Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 28, 1903, Page 8, Image 8

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. .. tj, 4 J .
Pnvls sella dnje;l. , ' " ' t .
tockert wIlii cti IT'- ' ' " '
Export watch ifip.rln."tffrt. 40 By.
Celebrated Mets beer -on Up.' Neumayer. .
FOR rent Modern house. 113 Sixth ave
Cabinet rhotoi. lie Xr Oozcr- S B'waf.
8. B. Wadsworlh went yesterday to Mar
shalltown. la., on buiimem. .
Fine mllllnrry oiwnlng .Hattirday. March
IS. Mr. Alblu Muster, fcri Broadway.
Heal c-st.ilo fn all parts of the city for
sale.. Tln'itm E. Casalyf.!i:& fetrl street.
Another half-price -Bale- nn short len-l ha
of picture frame mo'ilillna; C. E. Alex
ander Cb .J Broadway. . .
liefnre papering your rooms we want to
show you our tn-annt. 19"l designs.,. C. B.
Faint. Oil anil Glee company.
Member of riluff Ctty. Masonic, lodge -will
meet at 1 o c:loek this af'rroon to attenJ
the funeial of Henry Wl Ptrvfllcy.
The membtTs of Council 'Bluff? loilge of
Elks wllJ meet. at the clubh'msc. ot, 1:3
o dork (hi afternoon to attend the'funerat
f Henry W. F.ndley. ..'-.'',
The hearine; of Frank BhanKs and Jime-t
Frown. cha-art'l wltb attempting to rob
Carl TroJn. wiue oontrnue.d yesterday lr
Justice Caraona t-ourt for one week.
Schmidt's elegant new photos, rery lateat
shapes and sties, Sl.uO. 12 and dozen;
larre ilzea. 3 anJ doten. Kirat-class
work guaranteed B hmidl. (31 Broadway.
The condition of l,oiiJs Zurmuehlrn, . sr-j
who was atricken with apoplexy Thursday
evening, waa somewhat lmprjv-d laat
Dlht. The attending; physicians how have
lioix-s of his ultimate recovery. . '
Judge J. JC. F. McGec and wife "arrived
h me yesterday from St. Louis. Mra. Mi;
Oee Is still sufferlTiK from the Injures she
received In the Wabash wreck
6t. I,ouls a week ago."
Frank Sml'h, the 13-year-old aon of Mr.
and Mrs. Kchuvler Rmlth, u yesterday
committed to the care of the Iowa. Chil
dren's Home society by Juan Scott, on
application of Hev. Henry DeLong. ;
Thomas Klrklaml, aired Wl. died yesterday
at Mercy hospital, lie was a. resident of
Omaha and leaves four young sbna. lie
b a brother or Mra. M. Foster, Nine:
teenth street and Fifth avenue, this city.
Owing to the Increased Interest displayed
In the evangelistic services at the Second
Presbyterian church, conducted by Kev:
Newman Hall Hurdlck and W. Henry Col
llssnn. It hue been decided to continue them
every evening next weeK.
The Broadway Methodist Episcopal choir
will glvn Its annual concert Tuesaay even-
Ing. March 31. Beside the special feature
It will sing Schnecker'a cantata, "The Hope
or the world, and selections rrom uaui a
"Joan of Arc " Mr. Robert Cuseaden of
Omaha, violinist, and Mra. U R. Hypsa will
The funeral of Henry V. Flndley, who
died Wednesday at -Kxcelsior'Sprlngii, Mo:,
will be held this afternoon at t o'clock from
the residence of hla parents. Mr. and Mra.
O. C Flndley. m South First street. Burial
will be In Walnut Hill Cemetery- Rev. John
F. Poucher of Norfolk, Neb., will conduct
the services. - '
IlowTlnsr at
Rika' Clab.
Team No. B, captained by C. Hafer. de
feated team No. 4, headed by I. M. Treynor,
in the bowling contest at the Elks' club
last night. This game closed the fourth
week of the series. The score follows:
1st. ' 2d.
3d. Total,
Hafer ....
Medlar ...
Gardiner .
167 '136
19 ISO
127 122
125 . 12J
154 1
7722 ',
TEAM NO. . x.
1st. M. ,
740 2,131
Sd. Total.
Treynor ....
Kvi rlngham
Kverett ....
Peters ......
Wheeler ....
110 M5 . 158
135 89 -' 113
140 119 ' -1S6
118 - M "'. 127
...118 Jm ..117
...v.680 .4 W-w
Plumbing and heating. Blxby A Son.
Coneerti Broadway M. E. Choir.
Robert Cuseaden, vlolinfsti Mrs U R.
Hypes, soprano. Tuesday evening,? March
SI. Admission 25 ceujta: VT'.-
1 1 ; ! '. wv
Real Estate TrutVH i
These transfers wene, filVyr'9.ifay In
the abstract, title and .ror):fJtcx. at J. W.
Squire, 101 Pearl street:' .Y- si?' :
Pomona Land and Trust -comrany to
Kdward Tletge, li.3 acres In sett
nw'4 8-74-43. w d $ 1.286
Adeline Forsyth and husband to
George W. Buchanan. nVx seS4, sVi
ne4 and nett neW 2-74-3S, w d 6,697
Lougee & Lougee and wives to
Charles M. Forney, wVi w4 and
r.e4 23-74-41, w d. ......'.... 6.650
Elizabeth Larson and husband to
Robert M. and Rhoila L. Bprague,
lot 4. block C. Curtis & Ramsey's
add, w d 3,400
Frances Greene to Kllzabeth Larsen,
lot 4, block G, Curtis & Ramsey's
add, q u d 1
County treasurer to J. P. Greenshields,
lota 7 and 8. block 30. Perry's 1st
add. t d
County treasurer to J. P. Greenahlelda.
lot 10, block 30, Terry's add, t d....
Seven transfers, aggregatlngT
Little Liver Pills.
Mutt Boar Signature of
aWe ac54ailk Wrapper Pilaw.
Tary aaaall aad as easy
rOSC!ZiiRE.v 4
res ALLS :s:s.
Pnrary YactaaJay.4 yiZJt
The Gospel in
, Picture and Sermon
Lira .OF .CHRIST IlluBtrated by sixty
mag ol flee ot pictures tomorrow (Sunday)'
evening at
, All are welcome.
SI Pearl Council Blurts.
. - -fc.ia.i ainaaf
Eefu'e? to Bell Property for Library for
Leu Than Twelre Thouiani
Latrat.DeTrlosmeati Mar laaare the
, ' Traateei to Chance Their Mlada
' nessrtlac the Preferre
Loratloa. i'Cl
' The "negotiations which' T(ae;; rend
ing between the board of trusteea' ot the
public library since It "expressed a pref
erence" for the Shugart property at the
northwest corner of First avenue and Sixth
street as the site for the Carnegie library
and E. H. Shugart have resulted In naught.
Trustee C. R. Tyler, appointed a committee
of one by the board to confer with Mr.
Shugart, announced yesterday that the lat
ter had refused to lower the price named by
him In his offer of his property. The price
named by Mr. Shugart for the entire lot,
with the building, was $12,000, and he has
declined to make any reduction In the
amount named.
At the same time It Is stated that the
ownwskof the W. H. M. Pusey homestead, J
'atMf southwest corner of Willow avenue
'and ' Pearl street, the site which was ex
tensively favored, have offered to reduce
the price asked from $ 10, 50f.'t"f $9,000. This
new offer Is made,. it Is undiatood, owing
to 4 be. fact -that bo many pf-opl of Council
Bluffs generally haife -ipfWtd a prefer
enee , for. UHs site. Ttls;;n'ioffer on- k
part jjfj.Mrs .Pusey vlllnbwlnake 'aoj
Bible for the Xlbray .boae'd o secure , tile
entire corner; betsWn1 WIUOx avenue' and
the 'cwunly oOurt "house grnm1s. Including'
the residence of Mr. Plnroey, for Xfi09. , .
The refusal on the part ot W. Shugart to
lower his offer and the willingness of Mrs,
Pusey to knock off $1,600 Ccom the amount
asked originally .by her for her, property
gives those citizens who favored 'the Puaey
.u u0l-iMi-iM wrara may
Change Its mind and finally select the Puaey I
corner. .;.V-VV VW .'' J
1 1 - V . 1 . .. .V - . ,
Among a number. of leading business nd
professional men who have expressed them
selves in favor of the Pfisey property as. th !
logical site for- the Caroegle library build
ing on more grounds' than one are-., August;
Beresheim, D. W. Bush nail, -S. H, Haworth,
A. T. Elwell, I C. Bracket,t,,Clty Engineer
Etnyre, J. P." Weaver. E. A." Wlckham, John
M. Oalvin, John Camp, Dt,. Bower, .8.. T.
McAtee, Chrla Straub, S. Q. Underwood',' J.
J. Brown, W. S. Cooper, George Keellne,
Thomas Bowman, J. D. Johnson, George
Hansen, E. W. Hart. Frank Fox, Patrjck
Ounnoude, J. C-Mitchell. i
President Rbhrer; of the Library board
has not yet announced when he will calf' a
meeting ofhe trustees to take final acttbn
In the matter, .and It la possible that noth
ing will be done junlll the regular meeting
of the board on -April 13. Rer. Father
Smyth, one of the ' trustees. Is at Colfax
Springs and Tftstee Flnley Burke Is alao
out of the city.';.' , i
N. T. Plumbing, Col' ei. 250. Night, F667.
Mlasoart and taws Aaaeclatloa
Officers and Tialka Baal,
The Graln.Dealerauhlon of south western
Iowa anfl-Wibpstftf a 4 Missouri held tts
annual mt(n?Wstry afternoon In the
Grand hitil.'aOre nearly 100 mem
Dcrs preseT;l! .l kl
to be the largest
attendantct.atf.iajTmefUng In the history
of the as6clat(pn.'" W,Hli the exception pt
the election' of offcers for the ensuing year,
but little business was transacted and tha
meeting lasted only two hours.
The election of officers resulted as fol
lows: President, D. Hunter, Hamburg, la,;
vice president, I.,T, Spanglf r, VWalnut, la.;
secretary and treasurer, O. A. Stlbbens,
Chicago. Governing committee: F. M.
Campbell, Randolph, la.; J. D. Young,
Anita. la.; W. W. Albright, Lewis, la.; O.
H. Currier, Prescott, la.; D. N. Uunlap,
Fontanelle, la.; M. F. Hackett. Fairfax.
Mo.; George R. Jones. Phelps City, Mo. i
The inability .of grain dealers to secure
sufficient cars from the railroad companies
was .the principal question of Interest dls-1
cussed, but the discussion was purely la
formal and no, action, was taken by the
meeting. 8everaJ . of the membiers, how
ever, .were empbaflc lartheir 'assertions
mat tne raiiroaas were iv puese ?o a great
extent for the car famine do'd-that the
grain men, who were valuable patrons of
the rallrbads, should receive greater con
sideration than they did. Borne of the
members who took part In the discussion
claimed that the railroads discriminated
in favor of the coal dealers, aa against the
grain dealers when It came to the question
ot cars.
Representatives of several of the leading
railroads . were present and denied the al
leged discrimination. They explained that
the shortage of cars was due to the ex
traordinary conditions resulting from the
strike of the coal miners.
The bylaws were amended so ss to make
the dues payable quarterly in advance In
stead of monthly, thus .saving postage and
bookkeeping on the part of the secretary
and treasurer.
The admlaalon of fifty-five nw members
by the governing committee during, the last
year was conflrmed. . 1 ?: .'
A special rate had been granted by the
railroads for the meeting, and this led to
more or less ' contusion, . 4i a -number) of
members attending had, tailed to secure
the necessary certificates,. .Straightening
this matter out occupied quite a portion, of
the meeting. :. (
Crave!" roofing! A.' H. IteadlM'taalir'St
.. ... ,,.--
A. O. V. W. Paat Maatera Meet J
The southwestern Iowa' 'pa'sfmaetera' of
the Ancient Order ot Vattcd. Workmen held
their annuai meeting in this city iaai night
and elected the following officers: Pres
ident, O. Hochmsn. Council-. Bluffs; vlce
president, W. R. Emmons. Walnut; serre
tary, W. F. Donaldson. Missouri Valley;
treasurer, E. Tot man. Crest on; ' executive
committee, Dr. J. U. Cleaver, Council
Bluffs; C. N. Preston, Vllllsca; F. A. pan
wood, Shenandoah; W. E. Smith, Glen wood;
Q. 8. Waterhouee, Charter Oak.
The attendance waa much smaller than
bad been looked for, only aeven past masters
from out of the city being present. TJiose
In attendance were: 1. i. Weiss, WooAMne;
E. Totman, CrestOn: 8. 6. Davis, Red Oak;
N. F. Donaldson. Missouri Valley; W, R.
Emmons, V. Oyerton, Walnut; J. 3. Fejrgu.
son. Manning; N. C. Phillips, T. A. Brewick.
P.'W. Oregg, E. H. -OhlendOrf. -WT. H Fer
guson. A. McMillen, O. Hochman. J. Kepp
ner. Council Cluff. The buajpeae meeting
waa followed by a 'social' session and ban
quet. Two t'asee ol Intallpoa.
Mrs. F.ars. wifn'of j". sh.'a Mala-street
sniooDk,cper, was . A H).1 yesterday
for smallpox at her he I 'on Twenty-first
avenue and Eighth' street. The husband
broke quarantine and visited his saloon.
When the authorities heard of this they
ordered Raph to return home and stay
there, and at the same time closed the
saloon, which will be fumigated today. Aa
soon as the health authorities get through
fumigating the saloon they will allow it to
be reopened. A porter employed at Mergen
4V Raph's saloon, known by the name of
Jack, was found yesterday morning to be
suffering from smallpox and was removed
to the pesthouse. Thomas Dunn, with
whom he had been rooming In a barn at
the rear of 612 Fourth street, waa also re
moved to the pesthouse.
Offices for Park Contmlealon.
Frank Peterson. M. C. Schmidt and A. C.
Orabam, comprising the Board of Park
Commissioners, hare arrived at. the con-
elusion that they must have an office In
which to transact the business ot the board.
They have accordingly leased an offlcs In
the Vlerriam block and will take possession
April 1.
The commissioners, In explanation of tha
move, say that frequently when they desired
to hold special meetings the clerk could
not be present and they bad to wait hla
convenience, as all. the records, papers and
books of the board were, kept locked in the
vault In his office at the city hall. City
Clerk Phillips has for several years also
acted as clerk of the Park board and the
meetings of the board were usually held In
his office.
The rental of the newly acquired office Is
$110 a year, but the commissioners expect
to save $100 a year by dispensing with the
services of Clerk Phillips and having one
of the members of the board prepare tha
records and do the clerical work.
With the exception of raising one of the
sections of Bayllss park the commissioners
do not expect to expend much money on
tB&dlty parks this year, as they anticipate
a. heavy expense 'in defending the suit
brought by Wright A Mayne. -
f" Maceabees Give a Dance. : .
The Knlghta and! Ladles of the Maccabees
gave a largely attended dance last nlglit In
their hall In the Brown building. The hall
was lavishly decorated with palms and ever
greens and presented an exceptionally hand-
Some annearancn. During tha int.rmu.iAn
supper was served In the parlors. W. B.
Maxfleld acted aa master of ceremonies,
and these comprised the committees .In
cnarge: . Arrangements, Messrs. Maxfleld
Epps, Kllbane and Mesdamea Brill, Epps
and Krause; reception, Messrs. Boyer, Berg-
man, Schlcketans and Mesdames Spearman,
Unquiet and Albro; floor, Messrs. . Carty,
Orrlll, Clemenson, Solomon, Cramer and
Man Pinched Darlnsr Hard Times
Seeks te Recoas HI
HARLAN, la., March 27. A very im
portant case was terminated in the district
court here today. During the dull times In
1896 and 1897 . P. F. Cold of Irwin, in this
county, found it necessary to borrow money
wiin wnicn 10 carry on his farm and atock
business. Ho owned about 800 acres of
land, and In hla embarrassment sought tni
assistance of John T. Jack of Harlan, who
advanced money to Mr. Cold from time to
time with which, to pay taxes, interest, etc.
and avoid Inevitable foreclosure pt certain
uuriKages on me land. Mr. Jack secured
these advances ot cash by mean ot mort
gages, and eventually got about 120,000 tied
up In; the deal, which at this time, by the
addition of interest, taxes, etc., amount to
nearly 128.000. Cold brought suit to re
cover from Jack $75,000 alleged to be due
him from certain notes and . securities he
clslms to have delivered to Jack, and the
advance in the value of the land during
the period evvered by the controversy and
the use of the land. The case was hotly
contested, with' O. W, Colllson of Harlan,
Flnley , Burke and C. M.' Harle of Council
Bluffa, attorneya for the plaintiff, and H. W.
Byers and Edmund Lockwood for the de
fendant. Judge W: R. Green sitting. The
Jury retired at 10 o'clock last night and
after thirteen hours of hard wrestling re
turned a verdict In favor of the defendant.
Mr. Jack.
Creatoa Prlntera May Strike.
unuaruN. ia., March 27.-(Speclal.)-Though
both employers and printers are
endeavoring to avert it, a strike among tho
printers is imminent in Creston unless an
understanding between employers and the
union can be effected. There are now eight
uuiuus 10 vresion ana an but the printers
have aucceeded in Inducing their employers
recognize ine union and pay union wages.
The printers have submitted a proposition
to the employers of the city to make all
offices union, adopt a acale of wages and cut
the working day to nine hours, which means
an increase of 60 per cent to the printers.
employers hsve not yet signed the
schedule. There are six offices in nr.ton
employing about thirty printers, and nearly
all of them belong to the union.
Christian Association Grows.
CRESTON, la,, March 27.-(Speclal.)-The
Young Men's Christian association of
this place, which has been organised about
four months and which has been meeting
every Sunday afternoon In the Baptist
church, has increased in membership until
now it Is nearly 100 strong and Is going to
rent rooms for meetings, which will be
provided with the latest and best reading
matter and be used as a reading room
every afternoon and evening. A canvass
of the city Is being made to secure funds
for the association and it Is proposed to
add a gymnasium and bath rooma as soon
aa possible.
Good Prices (or Horses.
CRESTON, la., March 17. (Special. )
One of the beat records for the sale of
borsea ever made In Union county, and
perhaps In the stats, wss made by L.
Banks Wilson, a prominent Importer and
breeder of Percberon horses, here this
'week. He sold nine Imported and home
bred horses In one week. The chespest
was sold for $350 and the dearest brought
11,200. ' The horses were distributed to three
stales end were all sold at private sale.
Labor taioaa name Candidate.
WATERLOO, la., March 17. (Special.)
The labor unions are asaertlng their
strength by taking an active part In the
y campaign this year. E. H. Wills, the
candidate of the unions for mayor. Is lining
up a atrong following. Nearly every trade
In the city is represented by a union.
There are now three tickets in ths field
and Mr. Wills stands an even chance with
the other two.
Eateadlaa; Telephone Lines.
CRESTON. Ia-, March !7. (Special.)
The Mutual Telephone company of this
place la putting In 3uo new "phones and
about four mllea of new wire and posts,
and proposes to connect with every town In
this part of ths state this season. The
work will give employment to about sixty
men mcst ot the seaaon and two additional
operators permanently.
Cedar Raplda Honse Robbed. '
CEDAR RAPIDS. Ia.. March 17. Lyman
Bros', wholeaale millinery house was robbe l
Kxs nlgUt Ot silk valued at from 14,000 to
Syrup. of Ffs
tHfrbest ftvmily Iax&tiy
It is pure.
It is gentle.
It is pleasant.
It is efficacious. 1
It is not expensive
It is good for children.
It is excellent for ladies.
l is convenient for business men.
It is perfectly safe under all circumstances.
It 15 used by millions of families the world over.
It stands'highest, as a laxative, with physicians.
If you use it you have the best laxative the world
" produces.
vm . . .
W.i i I i V 1 I II
Dei Koines Oommeroial fiodiei Thirk City
isUnfairlj Treated. ,
Board of Trastees of State College
Forced to Revise BaUdlava; Plane
to Get Wlthta tha
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
' PES MOINES. March 27. (Special.) The
Des Molnea Jobbers': association and the
Commercial exchange held a Joint meeting
this evening . and listened to an Informal
report of the railroad committee of the
exchange in .the matter of Investigation of
freight rates as affecting the city of Des
Moines. The commercial bodies of the city
have been making efforts to secure for
Dea Moines recognition as a basing point
for freight the same, aa .Missouri river
points, and they claim that this ought to
be granted; but there la opposition from
ths fact that if this la done for Des Moines
it will have to be done -with other cities
In the Interior of the, state. There haa
slso been " complaint of discrimination
against the city and agirast all the Interior
cities of the. state, ana;the railroad com
mittee has mad0 an exhaustive, investiga
tion o( this subject. The committee also
is engaged in Investigating the question ot
rebates to larger , shippers and flnda that
rebate are very ' common. A number ot
the largest shippers ftf'the city are en
gaged In opposing any move looking to an
investigation of the subject and state that,
the conditions are now. the best -that could
be secured. The meeting was addressed by i
nnrre tf T jvU r tVin ' .iflifln a a ivi.w !
T. Campbell,, former railroad commissioner,
and othera. m
.Murder In Second Decree.
Prank Cunningham "waV. found guilty this
afternoon in -the district court of murder
in the second degree for the killing of Andy
Johnson about a month ago. Cunningham,
wbq- is a white man, had a quarrel with
Johnson, who Is colored, both having wives
ot opposite color to themselves and both
families living . In the name house. The
quarrel resumed In the shooting of Johnson
and his early death. Cunningham pleaded
self-defense and claimed that it waa the
result of a fight in which he waa in danger
of his life. The Jury got the case this
morning and about 3 . o'clock found the
After Itinerant Physicians.
The State Board ot Medical Examiners la
engaged in making a crueade against the
Itinerant physicians - who are traveling
about the state without having secured li
censes In accordance with law. The board
tas just published a list showing the per
sons who have licenses. The following is
given , as the only physicians having li
cense to travel about and practice medi
cine: George Wilkinson, Omaha; A. V. Pot
ter, Kansas City; Wilbert Shallenberger,
Chicago; C. It. Loftier, LeMara; W. T. See-
leye, pubuque. The following Is given as
a list of those who have been licensed, but
whose licenses have expired: A. H. Weber,
W. L, Ransom, W. B. C. Bullari and J. B.
Flndley, Des Moines; Peter Jansa, Junius
Terry, C. N. Hopkins, Oren Oneal and J.
W. S. Howell, Chicago; B. A. Stockdale. O.
W. Paiigle and James Richards, Council
Bluffs; Benjamin Rhea, Sioux City; J.
Jackson Ciider, Ottumwa; Eugene A. Keg-
ley and W. O. Coffee, Cedar Rapids; E. T.
Twining, Fort Dodge; W. B. Coe, Cooper;
O. 3. Smith, Cedar Falls; H. A. McChes-
ney. Gravity, and D. R. Flower, Bay City,
Mich. It is stated further that Weber,
Bullard and Stockdale of the above list
have applied to the board for new licenses.
but no action can be taken until the May
meeting ot the board.
Dedicate Orphans' Home.
Preparations are being made here for the
dedication of the new orphans' home for
Odd Fellows at Masea City, the date of
which has now been fixed for May 10 next.
It had been intended to have the dedication
sooner. Secretary TUton ot the grand
lodge is. engaged in sending out announce
ments of reduced rates and a special dis
pensation from Grand Msster Church In
regard to the organiied bedlea of Odd Fel
lows taking part- in Ihe ceremonies. The
grand lodge, the grand encampment, the
Patriarchs Militant and the Rebekah as
sembly all have a part In the services. The
home will be opened In May and will ac
commodate now about fifty orphans. It is
the first orphsnage ever erected by any
secret society In the state.
. Will Make !ew Plane.
The architects for ths Board of Truatees
of the State college at Amea have been In
structed to commence the preparation of
new plans for all the permanent work con
templated at Ames and to reduce the cost
of the buildings. The bids on the main
building were all found to be ao high that
the beard could not let the contract, the
lowest bid being more than $100,000 above
the amount allowed by the legislature. The
bids en ths addition to agricultural hall
and the greenhouses were such that by a
slight modification ot the plans the con-
rtraets can be let, and tbla will be done by
the butldlng commit ee. Ths central build
ing wUl be saaterlally reduced In sixe to
allow of Its construction under the law.
Aa to Jada-ea' Salaries.
The elate auditor has asked the attorney
general for a ruling In regard to the sal
aries of Judges of the supreme court. The
last legislature Increased Ihe salaries, but
provided that the lncreaso should not be
gin until next year. . Now the question has
been raised as to whether or not the In
crease should not begin at once, inasmuch
as the constitution provides only three
daya in which a law can go into force, one
of them being that it shall go into force
on the 1st of July following its enactment.
It is claimed that the legislature had no
right to make the .law begin two years
later. Two of the Judges of the supreme
court would be entitled to the increase ot
salary now if this view Is sustained.
Roots Fonnd In a Swamp
and Two of Them Are
GLENWOOD, Ia., March 27. (Special.)
Two children, aged 7 and 9 years, of T. T.
Johnson and the B-year-old son of Mrs.
Klngery were poisoned here last evening by
eating some poisonous bulb found in a
swampy place near the Johnson home.
The Johnson children are dead, but the
Klngery child will recover.
Plenty of Politics at Thayer.
CRESTON, Ia., March 27. (Special.)
The sixe of a town does not always govern
the number of office seekers or the Interest
In city elections. This Is demonstrated
In the town of Thayer, Just east of here,
which has a population of less than 300,
but has four tickets In the field for the
city election next Monday. The ticket
are: Socialist labor, citizens, prohibition
and farmers' grange. All the tickets am
complete, and all the candidates are work
ing hard for election. The outcome is
very doubtful, aa the sentiment seems to
be almost equally divided among the can
didates, all ot whom are quite popular.
Iowa Democrats Caaage Date. -
DES MOINES. Ia., March 27. The date
for holding the state democratic conven
tion in Des Moines has been changed from
June 17 to June 24.
One of the Triumphs of Modern
By applying an antiseptic dressing to
wounds, bruises, burns and like injuries
before inflammation sots in, they may be
healed vHhout maturation and in one
third ths time required by the old treat
ment. This is the greatest discovery and
triumph ot modern surgery. Chamberlain's
Pain Balm acta on this same principle. It
Is an antisepUe and when applied to such
Injuries causes them to heal very quickly.
It also allaya the pain and soreness. Keep
a bottle of Pain Balm In your home and it
will aave you time and money, not to
mention the Inconvenience and suffering
such injuries entail.
Macdoaald to Rest In Scotland.
PARIS, March 27. The British consul, A.
P. Inglis, today Issued a format note an
nouncing that the body ot Major General
Sir Hector Macdonald will be transported
to Scotland, where the funeral will take
Poor Indeed
are those weighed down by mrntnl de-
Sresiou. Mm rise in tbia world
trough baovant nerve force.
The loss ol this force dairy drags
dowa to failure some of the world1 s
brightest minds, touch a coaditioc ia
uoaintouly kuowr aa Nervous Debility.
Wbca you lce Mlf-conadrnce and
feel your strength, energy and nerve
force r. slipping away, It i high time
you seek seusiblc aid.
You prefer health and success to
misery snd failure.
have no equal a a nerve restorer. A
couple of bxes wilt dispel that heavy
feeling; he nnoatunil weariaesa dia
ao,eara and replace languor with new
force and vgroe f hrejy and brain. Wt
boaca will cunt aay ordinary ease of
nervous debility. If not, you yet youi
snonry back.
, $1 00 per box ( for " 00 mallei ia
plain, package. Book free.
ITnv mmlm t Knhn A Co..
Ikilim'a lima t.lrd. Houth Oman
CavU Drug Co.. Council t lulls, la.
J. P.
Those suffering from weak
nesses which tap Uie plraaurea
of Ufa should use a dollar b.t
tl.AtJmm l'lll. One Lottie
will tell a story of marvelous results ana
areata profound wonder. Thia medicine hi a
more rejuvenating, vitalising forre than haa
ever been offered. Kent by mail in plain
package only oareneipt of this adv. and IL '
This Is 16 worth of medicine for one dollar.
Mads ot its originators C. I. Hood Co.. pro
Ktetors Hood's f usspartlla. . UiwelL Mass
re; mouLUijT .vsu-
lft;too 1r.fe,rvoL,
TaWT. jfaf rufai; aH iua imurt; oi.geftt. tuot
oisMisuta tsMi .sjmavad la a lew '', t'-Ui -
Baerx&aa at McConuaii Drug Co., mdifcs.
Gives Vim and Vigor
Its component parts are all wholesome.
It acts gently without unpleasant after-ejects.
It is wholly free from objectionable substances.
It contains the laxative principles of plants.
It contains the carminative principles of plants.
It contains wholesome aromatic liquids which are
' agreeable and refreshing to the taste.
All are purei. ..
All are delicately blended.
All are skillfully and scientifically compounded.
Its value is due to our method of manufacture and to
the orginality and simplicity of the combination.
To get its beneficial effects buy the genuine.
Manufactured by .j.
San Fra.rclaco, Cal.
Louisville. Ky. New York, N. Y.
mmmm .
Psfc?''' The
I :.v w Irv'"'-.' . the sick
1 .. ,Ail of the
t"VNOjN? For Sale
,3- - i
On account of Its frightful hjdeousnesa Blood Poisoning Is commonly called
the King of ali Dis'-aees. ' It may be either hereditary or contracted. Once the aye
tern la tainted' wUh it. the disease may manifest Itself In the form of Scrofula.
Erxetria, Kheumatlj Fains. -Etirf or Swollen Jolnta. Krupttona or Copper Colored
Spots on the Face. or Body, little Ulcere, In tho Mouth or on the Tongue, 8ore
' Throat.- Swollen Tonslla. Tallinn Out of Hair or Kyebrowa, and finally a leprous
like Decay of the Flesh and Uones. ' If you ha any of theae or similar symp
toms,, get BROWNE .BliOOU CUfiE immediately. . - Tbia treatment la jusoticaliy
the result'of life work; It contain no ditngeroim drugs or other injurious i... ilcire
. of any kind. - It"' goes to fhe very bottom of the disease and force m-t every
particle of-Impurity.--1 Boon-ever?" sign and symptom .disappear conii l".:y nr,d .
forever. The .blood, the tissue, ,the Posh, the bonea and the wholi svs'-m are
cleansed." purified and restored to perfect heal-.h, . and the patient j'repartd apt-w
for the duties- and bleaaafee of life: KROWN'n BI.OOD X'CHK, a bottle,
lasts one month. -MADE BY DR. 'BROWN, 83S Arch Street Philadelphia.
Hold umly by Ibtrnaa. at MeConnell Drag Co., xUtU ; Uudae 9ta umaha.
DAY iS HESS; Council Blufrs
Money to . loan on Real Estate;
lowest rates; funds on band.
Mortgage Investments tor sale.
Call on or write us if .you hare
money to Invest, either la mortgages,
bonds or real estate. Real property
cared for. -.
Small farm near city at a bargain.
DAY & HESS, Council Bluffs
House and lot In Council Bluffs cheap.
Double Track Railway
The Omaha Train par
excellence is No. 6.. A Solid
train made up in Omaha daily
at 5:50 p. m., arriving at Chi
cago 7:15 next morning. Li
brary Bufftt Car Barber
New Standard Sleepers Diner
Chair Cara Everything.
No. 2. daily," has LUrary
Observation and Sleeping Cars
only, tvithelec'.ric lights. Omaha
8:10 p. m., Chicago 9 o'clock
next morning.
Gitv Offices
H01-M03 Far
nam t.
Tela. S61 ft 524
y J-TlUtTv I I " Bit f"rnnruil
Uauu.a U Irritallooa or uu-orouon.
Miirtuiin. t,r IIUIOll oiaaaurau
i,, i. fMiniir - Pkiniad. and nui aalrin
STTTtrMlEVaKtClteMICilCl (Ml or fOIKHMI.
iA C!Swn.OttTa aoJoJ by lrsto4a.
V V . Ai if"""1' wr;7':
X 'eain . to'
VV SawweJyJ l OS nc-'tl-J'a.
VaJ9 ir.ulr' !" - a Iwtaast.
AirMfSTtaa .MaLiab,
If lKSArK. a.e.fIUi.l I Ua, ftk Drwggltf
t 4V4 4elA aw,- asm Ma4
iu iiiua rlben Tk Waw BcftaM
Lt oaeeawa WUlllMa a4
L"J f ieal iM M41M M 4 4V aa
aaaua.1 te 'sartjtidvra T
fteaai Ksllf fer I A 1m, t-iea. M t-
ralllt 0,U4 1mui.. m
L"ui'ta 4 kihmtm kmmLrmi i e
ava mmmm ra-wa rw
; 1 1 in
1 in
It i
i.j i'
should have In tho boms
handy for use
ar orook
Bottled in Rosid
rrsat health giver; tonic for
aid to the hospitals
It you want to buy or sell real es
tate, call on or write ue, giving
full Information. We have the bar
gains and would like to show them
to you.
We bsve customers for property
tbst is offered cheap.
We five written
contracts to cure
Diseases and Disor
ders of Men, or re
fund money paid.
Many cases taken
$5.00 per month.
cerse la I Sara without cutting, pstn or torn ot
Hit Local svsrsDUo to euro you or nooof rofuaoos.
VDUII IC "e for III sod tha paloaa ihor.
ulrniLId ouslilr elou4 rroia th ornna.
gun ovory sian aas rwi.tom diomppra eompl.loir
ao torow. No "BKCAK1NO Ol V of th. dls
esoo on th. skta or too. Treatment contains so
d.osoroas drusa or injurtoaa m.diclan.
lfClef tirU rram Eieaaaoa or VICTIMS TO
IftfilV Inkil NEKVOlg riEMIUTT OR X
IJSK'AT la TOVNU and M1DHLE AUEO. lack ol vlra.
t(ar sad stronsta, witk orsaas imulro4 sod woaa.
Curs fuarmctoad.
eTBinTllf)C tnn4 Rh a now homo troat
SllilulUilb neat. No sola, ao dataailoa
HINAHT" Kldnoy aad Blsddw TroaMos. Wart
Wak. Baralas Crtas. Trmvnrj of trlaalina. UHin
Kick Colorod. or with aiilky adlmnl oa otaadlna
Coanltalloa rree. Twatiaasl by Mall,
Call ar aatreas. Car. 14th A Doagls.
DR. SEALES & SEAUS. Omiha. Hsb.
Treats all forma of
XI Y.ars Experience,
17 Tears In Omaha.
HU remaraable euc-
, I'.'-m una navrr itnr r,
equaled aiul every day brings many flatter.
Ins re(orts or ina iwa ua u uwni. sr isa
relief he has given.
Hot Springs Trea iirprt for Ifyphtl'x
And all Blood Poisons. NO "HR&AKINr,
OUT" on the skin or face and all external
slams of tbs disease disappear at once.
BL000 DISEASE K.:;.;
OYER 39,000 oua deMllty, lnai of
vitality, unnatural (iischarrsv Stricture,
Oloot. Kidney suid Bladder Ulseaaoa, Hf
reeele. '
Trcalroent b malL P. O. Ho- 7b. Office
aver lii M. Mill streot, btwen Faxnaas bad aueeU, OMAiia, .SWH. .
I 1