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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1903)
TTTE OMAnX DAILY Til IT I? ST) AY, MAKCTI 20, 100.1. Tiie Omaha Daily Bee k nodnwATEn, editor. rflM.lBHEU EVERY MORNIXQ. TERMS OF BL'USCRIPTION. Tally lies (without Hundav), One Year..$4. l'ally Hep and Sunday, one Year llluMtrated Hee, one Year J""' Sundnv H.-e, oiw Year eturday B-e, One Yar 1 " Twenllt-th t'entury Farmer, One Year.. 1.00 DELIVERED BY CARRIEH. fially Hce, (without Bundny), per copy..:. 2c Jally Rre (without Hund.iy), per week. ..120 Lally Rev (Inoiuoln Sunday), per week. .17c Ctunday Hee, per copy c Kvenlnn l-,es (without Sunday), per week o Evening let Including Sunday), Per, week "0 Complaints of Irregularities in delivery hould lie addressed to CU Circulation De partment. OFFICES. Omaha The Ree Building. Bouth Omaha City Hall Building, Twenty-fifth and M Htreet. Council HhifTs iO I'enrl Street. Chicago lfii Unity building. New York-23 I'ark Row Building. Washington d"I Fourteenth Street. CORK E3 PO NDENCE. Communications relating to news and edi torial mHtter nhould be addressed: Omaha Ree, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit bv draft, express or postal order, payable t The Ree Publishing Company. Only 2-cent stamp accepted in payment of mail accounts personal check., except on Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted. THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. State of Nebraska, Douglas County, .! George B Tzschuck. aecretary of The Bee Publishing' Company, being duly sworn, says that the actual number of full and complete copies of The Dally, Morning, Evening and Sunday Bre printed during the month of February. 1903. was aa follows: 1 SH.1 IS 2,M5 2 ao.MO i ai,aao 8 30,:M IT I AO.UOO li 31,490 6.. .-.HO.HHJ 13 ...31.4B0 .'..3O.5T0 ' 20 ai.uio :, 3t,5SO 1 81.UTO I VU.MNI 2J I SJO.OIO 23 ,..81,30 10 3U.BUO 24 31,830 11 3t,13 25 Sl.OOO 12 30,00 2 .81,620 12 30,040 27 81.HU0 14 3U.5TW , 28 81.TS0 Total 853,432 Less unsold and returned copies. W.304 Net total sales... 44,ooa Net average sales 80,143 - GEORGE B. TZSCHUCK. Subscribed in my presence and sworn to be i ore me this ain any of February, A. D. IMS. M. B. H UNGATE, (Seal.) ' ' Notary Public. Are you a Gopher? Have you signed the pledge to keep It a profound secret? , Government by injunction la always the final prop for government by cor poratlon. The Hartley Investigating committee appears to have exhausted Itself in a feeble effort to find nothing. Hurry up those constitutional amend ments. There is not much time to be lost if they are to pass before the ses sion closes. The appointment by both houses of the legislature of committees on final adjournment is pretty good evidence of the beginning of the end. navlng entertained the fusion mem' bcrs of the legislature at luncheon, Colonel Bryan can now defy the dem ocratic reorganizes to crush him In his own state at their peril. v ' ; The Bartley Investigating committee has made its report, but as the commit tee has not yet been discharged, the Important business that keeps Bartley out of the state cannot be neglected. As long as Dr. Parkhui-st and General Funston content themselves with shoot lug paper wads at each other with the whole continent between them, their pastime is not likely to become dan gerous. Just to keep up the excitement Great Britain will hold a court-martial on the conduct of one of its chief military commanders. From the advance news, embalmed beef and Philippine atroc ities will not bq !u the snme class. It Is said that tariff reform and trust extinction are to take the place of im perialism and militarism on the demo cratic program. If so, which will rank aa paramount will depend upon which wing of tho party holds the winning hand In the convention of 11)04. George Gould Is ambitious to make his Wabash road one pf the coal lines sharing in the traffic of the anthracite region. In other words. ' the profits in sight from . prospective . coal business notwithstanding higher wages to the miners are too tempting to be resisted. The Real Estate exchange and the Commercial club have withdrawn their cross bills in tho suit for divorce.. Both are supposed to be working earnestly for the advancement and prosperity of Omaha and they can certainly"1 accom plish more working together than they could pulling apart, ' ' If we only have a, few more legisla tive commltteea to kok into the crooked manipulations of former state treas urers, the taxpayers of Nebraska will learn that while the treasury has been looted to the extent of. hundreds of thousands of dollars, nobody ever bene fited evetf.a popy by the loss. The newly appointed assistant' to the attorney genera),' who Is to be specially assigned td the Department of Com merce to ' onfowe the law 'upon the trusts Is known as a legal authority on bankruptcy.. Some of the trusts may need an expert in bankruptcy In run ning up' against' the prohibitions of the federal laws white President Itoosevelt is at the hejnu' J Mark It down that lu both house and senate the scheme to turn on the fall vnlud taxation of the franchise! corporations was sprung by a member o( the Douglas delegation when every representative of this city and county ought to be squarely against corporate tax evasion. That the Torts of the franchlsed corporations to unload upon the other taxpayers have leen so fur unsuccessful U uo fault of the Douglas delegation U ( delegation,' - A MKZACISU 8ITUAT1UX. There Is so intimate a connection be tween financial conditions abroad and financial conditions in this country that the existing situation in' the English money market must command the seri ous attention of Americau financial in terests. The niarkwl decline in British consols during the last few days, mainly due, as it appears, to the mone tary stringency in the London market. Is a circumstance .the significance of which should not be underestimated. It denotes a condition . which it Is not ex travagant to say, remembering that there is stringency In other foreign money markets, constitutes' a menace to the financial affairs of the world and may prove to be, the beginning of a widespread reaction, with consequences that cannot bo foreseen. London advices say that the possibil ity of consols being In the 80s has cre ated consternation, "not only among speculators and investors) but in the great banking interest, which have hitherto considered 90 as being the lowest possible price' thai-;' security was likely ' to go ,to.' it (it fur ther stated that should, . "cbnsoU go down to and remain beloW.90. every British bank will be obliged ' to ' re organize Ita reserve and get out , new balances upon a fresh basts. There is talk of the government stepping in as a buyer of its own securities, but It is pointed out that, this would not give the needed relief, since financial , lenders would doubtless withdraw loans in order to get more favorable terms else where. At any rate the British govern: ment is hardly in a position to buy its own securities. The national exchequer has no considerable surplus that can be used in this way and besides the gov ernment is prepaiihg to negotiate a new loan of $150,000,000 a fact that may have a more or less decided bearing upon the decline in consols. What effect the English monetary nit untlon will have upon financial affairs in this country Is uncertain, but it would seem that it must be unfavor able and that if the stringency abroad becomes more intense it la Quite possi ble that it may have a severe effect here. There has recently been heavy borrowing of foreign money. Large sums have been drawn from abroad by the higher rates of interest here, yet the American money market is still close and will become more so if there is no more foreign money to be bor rowed, as seems probable. It Is easy to understand thnt this would cause a shrinkage In values and very possibly some curtailment of industrial and busi ness activity. If there should be an ex tensive withdrawal of foreign capital loaned here the consequences to busi ness and prosperity might be serious, but so long as that capital can earn more here than abroad it will of course remain with us. There is probably nothing in the Lon don financial situation thnt should cause alarm in this . country,' but it "cer tainly does suggest the expediency of conservatism and may well disturb those who have unduly extended credits or are heavily loaded with the secur ltles of overcapitalized combinations. THS PRESIDENTS TJ7P, A Washington dispatch to the Phlla delphia Tress states that President Itoosevelt is a good deal out of patience with the petty jealousies and squabbles of local committees and or ganizations in some of the cities he expects to visit on his western tour. The correspondent gays the president deprecates any attempt to use his visits to exploit any factionalism or to give his presence any political significance, as was sought to be done In Chicago. It appears that St. Paul and Minneap olis are squabbling over the honor of entertaining the president and ' that there are local squabbles' at other points as to how he shall be entertained. It is easy to understand that this is distasteful and annoying ,to Mr. Roose velt, who is coming west wholly for recreation and to meet the people of section of the country in. which he has long taken a great interest. Of course he will talk to the people. They ex pect it and would not be satisfied If he did not address them. But it Is en tirely safe to say that his talk will not be political. .There is, no reason why it should be, Inasmuch as there is no cam palgn this year and certainly Mr. Roosevelt does not need to talk politics at this time In order to make himself more secure in the esteem and confl deuce of western republicans. The president was prevented from visiting the west last year and he now Intends to fulfill the promise he then made. There should be nothing to cause him annoyance or embarrassment on the trip, , but , every, possible effort exerted to ' contribute to his . pleasure. FOB BKTTRRMtXT Of lUCLAAD. At last the secretary, for Ireland has introduced In the House 4of Commons the long-tulked-of land hill., the purpose of which Is to enable Irish tenants to become owners of tlia lands they oc cupy. The measure follows very closely the terms agreed upon some time since at the Dublin conference of' landlords and tenants and which were entirely satisfactory to the Irish political lead ers. The proposition that the govern ment shall make a free grant of fUO.Ouo, 000 for carrying out the purpose of the measure 'certainly 'appears liberal and ousht to have the hoped for effect of promoting peace and contentment In Ireland. ' " It 'is at least assumed thaf'tbe new plan will oierate for tlu? .betterment of thnt -country, so- long -dlstivtMied by rapacious uud oppressive . landlordism. Under the existing system the Irish peo ple have been impoverished and liyl'I lu bondage by the landlords, with noth Ing to encourage them to, any greater effort than was necessary to obtain a bare subsistence. The country has been steadily depleted' of population,' while those who remained there have seen conditions grow worse from year to year. Most pathetic stories of hardship and destitution have come from Ireland tu recent years. The proposed land bill will remedy this unfortunate state of affairs, which has been a bitter re proach to the British government, and there is reason to believe that there will be a new Ireland, with an Indus trious, thrifty and prosperous people. The proposed plan Is not expected to encounter any serious opposition. though It is not approved by a small minority of Irish peers. It la under stood to have the indorsement of a large majority of the Irish landlords and is favored by a large section of the union ist party in Ireland. .There appears to be no doubt' that it will be adopted by Parliament. CHAPTER TtTKLVB. It Is In accord with the eternal fitness of things for the manager of the elec tric lighting company, acting through one of its employes, to ask for an order of court restraining the city council from submitting to the voters of Omaha the " proposition to grant an electric power and light franchise and to cite chapter xll of the Compiled Statutes of 1901 as a ground for court interven tion. Under chapter xii It Is made unlaw ful for any officer of the city to become interested in or In any way partake of the advantages 'and profits of any con tract work or letting to be made under authority of and by the city council. If this provision of the charter would invalidate .the proposed franchise, as is claimed by the attorney for the electric lighting company, the attempt to re strain the council by injunction is a waste of energy and the employment of a member of the fire and police com mission to procure such an order a waste of corporation funds. It Is passing strange, however, that the manager of the electric lighting company has not had his attention pre viously called to the provisions of chap ter xli, which makes it a misdemeanor for a member of the city council to be come directly or indirectly Interested In contracts with or the purchase and sale of material furnished to fran chised corporations. It is a matter of notoriety that one member of the city council, who was afraid to vote for the new power and light franchise ordi nance because it might subject him to penalties for contempt of 'court, has been for more than a year on the pay roll of the electric lighting company. It is a matter of notoriety also that an other member, who entertains such awful fears, has supplied the Thomson Houston Electric Lighting company with thousands upon thousands of dol lars' worth of fuel in violation of the charter provisions. To the ordinary unsophisticated mind these employments and concessions are nothing more nor less tbanr downright bribery and the course of these council men In opposition to the proposed power franchise needs no other explana tion. It is also very remarkable that in the search 'for a lawyer capable of citing chapter xii to the court the man ager of the electric lighting company had to light upon a member of the police and fire commission in violation of chapter xll, when there are at least a hundred other lawyers at his com mand who could, do equally well. Manifestly the astute manager tvants to kill two birds With one stone. He wants to knock out the proposed power and light franchise and annex the po lice commission for some scheme that he has up his sleeve. HE SEW QOPBUR KLAH. There Is nothing new under the sun, Old-time politicians of Omaha doubtless remember the first underground polit ical reform movement instituted by what was then known as the "Gopher Klan." Members of that oathbound dark-lantern organization were pledged to profound secrecy and implicit obedi ence by the head Gophers, who mas queraded as reformers, but In reality were place hunters banded together for political spoils. When the searchlight of publicity was turned on them and their doings exposed to public view they dispersed like so many prairie dogs and were beard of no more. The Gophers of 1903 belong to the same species as the Gophers of 1S73. Their methods and tactics are abso lutely the same. Their object is to go for everything In sight and out of sight, but always working in the dark. A sumple brick of Gopher methods is the confidential pledge which has been ex tensively circulated In this city within the past few weeks. It reads as fol lows: Omaha. Neb.. March.. 1908. I hereby make application for member ship to the "General Committee," an or ganisation for the promotion of good clean city and county government, and whether accepted to membership or not, 1 hereby pledge myself to keep its workings and identity a profound secret and will be gov erned by the actions of said committee. Name Address , Ward Precinct Recommended by , The general committee is run by - an inside ring known as the executive committee, made up of ple-blters and place hunters, whose teeth have been sharpened by nibbling at the big mu nlclpal ana county cheese. One mem ber of the "General Committee" is re puted to be a man who salted down $20,00 in county warrants, net profits of four years' thrift in feeding prisoners in the couuty jail., Another member of the "Rooters." who wr.s not known to possess a dollar of surplus when elected to office three years ago, bought a farm last summer for SlO.OiX) spot cash cleaned up from road grading and bridge building. Other members of the ."General Committee" have lived on public pap since their nurses wiped the milk off their chins. No wonder they want their identity and their' worklngi kept a profound secret by the recruits to the Gopher Klan, whom they are en listing for this war and the next If all the tenderfoot Gophers can be prevailed on to follow blindly in the path laid out for them by the committee and ask no questions, the Gopher chiefs confidently look forward to a superb repast at the municipal crib. But The Bee would enjoin upon nil loyal Gophers to keep this fact profound secret. The proposition to repay ex-State Treasurer Hill for alleged expenses In curred In defending himself as co respondent with the Capital National bank wreckers will not commend Itself to people familiar with the case. The depository law prohibits the state treas urer frorn depositing In any bank de pository more than 10 per cent of its authorized capital. Had Treasurer Hill complied with the. law his deposit In the Capital National bank would not have exceeded, $50,000- and the state could not have lost more than $40,000 at the very worst But for reasons best known to himself Mr. Hill had more than $250,000 of state funds on deposit In the Capital' National bank when it collapsed and by his illegal action en tailed a loss of $236,000 upon the state, besides the Interest' and cost of prosecu tion. It was a great streak of luck for him and his bondsmen that the Jury cleared him by a Scotch verdict It has always been suspected that the potential influence exerted by the bondsmen was responsible for this extraordinary find ing. Would it ' not be a' tremendous strain1 upon the generosity of the state to have to repay the expenses Incurred by Mr. Hill in defending his illegal de posit of state money? The tea importers who are organizing to Increase the consumption of that beverage might get some valuable point- from the brewers. The brewers have waged a systematic campaign of printers ink to make their brands and brews familiar throughout the land. Liberal patronage of the advertising columns of the newspapers will do as much for the tea business by DODular- izlng the demand. The only thing neces sary ror the tea men to do is to wake up and to adopt modern business methods. General Miles has made an official report of his observations on his Ori ental trip, but it ils to be kept as a confidential document. It would not do to let the Oriental monarchs know how much we know about their mili tary establishments, Thev will be ner. fectly welcome, however, to send all the envoys they, please over here to observe how Uncle Sam prepares for war. " ' ' The bill to change the method of an- portioning the state school fund is a bill to hit Omaha taxpayers, but inciden tally it also hits arlarge majority of the other taxfryets le,' state. To pass it would be for the representatives of these other countJJ j'who would suffer uiho cur. .on: iBeir.owa nose to spite their face. T '' " rv Sot Much of Load. Atlanta Constitution, Our army of 60.600 men rnat' tl Just a little less than $1 per capita per annum. This lacks a good deal of "making every taxpayer carry a soldier n hi. k.i," ,n fact, we are hardly carrying a soldier's tui apiece. Crucial Test of Skill. , San Francisco Call. The effort of the Agricultural to breed a chlckeg without feathers Is good i. i - .... . . ... in way, out auer an it is nothing In comparison to the effort to nroducA iom. ocratlo candidate for the presidency with out, a political record. The CnlTtrul Critic.. New York World. Mr. Bryan In .tha role nf uninmi i4 Is one the people are becoming accus tomed to. but he should not nhlMrt ' whan he in turn Is held .up to criticism. As an old laconic saying.; expresses It, "He who would shun criticism must not h axrih. bier; and he whp would court it must fiieni auiiiues or great zouy. Hustle for. Your Share. Portland Oregonlan. A current circulation of $30. barring a tiny fraction,, for .every man, woman and child In the commonwealth. Is probably tne best snowing aver made by any nation the price of a sow or a spring overcoat tor everybody. Itu distribution la a trifle irregular, but that is like the sea's level, always In a state of disturbance and rectification. i . Steads to His Credit. St. Paul Pioneer Press. The readiness ..with which - President Roosevelt recedes from any position when eqnvlnced .that' be. has .made a mistake is as much to be admired. aa his tenacity In sticking to a purpose when he knows he Is right. The Plltuley case, where he with drew a commission' for en $8,000 appoint ment after the nominee, bad been ' con firmed by 'the. seaatie, on request from mat Doay, illustrates one characteristic; ate attitude In refusing to exclude negroes from office, the ot,her. ) Darin Railroad Frojeets. . f New York Tribune. With unbroken railway . connections be tween Behrlng strait and Patagonia, prom- lied In no long Urae by Special Commis sioner Pepper, Cecil Rhodes' Cape to Cairo sjrheme. contlnentally embracing as It Is, enjoys no monopoly of grandiosity. Both re' worthy of the enterprising' period in which they originate, the sunset and dawn of tbe past and rising centuries bringing richer gifts to man than any In ths proces sion fropa the times of Hammurabi, and his old tsbles o( law outdatlng Moses, down to the present.' Missouri Showed Them. Minneapolis Times. -The beef trust has been brought to a realization of the fact that the Missouri anti-trust law means something. It may not stand the test of tbe supreme court of the United States, but it, certainly has been approved by the highest tribunal of tbe stste of Missouri. Whether it Is a perfect law or not It la a significant In dication of the trend of modern legisla tion relating to combinations for the ar bitrary control of tbe market for certain necessaries of life.. If courts and legis latures to say nothing of congress keep hammering away, such corporations as the beef trust and the anthracite coal com bine may become a little more regardful of tbe rights of J he publle la time BOl'XD ABOIT SEW YORK. - Ripples oa the Cerrent of Life In the Metropolis. "How considerate ws are," exclaimed Hon. Wheeler H. Perkham In a recent ad dress. "We build hospitals for ths poor consumptive and then we turn around and build skytcraping structures where con sumption may breed so that we shall not lack for patients." "The point about this observation is only becoming apparent to New Yorkers," writes a correspondent of the Pittsburg Dispatch. "So long as the skyscraper stood alone in the block, sur rounded by buildings of moderate height, it was a pleasing novelty. Its upper of fices were must sought after, because they were light and airy. But now that the whole block Is built up to the height of 200 or 800 feet the narrow street becomes dark canyon, and most of the nfflces so many dark, unm holesome brecdlns places for the disease germ. It Is becoming really serious, especially la the lower pnrt of Manhattan, where the streets are still as narrbw and crooked as when the Dutch burghers laid them out or their cows traced them across the open' fields. In this region also building sites are most valuable and the reasons for stacking tip as much office room as possible on a given area are most urgent. The total area of the Island Is only 13.500 acres, and that of the section below, say, Leonard street, 1,152 seres. Some official statistician has reckoned that 101 buildings of twelve stories or more (generally more) were standing at the beginning of the present year. Fifteen more are now In process of construction at a total cost of at least $10,000,000, adding 50 acres of available floor space above' the level of their re spective fifth stories. Many others are projected and will be built as soon as the supply of structural steel shall catch up with the demand." Dr. George F. Barker, emeritus professor of physics in the University of Pennsyl vania, in lecture delivered at Columbia University last Thursday held up In his hand a diminutive glass htilb which con tained a small quantity of a white sub stance. Then he ordered the lights turned off. In Havameyer hall, where the lecture was given, took a position where all could see his hand poised aloft, and tbe white substance In the little bulb began to gleam, as a distant star will shine on a dark night or through a cloud. Then his audience went wild with applause. Prof. Barker explained that this was "radium," the wonderful element' which was discovered recently. Before he 'made his demonstratnon he had lectured at length and shown tests on the power of cathode rnys and Roentgen rays, with which he has had long expenrlence. ' In In troducing radium he said the rays sent out by that element would make all other rays look like tallow dtps. "Here," he said, "we have an element which holds within Itself apparently the power to 'give out rays. It overthrows all the old ideas through its conservation of energy, for Its Inherent power scorns never to diminish. If you have respect for tho discoveries of Crooke and Roentgen you should have exceeding reverence for the wonderful powers contained In radium. "The cathode rays In the highly ex haused atmosphere of Cooke's tube can travel with one-tenth the speed of light, or about 70,000,000 miles a second. The speed of the radium ray Is 120,000,000 miles In a second. fYet, with all that tremendous energy within It is so harmless that I can hold It la my hand or put It la my pocket." After dwelling for some, time on tha wonderful things that might have been ac complished by ' means of radium, Prof. Baker said that, unfortunately. Us pros pective usefulness was .totally discounted by the fact that it would, be almost im possible to produce any quantity of it .that would have practical value. Prof. Barker said it was obtained from pitchblende,' a mineral that is being mined only in Bo hemia and Poland, and that it would take about 200,000 tons to produce a pound of radium. This little piece of the ore," said Dr. Barker, holding a piece of pitchblende up In his hand, "contains less than one-tenth millionth of 1 per cent of radium. The largest quantity of radium I have seen was in Paris. It weighed three centigrams, was the size of a buchsbot and was valued at $20,000." The new element was discovered in 1899 by Mme. Curie, a Polish woman, and the wife of a professor In the Ecole Industrlelle of Paris, who had been making a series of experiments with uranium. A woman lawyer, wbo has won her way to the front ranks and a large practice was last night telling a club of me" and women of that remarkable thing In the life of every lawyer the first client. . "I had been admitted but a day or so," she said, "when .'Hark from the tomb a doleful sound' literally from the Tombs, and unmistakably doleful. "It was from a man who was Incar cerated in the city prUon. He had seen my name In print, ar d desired to. benefit of my professional services, J decided, to go and see him. "I did not permit anyone to accompany me. No one should see my first attempt, or be possibly a witness to my humiliation or failure. I. carried a Utter of Introduc tion to the warden, and found no difficulty in galnirg entrance to the poor, and per haps wronged prisoner, who, was awaiting my aid for hla deliverance. "I was ushered Into a barred room, in wblch sat little groups of waiting people. My man was ushered in a big, coarse, uncouth fellows, who had no case what ever, and no chance for defense. And still more than that, he had engaged three or four other lawyers, and one of them had even gone so far as to take his case into court. "Well, I need not say that I was cha grined and humiliated. I went directly home and in the privacy of my own bed room, with the door shut, I bud a good cry the first and the last I ever had In connec tion with the practice of my profession." Walking up Lafayette Place, relates the Evening Post, the city man met the starv ing, weary, but atlll determined 'seeker for work. v "I've Just walked in from Jamaica, sir," said the fellow. ' "I've got a friend at Elev enth avenue and Fifty-ninth street. Which way la It? And I'm pretty hungry and tired." In his hand he held a crumpled paper with an address on it at the location mentioned. He got a nickel, so that he might ride to his friend, Instead of walk. and get a meal the more quickly. Half a block along a prosperous-looking merchant accosted the city man, with smile, "Eleventh avenue and Fifty-ninth street?" he Inquired, affably. "Yes," replied the city man, now per fectlv aware that he was the object ct amusement. "That fellow's been three years going there," explained the merchant. "I helped htm on his Journey about this time In 1900, Everyone knows him about here. He never gets further than the Broadway corner." ft rezisomible THE OLD Israel n?fT7fTn?rc) Abaolutcry Puro THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE jJ FRYING -6TT SOMB FAT. Indianapolis Journal:, The five packing houses In Missouri, which have been fined J5.Q00 each because they belonged to the Beef trust, can pay their fines and. go on. If they do not pay within thirty days they will be ousted from the state. That Is, it costs the members of a trust $5,000 each to do business in Missouri if paid to the state. When a democratic state becomes partner in a trust It cannot be so hideous as it has been painted. Philadelphia Ledger: So tar as tbe state of Missouri Is concerned, the members of tbe Beef trust are made outlaws by a judi cial decree, they are In fact. It la true that the payment of the money One, high as It is, will constitute a trifling penalty In comparison' 'with the enormous extortions of the trubt. Yet "fhe power that has im posed this fine upon he outlaws can inflict upon them 's more condign penalty should they -continue to treat court decrees with contempt'. ' '' : ' ' Brooklyn Eagle:, If they recognize the Judgment of the court and pay their fines within jh'irty days they may continue to do DUBiness in tne state, but . not under any agreement regulating prices. If . they do not pay; their fines, pr in any other way disregard the ruling of the court, they are barred from the Missouri markets. The decision will be generally approved, no matter hat the constructive effect ct it may be upon corporate enterprise and privileges. Baltimore American. With this demon stration of the. efficiency of state laws for curbing the trusts It would, not be sur prising to see other states copying the Missouri statute, v Nor do. we know that It would be a bad thing for thorn to do so. The law has operated to free the people of Missouri from the operations of this mon strous organization which sought to con trol the dinner 'tables of the land. It satd to them:' "You may do what you please elsewhere, but within the "state of Mis souri you shall maintain no combination for the' purpose 'of regulating' the supply ortthe pVloe ot meat." 1 The' fact that suoh a Ronnhjation.--was maintained has been proved, and nowtthe guilty trust Is up for punishment.. It Other states could, by en acting and enforcing similar laws, achieve the same result,- there would be no occa sion for federal Interference with the trust subject, and the trusts Would quickly dis appear. 'We take off our hats to Missouri and congratulate her upon her success as a trust buster about whose effectiveness there is no doubt. " PERSONAL NOTES. Ex-Secretary Long, who Is convalescing at St. Margaret's hospital, Boston, says he Is fairly making a diet of newspapers. To Charles J. Bonaparte, a lawyer and philanthropist, has. , been awarded the Laetare medal, the greatest gift of Notre Dame college. , A . New. York girl named Double eloped with a man named Wlrth. He was. able to convince her that she was twice as val uable tq him as to her .parents. - William Roscoe Thayer, the author, of Boston,, and delegate to the - International Historical congress, which will be held in Rome in April, has arrived In that-city. . a, newspaper man giving testimony In Jefferson City, Mo., confessed that he had 1 two $6,000 bills. The habit of hla brethren commonly Is te conceal, so far aa possible, their possession of tbese considerable sums. The National ' 'Dressmakers' association in convention assembled - has decided to increase, the price of gowns from 15 to 20 per cent. This announcement coming now wlll be likely to bear the June matrimonial market: ' ' ' "It 'Is hard," sighed Mrs. Hetty Green when 1 a ' cruel Hoboken "official compelled her to pay a dog tax of '$2. At that par ticular ; moment Mrs. Green" probably thought' she descerned dlmfy the outlines of the 'poorhousfe. M. White, 'the . Russian . minister . of finance, is an ardent temperance worker. He is a teetotaler and Induced tbe czar to decorate the men and women who are the most aptive.,ln temperance work. He makes no secret of his preference for tee totalers 'In tbe various offices of tbe de partment he controls. Colonel "Dan" Lamont has set a good example to the tax dodgers by writing from Egypt ' to the president of the tax department In Now York that he would Uketo,bave his personal property tax as sessment kept open till he should return to the United States, as be had no wish to evade payment of taxes In New York. As good as ' Ths Hat we sell at $4.00 is as good as there is. You may pay a dollar more for it at most stores. And very good Hats at $3.60, $3.00 and $2.60. . , Spring Cape 60c, 76c, $1.00, $1.26, $1.60, $2.00, etc. 'AO CLOTHING FITS LIKE OVIM. RELIABLE J Tbe colonel was assessed oa $80,000 of per- sonallty, and the president of the tax de- partmcnt says: "We will wait for him." The degree of LL. D. is to be conferred upon President Roosevelt by the University of Chicago. There is a good deal of doc toring to be done the laws, but Mr. Roose velt has not waited for his degree before beginning practice, Toronto, Ontario, is to have an old homj gathering this summer, to last from July 1 to July 4, Inclusive. The city Is expected to appropriate $5,000 tor the expenses ami citizens to add $10,000 more, and an earnest effort Is to be made to get as many aa possible of the thousands of Canadian birth now residing In the United States to return and Join in the festivities. - Eight years ago Oren Root. Jr., was a clerk in tbe. office of tbe Metropolitan Street Railroad company of New York. Now he Is general manager, with 460 miles of track and 14,000 men under his control. Mr. Root probably Is the youngest railroad manager In the world, being only 23 years old, a quiet, reticent man of whom It has been said that "he can say nothing for hours." He is a nephew of Ellhu Root, secretary of war. POINTED AND PLEASANT. "I never saw a man with such a head for business," said the first fly. "Smart, Is he?" queried the other. "Oh! I mean for our business. He s so very bald-headed." Chicago Tribune. He But you admitted to my sister yeB terrtay thRt you were In the wrong. . Bhe Suppose I did? He Well, then, why won't you make up with me? , . She I will as soon as you apologise. Philadelphia Press. Tramp Is dls all yer kin gimme er cup ful uv cold water? Kind Lady Of course not. Tou can have as many cupfuls as you want. Chicago News. "Well, sun." said Brother Dickey, "Br'er Williams sho' did fool c bailiffs one time in his life!" "How come?" "Wy dey come to levy on him, en foun' dat all he bad In the roun' worl' win de rheumatism en one wife!" Atlanta Consti tution. - ' )" 'i",h "So vou are opposed to government own ershlp'ln all forms?" "I am," answered Senator Sorghum; "I hold our glorious government In too much afTectlon to run the risk of hearing It de nounced as a wicked monopoly." Washing ton Star. She stepped into a place whose window bore this legend: "Messenger Boys Furnished." Walking up to the clerk behind a desk, she asked: "Could I get a boy any cheaper unfur nished?" Baltimore American. . He I met your friend Biff when I was down in my automobile this morning. She Indeed! Did he say anything to you?" "I should say he did! I ran over his dog!" Yonkers Statesman. "Remember," said the optimist, "every dav'll be Sunday, by and by." "Yes," groaned the pessimist, "and I'll bet there'll be mornlnp and evening services right along, too." Philadelphia Press. COMING OF SPRING. Alfred Tennyson. Now fades the last long streak of snow, Now burgeons every maze of quick About the flowering squares, and thick By ashen roots the violets blow. ' Now rings the woodland loud and long. The distance takes a lovelier hue. And drowned in yonder living blue The lark becomes a sightless song. Now dance the lights on lawn and lea. The flocks are whiter down the vale, And milkier every milky sail On winding stream or distant sea; Where now the seamew pipes, or dives In yonder greening gleam, and fly The happy birds, that change their sky To build and brood ; that live their lives From land to land; and In my breast Spring wakens, too; and my regret Becomes an April violet. And buds and blossoms like the rest. THE PURE GRAIN COFFEE The coffee habit is quickly over come by those who let Gr&in-O take its place. If properly mads it tastes like the best of coffee. No grain coffee compares with It ia flavor or healthfulness. . TRY IT TO-DAY. At grocers everywhere ; ISC sad SSe. per package. there is . . . . RAIN-A