Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 29, 1903, PART I, Page 8, Image 8

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Davis tell drugs.
Steckert sells carpets.
Expert watch repairing. Leffert. 40 B'r
Celebrated Meti beer on tap. Neumayer.
FOR rent-Modern bouse. T19 S.xth ava.
1 Cabinet photos, 26c per doien. 308 B'way.
Real estate In all parts of the Pity for
ale. Thomas K. Carady. 235 Perl street.
Herman I.und Is seriously 111 at his horns
On street.
Harry 7. Haas Is convalescent from a
severe attack of the grip.
Before papering: your rooms see Brenna.
man for fine goods and work. 'Phone 4j.
For furniture and anything in the house
furniehing line sea D. W. Keller, M Broad
way. Jewel court. Tribe of Ben llur. will en
tertaln Its members and their frlenda at a
box social Tuesday evening.
Another half-price aala on ahort lengths
of picture frame mouldings. C. K. Alex
ander & Co.. i Broadway.
Before papering; your rooms we want to
show jou our elegant 19u3 designs. C. B.
Paint Oil and Glass company.
If ou are looking for a baby carriage or
go-cart so those on dlstplay at t. W. Kel
ler' a. 40? Broadway. Ibey cannot b beaten
for tha price.
Tha board of directors and finance com
mittee of the Council Bluffs Woman's club
will meet Monday afternoon at the club
rooms at 4 o'clock.
L. O. Conslgney of Avoca, candidate for
tha republican nomination for county treaa.
orer, was In the city yesterday lojklng
after his political foncea.
If any of V. 8. Homer's customers whh
to give Immediate orders and will notify
K. h. Morehouse, lot Fourth avenue, they
will receive prompt attention.
Schmldt'a elegant new photos, very latest
shapes and sixes, 11.60, $2 and $2.6o dozen;
Isrre alzes. U and $3.50 dozen. Flrat-clasa
work guaranteed Schmidt. 531 Broadway.
Thirty-five teachers took the examination
Friday and Saturday tor atate certltlcatea,
conducted by County Superintendent Mc
Manua at his offlce In the county court
house. Our spring stock of carpets, rugs, window
curtains, portieres, oilcloths and linoleum,
la the most complete in the city. Our prices
are always the lowest. D. W. Keller, 407
Members of True council. Knights and
ladles of Security, desiring to visit fche
South Omaha council Monday evening will
meet at the corner of Pearl street and
Broadway at 7 o Cock.
We are closing out the balance of our
allghtly damaged sewing machines at very
low prices. Call early If you want to take
advantage of this offer. The Singer Sew
ing Machine company, S31 Broadway.
The funeral of Thomas Klrkland will be
held Monday afternoon at 1 o clock from
the residence of hla slater, Mra. M. Foater,
on Nineteenth atreet and Fifth avenue. In
terment will be In Prospect cemetery.
A apeclal examination of applicants for
positions as rural mall route carriers will
be held Monday morning at the postofflce
building at 7:30 o'clock. The examination
will be conducted by Alexander Charlea of
Cedar Rapids.
The preliminary bearing of James Burke,
charged with the theft of clothing and
other articles from a Main street res au
rant, has been continued In Justice Ouren's
court to permit the grand jury to take ac
tion In the case.
The Council Bluffs Trades and Labor as
sembly has elected these delegates to the
annual meeting of the State Federation of
Labor to be held In Davenport May 12: J.
L. Smith and F. K. Marlowe of the Car
penters' union and Harvey A. DeLong of
the Typographical union. Tha alternates
are: F. Hapfi, William Seymour and T. D.
Tha hearing of Otto Kahler, bartender
In the Red Light saloon on Broadway,
charged with embezzling 30 belonging to
David McKnlght, who alleged he entrustei
the money to Kahler to keep for him, was
continued In Justice Carson's court yes
terday for one week. In the meantime the
grand Jury, now in session, will Investigate
the case.
Plumbing and heating. Blxby A Bon.
Omaha Blka Defeated, i '
The return bowling match between the
Council Bluffs and Omaha Elka on the al
leys of the Council Bluffs clubhouse re
sulted in the defeat of the Omahana by
forty pins. The visiting team was enter
tained at aupper at the Orand hotel after
the game by the Bluffs team. The score:
lrt. Id. 2d. Total.
Searle 177 174 Vi9 4M
Deetksn 1W 18 177 K1
Hater 146 145 1S 439
Ktnyre 11 1S8 it 544
Wilcox 171 169 173 bll
Reed ,
Lucas ....
O'Brien ..
, 1H2
874 $1$ 2.548
$d. Total.
.806 (29 872
Gravel roofing. A. H. Read, l.?6 Matu 8t
Pastor Invites Haloonmen,
All the saloon keepers of the city, In
cluding the landlords of the different hotels
In which saloona are conducted, received
yesterday copies of the following circular
letter from Pastor Burlff of Trinity Meth
odist church:
Dear Sir: I am glad that under existing
conditions you have the opportunity for
Bunduy rest. You and your employes are
cordially Invited to attend the services Ht
the Trinity Methodist church next Sunday.
You will hr only gospel sermons, with
na personal matter Interjected, hearty con
gregational singing, and will receive a
cordial and hearty welcome and uniformly
courteous treatment.
Trusting that the invitation may be re
evlved and accepted wtth a full persuasion
oi me sincerity win wnicn u is exienoaa,
I am sincerely yours. !
Pastor Trinity Methodist Church.
Mr. Tieary la Charge.
Mr. 8. F. Henry hoe purchased a large ,
interest In the Evans laundry, tit Pear. ,
street, and bas again assumed the man- '
a somen t of the concern. Additional ltn-
provementa of the most modern types Of
machinery for turning out laundry work j
( f sil kinds have been put In, and this :
laundry la now prepared to do everything
that pertalna to laundry work In the beat
possible manner, and can sustain better
than ever the enviable position it occupies
in this city and vicinity. If you have some
exceptionally fine work, or a family wash
Ing. telephone 290 end a wagon will sail
promptly for your bundle.
Real Estate Transfers.
These transfers were Sled yesterday In
the abstract, title and loan office of J. W.
Squire. 101 Pearl street:
Nelli M. Currlr and to E.
H. Lntigee, t nH and n1 saw
3-76-41. w. d $ 8.400
AOrrt W, Caady and wife to W. II.
M'ipeck. lets li and is. Thomas
Kld.r'H add., w. d P. Zimmerman and wife to
Jens ('hrletlunseti. lot 4 end e'i lota
I a and 7, block 2. Avoca, w. d
it. rem V. H!ead and wife to Soren
Jvu-rson. lot 8, b:ock 19, Qalesburg
add., w. d ,
It. A. Terry and wife to Caroline
Front, lota I to S, block 170, Creseent,
w. (1
A. Wtirrtn to J. P. Orenshlelds,
let . blork M. Psrry's 11 add. w. l.
T. J. Evans lo ame, lijt U to 15.
bUtfk CO. Verry's let add . w. d
Receivers of OfTtoer V'ev to same.
Iciis 7, I sr,d 0, bli't k ao, Psrry 1st
add., r. 1
Robert Weakly and wife to F. A.
4'srren, lot 9, blck Perry's lt
f 4 . w. d
Nine tianif'rs, total
Pearl ht.. Council bluffs. 'Phone $.
Half of Judgment Against Motor Company
Goes to Attorney.
Farmer Pleads Misrepresentation by
Agreat as a Defenae Agalaat Nolo
Given to a Medical
A settlement was finally reached yester
day In the matter of the estate of Mrs.
Emma Holman and a decree In accordanca
with the terms of the settlement wag en
tered by Judge Wheeler of tha district
court The eitata originally amounted to
$14,049, being a Judgment of $12,000, In
terest and costa obtained by Mra. Holman
against the motor company. Of this Mrs.
Holman's attorneys, Fllcklnger Bros., re
ceived $7,024.68. James Holman, the bus
band, receives $2,300 and Mrs. Roto, mother
of Mra. Holman, who cared for her during
her sickness, receives $2,804.13. Frank
Read, administrator, receives $193 for bis
services and the balanco la divided up
among numerous creditors.
Mrs. Alma Murphy was granted a di
vorce by Judge Wheeler yesterday from
W. A Murphy and given the custody of tha
minor aon.
O. H. France, a farmer living near
Osceola, la., has filed ah answer to tha
suit brought agalnat blm by John W. Creek
mur to recover on a not for $150 given by
Franca in favor of the University Medical
Institute. Franca alleges that ha gave
tha note on the representation that tha
institute was a branch of the Chicago uni
versity, which, be says, he bas alnca
learned la not the case. He says that a
atranger called at his residence on the
farm one day and volunteered to make
a medical examination of France, hla wife
and daughter. The atranger, ao France al
leges, worked upon his credulity by Inform
ing him that be (France) was imminently
threatened with paralysis; that his wlte'a
system was filled wtth a dangerous poison
and that his daughter was afflicted with
a dangerous and progressive malady.
N. T. Plumbing Co.. Tel. 250. Night, FM7.
With the Charches.
German Methodist Episcopal Church,
Thirty-second and North Seventh Street,
Rev. Henry Muenster, Pastor 8unday
services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Rev.
H. Zimmerman, presiding elder of the Bur
lington district, will conduct the meetings
and administer the Lord's aupper In the
morning. He Is expected to remain a few
daya to help - In the meettnga which are
now being held at the church every evening
except Saturday. The meetings are held In
Oerman and will probably be continued
till Easter. All German friends very cor
dially invited.
Rev. George Edward Walk, rector of St.
Paul'a Episcopal church, will preach this
morning on "Religion for Busy People."
At the vesper service he will speaa on
"Some Important Epochs In Church His.
tory." Lenten services will bo held this
Week on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
and Friday afternoons at 4,: SO o'clock. '
At Grace Episcopal church. Lay Reader
Edwin Abbott will conduct morning service J
at 11 O'clock. Sunday school will be held
at 9:45 a. m.
This will be the order of services today
at the Fifth Avenue Methodist church:
Class meeting at 9:45 a. m.. Preaching
at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m Sunday
school at noon, Junior league meeting at
I p. m.. Epwortb leaguo meeting at 8:30
p. m. In the morning tfc pastor. Rev. J.
W. Abel, wi'! preach on "Oethsemane."
His subject In the" evening will be "The
Message of the Cross."
At Trinity Methodist church, the pastor,
Rtv. A. E. Burlff, will preach in the morn
ing on the subject. "Rest." His theme in
the evening will be "The Lamb of Cod."
Rev. Newman H. Burdlck will speak both
morning and evening today at the Second
Presbyterian church. Assisted by W. Henry
Collision, he will continue the evangellstlo
services each evening" of tbla week, except
Rev. James Thomson, pastor of the First
Congregational church, will deliver one of
his popular illustrated lectures on "The
Life pf Christ" this evening. Hla subject
will embrace incidents from the raising ot
Lasarua to Christ's entry Into Jerusalem.
At the morning service Rev. Thomson will
preach on "Christian Courage."
Thla evening, at the First Baptist church,
the pastor, Rev. MUford RIggs, will preach
especially for the young people of the
church and the ordinance -of baptism will
be administered. . Preaching services will
be at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday
school will be at noon and the Young
People'! union meeting at 6:30 p. m.
At Broadway Methodist church these
services will bo held today, the pastor. Rev.
W, 3, Calfec, preeehing both morning and
evening: 10:30 a. m., preaching service,
It noon, Sunday school; 8:80 p. m-. Epwortb.
league; 7:30 p. m., preaching service.
Elder Jamea Caffall will preach tbla
morning at 10:80 o'clock at the Latter Day
Saints' church and Elder Edward Rannlo
of Omaha will occupy the pulpit In the
evening at 7:30 o'clock. Sunday school will
te held at noou. Tho quarterly business
meeting ot the church will be held Wednes
day evening at 7; 29 o'clock.
The First Church of Christ (Scientist)
will bold aervloea at 11 o'clock this morn
ing In tha Sapp building, when tha subject
ot the lesson will be "Unreality." Tho
regular testimony mectfug will be held
Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock.
The Second Church ot Chrlat (Scientist)
will hold services in Modern Woodmen
hall. In Merrlam block, at 10:45 a. m.; aub
Joct, ''Unreality." Sunday school imme
diately after the service. Wednesday even
ing testimonial meeting at 7:45.
"A Model Church" will be (be aubject of
Rev. W. B. Crewdaon'a acrniop thla morn
ing at the First Christian church. In the
evening his topie wtH be "A Chores Di
vine." Services will la held at ths fol
lowing hours: Bible school at 8:45 a m.;
preaching 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Junior
Endeavor meeting st $ p. m.; Senior En-
neevor meeting i tv p. m.
Correct Vislttna Cards
At DrLoag'a, JOT Broadway.
f'aauaaevelal Club Doing.
Commissioner W. W, Lopmls wl repre
sent the Council Bluffs Commercial club
t the Good Roads eogveutlon to bs held
In pes Moines, April 15, prior to the In
ternational and National Good Roade, con
vention to be held In S. Louie. April 8T
to May 3. To theas eonventiens the Board
of County Supervisors Is entitled tsneme
five delegates Mayor Morgaa, three dele
gates, and tbe Commercial club, one dole
gate. Mayor Morgan bas not yet snounced
hla seletisa and the aounty board la expat-led
to name Its delegates at Its meeting
In April -
The eaecutlve eoatmUtee ol tbe Commer
cial club at He regular weekly meeting
yeaterday selected a design for a lapel
button. The button will be of strsw color
with the word "Booster" In red letters
scross the face, while around tbe edge In
small black letters will ba the words "Coun
cil Bluffs Commercial Club."
The committee yesterdsy distributed
among tbe members of tbe club carde to be
bung In their placea of business or offices,
bearing tho legend, "We are members cf
the Commercial club, the Boosters," and
In the corner a small map showing Council
Bluffs and Its connections with nine trunk
rsllrosd systems.
The committee finally decided that tt was
too late In the day to coniJ r the propo
sition ot entertaining tbe Iowa State Firs
men's tournament In Council Bluffs this
year, and Chief Templeton was requestsd
to ao notify E. I. Alderman of Marlon,
secretary of the state association.
Easter Cards and Novelties.
DeLong, printer and stationer.
Chnnee to Knter Naval Academy.
Congressman Walter I. Smith haa re
ceived word ot the assignment to this
district of one of the appointments for
1903 ot cadeta to tbe United States Naval
academy at Annapolia, under the recent
act of congress increasing tbe number ot
cadeta at that Institution by 100 per cent
tor the next ten yeara In order to provide
officers for the Increasing' navy.
To fill thla appointment Congressman
Smith bas announced a competitive exami
nation to he held at Red Oak Tuesday,
April 7. All young men living In the dis
trict, comprising the counties ot Adair,
Audubon, Cass, Guthrie, Harrison, Mills,
Montgomery, Pottawattamie and Shelby,
and between the ages ot 15 and 20, are
eligible to enter Into tbe competition for
the place and take the examination at
Red Oak. This examination will be tor
both mental and physical fitness of tbe ap
plicants, and will be conduoted by a board
ot three disinterested men a phyalclan
and two educated men ot prominence In
the district.
The applicant receiving tbo highest
markings at this examination will be
nominated as principal, and the next three
will be selected aa altsrnatss In the order
In which they pkss.
The prlnolpal nominated aa the result
of the competitive examination at Red
Oak will take an official examination aa to
hla mental qualifications on April 21, prob
ably at Omaha or pea Moines. The alter
nates will also be examined officially at this
tlmo it they so desire. In case the prin
cipal passes the entrance examination on
April 21 he will then be appointed, sub
ject to a physical examination to ba' under
gone at Annapolis. Should the principal fall
at either the mental or physical examina
tion the alternates will then be consldersd
In tbe order In which they stand.
When this appointment shall have been
made the Ninth district will have two
cadets at the academy, the present ona
being Allan J. Chantry. Jr.. of Ml Is county,
appointed last summer following a compet
itive examination In which a dozen young
men participated at Atlantic.
Correct Wedding: Invitations.
DeLong's Is the only place In the city
where they are made. 307 Broadwsy.
Concert, Brondway M. B. Choir
Assisted by Robert Cuscaden, violinist;
Mrs. L. K. Hypes, soprano, and J H.
Sims, organist, on Tuesday evening,
March 31. .
Chareh Choir Concert.
The Broadway Methodist Episcopal church
will give Its annual concert Tuesday even
Ing at tbe church, assisted by Robert Cus
caden of Omaha, violinist; Mrs. L. R.
Hypes, soprano; Prof. J. H. Sims, organist,
and other well known talent. Tbe program
la ss follows:
PART I. .,
Excerpts from Gsul's "Joan of Arc
(a) Movement Pastorale.
(b) Chorue-Hall Beautiful Morn ng.
(c) Tenor Air There Is No One Like Her.
Mr. Lucius Pryor. .
Violin Legend Pathetique Bohm
Mr. Cuscaden.
Miss Crane and Dr. Lewis.
Organ Marche Funebre and Hymn or
the Beraphe Gullmant
Mr. 3. H. Sims.
Quartet-The Miller's Daughter (mad-
rlga.1) a.llia
Vocal DoVst Thou Know That Sweet
Lend, from "MlKnon".............lhomas
Mrs. L. R. Hypes, with violin obllgato
by Mr. Cuscaden.
VIolln-Madrlgal 81monettl
Mr. Cuscaden.
Cantatti-The Story of Jalvary,..Bchneoker
Choir. Dr. Lewis, rtrrator. Mlas Efta
Kills, organist. 1
The spring terra of tbe Western Iowa
college beglne tomorrow. Now la the time
for those to enter who wish to prepare
themselves for teachers, bookkeepers or
stenographers. Enter now and bo prepared
to go to work tbe first of September. A
number of pupils from the public school!
will enter Monday.
Literatnre Department of Woman's
Clan Glvae fteceptlon Fri
day Evening.
Mm. E. L. Brown l visiting relatives In
Cleveland, O.
Mr. and Mra. M. Todd are visiting In
Colorado Springs.
Mrs, Ernest K. Hart of Park avenue is at
Colfe Springs, la.
Mrs Dailev entertained Informally at
whist Monday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mattlngly have gone
to Bcholes, Nb., to live.
Mrs C. W. McDonald Is home from a
sojourn at Colfax Springs. Ia.
Mrs. J. R. Bloom of Carroll, la.. Is the
gutst of Mrs. J. J. Evers of Fourth street.
Mrs. C. W, McDon e'd has returned from
a two weeks' oourn at Colfax Spring?, la.
Miss Nora Bradley haa gone to Chicago
on a visit to her sister, Mrs. W. B. Danlger.
Mrs. C. R. Cornelius and children left lasc
evening on a visit to relatives oi nwiwri,
The University elub will meet Wednesday
afternoon with Mra. A. V. Aakwlth ot Mill
Mrs J. R. Lambert left Fridy on a visit
to relatives in Cincinnati and other Ohio
points. 1
Miss Genevieve Baldwin will leave this
week for tho east to spend the summer
Mlsa Marie Peterson Jeff, yesterday to
spend the vtsitcn with friends at Cedar
Falla, la.
Mlsa Troutman entertained the members
of tha Kuchre club at her noma Tuesday
Mlsa Mary J. Stephenson will leave this
morning for a month s visit with relatives
tn Chicago,
Mr. and Mrs. Perry of Manning. Ia., are
guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. li. Illllard of
Glen avenue.
Mis Jensen of the high school faculty
has gone to Dakota to spend the vscatlpn
with relatives.
Mrs. C. R. Gravis has gene to Des Milnet
to v.sit trin-.e a"" re.ativtia during the
spring vacation.
Mrs. M- E. Hsrknesj has returned from a
several inon h visit with friends and reUt
tlv.s at nt Paul. Minn,
Mrs. Arthur B. Sweeting of Chicago Is
the guest or nr parents. Mr. a
ind Mrs. J.
T. Oliver of Park avenue.
Mra. Joftn N Baldwin left last evenlaa
for a short vlflt with friends at Chicago
and other eastern points.
Miss Flora Van Order of the high r.chool
faculty, aicompanlvi) by hrr mother, hss
gone to Phenlx, Arl., In the hopes of
bvnrtttlng her hittlth.
Miss Jeuwn of (ha high swhool faculty Is
(Contlausd on Math Pegs.)
Care of Them ia Asylums ia Banning Many
Iowa Counties Into Debt
State Superintendent Invited to At
tend Patriotic Exercises In Pabllo
lehoola at ralamalt, Phil
ippine Islands.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, March 28 (Special.)
There Is almost a rebellion In official clr
clea in this county on account ot the ex
pense to the county of tho operations of
the new law for cure of the Inebriates. The
county officials have found that because of
this law the insane fund ot the county le
likely to be exhausted long before tbe mid
dle of the fiscal yesr and tbe county will
be running In debt to the state. The law
providing for the detention of Inebriates
at the state hospitals provides that they
shall be treated as Insane persons so far
as It relates to their care. Tbe state takea
charge of all who are sent to the hospltala
by the Judges and the counties are made to
pay for their support at the rate of $12 a
month. If the county can collect from tbe
estate of the persons tbla ia done, but In
only a few cases can auch collections be
made, and as a result the county Is In great
expense. It has been estimated that tbe
total cost to Polk county alone from tbe
care of the Inebriates at the Mount Pleas
ant hospital will be about $15,000 a year.
This has caused the officials to seek a way
of escape. Efforts have been made to se
cure the return of many of tbe Inebriates
simply on the, ground of saving expense,
and aa the superintendent will not recom
mend paroles, the courts are trying to se
cure the return of men by reopening the
cases and giving a new hearing with tbe
purpose ot allowing tbe persons to remain
at home. The members of the Board ot
Supervisors also threaten to refuse to pay
the bills for the Inebriates and thus leave
the state without thla support. The situa
tion Is one unlocked tor and for which the
county is not prepared. A similar atate ot
affaire exists in a number of other counties
of the state.
Looks Like a Sotclde.
The police of Dea Molnea are trying to
unravel what Is supposed to be a euiclde
mystery. George Reed left a note to his
wife that he Intended to jump Into the river
and drown himself The police think it Is
a bluff, but they are looking into tbe mat
tefr anyhow, to satisfy relatives and friends.
This morning George Barkhetoer found a
package of tetters and photos on the East
Ninth street bridge. In tbem was a note
from George Reed to his wife, telling her
she would never see him again, aa tha river
would be hla resting place, or words to that
effect. Detective Yeager and othera have
been searching the river, alao Inquiring In
the country to the aouth and east, without
securing any evidence of suicide. He leaves
a wife and family In Southeast Des Moines.
Cnmmlna on Lake Bed Cases.
Governor Cummins, who some time ago
decided upon refusing to mix In tbe con
troversy going on In Iowa over certain lake
beds which are claimed as awamp land by
speculstors and others, has made plain his
views on the subject. Governor Cumoains
refuses to. ask of tha general land office a
resurvey of tbe lakes for tbe reason that
to do so would be to recognize that tbe
atate of Iowa dlsclalma ownership of the
lakes. But he holds that under the arti
cles ot admission as a atate all fhe lake
beds and meandered streams became tbe
property ot the state and the title to tbe
land which may b reclaimed by drainage
Is In tbe state. He bas authorized the re
newal ot leases of various kinds upon some
of the reclaimed lake beds and this is done
for the purpose of maintaining the rights of
the state thereto. There are some law
suits pending which it is believed will
clear up the entire matter and tbe governor
states that he does not want to Interfere
with these cases.
Pnrvln Case Appealed.
A somewhat celebrated Insurance case
baa Just come to the Iowa supreme court.
It Is tbat of Parvln against the Mutual
Reserve Fund Lite Association, involving
$7,500 of Insurance on the life of the lata
T. 8. Parvln, grand secretary of the Ma
sons ot Iowa. He wss originally Insured
In tbe Northwestern Masonic Aid associa
tion, but this was later transferred to the
Reserve Fund, which carried tbe Insuranoe
for some time and then demanded a large
addition to the premiums. This Parvln re
fused to pay and he brought rult to compel
the company to continue business at the
rate agreed upon In the policy. While this
wss pending be died. Ills heirs reoovered
in the district court the full amount of the
policies, though Parvln had not paid for
several y&rs, and now tbe company ap
peals to the supreme court.
Depositary Bands Approved.
The State Executive eounoil today ap
proved the bonds ot two of the depositories
of atate funds in Des Mglnes tbe Des
Moines Savings bank for $300,000, and tbe
Grand Avenue Savings bank for $50,000. This
practically concludes the work of securing
bonds under a nsw regulation from all the
banka in which state funds are deposited.
The articles of incorporation of tbe Iowa
Savings bank ot Tracy, Marlon county, were
filed with the secretary ot state today. The
capital Is $12,000; W. T. 6mlth, president,
and J. B. Lyman, cashier.
Invited ta Go to Calnmplt.
Stats. Superintendent Barrett today re
ceived an invitation from tbe pupils of a
school in Calumplt, Bulucan, P. I,, to at
tend asrvlcea on Washington's birthday, In
which the special day leaflet Issued by tbe
Iowa department was to be used. Miss E.
L. Evans, formerly of Iowa, Is the teacher
ot the school, Tbe Invitation was written
in neat atyls by one of the Filipino pupils
in tbe school.
State Superintendent Barrett ia receiving
letters almost evsiy day announcing that
in the rural district of Iowa tbe school
boards are Increasing the salaries of teach
ers from $1 to $3 a month, this tbe result
of the crusade which was started last win
ter at the State Teachers' association. Ths
tendency all over ths state at this time Is
to give the teachers better pay for tbslr
State 1)14 N Cat Tea.
The state of Iew has Just lost a esse in
Washington county brought by the treas
urer of state to collect about $s,ooo of col
lateral Inheritance taxes. Tbe case was
that Involving ths estate of tbe late W. A.
Chllcots. He died before the luberltance
tea law wept Into effeut and tba estate was
kept Intact until tbe death o hie widow,
which occurred since the law became effec
tive. The state claimed taxea on all the
property ahicb Immediately descended to
collateral heirs, but In Washington county
Judge Clements held that tbe Inheritance
proper for the collateral heirs began at
the time of the death of Chllcots. The
Stats treasurer will sppeal the case.
Iledlrat t allena Slnlldinca.
AMES. Ia., March 28. (Special) The
new engineering ball tor ths 8tste college
oiv Spring iooils, Dov; Easter Jouolt io
Q Yflra wide ailkollnes, good patterns
and sold formerly at 12Hc.
3QC Silk Waist, black and colors,
ZsiJ choice of any in stock, some
sold aa high as $7.60.
0$CI - Children's wssbable lace trim--Jw
med hats and ladles' stin bon
nets, all traveler'a samples and most ot
them worth double.
New French batiste, alt the
most desirable spring patterns
and usually retails for more money.
Taney pillow ribbons, 5 yds.
nf to a piece, formerly sold for
$2.50 half price.
O C Silk mixed zephyrs, very de
vOL sirable watstlng, In neat
stripes, same goods sold for 50o.
1PA Ladies' black mercerized
a-'" petticoats, extra doep
flounce and finely ruffled, value $2.25.
4 C Fine Irish dimities. In an end-
'wrf ess sssortment of pa' terns,
special values.
O for 6c good machine thread,
wv black and white, 3c, two for Cc.
EACH a large se
lection of trimmed
and readv - to-wesr
hats In all the poular shapes of the
season, both black and colors and
worth up to $3.00. (See show window
" V it .', -a as-
fvnss-f. saga, Cexa isieuuL
Is to be dedicated May 22. Tha program
will be arranged by President Stanton and
an effort will be made to secure some nota
ble speaker for the occasion. The contract
has been let for the addition to agricultural
ball by the building committee for $53,762.
Tbe contract goea to C. B. Atkinson of
Webster City. Tbla Includes also tbe stock
pavilion and the separate greenhouses.
Mlad So Badly Shattered Ibat He
Cannot Even Identify Per
petrators of Deed. ;
SIOUX CITY, la., March :8.-(Spefctal
Telegram) Returning from Janesvllle.
Wis., with her son. Earl, an 18-year old
hnv hn has heen a student in the Val
entino school of telegraphy. Mrs. Frank C.
Cleaves threatens to prosecute smaenis
for baring bar son.
Tha bov Is demented, the result of bas
ing, which hs claims to have undsrgone at
the school. He Is unsbl to tell aoout the
circumstances exespt to shufider at the re
m., la under a ohysloisn'S cere, who
thinks he will recover. In caae his mem
ory enables him to Identify the perpetra
tors of tbe act. legal steps are liaeiy to
be taken.
Ks-Postnaeer Killed In Bnnaway.
nviwa la March 21. (Special Tele
gram.) B. W. Henderson. ex-poatmaatr
and a well-known and prominent cltlsen
of Rodney, was almost Instantly klllod
there while driving a team, assisting bis
brother-in-law to move. Tho team became
frightened and ran away, throwing Hen
derson between a tree and the wagon in
. . OT.nnap that his skull was badly
fractured and he waa otherwise Injured.
He died In a ahort time. Hmdorson wss
about 45 years old and had lived In Rodney
for more than ten ysars.
Hloes Clly Water s Pore.
Binrv nTY. Ia.. March 28. (Special
rrwrmm ExKmlnatlonB Of tho BtoUX
City wster supply made by A. D. Meed,
Minneapolis; Prof. Floyd navis. ues
unin. nd Dr. O Rastus G. Smith, Be-
lolt. is to tha effect thst It la aa good aa
any In the world. It is aosoiuieiy tree
i .it imnuritlea of an orcanlc nature.
Water tests Included samples from all over
Woodbury county, made witn a vtew oi oe.
i..-.iniii a nnrre ef wster supply when
Bloux City's municipality-owned water
work shall bt reconstructed, h is no
tsined from gravel stratum.
Isna Professor .rrealrd.
EiTHERVILLE. . la.. March 28 --Prof,
Edsla Dukes, superintendent of publiti
schools, baa been arrested on a charge of
as&sult and bsttsry. ' made by W. H.
Foote for injuring bis sou Clare, a pupil.
I . iik
Broadway, Council
Spring Millinery
We extend a general In
vitation to the ladies of
Council Bluffs and vicinity
to attend our annual spring
opening. Great tare has
been displayed in the selec
tion of all our goods aud
having a competent trim
mer in our workroom leads
us to believe that this is the
keynote to a successful mil
linery season, and we hope
to be favored with a call.
Boadway, Council Bluffs.
Council Bluffs,
Wear teiA
Will be had from us if you'll only give us a
chance to show you our line.
Not a coat in the assortment that hasn't
the patent "shape retaining front" that can
not brealc down.
All the latest weaves and patterns at
SI0.00, SI2.50, SI5.00,
$17.50 to $22.00
Also a swell line of soft shirts just re-.
ceived "Manhattan," Wilson Bros., Mon
arch three of the leading American makes.
415 Broadway, Council Dluffs.
Va. mtm vanf
'Is m V
Preaching from tha Hcusa Tops
on the merits of our fine laundry work
wouldn't have half the effect thst one of
our exquisitely laundered shirt fronts,
collars or cuffs on the wearsr has upon his
frlenda. We make more eustomers from
our One specimens of finish, color and ar
tistic laundry work on tha wearer thsn a
lecture on tho subject would give us.
"Seeing Is believing," and our csrd Is
oa all the fastidious dressers in Council
Bluff City Laundry,
'Phons 214. 22-51 North Main Street.
OCJf-,Ar necktie la stock, all
'-'wBhapes n(j colors, mostly $0c
goods. In one lot, :6c.
2 A roll choice of wall paper..
2 everything, per roll. lHc.
A big lot of torchon laces and In-'-'wrf
errtions, medium and narrow
width, worth up to 12Hc.
i for tc Turkish and honeycomb
WW towels, good slie. Just half price.
A , Light prints aud gray print j, of
"w the very best "quality.
1 New drees gtnghsms. tbe most
t2 beautiful In the market and
will compare with goods at more money.
Lad lea' medium weight veat. om
brella trimmed drawers to match,
vest cut high and low neck.
RnmmAf nt ftnnai (tiaa Ir.
slwsys sold for 80c.
hose. 7 tn 1(1 rilna 9tn
f ( A VRD - Mercerised
sephyr walsting, new neat
effects, all colors, guar
anteed the genuine IMPORTED goods
sold regularly for 25c, SOc and 15c
Beauty Bath
In a beauty bath tub is yours If we do the
plumbing for you. We have tbe materiel
the "right" kind of tubs and supply plpew,
tho "know how," the willingness to do the
work to your satisfaction and our charges
are moderate. If we do it It ia done
JaC. Bixby &Son
20$ Mala $0$ Pearl Bis.. Council Bluffs. Ia
Tslepbone 11$.
Dyeing Easter Eggs
Is a most simple opsratloa If you use egg
dyss. Any and all solera, bright, rich and
rplendld. from sky blue to scarlet. Per.
fcctly harmless, permanent sad fast. Ws
have many pretty conceits and useful gifts
for Eastertide.
Prescription Druggists.
10. Broadway . COUNCIL BLUFFS.
Liu..'.ii !urcp