TTTE OMAnA' DAILY HEEt PATUHDAT, fARCn 28, 1003. CHARMING. MILLINERY Saturday Will Bo Memorable as Our Value Giving Event in THE BIG MILLINERY DEPARTMENTS. rnfni LADIES' SWELLEST SUITS A Multitude of the Smartest Things for Spring are Displayed as SPECIAL BARGAIN LEADERS FOR SATURDAY 1 1 '-lXrZne Jfolfo)A ( We are preparing for one Pacific coat. Have you ever visited our department? If not we will be honored by your inspection. You will l&e it It is now. at the top notch of its glory. See the magnificent decorations and brilliant illuminations which will be madi doubly attractive by such bargains as we quote below. ; Beautiful Trimmed Hata at $5.00 Again wo direct attention to our Renowned Fir Dollar Trimmed the reds, These atorea are and they $1.25 Crown ahaped On; the ,2 nd Floor in the.New Shoe Dept. 400 pairs Ladies' fine kid skin shoes, sizes 4, 4, and 5 (all sam ples) made to retail at t3, goat $1.98 6 new btyles fine with black cloth shoes turn and welt sale at. ...$2. 12 new sty 1 er shoes for ladies at $2.50, $3 $3.50, $5.00 $6.00. ACTIVITY AT FIELD CLUB House Committee Pokes Finger Into Official . Eibi of Building Committee. tkt-i': ;u i.iCtm in.; -...t t ' BASE BALL AND TENNIS PLAYERS SCORE 4t Meeting of the Directors Addl- tlonal Fonda Are Provided for Improved . Ball Groonda and Tnnli Coarta. .' , ; . ' ' " , t ' it '' , (' Tbe Omaha Field club , has planned to have Its opening bouse party May 9 and to open Its seltier , corner In April. Dut the caterer wbo furnished' the cafe and bar eervlce last season is not to have tho priv ilege again and baa moved cut 11 his equipment. Tbe home commit:' - have to "stock up" on everything lie i cups to steins. It doesn't want to LinltTtaka this until the building and grounds com ml t tee has finished making tbe contem plated changes In the arrangement of the house. The building and grounds commit tee hasn't had a tap done yet, nor even de termined lust what the alterations are to be. This has made the bouie committee uneasy and It bas poked its administrative finger Into the - offlclal ribs of the'- building - and grounds com mittee with the hope of prodding It Into ac tion. Tba directors met Wednesday night and assisted tn complicating matters somewhat by rescinding the resolution adopted pre viously authorizing an expenditure of $2,000 for alterations In the house, and by adopt ing In Its stead a resolution authorising less expensive changes and making con cessions to the base ball and tennis en thusiasts of tba club. Aa tha matter now atanda the bouse al terations probably will not cost more than $100 or $500. A principal desire of the house committee is understood to be the shifting of tbe beverage counter to a more conren- lent and less conspicuous location tn the northeast part of the building, adjoining tai locker room, and the building of a fancy entrance at the west side of the building with six large glass doors through which occupants of the large central lounging room may bave the benefit of tbe excellent View to the west. The building and ground . committee baa proinlaed to have a intetlug In a few days and decide whether these changes shall be made. M il Move the niamon. The base ball committee was voted $350 with which to build a special amphitheater and .was,, authorised, also to purchaso new uniforms tor tba. club team. The diamond, which heretofore has, been acrrsa hs ten nls eourte 'tfrom he rluh bouse, la to "be moved across to the southern extremity of theroyuda aaif turned th other wiy, the batter to face the north Instead ct iho south. The tennis. Committee also came In for favors, the bosrd voting It $200. With this uioacy ine cuuiuiiiiev kavvU to have brick bats hauled from the, old brick yard nearby and utilised aa a foundation for l he courta Plenty of dirt will be used on top of the bat a and carefully rolled, of course, the only.purpbse of the bricks being to pro kid shoes fefl?$$l. toppings, UW'&Vkl soles, go on IMli- ' 0 and $3. 00 IMfffi ? es spring leatb- jZ?Jf J? and ifjr Established 1023. WILSON 17II1SKEY. WIL"v"f TYT aMtilAmera. of those grand rushes such as have Hats. These goods at thla price ara a specialty with us and recelvs the attention of a; corpa of designers and trimmers who are aa able aa any millinery artUta In America. These hata aell readily In moat atorea at twice our flfurea Our price. Ladlea' $6.00 Trimmed Hata at $3.80-Some of Ladles' Trimmed Hata $2.50 and season's moat exquisite effects la the new geranium, corn flower, white, black, pink, contain the qualities and style that generally ask $4.00 for ry Efk Thursday ,,JKJ $3.50 CHIFFON HATS AT $1.98 Twenty-two doien black very fine quality, hand tucked chiffon hats with, beautiful spangle -f "X gT"l crowna, also a number of fioe.qualltr tucked Jap silk hata In pink, white, light blue and tan. I These goods ara quoted In other atorea at $3.60 Satur ady .... r $1.75 Chiffon Hats at 98c Four shapes of hand made chiffon hats on silk wire frames, made of splendid quality of chiffon on apper and lower brims the crown being of soft Italian braid. Tbe colors black, white, cardinal, pink, light blue, males tan. Worth $1.75 Saturday go at ' 98c Burnt Straw Flats at 65c Thirty-four for ladlea, misses and children. These hata are or tne son pliable kind wmcn can be Into all of the prevailing Ideaa of the season. They are really worth $1.25 our price Beautiful Wreaths at 15c and,25c Beautfful etc., for children's hata. These wrsatbe ara fully rhildr.n'a dav a doublr lnvltlnr '6ae we will aell SPECIAL AT $1-98 I f . .i- ;.-- a 1C 15C, vide a drainage system for the courts that will make it possible to play thereoa within an hour or less after a summer rain. The piping of tha golf greens Is about completed. LIBRARY BOARD ECONOMIZING Takes Petition to Keep John T. Edgar Branch Open Cn4er Ad- vlaement. . With President Reed and Directors Haller, ' Rush, Rosewater, Kennedy - and Hansen present, the Library" board at Ks monthly meeting last night was waited upon by Michael Lee and Peter Wllg, who, aa' a committee from tha Second Ward Improvement club, urged that the board's previous decision to do sway with tbe John T. Edgar branch on Vinton street be reconsidered. The board took no action, however, as tba committee had no sug gestion to mske ss to methods of raising funds other than an appeal to the city council. Librarian Tobltt reported she Is unable to find a suitable location for a delivery station In the vicinity of tba branch and tbe project was dropped. The board reconsidered lta order to change the boura of the open house at the Byron Reed collection museum and they will re main as at present, 10 a. m. to noon and 1 to 6 p. m. The matter of arranging ' for a mora economical Illumination of the library waa referred to the executive committee. The book committee waa asked to aee if there be any way of getting the Board of Educa tion to share the expense of maintaining school stations. Tha board sccepted a bid for the con. structlon of a case for the. herbarium to be given by William Cleburne. An ap propriation of $25 waa voted for tba pur chase of a collection of crystals belonging to W. Q. Brown, which baa been on depoutt at the library since the Transmisslaslppl exposition. Bills audited totaled $1,284.76. MO OPIl'M i In Chamberlain's Conch Remedy. . There la no opium In any form or other harmful substance In Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and It may be given as confidently to a babe aa to an adult. There Is nothing so prompt snd effectual aa It for the relief and cure of colds, croup and whooping cough. It la the mothers fa vorite and has well merited their con fidence and esteem. ' Alterations In School Betiding:. Purlng the spring vacation of the pub'le si'hooU. which beplne Friday, the auporln 'tendttiil of buildings will construct a- parti tion In the biology room at tha high achi'ol, making two recitation rooms out of the lirtsent large one. It has brQ found that the room is too large for the purpose tor which It has been usd and the new room Is nreded... At the snine time the . Vlntoo Street achnol building will be renovatrd and six rooms kalsoinlnad. The Monmouth park building will be moved during the va cation to make room for the new brick builillng which Is to be constructed this summer. ' , Marriage licenses have been I "sued to; -Name and Addreea. Age. Frark 8. Woolf, Bt. Louis :) F.lla Taylor. St. Louis II Henry Jungermann. Omaha V Augunta Dyke. Omaha U That's AH! made our store famous from poppy in thla Bargain Basement display etc. .Is a charming array of ladlea' and are in many cases values wnirn insula f ( 11 easily compare with goods at double the a I I other easily compare with gooda at double V 1 wv viirr uinu at. r vr iui. . (Saturday a, big. choice, lot VJ at $1.25 June Rosa Wreaths at 49c offer fifty dot en of 'beautiful Mosa containing eighteen rosea, foliage' ora are -pink Jack, white, tea, and. A regular $1.25 value while they; last, at , -, doxeo burnt shades Italian pbroupine b'ald flats, in Bell assortment o! wreaths In Daisies, Carnations, .Wild Rosea worth double our price, but to make our..' a limited Quantity at A Great Handkerchief Sale 'M - Fire thousand dozen men's and ladies' Handkerchiefs, in an endless variety of plain white hemstitched, lace edged, lace insertings, embroidered and all linen and sheer linen. Hand kerchiefs that are worth up to 35c apiece on sale tomorrow at 1f nt cr, IOC, 77aC, OC, An Importer's Sample Line of Fine Hosiery 800 dozen men's and ladies' Hosiery, including fine imported lisle, French lisle, silk mercerized, Rambrand ribs, lace and hun dreds of novelties, such as fancy floral effects in stamped and embroidered. This is without doubt the greatest shipment of Hosiery that has ever come into this store. These.have been displayed in our windows for the past three or four days and have created no end of comment. There Is not a pair in the lot worth less than 50c, "fl 'flTV and unlimited quantities that should sell up to f 1 per pairi We have divided the entire jTji atlU purchase in two great lots, both men's and ladies, at per pair. i. J? V V, V AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Bepublican City Commit ee Meets and Fill Vaoanoies op. Ticket, I M tsannMoonnw - .' ". ''' V. F. sVCAFFR-Y FOR TAX COMMISSIONER Ole MnUen, la tho rift a, mm Daua Banner, la tho Sixth, Are the Hew Caadldates for Conn- , : . oilmen, s . . The republican city committee met last night and filled the vacancies on tha ticket. J. F. McCaffrey will take tha olaca of P. B. Casey for tax commissioner.- Ole Mallea will be the candidate on this ticket for councilman from the Fifth wsrd and Dsn Banner the candidate to represent tha Sixth ward. In view of the passage of the new school bill no candidates for tbe Board of Educa tion will be placed on the ticket. Miller, Lott and Schroeder, present members of the board, retire at the expiration of their terms in May. From that date on six mem bers will constitute tbe board until tbe spring election of 1804. , Dan Banner, who waa placed on the ticket to represent the Sixth ward, baa never been a candidate for office, although the re publican party baa tendered him nomina tions several times. Heretofore he bas al ways refused. ' Ole Mallea la well known In labor circles, being employed at one of the packing bouses, where be holds a responsible posi tion. As for McCaffrey, nearly every one knows him, snd as he Is popular It Is a foregone conclusion that he will give the democratic nominee a hot race. Taking; Depositions. At tha Instigation of Jay Laverty a num ber of South Omaha people were aummoned to appear before Justice Caldwell yesterday for the purpose of making depositions tn the Laverty-Miller caae now pending In the courta. Several wttnessea were examined and the atatementa made duly noted. No effort was made by tbe attorney for Mr. Laverty to go Into details and conaeouentlv the witnesses were detained but a short time. All that Laverty seemed to want to prove waa the fact that Miller had made threata that he would endeavor to Impeach him for malfeasance In office. Cnttlns Stone for Library. . Contractor Weise said yesterday after noon that stone for the Carnegie library building in this city waa being cut In Omaha and there would be plenty of atone on hand to puab-tbe work as soon as the foundations ware laid. The stone Qr the library comes from the 4)uarrlea at Bedford. Ind. On account of there1 "being no facili ties st South Omaha for atone cutting the work Is being done tn Omaha. Welse says that tbe foundatlona will be laid as soon aa Uie labor tfuuulea in Cuiaha are aettied. Venal Sprta Vacation, i The publlo schools closed yesterday for the spring vacation. Teachers and pupils will bave a rest until Monday, April C During the recess the school bouses will be given s thorough airing and tha boilers will be cleaned and soma repairs .made. The teachers were paid yeaterday after noon by City Treasurer Howe, who had money on band to cash all warranta pre aented. There haa been such a rapid In crease In tha attendance that tha board In charge after tba close of the coming term will be compelled to provide more rooma for the accommodation ef thoaa who will attend School during the taU and winter, I'aderaroanal Systran Complete. The laying of cables la conduits across M street b.' the electric light company haa been completed and the big transformers have been lowered to concrete foundatlona la the basement. Condulta were laid across M street In order to give better service and not to laterefers with the view to the Chicago to the fnsny ' VJ' $1.50-Basement that was ever the most popular SILK LINED SUITS AT $24.50 AND $19.00 '4 of Spring Millinery missee' hats, which ' -Suits in all the new cloths, voiles, eta- 24.50 ' mines, etc Many in this lot are sample t n'rifi suits and worth double what we ask, at ly.UU the 1.50 For Saturday we June Rose. Wreathe Suits Just a few racks left the prettiest effects and buda. light blue. The col- . .. aurdly low, Saturday apeclal at ..49c ee a demy 65c value tomorrow .... d Rosei SILK BLOUSES AND COATS FOR SPRING , Tbe new silk blouses, carriage ..oats andLi)uls -f 10( rC",nSOC XIV effects at ' fl.50 clove on Jl I .sell at least 50U aozen tomorrow irom uus iou 3 2C - Your choice-per pair llbrsry 'building to be constructed.. The Improvements'' cost about-$8,000. . Hasrle CttrOoaalp. Over 1,000 telephonesPAre now In use tn South Omaha. (. " - , . - Dr. W. L. Curthv underwent an operation fo appendiciua yesjer.fjB.jr. , ir . David Boyer, Twenty-seventh and streets, la reported to t Quite sick. H Harry Gardner St ''X'v'oca." la., fa here, Visiting his friend, 'James Austin, t A. daughter 'haa" beenl "born to Mr. "and Mrs. John Vavaa, Twentieth and O streets. A caso of diphtheria, is reported at the home qf John .Cherval. lal South Twenty nrat strteti - -' '' Magic City "Wd1 No. SO,; Fraternal Union efAelcfljapi give M91 aS Wrknln 'Msqror, Koutaky. had the downtown street crossing oleaced of snow, and mud before noon yesterday. ' Vlller'Ya' confined' to hia home. Twenty-nlneth and C streets, with an attack. ef appendicitis. , RanUmln JUn-ranriar. Twent V-slXfh and U atreeta, la quite alck and last night waa taken to an umana nospiuu. it. TT. ir Miller will commence a aeries of evangellatlo services at the First Metho dist ohurcb Bunauy morning. Tha nork butchers at Swift a all went to work yesterday . and left the settlement of their grievances to a committee. . T J. O'Connor haa filed a Detltlon wltn the city clerk with the Intention, of running aa an Independent candidate for tax com missioner. Richard Estea of Pacific Junction, la., waa a visitor at tne yaraa yesieraay. ni brought ovtr two cars of cattle, wmcn so:a for a good price. BOSTON'S BARJJKR. REGULATIONS. Board of Health Orders Sterlllaatlea of All that Barbers fee en Cnatomsrs. A special dispatch from Boston, Msy 5, 1900, to the New York Sun gives as new regulations of the Boston Board of Health as te barber shops: . "Mugs, shaving brushes and rsxors shall be sterilized after each separate use thereof. A sep srate, clean, towel shall be used for each person. Material to stop, tbe flow of blood shall be uaed only in powdered form, snd applied on a towel. Powder puffs are prohibited." Whereyer Newbro's Her iclde is. used for face or scalp sfter shav ing or. hair cutting there is no danger, aa it la antiseptic and kills the dandruff germ. Sold by all druggists. Send II cents in stamps tor sample to The Her plclde Co., Detroit,' Mich. . Lobeck-MrDonald Contest. The Lobeck-McDonald commissioner con test may be concluded by noon today. Fif teen of the twenty-five preclncta had been counted last night and Lobeck had lost two from the county court count, ilia aeclelve precincts tn which ballots were thrown out by the county judge had not been reached. - - . ..a' a I r Core for Pimples Gently smear the face with CUTICUR A Ointment, but do not rub. Wash of! the Ointment in five minutes with Cu TICURA Soap and hot water, and bathe freely for some minutes. Repeat this treatment morning- and evening. Use Clticura Soap alone, with hot water, at other times, as often as agreeable. N. B. A slurrlth conditio of tbe stomach, bowels, liver, kxiivtyt snd bladder, as wall aa of the uterine (unctions is often tha cause of facial eruption which the Cimci-s RstuLvsar Pills readily correct, while clogging of the pores or sebaceous glands is prevented ay Cvticusa Soar and hot water. Sold throughout the world. We have searched the markets of the world Jor the most charming novelties in Spring Suits to delight th$ eyes of the discriminating buyers of Omaha. No city in the west can boast of a more varied and beautiful arrayt The acme of correct style in all our masterly designed garments. Our spring styU show caught the ad miration of thousands of visitors. LADIES' SPRING SUITS AT $ 1 4.8 5 We offer tomorrow as a special delight for bargain lovers the most stylish and sensible Spring Suit offered at such a price aa we quote. cloths and embodying all the latest drop skirts, faultless in finish, easily w orth $25.00, at Swell Skirts front the Slnnott Stock . We have a splendid assortment of the finest Skirts ever aho wn la Omaha. They are from lata ship ments of the Slnnott stock and In atyla and finish they are above reproach. , These Sklrta ara quoted aa apeclal bargalna FOR A FEW DATS ONLY. ' -r - . ' Slnnotfa $7.50 $2.98 $15 Silk Sklrtav at $6.98 Slnnott's $10.00 Skirts, at 3.98 $20 Sample Sklrta, at ,k;.. 8.98 $12.00 Voile Skirts, Very Swell, at- .,... $4.98 from the Slnnott Stock of our best effecta In Butts from the Slnnott stock. Some of of thla magnificent stock are to be had at a price that la ah- Ladies' Cravenette Coats Special for Saturday at $8.98 The popular and late effecta In fashionable Rain Coata nothing like them ever ahown ; Q A Q In Omaha-new belted back Frances cape, etc. thoroughly rata-proof-a special Oa at .... 24.50 down to 7.50 $1.50 French Kid Gloves at $1 One thousand dozen ladies' Kid Gloves, Including all the new spring shades, also black and white. These are not the ordi- ' nary $1 gloves, but a special lot that we purchased at a ereat concession. The qualities are positively equal to any the market. To thoroughly appreciate their value you must see them. We expect to ' sell at least 500 dozen tomorrow from this lot. AT THE PLAYHOUSES At the Boyd. - Prank L. Perley'a eomedlana In "Th Chaperons." Book and lyrics by Frederic Kanken. music by Isidore wnumara. ' The caat: ' Algernon O'Shaunneasay, studying rapid transit in Paris .Walter Jones Adam Hogg a pork packer of Cincinnati and president of the International. Society for the Investigation and Suppression of Vice.. .George K. Henery Augustus, his valet Thomas H. Burton Bignor Ricardo Bamlnl.' proprietor of a stranded opera company ji" 7. Edward Metcalfe Sehnitsel, a bill poster tMil rteuwuy Tom Schuyler, American student of vocal music at Paris conservatory.... Albert Farrlngton Amanthe Dedlncourt, maiaglng director of the English and Continental Order of Trained Chaperons May Boley Phrosla, an admirer of Old Sleuth... .... Eva Tanguay Violet Smliax, a ward of Adam Hogg, and masquerading aa Coraola In the Parla Conservatory cf Chaperons.... Oenevelve Day Hortense, prima donna contralto In Baa- Blnl'e company- Jesalca Duncan Jacquelln, prima donna soprano in Baa- alnl'a company Mae Stebblns And chorus of fifty. If all chaperons were like Frank L. Per ley's chaperons, opening st Boyd's last night, the rest of a crowd would be In Im minent danger of being forgotten. For ver ily the Perley bunch Is a likely one, thor oughbred snd with a champagne flavor. From the opening chorus, "Vive la Bohe mia." to tbe valedictory, a firefly ensemble of unique effect, something worth seeing or hearing Is happening Just about every second of the time. The wordplsy In tbe dialogue Is considerably brighter than the average and the music is all tuneful, pret ty snd infectious. Mr. Walter Jones, given the top of the bill. Is so good thst sn sudlence forgets he can't sing a lick lu his present condition because of a temporary busklness. Miss May Boley as the trainer of chaperons is a dainty piece of handiwork with a very ac ceptable voice, a very clever way of elng saucy and a very dexterous wsy of using eyes thst are worth going some blocks to see. Miss Eva Tanguay, as "Phrosla. the girl detective," Is a clownish wonder who made good in a part so Impossibly sbsurd that a less skillful snd less energetle I worker must bsvs fallen very, very flat with It. Her "My Sambo" and accom panying dance was one of tbe decided hits of the performance. The oriental dance of Miss 8tebbins slso came In for such lib eral applause that she was forced to re appear four tlmea. t Genevieve Day, as Vi olet Smliax, a' runaway' ward, sang her way and played her way Into great favor very early In tbe game, and was still there when time wss called. Edward Metcalfe, as Basslnl, stranded maker' of ' operatic, for tunes, furnishes a little comedy and s very great deal of good music, ' for bis Is a strong and a splendid voice.' Ed Red way ss Schnltiel, a bill poster: George K. Hen arv aa Adam Hogg, pork packer, and Thomas H. Burton as' Augustus, bis valet. put In whatever fun Jonea snd the rest bave forgotten. The chorus Is large ana good, the staging la fair and the costumes diversified and pleasing. Ib the first act ' there sre nine special numbers and tn the second act eight more. It Is not going too fsr to ssy that tbs whole seventeen sre very good, snd it is only fair to chronicle that of tbe seventeen only three were allowed to escape with response to one encore laat night. The sudlence was large and lta enthualasm grew until some of the chaperoning crowd simply had to decline the Invitation to "come again" because of exhaustion. Musically the piece Is more pretentious than might be sus pected, snd some of the numbers sre per feet gems. The engagement cloaes with this after noon's matinee snd tonight's performsnce. Kalaer'a Conaol Slaye elf. CARACAS. WednesdsV. March 25. A dispatch received here today from Caru pano announces that Herr Mesger. tbs Oer man consul, has accidentally killed him self. Smart Suits, made from -J A Q C? novelty spring effects. 14.0U HIQHEST GRADE SUITS We make special mention of some of our elegant suits from the hands of European and American' masters of style, at 32.50 lip to 75.00 at $10.00 and $5.00 $10-$5 Sn ART' CLOTH JACKETS Swell cloth jackets in all the new and popular effects for spring wear Ano . remarkable value at 9.98, 7.50, 4.98 Newest Spring Hats tor Men i nn i iii m .cm' NEW SHIRTS FOR SPRING Latest effect's in spring shirts made 1 C C of the bst imnortpd Rhirtino-H. nil hwpII -r patterns and effects that will be favor ed among careful dressers at . . . ... . . 50c Underwear, Spring weight, at. . . . . .. . . 1 35c New Spring Neckwear, latest shapes, at... . 15c JHigh Grade Suspenders, special at 25c and 15 c OIL SETS TRAIN ON FIRE Fast Train Oiuhsi Iito Local on the Eoithern Paoifio. THREE PASSENGERS BURNED TO CRISP Fire Cansed by Oil In tho Tanka Caed aa Fnel Deetroya the En. tire Train, Including; ' the Engine. SAN ANTONIO. '-.Tea'' Mareh iT Th Sunset Limited, on tbe Southern Pacific, and another passenger train collided at La Costa last night. Three psssengers were killed snd nine Injured. Dead: OUADALOUPE CANTEE. Monterey, Mex. ANTONIO ARIZPE. Sablnas. Mex. MANUEL TREVINO 8ANTO R.Mr... Mex. " Injured: Nsbor Floras. Monterey. Max h..r crushed. P. W. Morrow, traveling n....n.. Louisville Nashville railroad, San An tonio; two ribs broken. Miss J. Foster. Houston. Tex tiin Al located. Robert Harrahan. brakeman. San An. tonio; arm broken, face bruised. Miss A. Klstler, Oreat Bend, Fa.; arm dislocated. William Dobrowalskl. Ban Anfnaln. bruised. ' W. E. Hess. United fltataa .rm hi.nli.1 corps, Wsshlngton, D. C.j leg wrenched. onn wuinn, engineer; bruised. ' Dead Are Prominent Mexicans. The three dead Mexicans were relatives of General Oeronlmo Trevtno of Monterey, Mex., who wss on his wsy to San Antonio, accompanied by his wife snd, son. The Trevlnos were not Injured. The dead men were in the private car of General Trevtno. The Pullman In the rear telescoped tbs private car, crushing them to death. Their bodies were not recovered until they bad been burned to a crisp In tbe Ore which destroyed tba entire train, Including tba engine. The fire originated from tha oil la the tender. The trains were saatbound. The first, the Eagle Pass train, was standing on tbe main line at La Costa. The cause of the stop st La Costa, which Is only s small place, Is not known. Tbe Sunset Limited wss traveling at great speed when it crashed Into the Eagle Pass train. The engine of the limited crashed through a caboose, which waa hitched to tbe rear of tbe Eagle. Pass train and the rear sleeper. This car, in turn, telescoped tbe ssL " 'Vi . wsy se aanwsVtT. " CaW 1 Silk Et tn Jacket! $2.98 Smart little Eton Jackets . 1 AO prettily corded an tucked, Z.Vrt very popular, at '"' Hera la a canulne $$.00 hat for W W tn the swelleat shapes that will be worn this year in the east. A popu-. lar price for a very popular hat. The "Brandels Special" has an the style of a )5.00 hat, and all the fft yf quality of a $3.00 hat special at .......... 'r 75c Shirts, negligee - and laundered, in " the basemen1 at 25c. 98c Trevlno private eoscb, killing tha Mexl cana. ..,(. The engine of tha limited was destroyed. Nearly all of the Injured were on the llm Ited. The Injured were brought to Baa Antonio. Bnrltnsrton Flyer fa WreekedL DES MOINES. March 17. Southbound ass sehger trsln No. 28 'On tbe Chicago. Bur lington ft Qutncy, from St. Paul to Qutncy, was derailed four miles north of Thompson. 111., early this morning snd twenty wsre a Jured. , v " - Tbe two rear, coaches, a Pullman sleeper and s chair car turned over and Immediately caught fire. Trainmen, chopped a hole tbrovgh the bottom of the chair car through which tbe passengers were removed. Those In tbe sleeper bad narrow escapes from burning, many being forced to leave In their night clothes. Possibly two fatalities may result. Injured: Mrs. Carrie Howard, Butte, Mont.; hurt Internally. Leon Levi, traveling sslesmsn, Chicago; badly bruised and cut. R. O. Richardson, Edlnburg, 111.; badly In jured Internally; may die. M. J. Terrickson, Oalesbnrg, 111.; head out seriously; may die. Eugene F. Key, Centralis, HI.; bead and face badly eut. The remainder of the Injured were able to betaken to their respective homes. The two first ngmed were taken to Mercy hos pital at Clinton and tha remainder to Rock Island hospitals. CHICAGO, March' 27. The following list of Injured wss given eut at tbs Burling ton general offices: Miss Carrie Howard of Butte, Mont., not seriously hurt; taken to hospital at Clin ton. Leon! Levi, Chicago, slightly Injured. The following left on train, slightly In Jured: ( R. T. Erlckson, O. D. Henry, H. T. Be born, E. H. Key, Thomss McAlIon, J. N. Thomas, Mrs. J. N. Thomss. . Celebrate Gold si Wedding. . STURGIS. g. D March i.i-(8peclal.) Last Tuesday Mr. and Mrs." Joseph Merrltt, who reside about thres miles west of, this city, celebrated their golden wedding, snd nearly thirty years of that time spent In the Black Hills. A large number of friends were present snd msny beauUXul presents were received- i , ; i', a ' a"' B. Analsk , Fnneral of William Definite word ss to the funeral Jtmnge ments for the late William E.-Anntn has not been received In Omaha. C. E: Llewellyn received -a , telegrara S yesterday i stating that Mrs. Annln, with the body, would ar rive In Denver Sunday- afternoon. From this It Is presumed that burial will be at Denver. Mr,. Llswellya will go toy Denver Saturday. ' ' ' Physicians Recognize, : the remarkable tonic and construct ive qualities of , i; vaaaSiSuac, It is endorsed and prescribed Jy -tha besf doctors. The . ideal ioo&Kilrink; invigorating, sustaining, . H0T . q-tn-riMtlno-- It contains 14.602 genuine nutritive extract and less than alcohol. ' '' ' ' -v v" Sold by dwftists. Ieparedby t -' A ; Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass'n St. Louis, U. S. : i