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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1903)
THE OMAHA DAILY T.EE: MONDAY, MAT.CII 10, 100.1. SPECIAL NOTICES rill be Ukn aatll IS as. far tfca esltioa (M til .. p. as. for asoralas aa SaBta? eaitlesu Kates, 1 1-Se a worl Srst laser-tlaa. le a war thereafter. Knthlag takra far leas taaa 2fie far the Srst taser tlna. TkfM aaverUseaaeats ataat ha raa raaeeeatlvely. ASvertlsere, hr rewaesttaa; a eaeca., cat have aaewere ad t to a aasaaered letter la ear af The Ree. Aaawars aa addressed will delivered aa preseartatloa af the aaeelt aaly. WASTED MTtATICISI, F.LDER.LY gentleman wlshea position as coachman; temperste. Industrious, expert with horse or stork. Address V 56. Bee. A 31 I AM it young wnw. 74 years old. with a little girl 17 months old; I Vint a posl'loi housekeeper; experienced In all kinds of hoceewnrk; ritn give references. Mrs. E. E. Ronne, Manley, Cass Co., Neb. A MT79 ! PRINTER, competent, country job, f. wek )ffloe. Council Bluffs. reliable, wants Address 8. I'.ee B M4 SITUATION wanted as salesman In dry goods or general manager of general mer chandise business, IB years' exirlence; best ot references. Address A 7. He. A-M577 17 VAKTED-KALE HELP. MKN to learn barber trade: free railroad fare upon our failure to convince you of this being the BEST and only reliable, most practical barber -college m the United mates. Write for catalogue today. Western Barbers' Institute, Omaha. Neb. GOOD messengers wanted; high salaries. A. D. T. Co., 211 S. 13th BL B-616 BALEBMEN Up-to-date, Active, to sell first-class groceries direct to consumers at wholesale; first-class territory and lib eral Inducements. George Meldrum & Co., 69 and 71 N. Green Bt., Chicago, 111. B-M167 THREE broom makers wanted at Coin, la.; steady work for first-class workmen; no others need apply. B M223 DIME Pantallortum Pressing Co. Fants pressed. lc; suits, Sc. W call and de liver. 115 S. 16th, upstairs. Tel. 223. B 438 24 WB FURNISH HELP. National Employ ment Agency, ir.ll Capitol ave. Fhone 1618. B Mi 66 2u BOOKKEEPER wanted; experienced youne man to keep retail accounts In large dry j goods store; must be accurate and rapid; state references and salary expected. 6j Bee, B M296 WANTED, bright, Bleaa cash boys; nius be over 14 years; good chance for advance ment. Apply Bupt. J. L. Brandell & Sons. B M WANTED, experienced man to take charge of four-sided moulding machine. Address National Wood Works, Bloux Cltv. Iowa. . B M341 18 WANTED, an an around blaoksmith: stuady work guaranteed. . Nells HJelm. WANTED, traveling salesmen t carry as side line Sweat Collar Pads, Patent Rid ing Saddle I'ada. Horse Collar and Bad dlsry epecl&Jttes.' Bell everywhere; lib eral commissions. References required. Write for full particulars. State terri tory traveling. Tom. Padglu Saddlery Co., Waco, Tex. B M366 24 short time required by our method oi eieaay vractice, expert instructions, ato. These advantages cannot be had else where. Tools, diplomas, positions, Batur- usy ana ooaru provided; partc- ulars mailed free. ISO! Douglas St. Moier Bartxr Colluga, B M380 ! WANTED, permanent position open for r:am mm, noi id canvass, put to travel for old established manufacturers m-ith larve capital; guaranteed salary of tl,0t l"r yrar ana vxpitnses witn cnance or protufrtUjni previous xperlence not essen- I tlal. State age, general business quallttcs tlons ana relerenoes. Address R. A. Byrne, Manager, 44 N. 4th Bt.. Philadel phia, Pa- . H M6U6 22 WANTED, experienced marker and sorter. Writ or wire W. H. Seymour, Bioux ony, la, i . M40I 17 WANTED, representatives for the sale of nign grane copper mining stocks, which are paying a dividend of 2 per -cent For particulars, etc. address Clark, Drake at narper, i v au BU, isew i ork City. B M517 17 V7 ANTED, men everywhere, good pay. to distribute circulars, adv. matter, tack signs, etc.; no canvassing. Address Na tional act. Co., ooo Oakland Bank Bldg., Chicago, 111. B M510 17 PAPER ruler wanted. Oood down line man. Steady work. Baker-Vawter com pany, Atchison. Kan. B M40S 17 PAPER cutter wanted. Steady work. tfaaervawter company, Atchison Kan B M4o4 17 4 OOOD painter and paperhanger can hear of a anap by writing te box H32, Wllber, jnsd.; mnsu or conemian preierreo. B M5S 16 IAUCIHEX WAITED. "ELL Fitters as aide Una on commission: fine artlcla, well advertised, 2oak Cuming. oao WANTED, two salesmen, salary or com mission. C F. Co., 1619 Howard St M 2W WANTED, an energetic aalesman and solicitor on Cecllian piano playr . proa- fleets; 600 good names to work on. Apply o Piano Player Co., Arlington block. liU- UJS lKiage at. iljs 17 WAXTEJD FEMALE . HELP. 100 Olrla. Call Canadian office, 15th Dodge. . ... . C 6ii A GIRL for general housework. 26UB Fierce atreeu c 7os WANTED, a cook. KJO Farnam. C 177 WANTED, experienced seamstress for cloak alteration department. Address Y Is. Bea. c M8 WANTED, experienced forelady for alter ation department; one capabla of taking full charge of 40 to 60 seamstresses. Ad dress II.. Bee. C MU2 WANTED, girl for cooking and general nousewora, no wasnuig, t per week. Apply airs, joiin urant, 101 Park Ave. C M30 WANTED, thoroughly experienced sales. ladles in clonk dvpartment; Inexperienced parties neea not apply. Address x it. lit. o A1&S4 WANTED, girl for general housework: small family, good wages. Mrs. Blmeral, sis jv iin Ave. t ti WANTED, ladles to make neckwear from sample; experience not necessary; steady work, good pay; send self-addressed stamped envelope. Ideal Mfg. Company, sk vt est uua bl., as xora. o Aluu Is WANTED, a competent cook. Mrs. P J. Jtogers. UJV park Ave. C 373 WANTED, girl for general housework. Call evenings or between 1 and 1 p. m. 516 a. rstn ft. c m 17 LADIES wanted to leirn hslrdrestlng. manicuring or facial massage; udvan- tagea oi rree clinic, exert inxtructlons. to ; one year saved by our method; tools. Diplomas ana position given; call or wr;te. Muier college, uui Douglas st. O M1M 19 WANTED, a 101 Bo 26th. girl for general housework. C 3T2 A GOOD strong girl for general housework; lu.uw per wee. V2Z Bo. join. t:-i-e53 16 WANTED, three ladles in Vlavl work for city and adjacent towns: only those qua II fled and desirous of earning a Mood in come considered: no Investment required: interviews by appointment Address Vlsti 10., 846 Bes bldg., Omaha. t-MSfl li BALF.BLADIES wanted, taunt have thor ough experience In selling dry goods. In quire J. L. Brandels 4k Bona. C 316 14 , t. (.11 sua ' ' fkmlly t4 thx. ao wastuag. Applv lsi6 Uraoa. C UUi. WAtTED-rEALE HELP. WANTED A good woman for general housework. ar. 125 per month. Ad dress, Mrs. R. MacNell, Florence, Neb., R F. 1). C M 464 17 FOR REST HOI SES. HOUSES. upward. Bcmli, Paxton Blk. D-52 HOI KPC In all parts of city. The O. riUUOLJ k. Dsvia Co.. 6o Bee Bldg. D 623 VANS and baggage wagons. Tels. 1196-1J 45. D 524 TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Ptnrage Co.; office, lolJH Farnam, or Tels. 1669-Mi3. D 629 HOUBEB. Q. O. Wallace. Brown Blork. D-626 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van ar Stor age Co. Tel. 14!6. Office, 171$ Webeter St. D M877 FOR RENT, S-room modern house. Sis N. 13d St D M472 TEN-ROOM modem house. 'l Capitol avenue. D M341 IN nUUOCO c. Peters Co.. Bee Bldg D iill HOVPES and fiats. Ringwalt. Barker block. DR2t JJT Modern house and barn, 2S33 California street. 115 Modern brick house, 2412 Ersklne 8t. Modern house and barn, 7u2 B. Jfith St. lis 7-rormi house, lofi California St. lift s-room modern house. 2456 S 2ith Bt. THOMAS BRhNNAN, m B.i. ISth Bt. D MS25 18 CENTRAL, modern, house. 220 N. 23d. steam heat. 7-room D M47 FOR RENT, 8-room house all modern ex cept furnace. 7"4 N. Soth St., 120.0". C. M. Bachmann, 436-J7 Paxton Blk V 34S FOR RENT, 254 Harney, g-room modern house, first-class condition $-15. GARVIN BROS., 1904 Farnam St. 'Phone 962. D MS 10-R., MODERN. 665 So. 28th Bt., $32.50. D 520 19 ONLY ons more of those fine, all modern, 7-room, brlok houses at 2th and Jsard sts. The best $20 houses In Omaha. O. E. Turklngton, 606 Bee bldg. D M539 FOR RENT, cottage at 607 B. S3d st. Tele phone Owner, L2 6, or call at 1108 B. fitb. at. D '.67 FOR llEVr-FIRSISHED ROOMS. DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. E 632 a LARGE south room, with ern houee, prtvate family, g alcove, mod- good nelghbor- hood. aS2 Harney. FURNISHED or unfurnished 8-room mod ern house, with barn. 2nth and Wool worth. Immediate possession. J. H. I. Johnson, N. V. Life. E M31S ETNA HOUBS. European, 15th ft Dodge. fc W4 ROTAL HOTEL, European, 16th & Chicago. fcr MO L. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone, 7H0. E 536 EL.EQANT steam heated rooms. 1909 Cnp- ltol Ave. E 1U1 1ENNA HOTEL. 1011-15 Farnam street. EL3CQANT rooms; hot water heat; modern .reftrenoea. 1SH N ebster. h. .iJS i FRONT parlor, hot water heat. 1917 Cass Bt. M1W 10- NICELT furnished front room, suitable for two. 1714 California Bt. i sua COZY rooms, Capitol Hotel, 19th and Capi. tol avenue. Ji. ow ai LYONS HOTEL. European, 113 N. 13th Bt. DENVER RESTAURANT. 606 N. lth. Tel, F-S349. Bi Mll AD NICE modern room In' very desirable lo. cation. 2587 Harney Bt. B M363 I ROOMS. light housekeeping. 1112 Bo. llth FRONT, 1st fl., modern. 2024 Bt. Mary's Av. su at ROOMS for light housekeeping. 630 B. 26th av. is mmb jn- NICELY furnished, for one or two. 2580 Harney. . tr moid zi Fl'RKISHED ROOMS AID BOARD. NICE rooms, steam heat, with or without board; low rates. Midland Hotel, istn ana Chicago. r il4 VERY desirable rooms. The Pratt, 212 S. to. r 300 A NICE large room, with good board. 4: N. Zoth. F M236 416 ROOM And board. 630 S. 25th av. r-MMa itr FOR BBRT-IKFIRMIHED ROOMS. DOUBLE psrlors. Call at 1616 Webster Bt. Ci 639 SUITE OF ROOMS, modern, housekeeping. is ueorgia ave. u saunu ic FOR REST STORES AKD OFFICES. OFFICES In the Bes building, tlO.OO per month up. Rental price Includes heat, light and janitor service. R. C. Peters & Co., Rental Agents, ground floor Bee Bldg. 1 2lv FOR RENT Building sultsble for whole sale purposes st 916 Farnam, 2zxo. four stories and nrst-ciass cemented uuement elevator, fire and burslur nrrtof vault office counter and fixtures. For price and particulars inquire C. C. Rosewater, secre tary the Bee Building Co., room loo. Bes building. 1 M567 FOR RENT Store, in first-class location rent reasonable. Apply K. C. Peters & Co., ground floor Bee Bldg. 1288 FOR RENT The building formerly occn pled by The Bre at 916 Farnam Ft. It has lour atones, ana a nasemem -wnicn wai formerly used a The press room This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested snolv at office to C C. Rose water, secretary, room 100, Bee building. 1361 STORES FOR RENT. 19.600 square feet floor space in four-story and basement brick building at os. 141 and 14141s Harney St.; steam heating Plant, elevator, etc.; -i per month Btore room and large light basement, all in flrst-clsss condition, lblu Howard Bt ier month. GEORGE A COMPANY. 16M Farnam St. 14113 JB TWO office rooms for rent. isnc Farnam Inquire Room I M 434 16 AGENTS WANTED. WANTED Canvassing agents In every county to solicit subscription to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady employment, with assured good In come. Agents In the country with home and buggv esiectully des red. Canvassers make vastly $rio to $100 per month Ad dress. Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau. Bee building. Omaha. 218 WASTED TO RENT. TWO gentlemen would like room and board In private lamlly, close to car line. Ad dress A 2. Bee. K M554 17 FOR SALE Fl RKITt RE. CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodsa. Tel. 9U2U. New ana secondhand, bought, sod, exoharred O (4 FOR BALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. HORSE AUCTION at Union Stork Yards bcrsemaikrt every Wednesday aftemom. P 641 76 DELIVERY wagons, buggies, carriages, any sise or any price to salt H Frost, 14th and Leavenworth. P 641 A DANDY l x-lb. team, with harness and wagon. Monroe, 911 North 16in Bt I'-MK I RUBBER-TIRED Stanhope, used one sea son, in good condition; also single harness. Mrs. Robt F. auilUi. TsL A-.:. P-296 THERE IS JUST ONE REAL ESTATE FIRM IN OMAHA WHO WAS YESTERDAY'S SUNDAY BEE. FOR SAI.F HOUSE AND WAGONS. AUCTION sale of horses everv Tuesrtnv. Thursday, at John 8. Cooper's, I nlon Stock Yards. South Omaha, Neb. p 846 A -12 FOR SALE MlSCfcLLAKEOl S. New and 2dhand typewriters. 1119 Farnnm. VI 543 FOR SALE Two stoves and three show cases with stands, cheap it taken at once. Address. U 67, Bee. Q 544 INDIAN goods and relics. 1118 Farnnm. Q-545 FOR PAI.E Phonographs, superior to any omer musical instruments, fc up. The Wittmann Co., 1621 Farnam. Q 67 EDISON machine supplies and records. r reacncKson, loin ana Capitol Ave. l7-zs WIRE fence for hoga, poultry, lawn and farms. Wire Works, 611 S. 16th. Tel. 15W. (J-MJSSJ.v-12 FOR SALE First mortgage not bearing per cent intert, payable every slg months; has about 2 years to run- good security and endorsed by responsible party; amount. ll.Ri. Inquire C. M Bachmann, Room 421, Paxton Block. Q 96 CATALOGUE cut drug prices free. Sher man Mcoonneu J-rug Co.. Omaha. Q M851 2DHAND eafe cheap. Derlght. 1119 Farnam. W .MS 76 LADIES' and gents" watches, ISO dl- monns, left In pawn, good as new. selling at half price. Diamond Loan Office. 14ul Douglas. Q So6 A-t TELEPHONE poles. Long Fir timbers. (. nil Ken lence, oak piling. 'l Douglas. Q M3G3 SECONDHAND billlnrd and pool tables'; minaret tames repaired; a large stock or cheap bar fixtures, cigar counters, etc. The Rrunswlck-Balke-Collender Co., 407-9 S. Kith. Q-M307 31 FOR SALE Very fine Great Dane bitch. 6 montns old. Bee or write Is. F. v urn, 14i 8 Farnam St. Q 368 19 FOR BALE, piano. leaving city, will sac- rince almost new nigh grade, mahoeany case, latest Improvements, 7V, octave, fully guaranteed. Call at once. Room 143, Millard hotel. . Q 3iiO 17 FOR BALE, thoroughbred Buff Cochins, for nreeuing purposes, iem park ave.. Omaha, Neb. j M5rt4 17 MISCELLAXF.Ol 8. A BUYER for a 9-room modern dwelling, one diock norm or nanscom ark. Ad dress P, 6S3, Omaha. R 624 16 CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 1614 Cass street b 660 MME. GILMER, genuine palmist. 319 S. 16. o obi SOVEREIGN Clairvoyant 807 N. lSth st B MS7S A3 MADAME LUCRETIA, medium. 1717 Cass street. 8 M915 Apr4 MADAME LUCRETIA. medium 1609 Chi cago Bt. B M915 Apr ELECTRIC TREATMENT. SRACE O'BRYAN of Kentucky. 720 S. 13th. T MIDI M17 MIBS DAVIB, 1621 How'd, baths; attendant M94 Aprs MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15, 2d floor, r. 1 TMZiV A7 FREIDA OLESON Elegant massag baths; assistant. Il7v, n. ittn, nat t . T M312 Apr. 11 PERSOKAL. FCZEMA SALVE that cured W. A. Paxton. B. J. Scar.neH, agent o09 Ware block. U-M442 Cf Pianos tuned, Room 7. Bee Bldg. iTl- 1J Pei field Piano Co Tel. 701. TJ 836 M31 FREE SAMPLE, WHISKEY. Bend ic to cover cost of snipping, etc., we will forward, prepaid, sample nottie n hiLLER 8 OLD PRIVATE STOCK." Pure, old whiskey. Dept "B,'' liiller Liquor Co. 130) Farnam Bt, Omaha. Neb. L' Mail 81 CM AHA DTE WORKS. 1616 Howard, fash- nmba cleaners, oresxes. suits, cioaas. draperies, rugs, lace curtains: we dye am, we uy U 372 AprtS carpets. MRS. JACOBSON. 2306 N. 20th st L All TELEPHONE 780 tor L. M. E. messengers. O 654 MAGNET PILE KILLER. At druggists, $1. 1T CURES. V Ml (16 Spectacles that fit. Globs Optical Co., 21S Bo. 16th. U-653 DR. ROY chlropollst; corns and superflu ous halr'removed by electricity. R. 2 snd 8, 1605 Farnam St. U 651 WANTED. 10,i families to use Hubbard's Superlative FIoit. It's the best. Ask your grocer for it Omaha Hay and Grain Co., lubbers. 1014 N. 16th ft 'Phone 773. V 439 24 RT'PTURE CURED without pain. Empire Rupture Co., N. Y. Life Bldg.. Omaha. L 655 A WHOLESOME nerve and tissue food and horns treatment for disorders of women. Write for free booklet. Viavl Co., S48 Ilea Bldg., Omaha. Tel. 1896. L' 657 CHIROPODY, manicuring, facial and ape clal massage taught and practiced. A. Mayer, 612 Bee Bldg. Consultstlon free. Tel. 1711. U-668 PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement; babies boarded and adopted. Mrs. GardeU, 2234 Lake. Tel. Red-lStyi. V 651 PRIVATE sanitarium for ladles before and during confinement. Dr. and Mra. Gertsch, i 3025 California St Terma reasonable. U-560 MR. CLYDE D. HARRIS of Chlcngo will be at the store ot the Nebraska i ycie Company, corner loth and Harney, from March 16 to incluaive. Mr. Harris has a reDutatlon for doing the finest art work on a sewing machine of any man in the United Btatea." He will have with him the most elegant line of samples ever shown In Omaha. We cordially Invite our customers and friends to call and see the exhibit which he will have wtrh him. . U-M4T2 17 WE RENT sewing machines, any make. lor 76c per k, or ai. mo per month. e eell attachments for and repair auy ma chine manufactured. Nebratk. Cyc e Co., Corner 15th and Harney. 'Phone 153. U-M473-21 Ladies and Gents Clothes Pressed and Cleaned at the Gate City Steam Dyeing and Cleaning Co. 518 So. 16th. Telephone 265. U 685 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Hreiman-Lovs Co., 8u9 U. 13th. W 663 4 TO I P. C money. Bemia. Paxton Blk. W 661 6 PER CtNT loans, Canla Bros., laut Farnam, W-Us v,. ,,, , ,rn,lhi. befors ' LARGEST BUSINESS IN iOANS TO E nSe4 'SVrS ii. SoJt-se: nSLf i XW"T St? o'iVrad. -J Aprt Bde X-673 MOEY TO l,OA REAL ESTATE. 4V, PER CENT bn business property. 6 per ceut on residence property. Options to psv whole or ptirt any time. W. B. ME1KLE. 41 B. 15TH PT. W 562 FARM and city loans, low rates. W. II. Thomas, First Nat. Bank Bldg. Tel. 1R4S. W 665 WANTED, cltv loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith tt Co., 13 Farnam street. W 667 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. FP.1VATE money. Life. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. W-376 WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds end warrants. R. C. Peters St Co., i70t Farnam Bt.. pee Fldg. W 6C4 MOSEY TO LOAX CHATTELS. MONEY. MONET. MONEY. ARE YOU IN NEED OF MONKTT IT IS A GOOD THING TO KNOW THAT WE LOAN MONET TO SALARIED EMPLOYES holding perma nent positions with resporfilOe firms on . l , i i - .i,v.m,. rvnousro MORTGAGE, or SECURITY of any kind, or Employer s knowledge. We also losn money on FURNITURE. PIANOS. HORSES. CARRIAGES. ETC.. at the lowest possible rata. There will be no restrictions on your moving, no in quiry among your neighbors or friends or auy other unpleasant formalities. You can REPAT US in WEEKLY or MONTHLY payments to suit your own convenience. You receive the FULL AMOUNT wanted In cash; no CHARGES DEDUCTED IN ADVANCE. We want your business and bellevs an in vestigation of oar methods will get It, even if st present you are dealing with unotber company. If you want to be dealt with fnlrly call on us. KIND, COURTEOUS TREATMENT TO ALL. Our office is the best equipped to handle your business with PRIVACY OF ANY IN THE CITY. AMERICAN LOAN CO., Room 903 PAXTON BLOCK Room SOX Get Off Elevator at Third Floor. Open Wed. and Bat till 8 p. m. X-M177 Cash. We loan from $10.00 up on furniture live stock, pianos, etc. SALARY LOANS: without mortgage to persons who hold sal aried positions. An interview will convince you that the conditions of our contracts are the most liberal obtainable In the city. We make no deductions from the amount borrowed, as some do, thereby compelling you to pay for money you do not get. Our office is very easily found, and having re cently had it again remodeled. It Is mors private than ever. We always try to plaase. 3MAHA 1VTGE- Loan o., 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. '2296. (Established 192. itu6 So. 16th Bt. X 33 LOANS ON Chattels or Salary TO EVERYBODY. LOWEST BATES AND BEST TERMS IK THE CITY. PHOENIX CREDiT CO., 1& Fax ton Blk.t UHb aju&'Farnam. Top Floor. X-MS94 THE STAR LOAN tOMPANT, Room 44. Paxton Bieck. 'Phone F-!2D. This company is the private bank ot the w age-uarnot' and salaried employe. It you have a permanent position as clerk, pookseeper, alesman, machinist or artl an of an kind, you can obtain on your note, wiinoul security oi indorser. Beml- Monthly.Monthry. Weekly. $100 return to us....$4 66 - $1136 66 66 I &o return to us.... 13.33 6.(15 S.86 26 return to us.... 6.6ii $.33 1.66 J 15 return to us ... 4 .00 2.00 l.uo Our offices are private and our business confidential. From K a. tu. to 7 p. m. X S71 MONEY loaned tm plain note to salaried people; business confidential, lowest ratea 614 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. X-676 SALARY LOANS privately made on notes. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Paxton Block, Corner 16th and Farnam fits.. Third Floor. X M174 CHATTEL salary and Jewelry leAns. Foley Loan Co, sue to C Green; It a, Barker blk X-S74 MONEY loaned on pis nos. furniture, Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed. 819 B. U- X--176 BtSIKEsS CHAKCEB. WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange any property or business quick, see J. It Johnson, 54i Is". Y. Life. Y 351 HARNESS shop for sale. Bchafer, Marlon, b. V. Inquire at I Y M474 TO GET In or out of business call on Wil liams. Room 411. McCague building. Y 678 FOR BALE Stock or furniture and hard- ware in a live town on N. W. R. R. in Neb. at c bargain, doing good buslneBS and making money. Address Y 14. cara Bee. Y-M902 18 FOR SALE About April 16, complete rail road grading outiit. consisting of 90 horses, 2 graders, Si dump wagons. 60 dump cars, rail, 10 scraiers and mlscel ianeous tools. Address Butler Bros., St Paul. Mlnu. Y-M958 2v CASH for your real estate or business, no matter where located. For a quick sale send ua description and price. North western Business Agency. D 812. Bcnk of Commerce bldg., Minneapolis. Minn. Y M356 AprlS" FOR SALE, hardware and Implement stock: best location in town of l.oio. mul 1 be lafch. snap lor German. Andres t tit Bee. Y M34 16 WANTED, to rent, a good furnished hotel. Address Y 56, Lee. Y M235 U- FOR SALE, an established wholesale and retail bakery and confectionery In city of lo.wii; splendid trade; sickness reason for selling. Will bear closest Investigation. Prloe, $1,500. Address Y 65, B office. Y 511 17 FOR SALE REAL F.STATI1. DOUOLA8 county farms for sule. Hnusley & Gibbons, Eikhorn, Ntb. RE M 18 CHOICE trackage paved. Monroe. Ul N. 16th. . RE 6i'9 RANCH and farm lands for sale by the Union Pacific lull road company. B. A. McAllester land commissioner. Union Pa cific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. KK-5u HOUEES and lota in all parts cf city; also a-?re property and farm lauds. The O F. Davis Co.. room 552 Bee Bldg. RE 61 MISSOURI LANDS. We have for sale choice Miller Co., Mis souri, Improved farm lands, from $16 to $35 per acre. Good erasing lands In any slxs tracts de sired, from $4 tn $10 per acre. Also lead, sine, Iron ana coal lands. M rite us for our land list. ' CONLOGUE 4k ST. JOHN. ELJW1N, MO. RE M382 A13 FOB BARGAINS In real estate, houses for rent Insurance of any kind, see Robt. H. Laiideriou. 413 Cbambar ut Commerce. RE 745 Al I ' - - - - ... - NOT ADVERTISED IN FOR XAIF. REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE RT'BTNKXS PRol'ERTT. 10,000.00 for reta.l business property on lih Bt., nesr tarnam. KesponsiDis tensnt will take -yesr lewse and pay 6V net, tenant paying all taxes, insurance and repairs dur ing life of lease. 833,000.00 for 4-storv and basement brick building. 1414 and 14HS Harney Bt.; rental 83,ono per year. $30,000.00 for S-story and basement brick building, lot 44x132 feet on Far nam between lltth and 18th Sts. $18,000.00 for 2-story slid basement su Lumi nal brick building, lot OxlW feet, Nos. 413-416 and 417 N. 2r.t h f-L, Bouth Omaha. Rental $iw per year. $10,000.00 lor 8-story and bsaemsnt brick building, lot 22x132 feet. No. 1-!18 Farnam St. Rental $OA per year. $ .10.00 for 66x142 teet; rental $.160 per year. Jackson St., between llth and 12th Bts. RESIDENCE PROPKRTT. $ 6,500.00 v-room modern house, lot 7uxl4t feet, with frontaga on two streets. Park Ave., near Leavenworth. $ 6,750.00 s-room modem house, 16th Bt.. near Farnam. $ 6.260.00 lo-roum modern house, lot 66x133 feet, leased $50 per mo. 1 blocks from High school. $ 4,000.00 rooms, lot Co 1.132 feet hear High school. $ 4,000.00 e-room modern house, 10th Ava., hear PaclOc. $ 8,600.00 9-room modern house, 2212 Locust street. $ 2.0"0. 00 7-room house. 4212 Nicholas Bt. $ 1.476.00 7-room house, lot 83x132 feet. 1 California Bl., opposite Crelghton college. ACRE PROPERTY. $10,000.00 for 100 acres, improved, joining Benson, miles N. W. of post office. $ 6,400.00 for 64 acre 4H miles southwest of P. O. and 1 miles from Bouth Omaha. $ 100.00 to $?o0. 00 per acre for 6 and 10 acre tracts near Omaha and South Omaha. GEXiRUE A COMPANY. 1901 Farnam St., omaha. or 417 N. 25th Bt, Bouth Omaha. RE M378 16 Model Home Five acres level land, young orchard in bearing, 10-room pressed brick dwelling, barn, carriage house and other out buildings, chicken yard and garden, near street cars and Country club, a snap at $6,500, less than half what improve ments cost. W. N. NASON, 446 BEE BLDG. RE-M488 16 WE DEAL IN llrst mortgages on farms. No security of fers the investor as high a rate of inter est consistent with absolute safety. You control your own investment If you have Idle funds on which you wish to secure more interest than the banks will allow call on us. POTTER, FORGAN tt HASKELL, 420 N. Y. Life Bldg. -683 NEW MODERN COTTAGE. Close in. best neighborhood, 5U0 cash, bal ance monthly. Price. $3,600. O. C. Olsen. 17114 Farnam et . RE M526 21 FOR GOOD BARGAINS - In farms and ranches ask J. B. Piper, 203 Ramie block, Omaha, RE M522 17 vnrn.nnnu unri... . i Rr. 1 iv f.nin. west on ltith. near Manderson. fi.ljO, $501 caxn, omance iu monthly. 6-room modern cottuge, oak finish, lot 60x rx. racing east on boulevard, near Bprague. $2,40), $1,J cash, balance $2i mommy. BEE D. H. BROTCHIE, 3936 N. 20TH ST. RE M534 17 FOR BALE. Eastern party offers five de sirable residence lots st great bargain Fronting HoBscom Park, on Shlrlev St., between 2Hth Bt. and 2th Ave. Excellent transportation. Will divide to suit. Must sell at once. Address J. Homer Bulllvan, sin line and .trust mug., i nicago. RE M 616 22 FOR BALE. 80-acTe fruit ranch near Boise. Idaho; will trade for Nebraska farm or Omaha city property. C. ,W. Eckerman, iu rurnuin. nr. muvz 1 1 MODEL HOME. Five acres level land, young; orchard in bearing. 10-room pressed brick dwelling. barn, carriage house and other outbuild ings, chicken yard and garden. Dear street cars and Country club. A snap at $6,600, less man nair wnat improvements cost. W. N. NASON, 446 Bee Bldg. RE M212 For Bargains in Real Estate or any business address 814 N. Y. Life. M. G. MONTGOMERY. RE 350 WILLIAMSONTafreel: M RE 682 STAMMERING AKD eTlTTEKING. CURED Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramgs Bldg. -614 LACK DRY. OMAHA Btesm Laundry and City Towel Supply. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. A-17l8. -621 TYPEWRITERS. LAMBERT. $25. Monroe Co., 611 N. 16th. 611 PA 1 EKTa. HAVE ROOT PRINT IT. 414-416 So. 12th Bl. Telephone 16(4. H. J. COWU1LL No fee unless successful. IS P 15th St.. Omaha. Tel 1798 - 593 GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. MRS 8. J. VANDERBECK, $3 N ISth Bt M4is 26 MASQI KRADE COSTUMES. THEO. LIEBEN, 1018 Karnam, costumes. -fi7 MISICAL IK8TRIMEXTS. COC fs"lln profit; Weber. Room 7, Per JZ.W field Piano Co. Tel. 701. Bes Lid. HAY, GHAIN AKD COAL. M. LONDON. t34 Cuming. Tel. A7U6. 6)675 A3 BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co., 811 North 16th en OSTEOPATHY. G!I E Ac ALICE JOHN BON. osteonaths Suite 515. New York Llfs Buldg. Tal. 14. 618 GOLD AKD SILVER PLATING. OMAHA PLATING CO.. Bee Bldg Tel. 2536. 610 LOST. IV'ST, female white Bpltx dog Return to 1614 Farnam at and reoelve reward. Los'-M5M U HAT CLEASIftO. LADTEB' S. 13th and gents', $oc. Srhwartss. 114 6P9 HAT CLEANING Is a good thing, but as a body rlesmr one of Ruck Keith's Turkish baths take the dirt. Conti nental Blk. THINKS AKD BAOGAQE, TWIN CITY EXP. 'Phone 1717. 606 B. 16th 60S THE DEPOT on time. L. M. E. Tel 7S0. TINNERS. Q. E. KOCH. 14th and Maple. Tel L1948. M376 A 13 M AS t FACT! RING. P. MELCHOIR. Uth & Howard. machinist. 6i OMAHA Safe and Iron Wks make a spe cialty of fire escsies. shutters, doors and sfes. Q. Andreen, Prop.. Iu2 6. 10th Bt 609 Ml SIC. THUS. J. KELLY, voice Davldge Block. ;i6i STORAGE. OM. Van Stor. Co.. 1311H Farn Tels. 1.V.9 RC 6ti EXPRESSMAN'S Del. Co. Tels. 1196-1145. Al TOMOBILKS. HAVE ROOT PRINT IT. 414-416 So. lTth Bt. Telephone 14. ELEC. automobiles. Derlght. 1119 Farnam. 617 TAXIDERMIST. J. K. WALLACE. 6.K R. 13th St. .-,94 DRESSMAKING. KEISTEH'S Ladles' Tailoring College, Suite 63-4-o-b, Douglas block, 16th and Dodge. C. D. Snyder, Algr Write for booklet 611 TICKET BROKEHB. CUT RATE railroad tickets everywhere. P 1L Phllbln. 1505 Farnam. Phone 7M. -624 PRINTING. CALL up Gardner Printing Co. Tel. A-3263, for all kinds ot Job printing. 617 B iSth u 891 a: WALL PAPER AKD PAPER HAKUIKCI. OILS, paints, varnishes, window c:ass. T. J. sterner, XiS is. Kovn sit lei. a--ji. -MUM PHONOGRAPHS AKD SUPPLIES. ALL MAKEB talking machines; send for catalogue. Omaha Bicycle Co., lbtn and Chicago. 615 EXPERT AtCOl'.N'TAJiT. G. R Rathbun, Room U, Com'l Nat bank 61b J. H. BOONSTRA, office 1517 Howaid. Tel 947. -MM Apr. 11 OHAVEL HOOFING. BARR1CK Roofing Co.. 1616 Cuming St Tel. 851. -609 DETECTIVE AGENCY. CAPT. THOB. CORMACK, private detect ive. 617 Karbacn block. Telephone A-2832. PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing, all business confidential, 1301 Douglas. 699 CONTRACTORS AKD Rt'ILDERS. A. J. PIERSON. 20th and Burt TeL L-2S36. 592 CORNICE WORK. 7 ALV. iron cornice, metal ceilings, sky llghts. Eprnetsr s Cornice Wks., 614 B. loth. M477 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co.. cleans cesspools and vaults, removes garbage and dead animals at reduced prices. t2l N. 16th. Tel. 1778. 596 DANCING ACADEMY. MORAND'B, 15th and Harney. 'Phone 1021. Classes for beginners forming March 8. Tuesday and Friday at I p. m. ; assemblies every Wednesday. Waltg, two-atep, guar anteed. $i. -64 LAW AKD "COLLECTION S. BTILLMAN & PRICE, 28 V- B. N'l Bk. Bldg -666 NEW 8NOW-CHVRCH CO.. 1st floor N. Y. Life Bldg., attorneys and collectors every where. 666 MACFARLAND & MAY, New York Life Bldg. Room 804. Phone 1562. 667 n . , : ..... . r TREES. FRUIT, shade and ornament: trees, vines. snruus, roses, Email iruit, etc. Address Omaha Nursery, papillioh, . Neb. 722 Al SCHOLARSHIP. BUSINESS colleg scholarship for sals at a bargain In one or omalia s leading com mercial colleges; life scholarship. Address B 47, Bee office. M716 SHORTHAND AKD TYPE WRIT CRN. GREGG B. H., Touch T. W., Bus. Branches. leleg. t2t free. om. Com. Cot, 11 A Doug. IH A. C. VAN BANT S School. 717 N. Y. Life. 5H9 BOYLES college, court reporter principal jv x. i-Jis. oau NEB. Business 4k 6horthnnd College, Boyd's Theater. UU BAKERY. TRY' our three-layer white cakes, 26c; groceries and meals st loweal prices Johnson, Goodlett A Co. lAke St. Tel. 1575. u02 M 938 Aprt. t PHOLSTERIKG. CARLeKlN 4k Co., 2121 Leavenworth TeL 26U PETERSON at Lundberg, lit I. 17th. Tel. L-Z35S. 4W7 CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing prun 2oh runipuy siiejiuea 10. j. i. ucuuiree and take atresia. 3,0 PRINTING, BRIEFS, ETC. WATERS Printing Co. tlon. Tel. 2191). Linotype compos! Mi 4.EKERAL ROOFING. WORK In auy part of tb country. Jonas Routing Co., 1-uJ Burt Bt Tul. 1986. 618 PETTICOATS. MADE to order; call for prices 200 Doug las blk.; take elevator. Goldman Plig CO. -BWI Apr! FLORISTS. HESS 4 SWOBODA. 1416 Farnam. -U393 C'AHfRT t 1.1 1 4 Ntn. SEND on cnnet hihI r igs to chri-ti-n-son'S 'mii C.rntuiiK Works 2:'L'l N ?'th St. Tel. l'i! -.V.".7p mi:im AU DP. PR1KSJ tropts sucersgful'v alt disease snd lrregu!sriiie ct women, from sny tans, experienced. relliMr 1513 lo1ge. Arl.iirun block, omuha, Neb. Tel. 3.j:. -6?i. The Hunt Infirmary. McCagtie RUIg Tel ?52. -MITs tJtlt F.RNMKNT OTirKS. PROPOSALS FOR FUEL OFFICE OF I'illef M . Si Paul. Minn.. March 12. Iffcijt Senied proposal, in triplicate, will lw received here, or nt the following nstnsd posts, until 11 a. m . April In. for fur- h'shlng such wood nnd coal during year commtneing July 1. IMi3. us may be require I st Forts Aiitinibolne. Marrison. Keosh and Mlssoiiln. Men. . Forie Lincoln si d Ynt.s. N. V.. Fort Mi a le. S. I., Fort Tel 1 wstone. Wyo., and Bt. Paul snd Fort Br.elllng. Minn. Information luriushed on applies tlnr. here, or to quMrtermasters st the several poets named. U S reserves the right to recent or reject sny or all wro-. posnls or any purt thereof.-Ueo. E. I'oud. C. W. M. i.tcr.Ai. iiT$rR. NOTICE. Office of Fecre arc ot Slate. Lincoln Neb.. Mut ch 12. UK' - B Mlod lids will be receive I at the office of ilie secreinry "1 stite up until 1J o'eio.'k iioon. March .'4th. 1SU3. for u 75 hore power Corliss ciie'lie, 1. o. l iBr at lJncoln :iyijni GEORGE W. MARSH, t-ecretarv ol Hour!. MchUdlutM All. WAV I IMiC l.iKU. IMON t I A l'.tN .I'TII AND MAHCX. I slos Pa. lOc. l.esve. Arrlv Overland Limited. .a 8.41' am a 7:50 pm The Fust Mall , L'aillonila Lxpiess a 4:20 pm paciuc" jtll;Ju pin Lantern 1 he Atlantic Lxortnc... u 1.25 pm a E:3Tl pm a 7 sm 'i hs Colora lo bpeclal. .a .10 am a 3:4u am Chlciige .S:ei.ii a I 40 am Lincoln, .nairioe and Btromsburg Express. .1 4 :00 pm bl2:50 pm North l'iatte I.otH1 a S:oo sm a 6. IS pm Grand Island Local b 5: St. pm b 9:35 po ,11. no.- IM.rj:. Chicago Express Chicago Minneapolis a 7:35 am a 6:10 pm St. i'sJl Limited. i.aO pm a t.Oi in sailliieuiiooa B. J ug ExprcES u 7:35 am blO:33 pm Chlcaeo Loral 10:3 am Chicago Expreas M0:X am o W i.i4h4 A Pac.lko. East. Chlcan iaylight I. t d..s 6-0o am n 6:45 sm Chicaao Daylishi Local. a 7:00 am a 9.35 pm chlci.Ho Express 011.15 um a i:i) pm lies Moines cix; reus a 4:3t pm tll'iu am vbiLkgo Fast txprt.-B ..a b. pm a p: V EST. P.ork" Mountain L t o .a 6:5u pm a 4:55 am Lincoln. Colo. Bprings. Denver, pueblo and West a 1.30 pm a 6:00 pm Colo.. Tus, Cul. unu Oklahoma Flyer a 5:4u pro al2:40 pm tlbuU. 6t. 1 ouis "Cannon Ball" Exurcss s 5:55 pm a 8:20 am 6t. ' .ool Local. Coun cil Bluffs. s 9:15 am al0:S0 pm i - r ... ..e.. rn. The Northwestern Ijne." Fast Chicago . .u 3:40 r.m s 7:00 sm Mall ...a tt:uu pm a 8:30 am ...a 5:10 am a 8:du pm ... T:-a am a!0:25 pin . . .u .":"" in ail . i" ill ixcai rioux lhj. tiuyugni i. rui Dayltsht liiicHK Local Chicago ... Local Carroll .... Fast Chicago ... Fast St Paul Limited Chicago . ..alU:-.. am ...a 4.00 pm ...a pm ...a 7:55 nm .. .a i iV pm a 6:10 pin s 9:j0 am a 3:.' I'lil a 6:16 am n 9 15 nm a 2:40 pm Fast Man Local Bloux City .b 4:00 pm b 9:5u am 4 k.t.lo, niinisiifctc A Si. Paul. Chicago Daylight a i:16 im Chicago Fust express. ..a 6:4i Chicago Limited a s:i6 pm Dea Moines n.xpiess.... 7:4j m Chicago Local lo:4 am all M pm a 3: lu pm a 7:5o am u li.-iif pm U1..UL11 J-hl'lftC. sit Ixiuls F.xptess... K. C. and bl L. x. ,.10:0C am 4 6:16 pre , ,aiOU0 pm a .15 am Bt-RMKCTOX STATIOK-10TH A MASON Barllustvm 4ft alissunrt River. Leave. J W'-more, Beatrice anC Llnciln f:JS"m bl;:"?P" Nebruska Exuresa a 6:40 am a 7:4i pm Denver Limited a 4:25 pm a .4j am Black Hill nnd Puget Bound Express :.all:10pm a 8:10 pm Colorado Vestlbalad Kiver a S:10 pm J Incoln Fast Mall b 2:52 pm a 9:11 am Fort Crook and Platta- mouth D -;2 Pm bl0.3G am Pelisvue ft pacific Jet.. a ":6o pm a 6:27 am IJellsvue ac l acuu i,.i.ui , iblcagu, l.or.iuri A tAaiary. Chicago Special a M am a 4:05 pm Chicago Vewlbuled Ex. a 4:00 pm a 7:45 am Ciiioigo Local a s:z am aiinw pm Chicago Liraiieo. a pni a i : um ust Man pin tlty. St. Joseph A tssaiil lllafls. Kansas City Day Ex. ..a 8:16 am a t:f pm Bt Louis Flyer a 6:10 pm all :06 am Kansas City Night Ex..al0:30 pm a 6:16 am a Datlv. b Dally except Sunday, d Dallv except Saturday. Daily txcepi Monday, e Sunday ouiy. A EBSTER DEPOT 19TU A WEBSTER Fremont, LI Lb or a Mia Valley. Leave. Arrive. Black Hills, Dead wood. Lead not Durings a s:w pm a :oo pm Wyoming, tamper and Douglas d 8:00 pm c 6:00 pm Hastings, York, David City, ouperior, uuneva, Kxetsr and Seward.. ..b 1:00 cm b 6:60 nm Boiiesleel, Lincoln. Nio brara ana titiuuui....u ihw am xiiu:2 am Fremont Local c IM am Missouri Pavitic. Nebraska Local, Via.. Wseplng w ater u s:iv pm aio:26 am Cklcwfco, assl. Mlumeaulis a Ousks. Twin City Passenger. ..a 6:30 am a 8:10 pm Hioux CHy Passenger. ..a 2:oo pm all:20 am Oakland Local b 6:46 pm b 8.46 am STEAMSHIPS. HQLUKD-AKERICA LINE t-rm lom-acrew tiou.ii al u.m Tons. 8CW Okk BUTTa.KiJa, via bOl'LOUk'k. Wllua Wsauaaaa at is A. Aft. Rtaundam Mr. h KomrUm April I Hrsdais Mar U folaaais April II Nnardan April liStatMiiiam April 31 lluilsnd-Anaerira Llae, ttH Dearborn St., I hlrasT. III. Harrr Moores. 1401 ramas) St.. C Kutharford. llij Fsruam at . J. il. Jteyuulda. 1501 Farnaa. si. The Kew Isrk Foa. A hearty bod of the Tight Little Island went IHo tha Waldorf-Astoria the other night with a cubic foot of something, the opacity of which indicated the presents ot the nebular theory. "What might it be?" someone ssked. He replied: "Only a cubic foot of a New York fog which I cut this morning with my penknife from tba gea- eral surroundings. I bad it frosen st Weed's and shall take It to London to show Aha folk there that you people at last have be come partly civilised. When ths London fog Invades New York ths American In vasion gf England is a travesty and a fame!" New York Press. It's aa Old Stury. Peter Mtnults had just purchased the island of Manhattan from ths Indiana for $24. "A bargain, Isn't ItT" ha asked, glee fully. "No," retorted his wife. "I could have gotten It anywhere for $23. 88." Chagrined, bs let slip an exclamation which he was obliged to explain by say ing he was merely naming tba place New Ameterd-m. New York Times. Very Kear a .( rliar. To allow constipation to poison your body. Dr. King's New Ufa Fills cures It and builds up yous, health sx so pay. Z&c For sale by Kuhs Co.