Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 25, 1903, Page 3, Image 3

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A Conversation With, a Climax.
Wkti a.
Professional Man
to tne Point.
Talks. If
Seversl famous American physicians and
surgeons were recently dining together
after a session of a national meeting held
la N York.
"I had a remarkable ease thla winter,"
remarked a surgeon present, whose name
aa a specialist la rectal diseases Is world
wide. "Mr patient was a woman, a dell,
cate, Berre racked creature, who had suf
fered so fearfully from the rarsgea of
hemorrhoids that the knife Beamed the
only eolation of the trouble, and yet her
heart was weak and her strength so wssted
by this fearful disease that we dared not
"I had ceased my visits to her for a time
and had given up all hope, when one morn
ing she entered my office looking like a new
woman; the pallor had disappeared and Iho
lines of suffering were nearly eradicated
from her face. She told me that sbe had
purchased a proprietary medicine, namely.
Pyramid Pile Cure, and that from the first
Insertion of the suppositories she had ob
tained Instant relief. I made an examine
tlon and found the rectum In excellent con
dition, the Inflammation entirely dlsap
peered and the swollen reins In normal con
"I was ao Interested In the .case that I
had the remedy analyzed carefully and was
so pleased with the result of the analysis.
finding a combination of the most healing
and scientific remedies present In the Pyra
mid Pile Cure and la a more convenient
form than I could secure 'them otherwise
that I wrote to the Pyramid Drug Company
at Marshall. Mich., asking tor their booklet
on Piles, their Nature, Cause and Cure
(which by the way Is sent free.) and have
since used their Pile Cure extensively and
with best results In my practice. I do not
hesitate to recommend it to you all. It
will often aave your patient from a painful
aiirglcal operation which In many cases re
suits fatally."
lira, Eurdic Keeps Meant of Entry to
Enjbaod'i Eonte.
Deaf Hi. Kiro.raiM Iter to Meet
Lawyer While Vie Rtnan Intl
aaate with Who
Has Eatry to Dew.
Bt'FFALO. March 24. When the Inquest
Into her husband's death waa resumed to
day Mrs. Burdlck was at once recalled and
subjected to further cross questioning con
cerning her relatlcns with Penned.
Right at the end Mr. Coatsworth made
her swear thst she hsd no Idea who the
criminal could be and tried to make her
Incriminate her lover. In this he failed,
and Mr. Hartiell. who appeared for the
widow, failed equally to persuade her to
fasten the blsme on Mrs. Pennell, although
sbe sdmltted that her husband and her
lover's wife were on extremely Intimate
"There was an occasion about two years
ago when you and Mr. Burdlck had quite an
altercation?" asked Mr. Coatsworth, when
Mrs. Burdlck had taken her seat.
"Tee, sir." wsa the reply.
"Did you not at tbat time strike him
over the hesd with a chair T"
"I did not."
Pleads with Geaeroaa Hosbaad.
At one time last year Mr. Burdlck left her,
but consented to return borne after she had
pleaded with him.
"My Ood. Ed, this must not be," sbe
wrote. "You hsve been generous; continue
to be so."
Then he came home and she Intended to
give way to Pennell. Then ou December
2 came the visit on Seveoth street during
which her husband surprised her, and sent
Save Your Hair
With warm shampoos of Cuticura
Soap and light dressings of Cuticura
Ointment, purest of emollient skin
cures. This treatment at once stopa
falling hair, removes crusts, scales and
dandruff, destroys hair parasites, soothes
Irritated, itching surfaces, stimulates
the hair follicles, supplies the roots with
nourishment, loosens the scalp skin,
and makes the hair grow upon a sweet,
wholesome, healthy scalp, when all else
, Sold throughout the world.
tor a divorce and she went to Niagara Falls
accompanied by Pennell. When she left the
Falls Pennell met her again in Buffalo and
went to New York with her. He stayed
there seven days.
"Was Mrs. Pennell there, too?"
"Did you visit Mrs. Pennell V
"How often did Pennell visit you?"
Every day."
"Did Mrs. Pennell know you were there?"
"I think she did."
Mr. Coatsworth showed a letter written
by Mrs. Pennell, dated December 29, 1902,
GUANTANAMO, March 24. After a per- to Burdlck. Ia It Mrs. Pennell said she
Decides to Make Goaittnamo Principal
Station in West Indies
Proposes te Bar Twtsty tasars Miles
ad Several Small lalaada froaa
British aad Spanish
sonal Inspection of the proposed -site Sec
retary Moody has selected Ouantanamo as
the principal United States naval station
la the West Indies.
Secretary Moody and his associates have
worked Incessantly during the last two
days, under a hot sun, exsmining the
strategic points, the transportation faclll-
wanted to warn him and pleaded with him
to take Mrs. Burdlck borne and not blast
the lives of her children. Sbe told him
Mrs. Burdlck wsa about to leave New. York
for Atlantic City and that he should call
her back before she left.
Another letter written by Mrs. Pennell
to Burdlck was resd. It wss another plea
ties, the water supply and tha surrounding I that he drop the divorce proceedings and
country. They visited the locations of the
proposed fortifications, surveyed the coast
line and conferred with the owners of the
land it la proposed to acquire.
Senator Proctor and the congressmen
consent to return to Mrs.' Burdlck for the
sake of his children, declaring that they
needed a mother's love and care. Mrs.
Pennell urged him to trust his wife once
more. The letter waa unaatea, dui en
will recommend the purchase of twenty I dently was written about two weeks after
square mrles of land on both sides of the
lowr bay and several small Islands. As
soon -as the necessary legislation has been
secured tbey favdr the construction of per
msnent barracks, a dry dock and strong
fortifications, designed against a sea at
tack bnly, fortifications on the land side
not being considered necessary,
No difficulty Is anticipated In acquiring
the necessary land, as the Spanish and Eng
and navy will maintain forces at Ouan
tanamo. Dolphin will sail for Jamaica to
Mrs. Burdlck left for Atlantic City.
The district attorney here reverted to
the divorce action. Mrs. Burdlck said that
Pennell managed everything for her in re
latlon to It. She denied that she baa en
gaged the detectives who followed Burdlck.
Pennell did all that.
"Then you did not want to defend tnat
I did not know what I did want. I left
Burdlck said that Pennell learned at ihe
charity ball that Burdlck had secured from
her the letters which Pennell had writteu
to her. He teemed much acitated an l
wanted the letters back.
Bardlek Intimate with Mra. Peaaell.
Her. husband, she went on, alwsys
brought her with Pennell aa much as pos
sible, while he went with other women.
Still In spite of all, this Intimacy, she had
never compromised herself with the law
yer, who always acted as a gentleman.
Then Mr. Hartzell strove to shift sus
picion from husband to wife and asked
question after question concerning Mrs.
Pcnnell's relations with the desd msn.
They were very Intimate, sstd witness,
and no doubt the lawyer's wife could have
gained admission to the house at any time
of nlht.
"And she was familiar with the dining
room and the den?" suggested counsel.
"Yes. sir."
"The door of the den faced the front
"Yes. sir."
"And a person could tap on the window
of the front door and attract attention of
anyone In the den without ringing the
door bell?"
"Yes. sir."
Mrs. Burdlck did not know thst It wss
Mrs. Pennell's love for her husband which
made her refuse to agree to a divorce. She
thought It was because sbe dreaded the
Finally witness denied ever hearing that
either Mr. or Mrs. Pennell called on Bur
dlck on the night of the murder.
Two of the Burdlck children were then
called and the Inquest was adjourned till
License or Ha License and Party
Politics Eater Into tha
owners: rnlbualastlcslly favor1 the ata l it all to Pernell
i. It-tr thought that both tha army f.
for Hlfkmsy
. NEUGH. Neb., March 24. (Special Tele
gram.) The preliminary hearing of Frank
Henry, who waa arrested at Brunswick last
Saturday night on a charge of highway rob
bery, .was held today in county court. The
testimony of Walter Older, the complaining
On December 12 you wrote your husband
from New York saying your going back
home would make no difference, as Pennell
said you had no defense and the divorce
waa to be granted by agreement, w ny was
the chsnge made with regard to making a
Aarroee to Divorce br Defaalt.
Mr. Burdlck told me if I made no de
fense I oeuld hsve the children half of the
time. Afterward I thought I would make
a defense and save my honor."
Was It sfter Mrs. Pennell had refused
witness, aa to the Identity of the accused
was positive. . The defense Introduced no to permit Pennell to get a divorce that you
evidence and Henry was bound over to tne I decided to defend your suit?
district court with bonds fixed. at f 1.500.
This la the third holdup In Brunswick
within six months and Is the first arrest
that has been made.
Peach Bads All Riant.
TECUMSEH. Neb.. March 24. (Special.)
The local orchardlata report the peach
trees and buds aa la good condition and
anticipate a crop.
Bon Paine, Itching. Scabby
kin Dlaoaaaa.
Swellings. Carbuncles, Pimples, Scrofula
kMauflil. aura bv takiau netaale Bleed Balav. It
daetrurs the artlee ralasa la the hi ma. If yoa ban
acaea aad talus la hoaoa. Sack aaa latau, itcmns.
Seaobr 8MB. IMaad (aula tot ar UIB. gaol lea Olaaea,
Ruinu bbS Buuue aa lb Ski. ralcbua la
LlMtk Sara Throat. Ptaiplae ar alHim eruptlooe.
i oinar-Calora Bbom ar kauh aa Skia. all raa-ouaa.
ar narouu. I' Iran aa in part a! lha Boar. Hair ar
Byearawa nulla eat. Cerbwaaiee ar Bulla, lake
Botanlo Blaod Balm, gaaraateed
ta aura tka worut an aaoat sea aeated caa
uikaea aaetora. aatant medicines and hot sarins tall.
It Mil til awuu. atupa all arbue ana Balua. naion all
soulllng. aaaaos bload aura and rtch, euaapwtslr
uuki tha entire budr lata a alaaa. aaauar aoeat-
tlBB. B. B. B. haa rorud thouaauas at mil
bleat releea evaa after ranching the laat stages.
Old Rhenaaatleaa, Catarrh, Reseat
ara uanuod br aa awful eoleoae condition af tl
Bloaa. B. B ft. stop Haakiua aaa Spltllas. Itca
lae an 4 Scralrhlas. Ahe am a Paiae. etiraa Rhau.
l-in l. Catarrh; baala all S aba, Seal. Kraatlaaa,
Water? Bl later, foul, fuutariag Sera tt Bcaeau. br
glvlag s para, health? Meed auvplr te uSecta Ban.
Jaaeer in ran.
Betaal Bleed Balm Cures CaBcera at all Kind.
Suaaurallna Su-alllate, Ballna Sorea. Tutaara, Oflr
I'lcara. It kllla the Caocar rolaaa aaa Baala Uta
aaraa ar want eaaear parfrrtlr. I' a ka.a a aar
alMaat Flatpla. Wan. Saalllaaa, Skaatla. BUdcIbs
Paiaa. La a UiaaS Balm aaa tkaf will tlminr ba
lm taar ama llo Caaoar. Maar apearaalir
fcaaelaaa caaaa at Caaoar cans b
auaaS Bala.
I la
as a. I a ha s Ik..
arara batlla (a nij mt aa
4ratltol, lake at airHW. fl.l.ala
taiMa aJ aai a eare
rtaaai tba right aMaaat to takn,
f a, at nt raar aaaaiar a. II I
Botnnla Blood Bales (B. B. B.) U
floaamat an 4 aara la take. Tkaraaaklr taataS far SS
raaxa, I aannail at rm Bacaalc lasraSlaala
Straa(tkaa aaak kl4Br bb4 waak ataoa tta. oaraa't" raaiplria airacuaaa aa auk aack houia.
CltN. tl.tS.
old In Osnnan br Knha at Co, lath
and Do a a lava- atroota.
In Conaell BloCs by R. B. Aadaraoa.
M0 Broadway. In Sooth Omaha hy
Dillon Drat Co., Mlh and M.
Coll or write any above aSoroo.
Blood. Bavins aeat hy asproaa.
( 1 exgtlve promo
a Ikh. 2U
No; Mrs. Pennell never positively re
fused or agreed."
What was Pennell going to do with you
after you were divorced?"
"He said he would go out west and get
divorce from his wife and marry me."
Continuing, Mra. Burdlck aaid she did not
know that Pennell made provision to psy
her $25,000, but she thought she claimed
alimony from her husband, though she
never applied to the courts tor It.
When you got the telegram announcing
Burdlck'a death, what reply did you send?"
I replied thst I would be home the fol
lowing morning."
"Did you also telegraph, to Pennell V
"Tea, I wired him to meet me at the sta
"You arrived that Friday morning, did
you ask Mra. Hull how tt bad happened?"
Why, yes, I said 'Mamma, what In the
world haa happened?' and she said, 'Ed, Ed
la dead. He has been murdered In his own
house.' "
"Did you hear from Pennell that day?" -"I
got a brief note In which he aald he
waa sorry hs had been at the Falls, so that
he could not meet me."
She did sot reply, neither did the com
municate with him In any way after that.
She never saw Pennell again after he left
her on the train going to Atlantic City.
Then counsel turned to Mrs. Pennell and
her part In the drama. He produced a let
ter to Mr. Burdlck la which she asked It
he was absolutely crazy In pressing the dl
vorce proceedings. 8hs called attention to
the fact that pennell did not value life too
highly and Intimated that he might commit
suicide and taks Mra. Burdlck with him. .
But wltnesa could throw no light on the
meaning', although Pennell wss repeatedly
writing her ia a pessimistic strain.
Did he ever ssy anything to you about
putting an end to his existence?"
He said he would rather be dead tbsa
crippled or maimed, but sever raid he
would commit suicide."
Keene Key to Door.
Pausing only for a moment here, Coata-
worth returned on a aew tack and tried to
get her to Incriminate her lover.
When she went to Niagara Falls she had
a key to her nusrjana a nouse, wnicn sne
took with her to New York and Atlaatlc
"And Mr. Pennell also had a key to tha
door?" queried counsel almost eagerly.
Not that I know of," replied Mrs. Bur
dlck with surprise.
"Will you swear Pennell did not have
thst key ia hie possession while you were
la New York?"
"I will."
"Hsve you received any Information as
to who killed your husband?"
"No. sir."
"You are positive about that?"
"Yea. sir."
"You never beard anypne say that he or
she waa going to do It?"
"No. air."
"And you nave ao laforaiatlea or knowl
edge by which you caa place your hands on
who did ltr
"No. sir."
Tbsfs all." said Mr. Coatsworth aa be
resumed rls seat
Creea-eaaaalaed by Mr. HarUell. Mra.
FAIRBURY. Neb.. March 24. (Special.)
C. H. Denney, nominee of the high license
caucus, haa declined the nomination and
the commtttee has nominated Dr. S. W
Dodge for the place. The bigh license men
also nominated Wilson Clark for police
judge and the anti-saloon party, nominated
O. H. Strock for the- same office,; and J.
C. Richardson for city engineer.
CHADRON. Neb., March 24. (Special.)
Pursuant to a call of the city clerk, the
voters of tbe city met In citizens' caucus
and placed the following ticket in the field:
Mayor Robert Hood; clerk. L. J. F. Hough
ton; treasurer. B. L. Scovel; surveyor.
Duncan McMillan; police judge, D. Y.
Moars; councilman. First ward, Charles
Kllngermsn; councilman. Second ward,
Charles HUbert; councilman, Third ward,
Edy Randall; members of tbe school board,
for three years, C. E. Foster and Dr. E.
A. Weir. There was a lively contest, for
these offices between the saloon element
snd the law and order element, owing to
the recent prosecutions of the saloon keep
ers and gamblers, but as the offices are
about equally divided between the two ele
ments another ticket Is not looked for.
Mast Pick Place la Gaarda.
FREMONT. Neb.. March 24. (Special.)
At a banquet given by the non-commls-stoned
officers of the engineering and sig
nal corps at their armory last evening.
Adjutant General Culver ordered the com
pany to decide In the near future whether
tbey preferred to be an engineering or sig
nal corps. The company has been drilling
la the work of both lines and expected to
be divided Into two platoons with addi
tional commissioned officers, the one to be
signal corps and tbe other an engineer
ing division. A new compsny. General
Culver aald, was prepared to be mustered
in either as an engineering or signal corps,
depending on the decision of the Fremont
company. They will probably prefer tbe
engineers. The rsnks .of the company are
full and there are two or three on the
waiting list. The banquet last svenlng wss
attended by a number of the honorary mem
bers of tha company and by General Cul
Commercial Travelers Fleet Officers.
BEATRICE. Neb.. March 24.-(Special )
The Beatrice lodge of United Commercial
Travelers met last night and elected offi
cers for the ensuing year as follows: J.
T. Sullivan, senior counselor; F. W. Cole,
psst counselor, F. E. Morrison junior coun
selor; W. C. Brooks, secretary snd treas
urer; R. M. Allen conductor; R. A. Weston,
psge; E. E. Abbott, sentinel. The execu
tive committee Is composed of R. M. Allen,
R. A. Weston, George M. Horner, E. E.
Abbott. The council voted to subscribe
I2S to ths Young Men's Christian assocls-
tlon. The grand lodge of the order will
meet in Beatrice May 1.
thoott and Seriously Wounds J. 0. McCinu,
a (Striker
Fred Root, the Maa Who Fired the
hot, aad Several Wltaeesee Are
Locked la at Police '
Head Barters.
John G. McCsnn, one of the t'nlon Pa
cific strikers, wss shot la the left breaat
by Fred Root, a strike bresker, during a
fight at the corner of Ninth street anl
Capitol avenue, at noon yesterday. The
wounded msn waa removed to his home,
1414 North Sixteenth street. His condi
tion Is said to be precarious. ,
The trouble stsrted Monday evening, when
strikers are said to hsve caused the strike
breakers annoyance as they were leaving
tbe Union Pacific yards. This grsw until
yesterday noon, when a party of the rail
road's employes were - returning to their
work,after having partaken of lunch out
side tbe stocksde.
When near tbe corner of Ninth and Cap
itol the strike breakers were met by tbe
strikers snd a light ensued. During tho
fracss Root was knocked to the side
walk. It Is said. He then drew his revolver.
It Is said, and fired two shots. One of the
shots went wild, but the second, struck
McCano In tne bresst.
McCsnn fell to tbe wslk and a rail was
sent to police headquarters. A squad dt
officers arrived on the scene and took Into
custody E. A. Thorp, John Clslr, S. P. Sor
ensen. Andrew B. White and William
Richelieu, wbo were taken to police head
quarters, where they will be held as wit
nesses. McCaaa at Hospital.
At 6 o'clock yesterday evening the
wounded man waa taken to St. Joseph's
hospital, where he oould have better at
tention than at his ewo home. While his
wound is of an extremely painful nature.
It is not as serious as at first supposed.
Dr. Riley, who msde the final examination
and dressing of the Injury, says the bullet
was Meflected by a rib and followed tt
around the left side, lodging In the flesh,
without entering the chest. The rib is
somewhat splintered and McCano cannot
lie down, but has to sit propped up with
Root will make only the statement that
he was knocked down and kicked and fired
In self-defense. He says thst he shot once
for a wsrnlng. but that his asssllsnts did
not desist, and be then Bred to hit one of
It Is stated by bystanders who saw the
affray that after Root wss knocked down
McCann was standing Over him, kicking
him when the shot was tired. The witnesses
who were taken Into custody by the police
refuse to tell anything regarding tbe affair.
McCann says that he was shot while he
was standing In the crowd surrounding the
strike breakers, but denied thst he waa as
saulting Root at tbe time the shooting hap
pened. Ball for Prlsoacrs.
Police hesdquartera waa kept la a atate
of ferment all the afternoon Monday, by
rrienas or the strikers who had been locked
up In connection with, the . shooting of
J. W. McCann by Fred Root, endeavoring
to secure their release on ball bonds. Con
ferences were held by .representatives of
the strikers with Captain Haze and not
until late In the afternoon did that officer
consent to the releasing of any of the
men. Six men .were permitted to enjoy
liberty under a ball bond until this morn
ing, when they will appear In the police
court, at which tima Jeaeph Rannle, E. A.
Thorp, John Clair, S. P. Sorenson and
Andrew B. White will be arraigned on A
charge of assault with intent to do great
bodily barm. Bert DeGroat, who was an
eye witness to the shooting, will be held
aa a state's witness.
During the afternoon the Union Pacific
company'a attorneys appeared at police
headquarters and secured the release of
the men In the company'a employ who bad
been taken Into custody or detained as a
result of the shooting. .
After being released on bonds Andrew B.
White, who Is charged with being one of
the attacking party, expressed a wish to be
In Iowa and threatened co take the first
csr for the Bluffs. Hla bondsmen stood
i within hearing distance of b'.s remarks
and quickly returned htm to tbe station
where they surrendered htm Into the cus
tody of the officers.
Haso Decides tho Qacstloa.
Captain Haze stated during the af'ernoon
that the men who are alleged to havo com
mitted or participated In the assault would
be arraigned thla morning, aa Assistant
County Attorney Magney, with whom he
had been in consultation, bad ao agreed.
The captain also stated that the attorneys
and police have decided that a complaint
shall not be made against Root, who did
the shooting, until after the hearing of
tbe other prisoners has occurred.
"If it develops clearly that he waa beset
upon by the strikers and waa being kicked
t tbe time he shot McCann," aald the
captain, "and that he did It in self-
defense his case may be allowed to rest
In the meantime he will be kept In jail.
or If his relesse la secured It will be upon
bonds sufficient to cover the charge of
shooting with intent to kill."
Nona of the witnesses wbo were locked
up, nor those who are cnargea with hav
ing participated In the affray would apeak
concerning tha shooting after they were
Root Badly Braised.
Root's injuries show thst he waa kicked
severely In the beck of the hesd, which
causes him Incessant pain. His neck alao
shows many bruises were inflicted upon
him, his arms and shoulders being a maas
of black and blue spots.
An additional arrest waa made late dur
ing the day, when Le w i Metz was arrested
charged with assault.
The Spirit of America
is exemplified in America's greatest food product '
Unocda Biscuit
A food for body and brain workers
almost all nutnmen'v. A food for busy people
quickly bought and convenient
The most skillful baking in the world
money cannot buy better, jet sold at a popular price 5c. .
, A necessity for their food value and economy.
A luxury in their goodness and cleanliness.
Always packed in the In-er-seal Package,
which preserves the goodness of
A small bottle of Scott's
Emulsion costing fifty cents
will last a baby a month a
few drops in its bottle each
time it is fed. That's a small
outlay for so large a return of
health and comfort
Babies that are given
Scott's Emulsion quickly re
spond to its helpful action.
It seems to contain just the
elements cf nourishment a
baby needs most
Ordinary food frequently
lacks this nourishmenf.Scott s
Emulsion always supplies it
Wt U kb4 yoa s
SCOTT ft BOW K E, u. Fasti Sea, New Vara.
Brick Plaat t'haaa-es
TABLE ROCK, Neb.. March 24. (Spe
clal.) An Importsnt business change oc
curred here Saturday last, by which tho
brick plant of the Table Rock Vitrified
Brick and Paving company passed to the
new firm of The Cotton Brick company
compceed of George F. Cotton and E. P.
Bracken ot this place, aad Harvey O. Ward
of Tecumaeh, the bridge contractor an
Guilder ot that rlty. Tbis desl haa been
In progreea for some time and the papers
were "signed on Saturday, by which th
plant passes to the new Arm. Ths Vitrified
Brick compsny wss organised in 1893 by
Meek, Brtggs and Cotton of 8uperlcr
George F. Cotton haa been In the brick
business nearly all hla life and engineered
hs building of this plant. Mr. E. P,
Bracken has been la the service of tbe Bur
Ilngton road tor many years. Mr. Ward 1
In the bridge bus'nesa, and Bracken
Ward also hsve charge of the Johnson stone
Teeaaaaeb Waata School Belldlaffe.
TECUMSEH. Neb.. March 14. (Special.)
Tbe Tecumaeh school district needs more
school room. Tbe district awns the high
school building, tbe gramme r school build
ing and two ward schools, but these build
ings do not afford auBclent room. Tbe
high school building especially la badly
crowded. Ia one room where there Is a
sestlng capacity of fifty -six there are fifty
nine puplkt earollsd. .The condition ia con-
l,Do Not Traat All Diseases
but Cure All I Treat
There Is seldom a day that I am nit
consulted by aa unfortunate sufferer
who. If he hsd consulted me In regard
to his condition in its early htagee. 1
would have cured him and saveti him
i much suffering, annoyance and ex
pense This 1 consider due to lack of
knowledge on the part of the one whj
has previously treated the case; there
fore. I say to you. If you are suffering
from any disease or condition peculiar
to men. or If you have been a victim
' and have been disappointed In not get
ting a permanent . cure elsewhere. I
would ask that you come to our office
and I will explain to you OUR SYS
originated after my whole life's ex
perience. I will give you a thorough
is the enlsrgement of the veins of the
scrotum and a condition that mankind
suffers from more than all other con
ditions combined, 'and Is the direct
cause of nervous prostration and the
esrly loss of mental, physical and
vital powers, which in turn cause "
business failures and unhapplnesa.
My treatment for this condition Is
perfectly painless. I accomplish a per
manent cure without cutting or tying
operation or any detention from busi
ness. The nest reference I can give
as to my ability In curing thla condi
tion Is the namea of thousands who
hsve given me the permission of using
their names after permanently curing
them when others had failed.
la the most loathsome of venereal
diseases, and It Is one that may be
.hereditary or acquired. The first
symptom an ulcer, then pains in thi
bones snd Joints, ulceration of tne
mouth, tnrost snd tongue, falling out
ot the hair and eyebrows and a copper-colored
rash coming out over the
entire body. I care not who haa
treated you and failed, I will cure yoj
Just ss sure as sou will come to me
for treatment. I use no mercury or
Iodide, thereby asuring you when
cured that your bones and tissues srs.
not destroyed.
In all Its forms BY MT SYSTEM OF
TREATMENT Is permanently cured.
Irrespective of how many treatments
you have tried and failed.
that ssp the very life from you and .
later lead to complete loaa of all pow
ers, stopped forever In from t to W
of an unnatural order stopped forever
In 1 to I days.
and kidney troubles, the symptoms of
which are pain In the back and loins,
frequent and scsldlng urination and
thousands of other symptoms thst you
can appreciate better than I can de
MENT you are permanently cured.
of men, I care not how long standing,
cured In 10 to 30 daya without-any cut
ting operation or pain or loss of time.
Is the psrtlsl or complete closure of
the canal, end BY M t SYSTEM OF
TREATMENT all obstructions are
permanently removed without cutting
or dilating.
OF '!
I Treat Men Only and Cora
Them to Stay Cured
examination, together with an honeet
and scientific opinion of your case. It
1 And you are incurable. I will hn
sutly tell you so. If 1 find your case
curable, we will give yoa a legal guar
antee to cure you.
We make ao aalaleadlaa atata
saeats or aabaalaeeallkc preao
sltloaa to tho afflicted la order ro
scenre their nntronaeje. Tho
maar years of oar encreasfal
practice prove that ssr special
treatmeat la aafe aad ecrtata.
We will make you no (also prom'eee
as to curing your care In a short time,
knowing It will tske longer, as w
promise nothing but what can do,
and always do as we promise. ,
I care not how long atandlng or of
what nature, as MY SYSTEM OF
TREATMENT cures them at once.
or any swelling, tenderness or Impedi
menta reduced to their normal else
without tbe aid of a knife.
pimples, erysipelas or any eruptive Ala
esse of tha skin BY MY SYSTEM OF
TREATMENT are permanently re
moved, never to return
Is a condition caused br exeeense of
early or late life. I care not how long
you have been so, or how old you are,
especially adapted for tho permanent
cure of all such esses as roars. Thou
sands have been cured ot thi condi
tion, and a euro awaits yea. Suffer
no longer.
1 organs v,
that have ahrnnken or are undeveloped ,
or that have waated through, dlsesse.
are permanently restored to their nor
mal slse.
If yon cannot call. AH correspondenco
strlcty confidential and all replies oant
In plain envelopes. Enclose 2o stamp
to Insure reply.
References best banks snd
leading buslnees men of the
Office Hours I a. ra to S
p. m. Sundays: 10 a. m. to
IP. m,
sidered unhygenlc and retardful of the best
work. Tbe district owes no bonded Indebt
edness, Its fyily Indebtedness being out
standing warrants for current expenses.
amounting to about $2,500. At the coming
municipal election the voters are going to
be given an opportunity to express whether
or net they approve of the board a calling
a special electlcn to vote on a proposition
to give tbe district more school room.
Woaaaa'a Mlaalonary Meeting;.
NELSON. Neb.. March 84. (Special Tel
egram.) The Woman's Mlaalonary society
of Hastings presbytery held its twenty-
third session here last evening and today.
Tbe program concluded tonight by aa ad
dress by Mrs. D. B. Wells of Chlcsgo. field
secretary ot the board for the northwest.
Emma Boehm of Hansen, a faith missionary
to the mountain wilds In North Carolina,
gave a report of her work. The officers
elected are: President, Mrs. Frank Hutch
inson, Nelson; secretary, Mrs. A. U Stone,
Hastings; tressurer, Mrs. W. F. Buck, Su
perior; Christian Endeavor secretary, Ada
Lester, Superior; literary secretary, Mrs.
Grace Nelson, Nelson.
To iarvey Rear Road.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Msrch 24. (Speclsl )
J. E. House, civil engineer, and his as
sistaata expect to go to Virginia, Neb., to
morrow to begin the survey of the south
route of tbe Kansas City, Beatrice & West
ern railroad to this elty. This route Is
sbout three miles shorter than the one
surveyed recently. It will tske about one
week to make the survey.
Brink LKiab.f
Permanently Cured
"OBatnrZ la a preparstloa based ea well
known airdleal triiu'!plrs and prrparrd by
ctx-mlat ot many years' atamllnf. It Is taatw
kaa, txlortfaa, color-leas and entirely without
auj bad rrT.-cla wbalerer. It ran he glres la
watrr, milk, trm or cvffee, wltaout taa pa
tient's knowledge.
In atoat raara tbe craving for HOor Is snt s
mere bablt but s d!arae, requiring mora tbas
!!l-Bower to rare II. We naiitively guarantee
that OailKZ' will deatroy all Sralre tor al
coholic stimulants In any form, and wa will
rWuaa tka Money should It full f' ao to. Uut
It sever falls 1 It toaea as tha diseased atom
arb and gres a hearty appetite snd good
digest Ion. e)tealy serves sooo fullow Its
to the
i lite ;
a . - -
Very low colonist rates In ef-'
feet till April 30 to almost the
entire Pacific Coast. Propor
tionate rates to Montana, Utah,
Idaho and Washington . points.
Tourist cars daily to Seattle and los
Angeles. Personally conducted excursions
to California three times a week.
Tolder mailed free on request, telling
all about the low ratea. '
Tlcktt A3nt,
1502 Farnam St.
lfc'klt laeaiedi stalled free on retiueat.
is endorsed hr tha W. C.
niaa, rlergiaen. pnyslrlana, meniners
C. I. V..
'OftftlKZ" is endorsed k
of taa Y. M. C. A., and tbuaaaoda ot ether.
B. B. F. Saalta. PreeMeat erf B. t. Halts
Itrepravf roaatrurtloa Ca., Waahlngtoa. D. ..
wrttea: "ftssnemue raara have eoaue sader mt
ebarrratloa af the wonderful paver at yar
rranedr foe aleoholleaa. I eery yaa taa great
osajartaalrles yaa have te Wtng t7, happiness
sad health te aaaailnd sUy yaa araepef la
ear gd work."
Bast la siata urates parhage. all charges
arapaaVby OBKINB CO., lNpe bulldlag. Wash
lairtan. D u. sets aai resociiaos'lxl by
ftkcramaa afc HH'santll Ursa Co,
latk aad Dedgs Bta Oasaha.
Master Specialist
la Private Disease
of Men.
Private Diseases
of Men
In the treatment of Private DISEASES OF MEN, to which
our prsetlce la limited and to which our exclusive thought
and experience haa boon devotod far more than tt years.
PERFECTLY AND PERMANENTLY or refund every eent
paid. It troubled with VARICOCELE. I M P O T E NC Y,
to consult us at ofCos or by letter. CONSULTATION FREE,
and If you taks treatment charges wlU bo entirely satlafeo
Cook Medical Company
117 South 14th St. Orer Dally New. Omaha. .
The Bee Want Ads Produce Results-