Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 26, 1903, Page 8, Image 8

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Business in Board of Trade Grain Pit it
Bmal', but Prices Bit
DlaTercat Castaes Vm4 Sat) fteaalt
Wk All Comaaexllttes G tp
Before (low Market aad
light Dni'.
CHICAGO. March 2S.-Trsdlng In the
grain pita was on a amall scale today and
after an easier opening all grains closed
higher. May wheat being e higher. May
corn up Vc and oats Hfi c bettor,
provisions closed strong, with tha May
prod art a from IHc to 16c higher.
There, wae a reaction In aentlment In
tha wheat pit and during the latter part of
tha session tha market exhibited consid
erable atrength, although the trading wna
only moderate. The opening waa weak.
with an apparent pressure 10 sen on "i
jart of outside noiners, innuencea oy inn
ower cables and the favorable weather.
Mi hein shade to Vifa-c lower at 71
72c Covering by ahorta on the amall local
receipt caused a rally early In the day,
after which the market held fairly ateady
until late, when buying of May by com
mission housea lent additional atrength and
May aold up to 724e. The close waa He
higher at 72ir72TAc. Clearances of wheat
and flour were small at 412.000 bushels.
Primary receipts were 146,000 bushels,
acalnst 2W.O00 bushels a year ago. Minne
apolis and Duluth reporting receipts of 181
cars, which, wrth local receipts of 17 cars
none of contract grade made total receipts
for the three polnta or 206 cars, againnt am
cars laat week and 187 cars a year ago.
There was no feature to the trading In
eorn and the volume of business waa rather
light. Lower cables and favorable weather
caused weakness at the start and the early
trading waa dull and an easier tone waa
manifested until late In the day, when
tha strength In wheat and covering by
ahorta caused an advance. The close waa
strong and AW4c higher for May at 434c.
after selling between 46-o and 43V4C Local
receipta were amall at ba cars, one ot con'
tract grade.
Continued llauldatlon of May oats by out
aide holders waa the feature of the early
trading and the market waa decidedly
weak. The strength In wheat caused the
early sellers to turn buyers, and with some
covering by shorts the sentiment became
quite strong and the close waa at tha top.
May being HtTV- higher at 32V4o, after
' ranging between 31Vifr31So and 32Vc. Local
receipts were lf cars.
Provisions were dull, with trading con
fined largely to local Interests. Openlni
prices were lower on increased receipts o
hogs and a decline. In Drlces at the varda.
but the market received good support from
packers and prices Boon rallied. The late
atrength in gralna added to the advance
and closing prlcea were strong, with May
pork 15c higher at $17.46, May lord waa 10c
higher at jlO.10 and rlba were up 2Vc at
3 'VM'
Estimated receipta for tomorrow: Wheat,
15 cars; com, 75 cars; oata, 166 cars; hogs,
4.0no head.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
also easier, hut dull and nominal. Standard
Is quoted at $1176, lake and electrolytic at
IH5-"(il6"0 and casting at l 4 2.-6 IB CO. Lead
was unrnangea in r.ew rork at 4 ano
In lyondon at 12 6a. Hpelter declined 6a to
A.22 lfte In Iondon and remained easy here
at IS .66. Iron closed at 67a In Ulasgow and
at bis d In Mlddlesborough. Ixirslly Iron
was quiet. No. 1 foundry, northern. Is
quoted at $24.oof24.60; No. t foundry, north
ern, at $22.0ti'uJ2 60; No. 2 foundry, southern.
sn. no. i tounory. aouinern. son, z3.t
24.60. Warrants are nominal.
Articles.) Open. Hlgh. Low. Close.) Tes y.
. July
May July
May July
It I ha
Sept. '
71V&72 m T14724tr"rw! 7234
oWf 70V 61 7046W4
68V, 69 68V 68T.I 68H
42SSA, 4.T4 42S 424 41S
43V 434 48 434 420-43
424& 43 424 43 43V.S
S114I 31 H
314-9 24 3H4fW(i 32'4l31tl
804 804 . 304 304
2& 28& 28404 27. 28
I 17 5 17 95 17 85 17 5 17 0
1 90 17 16 18 90 17 IS 17 10
16 70 16 87 16 70 16 874 16 85
90 10 10 IN 10 10 10 AO
66 . 9 824 9 65 824 774
67H 9 82!, 9 67 824 9 75
70 985 970 8R 82H
9 40 9 62 9 40 9 62 9 62
86 9 42 9 85 9 42 9 40
No. a.
Cash quotations ware as follows:
FLOUR Dull and easy; winter patents,
I8.608.60; straights, 83.8008.40; spring pat
tents, $3.40(33.70; straights, 3.10j4.W; bakers,
WHEAT No. t apring, 76tf6c; No. I, 78c;
No. t red. 70Qnic.
CORN-No. i. 4lc; No. yellow, tfie.
OATS-No. t, 31o ; No. t white, ltdHc.
RTE No. I 49c.
BARLET Good feeding, tlo; fair to
choice malting, 47&3c
BEED8 No. 1 flax, 81.16: No. 1 northwest
ern, $1.131.18; prime timothy, 83.43; clover,
contract grade, 812-60.
PROVISION! Meaa pork, per bbl., 817.90
0117.86. Lard, per 100 lba. 810.0OaO.12. Short
ribs, sides (loose.), 3. 75ft 9 86. Dry salted
shoulders (boxed), tS.7V,jH.87. Short clear
Idea (boxed), $10.$7442'10.60.
Following are the recelms and shipments
of flour and grain yesterday:
Hecelpts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 64,2oo 25.500
Whaat. bu 61.900 26,600
Corn, bu 161,100 216.800
OaU, bu 400,91V) 313,900
Rye. bu 60,700 4.600
Barley, bu 83.400 9.100
On the Produce exchange today the butter
market waa firm; creameries. lMJ77c; dai
ries, 144f24c Egga, firm, at mark, cases In
cluded, 13c.
ttatlas 0f tke Day Varloaa
NEW YORK, March 28. FLOUR Re
ceipta, 80.263 bbls exports. 13.586 bbls.; quiet
ana barely ateady; winter patents, 83.90
.420; winter straights, 83.5ftS-3.65; Minnesota
patents. 84.0004.20: winter extras, 82.800
I. 10; Minnesota bakers. $3.20ft8.4O; winter
low grades, 32.60$ 2.90, Rye flour, quiet, and
barley steady; fair to good, 32.S0tj3.20;
choice to fancy, 83.2603.46.
CORNMEAL Steady ; yellow western
II. 10; city, 3106; Hrandywlne, 83 4064.55. '
RYE 8teady ; No. 2 western, 60c, f. o. b.,
float; state. 6660c. ,
BAKLKY Dull; feeding, 74o c. 1. f.,
Buffalo; malting. 63P6ito.
WHEAT Receipta, &.100 bu.; exports,
7 900 bu; firm; No. red ,78c, elevator;
No. I red, 7c. f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 north
ern, Duluth, tc, afloat; No. 1 hard, Mani
toba, 87c, f. o. b., afloat. Options declined
slightly after the opening under lower ca
bles, but rallied on covering and were firm
all day. After noon demand was chiefly
for May and. Impelled- by reporta of lib
eral export aales. The market cloaed firm
at Hfro net advance. March closed 81c;
May, 774P77 11-lSc, cloaed 77Ho; July, 75 8-ltW
75 9-16C, cloaed 7b c; September, 73iQ74c,
closed 78c.
CORN Receipta, 98.000 bu.; exports, 11.005
bu; sales, 2O0,Ui0 bu. futures 84,000 bu. spot.
Spot ateady; No. 3, 67c, elevator and 61c f.
u. b.. afloat; No. 3 yellow, 61c; No. 2
white, izc. Option market broke early in
the day under liquidation, then recovered
with wheat and closed c net higher.
March, 5;ft6TVc, closed 57c; April closed
67c; May, 4iM,Hi-i('tc, closed 4$c; July,
48ff48 13-16c. closed 48 U-ltio; Bvptember. 48
424fcic, losed 48c.
OATS Receipta, 109.500 bu.; exports,. 7.2.:
du.; apoi ouu; no. . 1. jc; standard
white. 42 c; No. 8. 41c; No. X white. 42 c;
No. 8 white. 40c; track mixed western,
nominal; track white. 41i046c. Options weak
after the opening but recovered later with
corn. May closed 37c.
HAY Steady ; spring, 654357c; good to
Choice. 90ih 3106.
HOI'S Steady; state, common to choice,
I&02, H'j13c; lsul, 3tr'2Jc; olda, 7412c; 1'a
rinc coast. 19ii3, 24t2c; 1901, 20623c; olds,
HIDES Quiet; Galveston, 20 to 26 lba.,
l!c; California. XI to 86 lba., 19c; Texas dry,
24 to 80 lbs., 14c.
LEATHER Steady; acid, 242c.
FHV1SKNB l.ef, steady: lamily, 314.00
til5(); mess, 89 .50'1'. V: beef hama, 820.)
4i21.0; racket. SI2.ti 13.00; city, extra India
mesa. 8i3 Ou24.flO. Cut meats dull; pickled
bellies, 8lO.uGm.i0; pickled shoulders. 8U.00
ti'Jtu: plrkied hama, tll.VwrUtw. j.rd.
steady; wealem steamed. 310.46; refined,
firm; continent, 310.60; South America, 311.00;
compound, 37.iUyS.00. Pork, firm; family.
! bKTKv w; short clear, ia,C-21.50; mess
TALIXW-F1rro; city, 6c; country, &
6V .
RICE Firm.
Bl'TTEH Receipts, 9.21X pkga.; unsettled:
state dairy, 17j 2T7c ; creamery extra. 2)c;
creamery, common to choice, it)2!c.
CHEESE Receipta. 3.(61 pkgs.; firm;
fancy, large, atate, full cream, fall made,
colored, 14Q14c; white, 1414c; fancy,
amall. state, full creaan, fall made, colored.
16-: white. 14c.
. EUOS Receipts. X.S50 pkgs.; firm; state
and Pennsylvania, average beat, Hc;
wtatern, fancy, 14c.
HU'LTRT Alive, firm; chickens, 15c;
turkeys, 16c: fowls. 13c. Dressed, firm;
wesle-n chickens, 13yi3c; weatern fowla,
13- '"rlreva. Ic.
M ETA LB Tin declined Is 6d In Lonaon.
where spot was quoted at 134 7s 6d and
futures at 134 17s d. Tin locally waa quiet
at - SHI 2.7i- Copper prlcea in London
declined about 1 "a 6d to a'ta 15s for both
spot and futures, and the New Turk mar
ket, rcflevUa Uie forelga weakness, was
(onltloa of Trade aad Qaotatloas eat
staple and Faacy Predaee,
EOOS-Weak; fresh stock, 11c.
lilVK nil LillI Mens umiu'Wi ruoi
cr. accotdlng to age, VU'V-; turkeys, 13J
inc; iulhr, r-yiuci graio, rivi:, viiivrviw,
per lh.. l'i10c.
1.T1 -1.(1 F'K T K . T , TT, T" 1 1 Ol.n I
hens, llf)12c; turkeys, loijlSc; ducks, ilitl2c;
. .. , 1 '., 1 'i..
flalry. In tubs, 15t(l7c; separator, 27'52Sc.
OTSTERft Standards, per can, 2Sc; extra
l-eieci", per mn, ak;; hbw lorn luuims, rr Jin. ht.ll nH ..I 1 1 TK
.nil, t . . . ii 11 1 n, c a . 1 n. , j. i viv " fit , k u .. , . . - w ,
bulk, standard, per gal., 81.36.
k.Bn. n. 11. 1 . I ,. An. nnnn On.
buffalo, dressed, 7c; sjnflsh, 8c: blueflfh, 3c;
whlteflsh, 9c, salmon, 16c; hsddock. 11c;
codfish. 12c; redsnapper. 10c; lobsters,
boiled, per lb., 40c; lobsters, green, per lb.,
JV-; bullheads, 10c; catfish, 14c; black bass,
20c; halibut, 11c.
BRAN Per ton, HS.jO.
HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale
Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland,
K; No. 2, $7.60; medium, $7; coarse.
Kye straw, 36. These prices are for hay of
good color and quality. Demand fair: re
ceipts light.
CORN 400.
OATS 34c.
RYE No. 2. 4Rc.
NEW CELERY Kalamaxoo, per dor, 25c;
California, per dos., 4fxjj.,6c
POTATOES Per bu., 40c.
$2860V'EKT POTATOE&-IW rid Kansas,
'SEED POTATOES-Northern grown, per
bu.. TfesaWv
-NEW PARSLEY Per do. bunches, 469
NEW CARROTSPer dos. bunches. 40c,
LETTUCE Per dos. bunches, 46o.
BEETS New southern, per do, bunches,
46c; old, per bu., 40c.
PAR8NlPRPer bu.. 40e.
CUCUMBERS Hothouse, par dos- 81.75.
CAR ROTS Per bu.. 40c.
GREEN ONIONS Southern, per dos.
bunches. 45c.
RADISHES Southern, per dos. bunches,
TURNIPS-Per bu., 40c; Canada rutaba
gas, per lb., lHc; new southern, per doa.
bunches, 60c. .
ONIONS-Red Wisconsin, per lb., lc;
Wo?.,,Lb-I,,c: BPnlh. Per crate. 31.75.
SPINACH Southern, per do, bunches,
LEMONS-Callfornla fancy, 88.26; choice,
NAVY BEANS Per bu., 82.60.
WAX BEANS Per bu., box, 83; string
beans, per bu., box, 82.50.
t35AULIFLOvVER-Callfornla, per crate,
CABBAGE Holland seed, per lb., $1V?.
,1"?,',y,,B"new JTionria, per 6-basket
crate, 84.50.
.APPI-ES-New York stock, 83003t0;
California Beliflowers, per bu. box, 81.50;
GRAPES Malagas, per keg, 86.0O7.00.
FIGSCallfornia, per 10-lb. cartons, 90c;
Turkish, per 3tib btix, $i4i&18c.
ORANGES California navels, fancy, 83.00
W-J Id, choice, n.'iu; Mediterranean aweets.
2.2u; sweet Jaffa. 32.50.
DATES Persian, in 70-lb. boxes," per lb.,
60c; per caae 6f ao-lb. pkgs., 82.2 v
MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lb., 10c
HONEY Utah, per in-irme caae, $1.25;
Colorado, 33.50. .
POPCORN Per lb., lc; ehelled, 4c.
HIDES No 1 green, 6c; No. 2 green, 6c;
No. 1 salted, ?c; No. 2 salted, ec; No. 1
veal calf. 8 to 12 lbs., 8c; No. 2 veal calf,
2 to 15 lbs., 6c; dry blues, 8tJl2c; sheeu
pelts, 2oi6c; horse hidea, 31.50-(j2.50.
NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb.,
15c; hard shell, per lb., 14c; No. 2 soft shell,
per lb., 13c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb.. 12c:
Mrall n.. Ih 19n. All..... Ik . I !
almonds, soft shell, 'per lb, 16c; hard sb,l'
,.n IK 1.n. -n nnn 1 I . . r, . '
mall, per lb., 11c; cocoanuts, per dos., 6ic;
cheamuts, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per ib.,
kc; roasted peanuts, per ib., 7c; black
walnuta, per bu., 31; hictcroy nuts, per bu.,
li.DO; cocoanuts, per 100, 84,
OLD METALS,. ETC. A. B. Alprln quotei
the following prices: Iron, ccuntry mixed,
per ton, 311; iron, sove plate, per ton, 84;
copper, per lb., 8c; brass, heavy, per lb.,
c; brass, light, per lb., 6c; lead, per lb.,
So; slac, per lb., o.
Omaha Braaeh 110-111 Board! of Trad
CHICAGO, March 25.-WHEAT-Market
started out weak, influenced by the fine
weather, lower cables and reported slow
export demand, and prices were Vko lower
than Tueaday's close. There developed a
cash demand here for No. 1 northern. Du
luth sold some Manitoba wheat and St.
Louis reported 100,000 bushels aold for ex
port. There was a general disposition to
cover short sales and the market advanced
Sic over Tuesday and held the advance.
There were about 120,000 bushels No. 1
northern sold here, with 50,000 for ship
ment, and this pot No. 1 northern within
0 of the May. A feature was the gain of
May on July. Clearances, 412.000 bushels.
New York reports 80 loads taken for ex
port. Primary receipta, 349,000 bushels,
against SKS.OiiO; primary shipments, 306 000
bushels, against 237,000; northwest receipts,
188 cars, agatnat 157; local receipts, 17 car,
with one contract; estimates for tomorrow,
15 cars.
CORN Notwithstanding the small corn
receipts. May was weak early and sold at
40 under the July. There waa heavy sell
ing of May early by Armour through brok
ers. In spite of this selling the May dis
count narrowed finally and the market
turned firm and advanced to above Tues
day's close. Local receipta only 68 cars,
with none contract; estlmatea for tomor
row, 75 cars; primary receipta, 860,000 bush
els, against 329.000 laat year; primary shlp
ments, 856,000 bushels, against 193.000; clear
ances, 240,000 bushels; seaboard reported
86 loads taken for export. Eastern demand
Is not Improved, but offerings are small.
Cash rnarket is c hljrher.
OAT8 The oat market was weak early
and prices at one time were c lower than
Tuesday. On the break there was general
covering and the loss was more than re
covered. There was an Idea Patten was
covering. Counselman was a liberal buyer
In this market, as in all others, there was
the feeling the decline had gone far enough
to withstand a turn. Ixical receipts 174
cara, with seven contract; estimates for
tomorrow, lTio cars; clearances, bush-
PROVISIONS-The market opened easy
on lower hog prlc s and a little better re
ceipts. Cudahy hn ken bought May pork
which strengthened the market. Very little
staff for sale on advance from low prices
There were 28.000 hogs; market slow, lun6c
lower: estimates for tomorrow, 34,000 hogs
hogs In the west today, 68.800, against 65 000
last week and 75.300 last year.
Liverpool Grata and Provisions.
dull: No. 2 red western, winter, 6s Id- No 1
northern, apring, aGd; No. 1 California,
6s SUd. Futures it..Hv u.. .? ..
a. " u
l.tnS.RNpo 2ul9U Amrln mixed, new.
4ad; old. 6s 4d. Futures, quiet; Mar 4s
1V1- June, 4alHd; July. 4s Hfcd. '
PEAS-Canadian. 6s 3d.
61ljTl7fcfs.U),'d0n (Pclflc co". "rot.
Ss'sd01" K-8t" Loul" fsncy winter, quiet at
PROVISIONS-BeefV easy; extra India
mess ftis td. rork. Arm; prime western
mesa. fs 3d. Hama, short cut. 14 to 16 lba ,
steudy, 66a. Bacon. Cumberland cut 26 to
?il lb1.' s'T,dy h2a M; "nrt riba it to 24
lbs. 64s 6d; long clear middle. iibht 2S to
34 lbs., firm, 62s 6d; long clear mldd es.
heavy, firm, 63s; short clear back ttrm
??"'Lar Dllle. Shoulders, square!
11 to IS lbs., steady, 44i SJ. Lard. prime
western In , lU- n ...... .. ... f
.. ... ..u.r, aia ou Amer
ican 'etlned. It palls, steady. 61s 3d
Bl'TTER-Good United States, steady Ms
C H ELSE American finest w hite. Arm
svs; American flneat colored, strong 63a '
TALI.itw-Prime city. 27a d; Au'stra.lan
In I.ondcn. dull, 32s 6d.
Keasas City Grain anal Provisions.
Mav 6c: July. 61"Sic; cash. No. 2 hard.
6hhc: No. 3. S."ij7c; No. 4. 59fjiT'- re
jected. 5F6c- No. X red. 71c; N. t 6fi70c
CORN April . 36c. May, July. 35
i36Sc; cash. No. 2 mixed. 87iS8c; No. I
white. S8-i39c; No. 8 Sac.
OATS-No. 3 white. '35UJ6c; No. X mixed.
RYE No. X. 45c.
HAY-Choica timothy. 81X.50; prairie, 88.68
BUTTER Creamery, :i(25c: dairy, fancy
19c. -
EGGS Fresh, 10c.
. . . Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu 42.3o 6iio
Corn, bu 42. i) 62
Oats, bu U.ouO 27.0UO
Minneapolis Wheat, Floor aad Bran.
7444c; July, 7t'c; on track. No. 1
hard. 76c; No. 1 northern, 75c; No. I north
ern, 74c.
FLOUR First patents, 83 W$l ; second
patents. S3 6iii3.70; first clears, 32. fO.
BHAN-ln bulk, 313 25.
Toledo Grain ana Seed.
TOLEDO, March 25.-WHEAT-Falr!y ac
tive and firm; cash, 13c; May, 74c; July,
72 c
CORN Active, steady; March, 42c; May,
42c; July, 427c.
OATS Dun, firm; March, 84c; May,
82c; July, 3"f.
RYE-No. 2. 63c.
BEKDS Clover, active weak; cash, 87.20;
March. 37.16: April, 3; October. 6.42.
Prime timothy, 31. 60.
Philadelphia r rod nee Market, '
Firm and good demand; extra western
creamery, 4i4'c; nearby prints, 83c.
EGGS Firm and In good request; fresh
nearby, 14c, at the mark: western, 14c;
southwestern, 14c; southern, 14c.
CHEESE Firm; New York full creams,
prime, small, HVHc; fair to good,
14c; prim?, large, UfflllWc; fa.r to good,
large, la-4jl3c.
Milwaukee Grain Market.
MILWAUKEE, Wis.. March 26. WHEAT
Higher. Close: No. 1 northern, 76'77c;
No. 2 northern, 7?tj76c; May, 72c, asked.
RYE Steady; No. 1, 61H62c.
BARLEY Steady; No. 2, 60c; sample, 49
CORN-May. 43c. bid.
Dalnth Grain Market.
DULUTH, March 25,-WHEAT-To arrive,
No. 1 hard, 74Hc; No. 1 northern, 73c; No.
2 northern, 71Sc; May, 73734c; July,
OATS May, 82c
Peoria Market.
PEORIA. March 26.-CORN-Steady; No.
8, 8c
OATS Dull: No. I white, 31c.
Market Stands Insteadlly Acalnst Ht-
aetlon, bat Breaks Sharply.
NEW YORK, March 26,-The stock mar
ket made an unsteady stand against reac
tion for a time today, but before the clos
ing discouragement had apparently over
come the speculative mind again and prlcej
broke sharply to the lowest of the oay.
There were Indications of well organised
bear leadership on the decline. The early
resistance to reaction was sustained, prin
cipally by Pennsylvania and New York
Central. No other cause was apparent for
this but the publication of revived asser
tions that the control of New York Central
was virtually lodged in hands friendly to
the Pennsylvania. This assertion was met
with official denials of varying emphasis,
but nevertheless the price ot these two
stocks rose about a point over last night.
This was after the pressure o the London
selling was over for the day. The persis
tent weakness of the London market Is
having a strong sympathetic effect here
and the late upward reaction in consols
was considered a reassuring factor. But
this was not until the price had broken
through 9) earlier in the day. As many
British financial transactions are based
upon a theoretical possible minimum of 9)
as the price for consoU, the fall below
that level today was regarded as deeply
significant. In our own money market the
feature ot the day'was a shipment of 8500,
000 in gold to Buenos Ayres. Usual ex
planations were forthcoming as to the
special character of this transaction, but
the fact was not altered that New York
bankers are reduced by that much. W'lt.i
the renewed demand from the Interior for
currency and the continued drain to the
subtreasury. this la the dominant factor
la the aituatlon that confronts the financial
world, is finding continually new re
quirements for credits at every turn., A
subtreasury credit balance at the clearing
house this morning for 3377,477 foreshad
owed another heavy withdrawal by iht
Institution to be figured In tomorrow's
statement of operations. The decision of
the Pennsylvania directors to issue addi
tional 83,000,000 of new stock at once at
860 per share was the occasion of the late
drive against the market. The provision
for payment in three installments running
from June IS over to October 26 did not
seem to al'evlate the uneaa.ness caused by
the prospect of this heavy requirement on
the money market. The rather severe
liquidation In Amalgamated Conner was
another unsettling Influence. This stock
was carried down an extreme 34 In tbe
late dealings on the selling Induced by thj
violent break in the London copper mar
ket. An incident of the day was tha relllni
on the curb market of United States Steel
6s at 86, which was on a parity with ths
low price of the day for the preferred
stock on the exchange. The demand)
formulated by the employes of the Manhat
tan Elevated railway kept alive the dis
turbance of sentiment over the labor out
look. The bond market was Irregular. Total
sales, par value, 32,120,000. Tnlted States 8s.
registered, old 4s registered, and new 4a,
coupon, advanced hk, and the old 4s, cou
pon, and the new 4s, registered, advanced
on the last call.
The following are the quotations on the
New York Stock exchange
to pf4
Dal. A Ohio
de pfa
Csnsdltn PselSo ..
Canada 60..
Chaa. A Ohio
Chicago A Alton...
du pfd
Chicago dV a. W...
do let pfd...
do id pfd
Chicago at N. W..
Chicago Tar. A Tr
do pfd
C. C. C. A Bt. L..
Colorado 60
do 1st p(d
do !d ptd
Dal, at Hudaon....
Dal. 1- A W
Danrer A R. O....
do ptd
Eric 1
do 1st pfd
do Id pfd
Croat Nor. pfd
licking Vallay ...
do pfd
Illlnoli Central ...
lows Central
do pfd
Laka Erla A W...
do pfd
I. A N
Manhattan L
Mot. Bt. Ry
lies. National ...
Minn. A St. !....
Bio. Pacific
M., K. A T
do pfd
N J. C-ntral ....
N. Y. Central ....
Norfolk t W
do pfd
Ontario A W
do lat pfd
do td pfd
St. L. A 8. F
do lat pfd
do Id pfd
St. h. 8. W
do prd
St. Paul
"do pfd
?o. Pacific
80. Railway
.. ti 1 . do pfd M
7VTaa a Pad He ITW
1 Toledo. St. L. A W. IS
.. 7J
.. 4
.. am
.. 8
.. i
.. to
.. 14
... 1
... 34
... 4
. .. 40
... H
... SB
... SSVj
... 2
... M
... '
... tl
... 2C
... 11
... t
...... &w
do pfd
Union Pacific ....
do pfd
do pfd
Wheeling St L. K
do td pfd
Wla. Central ....
do pfd
Adams El
American Ex...
t'nlled States Ex
Welle-Fargo Bz...
Amal. Copper ...
Amar. Car dk P...
do pfd
Amar. Lin. Oil...
do pfd ...
American 8. A R
do pfd
Anac. alining Co 114
Brooklyn K. T tt
Colo. Fuel A Iron... h
Cona. Gaa iot'i
Con. Tobacco pfd...lA
On. Electric Hi
Hocking Coal jo
inier. rapsr
Inter. Power
National Occult ...
National Lead
No. Americas
Tactile Coast
I'atiflc Mall
People's Oaa
Pleased S. Car ....
do pfd
Pullman P. Car...,
Ilepublic Steal
do pfd
Tenn. Coal A Iron,
t'nlon Bag A P....
do pfd
V. S. Leather
do pfd
I . 8. Rubber
do pfd
I. S. Steel
do pfd
Weatern Union ....
Amer. Locomotive. .
do pfd
K. C. Southern !0i
do pfd r;n,
Ho'lc Island 43a
do pfd 7(
.. SOT,
.. SO
.. tV.
.. 13
.. 4
. .UU
.. t
: SMi
.. (1
.. UT,
.. K
.. 47.
.... 4V.
. 17
. BJ
. 444
. 4
. 17
. 41
. )J
. IMi
. 'it
. oi
. i:
. 7b
. 11
. K114
. lb
. (1
. 3i,
. U,
. tl'i
New York Money Market.
NEW YORK. March 25. MONEY On
call, steady at B6 per cent, clising at
54(5Vs per cent; time money, steady; sixty
and ninety days. 6!&jV4 per cent; six months
s(ii per cent; prime mercantile paper, b'u)
per cent.
actual bualneas In bankers' bills at H.S&t
4 87 for demand and at 34 SJ7j7 4.83(t for
sixty-day bills; posted rate, tl-l4?&;
commtri-ial bills, 84.834. S3'.
SILVER Bar, 4sc; Mexican dollars,
BONDS Government, strong; railroad.
The closing quotations on bonds are as
84 84V4 for sixty days and at 84.87 for de
ma no.
1'H It. A DELPHI A, March 28. -Clearings.
818.72n.3Wi; balances, tl.S33.444; money, frfte
per cent.
CINCINNATI, March 26.-C1earins, 83,
617,"ii0; money, 4'4t per cent; New York
exchange, par to 6c discount.
tlostoa Stocks aad Deads.
BOSTON, March .-Call loans, MJ4)
per cent; time loans, ofti per cent. Official
closing oi stocks and bonds:
Atchlaon 1
Mei. Central 4s....
Atchison ,
do pfd ,'nn A Albany. .1
Boston A Ma
Poeton Elerated ..
N. T.. N. H e H
rttihbnrg pfd 141
t nlon PaclAo 4
Max. t antral . . .
Ameriran 8ugar 1. ta
do pfd lifts
Americas T. A T....1M
Dominion I. A B 11
Un. Electric
Maes. F.lectrle
do pfd
tnlted Fruit .
U. 8. Steel ..
do pfd
WVetingh. Common. ..100
Adrenture 10
,1 lAllonet
. 71 I Amalgamated
. sti' Hinsham
Calumet A Hacls..
I'opoer Range
Pomlntoa Cosl ...
lele Rorals
Mi Old Iiomlnloa ....
Santa Fa Copper..
Tamarack . . . ,
.. J7
... il,
... M
.. 1
.. FM4
.. 11
.. M
.. X
.. 11
.. 11
- Bl
.. m
.. 7
.. M
.. 11
.. M
.. 11
.. 3
... 1
I,nrlon Stock Market.
LONDON, March 25. Closing quotations;
Consols, money So i-lg N. T. Central.
do account...
Atchlaon i
da pfd
Baltimore A Ohio..
Canadian Pacific.
Chesapeake A Ohio.. 47
Chicago U. W, 14V
C. M. A St. P 174
DeBeers US
DenTer A R. 0 17
do pfd SB
Erie It
do let pfd
do M pfd 17
Illinois Central 1I
LoulKllla A Naeh....lU
M., K. A T M
Norfolk A Western
do pfd ,
Ontario A W eaters .
Rand Mines
Reading ,
do lat pfd ,
do Id pfd
Southern Rf
do pfd i
Southern Pacific.
Union Faclfle ,
do prd ,
V. 8. Steal i
do pfd
Wabash ,
. do pfd ,
. 70
. M
. 11
. 71
. It
. 10
. 41
. 14
. U
. '
. W
. na
. "
. i
BAR SILVER Steady at 22,d Pr ounce.
MONEY 3 W4 per cent. The rate of dis
count In the open market for short bills
Is 3 ll-16t&3 per cent and for three months'
bills Is a&3 11-16 per cent.
Ne.w York Mlata; Sleeks.
NEW YORK. March 88 The follosflng
are the quotations on the New York Stock
.. 1!
.. tr
.. M
Adams Con
fuunawlck Con
Cometock Tunnel..
Peadwnod Terra...
Horn Sllrer
Iron Silver
Leadvllle Con
... 10
.. 25
... M
.. 1
.. 10,
,., 1
.. 1
tittle Chief ..
Sierra Nerada
Small Hopes ..'
Cattle and Hogs Drop Lower, While
Skeep Are Steady.
CHICAGO. Marcih 26. -CATTLE Receipts.
14,000 head; market 10:a5c lower; good to
prime steers, 85.00I&6.&0; poor to medium,
3.7f4fl.0; stockers and feeders, 82.76g4.86;
cows, tl.60(g'4.60; heifers, 32. GO. 75; canners,
3l.6tK(j2.76; bulls, 82.25&4. 60; calves, 83 00(44
6.75; Texas-fed steers, 84.00(84.60.
HOQ3 Receipts, 27,000 head; tomorrow,
20,000 head; left over, 7,000; market lofjjWc
lower; mixed and butcher steers, 37.807.66;
good . to choice heavy, 87.56487.70; rough
tu?avy, M .&m .fA; light, 87.0017.40; bulk of
sales, 87.3o7.66.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 18.000
head; sheep steady to strong, lambs steady
to 36c lower; good to choice wethers, 86.60
1j.60; fair to choice mixed, 84.606.40; west
ern sheep, 35.26&6.60; native lambs, 35.26
6.40; weatern lambs, 86.600J7.6&.
Official yeaterday:
Receipts. Shipments.
Cattle 6.367 1,846
Hogs ...11.6tU 3,041
Sheep Vb;m 343
Kansas City Live Stock Market. -
Receipts, 6,900 natives, 350 Texans, 200 na
tive calves; 1,400 to l,"700-lb. cattle lower;
1,000 to 1.3oo-lb., steady to 10c lower; light
steady; quarantine dull and lower; cows
steady to strong; best stockers and feeders
strong, others steady to weak; choice ex
port and dressed beef steers, 34.6og.j.2o;
fair to good, 33.2a4.60 fctockers and feed
ers, 33. 004. 80; Texas and Indian steers,
l4.OCkg4.60; Texas cowB, 33.0uig'3.40; native
cows, 1.;&JM.3o; native heifers, M.OOtfcH.60;
canners, 31.UW&2.25; bulls, 32.604iH.26; calves,
W.OtMjff.CO. :
HO8 Receipts, 8.800 head; market active
and Knij'l&c lower; tor4 37.46; bulk of sales,
7. 26(57.40; htavy $7.3cL45; mixed packers,
37.axb7.37H; "Kht. 37.12v7.30; yorkers, 37.25
7. So; pigs, 36. 7007.05. -.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8,800
head; market 10l&c higher; native lambs,
$0.605". 60; weatern lambs, 85.7&7.46; fed
ewes, 84.606.00; native wethers, 34.766.10;
western wethers. 84.8066.30; stockers and
feeders, S3.60ir4.?5.
St. Louis Lira Stock Market.
ST. LOUIS, March 25. CATTLE Re
ceipts, 8,000 head. Including 1,600 Texans;
market generally steady, wrth declines In
some grades; native snipping ana export
steers, I4X(6.40, with strictly fancy quoted
up to 85.76; aressed beef and butcher steers,
34.00fiG.25; steers undeY 1,0 lbs., 83.6oji4.26:
Mockers and feeders, F2.36igl.60; cowa and
heifers, 32.264j4.60; canners. 2. 00423.00; bulls,
f2.fco4).l.76; calves, 83.6o4r7.o0; Texas and In
dian steers, 83.6044.40; cows and heifers,
HOGS-Receipts, 7,000 head; market 15c
lower' pigs and llgh's, 37.004t7.86; packers,
87 2S'S7.60; butchers, 37.354r7.6o.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt a, 1.600
head; market steady to strong; native
muttons, S3.e4T6.O0; lambs, So.764j7.40; culls
and bucks, 82. 004M. 50; ..Blockers, 32.Z64j4.7o;
Texans. $1.0O4j-4.6O.
V. S. ret. U. rag..
do coupon
do la, rag..j
do coupos
do new 4a, rag-.
00 coupon ......
do old 4a. rag...
do coupon
do la. rag
do coupon
Aichteoa gen. 4a..
do adj. 4a 1.
bal. A Ohio 4a....
do la
do coot. 4a
Canada So. la
Central ml Oa. la. ,
do la Inc
Chca. A O. 4a...
Chicago A A. la.
C, u. A Q. a. 4a.
C, M A Bt P (. 4l
C. A N. W. a. 7a.
C. R. 1. A P.
... 10
... il
... 7k
... tl
1.. .llol
. . . 11
C C C A St L. g. 4s..lot do la. 1
L. A N. unl. 4a...
Mei. Central 4a...
do la Inc
Mlun. A St. L. 4a
M . K. A T. 4s...
do la
N. Y. C. g. la..
N. J. c. gen. ea.
No. Pacific 4a
da U
N. A W. con. 4a..
Heading gen. 4a..
St. L. A I. M. t.
St. L. 1 I. r. h
St. L s. VI. Is
do la
S. A A A. P. 4s... ,
So. Pacific 4s
du. Railway la
Taiaa A Pacific la.
T . Bt. L. A W. 4a
I'Blos Pacific 4a
do conv. 4a
Wabaah la
Chicago Ter.
Colorado So. 4s
!erfrer A R. 0.-4a..
Erie prior Ilea 4s...
do svneral 4a
F. W. A D. C.
. tt
. 74
. :
. tt
. BO
. 7i
... Wl
(a 114
... 1
... M
... kl
... B4
... W
. 77
Hockli.g VaL 4a...lw Ruck laland 4s
il do deb. B
kt Wist Shore 4a. t...
SS, VS lieel. A L. K. 4a.
I74 Wia. Central 4a
fe Con. Tobacco 4a tl
ii. am. r uei Be.
.. M
. to
Bask Clearlags,
NEW YORK, March Clearings. 8211.
120,341; balances. 813,463.
BOSTON. March 26. Clearings. 820.146,
432: balances. 317,Sfri.
BALTIMORE. March 2S.-Clearlngs. 83..
464,66; balances. 84o2.1M; money. 6 pr cent.
CHICAGO. March 26 -i lea rings, 837.258..
SOT: balances. 82ii6.l40; New York exchange,
par; furslgu exchange, sterling, posted at
Sew York Live Stock Market.
ceipts, 5,186 head; slow but steady; steers,
e4.Oo4i6.6b; stockers, 83.60; bulls, 33.5iKa4.60;
cows, 31.4j44.15; exports today, 440 quarters
of beef: tomorrow, HJ eheep.
CALVES Receipts, - 2,4oa head; veals,
weak to 26c lower; veals. 34.0O4i8.76; butter
milks, 83.60; city dressed veal, weak at
847 13c.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8,78)
head; sheep ateady; strictly prime lambs,
steady; medium grades, slow and 15q2
lower; sheep. 34.2o4J00; no choice here;
lambs. 36.754ii7.90; spring lambs, 8 per head.
HOGS Receipts, 6,721 head; market firm;
Btate and Pennsylvania .hogs, 37.8047. W0;
choice, 8S.
Blonx City Live Stock Market.
SIOUX CITY, March 26. (Spealal Tele-
frram.) CATTLE Receipts, l.OoO; 10c lower;
eeves. 83.7644.90; cows, bulls and mixed,
82.004)4.00; slookers and feeders. 38.0o4j4.26;
calves and yeTarllnga, 32.764)4.26.
HOGS Receipts, 3,000; market 10c lower
than Tuesday's close; selling, 37.0047.40;
bulk, 7.104j7.25.
Stock la. Sight.
Following were the receipts of live stock
at the six principal western cities yester
day: Cattle. Hoji. Sheep.
Omaha 5.8 0 12,oo0 6,000
Chicago .....24.000 27.000 15,000
Kansas City 6.900 8.800 6.600
St. Ix)ula 3,000 7,000 1.600
St. Joseph 2,414 5.774 4.107
Sioux City 1,000 S.OoO
Totals 43.114 64,074 82.107
Cottoa Market.
Quiet and steady; sales. 4.7C0 balea; ordi
nary, k 16-16c; ordinary, 8 13-16c; low
middling, c; middling, 9 13-16c; good mid
dling. l4c; middling fair. 10 15-16c. Re
ceipts, 7.640 balea; stock. 213,060 bales. Fu
tures quiet; March, 9.7-(f(9.oc; April, 9-Vyty
9 82c; May, 9.824)9.X3c; June, 9.854j9.87c: July,
9.K7'09.c; Auguat, f.63(a9.64c; September,
S.te'odW'c; October. 8.43a.44c; Novelnoer.
8 3i'M' 3ic; IVcrmber, 8.31ii.82e.
ened quiet. Unchanged to an advance of 3
fiolnts and following the call, ruled rather
rregular. but narrow and quiet. Specula
tlon continued quiet, however, and prices
gradually slipped away, with new crop
mVmths showing the greatest weaknesa.
The close was steady to 3 points lower.
The exports for the day were full; amount.
Ing to 19.261 bales, bringing the total thus
far for the seaaon up to 6.736,241 balea or
191. 37 over those for tha same period last
Evaporated Apples STid Dried Frails.
APPLES Show no ImtTOvement;
continuing quiet and the tone eaay on all
save the most attrsctive fruit: common ara
?uoted at 4475c; prime at W6c; choice,
St46c; fancy, 7jr7lc.
prunes continue quiet, but show some
steadiness on ths larger sixes; quotation!
range from 8c to 7c for all grades. Apri
cots are steady ti firm at WjSjc and
5V,c for fancy. Peaches are dull ani easy;
choice are quoted at 74isc; fancy, 8tH0o.
Coffee Market. '
NEW YORK. March M.-COFFEE-8pot.
Rio, quiet; mild, steady. Futures opened
steady at unchanged prlcea and ruled quiet
throughout, was ateady for a t'me, gain
ing 6 points under covering, but when this
demand was exhausted turned slightly
easier and was Anally quiet, net unrhangvl
to 6 points higher on March; sales, 14,0)0
b?ga. Including: May. 4.S.l-tr; June.
4 Sic; July. 4.45c; Eeplember 4 Sic: Novem
ber, 4.7oc; December, 4 aic; January, 6.0OC.
Heary HeoslpU of Otttla Caused Another
Break in Prioes
Not Masts' Fat Skeep aad La asks oa Sale
ad as tko Dessaad Coatlaaed la
Good Shape tko Market Raled
Active aad Steady.
SOUTH OMAHA. March 25. .
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Official Monday 4,341 6,063 7.86
Uincal Tuesday 6.447 13,1A i.lM
Official Wednesday 5.S00 12,6ou ,om
Three days this week.. 15.688 29.6S3 21,626
Same days last week. ...13.111 16.471 27, DM
Same week before 12,167 18,246 ls.MO
Same three weeks ago...l0.su0 17.103 19.970
Same tour wee as ago.... 14.06 7 an.bsoi 21.181
Same days last year 9,M 36,033 1K.0.6
The following table shows the receipts
of cattle, hoga and sheep a South Omana
tor the year to aate ana comparisons with
Last year;
1903. 1902. Inc. Dec.
Cattle 222,969 186,801 86,168
Hoga 6oi,so6 su.fc 306,770
Sheep 824.247 217,901 106,346
Average price paiu tor nogs at South
Omaha lor the last several days with com
Data. 1303. 1802.ilMl.lStW.18S8.18M.lla7.
Ma ran
J i J
7 06
6 01
I 22 4 SS 3 61 3 8I 3 50
6 38. 4 S 6 3 8o 3 47
4 Ui 8 b 8 73 8 M
8821 86218 8713a
8 7 t M 4 74 3 82i 3 8s
6 9SI 8 841 4 70 I Ml 3 6
7 101 8 17 Jl 14 sui 8 89
6 Obi 6 89 4 72 8 S3) 3 7( 8 67
10 7 26 6 97 4 731
U 7 394 6 09 t 401
121 7 1S 6 181 41 4 761
13 7 234k 6 801 f 481 4 79
I4 7 2 6 13 8 66 4 76
6 11 6 fro
S bo
t 65!
161 1 19V
i7 7 10 15
1 7 Vol 6 21
1S 7 1941
m) 4 iu
21 7 34
23 7 45
84 7 86
2o t 8o,
6 221 61
5 It
6 25
8 63
8 69 8 79i
I 8 74
8 60
8 68 I 69
4 79
3 80, 8 So
3 70
4 So
4 94
8 71 4 66
3 Sol 8 70
2 65 18 71
3 68 1 3 73
8 U 3 94
3 SSi 1 4 00
3 b 8 i
8 78
3 81
8 87
8 91
3 81
6 32I 6 S0 4 & 8 60 3 76 t 88
3 81 4 90 8 63 3 76 8 91
(29 14 93 8 90i 8 71 8 9i
6 88 6 76 3 67 3 6. 3 93
'Indicates Sunday.
The official number of cars of stock
brought in today by each road was:
Roads. Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. H'ses.
C, M. A Bt. P. Ry... 19 29 1
Wabash 1 3
Missouri Pacific Ry.. 6 2 . .. ..
Union Pacific system. 45 17 .. 1
C. & N. W. Ry 13 10 .. 1
V., E. M. V. R. R.. 60 48 1 4
C, St. P., M. eV 0 43 12 1
B. A M. Ry 63 20
C. B. A Q. Ry 5 4 I. 1
K. C. As St. J 8,1
C, R. I. P., east.. 8
C, R. 1. A P., west.. 3 4
Illinois Central 8 .. ..
Total receipts 254 .166 12 8
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows, esch buyer purchasing the num
ber of head indicated;
Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omana Packing Oo 698 1.437 208
Swllt and Company 1.197 2,424 897
Armour &. Co 1,033 3,420 1,262
Cudahy Packing Co 730 2,866 848
Armour, from Sioux City. 291 2,732
Vansant & Co 26
Carey A Benton 167
Lobman r Co .'...... 79 .
W. I. Stephen 69
Hill A Huntxlnger 62
Huston A Co 34
Livingstons & Shaller 113
Rothschild 162 .....
L. F. Hub 161
B. F. Hobblck 78
Dennis ot Co 2
Werthelmer 163
S. A S 70
Hamilton 146
Other buyers..,. 463
Totals 6,713 12,879 2,775
CATTLE There was another very heavy
run of cattle here today, wntch makes the
receipts for the three days this week con
siderably In excess of the same days of
last week; and also of the same days of
last year, either markets also had liberal
receipts, so the tendency of prices was de
cidedly downward. '
The beef steer market opened very slow,
as packers were very bearish, while sales
men were trying to prevent a break in
prices. As a result It waa late before much
trading was done. The general market,
though, was fully 10916c lower and In some
spots it looked even worse than that. All
kind suffered, but the good handy weights
egaln sold to the best advantage. It was
a very slow market from start to finish,
and, as many of the trains were late in
arriving, the day was well advanced before like a clearance was made.
The cow market was also slow and lower.
The break in prices, however, waa hardly
as serious as on beef steers and a dime
would cover the decline In most cases.
Some of the prime light weight cows and
heifers scld at prlcea that did not look
quite a'dlma lower, but aside from a lim
ited number of sales of that character tht
market was loc lower than yesterday. Ths
number of cowa and heifers on sale as
compared with the total receipts was again
rather small.
Bulls were a little lower today, In sym
pathy with the break on cows and steers,
but veal calves did not show much change.
There was quite a sprinkling of stock, rj
and feeders lu the yards and unksj the
cattle showed considerable quality they
were a little slow and lower. Strictly
choice stockers and feeders that had not
Kn fell eorn sold readilv at steady nrlrea
The kind of warmed up cattle that have I
been selling for teeaers were weak to a
dime lower. If the cattle were lacking In
quality they were slow and fully 10c 'lower,
no matter whether they had been fed corn
or not. There waa quite a demand from
the country yesterday, but aali the buyers
seemed co be looking for cattle ot good
quality. , Representative sales. - -f
ijr,Lr d t Eicna
Offering 0.5 Per Ccn. Oonds
TTr A Us ft fVntr.
. m kr.k r" tfXrt
ener Company 1. no IWI r snM" lrn Vijr7?hro.. k h s
irmwiinitti- 4m ntn-a In lenrni. fn-m stein, on ine r-t..--T". t Bnrtn to
eonntry rich In sold, kwt, eoal. timber, ana asrtciirtura 'lUtf,!j srt
AtwivM. on the Vsnsns hiar. la trie midst ot a aew mnlti reg (off more estenslva ana mnr.
valuable than Ik Klondike. a son (Vl In nl
The eounrrj- tapped directly and Inrltreetly by ttils rallroeS has t" ' Jj I fhst
alone since 1SRT. and yet Is b&reav scratched la a few apoa. TVolliwM la suDesantiaJiy in
mwrbj elsht crews o Sfisl
ed With all pos4bl iptsl, w
wKhoat Interrup-
of TOnsland rVtitlarid. and SUmtheerj Nnratr. Ii
Tha surrey of Mve roisu waa ooenptated lat summer
srsdes were aatahHehed OtMstruottnn will be miehed '
lion until the antlra road ahall bars boon eompletad . . . . . . .ia who are
ttia AlSKka Ceeilrst Railway la projected by prsctteal buatneaa sjd ralleosd TZXirZr. tn
sasoclated totner In equal In arwrVe and ara arjrraly Mentlned arlth It. Thay lnJ
enterprte. Braaa) of Its Intrinsic merit and with tha purpose, of frrrm It to a permanent and
Moreesful a4nalnment. Ttrass men. oonsxttutlng the board of trust sea, are.
G. W. DiCKIKOT. Its Prosldeat ssl Oe-meral Maaaarer. for maar Tera
the Oeaeral Saperlatesrdeat ef tke Valaa PMlffi Hesrtaterai 4irio
Railway, aad Oeaeral asaaaater fer tbe westera rerelTen f the Itorta
rti Paelge.
T. ACQ. REIfTZC. mt Batte ss Hew Tsrk. tke copper snlalaaT aad
saaeltlaar asllllaasrlrw.
UNITED- STATES 8K NATO ft OlORGB TtTtNlCTt. wsia developed '
tl aold atlae. aad was reeeatly appelated bp Frealdeat RaaseTelt oa
tke Alaska koaadars- trtkoaal. .
KX.uov. johs u H.onw. t a. mlm-i vMea Presldeat of tao
Natloaal Itaak of Seattle, aatll ISOg, aad aow swasr of valaakle salalaa
latereats la Alaska.
MAJ. JOHN E. BALLAINE. a baalaess naaja aad property owaer of well
kaowa staadlac tkroaakoat tke aortkwost.
N CAI-T. K. B. CAINS. Preoldeat aad Maaaarer of tko Paeltle dipper
J. W. GODWIN. Wkoleaale BSerebaat aad Preoldeat of tko Baited Fh
eHee Ceatssy, eoatrolllasr afteea eaaaerlea oa tfco Pacllle coast.
Tbe aetaorlsed capital ef lbs Railway Company is 8Af".000, et which SiotlfnOOO Is flvs
per wit non-eumulatlva preferred stork, placed In tha treasury for flevaloprnent purpose, ana
In. 600.000 Is common stock, entitles to etTldeaas only to ths extent ot 83S.0O0 per mils, ea
q per mist or rmiimad ronstrurtad
. . . fWI
nr mortrsira ot ths Rallwar Company to the Central Tntst corapauiy or imnm.. ... v
eatro, proyldes for sa Issue of not exceeding S3& 00 per mils, on main Una. branches and eiten
lons. se built and equipped, ef Are par eant, thirty year gold bonns. redeemshle nt 1 W " f trr n a.
The Alaska Central Hallwsr Comnnnr will reorlra applications for subscrlptlone n1' April
SA 10OS It. at nAl l.i.l.. ., A i. . K Jt- s . K. Dtllnu fommlir tO tDS Sg
tans it. at oAi - a i.i.i.. ., jwm.
a-ranta amount of M SOii.OOO. and no mors under this offer, fur tha construction and equipment
wi me n
whose srplleatlnns
proaresaes. ana
Arat miii nf ino mM.
The rlvht la namvm! ... m'i. M 4U -n . Ma lt anntleatlnna.
' tha terme of the subscription aereainent. to ke signed by the parsons wh
Kail IA u.,.1 Mwui .w.. ,v. i HL. Y-A I- . I . .K .nr.
in no ervni snsu snTsentera ba required to pay more min , w.n , j . ...
subscription In any on month; bat that each subscriber shall bars the option to pay ths wools
amount subscrtbad at ones.
Swbscrlbers to the arst l.OOO.OAO Of this allotment, ss provided In ths
sabserlptloa asrreesnent. will re-eel re. for rack gSOO paid.
$1,000 if 5 par oint 30 year .aid bands af tha Railway Campany, and
$800 par valaa af tha fall paid aammai ttock af tha Railway Company.
Sobserlkers to the seeoad Sl.OOO.OOO will receive, for oorh S3 paid.
1.000 of S per rest 80 year aold boada of tke Rallwar Compaar, aad SMO
par valae of tko eoatmoa stoek of tke Rallwar Coanpaay.
Sabserlbera to tke resislalsg anloaat. P1.BOO.OOU of this allotment,
will receive, for rack SSOO paid. S1.000 of the S per seat aold boada of the
Rallwar Cosapaar, aad sjsoo par valae of tha fall paid eoomsoa stork of
tbe Rallwar Caatasr.
Orereubeerlptlons to ths flrrt 11.000 000 will ba applied on ths second 81.000.000. at ths option
of tha subscriber, and oversubscriptions to the first and second 81.000,000 allotments will be
applied on tha last 81. S00 000, st tha opt loo of t n e subscriber.
Ths first one hundred miles opens a country so rich In gold, oopper. coal, red hematite Iron,
and timber, and penetrates to the gateway of Central Alaska so sdvantsreouslr that tha larre
earning capacities ot tha road wtllthen be demonstrated. Utile or no bonus of stock will, there,
furs, ba given with subsequent bonda. . ,
The total system rnntemplsted by ths Alaska Central Railway Company. Including the mala
lias and bra or has. compeehende from 1,000 to 1.200 miles, ss future oVvrrotrments Justify.
A pamphlet contained a (lets lie J map of the surveyed route, reports of the chief enrlneer.
and an tbe Said engineers, an estlrrate of esmlnsrs and rxpenaes, with other full and reliable
Information concerning tha Alaska Centrsl Railway and the sbumlnnt resources tributary to It.
may ba had upon application at the Chlcwsm ofnes or Hie Itslln-ny Company, Suite 1414 Tribune
Building, Chicago, 111. Ths subscription agreement aleo r rv lie had upon request In person or
by mall at tke asms place. A copy of the mortgage sernr'n :he bonds may be Inspected at ths
Chicago office ot ths Rallwar Company, or It will be sent fur 'Inspection through any bank upon
request of applicants for subscription to the bonds.
It has been shown by ofnctnl reports that the White. Pass snd Yukon Rallmsd. owned by
Kngilsh capital, and running from sksgwar to the head of navigation on ths Tukon ltlver. ma-le
net earnings of 8A0.0G0 per mils the first year of Its operation. The annual report of the earn
ings of tha ssma road for the fiscal year ending in tool showed net earnings of SI per cent on
the capltsl stork. Ths tartitorr to he opened Iit tha Alaska Central la Incomparably richer
from every standpoint than that supplied by the White Pses snd Yukon, end the two roads have
no conflict of Interest whatever, being SCO miles n pari, tha White Peas snd Yukon being oa
Canadian territory, ths Alaska Central exclusively on American territory.
The official depository of the Alaska Central la the Pnaet Sound Na
tloaal Bank of Seattle. rVashlaartoa. where the company's headquar
ters are located, bat payments for subscriptions may be made llirongh
any baak. aad boads aad certiorates oachaaaed therefor upon advlco
to the Chlcaao ouUce of the Alaska Central Hallway Company. Suite 1414
Trlkaae Balldlaa. Cblcaao. IP
By U. W, Dickinson., i'lo.iuent.
In offering Its bonds to subscribers direct, the Alaska Central Rnllway Company has adopted
ths course recommended by the azperlenoa of the bast managed railroad companies. The Al.m
ka Central has mad Its own survey snd Is doing Its own construction. By thla method the
targe profits that usually go to construction companies snd financial underwriters sre eliminat
ed, to tbe corresponding advantage of everv bondholder and stockholder, for the bond lsue will
thus be kept down to ths limit of the artualfoat of construction snd equipment. Not ojily will
all construction be dona by tho Railroad Company, but all the town rites belong to It ana will ba
disposed ot for tha mutual benefit of all Internets. In addition to gold snd copper In abundance,
the country tributary to the Alaska Central Railway contains practically Inexhaustible fields
of coal, much of which Is semi-snthraclts. snd will command the tinde of ths Psclflc; has
msny millions of seres of merchantable timber which can ba cheaply thinned to the markets of
tha world, and offers a rich soil for the cultivation of all kinds of sgrlculttiral products In a cli
mate mors agrssabh. than that In ths correasond Ing latltudea of Rurppe. where lit non.ono of tho
mos civilised and prosperous people of tha world reside. The A larks C entral's southern terminus
la st Pewsrd. on a harbor open the rear round, where ths thermumeler has never been known
to fall below sera In the severest winter weather. Seward Is but a few degrees north of Ixmrton.
ths mstropolis of tha world. The Japan current, carrying a stream of warm water l.noo ml'ea
wide from ths tropica, tempers ths climate of Southern snd Centre! Ai-i-Vn similar! ns 'h
Oulf Stream tampers ths climate of Oreat Britain and Norway. I hare been for twenty years
engaged In railroad work. From my knowledre of every phaee of laihcan btulnes, 1 nv ii
as my best Judgment that the Alaaka Central Railway Is an enterpiise of merit not excelled
by any in America, with all the busrnesa It can handls waiting for It at libers I prlcea.
O. Vr, DICKI r?SO?(.
Xa. A. Hr. No. AT. Pr.
I ? I M t lilt 4 40
1.,..' 10S0 I BO It 1JJ4 4 40
I 440 4 to It 12S1 4 40
I 1000 4 00 1C 1170 4 40
Jl I!t 4 to 8 107 1 4 40
i 4.... 711 4 tO It....... 121 4 46
3 tl 4 to It 124 4
B 1007 4 10 ' S3 1221 4 46
10 112t 4 tO 1 1141 4 46
IS 104 4 to IS 11B0 4 46
14 ' 1116 4 tt It 1114 4 60
II 1111 4 M ' 1 1231 4 60
tl 1106 4 10 61 181)7 4 60
It 107 4 tO IT 1010 4 60
10 10S 4 H t 174 4 60
15 t76 4 16 I S40 4 (0
)0 111 4 10 l; ltd 4 66
U 1010 4 10 40 130 4 66
4(1 .1117 4 10 10 lit 4 66
II t6 4 16 17 1343 4 0
K lit 4 16 20 1121 4 0
17 101(7 4 16 17 14t 4 0
tu ln0 4 16 1 1400 4 6
M 1"7 4 tt 1 r.v... 1.171 4 70
It 741 t 6 tC U21 (0
12 Ht 4 16 7 jo0 4 60
1 170 I 9 1 ,. t0 I tl
1 MA 1 00 1 1120 I 23
1 70 I tO 1 MO I 25
t t 14 2 (16 I 26
1 s t 40 t Wl I 9
t t B 7 107 116
1 at I to t us i to
I 74 1 64 t 4t I 15
J tao i 60 1 1070 I 16
1 tao I o I tn I 40
I lOBt I 60 t 1000 1 46
10 IN IU 11 1011 I 60
to I SO 1 too BO
1 ttt . I tO Ill I 66
1 IU4 7I I Ml iU
t lit I 7 1 1047 I 60
1 tl t 76 t 140 I Bt
1 SB t 76 ' 1 MtO I M
tt..., Ttl t 71 1006 I 7
tM It.' t6 I 70
I loot t I 1 11M I 76
I....B HI IN ' 1 10U4 16
I tM IN I A. .1110 I 76
I VWt t tt 1 140 I to
l lots t to i iso I to
1 1061 I M 1 11M I M
1 107 I 00 4 tit I to
t 1011 I 14 1111 I 10
I til I SO loao I to
7 tao I It t 161 I to
4 1070 I It 1 131 4 OS
13 ttl I 16 - 1 11M 4 Ot
t 100 I 10 1 110 4 0
1071 I 10 ' 1 1140 4 It
1 UK) lb., 1411 4 It
t t 60 6 7M I 40
1 6M 1 to t 16 I at
1- 66 I 00 t 760 I 7
t 411 I 04 ( ia.0 I Tt
1 (14 I 16 11 HI IH
1 Ill I 6 4 101 4 M
1.: t0 t 60 1 SR I 64
I I 76 1 s0 I 60
1 TM I 10 1 1170 I
I UT It 1 11 ail 10
t 11 ( M 1 1440 tO
1 4 tu I M 1 lltt 76
1 ......T11M I 16 1 100 t 76
1 160 I 6 t 1160 t 76
I Ik0 I 60 1 171 71
1 Ml I 6
4 101 I 21 1 to I 69
I . 140 4 6 ' 1M I 76
I..., 16 4 6 1 76 I 16
1 144 4 60 t U6 i 76
4 141 IM I 160 4 W
1 .'. 170 I 0 1 IIS M
1 tt ft at l I7t t
t ....
(60 1.....
760 I 60 10
60 t 60 1
460 t 76 1
600 I tt
134 1 ,6 1
16 I 28 1
Mil I 76 1
164 I 10
I It
I It
I t.
4 00
.. tuo
.. 44
.. (to
.. a..
.. 420
.. S60
.. 4UI
.. 72
.. 6
.. tXN
.. 121
.. 0
.. S.1I
.. 170
... 7tt
.. IM
1 70
1 16
1 76
t Ot
. j
I 2.S
I 10
I 60
1 i5
I Ml
I 0
. 17.,.
... 8M
... 637
... IS6
... tkl
, .. V.J
... 2
... BB1
... 16
... 640
... 715
... 761
... M
... 24
... 89
4 3)
4 iO
4 20
4 2
4 16
- .
4 .Ml
4 10
4 36
4 16
4 17K
4 40
4 40
4 40
4 40
4 46
4 46
4 60
4 l
IN 40
4 00 1....
4 00 it....
4 10 . I....
4 16 2....
4 16 .....
4 1 11....
4 10 6'
4 hi to . . .
HOGS There was another henvv run nf
hoga here today and as other markets werj
all quoted a good deai lower prices brok)
at thla point The market started out
very slow and generally Ioiuidc lower than
ytsterday'a average Salesmen, though,
wre slow about tuklnc the pr ces offered,
as i hey uiu not Ilka to take off that much.
Lcter In the day packers raised the r hindt
to tome extent and leading becarru a little
more active, but stl.i the hoga hud to sell
a big loc lower. Light hogs sold m.stly
from $1.20 down, weights fiom
i.30 to $7.25 and good heavy ho;i fiom
$7.26 to $. and as high as $7.35 waa paid,
it waa late In Hie day before anything like
a clearance waa made, representative
sules :
? a
7 2D
7 2o
7 2a
7 25
7 25
7 ib
1 25
7 25
7 25
7 25
7 25
7 25
7 26
7 25
7 25
7 25
7 26
7 25
7 25
7 26
7 a
7 2T,
7 26
7 25
7 25
7 25
7 25
7 25
7 25
7 26
7 26
7 25
7 25
7 27
7 27
7 27U
7 27V4
7 ZI'm
7 27V,
7 27V,
7 27t
7 27V,
7 27Vi
7 tf'i
7 27V4
7 a
7 30
7 30
7 30
7 So
7 30
7 $0
T 30
7 30
7 30
7 80
7 30
7 So
7 32'
No. Av. Sh. Pr. . No. Av. 8h.
12 151 ... 7 00 61..... .253 80
78 193 ... 7 10 2 211 ...
3 16 ... 7 10- 27.-. ...243 80
78 2111 7 16 U3 240 ...
77 2o2 120 7 16 71 243 ...
69 2t)3 40 7 15 70 217 ...
72. 2nti 40 7 17 4 79 213 ...
79 224 M) 7 20, M 214 80
73 216 7 20 72 238 ...
73 209 ... 7 20 Ss 24.1 SO
63 2:5 ... 7 20 72 23i 160
M 224 ... 7 20 253 ...
80 225 ... 7 20 21...... 279 40
63 215 80 ?) 29 2i9 ...
81 227 120 7 20 65 2H3 ...
76 223 ... 7 20 10 234 ...
lit... ...22s 80 7 20 62 264 ...
20 2. ... 7 20 "6 24H ...
23 202 ... 7 20 69 260 ...
63 229 40 7 2( 63 2.S4 ...
19 TiH 80 7 20 67 234 SO
77 2'2 ... 7 20 80 239 ...
72 220 ... 7 20 64 251 SO
76 229 120 7 22H 62 278 ...
47 264 HO 7 22V, 63 219 ...
62 232 ... 7 JK4 75 240 ...
69 264 820 7 22V, 74 256 40
46 231 ... 7 22 V, 62 2 80
79 237 80 7 22V, 62 229 80
70 238 80 7 22', 67 254 120
73 226 80 7 22'i 49 296 80
64 239 ... 7 22V. 16 262 ...
66 243 40 7 22 73. .....245 80
62 226 40 7 22'4 60 258 ...
48 236 ... 7 22V, 64 253 ...
67 23S ... 7 22 V. 6 24 ...
77 219 ... 7 2214 70.- 264 40
43. .....220 ... 7 22i 63 279 ...
69 227 J60 7 22', 64 203 80
60 232 ... 7 22', 73 243 200
28 268 ... 7 22 '4, 64 268 ...
71 230 ... 7 22 69 269 80
73 210 120 7 224 61 27 120
7o 24il ... 7 224 73 230 ...
63 223 ... 7 22V. 60 273 ...
73 226 80 7 224 41 255 ...
71 221 ... 7 224 "76. .....254 ...
77 223 ... 7 22 4 67 249 200
62 -00 80 7 224 f- 240 40
(3 238 80 7 25 6 255 80
$7 242 80 7 25 52 276 ...
4 241 130 7 2 63 266 ...
75 22 ... 7 25 69 207 ...
62 243 ... 7 25 74 214 ...
67 244 40 7 25 71 278 130
66 23 ... 7 26 66 241 ...
$2 220 ... 7 25 67. .....250 ...
63..... .264 ... 7 25 66 2H2 ...
16 i.2 ... 7 25 10 2V7 80
61 243 ... 7 25 " 29S 40
61 268 40 T 'JS 66 249 ...
67 20 ... 7 25 i.9 272 160
66 248 ... 7 26 64 2!4 ...
65 2C0 ... T 26 61 3 160
64 239 ... 7 25 42 21 ...
63 271 40 7 25 69 24 ...
$1 22 ... 7 26 64 324 80
morning and as the demand continued brink
the market ruled active and fully steady on
all desirable gradea. The same aa has been '
the case for some little time past every
thing changed hands aa rapidly aa unloaded
and but for the late arrival of trains an
early clearance would have been made.
Clipped ewes sold as hlh as $5.25 and
woolcd ewes aold up to $o.63. There were
t o very prime Lambs among the early ar
rivals and In fact there waa nothing good
enough to bring over $6.75.
There la nothing new to be said of the
feeder aituatlon. aa receipts are light and
prices unchanged,
Quotations: Choice western Iambs, $i!.9rt
7.2o; fair to good lambs. $6.00543.90; cliolco
Colorado lambs, t7.0oS7.6i; cholco light
weight yearlings, $6.00fi6.50; choice heavy
jrnrllngs, $6.754i6.CO; fair to good yearlings,
$.i.5ofi).76: choice wethera. $6.00f6.2fi: fnir to
good, $5.25&4.00; choice ewes, $5.25415.75; fair
to good ewea. $4.2o(ii5.25; feeder lambs, $4.7t
fi.2.; feeder yearlings, $4.25(S4.75; feeder
wethers, $; feeder ewes, $3.00iji'3.50.
Representative sales: .
NO. Av. Pr. '
2 fcucka 155 3 00
25 clipped western ewes 95 4 on
'41 clipped western ewea 05 5 25
1 western wether 80 6 25
Z3 western ewes 87 g 25
21 western ewes 94 5 51)
11S western ewes 88 6 60
199 western wethers..... 81 g no
12 western yearlings 75 j 25
61 westprn yearlings ...' 89 6 60
161 western iambs 73 g 71;
134 western lambs 65 6 73
11 cull ewes 74 j 50
25 cull ewes (,4 2 60
13 western os so 5 .jo
1 western ewe 80 6 50
2 western ewea 105 ' 5 so
4 cull lambs 55 g m)
1 western lamb 120 6 50
100 M xlcan welhers rh g 40
42R Mexican wethers 97 g 40
369 Mexican yearlings 70 q
SHEEP-Rioelpts were
7 36
7 35
7 35
7 3a
moderate thla
fit. Joseph Live? Stork Market.
ST. JOSEPH. March 25.-CATTI.E-Re.
celpta. 2,414 h?ad; mostly lflc lower; rows
and heifers, steady to strong; natives
13.856.26; cows and he'fers. $2 2;i5i4!0'
1 iinern ana iteiirrs, 3.2.X'4.60.
rilgs, steady
HOOS Receipts. 6.774 head: lOTiLSe lower:
pigs, steady; linht and light mixed. $7 2 n
7.35: medium and heavy. t7.27M,'7.iO- nla
SHEEP AND LAMBH-Rerelnta. 4.107
head; good, steady to atrong; others weak
to lower; top Nebraska lambs. $7.30: Ml
eourl wethers, $6.25; Nebratki ewes, $5.75.
Geo. A. Adams Grain Go.
Members Chicago Board of Trade, St.
Louis Merchanta Exchange and Kan
sas City Bosrd of Trad.
Boom $24 Board Trade Bldg., Omaha.
'Phones loo and loll.
i. tC. Vosj Dorm. Vtes President,
grain 'bl'af OU' nxket ,e,,r And eaaa
Consign your grain to tbe
And you will get best weights, best prices
and quick returns.
Members Principal Exchange
Private Wlrea.
110-111 Board of Trad
W. B. WARD. Mgr. Telephone. Ull