfd covl vt l62?xton (Fine in a. befe burner, Eledatts for cookind. VictorYhiie 1605 Fkrnam JlTel.127 JEWELERS AND WATCHMAKERS We have' a fine assortment of American and Swiss, movement. In gold, gold filled, liver and slrverlne cases, beside a special movement withmir own name and guar antee, at very low prices, considering the quality. Our stdefrof Gold, Plain, Diamond and other Set Rings comprise all of the finest and latest made. P. E. FLODIYIAM 6l CO., JEWELERS 1514 CAPITOL AVENUE. ' PUT ON TRIAL FOR HIS LIFE Thoma McGulgan Bespondi to Oh&ige of Harder ii First DegTe. HE WILL PUT UP CASE OF SELF-DEFENSE Jada- Eatelle Hold that Scrapie Aa-alnat Capital Paalahmeat' Af- ' ford Groand (or Chal leaare of Jarora. The trial of Thomaa MeOulgan, charged with murdering John Patrick Murphy, whom he fatally stabbed at Fourteenth and How ard streets, February 28, was begun before Judge Estelle yesterday morning. Four of those summoned to the Jury box stated In reply to question that they might nave conscientious scruples against bring ing in a verdict of guilty where the crime charged 1 subject to capital punishment, a In this case. This resulted In there being raised a question as to . whether such cruple afforded ground tor challenge and Attorney English was given until afternoon to look up authorities. He then read sev eral and the court held that such circum stance Is ground for challenge. The state has twenty-eight witnesses. lx of whom It Is holding in the county Jail to make certain of their being avail able when needed. Attorneys for the de fense state that they will work entirely upon . the theory of. self-defense. They have six witnesses who saw the brawl and five other for minor testimony. They divulge the names of none of the prin cipal witnesses. McGaiaraa la Rew Shoes. MeOulgan appeared yesterday in new ahoea and well-brushed clothes and was otherwise groomed into very presentable condition. The attendance at the trial does not promise to be particularly large. When court adjourned for the day there were twenty-one men In the box. fifteen had been excused and the defense was only on Its eighth challenge. It may take all this afternoon to get the Jury. The Judge has declined to axcuse business men from the new panel. REED DIVORCE CASE AGAIN Coaaea l Second Time that Di.aasl- tlaa of Property Mar Be Determined. The divorce suit of John Reed against Matilda was back In district eourt today. remanded from' the supreme court, which held that the trial court was in error In passing upon only the matter of divorce ( Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year. TUB ' FAMILYf IOC 25 50c BEST FOR n "Jit AND SEE THE NEWEST AND MOST SALES. have been ahown In our windows, they are worth up to $10, on sale now for $4.95. 400 wool skirt Id one .great lot, worth $5, on sal for $1.60. ' WOMEN'S WAISTS We show more waist than any bouse between Chicago and San Francisco, the variety I unlimited. We bay everything In waist. Heavy whit waist on sale at, $5.00, $4.00. $3.00, $2.00 and $1.00. EXTRA SPECIALS FOR TUESDAY 60 doxen women' wrapper at 50c . 26 doxen women' klmonas, In very pretty patterns, on sal at 49c. 10 doxen women's klmonas at $1.00. 6 doxen women' klmona on sale $2.60. 200 women's silk and cheviot coata, worth $$.60, on sale for $5.00. On sample lot of women' spring coat on sal for $2.60. SAUPLE SILK BOLTS 30-MINUTE SALE TUESDAY AFTERNOON from 1:30 o'clock until I o'clock, we will sell 1,000 piece of black and colored silk that actually sold for 60o, 75c and $1.00, for this 80-mlnute sale at 25c. I0r Neutrlta ..196 per package 10c 10c .....10c Malta Vita 3U per package , , IflVIm UC per package 5c and not upon the matter of alimony, Involv ing $30,000 worth Of property, including the Reed hotel at .South Omaha. Yesterday's proceedings terminated when the court sustained defendant's motion that the plaintiff be not permitted to proceed until be had compiled with the previous order of the court granting tDmony, suit money and attorney' fee. The plaintiff stated he could not comply with this and the case was dismissed at hi cost. A Wonderful Chaaare. Weak, sickly invalid are soon changed by Electric Bitters into healthy men and women. They cure or no pay. 60c. ' For ale by Kuhn ft Co. Farm Loans. Forgan-Haskell Co.,- 420 N. Y. Life Building- Tel. 470. ! Announcement of the Theaters. There was a larger demand for the May musical festival tickets Monday than any day since they were' placed on sale. Mr. Penfold reports that over 800 seats have al ready been sold for the entire season. These season tickets are being sold now at $3.50 each, which entitles the bolder to the en tire six concerts, being three evening con certs on the 7th, 8th and 9th, and two matinee on the 9th and 10th, at which the Chicago Symphony orchestra assist the May festival chorus choir of 150 voices, which has been in training for the past eight months by Mr. T. J. Kelly, and also to the concert to be given by the full New York Metropolitan Opera House orchestra. with Nordlca and De Resske as soloists, on May 15th. This last concert alone has never been produced tor less than $3.50 a seat, while the Knight of Ak-Sar-Ben are putting the entire alx performances before the public tor this amount, which is lees than 60 cents for each concert. . . Season seats will positively be taken from sale on the 15th of April, at which time single admission seat to the Nordlca concert will be sold at $2, with $1 extra for reserved seats. 'Single admissions to the other Ave concerts will be $1 for reserved seats. , Altogether there are 2.400 splendid seats arranged at the den, so that those Intend ing to take advantage of the low season tloket rays, should eil at Mr. Penfold's store, 1408 Farnam- street and make their own selections while these season tickets are on aale. goes Street Railway Company. John Bank has started suit against the Omaha and Council Bluffs Street Railway company for S5.000, alleging that he had "the muctf membrane of hla mouth bruised, torn and laacerated," and that he suffered other injuries in an accident on the com pany' line on Twenty-fourth street, be tween C and 1 streets, in 8outh Omaha, March 24. Wrt KOICIM AO Oragclsts THE BOWELS m II v a i J I Men's EVERY SCREW FITTED The Alfred Bloom people of Omaha cer tainly understand their business; every CORNER, EVERY. SCREW . and EVERY. MITKE, FITlliD TO A GNAT 8 HEEl in our new nxturea which-were made In this city by the above firm. We haven t a case of SWELLED HEAD, BUT we will have the SWEL.LEST drug store in these parts soon an we get straightened up. If you are not In the line, of customer who are taking: advantage of our money eaving price, we want you to be. . . BOc Nervita. all you want c 11.00 Nervita, -all you . want... 75c 50c Murine, for the eye $1.00 Peruna. all you want ,..61c $1 Sexlne Pills, no limit ,.7oc $1 Pierce's Prescription o $1 Dr Butler's emale Regulator,, guar anteed Jc $1 Crystal Tonic, no limit 75c Wo Texas Catarrh Cure, one cures 40c 35c Genuine Castorla, . no limit 24j 16c Allcock's Plasters, all you. want 12c tl Palno's Celery Compound io t Celery Nervine, guaranteed 6oc $1 Hoasack Sarsaparilla, the . best spring tonic and blood purifier ..65c $2 Chester' -Pennyroyal Pill $1-0- SCilAEFER'S 'I'm Pnoaa 741 aad 7V? . W. Car. lath as Chlaaata ta. Fine Harness ' - Mad In Omaha. Just as good a can be made anywhere. I Will wear twlc,aa long and . coat no. more than factory harness. We also have. Eastern Harness, such - aa "Hllla or Concord" and other. :We have more fine Coach and Runabout Harness than all the departments, in Omaha.- Still Take Old Harness 'in Exchange for New We carry a full line of' saddles, suit' nses. and all Horse Furnishings at low Alfred Cornish; Baoss kt( Tlma aUaa. For Bale by aCHAEFER B r'Jt ixATK DRUO BTORX, S ' tt. CI prices 1210 Farnam Street : Telephone S14. '' V ' ' X MelloSv X Y , The commingling of purity, Y 1 Y age and flavor make ', V ! M Hunter ! y kw.,M Baltimore x x i I- X a i I rv TV A X I I A X J A X Jt X. Amrlr'a 1 A O I AlLaULL.T.Jl " paruouiariy w A T recommended to A X lAii v women. because X 9 'VfjrY excellence.' Y A wgff-'- Tke first Sought X A T ' and A 0 1 Tke First Bought A told t all tlnrt-eiaaa eUf mn4 lbbm O k ioooooooooooooooo Every Woman I I lull mauUia and airec'iy n- (' f M 1 I niiau u luat aru. A. b7. m iktu ana ciucaca aia vmaa. iits for Two Great Specials $10.00 and 313:50 All this week we offer for sale what a personal in" spection will disclose to be the greatest assortment of men's spring suits from a quality and style point of view, offered this season at anywhere near the two prices quoted, We want to moke this week a memorable one in this section o! our store. We want to sell more suits than we ever sold in one week. We want to break all previous records and at the same time give our patrons values so great that they will spread the news among their friends. The Greatest Suit Values in America, $1000 and $1350 The opportunity to procure a spring suit at a most desirable saving should appeal to you with irresistible force. These are suit vnluess upon which we cannot lay too The; Best Office Building' 1 . Moying is not pleasant to think about except when the prospect of a handsome office is in prospect'. You have to get up a certain amount of steam to move, even when you are driven to desperation by Sprini? Time tevator O tl.4. 1 . luul iiavtr uctru Jujjg iu uwu IS of paint as well as soap and MovlngTimewaterTH;(fpB,nM(; always looks fresh and attractive be cause it is never allowed to get out of re pair. This together with efficient janitor service make it a pleasant place to do business. Besides this the rents are no higher than in other buildings. R. C. Peters & Co., RENTAL AGENTS. Ground Floor. Bee Bids. &Z2 U I BY MAIL ' ' We sell the celebrated Fleck's Easter Egg Dye for So paokage, containing 1UU colors and designs; by mall 7c. If you live outside of Omaha write for our Drug Catalogue. It tell you where to buy lo.Ouo drug items at cut price. Some eample prli-ea below:. $1.00 Elker-Hoff Consumption Cure for 75c By mall .. tso JSc Mennen s Talcum Powder for ' lie $1.00 Hwamp-Root (Kilmer's), we sell.. 74o $1.00 Newbro's Herpkide. we sell 74c &)o Syrup of F1g (genuine), we sell.... Sic 25c Mistletoe Cream, we sell 10c $).0i) Wine Cardul, we sell Wic Hmail uarnem Tea lor luc lw pure 2-graln Quinine Pills for Kc $1.00 Peruna for 6a $1.00 I.lsterlne (Lambert's) for 6c frK: Stuart's Dyvpepiila Tablets for 39c One pound Mixed Bird Seed for 4c loo Graves' Tooth Powder 12c B"c Mull's Grape Tonic for 4a 2fic Kirk's Juvenile Soap for 10c t&o Brown's Bronchial Troches for .... lftc buc Williams' Pink Pills for 39c $1.00 Kirk's Dandruff Cure 7ac (The above Is warranted to cure aanarufl in ten days.) Write for our catalogue of Drugs, Per- fumea and Rubber Goods. Sherman & McConnsll Drug Co. ' Wholesale and Retail Druggist. Cor. 16th -and Dodge Omaha, Neb. . S. M- Uw Aim Jil tHM 'rM aaphal SM.Ma awvlM taxi tin.. USITRO STATUS DBPVBITORY. t'mmk Uupfe,. yml4nl. ' a Wd4. tin flUUm IMk. mkv. T T H.alKaa. WE PAY CASH Turn year old books Into money. Telephone B $57 and our represen tative will call. "Ye Old Booke Shop," 141 FARNAM T. am: V The Possessor of a good set of teeth is to be envied above a mllllunafrv. He has that which money cannot buy. Don'l delay thtae precious organ of mastication. UolJ (Towns, $5.0u. Sl Hxrot DIM. EASTER GIFTS. Rings, Bracclrta, Brooches, Ixjrketa. Chains, Stick Pins, Hat Pljia, Watches, Milling rillvwr Talcum Pnwdrr Boxes. Halve Jars, uw, beautiful, tasty piece. tore look tor tne name. S. W.LINDSAY, Jeweler 1816 Doui-Ua 5traeU Easter. much stress. poor, janitor work, wretched service and offices I 1 J J $3.50 Isn't Much. But it' a good deal when you pay I It for a pair of men' shoes that are I worth do more than $3. B0 and for aught you know, till - you're worn j them a week worth less. You never lake any chance when you pay $3.50 for Drexel's men's spe cials every pair has a value to their nnd has our guarantee back of them. Patent colt, vlii kid, bos calf and velour calf. All the new spring ttyle In botbi high and low cut are now in stock. DflEXEL SHOE GO. Omani's UvU-Dati Shti Hoi) 1419 FARNAM STREET i- tiell, anj tiunlr-l of Spend a tew mlnutta at our E Iff BAlui ' 1 rrienaf in v ilea.