23it3E3jKX3 2EeE ji The Omaha Sunday Bee. 3 EDITORIAL SHEET. PAGES !3 TO 20. g ESTABLISHED JUNE ID, 1871. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 5, 1003. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. pn y S tun HELIABLE Van f Jester Sample Silk Boils. Mr. Hsrt of the Hart-Van Nestor Co., Brooms street. New York, will be here to personally conduct Monday's great ssle of sample allk bolta. Some 25 caaea of silks have been received during the paat few days, being balance due ui from tola great purchase. There are both black and colored alike and aU will be placed on tale Monday. These taaspls allk bolta repreaent the different lines or allk made for the aprlng of 1903 by both foreign and dome t tic maufacturers. They were carried for a few months by traveling men for theae allk mills and mar be alightly mussed, but otherwise are In fine, clean and perfect condition. MR. HART WILL. HAVE FULL CHARGE FOR THIS DAY, WITH PRIVILEGH Or MAKINO Hll OWN PRICES, and he prom left the people of Omaha tha greateat bargain In allka that were ever offered by any. house In America. Sal etarte promptly at t o'olock. Come early aa pot Bible and get better aervlce. SAMPLE BILK BOLTS Plain allk In all colors, both all allk and ailk and linen, oa tale at 15: BILK In all i!v Ana SAMPLE BILK BOLTS OF FANCY SILK Oreat collection of over 100 pieces In all styles and colore. Eiqulalt allka, only one piece of a kind, and many worth $1.00 and $1.25, on sale at 39c SAMPLE SILK BOLTS Black silks, white i, white 25c silks and, fancy silks, worth up to 75o, on sale at SAMPLE BOLTS White and cream, crepe ae CD id. u-in., ail ana pongee, -in. plain, colored taffetas, 27-tn. while peau de aole, fine Imported peau de Cygne and Louis Ine allks. worth up te $1.(0, ftflr on sale tor Utiv 8AMPLE BOLTS High art fancy silk, yard wide, novelties and plaid alike, 27-ln., fancy stripes, dots and checks, for shirt waist suits, handsome foulards and awell brocade allka, worth up to $2.50, dp A on aale at ,..006 .SAMPLE BOLTS Extra fine white and I rream Loulslne silk for flflf shirt waist. $1.W quality, for eJUw SAMPLE WAIST PATTERNS Exclusive patterns, enough In each for waist. Im ported from Lyons, France. Most elegant and worth $15.00 per pat- A flO tern, on sale at... O SAMPLE BOLTS TAFFETA Colored taffe tas, good 75c silk, on sale for ......... 39c 500 sample bolts of Black Taffeta, Black .Peau e Sole and other black silks, ou sale s MoAdLy. These aalea of sample silk bolts ' will occur but twtea a year, so take ad vantage now. Exquisita Easter Llillinory s.i. Monday All that Is new, distinctive, elegant and . .. . . n . 1 1 1 1 .am 1DAt la ... lyilsn in oilier niiuuaiy u v " . here and on display at Hayden Bros. There Is a Deaui y ana pecumuiguv awuv A splendid array of bargains JplIPC- Clearing WS of Go-Carts and Baby Carriages in the most complete variety tver shown in Omaha. The highest grade at lowest prices $5.00 ' arm rin. Iron beds. 350 styles to choose Couches, 50 styles, at, up from Combination book cases, at, up Chamber suites, bed, dresser and Chiffoniers, 45 styles, at, up from Cupboards, 25 styles, at, up from Dressers, 75 styles to select from. Desks, ladies, at, up from Extension Tables, at, up from . Parlor tables, at, up from ...... Breakfast tables, at, up from. . . Kitcben tables, at, up from, Kitchen cabinets at Chairs, at, up from Rockers, at, up from Sideboards, at, up from Ruffets, at, up from Garpot and Rug Salo Special spring opening sales. Heavy grade of tapetrtry Rrussels Carpets, fast colors, clean, new goods, always sold for 83c yard, on sale at 69C Fmith, Sanford, Btinson and other standard grades of velvet carpets in all the new colorings with or without borders, value f 1.25, on sale at, per yard, only 96C Extra heavy grade of pro-Urussels, one yard wide, looks and wears as well as Brussels, good value, at 95c; on sale at, yd 69c Rest grade of granite carpets, 3(-inch wide guaranteed fast colors, worth 45c, at, yard 29c 12 Axniinster Rugs, at 23,95 7xC3 Axniinster Rugs at 1.90 9x12 Wilton Rugs at 036 9x12 Rrussels Rugs at 12.40 Easter Neckwear .. Over 604 very floe Neck I r oent of a reduction. J 00 Neck Ruffs at IJ 00. ti 00 Neck Ruffe at 14 00. 5.00 Neck Ruffs at 13 34. Ruffs at Ul-I Extraordinary Salo nonday of tho Hart- BLACK TAFFETA 20-ln. wide, A A worth 85c, at HHH BLACK TAFFETA 21-ln. wide, worth $100, at 50c 05c BLACK TAFFETA 27-ln. wide. OE, worth $1.50, at UwG BLACK TAFFETA 36-ln. wide, worth $1.75, at 90c BLACK TAFFETA 64-ln. wide, I Eft worth $2.60, for ItUtJ BLACK TAFFETA 54-ln. wide, I flO worth $3.00, for llUU BLACK PEAU DE CYONE 27-tn., AO worth $2.00. for JU6 BLACK FRENCH LUXOR 24-ln. wide, actually worth I "IE $5.00. on aale at IlIU BLACK YARD WIDE HEAVY SATIN worth $2.00, will go Monday for.... BLACK PEAU DE SOIE 20-ln. .1.15 04c 00c .1.19 1.39 1.48 wide, worth $1.50, at BLACK PEAU DE SOIE 21-ln. wide, worth $1.75. at BLACK PEAU DE SOIE 27-ln, wide, worth $2.00, for.... BLACK PEAU DE SOIE 27-ln. wide, ' worth $2.25, tar BLACK PEAU DE SOIE 36-ln. wide, worth - $2.60, for BT.ACK PEAU DE SOW 88-ln. I Oft wide, worth $3.00, at llUtf Mail orders filled. soring millinery that will charm and please. All the swell, stunning creations from Paris, Berlin, London and the eastern fashion cen ters to select from. There Is completeness, variety, elegance In the millinery offering at Hayden's this season. A big dept. beau tifully adorned and refitted with separate fitting os apartments will prove worthy of visit whether you buy or not. Experi enced milliners to wait on you. FOR MONDAY'S SELLING we have ar. ranged several special lines most In demand now and marked them at astonishingly low figures. You will find YOUR hat here. The hundreds of different stylos will enable you to make a satisfactory selection. All are arranged so you can surely And what you want. Our extensive business enables us to ouote wlee U to Vk less than ordinary deal era. Besides selling so largely keeps the stock new at all times. Come Monday and note the surprising Values and the surpass ingly beautiful styles. Furniture for shrewd, economical buyers. from; at up from $1.75 $3.75 from $9.95 commode, at, up( from. .$11.5Q $3.95 13.85 i ...$4.95 , 3.50 39c $2.95 $1.50 ?2.50 39c 99c 9.50 ... $11.95 Easter Cards Easter Geeks Easter Bible and Prayer Books on sale Mooday. Eaatwr Eggs, 6. v p r m HI 7 w 'IIIK HKUABLB STORK. m on Women's Suits, Skirts The new advance spring styles are constantly coming in. Kvery express brings new creations. FOll MONDAY'S SELLING We have S375 Women's Suits in other words, more suits than all the other stores in Omaha combined. We can show you seven or eight hundred suits in any one size in every t onceivable material and shade made. Our suits are exclusive and swell. Direct copies of foreigu productions. Look around before yon buy. but whether see what we have to offer before you purchase. Three hundred sample suits' that lust arrived by express on sale Monday at 75.00 65.00, 80.00, 65.00. 60.00, 40.00, 85.00, 30.00, ' 25.00 and 200 Women's Suits, the like were never 22 distinct styles; some lined throughout drop; beautiful stylish suits on , sale, at, only 200 women's suits; these are garments that on sale Monday at, only . ... 75 excellent suits that are. worth regularly up to $15.00, on sale Monday at , WOUEU'S Beautiful sample skirts In etamlnes, vollies on salo at 45.00, 35,00. 25,00, 20.00 and 400 sample skirts In rainy day and dress sale at 12.60, 10.00 and 1,000 women's skirts In black dress skir, have been shown In our windows; tley are oa salo now for In tho Domestic Room A grand sale of wash goods and waistings will be on sale in the domestic room. Bead and compare the following prices, and Bee if you can find in this town to equal them. Our special tor Monday will be handsome waistings. In stripes and figures, In . all shades and styles, In lengths from to 10 yards and worth np to 25c; on I Or this sale at. a yard IU1- A yard wide walstlng, from 2 to 10-yard lengths, regular 40c quality, will Rr go on this sale at, a-yard lU 40o mercerized black sateen, looks as fine as satin, on this sale tt at Ifc2, 10o Seersucker ginghams, at, E a yard J 15c Seersuoker ginghams, at "J J 0 . ... lot. f.iu 40c mercerized chambrays and ginghams, at yard 12tto and 15c flannelettes, choice styles and colors, at, a yard Plain and (gured prints, worth 17c ..fie M up to 6ttc. at, per yard.. Short lengths In new style percales, worth up to 15c i will go at up to 15c per yard, ' r ....V In ths E!g Domestic Room 12c quality curtain swtss, Ol - 40-tn wide, at, a yarf. 12 5c quality plain curtain Swiss, in I 40-ln. wide, at, a yard 15o quality English longcloth, 36-inch wide, a nice, soft finish cotton, at, Iflp a yard lU- 60c sheets, linen finish, size 81x90, a good quality of sheeting, torn, not AftC cut. at "tU- TOWEL8 10o Honeycomb Towels, 40-ln. long, at 16c heavy linen Huckaback and damask towels, fancy borders, at ISo damask and large Unea Huckaback towels, at 4ic fringed 10c I2ic . TOWELING so quality, all Unea, unbleached 5c 18c quality bleached Huckaback toweling. Just the thltfg for sofa pillows. IOJ 18-ln. wide. at. a yard Ifcrf- To quality glasa toweling, 18-ln. Qrf wide, at, a yard i 12Vie quality, extra heavy, all Unea bleached Loweling: your moneybacklf It can be pur. chased for leas than UVc per yard. Q at, a yard U - ' $1.25 TABLE LINEN 73c TJ-lnch satin damask table linen, fall bleached, a good value at $1.25 lEjf. yard, Monday only, at lU S2.00 TABLE LINEN $1.19 Tl-lnch extra fine double satin damask Irish linen, would be cheap at $2 I I Q yard, Monday special IlIU $3.03 TABLE LINEN $1.98 72-lnch One bleached double damask table linen, all the new patterna, cannot be duplicated for lees thaa 13.00 I ftfl yard, Monday only llUU NAPKINS 13.00 value aatln damask napkins, O JG u stse, at. dozen lbU 2.50 value aatln damask napkins, site, at, dozen 12.00 value aatln damask napkins, size, at, dozen 11.60 value satin damank napkins, aite, at, dozen 1.70 1.49 1.00 E3M IT" Opening mm you come here first or last be sure and S20 nnney. In seen In Omaha before for the money, with silk taffeta sold elsewhere for $17.00, (8.50 .9.90 6.90 SKIRTS and crepe de chines skirts on SIS 8.50 silk skirts, walking skirts; some of these worth up to $10.00; fl AC 4luU 400 wool skirts in one great lot, worth on sale for WOMEN'S We show more waists than any house between Chicago and San Francisco; the va riety Is unlimited We have everything I white walsta on aale at, each. 6.00. 4.00. 2.00 and Extra Specials for Monday (0 do women's wrappers at Oc 26 dox. women's klmonas. In very pretty patterns, on sale at 49c 10 dos. women's klmonas at 1.00 6 dos. women's klmonaa on sale at... 2. 50 Hayden's Niw Method of Showing Wash Goods Everything arranged so that you can make selections easier here, from our Im mense stock, than anywhere elso In the city. We have everything new ' In wash goods and aa assortment that shows all the new colors ..late effects and, choicest jtoxftlr ties of the greaUst forilgn and douestlo makers. . ETAMINES Are selling exceptionally well for shirt waist suits. We have the best value In America, 31 Inches wide, full mer cerized pure linen, colors white, Nile green, ecru, pink and ROr navy blue, at OUC Fancy shrunk linens. In stripes, flakes and mixtures, the best of German mfede suit, lngs, shrunken, and the best ft life value ever offered at, yard UOC Beautiful changeable linen etamlnes, in pure linen, a beautiful fabric, strictly high grade, at, yard 90c Suiting reps, begaltne cords, snowfiake effects, etc., the regular IfsA 25c kind, at, yard IUC Novelty checked suiting, every shade, from a tan or mode to dark green or navy blue, with color of check farmed by ft Of heavy corded raised linos, yard UUG The handsemest mercerised waistings are being received dally here. Just aa soon aa a new and choice novelty is shown by the beet maker in this country, our New Tork agent keeps ahead of ALL. OTHERS IN GETTING the NEWEST on the market. Everything new la white and colored wash fabrics at HATDBN'S. Grand Eastor Ribbon Salo Monday we place on aale a Una of fine new ribbons. Nothing but the finest, at prices cut one-third. All 50c Ribbons for S3 l-3c per yard. All 75c Ribbons for 60o per yard. All (1.00 Ribbons fer Sic per yard. All too Ribbons far 19c per yard. Our Optical Dept. Has been noted for years for correct work and lew prices. No charge tor examination. Expert retractlonlst in attendance. Re. pairs of all kinds. Oculists prescription filled at half price. China Department Decorated English porcelain flow, pink. with festoon edges and pink flowers. Tea eups and saucers lOo Dinner plate lOo Dessert plates lOo Pie plates ll)c 8oup platea lOo Oat meals 100 Fruit saucers 10o Bone dishes 10c Oyster bowls 10o Soap bowls, etc lOo There la not an article In the let worth less than t5c. Extra Spseltl Salt and pepper holders, with fine metal tops t Crystal sauce dishea 2c Tumblers Nos. 1 and S lamp chimneys Sc to ? fo) 13 SfllflW UU U UULTtl U and Waists 6.00, 1.50 WAISTS n waists. Heavy 1.00 3.00. ' ...... 200 women's silk and cheviot coats, worth 8.50, on sale for 5.00 One sample lot of women's spring coata on sale for .2.50 Shoes for Everybody IN THIS SPECIAL. SHOE SALE. Thousands Of nnlra nn the ritfTorent tables in the two big shoe departments. Enntr .Kofi nlnv rifiv chna. In fan. .11 kinds of shoes and at prlcea never before noted in Douglas county. Men's Pine Vlcl Kid Lace Goodyelr and McKay Welts 11.96. Men's Velour Calf Lace Goodyear and McKay-welts S1.M. " Men'a Patent Kid Lane fl.inrivoar anil McKay welts-1.90. women's Patent Calf Lace, Goodyear and McKay welts $1.6. Women's Vlcl Kid l,in nmv... McKay welU 11.96. Women's Vlcl Cloth Top Lace Goodyear and McKay welts 31.96. Boys' and Youths' Rati $1.60-98c. , Men's Satin Calf Conerpiw.. worth ti 7 98c. Child's KanKaroo and Dnni-ni. t worth 31.00 9c. Men's P. de V. Oil Grain Buckle or Con gress 31.25. Men s P. & V. Oil Grain Lace 31.36. MIssea' Fine Vlcl Kid Lace-worth 31.75 31.35. The finest line of Knnt-r h DPI In Omaha Watch the 16th treet window. Special Salo on Sheet Uusie Tomorrow we will place on sale at only 18c per copy some of our' very best selling pieces, such as "A Moonlight Winter's Night," ene of the very best selling popu lar songs that has been published; "Cecilia Walt tea," by Maurice. This Is one of the best set of waltzes we have ever sold. "Alagaiam Two-Step," by Holzmaqn. We hbve sold several thousand copies of this. Tomorrow only 19c, by mall i0e. We will also Include a lot of nice new walties, two-steps, songs, cooa songs, eta. Come in and hear them played over. We have some nice new folios of Instru mental music, ask to see them. Mali orders filled the same day we re ceive them. Doys' and Children's Gaps Children's hata and caps, worth np to SSo, on sale Monday at 10c; boys' and children's golf and yacht caps, worth 80c, Monday 25c; beys' gold, yacht aad yacht golf capa, the $1.00 suality at 60c. Flannols Eztra wide and heavy shaker flannel, regular 10c per yard 0" Bztra heavy, fancy stripes and checks, ontlng tannel. regular IV4c per yd, O '-. at white wool fUanel, extra fine, worth 80c per yard 15c Bod Spreads White fringe bedspreads. Marseilles pat terns, heavy knotted triage, extra large alze and no better value to be had, price 1.20 Extra heavy white honeycomb bedspread, made from double-twisted yarns, very large size, beautiful patterns, flf .worth 11.40, each UUC Full alze fringe crochet bedspreads. Mar set lies patterns, cut corners, worth 11.50, each 98c . rt i, in II E hi.i lutAts. 1IIH RKLIA ress Goods House ot the West When in need of a fine dress please ex amine the finest stock ha. No o her house carrir? die assortment we do. No other house carnc as good goods as Priestley's or Lupin's. in color, in wear and style. ' Priestley's black crepe voiles 73c Priestley's fine black voiles.. .'...51 Priestley's superior black voiles....... ,50 Lupin's 2.50 colored voiles 1.50 Lupin's 3.50 colored voiles af)Q 1.25 basket etamine will go at -75c 1.50 fine suitings all colors, 54 in. wide....fl9c We are closing out all our 75c and 1,00 silk striped challies, over 800. styles, bought from the largest jobber in tlxe world at a trifle of their value, in this sale all will go at 45c A large line of wool waistings now on sile. Samples free on application. Wall Paper The largest and most complete stock of cut prices. The best grade ot White Blanks at 3o per roll and up. Fine Gilt Papers at . 5o per roll and up. All other grades in proportion. The Best Ready Mixed Paints on the market at 98c per gallon. Also VarniBbes, Stains, Enamels, Brushes and Room Molding at greatly reduced prices. S Correct Shapes in Tou can always rely upon exactness of style and excellence of goods when you purchase a hat at Hardens. The same styles thkt are accepted among good dress Ladies' Furnishings Sale Ladles' straight front, princess hip, cor sets, with hose supporters attached, . all sizes, at 49c, worth $1.00. Ladles' snd misses' corstt, and tape gir dles, in white, pink, blue. Arab and black, at 49c. Batiste corsets, in all lengths and colors, for spring and summer wear, at 49c. Also a full Una ef Dr. Warner's rust proof corsets, for medium and large flgurea, at $1.00 and up. The Nema self-reducing and Delta dip corsets, for stout figures, at $2.50. Boys' and misses' extra stout school hose at 12c, worth 25c. Ladles' and children's hose, in black and fancy, colors, worth 50c, at 25c. Ladies' fine Jersey ribbed union suit, high Hardware, Stoves and Houscfurnisliings SPECIAL MONDAY HONEY SAVERS (-foot step ladders, 43c. No. 8 IX copper bottom boilers, 78o. Economy cobbler outfit, 42a. 60-pound flour cans, decorated, 63c $2.60 folding Ironing board, 89c. 2-burner gasoline stove, $2.49. Oranlta aaucepan and kettles, up front 12c. , The best poukry netting made, per squara foot, Mo. Qardea rakes, 15c 14x21 wire photo holders. To. Garden hoes. 15c. 2oo carpet brooms, 15c , Galvanised waah tubs, S6c 8-10-20D nails, per pound. 2 Ha Kitchen meat saw, 25c. Japanned dish pans, 6c. Wood frame wringers, $1.19. THE STANDARD STEEL RANGE NONE BETTER MADE. You can't duplicate It for less than $85.00. We aell 'em for $28.60. 60 DIFFERENT KINDS OF COOK STOVES we have them up from $8 9i. WATCH THE PAPERS FOR OUR SPE CIAL REFRIGERATOR SALE. Lofting Down tho 8-1 b. can, or one f alloa, Apples for... b. can very fine Pumpkins for 8-1 b. can vry fine Baked Beans for.... -lb. ran very fine California Pearhes g-lb. can very fine Calllernla Plums... 8-1 b. ran very fine California Apricots J-lb. can very tine Hiring Beans for... -lh. ran very fine Lima Beans for.... m ..5c 2-o 2c 2o ..Bo l-lb. can very fine White Wax Beans. 8-lb. can very fine Apple Butter for.; Pearl Hominy per pound............ Gernruui Bago per pound Fancy Parl per pound Fancy bpllt Lentils per peuml Good Japan IMce pr pound Neutnta. new break fast feed, per pkg. .. Great Salo Llberian Coffee per pound Santos Coffee per pound San Salvador Coffee per pound Golden ltlo Coffee per pound Martinique Coffee Interior Java pr pound Private Orowth ' Java Coffee, lb.... a.s.90 Mandeling Java Coffee, per lb... O. G. Java per vound per pound Dried Fruit Salo Fancy Pearhes per pound. ......... Fancy Peaches, No. 2. per lb...... Fancy Pears per pound..... Fancy prar. No. X Pr lb Fancy Apricot per pouiul Fancy Apricots. No. !, pr lb 811im Bullana Jtaialua, per lb I2ic ..IQc I2ic ..lOo ...13c He .20c Fancy Loose MuecaleiU, par lb. Raialns, 4 cr per pound.......... Raialns. $ cr., per pound.......... Ra talus, 8 cr., per pound... Silver Prunes per pound. Fancy Prunes u-r pound.... ,. Ituby Pruix-a per pound , The Leading of dress goods in Oma They lead all others and Paints Wifll Paper In the city to select from at v Hen's Spring Hats ers In the big eastern cities are to be found here. Every whim ot the careful dressers can be suited here. Sale prices 'Monday will be 11.00. $1.50, $J.(J0 and $3.60. ,.,. . neck, long sleeves, ankle length, worth 11.00. at 50c. Children' fine muslin tucked drawers, In all sizes, worth 25, at 12Vio. Ladles' nightgowns In nainsook, long cloth and fine cambric trimmed, with fine lace and embroidery, worth $1.50 to $2.00, at 89c. Ladles' fin Jeraey ribbed vests, long sleeves, high neck and low neck, abort sleeves, worth 60c, at 25c. Ladles' One Jersey ribbed umbrella pants, lace trimmed, In all sizes, worth 60c, at 25c. Ladles' fine Jersey ribbed corset covers, high neck and long sleeves, worth 60c, at 25c. Ladles' fine lisle thread vests, fsncy trimmed, low neck and sleeveless, worth 250, at 16c. Prices on Grocorics ...5o ..5c .34c ...5c flic ...5c -ID 10 lbs. Pur Buck- etp wheat, for U)C Large sacks Pure ' if-. Granulated Cornmeal 15 M-lb. sack Graham JC Flour tor QC "!. ". Pancako n Flour for f JC Breakfast Cocoa fi per can (JC l-lb. pkg. Condensed C MUicetneat for QC l-!b. Jar Whole Fruit Jam far Jlc on Coffees Coffee 20o Maracafbo Co. fee per pound Arabian Mocha per pound Java and Mocha per pound Milled Maracalbo Coffee, per lb... 3Qc 33c 35c 35c 25c 28c t Hi: "" 12k ...lie ..lOo ..81c 124c ...I0o 8c Special Prunes per pound.......... Prunes No. I per pound.......... Prunes No. I per pound Fancy Evaporated Apples, per lb Cleaned Currants per pound Fancy Candled citron, iiu, sue and. Fancy rl : ....8c ....6c I- ...,o - liic. . I5cv 30c ...18c JV.