Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 15, 1903, PART I, Page 8, Image 8

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niton micstio.
rftv(t sells drum.
Twenty-five cent photos, n Broadway.
Expert watch tepairlng, IefTert, VQ BT.
For rent, modern houe. 718 Sixth av.-nue.
Celebrated Men beer on tap, Neumayer.
Born, la Mr. and Mr. E. J. M-irphy of
Harrleon street, a daughter.
A talior wanted at C. I). Steam Dye
Work, li13 Went broadway.
Twenty prr rent off i n dinner arts this
Hreek. L. W. KelliT, 407 Broadway.
New shipment o' wool for pyrogrnphlc
work. C. L. Alexander & Co., Xii li way.
Real entato In all parts of the city for
ale. Thomas K. Canady, 235 l'mrl street.
8well line of baby cnrriuges and gn-carts.
Bpeelal prlco this wttk. L. W. Keller, 4U7
Carpets and lace and tapestry curtains.
Iowet prices In the city. Ll. W. Keller,
407 Broadway.
Before papering your rooms we want to
show you our ciegant 19j designs. C. B.
faint. Oil A Ulase Co.
Council Bluffs Muelcal union, local No.
212, A. F. of Mj, will give a dance at Royal
Arcanum hall Tuesday, March 17.
For sale, good horse, rubbcr-tlred run
about and harness. Inquire by Tuesday at
low Third avenue or 604 Pearl street.
Two nine-room, all modern houses. In line
condition, 927 and 3y Second avenue, 125 per
month. H. Q. McUee. 14 1'earl street.
W. C. McArthur. clerk of the United
States court, was called yesterday to Bur
lington by the serloua Mines of his mother.
The commissioners on Insanity yesterday
ordered the discharge of Michael Fox from
St Bernard's hospital. He hid been out on
parole since January SO.
Mrs. Ida Oable Is In the east securing the
spring stylos fur the Beason. She will be
ready to resume work at her dressmaking
parlors, til 6 Eighth avenue, Murch 23.
Bchmldt s elegunt new photos, very latest
shape and sizes, $1.50, iz and $2.50 dozrn;
large slaes, U and W.oO dosen. First-class
work guaranteed. Schmidt. 5J1 Bruadway.
Vot sale, my residence, 276 Twelfth
avenue: eight rooms, two closets and hall;
Well and cistern; fruit trees and shade; lot
txl.1o feet; two blocks J ram slruet cars. W.
ii. Ki'gers.
Mrs. Maggie Mowery of South Eleventh
street admitted In Justice Carson's court
yesterday having slapped her cousin, Nora
Mowery, and was lined $10 and costs. Sho
paid thu costs and the fine was remitted.
Miss Clara Mattingly of the millinery de
partment of the Boston store and Miss
Florence I'axton, also a representative of
the same store, have returned from a
week's tour of toe eastern markets In the
Interest of their firm.
The Council Bluffs aerie of Eagles has
leased the Maccabee hall in the Brown
block for u term of three years. Tho lease
goes Into effect In April. The Eagles have
the privilege of using the lodge room and
banquet hall each Friday night.
F". M. Beymer of tho Avoca Journal-Herald
tiled yesterday with Oounty Auditor
Innes a bond In the sum of Jl.'ioo, required
In the appeal from the decision of the
Board of County Supervisors In awarding
the publishing of the board's proceedings
to the Avoca Tribune. No petition, how
ever, haa been filed by Beymer.
Captain N. B. Hatcher of St. Iouls died
yesterday morning at the Woman's Chris
tian Association hospital. He was 6.1 years
of age und was visiting his daughter, Mrs.
Oeorge c Brown, 1011 Third avenue, when
taken 111. Besides Mrs. Brown another
daughter, Mrs. H. 8. Burroughs of Chlcag)
and one son, N. B. Hatcher of Baltimore,
survive him. Deceased was a veteran
steamboat captain.
Murray and Mack, the original Irish
comedians of "Fitilgan's Ball" and "Shoot
ing the Chutes" fame, will be the attraction
at the New theater tonight, presenting their
latest laughing success, "A Night on Broad
way." The production Is said to be exceed
ingly meritorious and an unusually large
company Is employed and beautiful cos
tumes and special scenery, mechanical and
electrical effects a dazzling chorus ot
beauty and all that goes to make a good
enjoyable entertainment are promised.
The Western Iowa college announces that
Its spring term begins March 30. The winter
term, which has been such a record breaker,
is now drawing to a close. Many Improve
ments are to be made for next year's work.
This Institution Is pushing forward rapidly
and Is now recognized as one of the best
normal and business colleges In the west.
A large number of Its students have taken
the county examination lately and most of
them passed and are now teaching. This
Institution Is the means ot bringing a num
ber of students to our city, where they
spend a great deal of money. Our citizens
appreciate this fact and are pleased to see
the school so prosperous.
Gravel roofing. A. H. Read, 12 Main St.
Eapect a Drjr Sunday,
Although no official notice has been
served on them, It Is generally understood
that the saloonkeepers will obey the man
date of the county attorney and keep their
places closed today.
When ntked yesterday If he had served
notice on tho saloonmen directly County
Attorney Klllpack stated that It was not
necessary. "The saloonmrn," he said, "are
aware ot my Inentlon tn prosecute any one
who falls to close. Any saloonkeeper whose
place Is fpund open today will run up
against an Injunction suit. That It all I
have to say on the matter."
Mayor Morgan said he had not given the
police any new orders regarding the sa
loons as the matter of Sunday closing was
entirely In the hands of the county attorney-
In the absence ot any official orders, somn
ot the saloonmen were puzzled yesterday
to know txaitly how to act, but It Is be
lieved nan? of them will risk keeping their
places open today.
Plumbing and heating. Bixby ft Son.
Matters tn the Courts.
The trial ot tho personal Injury damage
ault ot Mlsa Myrtle Kester against the
Milwaukee Railway company was not com
pleted in the fulled States court yester
day when Judge Mcl'be'soa adjourned court
until Monday afternoon.
Judge McPherson returned home to Red
Oak last evening and gave the members ot
the petit Jury permission to do likewise,
ordrrlr.g them to report Monday afternoon
at i o'clock.
The Anheuser-Busch Brewing company
yesterday appealed to the district court
.from tho award of the sheriff's jury in the
condemnation proceedings instituted by tho
Mason City & Fort Dodge Railroad com
pany. Tho Jury awarded the brewing com
pany $2,750 damages for the railroad con
demning Its property near the Wabash
freight depot on which a storage ware
bouse was located.
Gustave Brovellet brought suit In the
district court Ufculnst J. Stein tor $260 al
leging that Stein had mtsrepresened the
couditlon of a train ot horses he had pur
chased from him.
President Hud ley to Make Toar.
KKW HAVEN. Conn . March 14 Arthur
T HaiHey, president of Yale, will make a
tour of the cities of the middle west to
meet graduates and make apevchea. Mrs.
Hadlvv will accompany blm. They will
leave New Ifitven Monday and expect to be
away abaut three weeks.
Tonight Prices 25c. 35c 50c 75c
A Night on Broadway
SO-Merry Bays and Glrle-HO
a Pearl ft'-. Council bluffs. Thon $:
Independent Telephone People Not Making
an Eiclui've Contract.
Dr. Macrae and Thomas D. Metcalt
Expert to Ilnve m Proposition
to Make to the City
Council Soon.
Dr. Don Macrae, Jr., Thomas D. Metcalt
and Attorney James E. Trice returned last
evening from Shelby, la., where they held
a conference Friday evening with the In
dependent Telephone company et that place
with a view to closing an exclusive con
tract with the Shelby company, which Is
regarded aa controlling the independent
telephone situation in this section of the
Dr. Macrae and his associates are plan
ning to organize a local Independent tele
phone company with a capital etock of
$20,000. The conference at Shelby, how
ever, It Is said, was not satisfactory to
the Council Bluffs promoters, as the Shelby
men were not inclined to enter into any
exclusive contract with another company.
The visit of Dr. Macrae and his asso
ciates to Shelby was the direct result of
the conference held here Thursday be
tween C. W. Cutshell of Shelby, the rep
resentative of the independent telephone
companies tn this section of the state, and
H. H. Van Brunt, chairman of the execu
tive committee of the Commercial club,
and Attorney Emmet Tinley. Mr. Van
Brunt and Attorney Tinley are vitally in
terested in a local independent telephone
company organized In this city about a
year ago, which weut before the city coun
cil for a franchise, but failed to secure it.
On his return to the city last evening
Dr. Macrae atatcd that his company would
be before the city council at its meeting
Monday or possibly a week later with
proposition. What the nature of the prop
osition would be Dr. Macrae declined to
make public at this time. Ha said, how
ever, that he and bis associates, realizing
tho need of connection with the indepen
dent telephone companies now operating tn
this part of the s'ate, meant business. His
company, he added, had no connection
whatever with the company formed by Van
Brunt and Tinley.
N. Y. Plumbing Co., Tel. t50. Night, F667,
Several Testify How Thar Warn
Worked by the Sharper at
Webb City.
The second day ot the trial ot Leon Lo
zler and Ed Moore, charged with conspir
ing to defraud Charles Gregory and Wil
liam Barker out of nearly $10,000 at an
alleged fake toot race at Webb City, Mo.,
attracted an even larger crowd than on
Friday. After the cross-examination, of
A'llllam Barker was concluded Alderman
Charles Huber was placed on the stand and
he proved the atar witness of the day.
Alderman Huber spoke from experience
and his testimony was given with consid
erable feeling. He told of how he aleo bad
been Induced on another occasion to take
a trip to Webb City and how $5,000 of his
hard earned money found Its way Into the
strong box ot the Webb City Athletic club,
Alderman Huber alwaya Insisted that he
recovered his money at the point of a re
volver, but nothing to this effect was
brought out in his testimony.
Charles Morse, a traveling man ot this
city, testified that h had ben offered a
"Job" at good mone) to Induce moueyed
men to become Interested In the sporting
events at Webb City, but that he had de
clined the offer.
W. D. Kyle of Red Oak testified that he
also had been victimized ' by Lozler and
Moore in the same manner that Gregory
and Barker were and that Loiter had told
him that he got as his share about $1,700
of the wad dropped by Gregory and Barker.
George 8. Martin, county Jailer, testified
that Losler while in the county Jail here,
after being brought back from Colorado,
told h!m that he got $1,800 of Gregory's
money and was entitled to It because he
had won the race.
At the close ot the evidence tor the state
counsel for the defendants moved to strlko
out Alderman Huber'a testimony and that
a verdict be directed tor his clients. Judge
Tbornell took boh motions under advise
ment but directed that the Jury be placed
tn care of the court officer until court re
corvened Mcrday morning.
With the Cbarchea.
Rev. George Edward Walk will preach
in St. Paul's Episcopal church this morn
ing on "Duty and Devotion." At the vesper
service the topic ot bis address wU be
"True Catholicity." Lenten services will
be held Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
and Friday afternoons at 4:30 o'clock.
At Grace Episcopal church Edwin J. Ab
bott, lay reader, will conduct morning
prayer and penitential office at 11 o'clock.
Sunday school will be held at 0:45 a. m.
Rev. J. W. At?l, pastor of the Fifth
Avenue Methodist church, will take as the
subject of his eermon this morning, "Be
hold the Lamb et Ood " At the evening
service bis theme will be "Daniel's Trial."
Services will be held as follows: Class
meeting at 0:45 a. m., preaching at 10:30
a. m., Sunday school st noon. Junior league
meeting at 3 p. m., Epworth league meet
ing at 6:30 p. m., preaching at 7:30 p. m.
The mid-week prayer meeting will be held
Wednesday evening at 7 10 o'clock.
At the First Baptist church tbo pastor,
Rv. MUford Klggs. will preach this morn
ing at 10:30 o'clock on "Making God
Known." and in the evening at 7:30 o'clock,
"The Other's Mouth'' will be the topic of
his address. Sunday school will be held
at noon and the meeting ot the Young
People's unlcn at 8:30 p. m.
Rev. A. K Buriff mill speak this evening
at Trinity Methodist church on "The Law
less Saloon," with especial reference to
local conditions.
Rev. Newmsn H. Burdlck will continue
his evangelistic services at the Second
Presbyterian church, speaking both morn
ing and evening today. These services will
eonttnue each evening of the week, except
Elder James Cattail will preach this
morning at 10:30 o'clock at the Latter Day
Saints' church, and also in the evening at
7:80 o'clock. Sunday school will be held
at noon. The mid-week prayer meeting
will be held Wednesday evening at 7:30
The First Church of Christ (Scientist)
will hold services at 11 o'clock In the Sapp
building, when the subject of the lesson
will be "Matter." The regular testimony
meeting will be held Wednesday evening
at o'clcok.
The Second Church of Christ (Scientist)
will hold services in Modern Woodmen ot
America U1L ta'tbe Merriam Heck, at
10:45 a. m. Subject, "Mind." Sunday
school immediately after the service.
Wednesday evening testimonial meeting at
Rev. Jamea Thomson, pastor of the First
Congregational church will deliver one of
hla aeries of lectures of the Life of Christ
tonight Illustrated with atereoptlcon views.
The pictures tonight will Include forty of
the most famous paintings In the world,
dealing with the life of Christ.
Physical Culture Department ot
Women's t'lnb Arranges Re
ception In May.
Mrs J. M. Flagler are visiting relative
In Olathe, Kao.
Mrs. Horace Everett entertained at whist
Friday evening.
J. C. Eixby returned yesterday from a
visit In St. Louis.
Mis Beattle of Glen avenue entertained
at cards Wednesday evening.
The Tuesday Hletory club will meet Tues
day afternoon with Mrs. C. U. Saunders.
Mrs. Bebblngton and daughter, Miss
Oeorgene, are visiting friends at St. Joreoh,
Mrs. H. A. Qulnn of Oakland avenue en
tertained informally at her home Friday
Mra. F, A. Fair of Graham avenue enter
tained a number of friends at her home
Wednesday evening.
The literature department of the Council
Bluffs Woman's club will meet at the club
rooms Thursday afternoon.
The women of St. Paul's Episcopal church
will be entertained tomorrow at the home
of Mrs. E. McCune of First avenue.
The members of the Oakland Avenue
Reading club will meet Friday afternoon
with Mrs. Finley Burke of Oakland avenue.
The Euchre c!ub met Tuesday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. B. A. Storkdale. Miss
Troutman will be the next hostess of the
Charles H. Sherraden, formerly of Coun
cil HlufTs, now a resident of Salt Lake
City, Is In tho city vlaitlng friends and rela
tives. The Daughters of the American Revolu
tion will hold their regular meeting Thurs
day evening at the home of Mrs. H. H an
Miss Bertha Wheeler entertained a num
ber of her friends at )Kr home Thursday
evening In honor of her 14th birthday an
niversary. Mr. and Mrs J. D. Edmundson, who are
traveling In Europe, have written friends
here from Italy that they expect to return
iiume mis momn.
Mrs. A. B. Cook, assloted bv Mm. Alice
Stork and Mra. Ward, entertained the mem
bers of the Calendar Card club Tuesday
evening at her home.
The members of the Tuesday Euchre club
will be entertained at a 1 o'clock luncheon
Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Harry Cummings of Omaha.
The condition of Mies Flora Van Order of
the high school fsculty, who has been seri
ously ill at her home for the last several
weeka, is reported as Improved.
Miss Caroline Test Rohrer arrived home
yesterday from Missouri, where she Is at
tending school, to spend Sunday with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Kohrer.
The members of the University club were
pleasantly entertained at a dinner given
Friday evening by Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wil
liams at their nome on Madison avenue.
The members of the art department of ths
Council Bluffs Woman's club will meet at
the clubrooms Monday evening. Mrs. J K,
Cooper will be chairman of the meeting!
Mrs. J. W. Squire entertained the mem
bers of the First Congregational church at
her home Thursday night. An Interesting
program wu given, followed by refresh
ments. -
Mr. and Mrs. Vogeler of 8ixth avenue
were pleasantly surprised Saturday even
ing by a number of their friends and neigh
bors. The evening was spent with muslo
and cards.
The pupl'.a of St. Francis' academy wilt
observe the fit. Patrick day anniversary
with a musical and literary program to be
fiven In the auditorium of the academy
londay evening.
The members of the New Century club
met Wednesday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Sweet of Mill street. The program
was in charge of Mrs. F. C. Ensign and
Mrs. Creel. The club will meet Wednesday
afternoon with Mrs. J. H. Wentcott.
The members of the physical culture de
partment are arranging to give the general
club reception the first Friday In May at
the home of Mrs. C. W. McDonald of South
Seventh street. Miss Denny, leader of the
department, has appointed the following
committee to complete arrangements for
the program: Mrs. M. Fleming. Mrs. Vic
tor E. Labbe, Mrs. Robert Bruce Wallace
and Miss Mary H. O'Donnell.
Heal Estate Transfers.
These transfers were filed yesterday In
the abstract, title and loan office of J. W.
Squire, 101 Pearl street:
Frank S. Blahop and wife to E. W.
Aldrlch, eVs section 84; se4 13-75-39;
nwii and par. nw4 ne' 19-75-38,
W. d $35 CO)
William E. Wright to Hans 8cheel. '
part seVi 82-74-41, w. d 6 003
John firavea to H. O. MeOee, lot 12,
block 10, Howard add, q. e d 15
Total, three transfers
y $41,015
First Great Western Train Crosses
the Big Brldare Oat of
Fort Dodge.
FORT DODGE, la., March 14. (Special
Telegram.) Passage of the first train
across the Chicago Great Western bridge
tots morning was made an occasion of
unusual interest. Special preparations bad
been made for the opening of the great
structure, which has been In process of
erection for the past eighteen months. A
special train of three ears with George
Gregory, master mechanlo ot the Mason
City & Fort Dodge Railroad company at the
throttle of the engine, was taken aeross
the bridge. On board were representatives
of all the railroads in the city, members of
the newspaper fraternity and invited citi
zens of Fort Dodge. The passage of the
train was witnessed by hundreds of spec
tators. Although not yet formally opened
ths bridge will be used from now on by
construction trains.
Plana Belna; Consiliums ted for Riten
Ive Grain Ksblblt at tha World'a
Pair at St. Louis.
AMES, la.. March I4.-HSpeclal.) W. C.
Whiting of Whiting. Ia., will meet the
members of the Iowa Corn Growers' as
sociation and of the Iowa Corn Breeders
at the college next Tuesday. Mr. Whiting
Is a member of the World' fair commis
sion from Iowa and Is superintendent of the
department of agriculture. This meeting
Ir another step In the consummation of
the plana for an extensive grain exhibit
from Iowa at the fair. If tha corn men
are able to carry out the plana that are
begun' to a successful Issue, the exhibit
will he the best Iowa has ever bad at a
World's fair.
The question of an interstate grain Judg
ing con'est and grain show, similar to the
International livestock show, will bs dis
cussed and some action will probably be
(dent Katts ladtr Train.
AMES, la., March 14 (Special Telegram.)
Blaine Van VUte ot Traer, la., ac
academlo student at Iowa State college,
was run over by a freight train at Ontario
late this afternoon. He was picked up and
carried on to Boone and taken to Eleanor
Moore hsopital. It proved necessary to
amputate one leg above the knee and tho
other foot. It Is sxpected he will recover.
Vsn VUte was Injured while attempting
to board a moving train, falling under the
wheels. His parents have been aotUUd
and will arrive la the morning.
Candidacy for Renomination Formally
Launched at Dei Moines.
Xot Only Stands by the Iowa Idea,
bnt Will Seek to Have the Ra
tional Convention of 1K4
Endorse It.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, la., March 14. (Special.)
The republicans of Iowa were today given
a political keynote from their candidates
ot this year for governor, for when Gov
ernor A. B. Cummins had been unanimously
recommended by the Polk county republi
can In convention for renomlnatlon and
was called before the convention for a
speech, he delivered himself of an utter
ance that set at rest all doubt as to what
will be hla attitude In the coming cam
paign and next year. The governor had
but recently returned from Washington
where he met the president and leaders of
congress. He did not assume to apeak for
any one but himself, but he made it very
plain that he will not recede In the least
from the advanced position be has taken in
support of the Iowa republican platform
in relation to the tariffs. The convention
nominated a county ticket and Indorsed the
candidacy of the governor, and when he
was called on he said in part:
Stands by Platform.
With rtepect to our platform of the last
two years upon the subject of the tariff let
me say at once that I believe In every worj
tnat we have uttered. Time and reflection
have but Intensified my views and I un
hesitatingly say that while 1 am not wedde 1
to any lorm of expression the Idea or
thought contained In our platform is not
only right, which ought to end the contro
versy, but Is. aa I am profoundly con
vinced, essential to the continued success
of the party, and I say to you frankly that
1 Intend to do whatsoever lies In my powe."
to Introduce Into the national platform of
next year the thought to which the repub
licans of Iowa have already given utter
ance. There is no conflict whatsoever be
tween the Iowa platform and anything that
has ever been declared ny a national con
vention, but It la necessary from time to
time In our platforms to apply the policies
and the principles of the party to analrj
as they at the time exist. In making thU
suggestion let It be fully understood that
this Is a controversy within the party,
from which the democrat must be rigor
ously excluded and from which they must
take no encouragement whatsoever, for th
reason that whatever may be the form of
expressing the doctrines of the party, we
are all loyal republicans, and we ail know
a government administered by the repub
lican party Is Letter than any government
that could possibly be administered by any
other political organization known to the
American people. With thexe preliminary
suggestions let me recur again to the
We are all profound believers In the
policy of protection. Notwithstanding the
statement of an eminent republican, ia
cently made, I venture to pay that protec
tion la not only practically sound, but
theoretically sound. It Is not only vindi
cated by the experience of our people, but
can be defended by the highest and most
exact processes of abstract reason.
One more suggestion and I shall have
finished. I have heard some criticism re
specting that clause in our platform of last
year which declares that we favor any
modification of the tariff schedules neces
sary to prevent their affording a ahelter to
monopoly. It ought to be true whether It
Is or not I leave to your Judgment that thj
democrats should have a monopoly at least
of the perversion and misconstruction of
this phrase In the platform. In my opin
ion It declares a fundamental truth In
political and Industrial economy. It does
not contain the suggestion even that tha
tariff is In any wise responsible for ths
existence or the evil of those large cor
poratloi.a which are in this day commonly
called "trusts."
The resolutions specifically endorse the
platforms of 1901 and 1902 and the can
didacy of Cummins for governor and
Charles A. Bishop for district Judge.
Securing- Facts on Land Values.
The state executive council of the state
of Iowa has directed its secretary to send
out to all county auditors in the state a
request for some definite lnformrtlon on
which to base action relating to the as
sessment of real estate when this comes
before the council as a board of review In
July. The Information sought la the state
ment of the sales of real estate for the
last half of 1902, giving each tract sold
separately and the exact amount paid, as
shown ot record, excluding nominal sales
and trades, and giving also at the same
time the equalized assessed valuation
placed on the same tracts of land by the
assessors and local review boards as ot
January 1 last. The executive council will
thus have before It some definite knowl
edge of the actual conditions to the state
so as! to determine to what extent the as
sessors and local reviewing boards have
sought to comply with the law, which
makes It obligatory to have the assessment
made on an actual cash basis with one
fourth of the same tor taxing purposes,
Tha council has already arranged to se
cure tho names of every assessor In tha
state and the president of every reviewing
board, so that when the information is se
cured. If more is desired or any special
information Is desired, communication can
bo had at once. It Is the Intentlou of tho
state board to give the assessment matter
the most thorough consideration ever given
the subject. The tendency for severs! years
lias been to allow the assessments to drop
down and to become uneven. The state
board has declared that It will Insist upon
a legal assessment at this time.
Settla with Prlaters.
The state executive council has effected
a settlement with the state printer for the
biennial period ended January 1 last, This
is the first time In tho history of the state
that any actual settlement has ever been
made with the state printers or binders.
It wss made on the basis of a cash settle
ment for the amount of supplies drawn
by the printer and not accounted for in
hla Invoice nor used by ttM state. Here
tofore It has been customary to allow tho
printer to draw the supplies and make no
actual accounting, but under a new law
everything must be accounted for.
Endorse Clarke for Speaker.
The republicans of Dallas county held
their primary election today to aelect a
county ticket. Representative George W,
Clarke was unanimously renominated for
member of the lewer bouse and thus bis
name went t store the atate as' a candidato
for sneaker ot the house,
Bryan Missed Das Molars.
8ome of the local demoerate were pre
paring to receive and Informally enter
tain. W. J. Bryan today as he was on his
way home from the east. He had an en
gagement te speak at Iowa City last night
and It was planned that he should stop
off today at Newton and consult with O. F.
Rlnehsrt, the promoter of the democratic
ronlerence In Des Moines on Jefferson day,
then come on to Dea Moines. It was ex
pected that he and Oeneral Weaver would
be in the city and would be given a dinner.
But Bryan went to Centervllle to fill an
other lecture date and it is supposed he
will go on to bis borne tomorrow from that
One Candidate Withdraws.
Captain Smeenk of Muscatine has with
drawn from the race for major ot the Fifty,
sixth regiment and a call for a fourth
election will be issued in a few days. It
la stated that U fxUadi of Bmseck will
Wall Paper! Wall Paper!
This department must be closed out April 1st. Cost
or value will not be considered in this sale.
Original prices ten to twenty-five cents, in three lots,
24c, 34c and 5c.
a SurVMMIMl.
!; ,
vote for the election of Captain Wetherell
of Oskalooaa. The other candidates, Haynea
and Kennedy may combine. Adjutant Oen
eral Byers has decided upon locating the
new company in northeastern Iowa ac Iowa
Falls. He had to choose between Iowa
Palls end New Hampton and both towna
were riady to put In a good company. - It
is t xpected that New Hampton will be given
the next vacancy In the guard.
Miners Coatlnaa the Work.
The coat miners and operators to lay
agreed upon the scale ot wages in the first
mining district for pay on the mine run
basis, fixing it at 69 cents a ton. Tbii
la an advance of 6 cents a ton. The con
ference failed to agree in regard to the
disputed matter relating to mines In Put
nam county, Missouri, where it Is claimed
the coal is softer than in the reBt of the
disrict and tbe pay tor mine run should be
slightly higher. This was disposed of by
a reference to a epecial committee ' with
power to act.
Bonth Dakota Man Arrested oa
Felony Char are Shortly After
Wed din -
BIOUX CITY. Ia.. March If (Special Tel
egram. ) Alex C. McKay, at one tm clerk
of the courts Of Lyman county. South Da
kota, is In Jail here gnd is being held as a
fugitive from Justice. McKay Is charged
with having obtained money under false
pretense at Chamberlain, S. D. This even
ing Sheriff Irish and McKay's bride ar
rived from Oacoma aud he will return to
South Dakota Monday to stand- trial. Mr
Kay says be drew checks on a bank tor
$100, but his attorney, I. N. Auld, promised
to have (250 in the bank before the checks
could be presented. He irctmtates Auld has
thrown hlra down. He Irled to, enlist In tho
regular army here without the knowledge
of his bride.
H. C, YoatiH Arrested In Slons City
lor Obtaining; Money I ader
false Pretenses.
6IOUX C1TT, Ia.. March 11 (Special
Telegram.) H. C. Young of Omaha Is under
arrest here In response to orders from the
Chief of police at Omaha. The Omaha of
ficials called for him this evening. Tbe
charge against him is having obtained
money under false pretenses.
J. J, Dale, under arrest here for two
burglaries, cams from South Omaha. Mike
McHale; a former South Omaha saloon man,
is endeavoring to get him out of Jail.
C'restaa City I'ollilrs U rly.
CK8TON. Ia., March 14 (Specie:.)
Creston Is in tbe midst of a peculiar and
warmly contested city campaign. The re
publicans who now have tbe mayor, are
endeavoring to run the campaign e
mm m
Wall Paper!
hitelaw & Gardiner
We'll abide by her decision. Nine times out of ten she'll send
you to us for your spring toggery.
New Suits, New Furnishings,
New Hats.
In fact, all the new creations in men's high claes wearing ap
parel at prices that cannot be beaten and, remember
"If It's IT, It's Here."
Joe. Smith & Co.,
415 Broadway
Successors to Smith & Braklley.
in: nnr
sfrl'-lly local grounds, relying on their re-
cvri of reducing the public dsbt for sup
port. Tii ilemucrats who near have a ma
jority In the city council, hove adopted a
municipal owncrnhlp platform and are run
ning along state and national lines. J. C.
Bui;ivsn, a popular business man and now
vice president of tbe Iowa Mutual Tele
phone association of tbe atate Is tha repub
lican candidate for mayor and C. A- Nei
ia nothing to that sense of airy coolness
comfort and satisfaction yhlch you will
feel when onoe Inside of a shirt from aur
laundry. Our laundry work la always care
fully and thoroughly done. Send i.s your
address on a postal and we will stnd for
your Itnen.
If eur work aulta you, tell your friends,
If net, tell us.
Bluff City Laundry
WALLACE A O.R0UT. Proprietor.
114. Il-Se North Mala Street.
are not the only symptoms af tmpurltieg
tn the blood. There are others not ao
pronounced, but more dengeroun to the
health. In tbe spring, everybody Beedg
to have their blood cleansed and we have
tbe best ataadard remedies for the nur
Prescription Druggists,
contracted for and flnlshsd la the lat
est Improved and most aanltary methods.
Our facilities are eiceptlonally good, which
guarantees entire sstisfaotlon for all
plumbing and basting done by us. We
employ none but the most skillful and ex
perienced workmen. We use tbe best
fittings and materials. If we do It, It 'a
done right.
j: C, Bixby & Son
tea Main A I0J Pearl 8ts.. Council Bluffs, la,
Telepboae 111.
meyer, another successful business man.
who haa been twice elected mayor, repre
sents tha democrat. One of tha most hotly
eonteatsd city elections la tbe history of
the city Is espceted-
i . ...
Wllklns Nark Better.
NEW YORK, Manh 14,-The roiulltlon of
Bertah Wllklna of the WsKhlngton Pnat was
much Improved today. There la BOW good
rtasvo t hope (or big recovery,