TIIE OMAHA DAILY BKEt SUNDAY, MAflCII 15. 1003. Our Heu Suit and illincry Department We offer for your inspection and criticism a vast display of Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Clothing. We have a confidence in this department that comes from the knowledge of goods we bought. This m-.ans that every YOUR CREDIT rnnn UNDERSELLING is the garment has undergone the most critical and rigid in spection by our expert buyer as to quality, stye, work manshift and price. We guarantee unhesiiatingy any by-word here this week over 10 carloads of choice, salable merchandise at March Sae Prices you know what that means Investigate anyhow. thing from this department We announce our advanced display of Spring Mil linery a handsome array of new pattern hats will be shown. We invite your special attention to this dept. Just style. J14.75 black, poie tight coats, 5.00 SKIRT BALE During this week we will sell all wool cheviot or broadcloth skirts, Mylish in cut, and tastefully trimmed with satin bauds, including extra sizes, worth $7.50 -tomorrow As a special leader for tomorrow we wil sell our $7.75 silk creie de chine waists, entire shoulder yoke and upjer sleeves shirred, colore white, pink, blue and black, all sizes, for Monday onlv. at PROMPT DELIVERIES rV&V?&Z&iT. r J Im I I CllbOO A Tims TIO X TV LOOK & AV BCThJUH. POPULAR PRICES 17ffiEABZYZtVltfr xm mm MAY ESCAPE HAGUE COURT Allied Powen Likely to Propoee Eettlaig with Castro Direct GERMANY WWTS TWO DAYS fOR CASH Baa Kt Rrpreaestatite la Caracas aad So Gtvra eaesaela Till Moaday to Par with Alteraatlre of Seiilac CaatoBBB. WASHINGTOK. March 14. Py tha rroto cola which were aipuefl on FebrumJT II Greet Britain received a rash payment of Germany ta promised an advance payment of 134(1. W0, in five monthly 1d- fitallmeDUi. and the alllea trere to be paid t.7.r(0 two month from that any. Mr. Bnwen handed the British ambassa dor rheck the night the protocol waa picmcd aDd rt waa arranged that Germany and Italy vera to receive their money at Caracas. till Bllrnt oa fiofooola. What atepi Prcsiflent Castro haa takes to meet the obligation! are not known bei-v, but some concern la felt here at tbe alienee of tbe allied power regarding the draft ei The Hague protocol which waa mailed to them aome weeka ago, though the absence of any representation on the subject may mean that a plaa la under consideration tor a settlement at Caracas. Thera la no indi cation that tbe Venezuelan president will consent to any compromise, but it is be lieved he will be approached In that con nection. Mr. Bowen la strongly opposed to permitting tha allied powers to escape from appearing at The Hague, but inasmuch as tbe coats of the case would probably ex ceed tbe amount Involved tbe European powers prefer aome other mods of aettle- nient. Venezuela's initial payment oa the $240, diiO pledged to Germany will not be paid today, as provided tor in tbe peaoe proto col. The German minister. Baron Haden hatsen. will not reach Caracas until hi on day and aa the Berlin government at pres ent has no accredited representative there lYesldent Castro bus been allowed two ad ditional day of graoa. In event, however, that this payment, -amounting te about t70.(HH, la not forthcom ing aa boob as Baron Badenhataen arrives, Belgium will b asked te step la and aid President Castro In the administration of hit ruetoma, as provided In the protocol. Cmraarat rrm fVrCrolad. W ILU:MSTA.D. Hland of Curaoo. Marti 14. The Venezuelan revolutionists claim ta have completely defeated the government forces la the battle which took place ra rrnily sear Cnroa, Venezuela. CARACAS. March 14 President Castro left here today tor La Victoria, abere be rn a rr jt pure. The critical ordeal through which the expectant mother must pa6, however, is so fraught with dread, pais, suffering and danger, that the very, thought of it fills her with apprehension and horror. There is no necessity for the reproduction of life to be either painful or dangerous. The use of Mother" Friend ao prepares the system for the coming event that it is safely pasted without any. danger. This great and wonderful remedy is always applied externally .and has carried thousands of women through the trying crisis without suffering. Rri.d lor t-a book ooDiaiuing lnlonuauua f prux-ieM v:ut lo a.l aun-iai.1 tLOlLni. The EraflfitK Rfeilitor Ci, Atlaiti. Lx. received an exclude lot of ladies' suit's, each one Laving an individual Made in all the new materials to much in Togr? just now. We are striT- mg to show nothing but the newest and best. You wil find the workmanship and designing everything we claim. On sale Monday at ?37.r.0-?25.00 and SUIT ALE This includes the also the nobby all wool cheviot or without shoulder collar, tostilion back, tab fronts, silk braid trimmed, finished with ornaments, wide full skirts special for Monday WAJt; we are ready to show ana taneia. in the new coffee coat. Monte Carlo fitting full lengti and the new silk Mondty at 35.00 $19.50 and T TH proposes to rest for six days and prepare his message to congress. Celoetino Peraza, a prominent political leader, who two years ago started a revolu tion against President Castro and has been in exile in Curacoa, has obtained permis sion to return to Venezuela. The report of a government victory at Ou ma retro over revolutionists imder Gen erals Riera and Penelazo on Monday la con firmed. CAUGHT IN H0JEL LOBBIES Travelers Tell of Their Obaer-vmtlaats la Dlffrrcat Parts of the Coaatrr. Judge John Reese of Broken Bow, re cently appointed receiver of the land office tbe-e. is in tbe city, a guest at the Dellone. He said: "1 will take hold of the offloe of receiver about tbe first of April, succeeding Mr. Young. We have had considerable snow up about Broken Bow this winter, but no se rious results have followed to cattle. All the ranches throughout the eounty are feeding, and there ia an abundance of feed for all purposes. I came down from Un- J ooln this morning for a short, friendly talk j with Major Wilcox on Grand Army and j miscellaneous matters pertaining to our work as members of the board of visitors to the State Soldiers' home." M. C Steele of Newcastle, Wyo., la in the city enroute homeward from a business visit to Chicago. In reference to affaire at Newcastle, he said: "Conditions in the mining districts are In very good shape. There are no mining troubles at Newcastle or Cambria, and about the usual output of coal was made this winter. The grade of coal is increasing in excellence, and the demand for It exceeds the supply. There is aome talk there of tbe Kllpatrick broth ers disposing of their interests at Cam bria and Newcastle, but I am not is a po sition to state or know how tar the nego tiations have proceeded " CLINGS TO THE ROCKY PATH Otrl Tarns Doaf Km to fleadia of Parents mm Takes JaJll kcatrae. Ina Oox, pretty and not yet past her twentieth birthday, was sentenced by Judge Berks in polios court yesterday te serve thirty day tn tbe county Jail for vagrancy. For six months she has beea absent from home and bar distressed parents have kept up an almost ceaaelras search for her. Finally, with the aid of the police, she waa diaoovered in a resort in tbs tenderloin. As she stood before the judge bar mother embraced ber half-wildly and pleaded that ahe would abandon the path ahe was choos ing and return te good surroundings. Her faiher, standing at the other aide of tbe No worn an' i happi ness can be complete without children ; it ia her nature to lore and wan - them it ia to lore he beautiful and FiratBinxrfl new mixtures in blue, brown, green aDd suits in colors black and blue, made with BJ5 the new spring coats made of walking girl, echoed the plea with almost equal fervor. The judge, perceiving the condi tions, added his voice in admonition and warning, but to all of them the girl re turned only disdainful stares and seemed absolutely unmoved by the racking grief of her father and mother. Finally, as the only course open to him after the girl had ( answered that ahe would not reform, -the judge Imposed tbe jail sentence in the hope that by tbe date of its expiration she may have concluded to abandon tbe downward way and be ready to return to her parenta. TWO MURDER CASeT"gO OVER As-raiA-aaaeBte of MeGalaraa sal fksa Poatpoaed oa Acconnt of Jndre's ikftrse. - Owing to the illness of Judge Lee Eetelle and the consequent absence of the judge from his court room yesterday, there was a general postponement of tbe matters which were to be disposed of Saturday. Th memorial services for the late Judge Bowman were postponed until Saturday of next week. The drawing of the new list of jurors to serve twenty dsys hence was supervised by Judge Read from court room Ns. 1. The arraignment of Thomas 14c Gulgan. who stabbed John Patrick Daniel Murphy February JK. and is charged with first degree murder, was poetponed, as was also tbe arraignment of Patrick Shea of South Omaha, who stabbed Joseph Rezek and is charged with second degree murder. The suit of McGuigan's victim has been giving considerable trouble. Some reported it to be John and others Patrick, and the county attorney in drawing up the Informa tion hd to put it in both waya. Saturday morning Coroner Bralley informed Mr. English that he has learned that it waa not either, but Daniel. There has been a dla pute over this in the collection on an in surance policy and Coroner Bralley had to make certain before signing a necessary certificate. HORSE SHOW ASSOCIATION Artlrlea of laeornarattaa Will Be Filed with Secretary of Sta.te Sext Week. The promoters of the Omaha Horse Ebow association held a meeting Friday, and adopted articles of incorporation which will be forwarded to Linooln for filing with the secretary of state before next Tues day, upon which date the incorporators will meet to elect a board of directors and officers. ' There vtt be about twenty charter mem bers of tbe association, including E. P. Peck, T. A,. Nash. M. I Learned, John L. Kennedy. T. B. McPherson, Thomas Buch anan. F. 8. Cowgill. rred Metx. T. H Davis. T. C. Byrne. E. A. Cndahy, W. J. C. Ken yon. C. T Stewart of Council Bluffs, Ar thur Brandeis and Joseph Hayden. Tbe ar ticles provide that fifteen members or more shall constitute a board of directors, and that tbe object of tbe association shall be to operate a borne show at Omaha. Tbe capital atock of the company is 10,000, fully subscribed. An effort will be made te hsve the date of tbe show this season changed from Sep tember te September. le-ls. ARGUE POLICE BOARD CASE Uirn Will Talk Annnt Kiarhta to Oasoe la Saaream Caar-t Ta radar. The fire aad police board case la to be argued before tbe supreme court Tuesday. City Attorney Connell appearing for the old board and tbe city as intervener and At torneys Wright, Curley and Ransom for the present commissioners, who are the re spondents ia tbe fight made to oust tbem from office. The brief of tbe respondents has beea completed and filed and copies de livered to the relators. City Attorney Con nell is engaged in preparing a ebon repjy brief te be fiied Monday. A decision is an ticipated n-ithln s few wetka ailei ibe oral arguments are na. E TEBHS OF PflYHEHT TO SPIT YOUR J6ia a Tadnam sweets, omaha. (lite People' Furniture ana Carpet Co. ) CARPETS AND RUGS Many lnducementa In floor coverings. 'We rote a few tlow-: AD wool InpraJn Carpets, extra ft iff fa enper trade March nale prlr U'tW Brussels Carreta. with or without borders. In this neunon'f polorincs TQf and pattern. March sale irice IwS A fine line of velvets in the new- Q(l est desipns March sule wOC Pxl01-2 r.mneln Rues, in many IO CO patterns March sale price IfciuU 3'.'-liich. Smrrna Bnps March sjfj sale price Iibw Oilcloth in r.ripbt new 07 patterns, all widths .. -fclC Jananene Martinps. fresh Imports- IOa tions, linen warn March kbIp price . ltG peau de DRAPERIES A Pip variety of Uanpinps at prices that will crowd this department. On lot of Not tingham Lace Cur-tins, 5Mnch QQ wide March Kale price wOC Another lot of Nottingham Lace Curtains 4-incb wide, cluny effects March sale price Genuine Enisnels Net Lace Just received, worth regu larly X(is March sale price ... CROCKERY English Semi-Porcelain, under giased 300 pieces Innner Sets March snJe price French China, acnutne Urn ripe ware, 1(K piece Ad arch sale price M RESPONSIBLE FOR ICE Verdict Believe City of Liability for j Aocidaata on Slippery "Walk. ABOUT TWO HUNDRED CLAIMS PENDING City Attornrr la tinted Over ei of Trial la the Personal lajary Case of AaaraBtlae 'vYfcitteiBore. . alt Some $200,000 represented In about 200 claims for personal injuries against the city were to an extent hinged upon a case in the district court that has Just been won by City Attorney Connell on behalf of the municipality. It was tbe suit of Augustine Whittemore for $7,260, and the city attor ney characterises it as "the pioneer suit involving the liability of the city for sim ply ice on the streets." Mr. Connell Is greatly elated over the victory, as tbe case was important and unique in many ways. He did not oCer a particle of testimony nor swear a witness, but fought the case upon evidence submitted by the plaintiff, secur ing a verdict from the jury by arguing that it is not right or just to hold tbe city re sponsible for any icy and slippery condition of the streets due to climatic changes which cannot be guarded against. He said: "Augustine Whittemore, a traveling aud itor for an eastern concern and boarding at the Merriam hotel, started to come down town to his place of business on tbe morning of February 12, 1902. While walk ing along tbe sidewalk on Twenty-fifth street, near Famam, he slipped and fell on the try, sllpjery footing, breaking both bones of his right leg midway between tbe knee and tbe ankle. He waa removed to his hotel, and was not able to be about on crutches until along in April. He sued to recover all expenses tnrurred and for Tbe mental and physical pain suffered. Dne to Cllsaatle Chaavea. "The trial was carried on for three days before Judge Read and a Jury in tbe dis trict court, and was bitterly fought by tbe city on the ground that tbere was no lia bility on tbe part of the city by reason of the Icy condition of its sidewalks occa aloned by melting snow and water freezing, thereby making an icy surface. We took the position that tbe condition was due lo climatic changes, and not to any fault or negligence on tbe part of the city. I ar gued that Whittemore had the aame ripht to rr to Florida, where -here is no Ice, and fall In an alligator swamp snd be eaten ,1IA . . V. Y, .. A . ..... rw.v. .... up against physical conditions that caused his accident and injury. "This is tbe first case that has been tried that involves liability solely oa the ground of the icy condition of the streets. Tbe photographic department of the city again proved its value, as we were able to pro duce a picture of the spot taken on the afternoon of tbe day of tbe accident. Tbe importance of tbe case is shown by tbs fact that we have new about 200 claims for daniBfBB auatittntd in th aama nav c , .. ! this and last winter. Tbe sum total of those claims is mors than tl'Ob.OOO." INTEREST RATE IS TOO LOW What Treasarer Sara of Charter aswsanest Pertaiatas to Tax Cert la rates. City Treasurer Bennings saya thst the clause of the charter amendment bill re ducing tbe interest rate on tax certificates from 20 to 10 per cent will result practically in failure to sell these certificates in fu ture. Tbe certificates are bid in at sales of delinquent tax property, the bidders charging interest if the property is re deemed by tbe ewner, or otherwise fore closing and taking possession. Treasurer Hennings declares thst tbe spnrulstors will nl And sufficient profit in U.t ill yet ccltt Iroa Bed. assorted colore, ltaa foar raati of namrl, darlna; March utile 3.50 I.39 Curta ins 3.90 Tkla solid oak rkalr with rae arm aad riif eat. foil alar seat ni barlL. rii( Marrk Bale 7.90 19.50 85c interest to make the deals worth ahile, and therefore delinquent tax property will be come a drug on the market. SHERIFF TELLS OF HANGING Kai-a He la tssviaera It Is Most II a rnane Method of Capital Pontsbnaeat. Sheriff John Pcwer. Deputy James Roach and Jailer Thomas Flynn returned Friday night from lincoln, where tbey witnessed the hanging of Gottlieb Niegenfind Fri day. The sheriff arises to remark thst the report that he was on the scaffold during the execution is untrue. It wasn't his hanging, and be didn't participate in it. be rays, but stood bai-k among the thirty other spectators, and did Junt what they did looked on and breathed hard. "The only ones on tbe scaffold beside the prisoner were three guards and tbe clergy man." he said. "Tbe guards pressed the buttons, which released the trap, but no man will ever know which pressed first and sprung tbe locks. A Lincoln paper stated that Niegenflnd's bosom hesved. and there was a rebound of the body, but this isn't true. Everything worked so well thst the man died without the twitch of a muscle, and, whereas I used to hsve a horror of hanging, I am now convinced it is the most humane method of capital punishment that Is possible, and my old horror is removed. Niegenfind came from his cell laughing and Joking In a Quiet wsy, mounted the scaf fold unaided, and It was all over in an as tonishingly short time." FARMERS ON THE TAX ISSUE They Adopt Reaolatioa Declaring for Proper Taxatlaa of Kail road Property. The farmers of Douglas eounty hsve ta ken a hand in tbe fight for equituble taxa tion. More than 100 of tbem met at Rein er's hall, in Elkhom. Friday, under the auspices of the Farmers' union, and tbere adopted a vigorous resolution, a copy of which is te be sent to each member of the linuglas county delegation In the present legislature. James Walbh presided over tbe meeting and Ed Hall acted as secretary. Tbe unanimously adopted resolution reads: Resolved, That it is the sense i.f this me ting that the legislature now convened at Lincoln should ennct such law or laws s will make the railroad and other cor porations of Nenranka pty their just pro portion of the tuxes. We do not ask nor do we want the firm-rs of Nebraska to be exempt in an particular from paying their Just proportion of tales for the support of county arid stale Nor do we think that the railroad and ether rcirp'.ratiutis klmuid be aliened to shirk their just proportion of the taxes, and we especially request our representatives to ue i!l honorable means lo secure equitable taxation for all. RIOTOUS STUDENTS FINED Pardne College Boys Pay for Break. , las l Sophomores' Baa. a. Bet. LAFATETTE. Ind.. March 14 Fifteen Purdue freshmen were Cued in the police court today for disorderly conduct. Sopho mores and freshmen also arranged to pay li'.O for the damage done to a hall. In which tbe sophomore aere attacked by the freshmen. The Purdue faculty will meet Monday lo take action against tbe students who took part in the class rush. Gaveraaseat Order oa Olesmargarlst. 'ih rnmeiit ha issued oraetr to all trarufacturers and a boleeale dealers in oleomargarine instructing them to n-e that retail dealers purchase goods unaer the name shown in the government license to dealers. It Is said In the circular that re tail dealers bae adopted a plan of buying goods in the name of jiersons ether than those licensed and that this makes It difn cult for the government agents to trace the oleomargarine from the factory to the consumer as Is contemplated under the art It is said that tins means has leen adoined by some unscrupulous aealers to aoid 1 Jt.;i.-iiy i -ne raci inw inew.aiiu.e i.oifu. ij.jtiiiiii better that ooi I tba consume Uon of U.i tuud prudiiuu Bed RfWM -t. ansae tsk. highly polished. Frer krTFl plate ntrror Mnrrh sale prire- 14.90 a ' C klVoaler. fa aalld oak. Smithed fa aroldea. solid krui rrlatailaaTa. 84 la. wide, trr laraxe drawers, dorlaa; arrk sale 5.90 Rarker eskMer or woodra seat, araldea flalsh. dir. las; Marrk sale 1.95 uu conu NEW POLICE BOARD CLERK . Harvey, Bon-in-Law of Former Governor Savage, Geti the Job. BOARD ASSUMES THE POWER TO APPOINT CoaaanlBsloaerB Anticipate the Pas ana; e of aa Asnentirorat ta City Charter Aathortrlast Them to Hunt Their Clerk. rpon request of the commissioners W. I. Kierstead at noon yesterday presented his resignation as clerk of tbe fire and police board. A. R. Harvey, a son-in-law of former Governor Bavage, who appointed the acting board, was appointed to succeed Mr. Kierstead st the same salary. J100 a month f.ffcrtlve Monday. March 23. Tbes proceedings were accomplished at a special meeting, Commissioners Broalch. Ppraiien. Thomas and Wright being present and Mayor Moores abBent. Mr. Kierstead was appointed by Mayor Moores three years ago by authority of a city ordinance. His term would expire Monday, March 16. Tbe charter amend ments now pending before 'he legislature Include a clause putting the appointment of the clerk in tbe bands of the board. The commihsioners are sure that it will become a law by the time that Mr. Harvey takes the position, or so soon thereafter that there will be no interference with the pro gram. Behlad Cloned Doors. Tbe commissioners conferred VehtnS closed doors for half an hour yesterday and then called Clerk Kiersiead in. He was told that the board desired to make a change In the clerkship and that Inasmuch as Kiersiead represented tbe Moores tac tion of tbe republicans and had been ao aggressive in supporting tbe mayor, his in cumbency is not longer desired. The work of Clerk Kierstnad since the governor's board was seated August 4, 1!02. was praised. Mr. Kierstead replied that he was well aware that political reasons made tbe commissioners desirous of appointing an- The Bone-Setter's References Arc His Cured Patients, Who Voluntarily Give Their Testimonials Above Their Signatures in the Leading Daily Newspapers of the Country Many of Them are the Best People in the Laud. Every crippled person who begins sn cost. If tbe applicant Incomes a patient investigation of the Bone-Belter and his the work of righting the wrong is eom- work is confronted at tbe very atari with f?4,. " 0"r:- EvtTy l,rnI" n.ade is , . , . . i faithfully fulfilled, and truth and honesty the plain, simple principle, of everyday r,iarjtClf.rllM lhf. , b(jlt. ,,rt)lel(l;lr,nl honesty. First, be or sbe reads the tesU- j business transaction, and sooner or ister niuiii&l in tbe paper from some cured pa- tbe pstient gives Lis or ber testimonial tlent. The specific address of tbe pa- j for publication, and thus the goad wort tient is always given with the printed j goes on. signature. This stamps it as being per- ' Miss Anna Calborg. !3 years old. ret. id -fectly bonest, as it is. The inquirer then lng st 117 E. Fifteenib street, Miuneapo wrltes or i lo see tbe patient wbo has ; lis. Minn., was born with a dislocated been cured. Tbe published statement is i hip. found to be abeoluiely true in every par- J Tbe Bone-Setter st Hudson. Vis., set tirular. Tbe next etep is to write to tbe j tbe hip perfectly for her, with his bare Bone-setter and describe bew tbey are i hands, without tbe least pain, or the glv crippled. In response tbey receive an bon- ! lng of chloroform or the use of plaster cast, est reply, for if the Bone-Better has good i stay or brace of any kind. It was cer reasons for believing that rolbitig cac lainly a remarkable operation, end the be done for them, they are ao written plainly. If tbe description of tbe condi tion is such as to lead tbe Bone-Better to believe that be can give the desired , help, they are written favorably and invit ed te come to Hudson, at once. After tbe examicetion is msde the applicant is told Just a bat may be dime, approxi mate: how long it wiU take, and ths , - - - - WW " 1 j 9 & nmmrr, solid ti It fa the srolden oak liluk, l has )li anlrror la leai at avail. heavy raat brass trimming;, special darlas Martk 6.95 .o- art V e are agrata for tbe Hr)on4 and V a k e. field iiM-arti and rarrlare. Take tbe little kak; rat lata the Ufe-lvlBK air and Krlaft tke hlaora of healtli to fta cheeks. Ve .lare oa sale tomorrow atitab)r wan. eqntied with rabkrr tires, at 6.90 We are iiolr atfitM for Cara mT-d In f Tfrj a . Ob Mir innorroit , two tr-r Jailor Mr, t- other man clerk, and thst as his term ex pired Monday anyway be would have no ob jections to filing a formal resignation in writing, which he did. There was no ill feeling displsyed. Immediately after Clerk Kierstead came out of the star chamber Mr. Harvry ap peared and was ushered in. Tbe board then came forth and executed Its formal action of accepting tbe resignation and making tbo appointment. The only other business done was granting a saloon licenne to Schneider t Klein at 1232 South Thirteenth street. fays He is Rrpsbliras. A. R. Harvey, the new clerk, is secretary of the Metropolitan Mutual Bond and Suretv company. He told the reporters that he had lived in Omaha five years and is a re publican. Last winter be married a daugh ter of former Governor Ezra P. Savag. Just after his appointment be shook hand.: with Mr. Kierstead, who volunteered to ex plain tbe details and work of tbe office next week. PLEADS F0RHER CHILDREN Mother ' Answer Petition of laatltate for CsarSlasahls of Lit. tie One-a. Isidor Ziegler has filed in the county court tbe answer of Rosa H. ' Evernghitn lo the petition of the Child Saving insti tute for tbe guardianship of her two minor children, Mary J. and Virgil Harding. Tbe institute had alleged that she was not a proper person morally to have the rearing of tbe minora. In ber answer the defend ant specifically admits that for some time she led a life of shame, but pleads that she did not resort to it until she had found herself physically unable to support her self and children by sewing, and bad star vation staring tbem in tbe face. Sbe af firms that during tbe lime sbe resorted to tbe baser means of ttvelibood under tbe name of Gladys Russell she kept the chil dren at tbe Creche and wl'h the Sitters at Benson and always tree from bad influences. Tbey are aged C and 4. respectively, and the mother alleges that tbe lather de serted tbe family tno years ago. Ms. Evomghlm further alleges that she Is now physically strong and able to tare for her self and tbe children without resorting to I Improprieties. lady returned boms perfectly delighted. Miss Colborg's father Is electrician for Swan J. Turnhlad. on tbe "fevenska Amer ika.nt.ka Posten," Minneapolis. Write and say bow you are cnppled. and on receiving a favorable reply be ready to come a ben be saya be on sr you. Enclose stamp and address "Bone Better, " Hudson Wisconsin. 2.90