13 83313 Deposit Your Money In Our Bank. mmm 4 Per Cent Interest Paid on Deposit Extraordinary Drapery Sale The sale of the Chicago Store is causing great excite ment The bargain giving is very remarkable. Many Special New Lots on Sale Today 7c 15c DRAPERY SWISSE5-One big- table of all the drapery Swisses from tbe Chicago Block that Bold at ISo and 20c a yard, go at DRAPERY FISH NETS One bl? table ot drapery fish nets . that aold In Chicago up to 40 cents a yard fo at FINE LACE CURTAINS One biff table of all kind of fine lace curtains 1n cable net, point da Arab and other high claej curtain. In thta lot are one, two and three palra alike, Jj VJ f 49c 39c all go at, each NOTTINGHAM LACE CL'RTAINS-One big table of fine Nottingham lace curtains, go, at, each MEDlUn ORADE NOTTINOHAM All the medium srrade Not tingham lace curtains that aold In Chicago tor $1.60 a pair, go at, a pair $IS CURTAIN 5 AT $3.98, $2.98, $1.98 All the Irish Point, Brussels Point, Point de Arab, Cable Net, Brussels Net, soft, lacey, - "V Q Imitation Brussels Net Curtains, that sold in Chicago for I J 18.00 a pair, go at $3.98, $2.98 and TAPESTRY PORTIERES All the tapestry portieres from the Chicago stock bare been divided Into two lots. All that sold for $16.00 a pair, go at fl each. All the fine mercerized, Arabian stripe and other " f7 high class curtains, go at per pair $3.50, or at each X. JL COUCH COVERS All the couch covers from the Chicago stock that sold up to $20.00 each, those heavy Imported Austrian covers .$3.98 and 1.59 that must be seen to be appreciated, go at. DRAPERY DENin All the heavy drapery denim, tioklng-, cretonne, etc., that sold in Chicago for 25o a yard, go at And, hundreds ef other bargains ot which the lots are too small to adver tlse, but if you are in need ot anything In the drapery line, tomorrow Is a rare opportunity to secure a bargain. Extra Special Ribbons 2c All the silk, satin and foa train ribbon up to 2i Inches wide. In all colors, go at, a yard. 52, $1.50 and $1.25 French Embroidered A On Washable Dress Stuffs, at - The hifhest class, imported, diaphanous, A q elegantly embroidered, summer fabrics, sell- c3JK Ing in New York at $2 a yard, tomorrow at Watch Qiir VVindbwsL T Zl.Z I r r Jul 1 S Watch l VJ L3I KkC" Our oosfgf'gojjg Windows 3? CARTER TO FINISH MARKET Unlea Oontwotor Partridge Besumes "Work Within Three Days, HOD CARRIERS' STRIKE IS IN THE WAY BulldlnsT Iaapecter Orten Contractor to ' Proceed, However, or the City Will Platan the '' 'V Work at HI Coat. Building Inspector Carter yesterday Issued an ultimatum to Contractor O. W. Partridge that construction of the Capitol avenue market house must be resumed in three days or he will proceed with the work himself, deducting the cost from the con tract price. For two weeks construction has, been suspended on aocount ot the hod carriers' strike. According to the inspec tor, there la only about two more days' Work for the hod carriers on the building, and then there will be no further necessity for their services. They are atrlktng for 0 eents an hour, an increase of JH centa, and the entire amount involved in tho mar ket, house strike is less than $5. Neither the carpenters nor the bricklayers will work until the building contractors settle With the hod carriers. ' Inspector Carter, who says that Immedi ate completion of the market house is im portant to the public, called a meeting yes terday ot Contractor Partridge, Business Agent Stevenson ot the Building Trades Council and three representatives ot tbe hod carriers. He put the matter before them and the contractor said he was willing t" grant the raise, providing that the sin gle Arm holding out against it, Rocheford t Gould, gives in, but not before. The bod carriers said this meant no work and the .building inspector therefore Issued his Ultimatum. .The Inspector said: "It it bad not been ' (or tbe strike the house would be finished mow. As It is, the market gardeners are 'Muring In and demanding stalls and none are ready for them. The city will spend about $16,000 on the building and a com peting mart is being started. It is no more than right toward the people that the Capitol avenue house be finished as soon as possible. I understand that Contractor Partridge is still trying to patch up soms truce' with the men." ' ' A Cksnslsa Httltr, Bucklen's Arnica fialve, ' the best In the world, curee cuts, corns, burns, bolls, ulcers, sores and piles or no pay. 16c. For sale by Kuhn A Co. Asmiecsitsti of tho Theaters. At the Boyd Friday and Saturday nights the great musical success which ran to crowded houses during seventeen weeks at the Knickerbocker theater, New Tork, "The Toreador," in which Messrs. Nlxnn & Zim merman will present Francis Wilson and his splendid company. This piece has undoubt edly been one of the greatest successes in the musical comedy line that we have bad In a number of seasons; it tells a highly Interesting and amusing story and Its many complications create no end of laugh ter. Its musle is tuneful, and tbe many songs delightful. The costuming and stage pictures are picturesque to a degree. Mr. Wilson Is given the best opportunity he has had since ."Ermlnle," and each member of the company has scored individual hits, among them being Joseph Coyne, Mellvllle Kills, Elsie Ryan, Carolyn Qordon, William Croderlck, Clara Belle Gordon, William Blalsdell, Miriam Lawrence. Robert Evans and Nora Cecil. Lectare a Christian Science. "Teaching of Christian Science" will be the subject of a lecture at Boyd's theater Thursday evening. April I. The lecture is given by Carol Norton. O. S. D., of New York, under the auspices of the local Chris tian Science church. Mr. Norton Is said to be a man of exceptional literary and ora torical attainments. Hawes $S bats. Spring styles. Quality guaranteed. Stephens Smith, opposite P.O. Dr. Roy, chiropodist, moved to 150J Farnam. 9 CUI n4 Sr lu. U08JXO.00 1 Mahe a Start v a v Don't despise tbe day of small things. If you can't spare more, open a Savings account with one dollar and add to it as you are able. Many a princely fortune has had Just such an humble beginning. At this bank your savings will be absolutely safe and earn 4 per cent, compound Interest. Little aaillUry banks to place In the none tree. CITY SAVINGS DANK, Brown BloeK. Slstoenth and Douglas Strooto OMAHA, NEB. Mrs. J. BENSON, NEW STYLES IN Dress Trimmings. We are showing a large line of strictly new things in dres trimmings, appliques, pendents, garnitures, medallions, etc Fancy braids of all kinds. A large as sortment of black and white, in braids, trimmings, medallions, pendants, etc The popular grape patterns in all widths, styles and kinds. ' ' v . ' III illi SCIIMOLLER MUELLER 313 FARNAM STREET GREAT REMODELING SALE CLOSES SATURDAY, (lMAHA'S leading piano hmiM in being tntirtly remod eltd. To make the work eaeiar, to give you tin xtnusal opportunity, tee offer the following i-emarkabie bar gains: USED UPRIGHTS GO AT $35 $75 S!05 J l ST HALF PRICE. j Our Piano Art Handsome STANDARD MAKES EBOVY CASKS $100 $128 BEAUTIFUL EASTER MAKES $148 $167 Our Pianos Ar& Strong Colonial Uprtehfs VERY HANDSOME $185 $212 $228 $246 $292 Chickering Upright $165 Our Pianos Have Tone Elegant Knabe EBONY CASE A Big; Bargain SPLENDID DECKER BROS. Circassian Walnut Case Only 0300 Corresponding remarkable re ductions in twenty-five other well known makes. Catalogues and information free. IOWA BRAKCHl 609 Broadway, Council Blaffs. $3.50 & $2 50 tt&aent The Wear Tells That's Why ONIMOD SHOES are ON-A MAN. In Omaha more than any other Brand. 205 South 155 vi.nrrm rn innriv Full Set of Teeth, $3 U OT V lcdnosaflv in fIS . Domestic Room THE RELIABLE STOKE. 14o new vralstlngs. In dsrk colors, sarly spring goods, ara rioting out at Be yd. Handsomest light colored spring waist logs, neat woven shapes, 10c, 15c, 19o and 25c a yard. , Examine our 40c grnde of black sateen, as line as the real satin, at 12V4c a yard. Best apron check gingham, 6Hc Best blue prints, fie. Best shirting prints, 4c. iao TURKISH TOWELS, 13e 200 dozen eitra heavy bleached and un bleached double warp Turkish towels, the ISo quality, at 15c. 2 HEMSTITCHED CLOTHS AT $1.2 10 dozen hemstitched table cloths, mads from silver bleached damask, sis 1x10, made to sell for 12.00, at $1.29. $2 NAPKINS AT $1.00 $2.00 guaranteed all linen bleached nap kins, slie 21x21 slightly soiled but other wise perfect, at $1 per dosen. 85c TABLE LINEN AT B9o A YARD. 10 pieces 72-Inch full bleached Irish table linen, made to sell at 85c, at 69c a yard. Extra Special Shoo Sale Thousands of pairs of misses' and ladles' tine shoes thrown on the tables at less than the cost to make, 'made In patent leather, patent colt, vlci and box calf, in Goodyear and McKay welts, In button or lace none worth less than $2.50, most of them are regular $3.00 values, on sale at $1.96. . Boys' and youths' satin calf, worth $1.25 and $1.50, at 98c. A fine viol kid lace, worth $2.50, at $1.59. Child's dongola lace or button, worth $1.00, at 9c. Men's satin calf congress, worth $1.75, at 98c. Bole agents In Omaha for the celebrated Stetson and Crossett shoes for men, and the Ultra. 1 Brooks. Bros and Graver shoes for women. Watch the lth street window. Special Notion Sale Wednesday we wilt place on sale a com plete line of notions at from one-half to one-fourth regular prices. 600 pairs round garters, regular price 10c, sale price 4Hc. A full line ot ladles' misses' and chil dren's side hose supporters, blacks, whites and colors, regular 10 to 15c goods, 4V4c per pair. Best quality stocklnett dress shields Just the thing for summer waists, 4 He Pearl buttons, best quality firsts, all sizes, worth 15c and 20c per dozen, on sale at 4Hc per dozen. Our standard combination needle case, 25c worth assorted needles and pins, on sale at 4 He. Elegant line of fine combs, heavy dress ing combs, tooth brushes, etc., all at 4Ho each. EXTRA SPECIALS Another lot of best quality sllko at 2 He. per spool. Beldlng Bros' best sewing silk, S 20-yard spools, 100 yards, for Be. WATCH FOR GRAND EASTER BOOK SALE. EASTER CARDS, BIBLES, PRAYER BOOKS, ETC.. ETC. ON SPE CIAL SALE. Letting Down the Prices on Groceries 8-lb, can, or one gallon apples 1'lHc S-lb. can very fine pumpkin Ec S-lb. can very fine baked beans 6c 8-lb. can very One California peaches 12Hc 8-lb. can very fine California plums.. 12Ho 3-lb. can very fine California apricots 12Ho 2-lb can very fine string beans Bo 2-lb. can very fine white wax beans.... Bo 8-lb. can very One apple butter Bo MAYDEft! BROS. OPENING H OF . FINE MILLINERY AND THE LATEST THINGS IN HAIR GOODS WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY and FTUDAT, April 1, 8. 8, 1808. Come and oonvinoe yourself thmt we have the very latest inheadwear. j j E if. SCHADELL & CO. 2 Douglas Street This Offer Good Until April 15. Graduate dentists admitted to our course for $100.00. We make money by teaching our course and don t need to charge sucQ high prices. -.r rr All Work FREE -8'msr S Charge for all Material. $5,00 Gold Cr.wns, $3.00 TN ORDER TO INCREASE OUR CLINIC we want every man, woman and child to have their mounths examined by the pro fessors of thla college. Small charges for material. We do as we Advertise. Pet of Teeth. 83.0ft. uplOoM Fllllr.s.7Fe, up Teeth extracted tree Fllllrga from. .26c, up 22k. Oold Crowns. J Bridge Work. 12.85, up UNION DENTALCOLLEGE OF PAINLESS DENTISTRY. 1522 DOUGLAS' STREET. ROOM' 1 Open Dally: Nights till s, Sundays, to 4 A Well Selected Farm Mortgage Pays the highest rate of Interest con sistent with absolute security. We have had experience. We per sonally examine every farm on which we make a loan. If you have Idle funds we can se cuie you a good Invent men t. Special attention given to luveaiment ot trust funds. 'i'hone 47a 420 New Tork Life Bldg. n Forgan & Haskell Co. Cures Biliousness t Constipation and Torpid Liver. HOWELL'S LITTLE ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS Free sample Howell Drug Co., 18th and Capitol Ave. ' taaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwaaaj Our distinctive cut. . . The something different about the fit the swing of the coat-back the creases down the sides of the backs of boxy top-coats, if you desire them. Those are the things that ara making MacCarthy clothing wearers Omaha's nattiest drecsers. Those are tha fashion ear-marks of the garments cut by one New York cut ter and with them go fab rics of steel-like durability and more than skin-deep beauty, true tailoring and exquisite finishing. Suits, with coats like that one in our west window, 835.00. Others as high as $45.00 and as low as $26.00. MacCarthy Tailoring Company, 1719-12 Farnam SI rnsieUOl B:; BjilJlaZ Court House is opposite. MANY OP THE BEAUTIFUL HALF TONE GUTS USEB IN THE ILLUSTRATED BEE tnxn time to bus are for aals at tao aubllcatloa oflee all la guod caodi Uoa low prices). AN UP-TOWN DRUG STORE WITH UP-TO-DATE PRICES 25c Carter LIvpt Pills 16o 20 Laxative lSronu gulnlne !5? Sftj I'artorlu 25? fuc Syrup of Kiga H4o 76c Moelirr e Cod Liver Oil H5o $1.00 Listerlne 67c 1.0i Kenma 6jr; 11.00 Bromo Seltser "5c 1.W Capo OH "c 26c ltromo Seltzer 6"c Bromo Heltztr 40c 60c Pond s Kxtract 40c 6uc Malted Milk 40c 11.00 Malted Milk 760 2&c 'u tic lira Hoap Sue 2ac Parksr a Tur doap 16c $1.00 Duffy'a Malt 4 75j $1.00 ller's Milt... 66c You can have all you want at the prices we don't make a limit of "one to a customer" as sums do. Telephone us your wants we will be glad to deliver them. S. E. HOWELL, Park Ave. aaJ Lea triirorlli fit. Two 'phonef , M Snd F-l'IT Call hp tip If You Need ANYTHING ON WHEELS ANYTHING FOR A HOUSE Come, and See Is We carry tbe largest and finest stock o'. CARRIAGES and HOUSE rilRMSMNGS to be seen in Omaha. That'a the Flrat Point. Our styles are correoi and up-to-date. That'a the Second Point. Our p' Ice are rlirht. That'a the Third Point. Andersen Millard Co. 1516-18 Capitol Ave, "jPWinWsyTayagafa MXTlUiAL OF OMAMA.- I f aptul O.K tmmi 1W.MS filTRD STATUS UBTOSirtiWV. ITmt Hmkf, a a Waa. tlr maim -4t lraiA tMT "A GOOD THING" The Knights of Blair WILL, know (If tney aon t Know already) atier Monday night, March i. that the hearts of tbe Knights of Omaha. ARE IN THE RIGHT BLACK, as a PUCIAL TRAIN load of these valiant gentlemen of Omaha will visit their brothers In Blair on the above date. Ob we ll show 'em a few other thing like WE U.VC HH'JWN IlltM i H r, BEST PLACE IN NEBRASKA TO BUY UKUG8. 25c Grsve's Tooth Powder Wc 6oe Posxonl Face Powder 22 2to Sahemeld s Tooth Paste ISc 1100 Oeomiilston Too $3 00 ' Psychlne 2.60 11.00 Peruna an you want Sic tl.oo Pierce's Remedies Me $1.00 Bexlne Pills 75c $10) Temptstlon Tonic 25c We guarantee the above to be the new. est stock In Omaha. $1.00 Cramer's Kidney Cure guars nteed 75i & o Texas catarrn i ure one cures 40j 3."k Cstetorla genuine. . tic $:.0 Cluster's Pennyroyal Pills $1.0) WRITE, run Kr-r.ciAi, rmtts on RUBBER QOODS. CUT PRICE druq sros SCIIAEFEd'S Two riiuM-'TT TUT. W. Car. lOta aaa rklrase Bla. TWENTIETH CENTURY' FARMER WrU tor s jiaiU Caay. Sale of cr and Waster Jackets This i9 a very unusual thing for us to do, but t'fc) very unusual to find a manufacturer who ta obliged to dis-' pose of several hundred garments at way under price, so commencing today and until they are all gone you can buy the very best grades of bar jackets, waiter jackets, aprons, dentist coats, etc., at prices that are far below what you pay for ordinary skimpy garments. v 75c Walter Jackets for 50c Made of a heavy weight full Meached, drill, I button style straight cut, Klngle breasted every garment has strong worked button noies. i nese jacKeis ere used for barbers, waiters sni dentists, and aro worth 76c, for 50c $1.25 Jackets (or 75c Made of the flkest grade of ducking, every seam and button hole Is finished and the collars and shoulders fit the form. Not like the ordinary cut garment they ae great value, worth $1.25, 7Cr on ssle for We Carry the Famous "Breadwinner" Unlon-flade Overalls They are strictly union made, every inch of denim used is ths very beet, every button Is put on to rtny. Thoy are equal to any union made overall that ells the country over for $1.00 our price on thta won- r,er Jackets and overalls to match. derrul garment is Cook's Caps, worth 20c, st le price White Aprons, with bibs, worth 35c, sale price . White Aprons, without bibs, Cr worth ZBc. a.ln nrtce lJ Butcher's Coats, worth $2.00, sale price Painters' White Overalls, with bib 10c 20c 1.45 30c Painters' White Jackets, for S-o. blue Denim Overalli . and lackets These overall come -with bib, t-ox. extra heavy blue . en Overalls OUW 8-os. brown check overall, well made Jumpers TCp blue checked JOV 30c 45c 45c (z?7 n 0 tm&m i,:-'JI , AT WHOLESALE rmCES. We publish a catalogue of drugs, rubber goods and SURQ1 CAL APPLIANCES which is invaluable in making up a MAIL OKDEK for drugs. IT'S NO USE TO WRITE TO SMALL RETAIL DRUG STORES FOR A CATALOGUE. They don't have them. We do. Below will be found some prices taken from our catalogue, We defy you to get them duplicated(west of Chicago. SHERMAN & McCONNELL DRUG CO., OMAHA. Below will be found a few of our avery-day drug prices, but patrons of our store may always be sure that they will be protected In the matter of prices and quality. Our prices will always be found the lowest and the poods wo soil always freih snd genuine, never old. defaced, second-hand or wmpperlea. Furthermore we ALWAY8 HAVE THE GOODS WE ADVERTISE, and give them' to our customers without making officious suggestions. WE PUBLISH A CATALOGUE. WRITE FOR IT. It will tell you where to get 10,000 drug things cheap. - fl.OO KIKKR-HOFF COtfSDMtfTIO Cl'ItH FOIl TJ!e. ; 2S AUeoclc'a Plasters, z for ZBe 25o Merchant's Garg Oil. for $1.00 Ayer Hair Vigor, for 75c 25c Bromo Beltser, for 20c 25c Brown's Bronchial Troches for .... lc 25c Brandreth's Pills, for 19c 25c Caacarets, for 20c Carter's rills, for 15o c Chamberlain's Cough, for 20c Chichester's Pen Pills, for....fl.TI S6o Castorla, for 25c 6oo Cuticura Salve, for 40c 5UO Doan's Kidney Pills, for 40c fl Daffy's Malt Whiekey, for....T.Vc $1.60 Fellow's Syrup, for )...$1.15 $1.00 Hall's Hair Renewer, for 75c 2fio Hire's Root Beer, for lFlc 6oc Horllck's Malted Milk, for 40c $1.00 Horllck's Malted Milk, for 75o 35c. Jayne's Vermifuge, for S0c $1.00 Kilmer's Swamp-Root, for 74c $1.00 King's New Discovery, for 75c 1 Lieterlne, larire, for . . ,t4(c 25c Listerlne, small, for 19c 26c Laxative Bromo-Qulnlne, for ISc $1.00 Mother's Friend, for 75c S.'.o Mennea's Talcnm Powder, for lie 25e McElree'a Wine Cnrdnl, for . .(Me Ma TTo Moeller's Cod Liver Oil. for 6Sc fl NeOTbro'a Herplclde, for ...... T4 ' 2T,o Oranglnn, for 19c nOo Omega Oil. for 4"c tl.CO Peptn Mungan Oude, for Kc fl.OO I'lnkhani ( omp., for 69c 25c Packer's Tar, for '. 15c 25a PIho'b Conmimptlon Cure, for 2H 25o I'lrrce's I'llla, for ,. 20c; 1.00 Peruna, for 61U I Sl.no Pierce's Prescription, for 65c fl.OO Talne's Celery Comp., for 75c uOo Pond'a Extract, for 40c 6c Pyramid Pile Cure, for 40c Quick Work Bed Bug Killer, we sell., 25c linn Hcntf. TCmiilBlnri tnr 7R OOo Syrap of Flars, 'for 4t S fl Stuart's Dyspepsia, for ...... 74e fl.TS 8. S. 8., for fl.H fl.BO Tin Mariana, far k , . fl.Ofl 5c William's Pink Pills, for 3C 2e Putslne,(eleans trail papeV i we sell ....... t .TTI2o fl.OO Warner's Safe Cura, for , 75o fl noatetter's Bitters, . 14c We sell a complete line (the only complete one In Iowa or Nebraska) of Homoepathie medicines for physicians and laity write for eataloarae. B SHERMAN & McCONNELL DRUG CGV 1 .( ' WHOI ESAI R AND RETAIL DRIGOISTI ' CORXER 16TH AID DODGE, OMAHA, NEBRjl. Laboratory and Warehouse, 1B14 D odare St. Give me 12b please ti:1 Hello, is this Storz lire wing Co.T Wish you would Bend nie an extra case of Blue Ribbon Beer today expect company tonight and they will be terribly disappointed if we can't treat them to Blue Ribbon-4hey all like it so well. Now, be sure to send it. By the way came near forgetting Mrs. N wants you to send her a case also, but she would prefer a smaller bottle you have pint bottles also, haven't you? All right. You don't need to thank uie am only too glad to recommend Blue Klldxin. It cannot be too highly praised. Goodbye. Stnrr Rrcwinor Crv & . Omaha, Neb. jt. WEI K John A. Kervan Tailoring Co. 1416 Farnam Street Has the Une I.":"! Imported Woolens (n the city. You are Invited to Inspect s ame befora yon make your selection for a spring overcoat or suit. All work done b y first-class union tailors. J. A. KERVAN, 1 Phoos 805. HIGH CLASS TAILORINQ. 13 1 6 Farnam St. 3 SHE, MI AIM CO AIL Apsr-fecl jubjiixx for hivrd coM.t 4629 eas. tort Tine in&bMeburaer, Eledamt for cooklnd.Y VictorVhite 1005 fkruam JLTeLUt I 4 , , ,