Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 01, 1903, Page 11, Image 11
THE f OMAHA DAILY IlEEt WEDNESDAY, APEIL 1, 1003. 11 l.J " t SPECIAL NOTICES will taken til IS a, far tk -vfl-taT edition aad til l:M B. wa. ItF hiriUi a.ud Saay valttra. ' Slate, 1 1-2ei ward rt Ir4la, war thereafter. Natklas; Kkn far less tkua Sfte far the ft rat lairr tlaa. Tlir.. de.ll.e..t. asast t raa eoaeeeatl rely. A4Trtle-r, ay rjatlaa' a aaaw v aU, kiTi matrt a ( Tk Baa. Aaswer a re4 will Oliver aa rsatla tk afci aaly. . . WASTED SITl ATIONS. ELDERLY gentleman' wishes- position comchirsn: temperate, Industrious, expert with horses or stock. "Address Y 66. Be. i-. . . . A $16 WANTED, situation aa bookkreper. or gen eral office clerk; but references, v A 41, Bea otto. i A-311 At POSITION wanted by. competent nurs to cara for Invalid at home or while travel lug; tuberculoids can preferred; , charge reasonable Adore A W, Bee. . ' ., . ' . .', A-MM2 A3 " 1 I 1 I '!, ' ' " WANTED MAtU HELP. SPRING JPM BOYLES' COLLEGE ' New York L4f' Bldg."' UcGINS APRIL 6 SEND FOR CATALOGUE. . . MEN to learn barber -trade; tree railroad far upon 'our tailor to convince you of this being the .Bh.bT ana omy reliable, most' .c Heal uaioer college In tba United mates. Wriia lor caiatogu toUay. Waatarn Barbers' UisUiuta, wuana, Xseo. . .. .. . , , ... ii ii OOOD mewaengera wanted; tUgh salaries. A. D, T. Co., iU H. UlU Bt. . B91 AMERICAN Barber collage, orur 12th and Ltougiaa at. our Inuairatea caiaiogu largest iuwlaued. yrao. W rite. . -x-i UM8U4 tt WANTED, a bright boy with wheel to de liver, call at atchaeier Cut irlce Drug Store, leth and Chicago. aMit CIOAilMAKifRS waj.ted at union sbop; U job open . to oompeumt clgarmaatrs on ' a(l. UiOld; perfccio , shapaa work, 10.uo rr l,uuo. Preler ctgarmnkers who nav ad training in taiga eastern lactones. Com at one, iuuus fepprbrg, Mir., ltUmouth.; Nb.; ... , B 101 ai , SQT' wanted, pmcha'., Box. Co.. East OMAHA Commercial College, iprmg term begin April i. Htm classes In all uepart manta. . . -1 . i ..- ,.B-U Ai ' 1 . .. - i : MTU to learn bbrber trade; special. In ducements until. AnrU IS. on account of demand for uTaduatea Ourlns rustii -our Bust bod eaves years; tool, diplomas and Kltlon given; investigate touay. auer bar Colleg. 130J lougla Bt. .-, , ,i . B M14t A3 WANTE3, solicitor to solicit subscription M.iwo firetrclaa technical papers; must beVoaa of fair education, goou appeur an'o ani address; wily Jnau desiring permAnent position and capable of earn ing from 14u to 160 a week ned apply; la writing slat ge, refereiic And previous experience. Addreee H1U publishing Co., world iiiug., iew x urju o-wiu WANTED Active, educated men in central And western states ; Axed- weekly salary or oenrdte time guaranty; give age, eperi- no, reference, iamiu, tmtua co., cm 1 oago, . - . B M&3 A12 WANTED, young man of good address and nergy In real est at eftjee to sell on com mission; good opening for right man. ' Ad dress, staling uge and business expeti- nc,.ea, ee.. .' .. B-ou WANTED, men to chop wood and make post near Weaton about ten mile cant of Council ttiunrs. Appiy to 1 ieonara n,ver ft. Is Parl street.. Council Bluffs. . .. ' i . - B-M620 ! WANTMTX nlirht watchman? hwat hAve x perleno) knd be able to furnish flrat-claaa rirooe. unre m a po, xjoo. T WANTED, kood lob printer and mAkeup must be flrst-class. . Morton Printing Co., Nebraska CK. Neo. . k-umim WOULD Ilk to arrange with good con- mm or reitnonslble uartv to take axency for our Venetian chocolate; decidedly the finest line made. Address Annen CAnuy and Biscuit Co., ureen uay, win. B-M541 Al I ' RXPERIENCED salesmen Wanted to sell I banta to to traae in am si h in oi Ne braska on commiiwion tor large pan is manufacturers. Addreea, with references. stating experience, Vr.'.-ritlri A Hablno- wtu, Broadway., Nf w Tork City. . ! .! B M640 Al WANTED,- for Southern California at once V barn maker, for Ught and heavy work; sUo two nrst-oles machine operv- tors; gjoa wages ana iifwiy wurn. . a 4rrM U O. Mala St., Los Angelen Cal. ait MCR LOOO ooDTlna: .. letter.', at home: liner irii nnu ww mimuiy ivi 411,1 uu- ulars. Ulackney ft Cp.4o67 HalBtea.1 et., Chicago, .... . ,r , .B-mwAi- man nf rood habit And energy to renre. aent largo manuraeiurtog aeiauuenmeni known to every bank lij th United States: definite salary S3 per day to begin at once; $9m yer yar and expenses, pay able weekly, according to conditions of a contract, aeiu on application i epieinuu op tl nnrtuultv for advancement. Apply., staU i r - . , . ., t IQgSe, UHIllHlllluIw.mnu iriTiein:iw. iv It MuVrlHtfi oepi- -o, uu n, (-"aueiyiuai. IV : : . WiNTKr).-' exnerianced carpet 'salesman 1 1 must b thoroughly capable of selling ., oarpsta; none othera need apply. Appi I to superintendent carpet department, J U Brandel sr son. B M&3S WANTED.' traveling alemen to carry aa aide tin Sweat Cellar tarts, l atent Kid In Saddle Fada. Mors Collars and Ssd dlery Specialties. ) Sell avex-y where; lib eral comiutaslqns. uefarences required xvrita fm full nartlculara. State terrl. it tor traveling. . Toin ' Vadgltl Saddlery Co., Waco. Tek. V.' , B-0H& 14 r .. . . I I II I IALKIHK.V WANTED.. cirf .t. Mttara as aide Una on commission An article, well advsrUsed. s Cuming. ... -r t ,au I WANTUD. two Bjtisalon. C- F. two salmsn, salary or comi Adam CO., lois uoward St 1 .... . M W SIX experienced canrasera ai good salary ' Ha..- Call afte a. w.. 600 War Blk. SOS SALESMEN Sid 11 n pay hotel and cigar ntiinsv - lieu - uaj . mvvsMm iiu wum old; pocket amples, glv prevent line and territory, Jiaer uum co-. Memphis, ai iNTCD-rfiilwiuii for Omaha and rloln ty to sell grocerln to th retail trade In n established ' territory . for -a Chicago boua; grocery .oiei a vr wim icjirvu raiea man preierna. .. Aouraa aa w, iota Tbomaa, C'hioago. v, 1 Ml47 A3 - .. , .Ul-'C.-l 11 ! . WAkTKUKKktAX HELP. 109 Qu-1 Call CaaAlau effio. Uth 4k todg. k WANTED. cook.i-U firun. C17I 1 WANTED, girl for general housework. ' A small leutiiy. gooa wage.' .inquire Vi M. 1 jai.h Ave. Mrs. aVmarai. . C i47V- 1 WANTED, a girl at th HKiaiJ. lot N lxih St. 1 . C 141 1 wTl IXi t t th right party, lady-or gea lit i.iiin. a shorthaad' acholarshlp In. beet ac'l. and will air on payment till oolrs la nntsnnd ana poaiuun secured Autres A 46. tie. c AtJW ' WANTED, ladle'' t tnx tirckwear from as "I1'- lrine not necexeary? steady vork;- Hni - pay, n veii-aaareoseo tamped envelope ldoej Mfg. Co., 60a. w . t., rw oi ctty. , c hui ai WANTED, a good girt for 'general house work, laquir n roppiata a v. C M&&1 j Q4XJ g! rl waiuru at iuiviiiV' 1 . mA u- Twin ant uwiu. v. nowv Al I wAM'tn good flri for gnral houa ' A! &U 1. trlA a. . -a.- , O-um ai i WANTED FEMALE HELP. IRL tor general housework. S)l TNnney 11. c c mji ax" WANTED, wuherwomin. Call (16 N. 4lt street. C 628 WAlfTED, lady solicitor at otic for Council Bluffs n1 Omaha; $150 to $3 .00 per day. It 8. 17th St.. Room 4. C-622 II WANTED, a girl for general housework In a rsmuy or nve Ariiy to sirs, i. m mo Cague, 1U U. 84th St. C-623 81 WANTED, k girl for general housework In a family of Ave. Apply to Mn. T. H. Mo- Cague, U4 N. 24th at. C MK)4 Al WANTED, a girl for general housework In man family. uza . sjtn av. , C MJ47 AJ HELP WASTED. WANTED, bora and girls to canvas; pre miums, watches and bicycles, i: w, ree- tnan, 117 Berry av.. South Otnaha. FOR . RENT HOlK, JA! ItJPQ all parts of city. The 0 ltJUOtJ y. L,vl Co., 60$ Bee BMg. D Ms NEWLY built modern 7-room cottage, $25 per montn-. inquire ri. c. teiera at to., is lee bldg., ground floor. D MM4 FOR RENT, 8-story brick, 10 rotimi, partly iurnisnea, to party wno win duj nrpRU and furniture; rent of five rooms pays antlr rent. Apply 301 8. 17th St. D MG93 TO MOVK rlsht get Omana Van fftorags Co.; offlct, liUH Farnam. or Tela. 1569-S63. 1 D 62S HOU8E8. O. O. Wallace, Brown Block. D 625 BIX rooms, upstairs, new repair, no chll- aren. wua uavenport. uxiam VANS and baggage wagons. Tela. 1196-1146. D-634 UOIIQPQ In all parts of the city. R llUUOLO c. Peter & Co., Be .Bldg U Bit I HOU8E8. $5 upward. Bemls, Faston Blk. i D-52J FOR RENT, cottage at 607 8. J3d at. Tel- pnon owner, um, or can at uutt a. tn st. D-6 WB MOVE pianos. Maggard Van fc Stor- ag co. xai. 141W. unlet, till w eniier di, D--M877 ELEGANT modern 8-room brick houe. 105 a H6th at. inuulr 2417 Jonas. , D-ronHTI - FOR RENT, (-room house, all modern ex . cept furnace. 7i4 N. SOth Ht. 130.00. C. tA. iiaanmann, 4JO-jrr raxton xtik xj PAYNE. BOSTWICK dt CO. Choice houses. 001-001 New York Llf Bldg. -j'hone lois. - TEN, rooms, modern, 666 8. 2th et... $32.60. 8318 BURT, " roome, bath, hot water heat ing, sreel range; nrwt-cias tenant may ap ply; rent, 27. Jnqulr on premises after April . 1 il Apn' MODERN brick house, near High ; scTiool, rnm 11 wuu m, cx. x 1 1 , iu ta iiva 1 j , a v- v. rent 630. Dr. Swartilander, 2601 Capitol Ave. ie-tiw Aprtr HOUBES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker btk. l M64B SIX-ROOM house, city water. 6116 Burt St. D M546 FOR RKNTFTJBJII8HED ROOM. DEWEY1 European hotel, 13th and Famam. AETNA HOUSE. European, 13th A Dodge. , - - ai 04 4 ROYAL HOTEL. European. 16th Chicago. : JS k L. M. B. haul trunks. Telephone, 790. E-604 ELEQANT steam heated, roomA 1909 Cap- Itol Ave. m i9i ELEQANT rooms; hot water heat; modern; .reference, ituc vysDsier. -. . a NICELT furnished front room, suitable for two. JU4 caiiicrsia bc - v LYONS HOTEL.. European, 1U N. 13th St. DENVER RESTAURANT, M N. lh. Tel. F-3349. ' ' Av Aasil AD NICE modern room In Tery desirable lo cation. 2687 Harney St. At-mjh I ROOMS, light housekeeping. 1113 80. Uth. E M36S FRONT, 1st fl., modern. K24 St. Mary's Av. B-349 11.00 TO $2.00 per week. 422 Bo. 18th St., one block south 01 court nous. atr COZY rooms, Capitol Hotel, Uth and Capl- . i ..... 4. lift Anrfl ROOMS. 1M Cap.. Ave. E-M242 A 2 320 N. 17TH. Neat rooms, new flat. ia Mas azs. DESIRABLE front rpoin, 801 80.. Kth Ave. ... . jt Haao SOUTH FRONT1 slcOv room. 26 Harney t. jaruot Jn DESIRABLE' rooms. flrst-las location, walking distanoc. my r arnam.. . nr-t w FVRNISUKD ROOSIs'AND BOARD. NICE rooms, steam heat, with or without board; tuw rat, awiiua uuuh m. wiu Chicago. v dm A NICE large room,, with good board. ,416 . N. 26th. F-M236 NICE rooms, sood board. The Rose, Harney. . 1 rufiNT room with alcove. 1 snaond floor Suit 01 room on nrsi uuor. aim o. um . - . r Aaiia ROOM and board. 2408 Cass. Tel. A-2MJ. F M364 AU FOR RlisT-tNFl'RKllHKP ROOMS. THREE modern room. 836 & 17th. . O M16 irurn ikn, lares rooms. -with or with out hrtnl or UK lit . . ynvat ". North loth St. O Mils SUITE of rooms, ; modern,' nouseKeeping 616 Ucorgia Ave. ' TWO fin unfurnished room. S N. d FOR RHNT STORES AND OFFICE! . Wc will build a three or four-story build Iruj on ' Harney St, suitable for whoesale purposes. Lot 44 n. trQnt. ; Aiiey is rear. : Inquire ' R. C PETERS & CO., Ground Floor, Bee Bldg. ' IMH Will RENT Th bulldlnr formerly occu pled by Th Be at 91 r arnam BC It ha four stories, and a basement which was tiirmarlv used a The Be srwi - room. s This w llf be rented very reasonably. If Interested SDDly at omc to C C. Jtose- water, secretary, room luO, Bee building. 1 t Mt FOR RENT Building, suitable for Whole sale purposes at lis rarnam, st0, four - stories and slrst-class cemented basement, aiovator. Are and buralar proof vault. Office counter and fixtures. For price and particulars tnouire c. C. noaewaier. secre tary the Be Building Co., room lvO. Be bunding.- : 1 jaae. QrTICE8'la th Be building. $10.06 per month up. Rental price includes heat. light and janitor aervlc. - c. retera A Co., Rental Agents, ground floor Bee Bldg. FOR RENT Stor, In flrst-class location r . 1. - A 1 . 1 , tl . . ' Co.. ground floor Bee Bldg. 1366 AGENTS WANTED.' WANTED Canvassing agent In vry county to solloil eubscriptlou to THE TWENTlkTTH ' CENTURY FAKMUK " Steady amijloyment.. wltk assured aood In come. Aseais In 'he country with horse and buggy especially Cinvuwri make eaitlly 3A) 10 llvAl per monih. Ad gree.' Century inner Sailoilor Bureau, ire bUliOiiig, Oiaah. . rfli I' ' WANT A GOOD ROOM ? THE BEST DlREeTORYOF ROOMS FOR RENT IS ON THIS PAGE WANTED TO RENT. WANTED to rent, an I or A. room bousa. latter prererrea; moaern conveniences, in west or southwest locality. Address T fl. Be. K-6S YOt'NO man desire room and hoard by Ann 1 10, near car line, private rnmny pre ferred; stat price. Address A hi. Bee. K 36 2 GENTLEMAN wishes- private boarding: must iw nrician -room, ooa natn and good table; -vllllng to pay reasonable price for good place; name price In reply. Address A 67, Bee. K M010 Al WANTED to rent, 10-room house In 'West Farnam district. - by responsible party. Gannett, 611 Brown B'k. -K M288 Al YOT'NCJ married 'coupl desires to rent fur nished house rrom owner who is going away nr summer. Address 631 Paxton block. K-M532 Al WANT to rent, 6 or 6-room cottage south east part of town; give street, number and price. Address A t9, flee. K M644 Al WANTED TO Bt'T. DON'T give your house furnishings away. can on j. l.evine or Tel. 771 and ne 11 pay you a big price. N M999 A24 FOR SALE FIRXIITlRE. CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodse. . Tel. zuw. isew and secondhand, bought, eoid, exchanged. O 640 FOR sjALU HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. HORSE AUCTION at Union Stock Yards hort market svery Wednesday afternoun. . P-611 76 DELIVERY -wagon, buggies, carriages, any sue or any price to emu tL. r rost, 14th and- Leaved worth. P 643 CARRIAGES painted," repaired or rubber tires put on. William Ffeirrer, to 2624 Leavenworth. Tel. 1539. -MM5 , AUCTION sale of hordes every Tuesday, Thursday, at John S. Coopers. Union Stock Yards, South Omaha. Neb. - . P 346 A-12 FOR SALE MISCELLANFjiOlS. New and 2dhand typewriters. U19 Farnam. Q 643 76 LADIES' and gents' watches, 150 dia monds, left in pawn, good as nw, selling at half price. . Diamond Loan Office, 1401 Douglas. . Q fo A-3 INDIAN goods and relics. 1119 Farnam, 4-645 WIRE fence for hogs, poultry, lawn and xarms. wire works, u a. ictn. Tel. 1590. . , Q-M338 Jy-13 FOR BALE Two ntoves and thrc show case with stands, cheap It taken at one. Address, U 57, Be. ... . .9-44 TELEPHONE pole. Long Fir timber, 901 Douglas. Q M363 Chicken fnc. Oak piling- PART FURNITURE in 10-room house, rent or nv rooms pays entire rent; nice bath good furnace. Call 309 8. 17th st. 'Phone 1669. Q-M6H : FOR SALE First mortgage note bearing 6 per cent interest, , payable every six months; has a bout 2H years to run; good security and endorxud by responsible gtrty; amount, $1,800. Inquire C. M. achmann. Room til. Pazton Block. Q 666 CATALOGUE cut drug prices free. Sher man Mcconneii urug co,. omana. Q-M86J EGGS for hatching 8. C. brown leghorn. Hrignt. w aidron strain. Mrs. oeo. w. Hartman. 4424 N. 27th Bt. Q-M960 A24 FOR SALE Phonographs, superior to any ptnrr musical instruments, c up. ins Columbian Phonograph Co., 1621 Farnam, Q-647 IB-HAND safe cheap. Deright, 1119 Farnam. Q-649 FOR SALE, electrical machinery in sood conoition, complete equipment ior ngni Ing plant, consisting of t Bl-polar dyna mos 20-kllo watt, speed -1,400, volts 12S "Edison. 6 lightning arresters. 2 aumeters t Roeatats switch board fixtures, etc. For further particulars, address Georg L nuerniu, cierx, cnawa, la. v 1(( 11 T. DURKIN, electric light wlrtng. Tel. 4. Q M560 MISCELLANEOUS. A BUYER 'or a 9-room modern dwellln 1 one block north of Hanscom Park. A dres P, 6S3. Omaha. . . H 534 16 PERSONS wishing to ship. to southern Call rornla can- save freight by addrtwslng Wm. J. Welshans, m 89. 17th St. Omaha. ; . - .... R 138 31. WHITB BRONZE MONUMENTAL CO. manufacture th best, cheapest-and most durable statuary for emeterles, ..etc., known to science. Glaaoott, agent,, 842 8. 24th St., Omaha. . . R (M Al . CLAIRVOYANTS. ! 1' ' MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant,. 164 Cass Street ' ' ..... . 6-480 MMB. GYLMER. genuine parmlst 315 13. 16. S-661 1 SOVEREIGN'-CJalrvoyaftt.. 807 I. 18tn st . , ' ;.v ' 9-M873' A3 MADAME LUCRETIA, medium,'' 1609 Chi tgo St. . 8 M915 A4 ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MISS DAVIS. 1021 How' d,' baths! attendant. v M944 Aprtt MME. SMITH, baths, U N. 15. 3d floor, r. t ' TM270 A7 MISS HOWARD Elegant maaeag baths; assistant U7Vi N. 15th, flat E. GRACE O'BRYAH ol Kentucky. T20 8. 13th. L00 Co- "uo 10 D' rMB.' . r.11"? T M696 . ' Ar-W4 J MONEY loaned on pianos,' furniture lew- PERSONAL. lry, horses, cows, etc C. F. Read, 319 8. 11 ' ' ' - X-676 - ECZEMA SALVE that cured W. A. Pazton. . B. J. Scannell. agent. 6u9 War block. BUSINESS CHANCES. ', U M442 J . . ; rrv ptriQ tuned. Room 7 Vi. 01J. WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange c'on'flnVnt'0 "sr? Marfoni I L1" CumcSa!! Slt WANTED. In Coin la., a first clas. geo- Mrs. L. carter. il cnariaa Omaha, Neb. loT; ,04(4 trlckt room bh-,(1 1 -' ' at one. 25x100 feel; best location In city. ' OMAHA DYE WORKS. 1616 Howard, fash- Inqulr of J A. Delk. Coin, la. Y-4lf lonabl cleaners, dresses, suits, cloaks .,.. , ... ' ' " draperies, ruga, lac ourUlns; w dyi CASH for your real estate or business, no caroeU Vht!Zarii matter wher located. For a quick sal wyf. aend us description and prlc. North- MR8. JACOBSQN. 3306 NWth Bt. ' western Bualn Agency, li 313 Bank, of IT Mm ai Commerce Bldg., Minneapolis. Minn. ,"I.M ( ... Y iaat AH RUPTURE CURED without pain. Kmplr ' . 1 7T T 7 ftuptur Co.. N. Y. Uf Bldg., OmahaT TO GET In or out of bualn call on W1L .., . , .U 656 llams. Room 411, McCagu bullUly Mif ?Ss. K1LL",t " v&l uio. Montgomery! m n. t. ut, - 1 - i 1 t Y M974 DR. ROT, chiropodist; corns and superflu- ous hair removed by electricity. R. 3 and WANT a partner with 33.000 to tt.OX) to take 8. 1606 Farnam St XI U1 charge of my store; stock of 66,000. D. R. rl . Dunlap. Westboro. Mo. Y-M130 A3 VJAVI A wholesome nerv and tissue food ' ' and home treatment for disorders of SPLENDID selected stock gents' clothing, women. Write for free booklet Vlavl furnishing goods, store fixtures; atipral- Co., 646 Bee Bldg., Omaha, U 667 ment, Sal by order of court, i April 8, on premise. C res ton, la. Ad- TEI-EPHONE TSO for L. M. E. snassengera. drees, John M. Hays, Trust. . ' XJ-U4 J Y-M349 6 PRIVATE hospital before and during oon- poR BALE Complete bakery, also two tlnemeiit; babies boarded and adopted. platform spring bread wagons almost new. Mrs. GardsU. UH Lake. Tel. Ued-loM Inquire at 1116 Fifth avenue. Council V-66S Bluff Y-M32U U PRIVATE sanitarium for ladlas before and "7 nnTCl Cfl D CAIC during confinement Dr and Mrs. Gerlaoh. A IlUICL TUK OALC Z California St Term, reasonably QR EXCHANGE. HOME during confinement; flrst-class. Dr. MODERN S-story frame. 4 rooms, lot 82 21 1- Miller, sou Blwndo. 'Phen F-1183. ltd. Improvement good condition. lo- ' U M(r4 cated southwestern lows, thriving town; . $iJ,0uO cash or good Improved farm; PRIVATE hom for woman during con- leased at $W0 per nuinth, reliable, tenant tinement. Gpod Samaritan Sanitarium. W hat have you for this f J. H-Johneon, 728 lat av.. Council Bluffs, la. U M8 N. Y. Llf A - Y Ms) FOR An toilet and soft skin us Frltch's THE Jarkaon Street Laundry I for sale famous vegetable soap; mad from aoap cheap. Will trade for a rooming or board- barH; ha no gresvs or lye. Btls' A Kiener, Ing houa. 8 th owner, H. Jensen, 915 lit kW. isUt. V-mU Apriu Jauksoa strwst J-biS Atr6 I t rF.RS.ONAL. C EDERER, Bristol Bt. flutist. Tel. 17S6. U-M117 ELITE PARLORS, 615 S. 16th Bt.. 2.1 floor. U-M64A A-17 WE RENT sewing machines, any make, for 7fic per week or 13 per month. We sell attachments for and repair any machine manufactured. .NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. "Phone 16S3. Cor. 15th and Harney. U M230 A4 MONK V TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE. 6 TO 6 P. C. money. Semla, Pazton Block. W-661 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 837 N. Y. Llf. W-3.6 - 4 PER CENT on business property. - per cent on residence property. ' ' ' Options to pay whole or part any time. W. B. ME1KLU. 401 & 16 Til BT. W-661 MONEY to loan on. Improved Omaha real stat. Brennan-Lovs Co., SOS 8. 13th. W 64 WANTED City and farm loans; also bonds . and warrants. R. C. Pet!ra A Co.. 1704 Farnam St., Bee Bldg. W 664 FIVE PER CENT loam. Farnam. .- Oanrln Bros., 1004 W 666 FARM and city loans, low rate. W. H. Thomas, First Nat. Bank Bldg. Tel. 164. W-665 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. W-66S WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith A Co., 1320 Farnam street. W-667 HONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. ARB YOU IN NEED OF MONEY? IT 13 A OOOD THING TO KNOW THAT WIS LOAN MONEY TO . RAT.Annrn empi-otes hoidinv nent poattlona with reeponrr)'.e"Tlrms on I their Plain Note without ENDORSER, ' MORTGAGE, or SECURITY of any kind, or Employer's knowledge. We also loan money on FURNITURE, PIANOS, HORSES, CARRIAGES. ETC., nt the lowest possible rste. Thei will be .no restrictions on your moving, no In quiry among your neighbor or friend or apy other unpleasant formalities. You can REPAY US In' WEEKLY or MONTHLY payments ' to ult your own tjonvenlence. You receive th FULL AMOUNT wanted in caah! no CHARGES DEDUCTED IN ADVANCE. We want your business and believe an In vestigation of our methods will get It, ' even If dt present you are dealing with another company. If you want to be dealt with fairly call on us. KIND, COURTEOUS TREATMENT : TO ALL. Our office Is th best equipped to handle your business with PRIVACY OF ANY IN THE CITY.- ' AMERICAN LOAN CO., Poom 303-PAXTON BLOCK Room 801 Get Off Elevtor at Third Floor. Open Wed. and Sat Till S F. M. - X-M177 -Money;. W loan from $10.00 up on fuihlture, 11 v stock, pianos, etc. SALARY LOANS with out mortgage to persons who' .hold salaried positions. Ait Infervlew will 'convince you that the conditions of odr contracts are the most liberal obtainable in the city. We make no deductions from the amount bor rowed, as some do, thereby compelling vou to pay for money you do not get. Our office Is veiy easily found, and having recently had It again remodeled It is more private tuau inr, rye at ways trv ycr please Omaha A4toV1L& G ex. " Board of Trade Bldg. j'XeYj i2295. , (Established 1892.) 3ut 8. 16th St - '- .r,'hv. .X-933 ON .Chattels or Salary LOWEST RATES AND ' I BEST TERMS IN THE CITY TRY US W -PHOENIX CREDIT CO. ,'m Paaton Blk, 16th and Farnam. . X-M1000 THE STAR LOAN COMPANY.' Room 644,. Pazton Block. .'Phone F-2Z98 This company I th private bank at the wags earner and aa.arled employe. If you have a permanent position a dark, bookkeeper, ealtaraan, machinist or-artl-,.san ot an:' kuru. you can obtain on your .pot without security pr endorser. . . . deml ' - Monthly.. Monthly. Weekly tl 00 return to vs....$:4.tiS . io.96 00 return to us.... 13 3d ' ; .w ' x.aj 1 5 iit.rr-' to u.-.'.i S.sti . . 1.4 1 14 leturii' to us.'... 4.U0 ' " luO Luu Our :oUic are private and our business contlusnUai. Fiom 9 a. m. to 7 p. m. 1; . . :. ,;, . . . -,'., -on LARGEST BUSINESS ' N-' . LoAns TO .SALARIED PKOpLE, niercbants. team sters, boarding houses, etc' without so-, curlty; easiest terms; 40 otilces In prin cipal cities. Ionian, 440 Beard of Trade Bidg. X-473 MONEY loaned on plain, note to salaried people; business jontldentlal.'- lowest rates. 614 Pazton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. li SALARY LOANS .privately made on note. RELIABLE CREDIT-CO., Pazton Block. Corner 16ih and Farnam Su., Third Floor. , . - X-M124 LOANS .-. t . R' ftlNKSS CH tNOE. THE Todd A Ploane Co. of I Madison St.. Memphis, Tenn., call attention to their Information on the Memphis race. This valuable information Is making money for others. Why not for you? write for their pamphlet. It tells how. Free. T-Mi3 AT FOR SALE, one pool and one billiard table; frod tables. Address Harry Thompson, lattsihouth. Neb. Y M548 A7 A GROCERY BUSINESS With nice trade; must sell; good reason for selling. Address X , Be. I FOR . SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE or trsle, 60 rboloe, rich, pro ductive farms, both larg and small! also 10 good cheap stock ranches In northeast Nebraska, some of which can be traded for general mdse., hardware, Implements, cattle, sheep or horses. Oeo. W. Hutton. Orchard ,Neb. . RE M864 APT21 FOR BARGAINS In real estate, houses for lent, Insurance of any kind, see Robe H. Landeryou, 443 Chamber of Commerce. RE 746A-l THE BEST LOCATION FOR A FACTORY WAREHOUSE, WHOLESALEHOUSE OR STORAGE a To be Found in Omaha is that Solid HALF BLOCK WITH TRACKAGE At the, Southeast Corner Sixteenth and Izard. FOUR pi II L CITY LOTS ABOUT 150X204 FCHT. The advantages of this property over any other simlla- property In Omth there la no other like It are these: 1. Street or alley on every side, giving ample light and air. t. Trackage on the east aide, and no diffi culty In getting tracks on north and south sides. ... . J. Fronts on best north and south business street In the- rlty. 4. Only eight blocks from business center. 6. Half a block from Hanecom Park and Walnut Hill car lines and block from South Omaha line. 6. Retail business is continuous from the business center up to and past this block. T. NO OTHKR OROl'Nn OF THE SAME SIZE, WITH THE SAME ADVANTAGES AND SO WELL LOCATED, CAN BE HAD FOR THE SAME MONEY. Owner has reduced the price for 80 days. Carefully -consider the above facts and see me about price and terms. GEORGE G. WALLACE, Brown Block, Sole Agent. KB M132 MODEL HOME. Five acres level land, young orchard - In bearing. 10-room pressed brick dwelling, barn, carriage house and other outbuild ings, chicken yard and garden, near street cars and Country club. A enap at J6.jW; leas than half what improvements cost W. N, MASON, 446 Bo Bidg. RE M212 Ull 1 lAMCniM CHARLES E una vv ibLinnuvn Farnam street HK 583 MISSOURI LANDS. We have for sale choice Miller county Mis souri, improved farm lands, from 315 'to $36 per acre. - . . Good grasing lands In any size tracts de sued, from $4 to $10 per acre. Also lead, zinc. Iron and coal lands. ; Write us for our land list. CONLOGUE & ST. JOHN. EI. DON, MO. RE M382 A-13 HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; also acre property and farm lands. The O. F. Davis Co., Room 608, Bee Bldg. RE 6S1 MODERN 8-room house: also 6-room; good locations; low prices. Inquire 1411 Vinton. RE M782 A-21 CHOICE trackage, paved. Monroe 811 N. 16th. RE 679 FOR SALE SNAP. 60-ft, south front lot, sewer In street, one block from two pavd streets, north of Hanscom Park, sold once for $1,600. Will sell for $450 If taken quick. WM. J. WELSHANS. 309 S. 17TH. ' RE 214 Jl A SPLENDID bargain Is our 'No. 470 In Dent Co.i Missouri; has- 240 acre, all till able, house and barn, plenty of good water; 4 miles from town, at $2,400. Cooley Inv. & R.'B.'Oo.. 823 N. Y. Lire bltlg. . Excursion to this farm leaves Omaha Apri; I. RE M32J A4 EXCEPTIONALLY CHEAP LOTS. 74.34 feet, fronting on 24th Ave., north of St Mary's Are., only $1,800, or will sell one-half for $960. We know of nothing as good for the money. . Ths street has just . been paved with asphalt, which. Is paid for In full. ACT QUICKLY If Interested. HARRISON MORTON, . 913 and 913 N. Y. ifc. Tel. 811 RE 22S do you Want to . sell a farm ? If you want to aell a farm or ranch, tell the farmers and stock raisers about It Ths beat way to reach them Is through - : THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. This agricultural weekly goes to 40,000 liuiim vt .iu oiuv, inistrrs, ao II you have a good piece of land to sell at a reasonable price you ought to And a buyer among them. The cost of an advertise ment is sp.all 8 cents per word. THfc TYVfcNi IETH CENTURY FARMER, OMAHA, NEB. RE 604 by Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. McAllester land commbtsloner Union Pa cific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE &S9 FARM. MINERAL AND TIMBER LAND. You can double your money by Investing It ' through us In Missouri. We have a money-making propoaltlon. Cash or pay ments. Come now If you want to get in on the ground floor. Cooley Inv. A R. E. co., Kin, x. iire oiog. RE M514 Tukey & Son. Acres and Lots en payments of $10 cash and 15 per month. One 12-acre Fruit farm, with fm provements. One House for $25 cash and $10 per month. One House for $200 cash and $15 and interest per month. A. P. TUKEY AND SON, 444-4-15 Board of Trade Building. RE-624-A-1 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITERS. MOSHER 8.U., Touch T.W., Bus. Branches, Teleg. Cat tree. oin. com. Col., 17 tuug. -6w A. C. VAN BANT S School. 711 N. Y. Life. tor BOYLES collegs, court reporter principal N. Y. Uf. NEB. Bustne A Shorthand College, Bovd't Theater. -U LOST. LOST, fo terrier, In Hanscom park dis trict $1 reward to finder. Address M. R. L'hl, Be Office, or 1341 S. (1st St . Lootr-W Al LOST, small purs containing some bills, card and three stamp pictures. Return to 314 So. 2b 1 h street and receive reward. . Lost 897 1 IJST, $"i0 In envelops at entrance FlrM National Safety Deplt vault or between there and American express omc. Re ward given if left at Madl.on hotel. Lost-M,.ll Al LOST, between 89th and Dewey av. and S2d and Chicago, a lars-e Chinese coin belt buckle, with red stone In center. Return ' to Bee ofllc and receive reward. ' Lost M54I SEEDS AND POULTRY SUPPLIES. ULLERT 4k CO., ltU Howard St TsL tstl. u EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. Gk R. Rathburn. Room 16, Com ! Nat bank. 414 J. H. BOONBTRA, office 1616 Howard. Tl. 947. M8t4 AU VPHOLSTERINO. CARLSON aV CO., tUl Leavenworth. Tel tail Ami PETERSON A Lundberg. 116 Bo. 17th. Tel. LrtttA -407 MEDICAL. DR. PRIES treats successfully sll diseases and Irregularities of women, from any cause; experienced, reliable. 1613 Dodge, Arlington block, Omaha, Neb. Tel. lot. Piles Cured without pain no cutting, tying or burning. All blood, kidney and bladder diseases cured; a guarantee 'given In every case treated by W. C. Maxwell, M. D.. 624 Bee Bldg-, Omaha Neb., graduate of BellevVie Hospital Medical College, Now York City TREES. FRUIT, shad and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, roses, small frlut, etc. Address Omaha Nursery, Papllllon, Nsb. 723 Al CONTINENTAL NURSERIES 1,400 acres ornamental and fruit trees, roses, shrubs; tb0.0i.i0 surplus stock; best kinds apple trees r epecisvl Bargains; spray sumpn, etc . D. S. Ulascotl, agent, ' Omaha. s43 tt. 24th St.. -631 Aprl HAZEL DELL NURSERY.. Offlo S206 N. 84th. Trees, shrubs and roses. . M551 A80 LAW, AND COLLECTIONS. ' STILLMAN A PRICE. 21 V. 8. N 1 Bk. Bid. ODO , -L. NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO., 1st floor N. Y.- Lire Bidg., attorneys ana collector every Where. 66 MACFARLAND A MAY, 'New York Lite Bldg. Room 904. i'hone ltoi Ml ' MANUFACTURING. P. MELCHOIB, 13th A Howard, machinist. . VIM OMAHA Safe ar.d Iron Wks. make a spe cialty of ore escapes, shutters, doors and sates. G. Andreen, Prop., 102 Bo. lvth St 409- TICKET BROKERS, CUT RATE railroad tickets everywhere. P. 11. Phllhin, 1606 rarnam. f none isc 624 PRINTING, CALL up (Sardner Printing Co. Tel. A-82S3. tor all Kinds oi jod printing. ii a. u dc 8S1 A3 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co., cleans cesspools . and vaults, removes ganage and dead animals at reduced prices. 621 N. 16lb. Tel. 1779. -698 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing, all business confidential, uoi uougias. -K9 OSTEOPATHT. GID. E. A ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. Buite 616, New York Life Bldg. Tel. 1664. ' ... -41 Th Hunt Infirmary, McCagu Bldg. Tel. 2:K2 . .. . Mill GRAVEL ROOFING. BARRICK Roofing Co., 1616 Cuming St Tel. 961. -400 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. J25.00F,: iroflt on:Webf pianos. Perfleld no CO. Tel 70L Bee building, S&9 ACCORDION PLEATING. MRS. GOLDMAN; 300 Douglas block. M996 'TRUNKS AND BAGGAGE.' TWIN CITY EXP. -'Phone 1717. 606 8. 16th. 603- THE DEPOT On time. L. M. E. Tel 780. -' 6u3 n 1 -.1 J , 1 1 STORAGE. .. OM Van. Stor. Co.,15Utt Farn. Tela. 1569-862. . .- 604 EXPRESSMAN'S D-l. Co, TtlA . 1196-1146. . 6u5 GENERAL ROOFYNQ. WORK In any part of the country. Jones Rooking Co.. 1617 Burt St Tel 19S6. -418 ROOFING, Ughtnlag rods and repairing. German! Ruoflng Co., 1613 Capitol Ave. Tel. 240. Mtol A17 FLORISTS. HESS A SWOBODA, 1416 Famam. -M.'!S3 FARMS AND RANCHES. IF YOU want to sell or buy a farm or ranch write J. B. Piper. Ramge blk., Omaha, Neb. Md12 A6 BALE TIES. OMAHA-Hay Bal Tl Co., til North Kth. MACHINERY. HOT BEARINGS won't trouble you, and you'll save 60 per cent In wear If you us "AJax Plastic Bronx." Inquiries solicited. . THE AJAX METAL COMPANY ' Frankford Avenu and Richmond Bt, Phil adelphia.' CONTRACTORS 'AND' BUILDERS. A. 3. P1ERSON. 20th and Burt TsL L-1U6, .. . . . bui J. It. BPITZBART. Tl F-X606. 1521 Lk. Mu62 A17 SCHOLARSHIP. BUS I WE as college scholarship for sals at a bargain In one of Omaha's leading com. . merclal co'legea; lit scholarship. Address B 47. Be oBlo. M716 MUSIC. THOS. J. KELLY, vole. Davldg Block. 3M9 BICYCLES. ALL THE most popular make sold on ay , terms; also second-hand wheela from $6 up. See me before you buy. LOUIS FLKSCUEK, lO CAPITOL AVE. Xalsphoo kll M611 April RIO MAN! r'ACTl RI Vi.- , t - -- i OMAHA Rug Factory. 1521 Leaven. Tel ital . M-Sl HAT CLEANING. . .) ' LADIES' and gents', 60c. ' Bchwaits' s 114 ro. istn. v PRINTING, BRIKFr, ETC. WATERS Printing Co.. Linotype composi tion. Tel. 2190. r T " HAY, ORAM AND COAIm M. LONDON, 1301 Cuming. ' Tsl. A-2M6. Mrs A3 LAUNDRY, ..I.' OMAHA 8team Laundry and,, OH y Twel Supply. 175v Leavenworth . 11.. A-JrtO, - - - - SIGN PAINTING. , , BCHROEDER Sign Work. J0( Bo, l7tiu also ship signs. Writ us.. . - JL44 GOLD AND ' SILVER ' PL AtlNGV OMAHA PLATING CO., Be, Bldg. . Tel, ., , 1 .-; , CORNICE WORrf. ',1 -'-i' GALV. iron comic, rr etal, .oelllnks,' .ski-. lights. Epeneter's Cornice wks.. 614 A. 1'V . , , .:.' -M177'.. BRICK WORK,'1 P. HEALY, 1823 Clark St. VThonS A-WL WALL PAPER AND PAPER 'RASKINS. 1 n li.'. n OILS, paints, varnishes, window glass, "r. J. Sterner. 2626 N. 20th Bt ' Tel. A-26B7. 1 .. ' - ' ' M3S;"I' STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Rajngs Bldi TAXIDERMIST. J. E. WALLACE, 606 So. Uth Bt -604 TYPEWRITERS. ' LAMBERT, $26. Monro V Cev, 8U N. Mtft. U PATENTS,", 11. J. COWQILL No fee unless successful '. 218 So. Uth St., Omaha,. Tel. 1798. -693 i i I, . i dressmakIncl ' ' ',;,'1 .';.",.. KEISTER'S Ladles' Tailoring College, .Suit. 63-4-6-6, Douglas block, 16lh and Dodg. c. v. enyar, Mgr. writ for booklet. CARPET CLEANING. , - SEND your carpet and rugs to ChrlsterK son s carpet Cle leaning Works. 3221 N. Kith- St. Tel. 1 , V, , -M376 TEL, 666 Carpet cleaning, fug weaving. MIOI AUTOMOBILES. t: lm -rial U ELEC. automobiles: Deright, 1119 Farnam. . 17 - BAKERY. TRY our three-layer -white . cakes, 25c. Groceries and meats at lowest . ptlces." Johnson, Goodlett A Co." Tel. I67B. 2003''' Lake Bt M938 A pit -,.. DETECTIVE AGENCY. CAPT. THOS. CORMACK, prlvat detec tive. 617 Korbach block. T'elephon A-2832. ' .. 425,' 7 " 'J ' . . '" STOVE REPAIRS. STOVES stored and gaaolln stoves cleaned Omaha Stove Repair works. ,m mo. v M647 TINNERS. O.. K. KOCH. 24th and Maple. .Tel. L-lm .' T . . , . , M976 A13 CARPENTERS AND JOJNBRS.5 ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing romptly attended to. J. T Ochiltree, Wth and Lake St. J7 FOR THE M O'RS SHOW Two Carloads' Finest " Carrlaires Ever Seen in the City "JUitt IN.' 5tHI Closing Out Finis Orado. . . Vehicles at Cost. . " H" Top Buggy; rubber tired.. $85 ' Open Runsbout, rubber tired 3t4 TEAM HARNESS ..V,.....V'V$W DRUIOND . ,18th" and-Hhrney. . .. ' . i :.:: i '' f " - :i GOVERNMENT NOTICE. CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE Omaha, Neb., March 2K, . 19n3.--Sealed t fro-f poaals; In triplicate, will be received, here 1 and by quartermasters at the ptmts patnd herein, until 10 a. in., central timer, April . 2S, 1:10.1, for furnishing wood, coal ami ehar, coal during fiscal year ending June M, IVH. , at Omaha Q. M. Depot, Fori Cruck, Hb : Inson and Niobrara, Nebraska. Jefferson Barracks, Missouri, Forts Leavenworth : and Riley, Kansas, Logan H. it Dots, Ar-. .1 -kansaa, Reno and Sill. Oklahoma. Pio posals for-delivery, at other, point will "be entertained. U. S. reserve right to- reject; or accept any or all propostUa, or any part'., thereof. Information furnished on applies- , tlon here; or to quartermaster -a stations named. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked "Proposal for Fuel." lni-,i addressed to Major THOMAS CRUtJE. ?.'" 1 Q. M. MHtAA24-26M .' 1 I s " 1 " ' GONE TO " WATERY : '0RAVEV So Declare aa Asosysisii'--'. . '-Writer, bt It May B I '-'J,,'' . Joke. ,- 4, ;., . ,,; v ..-. .' 1 1 . ' '-"Jtr - . A letter was gathered up by on of th. postmen Mondaywhfch may h the begin- '' nlng of a traglq tale. The envplop was g , square one, considerably soiled . and was -Inscribed In pencH la a fairly good, bsudi . ' "Will th postman that collects this pleas " -hand It to a news reporter. Jot.. aa jiane '' , forever; good bye, This Is" fro,take, If" v is real." ' ' The Utter Is wrl'ttta. In Isk aa S' ' legible hand,' and states fn ubUnci that ' -th writer Intends to take "her, owil.yr!l byv ", . finding a watery grav because t a broke r heart It appears that aha Is ttrutTi "pef;- turpsa ever tu wi imi er uosr ife , has married someon els aad, that ib is-., vldentlr In. th. army at'WaaHiklA- Tk.'1' " only troops at Fort Wahakl compAft V of the Tenth Unite Stat caralry, -colored :-,.. On th reveres aids of th letter V a big-'-;' nlflcant postcrlpt whicli say: .''"I wirfj Uit. .' before esdlng my llf so a reporter Mia-pub- lish it. so that OIU can se what a grand ' ' mistake a. man can tnak bB h.ffri(3)9S ( a woman's lov and Jilt . ks.c t-,r Jt if., Th letter Is dated Marc 'M gad ther' - ; : la ao signal ur. "' :' .'1 ' . '