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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1903)
8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, MARCH IS. 100,1. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Htarj Oorn tales Again Roduoe May Prices on Board of Trad OTHER GRAINS BREAK AWAY AND SOAR Veakatii la Corn mni Low Yard Friers 9en prorUlons Tnmhlln, Which, la Spite of Partial Rallr, Close Weak. CHICAGO, March 17 The com pit was the scene of anothe. heavy selling move ment today and a lurther aecllne or over a cent wan made In the May delivery, but a rally occurred the latter part ot the day and final figures were oft S'aV- May wheat closed Slr'-fcc higher ami oats were up ''91c. Provisions closed weak, with the May products from 15c to 3T'4c lower. There was only a moderate trade in wheat, but In spite of the break In corn the market held up remarkably well May opened a shade to Wac higher at 737j 4c, the early firmness being due to the rela tively strornr cables, the Liverpool market falling to respond to the weakness here yesterday. The sharp break In corn, how ever, resulted In a bieaa to 7d7c, out with little for sale on the decline, and with shorts covering freely and some p.-attereti buying- for Ion account the market quickly raided and a llrm tone prevailed through OJt the remainder of the session. Brad streets report showing a decrease In the visible supply of 2.8"0,JO bushels, together with a better export demand, added to the strength, and May sold up to 74V8 i4c. The close was V'l'Sc higher at Mc Clearances o wheat and flour were equal to i7,Ono bushels. Primary receipts were 453.100 bushels, against 266.000 a year ago. Minneapolis and Duluth reported receipts of 246 cars, which, with local receipts of 27 cars, made total receipts lor the three points 270 cars, against bSW last week and 435 a year ago. There was a sensational opening' In corn and the range In May was tully lc at the start. The heavy liquidation started yes terday was continued when trading began today and a large volume ot long sunt was thrown on the market the first half hour, which resulted In May selling off to 43'4o after opening unchanged to lc lower at 44Vi'4i,e. A fairly good demand devel oped under 44c, bat the persistent heavy selling prevented any recovery until late In the day, when a rally occurred and an advance to 44nc was made. The close was Stic lower at 44:V44'c. Local receipts were 382 cars, with one of contract grade. The feature in trading in oats was the active demand for the July option, which served to rheck the spiling movement In May started early on the weakness in oorn, and with offerings rather light a better tone developed. A good cash demand and moderate receipts 227 cars aided in the upturn. The close was llrm and Vd'S'.c higher at 34V4C for May, after selling between 33c and 341(vMHc. There was a severe decline in provisions and st one time it was extremely difficult for brokers to execute selling orders. The weakness in corn, together with a decline in prices at the yards, started the selling and it was not long until everyone seemeu anxious to secure profits or to stop losses, and the price on all products took a sud den drop. At the lower level there was some covering by shorts, which caused a slight rally, but the close was weak. May pork closed, 35c lower at 117.52V,, after sein ing between I17.42V4 and 17.82V; May lard was down 16c at 19.8'), after ranging be tween I9.67V4 and $95; ribs were down 37V4c at $!).50, after selling between $.47Vi and so. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 15 cars; corn, 144 cars; oats, 105 cars; hogs, Sonui head. Ths leading futures ranged as follows: Articles. Open. I High. Low. I Close. Ye-y. Wheat May July Sept. Corn Mch. May July Sept. Oats Moh. May July Sept. Pork May July Hept, Lard Mch. July Sept. Bios May . July BepC 3iS74174(S 7o4iT. 71V 44-5V 45Va 43 mA3Ca, 42'A'jjVit 4J! 73i 7. 74y,73'5-, 71 I !! 4214,1 41 I I 42v I 34 34 V, 34 V4 , 33Hfi4 1 34 Vd H! 43 45 V, 42-, 334 34'4 31'l 2SVi 17 80 17 06 16 771 82V4 ' 9 HO 9 77V4I 9 75 9 Ml 35 aw 28V! I 17 82V4 17 06 16 77V4 9 95 9 80 9 80 9 80 9 52V,' II 3j a7si31!VjV3H4lhs 28 2SV! i 17 424, 17 D2V4 16 7241 16 75 14 AH iH fUl 16 40 9 674 66 8 60 40 9 224 16 60 9 80 9 624 9 6241 60 9 35 17 874 17 15 16 95 9 96 9 824 9 80 9 874 I 9 so 9 1741 9 224! 9 35 colored, 14V,t144c: fancy, large, state, full cream, fall made, white, 144c; fancy, small, colored 15c; lancy. small while. 144c. EGGS Receipts. 14.344 pkgs.; essy; state and Pennsylvania, average best, lc; west ern, fancy, 174''. I'Ol I.TKV Alive, nominal. Dressed, flow; wes'ern chickens, 14c; western fnm'.s, 134c; turkeys. lWillTc. M KTA 1.8 There was nn advance of 2VI In the London tin market today, with spot th'-re clos ng at l:iS and futures at 136 5. while the loial mnrket rulet quiet and steady at S2S srffmt.124. topper ol.o was htRhc'r In London, advancing 10s there to l.w for not and to . 12s fid for fu tures. Licaliy copper was dull and nom inal. Standard Is quoted at 114. lake and electrolytic at 114.7-'47l5 and casting at 114. 62', fa 16 no. Irf-ad was quiet and Un changed in London at 4.13 l.a and here at $4 ;4. Spelter, like lead, was unchanged both In london and New York, the local price remaining at $- 5n, while abroad It Is siili quotrd at U23 15s. Iron closed at 5tis 9 I in G.asgow and at 61s P4d in Middles borough. Locally Iron was quiet and un changed. No. 1 riundry northern Is quoted ut S4.iiVj24..i, No. 2 foundry northern at J2J.fOiir2..vl, No. 1 foundry southern and No. 1 foundry southern soft at $ J3. 5024. 50. War rants continue, nominal. No. 1 hard, 7s-Hc; No. 1 northern, 75c; No. It northern. 7?.'c. FIOVR-T'ltst patents, (3 7IV7S .: second patents. J.1 X I ;t.7S; first, clears. 2.75; second clears, .'.iK,2 1''. URAN-In bulk. 113.25. No. a. - Cash Quotations were as follows: FLOCK More active but easy: winter patents, mwna.iH; atralgnts, xj.3nrq3.40; rpring pitents, n.40rn3.(s; straights, fi Wii Z.; bakers, 2.4uiy 2. VM1KAT No. 2 spring, 7l877c; No. 3, 68 7f-; No. 2" red, 71 V" 724c CORN No. 2. 42c; No. 2 yellow, 42Hc OATS No. 2. 34c; No. 3 white, 33$j35u. RYE No. 2, 484c nAKLKY Good feeding, 42(J4.1c; fair to choice malting, 4iVy51c. BliKL-No. 1 flax, 11.10; No. 1 northwest ern, J1.124. Prime timothy, $3,524. Clover, contract grade, 112.25. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $17,374 17.60. Lard, per 100 lbs., $9.70a9.75. Short ribs sides (loose), $9 4(i.o5. Jry salted shoulders (boxed), $8.874ifj9.00. Short clear sides (boxed), $10.374ral0.50. Following tn the recelpu and shipments of flur and grain 1 rtecelpts. Shipments. 2S.300 25,1110 37,800 11.000 875,4110 27.iO 52X.8'JO 242.200 8.HI0 ' 46,0ii0 5.0U0 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was Arm; creameries. 18fi2sc; dairies, 14&24c. Kggs, easier, at mark, cases Included, 13(ftlJ4c. Cheeoe, steady. 13&134e. OMll -VMt)LK.tAl.K MARKET. rondltlon of Trade and Qaotatlons oa staple and Fancy Prod ace. ECJfiS-Wcak: frsh stock, 12c. L1VK Pol LTH Y Hens, lirjl04c: old roosters, 41i5c; turkeys, 13915c; ducks, 80 9c; gees. . StKc: chickens, per lb., lCjliC. DilKRSKD POi;i.TKY Chickens, HHI2e; hens, 11 fi 1 2c ; turkeys, 15$ipi8c'; ducks, 11120; g -vf, 1 1'a 12c. Bl TThK Packing stock. 124'Sl.''c: choice dairy, In tubs, WoLc; separator, 2WJ.27C. OYSTERS Standards, per can. 2V txtra 8clecls, per can, 3."c; New York Counts, per can, 4Vc, bulk, extra Selects, per gal., $1.75; bulk. Siandard, per gal., $1.3.i. KRii.LN FRESH FISH Trout. Jtlftc; herring, 5c; pickerel, 8c; pike. r ; perch, 6c; bufNIo, ilresscd, 7c; runfish, 3c; blucflns, 8c; whltetlsh, 8c; salmon, 16c; haddock, 11c; codtish, 12c; redsnapper, lflc; lobsters, boiled, per lb., 4ic; lobsters, green, per lb., 35c; but. heads, luc; ca'flsh, 14c; black bass, 2i:o; halibut. l.;c. BRAN 1'er ton. $15.50. HAY-Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland, $s; No. 1, tT.oO; medium, 17; coarse, $6.fn. rtye straw, $6. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. Demand fair; re ceipts light CORN 4.1c. OATS 39c. KYE-N'o. 2, 45c. VEGETABLES. NEW CELERY K 3 lamaxoo, per del., c; California, per dos., 45g"5c. POTATOES Per bu., 4)c. SWEET POTATOES Iowa and Kansas, $2.50. NEW PARSLEY Per doas. bunches. 45$ 60c. NEW CARROTS Per dos. bunchea, 40c LETTPCE Per do, bunches, 45c. MEETS Now southern, per dos. bunches, 4"c; olu, per Int., 4nc. Cl'tTM HERS Hothouse, per dos., $1.76. PARSNIPS Per bu., 40c. CARROTS Per bu., 40c. GREEN ONIONS Southern, per doi. bunches, 45c. RADISHES Southern, per dox. bunchea, 45c. TURNIPS Per bu.. 40c; Canada rutaba gas, per ib., 14c; new southern, per dos. bunches, 60c. ONIONS Red Wisconsin, per lb.. 14c; white, per lb., 24c; Sphnlsh, per crate, $1.76. SPINACH Southern, per dos. bunches. 50c. LEMONS California fancy, $3.25; choice, $3. NAVY BEANS Per bu., $2.60. WAX BEANS Per bu. box, $3; string beans, per b:. box, $1.50 CABBAGE Holland seed per lb., 14c. TOMATOES New Florida, per 6-basket crate, $4.5ffi&.nn. CAULIFLOWER California, per crate, $2. FRUITS. APPLES New York stock, $3.25; Cali fornia Belltlowers, per bu. box, $1.50. GRAPES Malagas, per keg, $6.0Utf7.00. TROPICAL FRUITS. FIGS California, per 10-lb. cartons, 90c; Turkish, per 35-lb. box, 14(gl8o ORANGES California navels, fancy, $3.00 3.15; choice, $2.75; Mediterranean sweets, $2.25; sweet Jaffa, $2.60. DATES Persian, In 70-lb. boxes, per lb., fc; per case of M-lb. pkgs., $2.28. MISCELLANEOUS. FOPCORN Pei lb., 2c; shelled. 4c. HIDES No 1 green. 04c; No. 2 green. 6c; No. 1 salted, 7c; No. 2 salted. 6c; No. 1 veal calf, 8 tc '12 lbs., 84c; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 6c; dry hides, 8fl2c; sheep pelts, 2n37ac; horse hides. $1.50fi2.50. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 aoit shell, per lb., 15c; hard shtll, per lb., 14c; No. 2 soft shell, per lb., 13c, No. t hard shell, p-r lb., 12c; Brazils, per lb., 12c; filberts, per lb., 12c; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell, per lb., 15c; pecans, large, per lb., 124c; small, per ib., 11c; rocoanuts, per dox., 60c; chestnu.s, pej lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., 54c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 7c; black walnuts, per bu., $1, hickory nuts, per bu., $1.50; cocoanuts, per 100, $4. OLD METALS. ETC. A. B. Alplrn quotes the following prlcts: Iron, country mixed, per ton, $11; Iron, stove plate, per ton, $S; copper, per lb., 84c; brass, heavy, per lb., t4c; brass, light, per lb., 64c; lead, per lb., c; rinc, per id., zc. MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lb.. 10c. HONEY Utah, per 24-frame case, $3.25; Colorado, $3.50. WR.IR K RII AMI KI.KVATOH CO. Omaha Branrh lio-lll Hoard of Trade Ilnlldlna. CHICAGO, March 17 WHEAT There has b-en a steady when market, notably so In view of the weakness In corn. Vhc;it, howexer. was Influenced by corn and the lowest prices were rnrly, when corn was at Its weakest. The flrrrness1 was mrtlnly on the disposition to work some reaction after the long decline. There was relative firm mss of the outsl.le markets e:irly. Pri mary receipts. 4i3,1 bu., against 4M.C"! last yesr; primary shipments'. ZSt.ivm bu , against l.v.on); northwest receipts. 24t cars, against SK2: clearances were 9'T.ono bu. ; the seaboard reports 4 loads taken for ex port; contract stock. 3..t),0(io mi., decrease .: nx: the world s visible decrcasd 2.N22,'") bu.; local receipts, 25 cars, with one con tract; estimates for tomorrow, 15 cars. CORN There has been continued liqui dation of corn toilay, presumably led hy . tidahy nouses. 1 nere nas also noen a argp amount of general selling. There has been pome further selllnir of the May by Armoir, but there has also been buying of ths July from the same quarter. Futures broke frlVc, with the Miy off most. There was a good reaction, however, from the low point, iocal receipts were 3n2 cars, with one contract: estimates for tomorrow. 146 cars; chsirances. 216.0" bu.; east of the tockles corn decreased 24."0o bu.; contract Mock Increased 29.on bti.; public ard pri vate stocks Increased 5"3,oirt bu.; primary receipts, 700.OI0 bu., against 2fi6,uoo last year; primary shipments, o7:i.0"0 bu., agiinst 2i.).- O11O bu.; New York reports 65 loads taken for export. OATS The market has been relatively firm on covering of both May and July by atten. mere was also buying by elevator Interest. There was considerable liquida tion, however, and at one time nrlces were off 4fa4c; cash market was sick and 4'5'c lower; receipts, it cars, 10 contract; esti mates tomorrow, 105 cars; clearances, 1K,(K) bu.; New York reports 150,000 bu. for ex port; stock of standard Is only 572.000 bu., a decrease of 35,(iO bu.; the stock of No. 2 is only 37.0O0 bu.. a decrease of 6.000 bj .: east of the Rockies oats Increased 408.CWO DU. PROVISIONS The market opened weak. Cudnhy was credited with selling May litis and lard, commission houses sold froeiv. ooks like general liquidation bv holder. There were 2o,ii hogs; market 5c lower; estlmited tomorrow, So.OoO. WEARE GRAIN AND ELEVATOR CO. Flour, bbls Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu Rye, bu Barley, bu HEW YORK GK1NEHAL MARKET. (notations of the Day on Various Commodities, NEW ORK, March lT.-FLOUR-Re. Oelpts, 33. 82 bbls.; exports, 4,206 bbls. ; quiet but steady; Minnesota patents, $4.0J (gH.SO; Minnesota bakers, $3.3iHU4.40; winter patents, $3.7tln'4.0O; straight patents, $3,654 1.65; winter patents. $2.iKii3.1o; winter low grades. $2.4C'2.90. Rye flour, quiet; fair to good, a.M.u J.2; choice to lancv, & 2,V((i 146. Buckwheat flour, dull, $1.9orn2.15, spot and to arrive. CORN MEAL Quiet ; yellow western. $1.10; city, $1.08; Brandywlne. $3.4lU3.t5- RYE Easier; No. 2 western, 64o, f. o. b., afloat; state, 56()6oc, c. 1. f. New Vork. BARLEY Quiet; feeding, 47c, c. I. f. Buffalo; malting. u244ifiik-. c. I. f. Rjffalo WHEAT Receipts, 49,400 bu.; sales, 2.7RO, 000 bu. futures, liiit.uou bu. spot. Spot, firm No. 2 red. 794c, elevator: No. 2 red, 8114c' v, v.,, iiorinern luiuin (hC (. o. b, afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, Ks-Vc, f. o. b., afloat Options from a strung opening soon fell Into considerable weak ness today, owing to the corn break, but at noon, on a bullish decrease In world's stocks anu export sales, rallied, holding very steady ud to the close, which wu l. .. So net higher. March dosed at 824c; May j . 1, unci tl 4i-'lC, JUiy, ll-ltfc, closed at 754c: September at 754c- CORN Receipts. 145,000 bu.; exports, 1,95) bu.; sales, 265.0KI bu. futures. 24.iO bu spot. Spot, easy; No. 2, 65c. elevator, and 014c, f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 yellow, 66c; No. 2 white, 674c. Options experienced another severs break this morning under heavy unloading by the west and continued weak all day until It rallied near the close, leav. tng oft 4if4e net decline. March, 56c, closed at &5c; May, 604iji604c, closed at 64e: June, o416Sc. closed at 604c; July. 4443 44c, closed at 494c. OATS Receipts 13U.5UO bu.; exports. 14.45) u. Spot, dull- No. 2, 44c; standard white 45c: No. 2, 41c; No. 2 white, 45c; No. a white 44o; track mixed western, nominal; track white, 44rj474c. Options weak early, but steadier In the afternoon. May closed at St. I.oals Grain and Provisions. ST. LOUIS. March 17. WHEAT Hlaher: No. 2 red, cash, elevator. 6'-4c: track. 73Q 75c; May. 694?64c; July, 6?4674c; No. 3 nam, 7i'ffi3c. CORN Firm: No. 2 cash, 384c; track, 40 '12c: .r, 2, 3!Wi,c: July. 394ffi.l94c. OATS Firm; No. 2 cash, ii4c; No. 3, 354 diJo4c; io. a,'dKivfcc; juiy, asc. l:VE-lxiwer at 5uc. FLOUR Dull but steady; red winter pat ents, $3.3oii3.45; extra fancy and straight, $2.ui3.25; clear, $2.70&2.O. ' SEED Timothy, steady at $2.0O2.S0; prime worm more. CORNMEAISieady. $2.30. BRAN Weak: sacked, east track. 80(8 83c. HAY Strong; timothy, $9.004716.60; prairie tr."illl HI. IRON COTTON TIES $1.06. BAGGING 64 tf64c. HEMP TWINE Sc. PROVISIONS Pork, lower; lobbing $17,624. Iard, lower at $9.60. Dry salt meats, weak; boxed extra shorts, $9,874; clear rtns. .,; snort clears, ! Bacon, weak; boxed extra shorts $10.75; clear rtns,; snort clears, METALS Lead, firm at $4,574. Spelter, nrm at o..a. POULTRY Quiet; chickens-, 104c; tur keys. 14c; ducks, 15c; geese, 74c. BUTTER Higher; creamery, 20294c; dairy, i.vmic. EGGS Easier at llic for fresh. Receipts. Shipments, Flour, bb!s "8.W0 18.(K) Wheat, bu 26,mU 83.iK) ( orn, bu 94,'MiO KM.iniu Oats, bu 144.0UO 104,000 l.iverponl Grain and Provisions. LIVERPOOL, March 17. WHEAT-Spot. quiet; No. 2 red, western, winter, 6s 14d; No. 1 northern, spring, 6s &4d; No. 1 Cali fornia, 6s D4d; futures, quiet; March nominal; May, 6s 14d; July, 6s I4d. CORN Spot, American mixed, new steady, 4s id; American mixed, old, no Mock; futures, steady; March, nominal; May, 4s 2-a. FLOUR St. Lojls fancy, quiet at 8s Jd. PROVISIONS Beef, easy; extra lndli mess, 87h Od; Pork, firm; prime mess, 62s 2d. Ham. short cut. nrm; 14 to 10 lbs.. 5s Bacon, Cumberland cut, 21 to 30 lbs., strong. Ms bd: short rtns, lh to 24 Ins., steady, o.s long clear middles, light, 28 t- 34 lbs., firm GBbJ; long clear middles, heavy, 35 to 40 IDs., firm, Ms: short clear backs, 18 to 20 lbs., firm, ivis; clear bellies, 14 to 16 lbs. strong, 61s 6d. Shoulders, square. 11 to 13 ll'H., llrm, 44s 6d. Lard, prime western. In tierces, firm, 5os 9d; American refined. In palls, Ms. BUTTER Fine United States, nominal good United States, sieadv. 6m. Liittsi-.-strong; Amencun nnest white. 69s; American, finest colored. His. TALLOW Prime city. 27s 6d: Australian in London, dun, 32a bu. II AY Dull; shipping. 65&70c: good to choice. 9Ucgftl 05. HOPS Quiet; stste. common to choice, 19c2, iU4; 18ol. 21fi24c; iMs, 8, 124c; Pacific coast, 19o2, 24iQ2c; 1801, 2lt& 24c; olds. 8fil24c. HIDES Firm; Galveston, 10 to 25 lbs., 18c. Texas dry. 28 to 30 lbs., 14c. LEATHER- Firm. PROVISIONS Beef, easy; family. $14 .00r 15 00; mess. $9.00d no; beef hams. 120.5 'u 21.50; packet. $12.WK(t 11.00; rlty, extra India mess, $24 0od26.tio. Cut meats, firm; pickled bellies, J10.ll.fl 11.25; plckied shoulders, $9 0 C2; pickled hams. uti 12.50. Iird, aster; western steamed, $10.15; continent. $10.40; South American. $10 75; compound. 7b-d7 75. Pork, easier: family. tl9 6o,i toon; short clear, $19.u0y 20.60; mess, $18.uoi I860. TALLOW Firm ; city, $4c; country, t9 64c. RICK Firm. BUTTER Receipts. 9.169 pkgs.; steady; state dairy. INkrt.c; cresmery. extra, c creamery, common 10 cnoice, itrj'24c. CHEES-Rt-elpts. 2.012 Dkas.: firm fancy, largs, stais. full crcsiu, tall made, Kansas City Orals and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. March 17. WHEAT- May, 44P,c: July, 6240240. Cash: No. i hura, bk44inH4c: No J. ts'a6U4e: No. 68'(i6.)c; retecied. o3ii58c; No. 2 red, 69y71e No. 3. 66'qtiiic. CORN April, XSc: May, 35ea64c; July 3541j 354c. Cash: No. 2 mixed, 35'4iasc; No i white, J9'ii4k-; No. 3, 38'n.Kk'. OATS No. 2 white, lii4j364c; No. mixed. 34c. RYE No. 2, .45c. HAY Timothy. $12.50; prairie, $8 509.00. BI TTER Creamery, 21(u2oc; dairy, 18c. EGGS Fresh. U-4c Receipts. Shipments heat, bu S.Hoo 4.io0 Corn, bu 55.HIH) 75,4iu Oats, bu 6,ou0 2,uX rhllndelphta Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. March 17. BTTTTER Firm, good demand: extra western cream ery, 30c; nearby prints. 32c. LUua ctteady, aocnl demand: fresh nearby western and southwestern, 164c at the mark; fresh southern, 16c, at the mark. 1 hues u unchanged. nnn; balances. $2,10294; New York exchange, loc premium; foreign exchange, sterling posted at H.H44 for sixty days and $1 874 for demand. CINCINNATI, March 17. Clearings. $3. :. HP"; money, 44-i.'i4 per cent; New York ixchange. 2-',i2:..- premlim. PHILADELPHIA, March 17 Clearings, $2V!2.4; balances, $3,127..!; monev, 3 per cent. BALTIMORE. March 17-Clcarings. $4. .Tl4. i6; balances. i;,K.tS; monev, (i per cent. NEW YORK. March 17 Clearings, $2t!, 204 "til ; balances. tl.i.4.')7.2fo. BOSTON. March 17. Clearings, $24,470,773; balances, $1,812,540 ST. IUIS, March 17. Clearings, $s.414. 025; balances. $l..iii$.8?4 ; money, steady at ,"!i6 per cent; New Y'ork exchange, 15c premium. Sew York Money Market. NEW YORK. March 17 MONEY On call, ttrm at 44116 per cent; cloned at 44li-5 per cent; time monev, easier: slxtv and ninety days, fi per cent; six months. 54g br; prime mercantile paper, 6 per cent. .STERLING EXCHANGE Firm, with ac tual business In bankers' bills at 4.87(u 4.8710 for demand and at $4 .SOTp-1.8375 for rlxty day bills; posted rates, M.K44 and $4.sTI; commercial bills, $4.82-Vg4 8.14. SILVER Bar, 44c; Mexican dollars, 3f4c. BONDS Government, easier; railroad, Irregular. , The closing quotations on bonds are as follows: I'. 8. ref. Si, reg 107 do coupon do 3a, tvg lf7t do coupon 10s do new At. rcg us do coupon do old 4fl, reg PMk do coupon llll do &s, reg 10 j do coupon lni Atchison sen. 4s 10 do adj. 4a 51 Bal. A Ohio 4a lni-i, do 34 9.;.- do conv. 4a loiij Canada So. In 103 Central of Oa. ta 1;4 do la Inc ti Chea. V Ohio 44a... lot C. ft A. Jsa 77 C. B. ft Q. n. 4a M4 C. M A St P g. 4a.. 1104 c. a n. w. c. la... 1314 C, R. I. P. 4s.... 1( r r c si l g. 4.. 11104 Chlraso Ter. 4a I.. A S. unl. 4a.... 4 Met. Central 4a 77 do la Inc !.',4 M. St. L. 4a K1 x M . K. & T. 4a :' do !a . N. Y. C. t- V. J. C. en. ta lar No. Paclltc 4a 102' do 3a 7J'8 N. W. con. 4a loil Heading gen. 4a 97 Ft. L. ft 1. M. c. ta. lll', St L. Y . t 4a !' St. U S W. la to 4 do ia M4 8. A. A. P. 4a... am, So. Pacific 4a so Fo. Rallwir h 114 Texas tc Pacinc la ..lis T., St. L. & W. 4a. 77'i I'nlon Pacific 4a 10l do conT. 4a ln.':a Waliaah la 1I6S no za m OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Bsef t?ers and Cows Sold JuU AVont Steady and Feeder Firm. HOGS VERY SLOW AND MUCH LOWER Demand for Mirrp and l.nmba Adhe and the- lnrUrt 1 oold Jtnfelj- He (tnoted Mesd to Htniai ou Kirrilhiax lleslrnble. SOUTH OMAHA, March 1.. Receipts Were: Cattle. H-fts. Sheep. Official Monday 3.0H0 4,;n7 l.6j L.fflclal Tuesday 3.41 4.41 6.i51 Two days this week... 6.5"7 9.2S7 17.3. S.ime davs last week.... S.l'iW 13.H.H bame week before 7.1' 8 HI" 9. 3: Same three weeks bro.. 9.8M 21.2.W l(j!4.' S.ime four weeks ago..,. S,ti2 1. t!" tiame days last year.... 7,3)sj U.'i 15,'Jll KEi'EIl'TS FOR. THE YEAK TU DAlri. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, nogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year tu date, and comparisons wun last year: 1!H) o: Inc. Iec. Cattle 1V5.302 109. 75 25.517 llogrt b-3.3i8 fM.Oi.i bheep 2ji.6iU 18.1,34i M 4.2-3 Average pries paid ior hog.- at South Omaha ior the lusi several das torn-parl.-u.n; Dais. loan J 40 1 ISM COWS AND HEIFERS. t 10 16 .. 17... 18... 10... 20... 21... do deb. n Tfi Colorado So. 4a f.9 Wert Shore 4a l'O Denver ft 11. o. 4a.. '., Wheel, ft L. E. 4a.. 4 Erie prior lien 4a... 7 iWla. Central 4a o senerai 4a Sf, Con. Tobacco 4a. F. W. n. C. la. llolo. Fuel 6a.... llorkliiR Vallev 4Va..l07' Bid. "Offered. ' 2 87 nM-ka ant flftarla. BOSTON. March 17.-Call lonns, 54fi? per cent; time loans, 54'iiii per cent. Official closing ot stocks ind bonds: 3lllnaukre (irnln Market. MILWAUKEE. March 17. WHEAT Mar ket lower; No. 1 northern, 78c; No. 2 north ern, 7iWi77c; May, 734c. RYE Steady; No. 1. 61V4iiT52c. BARLEY Steady : No. 2. 62ffl63c: sample. 45j-52c. CORN May, 444Q444C asked. Daloth Grain Market. DULUTH. March 17,-WHEAT-To ar rive. No. 1 northern 744e; No. 2 northern, 724c; May, 744c; July, 744c - OATH -May, MC. . Peoria. Market.- PEORIA. March 17. CORN-Lower; No. 3, 39c. oath lvower; io. a wnue, sc. JEW YORK STOCKS A D BOXDS. AtchHon 4a Mci. Central 4a Atchlaon do pfd Boston ft Albany.., Hoaton ft Me PoRtim Klevilcd . . N. Y., N. H. ft H. F'tchburR pfd t'nlon ra-lflc Ma. Electric Mex. Central , American Sugar .. do pfd American T. A T. Dominion 1. ft. 8.. (len. Electric Maaa. Klectrlc .... do pfd fnlted Fruit U. 8. Steel do pfd .lu. Adventure . 76 Allouei . M I Amalgamated .. . S74;Hlngham .:;.! Cal. A Mecla... 1H3 'Cel.tennlal ..145 ICnpper Itange .. .210 I l c minion Coal .1(0 Franklin . illt,llfle Koyale . jr, iMohawh . 2 Old Dominion Am Am A3 . S3 . W) .1074 . 84a Weatlngh. Common.. lot Osceola jgulncy Santa Fa Copper.. Tamarack Trinity t'nlted States ... Utah Victoria Winona Wolverine . H4 .. 14 .. 724 .. M'j . Mi .. li'i .. 'U',l ..lifl ." u .. M'4 .. !1 .. k4 ..120 .. 24 ..10 .. M'4 .. V. .. 2S' .. 7',, .. 13 .. 72 New York Mining Atocks. NEW YORK. March 17. The following art; the quotations on the the New Yo.-k Stock exchange: Utile Chief KKltarlo .... Ophlr Adama Con 60 Alice 30 ll.eece 2 Brnnawlck Con 2 Comatock Tunnel 11 Con. Cal. A Va 200 Horn Sliver 125 Iron Silver 110 Leadvllls Con I UOWlll Potoal Savage fllerra Nevada .. Small Hopea ... Standard 8 (oo 200 I 40 40 i ao 275 CHICAGO LIVES STOCK MARKET. Southern raelfle Absorbs All Interest of Lethargic Brokers. NEW YORK. March 17. Today's stock market was entirely In the hands of the professional operators and these for the most part of the small class. The wh:le market was dominated by Southern Pacitic. The manifest support for that stock and the cessation of yesterday's pressure against I'nlon l'aclfic caused a check to the early selling here, and a gradual recov ery ensued. Late In the day southern t'aclfic, union Pacific, St. Paul and one or two other spec ulative stocks were a point above last night. The realizing at the last took the top oft prices and the closing was easy. During the unsettled period of the morning tnere was continued pressure to sen New Vork Central, carrvlnff that stock down almost a point. The persistent slow liqui- tli.40; good to choice- heavy, J7.4.i. 5; nation in this -atock has. a very depressing rough heavy, 7.2r7. 40; light, 6.80rj 7.1:5; sentimental effect on the whole market. It i bum oi sales, i.iow.4u. Is variously explained as being due to sales j SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 10.00 against expected privileges to subscribe to head; market .steady, lambs closed weak; new stock or to tne general conviction th it i K""" i L-ouiue wt-wiers. o.iauo.ii; iair o with monev at 6 per cent high-grade rail- : choice mjxed, IttfrVlj; western heep, 5.0i road stocks are on too high a price basis, j C'lO'iO; native lambs, u.O01i7.50; western New Y'ork Central recovered with the rest 1 lstmba. $3.25C(j7.3a. of the list and there were some sharp ral- j Official yesterday; lies from recent depression In Northwest- newiinn. Dnipmenis. ern, the local gas stocks and a number of ; Cattle 26.170 6,72 i specialties. Reading was a center of some 1 Hogs 4o,ibl 11,681 pos.tive strengtn, wnicn was attributed to oin.-ep ev.oio .oji Cattle and Sheep are Steady, While Hofta are Dnll and Lower. CHICAGO, March 17. CATTLE Re ceipts, 3,5no head; market steady; good to prime steers, Jo.tO j.65; poor to medium, :!.5U(t;4.75; stockers and feeders, 1.1.;6'iH.8.; cows, Sl.o0fii4.60; heifers. S2.2xji4.75; canners, Sl.5tni2.6u; bulls, J.'.5.(o-..25; calves, S3.506.75; Texas fed steers, $i.oufn4.u0. . HOGS Receipts, IH.otw head; estimated to morrow, 3oio head; left over. 7,ts head: dull to 10c lower; malted and butchers, S7-l Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb Feb. Feo. 28.. March 1 March 2 March S March 4 March b Ms r.-h 6 March 7 M rch March March March .Man li March March March March March 1903. il!W2.lliWLIl!rV.llSSi.183S.1887 I 27, 23. .. 24... 25... 2G... t 24i ; u3-4i 97 S"ai 934! 6 'J-i 1 I 24 M4I "4l 14i b Sfi' 6 W4I 6 9S4I 7 024 7 0141 7 114: 7 o.vy 7 1541 7 144! 7 25 I 7 20-4 1 7 I I'-: 7 23-41 7 284, I V 194' 7 1041 t 73 5 sVi 5 8li 5 5 951 I s 97 5 S3 1 6 Mi 5 XI 5 90 tl 01 i I 6 V'jj 6 "i'i 5 971 fi 9! 7 10) 5 97 6 09 1 6 INi 6 2i 6 13 6 111 6 15 1 6 22) :3 & 3o i 2 t iS & ia, 5 '.;. ! 2S, 5 22 5 2Si 5 i 5 XI 5 37) 6 39( 6 41, 5 40, 5 41' 6 45 5 55; 5 5 56 4 c3 4 4 7S, t i 4 69 4 69i 4 DJ, I 4 Sil 4 ;i 4 77; 4 6X1 66, 4 74 4 7o 4 721 4 71 4 73j 4 761 4 79 4 75i 4 79, 4 4 9I 1 : t fc: a js 3 4 a mi a si I i 91 3 50 4 t.t 9j 3 5.M 3 b4 3 if 1 3 81 i i V a i 3 iKi 3 61, I 3 04 i t 3 Ml 3 18I 5 ol 3 H5 3 69, 3 73) 3 521 3 s;; 3 ; 3 54 4 60 3 89 3 5- 3 76, 3 53 ; 3 So, a 59 3 79 I 3 i4 3 ft) I 3 63, 3 59 i 3 , 3 65; 3 69, 3 W, 3 7U 3 Tl i 3 II 3 25 a Ji s y 3 a 3 J. 3 M 3 41 3 4J 3 4J 3 43 3 50 3 47 3 2t 3 43 3 j 3 65 3 67 3 ) 3 6. 3 61 3 ill 3 73 3 81 3 87 3 91 It... 14 . 1... I.. I.. t.. .. ... 1... 1... 7.. a... ID ... 1... 1.. 1.. 1... I... 4.. 1 . 1.. 1.. I.. 1... 1... 1.. 2.. 1.. 1... 4... .. 1.. 2... 1 . 2... .. 747 . l . . 4W .. 'ICS .. h1 .. ,. h " . 7.(5 . 51o . . Mil to .. 510 ..1210 ..!.' . . kill ll:l'l . M0 . . Hi . .ISi'i ..u.'ft . . linl . .l:o ..l.iio .1110 4 10 HEIFERS. I 1 75 I 1 t r. I w I 00 1 i I 10 I 15 I I ' ll 75 ll .. I... it'... 1 .. 7... ... 4... 10.... i... I... BILLS. t 5 1 (' 1 15 9 15 I I .'5 3 o0 3 W I ii I .14 3 4" I 41- 1 STAGS. ... I li 1. .. ...1310 I Ml CALVES. ... HI w 1 ...150 11 no 1 ... li 0-1 6 ...Ill 25 STOCK CALVES. . .. I7u 3 M) t ... lir, 3 no 3 ... mi i so 1 ?5 I 110 I. .. 7M .. H5 .. f" . .I11MI .. .'! . . ll ..I!2t. .. 7I .. I"" .. 7M .. ..ino . . 15011 ..ut ..14.M ..14'.0 ..170 .. ..l.-JW ..15.'0 .. 1M) ,.I41 ..lbCO I U I 15 15 I 5 I 75 I 6 I n I 5 I 40 I 50 I 60 S 40 I 40 I 40 I 40 I 40 I 60 I 55 3 55 I I 0 3 K6 4 00 1420 4 00 230 III 144 . 415 sr 475 .1.10 ti 25 I 33 3 50 I 75 4 tr 4 : STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. S 4l 1 50 3 60 3 00 33 4M 2 4 iU 3 00 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. I t4U I 50 111 US 4 JO i 5il 3 00 11 6' 4 20 l. 3 3 00 1 20 4 25 I ti l 3 in) 5 7f2 4 S3 1 i" 3 25 1 tiv 4 25 t f,M 3 25 1 4i 4 25 1 733 8 50 3 6US 4 25 1 H0 3 5o 3 1020 4 25 3 4 0 I 5n 2 55 4 25 1 170 3 60 12 105K 4 25 2 v 3 50 II 4i 4 25 3-1 67S 3 Mi 3 "0 4 25 1 710 3 50 6 72 4 25 3 7.10 3 70 I 7x 4 30 2 If.j 3 ,5 15 F:'5 4 30 1 710 3 75 14 llir. 4 30 1 Sill 3 75 4 I7 4 30 1 !0 8 ao C 4) 30 2 3SI 4 on ;t llfin 4 .10 i 41.; 4 no 71.". 4 30 2 1'HO 4 00 27 67:. 4 35 1 9U I w 10 MM 4 35 S 775 4 l"i 2" 92 4 36 7 "1 4 00 4 72 4 411 1 720 4 00 1 550 4 40 -'2 044 4 05 t:?l 4 40 4 MS 4 10 1 675 4 40 4 K4-I 4 1 0 34 569 4 40 5 7n 4 lc 21 47 4 40 1 11 4 15 12 M7 4 40 12 fcn.i 4 is 2(... 65 4 40 U I" 4 15 7 l't-2 4 t.0 1 700 4 16 27 614 4 6" '.5 4 15 Ill 4 60 If 1 4 15 13 1 1 2 5 6 1 IS 7 10 111 18 3 '7 1 2 1 77 35 Hogs. Sheep. 547 70S 72i 9!"6 1,126 81) 5SU 1.614 3.MI 695 4X2 9X1 TO 852 67 74 10 77 22 68 14T. 85 18 1 15 1'2 8 017 .... 632 the expectation of a favorable showing in reoruary net earnings. ine reneweu ad vance In the IjOndon copper murket led to a revival or tne uemand ior Amalgamate! Kansas City Live Stock Mnrket. KANSAS CITY, March 17. CATTLE Atchlaon do pfd Bal. 4t Ohio do pfd Canadian Pacific. Canada 8o t'hea. Ohio.... Chicago 4 Alton do pfd Chliaio & O. W do lat ptd do 2d ptd ..12T! . . II .. 44 114 .. 344 .. 71 S'( do pfd. Wabaeh do pld Wheeling A L. do 2d ptd Wla. t'entral .. do pfd Artama Kiprraa Chicago N. W l4VAiner. Eipreaa Chicago Ter. & Tr... lO'il' n. r.iprew. do pfd Toledo Grain suit Seed. TOLEIXJ. March 17 WHEAT Dull and firm; cash. 744c; May, 754e; July, J24c. CORN Fairly active and lower; March. 43c; May. 424c; Julv. 45V. OATH Dull and firm; March. S6c; May. 35l.c; Julv, 32c. RYE-No 2. 54c. 8EE18 Clover, active and firm; cash, S7.35; March, 17.20; April, S7 06: October, 5 45. l-rlme timothy, SI 60. Frlme alsike, 17 50. Mlnaeaoolis Wheal, Kloar and Bran. MINNEAPOLIS. March 17. WHEAT May. 734u73c; July, J44'744c on track. C. C. '. St. b... Colorado So do let pfd do Id pfd Pel. at Hudaon lxl. L a W IMnter & K. O do pfd Erie do lat pfd do 2d pfd Great Nor. pfd Hocking Valley ... do pfd Illlnola Central Iowa Central do pfd Lake Erie A W.... do pfd L N Manhattan L Mel. Hi. Rr Mex. Central y..... Mci National Minn. St. L. Mo. Pacific M . K T do pfd N N Norfolk 4 W.. do pfd Onurlo A W Pennsylvania ... Reading do l-t pfd do 2d pfd 81 L. 8. r... do lat ufd.... do 3d pM 81 L. 8. W do pfd Bt Pail do pfd So. Pacific So. R!lar .... do pfd Offered. 29'4iWella Cargo E. 254 4' .. 3f ..!' ..252 .. Ili'i Ami). Copper Amer. far : F. ... do pfd Amer. I. In. Oil do pfd American 8. A R... do pfd.. .. r"', .. 2'4 .. 41-H .. 2V, .. 33 .. r, .. 4a ..215 ,.:io ..i i-i . .221 steers, S4.6ifio.25; fair to, a;ood. S3.75iiJ-4.60; stoikera anu feeders, S2.5otj4.90; western fed steers, 33.'J"3;u.Oti; lexas and Indlin steers, S3.S54j4.35; Texas cows, S2.0iV(i3.15; native cows, 2 0i!i4.40; native heifers, 32.76 ifi4.46; csnnera, S1.0K(j2.25;, bulls, S2.804.0u; calves, 32.6KhH.oO, HOGS Receipts, 10,000 head; market, 10S 15c lower; top, S7.45; bulk or sales, S7.1auf 7.35; heavv, ii.2CCu7.45; mixed puckers, S7.H6 it.2b; light, S6.8aCa7.20; yorkers. Si.104J7.20; pigs, S.o"fy6.90. BHEKP AND LAM RS Receipts, 7,000 head; beat, active, strong, others weak; native lambs, 34.Oioj8.tfi; western lamb', S4.5ini6.85: fed ewes, S3.40'd6.00; na ive weth ers, J3.80frt3.9o; western wethers, S3.70fa5.9o; stockers and feeders, S-'MH-OO. Cooper. The recovery In the Pacliks was ; ans, 3o0 head native calves; corn fed, steady followed by the announcement thnt the . lo k,c lower; quarantine alow, weak; fat, speculative pool in Southern Paclllc has steady to 10c lower; stockers and feeders, been extended from April 1. the original steady; choice export and dressed beef .Int.. f Kb main, IV t , A n.i 1H StiAi.iila. . - . .. . .. - i . , . - - , .... live Btntlment seemed to be as muc-ii con fused bv this announcement as by the pre vious moves on the part of the pool. It ha-4 been feared that the dissolution of the pool would lead to tne tnrowlng over or some other. On the other hand It will Involve further tying up of large credits. The ex tension also has the tendency to Increase the weight from a stock market standpoint of the litigation Instituted on behalf of th? pool against the Union Faclflu control of Southern Pacific. Some favorable effect was produced by the conference undertaken between the officials and employes ot tne rew Haven system ior an anjustment or the labor dinnute. Money was somewhat easier, with 6 per cent the maximum rate fir call loans, and a necineci soitening or the market after the principal demand hal been met. lh subtreasury established a guln of something over $inn,fta-i from thn banks on the operations since Friday, thu wiping out its contribution of yeuerday to the local money supply, but the rate of ab sorption by the government Is much less tnan it was iasi wees, on me oiner nana there was a very substantial rise in the foreign exchange rate. With the relaxation of the money pressure here and a harden ing of money rates in Herun and Parts there is said to be less Inducement for the niacins of foreign funds nere. For what ever reason the foreign exchange market Is now practically bare of loan bills, to that the demand for remittances has been sufll clent to cause a material advance in the ex change rate. The bond market was dull and irregular. Sales, par value, I,1U4.000. 1'nited States bonds registered 3s declined 4 on the last call. The following are the closing prices on the New York Stock exchange: 8-14 Texaa tz Pacific 31 17 Toledo, Ht. h. & W. 244 2l do pfd 414 aiv colon r-acinc Jim Yerk Live Stock Market. NEW YORK, March 17. CATTLE Re ceipts, 296 head, all consitsned direct; no sales reported; dressed beef steady; city dressed native aides, extreme range, 64'f() 94c; cables quoted American steers at 124 (ft 15c, dressed weight; refrigerator beef at 9494C. CALVES Receipts, 31 head; quoted about steady; reported sales all veals were S6.00, city dressed veals, 10fiel4c. HOGS Receipts, 2,629 head; none on sale "sHEEP AND LA M RS Receipts, 1.181 head; sheep rated steady to firm; lambs ruled about steady; sheep sold at tfi.0Kij j.50 per ct.; lambs at 36.Oufii7.lst; dressed mut ton, Sti-lOc; dressed lambs, li4yi34e. "ions I lr Live Stock Market. SIOCX CITY, March 17 (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, l.luO; market steady; beeves. S3.75fn6.0o; cows, bulls and mixed, S2.tmrfi4.2; stockers and feeders, SJ.75 4j4.5u; calves and yearlings, S2.75Cp4.20. HOUS Receipts, 2.C0O; market 5gl0c lower; selling S6.s57.30; bulk, S7.oorj7.15. ' a4 "i 35 50 54 Stork In Slatht. Following were the receipts of live stock at the six principal western cities yester day: Cattle. Hogs. Bheep. Omaha Chicago Kansar, City St. lula St. Joseph Sioux City M'i Ante. Mining Co 122 .. 3,','Ilrooklyn R. T. 44 6SlColo. Fuel iron... tu . 53Lj cona. liaa .... .112 do pfd . 1024 len. Electric . . . Ho. king Coal ,13-i Inter. Paper .. .37 I do pfd . 4 Inter. Power .. . 41 Laclede Gaa .111 National Blacult .120'ilNatlonal Uiad .140 No. American .11.1 -a Pacific Coal . 244, Pacific il,l . 171, People'a Caa . iPreaaed 8. Car ,10SI do pfd . iu-VPullman P. Car 5i,(? KPUb!'c bteel J. Central 175 I oo pld Y. Central 1 lugar ..:.-4', .1141, ..12 .. 20 .. 14', .. 4 .. bo '4 .. 93 .. 4I4 .. 251, .. 3 , .. 4 .. 34 1 1,2 ti'.', i S.'o M ll'(Tcnn. Coal 4k Iron... IV a I in Ion nag a p 12,4 . 3o,' do ptd .142 f 8. leather ,.41'' do pfd . M I'. 8. Huliber . 7-."4! do pfel . 7 M 8. Steel .62 I do pld . . tiS'i Vetcrn I'ulon ... , . 24't Amer. l.o,-oi:iotlv , . 5a - do ptd K. f. ..utliero ... ,.!Wi do pM , .. ill. R'x k Inland ..31-, do ptd .. 14 ' -" K", 15-4 "7-1 6' g 14 r.", 274 kt 44 77 Bank 4 learlnas. OMAHA. March 17. Bank clearing for today were 31.272.712.29; Increase over th-j corresponding day last year, S161.674.27. CHICAGO, March 17. Clearings, fcS.SlJ,- Totals 3.421 4.4!1 6.751 3.5)10 14.IHH) 10.k4) 9.2k) 10.0i.i0 7,000 2.5K) 6.5110 2.i 2.4;iO 6.U61 4,997 l.liiO 2.0UO .... 22.171 47,061 30.751 Indicates Sunday. I The official number of cur of stock ' hroticht in torlnv bv each road'wa-: Cattle. Hogs. Hh'p.H'e C M. & St. P. Ry : 11 Wabash 3 Missouri Pacific Ry 2 Union Pacific system 11 C. & N. W. Ry 6 F E. & M. V. R R ... 54 C, St. P., M. & O. Ry.. 40 H At M. Rv 43 C. U. & U. Ry 2 3 II K. C. & St. J 1 C, R. I. & P. Ry., east. 5 C, R. I. & P. Ry., west. .. Illinois Central 3 Total receipts 180 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: Huyers. Cattle. Omaha Packing Co Swift and Company Armour & Co Cudahy Packing Co Armour & Co., Sioux City Carey & Benton Lobrnan & Co W. 1. Stephen Hill & Huntzlnger Huston Ar Co Livingstone & Shaller.... Hamilton L. F. Husx Wolf & Murnan H. F. Hobblck Dennis & Co Lee ft Rothschild Wertheimer Other buyers Totals ..4.223 4,812 6.896 CATTLE There was a fairly liberal run of cattle here today, but still the supply was not excessive for a Tuesday. Packers took hold in good shape and there wre no very radical changes In the prices paid. A good many trains were late in arriving, which delaved the market to some extent, but the bulk of the receipts was disposed of In good season. ' About the usual proportion of the offer ings consisted of beef steers and the quality was fairly good. The market was not par ticularly brink, but at the same time pack ers seemed to want the cattle and paid just about steady prices for anything at all decent. Handy weight cattle continued In the best demand and sellers found It an easy matter to dispose of that class at The cow 'market was quite active and' fully steady. In some cases salesmen thought they got a little stronger prices ior good stuff that Just sultcM the buyers. There was not n very large supply of cows on sale, so that a good clearance was made. Bulls were In fairly good demand today and there was no quotable change In the prices paid. Veal calves were ready sellers at steady prices. ,... Stockers and feeders were again In light supplv and good demand, so that values held firm. Speculators all seemed to want a few cattle and pougni a goou many oi tun warmed up cornfeds at higher prices than the packers would give. The cattle, how ever, had to be of good quality in order lo jell for feeders, as the demand from the country at present Is confined largely to the good cattle. The common stuff is more or les neglected and has not shown the Improvement In price that the good kinds have. Representative salesi BEEF STEERo. At. Pr. 1127 4 41 110 4 45 1150 4 45 ....1050 4 46 11(1 4 45 1053 4 60 1155 4 60 1270 4 60 1204S 4 60 .....1051 4 60 .....1044 4 50 1326 4 60 1110 4 60 .....1101 4 50 1247 4 60 12 4 50 t!?5 4 60 121 4 60 13? 4 50 1320 4 55 tl4 4 65 1140 4 55 1320 4 65 1241 4 66 12X 4 till 11H5 4 66 1371 4 65 136 4 65 1438 4 65 1500 4 6 1500 4 65 112 4 5 1.193 4 70 1.'.K 4 70 1341 4 76 13M 4 75 1441 4 10 1412 4 n I54 6 00 FERS. 1137 4 45 140 4 25 1423 4 70 D. E. Mcintosh-Utah. Ill bulls I27ii 2 so HOOS There was n smoll sunnlv of hoes in sight this morning, but a bad break in the provision market caused a correspond ing slump In the price of hogs. The gen eral market here was ptolic lower. At the start some sales were made that were no more than a dune lower, but the market kept getting worse, ami on the close was a flat 15c lower tiian yesterday. Trading was very slow from start to finish, as sales men could not make up their minds to take olT as much as the buyers asked, but st the same time packers would not raise their bids, so salesmen finally had to cut loose, flood weight hegs sold mostly from S7.1U to $7.15. nnd some prime heavies sold eMrly from S7.15 to 37.25. The medium weights sold largely from S7.06 to $7.10, and the lighter weights trom 37.00 down. Repre sentative sales: calves, $3.0cfl-4 40: stockers ond fe-lers, Sl.$, ft 4 75. ll'OOS-Receipts. head, lofii;,,- lower, rugs, steady; light ami light niln.l. . 1" bilEEP AND LAMHS-Kece.pts. l.!i; head; 1 -1.V hleher; fop Colorado wethers S!25; native ewes. . h". timln, stead v t lic higher; top Colorado. $; 1,,. I'OMOH Ki: .141 l it L (Should be read DAILY ty till intert-stu. .null,,, niH intiir 1. 1 unl 1,,,,. , 1 e n-( v no ,K M , r ,1 , 'Mt'TI.I l.i a ! ca. Foreign mans for tlit 11 19 ul. w 1.1 cluse i i'Kt i at tile getv.ri.1 poMi-tlK t r.l.B ii'SI MAILS ciosc than nosing Line s-iuiwn pufl mats or t,ct inn ny No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 78 1S2 20 6 90 64 234 ... 7 10 31 245 ... 7 t) 62 243 160 7 10 59 237 ... 7 IS .1 247 ... 7 10 64 19S ... 7 05 b2 243 40 7 10 73 242 ... 7 0.) M) 267 ... 7 10 64 211 ... 7 05 69 264 40 7 10 63 2.i2 to 7 06 77 251 ... 7 10 37 199 ... 7 05 62 255 ... 7 10 36 228 ... 7 05 59 2M ... 7 10 67 248 160 7 05 E6 294 120 7 10 25 251 ... 7 05 22 244 80 7 10 6S 230 80 7 05 65 ,256 ... 7 124 67 236 40 7 05 64 .266 ... 7 15 47 223 ... 7 05 65 3o0 ... 7 15 75 238 ... 7 07 4 03 243 ... 7 15 66 244 120 7 07 4 51 369 ... 7 15 63 238 ... 7 074 25 3'H 80 7 15 66 246 80 7 074 42 260 ... 7 15 79 216 120 7 074 70 2S ... 7 20 45 240 ... 7 07 4 39 240 ... 7 20 55 242 SO 7 074 66 234 160 7 20 71 2i5 ... 7 074 55 304 ... 7 20 78 222 120 7 07 4 65 265 ... 7 20 51 315 ... 7 10 29 252 40 7 224 50 255 80 7 10 47 334 ... 7 25 62 257 ... 7 10 38 282 ... 7 25 Visible supply of Grain. NEW YORK, March 17. Special tele graphic communications received by Brad-stn-et's show the following changes in available supplies since the last report: WHEAT United States and Canada, east of Rockies, decrease, 2,:22.tiO bu. : ofloat for and in Europe, decrease. ftO.Ooo bu. World's available decrease, 2,82I.lio bu. CORN United States and Canada, east of Rockies, decrease, 354,tiO bu. OATS United Slates and Canada, east of Rockies, Increase. 4O8.00O bu. Among the more Important decreases this week were those-of Hou.OOO bushels at Mani toba elevators, 3ot'.0oo at northwestern In terior elevators. lll.OoO at St. Joseph. 81,'l"0 at Omaha. Ml.'"") at Portland. Me.. ffi.Onu at Nashville and 68,ijO at Chicago private ele vators. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Mrch 17.-OOFFEE Spot Rio. quiet; mild, quiet. Futures opened steady ut a partial decline of points, fol It wing lower Eiropean cables, full port re ceipts and the decline In Braslllan ex change; ruled stndy for a time, then turned easier under full Interior receipts and freer offerings and was finally net 5.'d lit points lower. Salej were reported of " bags. ircludlnK March at 4.2jc; May, 4 4Kii4 45c; July, 4.55u4.6iic; September. 4.75.-; October. 4 8tc; November. 4 85c; December, 5.Mc; jinuary, 5.15c. Walikr Mnrket. PEORIA. March 17.-WH1SKY-S1 30 for finished goods. CHICAGO. March 17.-WHI8K Y-Steady, $IST. LOUIS. March 17.-WH1SK Y-Steady, $1 30. No. At. Pr. No. i ,v 650 i 60 sr.. 1 420 I 60 10.. a'.... 841 S 45 7.. 1 810 I 76 I-. a 40 1 0 SC.. I 1090 4 00 11.. 4 1117 4 U .. JO 113 4 20 I.. II 1041 4 20 IS.. 6 734 4 20 11.. 11 171 4 25 .. If 1081 4 25 fl.. 1010 4 15 $.. 1 1150 4 15 16.. 1 1030 4 15 n.. at 1061 4 16 14.. 4 n 14.. 1 1117 4 15 22.. 1 1023 4 30 I".. 1 740 4 10 14.. 20 1"1 4 80 11-. 7 1103 4 SO 14.. 0 1141 4 80 I.. 21 1118 4 30 SI.. 1 1141 4 33 19. 6 10DO 4 35 41., 1 1070 4 85 12 .. 1010 4 30 II.. 1100 4 8'. 21.. 19 1101 4 S5 SO. . K 125 4 40 1 . IS 1I7K 4 40 73 . IS lies 4 40 '.4.. 11 1237 4 4" . 34 1144 4 40 SO . 23 11M 4 40 15.. 14 1171 4 41 17.. a 112! 4 45 SI.. 8.. STEERS AND ,4 3 76 7. ,' 10i3 4 SO 11., i- ' 141 4 30 U . a ; l7l 4 40 ' COW 8 1 ISO 1 75 1 J' S0 S 20 I.. i'i 16 I 35 16. 1 700 I 40 1 mo t to . j' 640 I 0 14.. 1 son J ' o .. l' tl t 50 II.. l' 1100 I 50 JO.. I 1000 I 50 I.. 1 Si t 60 1-. J 620 t 60 .. Ill t 50 6., 1 icon t 60 3.. M8 I 0 t.. 725 2 40 7. 1 100 I 45 I. 755 S 75 IS. 1 140 t 75 I. 1 10W S 76 1- 1 710 9 76 4. 1 MO I 76 I 1 i:n s 76 I. 4 1i.S S15 1- 1 K5ii 1 an 1. 3 1OO0 S 65 1. 4 oo 11' I. 4 1M IH 4. 1 820 I M IS. 1 750 t 10 tl l mo i nn ts. 1 ,.io:o s oo I T 10f. I 00 7. 1030 8 00 I 1 1040 8 00 t. I 1025 3 00 t. 4 P00 1 00 I- I I0.W 8 10 1. l iiw a 16 ' t. 1 1t4 3 16 3 1 11 I 15 I 1 1210 I 16 1 156 3 25 S J tUt t 26 4. i.: no i r. ' 1 150 I S5 t 1170 3 30 SI . 13 465 3 Ml 3 ll'O I 35 I Ml I 35 $ 1 143 I 35 11 1 Itmti I 35 1. 1 173 lli T. ..1SS0 .. 2t .. mi .. J ,.1'f.t . .10 ..:o; , 87 .1145 . ns ..'.0(0 . .1"40 ..11110 ..1013 ..1050 . 10?1 ..115 .. if .. 0 ..into .. 615 ..l!it .. mi . ,n70 . . f50 ..1IM .1270 ,.IM . . i i ; .. k4 .. 12 ...170 .. Itfl ..1520 ..1032 . .1421 ..1:70 . .i;i ..117. .1223 ..1041 ..1M ..1200 ..lonr, . .lfsn ..1110 .1040 ..1'4 . int . lf5'ft . ,I2I ..ICO 40 I 40 3 40 8 40 3 40 8 40 8 40 I 43 I 60 I 5.1 I 60 8 60 8 50 3 60 8 65 3 65 8 56 8 55 8 0 I 10 3 60 I 0 3 an 3 to 3 t5 a 5 8 15 a 3 a 45 3 70 3 10 I 70 8 70 a 70 a 70 a ts a ti a 7.1 a ao a to a io a to I 16 I 5 3 15 3 66 3 65 a o a to I M 4 00 4 00 4 M SHEEP There was a liberal run of sheep and lambs here this morning, but none too many to meet the requirements of the local trade. Buyers were all out early and the market ruled active and strong from start to finish. The quality of the offerings was good, so that the market on paper makes a good showing. Colorado lambs sold as high as $7,110 and some fair Colorado ewes brought. $5,111 and $5.30. Some western ewes sold for $5.35 and yearlings brought 36.25. Everything desirable in both sheep und lambs changed hands about as rapidly as offered, but so many of the trains were late that the market did not come to a very early close. Feeders were again scarce, but prices could safely be quoted s-teadv. Quotations. Choice western lambs, $.5fViJ 6.75; fall to good lambs. $5.504i6.25; choice Colorado lambs, $6.o2j 7.0:'; choice light weight yearlings. S6.oiH(i6 25; cholc4ieavy yearlings, $5.5i (!i5.75; fair to good yearlings, $ 'LOO'S 5. 50; choice wethers. $5.5' 96.75; fair to good, S5.Q065.5u; choice ewes, Sj.uOftt5.25; fair to good ewes, S4.2.'&4.75; feeder lambs. $4.75 5.25; feeder yearilngs, $4.25414.76; feeder wethers. $4 00a4.65; feeder ewes, S3.00ij3.50. Representative sales: No. 59 cull ewes " 1 cull ewe 4 bucks 40 Colorado goats 3 Colorado goats 115 western owes 93 western ewes loos Colorado ewes 56 Colorado ewes 650 Colorado ewes I western lamb 240 Colorado eves 198 Colorado ewes 145 Colorado ewea 3 western ewes 384 western twes 3 western ewes 58 western wethers 262 feeder wethers and lambs... 557 western yearlings , 106 western ewes 6 western wethers 58 western lambs 437 western yearlings 90 Colorado lambs fV6 Colorado iambs 1 native lamb 2 spring lambs 10 western ewes 93 western eaes 6 western ewes 312 western rwes 393 western wethers 3 western yearlings 2 native lambs 248 Colorado lamia 399 Colorado yearlings 6'JO western lambs 250 Colorado lambs la western yearlings 235 western yearlings Ar. Pr. 74 2 25 50 J 25 155 3 60 97 4 00 83 4 00 89 4 50 92 4 60 73 4 75 72 4 75 73 4 75 80 6 00 86 S 10 70 6 10 89 S SO 83 5 35 110 , 6 35 113 E 36 86 6 60 65 5 75 70 6 10 92 4 25 81 5 50 58 6 55 95 6 25 81 6 75 71 7 00 130 7 HO 30 g 00 89 4 60 92 4 65 93 5 25 97 6 25 89 5 25 96 00 70 6 25 80 6 25 76 6 25 80 6 75 87 7 00 85 6 25 85 5 25 Bt. I.ouls Live Sfoek Market. ST. IX)UIS. March 17. CATTLE Re ceipts, 2.500 head, including 1.5u0 head Tex ans; market active, steady: native shipping and export steers. $4.7Vi5 25. with strictly fancy quoted up to $5.75; ilreseied beef and butcher steers, $3.7Mi j.00; steers under l.AuO lbs., $3.5iHii4.25; stockers and feeders, $2.35 d 4 5o; cows and heifers. $2 2Gfi4.50; canners, $'J.2.V53.00: bulls $2.5fu3.75; calves, $3.5uv 7.5ii; Texas and Indian steers, $3.6014. 4u; cows and heifers, $2 ri 3. 25. HOC! S Receipts, 5,5uo hertcl; market weak, dull; pigs and light. $1. 75i7.25; packer.4, $7.l5 ti7.40; butchers. $;7.55. SHEEP AND LAM 11H Receipts, 2 00) head; market steady to strong: native mut tons. $4.'i"''a. 85; lambs. 35.uufrr7.40; culls and bucks. $2 V4.5u; stockers, $1.60ii3.iO; Tex ans, $3.fr4.25. f4t. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. March 17. CATTLE Pe celpts. 2.45o head; steady to strong; cows and heifers, steady; natives. $3 851(5.35; cows and heifers. $22Va4.50; yearilngs ana Geo. A. Adams Grain Go. GRAIN. PROVISIONS AND STOCKS. Members Chicago Bosrd of Trade, St. Louis Merchants Exchange and Kan aka City Hoard of Trad Boom 224 Board Trade Bids , Omaha. 'Phones lou and 1017. J. IS. Von Dart, leo President. Write for our rnarkst letter and oaan (rain bids- private: wires. WEARE GRAIN & ELEVATOR COMPANY Members Principal Exchange. Private NN Ires. ERANCH OFFICE OMAHA. NEB. llu-111 Board of Trade. W. E. WARD, Mgr. Telephone 1513 S lOlil-W I .A , .- one hour t arue below . Inn,. cose ill b i, ,. t oucsm vt j . t''i f. a. o,ii naiu-ia. Regular and rtippit -in mat itnills tl- s. ., foreign station h.uf i.mir ianr thin t-iosu ., time shown below ttMipl tllut suppii-nui. tary malls lot Kjrope ami Central Ainniu. via Colon, close ona hour later at loicit,.. station). Transatlantic Malls. VEDNESD.Y--At 6:30 a. m for Et IIOPI'. per s. . St. Paul, Ma Southampton; u i:30 n. m. for NKTHEitLANDn uliec . per s. s. Staatentlam tnia.i must lit- n -reefed "pee s. s. Maiitendiiin ; 8:;'.i. a m. tsuppenicniaty 1" a ni.r io El'ROPK, per s. a. O.-rmaiiic. li 'J ii-eni town (mall for Fiance, Swltz rland. Hal. Mm in, Portugal, Turkey, t. pi. viri Lrltlsh India and lAieiuto Maiiiu mil" be directed ' pt r . s. tit-rma nlo") TH I'HSDA V At 7 u. m. 1 r 1-liAXi'i: 8 VYl'l ZEKl.AN'D. ITALY, SPAIN. !'t'!'. Tl'OAL. TI KKEY, KOYPT. Ulll i:: E HKiTISH INDIA and l.oKKN.o M.'.s Ql'EZ, pcf o. a. La Ma ll.ivi tmall for other parts of Europe ic-si l directed 'per s. s. La ! . trralne' I. BA I I' K DAY At 7:3n a. m. i: iippkio;nta. , 9 a. m.) tor El'HOPF, per a. s i.eiiua vl:i Quecnsiown; ot 8 a in. for 13EI 1U.M tnrci I. per s. u!crland tinall mux. b direct d "prr s. s. Vailt rlaod i; at u.i.. lor ITALY di'ect. per s. s. Weimar tmai must lie directed ' per s. . ' ; ai l:3n a. m. lor SCOTLAND tl'rtrt, ptr s. f Astoria tmall must be oirecKd "pi i s. s A-tor.a'); at 11 n. m. for DEN.MAKiv uliect, ptr s. s. Notge (mall mut-t lie ot reeled " per e. s. Norge "). PRINTED' MATTER, ETC This steamer take printed nuttier, commercial paper. and samples for Ucrmany only. The name class ut mall matter ior oilier parts cf Europe will not be ,nt by tills ship ui,-l.-ss specially directed by her. After the closing of the s'.ippl'",montary transatlantic mails named .move, add:- onal supplementary mails are opened on the piers of the American, English, French and German steamers, and remain open until within ten minutes of the nour ut hailing of steamer. Malls for Moutli nntl Central America. Wool Inilles. ! WEDNESDAY At 8 a m. for HEUMl.'DA. per s. s. Pretoila: at 12:3t p. ni. (supple mentary 1 p. tn.) for Tl'HKS ISLAND and DOMINICAN KEPl'HLIC. per s. s New York; at 12:30 p. m. (supplemental-. J::m p in. I fo- LEEWARD and WIND WARD ISLANDS, RRIT1SH. Dl'TCll and FRENCH GL'IANA. ptr it. s Carlb bee (mall lor Harbtdos, Grenada am: Trinidad must be directed "ptr s. ;-. Carllibee"). THURSDAY At 6 a. m. for BARHVDOS per s. s. RellaKglo (mall for lirazll, via Pernambuco nnd Santos, must be di rected "per s. s. Pellagglo"); at 8 a. m for CUBA, YUCATAN, CAMPECHE, TABASCO and CHIAPAS, per s. s. E peranza (mail for other parts of Mexico must be directetl "per s. s. Esperanza") . at 12 m. for SANTIAGO, per s. s. Ver bena. FRIDAY At 7 a. m. for BRAZIL. AR GENTINE, URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per r. s Nordkyn, via Pernambuco an I Hlo Janeiro (mail must be directed "pe. s. s. Nordkyn"); a'. 10 a. m. for BRAZIL, per 8. s. Hcvellus, via Pernair.b.n- i, Bahia and Rio Janeiro (mall for North crn Brazil. Argentine, Uruguay a. id i-araguay must be directed "per s. s. Heveilus'); at 12 m. for MEXICO, per r, s. Matanzas. via Tampico (mall must b directed "per s. s. Matancns"); at IJ m. lor NORTHERN BRAZIL, per s. s. t'omlnlc, via Para and Manaos. EATURDAY At 9 a. m. tsupplementary (1 30 a. m.) for PORTO RICO, CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per b. s. Ph:lad-I phla (mail for Savanllla and CanaKena must be directed "per s. s. Philadelphia"); at 9:30 (supplementary 10:3t) a. in.) for FORTUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA, (JAVA N1LLA and CARTAGENA, per . s. Alene (mall for Costa Klca must be dl retted "per s. s. Alene"); at 9:30 (supple mcntary 10:30 a. m.) lor HAITI and SANTA MARTA, per o. a. Adirondack (mall for Petit Goave must be directed "p-r s s. Adit jndack"); at (:20 a. m (supplementary 10.30 s. m.) for CEN TRAL AMERICA (except Costa Rlcai and SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS, per s. s. Alllanca, via Colon (mall for Guatemala, must be directed "per s. s. All anca"); at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Morro Castle, via Havana; at 10 a. m. lor HAITI, pe. s s. Prlns Wm. IV (mall for Curacao. Venezuela, Trinidad. British and Dutch Guiana must be directed "per s. s. Prim Wm. IV"): st 12:30 p. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Curltyba. via Havana. Malls Forwarded Overland, Etc.. Ex. cept Trans-PnclHo. CUBA By rail to Port Tampa, Fla., and thence by steamer, clows at this office dsily, except Thursday, at t5:30 a. m. (the connecting malls close here on Mon days, Wednesdays and Sutuidays). MEXICO CITY Overland, unless rpeclally addressed for dispatch by steamer, closes at this ofllce dally, except Ei'tn'ay, at 1:30 p. m. and 11:30 p. m. Sundays at 1 p. m. and 11:30 p. m. NEWFOUNDLAND By rail to North Sydney, and thence by steamer, closes at this office dally at 6:3i p. m. (connecting .nails close here every Monday, Wednes day and Saturday). JAMAICA By rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, closes at this ofllce at 6:30 p m. every Tuesday. By rail to Phlladt 1- fhla, and thence by steamer, closes at his office at 11:30 p. m. every Wednesday. MIQUELON By rail to Boston, and thenct, bv steamer, closes at this ofllce daily (it 6:30 p. m. BELIZE. PUERTO CORTEZ and GUATE MALA By rail to New Orleans, ami thence by steamer, closes at this ol.lce eVilly, except Sunday, at tl:30 p. m. ami TU:80 p. m., Bundays at tl:00 p. n.. ami tll:3U p. m (connecting mail closes here Mondays at 111:30 p. m ). COSTA RICA By rail to New Orleans, ami thence bv sttamer, closes st this office daily, except Sunday, st tl:3u p. m. ami tll:30 p. m., 8undays at tl p m. and -ill :3o p. m. (connecting mall closes here Tue days at til. 30 p. in ). LAHAMAS (except percels-poit malls) R' rail to Miami, Fla., and 1 hence b steamer, closes at this office at 16:30 a. in every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. tKEGISTERED MAIL closes at p. m. previous day. Transpacific Malls. HAWAII, via San Francisco, close here da'ly at 6.30 p. m. up to March 16th, In clusive, for despatch per s. s. Alameda. CHINA and JAPAN, via Vancouver and Victoria. B. .. close here dally at 6:3-t p. m. up to March 117th. Inclusive for des patch per s. s. Empress of India. Mer chandise for U. S. Postal agency ut Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Canuda. CHINA and JAPAN, via Seattle, close here dally at 6:30 p. in. up to March 18th. in clusive, for despatch per s. . Klojun Marti. TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS, vl.-i San Francisco clo.e here dally at 6:3 1 p. ni. up to March ll'ih. inclusive, tor desputeh (ter s. s. Mariposa. HAWAII. CHINA, JAPAN nnd specially addressed mailer for the PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via San Franclrco, t-Nse her. dally at 6:30 p. in. up to March J2d, in clusive, for despatch per s- s. Maru. CHINA and JAPAN, via Tiicoma. rlose here dally at b ;i p. m up to Much 24ih. Inclusive, for derpait h per s. hha vmui PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via Sal. Frsn c'rcii close li I e dully at 1:30 i. in up to March f 2. i h Inclusive, for dputch pe, 1'. S. Trantporl. NEW ZEALAND. AUSTRALIA fexrept West) NEW CALKDON1A. FIJI. FAMf'A and HAWAII, via Ban Frxncli-co, cloe here daily l 6:3u p. m arter March ITth ml up lo March l.-8th. Inclusive, for ilea patch per s. venturu. (If tne e'unar I steamer carrying the Brl'.lKh mail tor New Zejlund does not arilvu In time to ceiinett with this despatch, extra malls closing at 5:3u a. m. , n.8 a. in. and 6 3) f. tn.; Sundays at 4 30 a. m., 9:30 s. in ..nil 6:3(1 p. in will be made up and for--yarded until the arLval of tile Cuiut.l steamer). AI 'If TLA Ll A (except West). FIJI Ir' LANDS and NI-.W CALEDONIA. V: "i"tr .juver and Victoria, M ' . c-lore hen: tlaily at 6. 30 p. m. up lo March C8lh. In cluilvc, for dcFputch pT l. e. Mocm-. Isii.clally addressed or.l"). HAWAII. JAPAN CHINA and PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via San Francisco, lo here dally at .3o p. ni. up to March T0th Inc Motive, for (if-spati h per a. a. Korea. NOTE Unless otherwise addressed. SVest Australia ta forwarded vl.i Etrope, an-l New Zealand and Philippines via Sun Francisco the qui' keen rontt s. Plillli. pints speclully sddrettsed "via Camda ' or "via Europe" must be fully prepaid at the foreign rates. Hawaii Is forward? I via Ban Franclwo exclurlvely. Trans-Pacific malls are foraarded to port i f sailing dally and the schedule of c'.oal il ls arrange.! uii th. presumption of th-l uninterrupted overinnd transit. Regis, tend mull cioais at Ui p. in previoo. day. CORNELIUS ' AN COTT. "osfm i.ter Posiotnie, New York. N. Y.. March 11 l'J03.