Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 15, 1903, PART I, Page 5, Image 5

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thrrltle say that th-y expect te tr a
toiVr rf deaths to Hiftp pollen
On o)r) Mia t6ay: '"W ar. oaly be-
gtnalrg 10 uncover this case It may prove
O-Tea f irn wViorne U;oa Tleir LrtL-i ' CE " greatest criminal ftnti ia tb
a. story 01 in? oepnnxcen.
Hwify It tfc. arrb-coastrator 1b maty
rrlnjet. the tutbcrttie ay. They btv.
learned that tor nur mos'-hi pan hit
from Socti Afnc.
(kiakrrUit K-.s-erlmll y rl.aered
ay Peeal aaa Hiikind ai.
f-a Wii Great AH Darta
rwelaewttea Trip.
beflq,uarter ksv brs patrenlad by mar?
toaro, both married anS sing', nbos
same ar tc in tb possession of tb dis
trict attorney.
When ib? teer. wat arrested detectives
earthed hi bo-us and confiscated a y no
lo 1 tif battled drugs. Instruments and other
partpkemal.a, much of shith )U figure ia
tie raw.
LONDON, Verch It 'Sotitketr.T'ton Wei- Physician In all section of lb city
comet Horn Britain Empire Statesman." hfT reported ras. tbst aill probably lesd
ia bur letter, surrounded and intertwined ! to tb opening of many grtvei and a many
with union lackt an 3 ttsrt and stripes, ai lDquestt. la every case tbe patient rt
tbe motto tfcat Bret greeted Colonial Sec- appeared wrb a minor complairt. which
retary Chamberlain arid Vra. Chamberlain ! grtw progressively nor and ahlch. Jurt
pa landing at Southampton today from Ufor death, manifested whtt are sea re
South Africa. called ai tbe usual symptoms of arsenical
Tb travelers bad a martritrerjt greet- poisoning
lng. Tbe quays aer elaborately decorated. Tbe records of tbe Bureau of Health shew
tbe ships wre dressed IB gala fashion and i that Hoseey Issued death certificate ever
rounds of cheering and tbe blowing of . hi can signature at "George Hooesey, M.
irhiaUea and eirens greeted tbe User Nor- I)-." asd tbe autborttiea are dolcg tbelr
man aa It panned tip Sou", bam pi on water I ftraorl to diarover bow and from born
with Mr. and Vra Chamberlain, arcompa- ba obtained tbo blank forma
Hied by Lord Cbamblom. trt lord of tbe
imlralty. aundlng on tbe parade dock , CONFESSES CRIME TO JURY
ai aoon aa toe steamer waa varpea '
Hmlatt Mr4rrr Df-M-rik-ra KIIUa
trom Cktra Wltaraa
Tfcrr 8 rtn frra Sew Terk Amp Kort
Clant;.Ejin Lor 3 311 Bociatj.
Jti barf Mr. Chamberlain'! tamlly went on
fleck. They ere followed abortly by tb
mayor of tbe corporation of Southampton,
who welcomed the traTelera. The mayor
then banded a bouquet to Mrs. Chamber
lain, and a procexaloa vaa formed, with
tbe mayor and Mrs. Chamberlain leading
and Mr. Chamberlain and the mayor i
daughter romlng after them, and walked
tbroufh crowda to tb reception ball. Mr.
Chamberlain wa brocr.ed. bot be appeared
to have thinned considerably.
Tb party then entered carriage and
flror throurh tb thronged and flex-orated
treeta to Hartley ball, tb aoene of eo
many prerloui fnnctlona connected with tbe
Booth African war. There aa address of
we) coma was presented to Mr. Chamber
lain, who, 1b the course of bis reply,
warwefl tbe reentry tet to erereatlmato the
resulu he bad actually achieved.
HBfal m4 Ceet.
He was bopeTul, and rren confident, that
tbe Dutch of South Africa would hereafter
loyally take tbeir place as membera of tbe
empire to which tbey now belong, but It
could sot be expected that the long record
f vacillation and weakness which led to
tbe war would be wiped out 1b tbe twink
ling of an eye.
Subsequently Mr. Chamberlain and bis
party took a train to London, where a larfre
crowd awaited tbelr arrival. Premier Bal
four asd practically the whole cabinet were
present at Waterloo etation to meet Mr.
Chamberlain, The greetings whirh be re
ceived were everywhere tnoet cordial.
Mrs. Chamberlain came in for a full share
of tb welcome. Special cheers were given
for her. asd Is tbe greeting cf the depu
tation from Birmingham, wbicb west out
to meet tbe Norman in tbe Solent, aba
was especially mentioned.
Referring to this in tbe eours of bis
reply to the Birmingham delegation, Mr.
Chamberlain said:
1 thank you wary much for including, aa
indeed you should, the name f my wife.
It is indeed true that her companionship
ha been of the greatest aasirtane to me.
Indeed. I bardly know how 1 could have
Jot through the great task I undertook but
or ber co-oieratioii.
Jklato Meaxths of Agssy,
I have been afflicted with rheumatism for
tb past nine months asd-save bees con
fined to my bed with the most excruciating
pains. Much of tbe time I waa unable to
gooTo my limbs. My wife, my daily at
tendant. ' administered every mouthful of
sustenance I received. I commenced using
Chamberlain's Pals Balm aem time ago
asd today I can do my usual time. Cham
berlain's medicines are the beat I ewer
aaw. Josejh M. Lolar, Oldtows. Maine.
CHICAGO, March 14 Bud Hisr-ns, a
mulatto, on trial for the murder of Mrs.
Annie Butler, created a sensation is ixurt
today by confessing on the witness stand
i that be committed the crm.
"Bud Higgles" demanded Assistant
Ptale e Attorney Fake: Lid you not kill
Mrs. Aunle BuilerT"
Tbe colored man looked at bis questioner
a few seconds asd replied: "Tes. I killed
As b uttred tbe words be sprang to
hi feet, descended from tbe witness stand
and raised bis arms in as excited gesture.
'I want to tell this Jury all about it," be
eiciaioted. but waa ordered back to tbe
witnret stand.
T11 tell Juat how it happened." con
tinued tbe excited mas from the witness
chair. "I called her to the telephone and
told ber to bold tbe wire. Then I ran and
shot her through tbe window."
"In tbe alxteen years that I have been
oa the bench," said Judge Hon on, "I have
never witnessed a scene such a this, nor
has anything ever affected too aa this has
Mm ft Badly Hart While fkMilag
tk Ckste that Be
Mar Die.
KETW TORK. March 14. Prof. Iarla.
who baa been giving public exhibitiona of
"shooting the chutes" down as inclined
plane on bicycle steps, has met with an ac
cident at tbe Bt. Nicholas rink which may
result in his death.
Tbe plank on which Davis made the de
scent was about eighteen laches wide aad
Blncty-two feet long, the upper end b Maris -lag
nearly to the roof. Shortly after start
lag on bis downward coarse Dawis stumbled
and frll to his knees. After oltditg few
yards, be toppled ever the aide to tbe ice
He was picked up unconscious and re
moved to a hospital. His bead was found
to be terribly rut and kmised. but tbe fear
that be bad concussion of the brain was
dispelled by a searching examination.
raxtrwats rxrtct.Hy Vssiea Who
Vm Aaatosa t Hawe Their
H -flt4."
PHILADELPHIA. March 14 Tbe police
for several days have been investigating the
career of George Hoasey, tbe negro "berh
charge of cauaiag the dath of tb vomas't
, Aoctor, who was yesterday committed to
prison with Mrs. Katberlne Dasze on the
husband eighteen months ago by poiaea.
Mrs. Dense is said to be only one of a
heat of women a bono object ia consulting
the "doctor" waa sot legitimate. Tbe au
A Malae Mereaaat Tells Why
ReeoaiBieaAi Chaaaherlalas
Cewgh Hesee-4r.
"I have aald Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy for a number of yeara. I have five
other kinds, but sell more of Chamber
lain's than of all of the othera, and it has
never failed to please," sayo Alonio Pur
intos of West Bowdoln. Maine. '1 do sot
use any other kind myself or in my family.
I win give you a bit of experience I had
with this remedy myself, I had a cough
caused by catarrh, bo tbe doctors told mr.
I kept a continual hacking and when 1 got
a cold it was much worse. Tbe doctor could
sot relieve me and I used several cough
cures, all to so purpose, except to get my
stomach out of order. I had grows worse
for two or three yeara aad it became ery
annoying. After I took the agency for
Chamberlain's Medicines I tried Chamber
lain 'a Cough Brmedy. I used half a dotea
bottles of tbe 3t-cent sis and three bottles
of tbe (0-cest site and was thoroughly
cured. I have sot had a ocrugh ainoe, bow
going oa two years, except when I get a
cold; then 1 tak this remedy and it soon
ties zee all right. I know that my catarrh
has sot bothered me sear ao much as be
fore, so of course I always recommend
Chamberlain's whes I am asked for the
best cough remedy. I would have willingly
gives $50. M to any oae who would have
cured my cough as Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy did."
It is tbe personal recommendation of
people who have been cured by it that gives
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Its great pop
ularity. It la perfectly natural for any ons
vho has bees cured of an obstinate cough
or who has warded off a threatened attack
of pneumonia, or whose children have bees
cured of sever attacks of croup, to men
tion the matter to his friends and neigh
bors and to recommend the remedy that
cured tbem when be eee that It is seeded.
Trwth Is Iwre4 After Eleven! Tears,
Whea Wife Is Djlna; ef
Match of Eldest Is Calmtaatlea of
Childish nsaaee la awsth Aaser
lea Bey f has. pleas f ease
la rar-O Usi.
(Cnpyrigbt IMS. by Press Pub'.iehlr.g Co l
LONDON. March 14 (New Tork World
CaMgTem t pecial Telegram ) Three
Graces, abose fsmlly r.ame f.nfis itself full
Interpretation in tbe lovely faces, are tbe
daughters of Mltbatl P. Grace, formerly
of New Tork and now of London, a hose
home is on Belgrade square. They ar the
attractions of en c! tb most brilliant
drawing rooms in tb Etgliah capital, and
tbe unbiased critic would tod it hard to de
cide which of tb trio carries ctt tb palm.
Inseparable la their affection, as they ap
parently are, ia their beauty each ahlnes
the more is the presence of her sietera.
FotsiMy tbe most talked of. by reason of
ber marriige. i Elena (Lady Dosough-
more). the wife of an Irish peer, whose
career is already premising enough to tug- i
gett the elevation of another Americas
woman to vice regal honors. Tbe eaxl
served bis apprenticeship Is cSclai IL'e at
private secretary to Blr Henry Blake dur
ing the latter term as governor of Hong
Few people fcav knows that tbe iatersa-
tioral match, which seemed so emlneatly
fitting from tbe charm of Miss Grace, at
well as her wealth, and the distinction of
Lord Donoughmcr, a boae dollars were as
few as his pedigree a as long, was the re
sult of a romance of long standing.
It began down in South America, when
two young people, not yet emancipated
fro ia knickerbockers and short frocks, were
investigating life with tbe enthusiasm of
til your pst era for tbe sew and unex
Champion af Fatare W ife.
Tb old earl was a heavy stockholder Is
som South Americas enterprises of which
Machael Grace was tbe bead and both had
taken their families to share their voluntary
exile. Tocng Lord Suirdale, as tbe preatnt
earl was then, became sot only the cham
pion cf his can pretty sisters. Lady Nor ah
and Lady Evelyn Helv-Hutchinaon. but of
the Graces as well. Braxil asd Peru wers
tbe localities where tbe English and
American comrade cemented a friendship
which wat to defy time and change and to
merge in at least one instance into aome
thing deeper and warmer.
Mr. Grace, like bis brother, Nw Tork's
former mayor, Is essentially Americas. De
spite the fact that his wealth was accumu
lated largely is South America asd his res
idence was eventually England, his girts
profited by tbe schools under Cncle Sam't
supervision at they did by tbe British is
tutctiona. Continental schooling there
was none, Mrs. Grace choosing to keep ber
ascgnier is the home atmosphere
much as possible. Eliza, the eldest daugh
ter, ia Mrs. Hubert Beaumont. Her hus
band is the second bob of the head of the
famous Torkehlre family of Beaumont.
who made himself mors beloved by hia
people by declining a peerage on the arorw
that be was prouder of his nam as a com
moner. The family is esormously rich.
Mrs. Beaumont is closely resembled by
the third daughter, Marabita, who is still
la the heyday of her belledom, asd has re
fused ao far to listen to the plea of many
sighing swains. All the London world is
interested to see which way the beauty will
throw the handkerchief.
Aaather Oae Caantaa; Oa.
Asd bow come a secret. The three
Graces are supplemented by a fourth, but
a Gladys is tlll in tbe schoolroom, with
mind untroubled about social tway, her
path to the matrimonial haven it likely to
be entirely unimpeded long before she is
ready to embark tipon it. Tbe natural
charm of tbe Grace girls Is without doubt
a direct heritage from their mother, who
it today a oft-To!eed woman of tlngulcr
Alway readily adaptable to tbe life about
her, Mrs Grace has picked up and curi
ously retained a slight touch of tbe Span
ish in ber accent. Long residence in South
America and her fluent use of the Spanish
tongue are partly accountable for this In
voluntary trick of memory, but much must
be laid to tbe ready sympathy of a musi
cal ear for the melodies of a Latin tongue.
Possibly Mrs. Grace's proudest boast Is
that she It the grandmother of two of tbe
finest boys in London. One is tb baby sob
of Mrs. Beaumont, tbe other, scarcely
older, that cf Lady Donoughmore.
How the
Fire-Fighter's Story
Strongest JVIon in the Philadelphia Fire Department Once
Weakest Gained His Strength and Health, by Using
Swamp-Root, the Great Kidney and Bladder Remedy.
TJ EKE S the storr of a man who was near deaths uoor ana j tjere ithetory hetve itto sptciai representative of rhn c 1 1- c
was saved br usine tSwHrnrv-noot. I
'My friend, do you suffer with!
GRAND RAPIDS. Mieh.. March 14 A
woman neighbor, eleven yeara ago, con
vinced the wile of Wilson Mclntyre. tbea
a traveling man living is Milwaukee, that
ber husband wat leading a double life, ant,
during his absence, she packed ber effect
and returned to tbe borne of ber parent
is BaSala.
Whes Mclntyre returned he found bit
ail gone. The asm womas told him that
she had eloped with another man. He
wrote to her parents la Buffalo and his
letters were returned uaopetted. He mtde
no eCort to follow hit wife end when he
heard she was living ip Indianapolis did sot
go sear ter.
Recently he discovered that be had been
deceived, and, communicating with his wife,
learned that ahe was dying of consumption.
He left for Indianapolie last sight to aee
ah. amu. - -r ' --5-5 - if ' . satr " , w-
A little red, a little white, delicately blended. That's
one wsy. Here's a better :
Tike Ayer't Sarsapmlla, It makes the blood pure
and rich. You know the rest: red cheeks, steady
nerves: good digestion, restful sleep, power to endure.
Keep the bowels regular with Ayers Pills; this
will greatly aid the Sarsapirilla. Two grand family
medicines. Keep them on hand. . a xttm oa.
If he came to tou and s-aid:
kidney trouble? IK your
back aebe? To you ftfl bad
all OTer and can't tell exactly
what's the matter? Have you
tried medicines or doctors with
out benefit? Are you about
discouraged? Then do a I
did. and get well Use Dr. Kil
mer's Swamp-Root! I know it
will cure rou."
If he did this, would you be
lieve him?
Wouldn't you, if you were a
sufferer, follow his advice,
knowing that he bore living,
sentient, vital testimony to the
wonderful virtues of this great
natural remedv?
"1 AT ELL, that is just what
llugo Ilutt, strongest
man in the Philadelphia Fire
Department, hero of a hundred
battles with the flames, is do
ing now through the medium
of this newspaper.
Hugo Hutt has been con
nected with the Philadelphia
Fire Iepartment for the past
four years, lie is stationed
at the engine house at Nine
teenth and Callowhill Streets.
Mr. Hutt is known as the strongest man in the Fire Department
and has taken many priies at athletic tournaments for his prow
ess in the field of sports.
He is also an ex-sergeant of the United States Infantry, hav
ing for several years been stationed at Fort Niobrara, Xeb. Mr.
Hurt also served with the Sixth Pennsylvania Ilegiment during
the Spanish-American war.
-: j - - -vS" .-- - J
'' '' -j 'ssyy ''''''''
Ureat Newspaper. The North American.'
V.u aill haruiy believe it .sen 1 tell jcu ibere it a iirr aben my bofy a-ts
is such a d.M-ssed wrditios tbst my rel
atives and friends aould have, at no time,
be n surprised to learn c? a:y dia
It aas all due to kidney treuMe. fnr ahlth
I could secure no relif. I ass under ibe
care of try family physician for a Eu:nbr
rf J ar. t ut be a at unable to do me ar?
good. I also consulted la. noted spe
cial. sit on kidney d.seasea. but tbey wer.
unaVe to five hj more tbaa temporary
relf. 1 had already made trpMrttlon to
o:n the army, but aas turned dean on
ate pub l of Buy bad physical condition.
"1 aas advised to try that greatest of
all rrroedi' SWAMr-ROOT.
'1 a rote to I'r Kilmer ft Co., st Bir.g
hamton. N. T . for a suoiple bottle, and
in E"ct upon m aas so ootH-eable that
I aert immediately and bought a supply
from try drurgtst. with tbe result tbst la
a coujparatn ely fbort time 1 had entirely
reoo ertd and leca:se tbe mas you see me
"I served a run. ber of years la the army
aad for the past four years 1 have bees
cot.nened vilh tbe Philadelphia Tire I
psnnirct. My nor., both in tbe army and
trli'.itg tres in Philadelphia, has been tbe
iron srduon. tnd aork that 1 could not
do. did I not have a strong physique.
"1 do not know a hat the a ords Kid-r-y
Trouble' mean now. aad do not eapeH
to. 1 cannot rsk too highly of Snamp
Koot. A fca bottles of thi great remedy
did more for roe than a dnsen physicians
could "
(Sienefl) Hl'OO HVTT.
frSi Pullman St.. Philadelphia, Pa.
NP this is only one man's
storv if the average
reader of a newspaper could be ersuaded to read the thousands
of such testimonials which come to Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot,
the kidney troubles which now afflict humanity would be cut
down fifty per cent.
For thew testimonials all prove beyond a doubt that the great
est cure for kidnev, liver and bladder troubles is
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
EDITORIAL NOTICE. Swamp-Root it ao remarkably successful that a special arrangement has been made by which all of our reader abo have sot already tried it,
may have a aample bottle sent absolutely tree by mail, also a book that tells all about it and its wonderful cures. Address Dr. Kilmer at Co.. Binghamtos, N. T. Is writ
ing be sure to mention that you read this geserous offer in The Omaha Sunday Bee. Tbe regular fifty-cent asd one-dollar aise bottlee ar. aold by all druggists. Dost
mak. any mistake, but remember the same, Sa-amp-Root Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and ths addrest, Bisghamton, N. T., on every bottle-
laslltatlaa Baa Defalt Flare la Cer.
anaa State til Is Well
BERLIN. March 14 Tbe Prussian Diet
was engaged ia a solemn debate this week
over the addition of another class to the
state lottery, proposed by Finance Minister
von RheiLbadea. ahe explained tbe intrica
cies and mathematical principles involved
ia Prnssis s great gambling isstitatloB that
yields the state eemethir.g like ti.iiK .(h'O
a yea.
Lotteries have a definite piece is tbe
finance systems cf most of the German
states and ths finance minister observed
that if Fruama abandoned its lottery ths
Pruaaiana would spend Just as muth mosey
on ths latteries of other states.
It it estimated that tbe varices states
take in llf.bttfi.uOO la thit way. Abundant
literature is circulated, affirming that it it !
not .nly morally proper for a mas to invest
in a lottery, but that it is his duty net to
omit any chance to provide for h'.a family.
Besides the gweertiatent lottery there are
tiumerouB private lotteries authorised by
tbe state for public and semi-public pur
poses, such as tbe build ir.g schemes for de
fraying the rspentet of charitable undertaking!.
of the prlsoe of Wales' children, sttended
tbe wild West show at Olympla today. Tb
royal party, which occupied a specially con
structed boa. seemed thoroughly to enjoy
the performance.
Their majesties afterward visited the In
dian camp, ahere Colonel Cody was pre
sented to them. Colonel Cody sod Major
Burke then escorted the royal party
through the settlement, ahere tbe rough
riders were d'awn Bp ia a double liae.
At the center of tbe camp two tiny In
dians presented the queen with big bou
qoets. She took tb flowers and, kneeling
down, shook lb little brean hands and
patted the children's eheeka. ' The Indian
children, afterward presented the young
princess alth clay pigeons. King Edward
asked for Baker, whom he knew aben
prinoe of Wales, and "Johnny" Baker aas
presented. The king complimented him on
his skill Is shooting.
Lsis HoiwwItm Da lot rail la
arlta the Saa
(Copyrirht, laud, by Press Publishing Co )
LONDON. March 14 (New Tork World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) Miss G.
Stewart of Ban Francisco came here to tell
the English women "How to do Without
Servanta." They ruahed to bear her solu
tion of this great social problem, but when
abe told them to do their awn housework
the atteedanc. began insensibly to thin out,
and at the close' of the lecture the audience
had almost disappeared. Eagliah women
say it may be very well ia California, but
ts London so woman who can af crd help
ia ready to clean her oa n house and rack
her own meals.
raraiaaea l.isbt. Heat mm Pael Free
ta the reanle at Vtk
tCepyrigbt. 1. by Press P-uMiahir.g CV
LONDON. Msrrh 14 (New Tora World
Cablegram Special Telegram ) King Ed
ward, who is superior t. tbe It. Is con
stantly sees driving aa electric motor at a
thirty-mile pace along the court roads
about Sasdrliigham.
Every cottage In Sandrlngbaa and the
adjoining village of Wolvertoa hit been
Cited at the king's expense with electric
l.ghl. electric heating and electric cooking
apparatus For seven months a Parts elec
trician hat had the loan of Lord Marcus
Beresford't farm house oa tbe royal estate
to toper vis the work.
aVaraltlr. ee WI14 Vest, A firm eras
Tsarlsg Esssasaest a a a
laa'laaa Salata aeea.
LOVI-ON. Maerh 14 -Tbe king asd quaes,
aoeaapaaied by Prise Yicterta, Prinoe
SJ4 Prist Char i pf De nark ad three
HssireJ.ltar Twa.t Tertniaataa, hat
laetataa Baa Leag tWea
HI a.
(Copyright. by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON, iiarch 14 (New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) Ths earl
rf Ellesmere denies the rejort that at noes
last Sunday he came into possession of
Cluo.OOi.OOO through the terminating cf tbe
hundred-year trust created tj' lis ancestor,
the duke of EriCgeaaler, bo pierced cen
tral England with canals. The earl ssys
it does not mesn a gain to him. as
be has enjoyed the whole income of the
trurt for forty yeara.
Ebisasj Teif FreEh Examp'.e of Hopet
Deferred i Due.
Walt far Practical Mean
are. Deslaaed ta Give Effect a
Royal Birthday Promise,
a. Lvlahly Made.
ST. PETEP.RBVRG, Friday, Msrrh 11,
(vie the Frontier.) The public has sus
pended Its Judgment on the ctar's decree
providing for religious freedom and other
reform until the practical measures are
Russian history Is strewn with disillusion
xeeMs, asd the liberals aay tbey are pre
pared for another. Even in lest radical
circle the (ear is expressed that the re
actionaries may succeed in hau.penng the
ctar's desire for reforms. The progressives
are particularly outspoken in tbelr distrust
of M. von Pleha-e's protection in the reform
program- Tbey eomplain also of tbe ap
parent in teat ion to permit the domination
of the priesthood in local secular efla'ra.
The decentralisation feature is welcomed.
Tbe necessity, heretofore, If applying to the
St. Petersburg chancellories in oonnection !
with tbe most trivial mailers was largely '
responsible for the paralysis of public aed ;
private Initiative.
Tri MiluUs. a relative of tbe famous ,
i advisor of Aleaander II during the emabci- j
Ipatlon. hails the ctar's proneunoemetit for j
toleration ajih ettbusitsm. It is generally '
remarked that this passive of tbe decree;
contrasts sharply with tfce report on or
thodcxy by M. PobiedonosiseS. procurator
of the holy synod, published last aeek. in
which sinner meaFures against the sects.
including tbe so-called stundists, moloanes
and others accused of socialistic tendencies
were demanded. It is considered doubtful
whether tbe special recommendations
against those sects declared t. be particu
larly dangerous will be modified.
Where land
is cheap...
Thousands of loan, Minnesota and Nebraska farmers hav. mewed
to Oklahoma in tbe last four yeara. They are there yet and they
lnterd to stay. They are making as much money, acre for acre, aa they
did in tbeir old homes Tie land Is Just as good snd costs less than
half as much. Pncea are advancing every year.
Take a couple of aeekt' holiday snd visit Oklahoma. Aa unusu
ally good opportunity is offered by the bo roe seekers' excursion rates
which the F.otk Island oilers. March 17th, April Tth and iisL
fre fsre. plus C for the round trip "ne
way rules ar ccirresiiondiTigly l .w. Tickets
ana full information at tils office.
G. A. Rutherford, D. P. A.
1323 Farnsm St., Cntht, Neb.
Ma a
Oa. Htslrel aaa fifty TV
Dollar, ta ray far Lit
ta Fair.
LONTXJN. Marra 14 Amotg th. civil
aerrio. eatlmate for lKi-4 iasued today
appears tbe sum af lib.. dot as a grant in
aid of tb espenses of th. royal commis
sion for ibe St Louis exposition. A not
appended explains that any further too
trinntiont decided upon will be provided
for ia tbe estimate of subsequent years.
Bays that Fire E(lsei Have Right
af Way Over Every.
EEF.LIN. March 14. Empertr WillUm
has ordered that fir engines need sot stop
even for himself er tbe empress, let slone
ther membere ef the royal family, ambas
sadors or drtaebmen's of mart ting troops
This order was the result of a dispute
aver the driver of a fare engine refusing
to obey a lieutenant's g nature to stop and
let a company of infantry past.
Mr ateaeae. Uirssa
HAVANA. March 14 Tbe Veiled Elates
sir but Dal; bin, with Secretary Moody
and the congressional party oa beard, ar
rived from Key West this afternoon. It it
Secretary Moody's trtttuoa t. remain in
Havana for tae dayt. laying visit of cour
tesy to tbe government officials before pro
ceeding ta Balia Meada asd CetBLasamo
ta ln.pact the s:tes propoM-d for the as
taUishment af naval stations-
Cassias; Ceaaty Faraser. Make Te.t af
a lew Fae4 ta Take ike af f.ra.
Blood Poison
ImB Strieturo
W. 1. COOK, U. D.
If you have any ailment in th'
tie banks about our reliability o
scut w have cured, abo do not ot
Yariococtlt in one aek. never to
pletaed alth after ae rxt.Uin. Hy
evil effects of virsoit habitt in JO t
ait bout potash or mercury. Pllet I
Rupture :s six. We guarantee ou
Lrouft f-rst- Cbtrres loa and con
abe. lint tou should aeek relief. Alt
r let u give yon tbe names of good otti
Ject te tbe use of their names. Ws caea
return, by as original met bod yen will s
drooeie in ten flays Lost mansooa ana
o Wt days blood Puiraoo ta 27 t. Ob days
a 13 dsys. Fistula la two week a0
r cure. 1b writing as well as to show tb.
suit at ion fre. at office or by letter.
Cook TJIedical Co.
110-112 S. 14th St.. Omaha, Neb.
Onse Hear.
a. an. la a a. am. aaa ears. Ia av as. ta
WE?T POINT. NU-, Wsrch 14 tfpeclal
A number of fsrmers is th s vicinity
sr. about t. experiment alth the raising
of Canadas pea to take tbe plat of ccin '
aa a food for eaine Seed has been pre- !
cured from Canada and a thorough test aill ' . . , .n
b tuade It is eWimed that the crop tan I
he paeiured in it green state and s t ill I vt'til- Granny Iroi.sciu of this city and a Biaua Palls 4c WiLimar railroad, charged
mature and the ripe peaa fed tc saifcej traveling aere out arv.t.g ibis mom- nub hswtg pralrtt chickene In bis posse.
with results superior to ike feeding of
Cartaia Weaver. t essWtae.
PLAl'EN. Saxony. March 14. All
earn. The outcome will be ger!y aaailed,
a it it lurmised that the conftani, monot
onous ieedicg of corn to talc tend to
I . T" . " terpetutt the dreaded beg cboUre
oombisatiea ta regulate price lor 'fcr ;
years. The atull st.j largely I. the Lsned
Sutes and It t expected that prices will
ladvaao. attd tbertfcy aC.ot tiport ordtra- i ALBION. Nth March 14 i;cU.l ) Hart la at.a.n.y.
it.g tbeir 'ip. U-rtnA frigbtetit A and ran aion out of .bskue. Hurley U charged
assy. E.'th met. acre badl hurt and the . nh having disposed of them to B. C. I.t
boise. atre merely cut iur, a restaurant mat. There a fig
; iuT.ta. and as tbe fine is ;( g bird the, M.I Be Severe. 1 " T- lf " retarned. will b.
f lOCX ClTi'. la-, V.trh 14 (?reial ( .
Telegrsm l fuit bf bn comme need here , Munriy sight the boy evangelist will
against W.l.aa S. Hurlt;-, agent til th. 4 p4.k Iw lb bescot of lag Otoaaa arphasa.