THE OMAILA ' DAIliY 1IEE: THURSDAY, MAltCIl 20, l!KH. SPECIAL NOTICES a. csrL ... ... , tJ, A?rtlmata for the l,an -Mil be tekea bbIII la as. far the -bIb e-ltloa a-tll ft no . bb. f BaBralB ir eelttoa. ft a tee, 1 J-e a worl arat laaertlaa, 1 B wr tkrat(h Kethla ydkta fthr less ibbb. Jt.le for me Brat laser. Ana. Tbfi Jid vertiaeeaea to aaast b a ceaaecetlvely. Aiiirmrri, a- rrqittii( a aaw wered eherk, have aaawara aa ""' to a a eat be red Utter la par I Tk nee. Aaewera addreesed will ba delivered Breeeatatlea f tka eaeeK aljr.- . WANTKH STTIATIONS. "LDERLT gentleman wisher poallton as 1 row:nirin; temperate, industrious, expert f wiiu uum or biock.. Address X ao, wee. A 318 WAXTED-MALB HELP. SPRING TERM BOYLES COLLEGE ; New York Ufa Bldg. BtGlNS APK1L 6 ( SEND Jj'OR CATALOG 1,'E. ,'-'-. B MSOC MEN to learn barber trade: tree railroad fare upon eur tallure to convince you of this keing the hhHl' ana only reliable. moat ' practical barber college In the United Htatea. Wrue for catalogue today, Western Barbers' Institute,-umaha, Neo. i "..- .- B oli OOOD mesaengvrit' wanted)- bl(h ealarlea. A. JJ. 1. CO., Jlit. urn mi. u eis AMERICAN Baxter tollegT vomer 12th and DougLaa at, " tiur,Unic.f'Ated catalogue WANTED, EXPERIENCED CARPET . CL:TTKK Xiiiii Must be thor. ougtiiy pr actual , ai.a - reliable. Apply eupt. J. ax uraaaeis,& Buue. u wj m ' ' ' . t fir -i. if WANTED, drug clerk; must be Al pre scription clerk. 'Address Box 836, Btoux . FaltB,: 8. U. i i B M67ht 'Hi CIQARMAKER8 wanted at.pen shop; 10 Jobs to compeient clgarmakers on seed mold beriecto. ehaued work. . Prefer ciuar- . makers who had irtunlng in large eastern . lactones, vomi at ouce. . Julius f epper- ' ,:i B-671-25 .WANTED, meti to learn barber trade. Bpe- ciai onei iot ntteen daya in April. Toon tuition, beard and- uoeltlona Included. Time s&ved by our method. Call or write for catalogue, Molur Barber College, 13u2 uouiias bi. ... . . . tti.ttzi" WANTED, experienced furnishing goods . tajosman. r-euse jjsros., nn i-arnam. st. U Mow WANTED, clothing and shoe salesman; ex , perlenced Bian only; references with ap plication, stating- Klary wanted. Joseph nioccay at con, unawa, ta, a w a WANTED, a bright boy with wheel to de liver. Call at Sehaefer Cut Price Drug btore, join and cnicago. B Mli8 -fSALESMEN for Nvinona Mills' real seam- less hosiery and tin eel . underwear la Omaha and eastern Nebraska. Call 0 to. It a. m. tier (irand hotel. George A. lluntv weatsrn manager. B M973 2t WANTEDCoachman References required. H. W. xates, Nebraska.. National Banki Jo A DAT Why work for a mere living when you can easily earn i a day; light work 'In your own locality; formula and complete instructions, 11 Address c. C ' lggins, Jiaray, iseb. B MIRK 27 MANAGING sales agent, also sub agents; something new, a co-wee to mane a posi tion for yourself and make money. Ad- dress J. H. Williams Mfg.. Co., 10U6 Penn Ave., fjttsDurg, fa. B 11 Za" CIOARMAKER8 wanted at union shop; 15 jobs open to competent clgarmakers on seed mold; perfecto shaped work,' 116.00 per l.uuo. -rerer rigurmaKers who ',have , had training In large iastern. factqrtoe. Come. mjL oiie. Jditus l?epuerbtrg, Mfr., 1.1.. . . . W W r ,. 1 1 ... . i ' i' 1 ! i-r it . i .i WANTED, paper ruler, good down line man;' steady work, good wuges. Jiaktr- vawter contpanyi-Atcniaon, Ivan. '- -! ,B J02 26.' BOY wanted. Omaha' Boj Co., East Omaha. w- -B 10 WANTED for U. 8. army, able-bodied un married men between axes of 21 and 3&: citizens oi. United States, of good char acter and temperate habits. . who can speax, read and write English, tor lnfor. matlon apply to Kecrultlng Otflcer, 16th and Dodge 8ta., Omaha, or postotlice UUUUIIIg, IDCQIII, li IALESME.1 WANTED. SELL Bitters aa aide line on commission; uut arui-ie, wen auveruseu. uwB Cuming. WANTED, two salesmen, .salary or com mission. C. F, Adams Co., 1&L9 Howard Bt . . . . M2D6 BIX experienced canvasers at good salary to represent Little, Brown at Co,'s new line, call after a. u.. .500 Ware Blk. ' " ' 858 WASTED FEMA HELP. 100 Girls. Call Canadian office, 15th AV Dodge. . I C Ml WANTED a a-trl for llrht luiiu..,b family of thre; no washing. Apply lti urace. , C Mol J WANTED, woman to sew fringe on carnet: I must have experience In operating motor I macnine. Appiy oupu J. Brandeia 4k 1 BOUS. C 611 WANTED, a cook. 8620 Farnam. C-177 i WANTED, ladles to learn the most useful s trade in- exiatence; snort time required. 1 Big money for graduates. Call or writs, i C-778 27 t WANTED, girl for general housework. , small lanuiy, auou wuges. inquire y.B N. zstn Ave. urn. Bimerai. C M796 , A SERVANT girl for general housework; : no wasning, aiu bo. iin Ave. c 959 2a ( WANTED, bright woman to go to Callfor ; nla for six months., For particulars ad- J ttress A m, uee. , C 104 27 ; WANTED,' girls to stuff catalogues. Apply at once to Hayden Bros, . C Utl 25 f THERE Is now room In our training school j tor nurses ror two more applicants. A. w. ciara, vnuu euving juat. ... Cr-M112 28 FOR RET-HOlSES. HOUSES, tt upward.. Bawls, Paxton Blk. - ' . : . ' -4. . - D5J3 MODERN brick houses 24l Lake St., 816. 7-rouin house, city water, 1601 8. th at.. US. (-room house, ;fity, watetr 84 J. jjiih st Molern brick'' hotwe, 3aN. OHV st.. 8ii THOMAs BKENNAN, Su8 South 13th bt. , -. - D M77 2 ONLY one more of those fine ill m..,. 7-room, brick houses 'SI 2Wh and liarj sis. i ne imm - avusea-m umana. G. K. lurxiiiatou. ue uee uiug. 1 M53 Hfll mF? Pttrt ot c,,y- The O. nUUOW F. Davis Co., 5u8 Bee Bldg. .. . . i-a VANS and baggage wagons. Tels. 1195-1145. D 524 if bldg., gTound floor. D M944 -RCXM house. 2702 S. ISth St.. 3. -.. n Mm FOR RENT 3-atorv brlt-k. 10 rooms uartlv furnished, 'to party who 'will buy 'carpels' I anil furniture: rent or Jive rooms psys enure rent Appiy us B. litn si.r . s i I -. - D-.MS93 HOUSES and flats. Rlngwalt Barker block. FOR RENT, collate at 50T 8. 83d st. Tele phone owner, uu. or call at Hi s. to I SU . , U t67 UOUSE. Q. a. WalUc, Brown Block. .'VOIlPQ ,D a" Parts of the city. R 1 nUUOfcJ c Peters i Co.. Be Bldg '',', . D-i- ' 1 S j. 'r - i . " NEWLY built moiem'' 7-rodm cottage, 825 I per month. Inquire R. C. Peters & Co.. ) Bee blda-.. arround floor. FOR RE!IT-HOllBI. WE MOVE pianos. MotnH Vim Stor age (,o. TeL 14!. omce, 1711 vetieier t. ! 4 I TO MOVE right get Oman Van Storage .v. , uiuw, utnym r ai on in, ur lew. U 0 NEW 8-room house. 8. W. err. 3Sth ave. Leavenworth. " UM!t6 . : - SEVEN-room house with barn at 03 Nicholas st., partly modern, 117. i w. A. Spencer, 6 New York Ufa. D M837. NICE l-rnora house, all modern, lawn, etc. 721 8. 37th. Will llrowne, Jr. I 971 A22- ELEOANT modern 8-room brick house, 205 8. 2bth at. Inquire 2411 Jones. I A19. FOR RENT, 8-room house all modern ex cept furnace. 74 If. 9m Kt.rjJV.w. c. M. Bachmann, 486-37 Paxton Blk -. D S4S PAYNE. BOBTWICK A CO. Choice houses. oui-eua ew York ire Flag. rnone iu. MODERN 8-room. brick. 2601 Capitol ava. I FOR RBMT-FCRSiaHED BOOMS. DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnatn. ti Wi i ' AETNA HOUSE, European, 13th . Dortga, ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th Chicago. L. M. E. hauls trunka. THeDkone. 780. ' - E ELEGANT steam heated roomav 0 Cap itol Ave. VIENNA HOTEL, JOU-15 rafnam etreet. ELEOANT rooms; hot water Iwatf modern; .references. )61B liyeosieT..' , NICELY "furnished front room, eulUble for two. 1714- California B. i- T.vnva HdTKI. Ruronean. 113 N. 18th Stl . . r , tt-woi v DENVER RE8TAURAJT 604 N. ih,. Telf F-33431 - i ! ' '' -mat. M .- 1 ii- i . NICE modern room In VrY fsjrable' 1o-H . VBUUU. Mt tiaiuv ofc. " 1 t ROOMS, light housekeeplng. - ill? Bo: nth, . E MS68 FRONT, 1st fl., modern. 2024 Bt. Mary's Av. 1 . ,. MU1 1.0ft TO $2.00 per. week. 422 So. 18th St. one block soutn or court nouse.. Xs SNl COZY rooms, Capitol Hotel,1 ftth antl Capi tol avenue. - m " FIR.M8HED ROOMS A?lf BdAIlP.' vir-ts rnhmi. . altim heat, "with or without Doaja ; low rates, juiotana nuitu, xoin im Chicago. . - r o- .. -!- f . . M-M ' A NICE large room, with' Kood Board. 41& I NICE rooms, good boards. The Roserzo- Harney. . - -. jv onv1 DINING .room for rent. vranteav an ex-T; nrlnrvlrl TlArtV tA tSKe cnarge OI rddui 30 boarders In boarding house. Aauress A 22, Bee. . a-mi.ii-. FRONT rootnwlth alcove, suite of rooms on first floor second floor; nor. . F Ml 13 FOR RENT IJiFlRMSHEI) ROOMS. SUITE of. rooms. modem housekeeping. 610 Georgia ave. G M90S 28 two or three lares rooms, with or with out neat or wnt nny nuu. North 20th Bt. . . u juiis FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. rnH ENT-Th hulldlna- formerly ocou- tiled bv 1 he Alee at vis t arnam ow it aoa four stories, and a basement which was formerly - used as The Bee press room. Th will be rented very ..reasonably. It I imervatad annlv at office to C Hose- water, secretary, room 100, Bee building. A 4U. mil RKNT JBiiildlng suitable for Whole- sale purposes al 91 ti K'arnam,. 22x90, .four ' . .1 1 1... 1 . . ..,.: etVaiOT, III, 'Uut,w,, wvv. otflca-counter and fixtures. . For price and particulars Inquire C C. ttueewatar, seore- tary the Be AJuMdlng Co room loo Bee buildtng. ,:r , ,v . : v MS6i , OKFICUS -lav- -the, Bee- buUdlngi-110.00 per montn up. nentai price mciuues neat, lioht A.nd lanltor service. .R.. C Peters Ai. Co.. Rental Agents, grouna uoor nee aiag. : .-. :- .- ' ' ; ' 1-m ' Ffin RENT Store. In first-class location: rent reasonable. Apply n. t jreters oc Co.. ground floor Bee Bldg. - l-m We will build a three or four-story build- I U if .if,KU In ,.,K.c.U Hl Jll IIOIIIVT W4) dul lllllv 1 VI TV IIW Jlllv purposes. . Lot 44 ft front Alley Inrear. lnnnlM .' 1IIVJUIIV R. C. PETERS & CO., : i Ground Floor, Bee Bldg. I-M993 AGENTS WANTED. WANTED Canvassing agents In every county to solicit subscriptions to thk TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady emoloynlent. with assured aood in come. Agents n ne country wun oorse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make eally 100 to tluo per month. Ad- A r i eunliif. IT a rmuF fii.llr.1 1 nr, 1 1 1 1 r u 11 .Bee building, umana. - us ; AGENTS make 86 dally nelllng- the cheap est and most periect water niter ever in vented. Retails at 82.00. Lia prolHs. Ex clusive territory. Seneca 11ter ' t o.. Seneca, Mo. J 772 38" AGENTS The COLUMBUS EGO can't be BEAT. ' The must ruruLAK rvuv ELTY of the day. ' EVERYBODY WANTS ONE. By mall. 23c. G. W. 8, Co., Room 23, Patterson Bldg., Omaha. J 982 3o WANTED TO RENT. WANTED to rent, an 8 or 9-room house. Utter preterrea; mooern conveniences, in west or southwest locality. Address x 7. Bee. K em WANTED TO BUY. WANTED, to buy, second-band typewrit ers. Nebraska Cycle Co., Cor. lath and Harney. N M7a WANTED, to buy, 60 second-band ladles' bicycles. Kiebraska. cycle CO., cor. latn and lUrmy, N M726 28 WANTED to buy, a good riding pony; about MJO pounds, for girl; must be city broke. Apply A. D. Brandeis, 16th snd Douglas Sts. N-961 DON'T alve your house furnishings away. Call on J. L.evine or let lil and ne u pay you a big price. ri alx9A24 YOU NO horse or mare Y. Life. about 1 lb. cheHp. 613 N. N MKT 29 FOR SALE FLRN1TIRE. , :, CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. TeL 2u. ew ana seceuanana. nauant so exchanged. O 540 r FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. HORSE AUCTION at Union 8 took Yards bone mat aei every w eunesuay alteroooo. . , P oil i . I 75 DELIVERY wagons, buggies, carriage. any sise or any price w smb. x f rost. 14m auu Mivswrui. . A DANDY l,9u0-lb. team, with harnass and wagon. Jtourve, eu toria uu bu P-M38S ' AUCTION sale of horses every Tuesday. Thursday, at jonn b. cooper s, union Stovk aards, Houtn umana, JSeb. P-446-A-12 FOR SALE MISCELLANKOIS. New and Zdhfnd typewriters. llli Farnam. S-4i FOR SALE Two stoves and thre shew, casei with stands, cheap It taken st one. Auaress, u ai. -tee. vi 44 TELEPHONE poles. Long Fir timbers. CtiU kn fence. Oak piling. 9-il Douglas. WIRE fence for hoga. poultry, . lawn and farms Ire Works, til 8. lbth. TeL 16MA U AA33S jy-u 1 INDIAN goods and rsllca. 1119, Farnan WHY LET YOUR ROOM STAY VACANT? Every Day is a Loss of Money When a Little Want-Ad Will Rent It. TOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE First mortgage, not bearing per cent interest, payable every six months; tiaa about 2V, yearn to run ; rood security and endorsed by responsible Sarty; amount, 31.800. Inquire C. M. lacbmann. Room 421, Paxton Block. VI CATALOGUE cut drug prlcea free. Sher man & Mcconnell Drug Co., umana. Q MH53 75 LADIES' and genta' watches. ,1M din- monis. lert in pawn, good aa nw, aeuing at half erica. Diamond Loan Office. l)l Douglas. . Q aid A-l SECONDHAND billiard and pool tablaa: , niniara laoies repaireo; a large aiecji oi cheap bar nxlurea, cigar counters, eio. The T.runawlck-Balke-Collender Co., fJ7-9 g, joth. . W-M30V-J1 PART FCRNITURE tn 10-room house, rent of Are room, pay entire rent; nice Datn, good furnace. Call B09 8. 17th at. 'Phtme ;1689. Q H6I4 ' ,EOGS for hatching .'C brrtwn leghorn. Mm Geo. W. Mm A24 rini, w aflron atratti. Hart man, 4424 N. tTth 8L FOR SALE Phonographs, superior to any otner musical instruments, up. ine Columbian Phonograph Co., 1621 Farnatn. 2DHAND safe cheap. Dertght, 1118 FArnam. ' - i. .if. ' J . EDISON machine supplies and - records. FrederlckSon, lath and Ckpitoi Ave. , A GOOD grocery lee bow fol sale. C. W. Shrader, gstn ana monao. viw s MISCKLLAXjEOlg. A BUYER for a -room modern dwelling, An nnrti nf llanaivilti ' P, T-k All dress P, 683, Omaha.. , It WANTED, WASHING Limited quantity. Good work. ZBW 8, 12th St. 9M .. CLAIRVOVAVTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. 1614 Cass street. MME. OYLMER. genuine palmist, 31S 8. .15. SOVEREIGN Clairvoyant. 807 N. 18th St 8 M873 A3 MADAM K LUCRETIA, medium, 109 Ctit- I tSU Dl. D B13l 1' ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. M133 DAVIS, 1921 How'd, baths; attendant MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15, 2d floor, r. 2. ,T... 1 L-Jil ..-.v..: mioo nuiiAnu cifBniil llivrtBuuq uauiB, siiHlKlant M17U N l,",lh flat V. T-M312 April GRACE O BRYAN of Kentucky. 720 S. 13th. T BHm II 1 " l.i t PERSONAL. ECZEMA SALVE that cured W. A. Paxton. B, J. Bcauneu, agent, txjy ware block. U-M442, pi rn Pianos tuned. Room 7, Be Bldg. (PL Perneld Piano Co. TeL 701. U-36 31 FREE SAMPLE, WHISKEY. Send toe .o cover cost ot shipping, etc., we will forward, prepaid, sample bottle of "HILLER'S OLD PRIVATE STOCK." Pure, old whiskey. Dept.- ,B,-' Hlller Liquor Co., uttt arnam St., Omaha, Neb. u MS31 31 QUIET home for ladles la .trouble before ana during connneroeni; goon care and prompt aUeBUon aeuifu.s., Write oricalL ,Mrs, L. Carter, 2317 Charles,. tfenaha, Ken. . . :, ' . vo!.Apr4' , OMAHA DYE WORSB, 1515'HbWard; fash- - rdraperles, rugs. '-lace ctlkalns; we dye i.carpets. , . ; ; uja'jVprjw7 MRS. JAfJOBSON. 220 N;.S0th Sf.' " ! - U JUi.(,A3 RUPTURE CURED 'wlfhotlt pain. Emotre Rupture Co., N. T.tLIfeBldg.,,CTnl)a: , I ...... i. . ...... t MAGNET- PILE KILLER.' IT CUttEa At druggists. L V U M& i i : . i ., 1 1 l, ,' Qnfirtlpc; .o'ooefitieal'Co.- wwww.ww ila B..ietn. u-flba , DR. ROY, chiropodist; Corns and superflu ous nair removea ty electricity. K. 7( ana 8, 1505 Farnam 8t. ' kU-552 i ... . i VIA VI A wholesome nerve and tissue' food and home treatment for disorders1 of women. Write tor free booklet, Vlavl Co.,, 34a Bee Bldg., Omaha. - U 657 TELEPHONE ""SO for LtliE. messengers. PRIVATE hospital before and during. con finement; babies boarded and a a op tea. Mrs. Uardeia; mi- Lake. Tel. Red-lsM. -... - U o59 PRIVATE sanitarium for ladles before and during confinement, ur.ana mbs uexiacn, 3iU5 California St. Terms Teasonable. . - ELITE PARLORS, 15 8. 16th St.; 2d floor, PRIVATE home lor women,.-. during con finement, uood Bamantanr . Biinajiuui, 728 1st ave.. Council Bluffs, la.-. L M(&9 WE RENT' sewing machines, any make. for nbo per weex or s per moniu. tt h attachments for and repair any machine manufactured." - NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., Phone 16t. f . Cor. 15th ndJi?e HOME during confinement; flrst-tlass. Dr. L. L. Miller, saot jaionuu. rouut -uo. . i : U Mi4 I FOR fine toilet and soft skin use Fritch's famous vegetaoie soap; inaue in bark; has no grease or lye. Bels Kueer, 820 So. 16th. U Mill Apr25 C. EDERER, Bristol St florist ' Tel. 1786. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. MONEY to loan on improved Omaha real estate. erennaB-i-uvs v-u. v . 4 TO 6 P. C, money. Bemls, Paxton Block. .; W5l 4V1 PER CENT on business property, Ootiens to pan. whole or part aiy time. W. B. ME1KLE. 401 8. 15TH ST. . Wv-582 PRIVATE money.. Sherwood. l3T,Life. WANTED City and farm loans; .also, bonds u warrants - R. C. Peters & Co.. 17oJ farnam St., Bee Bldg. . , ,W-t564 FIVE PER CENT loans. Garvin .Broa 1801 t arnam. ' . : "7?" FARM and city loans, low ratea. W. H. Tbvmas, r irt rau cin sma. k , : W 5 PRIVATE money, F. D. Wead. 1524 D$ugla. -ii' ; wWW WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam bmitn at to., a-w aruani sir-ei. W 1 eCDf MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. THE STAR LOAN COMPANY. Room 644. Paxton Block. 'Phone F'2298. This comuany ta the ortvate bank of the wage earner ana saianea employe, it von have a Dermanent Dosltlon aa clerk. bookkeeper, salesman, machinist or arti san of an;- ktntt. you can obtain on your not without security or endorser. Semi- '' Monthly. Monthly Weekly. r 00 return to ce....Ci.6 813.35 KM uO return to us.... 13 23 i.6T - 3. Si t 25 xeturr to us.... 6 44 8 33 : '"1.88 t 16 return to us.... 4 00 J.u . .'. LOo Our ofllcea are private and our suslness connaeiitiai. rrom i a. m. to i p. u. . X-e471 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; business xnndentlsl, lowest rates. 5li A-aitoa Clock. -Abe J. A. AAUiton to, ' X 3i MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY. MONEY.". ' MONEY? ARB YOU IN N EKD OF MONEY 7 IT 13 A GOOD THING TO KNOW THAT WE LOAN MONEY TO SALARIED EMPLOYES holding Perma nent po-iltlons with responslb.e iirms on their I'laln Note without ENDORSER. MORTGAGE, or SECURITY, of any kind, or Employer's knowledge. We mux, loan money - on FURNITURE, PIANOS. HOR8ES. CARRIAGES, ETC., at the lowest possible rate. There will be no restrictions on your moving, no In quiry among your neighbor or friends or any other unpleasant formalities. You can REPAY US ia WEEKLY -or MONTHLY payments to suit your own convenience. You receive the FULL AMOUNT wanted in cash;, no CHARGES DEDIICTCn 1 M itlVANl K We want your business and believe an in vestigation or our methods win gel it, even if at present you are dealing With another company. - If yon want to be dealt wHh fairly rait on u. JVirsU, COl.'KTEOUB TKKATMEJiT TO ALL. Our office Is the best equipped to handle your business with PRIVACY OF ANY IN THE CITY. ' AMERICAN LOA? CO.. Room 303-PAXTON BLOCK Room I0J. ..Get Off Elevator at Third Floor. Open Wed. and Sat Till 8 P. M. ' .-','' X MITT We'Iosn from fld.OO nn on . furniture'. live Stock, pianos, etc. SALARY LOANS wlth- out-mortgage to persons, who hold salaried f-osltlons. An' Interview will rnnvlnm vn-i yhiii the conditions' of our contracts ere the most Hberai obralaable in the city.- We mak no deductions from the amount bor rowed, as some do. thereby roir.nelllrs vom t"lr for money you do not get. Our office is' very easily round, and having recently Nd It again remodeled It Is more private fhan ever. We always try" to please. WMAHA OAN VO., 119 Board of Trada Bldg. Tel. 229& (Established 18S2.) 10 S. 16th St ' X-933 : LOAMS , Chattels; or Salary LOWEST RATES. AND . I BEST TERMS IN THE CITY TRY US,r " PHOENIX CREtilT CO. 633 Paxton BIk., 'letl 'and Farnam. ''i- ' A MluOO , .". 1 , LARGEST BUSINESS IN IK5AN3 TO SALARIED PEOPLE, 'merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc., witnout se- "curtty; easiest terms; 40 oiilces in prln cipTtl cities. Toman, 440 Board of trade : lidg. X-673 SALARY LOANS privately made on notes, RELIABLE CREDIT CO.; Paxton Block, Corner lbih and A-'arnamjdis., Xntrd Floor. . X.-M1.4 CHATTEL salary and jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., suo to D. Green. R. 8 Barker bit ' . ' . ' -''. . . X-M4 MONEY loaned on pianos,' furniture, Jew ,elry, horses, cows, etc, C. F. Reed, 319 8. 13. , : : 'X-676 rrr- BUSINESS CHANCES. WHBN you Ivant to bun rH or exchange any; property of bOelnei'aulca, see J. ri. .. Johnson. e4 n. I. A.rte-:-. -; y 36 HARNESS shop or -itil Inquire et L. Bchaeler, Marton. J. lhmii! i, Y-AI474 WANTED, in Cpta. U.o)llrft lia gen- .era I, stcre, good brick room oaa be had at'dnce, ZoxxoO teet; best location hi city. -Inquire of J A. pelk, Pain, la, . Y-617 CASH for your real estate or business, no jnatter wnere located, 1 For a quick sale v. send -us"descrlpuoh" and" price.- - North- .western Business Agency, ti 312. Bank of ( Cooimeree. Bliig Minneapolis, Minn.' f. Mi0 A13" TO GET In or out of busihess call oh Wil liams. Room 411.' McUague building. - - '- Y-678 M. G. MONTGOMERY, 814 N. Y. Life bldg. Y M974 ni.ArKSMlTH shoD for -sale or rent: only rhop In town; good trade; also good ( house and lot and-v small Uvery business, : John P. Foster, Archer, Neb. Y-966 26 EXCELLENT opportunity for -some one - with small capital to take half Interest In good paying business; one-willing to do office work desired. Address E, Bee 1 " office. Council Bluffs. , ' ' TC M119 29 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE). .. FOR SALE or lease for a term of years, - trackage 'property,' 132 by 181 feet on 8. B. corner 13ih and Grace Bta., paved, ad- 'Joins Omaha Casket building on north. .- Apply to Arthur C. Wakeley, 607 New -. York Lite building, Omeha. - RE 808 25 MODERN 8-room house; alee -room! good - lucations; low prices. Inquire 1411 Vinton. RE M782 A-21 HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; also acre property and farm lands. The O. F. Davis Co., Room 508, Bee Bldg. RE 881 FOR SALE or trade. 80 choice, rich, pro ductive farms, - both large and small; also 10 good cheap stock ranches lh northeast Nebraska, some of which can . be traded (or general uidse., hardware. Implements, cattle, sheep or horses. Geo. W. Hutton, Orchard .Neb. K MBt4 Aprjl RANCH and farm lands for sale by the Uplen Pacific Railroad company. McAUester land commissioner Union Pa cific He-dquarters, Omaha. Neb. RE 5S0 FARMS FOR SALE. We have a number -of farms in Dakota that we can sell on the installment plan. Ask us or write, Cooley Inv. and R. E. Co.. 823 N. Y. Life bldg. RE-M977 10 DO YOU WANT TO , .SELi. A. FARM ? If you want to sell o farm or ranch, tell the farmers and stock raisers about It The bjtst way to reach .them. Is through . THE TWENTIETH ' i ; CENTURY- FARMER:- This agricultural weekly goes to 40,000 homes f farmers and stock raisers, so If you have a good piece of land to sell at a reasonable price you ought to, find a buyer among them. The coat of n advertise ment Is small 2 cents per word. -;,. TH TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER, OMAHA, NEP.,' ' .' . . . . .. - RE 604 TAKE A' GOVERNMENT TIMBER CLAIM Good yellow pine timber claims running from 2,0uu,0u) to 3.0u0,ouu feet per V-secllon; government price 83.50 per acre. RESIDENCE ON . LAND NOT NECESSARY. For further Information address Omaha Bee or Geo. M Reed, Grangevllle, Idaho,, formerly of firm of R. O. Peters A Co. RE Mill 29 MISSOURI LANDS. We have for sale choice MiUr county. Mis souri, improved farm lands, from la to 835 pi acre. Good graxlng lands in any size tracts de. sued, from 84 to 810 per acre. Alec lesd sine. Iron and coal lands. Write us for nur Und list. CONLOGUE ST. JOHN, ELDON, MO. R-M383 A-U -MODEL HOME. . Five acres level land, young orchard In bearing. 10-room pressed brick dwelling, barn, carriage house and other outbuild ings, chicken yard and garden, near street cars snd Country club. A snap at 86.(u; leas than half what Improvements coat W. N. MASON,' Bt Bldg. Money FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. GOLDEN' ADDITION. Only 20 minute's ride from Barker Block to Golden Addi tion. Take Farnam car going west Lots, 50x125 feet. Price, 5100 each. Money loaned to home builders W.A.Webster. Barker Block. Rli-MU6 21 CHOICE trackage, 16th. paved. Monroe Ml N. RE-6TI FOR BARGAINS In real estate, houses for lent Insurance of any kind, see Robt. H. Lauderyou, 442 Chamber of Commerce. RE 74&-A-1 WILLIAMSON JrtK.stre?t: im KE 882 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITERS. GREGG 8. 11., Touch T. W., Bus. Branches, Tsleg. Cat. free. Urn. Com. Col., 17 & Doug. A. C. VAN BANT'S SchooL 717 N. Y. Ufa. BOYLES college, court reporter principal. Is. Y. Lite. oat) NEB. Business & Shorthand College, Boyd'i Theater. , 691 I AW AND COLLECTIONS. ST1LLMAN & PRICE. 23 U. S. N I Bk. Bid. NEW SNOW-CHX'RCH CO., 1st floor N. Y. Life Bldg., attorneys and collectors every where. 6S0 MACFARLAND & MAY, New York Lite Bldg. Room 304. , 'Phone 1562. 5)17, MANVFACTl RING. P. MELCHOIR, 13th & Howard, machinist. 608 OMAHA Safe and Iron Wks. make a spe cialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and safes. G. Andreeu, Prop., 102 So. 10th St ..... .609 MEDICAL. DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases , and Irregularities of women, from any cauaf, experienced, reliable. 1513 Dodge, Arlington block, Omaha, Neb. Tel. 83. 62V LADIES' Chichester English Pennyroyal Pills are th i best; safe; reliable. Take no other. Send 4c, stamps for particulars. "Relief to- Indies" in letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Clilchestsr . Chemical Co.. Philadelphia, Pa. C ! ', ' ' GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. OMAHA PLATING CO., Bee Bldg. Tel. 253. 610 CORNICE WORK. GALV. Iron cornice, tr.etal ceilings, sky- lignts. mpeneter s cornice was., 614 a. tutn, . - -M477 . TYPEWRITERS. LAMBERT. 825. Monroe & Co., 811 N. 16th - 13 PATENTS. H. J. COWGILL No fee unless successful 818 So. 16th SC. Omaha. Tel. 1798. 693 TREES. FRUIT, shade and ornamental trees, vines, . all rubs, roses, small friut, etc. Aiidrvss Omaha Nursery, Papllllon, Neb. -722 Al GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. MRS. 8. J. VANDERBECK, 321 N. 16th 8t M4M i DETECTIVE! AGENCY. CAPT. THOS. CORMACK, private detec tive. 817 itaroacn block, i eiepnone a-zsja. BRICK WORK. J. P. HEALY. 1822 Clark Street. -76 CARPET CLEANING. SEND your carpets and rugs to Christen- son s carpet Cleaning worits, zui r. Jf 'tn St. Tel. lt. MJiO MLSIO. THOS. J. KELLY, voice. Davldge Block. 3m LOST. LOST Lady's Westerfleld bicycle; reward Warren Switzler, 26u4 St Mary's avenue, Lost MHO 26 LOST I-ady'e watch Monday, with ini tials M. M. on case, between Hayden a and Boston store Reward If returned to 2010 Davenport. Lost MH 26 WALL PAPER AND PAPER HANGING. OILS, paints, varnishes, window glass. T. j. sterner. ao ti. 20tn St. Tel. A-2567. M38S PRINTING. CALL up Gardner Printing Co. Tel. A-32A3. for all kinds of job printing. 517 8. 18 St SI A3 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co., cleans cesspools and vaults, removes garbag and dead animals at reduced prices. 621 N. 16th. Tel. 1779. 698 -PAWNBROKERS. Cllt S T .... n rffln. dl . hU n ...., Ing, all business confidential, 13ul Douglas, . OSTEOPATHY. nm t.. AT.irTT. inuvcnv .tnn... .v.. Suite 513, New York Life BlJg. Tet lA. I . - 19 The Hunt Infirmary, McCague Bldg. TeL 2353 M17S GRAVEL ROOFING. BARRICK Tel. 961. Roofing Co., 1616 Cuming St 600 GENERAL ROOFING. WORK in any part of the country. Jones Atooning co.. ion uurt St. Tel. 1986. -1S ROOFING, lightning rods and repairing Germanla Roofing Co., 1612 Capitol Ave. iei. i-w. mjoi Alf MISICAL INSTRUMENTS. C9C flfl Proflt on Weber pianos, Perneld (, ..v t iano co. TeL 701. Bee building. STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn. 480 Kamse Bldg 614 DRESSMAKING. KEISTER'S Ladles' Tailoring College, Suite M-4--s. Alougias Clock, lotn snd Aotlg U. D, Snyder, Mgr. Write for booklet. iA THINKS AND BAGGAGE. TWIN CITY EXP, Phone 1717. fr 8. to THE DEPOT on time. L M. E. Tal. 71. DANCING ACADEMY. MORANTJ B, lSth and Harney. Thor.e 1012. t. issses ror beginners rormlng March 3. Tuenilsv and Vrlilav it t n tn .,ninlll every Wednesday. Walls, two-step, guar antees o. 4, t ;j TICKET PROKF.RS. Cl'T RATE rallrond tickets everywhere. At. t'hilbin, laoo t amtm. 'l hone .M. STORAGE. OM. Van. Btor. Co.,15114 Farn. Tela. 15&-ffi U4 EXPRESSMAN'S Del. Co. Tils. 1196-1145. o.- Al'TOMOBILF.S. ELEC. automobiles. Derlght H19 Farnam. BICYCLES. ALL THE most popular makes sold on easy terms; also second-hand wheels irom u ud. See me before you buv. LOUIS FLESCHER. 1622 CAPITOL AVE. Telephone (14. M611 Apr la BAKERY. TRY our three-layer white cakes, 20c. vsrucenes inu meats i iuwcbi utivc. Johnson, Ooodlett Ac Co. Tel. 157a. Ztii 1 .. 1 at . . . 4 i ... a - CHOLARSHIF. BUSINES8 college scholarship for sale at a bargain in one or umana s leading com mercial co'leR-es; life scholarship. Address S 47, Bee ofllce. M716 '.;-..- TrNSERS. O. E. KOCH. 24th and Maple.. Tel. L-1MK. STOVE REPAIRS. STOVES stored and gasoline stoves cleaned Omaha stove nepair works. Tel. wo. MM7 IPHOLSTERING. CARLSON & CO., 2121 Leavenworth. Tel 2S1S PETERSON & Lundberg, 115 Bo. 17th. Tel. LiMM. UI CARPENTEHS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attenaea to. a. i. ucnuiree. 2tth and Lake Sts. 870 TAXIDERMIST. J. E. WALLACE, 605 So. 13th Bt. 694 CONTRACTORS AND Bl'ILDBRS. A. J. PIERSON, 20th and Burt Tel. L-2836. tins J..L. SPITZBART. Tel. F-2508, 2522 Lake. Mti&J All SEED AND POl'LTRY SVPPLIKS. ULLERY CO., 1611 Howard St Tel. 3327. mi EXPERT ACCOt'NTANT. Q. R. Rathburn, Room 15, Com'l Nat bank. DID J. H. BOONSTRA,. office 1515 Howard. Tel. 47. mao4 ah RIG MANIFACTI'RING. OMAHA Rug Factory, 1521 Leaven. Tel. 2068 .-vni 1 1 - - .81 AT CLEANING, LADIES' and gents', 60c. Schwartz's. Ill So. istn. sw ! PRINTING, BRIEFS, ETC. WATERS Printing Co. -Linotype composi tion, lei. ziao. . ot '- HAIUtERADB COSTIMES. THEO.'LIEBEN, 1018 Farnam, costumes. i LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry and City Towel Supply. l7uo eavenwortn. Tel. 621 BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co.. 811 North 16th. . . 013 FLORISTS. HESS Jk SWQBODA, 141 Farnam. -M393 HAY', GRAIN AND COAL. M, LONDON, 2302 Cuming, . Tel. A-2E38. mni3 io ACCORDION PLEATING. MRS. GOLDMAN, 200 Douglas block. POSTOFF1CB MOTICE. (Should be read DA1LT ty all interested. as changes may occur at any time.) Forelan malm fur the Week ending March 28, 1903 will close (PROMPTLY in all cases) at the'gentrui povtohlce aa follows: PAR CELS 1-otST MAlLb close one hour earlier than closing time shown below, parcels Dost malls tor Uernu.ny close at i p. in. Monday per a. s. Kronprlns Wm.; Wednes day, pr s. k. O. Kuuul-sl. and Friday, per a. b. Pretoria. Regular ana supplementary mans ciose at foreign station half iiour later than closing lima snown DCiow lexcepi mat auuuiemsn- tary mails for Eirope and Central America, via colon. Close one -our utter at tureign Station). TraasatiaBtlo Malls. THURSDAY At 7 a m. for FRANCE, SWITZERLAND ITALY. SPAIN PORT UGAL. TURKEY, EGYPT, GREECE, BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MAR- WCEZ, per s, s. La Champagne, via Havre (man ior otner parts oi curope must do aireoieu lift s. s. vaaiipagiie FRIDAY At 6:30 p. m. for AZORES IS .' LAND 8, per. s. s. Commonwealth, from Boston. SATURDAY -At 8 a. m. for BELGIUM dl red. ner a. a. Kensington (mall must be directed "per s. s. Kensington"); at 11:30 a. m. (supplementary 1 p. m.) for EU ROPE, per s. s. Etruria via wueenstown; at 12:30 p. n. lor ITALY direct, per s. s. Koenlg Albert (mall must be directed "per .. . l. nl.. A IK....", PRINTED MATTER, ETC. This stesmer tkaa Drlnted matter, commercial Daoers and samples for Germany only. The same class of mall matter for other parts of Europe will not be sent by this ship un- - less specially directed by her. After the closing Of ths supplementary transatlantic malls named above, addi tional siintilemeniarv malls are ODened on the piers of the American, English. French and German steamers, and remain open until within ten nunutes o( the nour of 'sailing oi steamer. Malls for Boat- aad Central America West ladles. Kte. THPRflnAT At 8 a. m. for CUBA. TUCA TAN, CAMPLCHE TABASCO and CHI ' APA&. ter s. s. Vl-llancla (mall for other parts ef Mexico must be directed "per S. s. Vlgnancia i: si- iv a. m. ivr ADA and TRINIDAD, pr s. s. Maracaa; ..... , u.e UITTJ Bf UlfaTIKfl BT ri'STATira BRITISH. DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA, per a. s. Uller; at 12 m. (supplementary 12:30 p. m.) ro BAHAMAS GUANTANAMO and BANTI AGO, per s.'s. Orizaba. FHIIiAV-At 12 m for MEXICO. Der B. s Seneca via Taanplco- (mall must be dl reeled 'ner a. a. Seneca"!. SATURDAY At 8 a. m. for BERMUDA per a. s- Pretoria i at 9 a. m. for PORTO RICO,-per s. s. Poneei at 9 a. m. (supple menlurr 8 30 a m l for CURACOA and VENEZUELA, par s. s. Maracalbo (mall for Savanllla and Cartagena must be d rected "per a. s. Maracalbo"); at 9:30 . a. rn. (supplementary a. m tor FORTUNE lSIAM), JAMAICA. SAVA- I MLLA, CARTAGENA and GREYTwWN POUTOIT I E OTK F.. rr a s. Vn'oiicln irm.ll fi r t'osia Hies must be dlreetro "iwr . s. Vl hIk' i; at 9 Si' a ni iilnry !:. a. m l fo 1 NAG I" A and 1 1 M T L, l""r . . lsm;r:,i at 1 a. m. tor CI' 11 A ,ct s. s. Al-ili-u, vil Havana. - . , Malik Korrlri1 (lirrlnn.., Fir.. rrpt TrRtipntlfle. CUBA t.y rail to I'mt Tampa. Fit . and thence bv stenmer. closwt at this ntMre dMIv. except Thursday, st t5:3 a m. (the connecting mall close hire on Mon ilns. Wednpsdiiya .nd SwlurilsyM. VKXICO CITY I vt rUnd. unless sperlallv ndilvesse.; for rilnrtatch by stearnei. rnvt's at this oftloe dally, except Pt-'v'av, st 1::V p. m. and li :' p. m. 8timlays at 1 p. m. a-'d II r. ni. M'.WKviUSni.ANn-By rail to North Sydney, and thence hy stenmer, closes at this ofllco daily at 6.. J. m. (connecting , nails t lojte here every ' MOndny. Wednes dm- and S.itnnlnyl. JAMAICA Hy tail to Poston, and thnre by steamer, closes at this onVe at 8:30 p. ni. every 'lnilny. by ml: to I hliatiM phla. and thom-e by ateamer, rinses nt this pllloe at 11:30 p. in. every Wednesday. MKJl'F.t.ON Bv roil to lioston. and thence bv stenmer, closes at this olllce dally et 6 S3 p. tn. BKI.UK. PUERTO CORTEX an.l GUATEMALA- 11) mil to New ' Drlerrnar, and ' thence by steamer, el. urn at- thls-oi.lce iknlly, except Wunday, at rl:.tu p, m. and Ul.i'i p. in , Kimilays at tin)' p. ti and til:' p. -in (cnnnrctln; mall clos.w here Monda at tll:30 p. nv). . Cf'8TA RICA-Hy rail to New Orleans, anil thence by sttnnn r. clo.i nt (hi- olllce dally, exiepl Sunday. t t) 30 p. tn. and tll:30 p. in., Sundays at '1 p l.i. and tll;30 p. m. (connectlnx mall, doses hrte Tims- ' days at tll.3-1 p. ni.. BAHAMAS (except parcels post mails) Ry rail to Mltxml, Fls., rt'l i hence by stenmer. closes at this nfUce at 15:39 a. m. every Mordny, WetlneaHiiy and Saturday. tKEOlSTKKKD MAIL closes nt H p, iik previous day.. . w v Transits III nll, ' ' HAWAII. CHINA, JAPAN and epeclnllr. addressed maAter lor tin- VlilLl i'l'l N K ISLAM'S, via 8an Francison, here dally at t:3o p. m. up to March i.2d. In. elusive, 'or oeaputch per s. a. AmeT,ca Marti. .. CHINA and JATAN. vliv ' Tscomn. close here dally at 6:30 p. nt up- to Mb roll 24th, IrclustVe, for imicli ,btr a, s. ShS vinut ' PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via ,3a r. . Fran tifco. close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to March 27ih. Inclusive, for despatch per V. 8. transport. . ... . NEW .K.aI.a.NH. .. ArStRAMA lexcepl West). NEW CALfelNlA, FIJI, SAMOA and HAWAII via San FraiKU-co, close here dally at 6:3u p. iu. arter March IVthj and up to March SiStI), Incluslxe. for des patch pr . s: Ventura. (If the Cdnard Meamer carrying the .British mail' for ITew Zealand does not arrive In time to ronnect with this despatch, cjt'-v nmils-. .closing at 5 30 a. m.. 910 a. U. and 6:30 p. m.; Sundays at 4:3 a. m., 9:30' a. tn. and 6:30 p. m. will lie made up and for warded until the sri.vnl of. the Cunard ateameri. AUerr.ALIA (eSteeM West). FIJI IS- rit DUiri I. . . LANDS and NEW CALEDONIA, via Vancouver and Victoria, IV C, 'close rrs (ally at 6:30 p. m. up to March ISth, In clusive, for despatch ' per c. a. Moatia (specially addressed onl;). HAWAII. JAPAN. CHlriA and PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via Ban Francisco, rlost here dally at 8:30 p. m. uo tn March 30th. Inclusive, for despatch, per s. s. Korea. CHINA and JAPAN, via Seattle close hers dally at 6:30 p. ni. np to April 1st", In clusive, for despatch per s. s. Iyo Maru. HAWAII, via Ban Francisco, close her dally at 6:80 p. m. up to- April filth, In clusive, for despatch per s. s. Alameda. CHINA and JAPAN, via Vancouver and Victoria. B. C. close here dally at 6:31 n. m. up to April 7th, inclusive, for des patch per s. s. Empress of Japan.'-' Mer chandise for U. 8. Postal aftenc). at Enanghal cannot - be forwarded via TAlilTItiid MARUUK8AS ISLANDS, vln San Francisco cloije here dallw al 6:80 p. m-up to April 124th, inclusive, for des patch per a., s. Mariposa. NOTE Unless otherwise addressed,' West Australia is forwarded via Europe,' and New Zealand and Philippines via San Francisco the quickest routes. Philip pines specially addressed "via Canada" or "via Europe" must be fully prepaid at the foreign rates. Hawaii Is forwarded via San Francisco exclusively. Transpacific malls are forwarded to port of sailing dally and the' schedule of closing Is arrangej on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland trsnsit. I Regis tered mail closes at 6:0o p. m. previous day. ' i - - CORNELtUfl VAN, OOTT. Postmaster Postofnc. New York N. T. March 20, 1908.- mm ...' j ' . 'I. I LifJJ3B. GOVERNMEMkT NOTICE. p R O P O 8) ArL FOR SUBSJSTENCB. BlUKt-a--otiitiB s rurcnasing- vommiK' - sary, U. 8. Army, Army nuiiumR," vmana, ; Neb., Alarcn in, lutm. seaiea proposals, in triplicate, for furnishing banon, fsanie., dry salt cure, in 9-pound fiei weight oans, will be received at. this Office, a-t the office ef . the Purchasing commiesary,-u.-s. Army, Kansas City, Mo., -and. at the omi bf the urchaslng CommMsary;- y. 8. Army, Chi cago, 111., until 11 o (Kick a. mv-Alonday, Marcn no, iwu, at wntcnv rime annr places thev will be publicly ouened. Articles of domestic production, pr-manufacture . will be preferred to those of foreign orlH), coat ana quality oeing equau apecincations as to quantity, date and places of delivery, blank proposals and further Information furnished on application to eitner omce. Envelopes containing proposals should b endorsed "Proposals for Subsistence Stores to be opened Monday, March 30, 19tt," and addressed to W. H. Itean, Major, Commis sary, Purchasing Commissary, Omaha, Neb. . .. M-19-d-6-t-M OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER- m aster, Whipple Barracks, Prescott, Ari zona, March 23, 1903. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received here until I p. m., April 25, , 1903, and then opened, for furnishing labor and material ior tne erection,- etc., at WhlDDle Barracka. Arizona, of one .doubl and two single barracks, one double and two single quarters for officers, one.y.. Jtt. and subsistence storehouse, one stable,, one ' guardhouse. Information furnished on ap-, plication to Chief Q. M, Denver, Colp... o to this office. Envelopes containing pro posals should be endorsed, "Proposals fof Public, Buildings at Whipple . Barracks, Arizona," and be addressed to Charles C. Walcutt, jr., constructing wuartermaster. OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER. master, Cheyenne, Wyo., March 23d, 1903. Sealed proposals, In triplicate, will be re ceived at this omce until 2 o clock p. m., mountain time, April 23d, law. and then opened, for csnstructlng, plumbing, heat ing, gasplplng and electric wiring - of i double sets lieutenants' quarters, 1 double N. C. O. quarters, 1 artillery barrack, 1 boiler and pumphotise, 1 bakehouse and oven, 3 snops, i artillery stauie ana i ar tillery gunshed. Bidders will statu In their bid the time In which they will cjimt'leie iha work, aa time will form an important consideration in the award. Proposals must be accompaniea by two guarantees, justi fying, jointly in aouoie- in amount -vi iv ier cent oi tne diu. run iniorrnatron, ,lnk forms, blans and specifications fur nished on annllcatlnn tn this office: also td the office of Depot Quartermaster, Chicago, pew xora, r-ni'saf-ipnia, ei, aiuis, uinann and Denver, tj'nited States reserves the right to accept or veject any or all 'blds oe any part thereof. Envelopes containing bids to be endoraea, -.proposals ior i-uouo Ttullrilnes at Fort D. A. Russell. Wyo.." and addressed to Captain W. 8 Scott. Con structing Quartermaster, Cheyenne, Wyo. . LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS. OFFICE OF HARRIS AND COMPANY.. SOUTH OMAHA. Nebraska. March 24. 19w3. In compliance with the compiled statutes Of the State ot rJeurassa ior iw, ana espe cially in compliance with section 136 , ot chapter 16, entitled "Corporations,". we the S resident and a majority g( tpe board ot Irectors. hereby give publlo notice that all the existing debts of Harris, ana company amount to the .sum ot 8149,ta,,.lnoi,u4iiig endorsed paper. (Heal) r . A- iiArtrtiB. rresiatmi. E, K. HARRIS, Secretary. F. L. HARRIS. - , , , E. K. HARRIS, . Directors. Mh28lt 'i STEAMsairs. KOLUND-AMERICA LINE Kse Ivia-Scnw oi.r l ll.M Tsaa. MW VOkk koTTk.aa. tu kutlUMiMa ' aiui.g Wea-MM-gr at IS A. M. Mserdsal April liSiaundaoi April -J RMtreB April rUrufcn ......... Jtprtl tt Petadsia Asrll lklNoonol Mar i HOLLAND-AMERICAN LINE, (U Utarkera St., Chleago, III. '- ' Harry MoorM, 'l0t rtrBsB C. utlirfer til ruus aL. 1. B. krBsl4s. 101 rarsan at I w - ' 1 ' 1 - . To Detenulae DlBereaee In Time. SAN FRANCISCO.' March 2S.'--Kdwln. Smith and Fremont Morse of the Coast and Geodetic survey, are preparing to exchange telegraphic time signals over the new cable to determine the precise difference of time and longitude between Ban Frant Cisco and Honolulu. The probabilities are that the longitude ot Honolulu Is not much in error, but Its determination to date has been dependent upon chronometer trans portation from distant positions, a method . now only used where telegraohlo land llus or ocean cable are hot available. . I i if i t