TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY. MAKCII 15. 1!03. REOIIREMENTS FOR GUARD Vi'l Pit Jo Tuv&t fnn Hationi; GoTers mCTi Tur:ig Cu-ract Tea:. HiGH WATtft HELPS IRRIGUlOMSTS Verbid (roul ti.it. I adertaVlaa. Room. lr tbe Bady at Mesended. Ikr Etrritri tFrom Stuff Ccrrer,cr.a'T,t.) LINCOLN. V.ib 14 - iF;.orial ) Ad jutant Genera Culver bar received a statement a 10 the amount of sppropris tion that will 1 made to the several etste Imctuw of tbe enactment of the Dev. law is regard to tbe National Guard. Tbe stsienirnt show that the Nebraska Na tional Guard ha an aggregate strength of 1.711 end under the new law the estimated profit to the state will be tr.r.:?. The to'al amount from all source for tbe year, in cluding army equipment and money, will be KS.f,17.4(l. All thia w.Il be received, providing that tbe mate compile with th ew law. Among tbe thing that tbe state will have to Co to fulfill theae requirement are tbsr: It will have to have an annual encampment of the National Guard of not leas than five oon.eru' ire dr the year preceding tbe allot tuciu, earb company must have at least twenty-four drill dur ing the year and each member must b? able to patia a rigid Inspection under tbe direction of the secretary of war. v hicb will not rely Include tbe manual of artria. foot movement s. retjuiremeiits of drill r?g ulaiion. ibe firing regulation aa provided under tbe rym-m f small-arm flrirg rrg-ulatir-n. but administration. including tbe ability of each commanding officer of each company to make out complete reports ai required In the regular army for adminis tration work: to ke-p all books, record, letter a received and letter sent out. a proper index and copies, each ncmler must make the necessary record in target practice; each member must also rhow the proper ability to care for and account for all quartermaster store. Tbe adjutant rrnrra! is made the dispersing officer for ail allotment and to guarantee a proper conduct of thl affair he ii required to give a lli. bond. Nt breaks will not be able to get any bt-neft from tbe new law this year because no encampment waa held lest year. Adjutant General Culver will make strong eSorts to place tbe National Guard In a position to get tbe allotment next year and is now laying plans for the carrying out of bis Idea. This year bis office, though tie work tnd responsibility connected therewith has largely Increased, has asked only a small sum of money from the legis Isture In excess of that appropriated by tbe last legislature. Mickey Eajovs Triat. Governor John H. Mickey returned to Lincoln this morning after having attended the banquet in Chicago given In honor of the Methodist governor by the Chicago Methodist Social union. Governor Mickey waa accompanied to Chicago by Mrs Mickey. He returned full of enthusiasm for tbe Methodist church, for the union and for the officera of the union and for every thing else In connection with the meeting and banquet. "It was a remarkable meeting. he said, "and I am glad that I attended it. I be lieve that every person In attendance -t that banquet, and there were about 700. wai strengthened and encouraged and helped. I am sure That I was." Governor and Mra. Mickey were highly entertained and .the governor apeaks in praise of those who were on the entertain ment committee. He enjoyed a pleasant visit with Silas MrCormick of the McCor mlck Harvester company and . with It. Nance, a brother of Nebraska's former governor. . Friday morning Oovernor and Mra. Mickey were given an automobile ride to several of the principal points of In terest In the city. Governor Mkfcey was enthusiastically received at the banquet. In discoursing his remarks made at tbe ban quet In regard to the Inaugural ball which be refused to participate in, the governor said: "It was not my intention to mention that but it was referred to by the toast master when I was introduced so I spoke of 1J- flaee Fraleraal Order. F. O. Burdlck said the Sons and laugh ter of Protection deposed him from the office of supreme medical director of tbe order several month before hi term ex pired, and therefore he has filed suit in tbe district court of Lancaster county for f2.ufl although his Items foot up IS.OOO. Burdick said be was elected medical director of tbe order In January. 1W1, and that his term of office would have expired In May, lWt. had not the constitution and by-laws been tampered with unlawfully and illegally. Consequently he finds himself out of office tb. first Tuesday in October, ISK'4. Water for Irrlawtlea. Tbe high water has at least made the ir- ngstion department of the state govern ment jubilant. Vnfler Secretary Smith re turned from the west this morning and salU that prorpect of Irrigation next year were greatly enhanced by lb high waiar la Nebraska streams. The water surp'y for Irrigation purposes will be greatly la rxcesa of tbe average. He stafd this iDorritnr that tbe Ice gorges at Grand Island and further up tbe Tlatte had forced the water out of tbe lowlanda, transfonnltg tbe bottoms Into a rest lake. Because of this full supply of moisture he predict a very succersful year for the Irrigation regions. Tbe action of the Ice Jams in carrying out pile bridges he attributes to the fact that there has been more water than usual In the channels of the sballow streams during the winter, with tbe result that tbs Ice which generslly freese fsst to tbe bottom of tbe streams and is held in place until it melts, was tree to float awey with tbe first ourush of tbe flood waters. MarVtd Crew d Views Bady. At tbe Troyer undertaking establish ment the body of Got lu b Niegenfind, the executed murderer, lie for the Inspection of a morbid public. All day crowd of men. women and children have filed throuch tbe room to get a glimpse o! tbe detiii man. Frequently the p. ace became congested with school boys, struggling and pushing with men and women, to get clone to the repulsive spectacle. Governor Mickey was highly Indignant ben be was Informed that tbe remains were uptrn exhibition. "If I bad any power unticr tbe law to prevent this." he said. "1 certainly would." Later the governor talked with tbe attorney general, but that gentleman wa of tbe impression that nothing could be done. At the request of Niegenfind tb? body was turned over to Bev. Allenbsch to i sent to Pierce county for burlsl. It was removed to the undertaking establishment to be held there until Rev. AlWbacb could raise sufficient funds to defray tbe ex pense of removal. BEATRICE OUT FOR REFORM Orufcli Ken Do K..mtwtrj Vcrk "m Behalf of Equal Taxation. p.mlroads shirking w gage county Td evil as; Bel at eats A ties aeatlsarat Watc-a ajeadtae C't; - si fwrtlrlr. e Favara Tai- GEOF.GE W. POST FOR MAYOR Yerk Rraafcllraas Ksksae a Tlrket and Eadarae t be Prftnt A 4 mimi tratlaa af the City. TOr.K. Neb.. March 14 (Si-eetal.) The following councilmen were nominated by the republicans at caucuses held Friday evening; F. P. Van vTickle. First ward; William Colton, Second ward; H. P. Lun dern. Third ward, and R. R. Copsey. Fourth ward. At tbe city convention last evening Hon. George Vr. Tost was nominated for mayor, and In a speech of acceptance he pledged his best efforts tn promoting the moral upbuilding of Tork. He warned druggist that if he were elected it would be his purpose to take sway their license permit If they abused tbelr privilege. Mr. Post also expressed a hone that the in coming city administration would have necessary paving done. George Newman wa nominated for city clerk, George S. Cook for city treasurer, A. 8. Codding for city engineer. All members of the old school beard were renominated. Tbey are: Mr. A Warner. Mrs. Jerome, Mrs. J. B. Evans, H. M. Child and George Schreck. Resolutions were unanimously adopted en dorsing the present city administration, calling' attention to the new sewer system completed and paid for without a cent of borrowed money. TO ENLARGE STARCH FACTORY Arsra Plaat at Krkraiks City Will Be Dowbled la Mae aai KassTser af Esaylare law, it a. C NEBRASKA CXTT, March 14. (Special Telegram.) Surveyors for the National Starch company are in the city platting the company's ground here for tbe erection of a large addition to the Arge factory. Tbe new addition will double the capacity of the plant and Increase tbe number of employes by over 200. Hill ill Bon Plnts I tor Ins;. Scabby Shin Olaeaaaa. Swellings, Carbuncles, Pimplea, Scrofula rntntni'T mm tor t&ktn Funntc SUuoe bain-. It Imltwi ia aeuv fniawD id tlw bioua. if yu av. '-! .ltd tn bauM. to so Joint. Ittiluik. S mbt? feifcut. Bifwd Sml. bi m thin. Swulion i. Uti'Um. ftusiugB ki-Q "dumna on Uw Saib. Mu-im flcb I. Sl.iilb. Knrv Tbrusl, Pimply m nftiJ v ruitifl. ( avvmr--umrui beau nr huh mm Sain, .11 nui-aovn. m iMrvtiuL lrlo mi ui ymn mi Ufe body . niu mt Crbnws lAlllus .ul. C-rtiuuclfl. mt Ihui uu BMasi BIm4 at. lam. . (Timers t mtr ta ns nS m. sen Mtss mm 'Sf HMtii-a. snlum nadirilM .ltd Sul Mirlli. IaaI. Hm a u am kow .11 tm mum sin. ruae. .11 wvilliilcB. lull blwMl tou- u.d ru-h. matnt4ij CUAIiiiig tb. wtta. Sutfr lutu . KtmrnMi. SmlUif MU.i tiu. 15 S a. hu rurr tn.UM.no. ml obm. mi feltmd PtttwMi .vl llwr iwchthi tb. it C4W U14 kkr.wMlaa, ( atarrla, Earawa mrm omumvi tor Ml vfuJ pilUMd rondltM mt tb. niMd Baa ilik lu.Ktn ud aimua. nrj ttk .nt ScrMrbln. .cb. mm4 K-n ourws KfeMt Biatim. C.mrr. . n.l .11 au.Us. Su.1m. K-mpuMi W.trs Bliauiw. 1oa1. Iirii Iqm mt Lcmu. br giviu . sunk bmluir auwwd mu'1) im mMmmmm imruk. f.ictr (art, otnnlc Blond balm mm Cum of atl Klndte. SueeurMin Swuntw, E.uns Sana. Tustww. blr I'Iom.. li ana tii. Cutr luaui .nd IM upm mt wm MtMT p.i l ct t if so. b. . MT .i4ok Pianx.. Wjt. Swlluicm. Bbuotiii. SE-lbsins Ku. tAa B.omI hmim .nd .til d imhi.t W- tur. tkwr M.ios luu Cuiour Suf mpitmrmnur tao.l-a rmmrn ml f .mar ur4 W tesius bum, tuood IwJm. I Fiars tar ftelliaaT Llaaar. FREMONT, Neb, March 14. (Special.) Karl Bcimson of Crowd was arrested yes terday by Sheriff Bauman on the charge of selling liquor without a license. He waived examination in tbe Justice court and pleaded guilty In the district court Judge Hollenbeck sentenced him ts pay a fine of (100 and costs, which he promtly paid. It is aaid that Seimson had been running a saloon at Crowel without complying with the provisions of the (locum law for some time and that the people at that point would have permitted him to do so indefi nitely had not a farmer living sear tbs place filed a complaint. Seimson promised tbe county attorney that be would quit tbe fcusinesa. " tlaa af Tersalaala. BEATRICE. Neb.. March 14 (Special Telegram F. 1). Vad and W. F. John son of Omaha were Lrre today in the in terest of senate fie J4R. which provides for tbe assessment of railroad properties In rttie snd vjlleg" of Nebraska on the same basis as otb"T property. Mr. Wead met a numb-r of representa tive businas men at the Paddock hotel parlor today and addressed ;b"m on tbe matter of equality in taxation between tbe small rropery pwnrs snd the railroads. He showed very plainly tbe injustice of tbe present system of taxation in Beatrice and other cities and towns in tbe state and proved by his argument that -be pre pc sea Irrij.iBtion would benefit every city in Ne brtsha. Tbe ceetlng sdjourned until this even ing, when tbe matter was discussed be fore Sc ca'or L M. f "mtierton. 1 we de rided lo advocate the pssr.age of legisla ti"n favoring a raore equitable adjustment of the tax burden. F. P. Wend snd W. F. Johnson returned Saturday night from Beatrice. shTe they went to investigate the amount of taxes psid by tbe railroads to that city a com pared with tbe taxes paid on other prop erty. "We found. aaifl Mr. Weed, "that the to'al assessment of Gage county for 15nr was jr..lf4.3Tl. The total assessment for nil rr'lrord rroperty In Once county was T73?.f-C, showing tbey own IS. 8 per cent of ail prrperty In the county. But it was found that while the total amount ral.ied in the coun-y amounted to $"Pr:.T4r. r,2. tbe rciiroud paid only tl.RrC CS. or lri.S per cent of tbe taxes, that h"lnr t&.TuS.lS lers than their fuir sha-e. They found the total municipal tax of Beatrice to be S34.SMt.SS. of which tne lour rai'.rcads traversins the heart of tbe city pay only 2.8 per rent, or tVK.nS that is, the Chicago. Rock Island Pacific railroad. tlWJ.in: the Omaha ft RrpuMir.an Valley railroad. tl2f (iT; tbt Republican Valley railroad, W2.ns: the Omaha ft Southweste-n. ftr.47.17. Tbey eecared 11 per cent of the rity'a taxes, amounting to SJ.TTo.flfc. which tbey should pay. The following assess ments were noted on other property: The Paddock hotel was found to p- for city purposes tr.63.D0; the Marion if bulldiLg. 24L; Block Bros.' flour mill. tilt. .SB; the Kempster Manufacturing bui'lnt, 2R.li the Beatrice National bank, persinal taxes, .r.RP: the Klein Mercantile company, per sonal tax. S227..44: the John Smith resi dence, tlCT. S3, and otNer property In like proportion. To say that the men of Beat rice were Interested when the situation waa called to their attention would be to state the Cine mildly. An emergency meeting of tbe Commercial club and of all prominent cltlsena was called Immediately and steps taken to meet the conditlona. 'Equality In taxation' may count on large support from Bestrice. Senate file J48. designed to meet such Inequalities, Is likely to have enthusiastic support from the Gage coun.y legislators when they learn that tbelr con stltnenta are eo vitally interested." Bar ttrlkM Oat tar Writ SCHTTLER, Neb, March 14. (Special) Chase, the 15-year-old son of J. W. C Flnlay, whose home Is six miles out from the city, and who has been attending school with his sister In Schuyler, boarded tbs evening train for tbe west Thursday night witll tbe avowed intention of going to Washington. His parents knew notb'ng of his Intention, nor that he felt dissatisfied with his home surroundings Be left with but little money. H has relatives in Washington, among them a cousin who re cently paaaed through here and to whom Chase was greatly attached, which is pre sumed to strongly account for his move. Rdwival Hettaars Clowe T4.r. BEATRICE, Nen March 14 (Special.) The union rrvivai meeting which have been in progress here for tbe last ten daya, conducted by Evangelist Beery Ostrom and COMPLETE SURVEY FOR ROAD LartaaT af Traefca far the Kastaas City, Bratrtre dt wtrr ta Begrta la a Few Vetka, EEATRICE, Neb.. March 14 (Special Telegram.) J. E. House and his corp of surveyor, who have lieen making a sur vey for the Kansas City. Beatrice ft West ern railroad, which is to be built between Virginia and Beatrice, completed their work this evening. The local officers say that the construction work on the road will begin within the next thirty days. Faaeral af Mrs. Dmey. FREMONT. Neb., March 14. (Special.) The funeral of Mra. G. E. Dorsey was held this afternoon from the residence of her brother, Edward Benton. Only rela tives and intimate personal friends were Invited. The services were conducted by Rev. John Ioane, pastor of the Congrega tional church of which the deceased had been for thirty-five years an active mem ber. Her remains were interred in Ridge cemetery. straws b.dry far Krirary. KEARNEY, Neb.. March 14 (Special Telegram.) Articles of incorporation were filed in the office of tbe county clerk for the Excelsior Steam laundry. The capital stock of the corporation is given as 110. 000. and it will conduct a general laundry busi ness In the city of Kearney. The articles are signed by John C. Sanimons and W. H. HilX The president is H D. Andrews. It is the Intention of tbe new company to begin business as aoon as tbe building car THE VALUE OF CHARCOAL Few Feawla K mw Saw faeff al It la la ft tai i last Haalta a a 4 Bessty. Nearly every body knows that charcoal ts the aafest and most efficient disinfectant the noted vocalist. W. 3. Hilli. will close and purifier tn nature, but few realise it tomorrow eveting with a big mass meeting value when taken into the human system in tbe Presbyterian church. Services were held in many of our business houses yes terdsy in charge of tbe local pastors. It is believed much good has been accom plished as a result of tbe revival. All the meeting have been largely attended and much interest has been shown in tbe work by tbe Christian people of Beatrice and vicinity. '.tai .iiaikiUL dnc Mr M ..- K(aK4 -. ay. a.- .. wort r p. I .at' a ' ' MMI Ml Basaatr Blaaa Bala I BY. B. BV la flwaal and okl. to ta. TboreuablF taui for St Sw. ( obu mmi mt SWr. btunlr InerwlMMrt. Btratidbma mu am.' fi mu4 icitii. run. d-wi f CMiia. ar.w in a. ana act aottM. t-raa.. 41 to. aala la OaiU ar Kafca Ca lata Oaaatas atr. la. la taaarll Blast, ar - E. Islrrwa, aoa Braaawar. la aaaca. OaaaJka ay I)iU.a iM-ac s.ta avaa . Oall ar write aay aaara Iaaaaa Baa Eeeiaaa. BEATRICE. Neb March 14 (Special.) A, S. Bobbin was arrested yesterday at Heme on a charge of insanity and brough to this city by Iwputy Sheriff McGin. Be was violent at times and tbe ofheer was compelled to handcuff him after placing him under arrest. After Bobbin w as placed in Jail here it was learned that be had been adjudged inaane at DeWltt the day before and had escaped from tbs offi cers at that plane. The unfortunate man was taken back to IWitt last evening. Fieaa. Calif r ta Avaaaalt. TORK. Neb, March 14 (Special.) George F. Halleck. tbe bridegroom who so fearfully beat Clarence Fosdick. a young maa whom be though was disturbing his home, was arraigned before County Judge Taylor and entered a plea of guilty of as sault and battery. Fosdick is slowly re covering. His face is badly battered, his Jaw Imlug orasa lb aba aide ab4 brut. on. trail lav) Basra ta lark Friradla. TORK, Nth.. Msrck 14 (Special. VSer-g-ant Matset. w ho is ststtawd la M tice. has sent Mr. and Mra. Gearge B Fance of this city four beautiful Navajo rugs, made ta order by Navajo lndiar. Tbey are the tmest and prettiest rugs ever seen here and very valuabie. Ioa"t fail to hear its boy evaigclUt Man ia v :.ba. mm JVU A host of brilliant styles in Spring and Summer Merchandise Designers and dyers never wrought lovelier effects. Scores and scores of fabrics with the delicate gra'ce and elegant beauty that appeal to womtn of refined taste, and every offering is made doubly attractive by the reasonableness of prices. . White Goods for Waists The merest touch of pretty oddity lifts a waist above the common. Hand Embroidered Waist Fronts. Just received a f new shipment, price, eac h 4. 25 and JJ V Beautiful Oxford, with black circle and stripes, rJA 82 incbea wide, at ..dssiVJC Fancy Lawn and Fancy Pique Madraa. w ith imitation " S5 bonitan lac stripe, 8tic and . aw Oxford Madras, Mercerized Etamine. Mercerised I'amask Madras, A m, very popular for waists, at 4fc and tJ7C 61. Gsul Embroidered Swiss for waist, in pure white and PT Hack, on white, at tl.-.O. $1.::.. $1.00 and OC Uerrerised Iiamask Testings, in pure white, black on white, Qf red on white and blue rn white, at OiC lotted Swiss, in all sire dots and figures. M f from 11.00 down to rlvIC Colored Wash Goods Seersucker and Toiie du Nord Ginghams. No store is shewing the variety that are seen here, suitable for shirts, boys' waisti and ladies' house dresses, yard ' Handsome designs in Batistes and Sheer Dimities, " large variety tC Ber.utiful shirt waist madras in all colors, including the checks and plaids that are so popular for thi reason's wear. J at 4fc, Snc, 80c and dtarOC Black Lace and Braided Stripe Grenadine. alo moussellne de A soie, in all shades, st ysrd tCzC Linen Suiting, in etamine, colored butcher and twine f linen, at, yard "he, tlc and OLIC Dress Goods New Desirable Colors and Weaves. 45-! neb Voiles The season's most jopular fabric thin, light weight; colors navy, reseda, tan, Java and black yard 45-1 neb New Mixture Mistral Cloth- Colors gray and white, brown and white, for shirt waist suits and skirts 11.33 and 44-Inch Pasama Cloth A light weight fabric can be made up without lining; colors, navy, reseda and black tl.CKl and 50 Inch EtaiBlne the Popular Goods For tailor suits colors reseda, cavy and black , 1.00 85c 75c 1.25 Latest Novelties in Laces Comprising: Antique, Cluny, Ve nice, Crochet, Filet, lnraguny and rTencriTTe effects, in wide bunds, insertions, galoons, sjirnys, medal lions and detachable designs, nur -ard, from to SI, 7.3 c, y CLZp, hOc,35c and Special Values in Hash Laces comprising Torchon. Cluny, Antique Vsls. Found Mesh Vals, PT Folnt de Paris, at 21c 2oc. Incisor, 10c. Re. 6c and OC fine alosook an. SmIss Embroidery Edgings and instrtlngs Neat new designs and durable qualities special valuea at Qw yard lie, 1SV, 10c and New Wrist and Chatelaine 633s In the newest lestber and mountings; wonderful r f value at J2.&0. $2 00. I1.2S. tl.00. 7c and OvC Novelties ii Silk Embroidered Applique In white, black and colors, in band and detachable de- - aigna. at vard SI.TS. $1TB. tl-25. $1.00, 7:.c and OUC Moss Rose Embroidered Sprays Rose and buds of satin, In natural plrk shade, stem and leaves of 5T embroidery, elegant effects, per srray, from $1.25 down to Jtt SILK AND EMBROIDERED PERSIAN BANDS SI at. yard from $1.&0, $1.S6 down to VI OC NOVELTIES IN TROP ORNAMENTS AND ET.TTONS Large assortment at the rigbt pricea. KiQh Grade Novelties In Nec.vvear HAND MADE CHIFFON AND SATIN STOCKS Sole and pointed ends, with Persian medallions, hand beaded and lace braid f work, elegant effecta, at each, tS. $2.l0, $2, $l.Ci and l.at7 New Hasbable Collars and Stocks The latest ideas in great variety at each 1 , $1 00, T&c, 50c, 2e, down to Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Suits, Skirts and Waists The Latest Ideas In tbe Hay fit Material and Cel. LADIES' SOTS In blue and black cheviots, pleated sklru, ff bjouee Jackets, with fitted capes, at eV" LADIES' SUITS In mixed cloth, eleven gored skirts, rtQ nn collarless blouse Jackets, at OtlV LADIES' EOTS in black and blue basket weave, new blouse pa -v pa back, dip front, trimmed in tailors' braid, at kJ JJ LADIES' 'WALKING SKIRTS In gray Scotch plaid, f ff Hare strapped seams, at... M.JJJ LADIES' 'WALKINO -SKIRTS In tan cloth, trimmed rn knee 4 f ff box pleats and buttons, at lvevlvf LADIES' WALKING EKIRTS in hlBck and gray Cheviot. . Q ft ft Inserted pleat at each seam, at a J J WHITE SHIRT WAISTS Just opened stylish white waists, cheviots, basket weaves, madras, also black and w bite , r pa $S.OO, $2 75, $2.50, $2.25 and sim1ufJ KELLEY, STIGER & GO., Corner Farnam and Fifteenth Street. be placed In condition and machinery installed. NEST EGG FACTORY ABLAZE Fire Cristate VkM latsstry at Ostvalaar af It. Bass- teaaaat Li... Xat Kaawa. "WAHOO. Neb.. March 14. (Special Tele gram.) Tbe "Wahoo nest egg factory was partially destroyed by fire about $ o'clock this afternoon. The factory had been closed all winter and opened up last week and tbe eggs were being rapidly turned out for tbe spring trade. Erick L!ndi.kom was melting the substance to mold tbe eggs which is very inflammable and had two large kettles over tbe fire. In some manner it caught fire and tbe whole building was aoon ablaze. The prompt work of tbe fire de partment saved part of the building and the livery barn acrtas the alley. Loss Is sot known. in destitute circumstances with live chil dren and has the sympathy of the entire community. for tbe same eleanalng purpose. Charcoal ts a remedy that the marc yon take of it the better; it is not a drug at ai.', but simply absorbs the gases and impuri ties always present in tbe stomach and ts- testises and carries them out of the system. Charcoal sweetens tbs breath after Break ing and drinking or after eating oriona and atber odorous vegetables. Charcoal effectually dears and Improves the complexion. It whitens the teeth and further arts as a natural and eminently aai cathartic It absorbs the injurious gases which ool laot in tbe stomach and bowels; It disin fects the mouth and throat from the p Bon of catarrh. All druggists aeQ charcoal In one form or another, but probably tbs best charcoal and the moat for tt money Is Stuarts Ab sorbent Losengas; they are compraed of the finest powdered willow charcoal and other harmless antiseptics la tablet form, or, rather, in the form of large, pleasant tast ing losengea, tbe charcoal being mlxaa with nosey. The dally nsa of these losenre will stos tall la a mnch improved condition of tb general health, better complexion, sweater breath and purer blood, and the beauty of it ia, that be poaslbls harm can result from their continued use. bur. on the contrary, great benefit. A BuCalo physician. In speaking vt tJa aeaefits of charcoal, says: 1 advise Stuart's Absv-beat Losengea to all astier-ts Buffering from gas is the stomach and tkw ela. and to dear the eoKplrx os asd purify the breath, meoth and throat; I also be lieve tbe liver greatly benefited by tbs dally see af them: thy east bat twenry-fva easts a box at drug stores, an alihungh ta beva I get mors sad better charcoal la I Etcart's Absorbent Losengas than, in M7 t4 1 Xaaaale Trample far Bsrss. HURON, E. V.. March 14 (Special V Contracts for the erection of a Masonic temple In tbis city will be let soon; it is proposed to have tbe building, which will be one of tbe finest in tbe stale, ready for occupancy in the early fall. Tbe officers of tbs association are: J. A. Cleaver, president ; FVtr.k R. Brumwell. tresaurer; Harvey J. Rire. secretary. Tbe building include an opera house, offices, etc. IN WATER FOR SEVERAL HOURS Btatber aa CaJlarra I'aaet Watte CraealBa- Elkbara mm Little Ctrl May De. TALLET. Neb., March 14 (Special Tele gram.) Mra. Ostler and her three children were upset from their wagon and thrown into the backwater from the Elkhom river this morning, and were only rescued after having been in tbe water for several hours. One of the children, a girl about years of age. Is not likely to recover from the ef fects of the accident. The Ostlers' home is near Elk City. Mrs. Ostler and the children were driving into Valley, when tbe horses fell into a washout near tbe bridge five miles north east of here. Tbe wagon was upset and four horses, two of which were following the wagon were drowned. Mra. Ostler and the children were saved from drowning by some brushwood in tbe stream and were finally rescued and brought to Talley by some passerby. All four of tbe unfortunate people were tn a bad plight and It was some time before any of them showed signs of life. Mr. Ostler has been sent for. to raise the standard of common school education in the county and improve tbe condition of the rural schools. Addresses were delivered by Prof 3. N. Pile of the Wayn Normal college; Superintendents Brooking of Burt county and Hyland of Stanton county; County Judge Krake and ex-Superintendents et School Hughes, Per son and Readinster. Much enthusiasm was manifested. A lie Take Lead. Battr HASTINGS, Neb.. March 14. (Special.) The annua declamatory contest of the Hastings High acbool occurred at the Meth od let church here last night and was wen attended. Tbe decision of tbe judges was as follows: First place, Alice Batty, "The Chariot Race;" second place. Thomas B. Kerr, "The Destruction of Pompeii;" third plaoe. J. Fred Brach. "The Encounter with the Interviewer." Mis Batty will repre sent the Hastings High school at tbe dis trict contest to be held In Grand Ifcland. Tbe judges were Rev. 6ila Evans. Mrs. John Slaker and Mra. Oswald Oliver. Oaee Cam teat at Beatrice. BEATRICE. Neb.. March 14 (Special ) There promises to be a Kvely political scrap in thi city next Tueadsy at the sec ond republican primery for tbe nomination of a candidate for city treasurer and a sec ond councilman for tbe Third ward. Tbe contestant for the office of treasurer ars C. J. Wooldridge and J. E. Jones, and tor councilman Albert Milburn and Conrad Eirah. First Haaara ta Hakel f.leaaa. FTLLEP.TON. Neb.. March 14 (Special ) The Fullerton High school declamatory contest waa held last sight at Eheaff't opera house. There were eleven con testants. Miss Mabel Coleman, whose sub ject was "Imagination is Inspiration," took tbs first honors and will represent ths school st the district contest in Columbur In April. Miss Lola Odell took ths second prize. rl..rr'i mite bets Dlrarea. FREMONT, Neb.. March 14. (Special Mr. Cady, the postmistress at Ames, was granted a decree of divorce from ber hus band Alonse ob tbe ground of failure to support her. She said ber husband had done nothing for his family for four rears. Though he received a penaioB of $10 per month she eupportad htm up to a year ago w ben she got tired of it and be left. Fall ta rtm BWdr. FTLLERTON. Neb., March 14 (Special ) Every efort has been put forth by the citisens of Fullerton ta find ths body of A. F. Jama, w ho ass drowned in tbe Loup while crossing tbe river ia a boat after tb bridge went down ist Tuesday, but with a aia4.U hcantrokes widsw is left In Electric OpJi Froo Sead Tour Application At Ohm To Tht Ybjmidiii't lastitTite. Taer Will firatd Taw Abaelntaly Frae On af Their loa but fcmyrma. Elaatrie Balls, taa Halt M hart, Has Made mm Many Wndrr ral CarM-VnIMdtknit X veaaFsalaf ansaia.Jaat aaaxaauea Weat Faiat Waalt Depat. WEST POINT, Neb.. March It (Special ) A concerted movement is on foot to pe tition tbe Chicago st Northwestern Railway company to change the location of its pas senger depot in this city to a point nearer the business center of tbe town, and to build a structure worthy of the community. For many years tbe shed doing duty , as a depot has beea an eyesore and an oCense in the ryes of West Point people, who think that, in view of the immense busi ness done at this town they are entitled ta decent recognition. I Jtasaaa ta wad Ftlsat. ! RED CLOrD. Neb., March 14 (Special.) I An unidentified woman taa been can vassing the city for tbe last two or three I weeks for periodicals, soring very strangely ' j at various houses. Yesterday morning she ' escaped from ber room in the Holland ) bouse by opening ber window and sliding j lo tbe ground on a telephone w ire. She I was picked up by Sheriff McArthur and I sow in a raring condition at tbe county jail. All the information that can be gained about ber is thst her same is Esther Rirbards and that she has a son in Iowa. "sever, year ago tbe htaie of milium granted Ba.iaea. C aa NEBRASKA CITT. i area Haada. Msrch 14 (Special Telegram ) J. H Vreeland's Cyclone store was purchased todsy by Petri ng st Schus ter. The busmeaa will be conducted at the present location for the present. MUldass DaamaTd by Flaad. WEST POINT, Neb.. March 14. (Special.) Tbe high water in tbe Elkhorn river has carried away half of the mill dam at fai place and placed the otber naif in serious jeopardy. Ths farm bands sdjoinlng tbe river on tbe west Bide hsve been badly damaged, gravel and sand to a depth of one foot covering hundred of acres of valuable corn and meadow land. Tbe water is higher than at any period since the flood of im. MrCaalt Kaaaalteaas has. I a ale. 11 COOK. Neb,. March 14 (Special Tele gram.) McCook republicans named the following city ticket this cenlng: Mayor, C. E. Eld red; clerk. C 1. Hall: treasurer, A. C. Ebert; city engineer, C. H. Meeker; nnuncilmen, First ward. 3. E. Kelly; Sec ond ward. R. M. Oabora: members school board. W. E. Perry and C. W. Barnes: city central committee. A. Barnett, W. T. Coleman. C. L Hall and C. B. Gray. Caaaty draaal O Bar era Bleat, WEST POINT. Neb., March 14 t Special ) A convention of school officers of this county was held here Wednesday under the direction of County 6 u pen men dent Stahl. and waa attended by ever l(tu di rectors. The object bf Ui falbertsf was Drink Uabh Permanently Cured WITHOUT THE PATIENT'S KNOWLEDGE! OKXTJTT ts B pivaratlne baa.d na weTt swewa saedleal -Uic!it .nd prepaiwe iiy eucnasu uf Biany )n .taauiuc It u t.e anw. MMirieM, roktrteM mum euUivly wltamit .nr las efforts WB.trver. It rn Br gives Is water, mux, t ar cuhs, w lUiuut Utt pa- la Bat nn tbe reaving tnr bnaor la not s suere 1. tilt but s da... rwquini, aiore xumu wlli-se.er to em. iu a. mmtU9Af f uarmmne tbat 'Oa.EJST" will dratluj .U aar. laa .1 cnsolie itiauaati Is .or lorai. auS w. wlii wmiunA taa atay siumid it f.u 1 a, but It arwr tain: It tuae. up uw it mi I (tin. Sw sd ftwrnm s searty .PHftlL. slid guild Svatlaa. Me.tly aerv aula tultoW US UM. SMM'.en mm 1 SDftflS fre cm viueat. "CUltl" mt wlii r uw w. fi. T. V.. satihr BMsa, riwvrmri iiiirbekrua, aiemlvrs mt ta. 1 . at. C. a., mmi UauuiuuKl. rA ntkrf. BLr. B. r. Bm-tk. Frewdmt nt a T. luuitB Twrunmd Cmtmrmntom fm.. asbluriiM.. Ii. mrnirm: " umcn-u. rm hmm n,u tuiA.v mw alaeev.tlne af tBe m om tlrrtul .,.rr mt ,nut r.'mK)r tnr skeaauitam. I envy yn ta. r WwrtDBIlMS ,mm haw ta ttng y-j, Upara a atalta t. wiaasiad buy yua awn la (at " wr si fr box d boxes roi g& Kent is pal. M Mxup, .U e1i.r(a Biep.id,.lv ('ILBVISC CO. BUiUaiiig, Hu. Sngua. II. c aui. ul NiauaM by kkrraa. A Bt-4 aaaell tra t a, 4Ma aad Iadae kta, tlaaalaa. lB t iu riiTwi:uuu lUBKituieuf v uico a ciiartctt. Pary mntboC of treatnMut 1; chronic CUR-aM samotbing tuora tban any cue spwtiallfit or anv sunibnr of excialiiti acuug ldbpcuoetijt oouid da, sa tire Mate Itself, usdnr tiie powers granted It by lif general laws, gae tl power to lue Pnyalcian' Iostiiuie (o f ornish to tbe aici; Sarh bolp a would make ttieai w.u and sLruug. hvur Slut It establish nieul tti IiutiluU; im endeavored in evory puaaliue way u curry out t lie original purTKwos of 1: eittUjiiaUmeiil Uioor tue tiouuiioi'tut law uf the rHm Three year ago, the J'bvsielnmr I'istltute, realizing tb vaiueof eletric:lry l tiie treutnjent d oertaiB phases of diwiaan, creatad ' tiari mo uuenuu ndoijoe of 1 i0 of specuuista an oieatric btiit. aud lull belt hat bx. proved to I of great value as a curative atrent. J"'run time to tun It baa been improved until It readied that slags vt iMirfectluu which warranted its tirnannt name of "hupreoie. Tiu bell u lit mlnflctiVB of all agent in the eur of rnmuuatism, lumbago, lame i at k., urv Ciu eabauallon. weaAeuod or lont vita! 1 auction. varit'.nuuMi, alaney Oiaordart aud many uuwt omiJiaUila, 'J hu "r.uprsme Eectrlo Bett" i made In on padeonly lutiguage tiiw ! no better akictrio belt niacia and iu better bolt eun be made. V bstievar In tne oulun of our s'jifl of pciai. bit tii wonclctrtu curative and revttaliz.ij turoe of oiactriciry will cure you w send you, free uf all oust, one of these huprem Ctectri J-elta li Is but anut os trial, it u yuurt to kep forever without the payment til oueonuL This genarou oiler may be wluidrawn at ary time, aa ou stiouid writ to-day tor tLU free Stiirroms tectnc BeU"' to tte Pbvaicuuit' at uqb Idaauule Temjua, Chloagji, ijm. r.a2. Every Woman atvr tftvsmiv tr-iv-rvw aVwf4-i Ub VUisBasarflll .- MOM r in illlalBBl. f: um. ti-j. aasOsB aun;i for i JaWaVldMl In hi. Ibbb 1. Tm liaii rtlriur lab 1 ""H tTJ--ruiUshlM tt toitlBBBV MtriLI 4 J" OS 34- At Ui 6CHAEFEK E ll I ItUG FTOKI IT W rTlj4 MMiHHf UatB ttl bVsV. nrspi m l"f at On.alia.