Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 26, 1903, Page 7, Image 7
THE OMAHA DAILY IEE: THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1003. BURGLAR MISSES MS AIM Mnrderoui Intruder frightened Awtj from iiowe fie Had Entered, EXCITING MORNING AT CALLOWAY HOME AT TKE PUYECUSES MXANTS RECOVERY CERTAIN Wound Inflicted it Painful, but Hot Likely to Be f Ul Danahter Aroa4 by Barglar'a Pres ence Aroases Her Rrttktr, Who la Made Target, bat Ea. fn lafary. Henry of Llvlna " Tha cant: Count Michael von Kel1lnghaun (called by Norbert "Uncle" Mi chael) Mr. Emmet C. King Beata. his wife (called by Norbert "Aunt" Bata...Mrs Patrick Campbell Ellen, their daughter. ..Mlaa Amy Lamhorn Baron Richard von Voelkerllngk (called by Ellen "Uncle" Rlchard Mr. Weight Kramer A bold hurel.r. . . ... . . lonie, Ms wire Ml Koee Pupre n. void ourgiary wai attempted aa.i.. 1 v,.,-k-- k.i. v. u.. morning about I o'clock br a Ion. ..n.. Baron Ludwlg , vHi''Volkerllngk. sec- ho paid a visit to the residence of r w ol R'chl - Gallowav xii.. . """"nee or C. W. brother) Mr. Marc MacDermMt oaiionay 124 wirt street, where he pried Prince Uelngen Mr. Charl.s Rowan open a window with a "Jimmy." After the Baron von Brachtmnn....Mr. J. H. Oreene I. Kallenberg Mr. Walter Howe iioltiman, private secretary to Baron Whii. li ... I air. tiarry uornton iu u n rwmi ror OTiii-r iMiin.i.i.jir tfuuus ji,yion valuable, the burglsr hsooened t ..... A Physician Mr. H. C. Norten the room nf mi., r?. ii. ... """ Conrad, servant at Count Kelllmrhau ened V. .h. . Dn awak. sens Mr. Forbush Jemtson enea by the man entering her bed chamha. I George. Baron Richard a aervant and discovered him rlfllne a hnrean I -Mr. J. Kersholt instead or screaming, tha young woman "The jr Mvlag" a( tka Bay Mrs. Talrlrb Campbell and her tendon The joy RIOTERS ARRAIGNED IN POUCS COURT company In Mrs. Wharton 'a translation of nuderman a five-act play. Meat Accoaed of Asaaaltlag Strike Breaker Root Plead Net Gallty to Charges Broaght Agalast Theaa. curgiar cad effected hta entrance Into the house he fired a ahot at qne of the member, of the household and fled. Nothing of value Is reported rnlrsing from the realdenee. to her LI m "urprJ8e- he bur' Prf PosltiT. denial from tha lady herself. I. f""' held n In bee f" "V-"?" sarin. Oah. captured Mra. Campbell. At i.. 1 ? '.' "d ,"d- VTou boW ' TttP-th.tlo current wa. estab- thf " this Tha condition of J. W. McCaon, the striker who was shot during the al terra - tlan which arose between strikers and strike breakers at the corner of Ninth street and Capitol avenue Tuesday was re ported considerably Improved Wednesday morning. He Is being attended by Dr. Riley, who thinks that there are very fa vorable chances for McCann fully recovering from the effects of the wound which he re ceived. The physician will remove the bul let soars time today. It has been found lodged against a lib In his back. Assistant County Attorney Msgney has not I..1I. t. , i. v. Ill ...... v ii . . . . , . . i i u 1 1 uv:iu?u u.L cuiin ud will uieiri cooly Mked the caller what he was doing lntT.mTn. McCnn- AU of the atrtk.r. who in the house at that time of l.."..: ""ed for having participated in the ww,w ,w I fl.Kt it.n. fk.f. In K. ljwt.lftv occurred. police court' session opened lished between the people on one side of ',t,rdaZ tD1,n l f Nothing daunted, the voun rnm. I., i. ..14 t a i. . .v.... ... ..... v .. ----- - I - - .. conversation with the undeslra- .rent audience that filled --tha Boyd last ble visitor, who failed t. . , I ...... . ... .v. . - - uui uie i wm wv.iu lw wud ui mi yjuvi I mantneent anil la man inMnntlf The sound of their voices awaken r- I spontaneous kihlhltlona of a areat artlat's met Galloway, her brother. Leavlna- ti. power ever given to the public. It seemed room, which was directly opposite on the at time" tnat oetress was entirely car- ",,lrr "ae or tne ball, he went to hla aia. "l wr r "r part; that the repression ter a chamber to determine the trouble. I ,no noted for, the minor chord In Just aa be opened the door he wsa heard I which she expresses the emotions, was for- approachlng by the burglar. Cooly moving ott"i the flood tide of her art carried " me uoor wnicn was his only means I ' a T eipresmon tooa ine oi escape, tne knight of the jimmy told the I mlr "train, rising a crescendo with a young man to "get back." The warnlnv I tdllr accelerated movement, until the iwiuiiiiuu LiKBsaKra sweuea in a aispason of passion that swept in a torrential rush over all barriers. In the third, fourth and fifth acta she ceaaed to act and lived the Ufa of Beata, Countess von Kelllnghansen. Even la her very, very short address when she bad been called before the curtain for the third time at the end ofthe third act, she exhibited very ptalnlylthe stress under which she was laboring. But It was the tongue and don't Ulk, or I will use gun." threat. was not obeyed. The burrlar ahot at n.i. loway, the bullet missing him and going turuuga ine aoor. The burglar then fled from the room and escaped from the residence by means of an outside door, which he had purposely left open. , Caller oa Shields. While A. J. Shields was soundly slum bering In his home at 2124 Blnney street stress of pleasure, a triumph added to ber jvoi7iu.j uiuiuiug kdvui i:au o clock ne was awakened by a slight sound In his room. When he opened his eves ha en. the court room and corridors being filled 1th friends of the arrested strikers. None of the strike breakers, excepting Fred Root, who did the shooting, were present, A. B. White, O. A. Thorpe, John Sinclair, Joseph Rannle, B. P. Sorenson, William Richelieu and Louis Mets were arraigned before Judge Berka on the charge of assault with Intent to inflict great bodily injury. The complaint was made by Assistant County Attorney Magney. Each of the pris oners pleaded not guilty to the charge and their hearing waa set for pext Baturday morning at t o'clock. They were repre sented by Attorney Knabe. t Reot Broach! la te Plead. dcavored to hide his bead under the cov ers, for standing beside the bed was a rtal burglar, who was rifling his trousers. The list of triumphs, and therefore a strain she' could well endure, for In It she was supported by the full power of a sympa- tbetle audience. A serious plsy. Indeed, Is "The Joy of Living." Buderman has approached the burglar saw Shields first SLd immediately everlastlna Question from a new anal and left the residence with all haste by sn open haa opened a number of additional ques wlndow. When he left. Shield's gold watch I tlons for debate, undecided points In moral ana it in casn went with him. The ethlca. While the Enallsh writers, for e burglary has been reported to the police. I ample, touch the topi with epigrammatle . 1 ' I brilliance or homllectlo heavlneaa. and the French say "pout!" and laugh at It, Suder- Following the arraignment of the eeven strikers Fred Root was brought before the court and arraigned on the charge of shoot Ing with Intent to kill. He pleaded not guilty and hla preliminary hearing waa set for April I. His bonds were fixed at 600, which Attorney Gurley, who represents the Union Pacific road, expects will be fur nlshed. While being arraigned Root stated that he shot McCann in self-defense, firing the first shot from his revolver into the street to Intimidate the crowd which was attack Ing him, then taking aim at McCann to protect himself from those who were sur rounding him. He said he had been left alone by his fellow workers, who had fled at toe nrai onsiaugm or ine stnaera. LOCAL BREVITIES. The Second Ward Republican club will meet tonight at im South Sixteenth street. Dennis Wandlln man, with the matter-of-fact phlegm of his race, unsparingly dissects It; lays It open In all Its ramifications, and submits each Growth of Vsr Torto Rlcaa Trade. Trade between our country and Porto Rico elaee the end of Spanish rule haa grown remarkably. In fact we now furnish four-flftha of their Imports. There Is also a remarkable Increase In the demsnd for third Jeet iS'heiS ?f iFSZV'l.Vl'A0 the "Pl -motions Involved to a Hosteller's Stomsch. Bitters, because more i -u.5 rtoui H!h.eJS..Vrthe PO"C' ,taUn " microscopic exsmln.tlon a. well as a chem- people are learning every day of lta wonder- Anton Plulnger waa arrested during yea- lc1 tMt- order that he may determine . nd having once tried It will not terday afternoon and charged with dumping I the end. It Is necessary for him to know take any other. It 'i unequalled as a spring with "cruelty to i animals "m""' "na tne beginning. In -The Joy of Living" he tonic and poaltlvely cures headache, aim Prof. John B. DeMotte wll lecture Sun day afternoon at 4 o'clock at Kountze Me morial churrh on the subject of "Success Means Sacrifice." The lecture will be free. Harry Long, resldlnar at 5T12 Ohio street. anri N'nrm.n T.vln. nl 9r9 KJn.t ' elRhth street, charged with Incorrigibility, I ou tbree or four cynical speeches, and only wero arrested Wednesday afternoon by De- I on of these Is from a principal. The gives us tne beginning; but be shows ua no new way out; bis ending Is that of all other who have sought to solve the same problem. Death. He does not treat the topie lightly; In all the Ave acts he allows ness, sour stomach, indigestion, ayspepsia and constipation. Be aure to try It BOY DEFENDS HIS MOTHER tectlves Hudson and L)unt, M. Cohen, living at Twenty-seventh and Oram streets, waa arrested iast night, charged with receiving and concealing .tulen property. Petectivea Hudson ana Punn found In his possession sundry pieces of lvvd plumhing. which had apparently been recently cut from their connections. George Inell started suit in Judge Baxter's court against the L'nlon Pacific to collect Taklaar Her Part He Shoots Probably Fatally Weaada Hla Father. aad Countess Beata toast the Joy of living in languag that la bitter, and arraign so cveiy witn. a nair truth; bat forgets, as doe everyone when overtake at last, that It la the community and not the Individual that must be considered. The joy of living may be purchased by tha few at the hign price of dishonor, but the nrlce la demand.! I ..-a-a vi. .k.. n.... t..k II Ml fr InlnriM l Ih. Ihnmh f hi. ,1.1,1 T .. . ... -""""" ""' -UI hand, austalned when a large Iron pipe fell "T l"! """"V oc,et' their home today, upon It In th. con me of his work at the '': uepenas upon tne toil being ex- fh, Ban then sUrted to give himself up company snrps some monins ago. Tne o Buueruian a oenan it must be hut yielded to the nleadlnaa of hla moth.r in .1 i iib, v, i ...... , . v. 11.., .... . r n i , . , . . i " ...... w.v, .c.u.v. uciciiu- hij, iiio, mil ne aoes sot oaint tne am CHICAGO, March 25. Coming to' the res cue of his mother, who was being beaten by her drunken husband, Ray Jackson, 1 years old. shot and probably fatally terest In the resldenta on K,l,lro ""ots three years of hidden love. CTCCI TRIIT MFRfiF PI flNTQ nlRht Ed Hyde, living at nd twelve years of silent dread, awaiting 1 ttl- 1 "UJ 1 r"cnu" rlMn I d int. The policemen patrolling the Third ward take a paternal Inte tneir Deals. l.ast the intersection of Thirteenth and Webster atr.ets, an arrested as a suspicious char acter brrauae he was trying to sell a ring which would have been dear at 23 cents, for 11.2a- Tne copper saved any would-be purchaser from an error of Judgment. WllUam Winter of Nebraska City stepped off a south-bound Harnjy itreet car be tween the l'nlon and Burlington stationa last nUeht and first touched the viaduct with hia head. He was taken to the police Station and three stitches taken In a gash on hia forehead. He had been visiting Charles Klmiuerllng and was on his way to tbe depot to take a train for hla home. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. C. E. Latchew of Lincoln, H. F. D. Chase of Alexandria, A. F. Harder and Mr. and Mra. MacMeyer of Elkhorn are at the Mil lard. A. 8. Maxwell of Beatrice, general man eger of the Beatrice Oa company. Is In the city taking in the Scottish Rite Masonry work at the Masonic temple. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dean of IJhcoln, J. M. Burdli k of Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Dnlen and Mr. and Mra. H. C. Kent of Al bion. H. H. Reed of Syracuse and Mlaa M. I. K lemon of Fremont are at the Her Grand. ' Mrs. Charlee O. Morton of Kearney. Mrs. M. E. Catron and Mrs. E. A. Brown of Ne braska t'ltv. A. E. Babcock of Columbus, Mrs. Ouy F. Orave of Pender. Oeorge A. Perkins of Ord and J. C. Coffee of Cedar Rapids are at the Pax ton. in rosy colors; to Countess Beata and Baroa to try to escape. He was captured later. the Inevitable time of exposure. The prize was exacted many times over from the un happy lovers. Mr. Campbell Interpret a very dim cuit rote witn the Intelligent, aympa tnetlc methods of a finished actor. Her stage presence Is all that has been claimed for it, grace personified; yet It is ber voice that really wins for ber her triumphs. Rich, resonant and musical, under perfect con trol, and possessed of a peculiar vibrant I intensity of tona oualltv. It a.ama mp. Ttctly adapted to Its uaesi and. respond with a wonderful facility to all her demands upon It. Her enunciation, even In her Im passioned passage, la clear and distinct. and wHhout even an approach at tbe hys terical methods of other women, she give moat potential force to all ber scenes, each with It artistically correct value. At first she seem merely acting; later she seem to be living the part. Aad all dono with such exquisite deftness of manner and exactness of method that one lose all sigHt of the mean In the and attained, The eompaay Is worthy of the star. It would be unfair to " xcept any in the east from the praise that la due to all for the excellence of the performance from first to last. Kotldea Sw Jersey Offlrlal of Pre-. Bmed Cbaase Belnar Mad la ' Orcaalsatloa. TRENTON. N. J.. March 25. The" secre tary et state' office wa notified tht even Ing that the United State Steel corpora tion would tomorrow file papers merging It varloua plants. The Information given conveyed no Idea as to the csnitallxatlon of tbe new com pany or whether there would be any change In name. , FEVER HALTS CORNELL WORK I'alveralty Poataoaes Balldlaax Opera. tloas Till Bask Bala are Isa'aroTea. - ITHACA, N. Y., March 25. On account of tha heavy expense to which Cornell has been put during the epidemic of typhoid wOrk on the new Rockefeller hall of physics which was to have been begun loot dlately, will be delayed for several nyontha. Society broke It Lenten bondage The work of remodeling Sage chapel will 99 last night and appeared at the theater In force. The appreciation of the audience of the rare hlstrionla treat afforded was generously expressed aad aa generously responded to by tha players, who showed very -plainly that It waa their desire to give the piece In a-ananner to merit what Mrs. Campbell called "a very warm wel come. At the matinee thla afternoon Arthur Wlg Plnero' play, "The Second Mr. Tanqueray," In also be postponed temporarily. CHILD WORK SLAVES COST JOB New Jersey Factory Iaaacotor Laeee Place Whoa Employers Vio late Law. TRENTON, N. J., March 25. Governor Murphy has demanded the resignation of which Mr. Campbell won I John C. Ward, chief of the bureau of fac- ijuciicy la often Ihe name given by earelea nd thoughtless people to those who are care ful and thoughtful. "What a lucky woman, is said of one whose health and beauty proclaim her free from womanly diseases. Tbe luck often consists in her ha vine thoughtfully considered the mer its of Dr. Pierce' Favorite Prescription and proved iu ability to enre the dv ease peculiar to her sex. Favorite Prescription" 1 reliable medicine for the cure of womanly-diseases. It establishes regularity, drtea weakening drain, heala innammaUon and ulceration, and cure female wea "mTw poor health t nine years." write. Mra, Armint.W.tkm. of Acme. "5- W. Va Had mkua. we very trrefuur d would aurter anlold H.-rry. tSur tamuv doctor did aot do to write lo you. When I wrote 1 had bo uw that I would l reached nic 1 1 lading w - - - . , . .bi. Uii ever gt well, bat weea year letter ic I began to kave hope. 1 com neocd r 1-vTrxe . medicine ss directed and i I. I waa ana able to dj the work lor aiy taadly of eij-ht buttle., three of favorite -SZ, . and Ire of ' Coli Meuxal iwcover, emd two The People' Common Sense Medical Adviser, juufe page, PPr sent jrt on receij of al oicnt rapa to pay expense of mailinf a-r. Adlrea Uf. JaVYllwC, BulUl !Va . - .:, - her first real triumph, will be given, and thla evening "Magda, another of Buder man' pieces, but quite different from last alght's bill. TO CELEBRATE A CENTENNIAL Nebraska loelcty. Seas of the A -aer ie a a RoTolatloa, la Laylas; ease Plaaa. ' . The Nebraska Society, Sons of th Amer ican Revolution, will observe th eentea- nlal anniversary of the cession of Louis iana territory April M at Omaha. The committee on program ta now con sidering the question and will arrange for the celebration upon more than the usual lines. Tha society I having soms delay la the preparation of lta annual handbook and that publication will not be Issued this year until some time la tbe summer. There are several applications oa hand for mem bership In the society and It I expected that the new handbook will contain a much ! larger list of names than asy former one. BANDITS WORTH MUCH MONEY Slaty Thoweaad Offered for Call lor a la Hlhwayata Who Mardered Iowa Mas. LOS ANGELES. Cat. March 2i More thaa $W.00 ha been offered for th arrest I of the trio 'of highwaymen who held op Saala Monica car sa Sunday. A telegram from the bank la Via son. la-, of which Oeorge A. Oris weld, the deal passenger, waa etc president, offer an additional reward of XM for the capture and conviction of hi murderer. tory Inspection. Chief nard renised to comply wtth the request, which Is said to have been made as the real It of violations by employers of the law regarding child kaber. There will be a meeting of the Frank E- M no res' Fifth Ward Republican elub at McKenna's . hall. Sixteenth and Locust streets. Thursdsy evening, March 26, 1&05, I o'clock p. m, Hon. Frank E. Moo res, Hon. Judge Bryco Crawford, candidate for city council, and other will speak. Andrew Rosewater, city engineer, will explain tbe water power elec tric franchise. Come and bring your frlenda. WILUAM I. KIER3TEAD. PAUL B. SEWARD, President. Secretary. OMAHA PUBLIC SCHOOLS Mis Katherlae Ball, who several year ago was supervisor of drawing of th Omaha schools, and wbo Is now holding a like position In tbe schools of Ban Fran- Isco, expects to sail soon. In company wtth Mist Bertha Runkle, the young author, for Japan, where they will spend some time in study and travel. The following program was presented at tha Benson school on Friday afternoon: I. a) The IJttle Shoemaker (b) The Harvest of the Squirrel and Bee uaytior (c) Thanksgiving Song (d The Sailor ' Mra. William Beeiemire, II. Recitation The Drummer Boy Miss Enuna idling. a) Robin Neldllnger (b) Bnowflakes Cowen Mrs. vi uiism aeeiemir. III. The Windmill Gaynor Eight little r oik. IV. ai awallow Cowen tb) Japanese Love Song Mrs. William Beeiemire. Mis Jennie Harris. Accompanist. There haa been an unprecedented number of visitor In the schools thla winter tnd during the last two weeks nearly every day hss brought parties to nearly all of tne schools. In the main these visitors hat been teacher and member of school board from out In tbe state and from Iowa wbo have come to study tb methods of the Omaha achools. Tbe agitation for kinder gartens that ha become so general during tb Isst year has brought score of school patrons, teachers and board member to Omaha to visit these departments and study the work for themselves. They hsve come unannounced and In many cases have only said they were from out of town and had come to see what kindergarten work con sisted of. frequently remaining for long altts with the directors sfter the children had been dismissed and always expressing themselves as plessed with the work. Dur ing the last woek a party of Iowa club women spent several days In tbe city visit ing the schools, especially the primary and kindergarten departments, their object be ing to gain helpful auggesttons and methods for schools of their respective town. Tbe recent provision that principals shall take turns preparing papers on assigned subjects to be read before the principals' meetings hss occssloned not a little re sentment among aome of the principals, who feel that this additional requirement is most Inconsiderate- in view of the nu merous other demands that are made upon their time and strength. In discussing It one of them said: It may not seem a great deal to ask, but It is In reality re quiring a great deal more than the average principal feels equal to giving. There is no time for even a thought for this paper dur ing the day, and to tbe majority of those who will present papers It will mean not only one but several evenings' thought and work, and it Is not right or considerate to sk this of women who are already giving too much time and effort to study time that In Justice to themselves and their work might better be devoted to recreation." The Teacher' Annuity and Aid associa tion Is most gratified by the hearty endorse ment that has been given generally of their plan for the presentation of "The House that Jack Built." The selection of children for the part has already commenced and the rehearsals will ' begin In about two weeks. .. i ,, ' . The whole energy of th schools seem to be concentrated bpod 'finishing up the work of the term which end with tbi week, and tbe pupil are looking forward to the spring vacation, which Includes all of next week, school being resumed April (. - Ihe next meeting of the principals' meet. ing has been postponed from Friday evening until after the spring vacr.tlon. Friday even ing. April 10. Miss Sarah McCbeane. principal qf Long school, gave a very Instructive and enter taining talk before one of the night school classes Isst week, speaking, by request. upon her recent trip abroad. Beware of a Coach. A cough Is not a disease, but a rymptom. Consumption and bronchitis, which are the moat dangerous and fatal diseases, have for their first Indication a persistent cough, and if properly treated as soon aa this cough appears are easily cured. Chamberlain' Cough . Remedy ha proven wonderfully successful, and gained Its wide reputation and extensive sale by Its success In curing th diseases which cause coughing. It it Is not beneficial It will not cost you a cent. - ' " MARYLAND KEEPS BIRTHDAY Jonas Hopklaa Stadeata Llatea to Historical Address, While C all drea Also Celebrate. BALTIMORE, March 25. The 268th anni versary of. the settlement of Maryland was observed Today In all tha public and many private school of the state. A feature of the celebration In this city wa an- historical address delivered at Johns' Hopkins university by Bernard C. Steiner, a member of the faculty. Tonight two amateur colonial plays were presented under the auspices of the Mary land Society of the Colonial Dame of America. mmmmm rmmm:w ji m&m jit my wr emi Vets piesartly? Acts Berveficiallvi tsHrvily as-a.Laxativce rup of Figs appeals to the cultured and the informed and to the hpaithv h-mic. u. . j 9 wvnuob U kVIII- ponent parts are simple and wholesome and be cause it acts without disturbing the natural func tions, as it is wholly free from every objectionable Huamy or sucstance. in the process of manufacturing figs are used, as they ar pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal virtues of Syrup of Figs are obtained from an excellent combination of plants known to be medicinally laxative and to act most beneficially. To get its beneficial effects buy the genuine manufactured by the glFOIIApYRUPf? - ha,,it.ny -7i.wYork.fl.Ya ror ie by eJli druta, PriccIfiftytccnU per. bottlo. CONSOLS CO BELOW NINETY England on the Verge of a Great Money Ptrio. BANKS MUST TAKE SOME ACTION SOON Most of Them Have Accepted Coasols aa Collateral at Nlaetr. Be. llevtaat Price Woald Merer Bo So Low. entire value was 1500,600, but it cannot be learned that there was any Insurance. SS8 Terr Low Ratra To point In Montana. Idaho. Waablngton. Oregon. British Columbia, Utah sad Colo rado, la effect dally from February It to April 20. via Chicago Great Western rail way. Write to J. P Elmer, O. P. A., Chi rao, for full particulars. Woaaea Caaao of a Traced r, DM MOINES. Ia.. March Tha trial of Frank Cunnlnaham. who ahot and killed Andrew Johnson, colored. Marrh I. com menced today. Cunningham was married to a negrrsa and lived next door to John son, who had a white wife. Rivalry be tween the women culminated rn a quarrel between the men over a piece ef tin spout ing. Johnson. wh was much the larger, la aliened to have threatened Cunningham. whereupon the Utter shot him to death. Will Fay tor atelea Cold. DETROIT. Mich.. March The Pacific and Dominion Kxpseea company' haa In creased the reward offered for the 13 gold bar stolen last week. The reward Is now iuo for the recovery of the bar and $.M additional for the axreet and iwvc Hon of the UUeX. "Hand Wrought" In the m machinery it good servant but bad matter. In other words, machinery unas jt'uted by hand-work produce no work of art. The GORHAM CO. Silversmiths has realized this truth and no jjiece of silver leaves its workshop that has not received the loving finishing touches of the trained human hand. Some are entirely hand wrought from start to finish. But all bear the one distinguishing stamp of value the .Gotham trade-mark. mUMa keep at LONDON. March 26. Th chief feature of the transactions on the 8tock exchange to day was the eontlnued selling of consols, which showed a further sharp fall. During tbe morning consols fell to 90 and even a shade below that figure. There was practically no home support, but the con Unent kept buying small lots. The possibility of consols being In th 80 haa created consternation, not only among speculator and Investors, but In the great banking Interests, who for years have written down their consol holdings at 90, though tbe market price wa con siderably above par, 90 being considered the lowest possible price to which tb se curity waa likely to go. Should consols go down to and remain below 90 every British bank will be obliged to reorganlie lta reserve and get out new balances uron a fresh basis. Such a serious contingency, however. Is scarcely believed possible. A report is current- that the government may step In as a buyer of Its own securities, which would immediately restore tbe national credit. But the stringency la the money carket Is not expected to be alleviated, for If the Bank of England eases Its conditions the continent, which Is a big lender, will with draw loans In order to get more favorable terma elsewhere. There waa some slight American buying today In tbe belief that rock bottom had been reached. One purchase of 175,000 for an Anglo-American firm caused a temporary rise of tt. which, however, waa soon obllt erated by Investor selling. Foreign bankers said today that Instead of American holders of British consols hav ing sold tbetf bonds recently there bad been some purchases her at tbe decline. A very large portion of the allotment placed here at tbe time of the last British loan bad been marketed last year in London fol lowing the cessation of the South African hostilities. As a matter of fact, the bankers ssy thst American subscriber really made money on their bonds. Those who still hold their consols are Indieposed to realise on them at the present low figure. CUBAN DISTRUST IS "ALLAYED Fear that Asaerlcaa Seaate Had Daa. aajed Treaty Dispelled by Pabllelty. HAVANA, March 25. Although there Is eonsldersble complaint here that the United Btatea senate did not give the reciprocity treaty a fair deal, the publication of tbe amendments has shown that the treaty Is not materially damaged from a Cuban standpoint except by being delayed. Tha present feeling of suspicion Is du principally to the lack of arsursnce tbtt the treaty cannot be amended in the United 8tates house of representstlves snd that President Roosevelt will call a special ses sion prior to th regular meeting of con gress. The presidents of sll manufacturing snd commercial organisations received today a list of Inquiries from the senate committee oa foreign relations with regard to the ef fects of the amendments. It Is requested that the replies be sent In oy tomorrow. The report on the treaty will be completed by Friday. SELL BOGUS LAND DEEDS Caleaaw Maa A censed of Rssslsg C.lgaatle Real Eaterte Iwladle. CHICAGO, March 25. In the arrest of former County Surveyor Louis Enrleht and K. C. Deuscher, an attorney, postal In spectors believe they have atopped a grsat land swindle. Enrleht and Deuscher, as manager and attorney, conducted the United Bute land syndtcste. The profits of tbe "syndicate" In the few year it ha been operating are estimated at from $25,000 to $50,000. Enrleht and Deuscher advertised that they would give farm free, asking only pay ment for drawing th paper, and in a few ease ar said to have turned over the deed for a small sum. . In other case, however, they are alleged to bar secured a much aa $500, Postofflce Inspector Stewart and Ketcham, who have been gathering evidence for more than a year, declare that those who went to claim their land under the deeds found their papers worthies. MAY NOT COUNT THE BALLOTS Chicago Jada-e Still Refasee ta Allow Coaa-resaloaal Totea to B Caavaased. CHICACO, March 25. Judge Hanecy to day refused to dissolve the Injunction se cured by William Lotimer restraining the Board of Election Commissioners from counting the ballots In the Sixth congres sional district last fall. FRANKFORT, Ky., March 25. The court today ruled that Governor Beckham' name may go on the ballot and that primary elections can be held. Better Thaa a Plaster. A piece of flannel dampened with Cham erlaln's Pain Balm and bound to the af .ected parts la superior to any plaster. When troubled with lam back or pains In the side or chest, give It a trial and you are certain to be more than pleased with the prompt relief which it afford Pain Balm also cures rheumatism. One application give relief. PICTURE FRAMERS QUIT WORK Denaaad Better Wain, Ualoa Reesg. alfloa sal Satarday Half Holiday. CHICAGO, March 25. Two thousand pie ture frame worker and helper In twenty nine picture frame and moulding factories went on strike todsy, to obtain a uniform wage scale. The union also demands recognition and a Saturday half holiday for four months of the year without reduction In psy. SCHOOL BOARD IS INDICTED Fall to Order Paplls Vaeelaatet aad Mast Now Face Coort. tTNION CITY, Ind.. Msrch 25. The Ran dolph county grand Jury ha Indicted the school board of Union City, charging the member with misdemeanor. There was a smallpox epidemic at Win chester some time age and after it subsided th County Board of Health Issued an order to all trustees to see that school children ware vaccinated or kept away from school. The Board of Health of Union City decided that a there wa no smallpox here there wa no need for compulsory vaccination and did not enforce the order. MINERS VOTE ON STRIKE Iflae Thoaaaad ladlaaa Mea Detaaad "Shootera" la Oaseoaa Pits. TERRB HAUTE. Ind.. March 25. A vote JjJten by the 125 miners' locals of Indiana win aectae wnetner tne , men em ployed In the bituminous fields will quit work on April 1 or accept the offer of the operators to continue last year's agreement with a 12H-cent Increase In wagea. The operators delivered an ultimatum at a Joint meeting of the sub ecale committees this morning. The mine workers' delegate.! had a secret meeting tht afternoon and unanimously decided to take a vote on the question of the employment of "shooters" In gaseous mine. , KEEPS WRIGHT SAFEIN JAIL New York Jadao Refases Ball aad Deellaes to Freo Alleged Flaaaclal Crook. NEW YORK, March 25. Judge Lacombe. In the United Statea circuit court, today denied the application of Whttaker Wright for ball, without prejudice to It renewal when extradition papera arrive. The ap plication to discharge Wright from custody waa also dented. Wright' counsel said he would at once appeal to the United Statea supreme court POPE CONFIRMS "GLENNON Names Now Coadjator Bishop af St. Loola Nontlaated by Prelate. ST. LOUIS, Msrch 25. A csble wss re ceived by Archbishop Kaln tonight from Cardinal Gottl, secretary to the propo ganda at Rome, saying: The pope today confirmed the nomination of the congregation of bishops of Hlithop John J. Olennon as coadjutor of St. Louis. Doa't Lois a Meal Through dyspepsia and ( Indigestion. Take Electric Bitters. They cure stomach troubles or no psy. Only CQc. For sale by Kuhn Co. COLORADO SMELTER BLAZES Fir Destroys Mala Portloa of th Caayoa City Rrdartloa Works. CANON CITY, Colo.. March 25. At mid night the main portion of tbe smelling works of the United Slates Reduction snd Refining company waa destroyed by fire, the loss being $200,000. Immense new buildings 200x400 feet in area were de stroyed. Tbs compsny owning ths plsnt Is the ssme which owns the Standard Oold mill at Colorado City, ' whose employes are on strike. Ths fire broke out In the refinery from an unknown cause and was discovered by the watchman, but could not bo sub dued and aooa tbe recently completed ad ditions which bar been In process of erec tion for th past pear war a null of flame. Th plant Is not a total loss, as Us i i 1 It feeds mt hair Ayer's Hair Visor is a hair food. It feeds, nourishes, invigor ates the hair. That's why it makes the hair grow, stops falling half, and keeps the scalp free from dandruff. It always re stores color to gray hair, all the deep, rich color of early life. And it is an elegant dressing, h m u. t. c. at oo.. lu. Mass. "Arer'a Hair Tlenr aton bit katr frota falling wha It u aa b4 r SJt4 liu aeo aauauaie ia. ikitk aa ." at a. W. li. UaL'wM.l b4 yoe coal a see say scalp. auk.. Ohio.