to TOT! OMATTA PAILY ItEE: TlTESDAYMATtCIt 31, 1003. KEFUBLICANS VERY ACTIVE lUrj tt ths C;ty CWi Offics to Gst Karoni ou Foil L it. W DEMOCRATS PIT IN APPEARANCE Ed Stre-ete Says H WonM Bather See Temoratle domination Oo ia Howell Thai to Any Dark Horse. , ' Tht extraordinary Interest l going to t shown Id the municipal primaries and election Is Indicated by the number of non reglstere voters who are making affidavits and registered voters securing certificates of removal at the city clerk's offlte. Tho republicans outnumber the democrats many times, but twelve nonreglstered democrats having appeared and thirteen who applied for removal certificates entitling them to vrite In the wards where they are now ' residing. v On th" other hand, republicans at noon ' yesterday bad made more than seventy-five affidavits and secured as many certificates. The crush In the city clerk s office yester dsy was greater than It has been at any time and the Indications were that It would be heavier still today. No com parison could be obtained with similar con ditions three years ago. All the names with the addresses of the nonreglstered and removed voters will be published In the official papers for seven days before the primaries in order that they may be checked off and any possible fraud un earthed. Representatives of the parties and factions are watching that too closely, hour by hour, however, to make It pos sible In any event. Democratic candidate for mayor those who have so far announced themselves are very much afraid that the nomination will go to a dark horse and these avowed candidates are united upon one thing a re solve tbnt no dark horse shall receive that nomination. Ed Streeter, the commercial traveler candidate from the Seventh ward, speaking of the matter, said: "I am spending my money, Ed Howell Is spending his, others may be spending some, but I don't know. Now. t'want the nomi nation and have no desire to see anyone else get It, but I would rather see it go to E. E. Howell than to a man who has taken no part In the canvass and who has spent no money to secure an expression of the will of the people.. Borne of us dealre to have the delegates Chosen in favor of any candidate pledged to vote for no one who is not an announced candidate before the primaries, and if we can secure that result we will do it." It is said in some quarters that this fear Is mainly directed toward W. 8. Poppleton, who was defeated in the election three years ago. Mr. Poppleton is not an an nounced candidate, but many persona are looking toward him as the Moses who is to bring the democrats out of their wilderness, and it is the fear that such sentiment will gain ground In the convention in case no announced candidate has enough votes to nominate early in the convention's session. Prom the Inner circle of the Gopher Klan comes the report that 300 persons in the Sixth ward have Joined the organization. The klan la not meeting with the plain Bail ing that it expected and prospective mem bers are rather chary of Joining. When one republican waa presented with the applica tion and pledge exacted from all members, he said: "I see that the final words of the pledge re that all members will be bound by the action of the committee. Now, before I give this pledge I would like to know the Dames of the persona who compose this ' committee and the extent to which they can bind. In this pledge I am requested to promise silence as to all things and obedi ence to persons unnamed, and, so far as I know, unnamable." The reply to this waa that the person making the pledge would know all about it after he had been initiated Into the secret councils, but that the pledge of obedience must first be made, and that it was not in tended to apply In case the member with drew from the klan, except so far aa It in cluded the pledge of secrecy. In other words, the pledge of secrecy would be eter nal, bat the pledge of obedience only tem porary. Doing Uood. The following extract from a letter written by Mr. Oeo. H. Leader, publlnher of the Breeze, Akron, N. Y., will give you some Idea of the great good that Is being done by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy In curing colds. snd grip: "My wife and aelf have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for la grippe and wish to attest to its beneficial effects and thank the manufac turers for the good they are doing suffer ing humanity. Whenever I hear of a case of la grippe I recommend this remedy." DRIVE OUT TO SEE THE WORLD Two Syracasa Jtoys Take the Family Biasj a ad Start an Career ol Adveatare, Willie Anderson and John Hayden, two 15-year-old boys of 8yraouse. Neb., have started out to conquer the world on their own hook. In going they took along a steady old mare and a single-seated top buggy. J. W. Anderson, father of. One of the boys, telephoned The Bee from Syra cuse that he and John Hayden, father of the other lad, will pay a reward of $50 for the return of the youngsters. . Willie Anderson is described as being light complexion, light blue eyes, and light balr; wore a green suit, a light gray over eoat and low light soft hat. John Hay den has brown hair, blue eyes and wore a black coat and vest and gray trousers, a black hat and overcoat. The mare they drove la about 11 years old, weighs about 1,100 pounds. One thill of the buggy Is broken and wrapped with cord. The boys had bo especial reason for leaving home. CURED WHILE YOU SLEEP. Inatastly atop bUedtaf sad ftntia autaaaaa, eoeihaa. rails a dI cures, without knife, eparattaa or DAIO. Hatiawaa coo. stlpauua, raguiataa the bswala. curiur iaama Uoe.aapapaTa and tbe laus; traioet Ilia rwuv lu ftaoi caaetttatlaa. There U ao remedy K "tty cants that cure a wall deal 0ix4 caaa at file, eapacially aay caas ol tang aland lu. lammua aanaa taacbaa avary- Mlt9 that leia trua. nia tit II why i ha maay drus ' " ' I'M I r.netJae ara failurae. -UNCLE i7flf SAM CONK HUE CUBE" la kill a treatment conuatiat ut anp ',lt;U paaitoriai that nruuTca the cava hicti produce tt. raauit irom wfei.h yau audcr. aad eflta a apaady sad pairuaaant cur kit $2.50 ant by mall with pUla dt- fcV,. raciiooa lor uaia, aacaraiy in id. braria roar aitea Writ today, cactaaa U Jo aad be cured. MAIL ODDER REMEDY CO., Mioaeapoli, Mian. iy OtTARANTT BtraSIWO. -3 11 fl H i at. flu Boys' Clothin f t n rs Dept. Opening ? f JU Saturday, WiiK TO DAY-HEW OFFERS ' FROM THE CHICAGO DRAPERY STORE This gale of the great Chicago Drapery stock la one of the grandest ale ever given In Omaha. $20 COUCH COVERS AT $3.98 All the extra heavy Imported Austrian Couch Covers, ex act imitations of Kiskilim, Navahoe and . Uroche covers, that sold in Chicago for $20.00 each, go at that' sold in Chicane for $3. 50 and $5 1 CQ each go at. - XkJzI Tapestry Curtains from the Chicago Drapery Stock Divided Into Two Lots. $13 Curtain at $1.73 Each. All those heavy Mercerised Cur tains, beautiful, rich Drapery Portieres, that you would expect to pay ilft.uo for. In pairs, but you can buy them singly If you B .1 JVM 1.75 prerer, all go to morrow at each I LUCw VUl IUIU9 Drapery Stock All the heavy Point de Arab Curtalna, all the heavy Corded Dark Ecra Cur tains, all the Cable Net Curtains, all the Irish Point and Ay Brussels Curtains from this purchase, that sold In Chicago m as high as $16.00 a pair, go at All the $7.50 and $10.00 Lace Curtains a pair. All the five dollar Lace Curtain go at - 198 Lace Curtains-One big table of all the odds and ends of lace QQp curtains, some of them single, but most of them lo pairs, eaoh zaDs Regular$3.50 Nottingham Lace Curtain a one big table go at QfJ Regular $ 1 .00 and $ 1 .50 Lace Curtains one big table go at 3 Q Q All the Bobblnet from thla purchase, suitable fur bed spreads and window drapes of every decription, up to OU Inches wide and worth up 4 to tl a ard, goes at a yard lOla All the Cretonne, Ticking, Denim, etc., from this purchase, worth up to 40o a yard, go at AH the Silkollne from this Chicago store that sold for 15c a yard go at All the Cords and Loops, la silk, cotton mercerized f.7. Cr tfr and chenille, go -ateach IL'avCvL lUt All the Drapery Burlap from this purchase that sold as high as rrl 40c a yard go at a yard. f ard go at a vara All the Rope Portieres from this purchase that are worth f no AO up to 115 each, go at- fe-eaon W in dousL Oj U dr UprSsfgN ggjjg Windows ELECTRIC LIGHT LOCATIONS City Electrician Dealcaatea Placea tor Eiafci Mora of Ike New Lamps. Thirty-nve of the fifty new arc lamps or dered by the council have been located by City Electrician Bcburlg, though only a few of them kave actually been placed on the streets. The electrician announced a list of locations yesterday, which he has made subsequently to those already pub lished. They are aa follows: Fourth and Hickory, Fourth and Cedar, Tenth and Cen ter, Tenth and Martha. B and Ontario, Eighteenth and Sprague. Fortieth and Nicholas and Forty-Brat avenue and Cass. Yesterday the electrician made a personal inspection of conditions In the Sixth . and Eighth warda preparatory to designating some of the lamps for those parts of the city. . The Best Care f Colds Is Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion. Sure, pleasant, safe and guaranteed to soon cure or no pay. 60c, KI OO. For sale by Kuhn Co. Lectare on Christiana Science. "Teaching of Christian 8clence" will be the subject of a lecture at Boyd's theater Thursday evening. April 2. The lecture Is given by Carol Norton, O. S. D., of New York, under the auspices of the local Chris tian Science church. Mr. Norton is said to be a man of exceptional literary and ora torical attainment. Fifth 'Ward nepablleaaa. There will be a meeting of Firth ward republicans Tuesday evening, March 31, at McKenna's hall, Sixteenth and Locust streets. Hon. E. Roaewater and other prominent speakers will address ths meet ing, W. B. CHRISTIE, President. PAUL B. SEWARD, Secretary. Very Law Rates To points in Montana, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, British Columbia, Vtah and Colo rado, in effect dally from February lfc to April 30, via Chicago Great Western rail way. Write to J. P. Elmer, Q. P. A., Chi cago, for full particulars. ? TO SPEAK IN FIFTH WARD K. Roaewater aad Other Citisena- to Disease Local Qaeatloas Tuesday Night. At the meeting of the Fifth Ward Repub. llcan club Tuesday night Edward Roaewater and other cliltens will speak on municipal questions. The meeting will be held at Mc Kenna's hall, corner of Sixteenth and Lo cust streets, and will be called to order at 8 o'clock. Officials of the club expect a very large audience. Mortality Statistics. The following births and deaths have been reported to the Hoard of Health: Births Joseph Froakocll, South Fif teenth etreet. boy: Karl Kaka, boy; Joseph Vclllcan. 1013 8outh Tenth strtet. girl: Wii li'.m Young, 3-8 i harles street, hoy; Joseph Zeman. 1313 William street, girl. Anna Jewell, lJtob North Twenty fourth street, a gel 27; Mrs. LouUa Wengrr, 2411 South Si vt nteenth Ktrtei, ageu bn, Arthur K. Moore, 161a Kim atre.t. used 7 months; I.uttter Bay Van Horn, North Twenty-eighth avenue, aed ; Mrs. Carln Anderson, 3 Seward atruet, aged 82. Banaiaet at Arllaataa. Judge Blabs ugh waa one of the principal aoeukers at the tlrst banquet of th- ArllnK- ' ton Commercial club, at Arlington, Neb., j Saturday night, lie tpeke on "Village an 1 Town Imr rovemtnts" about 1 o clock In i he uoriilntf, many oih'r rpeakers snd , much t uth'L.:u (.recce i him. : The atteti Jum-e waa Ui, a. id surprised I . very body. '1 he Juitna ajya it one or the inot mrnrst and siontaneru lm t rove. mt-r t gth.ri. be I.hs seen In a lug t ma iou Kialt tuur I. tie If you neglect piles. They will cause fatal diseases, but Uucklen's Arnica Salve posi tively cures or no pay. 25o. For sale by a Co. rare: Dim Depart ment Opening 'S2cC:-5 Saturday. Jr-vMC! $7.50 Curtain at $1.00. All of those that sold in Chicago up to 17.60 a pair, in all colors, very handsome Tapestry Cur tains you can buy them singly or in raJre go at each 1.00 From the Chicago go at- 2,98 10c 2ic i2w worth I.7U aWO ELECTION CASTS A SHADOW It is Thrown Over the Meeting of tha Board of; OoTmty Commissioners, PROPOSALS TO INCREASE THE PAY ROLLS Sheriff Wants Tvro Meat Paid from ' General Fnad, Coort Clerk Asks for More Help and Jaai tora for Mora Pay. A coming, event the spring election cast Its shadow over the meeting of the county board yesterday when the sheriff asked to be" permitted to tap the general' fund for his payroll, 'the clerk of the district court petitioned for authority to add two more typewriter operators to his list of employes and the five janitors at the court house re quested an increase in wages. The sheriff sent In a communication stat ing that the fee receipts of his office were Insufficient to cover the salaries of all of the deputies and asking that two of them be paid from the general fund hereafter. He explained that the fee receipts had been reduced by the falling oft of mortgage fore closures and the loss of other business that formerly made the office self-sustaining. He added that It would be Impossible to reduce the force. Mr. Broadwell sent In a brief communica tion, simply asserting that two more type writer operators could be used to advantage in his office and asking the board to give him the authority to engage them. When the communication waa read Commissioner O'Keeffe remarked that It was singular that there should be an Increase of work In the office of the clerk of the courts Just at a time when the eherlff was complaining of slow business In the legal line. The court house janitors asked for an In crease of aalary to $60 per month, basing their claim on the statement that the cost of living had advanced 25 per cent within the last year or so. All of these matters were referred to the committee of the whole and Commissioner Connolly expressed the hope that the com mittee would act on the janitors' communi cation before May 1. H. R. Bassler sent In his resignation as justice of the peace at Waterloo, and on motion of Connolly, A. Stengleln was ap pointed in his place. George H. Ostler sent In a claim for 11,000 damages by reason of losing two horses and being otherwise in jured on account of a defective county road near Elk City. The Real Cause of Dassraf and Bald- aeaa. At one time dandruff was attributed to be the result of a . feverish condition of the scalp, which threw off the dried cutlda In scalea. Professor I'nna, Hamburg, Germany, noted authorltv on skin li ..nini.. thla theory and aays that dandruff Is a germ aicease. This eerm is real It resnonalhta tar tha dandruff and for the many bald heads. .It can oe cured lr it la gone about In the right way. The right way, of course, and the only way, la to kill the germ. Newbro's Herptclde does this, and cauaea the hair to grow luxuriantly, just as nature Intended It should. Sold by all druggists. Bend 10 cents la stamps for sample to The 'Herplclde Co., Detroit. Mich. Annonneeaaeate of tha Theaters. The attraction at the Boyd tonight and Wednesday matinee and night, will be the moat popular of all the Hoyt comedies, "A Trip to Chinatown." It was written in this late author's happiest vein, brimful ef witty flings, funny and complicated scenen, sparkling music, catchy songs and novel vaudeville features. It Is unanimously pro nounced the best and most successful com edy he ever turned out. Howes $1 bats. Spring styles. Quality guaranteed. Stephens A Smith, opposite P.O. Dr. Roy, chiropodist, moved te 150 Far ds a. - 1 r M v " l(u r M 1 Sensational Prices en Silk for Tubs u t, ! L 0 ai fron tha Hart-Van Nestor 11 M L U ,1 UhiiU k U -A k U Ml . THi: KFI.I4III.K f llillK, This stock represents the greatest variety of silk ever shown' In our city and en ables us to sell you something exclusive and entirely different. Special reduction prices to make? every minute of Tuesday a busy one. Wonderful sale on black sllVs all day. Wonderful sale on colored silk all day. Fancy Si.k and Silk for Lining at Unheard of Prices. 50 pieces of fancy silk, In pink, light blue, white, cream, cardinal, navy and black on sale TAieaday at only 15c. 50 pieces of fine all silk plaids, Roman atrlpes, fancy foulards and brocade silk and satins, worth up to $1.00 at 2oo. Elegant colored moire silk, handsome tucks, corded novelties, all color and styles, exquisite silk, worth $1.25 and $1.00 for only 49c. SPECIAL FOR TUESDAY ONLY We And Id the Hart-Van Nestor stock 15 sample bolts of high grade Imported fancy moire silk, all In blacks, moire rennais sance, moire antique, moire velour, moire francalse, moire broche, moire taffeta, moire gros grain, the most elegant moire silk from this sample stock, worth up to $3.00 per yard, for this one day only, at the HAYOENS' Creat Sale on It looks as Ifman's artistic ability could any prettier than those we show this season. riving dally by express. Our new styles are not to be found elsewhere In Omaha. As everybody eaya, they look different; they have a distinctive, nobbier, handsomer to be found In limited, smaller concerns. Tuesday's customers will be surprised and pleased to see 600 fine suits on our counters, choice of which Is only $11. E0. 200 suits. In 25 different styles, In all materials and alt colors, at $20.00. BUYING AND SELLING SKIRTS with us Is a trade in itself. No quantity la too large when we get the price right to suit us. Two skirt manufacturers' stocks 3,600 skirts In all on our counters for less than the price of the materials. About 1,500 skirts, more than all other bouses in Omnha combined, worth up to $10 and $12, on sale Tuesday at $4.95. 600 women's skirts on sale at $2.90. Beautiful saraplo skirts on sale at $10, $15 and $20. SPECIAL FOR TUESDAY MORNINQ'8 SALE. Black etamine waists Just received for early spring wear only $1.90. White alpaca Waists, beautifully made, lined for early spring wear, on sale at $2.90. Women's underskirts at $2, $2.60 and $3. 100 women's silk underskirts on sale at $3.90. 100 dozen wrappers. In heavy percale, trimmed with braid and nicely finished flounce, $1.60 quality for $1.00. GRAND MILLINERY OPENING SALE. A brilliant display of all that Is new, charming, tasteful and exquisite In spring millinery now on at Hayden Bros. You are Invited to call and make yourself at home In this elegant new, refitted department and try on the swell creations. You can certainly find your hat in this astonish lng variety. HAYDER3 BROS. ! ALBERT EDHOLM, JEWELER. THERE 13 A GOOD OPENING IN OMAHA FOR ANYBODY. It Is the 5 doorway to that place OPPOSITE THE POSTOFFICE, where DIAMONDS gj are sold, set ana matched. d A. TImia nnrl f nndfii n Our Time, Patience and Courtesy at Your Bidding as well as Our Diamonds. OPPOSITE THE POSTOFFICE. Bailey THE DENTIST ll Paxton 61k. Every Six Months Is none too often to have your mouth looked over. Your teeth are your best friends. Give them fair treatment and they will not go back on you. Gold Crowns, $5.00. YOUR DIAMONDS Need resetting. Our diamond eetter Is unexcelled In this city. We do all kinds of re-mountlng and re-modellng of rings, brooches, etc. Our shop Is one of the most com plete In OmahH. Spend a tew minutes In our store. Look for the name, ' S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler 1516 Douglas Street. YOUR CHOICE Of the five best sewing mnchlne made. The New Home, White, Domestic, Stand ard and Household, on small monthly payments. The best la always the cheapest. Machines rented at 75c per week, hepalrlng done and guaranteed. Best quality needles, oil and suppllea for all machines. P. E. FLODIYJAN & CO., JEWELERS 1514 CAPITOL AVENUc. Bqr Wyoming coal,cvn excellent .jiibjtafule jfor'HcvrcL co&i.f ine for coolcitiff. Victor White 1005 FArnaanJi.Tel.JU7 Cures Biliousness Constipation and Torpid Liver. LITTLE Free sample Howell Drug ANOTHER BIT OF BROATCHISM Tea More Saloans Forced to Close Their Doors While Others Ran on Sunday. Ten more saloons felt the force of one man power on the Ore and police board on Sunday. They were closed tight from mid night Saturday until Monday morning. In the meantime neighboring saloons were al lowed to run unmolested. The. saloons af fected are: Lerch & Van Bant. "The Hub." Seven teenth street, between Farnam and Harney. Tod Beecher, 2634 North Sixteenth. McKenna Brothers, 1624 Nicholas. William McKenna, 227 North Sixteenth. C. A. Peterson, Sixteenth and Vinton. J. M. 8chmldt. 13U2 Dodge. Andrew Thompson. 1102 8outh Sixth. William Young. 2S01 North Sixteenth. Chris Gaard, North Twenty-fourth. Peter Dupres, North Twenty-fourth. The order to cIobo these places was Issued Saturday by W. J. Broatch of the board. He did not specify any particular brand of beer this time, for some of the saloons sell Mats beer and some sell Stori. Nor did he give any reason why these should be closed and the others allowed to run. He merely directed the chief of police to close the ss- loons and his Imperial edict was carried out. The list of saloons to be closed next Sun day has not yet been given out. EXERCISES FOR THE REGULARS General Order for Ataletie Sports Are . lesneal by Department of tha Missouri. I General orders governing and detailing the new aystem of athletic exercises In the Department of the Missouri were Issued from headquarters yesterday. The orders provide for calisthenics, gymnastic and ath. letlo exercises at the- varloua army poets for not leas than twenty minutes at least four dsys each week. Poat commanders will devote at least one day In each month to sports, games and military and athletic conteats In accord with ths rules per scribed by the Amateur Athletic union. Poat exchanges are advised to encourage these games and contests by making lib eral appropriations for apparatus and prises. The names and records of those winning events will be published in department or Stock of S2"pls Silk Eo'ts. ATQ remarkable price of 69c. Black rustling taffeta, all tllk, IS Inches wide, worth 75c, on sale 41c. . Black rustling taffeta, all silk, 37 Inches wide, worth $1.15, on sale 9c. Black rustling taffeta, all silk. t inches wide, worth 1.75, on sale 8e. Black peau de sole, warranted to wear, W inches wide, worth $1.60, on sale 4. Black peau de sole, warranted to wear, 17 Inches' wide, worth $2.00, on sale $1.15. Black peau de sole, warranted to wear, It Inches wide, worth $2.60, on sale $1.4. Wlnslow tffeta Is selling bigger and bet ter this year than ever .before. The reason Is evident to every one. When you buy the Wlnslow taffeta you get the biggest value for your money It's wider silk it's made In more colore. It's better than ever la quality, and still the price Is only $1.00. Ladies' Suits and Skirts not make suits New ones ar look than thoae Vni, Dittintr ae waft n r Ott lilnmnnitf - HOWELL'S ANTI - BILIOUS PILLS Co., 16fh and Cap ltol Ave. . ders. A department contest will bs held annually and representatives from all posts In the department ' will be ' permitted to compete. In addition' to the several ex ercises and. sports named, there will also be polo contests. The officers at army headquarters are of the unanimous opinion that these exercisss and contests will . add materially to the morale of the army, and that the enlisted men will take hold of them with the ut most enthusiasm. ,' ' Will Do All This for Yon. Dr. King's New Life Pills puts vim. vigor and new life Into every nerve, mutcle and organ of the body. Try ' them. 25c. For sale(by Kuhn A Co. Janitors In Government Balldlnara. Senatot Millard has received . from the secretary of the treasury a copy of tha regulations laid down for the appointment of persons In the custodian and Janitor service of public building under th recent ruling of the president. No will be held until a vacancy exists aid none will be held outside of the town In whlrh the appointment Is to be ma'e. Neither the custodian nor the department will be supplied with the list of ellxlMes but the commission will send the custodian the names or such e'lglbles aa they are required by the aervloe. To Replevla Tattle. Another cattle replevin suit was brought In the United States circuit court yesterdayi The title ef the case Is the Omaha Cattle Loan Company against Webb Hults and others. Suit la brought to recover 107 head of 1 and 2-year-old steers on the W. E. Colvln ranch in Deuel county, Nebraska, on which the nlalntflT has a chattel mortKSKe -ef $5,256. A special deputy United States marshal left for ueuei county mis morning to levy on the cattle. Or. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Povdor Used by people of refinement for over a quarter of a oentury PR I PAR ID BY ... UR GR.EAT special;. Men's Siit at $10.00 There isn't n clothing store in town but what has a ten dollur suit. We have n grand line also. We think these the greatest suits for the price that was ever man ufactured. You will agree with us when vou examine them. A great many men agreed with us last Satur day. You will find a great difference between our 10, dollar suits and the, ordinary suits at that price sold about town. You won't find any outlawed styles in these suits of ours. We are continually experiment ing ourselves to get smart, new effects, and If some manufacturer evolves a new style wrinkle, k we are . quick to recognize its merits and adopt it. Jlence our men's suits are up to the minute, bustling with dis tinctive points. - "Vy-.J' OUR GRAND SPRING OPENING WILL WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1st. See further announcements in Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning's papers. :ADffSiOF llftW 1 I M W rnsT ST I 1 r I T r L1 I ir Kia- a .16UJ a 'farnam "A OOOD THING" The Knights of Klalr WILL know (If they don't know alieady) afier Moiidvy night. Marcn tnat tne marts t . . Knights of Omnha. ARE IN THH RIGHT PLACE, aa a SPECIAL TRAIN, load f these valiant gentlemen of Omaha ll visit their brothers In Blair on the ennv date. Oh we'll show 'em h few olher thing like WE HAVE SHOWN THEM i IUC BEST PLACE IN NEBRASKA lO BUl DRUGS. JSc Grave's Tooth Powder lr &.c Poisonl Fuce Powder 22' 25c Ssheffleld's Tooth Haste . $1.00 Oiomulslon 75.. M0) I'sychine 2M $1.00 Peruna all you want 6le $1.00 Plerce'a Remedies W j $1.0H gexlne PI1U... 7"i' $1.00 Temptation Tonic.....' ' 2i.' ' We guarantee the akove to be the new. eat stock In Omnhs. $1.00 Cramer'e Kidney Cure guaranteed 75- Due Texas Catarrh Cure one cures 40j 25c Caetorla genuine i 2ic $2.00 Cluster's Pennyroyal Pills $1.0.) WRITE FOR SPECIAL PRICES ON RUBBER GOODS. SCIIAEFER'S CUT PRICE DRUO STOtfK Tw Puaat-T47 and TOT. S. W. Car. Kith "art Calmae sa. Hen's $3 Shoes We want to call your attention again to our new $3 shoe. Many met came to aee this shoe after our firs' announcement and It made mtu. frlenda for us. Genuine vlci kid uppers with hesvy single soles. These ire, genuine vlci kid and not dongola kid we guarantee them to wear better than apy $3.50 shoe you have ever been offered and a comparison will show you we do not exaggerate any. Box calf uppers are with single or double soles, either style, $3.00. a H DREXEL SHOE GO JB.H; Omaha's Us-U-Dats S'i; il 1. M 1419 FARNAM STKEE EF J on rsBsr rrkjtional Bank ofOmaha; M it. a. taw 0m itu aura raM as Mattai ua.aM oarpiM had UNITBO STATU liBHUHITUHV. r'nat Hafvar. ' "" Maud. rlr mail IOMV lrk rwtWf Y T Hmll..n mt .i.J.r U . , ; TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Writ lav Eaaaple Copr. I varies H r?y- iiwa.eaAi BE HELD streets omaiia. Fashion's Favorite i Footwear Our lines of spring stylea are now all-complete, and we are prepared to show our frlenda and patrons the correct and up-to-date fashions of foot wear., The very newest styles for early spring wear the EARLY EASTER EGGS of fashionable footwear, are now shown at 'lifts store in all the nobbiest lasts : and newest shapes that have bten broatght out this spring. And the prices are always the lowest. FRYSHOEXa ,C fcn'l A Card! A Boon for Housekeepers V'a have Just received a PAINT RE MOVER that Is simply out of sight. With a rottle of our Paint Romover and a little varnish ou can maks all the old furnltuis look most as good ss new. All you have to do, is to apply one coat of the remover, let It stand 3 or minutes, take sn old rag, and wipe It. Off comes the varnlsb, dirt and all. Then apply the varnish and all Is done. Aiut that easy? Call and see It work at the Fuller Drug & Paint Co 114 Sonlh 14th Street. We sell paint. 2 ' V ti