THE OMJUTA DAILY VTTi WEDNESDAY. A PUTT; 1. 1903. 10 COMMERCIAL AND f BASC1AI I SsS,S Prion Wttktn tn BotrJ of Trad Grain Pi;j Bfl'ore Br Taciict PflO .ISIONS ALSO DROP SOMEWHAT LOWER Bnslaess la Dnll la All Mara, Though Wheat Opens Falrlr Active and llro.f Before ajoslns; Ifiri remain qul-t; N. I foundry north, m it quoted at i4.W9 SO, No. 2 loundry li'Tih-rn St I USett:",: no. No. 1 Inun Tt routhcrn and No. 1 foundry southern soft at JiS.oi'. Werrants remain nominal. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Condition of Trade and Quotations oa Staple and Fancy Prodn'-r, Kona Freh ptnrk. 11V. LIVE POULTRY Htns. IOVI'ISp: rooat era, according to age. Mi9c; turKcys, 13'rJ lie; ducks, iluc; Reese, 9ali'c. Dressed stock In good tonditlon Hfci2c per lb. higher than live stock. BUTTER Packing atock. I24313r; choice dairy, in tuba. I5'ulic; separator. 270 2So. OiSTKIit Standards, per can. 2c; extra selects, per can, 16c, New York counts per 11.75; CHICAGO, March Jl.-The prevailing favor th beara ana prices weaKemu. May can, 42c; bulk, vXtra sejects. per gal v. neat closed c mwM, May corn uown -c uimk tHr,auro pr koi i.ft and oats 4lc lower. May prov Is.on I FP.OZfcN FhLSH i'lSH-Trout. WiOe; eloaed from 6c to l2c lower. . t'rJ,n,t-JCl "vl- P'. CJ Pe.r,c 'ihere wss a moderate traue In what an 1 t buffalo, dices. d, ic; ui.nrh, 3c; bluet sh. $c; alter a lemporar nova sua early tne mar- 1 hltetlsh, 9e; salmon, lfcc; haddock, lie: aet developed weakness, and Jho close wa. j cotilish, 12c; rcd-napper, luc; lobsters. near the bottom. The opening on May wa, , l'0,''d- Pfr ?'c- ,,l'2,",(T l!eC 4tvSc lower at' 72Vti2vu to .c. lnil-cniei I c; billheads. 10c; cattish. 14c; black bas. IZ7JZ, i . i ..vil. rr,. V.JII..1-. in . 2ce: hulllrut. lit the tlalhia .uduiv. tout ner wt.h ihe in- BRAN l- r ton. Ilo.tO. efferent caoles and I-vol able wea.n.r Oooo commission uemand soon csuseu an Br; rejected, Mig"7c; No. i red, WTl'-; No 3. 6ti6v. CORN April, S.c; Ma. Sc; July, ? I ami: No. 2 mlxe.i, ;iiyn.i,c; io. 2 white, IiHti.TSc; No. 3, "'.'a37c. OATS No 2 wh.te, 844i3.c; No. 3 mixed, S3tl334r. R V K No 2, 4",&46 HAT-Tlmnthv. $12 50; prnlrlv $a.75t9on. RUTTEIi-Cramry, 21ti25o; dlry. 19c. EOU8 Fresh, Wc. Receipts. Shipment 32. ' 74.6! i M 6i 6".f0l 9.000 23,00; 1IAV Prlirft quoted by Omnhh Whnlexais backa, 16 to 20 :ba., Ilrm, R3f; c'.enr rib Wheat, bu Corn, bu OatB, bu Liverpool irnln n rl Pro vlnlonn. UVERPOOU Miirch 31. WH EAT Sprit, d..; imi t rco western, winter, Aad; No. 1 intrthern, aprlnK, (Wrt; No. 1 t'nlifornla, MM. Futures, atendy; lav, Osljd; July, 6d. , , CollN-Spot, quiet: American mfx'd, new, 4a Sd; old, ta 4d. Futures, atendy; May, 4J?vd: line. a lSd. July. 4a ld. FEAR Canadian, quiet, 64 .""Ad. HOPE At London (Pacliic loast), firm, PROVISIONS Reef, easy; extra India mem. sxa Pork, atendy; prime weatern meaa, K 3d. Mams, rhort cut. 14 to 16 lba., atendv, 64a. Paeon. Cumberland cut. 26 to 3." lba., quiet. 51s; short ribs. 16 to 24 lbs., steady, iwa; lonT clepr miiluifts. Hi;ht, 2S to 34 lba.. rtenrly. o'Ja; lone clear middle-, hn v. 3 to 40 l'ia.. atendv. 52a il: ahurt e 'ear Dealers' ns-oilntlon: advance ana the early loaa a more ha . No. 2. li.Ul. lnecium ... con regained, May tening up t. K .t - Rye atraw, These prlca are f matea of a large decrease In tn wo. Id' j ! good color and qual.ty. demand taible aided In the upturn. Laur in th 1 1 Ipia light. Lhclre Ho. 1 upland coarae, in. oil. or ay or fair and day the eariy buytrs turned aeilera and thj maraei, gradually weaaeneu, wnn i u-' to support It and May eo.d olt to ic. Thj cloa wa c lower at ic. Ciearancta of wneat and flour were equai to Hill,.., bushels. Primary rectftu were ol,oO( buahtla, as against a iat year. Minneapolis and Duluth leported of cara, with rtcilpia o. ti cars, none of contract rade, mode totul receipts far the three po.nts cars, against t laat week. There wae only a amall trade In corn, with little oiitslue bu.iiiie.-,s. '1 he bulk of the trading consisted tn the selling ot Miy and buying of july. Tn rentlment was bearish, due to the favorable wtather, to gether with the weakneta In wheat. Tile firmness wnj eh was manlteat at the open ing. Influenced by higher cables, was aooii lost and weakness prevailed throughout tdu remainder 01 the tension. May curing a lower at 43t, liter rai.g.nn .e ween 3Ha 3'c and 4'i'if44c. Locai rti'elpts were 16) cars, with 1 of contract crade. Oata were quiet an.j ei-ied off somewhat In sympathy with the wcaxne In other grains. The trading was large. In thj na ture of sea Unrig bualnfMx, although there was some Influential buying at times by leading houses. The close as oiMer, with May Vi&Hc lower at SIMMc, af.e- selll.ig between iiSo and a4c. Local receipt were Z37 cars. Trade In provisions wa:i null, with con siderable eelitnff pressure on the May prod uct. The weaknefa In grains was reflected In this market and after a fairly steady opening prices declined and the close was easy, May pork being 12Vc at 118, with lard and ribs IT 6c at 110.60. Estimated receipts for the week: Wheat, 20 cars; corn, 1U0 cars; oati. 115 cars; hogs, 23. Ik 10 head. The leading futures ranged as follows; Articles.! Open. I High. Low. Close. Tes'y. Wheat I I May 72flT3 July Kept. Corn Mch. May July Sept. Onts Mch. May ' July tept. Pel Mny July Li'i .. May . July &?pt. Rib. May July Sept. IWti'ijAsI I 43Hf K 43'i4443HV4l !Jxl 4V T3HI 721 43 I .1.. 1 18 IS 17 S 17 02i4 10 12 f2 70 ( 60 I 72i 42H 73'i 6914 43 43 a. CORN UK' OATH 34c. RYE No. 2. lEc. VEGETABLES. CELERY California, per dot.. 4Sg75c. POTATOES Per bu., -i.c. 8YV EET POT ATOEfc Iowa and Kansas, $2 mi. SEED POTATOES Northern grown, ptr bu., 75j8ic. NEW PARSLEY Per dozen bunches, 45 60e. NEW OA RROTS Per docen bunches, 40c. LETT I CK Per doxen buncnes. 4oc. liEBTS New seuvhern, per dosen bunch es, 41 c: old, ter bu., 4uc. PARSNIPS Per bu., 40c. CI Cl'MBERS Hothouse, per do., $1.76. CARROTS -Per bu., 40c GREEN ONJONS Southern, per dosen. bunchei, 45c. KAIjISHES Southern, per dc xen bunches, 16c. Tl'RNIPS rer bu., 40c; Canada rutaba gas, per lb., IVic: new southern, per doxen buncnes, 60c. O.Nli iNS-P.erl Wiaronsln. ier lb., lc; wh.te. per lb.. 2c; Spanl h, per crate, U.75. SPINACH Southern, per dos. bunches, 60c. LEMONS California fancy, 13.25; choice, $3. NAVY PEAN'S Per bu.. $2.50. WAX BEANS Per bu., box, $3; etrlng brand, per iiu., box. 12.50. CARRAUE Holland seed, per lb., Uic TOMATOES New F.orlda, par 6-baskat crate, $4.50. FRUITS. APPLES New York atock, $3.003.EO: Cuilfcrnia Leilflowtrs, per bu., box, $1.60; Western, $3. 8 IP. A WHERRIES Louisiana, per 24-pt case, $6. TROPICAL FRUITS. FIGS' California, per 10-lb. cartona, 90e; Ti:rk fh, per 3"-lb. box. 14 18c. OKAinGES California navels, fancy, $3.0) 3.16; choice, $2.75; Mediterranean Sweeta. $.'.&; Sweet JnfTa. 2.t.U. DATES Persian, In 7'Vlb. boxea, per lb., 69c; per case of 30-lb. pkgi., $2.26. MISCELLANEOUS. MAPLE SUOAR-Ohio. pr lb., 10c. HONKf-Lia, ptr .'4-irame case, u za; n. 'o '1'. lba.. aunt!-, '"a. thnunera. anunre. 11 to 13 lba.. quiet. 42s 6d. Lard, steaiiy ; prime weati-ri. In uercea, An ki, American reilnrd. In rlle. r1s. Bt'TTER- Gcod 1 n!'e1 Rales, ute.idy. fP. CHEESE Steady ; American llneat white and colored, t TAI.tAiW Prime city, steady. 27s 3d; AuRtraiian, In l.indon, dull, T!s 6tl. Receipts of wheat during the Inst week, 11.0X) rentals. Including 1C6.009 American; tt rn. 318.400 centais. par tn 10c premium: foreign exchange, un ihnnceii; aer.lng postej t $4 84i forslxiy dxs and at fir demand. PtlU.ADF.LFH. A. March HI. -Cleg rings. I1S.3.T.S01; balances. $,RS4,.4; money, 6ii'4j pCcent. RAI.TIMOKK. March 31 Clearlnga. H, 701 l."; tnlnnefs. $"iiiS.3."9; monev.'g per cnt ST. Lot to, slireh HI. . .e irlnas. $7.21. 933; bslnnfea. $1 Pik.102; money, steady. od6 per cent; New York exchange. 2 premium. CINCINNATI. March SI Clesrlngs. $3. 3S.8i); money. 4'tjH per cent; New York exchange, ICilSc premium. fit Vork Money Market. NEW YORK, March 31 MONEY' On rail, strong at S4i1" per cent, closing at 10d 12 per cent. Time money, steady; sixty t!ays. 6S .per cent; ninety days, 6H per cnt; six months, &iiC per Vent. Prime mercantile payer, fiifUH per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steadier, with actual bualneaa In bankers' bills at $4 87W 4.8;o. for demand and ct ;i.837t'ii4.834u for alxiy caya' bl la; poated ratea. H.83',i and $4 81. Commercial b lid. $4. 835H 84. SILVER Bar. ic; Mexican dollars, 3Wjc BONDS Government, weak; railroad, r.tendy. The closing quotatliTns on bonds are as follows: do s tie toupoa do 111 w 4s, reg. do roupo.i do old 4, rg.. do coupon do rts do coupon !0ll T7 1 4... Wtt to A Phllu'elnlitt !roduee Market. PHILADELPHIA. Mnreh TA. B UTTER Fair; cxtrn w:stern creamery, SO'SoO'c; nearby prints, ci!c. EGGS Firm, food demand; fresh nearby, ll'V; western, Uc; south weatern, ll'sc; southern 14c. CHEESE Quiet, but stendy: New York full crenmr. prime small, Itc; fnlr to good small, 13',i(&14c; prime large, ltUHc; fair to good large, 1344i l'ic llllTTinkee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. March 31. WHEAT Dull; No. 1 northern, 77W77U; No. 2 north ern. 75Vnr"r; Mav 72ie, bid. RYE Firm ; No.' 1, 5irq52o. BARLEY Steady; No. 2 60c; sample. 420 62c. CORN May, 43Hc ' f. 3. ref. It, L. N. unl. 4s do coupon ....lo1 M11. cvntral 4. . . 107 do ! inc .. -,, 'Minn. A Kt. U : M.. K. T. 4. ..'.37 do ii ..110 N. Y. Lcntral g. I'li.lO ..lll' N. J. r. son. 5 i ..I'll', No. PtrlBc 4 102S ..1IMI. co 3i 11'. Atchison gen. . 4a l'l N. at W. con. 4 ioj do uill. 4a Sl heading gen. 4a Y 02 gt. V. at 1. M. c. aa.114'4 Ui VI. L. c 8 K. 4a.... iu-Ti 101 tst. L. 8. W. la ltk'.'il do at 107Vi S. A. A. P. 4a 'ij fte. Tactile 4a nx'i 1(U I So Kallwar (a til 7.".'.a Trias A PaclHc !a...l iJ!. T.. St. It. 4b W. 4a.. 77 1IU t'l'lon Pacific 4l a3. Al m in CojDrado. I3.0O. POPCORN Per lb., 2c; shelled, 4c 31 18 174 17 37'! 17 02H 10 12H 87V41 to 721 is 00 17 22H 16 DO 27V4 18 00 17 25 16 92V 10 024 10 02'4 9 2V, kt 9 P7V4! 9 62'i 9 65 9 2 0 t 80 9 66 9 65 No. 1 ash tpiotatlona were os follows1. FLOUR Steady: winter patents. $3,403) $.60; winter straights. $3.103.30; spring pat ents, $3.3008.60; spring straights, $3.0t3.20; bakers. $2.2&2.70. WHEAT Ko. 2 spring. 75H76c; No. t aprtng, 6Bc; wo. I red, 7iw9'-'C CO KIN iw.i uui hides No 1 srreen. Be: wo. 1 green, oc; wiiixavffii s.t2 No. 1 salted, 7c; No. 2 salted. 6c: No. 1 veal 7c; horse hides, $1.60j2.60. N UTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb 15c; hard s-hell, per lb.. 14c: No. 2 soft shell, per lb., 13c; No. 2 hard th-ll, per lb., lie; Brnxila, per lb.. 12c; fllbfrts, per lb., 12c; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell, per lb., 15c; pecans, large, per lb., Llftc; mall, per lb., 11c; cocoanuts. per dox., 61c; chestnut, per lb., lie; peanuts, per lb., 5ftc; roasted peanuts, per lb., 7c; black walnuts, per bu., $1; hickory nuts, per bu., $1.50; cocoanuta. per 100, $4; OLD METALS. ETC.-A." B. Alplrn quotei the lolluwlng prices: Iron, country mixed, per ton, $11; Iron, stove plate, per ton, $8; copper, per lb., 8V4c; brass, heavy, per lb., 8Wc; brass, light, per lb., 5Vxc; lead per lb., 8c; line, per lb., 2Hc 18 124 17 S2V 17 00 . 10 074 9 85 9 80 9 35 9 70 9 60 No. 1. ;2c: No. 2 yellow. 42Hc OATS No. t, 334c; No, 8 white. 33ff37c. RYE No. 2. 49c. BARLEY Good feeding, Wff42; fair to TnTeCo tirnin nnd Seed. TOLEDO. March 31. WH EAT Fairly ac tive, easier; cash, 73Vc; May, 74V4c; July, "cOC.y Dull, lower; March. 32Vc; May, 42c: July. 43Uc. OATS Dull, lower; . March, 3.1c; May, 23'4c: July. 30,r. RYE No. 2. 63c. SEED Clover, dull, easv; cash nnd March, $7; April. $6.70; October. $5.36.; prime timothy, $1.3u; prime als'ke, $7.5'). Dnlnth Grain Market. ' DULUTH. March 31 WHEAT To ar live, No. 1 hard, 7oV4c; No. 1 northern, 734c; No. 2 northern, 72c; May, 734c; July, 73ic. OATS May, 33V4c HEW "YOU K STOCKS AND BOXDS. WE ARE GRAIN ASiU ELEVATOR CO. Omaha Branch HO-111 Board of Trade s Balldlngr. r. ; CHICAGO. March SI. WHEAT The mar ket has shown a tendency -to react after the Hftvanca of vesterdAV. Influeneed hv thn ti is correction in inc viaiuie aecrease. 1 ne D -7.7..... . . . ww o m 1 mono wa Influenced .Ian hv lh nrffa ra. PKUVIOIUWB-weMpora. per put., io.w .---.w" . v," " . - KL-r. " Lard ribs sides (I Tbdr$ 0 37'A&r6.60: 7l" : ! fraction higher. There was a private cable .choice malting, 47Cff3c. SEED No. 1 flax, $l.oefl.07: northwestern, $1.09; prime timothy, $3.36; clover, contract . a VI-mm hrlf ni Kht tilt Ah i. per 100 lba.. $10.00fi 10.05. Short 'P the southwest. 203,000 bushels at (loose). C8.70fi9.85. , Dry salted 8t- Louis and Kansas City. The weather box -d). $8.761 674. Bhort clear j continues very favorable. Cable, were a Market Seems Inclined to Recover, hot Hesitates Before Acting;. NEW YORK, March 31. The stock mar ket showed a rather hesitating and Irregu lar tendency to recover today. The move ment seemed bated upon an assumption that easier money conditions will follow the arrangement of the April settlement. The Immediate money market was still under the Influence of the preparations for the settlements and call loan rates were very stilt all day. The subtreasury state ment showed the banks have loct to the Institution since the last bank statement $2,445,000, and there was a small credit bal ance In its tavor at the clearing house this morning, but the government's draft for $3,000,000 was presented at the subtreas ury during the day by its fiscal agent and was paid out In cash for disbursements In relief In the Philippines. The fiscal agent. Flrl. A Ohio a do 3 Ha do eonv. 4a , ("anada So. ta Centra! of Oa. & . do la uic Ch-. c Ohio 44" I hliago ft A. 3a I'.. II ft Q. n. 4a C, M ft St P g. At f. . N W. c. 7. C, n. I. A P. 4a -M Wabath I' .!'.( . ft St. L. g. 4a UK)',. do . 'i ntcairn rrr. 4a. . Cclornlo So. 4s... Denver & R. o. 4a "Krle prior lien 4a. do fcnt-ral 4b... r. W. ft ll. l Is. flmklng Val. 4V,a. Pennaylvanla Pld. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET DeslraV.t) Gr de. of Beef Eteeri and Cowi Aotir ard Etrong. HOGS SOLD A BIG FIVE CENTS HIGHER Pat Sheep aad Lam us of Good (gaalltg la Active Demand at Stroaa; Prices aad Half Fat Staff Held Ahoat Steady. SOUTH OMAHA. March 31 Receipts were: Otnclal Monday Uliicial Tuesday Two days this week... Same aaya last week... bame wceK before bame three w.eas ago., bame four weena ago... same days last year.... Total mis month .- .'attle 4.44s , 7,746 11,664 , 9,7m 7. tiro 10,14 , 9,9wt ll.aoo , 7,100 ,it , 7.9il 12,sdl ilogs. ijheep. 4,jo1 s.t7 i.Uol I.44D 15.637 1a, ttrs V.I..J n,;Mi 83,6iW lOj.115 ill,44i Total, March, 1902 Total, Marcn, irtil.... 'total, March, 1KM.... Total, March, ltltn).... Total, Marcn, ijHd.... Total, Marcn, lo7.... loUtl, Marcn, lstai.... Total, Murch, IMA. t7a do conr. 4a lot1. ; Durlhotlfc: la.J in I - ...63,897 202.624 1(5,361 ...63.IC4 12o.,iw . ..b3.oM lso.oil lM.tua ...46,sW los.HJ l.uu ...66.236 lM,Un6 14a,i:u ...62,917 110,443 ...x;,sl2 a.tli li.KM ...40,iiW 9o,;6 21, RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The tollowlna? tahle ahowa the receipts ot cam, hogs ai.d aneep at bouth Omaha for the year 10 date anu comparisona wun laat lear: 19tM. i9o2. inc. Dec. cattle .2d,i77 19i,i:l3 S7,o6t Itogs 66,lAl 6(6,944 111,63 Sllecp iti.l,2 iil.KOd 120,364 AiL-rauii miie i..u t:- lioas at South l'7a I Omaha tor the laat aeveral aaya with com- ao ))) K N! I I M( I is H liw I i , u 10 M " I H 1.4 I t t imw s :s inr 1 u 1 1IM I 55 1 1110 I 1 nan I ft U I00 a .', I M 1 tf. t " I 1... . I tS 4 IIJS I K lll I 1 1IM I 5 t tnJO I I II7t t IO30 t tf. t Ill") I " I I0 I 4 1 ,i t loin I u I '.1 4 H) t 1IM I 1 1" 4 I io7b s n , io4 4 o aas I 10 1 1407 4 on 1 . UM' t 4l Hi l't 4 ID t 1101 I 4n IJ lilt 4 l 1 IMI) t 40 1 14M) 4 00 1 74(1 I 40 17 1171 4 00 I ! 1 411 7 1 4 00 I lino I Mt It 1170 4 lem J 10 10 1040 4 00 t I!4 I to 4 00 I KKkI I kO t 1MK 4 l 1 .tm a 1 ? III STOCK ER8 AND FEEDERS. 6 3W it w 11 n 4 15 4 767 2 85 4 767 4 15 8 &a3 $ 00 891 4 20 1 Mai $ 00 9 777 4 20 2 510 $ 00 18 KN 4 $5 4...., u7 8 25 6 4i 4 25 2..... 620 J 80 7 638 4 25 1 820 S 80 11 1ik 4 L'5 1 600 $ 50 L'6 439 4 25 1 410 3 60 4 825 4 25 2 675 $ 60 11 667 4 25 2 tifti 3 60 27 731 4 26 4 767 3 60 3 923 4 25 3 825 3 50 8 840 4 25 8 666 3 70 3 930 4 3:) 1 6no 3 76 20 712 4 30 1 Kal 8 85 12 447 4 30 4 637 3 90 16 376 4 30 17 9.4 4 00 N33 4 SO 10 8.1S 4 00 1 4 85 22 875 4 00 66 750 4 40 15 6Vi 4 10 33 699 4 46 II 876 4 10 6 9s3 4 6n 8 723 4 10 28 674 4 65 .ion 6.1 I do deb. B Ii . J44, "Wint Shore 4a lini, . 'JS'a 'Wheel, ft L. E. 4a.. 9);4 . n WH. central 4a... . a t'on. Tobacco 4a.. .110H ' olo. Fuel con. 6a .107 M Manhattan . no . 2 . 8SV 104 Date. I 1903. 1902.1901. 11900. il89U.lS98.lk97. Boston Stocks and Bonis. BOFTON, March 31 Call loans. Bgrt per cent; time loans, 6"tttH per cent. Official closing of stocks and bonds: AtchiaiM 4c Mtx. Central 4a.. Atchison do fd Bnaton (r Albany Boaton ft Ma Boston Elevated.. N. Y., N. H. ft H Fltchburg t'nlon Pacific .... Jriel. Central American bugar ..100 . . 74 .. .. 7 .1.7 ..14 ..147 ..toD ..141 Amalgamated 7 Mngham 31 l alumot ft Heels. ...6'Sft Ueiunnlal ropier H.nga 4 Dominion t'oal lOVa .... 11 .... 12 .... ai .... 1 .... .... i ....11a Franklin Hie Royal. Mohawk Dominion .. . 34' Oaceola .14 ll'arrnt American TV T. . ..lio'i iqulncy lwmlitlon I. A 6 : jsanta Pa Copper . 2S 'i nmountaln .... . IW Trinity .lOflU t'ntlad State ... . sr. llah ..r. 61 I Victoria Winona Wolverln. Gen. Electric Masa. Klectric .... do pfd Vnlted Km It U. 8. Steel do pld wtfilugh. Common.. .1110 Adenture 10 nu,eiiiun (i 10 I " oiverino ... Alloues tl-lt'Daly Weat ... ..140 .. 89V4 .. 10 .. 141, .. H .. S .. low .. 7: .. 41H CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattle and Sheep Are Steady, While Hoars aad Lambs Go Hlsrher. CHICAGO, March 31. CATTLE Re ceipts, 8,500 head; steady; good to prime steers. $4.9tHg6.25; poor to medium, $4.00iH.76; stockers and feeders, $2.76(54.90; cows, $1.60d 4.40; heifers. $2. 60ft 4. 76; canners. $1.60'a'2.76; bulls. $2.54.40; calves, $3.006.60; Texas fed steers, 4.00fd4.50. HOGS Receipts, 12,000 head; estimated tomorrow, 25,000 head; left over, 8,000 head; Eir-c higher; all bought; mixed and butchers, $7.157.36; good to choice heavy, $7.4(&7tW; rough heavy, $7.107.40; light, $u.9:ii7.25; bulK of sales, $7.20(7.45. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 14,00 head; sheep, steady; lambs, fancy, higher; good to choice wethers. $o.506.65; fair to choice mixed, $4,504)5.60; western sheep, $5 60 &7.00; native lambs, $6J0ji7.65; western lamna. jo.ix'ig through an Oriental bank, Is able to ills- 1 Official yesterday; . Dense with a recnurae to the rtrhniiM mnr- I , Receipts. Bhlpmenta. ket. The effect Is to benefit the New York 9.attle 251?' ,904 HOgS H.BD9 0,491 Sheep 17.074 2.247 KnPowIn nr the receb-is and shipments of flour and grain yesterday. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls... 26.60) 27,700 Wheat, bu 81,600 . 45.1i Corn, bu mow . 207.400 Oais bu 29,700 449.700 Hye ' bu S,300 11.30 Barley, bu S4600 10.600 reporting unfavorable French crop condi tion, but ParKi was lc lower. There was some buying on estimates that the world's visible would decrease 4,000,000 bushels, but these figures were not txsued by Brad street's. New York reported 26 loads taken for export nnd a better demand from Ger many. Local sales. 25,000 bushels red wln- ! ter. Clearances. 372,000 bushel. Primary I receipts, 616.000 bushels, against 337,000 last On the Produce exchange today the butter 1 week; primary shlpmenta, 266,000 bushels market - was firm: creamsrtes, lMU'ixc dairies, 14(tc24c. Eggs, steady, at mark, cases Included 13c. Cheese steady at 13 13Vc HEW YORK GEVERAL MARKET.' Quotations of the Day oat Various Comriedltlea. NEW YORK, March 81 -.FLOUR Re ee pts. 23,694 bu. ; exports. 17.311 bu. ; quieter bu. well sold; winter patents, W.7uQ4.ti0; winter strat-htu, $3.50(83.69; Minnesota pat ents, $3.M,T.: winter extras, $2.80JJ 10; Minnesota bakers, $3.2003.40; winter low grades. 2.69VI.'.-0. Rye flour, dull; fair to good, $;OBj3.20; choice to fancy, $J.26&3 46. CORNMEAL Steady ; yellow western, 11.09; lty, 1.07; limndy wine, $3 4(413.55. ItYE vjutet; N 1. 3 western, tVc. f. o. b., afloat: state, 66ifOJc, c. 1. f., New York. BARLkCY Steady; feeding. 47c, c. I f., Buffilo; malting. 6:'H.68o. c. I. f BufTilo. HEAT Receipt?., 9.iW bu. ; expor.s, 107,813 bu. bpot, cany; No. 2 red. 784c e e vator; No. 2 red, 794c, f. o. b-, afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth.S6r. c. f. o. b.. afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba. 76c. 1. o. b., afloat. Options Ofened easy, rallied on higher cables and decreasing stocks here, but eventually gave way under big weMern recelpta, poor ex ports, eaay rTench cablea and liuuliatinn. closing WO net lower. May, 77ia,;7 16-16C, eloped at 774c; July. 74 13-18375He. dosed at 744c; Neptemner, i3-jig is,c, closed at 734c. . CORN Receipts, 81.0U) bu.; exports, akt bu. Snot, steady; No. 2, nominal, elevator, and 6lc. f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 yellow, 63c; No. 2 white, 64c. Options were firm on small receipts 'and wheat about mid-cay broke under Improved weather conditions weat, very small clearancea and light ex port trade, closing HrtiHSo lower, except April,' which wan nomlna le 2c higher. April c'osed 644c: May, 6i4'i614c closed at 114c; July, 49 7-16&4ire, cl ised al i9c; Sep tember. 4Sc, cloeed at 48c. OATS Receipts, 19.500 bu.: exrts, 5.75X bu. Spot, easier; No. 2, 42c; standard white. 424c; No. $, 41c; No. 2 white. 424c; No. 8 white, 40c; track, mixed westrn, nominal; track, white. 4ooi47c. -Options firm at the start, but weakened later In response to liquidation. May cl ised at 88ic HAY Dull; shipping. uogliOc: acod ti ( noire. Swfi$l.05. HOPS CJulet ; itate. common to chol.e. 1902, 24(fiS2c; 1901, (22c; olds, illc. pa elllc coast, 19J3, 2427c;, It;u22c; 0I1 s. dlles IIIDES-Quiet: Oalveston. 20 to !8 lba.. ttc; California. 21 to 2 lbs., 19c; Tex is dry, 24 to SO lis.. 14c. LEATHER gulet; acid. 24426c. PROVISIONS Heef. easy; family, $14.0ttf 14.50; mess, 19.0oii 1(V(K; btef hams. $20.0Mt' 21.60; packet. $11.60 ji 12.60; city ex ra indli mess, $2ViO7j2i0. Cut meats, rteadc; pick led bellies. HO Otlll oO; pickled t houldera, $.00ft9 2o; ilckled hams. 111. 7d0 12.01. L rd. steady; western steamed. $10.40; rehned, firm;, $11). an; South America, il; ccmiound, $7.si1i8.00. 1 o k atendy; .amity, U.jtfiiOO; short clear, 19.0txa21.iO; m-es. le 2.S10. TALU)W-Stesdy; city (12 per pkg ). 64c; . countiy (pkgs. trei. 64fi64c RICE-Sieady; oomertu. fair to extra, 41,W7rt Japan; aMntnat. VA'TTEK HeceJpta. 8.071 pkgs.; steady to firm; slate dairy. 17tf27r; extra crexmery, 29c: common to choice, 192Hge. CHEE6E-Rclpis. 4.ST8 pkgs.; firm; fancy, large, elate full cream, fail made, colored. 14Vi"14c; white. 14tJ144c; fancy, small.' color.!. lc: white. I4c. EOOS Reoelpts. 32.742 pkgs.; Arm; state and Pennsylvania, 14,0 154c;" fancy west ern, 14e. POULTRY-Al'.ve: Flrme.-. rb'ckens. Uc; turkeys, 16c; pi wis. 16c. Dressed: Firm; wei tern fowls. 1-tc: .urkeys, lsc. METALS Advancing 7s to llsl for p. t and 139 15 for futures In th Indo j market. Tin hre was very quiet but steady gt $.; Vi4;i30.7S. Copper dec.lne.1 1 ,m a-1 a London, where spot nl futurea closed at 63l.'s. Th New York market, however, remained quiet and wnehang-eo.. Standard Is quoted at $13 76. lake and elec trolytic at $14. 74? 15.00 and casting at $14.6td 150,1 i.esa ws ss se iowa. n umaon at 1$ 17s tJ. but remained q let her at $4 (74 Siwitrr was unchansed both In New York aud LooJun. Th latter injrktt closed at Northwest receipts, 280 cars, against 145 last week. Local receipts, M cars, with none contract; estimates for Wednesday, 20 cara. Contract stocks, 3,248,000 bushels; de creased, L'2l.fl00. CORN The market has been rather easy, with trade largely changing. There has been selling of May and buying of July by Cudahy. The May discount under the July widened to 4c. The cash market waa un changed. There was a sa'e made of a cargj No. 3 corn at 4c under the May In atore. Contract stock, 2,526,000 bushels; Increased, 101.000 bushels. Public and private stocks, 9,297.000 bushels: Increased, 8(9.000. Cables were up a. fraction. New Tork reporta 12 loadsfor export. Local receipts, 160 cars, with 1 ccntract; estimates for tomorrow, 100 cars. Clearances. 72.000 bushels. Primary receipts, 461400 bushels, against 485,000 last week; pr.raary shipments, 644,000. . The weather Is better for movement. Western offering very small. OATS There has been a slight yielding In the oat market, prices up 44c early, but later losing more than this advance. The ! followed by the renewed strength and the market was Influenced by the fine weather close was active and and not so much talk of del ayed seeding The rash market was unch nged to 4c higher. Local receipts, 237 cars, with 9 con tract; estimates for tomorrow. 115 cars. Clearances, 23,000 buahela. New York re ports 100.090 bushel taken for export. Stock of standard, 433.000 bushels; decreased. 87. 000 bushels: stock of No. 2, 235.000 bushels, decreased 2.000. Public snd private stock, 4.9WOOO buahela; Increased. 73.000. PROVISIONS The market onened irnm in sympathy with grain and higher hog frarket. Harris-Gates were liberal seller of Mav lard and ribs. Trade light, with very little support to the market. There were 15,00" hogs; market rather slow, fc&lOe hlrher. Estimates for tomorrow. 23 000 head. Hoes In the west today, 48,609 head ag'lnt 68.309 'at we k. WEARE GRAIN AND ELEVATOR CO. money market and effset the previous ab sorption by the subtreasury. The payment over the counter of the subtreasury serves also to allow the amount to figure In the average of the reserves of the banks for one more day than would an ordinary sub treasury operation. The disbursement of the government Interest payable on April 1, will further relieve the drain Into the subtressury. Foreign money markets showed the same spirit of expectancy of eaaler conditions nnd discounts were quot ably lower In Berlin and London, the pub lished opinions of a leader In the financial world expressing confidence In the dura tion of prosperous conditions and faith In the soundness of securities which remains to be digested In the market were much discussed. There Is not one current factor which is as potent In causing disquiet and hesitation over the financial outlook as the existence of this mass of apparently un salable matter in the market and the meas ures necessary to protect theae ho'.dlngs are undoubtedly the cause of constant liquidation of securities of the highest grade. The proclamation of faith in the new securities by a well recognized au thority on values therefore had a marked effect on sentiment. There were occasional interruptions to the advance, the moat notable occurring ai'ter the strong opening, when a general attack waa made on the list. Sugar yielded easily by reason of the re duction In price of granulated grades, and amalgamated was depressed on account of the violent' break In the London copper market. Later the Wabash securities were rold on account of the proposed 810,000,000 bond Issue, but the weakness of thia grade of securities was not as Influential In shaping sentiment as the evidence that support wss offered New York Central. Pennsylvania, St. Paul and the high grade railroads stocks. Doubtless a demand to cover shorts played a part In the strength but concession of liquidation In the high grade Investment stocks afforded great re rellef to the sentiment of depression lately prevalent In the market. The flurries in the call money market Interrupted the advance, but did not cause weakness. Call money roae to 15 per cent in the last hour, but the temporary chtck to the advance waa iewea sirenajm ana tne strong at abiut the ton level. The dav's araln reached 2-S2" points for St. Paul. New York Central and Union Pacific, which were the most conspicuous stocks in the trading. Galna of a point or more were numerous. Bonds were stesdy snd not very active. Total sales, par value, $2,590,000. United States old 4s declined 4c and the ta regis tered srd the new 4s coupon He per cent on Ihe call. The following are the quotations on the New York Stock excnanne Kansas City' Live Stock Market. KANSAS ,C1TY, March 31. CATTLE Receipts, 8.800 head natives, 200 head Tex ana, 200 head native, calves; heavy beeves, steady to 10c lower; llgnt, steady to strong; quarantine, strortg: 'erood cows and heifers opened steady to strong, closed easy; good stockers and feeders steady to strong, others weak; choice export and dressed beef steers, t4.5itfii.20; fair to good, $3.80 4.50; stockers and feeders, $3.004.6; west ern fed steers. $3.O9i&5.00; Texas and Indian steers, $3. 764.60; Texas cows, $3.60(84.00; na tive cows, $1.60(4.40; native heifers, 3.0'(j; 4.65; canners. $1.50(gi2.35; bulls, $3.154.60; calves, $2.00fa6.90. HOGS Receipts, 10.000 head; market steady; top, $7,424; bulk of sales, $7.263 7.40; heavy. $7.30(7.424; mixed packers, $7.10 f7.374; light. $7.007.25; yorkers, 7.151.25; piga, fc.25G7.0O. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8,000 head; market l(lfc higher; native lambs, $5.557.50; western lambs, $3.757.46; fed ewes, $4.653T6.10; western wethers, $4.603 6.80; Texas clipped sheep, $4.9O&6.90; stock ers and feeders. $3.60tii'4.7O. March 1 March 2 Msrcu a 3 61 . $ I Oil 5 22 1 I 68, 3 il 3 il $ I S4 6 28 4 66, 6 62 1 851 t 47 1 l2. s 71 I 4 6J1 $ 11 S 731 $ 2' March 4.i 7 01WI 071 6 22! IM II March o. 7 114, 6 T 6 o 4 14( 821 Aiareh . 7 05-a 9S 6 .14! 4 70 I M Marcn 7. 7 1&4I 7 10 6 37 4 71 1 4 60 I 89 Mtrch 8.1 - 1 O01 6 391 4 72i $ 1 76i Marrn III 7 11U. ' k 11 1 1 ', X Ml 1 761 March 10 1 25 I US?! 4 111 I kl I (Mi I 6- March 11 7 39 u t 401 8 69 4 i9 X 61 .uai tb 121 7 Us, 6 181 6 4'. 4 76 74 3 0 March 13 7 234! ( 2o t 4Si 4 79 60 I 3 71 681 3 $1 2 81 91 3 91 4 01) March 14 7 284l 13 6 6a 4 76 8 63, $ March U, i 111 o eoi 4 19 3 69 3 March 161 ' 194' I 5 661 4 So I 6ji March i7 7 lo 151 4 94 8 651 I March 18 7 tk4 2l 6 66 Marcn in I iv; o ii o oi March 201 7 33 March 21 7 34 March . 22 March 23. 7 45 March 24 7 36 March 2ol 7 2S raarcn zo I zivt March 27 j 7 264 March 28 7 3t4 March 2 Mutch 80 7 22 I March 31 1 7 27TI 4 89 6 17; 6 711 4 b6 201 IK III 701 I 651 8 71 $ 66 73 i 8 i3i a oo 3 66 2 75: 6 32 6 S0 4 c6 3 tk i 76, 3 H 1 81i 4 ftji 8 6Ji 8 76i $ 91 (29 4 93 3 60 3 711 3 91 t bi a M 8 6o 3 91 3 86 $ 67 6 S8 6 76 $ 6 6 X6l 6 8i l 4 89l 46! 6 85l 4 97) $ 601 8 ' 6 SO 6 05 18 (6 ( C -I 6 86 6 16 3 60 X 6o $ 83 6 89 6 12 2 63 3 62 $ 81 6 66 6 10 6 39 X 63 8 91 Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars Of stock brought in today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.HVs. C. M. ft BL P 11 Wabash 2 Missouri Pacific 9 Union Pacific system 40 C. 4 N. W 6 F., E. ac M. V 85 C, Ht. P., M. O.... 27 B. St M 37 C, B. 4 12 C, R. I. Ac P., east.. 8 C, K. I. ft P., west.. 2 Illinois Central 7 Total receipts 1S6 The disposition of the day's receipts waa as follows, each biyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: 17 .. 1 1 2 19 13 1 3 21 10 6 19 11 8 12 .. 1 1 .. .. j .. i 99 84 ll I western ewes 97 western lambs 21 Colorado yearlings. 794 weatern yearlings... 119 western yesrllngs 36 Mxlcan lambs li c.lpped eves 4W c Ipped ewea 229 tied r yearlings 7 weatern ewea 18 weatern ewea 83 Colorado wrs 47 weatern ewea 671 weatern wethers Ml clipped ewes and wethers. 170 Colorado yenrilnga 26i Colo, a 1o lambs...,. M Colorado lambs 609 Colorado lambs 2-2 Colorado lambs i ewea 193 western cull lambs 110 OO 63 . M 'It 61 66 t2 68 llHl 84 79 106 1'M 79 70 70 i 81 it.' 66 X 75 5 76 8 25 6 6(1 u ;.i 75 1 5d 2 u 5 8. 6 8, 5 75 m 6 25 . 6 on 7 2. I 3o I 2.i 7 25 6 S 2o penrla Market. TEORIA. III., Msrch Jl.-CORN-Steady No. T. li'c. t)A'i S Ktendy; No. 2 white. S2433c WHI8KY-I1.30. K I'OS'I OKKIt E ..NOTICE. n.'.'. .. 630 4 16 COWS AND HEIFERS. ..' 4S0 .. 60 .. U . . ikS .. 44(1 .. (40 .. 401 .. CS6 .. 477 .. Tl .. 45S .. 110 .. MO . . 1 .'60 ,.12f0 ..1030 ..1140 . .14111 ..1070 li I HO ,i HEIFERS. I 41 t 7S : m i 80 I 00 t 00 8 10 I la I 10 I 15 I I 7u Jo. to... i... U... ... It... 4... 11... 14... I... 4... 1. BULLS. i to t no t ts I 15 J 90 I 40 2.. 1. 1U.1S ... alt ... 172 ... Hit ... wfi ... 2 .. 10 ... 7M ... anil ... 71 ... "1 ... ... 7j ... 7 ...14M ... 810 ...170 ...17S0 ... 400 ...400 ...11M 4 06 4 10 I 7t I Th I 7 1 SO I SO 3 40 I M I SO A 4 00 4 00 4 10 t 40 I 4ft I 10 I 70 Ta 4 00 4 00 ?.... I.... 1. CALVES.. .. IbO 4 U 4 187 W ..100 t 00 1 100 IS .. N 121 1 100 26 ..110 00 1 220 60 STAGS. ..1000 I 76 1 1370 4 20 ,.14t0 S IK STOCK CALVES. .. IN I 25 1 4(0 8 60 " 'STOCK0COWS AND HEIFERS. 440 I 25 1 ISO I U (70 40 t 716 3 20 f M0 I 10 HOGS Receipts of hogs were rather moderate this morning and under the in fluence of a good local demand and favor able reports irom other points tne market opened tatrly active and a big nickel h glier. Ihe hogs kept going over the scales, so that by the mlduie of the forenoon practi cally everything was disposed of. The light hogs sold largely from $7.10 to $7.1i, medium weights from $7.20 to $7.3o, and good heavy hogs from $7.30 to $7.40. The quality of the hogs today wss considerably better than yesterday, which helped out the aver age price to some extent. For the month receipts of hogs havs been very llnht, as there Is a decrease us com pared with March of last year amounting to about 39,000 head. For the year to date the r.ecrease amounts to about 111,000 It should ue noticed, however that prices are about ioc per iw pounds nigner man tney were a year ago. Representative sales: St. Lonls Grata tnd Provisions. ST. LOUIS. March 31 WHEAT Lower; No. 2 red. cash elevator. 68c. nominal: track, 71(&73c; May, 68c; July, 66c; No. 2 hard. 7Y(i734c CORN Icwr: No. 2 cash, S9c; track, 29.i40c; May, S9Vc; July. 39,c. OATS I-ower: No. 3 rarh, 33c; track. 4Sii35c; May. 23c; July. 94c; No. 2 white. it c. RYE Lower at 47(fi48e. FI.Ol'H Dull; rd winter patents. $3 39 (3.45; extra, fancy and straight. $3.0023.23; clear. $2.7612.90. SEED Timothy, steady. $2.00(53.80; prim Worth mr.rm CORNMEAL Steady. $2 30. BRAN Dull: racked, rast track. 70c. HA Y Timothv. lower, $8.0"y 15.50; prclrie. stead'-. $7.0'(fin.0 IROV CTTOM T1E3 $1X5. H A GO I NO 6 764c. UK MP TWINE c. PROVISIONS Pork. 'ower: . Jobhlnar. standard mess. $18.00. I-ard. easier at $9.76. Dry talt meats ttoxedi. weaker; r-tn short. $9,874: clear rlb. 810i; .h"-t c ear-, $10.25. Bacon box-d). weaker. $11.76; C'a- 'lba. $11: short clears. $11 1"4. METAL Isd, Arm St $4,574. Spelter, firm st 85 374. POULTRY Steady; chickens. 11c; t'Jr kevs. 14c: ducks. 14c; geese. 6c. BITTER Quiet; creamery, 210294c; dslrv, 1Ki:I4c. EGGS Low;r; 104c for fresh. Recelota. Shipment.. Flour, bbls 70o llnoi Wh at. bu M.ft 4.ooi Corn, bu 74 009 18'nn, Oats, bu 129 0.10 139 00 """"' Minneapolis Whea, loar and Bran, MINNKAPOT.tS Mr. -h 31. WHEAT May. 7"':; Jul.-. TT(r734c; on track. No. 1 hut.., 7-V : X.. 1 ti.rthern. 74c; No. 2'i. 7 )c. FLOUR I- irt p.ents. $7.74i3 ; secon.1 nts. $X6-v?.70; first clearr, $;.70; second clnrs. t2.fvl.:it. BRAN In bu.k. U.j 11.50. Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Msrch xL-WHEAT-May. 64i644c; July. '4'(7Hlc. Cash: No. t bard, 6."ao; No. X, 34U44c; No. 4- tofl Atchlton '"a do pt J D.I. ft Ohle '4 do ptd , Canadian Pacific ....1294 Canada Bo 411 Chea. ft Ohio 46, Chicago A Alton M do ptd 0 Chkago ft O. W 2JH do tat, ptd 7 do 2d 'ptd 44 Chicago ft N. W 1H3 rhlcaao Ter. ft Tr 14 do ptd 234 C. C. O. ft 8. L WW Colorado So .. 24 do liit old '' do Id Pld V TVI. A Hu l-on 1 tiel U. ft W lot llenver A- B. O do old a Erie S" "4 in 1-' ofd e do 2d ptd jJ Great Nor pfd la-. Hocking Valley 4 do pfd.. '3 lllliiota Central 1" Iowa Central S4V, do -fd 4i'j Laka Prl. ft W 4o pfd it I, ft N "' alanhaitan L So. Railway pfd (14 Texaa ft Pacific S4 New York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK, March 21. CATTLE Re ceipts, 67 head, mainly consigned direct; no sales reported; dressed neef steady; dressed native sides, 54fic. Cables quoted American steers at 124184c, dressel weight; refrigerator beef. 9494c; approxi mate exports today. 1.162 head beeves, 1,10) head sheep and 180 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 172 head; good veals rated steady, other grades weak; very little business; a few calves sold at $7.00tJ 8.00 per 100 lbs.; dressed veals, 840124c. HOGS Receipts, 2,835 head, all consigned direct. SHEEP AND LAM BS Receipts, 229 head; Arm; common snd medium lambs, fairly active and steady; clipped sheep, $6,124 per 100 lbs.; lambs, $6.75(38.25; culls. $6.0O6.0O; clipped Iambs, $7.60; a few state spring lambs, $6.60; dtessed mutton, &104c; dressed lambs, 10(tfl2c. Omaha Packing Co.. Swift and Company Armour & Co , Cudahy Packing Co Swift, from country Armour, from Sioux City Carey Benton Lobman & Co W. I. Stephens Hill A Huntxlnger Huston & Co Hamilton Dennis A Co Werthelmer Rothschild 8. & S ..Vs..- Other buyers..'. Totals....... Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 916 1.597 1,839 1,769 136 940 464 912 1,075 629 167 45 106 77 30 23 9 166 60 74 23 99 648 4.480 7,196 4,391 1.113 719 730 6.953 St. Lonls Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. ' March 31.- CATTLE Re ceipts. 2.600 head. Including 1.200 head Tex an. ; market active, steady to strong; na tive shipping and export steers, $4.60435.20, with stilctly fancy quoted up to $5.60; dressed beef and butcher steers. $4.0035.00; steers under 1.000 lbs 43.50(4.26; (.tocker and feeders. $2.35iS'4.35; rows And heifers. $2.25(54.50; anners. $2.25f 3.09; bulls, $2.50r 4.00; calveei. $3.8087.00; Texas and Indian steers, $3.0oig4.60; cows and heifers, $2.40jj 3 30. HOGS Receipts, 7,000 head: market steady to strong: pigs ano ngnts. t.!ifirf.i; pacK- Toicdo. St. LAW. 2, j rs. $7.0i'&7.36; butrhera. $7.1007.26. Mel. R Mes. Centra.) Vei. National ... Ulna, ft 6t. L. .. J4o. Pvlfir It.. K ft T do pfd V J. c.nlr! ... N V. Cent--! ... Nerfotk ft W do ptd Ontario ft W rVnervlvant. .... Reading tn l-t r'4 do Id pfd 61. L. A a W. .. So tat pfd do td pfd St U S W do pfd t Paul do ofd St. TaclBe So Railway .liSV ... J ... 1 ... t ...1074, ... 2f'' ...a-.' ...174 ... 4 ... e ... 1Vr ...111 ... r ...44 ... 11 ... 7t. ... 12 ... 4IU ... ' ... S", Iftj' ...11 do pfd Union Paclflo do pfd Wabash do pfd Wheeling A L. K. do td pfd Vila. Central do pfd A da ma Ex American Ka i nllrd Slit.a Kt... Wella-Kargo E... Amal. Copper Airer. Car A P do pfd Atner. Lin. Oil.... do pfd Anierl'"'! S. ft R. do rifd nac. Miring Co.. nrik'va R. T Co!o. 7ucl ft Iron. Cona. flaa Com. Tobacco pfd. Kn. k ecirlc Pocklna Coal Inter. Poee do pfd Inter. Por ...... National ntarult .. Na'l.mal l.-ad .... 'o. American .... Parlfli Cn4St PaciSc Mall c. ..op'e ;a Presard S. Car"..... do pfd 'ul'mnn J. Cor... t-r.ul.ll- Steal ... do pfd ' Ten. Coal ft Iron I'-lon nij A P... do ptd I'. S. I.'alh-r .... do r'd I', i. PuhSer do eM f 8. S'tel do "f 1 w.a' lTloa ... Ater. I ocomotlv. do pfd K. C. Southern ... 4S ... 14 .. 9 ,.. 27' ... 4f ... IJ ... A14 ... SIV4 ... 47' ...t:o ...216 ...MC ...22.1 ... 7't . .. 40 ... 14 ... la- ... li', ... 4' ... M', ...1!4 ... t ... l ...l.iV, ...11!', ...14 ...rod ... 17 . .. 70 ... M ... 4n ... 2a ...!!! ... (. ... X'i ...ins ... 40V ... SI '.'.'.'Vf,, ...77 .124H . 44 . tti 74 SHEEP AND LAMBS Reo lpts. 500 head: market strong; native muttons. $4.60i6.iio; lambs. $S.O04K.50. Ihe top for springs; culls and bucks. $2.O0j-i.6O; stockers, $2.50(33.60; Texane, $4.0O4c4 .65. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. March 31. CATTLE Re ceipts. 2.569 head; steady to 10c lower; cowj and he'fers. steady to strong: native. $4.0) Httt'b: roa-s and heifers, I2.2iyo4 6": bulls anl stags, $2 s:jft.30; stockers and feeders, $3.40 4.75. HOGS Receipts, 5.897 head; steady; pigs, 10c higher; light and light mixed, tf lfrit 7324: medium anil heavy, $7.2537 46; bulk. 17. ..-l 7 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 4.127 nead; good strong to 10c higher, others 'teady; top Colorado lambs, 31.&0; wethers jo.75; ewes, $6. CATTLE Cattle receipts were quite lib eral this morning, but still the market was quite active and was quoted steady to strong on all desirable grades. For the month of March receipts have been very liberal, as will be noud from the tabie ohnua Th, Increase over March of last year amounts to about 20,000 head, and. In fact, the- receipts ars by tar the heaviest on record for March, f or tne year 10 oaw he Increase amounts to about 36,000 head. In spite of this rapid Increase In receipts, however, the prices paid here have been well in line with those at other points. Ths beef steer market today was active and steady to strong. The strength how ever wss confined largely to tne handy weight cattle, as the heavy cattle were not any more than steady, unless they were of very good quality. It v as evident, though, that packers were anxious for sup plies: and although there wete over 70 cars on sale an early clearance was made. The quality on the whole, was fully as , good as usual, but still there were no strictly prime csttle offered. . The cow merket was also active and steadv to strong. The better tho quality ?he Wtur the' demand, and the handy weight heifers of good quality and flesh continued to be favorites. .Canners did not Show much of any change ss compared with yesterdsy. 'ihe proportion of cow stuff was rsther small, so thst an early clnc W,VJ1vaed.e-.nd staos all sold In Just about the same notches they did yes- temay. , . 1 -j tmmAmrm nf The demana ior l"V;'", ''Tr" , gooa quality mumn --. - B wV. activi' ad "steady to strong on all deaTrabls grades. When It came to She common kinds, though, the msrket was a little slow and uneven, but generally .bout steady. Representative sales: aOOUl nitric CTE-S-Rfl ts S5, .'.'- 7Si Rock Inland ... 14 do pfd ........ Bank riearlas-a. OMAHA. March 31 Bank cl?ar!ngs for ttxlsy were $1,146.87.64: det reuse over cor-rean-'ndlna; dav Imt year. !9l.9u44. NEW YORK. Msrch .11 Clearing. $30!.. 665. ji 9; balances. 15.6JJ.7. U08TON. March 31. Clesr'.ngn. $i! rJ "; baiancts. $2,179,916. CHICAGO. March 81. -Clearing. $T7 $49,. 181; balances, .2,641,075; New Yoik exchar.e. SIoox City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY, March ,31. tSpeclal Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 1,600; stockers active, killers steady; beeves. $3.75i&6.O0; cows, bulls snd mixed. $2.25(4.00; stockers snd feeders, $2.75(4.25; ca'.ves and yearlings. $2.75tf?4 40. Hi k;s Receipts. 8.500- market strong to 6c higher; selling. $6 904j7.35; bulk, $7.0007.20. Slock In Slsht. Following wepe the recelpta of live stocK st the six principal western cities yester day: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 4 449 7 087 7.441 a.ooO 8.8H) 2.59 , 2.569 1.601 Omiha t h cgo Kanaas City St. Louis .... St. Jofcenh ... Sioux City '.. 12.000 10.01 "9 7.000 6.897 $600 4.00) 8.00) 60) 4.127 Totals 23.318 45.484 24,06: Coffee f -rket. NEW YORK. Msrch 21. COFFEE Spot Rio. qu'et. Ml'd. quiet. Fulures opened steady at unchanged I rices to a decline of 6 points snd for a time rhowed furih-r weakroi. declining to a level of 10 point 4 b"'ow Monday's cose under 'Iquldatlon anl ihort saltvi, bailed on lower European cable snd heavy receipts, but partially recoverel toward the clou under profit-taking by fhy rta. and was finally steady on th open ing basis. Sales were 16.ikai bags, Apr.l. 4.PV:; May. 4.1ir4.1&c; July. Uk; September. 4.6ic: November. 1.6'ic; Decem ber. $4 .KoiiH.oic; Januar, 4 90c; March, UM. i.oic No 1 1 t 8. . I 4 1 1 4 tf I 20 10 4 t 1 1 10 it"!"! 12 It t 17 21 14 17 21 3 lu It II 14 t 4 4 t....'. t 11 4 14 I 1 17 1 I 1 4 t 1 t 4 1 t 1 1 .... i 4 t J 1 I 1 It 1 1 1 I I 1 I I 4 t .... 10 t k Av. Pr. tf.0 I to T70 to Ilia 4 w 4 00 mi 4 e 746 4 00 too 4 00 tit 4 00 747 4 10 1071 4 10 1040 4 10 14 4 10 t51 4 16 4 16 t0 4 15 1110 4 It 7t 4 It 710 4 It 171 4 20 lOJt 4 29 11IU 4 M lilt 4 It 104 4 i5 1041 4 2t 120 4 2b liatt 4 20 1011 4 10 10K0 4 10 tot 4 to 1111 4 SO tkl 4 IV .1117 4 31 1141 4 W 1170 4 1 nit 4 w loit 4 ti 194 1 4 15 70 4 K net 4 40 1044 4 40 1144 4 4 4 40 No Sc... 1... II... II... II... 21... I... II... ... 44... I... :t... 4... 4... 10 4... 21.... , 1.... - 4..., 71... 14... T... . t.... I. .. .7. .. . t... 27... II... I.... 20 ... 24... ti... -.7... 5... ,4... 14. .. 17... 10... 17. . II. .. 10 ... 1. A. Pr. 1U 4 40 1240 4 40 Ml 4 40 Ml 4 45 1217 4 46 110 4 46 1042 4 45 ....... 107 4 40 1IU0 4 45 1241 4 10 1207 4 60 1434 4 10 U40 4 50 1125 4 60 ..1174 4 50 ..1145 4 ttl l!f0 4 50 1240 4 60 1221 4 50 1172 4 50 U)2 4 50 llaTi 4 50 12)4 4 nt I2t 4 it 1272 4 55 .1276 4 56 l!i 4 --t 1240 4 65 lint 4 55 If41 4 a loaO 4 40 1261 4 to 1M7 4 to 1(11 4 to 1307 4 10 I22 4 til 1214 4 It v-l.V.l 4 tt , 1210 4 70 UM 4 16 1140 4 76 H'KJ t 00 No. 41.. 41.. 66.. 35.. 17.. 86. Av. ...136 ...188 ...194 ...170 ...218 ...210 67 201 77.... ..20 25 2o8 72 198 24 255 61.... ..205 ..217 Sh. 80 80 80 71... 24... 67... 63... 19... 60... 64... 66... 69... 29... 61... 75... 72... 60... 54... 60... 78... 64... 70. .t 41. .I! .2sl ..229 ..234 i.203 ..225 .-.210 .'.224 ,..24 ...232 ...219 ...239 ...238 . .253 ...260 ...260 ...221 ...227 40 ..222. 40 80 80 80 '46 ...260 72...... 242 78 240 68 256 66.... 74.. 69.. 66.. 70. .263 .224 .256 .233 ,237 120 SO 80 120 Pr. 6 00 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 20 7 20 7 20 7 20 7 20 7 20 7 25 7 224 7 224 7 224 1 25 7 25 7 25 7 25 7 25 7 25 ' 7 25 7 25 7 25 7 25 7 274 7 274 7 27 4 7 274 7 274 7 274 7 274 7 274 7 274 7 27',, 7 274 7 274 7 27 4 7 2(4 7 274 7 274 7 274 7 274 7 274 7 274 7 274 7 274 Av. ...237 ,..236 ...248 ...228 ...248 ...228 ...235 ...268 ...262 ...200 .250 No. 63... i7... 30... 67... 69... 63... 69... 63... 71... 63.. 78... 49 243 44 258 61 239 66 : 71 73 74 2i, 63 235 78 264 62 274 63 266 69 243 64 258 60 279 .266 .260 ...264 . . .270 ...263 ...253 ...263 ...238 ...238 ...255 ...272 ...277 ...267 ...294 ...264 ...256 63 261 60 265 63 303 64 304 25 295 of aheep 61. t-9.. u: . 64.. 61.. 65.. 65.. 81.. 30.. 60.. 69.. 64.. 62.. 62.. 65.. Sh. 40 40 80 200 120 80 160 8U 120 40 iio 40 40 80 80 Pr. 7 274 7 274 7 2i4 7 274 7 ii'i 7 2(4 7 27 4 7 30 7 30 7 80 7 30 7 30 7 30 7 30 7 30 7 SO 7 30 7 30 7 80 7 30 7 80 7 30 7 30 7 30 7 80 7 30 7 SO 7 30 7 30 7 30 7 80 7 80 7 30 7 30 7 30 324 7 324 7 324 7 35 7 85 7 35 7 85 7 35 7 874 7 40 7 40 again (Should be read DAILY y sll Interested at ciiniines may occur st sny lime.i Foreign mails lor tne week ending Aptl: 4. ,9uS. will close (PROMPTLY l i a., at tile gcll'-r..! pOoiuUiue kl io..ue; .1 .' tc.i.o 1 1 6! MaiLm c.ose one hour eariie. than cosing time shown be.ow. Kegu.ei ua e.i4, p.-!.(. In. t malls close al foreign station haif i.uur ituer ih.ui noun, ,4 lime shown below 'except that s dpp.e.n.'ii lary mans tor Ejrope and Central America, via Colon, close on hour later at lurei... station). TrananfTuki ic Malta. WEDNESDAY At 8:W a. m. for IRE LAND, per s. s. Celtic, via Queetisiow 1 iniati ior other parts of Europe must o ul.ected "per s. s. I'e.tlc"); t 6'.i a. m. for f.UROr-E, per s. s. Philadelphia, vi Southampton; at 7:8.1 a. m. fur .sr. I'uKH I.A.NLirJ oirect. per s. s. Noordam tman m;i,t be directed " per s. s. Nooiuam ). Thursday At 7 a. m. for fiance, bWli.bKI.AND. ITALY. SPAIN. Pull Tl GAL, TUHK.KY, EGYPT. GREECE. BiuTl&il INDIA and i.OKENttO MAu yi !;'., per s. s. La Savoie, via Hatr. for other parts o: Europe must bj o, ret ted ptrs. . La Savo.e '). SA'lUHDAl-Ai 6:3tt a. m. tor EUROPE, per s. s. Campanli, via Queenstjwn; at 7 u. m. for ITaLi' direct, per a. . s. i'mvj tmail must be directed "per s. s. Tiave' ); at 8 a. m. for BELGIUM direct, per g. s. touihwark tmali must be directed pe. s. s. Buuthwark '): at 9:30 a. m. for SCOT LAND direct, rer s. s. Columbia uuail must be dlrectcu "per s. s. Columbia' ); a. 11 a. m. ior DENMARK direct, per s. . Island (mall -must be directed 'Vei a. a. Island"). 1 PRINTED MATTER. ETC. This steamer takes printed matter, commercial paper and samples for Oertnany only. The same class of mall matter fur -ther purts of Europe will not be sent by mis ship un less upecially directed by her. After the closing ol the supplementary transatlantic mans namea soove, addi ttonnl supplementary malls are otot-neil o: the plera of tne American, nngusn. t rtnu and German steamers, and remain ope until within ten minutes or the hour of ualllng ot steamer Malls for Sonth nmt Central Anierlcn, Weat Indies. Etc. WEDNESDAY At 12:80 p. m. (supplemen tary 1 p. m.) for TURKS ISLAND and DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, per s. s. Cherokee. THURSDAY At 8 a m. for CUBA, YUCA TAN, CAMPECHE, TABASCO and CHIAPAS, per s. s. Monterey (mall for other partB of Mexico must be d recte I "p.r s. s. Monterey"); at 8 a. m. for BER MUDA, per s. s. Trinidad; at 12 m. ( upV plementary 12:30 p. m.) for BAHAil.'tl and GUANTANAMO. and SANTIAGO per s. b. Saratoga. FRIDAY At 12 tn. fop MEXICO, per s. r. Niagara, via Tamplco imall muft be t'i reeled 'per s. s. Niagara"); at 12:39 p. i (supplementary l:3o u. in.) for ST. THOMAS, ST. CROIX. LEEWARD anl WINDWARD ISLANDS. ERlI'laii DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA, per s. s Korona imali for Grenada and Tr nldad n.ust be d'rdcted "per s. s. Korona"). SATURDAY At 8:30 a. m. (S'-pplemci.tar 9:30 a. m.) for PORTO RICO, CI'RAt'A i and VENEZUELA, per s. b. C ra 3 (mall for Savan 111 and Cnr'nana i"ui bo dlrectei "per s. s. Carac.ia' l; at 9a.m for ARGENTINE. URUGUAY anl PARAGUAY, per . s. Casllda; at 9:8 1 a n. (supplementary 10;:I9 a. in.) for i.'OR TUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA, KAVA.VILL V and CAh.TA.GENA, per s. a. Altai imall for Coita Rica must h- .i cd "p t . s Altai' ); at 9:10 a. m. tsupi l . mr-ntary 10: li a m.) for HAITI and SANTA MA RTA. per a. s. Athos (mall lor Pellt Giave mist Li-directed "per s.. A'.hofi"); at ii . a. m. fot CUBA, per s. s. Morn Caf"lo. via Hav.tin; nt 10 n. m. for GRENA5 at.d TRINIDaD, per s. s. orensdi; a li a. m. lor BRAZIL, per s. s. lennsoii via Pernambuco, Lahli. Rio Janei o anil Santos Onait ior North -in Prozt1, rvi gent ne, Uruguay nnd Paraguay must be directed "per s. s. 'iVnnyaon' ); at 10 . m for HAITI, per s. a. Prln Will- m li (mnr for Curacao, Venezuela. Trinidad. Brills i a:id Dutch Guiana must Ue directed 've s. b. Prlns Wlllem 11"); -t )?:S' p. m f o CUBA, per s. s. OHnda, la Havana. Ex- hi:. I 70 233 82 226 ... 73 233 160 84 246 40 74 234 40 SHEEP Receipts of shfr?p were quite liberal this morning;, but the de mand on the part of packers continued brisk and 'the market on good stuff ruled active and steady to strong. The half-fat j kinds were not in quite as good demand as the better grades, but still they held lust about steady with yesterday. Weat ern lambs sold as high as $7.26, and It was thouB-ht thai s good bunch of Colorados would have brought $7.60 easy. Western yearlings sold up to $6.76, and ewes of only fslr quality brought $6.60. Trading was sctlve from start to finish and everything sold early. There le nothing new to be said of the feeder situation, as prices have shown very little change for some time pant. Receipts of sheep for the month of March have been very liberal, as will be seen from the table above. As compared with March of last year there la an Increase of over 35,0u0 head. For the year to date Ihe increase smounts to about 120,00u head. The demand on the part of local packers, however, has been sufficient to take prac tically everything offered, and in fact fully 98 per cent of the recelpta have been sold on this market. The prices paid have slso been very satisfactory to the selling Inter ests. Packers apparently have sn almost unlimited demand for In spile of the big Increase over last year they claim they could have handled much more than they did to good advantage. Quotations: Choice western lambs, $6,901? 7.25; fair to good lambs. $6.00((i6.99: choice Colorado iambs, $7.0Of(f7.50; choice light weight yearlings. '$60O(fi6.60; choice heavy earllnara, $5 7f(66.00; fair to sood yearlings, $5 5 ig.75; choice wethers, $6.00S6.4o; fair to good. $5.2586.00; choice ewes. $5.2fi(6.76; fair to good ewes, $4.2o'36.25; feeder lambs. $4.75 6.26; feeder yesrllngs. 14. 23-4. 75; feeder wethers. $4.0iQ46j; feeder ewes, $3.0o7j4.60. Representative sales; ilVo. Av. Pr. 100 cull ew.s 88 . 4 40 230 Colorado ewes 79 5 00 06 western ewea 100 I 60 iclly. Ul: STEERS AND HEIFERS. 15 . . t04 4 20 .1134 4 25 .. 44 4 JO ..I22t 4 10 .. tot 4 10 ..1154 4 15 MO 1 11 7U I 00 M0 2 11 170 IK MO I 40 tJt I 4o ttt t 40 117 I to 1160 I 5 tut I 50 IM t 50 tlO t to W4 I 0 47 I tt .A. ..Ill t It 114 I It 1110 I 71 104 71 t7l 16 Mt I tt UM I 00 00 I to loan 00 lib 1 SO 47 I aj, 171 I 00 lew I no 100 4 to Ids I tt I at 74 8 ot I7t in UM t 10 tat I It it.. 11 4 1 it it .... COWS. 10.! it.! 17. u., ll7 4 40 Uut 4 40 ,1.2 4 at .1126 4 50 .11.14 4 at .1164 4 to lilt I tt 117t I 10 1074 I 5 100 I 50 1102 I 50 lilt I 50 nit 1 to 141 t 50 Ml I 50 1O40 1 to Ill 1 to toti I to U4t I tO tai 1 to nut 1 to tit 1 40 741 IK n ao 1 tt law 1 to uu 1 71 ItMO I 71 I0i I 71 l2i I 75 140 I It luit I 76 Ilab 1 li U7 I 71 llti 1 76 )2 I 75 740 I 76 llt I M 10U I M .. ..imt J to 1144 8 M Geo.- A. Adams Grain Go. GRAIN, PROVISIONS AND STOCKS. Members Chicsgo Bosrd of Trad, Bt, Louis Merchsnts Exchsngs and Kan- City Board of Trade. Room 224 Board Trade Bldg., Omaha. Phones 100 snd 1017. J. IC. Von Drs, Vice President. Writs for our market letter and oaaa -rain bids. private: wires. CONSIGNMENTS ONLY Consign your grata to ths . LOGAN GRAIN GO. KANSAS CITY, flO., And you will get best weights, best prices and quick returns. WEARE GRAIN & ELEYATOR COMPANY Members Principal Exchanges. Privets Wires. BRANCH OFFICE OMAHA. NEB. 110-111 Bosrd of Trsde. W. E. WARD. Mgr. Telephone 1611 Mall. Forwarded Uverliint:, K't-.. cept Transpacific. CUBA By rail to Port Ttmpa. Fla.. thence ny steamer, cic--8 at this office dtlly, except Thursday, at t6;30 a m. (the connecting malls close here on Mon days, Wednesdays and Saturdays). VKXICO CITY Overland, unless sperlnllv addreased for despatch by steamer, close i at thin offlce dally, axcept benrtay, at p. m. and 11:30 p. m. aunduya at 1 p. m. and 11:30 r. m. NEWFOUNDLAND By rati to North Sydney, and thence by steamer, closes at this offlce dally at 6:30 p. m. (eoncectlsfj, .nulls close here every Monday, WeilneTr oov and Saturday). JAMAICA By rail to Boston.-and thence by steamer, closes st this office at 6:30 p m. Wednesday and Thursday. MIQUELON Bv rail to Boston, and thenc by steamer, closes at this ofllce daily i.t 6:20 p. m. BELIZE. PUERTO CORTEZ and GUATE MALA By rail to New Orleans, and thence by steamer, closes at this except Sunday, at tl:30 p. in. and p. m., Sundays at 11:00 D. n. and tii:oi p. m (connecting mall closes her Honaays st 711:) p. m.). i-oniA t 1 v. a aiy raui 10 new urieans. an tnence by sttamer, closes at this offu uaiiy, except ruinony, si 71:30 p. ni. and Tll:30 p. m., Sundays at tl p and fll;Ju p. m. (connecting mall closes here Tuea 'lays nt 411.30 p. m.). BAHAMAS (except parcels post i..alls) Bv rail In flnml Kin mnA . K.r.,.. i.'.. steamer, closes at ihls office st )i:3u s. m. ever- M-T'i;, 'Vcdnesday and Raturdsv. t REGISTERED MAIL cloes at S p. 111. previous day. Tranapatlffe Vis 11. ' HAWAII. JAPAN. CHINA and PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via San Francisco, con here dally at 6 30 p. m. uu to March aoih. Incauslve, ior deapatch per s. a. Korea. CHINA snd JAPAN, via Seattle close tinti ualiy at 6:io p. m. up to April let, In clusive, for deapatch uer s. s. ivo Mini. CHINA and JAPAN, via Tacoina r hr oaily at 6:30 p. m. up to April 3d. In elusive, tor despatch per s. s. Achl ! HAWAII, via Han Francisco, close here dadly at 6:iw p. m. up to April 6ih, lii nusive. for desufctch uer a. a. Alameiln CHINA and JAPAN, via Vancouver ,.nd Victoria. B C. close here dally at H.M p. m. up ta April 17th, Inclusive, for des patch per a. u. Empress of Japan. Mer chandise for li. d. Postal ageuc) at biiangtial cannot be lorwardud vln I annua. HAWAII. CHINA. JAPAN and specially addressed inattrr ror the PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via San Francisco, c'oae hero dally at 6:30 p. m. up to April 9th, inclu sive, for despatch per s. a Gaelic. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, 'via bar. Fran clrco. t-lor here dully ut 6:30 p. in. up U April liOth. inclusive, for despatch per U. S. Tiansport. NEW ZEALAND. AUSTRALIA (except West) NEW CALEDONIA, FIJI. 8A.MCA and HAWAII, via Ban Francisco clou, here dully at 6:30 p. m. after March 28th and up to April f 18th. Inclusive, for dea patch per a. a. Sierra. (If the Cunard steamer carrying the British mail for New Zealand does not trrlvs In tlms to connect with this despatch,, ex'v mai)--closlng st 6:30 a. m., 9 -JO s. n. snd 6:30 p. m.; Sundays At 4:3u a. tn., 9:30 a. nt and 6:30 p. m. will be mads up and for warded until ths srLval- of ths Cunar.l steamer). TAHITI snd MARQUESAS ISLANDS, vli San Frsncleco ciua iter dally at 6 p. m. up to April :'4th. Inclusive for des patch per s. s. MarlDoss. AiCTl'.ALlA (exci--l West). .FIJI I. LANDS snd NEW CALEDONIA, v'j, Vancouver snd Victoria, ll. c. t "or here daily at 6 30 p. m. after April l8ih and up 10 Apru iiiiq, iiic.utiv. ior aeeptch s. s. Ai lowers. '1 f. toTr L mess otherwise addressed Wet! Australia la forwarded via Europe, ani New Zealand aud Philippines via Knn Francisco the quickest routes. Philip pines specially addressed "via Canada ' or "via Europe" must be fully prepaid st the foreign rates. Hawaii Is forwarded via Buu Francisco exclusively. Transpacific maila are forwarded to port of sailing dally and tns schedule of closing is srrangej on ths presumption of their ununarruuteu ovcrianrj transit. Regis- icrru man closes al Wl p. m. prevku UIHNtLII n AN C(.TT Pnrtiit Postofflce, New Tcrk, J. T. Msroh 27. 14. "at- vitwi tJ