Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 15, 1903, PART I, Page 4, Image 4

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Froipectiof 8trtt Rillwit Irnprmmsnti
Flea East Blderi.
Mty'a ravine reelects Ala Affected
hf WhiilMft the lm((r le
eMee tn Po other
from Maalc I Mr.
? Memberi. of (hp Fast PMe Improvement
I club (ire roneldprably 'dated over the pros-
; pert of some street rer improvements. It
has heen reported to ntmtcrs nf the rlub
f that lb" Omaha fVvtnHl Pluffa "treef
f Rallar rompnnjr contemplates the ltln
' of d'uhl tracks on M'aaourl atemie as
J soon as the line rn Thirteenth street from
I'nmlnlon street t emended south to
I Thirteenth nri'l MIour avenue. Judge
rtreen, one nf th prominent membera of
the Hub, said that hp rpppntlr hid ron
! fercnre with ofncln !n of hp atreet railway
J rompanv and that hp Inferred from the
conversation that thp company proposed
j etendlne thP Walnut Hill llnp down Thlr-
teenth street and tip Mleenurl avenue to
J Twenty-fourth and Ij streets.
"Aa anon aa something la dona about I
1h douhlp trseks on Mlaaourl avenue,"
i eald Mr. Preen, "thp property owners wilt
f go ahead and make arrangrmrnts fnr the
'g paving of thp street, of course the atrppt
I rar rnmpanr will ho et peeled to peve he
f tween Ita tracks. Thla will naturally re
', dure thp mat of thp ravement to thp tax
's pavers a considerable amount."
fly thp patina of Mlaaourl avenue and
1 of 1, atrppt from Thirteenth atrapt wpat to
j Twenty-fourth atrppt thp value of property
f will ha srestly Inrrpaaotl, and thould a
doublp track Una ha ronatrurtpd to rpllpre
ilhe ronaratlon on tha Twpnty-fnurth atrePt
Una. thp paatorn portion of tha city will
( donhtlraa hntld up rapl.lly. IX It Ion, for
I the paying of Mlaaourl avpnuo and of V
I atropt hava hppn In circulation for aoma
i tlmo pa"!, out thoap In charup haa hpan
I holding bach flllna tha aoi-vmanta tintll
i ' aftpr tt la dpflnltdy known Juat what the
tranapcrtatlon company propoapa doing In
the lino of Improvpmpnta.
Trmrr lVana l.lrmav.
Mcmbpra of tha llrpna rotmwlitpp of tha
Pouth Omaha cliy coun. ll ara halnii handad
romplnlnta almoat dally about thp number
of tranafcr waaona that are running with
out llcpnari. H la aaa-rtpd that the big
harna work half a dnron or mora teama on
one or two licpnaea, whllp three who own
and operate only one team ara compelled
to ray the aame Ilcenae the big flrm do.
Membera of the eouncll aay that thla mat
tar will be lahPti Hp at tha committee
tnpptlng Monday aftprnoon and that some
action toward making the big tranaporta
tlon conjpanlPa pay will b taken.
Qwlehlr A rr .
Harry and Clinton Tlckral w-pre arrpated
hpre yatorday hy Captain Trout an and
Officer Brugeman. The two men breke
Ja'.l at Nebraska City Friday and atrnek;
out for Pouth Omaha. A telephone mea
aage beat them and a complete deaertptton
waa aent. Harry Tlckrel waa found at the
Pwlft plant, but tha nfflcera had to rhaae
up to Twenty-alxth and B atreete before
they found Clinton. An officer from Nt
fcraaka city will arrive today t take the
prlaonera hack. Both the rtchrela ware
fined by tha Jtidg In Nebraaka City for
fighting and were aent to Jail for twenty
Clamoring; for lmprTmaati.
, Th Poutheaat Improvement club wilt aaX
the city council Monday night for an e
tenaton of the water malna aouth n Fif
teenth atreet from Madlaon to Polk street
knd alaa aouth On Thirteenth atreet from
Z to Harrlaon. In addition to the requeat
for wtef a petition will ha put In for elec
tric atreet lighta. A complaint haa been
made to tha club about the aanltary condi
tion of the Albright school and the mayor
will be requeated to aend the aanltary In
spector down there to make an examina
tion and report. Membera of the club
would Ilka to aee the achoolhouae -connected
with tha main aanltary aewer. which
cmptlea Into the Mlaaourl river.
f , Reject! Mrettagrs PlanwA.
J Secretary Charlea Marsh of the local
Youni; Men's Chrlatlan aaaoclatln haa
; planned a eerlea of tix special Sunday aft-
(; ernoon meetlnga for men. Theae will by
i held at Masonic hall at t p. In. A numher
.. of well known apeakera have been aecured
t and It la predicted that the hall will be
Any Mas Over Fifty.
You can Intereat any man ever fifty yeara
of age In anything that will make htm feel
better, because while he may not as yet
have any positive organic disease, he no
longer feels the buoyancy and vigor of
twenty-five nor the freedom trom aches
and paina he enjoyed In earlier yeara, and
be very naturally examlnea with Intereat
any proposition looking to the Improve
ment and preservation of his health.
Ha will notice among other thinga that
the stomach of fifty Is a very different one
from the stomach he possessed at twenty
five. That greatest care must be exercised
aa to what la eaten and how much of tt,
and even w!th the best of cars there will
be Increasing digestive weakness with ad
vancing years.
A proposition to perfect or Improve the
ingestion and assimilation of food la one
which Intereata not only every man of
fifty, but every man. woman and child
of any age, because the whole secret of
good health, good blood, strong nerve, Is
to have a stomach which will promptly
and thoroughly digest wholeaome food, be
cause blool, nerves, bruin tlaaiie and every
Other constituent of the body Is entirely
the product of digestion, end no medicine
or "health" food can possibly create pure
blood or real ore shaky nerves when a
weak stomach Is replenishing the dslly
wear and tear of the body from a maas
of tormenting half dlgetvl food.
No, the stomach Itself wants help, and In
no roundabout way, either; It wants direct,
unmistakable assistance, such ss Is given
by Ptuart's Dyspepsia Tablets after each
These tablets cure stomach trouble be
cause their use give the stomach a chance
to rest and recuperate; one of Pfusrt's
Dyspepsia Tablets contains digestive elp
mecta sufficient to digest I.Ooo grains of
ordinary food, such aa br-ad, meata. eggs,
The plan of dieting la simply another
name for starvation, and the use of pre
pared foods and new-fangled br?akfaat
foods almply makes matters vorre, aa any
dyspeptic who hss tried them knows.
As Tr. Bennett saye. the only reason 1
can Imagine why Ptuart's Dyspepsia Tab
lets are not universally used by everyb-ly
who Is troubled In any way with poor di
gestion is becsuse many people aeem to
think that berauf a medicine Is sdverttsed
or Is sold in drug stores or la protected
by a trsde mark must be a humbug,
whereas, as a matter of truth, any drug
gist who is observsnt knows that Stuart's
Dyspepsia Tablets have cured more people
of Indigestion heartburn, heart trouble,
nervous prostration and run-down condi
tion generally thsn all ths patent medi
cines and doctors' prescriptions (or stomach
trouble oonjbloesV.
rrowdpd. Three of the lerttirps lo be glypn
will be llltietrated. ThP first of the -rc
will be glan thla afternoon, when ttpv.
W. i. Calfae of Council ttluffa will apeak.
A mate querist will furnish tha music at
theae meeting.
Police t'aart Appeals.
All of the raea which hae been ap
pcalpd from the police rourt will ha tip"
fnr hearing In the district court thla week.
Thpre are nut aeypn or plght raaea on the
dnckpt. but theop will In all probability
take tip the entlrp wpek. Jii1p Kalelle aa
algnad laat wppk to Pouth Omiba originally
fnr tha trial nf thpsp raaea. but other mat-
lera partalnlng to city huaineas prevpnted
the aaalatant rty attorney from gpttlng
fady for them.
Permanent aHI.'tvwIWa.
There la an lii'reaaed demand of the
city authorities fnr mnre permanent aide
walk dlatrleta In lb city. One of t,he
councilman stated laat evening that In oil
probabllltr he would Introdur a resolution
at the next meeting of the council aklng
that the city attorney be Instructed to
dreft an ordinance Incorporating almost
all of Q atreet weat of Twenty-aeventh
atreet In the permanent aldrwalk tll'trlct
nf the rlty. Thla la being done on ac
count of the many damage raaea which have
arlaen by reaeon of the poor walks lit the
Iclnlty of Thirtloth and Q strepts.
Drnx Prices Itednce,
n. b. dark, the leading drugglat. haa
now In stock the largeat ahlrment of fresh
swsmproot that ever came to pnuth
Omaha and can epply all at 4c and 75c;
WIrp Canlul. Juat from the annny south.
at fttc; Plnkbnm'a Compound, !c; plenty
of Caacarela at inc. 10c and 4"c Promo
Quinine, ir,e; Bromo Peltrer, Ifle, zV, tnc
and "Fr; Tlao, l"e; Bull'e Cough, S"C and
40c; Klng'a. 40c and TRc; Carter'e rilla,
IRr; all other 2fie pilla. ilOe or leas; Dodda',
Poena nnd rink Pllla, 40?. We atari the
week with 4S2 bottlee of fresh reruns at
62r; Clark'e Igrlppe Cure. 25c. Is wsr
rsnlcd; Clark a Cough (warranted!. 25c
and Mc.
We cut the whole line, even If we don't
mention each remedy, and the price la
good for future purchases.
Masle tr .
Mm. A Tt Wake Is recovering from a
severe lllnees.
Mls (Sertle Pnlth la rapldIC recovering
from an attack of appendicitis.
Mr. H. C. Blcbmond will sing at the
Presbyterian church todaf.
A. A. Thurlow- was on the sick Hat laat
we.k. D" tore cnllrd It grip.
C P Mvere of Ma lrove, ta.. Is the
guet of Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Mlcox.
Mrs J W. Cress, who bap Veen olte
sick, waa reported eoma better yeeterday.
Tlev R I. Wheeler preaches morning nnd
evening nt the Preeby terlan church today.
A dauphter ba been born to Mr. and
Mrs. Ullei Judd, Twenty-third end 8 streets.
The Methodists of Pouth Omaha are pre
paring for a rerles of evargellatlc meetings.
Mr. srd Mrs. H. H. Plocombo. 1015 North
Twenty-fifth street, announce the birth of a
A daughter baa lieen born to Mr. and
Mrs 3. J. MeManus, HHT North Twenty
elihth street.
The appealed caaes from the police court
of Eolith Omaha will be trle.1 In the district
court thlB week.
Juanlta Oneida council No. 12. Degree of
PHahontaa, will meet at Maaonlc hall
Tuesdsy evening, March 17.
T H. Knaor leaves today for Pt. l,oula.
where he expects to meet the manager of
his Arlsona mining fntercsts.
Fruitless Uvea" will be the topic upon
which Hev. M. A. Head will speak at the
First Methodist church this morning.
Physical Director Baker of the local
Young Mena Chrlatlan aaaoclatton apent
the most of laat week nursing an attack
of grip.
Mra. 3. B. Ashe, deputy city clerk, has
been sick for nearly a week, but her phy
sicians reported that she was much better
President Miller of the Board of Educa
tion han declared himself In fsvor of
changing the name of Albright school to
Madison school.
The King s Daughters of the Preehyterlan
hurch will meet at the home of Mrs. R. !.
V heeler, 9oti North Twenty-second street,
Friday afternoon. ,
Business men have been notified that,
MmmAninr xiAndav. the Pouth Omaha
banks will not open for business until 10
a. m. of each day.
The Ldle' Aid society of the Methodist
church will meet at the home of Mra. ri.
K. Conforrt, M0 North Twer.ty-flfth street,
Thursday afternoon.
Banner court No. 75. Tribe of Ben Hur,
Will meet Monday night at Workman hall.
Ail membern are repeated to be preeent,
as business of Importance will come up.
The local Younr Men's Christian asso
ciation will hold a meeting at Maaonlc hall
thla afternoon. Rev. Cslree of Council
1iu(Tb will talk on "Chrlst'a Idea of Broth
The social and entertainment to hax-e
Hen given by the local lodge of the Modern
Hrotberhood of America on the evening I
March 20 has been poatnoned until Friday
evening, April S.
Membership In the Young Men'e Christian
association ret tine rmn einsea nigni.
On Monday evening a complimentary ban
ouet will be given to the members at the
association rooms.
Pome repairs are being made to the grain
elevator st the stock yards. Owing to the
soft weather the bsse of the elevator
sprung and workmen sra now engaged In
making the needed repairs.
Charles Allen, police court bailiff, re
ceived si meae-isre yeaterday from Huron,
S D., staling that Paul MrAiley had been
severely injured In a runaway and that
more seemed to re lime prooaouity or me
After a trial lasting a couple of houre
yesterday Harney lireer waa discharged
from cuttiwy. He nad been arrested at tne
lostlk-atlon of "Rev." Fredericks on a
charge of obtaining money under false pre-
tenaea. tirecr anowed tnat ne nad turned
the checka in question over to the proper
parties as eoon aa he nrnde collectiona.
Marrlaare lleram,
A msrrlage llcpnse haa been leaned tor
Name anil Residence. Aga.
Charles W Phwrman, Pouth Omaha .H7
ljlllle l-ee, OmHha 87
floaty Today and Fair Tomorrow
WASHINGTON, March 14 Forecast :
For Nebraska Cloudy Sunday, probably
snow lu west portion; Monday fair.
"For Iowa Cloudy Punday; Monday fair.
For Illinois Fair In north and central,
rain In extreme rnuth pinion Sunday,
fresh to brisk northeast wind; Monday
For MIssoitI Cloudy Punday. with rain
In southeast portion, colder In eaat and
south portions; Monday fair.
For Kansas Cloudy Sunday, with rain
or snow In west portion; Monday fair.
For Colorado Fair, rain or anow in east
portion Si'ndhy; Monday probably fair.
For Wyoralin? Qenerulry fair Sunday and
Mondny, except probably snow Sunday in
southeast portion.
For Montana Gneraliy fair Sunday and
For South Dakota Cloudy Sunday, prob
ably srow; Monday fair.
Local Reeert.
CM AH A, Mnnh H OMIcIhI record of tpfn
pcrtur.' and precipitation rompHred with
the correapcmliiiK day nf the laat three
tans ini. isi
:' A4 m j".
r, 4K li
Miivlmum temperature
Minimum temperature
Veun temperature
M yi
oo T .06
Hee.ird of temperature nnd precipitation
nt i"nihK for this di.y nr.U since March 1,
Normal ternperaturo 31
pefti'lpncy for the day i
Total xt'e elncc March 1 6i
Normal precipitation W Inch
pprVlen- y for th- day O Inch
Total precipitation a'noe March 1 tn Inch
petteteno since March 1 Inch
p. fWI'-ncy I t co . i eiiivl. 1V8 i Inon
pendency for cor. period, 1)1 lu Inch
T Irtulca'ea trace of precipitation.
1. A WEI.BH.
liooa! Forecast OtuakaL
Southern Elrari Rita Oontinnonalf and
Threaten Pratrnrt'on.
Utah Water la Vet In t ome, However,
and Fnrfher llaataas la Kterfel
to Country Already l,oalnaj
Weather tlnrenn nalletln.
The tnwer Mississippi condition, aa an
tlclpatpil. la Biimcwhat mttrn a'rlnia Inday,
The rl.p haa liner tnnrn rapid thon fnr S"tne
daya past anil Hip mln that la luw fnllltia,
tlmtigli as yet Unlit, tends In Increaae the
gravity nf the situation.
CAIRO, 111, March 14. The river has
come lo a aland with the gaugo marking
60. R feet.
Oeorala lx'e arrived from tho south thla
morning and reported tho low levcpe aa
balng patrolled by armed watchmen who
would not let the boat land, fearing Its
wssh wauld ilpstroy the lvees.
METRoroUP, III., March 14. -tt has
been raining steadily all aftarnnon and
the Ohio river Is rising.
rAPt'CAH. Ky., March 14 The river la
still rising slowly, with 47 5 on the gaugo,
and It Is fesred prevailing rains will pre
vent Ihe expected fall. Peveral lumber
yardg and factorlea are submerged, aa are
part of Armour's plant, the Illinois Cen
tral's Brat atreet track and nearly all of
Ihe marine ways. Two feet more will
shut down many of the factories and cover
much of Ihe Illinois Central railroad yards.
OWENRHOHO, ky., March 14. Despite
the rsln which haa been steadily falling
alnce If) last night, the river la a foot
lowsr. but la expected to begin rising again
on Punday night.
Indiana l.eveea Break..
KVAN9VIL.MC. Ind , March 14 There
has been a steady downpour of rain since
last night.
The Dult and Henderson road Irveea
broke today causing an overflow of about
1,000 acres of farm land.
Three UraitSfl In Home.
OADPRN, Ala., March 14. Will Ferguson,
wife and baby were drowned In the back
watera of llytop creek laat night. A heavy
fall of rain during the night cauaeil the
creek lo overflow and Ferguaon's house
was flooded.
I.evee tiwarda Shoot Man,
MEMPHIS. Tenn., March 14 Tha stsga
at 6 tonight Is t'.i feet, a stage equal
to the maximum of the flood of is?7. The
highest point la expected about Wednesday
and oflVlals of the wegiher bureau say
they anticipate about S9 feet. All levees
In tnls vicinity sre reported to be holding.
it la reported from a point twenty miles
north cf Memphis on the Arksneas side
that a man waa shot at by a levee guard
last night. The situation In North Mem
phis, where the lumber region la flooded,
la growing worse each hour.
Millions l.oat Already.
NATCHEZ. Miss., March 14 -There were
a few raya of sunshine today, but they were
preceded and followed by light ahowera.
The report a from nearly all sections or
this territory are of a more discouraging
nature. The river end of Jefferson county,
for a distance of -thirty miles and extending
Inland more than nine miles, la covered
with water, but despite this the Natche
gauge rose and la cow 1.6 feet -above tha
danger line.
Gloomy reports come from the back part
of Concordia parish, Louisiana, where the
cultivated lands along the Little and Black
rlvera are being flooded anjL.hundreda of
acrea of wnplcked cotton are submerged.
Sycamore leree can stand about two and
a half feet more, hut. the water la backing
In from the river at a heavy rate. It Is
expected that some of the levees will not
be high enough to stsnd the rise that la
coming. Even If the levees should hold,
the damage already Incurred will amount
to many millions of dollars.
VICKSBCRO. Miss., March 14 Reports
from all along the line report the levees
holding aplendldli, and If the rains would
only cease and give the new work a chance
to harden the danger of crevasses would
be reduced to a minimum. Peveral steam
era arrived In port today and laat n'ght,
lotded to the rail with refugeea and cattle.
So far only one fatslltj hss occurred,
the victim being a Yazoo rivet ferryman,
who was swept off bla fistboat.
eves Inches of Rain Fall.
NEW ORLEANS, March 14 Though New-
Orleans experienced the most terrific rain
fall In many yeara today, the river tonight
waa at the same stage as In the early
morning, reading 19.2 feet, three-tenths un
der the record of six yeara ago. All the
embankments resisted the s'raia, however,
and no breaks up the river bsd been re
ported when darkness fell.
The rainfall here aurlng the last twelve
hours amounted to 7. 92 Inches, of which
fH Inches fell between noon and 8 o'clock.
The drainage machinery was simply over
whelmed and -many streets were flooded,
the lower floors of stores, In many in
stancca, being under water. It Is raining
Small Ftrtdg-ea tn Iowa and Ne
braaka Daaiacet hy Htah
Trlday the Burlington main lines j
caught their share of damage by hlph wa- !
tor. On the line to Chicago a severe wash- J
out was reported over in Iowa early In the
morning, and all Chicago-Omaha traffic was j
delayed twelve hours while the dsmage to
the bridge was repaired.
The line between Omaha and Lincoln was
also impaired by the waohout of a small '
bridge between Oretna and Ashland. It waa :
some hours before the damage wss tern- !
porsrlly repaired, and trains were sent hy !
wwy of riattamouth and Oreapolls to meet j
the main line at Ashland. I
The Rock Island waa greatly inconveni
enced by the washout, as II made its trains
later than ever. Since It has been using I
the Kurlingtnn tracks the trouble and dc- '
lay of diverting the trains at Lln.'iln has j
been considerable, and a new track Is be
Ing laid by the road, so as to trsnafer with I
the Klkhorn tracks there. This will give I
the Rock Island a means of running out on i
the Burlington tracks without backing out
of the station at Lincoln snd doing a great
deal of switching In the Lincoln yards.
Meanwhile, two more bents have been
replaced. In the Rork Island bridge over the
Platte st South Bend, and It may be pos
sible for the Rock llnnd trains to id from
the west to use their own tracks by to
day. High wster at Grand Island Friday
rsused a delay of two hours In all of the
Burlington trains. The bridge was endan
gered by the water, and eteps were taken at
once to strengthen the weakened portions.
leenea lataarttua in Favor of Water,
bury atreet Railway Atralnat
trlkina; Kmployea.
WATERBURY. Conn.. March 14 Judge
Elmer in the superior court today granted
Umporary Inju&clloa. oa appUoaUoa at
Ihe Connecticut Lighting and Railway com
pany to restrain the Trolleytnen's nnlnn, In
Waterbury, frnm Intrrfprlng In any way
with the business of the company or Ita
employes and from making use nf the boy.
rott lo Injure Ihe bualneas of the company. '
The Injunction Is of a aweeplng nntur",
revering all methods of Interference with
the operation of cars, Intimidation of rail- '
road employes, thn picketing and patrolling I
of the company's property, the format Inn
of romblnstlons to Injure the company's i
business, tottering by strikers on street
corners, and any and all combined or In-
dividual efforts lo bring a boycott Into I
Colorado City Men Ask Order lie
atrnlnlna atate Mltllla and
Ita Oftcrra.
COLORADO srRlNO. Colo., M.irrh 14
liCgal action on behalf of the striking mill
men In Colorado City waa Instituted today
In Iho district court of El Paso county.
It Is A general suit to restrict and define
the authority of the military forrca and to
rcBtraln Ihem from Interfering with the
property rlghta of rltlsena.
The complaint la directed to W. R. Gil
bert, aherlff of Kl Paao county; General
John Chase, Colonel James II. Brown snd
Sherman Bell, Governor Peahody's ap
pointee aa adjutant general, whoap term
doea not begin until next month, but who.
It la adjudged In the complaint, aaaumrs
to act aa an orflcer of the militia at Colo
rado City.
Confer with -Civic Federation nnd
Declare Dlapnte Heanlt of
M Ian nd erst and In.
NEW YORK, March 14 After a four
houra' conference at the National Civic
Federation headquarters between repre
sentatives of the federation, the striking
employes of the shipbuilding corporations
and the corporations, the strike waa de
clared settled. All the strikers out In sym
pathy will return to work on March 18.
The strike waa said to hava been the result
of a mlaundcrsta ldlng.
Kansas rlty Teamsters Stay on Strike
and Keep Tranafer Ilnalneaa
nt Standstill.
KANSAS CITY. Mo., March 14 Coplca
of Judge Phillips' strike Injunction were
served this morning and accepted quietly
and aa a matter of course.
So far as breaking the freight blockAd
Is concerned the Injunction hss had uo
effect. There are few Idle men In town,
and the atrlkera are confident their places
cannot be filled.
Refnae to Meet Committee.
NEW YORK, March 14. president Hall of
the New Haven railroad authorized thn
statement that the directors refused to meet
a Joint committee of trainmen and con
Washes Soli Off Fine Quality, Four
Foot Win et Southern Illi
nois Silica.
CARBONDALE, 111., March 14 A vein
of silica four feet thick haa been discov
ered near tha Mississippi river In t'nlon
The cover! g soil waa washed away by
the recent ralna. The mineral la of One
ouallty, free from grit. It la the flrst'mar
kctaMe vein unearthed in southern Illinois.
California Land Office Flaea Jane
Date for Admlttlna;
LOS ANGEl-TCS, March 14 The local
VnlteJ Statea land office haa fiaed June 1.1
aa the date for opening l.OOft.000 acrea of
land In California along the Colorado river
to aettltment.
The territory thrown open la that In
volved In a recent deciaion of the supreme
rtttaNeld Residents nest re Release of
Motoraaan Who Ran Presi
dent Down.
riTTSPIELP, Mass., March 14 A move
ment Is on foot to secure a pardon for
Euclid Maddon, the rittsfield motorman
who recently waa aer.tenced to six months
for manslaughter. He was In charge of
the street car which collided with the
president's carriage.
Old Pea Moines President Called.
NEW TORK. March 14 Rev. Pr. George
P. Adams, formerly president of Pes Moines
college, has received a unanlmoua call to
the pastorate of the Flrat Baptist church,
The boy evangelist will answer any 'bib
lical question afcked.
RilEN! COftlE TO RilE
There la seldom s day that I am not consulted hy en unfortunate suf
ferer who If b bad consn'tert mr In revrrt tn bis nndltlnn In Its sa-tv
stamps, I would have cured him and saved him much suffering, annoyance and
expense. ThUi. 1 cntialiler. la flue to lack of knowledge on the nan of the una
wb'i has previously treated the chhc; therefore. 1 sav to you If you are suffar
Iiik from any diRfiise or condition pfculmr to men. or If you have been a vic
tim and beiri dlaniolnted in not (ret ting a permanent cure elsewhere. I would
ask tbht vou romr t-i my omve. 1 will explain to you OUR SYSTEM OF
TRF.aTMRNT, which I hm'p orlalnated and developed aftr a whole life' ex
perience In the .rfHtment of special dlsesaea of men. I will sMve you a
thorough examination, together with an honest and scientific opinion of your
caee. If 1 find vim nre inftirabla. I will honestly tell you so If I find your
casp -urahle. 1 will give you a leral guarantee to cure you In the shortest possi
ble time without Injurious after effects.
permanently cured
without a cuttln?
or tylitK operation.
No pain or loss of
TVe care not of
how long sthiidltm.
as we cure them at
cured without di
lating or cutting;
no pain
RHKl M ATlsai
In all Its forma
permanently cured
tiy my system of
r;i,oon roisov
permanently cured
w'thout Injurious
after effect
stopped In from
three to flvt- daya.
t -sA X
WfMTC " ynu t",not AH correspondence atrlrtly eonndentlal and all
II till I a rupllno a lii lit plulu anvelupax. Kncioiu- 2c Hump to Insure prompt
State Electro-Medical Institute,
I30B Fsrnam Street, Belwesa 13th and I4tti Streets, Omaha, Keb.
Offloo Houral a. as. a a. aa. Bund ye. It S 1 ealy.
ay ta ift sun lli fft . J
Trade the old gewrnx machine off and jet your wife one of our celebrated
Wheeler & Wilson Ball-Bearing Machines
We sell either for eaah or on time. Neoond-hand reins tnsrh Inea for SI to 9 lO. Fre Sewing; school
very Tharadag. We rent marhlnea of anr make for Too per week, or 3 per month. Wo aell needles
nnd attachments for and repair any machine manafactored.
Mr. Clyde I). Harris of Chicago will be at the atore of the Nebraaka Cycle Company, from March lth to 23rd.
Inclusive. Mr. Harris has a reputation of doing the finest art work on sewing machines of any man In tha Vnltcd
Elates, lis will have with him tho most clegsnt line of saraplea ever ahown In Omaha. We cordially Invite our cua
totnera and friends to call and aee the exhibit which ba will have with him.
8 lmi " fc g I
ToeMxa.eeaSi... We run the on,y typewriter exchange west of tf ' CP A
lypewriters JMto44
CM All A Corner IMh and TTarney Pts. Thone 16B3,
rii'l'TH tlMAHA-SlJ N. 2tth 8t Thone fm.
I'Ol'NClIi HIA1TS-M4 Urjadway-Thone P618.
rrencb Ambanador Delights in Ourenlle
Energy Piaplayed
Claims Ilia Almr Mater Has as Many
tentnrlea Behind It as Illinois
Haa Yenra, bnt la Yoath
fal Still.
CHICAGO, March 14 I. I. .'usserand.
the French ambaessdor, waa tha guest ct
honor at the banquet of the Vnlveralty of
Chicago at the Auditorium tonight. Tha
occasion was made a reunion of the alumni
of the Institution, more than 00 guesta
being present. The banquet proper waa
preceded by a reception at tha Fine Arta
building, which adjolna tha Auditorium-
M. Jusserand'a address waa entitled, "A
Message from France."
The ambasssdor aald Chicago could cer
tainly be called young, and contluuing,
Much more youthful Is your university.
It has all the qualities of youth. Vigorous,
plucky, optimistic, ample In its plsns and
prospects, It does not quarrel with tha
present and yet trusts In the future.
In no country hava your efforts been
watched with mora sympathy and atten
tion than In mine, and no wonder we are
an ancient, but not a cold nation. 1 am a
graduate of the I'nlverslty of Paris. It Is
a fact that ths elster of yours numbers as
manv centuries aa yours numbers jes's.
but the spirit nf youth haa not left us. Wa
have toiled and learned, but we have not
aged, being pleased to number our yesrs
by their springs and not their wlntera. Tha
same longing for truth, sympathy far thoss
who work, desire to help humanity, to Im
prove knowledge and methoda of knowl
edge, animate us as In those days when
the University of PsHs was nearly alone,
and was. Indeed, foremost in Europe
w hen It drew abroad for Its student,
amta, kings and popes, snd. batter than
all, that dreamer, then unknown, who waa
to go and visit Inferno and come back to
tell the world.
If we have a pat d ffrrent from youra wa
have, we trust. In common with you, an
importsnt thi.ig which places ua in close
contact. That Is a long future.
This close contact cannot fall to he
highly beneficial to tooth. Your doings,
your energy, this strenuous life of yours,
so well described by the respected chief of
your nation. Is worthy of admiration, and
many among us have come on purpowe to .
watch its developments and observe your j
There Is onlv one great country with
which France has never been at war: that
le the United States There ia only one
country with which the United Statea con
cluded an all'ance. and that is France.
This Is my statement of facta. Here 1s my
wish: May the friendship and brotherhonl
that has ever existed betw-een us In the
past ever exist between us In the future.
Former Mayor Leaves Voluntarily far
Minneapolis, hat la Accompanied
hy OflNra,
MANCHESTER, N. H., March 14. Dr. A.
A. Amea, former mayor of Mlnnespolta, left
here today on his voluntary return to Min
nesota to answer charges of bribery.
Sheriff Tireger or Minneapolis and Deputy
Sheriff Tioane of Manchaster, N. H., accom
panied the doctor.
Mra. Ames and daughter alao were In the
party. They will pass tonight In Boston
promptly restored
to natural, vlirnr
ous nod lasting
pimples or any
akin disease per
manently I'urea In
tlie Rhorttai possi
ble time
cured to stay cured
without cutting.
ri rrt Ka.
of men oured In
from ten to thirty
duyh No cutting,
no detention from
troubles by our
system of treat
ment are Improved
at once and quick
ly and permanently
ry "7 n T? O
Y CLfcb
Round Trip Rales
The Union Pacific
baa extended ter
ritory to which
rm.nf4 .-In TT
. w.,, ivi.-,
To many points in Kansas, Nebraska,
Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Montana,
Idaho, Oregon and Washington.
M4 Faraass St.
ft Great Change in Prices
makes a reduction in March
that you would not look for before June
contain all the latest Ideas shown In the eastern markets and our
prices appeal to every close cash buyer, as there la not a plena
cf Eu rait nre la onr atore that haa not been reduced from SO to 40
per cent.
Ve are showing all tie newast
Carpets. Ruga in every else from
la shoving even-thing new tn silk and laoa affects, la band-made
Curtains and Bun Femmea.
$2.50 Rofae PwtlBrx, all colors, full size
$i.SQ JtO-lnsb all wool Smyrna
SIS 00 room sire Smyrna Rues.
Suffered Seven f.lcnfhs
OMAHA.. Neh., March 28, 1U
Alhany, N. Y.
Oeptlemenr "FtiT aeven months I suf
fered more than tongue can tell, had s oon- ;
tlnual dull psln In my back which Ilnnlly '
resulted In a atroke of poralyaia. I tried '
almost .every remedy I saw advertlaed, and
consulted a number nf phyatolsna, but re- i
otilved no beueflt from either doctors or '
medicines. Finally a friend auk art tni to !
Rive Cramer's Kidney and l.lver ('lire a
trial, which I rouacntsd to do. I pumhusad
a holtle and took a few doaea and to my
surprise beftau feelliid hflttnr. 1 Item on
with the medicine till I had taken four bit
ties In all. and am strnnaer and bier
than I have heen mr yeara. and havn not i
bad a pain or ache since It la truly a I
wonderful remedy." Tours truly.
SMH Hurt Hi. '
Oanulna frsah Cratmir' Kldn and Uvar
Cure may bv found In two alaos. tnk for
i;, ll.uo slxaa fur (so at
Ten Psmm-141 aaii Till. i
. SV. f . lata at Cklaa Kit
St rl(e for a lal t:op.
I llvnu vjrvi i ii hlvviiuo
era cheap CU1 F
- ""-1 3)15
MICKEL, Manager.
seekers' E x c u r
alon tickets will
ba aold aa follows
Tkaaa 218.
and RUCS
of this season's patterns In ctrt
taar mala up to feat room
.. 98c
9x12 feet.
HomEseekers end Colonists
On Tuesday, Msrch 17th. will sell botl
rouini-trlp and one-way tickets at area'!'
reduced rain t0 certain points In Kaosa
Mlaaourl, Oklahoma. Texas, Arkansas, et
Limit for round-trip tlcketa. 21 days.
One fare for round-trip April 41th, 13th
and ISili. Also on May 1st, d. Sd and 4tl
fin sale dully until June l.'.lh.
&. Ii. Cor. Hth and Douglea StJ
rass. Jt Tlokot Agent.