THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, APJUL 3,, 1903 The store zv ill close Thursday night and remain closed until Saturday NOTICE! AU the department of our entire store have under gone a thorough renovation, mak ing them absolutely clean, bright and refreshing. We have re tained all the managers thai were formerly with the W. H. Bennett Co. and a big majority of the old clerls. Tfo tanu kind treatment, good service ana liberality will be maintained throughout the store. e have reorganized and will open every department of our mammoth store Saturday next, with the Grandest Display of new merchandise, flowers and music that the people of Omaha have ever witnessed. The Music and Caster Lillles alone will repay you for coming, but the greatest feature of the day will be the wonderful bargain values displayed in every department. The leading store of Omoha is the Bennett Store and it now has the capital to back it up new goods are arriving daily from Eastern factories which means a complete stock in every line. We now have half a million dollars' worth of merchandise to dispose of at prices that mean a bargain in every senBe of the word. We invite you to inspett every department the prices will please you. COMB SATUltDAY MOTtNINO ACT NINIS O'OfcOCJC. hening 9 6 clock e ma nr. ar NZ J V J V J k J V V. y V Ns GrandOt Bennett's Clothing Top Coats $10.00 to $20.00 Covert Cloth Top Coats, new serge green effects, silk lined . . $20 Btylish Covert Cloth Top Coats, serge and silk lined, satin sleeve linings . $15, 12.50 and 10.00 Union Made Clothing. $7.50 Spring Suits, Fancy Cheviot, black and blue Serges, Thibets and Cheviots, at ?20, fl8, $14.75, f 11.75, $0 75. .. 7.50 $1.50 to $4.05 Norfolk Suits, with and without yokes, stylish English plaids in checks, in rough and smooth fabrics, spring suits for boys, 6 to 16 years. Special Values at $1.95, $2.95, $3.95 and $4.95. Navy Blue Norfolks, $4.95, $2.95 and $1.95. Boys Three-Piece Suits, $3.45, Strong, desirable, natty mixtures, spring colorings, firm Italian linings, well sewed and tailored, 7 to 10 years. Cannot be equaled elsewhere under $6.00. Three-Plece Suits, Confirmation Suits, now rear . Young Men's Suits at $11.75, $9.75, $7.50 and $5.00 cannot be matched for the price we name. Our 50c Knee. Trousers cannot be matched under $1.00. Trousers, $2.50 Sample line of Trousers. 50c Men's Colored Shirts, $1.00 grades the best makes, such as Wilson Broe. and Ideal brands, made in madras cloth, percale and penang, all sizes, 14 to 18, nothing handsomer or more stylish. $2.00 Spring Hats All the newest and smartest styles, fashionable blacks, in soft and stiff hats, shapes that look as well and wear as well as any $3.00 hat. , $3.00 for $5.00 Hats Men's soft, black hats, new spring Dunlap and Knox blacks. Boys' Hats, Golf Caps, Blue Serge in Cheviot, also vari riety mixed cheviots, checks and plaids, value 50c, at 25c bet ter grades, 75c and 50c. ( 25c for 50c Neckwenr.lOO dozen high-class Scarfs, all pure Bilk; light, medium and dark effects, standard shapes only four-in-hands and -tecks. 15c, Men's plain. Hose, blacks, browns and reds, worth 25c. $100 -100 Men's Umbrellas, made of a good quality linen taffeta silk , plain & fancy handles positively worth $1.50. 25c to $1.00 extra fine Balbriggan Shirts and drawers, in brown unbleached, shirts 34 to 46, drawers 30 to 44, usual price 75c, at. .45c Extra Fin and Super Weight natural wool Shirts and drawers, best finish, suitable for early spring wear, made to sell at $1.50, at 1 00 , Complete line of Union Made Suits. I : Our Millinery Department Will place on Special Sale Saturday the folloioing: Tinted rose and foliage hats, worth $8.00, for 5.00 f An elegant selection of black hats at.... 5. 00 100 bunches of exquisitely tinted six branch foliage, s 30 leaves to bunch, marked to sell at 75c, Saturday.... : 49c 100 bunches green tinted foliage, 18 leaves to bunch, peri bunch 14c Saturday Only. See Millinery Ad in Friday night's issue. PIANO Carpet Department. 3rd Floor, These prices will assist you in deciding where to buy Carpets. All Wool Two-Ply 50c Best quality Two-Ply 65c Best quality Three-Ply 90c Brussiene, Two-Ply 28c Finest line of Vdvet Carpets to be seen in Omaha. Q8c Wilton Carpets 1.25 Mattings. Very fine line of Damask and Close-Woven Japenese Matting, that sells at 35c and 45c in a line these are the very finest weaves at 24c China Matting... 9c Linoleum six feet wide ' 88c Rugs. Special new line of Axminster Bugs, 2-3x5 feet, that sell at $4.00, piled up for you to select from at 2.38 Drapery, 3d FloorLace Curtains. Manufacturer's Samples at less than cost One lot each .... 25c One lot each 50c One lot each. S9c LACE CURTAINS 50c Curtains per pair. . . 39c $1.00 Curtains per pair. . 59c 91.50 Curtains per pair. .89c $2.50 Curtains per pair. .1.25 RUFFLED CURTAINS Net and Swiss 92.50 Curtains three yards long 1.95 93.50 Curtains three yards long 2.95 Window Shades Odd lot's Shades 3x6 feet each. 19c Curtain Poles 5 feet long, with ends and brackets each com- Plete ,19C Eemaur's Tapestry 24-inch by 24-inch square only 200 pieces while they last each 29c Furniture. Solid Oak Combination Bookcase heavy French mirror. 10.90 Heavy wood seat Dining Chair each 78c Large arm comfortable Rocker i .. . .....1.85 Luxunous Couch velour covered 10.90 24-inch top Parlor Table. . ........ 1.15 Six-foot solid oak Dining Tables . . .1. .5 00 Fine bird's-eye maple Dressers, heavy French belvel glass sale Prtce' , . -. -. .v. . ,VUW. . .V. 19.85 Five-drawer Chiffonier. ; ...... . ?8 : . . . . . , 5.55 Parlor Divans mahogany finish sale price. . . . .1 . .7.25 Large, heavy Oak Farlor Suite, nicely upholstered, four pieces sale price................. .... '.V 23.50 In their piano department will be found some of the great est bargains ever offered to the citizens of Omaha and vicinity. The largest and finest stock carried by any house in the west. In this stock of pianos will be found the greatest assortment of high grade instrument's, the largest varieties of woods used In case construction, fhe latest and newest colonial styles carried by any house west of Chicago. All soid on our Easy-Payment Plan ' Wa earn not Quote 'you prices on second-hand foods, u n hare not a Piano or Organ la stock that haa been ranted, repossessed or shopworn in any war. AU. are aw and dtrsel from the factor! and can b bought at prices other bouses quote yon for seooad-haad reeds. Call and examine for yourself and bo convinced. L Remember, all these goods ere sold on tbo easy payment plan of trout 15.00 to FfH.M eain and Iron 18.00 to 110.00 par ra onth. Flail oe snipped to any point on approval. Freight paid both ways If not per fectly Mtlafnotorr. . People eenteapUtteg the purchase of a Piano or Organ In the near future should pot fall to call vpon a and examine oar stock thoroughly before buying, or write us for full particulars. A full 11a of htaalo and Musical Marchandloo at greatly reduced price a. v . flrst-elaae) fusing a4 Bepairtng don. All work guaranteed. BENNETTS MUSIC DEPARTMENT. Second Floor. Shoe Department Opening Sale Prices Men's U. S. Army Congress. ...1.75 Men's U. S. Army Lace union made at 1.75 Boys' and Girls' union made school shoes at prices up from. ............... 1.00 A New an3 Complete Assortment of FAULTLESS' FITTING DOROTHY. DODD SHOES, OXFORDS AND SLIPPERS, Jewelry Department Immense variety brooches and sash pins, set in turquoise and imitation cameo,, freshwater pearl slugs, also of silver plated metal, cut In artistic patterns. These are clean, new and stylish goods regular prices ranging up to 50c choice at ..13s SEE JEWELIIY DEPARTMENT AD FRIDAY NIGIIT'S ISSUE if I A Trunks and Valises. (In basement) W bare just purchased the finest line of Trunks, Suit cases and Valises to be found in Omaha. From the simplest paper grip up to the finest example of the trunk makers' art. Ws bare a few left-overs, serviceable, but dusty and bit shop-worn. In order to make room for our new stock we'll clean them out In this opening sal at prices which csnnot be equalled elsewhere. A Few Valises. Linen Telescope, leather straps, heavy leather corner guards 53 Unen Suit cases, brass mountings, heavy. leather, trimmings, linen lined, copper nveiea mrougnoui.. f j 3 Leather Suit Case, brass mountings, extra heavy studded rivets, Unen lined, with shirt fold, especially good value for the money $4.36 Trunk, tin-covered, Iron-braced, hard wood slats ..$1.96 Web trunk ' strap, strong as leather -,... 29c The Dry Goods Department. In this department we will make our banner display of new Spring and Summer Silks, Dress Goods, Linens, Hosiery, Corsets, Underwear, Trimmings, Laces, Women's and Misses' Suits, Skirts, Coats, Waists and Ready-to-wear Goods of all kinds. Many of our handsom women's suits and wraps are exclusive styles, and we guarantes will not be duplicated in Omaha. Children's and Infants' Cops and Bonnets An elegant stock for Easter at from. . 25c Up Muslin Underwear on Main Floor Every garment made. Special prices. White Vestings 36-inch White Vestings, in a variety of fancj weaves a limited amount, worth p to 50 yard, while they last atper yard . 12jc Mercerized Vestings We are showing a swell new line of fine Mex cerized Vestings, in figures and stripes, beau, tlful quality and effects, worth up to 50c, at per yard. . qqc Apron Ginghams 27-inch good quality and all size checks in Apron Gingham,, warranted to wash, only per yard 4c Curtain Scrim 36 inches wide cream lace effect Curtain Scrim worth up to 10c yard, at c Fancy Curtain Swisses 36-inch fancy lace stripe Curtain Swisses, a beautiful line of colors and patterns, a regulai 25c grade, at per yard jQc Sheets 81x90 ready-to-use bleached Bed Sheets, made of good quality full width sheeting, worth 55c, at each qqc A Sensation 2n Towels .2x40-inch hemstitched guaranteed all pure linen Huckabuck Towels, regular 50c grade, Saturday only each . . . . . . i . . . . . . ;. . 25c 20x40 all linen Huckabuck Hemmed Towels regular 15c grade, at ach . . . ......... 10c Handkerchiefs for a Penny 100 dozen, worth from 5c to 10c, on sale at 10 o'clock Saturday at each lc !uSn,a pcketbooks and Purses Waist Bags and Chatelaine Bags, worth from 40c to 50c opening sale. ............. 25c Hose ", . . Special value boys', girls' and misses, sizes 5 to 10, "worth 15c opening sale; 10c Underwear 500 dozen women's, misses' and children's cotton and lisle Underwear, best stvl nr. flid. 30c quality at opening sale. iQc Silk Walking Skirts Black taffeta, tailored and strapped, seven rows of stitching, a $10 Skirt at ,.. .7.50 Silk Dress Skirts Black taffeta silk, drop of fine spun glass, t trimmed with la and stitching, worth $12.50 for the opening 9.90 House Wrappers Heavy percale, nicely trimmed, worth 95c for the opening 49c Girls' Suits New 2-piece Wool Suits, handsomely trimmed dresses for girls and misses, exclusive styles, at .9.90 and 7.95 Women's Tailored Suits $13.90 Artistic designs, new cloths, the latest cuts, in cluding wide circular collars, double capes, collarless, draped pouch sleeves, postillion and peplum backs and new shaped skirts we are going to make a noise on these Suits at 13.90 Dress Goods, Colored 80 pieces, 37 in. all pure wool Crape Egypta, in all thenew shades,, including cream and black just the thing for children's dresses and evening wear the 60c quality only 39c 52-inch all wool English Covert Cloth, in grays, browns, greens and blue, not too heavy, makes a beautiful spring costume, positively cheap at $1.25 on special opening sale. ...... .75c Silks 65 pieces Summer Wash Silks in all the new styles and colorings, the 50c quality, only per yard , 34c ; - Women's Spring Jackets .. Monte Carlo Coats, in blue and brown cloth special value at. .7. 95 Monte Carlo and Coffee Coats In. taffeta silk, peau de soie and moire, very nhby 9.90 Blouse Jackets Black cheviot', postillion back, full sleeves, trim mings stitched taffeta silk and fancy braid, up-to-date, new style. . . .20.00 and 15.00 Women's Neckwear Stock Collars, Scarfs, Ascota, Four-in-Hand, Automobiles and Bows, in mull, pique, dim ity, linen and basket weaves an immense assortment, worth 35c to 50c Saturday all at 25e Bennett's nrornt.:aD a. uvvt ivo Only the Reliable Pure Foods Handled. Rice, good, lb 5c Corn Starch, pkg 5c Soup, assorted, can 9c Noodles, pkg -5c Pickles, assorted, bot 9c Baking Soda, pkg 4c Plum Pudding, can 8c Mince Meat, pkg 7c Plums, 3-lb. can 9c Caudles Always Pure and Fresh. Toasted Marshmallows, pkg. 5c Mixed Candy, per lb. 9c Gum Drops, lb 8c Stick Candy, assorted, lb. . . 10c Caramels, lb 12 lc Chocolate Creams, lb. .... . 15c Cigars A complete line of all the popu lar brands Cigars, each 5c, 3c and c Pipes, up from. c Stationery Department-??.: 25 extra heavy wove Envelopes at. ........ . 2c 120 sheets extra wove Note Paper at. ...... . 8c Crepe Paper, all shades and colors, full size roll special at .8C Box Paper with Envelope to match, extra fine grade special price 10c A regular 10 Pencil Box, novelty, containing pencils, pen and holder, eraser, etc., set com plete, special at 5c Extra heavy Lace Shelf Paper, a regular 10c package special at 5c Webster's School Dictionaries, cloth bound . 9c A fine assortment of Easter Csrds and Booklets, lowest prices Drug Dep't Specials Fleck's Easter Dyes, solid colors and de signs, paper package 3c New clean Hoe of 5 pontes and Chamois, all kinds and alzea Ye old time Blood Purifier Sassafras Bark, clean and dustless 15c Chinese Ironing Wax, each 2c Whisk Brooms in great variety, a large one for 14c leas audi Coffees Finest stock of new, ciean Teai the best values ever offered." B. F. Japan, Oolong, Gunpow der, English Breakfast, lb. .38c Coffee, fresh roasted dally, splendid value. Good drink, lb 2jc Excellent value, lb'. isc Bennett's Capitol Coffee'finest ever; Mb. pkg 28c Harness Dep't IN BASEHENT ill IS O) f ? LansZ3 rnrn WW 30 U MOT A splendid line in fact the most com. prete In Omaha of harness and horse fur nishings of all kinds. This department will occupy more space than is given to similar department by any other department store in the city. We are leaders in stock and price. Ik In Team Harness from 24.85 to 35.00 Single Buggy; Harness from 4.00 to 38.00 Double Buggy Harness from 16.00 to 75.00 A f ull line of , haruees, whips, halters, oil dressings, sweat pads, blankets, etc., at fecial opening sale prices.