Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 18, 1903, Page 4, Image 4

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Travis sella drugs.
Twenty-five-cent photos. 38 Broadway.
Expert match repairing. Uffert. 409 B y.
For rent, modern house. 71S Blxth avenue.
Celebrated Meti beer on tap, Neumayer.
New shipment of wood for pyrssraphlc
work. C. K Alexandre & Co., 31) B way.
Real estate In all parts of the city for
ale. Thomas E. Cat fly. 23i rearl street.
Wanted, lady stenographer. Apply at
office of Leonard Evtrrtt, IS Pearl street.
Mm T. D. flwnfy of Wheeling. W. Va.,
la vlfltlng her rarenta. Mr. and Mr. Louis
Zurmueh.en, 10i bluff ftreet.
Victor Nlelaei, .id Clara Tietje, both of
Fremont, Neb., were married In thla city
yeaterday by Justice Ouren.
Before papering your room we want to
show you our elegant 1903 deslgna. C. B.
Taint, Oil and Olaaa company.
The remilns of Mra. K. R. Kahler of 170)
fourth avenue were taken yeaterday after
noon to Waterloo, Neb., for burial.
Tha Ladles' Aid aoclety of St. John'a Eng
llah Lutheran church will meet Thursday
afternoon at the residence of Mra. 11.
Ouren, 124 Fourth street.
Bchmlrifa elegant new photos, very lateal
shapes and else. II oO, U and :.! dozen;
large alien, H and $3 n0 doien. First-class
work guaranteed. Schmidt, 531 Broadway.
The cae against W. 8. Thomas, charged
with embeMiIng money belonging lo nls
employer, -Thomas 'turner of Taylor, la.,
dismissed In the dlntrlct court yester
aay by the county attorney.
Hon. Lafayette Young, publisher of the
Ia Moines Capital, was In the city yester
day, enroute home from a vlalt In Omaha.
W hlle In the city he called on Judge Hmitn
MrPherson and officer of the federal court.
Tha funeral of Mra. C. E. Hlnman will
be held this morning at 10 o clock from ths
family residence In Mornlngsirte. Inter
ment will be In Walnut Hui cemetery. The
service will be conducted by Rev. J. W.
Calfee of Brondway Methodlat church.
On Friday and Saturday, March 20 and
21, we wld aell at our store, 331 Broadway,
a few slightly damaged sewing machines,
ranging In price from 5 up. Call early if
you want to take advantage of this excep
tional offer. The Singer Sewing Machine
Knoxall council. Royal Arcanum, of South
Omaha has Invited the members of F'del ty
council of this city to visit It Friday night.
All membera desiring to go are requested tj
notify the committee on arrangements, con
sisting of Charles A. Beno, E. A. Trout
man, Oeorge 11. Nlcoll and E. McConnelL
The receipts In the general fund at the
Christian Home last week were IJS2.72,
being $x2.72 above the needs of the week
and decreasing the deficiency In this fund
to date to i"H.67. In the manager's fund
the receipts were $16.26, being $18.75 below
the need of the week and Increasing the
deficiency to $147. So.
Mr. Brown of Avoca. an Insane patient
enroute to the state asylum at Clartnda,
was aeized with a stroke of appoplezy yes
terday at the Transfer depot and was taken
to the borne of her son In Omaha In an am
oulance. Permission for her removal to
her son's home waa granted by the local
commlasloners on Insanity.
Thomas Luckablll, a well known charac
ter In police court owing to his thirst for
liquor, waa arrested yesterday on a war
rant from Juatlce Carson's court charging
him with being a chronic dipsomaniac. He
was committed to the county Jail and his
case will be brought before one of the dis
trict Judges with a view to aendlng him to
.the hospital at Mount Pleasant.
' N. T. Plumbing Co., Tel. 260, Night, F667.
Inspect Pierre Street School.
The Board of Education met yesterday
afternoon as a committee of the whole and
Inspected the addition to the Pierce Btreet
school, over which there has been ro much
controversy. The board decided that a
number of minor defects In the carpenter
work will have to be remedied before It
accepts the building from Contractor Wick
ham and allows the final estimate. The
board will meet again' Thursday afternoon
to consider this matter. "
Two . bids have been received for the
erecfton of a Are escape on the Washing
' tot Avenue school as follows: J. C. Blxby,
$328 for an escape with platform accessible
from one window on each floor and $356 for
one with platforms accessible to two win
dows; E. W. Hart, $322.60 tor an escape
with platforms reaching two windows on
each floor. The bids were referred to the
committee on buildings and grounds with
power to aot.
Judge and clerks of the recent school
election have been allowed $5 esih and
the registrar $3 each.
The question of appropriating $150 for
the purchase of apparatus for the high
school gymnasium has been referred to the
committee on supplies. Superintendent Clif
ford, Principal Ensign and Prof. Millar.
Mrs. HcUtt Not Seriously Hurt.
Oeorge Qernrr, Jr., who was In the Wa
bash train wrecked Sunday morning at Elm
Point, near St, Charles, Mo., arrived homo
yesterday from St. Louis. The wreck oc
eurred at t o'clock In the morning and Mr.
Oerner was Just preparing to get up and
dress when the sleeper In which he was and
other cars left the track and turned over
on their sides. Mr. Oerner escaped with
a sprained wrist and a tew bruises.
. Judge J. E. F. McOee, wife and son of
this city were In the same car with Mr,
Oerner. Mrs. McOee was in the ladles'
toilet room when the wreck happened, and
It waa some time before the door could be
opened and she be rescued. Mrs. McOee,
while badly shaken up and bruised, was not
seriously Injured. Her hsnd was badly
sprained and she received two or three
cuts from broken glass. Judge McOee and
his young son were sitting on the edge of
their berth dressing when the car turned
over. They both escaped Injury. ' Judge
and Mrs. McOee and Mr. Oerner were able
to continue on their Journey to 8t. Louis
but little the worse for their experience.
Gravel roofing. A. H. Read, 12s Main St.
Report Thomron-Houitou Company Absorbs
Council Bluffs Concern.
Business Men Claim to Have Infor
mation Prom the East That the
Deal is Practically Con-rinded.
When asked yesterday if there was any
foundation for the report that the new
Thomson-Houston company of Omaha bad
acquired control of the Citizens' Oas and
Electric company of this city W. II. Fritch
man, manager of the Council Bluffs com
pany, declined to either deny or affirm the
report. He stated, however, that negotia
tions for the sale of the local plant had
been opened and were pending. "The deal,"
he said, "as far as I have been Informed
has not yet been closed. Beyond this I
have nothing to say at this time."
While the report here Is to the effect that
the Council Bluffs plant has passed Into the
possession of the Thomson-Houston com
pany of Omaha, It Is said that the real
parties back of the deal are the people rep
resenting the Elkins-Wldener syndicate of
New Tork City, the financial backers of the
reorganization of the Omaha aV Council
Bluffs street electric railway systems.
Council Bluffs business men who have
been figuring on organising a local gat
and electric light company with a view to
securing If possible the ci.ty lighting con
tract at the expiration, two and a halt
years hence, of the city's contract with the
Citizens' Gas and Electric company, say
that information received by them from
the east leaves no doubt In their minds
that the control of the Council Bluffs plant
has passed to the Thomson-Houston com
pany of Omaha. It Is understood that
changes in the local management will result
from the absorption of the local concern
by the Omaha company. As to this Man
ager Prltchman said he had no advice.
President Nash of the New Omaha Thomson-Houston
company said last night:
"Negotiations are on and perhaps I can
give some definite statement tomorrow. At
present all I would care to say Is that
probably the deal will go through. I do
not even know that If It does the company
across the river will become part of our
company, though the parties negotiating
are Interested with us here. If the pur
chase Is mad the equipment In Council
Bluffs will be put In Improved condition
at a cost of probably $60,000, and the gas
plant there will be maintained. So tar as I
know, the present deal has no connection
with the street car merger."
Plumbing and heating. Blxby ft Sdn.
Real Estate Transfers.
These transfers were filed yesterday in
the abstract, title and loan offlcn of J. W.
Squire, 101 Pearl street:
C. S. Lefferts snd wife to A. E.
Hardke, lot t. block 69, Rlddlea' sub
dlv, s. w. d $ $7
Minnie L. Trude and husband to O. P.
Tyler, lots 1. 2. 3. block I. Cochran s
add, w. d 2,&Do
M. J. Kelly and wife to Frances H.
Kelly, lot 1, block 11, Hyatt s auh
1lv, w, d... 1
Hannah B. Lackey and husband to
Ella R. Fettlhone, n't lota 1 and 3,
block 4, Wright's add, w. d 1,00)
Andrew Petersen and wife to Mabel
L. Blegfrled. s 7 left lot 10 and n 33
feet lot 11, block 6, Ulendale add,
w. d 2,30)
Clara E. Talbot and husband to Q.
L. Mundorf, w4 seVi 4. except 14
acrea; w 22 acre se4 se4 4: wW
swS 10. and eV se 9-74-3X. w. d 14.0X)
r. uoaie ana wire to Mason City
m run LMtuge nsuroae company,
part awVt seS, and part seV swVt -73-32.
w. d
Ellen F. Reed and husband to E. F.
Roberson, lot 3, block 10, Carson,
w. d 775
Henry Paachel and wife to William P.
and Henry F. Drnge, lot S, block it,
Everett's add, w. d X50
Kate C. MeClurg to same, lt i, block
7, Jefferls' subdlv, w. d 310)
August Helman and wife to W. F.
il'elman, aVi s4 27-7-40, w. d ,00)
fore doing any building on this side of the
river. He ssld, however, thst the com
psny would probably In the future con
struct a rural line from Council Bluffs
through Pottawattamie county to Grls
wold. He did not look for any move In
that direction, however, thla year.
Totaleleven transfers
Marriage Licenses.
Licecses to wed were Issued yesterday
to the following:
Name and Residence. Age
Victor Nellaen. Fremont. Neb 34
Clara Teltje, Fremont. Neb 19
Pavld V. Jones. Oskland. Ia J
Lottie L. Chaney, Oakland, Ia II
it Feart -. Council Bluffs, 'Phone K.
Jury Says They Were Parties to Bin"
Racine Swindle at Webb
City, . Ho.
"Guilty as charged In the . Indictment"
was the verdict returned yesterday after
noon by the district court Jury In the case
of the Stat of Iowa against Leon Loiler
and Ed Moore, charged with conspiring to
defraud Charles Gregory and William
Barker out of nearly $10,000 In connection
with an alleged fake foot race In Webb
City. Mo., in January, 1902. This verdict
was reached after the Jury had been out
less than an hour.
Judge Thornell in his Instructions to the
Jury said that the question of whether
Gregory and Barker went to Webb City for
the express purpose of conspiring to de
fraud someone else did not enter into the
case and afforded no excuse for the defend
ants defrauding Gregory and Barker.
On court reconvening yesterday morning
Attorney Sallinger concluded his arguments
for the defense and Attorney Burke, who
assisted the county attorney In the prose
cution, closed for the state. A recess was
then taken to 1:30 p. m., when Judge Thor
nell Instructed the Jury, which retired
shortly after I o'clock. At I o'clock the
Jury sent word that It waa ready to report.
The court room was crowded with an Inter
ested and expectant throng. The verdict
was evidently a surprise to the defendants
and many of their friend who had looked
tor an acquittal.
Judge Thornell announced that he would
pass sentence Friday ' morning. In the
meantime Lozler and Moore are at liberty
on the $3,000 bonds which they each fur
nished. They have three days In which to
file a motion for a new trial. In the event
of a new trial being denied the case will be
taken to the supreme court.
The case has attracted more than usual
attention owing to the prominence given
throughout the country of the alleged fake
races conducted by the Webb City Athletic
club and the court room was crowded dally
during the trial. Since Saturday afternoon
the Jury was constantly In charge of a
bailiff. Judge Thornell having been In
formed that attempts to tamper with It
had been made by friends of the accused.
The extreme penalty for the crime of
which Lozler and Moore now stand con
victed Is three years In the penitentiary.
Omaha. Council Bluffs Railway nnd
Bridge Company Files Amended
Ths certificate of amendments to the
articles of incorporation of the Omaha A
Council Bluffs Railway and Bridge company
were filed in the office of the county re
corder yesterday by Charles T. Stewart,
secretary of the company. The amend
ments were adopted at a meeting of ths
stockholders on March 2.
The effect of one of the amendments Is
to raise the cspital stock of the company
from $1,600,000 to $3,000,000, divided into
0,(M shsres of which 16,000 are preferred
and 16,000 common stock. The preferred
stock will. It the earnings warrant it, draw
not to exceed 4 per cent. The dividend on
the common stock will depend on what Is
left over after the dividend on the pre
ferred stock Is paid.
Another amendment provides that the
company shsll operate railways In Doug
las county, Nsbrsska and Pottawattamie
and Cass counties, Iowa, with termini in
Omaha, Council Bluffs and Orlswold. Cass
county, Iowa. Vnder the original articles
of Incorporation the termini of the com
pany were In Omaha and Council Bluffs.
This Is taken to Indicate that at some
future time the company proposes to con
struct so electric line tram Council Bluffs
through Pottawattamie county to Grlswold
In Cass county. In speaking of this latter
feature yesterday, an officer of tha core
pany said that as tar aa he knew there
wss no intention at present to construct
any suburban lines In Iowa and that ths
company would trU complete lis rural ex
tensions In Douglas county, Nebraska, be
City Connrll Pnta In nn Rvenlnf, bnt
Takes 'o Action on Fran
chises. The city council met as a committee of
the whole yesterday afternoon snd after
devoting nearly four hours to the discus
stun of Independent telephone systems ad
journed without taking any action on the
two ordinances Introduced Monday night,
beyond adopting a resolution favoring the
connecting of Council Bluffs with the in
dependent telephone companies In this sec
tion of the state.
Representatives of the two local Inde
pendent companies now asking franchises
and of the Bell company were present.
The committee took up first the propo
sition of the Western Iowa Independent
Telephone, Telegraph & Terminal com
pany, the company headed by Dr. D. Mac
rae, Jr., and his associates. The discus
sion on this occupied so much of the ses
sion that the committee had to leave the
consideration of the proposition of the
Council Bluffs Independent Telephone com
pany, the company organized a year ago by
H. H. Van Brunt, Emmet Tinley and others,
to another day.
' During the discussion, It was announced
that the tolls of the Macrae company
would be as follows: For five miles and
under twenty miles. 20 cents; for five miles
and under, 15 cents; for twenty miles and
over, 25 cents. The tolls, it was explained,
are regulated by tho association of inde
pendent companies.
Alderman Caaper wanted a clause In
serted In the ordinance providing for the
payment to the city by the company of 3
per cent of Its gross earnings, but he
failed to secure a second.
Several of the aldermen declared them
selves as opposed to the establishment of
two telephone exchanges in tbe city and
this was taken to Indicate that they did
not favor the proposition of Van Brunt's
company while they did that of Its rival,
the company formed by Dr. Macrae, which
will only establish toll stations and a cen
tral office.
Alderman Huber was In favor of the
council taking a Junketing trip to Investi
gate conditions In towns where two op
posing telephone companies were operating,
providing the companies now seeking
franchises would bear the expense. Both
companies agreed to this and Attorney
Tinley for his company even went so far
as to offer to bear the entire expense. A
representative of the Nebraska Telephone
company also offered on the part of tho
company to bear Us share of the expense.
The suggestion was, however, voter1, down.
In answer to the statement that the in
dependent companies were unable to es
tablish connections with the Bell company,
a representative of the Nebraska Telephone
company stated that the fault lay with the
Independent companies. The Bell com
pany, he stated, was willing to accord
connections provided Bell 'phones would
be used. The 'phones he said would be
leased at a mere nominal rental to the
companlea and would be Installed free of
expense to the patrons.
The discussion throughout the entire
meeting was more or less Informal with
the result that the aldermen practically
arrived at no decision.
Matters In Federal Coort.
.i.i.iiif in the nersonal Injury dam
age suit of Myrtle Kestcr against the
U I lwmnlrmA lima fl in th- United States
court sprang a sut prise on the defense
yesterday morning on coun retuu.oums
At h. .nit without prejudice.
UIBUIIIO'UB ...w " - ---- -
When court adjourned Monday evening
counsel for the platnttii was omy imi .,
through his opening argument to the Jury.
A Jury was then Impaneled to hear the
appeal of C. D. Boynton from the award
, .iven him in condemnation
proceedings brought by the Great Western
railroad for us ngni-oi-way v,.....
nt.- ..tiM,d nnriemned a building at Car
roll belonging to Boynton, who Is a resi
dent of Arkansas, ana ine snerm ju.7
.-..aa t,im m soft. He demanded $15,000
and appealed. The case was not con
cluded when court aajournea ior me uaj.
Shamrock in Evidence.
formal celebration Of St.
Patrick's day in Council Bluffs this year.
There were the usual services In St. Fran
.i. v.t.ti'a nit St. Peter'a Catholic
churches. Ribbons and shamrocks were to
be seen upon tbe streola ana a row lucay
ones sported the real thing. Alderman
tii- nna nt tha nroud wearers of a
real bunch of real shamrocks sent him by
a friend from the "aula sol." in me even
ing the members of the Ancient Order of
Hibernians enjoyed an Informal program
at their hall over the First National bank.
There were a number of Impromptu ad
dresses and vocal selections were rendered
by Oeorge Hughes, Ed Gogley, miss hoss
Brady of Omaha and others. Misses Un
thank and Tracy assisted with several se
lections on the piano.
Bowline; at Elks Club.
The third
at the Elks'
the Interest,
captained by
vVsllsce ....
Van Devere
week of the bowling contest
club shows no abatement In
Monday night team No. 5,
C. Hafer, defeated team No.
by Harry Searle. The score
NO. 6.
y. Davis
No. S.
2d. 3d. Total.
145 131 421
140 14 43 1
160 146 48)
173 123 475
138 123 39)
75 869 $,21i
2d. 3d. Total.
145 108 454
171 138 m
lM W 44!
140 137 451
102 141 33)
S91 724 27l57
Buteraantt of Savin? Ioititutiom Bhsw a
Htalthy Condition.
Women's Medical Society to Hold Its
Annnal Meeting In "Ions, City
In April Barna Harder
Trial la On.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, March 17. (Special.)
Iowa banks are prosperous. The stats audi
tor today made, public tbe total of the dif
ferent accounts reported by the $27 savings
banks of the state under the February call
kef reports, the first call made by the pres
ent state auditor. There had been a call
tirly In December by the former state
auditor. Between the two calls, about nine
weeks, there was added eighteen new sav
ings banks, with a capital of $162,000, mak
ing the total capital stock $10,815,600. The
deposits in these banks Increased In ths
period by $1,945,888.80, making the total
$85,063,868.86, There Is due banks snd oth
ers a total of $446,510.60, a slight decrease;
a surplus of $2,006,308.74, a gain of $197.
509.18, and undivided profits of $1,362,168.46,
a decrease. The total ot assets reported as
$99,694,456.55, a gain of $1,737,932.14 In the
period. The bills receivable amounted to
$80,267,618.64, a decrease, but on all other
Items there were Increases shown, the pres
ent totals being: Gold coin, $777,365.12;
silver coin, $273,414.87; legal tenders, $1,996,.
021.50; credits subject to sight drafts, $13,
387,877.06; real and personal property,
$2,142,141.84; overdrafts, $850,117.62. The
reports show that tbe banks have been
doing a thriving business, but have propor
tionately a larger amount ot money on hand
than before and deposits have been freer
than leans.
Conference of gnnerlntendents.
The quarterly conference of the superin
tendents of state Institutions was com
menced this afternoon In the office of the
State Board of Control. Nearly all the
heads of departments were present. Tbe
papers taken up this afternoon were nearly
all technical rather than popular In nature
and related to problems of Interest almost
alone to the beads of the institutions.
Warden Hunter of the Anamosa peniten
tiary Interested the superintendents by
showing a tew samples ot One drills which
are being made In the shops st the Ana
mosa penitentiary by a blacksmith con
vict. They are very fine steel twist drills,
perfectly formed by hand forging and well
polished. He will place a few samples on
exhibition with the boar All the flno
tools used In the extensive quarries at Ana
mosa are made In the prison.
Christian Chnrcb Congress.
The Christian church congress held here
today Is attended by about 200 persons,
largelv from Iowa, but a number from Illi
nois, Kansas, Nebraska and elsewhere. The
leading students in the church ot Disciples
of Christ are In attendance from this sec
tion ot the country. This forenoon was
taken up with a technical or doctrinal dis
cussion of the Incarnation, nnd this after
noon with tbe Pauline doctrine ot the Holy
Spirit. This evening there was a popular
address by Judge O. J. Schofietd of the ap
pellate court of Illinois. The convention
la being held In the University Christian
church, with evening meetings In the Cen
tral church.
Trial 'of Barna for Mardcr.
The trial of "Slim" Burns for tbe murder
of Jesse Corcoran was commenced In dls
trlct cour. today. Burns and John and Cat
rle BaTiesa were accused of murdering
Corcoran for bis money and leaving nla
body in the alley near their boarding house.
It Is claimed that he was dosed with mor
phine. The first testimony was that of Dr.
C. H. Hoffman, who examined tbe 'stomach
of Corcoran. He stated there waa a trace
of morphine in the stomach he examined.
On cross-examination he admitted, how
ever, that the heart of Corcoran was ab
normal in condition and (hat it was co
diseased that any unusual excitement might
have caused his death, hence that It Is
probable that his death was due to this
rather than to the exposure.
Wonean's Medical Society.
The program has Just been Issued for the
annual state meeting of ths only state asso
ciation of medical women in the United
States. Tbe meeting Is to be held In Sioux
City, beginning April 14. The State Society
of Iowa Medical Women was organised in
Des Moines In 1898 at a meeting of the
State Modlcal association by the women
who were In attendance, and annual meet
ings have been held ever since the time of
the State Medical society meetings. The
present officers are: President, Jessie V.
Smith, Wlnterset; vice presidents, Sophie
Hlnxe Scott, Des Moines, and Mary A,
Coveny, Clinton; recording secretary, Mary
Breen, Lemars; treasurer, Agnes Elckel-
berger, Bloux City; secretary, Jennie Mc
Cowan, Davenport. The society alao has a
district organisation committee of one front
each congressional district, as follows, In
the order of districts: Christian Clegg,
Columbus Junction; M. A. Coveny, Clinton;
Lily Klnnear, Dubuque; Alice Burton, Ma
son City; Mary L. Neff, Cedar Rapids;
Clara Gray, Talleyrand; Georgia Stewart,
Des Moines; Alice Burnet, Clarlnda; Mary
It. Tinley, Council Bluffs; Nsllie Blnford,
Boone; Lena Beach, Cherokee. Ths pro
gram for the April meeting Includes an ad
dress of welcome by Julia Hallam, Sioux
City, and response by Mary Hlnse Scott,
Des Moines, and a aeries of professional
papers. Including a discussion of ths pre
vention ot insanity, manual training In
public schools and the duty ot physicians
to disseminate Information.
Powell for Representative.
Dr. F. M. Powell, superintendent of tht
State Institution for Feeble Minded at
Glenwood, ia attending the quarterly con
ference ot superintendents here. Ha has
Figprune Cereal
A grain and fruit Coffee nourishing and invigorating.
DAY & HESS, Council Bluffs
Money to loan on Real Estate;
lowest rstes; funds on hand.
Mortgage Investments for sale.
Call on or write ua if you have
money to Invest, either In mortgages,
bonds or real estate. Real property
cared for.
Small farm near city at a bargain.
If you want to buy or sell real es
tate, call on or write us. giving
full information. Ws bsvs tbe bar
gains and would Ilka to show them
to yeu.
Ws hsvs customers tor property
that is effered cbesp.
DAY & HESS, Council Bluffs
House and lot In Council Bluffs chesp.
tendered his resignation, to take effect
July 1, and It has been accepted, but he
ststes thst he has no definite plans for the
future. He Is being considered as a possi
ble candidate for representative In the
state legislature from Mills county and It
Is possible he will be nominated next sum
mer. Hs has been strongly urged to allow
bis name to be used In that connection, but
has given co assurances. Dr. Towell hss
been at the head of the Institution msny
years snd retires solely because of a desire
to unload ths heavy responsibilities ot the
Mrs, Gallansher Glvea Bond for
Twenty-Five Thonsand Hol
lars and Is Released.
IOWA CITY. Ia., March 17. Mrs. Sarah
Ellen Gallaugher, convicted and sentenced
to fifteen years' Imprisonment for perjury
In connection with her trial for tbe murder
of her husband, has appealed tbe case to
the supreme court and has been released on
$26,000 ball, signed by her uncle, George
The grounds of appeal are alleged Im
proper instructions by the 'court and Im
proper conduct on the port of the prosecut
ing attorney.
Kerr ladnatry nt Shenandoah.
SHENANDOAH, Ia., March 17. (Special.)
The Young Manufacturing company,
makers ot clothing, shirts and overalls,
have announced that they would put In a
complete plant for the manufacture of cot
ton mittens. Charles Young, after a tour
of the country looking through the fac
tories where such things are made, finds
that but three factories are making them
exclusively In the United States. The re
sult Is that Mr. Young has ordered an
equipment of sewing machines ot a special
kind, power, dies, and will put a force of
fifteen hands at work turning out various
kinds of cotton gloves and mittens. Mr.
Young expects to be able to turn out
100,000 pairs a year.
Orders Cattle Whipped Dark.
WATERLOO, Ia.. March 17. (Special.)
The two cars of Tattle shipped here from
Chicago by the swindler who secured a
draft from the mall sack at Cedar Rapids
and presented it at tbe commission office
of John J. Lswler of Chicago, have been
shipped to Chicago on Mr. Lawler's or
ders. The drsft for $3,200 was drawn here
on the Bank of Goldfleld. The bank here
has been refunded the amount and the
commission firm and the Continental Na
tional bank of Chicago will be Ihe losers.
Mr. Lawler in selling tbe cattle paid out
over $700 In charges besides the freight
both ways and the cost of keeping the cat
tle here.
No disease causes so much bodily discomfort, or itches, burns and stinps
like Kezctua. Beginning often with a slight redness of the skin it gradually
spreads, followed hy pustules or blisters from which a gumtuy, sticky fluid
oozes which dries and scales off or forms bad looking sores and scab3. It
appears on different parts
of the body but oftenest
upon the back, arms,
hands, legs and face, and
is a veritable torment at
times, especially at night
or when overheated.
The cause of Kczema is
a too acid and general un
healthy condition of the
blood. The terrifying
itching and burning is
nroduced bv the overflow
through the glands and pores of the skin of the fiery poisons with which the
0 j . ; 1 l.j t-u:l- 4 1
Dioou-currcru 13 ovcr-io.iucu. imc cjhuiui ap
plications, such as washes, soaps, salves and powers
are soothing and cooling they do not enter into the
blood itself or touch the real cause of the disease,
but S. S. S. docs, and purifies, enriches, and strength
ens the thin acid blood and cleanses and builds up the general system, when clears off and Eczema with all its terrifying symptoms disappears.
Send for our free book on the Skin and its diseases. Medical advice or
any special information wanted we give without charge.
In 1806 I experienced at times patches on the in
aide of my bands that Itched and burned, oausiug
mnon discomfort. As time went by it
frewr worse, and I was convinced that
was afflicted with Ecsema. I eon.
aulted several physicians and a num
ber of specialists, and used several ex
ternal applications, receiving but
slight temporary relief. In February
I docided to try 8. 8. 8., and in less than
a month I experienced a change for tho
bettor, and by May all symptoms had
disappeared, and I found myself entire
ly cured, and have had no retnm of
the diaeaae atnee. W. P. BRUSH.
Manager Stockman's Advertising Agency.
Btatlon A, Kansas City, Mo.
Episcopalians to Bolld.
SHENANDOAH, Ia., March 17. (Special.)
The Episcopalians of this place are rais
ing funds with a view to building a church
this season. At noon yesterday over $2,000
had been subscribed, and as the congre
gation purchased a lot on Church street
two years ago the fund that is being raised
now will go Into a building fund.
Merchant Leaves Family.
WEBSTER CITY. Ia March 17. (Special
Telegram.) I. E. Ingertson, a prominent
hardware man of this city departed last
night. Family trouble was the cause. Ho
left the following note for his wife: "I've
stood all I'm going to. You'll never hear
from me again. Take house and furniturs
and do what you please with It sell it I
don't cars."
Kerr lire for Weak Langs.
Dr. King's New Discovery tor Consump
tion cures all coughs, toids. grip snd lung
troubles or no pay. 50c, $1.00. . For snlo
by Kuhn ft Co.
What Shall We
tdave for Dessert?
This question arises in the family
every day. Let us answer it to-day. Try
lllllMI II
Th, Vttr of Coed Chttr,
Once you try It you will understand why
it is so popular with judges of good beer.
It possesses every quality of other good
beers and then some.
Made by
LaCroas), Wit,
OmaTia Pranch, 207 S. 13th St.
Tel. 2344 and A2945.
a delicious and healthful dessert. Pre
pared lo two minutes. No boiling I no
baking! add boiling water and set to
eooL Flavors: Lemon, Orange, Rasp
berry and Strawberry. Get a package
at your grocers to-day. zo cts.
In the Bee Building
We have two offices that we can offer
at a very low rental considering the
fact that the price of $10 per month in
dudes light, heat and janitor service.
These offices have both been newly dec
orated and are attractive and comforta
ble both in winter and rummer. There
are not many offices like this in the
building and they never stay vacant long
B.tter call at once.
Rental Agents,
Ground Floor,
. Bee Bldg.
The Bee Want Ads Produce Results-
I Do Not Treat All Diseases
but Cure All I Treat
There Is seldom a day that I am not
consulted by an unfortunate sufferer
who. If he had consulted me In regard
to hla condition In Its early stages, I
would have cured him and saved him
much suffering, annoyance and ex
pense. This I consider due to lack of
knowledge on the part of the one who
has previously treated the case: there,
fore, I aay to you, If you are suffering
from any disease or condition peculiar
to men, or If you have been a victim
and have been disappointed In not get
ting a permanent cure elsewhere, I
would ask that you come to our office
and I will explain to you OL'R SYS
originated after my whole life's experi
ence. I will give you a thorough ex-
Is tha enlargement of the veins of tha
scrotum and a condition that mankind
suffers from mora than all other con
ditions combined, snd Is ths direct
causa of nervous prostration and the
early Joss of mental, physical and
vital powers, which in turn cause
business failures and unhapptnesa.
My treatment for thla condition Is
perfectly painless. I accomplish a per
manent curs without cutting or tying
operation or any detention from busi
ness. Tha nest reference I can give
aa to my ability In curing this condi
tion Is the names of thousands who
have given me the permission of using
their names after permanently curing
them when others had failed.
is the most loathsome of venereal
diseases, and It Is one thst may be
hereditary or acquired. The first
symptom ts an ulcer, then pains In the
bones and Joints, ulceration of tue
mouth, tnroat and tongue, falling out
of tbe hair and eyebrows snd a copper-colored
rash coming out over the
entire body. I care not who hua
treated you and failed. I will cure you
Just aa sure aa you will come to me
for treatment. I uss no mercury or
Iodide, thereby asurlng you when
cured that your bones and tlabues are
not destroyed.
1 9 'Wi
In all Its forms BY MY SYSTEM OF
TREATMENT Is permanently cured.
Irrespective of how many treatments
you have tried and failed.
that sup the very life from you and
later lead to complete loss of all pow
ers, Hopped forevrr In from S to 10
of an unnatural order stopped forever
In 3 to ( days.
and kidney troubles, the symptoms of
which are pain In the buck and loins,
frequent and Braiding urination and
thousands of other symptoms thst you
can appreciate better than I can de
ME NT you are permanently cured.
of men, 1 care not h jw long atandlng,
cured In in to 30 day without any cul
ling operation or pain or Iocs of time.
la the psrtlsl or ramplite closure of
the canal, Hnd HY MY SYSTEM OK
TREATMENT all obstructions are
permanently removed without cutting
or dilating.
I Treat Men Only and Cure
Them. to Stay Cured
amlnatlon, together with an honest
and scientific . pinion of your case. If
I And you are incurable, I will honestly
tell you so. If 1 And your case cur
able, we will give. you a legal guaran
tee to cure you.
We make no misleading; state
ments or unbusinesslike propo
sitions to the mulcted In order to
eeenre their pstronsse. The many
years of onr successful practice
prove that our special trrntutent
la safe nnd certain.
We will mske you no false promisee
as to curing your case In a short time,
knowing it will take longer, ss ww
promise nothing but what we can do,
and always do as we promise.
I care not how long standing or of
what nature, as MY SYSTEM OF
TREATMENT curca them at once.
or any swelling, tenderness or impedi
ments reduced to their normal size
without the aid of n knife.
pimples, erysipelas or any erupt!'-!" dls
niir of the tkln HY MY SYSTEM OF
TREATMENT arc permanently re
moved, nevr to return
Is a condition cuured by excesses of
tarty or late life. 1 care not how long
you have been ho. or how old vou are.
especially adapted for the p-rmanent
cur of all such caees as yours. Thou
sands have bi en cured of this condi
tion and a cure awaits you. Buffer
no longer.
thst have shrunken or are undeveIo7il
or that have wasted tbro igh disease.
sre permanently restored to their nor
mal size.
If you cannot call. All correspondence
strlcty confidential and all replies sent
In plain envelopes. Enclose 2c stamp
to Insure reply.
Referenoea best banks and
leading business men of the
Office Hours- a. m to I
p. m. Sundays: W a. m. to
1 p. in.