Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 15, 1903, PART I, Page 6, Image 6

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Saturday Musicals Rt'cnss Local 8mart Set
from Abioln'i Dullness
Clan for Improvement at Tonntrr
mnA Field C'lahs Gives Rlae to
Hopes tr Bnsy Soelat ea
a at Each Place.
The Lenten muslcsle 1 the one oiea
lon of the week that Is at all satisfactory
nowadays that In, of course, ontsld of
the private affairs, and the woman who
I naa me ioremougni 10 poasens Dersen ui
j season ticket la Immensely proud of her
Judgment and equally gjateful to thane
;who devised the plan. Yesterday after
noon's musical was easily the smartest af
fair of the week, for the excessive quiet
f things otherwise enhance! Ita Interest
land Insures attendance.
y The presence of a few visiting women,
whose atay la not to be prolonged until
after Easter, has saved the week from
toeing absolutely tiresome and occasioned
list of gtven-ln-honor affairs that have
kept these women at least occupied a zood
char of the time and that promise to help
out the present week's calendar.
' On Monday Mrs. W. P. Mlkesell will en
tertain the Hanscom Park Sewing circle of
the Visiting Nurses' association. In the
evening Mr. and Mrs. II. F. Robertson
.will entertain the members of the Bon
Ton Card club. Of course, there will be
khe dinner at the Omaha club in the even-
On Tuesday Mrs. Arthur Crittenden
Smith entertain the Tuesday morning
jnuslcsle. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Thompson
entertain the Thrbegwof Card club. Tho
JHystlc club meets with Mr. and Mrs. T.
,13. Halght.
- On Wednesday Mra. John Wagner and
JWrs. Ray Wagner give a euchre party at
the home of the latter. Miss Hoagland
gives a dinner tor Miss I lord of Central
City. Mrs. Ward Burgess will be hostess
tf the Cooking club luncheon. The Stroll
ers will be entertained by Mrs. Habn. Mrs.
T. S. Loom Is gives a luncheon In compll
tnent to Mrs. Charles Stacy. The Woman's
alliance gives Its annual banquet at Unity
- On Thursday Mrs. Herman Kountze en
tertains the Creche luncheon.
; On Friday the Woman's alliance will
lve a dancing party at Metropolitan club,
and Mr. and Mra. Theodore Oleson enter
tain the Hanscom Park Card club.
7 On Saturday the Lenten muslcnle will
"he held at the Llnlngcr art galleiy. Mr.
and Mrs. F. A. Ewlng entertain the Har
toony club. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bryson en
iertaln the Neighborhood Card club. Mr.
and Mrs. W. E. Palmatler a card club.
Almost simultaneous with the announce
taent that the Monday evening dinners at
the Omaha club are to be auspended after
March 23, cornea announcements concern
ing the season'a plans for the three clubs
where the local fashionables spend the other
half of their time, the Country club, the
Field club and the Boat club, at Manawa,
ao that it will not be long that aoclety will
be without club privileges. The decision
of the board of directors of the Country
club to make the much needed addition to
tho dinning room is welcome Indeed. The
porch at tho southwest side is to be en
larged eighteen feet and Included: this ad
dition, with the hall, making possible the
comfortable seating of at least 175 guests
at the Saturday evening table d'hote din
ner. Authority has been given the tourna
ment committee to prohibit playing on the
links until the trost Is out of the ground.
At the Field club this year the cafo will
'too under the direct management of the
club. Considerable improvement is to be
added to the building, chief among whlffh
Is the buffet which is to be built at the
M arB
Vfliat tba Cecllian Is
91 Rue Jouffroy, Paris. Oot. 23d.
1902. raj-rand Organ Co.: Gen
tleman Alter having heard the
"OadUan" splendidly played at
your wareroouis In London, I do
not hesitate to prounce t a marval,
and I hereby endorse all you claim
(or it. namely, that it is a "Perfect
Plane Player." The elasticity of
execution, freedom and scope of
expression and unerring accuracy
were moat astonishing, for this in-'
strumeot seemed to do all that the
greatest virtuoso Is able to ac
eempllsb. and more, too.
There was a perfect whirlwind1 of
technique, with accentuated single
notes and wonderful sweeps of
oresoando from the falntness of
pianissimo to the loudest thun
ders ot fortissimo, and all under
such easy and perfect control as
to be truly amaslng.
Let me say that I congratulate
you upon such a sucoesa. Tours
very truly,
Olarenoe M. Eddy la an Ameri
can and the greatest living or
ganlat. On Our Musical
Library Plan
Tou can have 34 rolls of music
each month 28 different pieces
a year affording a musical
education beyond the power of
wealth to furnish In any other
Call at our Parlors; we will bo
glad to show you.
Piano Player Go.
Arlington Block
1513 Dodge Street
east end of the house and whtrh la to be
an ample flair. The place formerly occu
pied cy the buffet will be used for a loung
ing room and steps will be built to tbe
casino opDOBUe those leading to the dining
room, the way to be under cover. The date
for the opening has not yet been definitely
fixed, but will probably be about the first
of May.
The Boat club has made little announce
ment save of Its officers, committees and
the like, but after all this counts, for a
great deal with observing people, for they
will at lent know who they have to take
Into account. The following board of di
rectors of the Rowing association have
been eleeted: Messrs. Emmet Tlnley, W. E.
Shepard. Fred U. Empke, Tom P. Tldd, H.
Z. Mass, J. J. Hess, B. M. Sargent, Don
Macrae and Arthur Cooley. Tbe directors
elected the following officers: President,
Emmet Tlnley; vice president, W. E. Shep
ard; secretary, F. D. Empke; treasurer, T.
P. Tldd; commodore, H. Z. Hass; vice com
modore, J. G. Hess.
One of the most pretentious and success
ful affairs that has ever been undertaken
by a High school class was tbe reception
held between 3 and 6 o'clock on Saturday
afternoon at the High school, given by the
membera of the second section of the
senior clans, to the other members, tbe
parents and members ot the Board of Edu
cation. The main hall and library of the
new building were handsomely trimmed
with furnishings loaned by the various
merchants and to these the several socle
ties of the school contributed variety by
each furnishing a corner. The P. O. F.
had a Scottish corner, the Cadet Officers'
club had a tent, from which hardtack and
beans (of the confection variety) were
served; the Browning society waa at home
In a Greek temple, a miniature of the
front ot the High school building, made by
members of the manual training depart
ment, and all in white, where two of the
girls In Greek costume presided and told
fortunes; the D. D. S. corner waa made
attractive with tbe banners of the society;
the Clio club had an old English corner;
the Natural History society was appro
priately trimmed with furs and heads and
the Elaln cornet- waa very pretty, all
trimmed In white. At the end of the hall
punch and cake was served by girls of the
class and during the afternoon a musical
program waa given consisting of a piano
solo, by Miss Cora Evans; a violin solo, by
Miss Emily Cleve; a vocal solo, by Miss
Jcanette Marrlotte, and two songs by the
Captains' quartet, composed of Captains
Htggtns, Chaffee, Falrbrother and Wallace.
During the three hours about 300 came and
went. The section Is under the chairman
ship of Mr. Leslie Hlgglns and the recep
tion was one that will be long remembered
by those who were privileged to attend.
Mr. and Mrs. St. A. D. Balcomb and Miss
Balcomb are expected on the first of the
month from Pass Christian, where they
have passed tbe winter.
Miss Wakely, who has been the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. Lucius Wakely in St.
Louts, Is now visiting Mrs. Craln in
Springfield, O.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Love expect to open
their country place near the Country club
next week.
Mrs. J. J. Dickey is expected back from
the south in about a week and will be the
guest for a time of Mr. and Mrs. J. R.
Mr. Gould Diets and his mother have
taken the house at 068 South Twenty
eighth street.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. GateC entertained
the West Farnam Pleasure club Saturday
eveninj. High five was played and the
prizes won by Mrs. D. Lyman, Mr. J. Calll
han, Mrs. W. Heaton and Mr. J. Douglas.
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Branch arrived home
last Monday evening from their eastern
wedding tour. During their two weeks'
absence they visited Chicago, Niagara
Falls, New York City, Washington, D. C,
Pittsburg and Columbus, O. They will be
at home temporarily at the Murray hotel
after March 24.
Mrs. George Hardy of Perry, la., hr.s
been the guest of her sister-in-law, Mrs.
H. A. Haskell, of 1S26 North Eighteenth
street. '
Mrs. H. A. Olerlch of Butte, Neb., is vis
iting in tbe city. ,
Miss Frances Butts has returned from
a three months' visit with her sister in
Butte, Neb.
Mr. C. W. Morton left last evening for
a trip to Salt Lake City.
Mrs. Philip A irons, accompanied by her
daughter, has gone east.
Mrs. Horsoe G. Burt and Mrs. T. M.
Orr went to Chicago on Friday evening.
Mrs. David Prentke of Cleveland, O., la
the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Max Morris, on Park avenue.
Hon. W. H. Edmucda and wife of Tank
ton, S. D., spent last 8unday In Omaha
visiting relatives, tbe family ol Jamea H.
Brown, 218 South Thirty-eighth avenue,
coming from a month'a visit in California.
Miss Effle Symns of Atchison, Kan., Is
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Adams.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Derlght are back from
a fortnight's trip to New York.
Mr. Em 11 Brandels went to New York
last evening.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Hospe and daughters
returned on Saturday morning from a
month's trip which included California,
Mexico and several Intermediate points of
Mrs. Andrew Murphy has gone to Ex
celsior Springs tor i "tew weeks.
Miss Belle Knapp, who has been teaching
near Bennington, has been ill at the home
of her parents In the city during the last
Mrs. D. C Redman of Yatta Center, Kan..
Is the rnest of her sister, Mrs. R. Ryan.
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Weller, Miss Weller
and Mrs. Fred Clarke returned on Satur
day from the south, having spent the last
month at New Orleans and Gulf coast
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Meek. 1617 Cap
itol avenue, are entertaining their parents,
Mr. and Mra. Benjamin Meek of Philadel
phia, Pa.
One of the most charming affairs of the
week was the children's psrty, given at
Metropolitan club, from 4 until 7 o'clock
on Saturday afternoon, by the membera ot
the club. It is an annual affair and one
scarcely less anticipated by the older peo
ple than by the children themselves, and
no wonder. In their dainty frocks and
Juvenile dress suits, seversl score ot little
people spent three delightful hours at
dancing and games In the big ball room
upstat-s and at 7 o'clock all were aeated
at supper. Later in tbe evening some (f
tbe young people who had come In to assist
with the children were Joined by others
and enjoyed an informal hop, only mem
bers ot families of club members being
privileged to attend.
The members of the Optimo club were
entertained lsst evening at the home ot Mr.
and Mrs. Durkee.
Mrs. Frank Porter was hostens of a ken
slcgton afternoon on Saturday.
For Miss Ferris Mrs. John Francia en
tertained at cards on SiUday afternoon.
The young people of St. Mary's Avenue
Congregational church are planning to pre
sent the "Deeslrlct Skule" on Thursday
evenlug, March 19, In the parlors of tbe
Mrs. Clarence Richmond Day is expected
on Monday from Fort Wlngate, N. M., to
be the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mra.
Allen B. Smith.
Miss Sarah Young, who has spent sev
eral weeks visiting among Omaha friends
and who went to Chicago a week ago, ex
pects to go tt-CalHsrulA Ulan, returning
to her home In Pennsylvania and will stop
In Omaha again for a few days while en
route west.
Mr. snd Mrs. Harry Cartan and Master
Nasn Csrtan expect to leave this week
for a two weeks' trip to the Gulf coast.
Mr. Wing B. Allen has been' Appointed
eastern correspondent for one of the Salt
Lake papers and will reside In New York.
Mr. Otis Howard, son of Mrs. Gliy How
ard, has en nominated naval cadet at
Annapolis. " -
Major and Mrs. Arrlsmlth, who are now
at San Francisco, expect to sail about
April 1 for the Philippines.
Omaha chapter, P. E. O., met at tbe home
of Mrs. O. B. Eddy yesterday afternoon
and among other business transacted
elected the following officers: Mrs. John
F. Wagner, president; Mrs. Frank Bryant,
vice president; Mrs. Updike, corresponding
secretary; Mrs. M. F. Funkhouser, record
ing secretary; Miss Agnes Llvesey, treas
urer; Mrs. Buchanan, chaplain; Mrs. Hass,
guard; Miss Carrie Brown, Journalist; Mrs.
Andrew Treynor, first delegate; Mrs. Bry
ant, second delegate; Mrs. Munroe, first
alternate; Mrs. Day, second alternate.
A number of friends surprised Mrs. A. C.
P. Farrell of Thirty-sixth and Burt streets
on the occasion of her birthday last even
ing. The evening was spent at cards and
refreshments were served.
Miss Gertrude Hospe on her return from
the roast In company with her parents had
the pleasure of an Invitation to alng at the
Mormon tabernacle at Salt Lake City,
where she on last Thursday delighted the
audience with her voice, accompanied by
the great organ.
Mrs. R. H. Davles will show spring and
Bummer models in millinery Thursday, Fri
day and Saturday, March 19, 20 and 21. 1511
Douglas St.
Miss Parrote of Omaha spent flav of
last week visiting with friends In Benson.
Mrs. James W'nlBh left last week for
Elkhorn, where she will visit over Sunday
with relatives.
Master Joe Freeman, who has been quite
111 during the last two weeks from an at
tack of bronchitis. Is reported to be con
valescing. J. N. Horton returned from Chicago lat
Wednesday where he has been the past
month holding a temporary position on the
Burlington railroad.
The Ladies' Aid society of the Methodist
church will hold Its res-ular blweeklv meet
ing next Wednesday, March 18, at the home
of Mrs. H. I. Kellry at 2 p. m.
Mr. and Mrs. Burher have moved Into ths
newly erected cottage on East McOneue
street and Ben Morton and family will take
the one formerly occupied by them.
Services will be held today at the Metho
dist Episcopal church at 11 a m. bv Pastor
J. Crewes. Sunday school at noon. Junior
Uat?ue at 3 p. m. and Epworth league at
The Benson Republican club of Benson
held a meeting at the town hall last Satur
day night for the purpose of taking action
In regard to the coming election of three
trustees for the village.
Pole and connections from the arc light
on Military avenue and McCague street,
west on McCague to Leroy avenue, are
being prepared for the purpose of putting
In a new electric arc light on that corner.
Instead of the regular evening servps at
the Methodist church tonight thev will be
conducted by the young people along the
lines of Interest to the Freedman's AM and
Southern Education society. A special col
lection will be taken for that Institution.
The Benson public schools have become
so crowded as to be utterly Impossible to
continue during the Increase of attendance,
beginning with the spring months, without
another room and also another teacher.
The Board of Education has decided touse
the town hall temporarily for this purpose
and provisions are being made ta supply
what is needed to carry on the regular
course for the rest of the school year.
Tho Young Ladles' A. and O. club, an
auxiliary of the Benson Methodist church,
gave an oyster supper and musical on Wed
nesday evening, March 11. at the town hall,
under the direction of Miss Johnson. Sup
per was served from fi:30 till 8:30 by the
Misses Rose M (inters, Ethetyn Morgan, L.
M. Stiger. Beatrice Hoffman. M. Nevli's,
cnrlstlno Jennings and S. M. Keller in their
club colors and waitress uniforms. i After
the supper followed music and sociability.
Special numbers were: Piano solo, Mar
garlte Llljenstolne; piano and cornet duet,
Mlas Morgan and Mr. Anderson; piano duet.
Misses Hoffman and Morgan. This being
the debut of the club as a bodv It was well
attended and resulted successfully both
financially and socially.
K. I Travis of Laurel, Neb., visited
friends here Friday and Saturday.
Mrs. J. T. Swanson was a business visi
tor In Omaha Wednesday afternoon.
Miss Prudence Tracy was a business
visitor In Omaha Wednesday afternoon.
Miss Amy Gllmore was the guest of Miss
Julia Hunt a couple of days this week.
Mrs. M. B. Potter and Mrs. M. J. Grlffln
were business visitors la Omaha this week.
Mrs. Emll Weber of Wayne, Neb., was
the guest of Mra J.' Weber, sr., Saturday
and Sunday.
Mrs. Kepllager of Hay Springs. Neb., Is
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. I A. Taylor
for a few days.
J. W. Warner of Hancock, la., visited
with the family of Charles Purcell a couple
of days this week.
Miss Anna Gabrlelson, Mrs. J. C. Kindred
and Mrs. William Kindred were Omaha
visitors Thursday. ,
William Tuttle, st., and family left Sat
urday for Portland, Ore., where they will
make tbeir future home.
Rev. Dr. Palmer of Bancroft, Neb., will
conduct the lenten service at St. Mark's
church next Thursday evening.
Rev. John Albert Williams of St. Phillip's
church, Omaha, conducted the regular
lenten servloe at St. Mark's church here
Thursday evening.
Ernest Travis, one of the proprietors or
the Florence livery and feed barn left
Wednesday morning for a few weeks visit
with friends and relatives In eastern Illi
nois. Jonathan lodge No. 228, Independent Order
of Odd Fellows, gives a social and dance at
the city hall on March 17. Bupper will be
served upstairs.
West Ambler.
Mrs. L. Darling and daughters, Alma and
Edith, spent Sunday with friends in North
Dr. Sherwood has been attending Mrs. R.
M. Henderson the past week. She is now
much improved.
J. E. Aughe and wife attended the Ohio
reception and banquet at the Commercial
club Thursday evening.
Charles E. Syas has so far recovered from
his recent Indisposition as to be around hla
home the last of the week.
Baby Smith of Cut-Oft lake has been the
guest of Grandma Maeatrlck the past week,
as well as her brother Alfred.
Mrs. Carberry, after being a resident of
W est Omaha for many years has removed
to Twenty-tlrst and Mason streets.
Roscoe Bone wit i, who has been an intense
sufferer with pneumonia for the last two
weeks, is improving rapidly.
Miss Cook has returned to her home.
Forty-sixth and Center streets, after sev
eral long and anxious weeks at ths bedside
of her sister In South Omaha.
Young Anderson of Sixty-fourth and
Center streets, who recently fell from a
wagon and had his leg badly Injured, is
doing nicely at St. Joseph's hospital.
Mrs. Nslson Pratt and daughter Minnie
came out tfaturday morning to visit Mrs.
Pratt's mother, Mrs. R. M. Henderson,
who has been 111. Miss Minnie remained
until Sunday evening.
The Epworth league of Southwest Metho
dist church realised nearly tl at their 4-ucial
and oyster supper at the home ot Mr. and
Mrs. Walvh last Friday evening, notwith
standing the inclement weather.
Tribute to Mlas Parsons.
At a regular monthly meeting of the
Transmlssuurl Historical society, held on
the VuMlnst.. by unanimous approval, the
following was made part of Its record:
"We learn with regret of the retirement
of Mlas Maud Parsons, the efficient, courte
ous and ruholarly principal of the referents
room of the Omaha public library, and
hereby extend giU wiohes for success in
her new Held of labor, and ask the publish
er of The Pee to find space In their
columns for this slight tribute to a worthy
PEI.EI.l.A MORTON. Secretary.
-N. li. VINEYARD. President."
Mrs. R. H. Davles will show spring and
summer models In millinery Thursday, Fri
day and Saturday, March 19, 20 and 21. I'Al
Pguglae Bt,
The following arrived too late to be In
cluded In the symposium In last Sunday's
Bee of the legislative Work being under
taken by the various stats federations In
tho genersl federation, tbe information
having been aupplled by the corresponding
aecretarles of the various federations In
response to an Inquiry by the editor cf the
Woman's club department of The Bee:
The Massachusetts federation. Including
several thousand women, has at present
before the legislature of that slate a bill
relative to the care of truant girlB, with
good prospects of Its becoming a law. It Is
also Interested In a bill to protect park
ways, public pleasure grounds end boule
vards from disfiguring advertisements and
another for further prevention of cruelty
to animals. The legislature Is still In ses
sion and the bill still to be acted upon,
but their prospects are all good. Last year
the federation succeeded In securing the
passage of a bill granting equal guardian
ship of children to both parents. This bill
in one shape or another had been before
the legislature for twenty years, bscked
by the New England Suffrage association.
All of the clubs are now actively Interested
In signing petitions and like efforts In be
half of educational legislation and that
which pertains to Women and children.
The Illinois federation Includes 233 clubs
that are Interested this year In pushing
an admirable child labor bill. In which
they have the support of some of tbe best
citizens and strongest organizations ot the
slate. It Is understood, however, that this
bill will meet strenuous opposition In ths
senate and Its passage Is doubtful. They
have also an amendment to the compulsory
education law, a bill for licensing trained
nurses and to regulate the practicing of
trained nursing in the state, an act to en
title tax-paying women to vote for cer
tain officers and to participate and vote
In certain meetings and on certain mat
ters, and a bill providing for a colony for
The Colorado federation has prepared
one bill and 'endorsed nine others this
year, and while none of them have as yet
passed both houses, there is reason to be
lieve that seven of them will become laws.
Tho federation's bill provides for the crea
tion of a traveling library commission and
the bills that it has endorsed are: A
community property bill; a bill requiring
registration at school eloctlons; a pre
cinct option bill; a primary election or
direct nomination law; an Improved and
more atrlngent child labor law; the Initia
tive and referendum; a bill pensioning
teachers after twenty-five years of service;
a series of rape bills that protect women
of all ages and Inflict very severe penal
ties; a bill forbidding the use of carriages
at elections. The federation Includes 5,000
The Vermont federation Includes 1,456
women, who this year presented to the
state legislature a bill asking that a woman
be placed on the examining board of pub
lic Institutions, such as asylums for the
insane, homes of correction, prisons and
Institutions where women are confined. Tue
bill failed to pass.
Tbe Arkansas federation has four billi
before the legislature of that state, one
providing for a free library commission and
providing one-fourth of 1 mill of tho regu
lar 6-mlll tax for library purposes; a bill
providing for a reform school; increased
revenue for public schools; to provide for
the Introduction of the kindergarten and
manual training Into the schools; a bill
providing for the eligibility of women on
school boards. The fourth bill haa met
with so much opposition that it Is feared
by the legislative committee that It will
prejudice the legislators against the others.
The year book for 1902-1903 of the Ne
braska Federation of Women's clubs Is out
this week, and the reports between Its
neat gray, blue-lettered covers are Indeed
a credit to the women of the state. Ac
cording to the corresponding secretary's
report there are now 103 clubs and 8,880
members in the federation; fifteen clubs
have come In during the year; twenty-five
cluba hold Individual membership In the
general federation; number of officers and
delegates present at the last annual meet
ing, 128; number of visitors from othr
towns, 100; number of clubs working for
or assisting In the maintenance ot libraries
36 ;N number of clubs engaged In educational,
philanthropic or other outside work, 04;
number of clubs observing Federation day,
21; number of clubs holding, social meet
ings, 70.
Among the clubs endeavoring to secure
libraries for their respective towm are:
OBceola, Wakefield, Valley and Douglaa,
that have raised the $40 necessary to se
cure tht traveling library for five years,
and many other clubs are working to the
same end. Seward Woman's club, Falrbury
Woman's club, the Tecumseh clubs, Stanton
clubs, Syracuse Woman's club and Falls
City Soroels are giving financial aid to the
libraries In which they were wholly or
largely Instrumental In securing. Self Cul
ture club of St. Paul purchased and do
nated books to its public school library
Sutton Woman's club has been the meane
of establishing a library at that place; Ts
kamah Woman's club haa a library of 100
books; Keystone Country club has started
a library with $100, and the Omaha New
Book Review club haa sent a box of books
to the western part of the state; Lincoln
Woman's club and Avon club of York have
each furnished the parlors of tbelr new
library buildings and In consideration of
the same have been granted tbe use of
these rooms for club purposes. Ths Syra
cuse Woman's club and the Falls City
clubs have extended tbelr efforts toward
beautifying their public libraries, the tor
mer having been able through the gen
erosity of Its Individual members and busi
ness men to donate $300 for this purpose;
the latter donating a fine library table,
clock, pictures and various Improvements.
project of the Young Women's Chrstlan
Beatrice Is enthusiastic, over an art ex-
hlblt and sale of Copley prints; York has
contributed to the decoration et Its high
school; Falls City Soros Is has arranged for
a lecture course, having rslsed $500 for
that purpose; the Omaha Woman's club
had a series of lectures, free to all club
womeu; It has donated four classic busts
and two figures from Michael Angelo,
which have been placed In the halls of the
Omaha High achool. In addition to all the
local work, tbe clubs ot the slate have
contributed $153.50 within the year for
the education of a colored kindergarten
teacher In the south.
All of this work has been done outside
of the regular work of the clubs.
The letter from the president, Mrs. W.
E. Page of Syracuse, Is replete with help
ful suggestions for the strengthening and
extension of club work. She urges that
each club make room In Its program for
the open consideration of the federation
year book, which has been prepared at tho
expenditure of much effort and lnchdes
the best thought on club work ol the va
rious officers of the federation. "To many
women," she says, "It Is the only tangible
link between the federation and them
selves, as attendance at tbe annual meet
ing Is possible to only a minority of club
women. Cannot the book be put lnio cir
culation in alpbabetical order? Each de
partment leader in the larger clubs can
easily reach her members." The work of
the various standing committees Is re
ferred to and attention oalled to the various
legislative measures now receiving the sup
port of the club women. Another extract
says: "The business of the federation In
all Its branches would be facilitated by
greater promptness and more business
like methods on the part of club women.
Will all seek to remedy this defect?"
Employes of Betnls Omaha Basr Com
pany Present Him with Token
of Friendship.
Manager M. C. Peters, who retires from
the control of the Bcmis Omaha Bag com
pany, was yesterday afternoon at the clone
of hlB laet day, presented with a diamond
set locket and watch fob by the employes
of the company. Every one of the 350 men,
women -and children cn the roll had a
share In the token and every one was there
resterday at 4 o'clock, when Jules Lura
bard made the presentation speech. The
employes filed into th room Just at the
hour when the Saturday dancing class be
gins and Manager Peters thought they had
come to bid him goodbye. He was en
tirely surprised at the token. Mr. Lumbard.
In presenting the Jewel, spoke feelingly of
the esteem felt for the retiring head by U
hands. He dwelt on Mr. Peters' career
from office boy to manager and his untiring
kindness and thought for all in his control.
Manager Peters showed plainly his pleas
ure In the words spoken snd the beautiful
token from the workers he has been direct
ing for so long. In replying to the spokes
man, he thanked them all rlncercly. He
said he felt that tho success of the company
was as much due to their conscientious
work In the factory as to his own care In
purchasing the raw materials. At the close
of the presentation everyone shook hands
with the retiring manager, who must have
felt, as to his arm at least, like the presi
dent of the United States.
The fob and locket are of Roman gold,
the latter being set on one face with a
large diamond and bearing the Maeonlo
symbols on the obverse with "Presented by
the employes of the Betnls Omaha Bag com
pany, March 14, 1903," engraved around
the edge.
In speaking of the affair afterwards one
of those present said: "I believe that Mr.
Peters Is about tbe best man In Omaha,
and there Is not a man in the house who
does not esteem him. He has always re
warded good work with better pay, and has
always had our interests In view. We are
sorry Indeed to have hlrt go."
Yesterday evening Mr. Peters gave a din
ner at tbe Omaha club for his successor,
George N. Roberts, to introduce him to
some of the members of the club. Those
at table were: Thomas W. Taliaferro, Lu
ther Drake, Edgar Allen, E. H. Wood, J. L.
Baker, W. C. Ives, C. S. Montgomery. Jo
seph Baldrlge, W. B. Williams, J. D. Fos
ter, J. A. Kuhn, A. J. Cunningham and tbe
new and retiring managers.
ft &tyrV
' r trm i an i
s i ' esx
Agents In Omaha (or
Rogers-Peel & Cos
Suits and
Top Coats
$15 to $2
Childi en's Spring
Coats and Jackets
gjzes from the first long coat up to
10 years.
Fine, light weight wool cloths, beautiful
Qualities of Sicilian,iu navy blue, new blue,
mode, grays and black, black taffeta silk, moire, etc.,
hansomely trimmed with cords, fancy bindings and stitching,
batiste and Arabian collars Prices, ?1.50 to ?12.00.
The Fremont Woman's elub was the
prime mover In securing the Carnegie Li
brary building which Is now nearly com
pleted the members giving liberally when
the fund was started and have pledged
themselves to Urn support. The Beatrice
Woman's club have planned to place a
bronze bust of Andrew Carnegie In the Car
negie library which Is to cost at least $100.
Other clubs Interested In library work or
planning for the same are: Norfolk, Bloom
field, Randolph, Ashland. Wlnslde, fierce,
Mlnden, Gerlng and Bridgeport.
The clubs Interested In civic Improve
ment are: Weeping Water Zetetlc, Cen
tral City Sorosls, Stromsburg Woman's
club, Beatrice Woman's club and Norfolk
Woman's club. The llngree gardens were
the successful outcome of the effort of the
Omsha Women's club, 1,310 packages of
seeds being supplied 155 families last sea
son. Central City Fin de Slocle has been espe.
dally active In philanthropy. Mlnden and
Plalnvlew clubs have pledged themselves to
visit snd co-operate with the public schools;
Schuyler Woman's club has given Ave
piatures to Its high school and to the Com
mercial club rooms; St. 1'aul Self-Culture
club donated a fine new piano to the high
school; a girls' club has been formed,
auxiliary to the Exeter Woman's club and
under Its executive board, lhe household
economics department of the Omaha
Woman's club Is also interested in pbllan
Urotlo work and. U helpln la tbe building
4333 Blonss Jacket, 32 to '.0 bnst.
421 6 Double Skirt, 22 to 30 walab
For Early Spring Blouse Jacket 4833.
Double Skirt 4216 Costumes made with
tunic coats and double skirts are among the
latest features of fashion. The smart
model Illustrated Is made of dark blue
canvas with trimming ot fancy silk braid,
but tbe design Is appropriate for all suit
ing materials.
The coat consists of fronts, back and
under-arm gures for the blouse, the cape,
collar, bell sleeves and skirt portion. Tbe
blouse is drawn down smoothly at tbe waist
line, but the fronts blouse slightly over the
belt. The fronts are faced and rolled back
to form revere, the collar Is Joined to the
neck and the rape Is arranged over the
shoulders. The skirt portion is laid In
inverted plaits at tbe back and seamed to
the blouse, the belt concealing tbe seam.
The sleeves sre cut to flare at tbe wrists
and finished with roll-over cuffs seamed to
the lower edges.
The skirt consists of a foundation that
Is cut in five gores, a circular flounce
and a circular upper portion. The founda
tion fits snugly and smoothly at the upper
portion, but flares gracefully about the
Ytet. Over It are arranged the deep flounce
and the upper portion that Is cut without
fullness at the bolt and closes Invisibly
at tbe center back. When dealred the bell
ran be omitted and thJ skirt cut with a
dip and ilraply bound or underfaced at tho
upper edge.
Tbe quantity of material required tor the
medium size is for coat 8 yards !1 Inches
wide, 4 yards 44 Inches wide or 34 yards
li laches wide; tut skirt t yards 21 Inches
Thursday, Friday
and Saturday,
'March 19, 20, 21,
1511 Douglas St
Lieberthal & Russell,
Ladies' Tailors
Our new novelties for spring and summer suitings are now
ready for your inspection. '
You are cordially Invited to call and aee these beautiful novel
tles We guarantee to give perfect satisfaction. Our specialty,
tyle and fit.
Suits to Ol der from $40,00 up
Tel. F-2955.
1607 Farnam St.
?nnthot iha Throat
and Cures the Cough
I5c a bottle at Howell Drug Company. 16th and Capitol Avenue.
w,d. 7 yards 27 Inches wide. 4H yards 44
inches wide or 44 yards 62
with SVs yards 21 or 6Va yards 88 Inches
wide for the foundation.
The Jacket pattern 4333 Is cut In sizes
for a 32, 34, 38. 38 and 40-lnch bust
measure. ... .
The Bklrt pattern 4216 Is out In slies for
a 22. 24. 26, 28 and 80-lnch waist measure.
Vnr ths accommodation or The Be
readers these patterns, which usually retail
at from 25 to 60 cents, will be rurnisnea at
a nominal price. 10 cents, which covers all
expense. In order to get a pattern enclose
10 cents, glvs number and name of pattern
wanted and bust mecsure.
FVI.T..EH Mary, beloved wife of W. B.
Fuller, March 14, ag'-d 68 years.
Funeral Monday morning at o'clock
from residence, 2710 Parker street. Remains
will be taken to Atlantic, la., for Interment.
Funeral private, please send no flowers.
K A It BACH William. March 14. oldest son
of th late O. J. Karbath. aged 41 years 11 i
months 17 days.
Kuntral at 2 o clock Tuesday afternoon.
March IT. lii"3, from tho renlclenre of hl
(ilelrr Mrs. J. D. Vix-lster. (4 North Nine
teenth street. Denver papers please copy. .
nm-HP" nrrtrude Mary. March 14. Mra.
aed 8 months 14 days, beloved darling of
Mr. and Mrs. Peter liouse, at their home.
t;i:t South HlxU-fnth street.
Interment will be at Minneapolis, Minn.,
Wednesday, leaving Omaha Munday evening.
I 1
Trie Old Way
Was to pay your
rtve denier a lart!"
profit, making your
riiiocs r iHt and (0
per pair.
Ths New Way
Is to buy the finest
and best at as rea
sons h lu a price as
Sorotis are
JJ.50 always
Shoe Store
203 S. 15th
Kr.mli Wllioi,