TTTK HA DA1XT UEEi TITESDAT, MAfiCTT 24, 1003. -(.' IS 1 1 ! ! i' !i 3 (i ii 1; I I f I v ... v Tiie Omaha Daily. Bee: E. ROrfEWATER, EDITOR. PUBLISHED EVERT MORNINO. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Kee (wltliout Sunday). One Year..$4J Uully He and Sunday, Um Tear ' iiiurtrHtPd Hee, one Year J00 Sunday Hee, One Vcar miirday Hee, One Tear J oy Twentieth Century Farmer, Ona Tear.. LOO DELIVERED BT CARRIES. Dally Re (without Sunday), per copy..'.. In lmlly Ilea (without Sunday), per week. ..12c Daily Bes (Including Sunday), per week..Lc Sunday Hee, per copy je Kvenlng Hee (without Sunday), per week to Evening Bea (Including Sunday), per week 100 Complaint of Irregularities In delivery should ba addressed to City Circulation Da partment. OFFICES. Omaha The Bee Building. South Omaha-City iiall Building, Twenty-fill h and M Street. Council Minn's iO Pearl Street. Chicago 1K4U Unity Building. New York m I'ark How Building. Washington il Fourteenth Street. CORRESPONDENCE. Communication relating to new Snd edi torial matter ehould be addressed: Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or postal order, payable to The Bee Publishing Company. Only 2-cent stamps aorepted In payment of mall accounts. I"ersonal check, except on Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted. THE BEE' PUBLISHING C'OMPAN V. STATEMENT OF CrRCULATION. State of Nebraska, Douglas County, as.: George B Txschuck, secretary of The Baa Publishing' Company, being duly sworn, avs that the actual number of full end complete copies of The Dally. Morning. Evening and Sunday Bee printed during the month of February, 1903, waa a follows:, ion, mo ..0,4lO 15 1( 81,320 17...,, 31.B40 18. 81.SDO , i 19 81,450 , JO.. 81.010 1 30.S.70 7 80.D30 I ao.ieoo 1 80.0 lO 10 S0.6OO II SH.O.VJ 12 80,040 U 80,040 14 30.5 TO 21'....,.... Sl.OTO ' 22......... 1.....31.030 U..f 31,B0 ffi! 81.000 . n.U 31.020 J7.,... 31.O00 a.; S1.7HO Total 833,433 Iess unsold and returned copies.... 0.804 Ket total sale 844,oo Net average aalea 30,143 GEORGE B. TZSCHUCK. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before me thla 2ath day of February, A. D. IM. M. B. HUNGATE, (Seal.) Notary Public. President Castro of Venesneln seems to have gotten Into a place where no resignations go. Rather than allow the new revenue law to be manipulated and mutilated by boodle, let It die and R.'l. P. Rest In Peace. Mount Soufrlere Is smoking up again. It must have found Itself compelled to lay In soft coal during the anthracite strike to save money on fuel. The resignation of the attorney gen eral of Forto Rico might give Our Dave a tip to lose no time In getting himself "prominently mentioned" for this Job. ' . Will the , allied " corporations kindly permit the citizen" of Omaha to nom inate and elect men of their own choice to the'nert'oltr eonncllJ ilf.xot, why DOt? ' ' ' ".'' "' 1 " " Having got what they wanted out of the revenue bill In, the house, the rail loads are telling tae other privileged corporations to help themselves In the senate. The Fair estate Is about to be settled again. The controversy over the Fair millions has been settled so often that a final settlement would be almost a ca lamity. ' If both aides to the coal strike could only make themselves believe they got the best of the arbitration award all concerned would bo In a huppy - frame of mind." It takes nine days for newly born kittens to- get their eyes open. . It has taken nearly nine months for the citi zens of Omaha 'who have beeri buncoed by sham police reform to get theirs open. People In Washington who watched the recent extra session of the senate think they see a cloture rule In sight Experience In the past, however, has served to create the impression that such a vision is due to color blindness. City Clerk Elbourn says he is opposed to the unquestionable feature of the primary election bill. . But he has not yet told the governor so or asked him to veto the odious mensure. Here Is a chance for City Clerk Elbourn to make good. The lobby at Lincoln does not have to speak over a telephone to tnlk to the legislators while their constituents at home do. This may explain in part the potential difference between the lobby on the ground and the constituency at a distance but only in part. When they want to go ahead with any project. Kansas City men do not feel it necessary first to ask the per mission of the corporation managers. Omaha business men will have to break loose for themselves if they Want to do effective work in pushing tho city's progress. The supreme court of Missouri has come to the rescue of the imprisoned legislative boodlers who refused to tes tlfy before an investigating committee for fear of incriminating themselves. The Missouri corruptlonlsts must have run into a pretty close corner if no other loophole was left for them to crawl out of. We know now whj such a pressing emergency existed to demand the post ponement of the Omaha city election till May to avoid bad weather while the time for the spring municipal elections In all other Nebraska cities and towns was allowed to remain a month earlier. The dark lantern brigade needed mere time to get their test oath bill through the legislature so that the work of spot ting rotors for the corporations could begin M once, r, ' THE ME ROtH CASK. . ,. . The case of tne'Unlte States against The Northern Securities Company has gone to the court and the decision, which may not be rendered for several months, will be awaited with great In terest The case has been argued with very great ability on both sides and those who have taken the trouble to read the arguments must be impressed with their force and comprehensiveness. On the part of the government the con tention of Mr. Beck, assistant attorney general, was particularly strong and able. He took the poBltion that ' the powers granted by the New Jersey charter to the Northern Securities com pany were most extraordinary and pointed out that under It two men' may control the unlimited, powers Of the holding company, which in turn con trols the vast powers of the Burlington, Northern Pacific and Great Northern companies and all aulwldiary compa nies. When In the history of corporate organization, he asked, was there ever a charter which-concentrated vast and immeasurable power In the bands of so few? ' The attorney for the government urged with great force that the Northern Se curities company contravenes the anti trust law of 1800, that It Is a .combina tion which Interferes with free competi tion and that therefore it Is In restraint of interstate commerce. It is not impor tant,' argued the asMfttnnt'attorney gen eral, that the proposed combination does not secure a complete monopoly of a given subject of commerce; a partial monopoly is equally offensive to public policy. Another proposition' was, that the fact that the power of the combina tion has not 'been exercised' to Increase prices or rates Is not Important; the law Is concerned not with what Is done, but with the power to do. "The law will lobk to the substance and -.not' to' the' form and will not penult a monopolistic combination, no matter by what corpo rate or legal devices It may be at tempted." The arguments of the attorney for the defendant were principally directed to show that the organization and purpose of the Northern Securities company do not contravene the anti-trust law of 1890, which It was held has no applica tion to such an organization. The lead ing attorney of the company, former Attorney General Griggs, took the posi tion thf.t the antlrtrust'law has no ap plication whatever to the cose, Inas much as that law does not 'Interfere with the right of an Individual or it com bination of Individuals to buy all the property he or they have the capital to purchase. He urged that the law can not limit the amount of that purchase. and that the anti-trust. act does not spe ciflcally say such purchase is a violation of Its provisions. " ' ' The careful reader of the arguments will see that there are some nice points to be determined, but It Is hardly pos sible to avoid the 'conclusion that' the jnerger Is hostile to free competition and consequently Is opposed to public policy pnd In contravention of the law. THUS FAR AND NO FARTHER. The republican members of the legis lature will have a great deal to answer for and explain to ' their constituents when they come home for good. While many of them have done their . duty faithfully, many, others have shown a lamentable lack of moral courage and scores have fallen by the wayside. The railroad corporation 'cohorts under the leadership of John. N. Baldwin and a gang of corruptlonlsts, whose proper place is behind iron bars, have suc ceeded lu debauching and demoralizing the venal weaklings who lack the cour age to assert ' their manhood and through them have succeeded in defeat ing wholesome legislation demanded by the people. By their machinations they have thwarted the effort to give Nebraska an equitable system of assessment and tax ation that would compel all classes the rich and the poor, the. land owner and the bondholder, the toller In the work shop, the merchant and the corporate monopolies to bear their just share of expenses of government in proportion to the value of their taxable property. They have, moreover, prevailed upon the legislature to ignore and turn down the Just demands of the taxpayers of the larger cities. of Nebraska' for theVe peal of lawk heretofore enacted. at-the behtJst of railroad managers by which these corporations .'are able to evade municipal taxes although they enjoy all the protection and benefits of municipal government To cap the climax, an attempt is now being made to rob Omaha, South Omaha, Lincoln and other cities, that have given franchises to street rail ways, electric lights, gas and water companies, of the benefits of the de cision rendered by the supreme court last year defining the basis of taxation for these corporations to be the true value of their stocks and bonds. Representatives of these ' corporations have for weeks been at the state capi tal endeavoring to overturn the decision of the supreme court through legisla tion that would fix one year's gross re ceipts as the basis of taxation. There is absolutely no excuse or warrant for such legislation. The proposition could not -muster a. corporals guard In ,either house were it not for the corrupting Influences that are being employed to convert a majority of the legislature. Within the past week 'wine suppers have been given to members of the state senate by the corporation corrup tlonlsts' and It Is an open secret that boodle is being distributed In the state capltol by the lobby to lubricate the way for the vicious amendment to the revenue bill through the senate and switch it back into the house for con currence. Under our peculiar system of legislation a bill must receive the affirmative vote of a majority of the members elected to each bouse, but amendment inserted 'In -one boose may be adopted by a bare majority of a quorum by the other. It is not uncom mon by this' process for huge Jobs and steals to slide through by concurrence when only a bare quorum of either house through which It is being log rolled Is present. Thus, for example. It takes 61 votes to carry a bill through the house, but 20 votes may put an amendment Into a bill by a motion to concur. On the passage of a bill the vote of every member must be re corded, while a motion to concur may be -carried viva voce without record, so that the boodlers who have sold out can escape the Just Indignation and con tempt of a betrayed constituency, , For these reasons, and In the Interest of good government and the republican party, that will be held responsible, The Bee appeals to members of the state senste to fight down and defeat any at tempt to amend the revenue law In tb,o Interest of franchisee! corporations under whatever pretext the appeal is made to them. It goes without saying, that the men who will support such an amendment will subject themselves to the suspicion that they have sold them selves out for a price and the stigma of corruption will attach to them forever. We realize that the revenue bill as framed up under the. supervision of Baldwin and his clackera is not exactly what the people of Nebraska desire or expect at the hands of the legislature, but if It Is to pass at all let It pass in Its present form, unless it can be im proved lu the Interest of the rank and file of the taxpayers. It would be most scandalous for the legislature to undo what the supreme court has decreed after a protracted ointest with the al lied franchise corporations. It will be no excuse or warrant for the senate to Include' in the one year gross receipts category the street railways, gas com pany,, electric light' companies and water works companies because the telephone company has managed to flimflam the house Into placing it on that basis. On the contrary, If the senate really wants to do the honest thing and the right thing, it should re mand the telephone company to the basis laid down by the supreme court for all corporations that hold municipal franchises. . The legislature. certainly has gone far enough In its subserviency to the great corporations and its motto should be, "Thus far and no farther." FINANCIAL HK ACT ION IN MEXICO. Mexico has enjoyed a long period of prosperity, but a financial reaction In that country appears to be Imminent and how serious the results may be cannot be predicted with any degree of certainty. Recently six large Import ing firms In: the City of Mexico failed and there la apprehension that others will follow. The explanation Is found in the great decline in the price bf sil ver within the past year or two.' The Mexican importing houses buy for gold and of course their goods are sold for silver, the currency of.: the. country. When silver rapidly depreciates,, as has been the case, the money obtained for the imported goods will not always pro cure the gold to pay for them, for the Importers cannot as a rule charge enough to cover the difference in ex change, for the obvious reason that this difference cannot be anticipated. The merchant who buys on the gold standard, and sells for silver Is thus much of the time at a great disadvan tage and this has been peculiarly the case during the last year or two, by reason of the steady fall In silver. It is highly probable that there is more trouble In store for the business classes In Mexico, particularly the im porters, before that country can make the change that is In contemplation from the silver to the gold standard. Indeed this seems to be Inevitable.' but It should not discourage the effort that Is being made to place the Mexican monetary system in accord with that of the commercial world. The' wiser statesmen and financiers of that coun try appear to fully realize that the change must be made at whatever cost and are earnestly addressing themselves to the task of finding the most prac ticable way of accomplishing it PLIMT VF CANDIDATES. It appears that there ' is no lack of candidates for Isthmian canal commis sioners, so that the president will have no difficulty In finding men' willing to accept the position, though he may be somewhat perplexed in making selec tions from the numerous applicants. Immediately after the ratification of the treaty a large number of senators called on the president, nearly every one of whom had a candidate for a commlsslonershlp and several had, more than one. The law provides for seven commissioners, four of whom must be men skilled in engineering problems and two of the four must be army and navy officers. Thus the field for politicians pure and simple Is somewhat restricted, yet there is a much larger number of politicians In the race than of engineers. Not a few of them are former senators and representatives who are out of a Job. The commission will not be appointed until the Colombian congress has rati fied the. treaty and It Is said that In the meantime the president .will not give any serious consideration to the matter. It Is the Impression that Ad miral Walker will be placed at the head of the new commission and it is not unlikely that some of the other members of the commission which in vestigated the canal routes will be on the one to be appointed. At all events there will be places for only three poll ticlsns, so that mwt of the applicants are certain to be disappointed. Railroad men are already talking about special excursion rates for the St Louis exposition. If the exposition la to have the advantage of favorable rates they should be put In force from the opening rather than held back until after half of the show period Is over, as has been done regularly for all pre vious expositions. Hitherto the exrnse has always been that the railroads were at the mercy of the scalper, but this time even that old pretext cannot be used. Everylody In Nebraska knows that the potential force behind the proposed amendment to Jhe revenue bill that would place the frnnohlsed corporations on a one year gross receipt basis is boodle and men who support that propo sition will not be ablo to make people believe In their honest Intentions. By proclamation , of the Ameer of Afghanistan husbands in that country are to be limited hereafter to four wives. It is needless to sny that the Ameer, though a devoted advocate of large families, to set the example has come down to the limit of four at once by divorcing all his surplus halves. That Boston preacher who says that birds' wings on Easter bonnets Is sure to shut the doors of heaven to the wearer Is putting the modern woman up against a serious dilemma. It Is the old alternative between an approx imation to heaven on earth and a lot tery ticket for the heaven beyond. Will Fighting- Bok ItMd Itt Washington Poet. Rear Admiral Evan aski for more men and more officers and the Navy department has responded to the appeal by reducing the-number of ships In hie squadron. Is the Navy department committed to a policy of injuring the feelings of our heroes? Obstacles to Success. Kansas City Star. Colonel Henry Watterson sees In Grover Cleveland and in William Jennings 'Bryan two stubborn obstacles to the achievement of democratic success in 1904. He regards the one quite as mischievous and obstruc tlonary as the other. The real man of the hour in the judgment of Colonel Watter aon could scarcely be pointed out with strict propriety, in his own paper. Tumble In Asphalt Prices. Springfield Republican. It waa a great thing for the cities when the asphalt trust broke down. Prices have been ' falling and falling until now New York City has awarded paving contracts for some 1250,000 at $1,106 a square yard when laid on old Belgian blocks, and $1.95 when concrete is to form the foundation. Theae are the lowest prices ever -secured by the city, and compare with prices paid of from $2.50 to $3 when the trust was In full opera uon. The experience of the country with other trusts, in respect to low prices, etc.. through "economics" in production. Is about like this experience with the asphalt trust. . Vaarles of Life. Portland Oregon tan. The pope is about 93, and his great asa might be quoted as due. to his saintly life and serene devotion to other than worldly pursuits, but here Is ex'Congressman Mar tin I. Townsend of, Troy, N, T., an active politician and able lawyer all his days, dead at 93 of pneumonia. There have been many long-lived sianers' and a good many short-lived . salnta. ,, Aaron Burr lived to be over 80. while B,lebop Phillips Brooks, a giant in physique, a celibate and a aalnt. if there ever was on:" died ' when but a little past 57 ' years1' ofr age. ' Ex-Governor Holbrook of Vermont, "war governor." cele. brated bis ninetieth birthday recently after ao active lire of world y pursuits. riaylnsr In Great Lock. ' ' Washlnffton Star. The west is playing in great luck. She is to enjoy the honor of a visit this spring irom Dota President, Roosevelt and ex President Cleveland. 3 The letter's plans are not complete, but In all probability he will follow In some of the former's footsteps. It would he sacrilege to suggest within the circle of Mr. Cleveland's ad mlrers that he may. have, in view among other things testing, western sentiment toward himself at this time. But It cannot be doubted that . whatever . his purposes may be his trip will afford such an oppor tunity. Shall he go. as far as Nebraska? And shall we hear of him at Lincoln? Mr. Bryan on one oocaslon while visiting the east referred to that section as "the en emy's country." Will Mr. Cleveland be made to feel while in the west that he is in "the enemy's country?" Probably not. For whatever the west may think of his financial views and record, she will treat her distinguished guest, we may be sure, with due courtesy. The presidential cam paign is on. And why not? SELFISH HAWAIIAN LAWMAKERS, Benighted Stat of .Affairs I Paradise oi the Pavel.. Chlcaro Post. the Startling news from the territory of Hawaii. It describes conditions so ut terly foreign to anything ever known In the United States, that the average Ameri can must stand aghast at the realization that anywhere within our extended bor ders a benighted state of things should exist. Awful Is the thing of which the Hawaiian legislators are accused. They are actually charged with holding "the fixed opinion that they are elected to advance their own Interests!" Just think of it! Eight native senators out of fifteen, and twenty-three native representatives out of thirty, olected to make laws under the Stars snd Stripes, who have only "a dim Idea of their duties," who actually oppose laws because they affect their private interests or favor laws because they expect to benefit by them. Why, one senator Is said to have killed a bill which sought to limit saloons to wlthtn ZOO yards of schools and churches because' he owned a building which would be affected by the restriction. Would a United States senator do such a thing? .-ever, not even to oblige a beet sugar friend. And then the freak bills these Hawalliaoa Introduce and the silly arguments they use In debate. The senate chaplain re ceives a salary of $150 for the session. A representative argued that tha house chaplain should receive twice this amount because he had thirty Instead of fifteen souls to pray for. The chaplain got $250, and now tha legislature Is trying to dis cover Just which five souls are left out of each prayer, or if the five skipped today are Included tomorrow. Nothing' so silly ss this ever happens in our legislatures or in congress. How the clear-headed, sano and unselfish lawmak era of Pennsylvania. Ohio. Delaware, Mis souri, Kansas and many other states and territories must scorn these narrow, selfish and silly legislators of Hawaii! Let us be thankful that such lawmaking Is confined to-tha native Kanaka of the outlying districts. - Let us rejoice that never in our congress or in any of our legislatures do - members allow personal considerations to dim their wide vision of publlo questions. These things may do for the uncivilized and uncultured Hawaiian but they will receive the scorn and righte ous denunciation they deserve from every chosen repreata,Uv of the states united TALK OP THR STATE FRESS. Holdrege Progress: Thoush the present session of the Nebraska legislature has well night served out Its allotted time the revenue bill Is still under discussion, not withstanding that revenue revision was a paramount Issue In the campaign. Wausa Oaaette: While the proposed rev enue measure hns provoked much discus sion in the committee of the whole, but few changes of any Importance have been made in the bill as reported by the special committee changing the assessment back from February to April Is, perhaps, the most Important one, and is regarded a de cisive victory for the farmers. Friend Telegraph: The legislature has been grinding away since January on the problem of how to raise more revenue or bow to make both ends meet and at tho same time retain all the superfluous of ficers that legislatures that have passed on before bave created and at the same time add a few more. Doubtless this can be done by reaching for thj taxpayer a little harder. Holdrege Citizen: It Is well to remem ber that mere legal enactment can't do the work that wholesome . public sentiment should do. Laws are often left unenforced because popular sentiment Is opposed or Indifferent to their enforcement. The only effectual way to rid society of many of the evils that confront us Is to create a healthy public sentiment to the enormity of the evil rather than to leave it to legislation. Grand Island Independent: The bill presented in the legislature by Sena tor Harrison putting a maximum on the per diem and mileage to be paid to members of the board of supervisors ought to pass. The councilman of a city of this class receives ss a salary $100 a year and there are always a sufficient number of good men to accept the office. The coun cilman does at least half as much work as a supervisor. Bancroft Blade: The bill recently passed by the leglsteture which provides that In order to be admitted to the bar In Ne braska the applicant must have attended a high school at least three years and put in three years in a law office and then pass the usual examination seems to be along the line of class legislation and favoritism, and the trouble la it is protecting a class of individuals who are amply able to pro tect themselves. Fremont Herald: The senate has passed the amendment to the present election law which provides that only those who are registered as affiliating with a party can vote at the primaries of their party. It re quires the voters to state In addition that they generally supported their party ticket at the preceding election. Brady of Boone and Coffey of Boyd, fuslontsta, alone voted against it. It will next be in order for a man to produce his photograph and mar riage certificate before he can go into a caucus. Crete Democrat: The Democrat believes it is for the best Interest as well as the duty of this state to be In evidence at the St. Louis exposition. It Is the beBt part of the Louisiana purchase and for it not to be represented would cast a reflection upon us ss a people, lacking in enterprise and spirit of emulation. The sum should not be extravagantly large, nor niggardly small, but. sufficient to erect suitable building and pay those in charge. It Is said that $50,000 to $75,000 will be ample for the purpose. Elm Creek Beacon: It doesn't strike us that the proposed law to assess the road tax in cash is the best thing in all regards. A large percentage of men work their poll tax on -the roads who wouldn't pay the tax. or at least would be very slow In doing so. Also, generally little - can be saved by hiring a -man and a team to work one's poll tax each year. The present law is all right if the : overseers would do the work in season when the ground Is in workable order and put in a good day's work instead of beginning at 9 or 10 o'clock and quitting at 4 and soldiering then half the time. . It would depend on the overseer, in any case, how much was done for the money. Alliance Times: The Nebraska legisla ture has passed the unique bill of Senator Brown providing that all owners of land infested by prairie dogs shall be compelled to kill all of said animals by November 1, next, falling In which It shall be the duty of the road overseer to exterminate them, and for suoh service he is to receive $3 per day and all necessary expenses inci dent to their destruction, such expense to be made a charge against the land in habited bv his dogshlp. Hereafter . the principal requirement in the line of qualifi cation for the position of overseer of high ways will be bis ability to catch dogs. Now give us a man to take hence all snakes. - Arapahoe Mirror: There is a bill pend ing In the legislature providing for prohibi tion of pigeon shooting. Live bird trap shooting is a cruel, bloody and unchristian "sport." It brutalizes those who engage therein and those who witness it. It be longs In the same class with cock fighting. It is a "sport" that no human man should countenance. The pigeon has compara tively little ahow for its life, and the spec tacle of fluttering birds "out of bounds" left to die In agony U not to be coun tenanced by men of heart and brain. The j h111 prohibiting live bird shooting should pass without a dissenting voice and vote. That sort of "sport" belongs to the dark agea, along with the rack, the thumbscrew and the stake. Clay Center Sun: A bill to abolish cap ital punishment la before the leglBlaturn and it should pass. When and where did the Great Power that ushers man into thia world delegate to a Jury of twelve men to right to send him out of it? A man de liberately and premedltatedly taking tho life of another violates the law. Twelve men deliberately and premedltatedly taking the life of another obeys the law. Why this difference? But One can give life, and who but that One has a right to take it away? What Is the expressed justifica tion of judicial murder? To rid society of one who may take more lives? But will not imprisonment do the same? As Imprisonment will rid society of the mur derer, death in unnecessary to accomplish this object, therefore ihe good of society Is not the Impelling force to judicial mur der? Then what Is? Revenge! Wood for blood! A mob thirsts for the blood of a victim, and society Is so constituted, even st this age, that it does the same. May Nebraska's legislators rise above this feel ing and do away with judicial murder. Fremont Tribune: Senator Dietrich ac companied Btate Cbalrman Lindsay to the White House Monday to confer with the president with reference to the naming of a candidate for appointment as United States district sttorney for Nebraska. Dietrich is making a bard fight for Lindsay and there is little question but that Lind say should be appointed, if the wishes of the rank and file, as well as the party leaders, of Nebraska, are to be consulted. But the president holds that it will be In advisable for him to make an appointment to which both the senators from this ctate are not agreed, and, In truth. It would be quite unusual. Senatorial courtesy Is a very potent thing at Washington and inas much as a confirmation of the appointment must be had after It Is made, and the "courtesy" is carried so far. It is probable the appointment of either Bummers or Lindsay at this time would lead to un pleasant things. Republicans of Nebraska hope Senator Millard will recede from bis position and will permit their wishes to t carried out la the appointment of Lind ROISD ABOUT WRXSr TCTK. 1 Ripples ss the Cnrrent of Life la the Metropolis. The medical branch of the New York police department discovered a rare disease afflicting one member of "the finest" and followed the discovery with an equally rare notation on the unfortunate cop's ap plication for retirement on a pension. Patrolman John Ksgan had served, twenty years and the job agreed with him. He Is florid, robust snd weighs 23S pounds. The surgeons, however, probed beneath Johnny's healthy exterior and recommended his re tirement on a pension "because of per manent disability due to obesity contracted on the line of duty." "I don't see Just how Eagan could bave contracted obesity in the line of duty," Commissioner Oreene re marked, "but I cannot go back of the sur geons' finding. The law says I must retire a man on their recommendation." Physicians from the post-graduate and Roosevelt hospital are investigating at the Scney hospital lu Brooklyn the remarkable case of Joseph Robinson, who, after being pronounced dead by several surgeons, sud denly awakened, ate a hearty meal and again elapsed Into the first mysterious state. His limbs became rigid, his body cold, and, although every effort known to experts was resorted to to find If there was life, they failed. Robinson, who formerly waa an orderly In the 8eney hospital, was found In an un conscious condition at Fifth avenue and Third street by Policeman Maher. He thought the man had been drinking heavily and bad fallen and Injured himself. He was locked In a cell, and when a short time after one of the keeper's passed he saw Robinson lying full length on the floor. He called to him, and when he did not reply the keeper called an ambulance surgeon from Seney hospital. . Dr. Beecher responded and Immediately began working on the man. At the end of five hours he said Robinson was dead, his heart falling, it seemed, to perform any function. There was still color In his cheeks, snd to make sure the man was beyond recall the vurgeon placed a glass over his mouth. No moisture gath ered, and the morgue officials were about to be notified when Robinson suddenly awoke. There were several about him discussing his strange death. "I guess there must he some mistake," he said. Thereupon he jumped to his feet and demanded to know where he was. The frightened policeman notified the sergeant and Dr. Beecher re turned. After another examination of Robinson he said he did not understand his peculiar state, but thought he hsd recovered. Rob inson then ate a hearty dinner, fell Into a sleep, and has not been swakened since. He was taken to Seney hospital, where a number of physicians are working on his case. . "We bury our New York dead in no less than eighty-six different cemeteries,", says the Press. "Many of these are owned by private corporations, snd they hsvs en riched their promoters. It occurs to me that I should not care to go . into the "dead" business for a livelihood.- Burying the departed appears to be a church duty; that is, the church ought to own the cem etery. If there were money In the resur rection you would find certain classes of fellow citizens standing around the graves to sell white clothes for the dead to rise in. The James D. and Charles Stewart Smith family has grown Immensely rich out of Woodlawn, whose 400 acres have been cut up into lots worth small for tunesi This is our most fashionable bury ing ground, even being preferred to Green wood. Kensico Is beautifully laid out after the style of WoodlawnVand has 400 acres." "Times snd manners of today" are dif ferent from the times and manners of other days," observed Joe Howard,' discussing phases of life In New York. "I was read ing recently," he continued, "the names of certain fashionable . women who this week have sought the solace of retirement in an adjacent retreat. To my surprise, ton of the twelve women mentioned had been divorced and remarried. Two of them had Interchanged husbands. One of them had as her companion a woman who recently married her son by her former husband. The whole set is made up of that kind of social mixture, which twenty years ago would have attracted universal attention, but which today meets with not even a passing comment. No scene is more common here not in Dakota, but here than parties waiting for the judge's signature to a decree of divorce, while their carriage stands at the door in order that they may rush to Jersey City or be yond the state line Into Connecticut, for the purpose of an immediate second marriage. How would that have been years ago? The Chicago divorce has been a merry jest in comic columns and the vaudeville stage for a decade. It this signifies anything. It means blunted sensibility, a thick hide and a belief that the community cares next to nothing for the severance of a tie which In olden times was the most significantly sacred of them all. In this particular city, where the wealth of the country is centralizing at an extraordinary rats, noth ing Is more common In our public places than the picture of divorcees, both sides well represented, generally remarried, and almost invariably to the co-respondent named, with whom they remain part and parcel of the unbroken social circle, and, so far as external apearances go, without the faintest Mush or indication of embar rassment. In circles where vast fortunes are controlled It would seem i if financial complications would follow divorce, but the children fall readily Into line, live in terchangeably with either parent, and, so far ob may be judged, consider it all quite tho proper caper." So many cranks and beggars have stormed the pcrlals of 506 Fifth avenue. New Tork, home of Mrs. Russell Sage, that the maid who answers the door has provided a chain bolt from her own savings, and now one must break a cable before entering the house. So long has this one slip' of fem ininity snswerod the door that she has learned the friends and usual visitors and no one not properly qualified is allowed In- Fide. 1 Children's Suits:::: Attractive, of course, and in the Correct Styles; but we would lay straaa on the fact that the suits w aell are well made. Some very dainty things in Washable Suits are ready now for inspection, and aa they com in confined patterns an early election is desirable. .vo cLormxa fits like ours. THE OLD RELIABLE i?fc; Absolutely Puro THERE !S NO SUBSTITUTE PF.R0AL NOTK9. Sir Thomas Llpton Is doing a good deal of bragging about Shamrock. III. It will bt remembered that he did the same thing about the first snd second Shamrock. The average age of the sixteen new sen ators Is 62 2-3 years, with General Alger o( Michigan leading the van at 67 and Disciple Smoot of Utah bringing up the rear at 41. Prof. Dall Osso, inspector of thn Museum of Naples, has just lublished en article in which he affirms that researches and ex rsvatlons prove that there existed n Pom pell nine centuries before our era. According to a Chicago pro'essor the four leading literary men of the country ars William Dean Howella. Thomas Bailey Aldrich, Edmund Clarence Stedman . snd Henry Van Dyke three New Yorkers and one Bostonlan. Two fools are planning to cross Niagara Palls, one banging by his teeth to a strap attached to a roller on a Ire stretched over the water, the other in a chair tied to the back of the first man. The fool killer will undoubtedly be present on the occa sion; certainly he ought to be. David B. Hill has accepted an invitation to address the Democratic Editorial asso ciation In New York City on April 13, the anniversary of the birthday of Thomas Jefferson, snd it Is expected that he will outline his views ss to the national and state policies that should be pursued by tht democratic party. Two Nebraska schoolboys were sight seeing with their parents in Washington and were taken to the Whit House, of course. On returning to their hotel some one asked the boys: "Well, did you shskt bands with the president?" The younger of ths two answered: "I don't remember, but I shook bands with the policeman at the gate. And, say, Joe," to his brother, "wasn't he a cracking big fellow, thought'.' POINTED PLEASANTRIES. "Fader, vot iss a high ideal?" asked ifttlt "'Ten per cent a month," was the prompt reply. Chicago Post.. ; - -, "Havel you discovered the perpetrator ol this crime?" , "No," answered the detective; "but w have something to show for our work. W have placed a whole lot of people under suspicion of misbehavior." Washington Star. . . Mrs. Dunn My -.husband Is an awfully busy-man. I Mrs. Asklt Tou don't Say? ' Mrs. Dunn Yes. Indeed, why, even, when we- go to theater he has to go out between acta to see a man on business. Detroit Free Press. Tess Yes, he actually got down on his knees to propose to me. Jess The Idea! I should think he would have been afraid to spoil his trousers. Tess Oh I first he aaked me to lend him my handkerchief, and he spread that on the floor. Philadelphia Press. . , . "Well, well, Weary, you are quite a sight Your very best suit Is all In rags. What's happened?" "Met a dog." "The dog must have had the time of his life." "Yes, rag time." Cleveland Plain Dealer. "Is your face for rent?" asked Miss Bluff. "Weally, 1 aw fall to compwehend youah quewy,' rejoined young Sotted. "Why aw do you awsk?" . "Because," replied Miss B., "it has such a vacant look.'.' A gentleman who was stopped by an old man begging, replied: "Don t you know, my friend, that fortune knocks at every man's door?" "Yes," replied the old man, "he knocked at my door once, but I waa out, and ever since he has sent his daughter." "His daughter," replied the gentleman. "Whatever do you mean?" "Why, misfortune." London Exchange. SCOTCH LOVE SONG, Walter Towers in Scottish Nationalist. I rise Ilka mornln' as brisk ss a bee. Wl" face fu' o smiles an' my heart fu o glee: And a' since I mad the acquaintance, ye see, O' a lassie wha lives at Bltnkbonny. , Her face Is the fairest that every was sn, An' blithesome the blink o' her bonnie blu een; She has a' the manners and salt o' a queen, The larsle wha lives at Bltnkbonny. Some say oor laird's dochters are bonnie and braw, ... Quid save us, they're no' in the rlnnltx' aval Wl" cash eeksle peeksle, their chance would be ema', Wl' the lassie wha lives at Bllnkbonny. Let Africa's magnates o' earth tak' a whang. Their queer gathered gear ne'er gl'es me a pang; I work my day's work, and at nlcht sing a To'Vhe lassl wha lives at Bllnkbonny. There's malr honeyed bliss In a klse fra my dear. Than ever was gotten free, gowpens o gear, Sae blithely I mean through ths warld .to steer Wl' the lassie wha Uvea at Bllnkbonny. J trust na' In riches, for riches may flee Bound health's the best blessing kind heaven can gl'e. And that Is the portion allotted to me And my lassie wha lives at Bllnkbonny. A S. WUmm. Mm 1