Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 20, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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Oakland Barkers Seldom Pick Fa
vorite. Missing Many Good
Every Bottle
Hennlts Sot Likely to font from
StligmiDS Head Int-trna. onal Bjndioate to
Fay Veniuo!ao Debt.
Removal of Maine Wrerk
nr Spain.
losaranoa Duet Ara Paid Juit Three
Dari Too Late.
German nnd HrliUn Ilanklna; Hoara
Join rhrmr Which Mar Lead
lo f.-.o.oim.'MMI Knterlna; He
pohllp'a (offers.
WASH1NQTON, March 19. Th Inter-
..atlinal syndicate hoadrd by- ths Bclla;
mans has renewed, on a larger afale than
at lt firm venture, the ofler to assume
Venezuela's debta to tho powers.
I. N. Sellgman has been in Washington
two daya. With him la Herr Salomonsohn
representing the discount gesleschatt, or
discount bank, of Berlin, which la the
largest Individual creditor of Veneauela.
Mr. 8ellgman also has made arrangements
with Bpeyer ft Co. of Iondon to assist In
Hosting the bonds.
It Is understood that no demand is now
md for a guarantee by the United Slates
(hat the Investors shalt recover their money
Vhen the loan becomes due. The president
Is not asked to make any specific promise,
aa during the first overtures, but the syndi
cate wanta some visible exhibition of the
Interest of the United States In this mat-
ter and wanta an American to be appointed
an agent and atatloned In Caracas to man
age tha redemption of the loan, and. If
necessary, to collect a certain proportion of
the customs receipts
ft la believed thla proposition la attractive
to both England and Germany. Secretary
Hay being absent. It cannot be aald that
the proposition has been fairly laid before
thla government, but It baa been broached
In a auggestlon and Mr. Sellgman left
Washington today expecting to return In
about two -weeks, when he may put the
proposition In concise form.
Mr. Bowen does not favor the proposition
end, aa his powera are unlimited in Wash
lngion. It la apparent that It can come
to nothing unless the principals find some
way to, Indues President Castro to act In
person. Mr. Bowen made thla pretty clear
today to Mr. Sellgman when tha latter called
on him.
Tho success of the undertaking might
mean tho advancement to Veneauela by tha
syndicate of probably more than $50,000,000
lo diplomatic rirclea her It la believed
that Baron von Sternberg will ahortly be
decorated by the German emperor in con
slrteratlon of hla services In connection
with the recent Veneiuelan negotlationa
and that his elevation to the rank of am
bnssador will be announoed before long.
President Accepts Golden Bid.
president Roosevelt today received an In
vitation, engraved on a plate of solid gold,
tlx Inches long and three-quartera of an
inch wide, to be the guest of the Union
League club of San. Francisco on his visit
to that city. The plate weighed eight and
a half ouncea.
The Invitation waa presented by Colonel
George H. Plppy, president of the club,
end waa accepted by the president with
expressions ot cordial appreciation. Ha
will be the guest of tha club at a banquet
on Thursday, May 14. .
. .Colonel Halnea to Be General.
Colonel Peter C. Halnea, corpa of engl
ceers, la to be promoted to the raak ot
brigadier general and retained on the actlvo
list until his statutory retirement In July,
1904. He will be appointed to tho vacancy
rested by the promotion of Brigadier
General B.. F. Wada. Quarterroaater Oen
eral . . JjUdlngton and Inapector General
lireckinrldge wlll eac be promoted to be)
najor generala on the retirement of Gen
eral Hughea and each will ba retired In
i hat rank on the day of their promotion,
thus leaving a vacancy for the promotion
of General Wade.
( ' Reveaao of Philippines.
The bureau of Insular affairs of the War
department haa prepared for publication a
comparative atatement showing the cua
iomB revenues In the Philippine archipelago
for Hie calendar year of 1902, compared
with previous yeara. The atatement shows
i hat for the twelve months ended Decem
ber 81. 1902, the customs recelp'a were
l9.nig.Hu3; for the twelve montha of 1901.
18,345.017; for 1900, 18,221,633, and for 1899, J
The figurea' represent the customs re
ceipts expressed In United Statea currency
' London Invites Fire Flhtera.
Mr. ' Henry White, charge d'affaires at
London, has . Informed the State depart
ment that the International' fire preven
tion odngrese will be held In London from
July T to 10, In connection with the Inter
national fire exhibition. An Invitation la
extended to all tha principal public depart
menta la the United Statea to ba preamt.
West Point Visitor Named.
Tha president today announced the selec
tion of the following members of the Board
of Visitors .to tha West Point Military
academy: D. B. Henderson of Iowa, George
O. Baxter of Colorado. Colonel Asbury
Howard, president Of the Sou'H Carolina
Institute; Joseph J. Darlington ot Phila
delphia. William A. Pew. Jr.. of Boston.
Rev. Ernest M. Stiers. D. D.. New York,
and J., G. Schmldlape, Cincinnati.
Nothing at All is tho
tho Mother of
Matter- with
BUFFALO. N. Y.. March It. Lawyer Al
fred B. Hartaell, counsel tor Mrs. Hull, tha
mother of Mra. Burdick. waa aeen today
with reference ta the reported Injury or
illness of Mrs. Hull. He said:
Mrs. Hull Is In her usual health. She
has not been hurt or Injured. I was at
the huuoe about t o'clock .last night and
he Is all right. The story of hurta or
Injuria la - absolutely faUe. Tha man
Allen at tho house Is a clerk stationed
there, with,, instructions to refuse informs
tlun. The report concerning Mra. Hull waa cur
rent laat night. Inquirers at the Burdick
home vera met by a young man by tha
name ot Allen, who refused to confirm or
deay tha rumor further than to aay that
Mra. Hull waa weakening under the ner
vous strain to which aha had been sub
jected sine tha murder ot Mr. Burdick.
AM AfltrUCAM WlfSt
j, J fc
anl f iJiM.-'l rvt
HAVANA, March 19 The Cuban repub
Ic will not give the Spanish government
the contract to remove the wreck of the
old Maine from the harbor of Havana.
President Palma, after a conference with
United States Minister Squirm, caused thla
Information to be transmitted through
proper channels to the Spanish conaul gen
eral and diplomatic agent.
The initiative taken by Spaln'a minister,
Abarur.s, aeeklng an appropriation from
tha Madrid Cortes to enable the crown to
bid upon the work and undertake the ex
traction of the wreck, while it may be ap
preciated by those Spaniards Innocent of
the charge of complicity In the destruction
ot the old Maine, cannot but be regarded
In Cuban government circles as Inoppor
tune and premature and calculated to re
vive a question which could have undesir
able results.
The president and cabinet are not dis
posed to lend assent .to such a proposition
which would contribute to the weakening
of their present good relatione with the
one or the other of the governments most
interested in the outcome of the new In
vestigation which the Spanish minister
would have the government of Cuba auth
orlso that of Madrid to undertake.
The aecretary of tha treasury haa re
rerelved a proposition to remove the wreck
ot the battleship Maine. It came from an
American, whose name the secretary de
clines to diacloae. The proposition docs
not call for payment either way. Pending
Its acceptance it has been decided to in
clude the Maine in the advertisement for
bids for the removal of various wrecks.
Daoarhter of the President la Given
Hearty Reception by People
of S-.n Joan,
SAN JUAN, P. R., March 19. MUs Alice
Roosevelt landed here at 8:30 a. m. from
the ateamer Co a in o, from New York, March
14. She was met by Governor Hunt and hla
family and waa driven to the palace, where
aha afterward held an Informal reception.
Misa Roosevelt will receive the -tltlxens'
committee In public tomorrow and will at
tend the citizens' reception at the theater
In the evening, when there will be a dis
play of fireworks and a demonstration in
her honor. Many invitations have been
Issued by the governor for an entertain
ment on Saturday.
On Wednesday Misa Roosevelt will leave
San Juan on an inland trip, during which
she will visit the principal plantations and
cities. The Inhabitanta of Ponce have made
extensive preparations to receive Miss
Roosevelt, several thousand dollars having
been raised by public subscription for that
Legislative Committee Myi He Knew
of Enibesslement and
Failed to Act.
HONOLULU, March 19. (By Pacific Cable
to Tha Aaaooiated Press.) The house com
mittee on public expenditures reported the
discovery of another embezilement In the
board of public works, the amount aggre
gating )2,300. The report of the committee
charges Charles Wilcox with having re
ceived at least a portion of the money.
The report also says that the fact that
there waa a ahortage in the funda of the
board of public works waa known to Gover
nor Dole, Superintendent Cooper and to At
torney General Dole, and charges the above
named officials with having neglected taking
any action In the matter.
The report also aaya that Attorney Gen
eral Dole has apparently attempted' to covjr
up the matter.
Owners of Mining; Properties Meet and
Decide to Fight Miners
8AN FRANCISCO, March 19. At a meet
ing of over seventy prominent mine owners
of California, held In thla city, tha relations
between themaelvea and the minera waa
fully discussed
' The mine owners formed a temporary
organization, selected temporary officers,
arranged for future meetinga and pledged
a fund sufficient to carry on a fight against
the Western Miners' association for a long
period, if necessary.
State Senator Voorheea acted as chair
man, Edward Benjamin aa aecretary and J.
F. Parsons as treasurer. Chairman Voor
heea, on taking the chair, referred to the
recent action of the Western Miners' asso
ciation at Keswick and the present troubles
which exist at Haden Home.
Tlys discussion which followed showed
thst the California mine owners, or at least
majority of them, are opposed to the
stand taken by the Weatern Minera' aaso
elation. Pledges ot contributions to combat
he employes,-amounting to more than $200,.
000. were made.
Thla doea not Include assurance of finan
clal assistance from mining interests that
were not represented at the meeting.
The following committee waa appointed
to aelect a name for the new body, and to
formulate a constitution: C. M. Bethsbaw,
C. S. Hutchinson, David McClura, Charles
Derby and C. F. Downa.
Thia committee la expected, to complete
Ita work today or tomorrow and It waa
Instructed to prepare a call for a conven
tion of all mine owners in California at the
earliest possible day.
Agrees to Take Formal Part In Com
mencement of Lewis acd Clark
Einoalllon Work.
FORTLAND, Ore.. March 19. President
Roosevelt haa agreed to lay the cornerbtone
ot the Lewis and Clark exposition, accord
ing to a dispatch received from Senator
Mitchell today.
The president also haa consented to be
present when the testimonial Is presented
to Admiral Clark, formerly of the battld
ship Oregon.
The exposition directors and the commit
tee having charge of the testimonial will
arrange to have both events take place on
May 21.
President of Steel Trnst Meets sev
eral Legal Representatives
of Corporation.
NEW YORK. March 19 President
Schwab and aeveral legal representatives
of the Vnlted Statea Steel corporatloa
were la conference today. The object of
the meeting could not ba learned.
. It la reported that the forthcoming an
nual report ot tha corporation will embody
a comprehensive statement of thr opera
ttona tor the past year and will deal
specially with the matter ot production.
Gees nioo.tMXJ m Vent.
Because be baa a keen, rlear brain la a
vigorous body. Eleclrto Bitters glva both
and satisfy or no pay. Try tbeio. too.
For salt by Kuiut 4 Co.
Voa Bue'ow Explains Action of Germany in
Veneiuelan Affair.
Xewsaapera, especially One Anierfeaa
Joaraal, Waa Responsible for
Most of the Hensatloaal
BERLIN, March 1 In the Reichstag to
day during the discussion of the Foreign
oirice section of -the budget. Baron von
Hertling, renter party, referred to the Ven
ezuelan affair. He slid public opinion at
first demanded action, since Germany's
honor seemed engaged, but after action had
been taken, apparently with auccess, public
opinion changed anl double arose ss to
whether It was necessary for Germany to
risk so much.
Chancellor von Buelow replied:
The Venezuelan matter from the first wai
neither a question of terrltoilai acquisition
nor of n-lory lor uh, but to a eeit.ement
tnrouxh extraordinary means ef business
whicn had been complicated by th debtor'
unti UKlwortnlness, woereoy, or course, me
maintenance ot our honor played a part.
We were able to establish our claim only
through common ictlu-i with England and
Italy. It was not merely a question of ar
ranging the matter In hand, but of giving
a warning which would serve for the fu
ture. The mere money standpoint must not
control In such cases.
Breaches of the Law.
We dare not Ruhmlt tn breaches of the
law. Otherwise we would not need sh'ps
or cannons. The Venezuelan case wae ex
ceptional. We shall not always dispose of
such matters through force, but our actio.!
will uepend upon special circumstances.
Proof that force was necessary heie Is
seen from the fact that the English gnv-
whereas It Is a well known principle of
England's commercial policy that every
buuy investing private capital abroad doea
so upon his own risk.
We found ourselves In a d. lemma, but
nobody can reproach us with acting with
out sobriety and calmness. We nad to
take care that our relations with other
powers should not be disturbed through
this relatively subordinate matter.
There was no lack ot attempts) to create
sucu a disturbance. 1 here refer, or course,
to no government, but the press, whicn at
tempted to engender 111 will between the
governments at London, Berlin and Home
on one aide and the United Stales on the
The most ungrounded and stillest rumors
were circulated, as If we designed to land
troops, make conquests or violate the in
tegrity of the South American republics.
Scores American Xewapaper.
In such lying legenda one American
newspaper was especially great. It in
vented an otllcial ot its own ni tr.e rorelitn
office, who Informed the paper that we
wanted to swallow Venezuela first, then
Colombia and finally Brazil.
This atatement of the chancellor called
forth loud laughter. He continued:
These perfidious attempts to sow discord
were frustrated through the loyalty ot the
cabinets ana the commence in tue honesty
oi our policy, 'lhuio mntssti. an., ma.l
iIouh stories, to our nutlstactlon. failc.i of
their intended effect. Our relation with
KriL-liwul and the United States remained
intact and our demands against Yenesu la
are to be regarded as accepted, according
to the protocol bettling the controversy.
first Installment Paid.
Von Buelow then summarized tha terms
ot the protocol, mentioning that Venezuela
had already paid the first installment of
the German Indemnity and said:
The claims of the second class have not
vet been subjected to Investigation. The
Venezuelan government is ready to co-op
erate In a joint commission at Caracas in
Investigating and fixing the amounts of
these claims. The third class claims will
also be settled.
The cost of the blockade cannot yet be
elated, but it is small. We have decided
not to make a demand that Venezuela pay
an Indemnity to cover the costs of the
blockade owing to the rather hopeless flnan.
clal condition of that country.'
we attained what we wanted and what
under the circumstances waa attainable.
The action against Venezuela waa inaugu
rated without a fanfare oi trumpets and
with all necessary vigor r.nd was carried
to the 'end without weakness and within
expedient boundp. ,
The chancellor then turned to the Drel
bund, saying:
It will be renewed unchanged at the
proper time, which proves It Is not an
accidental or temporary constellation. Its
object is tne maintenance oi the status
quo and peace. The Lrlbund la the most
peaceful, the strongest and the most last
ing and the most elastic alliance. I took
care that the tariff and other political ques
tions snouia not De mixed up wun tne re
newal of the Dribund.
Prof. Hasse ot Leipsig university, Pan
German and national liberal, aald:
I am not satisfied with this settlement of
the enesuela affair. A formal expiation
has not occurred. The moral effect of our
co-operation with other powers and inviting
tne intermediation or America win De to
Increase America's reputation, while ours
sinks. I attribute to American Intervention
the hostile attitude of tha Venezuelans.
Herr Oertel, agrarian, aald:
We came out of the Venezuelan affair
fairly well. 1 cannot pass a more favorable
opinion, i rejoice over tne co-operation
with Enaland. for tha latter showed an
energetic activity from which our states
men coma learn a lesson.
To Investigate Chinese Labor,
LONDON, March 19. Commissioners Skin
ner and Noyea, who have been appointed
to proceed to China to investigate Chinese
labor with the view of Ita employment In
the mines at Johannesburg, Transvaal, and
who atarted from the latter place Febru
ary 20, have arrived In London. They will
sail for New York on the ateamer Umbria,
March 28, on their way to California, where
they will Inquire Into the metboda ot em
ploying the Chinese In that slate.
Parcel Post, with England.
LONDON, March 19. Replying to a quea-
tlon In the House of Commons, Postmaster
General Austin Chamberlain aald the post
office had long deaired to conclude a parcel
post agreement wtth the United States, but
had been unable to obtain American as
sent. Recently, however, the Vnlted Statea
had proposed reopening the negotlationa
and communioatlona were being exchanged.
Nova Scotia Mine Burning.
HALIFAX. N. S.. March 19. It la re
ported here that there haa been an ex
plosion at Dominion coal mine No. 10 at
Glace bay and that the pit la on fire. A
private message from Sydney received here
at 10 a. m. said that the Dominion coat
mine fire waa believed to ba under control
and that the foreman felt confident that all
the miners escaped.
Opposes the Canal Treaty.
COLON, Colombia. March 19 Dr. Joaqulu
Velex, former governor of the department
of Bolivar, who is one of the senatorial
candtdatea for that department, la known
to be opposed to the ratlficalloi of the
Panama canal convention in Ita present
form. The election of two senators for the
department of Panama will take place early
next week.
Officers Must Fight Dels.
VIENNA. March 19. The war minister
has forbidden all officers to Join the Auti
dueling league.
(sirs Line Dividend.
LONDON. March 19 The Cunard Steam
ship company todsy declared a dividend ot
4 per cent.
m w
is a sure resource
BAN FRANCISCO. March 19 -ieveral good
things went through at Oakland today.
Oeofge Dewey, played from So to 1 to
11 to 1. took the mile race, healing a big
fiMd, while Egyptian Prince, hsrked from
80 to 1 to 15 to i, took the opening number.
A fesfure of the sport Was the riding ot
Powell, who landed three winners.
First race, flvT and a half furlongs, sell
ing: Egyptian Princess won, 1'st Orsn
second, Marlneuse third. Time: 1:09.
Sfcond race, one-half mile, for 2-year-olds,
selling: Sweet Ton? won, Ravelena
second. Rose Fsrr third. Time: 0:49.
Third race, one mile, selling: George
Pewey won, Chateau second, Cougar third.
Time: 1:43.
Fourth rare, seven furlona. selling:
Velma Clark won, Jloney Suckle second,
Instar third. Time: 1:2'.
Flftn race five and a half furlongs, sell
ing: Sharp Bird won, Father Wentker
second. Herendos third. Time: 1:0V
Sixth race, one mile and KM yards, selling:
peana won, Expedient second. El Fonst
third. Time: . 1:4M. of League Bowling.
The league games for the season were
finished last night on Clark's bowling
alleys, resulting In th Clarksons winning
two games out of three. The third game
was a tie and In the bowl-off the Krug
Parks won by seven pins. The score:
1st. Id. Sd. Total.
Francisco 156 14a 1( 4S
Hnrwlch 126 1W 174 43$
Hengele .. 1M 156 2H 4o2
Matthai 1M 153 175 467
French 178 164 148 490
Totale 781 780 878 2,420
. 1st. Id. 3d. Total.
Denman 166 152 171 4S9
Fowler 14S 173 204 522
Oreenleaf ..166 14S 140 456
Schneider 162 16 ' 2"6 625
Brunke 168 127 157 452
Totala SOD 7CJ 878 2.444
On Clark's alleys last night the Cudahy
Packing company tenpin bowlers met In a
contest. The score:
1st. 2d. id. Total.
Hamilton 1M m l ru
Ryner 170 232 176 B77
Pratt 174 122 14 444
Marble 147 156 186 489
Totals ... 642 701 678 2,021
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
Taylor lf 179 16 5"6
Buck 142 179 141 462
Plerson 132 127 164 423
Moody 144 143 15 446
Totals...-. W 628 $32 1,837
Personnel of pea Moines Team.
DEB MOINES, March 19. (Special Tele
gram.) The outlook for a winning base
ball team In this city is exceedingly bright
and at a meeting of the directors today
everyone expressed tho greatest confidence.
The salary list Is larger by far than that
of last year, Qulnn has signed a likely
bunch of players. Nearly all of last season's
team are back and their familiarity with
each other's work will be a great help
toward a winning team. The lineup will
be: Catchers, Marshall and Fohl; pitchers,
Leltner. Morrison. Feney. Barry and one
or two others whose names have not been
divulged: first baseman. Towne: aecond
baseman, Qulnn: third baseman. Van Dine
or uuraee; shortstop, u ucary; left nein.
Backof: center field. . Clark : riant, field.
Hoffer. Word was received today from
Secretary Fsrrel of the National associa
tion that Van Dine haa signed the reserve
llBt with Sedal a In the Missouri Valley
league. If he Is lost the tolow will be keenly
felt, aa he has been dnpended upon to
acceptably fill this position. Leltner, who
Is dear and ciumD. is rrom Pennsylvania
and comes extremely well recommended
Horrer pitched last year, out at nis own
request he will ulay In the field. He la
considered a fine fielder by local fans. The
new bunnay parK lc now oeing put up and
w hen finished will be- one ef the best in
the league. . . . . v
Wahrio Bowlers Win.
WAHOO. Neb.. March .19'. (Special.) An
exciting tenpin contest ' took place 'here
last evenlna between n.w "Bla- Five team
of Schuyler and -the Wahoo team.' Tha
locals took two out ofvtha three games.
The acore: t
Int. 2d
3d. Total
Becker 14 167
Goody ., 164
Rethrew 158
Pruyn 169
Balak U
Totala 80S
Kondele 16
Bahde 179
761 743 2.307
142 '
id. Total.
Johnson 131
Plmodynes 163
Urodahl 168
Totals 799 802 799 2.400
A return game la to ba played In Schuyler
next week.
Traverse Wins Flight Handicap.
NEW ORLEANS. March 19.-Fuller had
little trouble In landing Traverse first in
the Fllxht handicap, a six-furlong sprint
worth 11,030 to the winner, today. Traverse
led all the way and won by three lengths
Weather clear: track Slow, Results:
First race, one mile, selling: Dutch Carter
won, Atheola second..- True Blue third
Time: 1:481-6.
Second race, six furlongs: Clorlta won
Zlil aecond Antonius third. Time: 1:17.
Third raca, seven furlongs: John Coulter
won, pirate aecond. Lacache third. Time
Fourth race, - Flight' handicap,' six: fur
longs: lraverse won, -ageant aecona
Bummer II third. Time: 1:17 1-5.
Fifth race, six furlongs: Ran After won
Insolence second. Provost third. Time: 1:18.
Sixth race, one mile and an eighth, sell
ing: Nettle Regent won. Charles Hamaey
second, Irving Mayor third. Time: 2:012-5.
Claims Ball Men Break Agreements,
CINCINNATI. March 19. Prealdent Her
mann of the Iocs) National league base ball
club In speaking of the alleged refusal of
Ed Dolbhanty (assigned to the American
league at Washington) and George Dnvis
(asslcned to the American league at Chi
cago) to play where the peace conference
nail placed tnern said toasy:
The Cincinnati team will refuse to play
with the New York National league team
If Delrhanty and George Davis appear on
the neld witn tne omam aggregation, i
Delehanty and Davis do not live up to th
provisions of the peace contract we wl".
get together and oiacKiist m--m.
It is currently reoorted that there la
movement back of Delehanty and Davi
that seeks to break the peace agreemen
of January 21, which assigned players, fixed
the circuits and made otner provisions.
Ulves Oat St. Joseph Team.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo., March 19. (Special
Telegram.) Manager tieorge Kohe toda
announced the lineup of the Saints for thl
season, with the expectation of the addltlo
of nrobablv two more. The men unde
contract rre: First basemen, Harry
Vaughan and M. F. Birmingham: second
basemen, Fitspatrlck, Neltael and McShane
shortstop. Muht-r; third baseman Kohe
Aiilflnldiira Ua rlmin TlkM.n unit ltihop
catchers. Garvin and McConnell; pitchers,
Parvln, Ulaile. Chlnn, Pfelster, Dlehl,
Dohan and several others.
Beatrice Wins a Game.
BEATRICE. Neb., March 19. (Special )
The Beatrice bowling team won from the
Wllber team at Wymore Wednesday after
noon bv sixty-six tlns. By winnlns thi
game Beatrice carried off a purse of 340
and received nrsl place in tne series
games played this season between th
towns of Beatrice, Wymore, Wllber an
learners Straggle n tbe lee.
MC8KEOON. Mich.. March 19-Th
ateamer Alice Stafford, from this port for
Chicago, which breams stuck In a floe ot
alush ice laat night waa freed at 2 a. m
by the Goodrich line steamer Atlanta.
Having worked Stafford out, the Ice
closed around Atlanta, which was tin
Drtsoned for several hours. Both steamer
struggled all night and finally reached
Grand Haven this morning. They left
luted to work their way out through th
Ice to Chicago. Nothing has been heard
from them since. The ice floe Is two miles
Wide, fourteen miles long and twenty feet
Bask of Es
LONDON. March 19 At the eemt-annua
meeting of the Bank of England today tha
net uronts for the six months ending Feb.
ruary 2 were announced to be 33.6M.07R,
making the amount of the reserve at tha
d4te ls.75u.6. The usual aemt-anouaj
dividend of a per coot was Use la red.
Wife Cannot Collect Policy on Hus
band's Life Because Inder Ry -Lnws
He was Raspended
Before Death.
ST. LOVI9. March 19. in the Vnlt.'d
States circuit court of appeals an opinion
waa handed down by Judge Thayer In the
ase of the Supreme Council Royal Ar
canum against Anna J. Taylor, which la
remanded with Instructions that the plain
tiff la not entitled to recover.
The decision will be of Interest to fra
ternal organizations and members who are
Insured against death In these organiza
Anna J. Taylor ta the widow of George F.
Taylor, a member of the Royal Arcanum,
Arapahoe lodge, of Denver. He waa In
sured for 13,000 In 1891, and died In No
vember, 1900. Payment of the Insurance
certificate waa contested on the ground that
had not paid the monthly assessment
of October, 1900, due on the last day of that
month, and was therefore suspended ac
cording to the bylawa.
The collector failed to pay Taylor'a as
sessment for October, as he had been 'n
the habit of doing when overdue and when
It waa tendered three daya later, Juat be
fore Taylor's death, It was refused on the
ground that under the bylawa Taylor waa
under auspenslon. Mra. Taylor recovered
Judgment against the supreme council.
which appealed.
Judge Thayer writing the opinion, aaya
the question at Issue ta to determine
whether the supreme council waa cognizant
ot tha practice of the collector In accepting
the assessment of Taylor after he was de
linquent, and whether It ratified such prac
tice by accepting the delinquent's assess
ment In violation of its bylaws.
He finds nothing In the evidence to war
rant this assumption, and ordera the case
remanded, with Instructions to the trial
court to Instruct the Jury that the plalntlf
la not entitled to recover.
Heat Prevents Bescne and Their
Agonising Cries Cnn Be
Heard for Blocks.
ST. LOCIS, March 19. Fifteen horses,
twenty-four mules and one cow perished
In a fire which destroyed a barn which be
longed to John Boning.
The heat prevented rescue, and their
agonizing cries could be heard for blocks.
ew Remedy that Destroys the Dsn.
draft Germ.
Nothing Is more annoying to men or
women of middle age than when they notice
that their hair la growing thinner, when
they must admit that the first Indications
of baldhcadudnesa have commenced to ap
pear. Many would give a thousand dol
lars and more for a remedy with which to
preserve their natural head dresa. How
ever, they don't need to, Newbro'e Herpl
clde removes the effect ot dandruff by oc
troying the cause, the only dandruff cure
that actually destroys the dandruff germ.
Sold by all druggists. Send 10 cents In
stamps for sample to The Herplclde Co.,
Detroit, Mich. ...
YUTAN, Neb.. March 19. (Special.)
Henry Ergera and Misa Anna Behrena were
married today. A number of guests were
Invited at the home of Mra. Urebke Beh
rena, north of town.
filnnt Strides.
Connoisseurs, the fashionable world.
those whose palate easily detect superior
ity in excellence, set the stamp of approval,
and by general adoption afe advancing the
popular brand ot Moet A Chandon "White
Soal" champagne towards exclusive use at
a very rapid pace. The Increase In sales
for the year 1902 over 1901 was 367,116 bot-
tlfs, a record never before attained in the
history ot the champagne trade, marking a
gain equal to 664 per cent greater than the
combined increase of all other brands of
champagne. Moet A Chandon White Seal Is
acknowledged aa "The Acme of Perfection."
Directors to Consider Demands.
NEW YORK. March 19 The directors of
the New York, New Haven & Hartford
railroad met here today to take un the em-
rloyes' grievances presented to Prealdent
la.ll. Among the directors present waa J.
P Morgan.
INSTRUMENTS placed on record Thura-
day, March l:
Warranty Deeds.
Christ Kaelber to Christ Frandaen,
lot i ana lot 2, diock id, Millard.. boo
Atlantic Realty association to W, D.
Williams. n50 feet lot 40. Rees Place 6.000
Julia Dwelley and husband to John
Johnson, n40 feet or B120 feet lot 1,
wiw- m. x u m i.v.c .,. OUU
Joseph Olch and wife to Bartoloma
Koslol sH lot 16, Wood 1m w n JJ5
C. M. Morton to R. M. Henderson.
lot 15 and s'i lot 17, block 32, Ambler
Piace 10
Winifred till and husband to Laura
A. Chittenden, lot 9, block 17, Han
scorn Place 4.000
S. B. Leonard to P. J. Creedon. lot 7.
block 3, 1st add. lo Dellone'a add 1,000
Sheriff to J. H. Trenerry, lots 14 and
15, block zi, walnut mil 700
Total amount of transfers J 13.5S6
Neighborly Advice,
Freely Given By an Omaha
When one haa Buffered tortures from a
bad back and found out how the aches and
palna can be removed, advice Is of untold
value to friends and neighbors, particularly
when they know tha atatement la absolutely
correct. The following neighborly advice
cornea from a Omaha reaident.
Mr. George Miller, 967 N. 2oth Ave.,
painter In tbe U. P. railroad shops says:
"Backache very alight at first, conlkntly
Increaaing until It become a regular thing
to have spells when I could neither sit,
stand or lie in any on.e position comfort
ably. In addition to the above trouble,
with tho kidney accretions exlsttd, and un
til I procured Doan'a Kidney Pilla at Kuhn
A Co'a. drug store at the corner of 15th and
Douglas bib. I waa unable to procure any
thing to chirk the trouble, let alone cure It.
Doan'a Kidney Pilla are a valuable remedy."
For aale by all d alers, prl a 50c. Foster
Milburn Co.. Buffalo, N. Y. sole agents for
tha I'nited States.
Rememeber the name Doan'a and take
do aubatltuta.
T2 CEE G 2
Take Laxadvg Brotoo QttfaaM TcfeUts
Cat wary
2A st-v vei
mat Utal aaWna is aaaj
laarttitT ConavupTion
Manufactured only by
Ctanterlaiii Melicine Co.
Manufacturing Pharmacists,
price, mm-rivE cents, g
rooorrlcktsd to OfeanbsrUni a Oo, W.
It contains no opium or
may be given as confidently
Bottled BEER
The Br of Good Chetr
Adds one more pleasure to life, pleasing the
palate, refreshing and resting the weary body,
quieting the nerves. It is without a peer in the
world of beers. " Made by
'; Telephones 2344 and A29 15. '
Omaha Branch, 207 S. 13th St. y
In the
Rental Agents,
7tojto 25 cents a Bottle:
'rjtntJbpXfWZsT it JS a
w " I "W M I n
yM. Vsr M M alTal nj,
Timor.. m E rvr-rvrrvrvr r a jtccjvmx
fVLUIiCli II Lilllllimil 1 m
i ft (?mr't'r
or '; : ;: yBES7
Forty Blzes, 10: to w Each.
Free Homesteads
Arc becoming scarce. Join my HnmesieaJ
Club anil Increase your opportunities ul
obtaining- one by brine kept potted. 1 have
something good in virw. Hi-nd fur my
p&inphlel of homestead Instructions and
treatise on public land surveys. 1'rlcs &
cents silver and stamp.
C. J. C0&XKH, laUlt Unwsis at., Omaha,
v-. -A r fHl 3
Every bottle of Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy is
guaranteed, and the dealer
from whom it is purchased
will refund the money to
anyone who is not satisfied
after using it.
The many remarkable
cures of colds and grip
effected by this preparation
have made it famous over
a large part of the civilized
world. It can always be
depended upon and is pleas
ant to take.. It not only
cures colds and grip, but
counteracts any tendency
towards pneumonia.
This remedy is also a
certain cure for croup, and
has never been known to
fail. When given as soon
as the child becomes hoarse,
or even after the croupy
cough appears, it will pre
vent the attack.
Whooping cough is not
dangerous when the cough
is kept loose and expectora
tion free bv the use of this
P remedy.
other harmful substance, and it
to a baby as to an adult.
Bee Building
We have two offices that we can offer
at a very low rental considering thi
fact that the price of $10 per month in
cludes light, heat and janitor servic:.
These offices have both baen newly dec
orated and are attractive and comforta
ble both in winter and summer. There
are not many offices like this in the
building and they never stay vacant long
Better call at once.
Ground Floor,
Boo Bldg.
IV- M -U : I -
- 1 Ilnnnr
We five written
contracts to cure
Diseases and Disor
ders of Men, or re
fund money paid.
Many cases taken
$5.00 per month.
cures In I dare, without euttlns. pain or lees ol
lime. Lassl guarantee to cure you or nwntr nfuueeo.
SVDUII IC for nl (h caleen thor-
w I r ffllLId eugblf clean. frnis tbe ) ttam.
goes ever eis" see armptoro oiaeppeere Vompletelv
u.d rererer. Ne ' BKKAKINO OI T" ot ttie 4le
eeae en tbe skla or (ec. Treatment contains ne
Sangeroue drugs or Injurious medlclnea.
lAfCllf I1CU train Bireeeee or VICTIMS TO
ffCAft MCil M.HVdlS IiEHiMTr Ott EX
I.EI AT lo YOUNG and MH'l'LC AGED, lack ot Tim.
vigor and strength, with organs Impaired an 4 weak.
Cur.e guaranteed.
CTDIDTIIDC eara 1tk "'
dllllUlUnta meet. Ne earn, ue detention
from buatanm.
I HIV 4 tt i. Kidney end Bladder Troubles, Weak
bank. Burning inn.. Frequencr o( I'riiiatiug. Urine
High Colored, or with rallkr eaulment en atandlng.
Consultation Free. Trent nuent by Mall,
Call sr areea, Cor. 14th at Donglaa.
DR. SEALES &SEALES, Omaha. Nit).
Make. Host Iseful Present; - '