TITE OMAHA TJAILTJIEE: WEDNESDAY. MATtCIT 2.', 1003. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL General Liquidation Weakens Grain Fiti on " ' Board of Trade. WHEAT, CORN AND OATS ALL DSCP Heavy "ales mm Sympathy with ttmli tarry PmtUIbii Down la Spite mt strong HoM imm Has Market. .HICAOO. March 24 Quite general liqui dation In the grain pits causej weiknea,. In all the markets and May wheat cl eed Sc lower. May corn wu down SfrXe and ojH were ISc lower. Provisions were wjhIi nd May products being off from bti"io to 224jC There- was liberal liquidation of May wheat and that option ruled weak, whlie the. July delivery was quite firm. Opening prices were firm on steady cables and on covering by ahorta, who wore somewhat alarmed on account of the colder weathfr, May being to'ijSic to Kc higher at TMct 73c. After the first half hour the nev.s became bearish, advices irom abroad being discouraging, and there wss a general dis position to aell May, with some changing from May to July, which resulted In a gradual oecllne In the nearby month. Th? email decrease la th? world's vlelble and the weskness In the outride markets added to the depression, and with no show ot sup port May sold off to 71 -de. coveilng y shorts caused a slight rally late In th? day, but May closed c lower at 7i7JVc Clearances of wheat and flour were equal lo 18j,0) bushels. Primary receipts werj M.OOu bushels, against 441.1)00 a year ago. Minneapolis . and Duluth reported receipts of 14S cars, which with local receipts o, 37 esra. made total receipts 1KI cars, against 170 last week and 374 last year. Corn was quite active throughout the day, but after a little flrmnee at the start the market developed weakness and lower prices ruled. The opening was (lrm on higher cables and In sympathy with the strength In wheat, but longs in the May option were disposed to liquidate and with only moderate demand that de'.lvery be came weak. July, however, held relatively firm, being at a premium over May at one time. There was considerable changing from May to July, which was largely re sponsible for the better tone of the more distant option. May closed Srac lower ml 4274'643c, after ranging between 42.c anl 43'c. Local receipts wrre 243 cars. There was heavv liquidation ot May oat? by tlre'd holders, while there was also con siderable changing to the July delivery. a result of this selling movr mnt lh nearby month was exceedingly weak, but July held fairly steady. The offerings were taken mainly ' by shorts and tnere was little effort made to support the mar ket. Mav closed IV lower at 31Sl'e, after selling between 31c and S3'4c I,ocal receipts were 329 cars. In spite of a strong holding market hog market provisions opened barely steady and the early weakness was augmented later by selling by trokers and In sym pathy wfth the decline In grains. Trading waa fairly large, but mostly local. The close waa weak, with May pork down 224e at $17.80. May lard off 12Hc at $10 and ribs t43'7Vic lower at $9.80tff9.82H. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 15 cars; corn, 70 cars; oats, 185 cars; hogs, 22.000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Artlcles. Open. Hlgh. Law. Close. Yes'y. Wheat May July Wept. Corn Mch. May July Oats Mch. May July Sept Pork May July Sept. Lard May July 8pt Rl he May July Sept. I 73"J 73hI mil nvwnwi "yW 70 6.69fct74itVpU I ' 69S, Sl fcH Sjii 4H.I 41 4.T, Ts 41HI 4242'Vfi,43l 43W;43V4iH: 42 43 43 43"! 4343 1.1 3Ui! 32V 334 28 81 . 28 I 17 80 I 17 10 I IMS 10 00 j T2V, 72 30 30Va 18 00 18 00 17 1 16 95 17 80 17 10 U 80 10 00 18 02Vi 17 25 17.00 10 114 9 87V, 9 86 9 87 -9 6jV4 47tf 17 12Vi is so 10 16 I 10 IS 824 4i 6) 47V4 ITCH 77W . K 65 I 47H f47V, 62V, I Slftl 40 No. t Cash triotatlona were as follows. . , FLOUR Dull and steady: winter patents, 13.&0&3.60; straights, $3,3044.40; spring pat terns, $3.4033.70; straights, $3.1091.30; bakers, $2.2tVS2.80. WHEAT No. t spring, 74H764c; No. 1, t75c; No. 1 red, 704,fi?71Hc. CORN No. 2, 41Hc; No. 2 yellow, .41)c. OATS No. 2. I1S.C; No. I white, 32i 84-4C. RYE-No. a,49s v. BARLEY Good feeding, 40ff42c; fair to Choice. malting, 47ft5ic. SEEDS No. 1 flax, $1.11; No. 1 northwest ern, $1. 13; prime timothy, $3.26; clover, con tract grade, r2.50. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.. $17 81 4317.86. Lard, per 100 lbs., $10.00910.10. Bhor' rloa rides (loose), $9.7069.86. Dry silted shoulders (boxed), $8.76(58.87. Short clear sides (boxed), $10.37Hl8.60. Following are the recelois and shipments of flour and grain yesterday: itecelpts. Shipments. Flour, bbls..... 28,900 17.70J Wheat, bu 34,300 80,40) Corn, bu.....' 208,400 15o,9u0 Oata, bu 295.800 ' 1S6.00) Rye. bu 4.700 1,90) Barley, bu... 48,400 13,10) On the ProJucs exchange today th but ter market was steady; creameries, ltp 27 Vic; dallies, 14t&-24c. Eggs, easy, at mark, canes Included, 13c. - Cheese, ste-idy, lo0 13Vnc. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. . taetatioas of th Day Varioas Coaasaodltles. NEW YORK, March 24. FLOUR Re ceipts, (5,207 bb'.s.; exports, ;,060 bbls.; dull an.t nominally lower; winter patents, $3.7o& 4.00; winter straights, $3.60-53.66; Minnesota patents. $4.00434.20' winter extras, $2.80 8.10; Minnesota bakers, $3.2083.40; winter low grades. . $2.082 .90. Ry flour, weak fair lo good, t2.8utgt.20; choice to fancy. t3.35fiS.46. CORN ME Air Easy; yellow yestern, tL10; city, $1.06; Brandywtne, $3.40if23.65. KYE KasV; No. 8 western, ouo f. o. b. afloat; state, 66060c. bAHLlf- Dull; feeding, 740 c. I. f., BuPalo: malting. 62 Vie Wo. WHEAT Receipts, 67,000 bu; exports, 47,. 461 bu; spot weak; No. 2. 77VioA elevator; No. 2 red; 71Vc, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth 66V4o. t. o. b., afloat; No. 1 hard. Manitoba. MV4c afloat. Options had a tlrm opening on cold weather and covering but at noon encountered a bear raid that weak ened the whole list. Selling was based on a bearish foreign crop summary for the week, small clearances, the corn break and a disappointing decrease In world's stocks. The market closed weak at V&Hc net de cline. March closed 804kc; May closed 77"c; July closed 75Vfcc, and September closed 74c. CORN Receipts, 112.000 bu; exports, 96. 85 bu.; sales, 276.000 bu. futures and 96,000 bu. spot. Spot weak; No. 2, nominal ele vator and 6lc r. o. b., afloat; No. t yllow, 61Vc; No. t white, 63Vc. Option market, after opening ateady with wheat turned weak under liquidation,, coupled with small clearancea and promises of better weathvt west, closing easy at Hto net decline March closed 67c; May closed 4tfc; July closed 48c. OATS Receipts. 1C3.0OO bu.; exports, 8.028 bu. Spot weak; No. 2, 42c; stsndard white, 4: We; No. I, 41c; No. 2 white, 4i4i; No. t white, 414c; track mixed western, nominal; track white, 41Vtii46c. Options active and weaker with other markets; May closed $JVc. HAY Quiet: spring, 6567c; good to choice. 90tf$1.05. . HOPS (jui-t ; state, common to choice, 1902, 24a33o; 1901, 2K.f23c; olda, 74il2c: Pa cific coast, 1902, 24(99c; 19U1, 20o:3c; olds, 7tl2c. HIDES Firm; Galveston, 20 to 2S lbs., IKc; California, 21 to 25 lbs., 19c; Texas dry, 24 to 30 lbs.. 14c. LEATHER Film; acid, 24Vi4J2c. PROVISIONS Beef, steady family, $14 00 J'lS.0O; mess. $9 I0.S0; Ix-ef hams. JO 50 i 21y; r kft. Sli f-tj 13 i0; cilv, extra India dim, $23.0oc-24.0a Cut meats, steady; pickled ttellles. lo.M4i'11.50; plckleu shoulders. $9.U0 i9tt; pickled hams. $11.6mul2 uu. Lard, easy: western steamed, $10.40; retined, easy; continent, $10 66; . South America, $11 w, ompgtind, $7. Sua i. 00. Pork, steady; family, $l ouo ju.uo; short clear, $i,mU21.50; mess, $18.2onl9 00. TALLA)W Firm; city, 6c; country, (9 4C. RICF-Flrm. BITTER Receipts, 7.894 pkgs.; stead v; state dairy, l427c; creamery, extra, 29c; creamery, common ta choice. 19t;2!Vic. CHEESE Rexvlpts. '1.473 pkgs.; firm; fancy, large, atate, full cream, fall made colored, 14Vtftl4c; fancy, Urge, state full cream, fall made, whits. 14V(til4Vc; fancy small, state, full cream, colored, 15c; fancy, small. Slate, full cream, fall made, white. 14c. KiHlS Receipts. $3 449 pkgs.; firm at de cline; stats and Pennsylvania, average best. 14c; weetern. fancy, 14o. METALS 1 he Lendon tin market was Ts (d higher at 134 ls for spot and IU 15s tut Xutursa, bu locaUy Ua was again aaa- ,. Icr. declining about 26 points to $."9 ftH2J Si. Iinrton ws ealcr on roj.per. which lost Li Ihpre ar.d nosed at fciu 2e Wt nr S(ot and lis 1 for futures. The New or market, however, remained dull and un rhanged. Standard is quoted at $14. 0. lake and electrnlydc at 14 i.V(i 15 i, sfi.l casting at $14 jf 16 mi. I ed declined 6s in lonrlon to a. 13 he. but rmnlni1 nmet ber Hi 1 I.is Sielter lost 10s In l,ondnn, wnere It c oseii at and was also easier h re, rinsing 11 1 a decline of lo points to $5 n6. Iron closed at 67a 6d In Ulnsgow and at 62 3d in Mid dlesborough. Iocaily Iron remains quiet and nominally unchanged. No. 1 foundry, north ern, is quoted at 24floti 24.50; No. 2 foundry, northern, at $22.)s)i'22.o; No. 1 founnry, southern, end No. 1 foundry, southern, soft, at ta.uin2.bi). Warrants are nominal. OMAHA WHOI.KS.ALB MARKET. Coatfltlea cf Trade end Qaotntloirk on . Staple aad Fairy I'roilnre. EOOS Weak; fresh stock. llfillHc LIVE Vt)lLTRY Hens 10iluc; roost ers, according to age, 539c; turkeys, l.rjp 16c; ducks. MilOc; geese. WflOc; chickens, per lb.. l'"ilOV- PUKPHKb POL'LTHY-Chlckens, llflllc; hens, llM2c; turkeys, 15&lSc; ducks, Wglic; geese, iK,fl2c BI'TTCR Packing stock, 13c; choice c"alrv. In tubs, 15frl7c; sepnrstor, IYSTER3 Sidndanls, per can, 2ttc; extra Selects, per can, 3.K-; New York Counts, per can, 42c- bulk, extra Selects, per gal., $1.7S; bulk. StiiP'lard, per gal., $1.35. FROZEN FRESH FISH Trc ut, 910c; herring, 6c; pickerel, 8c; pike. 9c: perch, 6c; buff ilo. dressed, 7c; s.inflsh, 3c; btuefWh, 3c; whiteflsh, 9c, salmon, 16c; haadock. 11c; codfish. 12c; redsnapper, 10c; lobsters, boiled, per lb., 4c; lobsters, green, per lb., 2"c; bullheads. 10c; catfish, 14o; black bass, 2v; halibut, 11c. BRAN Per ton, $15. jO. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland, H; No. 2, $7.50; medium, $7; coarse, Jb.bu. Rye straw, $6. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. Demand fair; re ceipts light. CORN 40c. OATS-34C. RYE-rNo. 2, 45c. VEGETABLES. NEW CELERY Kalamaxoo, per doa.. 25c; California, per doz., 45&76C. ' POTATOES-Per bu.. s.0c. SWEET POTATOES Iowa and Kansas, $2.j(). SEED POTATOES Northern grown, per bu., ib8oc. NEW PARSLEY Per dox. bunches, 45 50c. NEW CARROTS-Per dox. bunches, 40c. I.ETTI CE Per dox. bunches. 46c. BEETS New southern, per doa. bunches, 45c; 010. 1 er bu., 40c. PARSNIPH-Per bu.. 40c. CUCUMBERS Hothouse, per dos.. $1.75. CARKOTS Per bu., 40c. GREEN ONIONS Southern, per - doa. bjnche. 4oc. RADISHES Southern, per dot. bunches, 4?c. TURNIPS-Per bu.. 40c; Canada rutaba- gas, per lb., lVic; new southern, per dos. unches, 50c. ONIONSRed Wisconsin, per lb., lc; white, per lb.. 2c; Spanish, per crate, $1.75. SPINACH Southern, per dta. bunches, LEMONS California fancy, $3.25; choice, NAVY BEANS-Per bu., $2.60. WAX BEANS Per bu box, 23i string beans, per bu.', box, $2.50. CAULIFLOWER California, per crate, $3.00. C A B B A Q E Hoi land seed, per lb., tlVi- TOMATOES New Florida, per 6-baskat crate, $4.50. - , FRUITS. APPLES-IJew York stock. $3.003.5O; Cailfurn.a Bellflowers, per bu. box, $1.60; Vvestein, fc.uu GRAPES Malagas, per keg, $.007.00. tropical fruits. FIGS California, per 10-ib. cartons, 90c. 2 Turkish, per 3,--iu box, $)4018c. OKAXNUn-ti California navels, fancy, $3.00 M lu, choice, H.io; Aledlterrauean sweets, 6..; sweei Jaffa, $2.60. . ; DATt-b Persian, In 70-Ib. boxes, per lb., 60c; ptr case of 30-ib. pkgs., $2.2. j MISCELLANEOUS. MAPLE tiLOAK Ohio, per lb., 10c. MONEY Utah, per 24-lrame case, $3.26; Coiorauo, tit. to. POt-CoRN-Per lb., 2c; shelled, 4c. HiDES No 1 green, eVc; No. 1 green, 6c: No. 1 aaited, 7c; No. z sailed, c; No. 1 vtal can, to )Z lbs., 8 Vic; iso. 2 veal calf, t-i 10 la lbs., 6c; ary i.lues, Htylic; sneep pelts, 2jioc; horse hides, i. 502.60. NLTS Wainuis, No. 1 soft sneli, per lb., 15c; hard shell, per lb., 14c; No, X soft shell, per 10., 13c; .no. 2 hara shell, per lb., 12c; uraslis, pe.' 10, 12c; filberts, per Id., 12c; uimonde, soft shell, per 10, lt!c; hard sbeil, pec lo., loc; pecans, large, per lb, 12 Vie; small, per 10., nc; cocoa nuts, .per ooi., jc; chesmuts, per lb., 10a; peaauta, per b.i Vc; roasted peanuts, per lb., 7c; black wainuts, per bu., 1; ulckroy nuts, per bu., ti.oo, cocoanuts, per 10U, $4. OLD METALS. ETC. A. B. Alprln quotej thd loliowing prices: Iron, country mixed, per ion, 611; Iron, s'ove plate, per ton, ta; copper, per lb., e vie; brass, heavy, per lo., Vc; brass, light, per lb., oVic; lead, per lb., fcv; xlac, per 10., -Vic Mt. Loots Grata and Provisions. ST. LOUIS, March 24. WHEAT Lower; No. 2 red cash, elevator, 67c; track, 711i72c; May, fti't&ttfc; Ouly, 66i6c; No. 2 hard. 69&73C. CORN Lower; No. 2 cash, 384c nominal; track, 8g 40c; May, 3dc; July, 39Vtc. OATS Lower; No. 2 cash, 34c, nominal; track. 35&3Sc; May. Sl&c; July, MTic; No. 2 white, 37VjG39Vc. RYE W ask, 4M349c. FLOUR Steady; red winter patents, $3.30 63.45; extra fancy and straight, $3.01X23.25; clear, $2.76fe2.90. &EED 'limothy, steady, J2.0Cng2.S0; prime worth more. CORN MEAL Steady, $2.30. BRAN Dull; sacked, east trsck, 7375c. HAY Steady to strong; timothy, $8.00 16.00; prairie, $7.0O11.00. IRON CU'lTON TIES $1.05. BAGGING 6&Vic. HEMP TWINE S5c. . PROVISIONS Pork, 'lower; Jobbing, standard mess, $17.80. Lard, lower at $9.67Vi. Dry salt meats, weak; boxed extra shorts, $.KTi; clear ribs. $10.12Vi; short clears, $10.26. Bacon, weak; boxed, extra shorts, $10.75; clear ribs. $11.00; short clear, $11.12Vi. METALS Lead, firm at $4 60. Spelter, firm, $5.25f6.36. ' POULTRY Steady; chickens, 1010ic; turkeys, 13c; ducks, 16c; geese, 60, BUTTER 1- Quiet; creamery, 2129'ic; dairy, l!4j21Hc. EGGS Steady; fresh lie. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 6.000 13.000 Wheat, bu 33.000 64.000 Corn. bu..'. 64,000 155.000 Oats, bu 93,000 83,000 Liverpool Grata and ProTlsloas. LIVERPOOL. March 24. WHEAT Dull: No. 1 red western, winter, 6s Id; No. 1 northern, spring, 6sVl; No. 1 California, .-. SWd. Futurea. quiet; May. 6slV4d; July, 6s Td. CORK Spot, quiet; American mixed, new, 4a6Vid: old. 6s 4d. Futures, quiet; May, 4s 2Vtd. June, 4s l7d: July. 4s l74d. HOPS At London (Pacific coast), firm, 6 12s7 6s. KliOl'K bt. Louis fancy winter, quiet at Ss 3d. PROVISIONS-Beef, easy; extra India mesa, 88s 6d. Pork, firm; prime western mess, 82s 3d. Hams, short cut, 14 to 16 lbs., steady, 65s. Bacon, Cumberland cut. 26 to 30 lbs., steady, 62a 6d; short ribs 16 to 24 lbs 64s 6d; long clear middles, light. 28 to 34 lbs., steady, 52s 6d; long clear middles, heavy, steady, 62s 6d; short clear backs. 62s; clear bellies, 64s. Shoulders square, 11 to 13 lbs., steady, 43s 6d. Lard, firm; prime western, In tierces, 61s 9d; American refined, in palls, 51s 9.1. Bl'TTEH-4Jood United States, steady. fOs. CHEESE American finest, white, firm. 69s; American finest colored, strong 69s. TALI.nw Prime city, 27s 6d; Australian in I o-dn. dall. 32s 6d. Receipts of wheat during the past three days, 477.0)iO centals Including 147.() Ameri can. Receipts of American corn during the past three days, 131, 9u0 centals. Kaaaaa City Grata and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, March 24 WHEAT May. &c; July, eiVfUilVin. Cash: No. 2 hard, tVrafaiVc; No. 3. 6t8o; No. 4. 590 3c; rejected. twW'jfcc; JNO. 3 Tea, il,4c; No. 8. 66(5 70c. CORN April. S6!fj36c: May, 35f5Vc; July, iiNiC; No. 2 mixed, 37Hc; No. 2 white, 32Vc; No. 3. S8c. OATS No. $ white, 35gi3c; No. 1 mixed, S4c. RYE No. 2. 46c. HAY Timothy, $11.50; prairie, $8 504J9 00. Bl'TTEU-Creamery, 21&c; dairy, 19c. EGGS-Ereah. luVjc. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 70. 4' 0 Corn, bu 21.6il 8.t) Oats, bu '. 13.000 25.0UO Philadelphia Prtdace Market.' PHILADELPHIA, March 24. BUTTER Firm: extr western creamery. 3(i30Uc. EGGS Steady; fresh nearby, 14V, at th) mar'-; western, 14Vic; aouthwestem, 14Vc; souiern, 14c. CHEESE Firm, fair demand: New York full creams, prime small, MUVc; f al to good small. llHIjlic; prime large, lit? 14Vc; fair to gooa targe, ij'uuvc. Pear la Market. PEORIA. 111.. March 24. CORN-Flrro; No 3. geVtc OATS-Dull; No. t white. S2ti32Vc Mtaaeanolls Wheat, Floar aad Bran, MINNEAPOLIS, March 24. WHEAT May, TDTZV-; July, 72Hc: on trsck. No. 1 h;ird. ".; No. 1 northern. "i4f; No. 2 nortnern, 27c. h tA l ' K h irst patent. H?4i3; sreond patents. $:( S ui .1 ro ; ilrst dears, $2. in; second clears. 2.i"rt2..i BH A.N In bulk. $12. wKtHK CRIH AMJ KLEt ATOIl 4 . Omaha Rranrh I Hull I Board of Trade Bnllttlna. CHICAGO. March 24 WHEAT Liquida tion, especially of May whHt. has cos. tin market Irom '-jc to lc, wlih the May off th most. The My premium has rarrjw.d 110m i7i' yesteriay to lc. There ha ben steady selling of May by comm s ton houses. Ther lias also bcen selling of May and buying of July by Armour on a large scale. The moid was Influenced eome by a decrease of only .Vio.iAI bu'he! 1 1 th wond's vl-lble. sthich Is about one-third o' last years decrease. Weather continue rather favorable. Cables were off siigh ly. but not as much as our decline yesterday. Clearances only 18,0"O bushel. Dulutn re ported 2.I.OH buehels sold for expori. New York reports 16 loads. Minneapolis stork will decrease from ooo.ooo bushels to 750 00) th s week. Primary receipts, 3. 6,0 " bu he's. agul'.St 141.00 last year; primary shipments. 2jI.i) buinela, against .("..0.0. jNorthwest receipts,' 145 cans, against 2M l ist yt ar. I.ocat receipts, 3 cars, with none contract. Estimates tor tomorrow, 1 cars. CORN There has been continued liquida tion of May corn and th? May fr..m a pre mium over the July went to a discount of He. The whole market declined from Ve t) 4c, with the May off the most. Ther wai no great trade, the liquidation be ng gen eral. There wag some selling by the pro vision crowd. It looked early as If '.here was some July buying by Cudahy hou?es. Local receipts, 243 cans, with none con tract. Estimates for tomorrow only 70 cars. Clearances, 340,000 uuxhels. New York reports 23 londs taken for export. Primary receipts, 4X4.000 bushels, against SkS.ioi) last year; primury shipments, 407.00) "oushele, against 236.000. East of the Rockiest corn Increased 24S.0O0 bushels. Con traci stock. 2.426.00) bushels, increased 78,00) bushels. Cash corn was unrhanged to Vic lower. Eistern demand continues poor. OATS There has been the same feature In oats as In all the other grains, selling of May and buying July and a niirrowliijt of the May. premium from 27,gc yesterday to lfio today. It looked as if there was eonslderable Patten eelllng. ' Thr-re has been selling of May and buying ot July by Cout'Keiman. Cash oats were weak, off Hii lc. , Receipts vere large, 329 cars, wi.h 6 cars contract. Estimates for tomorrow. 18 cars. East of the Rockies oats Increased H8.X bushels. Stock of standard, 52o.OtK) bushels: decrease. 52.000 bushtls. Clear ances, 29,000 buFhels. PROVISIONB-Market opened easy in sympathy with grain. Cudahy was credited with- selling some May rrk through brokers. The situation has been strong, with little stuff offered outside of local t-calpers. . (. ommiKAlon houses bought May and Jirty pork eariv. Cash demand dull. There were 15,000 hogs marketed 6c higher. Closing easy. Estimates for to morrow. 22,000 head. Hogs in the west todBy, 5S.3ft head, against 71,200 laiit year. WEARU GRAIN A ELEVATOR CO. Visible Supply of Grain. NEW YORK. March 24 Special tele- graphlo and cable dispatches to Brnd- etreet's this week show the following changes In available supplies as compared with last accounts: Wheat. United States and Canada, east of the Rockies, decreased 1,863,000 bu. ; afloat ror and in Europe, increased 1.000,000 du. ; total supply, decreased 368,000 bu. Corn, United Stapes and Canada, east of the Rockies, Increased 249,000 bu. Oats. United States and Canada, east of the Rockies, decreased 118.001 bu. Among the more important decreases re ported this week are those of 600.000 bu. In Manitoba, 400,000 bu. at northwestern ele vators, 115,000 bu. at Omaha, 99.0CM bu. at Portland. Me., and 55,000 bu at St. Joseph. The leading Increase Is that of 125, OX) bu. at Nashville. Dnlntb Grain Market. DULUTH, March' 24. WHEAT To ar rive: No. 1 hard,74Vic; No. 1 northern, 72c; No. 2 northern, 71V4c; May, 12c; July 73 He OATS May, 32c. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS. Market Remains Weak All Day, Only Varying: In Degree. NEW YORK. March 24. The stock mar ket made no headway today against the discouragement of holders of securities, and was weak from start to finish, with only a difference In the degree of weakness from time to time, mere was a snarp Dreax in prices at the opening due to the unloading of stocks in blocks as a result of selling orders accumulated over night. Aftr that there waa some pause in the downward movement, but at the close the selling movement had become very active again and prices ended the day at the lowest and on a rapidly descending scale. The prin cipal cause of the feeling of discourage ment was tne ibck of promise or an amel ioration of money conditions. Apparently the Interior Is making renewed demsnd upon New York for funds now that the attractive high money rates are now fully maintained here. New York exchange at Chicago has slipped back to par. Bankers In New York express the opinion that the west has Its own uses for money and Is likely to continue to have. Very active business, enormous holdings of grain due to the delayed movement, an active spec ulation In the corn market and the west ern land speculations are all cited as ele ments of this demand. The hope of spring reflux of funds to New York Is not so con fidently held as It was last week and the light speculation based on this hope Is be ing closed out. The subtreasury la renew ing Its drain on the money market and hns taken from the banks since Friday $tiS.0OO, compared with $12,000 in the corresponding period of last week. The April 1 settle ments In New England are looked to to cause some demand upon New York. By shifting the view to foreign centers no bet ter prospect Is met, the Impending demand upon foreign money markets for govern ment loans promising to absorb all their resources. The new low record made to day for British consols was affected also by selling of these securities for American account. At the time of the last Issue of consols it was urged In their behalf by the American subscribers that their holdings here would constitute a ready means of control, of the exchange market. This would explain the drop In sterling exchange this week, compared with the strength last week. A break In the copper market helped to weaken Amalgamated. A temporary ad vance of a point I11 Southern. Pacific was attributed to a demand for election pur poses. Bonds were Irregular. Total salea, par value, $1,540,000. United States bonds were all unchanged on the last call. The following are the quotations on the New York 8tock exchange: Atchison do pfd Bal. A Ohio de pfd Canadian Paclfte.. Canada 80 Ct.as. A Ohio Chicago A Alton. do pfd Chicago A G. W. do 1st pfd do td dN llVs Texas sV PaelSe i-VTul.do. it. U 4 W ( 43 DM It '.s 4 23 V, ... WV ... ...12 ... 72 ... 44 ... 1V ... ... 24V, ... to ... tu do Pfd Union Paclflc du pfd Wabash do pfd Wbeellng a L I. do id pfd Wis. Central do pfd Acams Ei .. 4'4 ..ill) ..Hi ..1J0 ..tM .. 71V Chicago A N. W .184 American Es. Chicago Ter. A Tr... lt't'nitad Stataa Ei do Pfd 30 Vttlls-Fsrgo Es C C. C A St. L. ... l Anial. Coppor .. Amcr. Car A F. Colorado 80 ., do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Del. A Hudson... ll. L. A W Dtunr A R. O... do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do id pfd Cfest N'ur. pfd... Ho. kin Valley .. do pfd Illinois Central .. Iowa .Central .... do 'pfd Lake Kn A W... do pfd , U A N Manhattan L Met. St. Rr Mel. Central .... M.t., National ... Mina. A 8t. L... Mo. Paclflc M .. K. A T do pfd N. J. Central .... N. V. Coutral ... Nrrfolk A W do rfd v .. tat, .. 40V, ..lb ..254 J , .. aj', .. ii .. MW .. 63 .Ail ..injj .. 7 . 1 .1 l .. 17 .. (4 .. 42 do pfd SiV't Amcr. I. In. Oil ir, do pfd ss American 8. A R ... 4i do pfd W Anac. Mining Co llxv. rroosiyn n. 1 Colo. Fual A Iron... ns. Caa Cout. Tobacco pfd. 111 Otii. r.lectrlc ... H... klus Coal ... Inter. Papsr .... rij pfd Inter. Powsr ... Lacleds I1.4 . . . . N.tlonal Biscuit ...19J-4 ... ... 11 ... 711, ... il ... to ... 4L, ... 2 ...10J ... W's ... 37 ...102's ... ... Ut ...tiO ... 20 ...78 ...1.M4 ..113 ..120 Kstlonal Lead .. l.lftsjNi American .1J4 Pacific Coast . 11 . 1' .luo .inn . 36H Parlflc Mall Ktt.ple's Uas ... P-nKd 8. Car... do pfd Pullman P. Car. Republic Blscl .. ITS do pfd Witt Si-sai 71 Tens. Coal A Iroo... C V0 I'nloo Bis A P.. Ontario A w.. fennsrlvaula Riadlng do 1st pfd.., do td prd..., gt l. a a. r do 1st prd.. do id pfd..., 81 U 8. W.. do pfd St. Paul , do pfd So. Paclflc ... tu Railway.., do pfd JuV do pf.l ll.V, t 8. Lrslhsr .... dr rfd M X. 8. Rubber 71 I do pfd SH V. 8. Stscl IMS, I do - pfd 70 (WtwCcrn t'nlon ... 25 Aner. Locom4l,. M 1 do pfd ll K C. Southern.... 1 do pfd UH Kvk l-lind 31 do (fd .......ills' .. tl .. .. !', .. N .. 3V .. 1 . i74 .. X, .. 30 .. S4 .. MH .. 71 Bank t learlags. OMAHA.. March 24. Bank clearings for today were H.lO.'.TtiS.S; Increase over cor resiiondlne dsv of lai"t year. tu9.fiRj.73. NEW YORK. Mrch 24.-Clearlngs, C5!,. i8S,lrtX; balances, ta 917.974. B08TON. March 24 Clearings. J30.430.745; balances, S1.".C i?. FHIUADEI.PHIA. March S4. Clearings. ti.34o.ol9. balances, t2.it46,; money, (4jGS( percent. BALTIMORE. March 14. Clearing. 14. S01.7: balances. J472.315; money. rer cent. ("UlCAtJO. Msrrh 24 e'lrarlngs. tT.oMi. 115; balances, $;.uWj.7o4, New Tjrk exchange, par; foreign exrhanre. iinchngd: sterling poste : i, ,4 ho f,,r tixty ilays and a. 4 ior c:emand. I'l.N. i.x.N ATI. March 24 C eai Inas, 13 -31".' ; mmey, 4Vi"'6 per cent; New York exchange i sr. ST. Mir 18. March 24 ' earing. $6.89!.- bslanifs. t'.'.-.. 1'.7: monev. stedr, i.Wi per cent; new exihange, ic premium'. evr York Maney Market. NEW YORK, March 24-MONEY-On call, steady; lowest. 5' per cent; highest, 6 per cent; ruling rate. iH per cent; last loHn. 6 per rent: closed, fYf per cent. Time money, easier; eixty days. fxriSH per cent: ninety days, htii'i per rent; elx months. f',i:,i r,ef cent. Prime mercantile paper. fV(r8 per cent. STERLING KxrM'AKGti F.sar at I4.87' ! 4.8i')j for demind and at $4 8:W94.3H9 for I sixty dnys: posted rates. tl.9lHii4.8i and I $4.88. Commercial Mils, $4.83s,ti4.8JV ! SILVER Bar, 48c; Mexican dollars, j 3M,c. B1 )N1)S Government, steady; railroad, I Irregular. 1 he closing quotations on bonds are as follows: V. . ref. :, So coupon rg. 107 1I'I 1I' 101 U ft N. unl. 4s M. Central 4s 1 do Is Inc 7"4 Minn, ft fit. U 4s. ..101V An Ss, Kg do i-mipon do new 4. re 1'6'i Jt.. K. A T . . rj, .. ". ..10J . .131 ..1N .. 71 ..loo Is .. MT. no coupon m- ia do old 4f' ni in!, n. T. C. . JSi.. do coupon irait N, j. r. s. ... IOJINo PsrIAc 4s ... lnj' do ....102 K. W. ron. 4s.. do 5s, res. do coupon Atihlftnn sen. do ad. 4v. 9' 1 Kesdlns sen. 4s. B. ft . 4s do 3s do con. 4s...., f'stisds So. 2s.... Ontrsl of fis. 5s do Is Inc Ciirs. fc Ohio 44s t. A A. 1't '.. B A u. n. 4s .1(124 Mt L. ft I M e. Is. ...114 t. :.. g. r. 4s.... ' St. U S. W. Is N do 2 SI 8. A. A A. P. 4s M 80. Pr.rlfls 4s t Co Rsllwsr it HH Tcxat ft Pscinc IS...I1.V4 T.. St. t,. A W. 4s... 71 .101 .ins "4: .lniv, .. 7 MS r. Si P 1 4s . now Vnlon Pselfle 4s 101 C. A N. W. r. 7s....lJI'4 ".. R. I. P. 4s... .10 , do ronv. 4s lff? iv.h.,1, is im. c r 1. ft st L g. .ino'i Mo :s lo . fa I do deb. B v:. -1 n Irs so Ter. I'olorsdo A Ro. 4s.. nenrsr ft R. O. 4s. Erie prW lien 4s... do genersl 4s K. W. ft 1). C. 'Is.. 5't Bhore 4s 110 'i Wheeling A 1. K. 4s. t:4 7H VI is. Cenlrsl 4s 91 A.vs Con Tofosrro 4s 6?H 11" ( Colorado ruel 171, Hmklng Vsl. 4'is. inn Bid. Offered. Offered and bid. Boston Storks and Bonds. BOSTON. Mirch 24'. Call loans. 5fJfi per cent; time loans, 6f(i per cent. Official closing 01' stocks nd bonds: Atchison loo ininshsm Me. Central 4s 7 Cslumet A Heels.. Atchison l','cntnnlsl do prd ii-fs'Copper Rangs Boston A Albany !6 IDomlnlon Coal .... Boston ft. Ms 17 Franklln Ims'on Klevsted 147 Isle Kojral N. Y. , N. H A H...2K4lnliavk Kltchburg pfd 141 oil1 Dominion . . a 1 ..635 .. n .. .. llht .. U .. KM, .. 1 Vnlon Paclflc . .. si1 Ofciola .. J7ik Parrot ..l-.'IVUulnry Mei. Central ... Amerlran Sugar do pfd .. K ..116 .. JV, ..175 .. S .. 11 .. I4 .. 29', .. 14j .. 12V . 7J .120V:Si.nia Fs Copper... Allierirsn T. A T 184 Tsmsrack t'tmlninn I. A 8 S24 Trhiiountaln . urn. iLirciric Ms. Electrla ... I tilled Fruit Westing. Common. A'lventure Alloues Amalgamated .193 Trlnlljr I'nltcd States I'tah ,. I'lctorla . 4' .102 11 '4 Winona 7'Vt'clverln 74'.. CHICAGO LIVK STOCK MARKET. Cattle Are Steady. Hogs Weaker and Sheep Go Higher. . CHICAGO, March 24. CATTLE! Re ceipts, 8,001) hfad; steady; good to prime steers. J5.10tgo.6j; poor to medium, 13.7.49 4.75; stockers and feeders, J2.7544.9J; cows, J1.6064.6J; heifers, J2.5ijj4.76; canners, J1.60'p 2.76; bulls, J2.6fi4.40; calves, J3.0OS1.0O; Texas fed steers, KOOtH.oO. tlOGS Receipts, 17,000 bead; left ovpp, 6.000 head; opened steady, closed weaker; mixed and butchers, 17.408.1.65; good to choice heavy, J7.757.87H; rough heavy, $.4O(07.76; light, J7.20tS7.55; bulk of sales, J7. 45((i 7. 70. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 6.000 head; sheep, steady to 10c higher; lambs, steady; good to chplce wethers, J5.5O4i6.60; fair to choice mixed, 14 6(85.40; western sheep, J5.2btg6.50; native lambs, to. 2541. 70; western lambs, 45.6CKg7.75. Oftlclal yesterday: Receipts. Shipments. Cattle 177540 7.32S Hogs 17,718 6.9U Bhtep 20,341 1,764 New Terk I.tve Stock Market. NEW YORK, March J4. CATTLE Re ceipts, 269 head, mainly consigned direct; nr sales reported; dressed beef steady; city dressed natives, extreme range. 6? 9jC. Cables quoted -American steers at 12V413,c, dressed weight; refrigerator beef at 9494c. Exports today, estimated at 1,020 head beeves, 1,680 head sheep arid 6,100 quarters of beeCi- CALVK8-Recelpts;il98 head;- veals slow, steady; extreme ranaa, of sales of veals, J5.OtK-fr9.00; city dressed , veals, Wipltc. HOGS Receipts. 6.3SJ head: quoted firm, quality considered; about a deck of Penn syivan a hogs sold at 17.75 per 100 lbs. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 757 head; sheep rated steady; lambs, trade al most at a standstill, less than a deck sold: scarcely any Inquiry for lambs even at lower figures. A few sheep sold at (5.40, a few culls at $4 and a few lambs at 18.50; dressed mutton, general sales, 8i10c; dressed lambs, general sales, 10HSP13c. St. Louis Live Stoek Market. ST. IDUI8, March 14. CATTLE Re ceipts, 3.010 head. Including 1,600 head Tex ans; market steady; native shipping snd export rteera, J4.70fti5.30, with strictly fancy quoted up to $5.75; dressed beef and butcher steers, $4.0q5.26; steers unner l.frw lbs., $3.6) j'4.26; stockers and feeders, $2.4()4.50: cows and heifers. I2.2o4i4.fi0; canners. $2.25t?3.00; bulls, $2,4ti.3.75; calves, J3.507.00; Texas and Indian steers, J3.65&4.40; cows and heifers. J2.3O&3.20. HOGS Receipts, 6,000 head; market strong, higher; pigs and lights, $7.(J7.40; packers, J7.307.60; butchers, J7.404?7.80. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1,600 head; market steady to tlrm; native mut tons, J4 00to6.30; lambs. J5.Ou4jT7.25; culls and bucks, J'.outU4.50; stockers, J2.50'3.50; Tex ans, H.OutBH.oO. Stonx City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITT. la.. March 24. 8peclal Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 2.000; market steady; beeves. J3.75tr76.00; cows, bulls and mixed, J2.OtKu4.00; stockers and feeders, $3.00 tj4 60; calves snd yearlings, $3.0034.30. HOGS Receipts, 4.600; market 610o lower; selling, 7.007.oO; bulk. $7.20107.40. Stoek la Sight. Following were the receipts of live stock at the six principal western cities yester day: Cattle. Hogs, sneep Omaha 5,800 12,000 7.00) Chicago $.000 17.000 6.00) Kansas City 7.00) 7.000 6,00) St. Lpuls S.000 s.tmo 1,500 St. Joseph 3 741 7,153 3,16) Sioux City .0u0 4,600 Totals 23.641 63.65) 23,660 Oil and Rosin. OIL CITT, March 24.-OrL-Credlt bal ances. $1.60; certificates, no bid; shipments (Pennsylvania). 97.775 bbls.; average. 86.208 bbls.; runs, 16.203 bbls.; average, 77.630 bbls. Shipments (Lima), 69.846 bbls.; average, 63, 0b6 bbls.; runs, 11.608 bbls.; average, 61,413 bbls." SAVANNAH, March 24. OIL Turpen tine, firm. 65c. Rosin, firm; A, B, C, D, E, fi; P, $2 10; G. $2.40: I, $2 85; K, $3.20; M, $3.10; N. $3.60; WG. J1.75: WW, J4. NEW YORK, March 24. OIL Cottonseed, quiet. Petroleum, steady. Turpentine, firm. Rosin, firm. TOLEDO, March 24 Oily No chengea. LONDON. March 24 OIL Calcutta lin seed, spot, 43s 6d. Turpentine spirits, 44s 3d. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fralta. NEW YORK. March 24 EVAPORATED A PPLES Quiet, hut prices sre steadly held on attractive fruit.- Common are quoted at 44C.V': prime, 6Vk51c; choice, b tjt'ic; fancy. "ib7Vsc. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRI'ITS Spot prunes remain dull and easy, with only a small lobbing Interest reported. Prices range from 3c to 7c for all grades. Apri cots are in fair demand and steady at 7H'd He for choice and 9ftllVic for fancy. Poaches are dull: choice are quoted at Vnit 8c and fancy at 8H&aoc. Toledo Grain and Seed. TOLEDO. March 24. WHEAT Dull, easier; cash, 73c; May, 4c; July, 71c. CORN Dull, weak; March and May, 42c; Julv. 42c. OATS-Dull. weak; March. 4Hc; July, 3,1tc; May, 3J"c. . RYE No. 2. 53c. SEEDS Du" steady: cash, 1735; March. $7.3u; April. $7.16: October. $5.45; prime timothy, $1.6); prime alslke, $7.50. CosTee Market. NEW YORK. March 24.-COFFEE Spot, steady. Futures opened stetdy at un changed prices and following the coll rule! quiet for a time, then became sligh-lv mon active under nearer offerings. The close was barelv jteady at a net decline of a points. Sales, 41.600 bxgs. Including:- March. 4 15c; Mav, 4'25c; July, , 4.401 4 45c; Augut, 4.60c; Septemr. 4.40c; October. 46Vrt4.70e; "November, 4.70c; December. 4.95c; January, ,.85c. Mllwaakee Crala Mtr-ket. MILWAI'KEBr' March 24 WHEAT Ixiwer: No 1 nor-hern 76",ij77c; No. $ nor'h'rr 7.:4'ut7Rc; Miv. 7?tic HYE-F'rro; No. 1 611aj51'-. BARLEY Dull; No. 2. sue; sample, Cr bc CORN May, 43 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Big Ban of Cattle, but Btfen Hald Nearly ?tsdy ted Co$ Fu.!y Stsidy. HOG MARKET SLOW AND LOWER Sheep and Lambs lontlnned la Good Demand and the Prices Paid Were Stroasj to a Dime Higher Than Those la Force Monday. 8OCTH OMAHA. March 24. Receipts were; catlle. rtoks. Sheep. Official Monday 4.341 o.i 7.335 Oftlclal Tuesday 6,800 li.two 7,000 Two days this week.. Same days last week... Same week before Heme three weeks ago. Same four weeks ago... Same days last year.... RECEIPTS FOR THE The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and shep at South Omaha for the year to uate and comparisons with last year: 1V1. Cattle 217,512 Hogs ....bSo.ivi Sheop 31M17 190!. 183,090 Inc. Dec $4,422 t.t..ll 2.7b2 106.945 107,365 Average price paid tor hogs at South Omaha tor the last several days with com parisons: Date. j 1903. 11902. 1101. 1900.W99. jl898.ll7. March March March .March March March March March Marcn March March. March March March March March March March March March March March March March 01 22 4 68 6 28 4 6 $ S4 7 02SI 7 0lVi 7 life, 7 05'-, n 14 62 6 17 t7 6 t0 7 10 6to, t 7 6 4,s 6 181 6 20 6 n 6 H 4 74 ( 34; 4 70 i 17 4 71 1 6 39 4 72 6 UJ 4 71 7 14fe 7 26 I 14 13 7 29 7 13' 7 234a: t 40. 6 41 4 t 46, 4 79 t 65 4 75 6 6 4 79 7 28fe V 19h' 7 lufel 7 iMsi 6 lli 6 561 4 so 16 4 94 6 211 6 66 I 19, 6 22 6 17, 6 251 32 6 1 4 89 I 33 7 34 7 45 7 36 6 71 4 86 6 821 4 81 5 80 4 kb a i 4 m) I 4 9j 6 29, Irdlcates Sunday. The official numoer of cars of a brought In today by each road was: Roads. Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. H C, M. St St P. Ry... 9 16 Wabesh 1 2 Missouri Pacific Ry.. 6- 1 I'nlon Pacific system. 39 19 .20 C. N. W. Ry 23 18 F., E. A M. V. R. R.. 54 S3 7 C, St. P., M. & O.... 34 21 1 B. & M. Ry 61 30 6 C, B. Q. Ry 10 10 i. K. C. Sc St. J 1 C, R. 1. & P., east.. 4 14 C, K. I. & P., west.. .. 1 Illinois Central 6 4.. tock ses. I a Total receipts 236 170 34 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omana Packing Co 625 1.943 199 Swift and Company........ 1,046 2,759 1.441 2,054 1.078 1.492 2.851 2,066 .Armour St Co 1,148 uuaany facKing uo 1,140 Armour, from Bioux City. 131 Carey A Benton 110 Ijobman & Co 26 W. 1. Stephen , - 49 11111 St Huntxlnger S5 Huston St Co 17 Livingstone St Shaller 147 Hamilton 138 L. F. Husa 45 Wolf St M urn an 4 Dennis St Co 7 Werthelmer X10 8. St 8 41 Other buyers 616 992 Totals 6,433 10.275 7,689 CATTLE There was a very heavy run of cattle here today, and In fact receipts were the heaviest for some time past. The local demand, though, was sufficient to prevent much or a break In prices. The big end of the receipts this morning was made up of cornfed steers and the quality was about the same as It has been for the last week or more. Packers were a little slow about taking hold owing to the big run In sight, but at the same time It wss evident that they wanted the cattle, so sellers were holding for steady prices. The market could probably best be de scribed by calling It steady to a little lower. The good handy weight cattle aold at prac tically ateady prices, but the heavy cattle and those that did not Just suit the buyers were a little slow, and II anything a trifle lower than yesterday. There were not very many cows In the yards this morning, and as a result the market ruled active and steady to strong. Buyers were all out early and the cows and heifers changed hands about as fast as offered. Each week It becomes more evident that the big run of cows Is over with, so that packers seem to be anxious for all that class of cattle that they can get. Bulls, veal calves and stags all aold in Just about yesterday's notchea. There were a good many stockers and feeders 4n the yards, but the snore desirable grades sold readily at steady prices. Warmed-up cattle of good quality were bought freely for feeders, but unless they were extra good they sold to packers. Com mon stockers and teeders were slow sale, and If anything a little lower than yester day. Representative sales: BEEP STEERS. 10,141 17.0M 14.395 7.16 10,214 18.494 .9) 11. iw la.Si 7,lt.) 8.910 9., an 9.8.10 21,2.13 ' 10.919 6.611 16.56; 16,140 YEAR TO DA IE. I 1 611 I 18 8 60 6 k2 $ I $ 47 1 1 621 1 871 I a 1 S 821 $ SJ $ 54 $ 4i 4 601 S 89 $ M J 76 S (7 5 68 $ 7 $ ) r.1. s lu,. 1 S., I w - $ 691 t 9 1 64 i IS 74 S 70 8 60 I 7$ 8 63 $ 69, 8 69 $ 6 $ $1 1 J b.il I IV, a ( I $ 60 $ 71 1 91 13 58 18 73 8 14 , I 4 73, 3 Hi I $ 5X1 1 4 00 Is 66 1 $ 761 3 H 3 7i $ 98 3 63, $ 76, I 91 S 60, $ 71 94 Ka. At. Pr. No. At. Pr. I 416 1 to It 1131 it I IIOS I 00 14 lul 4 41 1 TIH IU If 111 45 I IH IK It 1374 4 4t 1 120 t 15 84 liW 4 4i 17 1031 7t 14 .1141 4 60 1 tu 111 1? 1070 4 1 SJU 8 to II.... 1251 4 50 J 1100 4 00 II 1244 4 tO 1 130 4 00 H 11 4 tO ( Mi 4 10 1300 4 tO II Ill 4 It ) 11W 4 60 19 10T,7 4 tO 4 1110 4 60 H 1121 4 It II 1146 4 tl) 1 120 4 ti T 1040 4 to i 7t 4 16 4 M7 4 tO II tW 4 16 4 1110 4 10 II 4 lb 14 1370 4 40 t 1117 4 It It 10(3 4 10 1 174 4 tt : 1268 4 ti J4 1024 4 26 1 1640 4 tt 3 K4 4 1 1323 4 It : tit 4 it 4 iii 4 tt 11 Ita 4 ti T 1170 4 tt 12..., 10U 4 10 17 1210 4 M 1 1231 4 10 12 11H 4 tt t 1071 4 H 44... 1134 4 M e mi 4 it 10 i.' 4 o I mi 4 v, :i .'..iiot 4 to 17 list 4 M It IM 4 40 i 10S0 4 40 I l?f: 4 .. I K 4 40 14 lfr:i 4 if 17 11 4 40 41 1347 4 70 10 181 4 40 tt 137! 4 70 I. 1161 4 40 10 12t( 4 7S It Hot 4 40 II 14.11 4 76 t 1034 4 46 t 1440 4 M fA) 1 1 41 4 4S STEERS AND HEIFERS. It lliu 4 40 10 134 4 40 13 ISO 4 K IS 111 4 to It 1040 4 26 K' 67C 4 ! 1 1043 4 3t 4 6U 4 05 U. 114 4 45 STEERS TEXAS, tl 1st 4 1" COWS. .' 7 70 t 00 10 1004 I P0 1 170 t ti 1 1M1 1 to t ho la 11 ..luo: 1 a 1 160 5 15 1 .: l' S.0 I M t 740 I 40 1 1000 I 60 1.,,. t0 140 i llMO IW 1 1020 8 to I lIL't I 6a 1 iU IU 4 0f. 1 5.1 I IMS 2 46 1 1216 1 ii i ! . i 15 1 1010 I 44 1 !0 t 11 4 11 ) to 1 1st I Tt 1:1k 1 ru 1 no 1 to z 1200 I tt 4 tli t Pi 6 1074 la 1 10110 2 10 4 1110 1 U 11 til 2 I'l I '..ION 1 4i I I2t t 10 12M I l!i 1 176 II SO Z M IU 1 110 i 16 4 lit I 10 I ! t 17 10116 I 10 1 1110 1 00 4 1071 I 10 1 10l) 1 30 1" 1)10 4 70 1 liA IN fJ T.S 1-0 I iK.0 t 0t 13 tit I 76 1 170 I 00 It 1171 I It I 160 I 00 4 120 I Tt II IU IN ' 1 1( JO I Ti 1 Ml III I IKK) I 76 1 111 I in 1 1166 I 71 1 170 I 10 1 2u I 16 I tlfi I 16 4 1137 I It 1 ....111! I 2 11 Ml I 71 1 1071 I t t 11211 I It 1 12IW I It I R34 I It I I ISO I ri It 114 I to I pin 1 n 1 i?"2 1 to 1 1040 I 2t l 1420 S V 1 Itrfi 1 It 4 . W. 3 .1 MS 1 16 1 ItKM J Vf. t 1066 I 16 If (.. .104 I It 1 1110 I 10 I" 11MI 3 V I I '.if. I W 1 12VJ 1 .'. r . 5 1 1110 I 0 I M 111 t 1111 I to 1 1st I 40 4'. 1030 I so I H I 40 II 1117 I M I frS 1 4l ! 1 4 Ml t....r M S ! ,14 1 4 on t lijo 1 40 t leit I to If 161 I 40 S 1070 4 (10 t 1146 I 40 1162 4 ll r .1111 1 40 4 no 4 06 11 (44 I to 4 UH-- 4 10 1 1360 I 50 4 11 4 It i I ill 10 1M4 4 16 t 176 I tO 1 1240 I It I 1O40 I HEIFERS. 3 434 I 04 1 W t U k SIR ft" J t 1 II 1 f1 I It I 4" I M .... Ml i 7 11i0 I 60 i t i 1 ro v 1 7ii 1 S.I f Mt 1 ti 1 414 1 mi I HT0 t v, I M0 I Ml 7" 4C 1 I no t 4i I 7t 1 1111 1 m I lit I It I m.i 1 ns 1 Ml I 71 1 T-.4 I 00 t . art ' t"1 4T I 10 4 1 "06 I In i l. I 10 I :i s It 4l t JO 1 61 4 00 : M 1 it 4 71 4 on 4711 I 26 i 74 4 00 : no yv, t lit- 4 it BULLS. 1 1 MO t to 1 130 I 40 1 4.) I to t 11t I 60 1 smi t on n.n I to 1 ni t eo i ir to 1 IC00 I 14 1 1371 I t 1 140 I SO I "...14 I t4 1 no 1 ro 1 i.o I t 1 i:;n 1 i 1 1440 1 to I !'7t I 10 1 mo I to 1SSI 1 .IS 1 17IM I to 1 12.0 I IS 1 1710 I tl) 1 1.140 I M 1 1400 4 00 1 14M I 4n CALVES. 1 30 I to 1 ISO I tt 1 10 l z 160 I tt 2 16 i 60 ; 160 t It 7 104 I 50 1 170 I to 1 .' 4 00 t 16 I tO Z 20t t (10 8 145 I 60 1 100 I 00 t ISO I 10 150 I St 1 ISO I it 1 110 t 26 1 140 I 60 1 10 1 1 110 1 to STOCK CALVES. I 40 1 to f. II! 1 Hi STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. ........ 44 I 00 1 4.o I CO 4 75 I 00 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 1 Ho I 7t 4.... ;it 4 1 470 t 76 3 IM 4 00 1 660 I 00 11 44 4 00 1 M0 I 00 1 . 737, 4 10 1 110 I 00 1 1!3 4 10 1 430 3 tt I M 111 1 460 15 f.. ISO 4 lb " lo I 30 I , 744 4 It 421 I 60 i 760 4 It 40 I 60 ; 765 4 It J 46 I to 11 741 4 it 711 I 10 454 4 It 1 440 I to 410 4 It 40 I to f. tm 4 II U 404 1 46 1 44 4 20 ' HO t 76 C 411 4 10 ' 6"8 I 15 14 441 4 M 1014 4 35 I ,. 404 4 11 i 760 I 71 40 4 25 40 I If I 430 4 5t ' 430 I It 1 113 4 .4 441 I ti U 474 4 15 ' 667 I 85 IK 144 4 15 f 411 I 90 11 7 H 43 I 10 17 711 4 10 J 710 1 to 7 4M 4 St J 344 I 0 , 7 IM 4 K J IM 4 OS 61 121 4 40 60S 4 00 17 1031 4 40 11 671 4 00 IS 7U 4 40 100 4 00 11 1074 4 to ' 347 4 00 l; 10M 4 a.". HOGS There wss the heaviest run ef hogs here this morning that has arrived since February 24. Packers took advan tage of the big receipts lo break the mar ket, and they started In from the first bid ding generally a dime lower. In a few places rales were made that did not lo..k over 60 lower, but that kind of sales were so scarce that It Is safe to call the general market right around a dime lower than yesterday. The bulk of the hogs sold from 87.30 to 87.40 Prime heavy hogs sold mostly from 17.40 to $7.45, medium weights from 37.30 to $7.40, and the light weights from $7.30 down. Trading was not very active at any time, and as a good many trains were late in arriving the day was well ad vanced before anything like a clearance was made. The close of the market was rather slow and sales: Representative No. Av, 84 17S 2 1R1 42 201 72 215 14 206 1 208 21. ..'...232 68 221 32 229 70 217 26 20 77 230 75 213 68 218 71 241 61 20 Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. ... 7 1TH 71 246 ... 7 35 ... 7 20 75 224 40 7 So 40 7 25 70 236 160 7 85 80 T 25 73 249 ... 7 36 7 30 64 256 80 7 "H ... 7 30 60 ,I7J ... 7 J7H ... 7 (0 64 237 80 7 87U ... 7 30 65 300 40 7 87S ... 7 80 73 234 80 7 87Vj 40 7 80 72 241 . 80 7 7H ... 7 30 70 239 ... 7 871 ... 7 30 49 204 ... 7 7V4 40 7 80 90 219 ... 7 87V? 80 7 80 70 234 ...,7 37V, ... 7 30 9 248 ... 7 87 80 7 30 2 2R 80 7 87'4 160 7 32H 70-. 252 80 7 37V4 80 7 32V 62 2S2 40 7 87V, 80 7 32H 73 272 240 7 37V, ... 7 324 67 25 ... 7 40 ... 7 32V, 72 252 ... 7 40 ... 7 82V4 61 20 80 7 40 80 7 82VJ 68 278 120 7 40 ... 7 82V, 67... ..285 200 7 40 ... 7 33Vi 72 240 10ft 7 40 ... 7 35 S3 230 160 7 40 120 7 85 75 246 40 7 40 ... 7 85 87 25 ... 7 40 80 7 35 63 261 Iff) 7 40 80 7 35 64 263 80 7 40 ... 7 35 73 257 ... 7 40 ... 7 35 72 249 40 7 40 40 7 85 40 256 80 7 40 ISO 7 86 73 276 80 7 40 ... 7 36 83 239 80 7 40 ... 7 35 7....,.259 ... 7 40 120 7 35 122 260 120 7 40 ... 7 85 60 263 ... 7 40 ... 7 35 60 354 40 7 40 40 7 85 48 261 ... 7 40 ... 7 35 63 294 80 7 40 40 7 36 66 263 ... 7 40 40 7 35 64 2K2 40 7 40 ... 7 85 67 267 40 7 40 ... 7 85 68. 278 80 7 40 120 7 35 69 259 ... 7 40 ... 7 85 72 252 ... 7 424 ... 7 35 71 231 ... 7 424 ... 7 35 64 275 80 7 42 ... 7 35 25 303 200 7 42V4 80 ' 7 35 65 21 ... 7 50 ... 7 33 ?0 286 ... 7 50 120 7 85 , 6 231 72... 204 244 74... 70... 86... 61... ..195 ..188 .216 .225 .238 77.... 68.... S7 227 68 243 60 250 ...Z23 ...236 ...246 ...211 292 246 277 235 245 70 241 60 254 68 239 88 210 83 237 78 235 78 239 60 228 74 215 79 227 81 210 63 230 71 242 68 232 IX 226 86 225 76 240 oncer- mere waa quite a liberal run of sheep and lambs on the market this morning, but the demand continued very active, so that a brisk and strong market was experienced. The same as was the case yesterday, everything at all desirable cnangea nands as rapidly as. unloaded and the prices paid ranged strona- to a dime higher than yesterday. The quality of the duik or me onenngs was naraiy up to yea irruay 0 sianuara. so mac tne market nn paper aoes not iook as nigh as it really was. Ewes of fair quality, though, sold as high as to.ou, alio, some wetners Drought $6.00. A good many trains were late In arriving, nut trading continued brisk from start to nntsn, There wss no change In the feeder situa tion. Very few were offered and the de mand waa eufllcient to hold prices fully sieauy. (Quotations: Choice western lambs, $6.7fyfJ 7.00; fair to good lambs, $6.00ii3.75; choice Colorado lambs, l.7,x7'7.15; choice light weight yearlings, 6.0j.2f5; choice heavv yearlings, $o.uCu.7E; fair to good yearlings, $5.O06.5O; choice wethers, C.uC6.75; fair to good. $S.OO0.5O: cnnlce ewes. io.2M3.7o: fair to good ewes, $4.25475.26; feeder lambs, $4.75 lio.to; ieeaer yearlings, 4.zt(04.75: feeder weiners, MUKB4.K.; feeder ewes, 83.003.50 No, Av. Pr. 1 cull ewe to I 00 1 cull ewe 60 3 00 5 cull ewes s t 00 6 cull ewes 3 1 60 60 western lambs 61 4 75 13 cull ewes 89 6 00 p western ewes Ill 6 28 !36 western ewes 96 40 h western ewes loft 6 50 328 western ewes 89 5 60 7 western ewes 98 5 60 1 western ewe ISO 6 75 t western ewes 136 6 75 192 western wethers 113 6 00 475 western iambs 61 6 00 ' ? native lambs...... 135 7 00 1 cull ewe 80 1 75 1 buck 1 IM) 3 60 cull ewes 87 8 60 1 cull ewe 110 8 50 16 cull ewes 4 00 183 western ewes 90 6 00 56 western ewes 93 6 50 1 western ewe 9) 6 60 1K3 western ewes K5 6 60 8 cull lambs 70 60 101 western lambs... 70 6 65 154 western lambs 71 75 v1 western lambs 72 85 272 western lambs 73 (85 4U0 weetern lambs ' ,. 78 7 00 1,027 Colorado lambs 79 7 30 Kansas City Live Btocat Market. KANSAS CITT. March 24 CATTLE Receipts, 7.000 head natives, 600 head Tex ana and head calves, mostly native; heavy corn cattle, 10'al5e lower than Fri day last; light, steady; fat cows and heifers, strong; stackers and feeders, steady; quarantine steady; choice export snd dressed beef steers, 11 &5't6.26;- fair t9 good, $3.5iy4.55; stockers and feeders, $3.20 4.70; weetern fed steers. $3.0O?6.O0; Texas and Indian steers, $3.5ot(4.40: Texas cows, $2.on33.26; native cows, $1.60tfTH 10; nailts heifers, 13.01 "a 4 50; canners, $1. 002 50; bulls, $26tii4.50; calves. $2.27. fx. HOO8 Receipts. 7.0u0 hesd; market 6c lower; top, $7.55; bulk of sales. $7.35'l760; heavy, $7.42Vi'7.55; mixed packers, $7 25'' i.n-'V.; light. 17 2"tfM.4jV; yorkers, $7.35 7.47 vi: rigs, $.itf.4r7.io. 8HEKP AND LAMBS Receipts, 5.00) head; market firm; native lambs, $4.00tr?7.25; western lambs. $4.jOtU7.25; fed ewes. $3.40 s.ul: native wethers, $3 96626.00; western wethers. $3.9fkQ.uu; stockers and feeders, $2 95(34. iq. St. Joseph I. lie Htork Market. ST. JO8EPH. Mo.. March 24. C ATTIRE Receipts, 2,741 head; steady to strong; cows and heifers steady to 10c higher; natives, $3.8&fj6.35: cows snd heifers. $2.251-4.40; year lings and calves, $3.0134.50; stockers and feeder. $3 861b 4. so. HfXSS Receipts, 7.153 head: generally 64 10c lower; pigs steady; light and light mixed. $7.32 7. 45; .las $5 fWrfTOO. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. $.160 hesd: active, steady to strong; top Colorado wHhers. $6.25; Colorado ewes. $5.70: lambs, steady and closed 5c higher; top Colorado, $7.40. Geo. A. Adams Grain Go. GRAIN. PROVISIONS AND STOCKS. Members Chicago Boar) of Trade. Pf. Louis Merchsnts Fxrhange and Kan sas Cltv Board of Trade Room fc4 Board Trade Hid . Omaha. Phones 1006 and 1017. J. R. Vos Dora, Vtee rresMent. VVrtt for our market letter and caan grain bids. PR1VATK WIRES. WEARE GRAIN & ELEVATOR COMPANY Members Principal Exchanges. Private Wires. BRANCH OFFICE OMAHA, NEB. 110-111 Board of Trade. W. E. WARD, Mgr. Telephone lo. I'OSTOKKICE NOTICE. Tshould be read DAILY y all-Interested, as changes may occur at any time.) Foreign malla for the ween uniting March 23, 1903 will close (PROMPTLY In all cases) at the' general postotflce ss lollows: I'AK CiCl.s l-oST MAILS close one hour earlier than dosing tlrne shown below, ltt.txi pit malls for Uermany close at 6 1. m. Vunday per a. s. Kronprlns Wm.; Wednes day, W s. a. 0 Kurfursl, and r"rld., prr . s. Pretoria. Regular and supplementary malls close st foreign station haif i.our inter than i iunlng time shown oelow (except that supplemen tary malla lor Europe and Central Amerlia. via Colon, close one hour later at lui ! station). Transatlantic Malls. WEDNESDAY At 7:30 a. m. for NETHER LANDS direct, per s. s. Kyndam tnuiil must be dlrtcted "per s. s. tfyudam"); at 11:30 a. m. (supplementary 1 p. m.) for Kl'HOPE, per s. s. Cedrlc, via wucenw town (mall must be directed "per s. . Cedrlc"). THURSDAY At 7 a. m. lor FRANTIC. HWl'I ZERLAND ITALY, SPAIN PORT IOAI TURKEY, EGYPT, OUiKCK. BRITISH INDIA and iAJRENZO HAK QtKZ, xr a. . La Champagne, via Havre (mail for :her purls of eluropw must be dlrtcteJ ''per s. s. La Champagne"). FRIDAY At 6:30 p. m. tor AZORES IS LANDS, per j. s. Commonwealth, from boston. SATURDAY At 8 a. m. for BELGIUM di rect, per s. s. Kensington (mail must b directed "per s. s. Kensington"); at ll:3'J a m. (supplementary 1 p. m.) for EU ROPE, per s. s. Etrurla via (Jueeiitttown; at 12:30 p. m. for ITALY direct, per s. . Koenig Albert (mall must be directed "per . s. Koenig Albert"). PRINTED MATTER. ETC.-Thls steamer takes printed matter, lommerctal papers and samples for Cicrmany only. The same class of mall matter (or 11 her parts of Europe will not be sent by this ship un less specially a tree text by her. After the closing of the supplementary transatlantic mails named aoove, addi tional supplementary malls are ipened on the piers of the American, English. French ana uerman steamers, ana remuin open until within ten minutes of the nour of sailing of steamer. Malls for Boath-aud Central America, West Indies. Rte. WEDNESDAY At 12 m. for BARBADOES. CEARA and MARANHAM, j.rr t. s. iiu .bert; at 1:30 p. m. tor BRAZIL, per s: s. Kaffir Prince, via Pernamhuco and Santoa (mail lor Northern Rraxll must be di rected "per s. n. Kaffir Prince"); at 8 p. m. for ARGENTINE VRl'Ul'AY and PARAGUAY, per s. a. Soldier Prince. THURSDAY At 8 a. m. tor CUBA, YUCA TAN, CAMPECHE. TABASCO and CHI APAS, per s. s. Vlgtlancla (mail for other parts of Mexico must be directed "per s. s. Vigllancla"); at 10 a. m. for URI.N "ADA and TRINIDAD, per s. Maracas; at 11 a. m. for ST. KITTS, ST. MARTINS, ST. EUBTATIU8 BRITISH, DUTCH and f K.ft,in uL lAt a, per s. a. Liier; si 13 m. (supplementary 12:?0 p. m.) for BAHAMAS GUANTANAMO and SANTI AGO, per s. a. Orixaba. FRIDAY At 12 m. for MEXICO, per s. s. Seneca via Tamplco (mall lr.ust be di rected '"per s. . Seneca"). SATURDAY At 8 a. ni. for BERMUDA, per s. s. Pretoria; at 9 a. m. for PORTO RICO, per s. s. Ponce; at 9 a. m. (supple, mentary 9:30 a. m.) for CURACOA and VENEZUELA, per s. s. Maracalbo (mall for Savanllla and Cartagena must be di rected "per . . 1. Maracalbo"!; at 9:30 a m. (supplementary l0r0 a.1 m.l'for. FORTUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA. 8AVA- NILLA, CARTAGENA and UKEYTUW N, per a. a. Valencia (mall for Costa Rica must be directed "'per s. s. Valencia"); at 1 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for INAGUA and HAITI, per s. s. Flandrla; at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per a. s. Mexico, via Havana. Malls Forwarded Overland, Etc.. Ex cept Transpacific. CUBA By rail to Port Tamoa. Fla., and thence by steamer, closes at this oMlce dally, except Thursday, at 45:30 a. m. (the connecting malls close here on Mou days, Wednesdays and Saturdays), MEXICO CITY Overland, unless specialty addresseO for dispatch by steamer, closes at this office dally, except Brm'ay, at 1:34 p. m. and 11:30 p. m. Sundaya at 1 p. m. and 11:30 n. m. NEWFOUNDLAND By rail to North Sydney, and thence by steamer, closes at this office dally at 6:30 p. in. (connecting .nails close here every Monday, Wednes day ard Saturday). JAMAICA By rail to Boston, and thence by ateamer, closes at thla office at 6:30 p. m. every Tuesday, by tali to Philadel phia, and thence by steamer, closes at this office at 11:30 p. m. every Wednesday. M'QUELON Bv rail to Boston, and thence bv steamer, closes at this office dally at 6:30 p. m. BELIZE. PUERTO CORTE55 and GUATE MALA By rail to New Orleans, and thence by steamer, closes at this ol.lce rtplly. except Sunday, at tl:30 p. m. and tlt:30 p. m., Sundays at tl:uo p. n.. and (11:30 p. m (connecting mall closes here Mondays st tll:30 p. m.). COSTA RICA By rail 10 Hew Orleans, ami tbence by attamer, closes at this office dally, except Sunday, st 1.30 p. m. and 1 11:30 p. m., Sundays at tl p ii. and tll:3 p. m. (connecting mail closes here Tues days at 111.30 p. m.. BAHAMAS (except parcels post malls) By rail to Miami, Fla., nn'l 1 hence by steamer, closes at this r.ftlce at 15:30 a. 111. every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. REGISTERED MAIL closes at p. m. previous day. Transpacific Malla. HAWAII. CHINA, JAPAN snd specially addressed matter for the PHILIPPINE lb LANDS, via San Francisco, c'e her oaily at :30 p. m. up to March 1M, In clusive, for despatch per s. s. Amerxa Maru. CHINA and JAPAN, via Tneoma. rlosa here daily at 6.30 p. m. up to March 24th, inclusive, for despatch per s. v. Sha vmut. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via Bar. Fran, cisco. close hare dally at 6.30 p. m. up to March 527 ih. inclusive, for despatch per U. S. transport. NEW ZEALAND. AUSTRALIA (except West). NEW CALEDONIA. FIJI, SAMOA and HAWAII, via ban Francireu, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. arter March litli and up to 7Iarch (28th, Inclusive, for des patch per fc. s. Ventura. (If the CunarJ steamer carrying the Br.tlsh mail for New Zealand does not arrive In time to connect with this despatch, jrv malla closing at f:30 a. m., .Su a. n. and :3J p. m., Sundaya at 4:3v a. m., 9:30 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. will be made up and fur warded until the ariival of the Cunarii steamer). AUSTRALIA (except West). FIJI 13. iAru ana isr;w CALEDONIA, via Vancouver and Victoria, H. C cloe hrro dally at 6.30 p. m. up to March ,:sli. In clusive, for despatch per 1. e. ;.iyana (t-if dally addrexsed onl"j. HAWAII. JAPAN. ?HI?A and PHILIP FINE ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close here daily at 6 30 p. m. up to March 4,30th. Inclusive, lor despatch ner a. knr.it. CHINA and JAPAN, via Seattle, close here dally at :u p. in. up to April list. In clusive, for denpatch per s. s. lyo Maru. HAWAII, via San Francisco, close here oaily at s.ju p. m. up 10 April jiin, in clusive, for despatch per s. s. Alameda. CHINA and JAPAN, via Vancouver and. Victoria, u. J.. close here dally at 6:3s p. m. up to April 7th, Inclusive, for des patch per a. s. Emprtsa of Japan. Mer chandise for U. S- Postal agency, at bnanghal cannot be forwarded via Cans 'Ik. TAHITI and MARQUESAS ELANDS, via Ban r raiii'iscb ciuce nere fiauy at e:i'f p. m. vp to April -4th, incluelve for des patch per s. s. Mariposa. NOTE Unless otherwise addressed, West Australia la forwarded via Europe, and New Zealand and Philippines vU San Francisco the quickest loutes. Philip pines specially addressed "via Canada" or "via Europe" must be fully prepaid at the foreign rates. Hawaii Is' forwarded via San Francisco exi'lindvely. Transpacific malls ars forwarded to port of sailing oai y ana ins acriequie or clo-lnn la arrangej on the presumption of their uninterrupted overlaud transit. Regis tered mail closes SW :0u p. m. previous CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster Postotflce, New York. N. Y-. March 30, 1901.