Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 21, 1903, Page 3, Image 3

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Cures Consumption!
Pear Sirs After reading your advertise- I
Birnt I nought a bottlo of your whiskey,
which hHpl me right away. I am now I
on my third bottle, using It for contump-,
-j r r i in.. - . ... .
fill,, I irri linn ti new ITinn. I ininK
thnt If I had knrwn of your whiskey when
I was at home In Chicago I would have
never come out here for mv health.
ED SCHl'BA RTH It Market St..
Denver. Colo., Aug. 18, 1902.
Stopped Hemorrhages.
Nashua Clt. N. II.. Sept 11, 1902.
Oentlem"n It la with great pleasure that
I write to Inform you that 1 have used
eight bottles of your Pur,' JMalt Whiskey.
I would not have ben here today only for
your wonderful medicine. 1 have uned all
kinds of medicine and been under the care
of doctors. I have had three severe at
tacks of prtn and pneumonia, which have
left me with a bad cough and weak heart.
I am 67 years old. It has toned up my
syr.tem and stopped the hemorrhages and I
cough but very HttTe. I only regret that I
did not know of your whiskey before. I
cannot express what It haa done for me.
I beg to remain. Yours respectfully.
Thousands of such letters are received
from patients who have been cured by
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey.
Caution When yon ask for Duffy Pure Malt Whiskey, be tare yea
acet the nenulnr. rnarrnpalous .deal era, mindful of the excellence of this
preparation, will try to Bell you cheap Imitations and so-called Malt Whis
ker aunatltutea, which are pat on the market for profit only, and which,
far from rellcTlna; the alrk, are positively harmful. Demand ''Duffy's"
and be sure you' aret It. It la the only absolutely pure malt whiskey
which contains medicinal, health-arlv Ins; qualities. Look for the trade
mark, "The Old Chemist," on the label.
The genuine ta sold by druggists and grocers, or direct, tl.00 a. bottle. It Is the
only whiskey recognised by the government as a medicine. This la a guarantee.
Valuable medical booklet containing symptoms and treatment of diseases and
convincing testlmonlala sent free to anv reader of this paper who will write. Duffy 'a
Malt Whiskey Company of Rochester, N. Y.
If eating field to Organise a Oit y League
and Improve Grounds.
Mat Treasarer Morteasen Purchases
Another 9100,000 Worth of Mas
sachusetts Stat Gold
(From a. Staff Correspondent.) "
LINCOLN. March 20. (Special. ) A meet
ing waa held at the Young Men's Christian
association rooms last night to see about
organizing a base ball team for the coming
season. There were many present and
rreat Interest waa shown In the project.
The team last year was a success, and as
tasre are to be several other teams in tha
city this summer, an effort will be made
to get out and pick some good players
before tbe other teams are organized. This
la tbe only base ball that Lincoln sports
can Indulge In during the summer after
the university season is over, and the men
feel that if they can get a good city league
' It will be a paying Investment. They
are handicapped right now by the fact that
there la no enclosed pari, where they can
play, but the association haa already se
cured the promise of a contractor to en
close a plot of ground and take his pay
in one-third of the profits, provided that
the site is on some car line and is other
wise satisfactory. Last year they used the
old base ball park at Twentieth and M
R. Muflra was re-elected -captain of tha
team last night and Secretary Mayne was
made manager. Tbe members of last year'j
team who will probably play this year are
Mvdra, HammeL Mlckel, Fields, Mears,
Walter Baker's
Tha FINEST COCOA h tha Worla
Costs Less than Ona Cent i Cup
Forty Highest Awards in Europe
Md America. r;
Walter Baker & Co,
Ettatiuhi4 1783 ' Dorchester, Mass.
1' ft ii'swc-5P
;;if J V.-U, t
Mr. W. D. Rail of Richmond. Va., had a
similar experience to that of Mrs. Allinr-
Gentlemen I comemnced on your Duffy
Malt Whiskey last March, and I have been
faithful In taking It ever since. I have
used one doaen bottles and am feeling bet
ter. My hemorrhages have almost stopped
and mv cough vtry much Improved.
WIIA.IE D. RAM, 718 N. 1st St..
Richmond, Va., Sept. 6, 1902.
Pneumonia Cured.
Gentlemen I had a severe case of pneu
monia last fall and have used about one
dozen bottles of your whiskey to build me
up, and find It does what you claim for It.
Yours respectfully, E. PEDERSEN.
llamllne. Minn., May 14. 1902.
It cures consumption, coughs, colda, grip,
bronchitis, catarrh and all diseases of the
throat and lung.''. It alxo cures nervous
ness and Indigestion. It gives power to
the brain, strength and elasticity to the
muscle and richness to the blood. It Is a
promoter of health and longevity, makes
the old young, keeps the young strong. It
Is absolutely pure and contains no fuel oil.
It will cure almost any case of consump
tion If taken In time.
Over 7.CA0 doctors prescribe It and 2,000
hospitals use It exclusively.
Shuman and Dalrymple. It Is also rumored
that Ike Raymond and "Sticks" DePutron,
two old university men, will be with the
team. The men will go Into training at
once and while tbe weather will not permit
outalde work they will practice in the gym
nasium. Some practice games will prob
ably be played with the university and, high
school teama before the regular season
opens. '
The foot ball bleachers at (he university
on the east aide of the field wete taken
down yesterday and packed away till needed
next fall. The batting nets have been put
up and batting practice will begin as soon
as the weather will allow outside work.
Expenses of Candidates.
Most of the candidates for the various
offices in the coming city election have
filed certificates of expenses In
securing their respective nominations.
George A. Adams' certificate shows that
be expended 67.50 to corral the nomina
tion for mayor on the republican ticket, of
which $25 was expense of maintaining head
quarters, $35 to the city committee and
$7.50 for printing. C. E. Bentley, prohibi
tion candidate, spent nothing, and Hibner
haa made no ahowlng.
The showing of the seven republican ct,n.
dldates for councilman Is as follows: A.
W. Stewart, $14.25; William Lawlor, $10;
J. W. Hensel, $20.60; A. H. Hutton,
E. H. Marshall. $86; Callen Thompson, $10;
J. C. Pentser, $38.75. Henry Ound and
Ernest Hoppe, democratic candidates, show
that they spent nothing.
For the Board of Education, W. A. Hack
ney spent $5; for cemetery trustee, Henry
Mayer, $5; for city treasurer, B. C. Fox,
$30; for tax eommlasioner. J. A. Sheffield,
$7; for city clerk. T. H.J'ratt, $80.50.
Candidates for excisemen make tbe fol
lowing ahowlng: J.' W. Wolfe, $91.50; T.
H. HosklnsK $58.75; J. T. Weismsn, nothing.
Keller Looks Like a Winner.
The race for state checker champion hat
narrowed down to a match 'between tha
present, champion, A. T. Jackson and W.
Kelley, and honors are about even. Jack
son has four more gamea to play with
Hyatt aud Kelley has two more to play
with Douglas. Tbe chances are In favor of
Kelley now and it Is thought he will win
by about half a point. Kelley came to the
front tbla morning, when he won eight
gamea straight, four from Brooklnga and
four from Whltesldes, two of the best play
era In the tournament. Jackson has fifty
seven and one-half points now and It he
wins bio other games his total will be
sixty-one and one-half, while if Kelley wins
his two games against Jackaon ho will have
sixty-two points.
A business meeting was held this morning
at which a committee was appointed con
sisting of Messrs. Brookings, Calkins and
Whitesldas to draft new bylaws lor the as
sociation and they were ordered to draft a
new system of play, so that each man may
! play two gamea with every other man lu-
atead of four, at at present. Then tho
eight men having tbe highest score will
' play for the medal under the Scottish
j knockout system. In which the losers drop
I cut after every game and the inner j play
I wtnners'untll the contest is decided. These
1 who fail to get Into the "big eight" ure to
j play for the second and third prizes.
Bay Massachusetts Bonds.
ThU morning State Treasurer Mortenien
completed the arrangements for another
$100,000 of the Massachusetts bonds of the
j series already purchased. These bend3
bear lntereat at tbe rate of 3S cents and
; run for forty yeara. Tbls Ust purcbsse
will make the state of Nebraska tbe holder
of $100,000 wcrth of gold bondi of one of
the oldest states of the unlcn. The bonds
were purchased on a little better than a $
I per cent basis. The former purcsu was
j on a S per cent basis atiu "jp-ns had to
I be taken off to even up tbe rate of inter
: est, for the bonds bore S'i per cent. 1'be
. better rate la due to the care with which
Mr. Mortcosen and the board arranged the
contract. The condition of the eaatern
money market is also given credit for send
ing the bonds here for investment and in
I a measure for tbe lower rate of Interest
The Lancaster county bond case had not
t yet been settled aud Aba money uninvested.
bad rescbe.1 a large volume, snd the board
is unwilling to lose any furthrr Interest
hy lting. The permanent fund Incresae
rapidly, however, and hjr the time the local
bonds are ready to b Issued It Is probable
that the state will be able to take them
without any unnecessary delay. ,
Paaaencer Train on Mlasnari Pacific
Almost (oei Over Ituk
Near Plattsmonth.
ri-ATTSMOUTH, Neb., March 20. (Spe
cial.) After the Missouri Pacific paseng"r
train No. 51 had reached a point abjut one
mile north of this city 4 pair of truck.
under the baggage car jumped the track,
blockading traffic on the line between
Pluttsmouth ?.nd Omaha for over eight
The ccldcnt occurred near a trestle which the PI arte bottom wagon road. The
height of the trestle Is about forty feet, and
It teems almost a miracle that the train
did not go off the bridge down the steep
embackmeut. The train was only about
200 yards from the bridge and going at a
blgh rate of speed when the engineer no
ticed the trouble and at once applied tha
air brakes, but before the train could he
stopped the engine and half the length of
the derailed car were upon the bridge.
Had the train gone a few car lengths fur
ther the accident would have proven disas
trous. As it waa the trucks were badlv
damaged and the track considerably torn
up. All the other cars remained on the
A wrecking crew came from Omaha to
clear away the wreck and repair the damage
to the track. Fortunately no one was In
jured, although the passengers received a
lively shaking up.
Units the BIk Farm.
FREMONT, Neb., March 20. (Special.)
The Standard Cattle company of Ames held
another auction yesterday for the sale of
Its horses and mules and succeeded In get
ting rid of a good many of them. Price
were fair. The company still has a large
quantity of farm machinery on hand. When
It decided to quit business this machinery
was estimated at f 20.000, but ,much of It waa
of a kind not wanted hy farmers and they
will realize only a percentage of this sum.
A good share of their lands north of the
railroad has been sold. The company still
owns that on the south elde. Including the
elevator, barns and buildings, and will have
a small force of men at work there this
summer. Almost all of the long lows of
small houses, or shacks, as they are called
In that neighborhood, are vacant. R. M.
Allen, who has for many years been the
manager here, will have charge of tho busi
ness of tbe company at some point in the
west. The. company bought its Dodgo
county property about twenty years ago
and about live years ago leased considerable
other land in the vicinity. It la generally
understood that as far as the firming
operations have been concerned, the com
pany haa lost a great deal of money.
Bcllwood Farmers Organise.
BELLWOOD. Neb., March 20. (Special
Telegram.) The Farmers' Co-Operative as
sociation held an enthuaiastlc meeting at
Bell's half this afternoon. Mr. Vincent,
state organizer, was present, and told his
large audience some plain facta In regard
to the grain trust. At the conclusion of
his address a motion was made and car
ried unanimously, that the Bellwnod Co
operative association join the state asso
ciation. The Be 11 wood association already
has a membership of 100, and judging from
the sentiment of the meeting, a farmer's
elevator will be erected here as soon ts
possible. A eouple of4, the grain men of
JBellwood ware, present at the meeting.
. Sacs an Omaha lit.
YORK, Neb.. March 20. (Special.)
Samuel Roby, a one-armed man who at
various times has made his home here in
York, has sued Mr. Alshuler of Omaha for
$25,000, claiming that Alshuler atruck him
on the head with a club, causing aberation
of mind. The suit Is brought in Douglas
county. Roby waa tried before the Insanity
commission of this city recently and was
not commit. ed to the asylum, although
members of the commission believed that
he was a little off.
Tax Case Is Argued.
FLATTSMOUTH, Neb., March 20. (Spe
cial.) In district court the case of the
Chicago, Burlington & Qulncy Railroad
company and others against J. L. Barton,
county treasurer of Cass county, and oth
ers, waa argued and submitted, Thie Is a
case Involving taxes assessed against the
company'a bridge which spans the Missouri
river at this point.
Creditors Take, Charge.
BUTTON, Neb., March 20. (Special.) The
Mandelshon atock of general merchanalse
which opened out in the old Wlllenberg
block last fall haa been closed by the Chi
cago creditors with a view of putting It
through bankruptcy, and In that way close
up its affairs permanently.
Hcli for Y. M, C. A.
BEATRICE. Neb.. March 20. (Special.)
The pupils and teachers of the High school
yesterday pledged $112.72 for the contem
plated Young Men's Christian association
building here.
Just a glimpse of a woman's face is
often all tli-it is needed to tell tbe story
of her daily suffering. No woman can
endure for long the panaof womanly dis
eases without tailing ott in face and form.
Women who have been cured of
womanly disease by the use of Doctor
Iicrce's Favorite Prescription, frequently
refer with pleasure to the gain in appear
ance as well as in feelings, which has
1 come with their cure.
I M Favorite Prear rintinn rurea irrecnl-
larity, dries weakening drains, heuls
inflammation and ul-eration, and cures
emale weakness.
Sick wonieu are invited to consult Dr.
Pierce, by letter, free. All correspond
ence treated as sacrelly private and
confidential. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce,
Buffalo, N. Y.
Your medicines have don me so much gocd
1 feel like a diflfr:ent woman write Mra. Mary
Murphy, of Milton. Trimble Co., Kentucky. 1 ik
moutha ago I bejran to think 1 wouWi not see
another well day, hut bad made up my miud to
follow yur aJvice and give r. Pierce' medi
cines a thorough trial. I have taken aix loir!c
of ' Favorite Pre.-tcripUon.' six of 'Golden Med
ical Dicoverv.' (our l.ilsof Dr. Pierce's 1'cP.ets,
two bottles of ' Smart-Weed.' Also some totmn
Tablets.' Hnve gained five iounds since last
August. I will tell tlie eood new to all sufferiug
invcltds. for it was a 'Heaveulv message.' to me
shts I found out what toiij lor relief.'
" Favorite description " makes weak
women strong, bick womea well. Accept
no substitute for the medicine which
works wonders for weak wonieu.
The People's Medical Adviser, looS
pages, free on receipt of stamps to pay
expense of mailing only: Send 21 one
cent stamps for the paper-coveted edition,
or 31 sumps for the cloth-bound volume,
to Dr. k. V. Fierce, Bu-lo, N. Y.
Many Nebraska Towns Io'd Their Komi
Dating Conventiona.
la Most laataaces lasaea Are Loral,
the ftalonn Question Being the
Moat Promlaeat to t on-alder.
HASTINGS. Neb.. March 20. (Special
Telegram.) The democratic and the popu
list city conventions were neld here to
night, the conventions agreeing upon the
following noralnstlons: for school beard,
Prof. H. 8. MIIlr, David B. Marti and John
Pickens; for police Judge, Benjamin Rey
nolds; for councllmen. First ward. S. J.
Owens; Second wsrd, Ez-a Langevln; Third
ard, S. S. Snyder; Fourth ward, John T.
FREMONT, Neb., March 20. (Rpeclal.)
The republican caucuses, which were held
in this city Isst evening, were much more
largely attended than usually and there
was a lively contest for councilman f-om
the Second and Third wards. F. M. Smith
was nominated from the First ward, John
H. C. Slobb won out In the Second on the
sixth ballot for the short term and D. R.
Franklin on the first for tbe long term.
In the Third ward A. W. Murphy waa
nominated on the seventh ballot and In
the Fourth J. B. Brooks had scarcely any
LlajDor Qaextlon to the Fore.
SEWARD. Neb.. March 20. (Special Tel
egram.) Peter Rcdiger of Mllford has been
arrested for selling liquor without, a li
cense and was taken before Justice Glad
wish for a hearing this afternoon. This is
the second or third lime that complaint
haa been made from Milford, but Is the first
time that the officers have been able to
find any liquor. Today they found sev
eral empty bottles in Redlger's restaurant
and a case contained several bottles of
beer in his residence. Complaint has been
filed In county court against H. C. Moore,
a druggist at Germantown, for selling liquor
contrary to tbe law, but the warrant has
not yet been served. The liquor question
has been agitated pretty generally over
Seward county and the question of license
or no license will be submitted to the
voters of Seward this spring. The hear
ing against Chris Weutrich for selling
liquor to a minor came up in county court
this morning, but was continued for twenty
eight days on request of Weutrich.
AINSWORTH. Neb., Msrch 20. (Special
Telegram.) The village campaign was
opened here tonight. The issue is license
or no license. The two parties nominated
the following men: No license, E. B. 8mith,
J. H. Hart, Otto Mutt and Fred Slsson.
High license. Peter Wants, J. M. Hanna,
Frank Sellers a'nd W. A. Robinson. The
town ias been dry for the last two years
and there will be a great fight from now
until election is over.'
City Ticket at Wysuore.
WTMORE, Neb., March 20.-(8peclal.) A
citizens' caucus was held at the Wymore
opera house last night. The following
nominations were made: , Far mayor, Gua
Graff; for clerk, J. A. McQulrej'for treas
urer, C. B. Hensley; , for city engineer,
Theodore Helmlg; for police judge, U H.
Arcbcrd; for members, of the-school board,
John Hllder and F. E. Kulp;. for council
men. First wsrd, O. U Worth, by acclama
tion; Second ward, by hallot, William Ham
ilton, 46, Tom Malowney, 14; J. Hurst, 1.
NORFOLK. Neb., March 20. (Special
Telegram.) Tho republican sod democrats
of Norfolk held their nominating conven
tions today. The republicans adopted
resolutions for tha closing of the saloons
at midnight, and that all back doora be
closed on Fundajs. The resolutions also
endorsed the closing of all houses of 111
repute. The democrats nominated their
candidates on the "wide opea" platform
which has prevailed during the last two
years. The nominations: Republican For
mayor, N. C. Haxen; for clerk, Samuel R.
McFarland; for treasurer, Robert Utter;
for engineer, W. H. Iwe; for members of
the school board, Johr 8. McClary and W.
H. Johnson; for cotfnuilmen. First ward,
Dr. O. V Wilkinson; Second ward, H. A.
Pasewalk; Third ward, A. H. Kiesau;
Fourth ward, to be filled. Democratic
For mayor, Dan K. Koenlgstein; for clerk,
Julius Hulff; for treasurer, Carl Wilde;
for engineer, Ernest Zuti; for members of
tbe school bosrd, Peter Stafford and H. C.
Matrau; for councllmen, Firat ward, Oscar
t'hle; Second ward, Anton Bucholz; Third
ward, Herman Gerecke; Fourth ward, O.
B. Walker.
Schuyler Repablleaaa Nominate.
SCHUYLER, Neb., March 20. (Special
Telegram.) The republican city, school
and ward caucuses nominated candidates
for various offices as follows: For mayor,
John E. Arnold; fcr city clerk, L. W. Dick
inson; for city treasurer, W. T. Howard;
for engineer, E. E. Oreenman; for police
Judge, V. W. Sutherland; for members of
the school board, B. Mick, Cyril Schmidt;
for councllmen. First ward, Ed Mclntyre;
Second ward, Charles W. Stewart; Third
ward, Allen Cameron. The attendance at
tbe caucua and interest waa remarkably
strong and the men nominated were muck
above the average.
WEST POINT, Neb.. March 20. (Special
Telegram.) Over' one-halt of the voting
population attended the largest nominating
convention of the citizens' party ever held
In this city today. A spirited contest took
place between the rivals for tbe mayoralty,
resulting In the nomination of Deputy State
Fire Inspector Fred Sonnenscheln. Resolu
tions were introduced Instructing tbe sec
retary to lodge the complaint of the con
vention with the Chicago & Northwestern
railroad regarding the condition of the
local passenger depot and Its remote loca
tion, aUo asking the company to remedy
these conditions. The ticket: For mayor,
Fred Sonnenscheln; for clerk, August Lin
nenann; for treasurer, John Melster; fcr
tnglneer, Frank L. Boycr; for police Judge,
E. C. Crellln; for councllmen. First ward,
Arthur Krause; Second ward, Ed Schulte;
Third ward, S. Krause; for members of the
school bosrd, John H. Thompson and J. C.
FREMONT, Neb.. March 20. (Special
Telegram.) The republican city conven
tion tonight nominated George F. WoU
for mayor. S. F. Stiles for clerk, Csrl Frits
for treasurer, A. M. Hull for water com
missioner. J. C. Cook for police Judge and
C. C. Mc.S'lfh for one member of the school
board. The other nomination was I "ft va
cant. A resolution waa unanimously
adopted pledging the officers nominated to
a strict enforcement of the liquor law. It
was the largest attended city enuventton
ever held, every seat In the court room
being filled.
Ideality of Railroad Victim.
WYMORC. Neb.. March 20. (Special. 1 -The
man who was killed by a train near
Blue Springs last night waa Pat Casey, who
worked on the stone crustier here. Tbe
remaius were placed on the train, which
was backed Into Blue Springs, and they
mere Immediately taken to Fout's under
taking establishment. The young ian bts
n cousin near Dawaon. who la his only
known relative. Friends will see that he is
given proper burial. He formerly resided
In Auburn. Aa Inquest will be held today.
Fssss Dead la Bed.
CRAND ISLAND, Neb.. March SO. (Spe
cial TeUgraw.) A bbsb believed to be O.
Pe-ru-na a Specific Restorative That Has
Stood the Test of Time.
Womea Fear La Grippe and Catarrh
Pcru-na a Reliable
WITHOUT raising the discussion as ta
whether la grippe Is produced by a
specific microbe or not, at least this much
Is certsln and admitted by all. It will pro
duce chronic catarrh If not promptly and
properly cured.
It leaves a person hsggsrd, areak, sallow,
frazzled-out, mucous membranes all con
gested, appetite changeable, digestion
capricious, and Just about empties life of
all meaning er desirability.
There Is no remedy In the world that
meets the conditions produced by la grippe
better tban the remedy. Peruna. Peruna
strengthens as It renovates, soothes while
It stimulates, heals as It expurgates.
Peruna is not. a purgative, or cathartic
or sedative, or stimulant, nor a vegetable
or mineral poison.
Pe-ru-na Reaches the Source of Ca
tarrhal Diseases Unhealthy
Hu.ous Membranes.
It reaches the source of all diseases of
the mucous membranes by Its action on
the vasa-motor system of nerves.
Every person who baa had la grippe dur
ing tho last year should take a courae of
Peruna. No one need expect perfect re
covery unless they do so. The grip hss
produced catarrhal Inflammation of the
whole mucous membrane, and good health
ts Impossible until these are restored to a
normal condition.
This Peruna will do. A great meny
remedies have been suggested for this con
dition from time to time, but Peruna ap
pears to be the only remedy that has
any substantial value In these esses.
It haa stood tbe test of forty years' ex
perience and still occupies the unique posi
tion of being the leading (It not tbe only)
specific remedy for the after-effects of la
At the appearance of the first symptoms
of grip people should stay Indoors and take
Peruna in small doses (teaapoonfut every
hour) until the symptoms disappear. Tbls
will prevent a long, disastrous sickness and
perhaps fatal results.
Mrs. Theophile Schmltt, wife of the ex-Secretary of tho German consulate writes the following letter to Dr. Hartman
from 3417 Wabash avenue, Chicago, 111.:
"I suffered this winter with a severe attack of la grippe, and having repeated! v heard of the value of Peruna
In such cases I thought I would try It. I used it faithfully and began to feel a change for tho better the second
day, and In the course of a week I was very much Improve! After using three bottles I not only lound that the
grippe had disappeared, but my general health was much better. I am satisfied that Peruna Is a wonderful
family remedy and gladly endorse It." Mrs. Theophds Schmitt.
Omaha, Neb., January 23, 1900.
The Peruna fledlcine Co., Columbus,
Oentlemen:' "I am 68 years old, am
hale and hearty, and Peruna has helped
me attain It. Two years ago I had la
grippe my life was dlspaired of. Pe
runa saved me," J. R. Oulll.
Hon. James R. Gulll is ona of the oldest
and most esteemed men of Omaha, Neb.,
coming to that city In Its early days when
It little dreamed of being a metropolis. He
bas done much to make It what It la, serv
ing oa public boards a number of times.
The above letter written by him to The
U Erlckson, recently a liveryman at Hiet
Ings, was found dead In bed at the Union
restaurant at 5 o'clock this afternoon.
When the maid went to make up his room
tbla morning the man was presumed to be
asleep. When ahe again went to the room
late this afternoon she saw he waa In the
same position. Investlgutlon proved he
had been dead for some time. In a letter
addressed to Mrs. O. U Erlckson. Stroms
burg, he said he had fallen and hurt his
side, but expected to be better in the
morning. Death undoubtedly was due to
natural causes. No Inquest will be held.
Hold Iaqneat oa Sebladler.
BEATRICE. Neb., March 20. (Special
Telegram.) Dr. D. A. Walden today held
an autopsy on the body of Paul Scbindler.
the young man who is supposed to have
committed suicide at Hosg, for the purpose
of bringing to light tbe nullet which caused
his death. All of the internal organs were
removed, but the ball was not located. A
Jury was empanelled, but the Inquest will
not be held until tomorrow. Some of the
residents of that section believe the man
was murdered, but those more familiar with
the surroundings think that he committed
suicide. The body was brought here to
night to be Interred as soon as the inquest
is held.
Fast Time to Kew York aad Phila
la made by the superbly equipped trains of
the Lehigh Valley Railroad. Double track.
Stone ballasted. Automatic Electric Block
Signal System In ottratlon over the entire
route. Stop-over allowed at Niagara Falls.
Small Wreck at Graad Island.
GRAND ISLAND Neb.. March 20. (Spe
cial Telegram.) A freight car ca the Ord
mixed train, leaving here thla morning,
tried to follow two tracks. The first truck
left the. main line for a switch, but the
aecond kept on tbe main track. The t-ala
is proceeding slowly, Just pulling out of
the yards, and nothing more than a severe
lurch to the train resulted. Mall Clerk
Packard, believing it was a wreck, Jumpes
from the car. Injuring his band and shoul
der. The Injury Is not serious, but Pack
ard waa unable to continue his run. The
train aoon continued Its Journey.
MILLIONS ae Ct'TlctiRA Soap, as
sisted by C'UTlCUItA OlNTMtST, for
preserving, purifying and beautifying the
skin, for cleansing Hie scalp, and the stop
ping of falling hair, (or softening, whitening
and soothing red, rough and sore hands,
for lby rahes, itching and channgs, and
for all purposes of the toilet, bath and
rurserv. Millions of Women use Cl'TtcuaA
Soap in laths for annoving irritations and
inflammations, in washes for ulcerative
perspiration, weaknesses, and for many
sanative, antiseptic purposes which readily
au&cl thcmaelvca. Sold everywhere.
Pe ru na Not Only Cures the
Leaves the System
Peruna Medicine Co.. of Columbus, 0 en-)
dorslng their remedy, Peruna for catarrh,
consequently carries with It considerable
weight and Importance. j
La Grippe is acute, epidemic catarrh.
There la no remedy in the world that meets !
vnia iorm or catarrh as thoroughly as Pe
runa. During the-first stages of la grippe
Peruna Is an unfailing remedy. People
who have had la grippe and have partly
recovered, but remain half aick, will find
Peruna exactly suited to their case. Thero
Is no remedy devised that will so quickly
and thoroughly dispel the disagreeable and
serious after-effects- of la grtppe as
Peruna..,. ,
j dSSBXBBBBM "WMmj "'VU'isTH jl,,,LJlWL J f ysKmrt
a 16ta a farnam streets, omaha.
Shirt Waist Event
Our new waiRt and skirt departments are n feature of
this store. Everything new and bright. We start the sea
son with a shirt waist fcnd skirt special that will surprise
and please you.
Cotton Waists
Our heavy cotton waist, the
kind we usually sell at $4.00,
will be on sale Saturday at
12.98. All the latest and pret
tiest designs included in this
lot. See our window.
Golf hkirts
special ior Raturaay, a ?.ro
Golf Skirt in the pretty mixture
of black and white, gray and
white, brown aud white, blue and
white and green and white, Mill
be on sale Saturday at 4.98
' "r window
MW $13.50 I
The Bee Want Ads
IIV1ITT. OF lilt AtiO.
Grip (Epidemic Catarrh) But It
In a Healthy Condition.
Pertna Is tbe acknowledged catsrrh
remedy of the age. Pr. Hartman, the com
pounder of Peruna, has written a book on
tho ,-,hascs of catarrh peculiar to women,
cntil.ed. Health and Beauty." It will be
sent free to any address by Tbe Peruna
Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio.
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from . the use of Peruna
write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full
statement of your case and he will be
pleased to give you bis valuable advice
Address Dr. Hartman, President of The
Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio.
Suit Sale
A suit sale that has no eijual made
of all wool cheviot, has circular ll:ue
skirt,, trimmed with two folds of the
material, each headed with silk braid.
The inverted plait and collarhss
blouse jacket, has shoulder flaps, tabs
down front, postillion back, trimmed
with silk braid and tassels. This ex
cellent suit, worth flS.00, Mill be on
sale at
Producs Results-