THE OMAITA PAIL.V TIT.Ta THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1003. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL DnllDflit. Prtmis Throughout Daj in Al Botri of Tradf Grain Pitt WHEAT AND OATS, HOWEVER, RISE TRiFLE Cora and Provisions Fall Fraction After Alow flairs nil Mow Bar las 111 Close Kaaler All Aronad. CHICAGO, April 1 nulln-s prevld In both the grain ami prnvl Ion pits today and a somewhat nervous se sun hnt cloved firm, with May SHe Mar corn aa oft Sc and oats were- -aUe higher Provisions were easier, the May products cloning from MflOc lower. Wheat ruleii dull thrJjghout the entire session and the trailing waa, with price changes connned within a nar row range. The opening u firm o . feart of manipulation In May, the snxlety beinj ceused by orders received here Ijst nljrlit from the aale of "puts ' on 4,ooO.Of0 bushels, auppoaed to be for the account of a prom inent local trader, and there waa a dtsposl tlon among; icalpera to buy. May waa un changed to Vc higher, opening at 724c to 73c, but after selling at 73tf73ic the marke. changed front and under a considerable selling pressure the price receded to 72iiP. The large decreaae In the. world'a visible upply a ahown by Brsdstreet's caused tome rally later In the day, and during th laat half hour of trading the demand be came quite animated, which resulted In a firm close. May being SW"iC higher at 73ef after touching .aSfcC Clearances of wheat and fliur were equal to '95.0W buahela. Primary receipts wer. 3,..o0) bushel, compared with 719.000 buahela (twj days) a year ago. Minneapolis and Dulut'n reported receipts of 1X3 cars, which w.tft local recelpta of 21 cars, 1 of contract grade, made total receipts for the three point o'. 210 care, against 205 cars last week and 327 cars a year ago. The chief feature In the corn trade was changing from May tJ July, but there wii nothing of a conspicuous character to trad ing. Both optlom wrrs lower, wlih tne nearby delivery quite weak. The late strength In wh-t caused a better feeling In the pit, but the close waa easy, w til May c lower at 43c, after rolling between 42 and 43ViC Local receipts wore l7j cara. with rona of contract grade. Oats were quite erratic, espeel illy th? May option, but trading wan onlf mod ern le. May sold off e.irly from .fre to 3c, the break being due to lack of sup por. as much as to nny prensura Is Bell. There was a rally later In the day on th; strength In wheat and the close ww firm. May belnx ftse higher at 337o. af'er sell ing bet ay en ilc and 33Tc. Local rc Iptj were 9 i tr. Provisions were dull and there wot llttli chango In prices, though 1he tone cf !he TTisrket was easy. There wn some iillnt of ribs early credited to a loctl pick -i, wit i English houses buying. The clo." ana easier, with May pork "Vic lower at J17.92V4 May lard was 3c lower at f!i.97Vi ang rlbj w re off I'M? nt M.70. Eitlmstrt receipts for tomorrow: AYheat, 15 csrs; corn, 130 carj; oats, 100 iurs; lugs, 2. head The leading futures range J :m fo'iotar: Artlcles.l Opn. I Hlgh. Low. Close. Tes y. Wheat I I I I May 172,.i?f73( 73'i! T2,r3'A1r'4 July -63Sk'&Vij 69 6di 6ft, Sept. 48 V; 68 I &i4 ( Corn I April ., I I 42 May 43ys, 43' 42HI 43 4.14 July i4fi 4343S'4 43 43H Sept. I 43 4341 42 4344 43 Oats I April I I I 34 May IBVo'V 334 33 334ftS July 304 80wa4! 3'4 Spt. I 274! 3?l tl, Zl, 27J Pork 1 May IK OS 18 OS 17 924 17 24 18 00 July 17 K 17 30 17 15 17 IS 17 25 Bent. 1 4 IS 824 IS 80 16 90 IS 924 Lsril 1 May 10 024 10 C24 974 9 974 10 02t July t 874 874' M 9 SO I r.'4 Srpt. 824 S24 0 TS 9 75 9 80 Ribs May IM 9 824 9 70 9 70 9 90 July 9 6S I 674 9 624 fS 9 HI Sept. 9 574 9 60 9 60 9 674 9 55 No. 1 Cash quotations were as follows: FLOl'R Quiet; winter patents I I $3.40f( 1 1.60; winter straights. 13.10ttr3.30; spring pat nts, S3.S0g3.C0; spring straights, 21.0o3.2r bakers. J2 202.70. I WHEAT No. 3 spring. 754$76c; No prlng. 9c: No. 2 red. 71SS72H?. CORN No. t 42c; No. 3 yelfow, 42c. OATS No. 2, c: No. I white, S34i3c. RYE No. 2, 49Vio. BARLEY Good feeding, 340c; fair to choice malting, 4ifit3c. SEEDS No. 1 flax. $1.0S: No. 1 north western, $1.10: prime timothy, $3.13; clover, contract grade, $12. PROVTSIONS-M-ss pork, per bb. $17.91 17.95. Lard, per 10 lbs., '10.00. Short ribs sides (loose), $!.ft5fff.75. Prv talted shou'.drrs box-.d), $8.75'i8.874. Short cleur sides (boxed). $10.34&10.EO. Following are the recelrts and shipments of flour and grain yesterday. Kece.pts. Shipments. 41.700 33.400 41.9.HI 4.S.7' 124.00 167.3YJ a"""! 3Sf.6'io 26.5'K) 15 TOO 77.600 15,00 F'.our, bu.. Wheat, bu Ccrn, bu... Oats, bu... Rye. bu Barley, bu On the Produce exchange today the butter i market was tlrm; cream -rlea, "ft?; dallies. HtfC-'tc. Eggs, steady, at mark, coses Included 13c. Cheese steady at IZQ MW-vor;i ugi;xal market. Qaotatlons of the Day on Various Commodities. NEW YORK. April 1 -FLOUR-Rerelpts, 2S.u47 bbls.; exports, 13,206 bbls. ; fairly ac tive and steady; winter patents, 33. 7i kg 4.00; winter straights, ta.uC-bXftJ; Mlnnexota pat ents, &&V34.15; winter rxtras, $2.80(3 10: Mlnreaot bnkers, T,.iMi J.40; winter low grades, 2.60dj3.o. Rye flour, easy; fair to good. .Ma3..'0; cho'ce to fancy. j;.CS4i3 45. CORNMEAL Dul!; yellow western, 31.0S; City, li.tsl; Hrandvwlne, 13.403 65. RYE Dull; No. 2 western. 6oc, f. o. b., afloat: si ate, 56iX r. I. f.. New York. BARLEY Quiet ; feedlrg. 47c c. I f.. B' (t-iio: rrslt ng, KiWir.Sc c. I. f.. BufTilo. WHEAT Receipts. 4,750 bu.; exports. 133.790 bu. Spot, steady; No. 2 red, 7SV. elevator, and 7tc, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern, imluth. Hftc f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 hard, Manitoba. tTXtc, f. n. b . afloat. Optlona were Irregular all daw The llrm spot reaulted from higher Paris cables, foreign buying, a heavy decreaae In world s stocks, smsll western receipts snd In the afternoon from bulllrh export talk. Alter cating periods of depression were due to realising, very fine weather and crop news, poor outside support waknesa In corn! On the export business wheat closed firm at ir net advance. May. 77 5-l'o77'ltc. closed firm at 77c; July, ', I 1S-1i7"i'c, eloaed at 7514c; September. 73 3-lB'(i7uSc, closed at 7SSc CORN Keeeipts. 09 300 bu, ; exports. 23I.SM bu.. Spot, rasy; No. I, nominal for elevator! .hit. Milo iini'lnna'iMi'd ..ii ' ' covering, but turned weak under liquids- I '.Ion, resulting from easier cables snd I iplennia wesiner west, son clos.u net v. It; ic lower. May, K'vafiftl 7-16c. rlored st 51c July. 4i4j4Vc close.) at 49e; September, 4SSi4Hc closed at 4.(c. OATS Receipts. 96.0.0 bu. Spot, quiet; No. ?, 43c; standard white, 42',c; No. 3. 41c; No. 2 white, 42c; No. 3 white, 40c:. track mixed w'sfern, ncmlnnl; track white, 39', 4i47c. Options were fairly active and eueler. May clcsed at 39c. HAY 8teady; shipping. 553j70c; good to choice. 9teill HOPS Quiet; ttrtte. ro-nmon choice 190!. ;4l3?c. 1901, M'ic; oils, gtillc. Fa clrloi coast. 1912, 24(U27c; 1H, Xifjc; oh a. tulle. lliDKS Quiet: Galvron. 30 t- :5 I'-".. lCc; Ca ifcrnla. 21 to 2!i lbs., l'jr; Texis dry, ;4 e 3ft lbs.. 14c. I r TMK'-Jvlet: acid. 4Uf2, PROVISIONS Beef, quiet; family, llttioff li on; mess. I.fl(i4ilii (Vi; bee' name lM.iwt iliO; racket. IU.5012.50; t Ity exira Indlv mes. t'J0.'Xlfr2.00. Cut meats, rtead ; pick led bellies, llo.Ofill.60: pickled ihouldera. .'v-'4j: . i.-n-.i him. tll.74il? 0.1. Ixrd. Steady: western steamed. 310.3510.40: re. fined afady; continent 3105i: Bouth Amer ica, IH: compound. 17 ixfa 0 Pork, easv; f.. I!-; hort clear, tl.CKa; mess, 18 23g- TALLOW Easy; city 32 per pkg ), 5Sc; co nt'v (pkg- lr(". fT4 R4CE Firm; domestic, fair to extra, , 's-'an. n"m nai. RUTTKR-Recelyrts. 7 .842 pkgs.; firm; stats dairy. 17feJ7c; ctate dairy, extra. 2Sc; creamery, common to choice, lMiHc. CM:.JK Perelpls. 4.2311 pkgs. ; firm; larne. s'at full cream colored. 14Vfrl4c; whit. 14ti14W( : smsll. state full cream. Cninree' 15c; while. 14e. KO i-Kecel)-a, '! okgs. ; steady; eta's and Pennerlvsnla. Itnl&r; western. He. POULTRY Alive, firm; chickens, tiirVevs, 15c; fowls, l&c. Dressed, firm; ..t-m few's 14r! turkeys. 16c. METALS Ths Indon tin market wn 1 lower, with spot quoted at 138 lbs snd I ut urea at 133 12a td. The local market was la lower, spot closing al H0.uxi.K1 50. lbs atakuesa both hers and abroad was urfrrrable showing of ;.oi. world s visible I i. . sii"Kl"g un r.. esse of 3.20s tons for tne iron n. 1 he ai'i.piy Is reported at i 'S2 l. . or the Inrgret of recent r""rds. j topper whs 2 d hither In Iynndon ' and futurta belna aunied at 46 17s M i local market rnaln d dull and n I. I I a-uh Man' ..Luted at f" i5. ."d , electro ytlc mi 1 14 h"t Ih.xjn t,,,1 f"ni it, 114 Sfils.). 1 'ie experts f lopp-r l -r tru. : month of Mnrh were 12.S40 loin, naaiiifi. 2d.c)3 tons lor ihe -iod mst y-iir ; and for three months of -h- i-uirent year ' they were 32.2f.4 tens. J,ead l. rd S In 1 Lond:.n to 12s l. but remained qul-t and unchangfd ,., ca iy at HKi. Sin.l!tri closed at .3 6 and was iiiii'hin-.i in lxmdnii, ms It w h- hIS'i li. 'he loiai iimrket. wli-re It is quoted hi lb 76. The iIihskuw , lion market r. sed at iil" ild anil Mk'dics-. borough at lla Kd. . I re l nl n.rt le :t:et and urnhxrueil with No. li lie. ttuin foundry quoteo. ui -'4.''i-4 j;, So, ; 2 i o:thern lounury at KJ"a.-.f' nd No. 1 ! K'uJiicin inn No. 1 southern sort foundry i .tn'0.'4.o). arranis are noin.nai. :.; .:."rr.T" . i r .i . ii r n iiCi rasdlllus of Trade and Quotations an Slnple anil Fancy Pradne. KriCiP Kreh stock ll'tc t-IVK I'llll.THY Him lOTflnl-c: roost- era. anoidii g to age. M1c; turaevs, Vt lc;ducks, srflOc; geijae, Kdluc. tressed slock In good condition l1c per lb. higher lhan live stock. Ill TTKR-Packlnr stock 12HU13C: choice dalty, In tubs, 16jl.c; separator I7ISc. OYSTKRH Standards, per can, 2Sc; extra I selects, per can, 35c, New York count, per , can, 42c; bulk, txtra selects, per gal., $1.76; I bulk standards, per gal., $1.36. I FROZEN FREHH F18H-Trout, 9inc; . herring, Cc: pickerel, Sc: pike. He; perch, 6c; ! buffs lo. dresaed. ic; sunflsh, 3c.; bluotlsh, Jc; a hltefiah, Pc; salmon. lc; haddock 11c: . codfish, 12c; reusnapper, 10c; lobsters. boiled, per lb., 4(c; lobsters, green, per la., Jr.c; bullheads. 10c; catfish. 14c; black baj-, 20c; halibut, lie IIRAN-I'tr ton. $15.60. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland, $.S; No. 2, $7.5u; medium. $7; coarse, Rye straw, $8. These pricos are for Say of good color and quality. Demand fair and receipts light. CORN 4io. OATS 84c. It YE No. 2. 15c. VEGETABLES. CELERY California, per dos.. 16875c. POTATOES per bur, 4iic. SWEET POTATOES Iowa and Kansas, $260. SEED POTATOES Northern grown, p bu., 7Di 80c. NEW PARSLEY Per doxen bunches, 46 60c. NEW CARROTS Per dozen bunches, 40c. LKTTl'CE Per dozen buncnes, 4oc. HEISTS New southern, per doxen bunch es, 46c; old, per bu., 40c. PARSNiJ'ii-Per bu., 40c. CI CI MHLRS Holhouee, per dox., $1.75. C Al ROT rf Per bu., tile. OKKKN ONIONS Southern, per doxen bunches. 45c. RAL'ISHES Southern, per doxen bunches, 16c. Tt'RNIPB Per bu., 40c; Canada rutaba gaa. per lb., lVic: new southern, per dozen bunches, 50c. ONIONS Red Wisconsin. Per lb., lo; wh.te. per lb.. 2c; S:anl. b. per craf, 1.75. SPINACH Soutnern, per do:, bunches, 50c. LEMONS California fancy, 13.25; choice, $3. NAVY BEANS Per bu., $2.50. WAX BEANS Per bu.. box, $3; string beans, per bu., box. $2.50. ! f ' A U U 1 n V 11 rtl 1 1. n.l .an.l riAi- IS lUc TOMATOES New F.orlda, per 6-baaKet crate, $4.50. FRUITS. APPLES-New Yorlt stock. California Beiltlowers, per bu.. Western, $3. STRAW BERRIES Louisiana, $3.00ig,3.:0; box. $1.5u; per 24-pt. case, to. TROPICAL FRUITS. FIGS California, per 10-lb. cartons. ner 3j-lb. box. K4il8c. ' 90e; OKANGKS California navols. fancy, $3.0) 3.15; choice, $2.75; Medlter.anean Sweets. $:.2o; Saeet jafta, 2.u. UATK8 Ptrelan, In 70-lb. boxes, per lb., 60c; per cote of ao-lb. pkgs., $t.2o. MISCELLANEOUS. MAPLE SUQAR-Ohlo, per lb., 10c. HONEY Utah, per L'4-tranic caee. $3.2i; Cj or ado, $3.o0. POPCORN Per lb., 2c; she.teJ, 4c. HIDES No 1 green, tie; fsx 2 green, 6c; No. 1 aelted, 7c; No. 2 saited. tc; No. 1 vea. calf, 8 to 12 lta.. 84c; No. 2 vsnl calf. 12 ti lo Ins.. 6c; dry hides. S(312c; tlieep pelts, it W iuc: horse hides. ll.D(u2.r0. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb.. lie; hard ttheil, per lb.. 14c; No. 2 no ft shell. per lb.. 13c; No. 2 hard ih-ll. per ID., l.c; 1 orax. is, per id.. 12c; niutrts, pr id., us; almonds, soft shell, per ib., ltfc; hard shell. 1 per 10., ic; pet aim, large, per 10., I-40; small, per It., lie; coeoaiiut., per dox.. 61c; iiheMnutr, per lb., l.c; peanuts, per lb.. 64c; loastea peanuts. pr id., ic; u.acK wjinu.i, per bu., l: hickory nuts, per uu., l j; c. c. anuts. per lio, M. ' OLD MEiALS. ETC. A. B. A plr.i quota 1 th lolluwlllg prlcen: Iron, ciur.try lulled, p'er ton, $11; Iron, siove piate, per ton, 5; copper, per lb., 8',c; brass, heavy, per Id., 84c; bran, light, per ib., u4c; lead per lb., 8c; xmc, per lu., 24c WKAIIK GKAIM IOMPAXV, Omaha Branch 11(1-111 Board of Trade Dnlldlnir. CHICAGO, April 1. WHEAT There W83 a vaccl.atlng whiat market early, but It Anally became strong, and eloaed He over Tutsday. The best help waa the decrease In northwest country elevator atock of il.24,ut) t.u.. leaving the total only 1.763.00O. d0ubio the decrenre t.f "last vear.' Mew York reports as h.nh na 6U loads taken for export. Clearances, l9i',Ow bu. St. Louis reported if, too bu. sold for export, snd Kansas Cliy sold llO.Omi bu. to M xlco. Primary receipts er 338,0(1 bu., against 719.0HO cast year. Primary shipments were i.Ul.OiO bu. agalnrt C21.0(X (last year's figures for two dayn. Northwest recelpta were livl cars, against 34 last year. Local receipts w re n cars, with one contract. Estimates for tomonow, li oars. The weather wn Ideal. The trade waa not large, and the pit was much Inlluenttd all uay by the fuel of a very large line of puts being bought Tuerdpy night at 72c. CORN The market has been rather easy, especially for the May, with It's discount widening to T,c. under the July. The fea ture has been buying of July and selling ot May ior Armour and Cudahy. There was jome sullng of July .redlt:d to Patten. The market sold ,iic under Tuesday, but the July final y regained it's. loss, while the May contnnel. weak. Primary receipts .were 3.lf0 bu.. against 7fi9.000 last year. Primary shlpm hts were KS.COO bu., against 50!.iAi .ast ycRr. Local receipts were 175 cttrs. with none contract. Kstlmates for tomorrow, lio cars. Clearances. r'SS.OOO bu. New Vork lrported 15 leads at out ports, but no buelne?s there. Local sales. 70,uuu bu. of No. 2 corn. East of he Rockies corn tircreased 124.000 bu. Cash corn was jitjlc b wer for low grf.des. OATS The market was weak early, with Howe and the cereal party selling. There waa a riecrexse of s'nV'. with May off lha most. The market turned strong on buying by Patten houses and more than the early loia was recovered. Ixcal receipts were 9i cars, with 2 contract. Estimates 1 for tomorrow, ion cars. Clearances, 10.000 bu. 1 New Vork r. ports 75.fOO bu. taken for ex port. East of the Rockies oats Increased llt'.uOO bu. Kstlmatie were for a decrease i In the Texas crop of 40 per cent because PROVISIONS The maiket cpened steady. Cudahy sold Julv nba and English housei l. . . V. . T...1. ... . . a , 1 . . 1 . I .,l,fc4 '.lght offeilngs. There were 26.000 hogs and the market was slow and a shade lower, closing 5c hlgh r than opening. Kstlmstes for tomorrow 26,0(0 hogs. Receipts for the month of Maich were 5 0 731, against 797.'33 last year. Shipments for March were 126 551. against i:S.7ti'. Average weight for March. '.'15 lbs., avalnt 216 last year. Hogs In the west today, U.tMt, against 67,000 last ef" WEARE GRAIN COMPANY. Kansas City tiralai and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. April 1 WH EAT May, tlMisc; July, 611lle; cssh, No. J hard, td'jMie ; No. 3, t-luiHc; No. 4. 6776'(c; re jected. 5C(ij i7c; No. 2 red, C9tiS9V'; No. 3, 66'h67c. COHN-Anril. 35,ic; May, 35,c: Jaty, S5, j'liVic; cash, No. 2 mixed. SfrJvWVaC ; No. 2 hit. 36'-o; No. 3. SjJic. OATS No. 2 white. i4jj6c; No. t mixed, 33c. RYE-No. 2. 4y?6c. HAY Choice timothy, 312.50; choice prai rie, .vi :-'o '. RUTTER Creamery. Hi) 25c; dairy, fancy. EGOS-Freth. lOVc. Rereijtta. Bhlpments Wheat, bu Corn, bu... Oats. bu... 57 600 M. .l 68 Otl ,64 13.0i.i0 16.0HU Toledo tirain and Seed. TOLEDO, Arrll I - WHEAT Dull 73V; Mttv- '47e; Julv, 7lc bid. CORN -Dull, steady; cash. 43c; 4Ji-e: J :'.,'. 4. Vc. cssh. My, o1t Dull; cash, 35c; May, J3V,c; July, 80,e. I Y 2. 5tc. riFEr- - 'i . r. di'l. easy; essh. f692; A.r.l, .vj'oer, fj.M; prime tlmoth,. tl.60. Mlaneanolla M beat,' Floar and Braa. MINNEAPOLIS. April I. WH EAT-Msy. IlVi July, 73V-; on track, No. I hard. attributed to the 1 ti.e nti'i:l r IV : No. northern. I. seern I I tei- jii i , i:i(,N- In I k, i '.-io ' i V). N l. I.iio 8T. I.i i! 1 .. I i--:. i a l..ln .m'l frorlalons. . , . ...,-.-r. ... sri.i i t n i -iiii.; r, , h. ei-.,ii,ir. iVtKe. tiHCh, .i( i July, (S.-1.C; No. 1 1,-ird ,!lt ,4V. oaer: No. 2 ra.-h. 3SHc: J'"n " ; M.i; , 5v--; July, Ji'V. )ATif t i ; .v-i. 2 oh vc: track. k. 34V. u ti.r ; .lli, M't?JJki; July, 2Hic; hl:i , ...n.c. 1'. f -Villi er at 4r'ie. Kl-OI It l iiclintiw.'ij; red a-lntcr patents. fa ''3. 46: estia t ' y nnl siramh 1.26; clear, t:.7Mi2 . i I:. .t..., S2.lfi2 fl prime ' i W- T ' h rtl' re. C)RNMKA1-Steady. 2 3". HHAX-Oull: racKeu, as, trak. 70c HAV Steady; timothy, IS i0 ; pral- rle iT.OCti lO.i 0. uk .. tion tiks-h.cs. HACJOINO 5 ('ltO. HKM1" TWINK sc. ' M":JB"'"f A"!.' ,' . V ; i et $.75. l)ry ialt meats (boxed), sten.iy; extra shorta, clear nna, iiu u: short rlba, I10.12H; short clears. Hacon (box'd), sieady; extra shorts, 10.u; l'HrJ,hfi,i; short clears Jll.l-. MhTAI-Iad, firm. 4.o.w. Spelter, Hrin at $4,374. POl L.TKY-8teady; chickens. 11c; tur- JjJc : ducks, 13c; gfese. 6c. B TT.T"1''1 "ennit,ry. dairy, ls$2He. EGOS Higher at 11c. .t Rec'TlS; Flour, bb s 4,000 wheat, bu JZ.OiiO Corn, bu sa.OO Oats, bu fcg.uuo 2ig29',c; Shipments. 12.0OU 31.0) 8M,ouO LlTerpool ;raln end Provisions. LIVERPOOL, April 1 WHEAT Spot, dull; No. 2 red western, winter, 6s Hd: No. 1 northern, spring. 6s 4d: No. 1 California, 6s M. Futures quiet; May, 6s 14i; July, :i ,d. CORN Spot, quiet; Amerlian mixed, new, 4s 61I; American mixed, old, 6s 4d. hutures quiet; May, 4s 2d; June, 4s 4d; Julv. 4s 14d. PKAP-Canadian. quiet, 6s 34d. HOPS At London (Pacltlc coast), firm, 6 12si.7. PHOVlSIONS-rteef. easy; extra India mest. S8s fid. Pork, steady; prime western mess. K2s Sd., thtirt rut. 14 to 16 lbs., quiet. 61S. Bacon, Cumberland cut, 26 to 30 lbs., dull, 00s; short ribs, 16 to 24 lbs., steady, 5Ts; long cleer middles, llnht, 2S to 31 lbs., steady, 52s; long clear middle.', henvy. Si to 40 lbs'., steady, 52 Gil; short clear backs. 16 to 20 lbs., steadv, 52s td; clear hcl lies, 14 to 16 lbs., qui t. 42s. Sho'ii 1ers. iquare, 11 to 13 lbs,, qulit. 4!s. Lird, steady; prime western. In tierces, olswi; American refined. In palls, 61s. BUTTER Good United States, steady, 78s. CHEESE Steady; American tlnest white and colored, 69 1 Al.lAV-Prlme city, steady. 27s 3d; Australian. In Llndon, dull. 32s Gd. docks of wheat and corn In Btore of final depots not Included: Wheat, 1,745,000 centals; corn, 41.0o0 centals. Following are the stocks of breadstuff and provisions In Liverpool: Flour. 67,000 sacks: whea-, 1,153,000 centals; corn, CT).0K) centals; bacon, 8,8110 box.s; hams, 6,4iXl boxes: shoulders, 2..1 bo bu.ter. 15.200 cwt.: cheese. 36.400 br.xet; .ard, 1,700 tierces prime western steam and I.60 j tons of other kinds. Dnloth Grain Mtrkel. DULUTH. April 1 WHEAT To arrive. No. 1 hard, 75c; No. 1 northern, 7ac; No. 2 northern, 72ac; May, TbWu'&mci July, 74Vic OATS May, 33c. HEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS. Market Reanmea Listless Inactivity and la Sloarglsh. NEW YORK, April l.-The stock market dropped back Into an apathetic condition today. It moved In an extremely slugglsn and halting manner throughout the day. Th s was a disappointment f such specula tors as had hoped that eiterdays ad vance heralded the beginning of a con tinued upward movement. ihe stiff call money rate yesterday and the flurry to 15 per cent. It will be rememvjered. were ig nored and the buying of stocks was per sls.ed In even while, money was at Ihe highest, but the high money rats today wat evidently ihe deterrent influence 01 ihe speculation. Yesterday's buying in face of high money rates was baaed upon an is sumption that the corner would be turne.l today in the money dllllculty and that easier conditions would begin witn 1 1 1 bitrsement of April tllvldenu and lnteres. money. When the call money market was peen to be quite as stiff as yesterday then wr.s some selling of slocks by yesteraoy's buyers in cinseauence. The whole mirke. was slrlctly professional and the susplc.o 1 got abrond that yesterday's advances wer oue more to professional manipulation anl to covering uy snorts man to any olher cause. The day's nts were 1 ot Important and seemed of little influence. The subtreasury statement, us expected showed that the payment or ;-cster.1ay arait ior renei purposes in in i niuppi ei made good to the money inarKet ine .re lous subtreasury drain slnc3 Friday. Some furiher benefit to the money market in ex pected from the payment cf government In terest. There Is still confidence that t ,- movement In the Immediate tuture will be to the advantage of New York In the wa .' o' release of funds accumulated for dlvl oends and Interest. A seasonable return flow of money from Interior points Is also expected. But there was perceptible toda in the speculative sentiment a recurrence of the fear that heavy corporate require ments are waiting to ab:o.-b rny in cr?dL resource?. The disturbance In th'? loan market today was attrilmted to th payment of subsci lptions for Chlcngo and Nf rihwestern's new stock. in the time money market lenders show a disposition ti r. strict their loans to wiiiiln thw six months' reriod. the obvious purpose being to have ihe maturities come wn-n the fall demsnd from ths interior for fundi to withdraw money from New York rgain. The hearing "odiy of the nrocerdlng., to moke permanent the lni.i"ctl'n nga nt th t voting of Union Pacific a h ilillns; . of South ern Pacific stock caused a tfe..n'i or su prnRp and a desire to await the decision. There was some renewed heavy selling also of Pennsylvania. The dlmolntlon of the injunction against the Wa'.iash strlk was the cause of som liquid tio- in Mi Wabnsh. Sugar suffered from th rcductlo i In the price of refined pradea m meet yes. terday's cut by competitors. There was a violent and unexplained break In Colorad 'Fuel, with at effective rail), a further de c Ine In Lirdo i d sco'int rat s w is regard 1 with satisfaction. A sharp break i - ho cotton market, it was hoped, wou d In I crease the foreign oemana. ine market cliaed dull. Honda wer dull and Irregular. Total nale. par value. 31.8S:.COO. United Hiaies new as. regiaterea, recline 1 Vj er cent on the last can. Tne lOllowinai (ir .i- 'I'.iiiaiiuiia on me New Y'crk Stock crlmnpe: Atrhlann do pld Pal. - Ohio do pfd ranaillan Parlft . .. IIS Tfiaa A Paclflo ..... .. 7J. Toledo, St. L. A W .. t du pfd .. S3 il'nloii PaclAc ..!.' do pfd .. 7a"4 Wabaah .., .. 4ra lo pld ... Whtcilng A L. E... . . c do tJ pfd .. Vila. Oiitral . . au I do pfd .. .:'. Ariama Gi it u 4J' l' 4M 4fv, cnda Bo , 1'hea. At Ohio Chicago 4 Altou.. do pld Chicago 0. W.. do I at ptd do !d pld fhlcago & O. W.. Chicago Tar. A Tr do pfd C. C. C. 8t. L.. Colorado io do IM pfJ do 2d ptd VI. Ai Hudana ... Del. t.. A W Drover 11. O.... do pfd Krla do lat pld do 2d pld Great Nor. pfd.... liocking Valley .. do pfd llllnola Central ... Iowa ('antral do pfd Uka Erla a W... do ptd L. N Manhattan 1 Mel. St. Rv Mex. Central ..... Mx. National ... Minn A St. L, Mo. Pacific at.. K. A T do pfd N. J. (antral .... N. Y. Central Norfolk A W do pfd Otitarlo A W Peir.vrlvania K-Jloa ,.181-a American ka .. Ua t'nltcd Hlalra Ex... ... 2-a Wella-Kari K . .. aiiAa Amal. topper . .. 1 Amrr. Car ft F.... ... 4 do pld ... UUj Amr Lin. on ...141 I do pfd ...24 American S. A R.. . .. aa'a do ptd ...a Anac. Mlnli.g Co... ... it Drooklyn H. T . .. Volo. fwl A Iron.. ... oJVa Cona. Gaa ...lha ('out. Tobarco pfd.. . . .lul n. Klc trie . .. a4 Hm-klng Coal . ..KW'a Inter. Paw ... J- P'd . .. Siva In(r Powar ...40 Llclodo Oaa ...IIS National lliacult .. ...114 National Lead ...n&'a No American ...ltt fsc'hc ( oaat ... I"eia Mall . .. 17-a People'a t;aa Proiaed 8. Car ...107 Uo Vi ... 35, Pullman P Lar... ... ioS public Blacl ...170 "I" pfd ...t2i fi-tar ... 7u Tann. Coal A Iron ... al 1 nlou Flag A P. .. . .. to-a' T;d ...Us .1' . lalhcr . 13 I .:.) . a:'., . 40 . i, . li', . "''a . 14 .115 . aC. . ais, ...US .m .i . .. 1 , .. 70 . . j . . at .. 46 .. . .. 11 . . 4. . . . liu a .. tl J." . .2JJ .. 1', .. 7i . .. ( I ' j .. 12 . . "4 .. IJ', .. m .. ij . . in .. 14 . . ', . . kd'l .. .. '. .. .. . .. 44i .. ia l, QOa i'L':ivA du lat fird do la pta St. U A 8. P Ho lat pf do Id pf.l St. L. S. W do pld ( Paul do p(d So. Paciftc So Rallsay do pfd Offered. .. 14 .. 1'a .. 7t .. fl .. ' .. :n .. US ..IM ..14S .. .. tl- .. II do r'd U. g. ftt do f.f.i (l(ilT.l Colon tm.-r. fcon.otlve do .rd K. C Si.ui'Mrn ... do pf .l . . , Rock lalaod do pfd Bask f'leartaiis. BT. LOUIS. April l.CleariiiK4. t7?W19; balance. t976.!i9f; money, steady. per tent- New York rxchange, lie premium. CHICAGO. April 1. Clearings, I';7.5ir.!,n3; balances, 83.046.119: New Y'ork exebaog . 15? premium; foreign exchange, unchanged; TS'ic; No. 1 northern, r iil'R-First :' patents 3 1ri3.70; : , clears. ?.. r: o . Vf' lNAll, . .ril 1 Clearing. W.-I.- I " ' 1 I'" !'". - nil n t- cent; Near lork - c."h 'li - , i r. r. ; I'.l AiH J VM'A, April 1 Clesr!-g. . .i ; IrtliiueA. $.',. t-S ; mrney, buv s r -eiu. ... . i ''.nn'iii'., Apri' 1 t leering.', JS::; VJ l4,-,,iM,; money. 6 pe.- cent, vp.u- V;.Kk i.ri! l . i...ln ijMi.ttt.. I h'iKluN. Apiil l.-Clearings. $S.512.3; Mines, '.,:M,iVi. f- lurk Money Market. NEW YORK. Anril 1. MONK Y On call. firm. i per cent, clos njt nt 7?yS por cent Time, stfa.iy; sixly rtftys. 1.4 p- r c nt; ninety days. 04 per cent; rlt months. Sfi.) per cent. Prime .nercan;lle did.-i. Per tout. . 8TKRI.I N(J EXCKANfJE-ftendy at $4 S7 for dimand an1 at nUil for sixty I dnys; po-t.d rites. H '. ,u.d M-aiVt!-"; commi-rcl il bills. tt.S34.S3'4. bll I1.R bar, 4:c; Mexican dollars, 3v4c. HUND8 Government, easier; rnllraad. Ir regular. I he closing quotations on bonds follows: ara as ('. 8. ref. li, reg.. 1o coupon do Si, reg do coupon do new 4s, reg. . . . do cuupo.i do old 4. rcg.... do coupon do 5. reg do coupoj Alchtson gen. 4i.. do adj. 4a...... TBI. A Ohio 4a... do 34 do ton. 4a...., Canada So. 2a ( entral or Ua. ba. . do la Inc (hra. A Ohio 44s t-ht9go A A. 3.s. C , 11 A U n. 4. ..: iL. A N. ul. ..l'a Mrx. Ontral ..107 I do Is Inc.. .100 74 . li . t4 . 1 . ' . I01U Mn.u A St. U M . K. T. 4t do ! N. V. C. g. N. J. C. sen No. Pa.-IOc 4l lo N. t W. con", ..iin, ..liu'i ..loo .. !w . .lull .. ..107', .. -,6 11 .in 1X1 .101" . 11 . M . tl .1114 . M' . M' . ti . U ' .114 .114 4s Ktsdinf gen. 4s St L ft I M c. t.. SI. L. cc 8 F. u At. L. M. W. It... in it S. A. A A. P. . Po. Paclflc 4a .--o Hallway it Tr A Psclllr Is tl'lt T.. St. L. A W 4a. 78 ....1.1Z ....las', ....10s .... 71 -j, ....mi 4a.. 0', 1 .... 24 .... n (. It A St P g. 4a lltiVfn.on PmIB' t I' A N. W. c. '.a i;i' do (onr. 4a... I "C. R. I. A P. 4a.. .10 Waha'h la ; r I- C A St L g. 4a.. 1001 do It ChLlKO Tur. 4a J do deb. B j 1 nlorOo 80. 4a aVAiVOrat Shore 4a.. Denver A H. O. 4a. j Wheel. A L. IS Krla prior lien 4a l.',Vla. Tantral 4a. do 4a n.V,4 U;on. Tobacco 4a V. W. A D. C. Ja.110 IColo. fuel &a... Hocking Val. 44a.... 10I4 Ex-Interest. "Bid. Offered, a Ex-ltv terest and offered. evr York Mining: Storks, NEW YORK. April l.-The following are the closing quotations on the New York- Stock exchange: Adama Con (M I.itlle Chlof A Ilea J4 i Ontario 2Su Biih !.' (iphlr ISO llrunawtck ( on 4la phoenix a ConiBtO'-k Tuniifl .... 9'.a Potoal Ton. Cal. A Va It. Sttji gd llorti silver Sltrra Nevada 'j Iron Silver 1hi .-mail liopea Pi Leadvilla Con il HtandarJ 10 IHK'AUO L1VK STOCK SIAKKET. Cattle Are Variable, Hogs and Sheep fteady. Lambs Illsrher. CHICAGO. April l.-CATTLE-Rec Ipts. 21,(iti hend; market heavy, slow; good to prime steers, J4.9o4i6.40; poor to medium, 4-tXK&4.75; stockers and feeders, 32.76(r4.0; cows, l.U4i4.60; heifers, 2.50fc6.tA); eanners, ; j Texas fed steei's, 1.wij4 ii). nuuo jrccin, iichu , csdinmi-d tomorrow, 2.5sj; left over, 3.5O0; averagj ! steady, close strong; -mlied and butchers. 37. laCri 1 .3o ; good to choice heavy, (.4oo7.'i6; rouKh heavy, Ji.lbtf(.4o; light 38.9o.h7.2j; bulk of sales, 37.20iiii.45. SHEEP ANU LAMBS Receipts, 18.000 ! heou; ntieep steady; lambs 10c higher; good to cnoice wethers, 35.ooifi6.65; fair to choice mixed, 1.5uiii.60; western sneep, $5.507.00; native lambs 5.5(;(i3 (.50; western lambs, spring lambs, 110.0013.00. Oinclal yesterday: Receipts. Shipments. Cattle 7.049 2.653 1 Hogs H.ti26 2.611 K 14, turn i.Ji'i Mew York Live Stoek Market. NEW YORK, April 1. CATTLE Re ceipts. 1.92i heau; steady; good to choice beeves a trifle firm; steers, I4.75f75.45; bulls, 3.iKXU 4.4D ; cows, 1.5iiri4.15. Cables steady fur live cattk. and dressed beer; live theep lower at UWalje per ib., dressed Exports today. 8,810 quarters of beef. CAiiVtS-necilpts. 3.6S2 head; veal, 25 60c lower, except ior strictly prime snd cnoice; vents, 34.otu-.00; city dreesed veals, lower, S'B'liic. SHtJEf AND LAMES Receipts. 5.453 head: sheep, lirra; lames, firm to higher; icw late arrivals unsold; sneep, 34.50i.6i; culls. W.o'iut.tO; lamb,, ;6.00Se.OP, no prims wooied larnbs here; pnme dipped, a7.x,i 7.4u; spring lambs, b6.50 per head. jiOoS tiece-.pls,. 4JSI3 . head; market 10c higher; state, .".6o.. St. Louis Live Stori Market. ST. LOUIS. April Y. CATTLE Receipts. 2,ixjO head. Includ ni nead Texans; market sieadv: native shir.pliiK and export Etiers. H.G.'ni.l). with' strictly fancy worth UD 10 35.50; dr.sded beef and butcher steers, $.a!(it.).oo: Miers under l.H lbs., 3.5oti4.40: stockers and leeaers,. Ki.tti'ai.ev; cows ana i 5J.2a(?(5.w; canncrs, 2.2iOrj3.00; bulls, j.6..jiJ.j; calves, xs.uiiftj&au; Texna ana in diari stetrs, a.li6(i(4.30; cows and heifers, $2.4oU3.3j. HOGS receipts, 6,500 head; market falrl active, wetk: pls ann lights. 6. Sc. (((. 2 : nuckirs. 7.1ixo7.4'J; butchers. 17 2587.65. iME'-.P AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.00) hend; market strong; native muttons, 34.00 (jitf.Oo; lambs. i.6 ; culls und bucki. i!.'i(iA.ii; stockers, $2.2oS3.9j; Texan', 340) 64.60. St. Joseph Live Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH. April 1. CATTLE Re ceipts. 2.1 head'; lights steady to strong, heavies weak to 10c lower; cows and, heifer i steadv to strong; natives.; iowi and hi If. rs, $2.25Ji4.75; stockers and feeders, 1. 10. HOGS Receipts. .f93 head, mostly weak to 2Vc lower; pigs, steady; light and light mixed, ?7.0",ii7.5IVi; medium and heavy, 87.2i 477.45: bti'k. 3T7.& iji'.35. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 6.061 heaa; qctlve, steady to strong; top Colo rado lambs, 37. oo. Stock In Slsht. Following were ths receipts of live stoc'. at the elx principal western cities yester- Cattle. .. 4 000 ..21.000 .. 6 5 .. 250 , .. 1.122 .. 6u0 Hogs. Sheep. 7.500 4,i)0 timaha Chicago Kansas CHy.. St. Ixiuls 8t. Jos ph 25.0 V) 18, (XI) ,000 6.500 4.5M 2.5t 6.500 2.0 10 6.0SS Bloux tlty Totals .35.722 65,09 37,0s Visible Supply of Grain. NEW YORK, April 1 Special cable anl te'.esniphic communications to Bradstre't'j fchow the following cha"ges I a avallsbls supply as compared wit h lat week: Whiat. United Statet and Camida. east of th-3 Hockles. decreased 2.105.O00 bu.; afloat for and In Europe, decreased 2.800,000 bu.; O'.a! supply, decreased 4 9.5.000 bu. Corn. United Statea. east of the Rockies, den eased 124,00" bu. oats. United Slates and Cannda, east of the Rocklr4, lncreared lift. WW bu. Amonir the more Important decreases re ported this week are thoee of 9.00u bu. a. Chicago private elevators. 30f,i)0 bu. at northwestern interhir elevators. 103,00(1 bu. at Si. Joseph and 55,000 bu. nt Nashville. The loading Increase Is that of 430,0uu bu. at Manitoba. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. April l.-COFFEE-8pot quiet; No. 7 Invoice. 64c. Futur-s opened qt let and unchanged pricea to a decline ot b points and ru!e1 generally (inlet, display ing an easy undertone as a result of lower foreign markets and continued heavy r relpts. notoblv at the Interior, which re poriel 20.C9U bags. Final prices were un changed to 10 points lower nnd total sa'ei were 27.0O) bags. Including: May. 4 lOe; July, t.r.f'i -l.-Hic; September, 4.45fil 50o; November. 4.V.ti4.wV: December. 4.8oc; January, 4&tt 4.9oc; March, oc. Philadelphia Prod nee Market. PHILADELPHIA. April 1. RI'TTER Firm, good uemand; extri western tream rv. !t '.0!c: nearby prints. 33c. EGGS Steady. fair demand; nearby, 14M.C a" the mar': wertern, roc th wet rn, 144c; southern. 14c. fresh 141c; Duck egga, 27t',8c. eggs. 70C(Moc. CIIEEttK Steady, but quiet; New York full crenm". prime, small. H'ifaWc; fair t good. i:i4?iltc; prime, large, i4(144c; loir to good, 13'j'13c. Dry Goods Marked. HEW Y'ORK. April l.-DRY GOOD8 Strlke talk Is still the prominent fatur of the market, but ni effect has been notice abli upon market coridltpii' beyond ih strengthening of sellers' opinions regarding a few lines of stipie cottons. Buyers ari unwi'ltiiK to ooera.e except wln there Is urgent nectsslty fur the goods. Mllaraakee Gesla Market. MILWAUKEE, April l.-WHEAT-Dull; No. I northern 77c; No. S northern. 7c May, 73ic. BARLEY Steady; No. J, Or; sample, 42 (,634 c. CORN May. 43c bid. Peoria Market. PEORIA. III.. April 1 -CORN-Flrm; No. t. SSi.e. OATH Steady; No. t white. 32833c, LIVE MUU MAKlVLl Beef Steeri tni Coiti in Active Demand at Steady to 8tron! Pr.oes. HOGS OPENED LOWER, BUT STRENGTHENED Loral rarkera er Asrala Liberal Carers of Fat Sheer J l'b and the Market Waa Active and Strong on All Good Staff. SOUTH OMAHA. April 1. j Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs- ijnee,). Olhclal Monday .... i-mcui i atamy (. irtclai v tuiiCBday . i.44tl j 4,lA' Three days this week.. 11,74a 1.1 Same days last week. . . . .Ij.516 Daine week nerore 12. Ill ),4il oaine three weeks l.i cwt mo tour weeks ago. . . .lu.' li, 11 Mnm uarn last vrar ll.HIJ Z.t.l.i Z0,(l3i 2,(d I8.M0 l,H.O ld,.t2u RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. ihe loncwing table shows ti.e receipts ot caitiv, nogs ni.d sneep m( euuth omia for tne tar 10 uate ana com.nsoii wim ai: lisjd. ru. inc. HttlU .... j,4il DI2.3H1 AA.Oli 2w I.Ut r-il-ei .... Nl.t.0 lii.suy oa,ji6 118,lo6 lor hogs al Couth Average pi Ice vaid Omaha ior ihe laal sevtrai uas wnh com parisons; late. I 1303. 1D02. 1901. 1A). 1K9. 11SUS. jls97. March March March .March March .iu.h March March March March March March March March Match - 1 to 5 4 72-' 3 Hi 7i 7 14V4 a 4i 4 Jl 3 to, 3 . 3 tJ 7 2b I 5 ?! 4 7i( 3 . March aei 16 lS-S.' I (,! 4 3 6ji 3 7ui 3 3 Oil 3 71 3 9i NI i 3 Si March i7 7 lol 6 151 I 4 4 iarch 1K 7 i kii 6 55 March March March March March Mutch March jviarch K Ji ., Illi 1 kS it it, i jt 1 sa 21 7 24 I 17 6 71, 4 6 3 58, I 4 B0 L6 0 J 4 81 3 6rti 3 ;5, 6 5 e 4 ta, Wi f i I 3 (tli 4 J 3 IM 3 7i. 3 91 6 29 I 4 J 3 00. 3 711 .1 .. 23; 7 45 4- M 1 6 Wi 5 761 I 3 l 'l ; 26i 21(, 6 M, i Si 1 4 89, S tw t vi March 271 7 2ti4 6 4b 0 801 4 97, I 60, 1 3 Mi March ixi i jim 6 5 0 90 u 0s 3 6b 3 oi ivlarcn 2:l 6 b, b to, n 3 W 3 ai 3 Si March U 7 22 6 , i 12, 3 63, 3 6j 2 fei ..mrt li u, 7 2.! 6 56, ; 5 lui j Wi 3 6J, 9i April J.... i:H I ! 6 97 I 3 b 3 tu, 3 i Indicates Sunday. The oillcial numcer of cars of Ktock brought in today t-y each road was: . Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.H r s. I C. M. & St. P. Ry... 10 M.ssourl Pacific Ry.. 4 Union Paclac system 32 C. & N. V. Ry 11 r. K. c M. V. Ry.... bl C. St. P., M. & O. Ry 2 1. I ull 6 iii 1 08, l ? ' ' 2. t MI4 I 6 28; a So, S2 t 8 I 4! I. 1 IH ' i 4 i. 3 11 3 l 4. 7 "111 6 32 I 3 3 7 J 41 a. 7 ll, 7 a - 4 i4 1 l S i L yj-i yi J!. i iv ! . V.I 11 I ittfi US W - I l " I " 121 7 13'., 6 18! 4 41, 4 76, 3 (4, i . Vi 7 23HI 3U 45, 4 ? i I . 14 1 Mi U 60; 4 wi 3 , J 6 , 1, . . k .1 . A -.u, A t9l 3 681 3 ll Jo 17 ii 29 ' i II 14 1 '4 2 116 18 B. & M. Ry. 31 4 4 9 2 3 C, B. A w. Ry W 1 X- Si j. Kv. C.. H. I. A P., east. C.. K. 1. & 1'., wJt. Illinois Central Ry Total receipts .187 The olsposltion Af ths day a receipts was as ioiIows, each buyer purchasing tne num ber of head indicated: Buyers. came. nogs. oneei. Omaha Packing Co bwnt and Company Armour & Co tuo.iiy Pacmng Co Armour, from Bioux City Carey dk Benton Lobman at Co W. 1. Stephen... Hill Huntxlnger Livingstone tt tihallor... Hamilton L. F. Huss Wolf Murnan Dennis A Co Morton 4 O Lee Rothschild bam Werthelmer b. &. b v.ther buyers Total 435 870 6l hl 1.636 622 60) 1.871 2.412 647 1,657 Ml 138 1.719 10 11 35 M 185 110 13 75 63 116 521 0 1,309 8.CSS 4.656 CATTLE There was another fairly lib eral run pf cattle here today, but the sup ply for the first half of the wsek Is about 4.000 head short ot the same days of last About Ihe usual proportion of the offer ings consisted of beef steers, but the mar ket was fairly active and steady to strong nrlces were paid. Packers seemed to have quite liberal orders, sb that practically everything waa disposed of in good season. Gooa nanny sielgnt caul continued to be In the greatest uemand. while the heavy weights were neglected unless they were of xtra good quality. It may be said that the range of prices la now about the nar rowest of the teason. Fair to good cattle are now selling around 34.25 and 4.40. while tt takes something strictly choice to bring The'suppfy of cows was again rather light as compared with tne tota receipts, and as the demand was quite liberal the market ruled active and steady to strong on the more deslreble grade. The same ss has been th case fcr some time past, handy weight heifers of good ual'tL prfl ItnU CUIlllllrtl'U " " ' - 1 - - prices. Canr.ers wiara. rtawrnn ! a. lllL.e tasler to dlsp'oie of today than they have been of late, but there was not much change in the prices paid. Bulls veal calves and stags did not show enough' change to be worthy of mention. The stocker snd feeder market was again active and steady-on all desirable grades. The demand from the country so far this week has been about up to expectations so that speculators sre buying the good cattle eiv The common siufL though, is not J . . ...... t rv rtiivrs. so mat In acnm.'u 1. nv v nt inv that Class Ol came ' - - Representative sales. price , BEEF blBfiW AT. ...1200 ...11M ...1160 ...10D4 ...1040 ...ion ...1211 ...1234 ...1116 ...132 ...1346 ...10.13 ...10S8 ...1344 ...1150 ...1212 ...12AS ...1431 ...12t .. .1245 ...13511 ...1211 ...12M ...lies ...12 ...1211 ...1244 ...1327 ...1416 ...1347 ...1211 ...1210 ...1277 ...1402 Pr. 4 46 4 46 4 45 4 45 4 40 4 45 4 46 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 63 4 55 4 M 4 M 4 0 4 SO 4 60 4 60 4 SO 4 M 4 C5 4 6 4 (6 4 65 4 10 4 70 4 60 4 70 I 7li 4 13 4 71 4 4 4 10 4 46 4 46 No 1.... 14 ... 1... 3.... 4.... 1.... St.... 3... ... 1... 14... 4... 1... 18... 16... 13... I... ... I... 4... 24... t... 13... 1... I... 4... I... 13... ii... 15... V... 1... ... JO .. I... ... 1... It... It... ... Av. loK) loot 40 too t2 40 15 1014 M 1020 1142 1037 . loss , lilt 71 lot oo , 16 t0 sat 1120 , 127 1CS5 (2 124'. 1072 2 1085 1120 J(47 , 1270 330 4( Pr. (J I IS I 75 I M 4 00 4 03 4 Oil 4 20 4 20 4 10 4 15 4 24 4 25 4 25 4 SO 4 0 4 30 4 30 4 10 4 30 4 13 4 15 4 36 4 16 4 35 4 13 4 35 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 16 4 1". No 1... IS... 24... 34. . . 11... ... 21... 22... 12... 31... 12... 14... 46... ... 25... 3... 34... 25... 4... ... 24... ... It... 21... 2(... 10... 17... 10... 17... 17... ... 31... 25 . li ... 'A sr.. 1342 'svTEERB AND HEIFERS. ... 6o 4 00 14 ... Ill 4 00 10 1AM .... S51 4 00 21 102J .... 15 4 25 : 1031 in( 4 - STEERS AND COW3. ....Illi 4 VI COWS. I 60 1 0 I 44 40 1 1000 1 60 t 00 1 1250 1 61 00 1 v Sit I 61 26 1 1010 60 I 35 1 lulO I M i 10 1070 1 60 t !6 T 57 1 60 I 40 643 1 60 I 60 1 1143 3 y, 60 1 , . . . I' 4 3 at 1 6J 11 1125 1 60 III 1091 1 M 2 61 6 10M I 40 I U 5 1234 I U 1 50 10M t 6 I 40 1 1140 I 46 I 40 1(k; I 46 1 16 1 1K2 1 45 2 76 12 1 10 1 75 Hurt I 70 2 1.', 6 aihi I 70 2 75 i 1U25 1 73 75 U 1004 1 76 I 76 13 015 I 76 66 I 'lM 1 75 1 0 II 1146 3 16 I SO 1 1110 I 16 I M 6 ..." 112 1 45 t 1 2 1000 1 76 l oo 10 imo t to t 00 1 1230 1 to 1 00 t UUO 3 SO 3 00 14 1014 1 M 1 uO 1 1144 1 X. 00 l,...f 11.70 1 al 1 06 1 l'-'-O 1 36 I is t Hum 1 13 I 16 If... P7 1 35 I 11 647 1 36 1 16 1 1140 1 M I 26 1036 1 at 1 26 1 UoO 4 M I 45 1 1300 4 00 M I 1330 4 0 t 16 12 1014 4 60 I 36 1150 4 00 l k I "in 4 oo l l im oo I 34 U 1W.4 4 US ...104 ...1100 ... V6 ... Sso ...70 ... 80 ... MO . .. 1"0 ... 720 . .. W ...112'. ...6(0 ... a to ... 125 . .. too ... SM ... 4M ... 170 ... 110 . . . loan ... 141 ... 43 ... 124 ... 7o ... 70 ... 770 ... M . . . 10:0 ...lout ... 176 ...1100 ... urn .. 1040 . . .ldfcO ... 0 ...1210 ... ... ...121 ... 125 ...lluO ...1025 ... t0 ....lifo ,...P0 ... fr . i. .a ..12 4 is., it.. I Ull M 1 147S 4 W 1 1 t. n I'M to 11 a. I n I ... IJft" 4 on 1 1 1 lu 1 M I"'i 4 M 1 -,& i :.o It . . . Iui4 4 I" 1 n., i t I'' 4 is 1 I. .. 1 I 'S.e 4 U COW8 AND HEIFERS. t tti : ' CALVES. I SM t 4 n5 4 75 I 310 J VI 4 l"i IW T "0 4 H I ' 4 ' J 1 '. JlH 4 ao f Ill c 4 iis i :n 1: im c I 1 J I Il I'll 1 4i i ii 4 Mi 4 J 1 S46 1 1'. I lit) IJ HEIFERS. 1 170 a . 1 470 4 IK 1 itn li, t "M l 1 7.(0 ! . ( til t i t M i tt 30 l 7 W 5 ! a no 1 fffl .1 71, J3 SSt I 7J K W I "a b 40 1 So i oil I HI 3 I 01 1 HO IM 1 4 0 I 10 U 4 15 ( 3 10 17 1 4 tti 4 4-0 III 11 i. 4 10 BULLS. I IPX) tjs 1 wo t 10 I ie 1 In 1 ii I is I im t 7 1 111.0 I 40 1 l:i(" I 1 l-' t 4.1 1 11J0 I 1 !0 1 4:. 1. irri ; 1 imo s u 1 imo 1 00 1 Mwi 1 e.i t mo 1 mi 1 110 .1 ro t ms 1 or, 1 i a cs I Uln 11 l.. IMO 1 (l 1 n 1 ;i 1 i7.i 1 7 1 l.wo 1 ft) 1 1 too 1 is 1 U40 Hi t ran 1 7 1 ivo 14:1 I it i lr.Sa 1 jo STAGS. 1 1170 I IS 14 1814 4 II 14 UJ I (V. STOCK CALVES. I no t 00 1 7o 1 so ' O'l 4 107 4 00 II IM J S 1 140 4 ti 1 S0 50 1 300 4 00 1 m 51 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 300 Sra 1 o t 421 r,o so 410 ! : jo t la t : 1 7 1 7S t 75 . (70 . .V'O . 4U .11"0 . . oS I M i M I on 10 I 10 I 10 . 0 J STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 1. 412 2 aw -J o2 t 11 7 Si "i jr. 6M 4 10 1 4.10 M 1 MO 4 15 H Ml 1 00 ' 6 VI 4 It I '.t wi ? Ml 4 20 1 6C0 I 55 t 421 4 20 1 SIC !W ( 70 4 2 2 M t no i 7M 4 2S 6:.0 I 00 1 4.K) 4 25 I S20 I 15 if 42 4 '.5 5f 3 SO 2.1 471 4 25 i 72.1 t mi te tis 4 : I 450 S 50 J (ISO 4 30 4(1 ; tli s 443 4 SO 4 '-Al :i re. 7 701 4 31 ,. 739 3 50 2 720 4 35 . !ia :i 75 B 50 IH . . 5M 3 15 10 !. 4 So .. 4 1(1 2 (.7 4 40 .. 7r.O 4 00 14 35 4 45 . . 6(i0 4 00 Z4 710 4 0 .. 441. 4 00 t -". 4 50 ..571 tm 14 537 4 It .493 4 05 II Ml 4 70 . 2 4 10 R. O. Reese-Utah. Av. 'r No. Av. Pr. . . 134S 2 K, 1 stag 1'fci 2 l5 . 12S4 2 RS N bulls 1216 2 66 l ... 12... ... 1. . k... II... 13..., No. 1 bulls. li btiils.. HOGS There was n llaht aunnlv of hoits here today, but stl.l pacKers tried to pound the market owing to weak reports from omer points. A lew loads at the start sold about 2Hc lower than yesterday, and In some cases packers were bidding as much as 6c lower. The marKet though, soon ; braced up. and the bulk of the hogs sold at ! r.Kht c.oc to steady prices with yesterday. The good weight hogs sold largely from 37.26 to 37.30, wltn prime heavies telling from i.m io if. to. ine light nogs xoio irom down. Trading was not very brisk, but still the bulk of the early arrivals was soon disposed of. The extreme close of the market was hnrdly as good as the middle, so that the late arrivals sold more like the first sales. Lightweights In particular were hard to sen and thev suffered the moei. Rep resentative sales No. Av. 6h. Pr. No. 68.. 32.. 5v. b9.. 69.. 64.. CS.. Av. ...247 , ...234 ...243 ...254 ...252 ...247 . . .236 ...248 Bh Pr 7 274 7 174 7 274 7 27 4 7 T74 7 374 7 274 7 174 7 274 7 174 7 30 7 80 7 90 7 30 7 80 7 SO 7 30 7 SO 7 80 7 30 7 80 7 40 7 80 7 30 7 30 7 30 7 $0 7 80 7 30 7 80 7 80 7 30 7 80 7 80 7 30 7 324 7 324 7 824 7 324 7 324 7 324 7 324 7 35 7 35 7 35 7 85 7 40 7 40 60. .111 6 50 43 164 7 00 7 174 7 20 7 20 7 20 7 224 7 25 7 25 7 25 7 25 7 25 7 25 7 25 7 25 7 26 7 25 7 25 7 26 7 25 7 25 7 25 7 25 7 25 7 25 7 M 7 25 7 274 7 274 7 274 7 274 7 274 7 274 7 274 7 274 7 274 7 274 7 274 7 274 7 274 7 274 7 274 7 274 7 274 7 274 7 274 J 27'f 7 274 80 1;9 72.... ..1H3 20.... 72.... ...230 ...220 ...230 ...234 ...2JS ...23H ...250 ...204 ...247 ...223 34 80 120 120 120 40 '46 'io i6 72 222 76 231 66 230 62 242 61 246 62 259 61 257 t9 245 70 245 69 265 70 232 70 227 61. ,....249 64 229 39 250 44 240 it 231 68 2:'5 67 239 42 219 75 229 71 210 70 209 71 224 SO 226 80 61.. 61.. 63.. 60.. 80.. 61.. 63.. 79.. ..230 .240 .239 ...217 ...228 ...261' ...242 ...239 40 40 120 '80 c0. 40 80 40 'so 40 100 63... ....251 2T... ..265 58 .240 73.. ....256 72 273 64 244 73 249 83 270 70 2M) 64 2.S4 62 20 3d 306 67 273 35.. .223 72... 60... 73... 63... 72... 63... 47... 72... 71... 50... 69... 70... "3... 72... 71... 62... 72... 72... ..243 ..236 ..234 ..242 ..230 ..246 ..24 ..266 ..229 ..255 ..239 ..232 ..220 ..235 ..236 ..244 ...237 80 120 '46 60 273 120 66. ....2W ....248 ....253 ....279 66.. 77.. 77.. 40 'so 1)0 40 55.. ....274 48 200 62.. ..278 ..235 ..232 66. 160 7 27 4 67. ..307 7 40 SHEEP Receipts of sheeD were llitht h. morning, and as the demand on the part of packers was fully as good as it has been the market ruled active and steady to strong on all desirable grades of both sheep and lambs. Several trains were late In ar riving, but still they sold as fast as they were unlosded. estern lambs sold at 17.40, which Is the highest price of the sea son. Mexlcsn yearlings sold at 36 75. It was very evident that packers would have bought a good many more sheep and lambs had they been here, and they claimed they were, unable to anywhere near fill their orders. There w re very few feeders on sals, but It Is safe to call the market steady. Quotations: Choice western lambs, 17.35 J.40; fair to good lambs, 7.0fff7.25; choice Colorado lambs, 7.2537.60; choice light weight yesrllngs. 6.4(;ii6.76; choice heavy yearlings, 35.756.25; fair to good yearlings, 5.75tj6.cO; choice wethers. 86.00B6 40; fair to good, 85.25V(j6.00; choice ewes, 86.265.75; fair to good ewes, t4.25ti6.25: feeder lambs $4 76 4)5.26; feeder yearlings, Sl.2594.75; feeder wethers. 34.Uks4.6o; feeder ewes,' 33.00C((3.50. Representative sales: No. 6 clipped western wethers... 498 clipped western wethers... 874 western ewes :! western yesrllngs 870 Mexican yearlings 6f'l Mexican lamba 62i mestern lambs 62 Wyoming feeder ewes 48 Wyoming feeder wethers. 121 Wyoming feeder lambs 1 buck 29 Wyoming feeder lambs.... Av. Pr. 93 6 25 .62 6 25 1"0 5 ) 77 6 50 ,77 4 75 64 6 80 72 7 40 6 4 00 62 4 26 44 4 25 16) 4 50 72 5 25 Kansas tlty Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. April 1 CATTLE Re ceipts, 6,500 head natives. 1,060 head Texana. SIM head native calves; heavy cattle opened weak, closed strong; light steady to strong; quarantine, active, steady; neavy cows. Geo. A. Adams Grain Go. GRAIN, PROVISIONS AND STOCKS. Members Chicago Board of Trade, Bt. Louis Merchants Exchange and Kan aka City Board of Trade. Room 224 Board Trade Bide.. Omaha, Phones 1006 and 1017. J. te. Von Dora, Ice President, Writs for our market letter and oaaa (Tain bids. PRIVATES WIRES. CONSIGNMfcNTS ONLY Consign your grain to the LOGAN GRAIN GO. KANSAS CITY, i"10., And you will get best weights, best prices. and quick returns. VEAR GRAIN COMPANY. Member a Principal Exchanges. Privste Wires. BRANCH OFFICE )M AHA, NEB 110-11 1 Hoard of Trade W. B. WARD. Mr. Tciepaons Ull steadv lo Inc lower; heifers sn1 stockers and feeders, active, s:ions, choice export mill dressed beef steers. 14 Wtti f: fslr to g'od. $2.7MH.nO; storktrs and feeoer.. 32 7sf 4 Wi. ateeiern fed sleers. ml4.; Texa nnl Indian steers. 3flivi4n: Texas cos I:I2".J.1 '; native cows. JJ'"tT4 4i; heifers a is-tl I 7S; ranners. H.5ili2.40; bwlls, 33 0. 4 'O; calves. J3 ivj7.nn III 11I8 Receipt. ,0iVl head; market slow, Steadv: top, $7 42'; bulg of sal a. 57 2Vn 7.17--,; heavy. V '17 4?t: mixed pck-is 7.1 .t?.3v.: light, 17 ("(.M-H: ork r 7 .i 7 22'; pigs, fii :VH6 SlIKKI' AND I AM US Receipts. ..' head, ninr'ol utendr; one tium n of s;T.t.g l:m')s sold for II"; native lmr. J....vv(! 0 . western bimlis. iA7l.i10; fed ewes. 14 .V4 "0: native wethers, 14. T..Ift ; '! clipped rhrep. II Wij PI; stockers and feed t r, .fyri 4 Ml. Slons ( ll Live stork Market. SIOUX CITY. April l.-(Spee!al Tele gram.) CAT TI.K Receipts, ii head, mciiiv: beetes. 14 iieij.'i.pJl; cows, bulls and mlxeri, U (fi4.ii; n lookers and feeders, ml lit ; calves and vearllngs. H.Onoi 1.40. HotlS Receipts. 2..VM head; sirens and ousllty good, selling nt IT.iurU 7..15; bulk. yM 7.25. Wool Market. ST. LOUIS, April l.-WOOL Wetk. but unchanged; medium grades and combn g li tdSc; light fine, l.Su iS'c; heavy line, 1 u 14Vc; tub wsshed. lKiiidc. NKW YORK, April 1. WOOI-Flrm. POST4FKIt K OTIt K. (Should be read DAILY Vy nil Interested, as cnaiigfs may occur at any time. Foreign malls for the wei K cndlnj Airli 4. l'.nij, lll close (PKOMPl'LY I i a., ca cs at the gi ll 'To I pusl.'Ilicr tu., . . .. CtCLb i. oi AUlL.i cinse oue hour car.le. lhan cosing time shown be.ow. RegUiar knd aiipp. . 'ncului , l ies, ut foreign station li.i.r i.nur later (lun cn..-ui time snown below (ixcept that auppie.,.. -tary mails lor Kjrope mid Central AnidM, via Colon, close unn hour Inter at i.i...i station). 1'r:i tiHti tt.. ut io MnllM. TlfURSDA Y At 7 a! m. for FRANCK. BW1T2KRLAND, ITALY. HPAIN, P,)ll Tl'OAL, TURKEY. fcUfl'T, GRtCrtH UKlTlSH I .Mil A and i.OitKNo MA.t Ui LZ, per s. a-. La Suvclr, via lla.r (mali for other parts o. Krope must bj directed "pt r s. s. La Savo.e t. ' BA'l L'HDAl-Ai 6:3.1 a. m. tor EI HOi'K. pe. s. a. Campanli, via yueenstjwn. at 7 a. m. for ll'Al.i direct, per . s. I'nv.. (mad must be directed "per s. s. Trave' ); at t a. m. for HCLGIUM diieci, pec s. s. bouthwark (mall must be directed pe: 8. a. Souihwark ); al :30 a. m for SCOT LAND direct, per s. s. Columnla unall must be d.recteci "pi r s. s. i olumlili' ); a. II a. m. ior DENMARK direct, per. .. Island (mall must be directed ' jjc a. s. Island"). PRINTED MATTER. ETC. This steamer takes printed matter, commercial papers and samples for tirrinany i nly. The same class of mall mailer for dher puns of Europe will not be sent by this ship un less specially directed by her. Alter the closing of ths Mipplementnry transatlantic malls untried oove, addi tional supplementary malls are onened on the piers of tne American, English, French snd German steamers, and remain opni until within ten minutes of the hour of .(ailing of steamer Malls for Month un Central Anielie.i. West Indies. Kte. THl'KSDA Y At Sam. for Cl.'HA, YL?CA TAN, CAMPECHE. TABASCO and CHIAPAS, per s. s. Montr rey (mal f ir other parts of Mexico must be ri recte i "pvr s. s. Monterey"); at H a. m for UEH Ml'DA, ne's. s. Tr.nldad; at 32 nv ( up plementsry ,2:30 p. m.) for BAHAMAS and GT'ANTANAMO and SANTIAGO, per s. s. Saratoga, FRHlAY-At 12 m. for MEXICO, per a. Niagara, via Tamplco (mail must he (:r reeled "per s. s. Niagara"); at 12:30 p. rv (supplementary 1:80 p. m. for IT THOMAS. BT. CROIX. I.EEWARD an I WINDWARD ISLANDS. BHITlaH DUTCH and FRENCH OTIANA. per s. s Korona (mall for Orenada and Trinidad must be directed "per e. s. Kcrona" i. SATURDAY At 8:30 a. m (supplementary S:30 a. m ) for PORTO RICO, CURACA i and VENEZUELA, per s. s Cira .is (mail for Savsnilla and Cartagena must be directed "per s. a. Caracas"); nt 8a m .for ARGENTINE. URUGUAY an i PARAGUAY, per s. s. Caslld.i; nt 9:Si a m. (supplementary ie:3n a. m l 'or POR. TUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA, SAVANILL and CARTAGENA, per s. s. Altui mial! for Costa Rica must be directed "per s. a Altai"); at 0:30 a. m. (supplementary l'i;ji a. m.) for HAITI and SANTA MA RTA per s. s. Athos (mail lor Petit G mve must be directed "per s. .. rAthoV'); tn a. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Morrj c.ntle, via Havana; at 10 a. m, for GRENAD V and TRINIDAD, per s. s. Orensdi; a 1) a. m. for BRAZIL, per s. e. Ten i son via Pernambucc, jBahl-i. Rio Janeiro and Santos (mat; ior North. Tn Prtsll. Ar gentine. Uruguay and Paraguay must bo directed "pet s. s. Tennyson"); at 10 a. m for HAITI, per s. s. Prln Will m II (mall for Curacao.' Venexuela. Trinidad. Brills i and Dutch Guiana must be directed "pe s. s. Prins Wlllem II"); at 12:30 p. m for CUBA, per j. s. Ollnda, via Havana. ' Malls Forwarded Overland, tele, eept Transpacific. v CUBA By rail to Port Tamna. Pla., and thence by steamer, cle-s at this office ds.tly. except Thursda.i. at t5:30 a m (the connecting mails close here on Mon days, Wednesdays and tluturdays). MEXICO CITY ( ivcrland, uniees specially addressed for despatch by steamer, close at this office dally, except Brnnav, at p. m. and 11:30 p. m. Sundays at 1 p m and 11:30 r.. m. NEWFOUNDLAND By rail to North f OijwiJAiMjj By rail to North . -ney, and thence by steamer, closes at" office daily at 6:30 p. m. (conrecdnsf 'li Is close here every Monday, Wednea" oyonry, nuu kiciicb (iy steamer. tnis oi malls rltv and S.lturdAVl. JAMAICA By rsil to Boston, and thence by steamer, closes st this office at 6 30 n m. Wednesday and Thuraday. A MIQUEIXJN Bv rail to Bosiun, and thence' bvsteomcr, closes at this office dany ut BELIZE, PUERTO CORTES and QUATE MALA By rail to New Orleans a. id thence by steamer, closes at (his ol.lce "Pt Sunday, at tl:30 p. m. and tll:30 p. m, Sundays at tl:00 p. n.. and tll:30 p. m (connecting mail closest hers Mondays at tll:3o p. m.). , COST A RICA-By rsll to New Orleans. aml'-Jsf thence by steamer, closer at this offlcd dally, except Sunday, st T1:30 p. m. and ' 111:30 p. m., Sundays at fl p u, ahd tll:A) p. m. (connecting mall closes here Tuea days at til. 30 n. in.) BAHAMAS (except parcels post malls) By ... . nini, -in., unn inence by steamer, closes at this office st 15:30 a in ivrrv Mnnri ('-.( .. .. .. . 1KEGIsTERe6' MAIL closes at V p. ni! previous any. t Tronsna. Ifle lAalls. HAWAII. JAPAN. CHINA and PHILIP. ri."' ioinni.B, via nan r ranefsco, cioa here dally at 6 3o p. m. ua (o March 30th. Inclusive, ior lienatcli mr k'nr. CHINA and JAPAN, via Seattle, close here oany bi o.a.j p. rn. up to April JIM lu elusive, for desuatch ier a. i i n uJ. CHINA and JAPAN, via TarYunu ,,.,'. nere aauy at :ju p. m. up to Apr I 1d, In clusive, tor despatch ner a. , hi i . HAWAII, via ban Kranclsco, cn.c here ") v- in. up-in April join, In clusive, for desnatch ner u ii. CHINA and JAPAN, via Vsncouvi- Mlid viciuna. r. . . close nere datly ut j:3 p. ni. up to April 7th, Inclusive, for flrs patch per s. s. Empr.ii oi Janun. .Mer chandise fur L. b- postal ugeiic) at bnanghal cannot be (ui'wardeu Mrt Canada. HAWAII. CHINA. JAPAN and specially addressed mat:-.- ror the PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via Ban Francisco, c'-isr her dally at 6:30 p. m. up lo Apii. 9:li, Inc.u sive, for (.erpa;ch per s. s Gaelic. PHILIPPINE ISI-ANDH, Via ...i. Ersn clrco. close here dally st :0 p. ,n uj. t. April lloth. Inclusive, for despatch i.e. U. 8. Tianspon. ' NEW i.i.Ai.AND. AUSTRALIA (e(enl West). NEW CALEDONIA. FIJI. SAMP and HAWAII via Lan Ktundcco i lose here dally at 6:S0 p. tn. after March IM'h and up to April llsth. Indus ie. tor , c patch per a. s. 8:eira. (If the Cu iard kteamer carrying ihe ltnilsli man for New Zealand dos not nrrlvv In Urns to connect with this despatch. e""( mail- closing at s:S0 a. in,. :26 s. and ;3) p. in., bunduys at 4:4., a. m.. 8:30 a r.i und 6:30 p. m. will be made up snd for warded until Ihe ari.vsl of ilie l.'u'iar.l steamer). TAHITI snd MARQUESAS ISLANDS, vl v Ban Frsnclsco cioce dally at i p. m. up to April ?4th. Inclurlve for des psich er s. s. Mariposa. A(.'t?TP.ALlA (exct-t Westi. FIJI l LANDS and Mh CALEDONIA, v'u Vtncouver and Victoria. (. c ,,. h,-r.. daily at 4:30 n. m. after Ai.r;i 113 h a"d un to April 2.-th. Inc uclve. fr de p .tch I.' NOTE Unless otherwise sddrevied. West Ausirsaa is forwarded vis Europe, anl New Zealand and Philippines vU bun Francisco ihe quickest routes. Philip, pines specially addressed "vis Csn ida ' or "via Europe" must be fullv prrpulu ut lbs turelgn rules. Hswall Is forwarded via San Francisco exclusively. Trn. pacific maila are forwarded to iiort ut sailing dally snd (he schedule of ilndu.; lu srrsngcj un th presumption of their umiiiciiuiipu owriano transit. R'g; i "inn vmsea si s w p. m prvvuiii ua.) CuRNEl.ll'S ' ' A v -rTT. Pmohiii. Pcstumee. New Yirk. N. T.. March fl. IM