THE OMATTA DAILY ItEE: TIITJHSDA V. MAHCII 20, 1003. 10 Thurs day's Special Sale ON SALE T 0 D A Y-E N T I R E Sale Opens I his SIWOTT SKIRT STOCK The skirts from the Sinnett stock just received in late shipment All of them fresh, new and up-to-date every one sells at less than half price at tomorrow's sale. Sinnott's $7.50 Skirts 2.98 Walking and. drees skirts In all the new 1903 shapes and Ideas, taffeta folds, peau de sole trimmings, actually worth $7.50, today only, at Sltitiott's $10 Skirts at 3.98 All high grade skirts In dress and walking effects that Slnnott sold as high as $10.00. Extremely stylish and remark able values, at 2.98 UUUib sum M uiu 3.98 ex- $15 Silk Skirts at$6.98 Bilk skirts, Including fancy peau ds linings. sols . and taffetas, drop lace and folded trimmings worth fifteen dol lars on sals at 6.98 BASEMENT $12 Voile Skirts at $4.98 About 800 skirts, new folds and stitched trimmings ETAMINE9 and VOILES, very swellest fabrics for spring skirts. Ideas elusive, easily worth $12.. $20.00 Skirts at $8.98 Walking and dress skirts In the high est grades of swell cloths and col ors, about 160 sample skirts in the lot, worth as high as $16, $17.50 and $20, at 4.98 8.98 SPECI ALS SKIRT Bilk and lace dress skirts, some all over tucked, others with all over g - lace effects, worth A f Q VOC 110.00, today mJ Cj Sinnott's golf and walking skirts, made of popular fabrics, all lata novelties, good $2 skirts, today at at Sinnott's $3 Golf and Walking Skirts at 1.50 Sinnott's $4 Golf and Walking Skirts at ..1.98 Sinnott's $4 Ladies' Spring Suits at . 1.75 Sinnott's $2,50 Ladies Silk Sprinf Capes, at 1.50 $1.00 VEILS AT 29C 950 all silk made veils, up to ltt yard lengths, made of good weight, all silk chiffon and liberty silk, many are silk embroidered, others "V fancy hemstitched, worth In a regular way up to $1.00, on bargain square, choice 25C EMBROIDERIES AT 3JC AND 5C Large bargain square with many thousands of yards of colored 0 embroideries and insertings in all widths and all comblna- U2v tioss of colors, many worth up to 25c, e at, a yard Uv J. L. Brandeis & Sons, Boston Store ASK AltOfT HAVDEVS PROFIT-SII A R11G CARMVAL fin I UK HCLIAUl.tO STORE. J Manufacturer's Samples Sof Fine Suits No Two Alike. The Acme of Correct Style IS. Brandeis Millinery is Perfection THE MILLINERY NEWS FOR A BUSY THURSDAY. Ladies $6.00 Trimmed Hats at $3.50 A charming assemblage of ladles' T rimmed Hats have been prepared for your choosing at this price. Among them are some of the season's1 most exquisite effects In the new poppy reds, geranium, corn flower, white, r W black, pink, etc These goods contain the qualities and style - "J T I 1 that other stores generally ask $6.00 for Thursday v W $3.00 Tucked Silk Hats at $1.75 N Hers 1 a great snap. Just think of it, hand made, tucked. One quality Jap Bilk Hats, In black, white, pink, light blue, tan, etp. The shapea are all of the new flat muBhroom variety, which are, of course, the most desirable at present. These goods are guaranteed $3.00 value Thursday.. 1.75 We are proud of our Women's Suit Department. It you haven't visited this great suit department lately, we would be glad to have you rail. Everybody tells us we have the largest, the nobbiest and the most reasonably priced stock of suits to be seen anywhere. New exclusive styles Just received by express. Every train brings new things. Ths swell advanced styles at $125, $90, $75, $65, $50, $40, $35, $30, $26 and $20. 75 women's gulps, made to sell for $30, Thursday's sale price $18.50. Tour choice of 175 suits, In browns, blues, blacks, tans, grays, greens; tta, In' assorted patterns and colors, nearly all with silk droaffeta lined Jackets, braid trimmed, made to sell for $18.50, sale price $12.50. 200 A 1 suits. In rainy-day and dress styles, taffeta and satin lined Jackets, In browns, blacks, tans, grays and cas tors, made to sell at $15, sale price only $7.50. SILK SILK SILK On sale Thursday at 2V4 cents per ball This Is the very finest silks made and can not be distinguished from the regular 35c crochet silk. We have 1,000 boxes In this lot no limit, but only on sale one day Thursday. ZION CITY WASH LACES Save 60 per cent Thursday. A special sale on nil kinds of wash lacea 6c to 25c per yard. WOOL DRESS GOODS In the Hlarh Grade Dress Goods Dept. Lupin's $2.98 Voiles, nothing like them In this town, at $1.98. Priestley's $2.50 Crapes at $1.65. Priestley's $2.98 Crapes at $1.85. All 75o Wool Walstings, 69c. Several other specials for Thursday only. SPECIALS IN DOMESTIC ROOM lBct Barnslejr Crash 8 3-4c. Will place on sale Thursday morning 6,000 yards Barnsley's extra heavy all linen bleached crash, made to sell at 15c yard, as long as It lasts at 8c yard. 75c Table I.lnen 40e. On sale Thursday morning, 10 pieces of 72 inches wide extra heavy full bleached table damask, made to Bell at 75c yard, as long as it lasts, 49c yard. 2.-c WaUUiisrs 15c. On sale Thursday morning, 20 pieces of madras walstlng, in all the new weaves, 32 inches wide, made to sell at 25c yard, as long as It lasts at 15c yard. THREAD SALE THURSDAY Best quality 200 yards machine thread, ltto. Beldlng Bros.' sewing silk, lc spool, 20 yards. MUSLIN UNDERWEAR AND CORSET SALE This big new, enlarged and refitted department is filled with the daintiest, newest and most desirable creations, bought for spot cash direct from the best makers of thts and European markets. The best styles and a complete line of tu ttiaud&rd makes .In corsets on special sale Thursday. Ladles' trimmed corset covers, made of One quality of camblrc, nicely trimmed, full or tight fitting, worth 85c, sale price 15c. Ladles' short hemstitched skirts, corset covers And drawers, embroidery or lace trimmed, worth 50c, at halt, price, 26c. Ladles' night gowns, chemise, drawers and corset covers and short and long skirts, all nicely trimmed and worth $1.00, on sale at 50c. HAYDEW BROS. 4fV-J WE HAVE A CLOCK that runs 400 days without winding keeps good time and thoroughly warranted $18.00. It's a beauty. We have other 8-day clocks, from $3.00 up all warranted timekeepers. Send a few minutes in our store. Look tor the name S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler 1516 Douglas Street. Society Stationery WOMEN AND MEN who are careful of their social standing need and buy fine sta tionery all the time, for their correspondence is continuous, whether at home or away on pleasure or business. The demand for fine goods is growing rapidly, for the people realize more and more that the quality of their stationery is an indica tion of refinement. We carry Crane's papers with Hurd's name on the box, as also more moderate priced goods In this line. THE MOYER STATIONERY CO. 220-222 SOUTH I6TH STREET. ALBERT EDHOLM, JEWELER. Flawless Diamonds! Hawked Cut Glass Two brilliant minerals one nature, one art both intensified in brilliance by artificial light We have sold both for over 23 years and shall continue, doing so opposite the poetoffice. Bailey THE DENTIST 312 Paxton Blk. An Examination of your teeth costs yon nothing and may save you one or more that you would lose by delay. Porcelain crowns $3.60, upward. HOWELL'S ANTI-KAVF Ask your druggUt. or send 25c to Howell Drug Co. , Omaha, Neb. WANTED HIS JJEW CLOTHES Animas of avm lauss Man's Effort to Kacap from Sheriff Power. William Campbell, an Insane eolored man, was taken to Lincoln yesterday morning by Sheriff Power. The prisoner attempted to escape as they were leaving the jail, but was not successful. Apparently he did not so much object to going to the asylum as to missing an appointment he Imagined he had with a local tailor. For days he has been repeating descriptions of A suit hs fancied he had ordered and has complained to the Jailers that business so rushing with htm that ho dldn t ftvo time to go try it on, .' Slsaal of Distress. eyes and skin yellow The . Whites of liver troubles and Jaundice. Life Pills cure or no pay. sale by Kuhn & Co. Prescriptions Z-SZ& At Cut Prices 2SSr 75c si.oo cranltonlo .....75c Boc SYRUP OP FIGS... 85c 6c Omega Oil 40c 5oc Loan's Kidney Pills 40e 50 LAXATIVE BROMO- QUININE 16o LATHHOP'S COUGH SYRL'P Best made for children. LATHROP'S UU and Hamilton, 'fhona A 14a. The Riffht Clothes for You I MOT , , ' ; " .. i.V7 Mr. Jakt Turk are easy to find asy to wear easy to pay for. We have your size, me label in the coat-S. H. & M.-:means this The clothes are right. If you don't find them so your money back. Hayden Bros, are exclu sive agents for these famous clothes. Hayden's clothing sales men make it a point to please every customer. These hand tailored garments keep their shape as well when you wear them as when the salesman puts them on. Alterations made free of charge. show Dr. King's New Only 25c. For Raaad Tria Rate to West and North west. Ths Union Pacific has extended territory to which round trip homeseekers' excursion tickets will bo sold as follows: From Missouri river terminals to many points In Kansas, Nebraska and Colorado. To many points In Wyoming, Utah, Mon tana and Idaho. To many points la Oregon and Washing ton. On faro plus $3 for the round trip. Tickets on sale March 17. April T and 21, May 16 and 19, Juno 2 and 16, 1903.' City ticket office, 1324 Farnam street. Phone Dr. Roy, Farnam. chiropodist, moved to 1505 Hawes $3 bats. Spring . styles. Quality guaranteed. Stephens & Smith, opposite P.O. Abandon Hop ol Law. ' Bankers snd brokers of the city have about given up hope of having the nego tiable Instruments law passed by the pres ent legislature. The law la one which is designed to bring about uniformity of state regulations upon the subject of negotiable Instruments. It has been passed by ths states of New York aud Maryland and a number of other states and an attempt has been made to have It passed in every state icjioiaiuru nan Dten in s;ss this year. Announcements of the Theaters. The "matinee girl" will have an innings at the Orpheura this afternoon, when tho regular midweek matinee will be given, au.l while there is none of her Idols in the play, there Is variety of extensive span to cater to different tastes. The ocular treat Is presented In the performance of the terpsl chorean queen, Vberri, which is Invested with elaborate and very pretty scenery and lighting effects. One of ths biggest operatic combinations now touring the country is said to be Frank L. Perley's "Chaperons" company. This organization will niake Us first local ap pearance at Boyd's theater on Friday and Saturday. "The Chaperons" is now in its second season. The company comes here, it is promised, with practically the same cast as appeared on Broadway. There is an octette of pretty "show girls" and a large chorus and ensemble. The original produc tion la said to be carried la Its entirety. Including elaborate scenery. ' 'F YOU HAVE THE CASH and need a first-class Soda Fountain CHEAP, you can get it right here any time before April 1st. ThiB la an onyx body, ten syrup drawer can Tuft Fountain, with white and gold canopy. Every part in first-class condition. We have a new Tuft on the way, a larger one; that's why we will sell this one. FOR PARTICULARS WRITE OR CALL QUICK. 60c Texas Catarrh Cure, one cures.... 40c $1.00 German Klmmell Bitters 75c Thts Is the best spring tonic and contains no opiates whatever. 60c Omega Oil 40o 31.00 Iter's Malt Whiskey, all you want 62c $1.00 Canadian Malt Whiskey, 90 per cent proof 75c $2 CHESTER'S PENNTROYAL PILLS $1.00 $1.00 Peruna, all you want 62c 36c Castorla, genuine . 24c We cut the prices on everything in the entire drug and rubber goods line. Write us for prices on anything needed and if we can't SHOW YOU WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY we won't expect an order. CUT PRICE DRUQ STOKE Two Pnanes 747 and 707. t. W. Cor. lOta and Cfeloaco Its. SCHflEFER'S 3 i 1 ' v,,,.i " i the cMMlSlsfe 'W.1-. ...J.!.-.!:'?' aT:"7i.... - -- w 'f.F' ' n Via.. t I aini , j I, j - , mi i i mi Sssr Today we Open Greatest Three Days Women's Suit Selling in Our History. There is no getting around it, this is positively the business woman's department in the town, and the next three days will make it a busier one Those who saw our display of woman's suits and the prices marked on them understand why this is "the" store, These 4 Specials for 3 Days Selling in Woman's Suits. Women's Tailor-Made Suits Women's Tailor-Made Suits Made of very fine venetalns, etamtnes and pebble cheviots, collarlees cape blouse ef fect with large puff sleeves, tucked skirts, kilt flare bottom, Dt and workmanship ths very best, suits sold elsewhere for $22.60; our price 16.75 Women's v: Tailor-Made Suits In four new handsome blouse effects of , finest broadcloths, cheviots and etamtnes, ' In all shades; cape effects with fancy revere, fancy pleated Bishop sleeves, latest Care and pastel shape skirts, positively the best values ever offered at this price 22.50 la broadcloth and cheviots, black, blue, brown, made in neat collarless effect, new Bishop puff sleeves, skirts with very newest iinortthfe suits are handsomely trimmed with braid and taffeta band, $25 values; our price 8.75 Women's Tailor-Made Suits " I.JI!!. J . I H..H 9 MUSI WMW M'aillfW I ! WKCn Made of this reason's swellest materials, such as Imported fancy mixtures. crepsH cloth, clamlnes and French voiles, In ths very newest and hnndsomest styles, by the best srtlets In New York; these garment are Bold elsewhere at $35 and $40 E32EB53E2S55S3! 'ork ; these garments 1 .29.75 1 , $17.50 PER i MONTH. It Is Krl. Railroad All the War. Travel via the Erie railroad from Chi cago to New Tork. Every mile pictur esque and every mile protected by safety block signals. , Through service to New York, Boston and Columbus. Stop-over of ten days allowed on all through tickets at Cambridge Springs and Niagara Falls. Lowest rates. H. L. Purdy, traveling pas senger agent, Chicago. Ask Mr. Jake Tvrk for uny particular style or jabric you Kant to see. HAYDEN BROS, Selling tha Most Clothing in Omaha. WHERE CAN YOU BUY the follow ing goods (or aucb low prices as we quote? ONLY AT FULLER'S $1.00 Jayne's Expectorant 60o BOc Jayne's Expectorant SOc $1.00 Nlstar's Balsam 60o 50c Nlstar's Balsam SOc 23c Laxative Cold Cure 10c 25c Caecara Quinine 15c $100 Estes Roach Powder 60c 50c Carbolic Acid. 1-lb. cans SOc 25c DANDERINB 15c 25c Prepared Chalk, tinted, per lb 10c 25c Vichy Tablets, Warner's 15c 25c KlBsingen-Tablets, Warner's 15c 10c Bird Gravel So LOWEST OF THE LOW. Fuller Drug fi Paint Go 114 Sonln 14tb Street. We sell paint. The Largest Exclusive lit tail Millinery House in tne Wert. flPFNIWfi Wednesday and Thurs VI UlKlllU day, and Thursday eve. ning, March 25th and 26th. 1508 DOUGLAS STREET. An Office With a Vault I Women's Welt Soles $250 In speaking of welt soles we do bo because these are welt soles genuine welt soles not a machine sewed made to deceive. Any woman would be pleased with these shoes equal in all respects ' to our men's $2.50 welt that have such a reputation for wear and comfort. We have them in all sizes and widths, which make possible a perfect fit, which adds to the wear as well as the comfort. For an all-round, every-day shoe Its equal has never been made. Your money back if hot satisfied. DREXEL SHOE CO. I 1419 FARNAM STREET. 1 "in i mimi i iiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiniini",miii StSKSS3?'Sv'S We can show you an office right next to the elevator the mast dssirable ' location in the building'. The rjoa is 14x13, and also has large burglar proof vault. : Everyone says thit our janitor and elevator service is the best In town. It is also a big advantage to you to be able to tell people your address, because the best known building in Omaha is The Bee Building. R. C. PETERS & CO., ; Rental Agents, Ground Floor, Bee Bldg. FOR FLOORS ONLY i The BHERWIN-WILLIAMS Floor Fin- I ishes comprise every variety of PAINT, I VAKNISH, WAX and FILLER needed for any and every kind of wood. First REGULAR FLOOR PAINT for INSIDE I'BE. Comes in NINE shades. Quarts, 40c; H gallon, 75c; gallons, $1.25. Second PORCH FLOOR PAINT made to walk on and stand wind, wet and weather. Comes in eight shades quarts, 60c; V gal- , . tJC .. . 11...... tl Ct Third FLOOR LAC. This Is really a ! varnish stain, made with a high grade var- ; nlsh so it will stand walk and water it 1 won't turn white nor show scratches. The FLOOR LAC is made In Imitation of the natural woods OAK, WALNUT. MAHOG ANY. CHERRY and EBONY sold in pints fur 46c; quarts, 75c; Vs gallons, $1.86; gal lons, $2.60. i Fourth DURABLE FLOOR VARNISH. , This Is made for preserving and beautify- 1 lng floors that are already of a satisfactory : color. This varnutn is "made to walk on and will not scratch or turn whits when water is applied to it. Fifth FLOOR WAX. This is In one pound cans at SOc; also In two and five pound cans, and is intended for fine, smooth hardwood floors. Write or call for color cards and book about floor finishes. We sfll the complete line of SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS, which comprlss paint and varnish for every purpone for which these goods are ever used. ' Call for color card and tell us what you are going to paint. Sherman & McConnall Drug Co. Cor. 16th and Dodge St.. Omaha. Wholesale and retail druggists and deal ers in Sherwin-Williams Paints. XVCOLLAR TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMEft Beat Agricultural Weekly. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Hakes Host Iseful Presaat. March Shoe Fashions i This Is the season of the year when It behooves a woman to wear a walking shoe of good weight; also of good style es pecially style; these March winds you know. FRY SHOES are the standard of style and excellance. The FRY SHOE will give sat isfaction as no other will. The chic style, the handsome finish. the general up-to-dateness all combine to make them the most satisfying shoe on the market. $3.00, $3.50, $5.00. CRY miOLCQ. 1 ni f r Affi I ACsrJiT flHI i nun "THE BEST OF EVERYTHING" THE ONLY Double Track Railway The Omaha train par excellence is No. 6. A Solid train made up in Omaha daily at 5:50 p. mM arriving at Chi cago 7:15 next morning. Lv brary Buffet Car Barber New Standard Sleepers Diner Chair Cars Everything. No. 2. daily has Library, Observation and Sleeping Can only, with electric lights. Omaha 8:10 p. m., Chicago 9 o clock next morning. The fastest train west of Chicago. Oitv offices MERCHANTS MATIOMAL DANK. OF OAAHA.-v ,22 m mi Mi , ff FaM mplul SSM.WM. SarplM Iu4 (I,M. ll'HTBO BTATBH UBPOHITOHi f T HiwlHn. MS. JHV.t MtitM. I SHEM AM COAL .Equally (food for bftjeburneror coo kind Victor White l605Fa.rna.n Jt. Tel. 127 P. E. FLODMAN & CO., JEWELERS 1514 CAPITOL AVENUE. Try u when your wsltch or clock need requiring. You will pf-t first-class work at verv moderate price. Wcknniviiiof,. will come again. Our customers are our best advertising. Any kind of jewelry repaired or new articles made on short notice.