THE OMAHA DAILY TIEEt SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 1003. Tell. 61I-IP1 1 1 o i IV" lu lOUMUt'l uie luiuutin in iur j;uuus vt; IJjvG sell. For instance, take thin extraordinary t vnlne in fine all wool Mack voile, never more wanted than rigbt now. $1.35 Quality on Sale Monday at 98c a yard One of this season's handsomest fabrics. In other words, the special sales Thompson, Ilcldcn & (V. have, does not rely on a lot of dress goods for these sales that are unsaleable, or have proven themselves "stickers.'' If you expect to attend this sale, you must come early, or you will be disappointed, as the quantity is limited. On sale Monday morning, 8 o'clock. Tikieii?ki.1eli5)Eki Y. M. C. A. Building, Corner Sixteenth and Douglas St GERMANS SEEK RECIPROCITY When Cuban Treaty is Ratified Kiiser Will Ask Some Privileges. FEARS AMERICAN MONOPOLY IN WEST Berlin t.overnment Thinks It I.lkeljr I'nlted Statea May Corral All Xevr World Market by Similar I I'rotocola, ! BERLIN, March 14. Ge rmany wishes to ecu re a reciprocity treaty with Cuba nnd the I'nlted State similar to that now pend ing between the two republics. The re quest will be made as soon as the pending treaty Is ratified. It Is also Intimated that other governments intend to request the tame reatment. While annoyed at the lower tariffs granted Vnlted States trade, no one su poses that even a collective protest on tbo part of the continental countries would Cause either the Vnlted States or Cuba to frecedo. But Germany's position is to be 'defined clearly, so that the United State's may not complain when Germany gives Other nationa preferential treatment. The chief fear la that should the Cuban treaty be accepted nnd work well, similar treaties may be arranged by the United States with Mexico, Braitl and Argentine, ultimately resulting in America obtaining a monopoly of all the new world markets. HIGH PRAISE FOR AMERICA French Commissioner Hae ft r cat Idea of the Future of This Conn try, (Copyright, 1903, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, March 14. (New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram.) "The time la not far diatant when America will fulfill GladBtone'a prophesy and play a part in human affairs which will make her the queen of the twentieth century without ef fort, for, by the logical development of their faculties, the Americana are destined to guide the human race. Therefore, there la an immediate and preaalng lntereat for Old France to make the acquaintance of Toung America." Bo aays Lazare Welller, who lately vis ited the United Statea officially at the re Quest of the French government to atudy our Institutions and note the causea of America's progreaa and prosperity. Mr. Welller baa come hack enthusiastic over what he saw and will soon print his Im pressions in a book entitled "Great Ideas and a Great People." In his preface Mr. Welller scores Paul Bourget for an unjust analysis of the Amer ican people, charging him with being af fected, cruel and caricaturing. Mr. Welller aaya Mr. , Bourget was re ceived by American society with "charm ing cordiality and the sumptuous delicacy which transforms the social centers In the United Statea Into veritable paradises, where enchanting surprises vie with wealth and beauty," yet on his return to Europe he "criticised bis hosts in a manner which Justly offended them." WEDDING DID NOT PAY DEBT Queer Combination of Lot and rlaanee In Which French Mer chant Is Involved. (Copyright, 190, by Tress Publishing Co.) PARIS, March 14. (New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) A merchant in Rue Royale. embarrassed In his affairs, went to a money lender, who advanced him 16,000. But his affaire went no better and be found that he could not pay. Then the money lender said to him: "I could prosecute- you and make you declare yourself bankrupt, but will not. You will marry my daughter. She lovea TTV T rouble Gave 'all the trouble of making chll dren's and girls' dresses. Fine as sortment now of girla" ready-to-wear dresses In Piques. Uon, Tolls du NorJ, . OlnghamaS Also Wootoiu We want every mother of glrla to aae these serviceable nd pretty thlnga. Prlcee range from 3 for little morn ing; dreaaea to $1200 for man-tallored woolen aulta for the larger girls. DENSON tVTHORNE'S Catalogue ready. 1618 Douglas St. Ik Mi ilESrM, We close Saturdays at p. m. Bee, March 15, IMS. Special Sale That Counts... One of t lie ensk'ut and aurest ,wnys to judge of the real merit of our special Hale, 1. A !.!.. 11. 1 4 .. I il. 1 you. I will give your debt as a dot." The merchant wedded the daughter, but did not live with her. There were vexa tious scenes followed by a divorce. Then the money lender put some of the notes he held against bis son-in-law In the hands of a collector. Driven to the wall, the merchant has now taken the affair Into the courts. DEFIES THE SOCIAL LEADER ' Mr. Keppel Cornea Oat Winner In Contest with Iucness of Devonshire. (Copyright, 1903, by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON. March 14 (New York World Cablegram.) Special Telegram.) Mr. and Mrs. George Cornwallla West, the latter better known aa Lady Ran dolph Churchill, are going to New York at the end of March on a busi ness trip. Young West has a good position In the Electro-Mobile company hure, about which he wlshea to aee the principals. Mr. and Mrs, George Keppel are going on the same steamer. They were originally to have stopped with W. C. Whitney, but It Is said that be cabled that, owing to a change in his arrangements, he could not accommodate them. ; ' Mra. Keppel and the duchess of Devon shire had words at Newmarket a few weeks ago, It haa leaked out, over a game of bridge, and Mrs. Keppel atood up to the domineering duchesa in a way to which the i latter was unaccustomed. Mra. Keppel got the king on her side, and there was a distinct coolness between, him and the duchess. At the Sandowne races laat Sat urday the king did not speak to the duch esa nor Invite ber to luncheon at bis table, and she left early. But at hla wedding an niversary ball he made up with the duch ess, brought ber and Mra. Keppel together, and apent the evening playing bridge with the duchess and Mrs. Keppel and one of bis equerries. TOWER ' BECOMING POPULAR Ambassador to Berlin Propose tm Ret Ip Extensive Estab- Hshnaent. - -c? . (Copyright, 1900, by Preaa Publishing Co.) BERLIN, March 11 (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) United States Ambassador Charlemagne Tower contemplates, It la said, not only renting one of the finest palaces lox Berlin, but rivaling the Russian ambaasador. Count Osten-Saoken, In gorgeousness of equipages and number of liveried attendants; Mr. Tower promisee to become the moat popular American repreaentattve ever ac credited to Berlin, the German press as serts. He speaka German fluently, but what hae moat lmpreaaed the Oermans Is the promptness and readiness with which he took bis children away from a Swiss school to place them in a German estab lishment. The ambassador received part of his education In a South. German town and is fond of comparing notes with the Ger man on acbool affairs. LOOKING UP THE PROPHESIES If They Come Tree Cardinal Gottl Will Be the Saeceaaor of Pope Leo. (Copyright, 1902, by Press Publishing Co.) ROME. March 14. (New York World Ca blegram. Special Telegram.) Although the pope's health is now normal, his recent illness Is caualng keen speculation as to who will be his successor In the papal chair. 8t. Malacbi'e prophealea are being dis cussed, and it Is found that he foretold that the next pope would wear the device. "burning fire." A blazing torch occura conspicuously In the arms of Cardinal Gottl, the aalntly Capuchin monk, whom Pope Leo la said to have designated as bis successor. It is further foretold that the neit pope will have a specially peaceful and proa parous reign. MAKES AMENDS FOR AFFRONT Wllllaiu Waldorf Astor Pralaea Man Ho Ordered Ont of Ills Hoaae. (Copyright. 1903, by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON, March 14. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) William Waldorf Aator'a paper, the Pall Mall Gasette, haa selied the promoting of Sir Archibald Berkeley Milne (whan. Mr. Astor ordered out cl his bouse two seaaona ago because be came uninvited with the counteaa of Oxford) aa the occasion for printing a series of special articles praising Milne, speaking of kl.m aa one of the very few naval officers who enjoy the personal friendship of the king. Thta attempt to make amende to Milne for the affront shows bow keenly Mr. Astor haa been made to feel the effeeta of his bruequeaesa. CLUB FOR THE DEAF AND DUMB Queer Social Organisation Which Ei lets la Latin Quarter of Pnrla. (Copyright. 190. by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, March 14 (New York World Ca. blegram Special Telegram.) There la i club to the Latin quarter of Paris com posed entirely of deaf mutes. Among the members Is a veteran of an Indian war In America, whoa tongue waa rut out by eav agea and whose deafness resulted from wounds Inflicted about the head during an encounter with the redskins. Not only are the members of the dub unable to speak or hear, but everybody about the plaoe la in like condition, lnatead of summoning e resets with a bell, the membera call tnem by electrle contrivance, which gives OLDEN STATE IS PILED Omaha Han ii Maimed in Santa Fe Bail . .v . 1 waj Smash. FIVE WRECKED TRAINS SLAY TEN Many tastes Lead to Fatal Craahea on Railway Ltaes In Different Parte of the tolled Statea. KANSAS CITY, March 14. The Golden State limited, eastbound, on the Rock Isl and system, due In Kansas City last night, collided head-on Juat outside of Dwlght, sixty miles west of Topeka, at 8 o'clock this morning with westbound passenger No. 3, which left Kansas City laat night. Both englnea were badly damaged, and the baggage and mall rare and the smoker on the westbound train were telescoped. None of the other cars on the westbound train left the track. None of the cars on the limited were derailed or damaged, and that train continued on Ita trip east after a few hours' delay. Engineer Love of the westbound train waa killed. Three other membera of the westbound crew i end fifteen passengers in the westbound smoker and the engineer and fireman of the limited were injured. Dead and Injured. The dead: W. H. LOVE, engineer, Kansas City. Dangerously Injured: O. W. Blood, express guard No. 3, To peka; both legs broken and body bruised. O. B. Thompson, baggageman No. 8, Kan sas City, Mo., hip and back badly brulaed. Walter Berkley, mall clerk No. 8, Kansas City, Mo., bead and aide bruised. Slightly Injured: George Scott, limited engineer, Kansas City, Kan., neck and back sprained. W. P. Henry, Lob Angelea, Cel., neck sprained. N. A. Weeks, Stevens Point, Wla., nock wrenched. D. B. Ingram, Omaha, neck and back sprained. W. J. Ford, fireman, Kanaaa City, Kan., rlba broken. C. H. Kennedy, mail clerk, Kansas City, Kan., body bruised. John Stubbs, Miami, Okl., bead cut. F. M. Johnson, Junction City, Okl., badly bruised. Mrs. N. Eonen, Rapso, Okl., leg bruised. Wesley Myers, Oregon, Mo., neck sprained. A. T. Bower, Oregon, Mo., neck sprained. H. A. Garpenfeld, Geary, Okl., forehead brulaed. Collision on a Teaaa Road. EL PASO, Tex., March 14. A passenger and freight train on the Galveston Ban Antonio, railroad collided to day west of Sierra Blanca. Both engines were demolished and the mall car and two freight cars were damaged. Lee Holmes, fireman on the passenger train, and a negro tramp were killed. Injured: George W. Daly, passenger conductor. O. M. Malloy, freight fireman. Mall Clerk Klbbe. Klbbe was Injured about the bead. The. extent of the others' Injuries is not known. Four Die on Chesapeake at Ohio. A local engine collided with a freight train In the Chesapeake ft Ohio yards this morning and four men lost their lives. The accident happened about daybreak, a heavy fog prevailing at the time. The dead: FIREMAN PURVIS. BRAKEMAN MOONE. CONDUCTOR GLASS. WILLIAM M'SHERRY. i '' Engineer'' Munroe waa severely Injured, but will recover. Switchman Killed at Toledo. TOLEDO, O., March 14. In a wreck dur ing a heavy fog today Switchman Julius Wall of Columbus, waa Inatantly killed and Abraham Cook of Eaat Toledo and an un known man aerloualy Injured. The Hock ing Valley freight englnea were demolished. . Spilt Switch Caaaea m Wreck. CORBIN, Ky., March 14. The Louisville ft Nashville's Jellico and Corbln train was wrecked by the splitting of a switch while entering the Corbln yards today. Walter Graves, a merchant of Woodbine, Ky., was Injured and Mrs. Tom Hudson and her 12-year-old daughter of Jellico were fatally Injured. Lonnle L. Dennis, the colored evangelist. Monday night. PLANS WESTERN TRIP (Continued from First Page.) president to place htm at the head of the rerisua office. Nebrasksns In congress have not opposed the selection of Mr. Mercer, bat, they are decidedly unwilling to have his appointment charged to that state. If It can be prevented they will have no- fault to find with his selection to succeed Mr. Merrlam." Preparing; Morton Monument. Rudolph Evans, the sculptor, Is In Wash ington engaged In preparation of a memo rial . monument to be erected In Morton park of Nebraska City In memory of the late J. Sterling Morton, former secretary of the Department of Agriculture. The monument la to be placed by the Arbor Day Memorial association aa a tribute to the founder of Arbor day. Humphrey la Slated. It Is regarded aa practically certain that the president haa determined to nominate Colonel Charles S. Humphrey of the quar termaster's department of the army as quartermaster general, with the rank of brigadier. The president has given aome thought to tha suocessor to General M. I. Ludlngton, retiring quartermaster, ' and from a vaat amount of good material has about decided on General Humphrey. M. F. Stanley, an attorney of Aurora, Neb., Is In Washington enroute to his boy hood borne in Virginia. The president today nominated William T. Adams to be register and John A. 8wen son receiver at Landock, Wyo. This Is a reappointment for Mr. Adams and Mr. 8 wen son succeeds Mrs. Williams, who haa held office four and a half years and de clined a renominatibn. Senator' Warren said both appointments were excellent ones. Roatlae of Departments, A postofflce haa been established at Bushnell, Kimball county, Neb., with Charles F. Snyder aa postmaster. The poetoStce at Leando. Van Buren county, la., has been discontinued. These rural tree delivery letter carriers were appointed today: Nebraaka Norfolk, William O. Oioam, regular; Charles PUlger, substitute. Wayne, Fred Lovttt, regular; W. T. Lovltt, aubatltute. Iowa North English, Jeaae F. McCalla. regular; Ernest T. Graham, aubatltute. Radcliffe, Oliver i. Wlldman, regular; Jen nie 8. Wlldman. aubatltute. Stratford, Leroy A. Larson, regular; Charles E. Lar son, suSstttute. The comptroller of the currency baa de- claret Cedar Raplda, la., a reaarve city The First National bank of Omaha has been - approved ae reserve agent for the Custer National of Broke Bow, Neb., and the Western National bank of the i nlied Statea of New Tork for the Cltlxena Na tional of Cedar Falls, la. RATHBONE ATTACKS WOOD Claims Military Governor Acted t n falrly la Fa men a Corrnp. tlon Trial. WASHINGTON, March 14. Estes O. Rathbone, formerly director of posts at Havana, who was convicted of misuse of funds, but psrdoned under the general sra nesty proclaimed by President Palma when he assumed office, baa made public a state ment of his case. This ststement was ad dressed to Senator Piatt (Conn.). Mr. Rathbone haa been earnestly urging that action be taken upon his case, and now that rongreas has adjourned, he has decided to make public his statement. In It ha aaya: I anted as a cltlxen of the Vnlted States tinder the direction of the rostofflce de partment at Washington In pursuance of a treaty which was and Is part of the law of the United States, ami In the course of the performance of my official duties I waa charged with high crimes and mis demeanors and waa tried in that foreign country, by a tribunal appointed by and acting under the authority and direction of the military governor of Cuba. I contend that It was the duty of the government of the United Statea to se cure for me a fair and Impartial trlnl under usual and regular rules of Judicial procedure, for the official acta performed under its appointment, direction and au thority. I was subjected to trial by arbitrary and unusual mode of trial contrary alike to original laws of Cuba and the fundamental principles of justice. The proceeding which led to my con viction waa not a Judicial proceeding, but a special proceeding directed by the mil itary governor of Cuba, who Issued orders, Instructions and communications to the courts from time to time according to the exigences of the case. I did not have a fair and Impartial trial. By letters ef Instruction communicated to the trial court, I authorised the use as evidence In the case of exparte depositions taken In the United Statea on behalf of the government. Illegal evidence u used against me, notably hearsay and exparte affidavits. Witnesses were not summoned in m v be half. In violation of article vl, amendments to the constitution. The military governor had full authority to appoint and remove membera of the Ju diciary at will. Items of expenditure In my accounts which he held to be Improper he admitted as proper items In the accounts of military and other officials, Including his own. I waa convicted of conspiracy upon the uncorroborated testimony of an alleged co conspirator. W. H. Reeves, who was a defendant on trial upon the same charge. DAY MAKES GOOD ' PROGRESS Attending Doctor Considers Jo dare's Condition Satisfactory aad Encouraging-. WASHINGTON. March 14. Dr. Hardin, Justice Day's physician, this morning is sued the following bulletin: Justice Day had a fairly good night. His condition continues encouraging this morn ing. At 2:30 this afternoon there was no change in Justice Day's condition. He is reported to be comfortable and no unfa vorable symptoms have developed. Shortly after 11 p. m. Dr. Hardin Issued the following bulletin: Mr. Justice Day has spent an encourag ing day and hla symptoms continue favor able this evening. LOSES LIFE SAVING "OTHERS Minneapolis Man Rescues Wife and Baby, bnt Dies Succoring; Little Boy. MINNEAPOLIS, March 14. After hero ically rescuing bis invalid wle and. two days' old child ' from his - burning house, John McLaughlin risked bis life again to save bis 8-year-old eon and both met death In the fire. - -- Mr. McLaughlin was, awakened early this morning by smoke and found bis bouse In flames. Wrapping his wife and infant daughter In a blanket he rushed from the house and" carried them in safety to a neighbor's. He returned to the burning dwelling, where hie son was Imprisoned, but bad barely reached the boy when the roof fell. . .. Father and son managed to crawl to the door among the burning em bers, where they were found and carried to the hospital, but both died this after noon. ' To Investigate the Horse Disease. STURGIS. 8. D.. March 14. (Special ) State Veterinarian J. P. Foater expects to visit the Black Hills this spring to look Into the horse disease now preTalent. At the auggeatlon of H. B. Perklna of this city who saw blm at Pierre, he will he here in time to attend the stock meetings at Belle fourche and Rapid. State Veterinarian Dr. S. D. Brimhall of Minnesota will ao company blm, and both will probably ad dress the meetings. An expert from Wash ington, Dr. Mohler, from the bureau of an imal Industry, will also be present and the state veterinarian of Nebraaka baa been Invited. South Dakota Cattle Loaaea, STURGIS. S. D.. March 14. (Special.) Thomae O'Brien of Pedro Is In the city. He confirms the reports of too much crusted snow all winter out there, and thinks the big cattle outfits who have stock between where he lives and the Missouri will loae a great many head. Vaaderbllt Buys More Land. MINEOLA. Long Island. March 14 Wil liam K. Vanderbllt, Jr.. haa added another large tract to hla great holdings of real estate about Succesa lake, In North Ham stead, ills agents have Hied in tlio county clerk'a office transfers of about 110 acres. The land adjoins hla present estate and, It is said, waa Included In the plans for improvements originally made. SHE flADE A CHANQE. A Charleston Mother Did So with Ad vantage to Herself and Children, A mother living In Charleston, Mass., the happy poasessor of four children, writes: "Every fell and winter I have laid in a stock of cough remedies, croup mixtures aad throat medicines for my children, for somehow or other they never seem to be free from colds, coughs or sere throat. This fall I made a change in the usual program. I had myself been cured of sn ob stlnate catarrh, from which I had suffered for years, by Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, and ss they were pleassnt to take, I determined to try them with my children. Our family physician told me be knew them to be per fectly safe and nothing better could he used for catarrh, coughs and colds. So I gave tbem to the children and have continued to do so ever since, whenever there is the least sign of croup or sore throat, and I no longer dread the approach of cold weather as I ones did. Stuart'a Catarrh Tableta not only cured me of chronlo naaal and throat catarrh, but they have saved me many an anxioua night with my little ones. Ths children like the taate of them and It la really wonderful how qulrkly they will break up a eroupy cold or an obstinate, deep-seated cough." People who have used sprays, lobalera, aalvea or washes for catarrh and bsve found how useless tbey are will be agrue ably surprised at the results following the use of a pleasant, convenient Internal rem edy tn tablet form. Druggists every where admit that Stuart's Catarrh Tableta, which aell for to cents for full slsed "tel.-- age. Is the safeet, moat effective an popu lar of catarrh medicines. SPOONER DEFENDS TITLE Claimi New Panama Company Amply Able to Sell Conoeuion. SAYS COLOMBIA HAS RECOGNIZED CHANGE Franchise Has Been Sold Twice and Is Now About to Be Bought la Similar fashion by I'nlted States. ' WASHINGTON, Marcn 14. Without transacting any buslnesa the senate today went into executive aesalon. Previous to the closing of the doors the official stenographers and all the employes of the official offices were sworn to secrecy and one of the newspaper representatives was Invited Into the chamber to make a detailed report of the proceedings, with the understanding that It should be published after the vote. , Spooner Replies to Morsian. Senator Spooner occupied Ave hours In reply to Senator Morgan's opposition to the csnal treaty. Much of bis speech was legal in l's char acter, designed to sustain the validity of the canal title. He said there could be no doubt that the company came legiti mately Into posseaelon of the canal conces sion and ha7lng so acquired the property bad an undoubted right to transfer It to the United States or sny other purchaser. Passing to Senator Morgan's religious fear, he said under that treaty there would be no pretext for the interference by Colom bian autborttlea with the religious conduct or affiliations of Americans In the canal sone. He ridiculed the idea that by mak ing a treaty with the government the United Statea could bo accused of taking a position against the minority party In the country with which the agreement was mad. Traces Canal History. Returning to the validity to the title, Senator Spooner traced the history of the liquidation concerning the concession through the Frencb courts. Beginning with the transfer of the original concession to M. De Leaseps in 1879, he aald in 1883, when the company organized by De Leaseps became Involved, the courta Intervened and after appointing a liquidator authorized the organization of a new company, which Is the company from which the United States secures its title; that the new com pany was recognised by a law passed by the Colombian government In 1830, which confirmed the original concession and mado provision for payments of stock and money to Colombia. Other subsequent ae'a of the Colombian government were such as to leave no doubt of a perfect understanding between It and the new canal company. Towards the oloso of his address Senator Spooner was questioned by a number of democratic senators particularly Senator Morgan. In reply he aald there were some features of the treaty be would prefer to have other wise, but the terms were the best it had been possible to secure, and hs believed expediency demanded (bat the treaty bo accepted. Senator Depew referred to the criticism that the canal would be Injurious to rail road intereats and said that as a railroad man he was thoroughly convinced that such would not be the case. On the contrary, the construction of the canal would stim ulate all lines of business and tbe railroads would share in that prosperity. Senator Bacon and Senator Morgan of fered a number of amendments which will be voted on on Monday. COLOMBIANS OPPOSE . TREATY Vice President Reyes Thinks Amer ican Interpretation Has Aroased Hostility. COLON, March 14. General Rafael Reyes, vice president of Colombia, who reached the Isthmus two days ago from Mexico, was Interviewed here today. Questioned concerning the canal treaty, he spoke guardedly and did not appear dis posed to discuss its terras or the proba. blllty of Ita ratification by the Colombian congress. He seemed to believe, however, that the interpretation the United States put on obligatory rights to maintain free transit across tbe isthmus and its pro posed manner of enforcing these rights bad created an unfavorable impression throughout Colombia. The politlclana who would be called upon to decide the (ate of the treaty would not be likely to forget, he said, the humiliating Incidents which occurred during the recent insurgent hostilities. Oeneral Reyes tp no way expressed him self as opposed to the construction of the canal. by the United Statea FIGHT FATALDUEL FOR LOVE Indiana Men Slay Each Other to Decide Their Claims to Girl. BRAZIL Ind., March 14. Information waa received here today of a fatal duel be tween James and John Gibbons, na tives of Bra '.11. Both young men were In love with Ml:ia Zora Cornell. They bad Joined a survey or's corps in Mississippi and while In camp began to talk about Miss Cornell. K'ni; drew a weapon and challenged Glbbona to a duel. Gibbons aocepted. and, stepping a few paces from tbe camp, both opened fire. After several shots had been ox changed both fell mortally wounded. LOSES BROOCH AT A DINNER Detectives of San Francisco Pastled to -Account for Diaappearanre of Valuable Jewel. SAN FRANCISCO, March 14. The deteo tlves of thla city are puzzled to account for the disappearance of a diamond brooch valued at $5,100, the property of Mra. Franklin of Chicago, a gueat of tbe Palaoe hotel. The brooch was lost at a private dinner party at an uptown hotel and no clue to its whereabouts has yet been obtained. LOCAL BREVITIES. John Barrett, hostler st the police patrol barn. Is one of the proudest sons of Erin in Omaha. He has received a consignment of shamrocks gathered In the bugs of the Emerald Isle. He has distributed them among hla Hibernian friends on the fores that they may make the proper display Tuesday morning. , Oeorge S. Wright la a man who won't take a dare. Wright accepted the chal lenge of William Carlea Saturday afternoon In knocking a chip from the latter'a shoul der. Cerlea then landed on Wright with telling effect, compelling the use of the patrol wagon In getting nlm to the station fur repairs, both men are boarders at tha Elkhorn Valley house and are charged wltti fighting. William Dunn, tbe bartender of the Ar cade saloon, who was charged with the larceny of $190 from a guest named Orlffiii. which had been placed in hie care the even ing the hotel waa discovered on tire, was released from custody Saturday. During the afternoon Deputy County Attorney Magney apieared before Police Judga Herka and moved that the proceedings be dismissed Tha court austalned the motlin and issued 4.H order for Dunn a dUcnarge, providing he return the cash belonging to Urlfflu. CONVENTION 0F MILKMAIDS Rnth Rrhekah l..uc Knterta tns Its Friends at u I nlque He-eeptlon. In Odd Fellows' ball yesterday evening Ruth Rehekab lodge No. 1 gave one of Ita frequent and enjoyable parties. The nearly S00 guests present were treated to a comedy aketch In plare of the usual program which precedes the dancing. This skit, which was of about an hour's dura tion, waa called "The Interstate Milkmaid' Convention," and the characters all wore pink and white costumes of the pattern ascribed to milkmaids and carried milking stools and palls. The c-halrtnald of tho convention was Mrs. F. B. Nlchnla, the secretary, Miss Anna Nelson, and the treas urer, Mrs. Thomas Hamlin. Mesdames Thompson, F. Swanson. II. Miller, H. 1. Blnnrhe, King, Llddell, C. A. Wagner, Schnellenbocker, Jones. Bright and C. L. Hamlin and Misses Hanson, Hetmrod, Jen sen, Nichols, Alwlne, Dillon, Prultt. Myer and little Miss Jones were the delegates. Besides there there were reporters, scenery and other accessories and a remarkable property cow said to be that of Mrs. OLesry of Chicago. Ffr refreshments milk and crackers were served. The dsnclng which followed the sketch was kept up until midnight. VAL BLATZ COMPANY BUILDS Will Erect I.argre Cold Storage House ad Stables on Douglas Street. Three lots on the northeast corner of Eighth and Douglaa streets were bought by the Val. Blatz Brewing company, through their western agnnt, T. J. Foley, on Satur day for $10,000. It Is the Intention of the company to build a two-story cold storage house and stables for the use of the cam. pany on thla ground. Plans calling for an expenditure of 140, 000 have been drawn un bv W. T. Meianer and ground will be broken early next week. tne Duiiding, which will be 1S2x99 feet. Is to be strictly modern in every detail. The local offices will be located In the building. At present tbe company is using the Omaha Cold Storage company's atorage rooms, but owing to its increased business It decided to handle In own storage busi ness. This Is a distributing point for the company's business throughout, Iowa and Nebraska and a portion of Wyoming. OMAHA HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. The second of the delightful senior socials was given Saturday afternoon. The tlrst floor of the new high school building waa fixed up magnificently. The stairs were hidden from view by heaps of pillows, and the parents, aa well as the seniors, had a most enjoyable afternoon. Nearly all the societies of the school were represented In attractive little coxy corners. The A. C. 8. had a beautifully decorated corner In orange and white, the society's colors. Miss Patteraon and Mlsa Mayall represented the society. The Elaine had an attractive booth, representing King Arthur's round table. Mies Moorhead impersonated Klalne and Miss Robinson, Lancelot. The Brown ing society's corner represented a Greek temple, Miss Clnrkson and Miss Krelder being the priestesses. The Natural History society had a very pretty little corner, represented by Miss Fleming and Mr. Hay ward. The P. O. 8.. Clio nnd Tartef nr. fleers' club were also represented by at- iracuve comers. The A. C. S. held an Important business meeting on Wednesday.. The election of officers took up a great deal of the time and resulted as follows: Madge Mayall was re-elected president; Winifred Perkins vice president; Florence Hlller, secretary; Beaale Murdock, treasurer. Edith Patter son and Madge Mayall were chosen to rep resent the society at the senior social. A very fine original poetical program will be given by the society on Friday next. Something new at the high school Is the "noon program," given during lunch period In one of the study halls. The numbers are rendered voluntarily and all have been most enjoyable. This week's program con elated of a chorus of ten girls, who sang "Molly Shannon" and "Under the Bamboo Tree,'1 a aelectlon by the violin quartet, a violin solo by Brnnson Shaddock, a vocal solo by Marian Hught and a vocal solo by Claire Gratton. A Spanish class Is being formed at the high school for the benefit of boys who wlah to study the language. This class will meet onoe a week at the close of school, under tho instruction of Mr. l'eltle. The Hawthorne society gave the third program in their study of American authors on Friday. March 6. The afternoon was devoted to Whlttler, and the following numbers were given before the members of the society: Itoll call, with response of membera by quotations from whlttler; "Life of Whlttler," Jessie Knee; "Whlttler g Religion as Seen by His Poems," Marlon Cochran; recitation, Florence Power; "Whlttler as a Poet of Nature," Janet White; recitation, Rachel Klein; "Whlttler aa a War Poet," Genevler Glover; recita tion. Lucy Dietrich; Whlttler's "Songs of Labor," Mabel White; "Whlttler's Bal lads," Ethel Berrka. The P. O. S. held their regular public meeting on Friday and the following en joyable program waa rendered: Instru mental, Cora Evans; recitation, Edna Cweeley; violin solo. Olive Carpenter; essay, Eva Murphy: vocal solo, Mrs. Ryan; flute solo, Louis Meyer; parody on "Psalm of Ufe." May Hall; vocal aolo, Janet Marrlot. Two second Junior basket bull teams have been formed, under the names of the "Blacks" and the "Whites." The former consists of Misses Klewlt, Wallace, Peth eram, TUlotson, Johnson and Buckley, cap tain. The members of the latter team are: Misses Eldrige, Bruin, Rogers, Mcintosh, McMannus and Wilson, captain- Room Rent Cnuaes a Row. There was a time at the intersection of Twelfth atreet and Capitol avenue last night. First there were wild cries of thief and murder and appeals for help. Officer Shepherd ran from a block away and saw a negro flying across the street a.i: fired his revolver Into the air as a warning to the miscreant to stop. He did not. hen the Jewish families living In the house at 14 wire asked to expluln they said that the negro had hired a room in the after noon, paying $2.26. He returned In the evening with a female companion, who waa drunk. She, seeing the room, conceived that it was not such as she had bm ac customed to and demanded the money back. The householdere seemed to have been afraid to refuae and gave her the money, which she went awsy with. Hence the outcry. Securea Opponent's Arrest. John Chmler. living at the Prague hotel, waa arrested Thursday evening and charged $60,000 Per Day This is the average sum paid daily to policy-holders by The Mutual Life Insurance Com pany of New York. Multiply that by a year and the wonde of the amount disappears when you learn how and where the largest accumulation of trust funds in the world is invested, as shown in "A Banker's Will." This book is sent on request. This Company ranks Pint I Aura. ftrtl Amaunl Paid Poliey-holden. Firil- Af. The Mutual Life Insuranci CV.mpanv of New York KicHASD A. McCvsov, Prssidsai. Nassau, Cedar, William and Liberty Bis., New York, N. Y. FLEMIU RHUS., Managers. Omaha, Arbr. Des Moines, lews. with fighting. Since his Mense from 1st he hna sworn out a wsrrntit rhargim; W I llam Krebs of 1' Bouth Thirteenth nit who was the other party to the fight, w assHtilt and battery. Krebs waa arrc1 jesterday evening. Kor lllaturblna; the Peace. Alice Parrls of 109 South Ninth atree' disturbed the peace of Saturdny evening bS loud and unusual nolfcs on the street t"Si waa arreated. Harry Hurke of 2o& NortS Eleventh street and Mrs Mamie ltlley o Eleventh street and Capitol avenue, win were also arrested, are susprcted of uain loud and profane language. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Plate Oil Inspector J. K. Hays of Llmoli Is In tho city, K. Schembrek of Itentrlce Is an Onnhr Visitor. C. II. Mitchell of Colorado Spr.nsi U visiting In Omaha. Phil Anrons of the lloston sitore left fol New York last night. ALL WOOL ?, 3.50 J2.50 No Mors No Less No More No Less BEFORE YOU GET YOUR SUIT or trousers made come to us and rxtunlne our poods nnd ninko. You linvp nothing to loso nnd nil to Knin. If tht-y inn make .nulls and t mutters for- auoh roasouitble prions in otlit-r rltics, why couldn't Omaha 1poi1o have the same? u!ok Boles and er.inll profits havo always wade sucopps, nnd tlint's what we nre doing. Wc fully Kunrnntoo tho ninke nnd quality. Mndo In Omaha. Grand Pants Co 205 N. 16th Street, NEW LIFE TO LIEN? Tbe Long Souight 'Elixir of Life" DIs. covered by C.erman nnd Knajlah Phyaletanai Mot Only Prolongs 1,1 fe, Rut Gives Man the Vigor and Vitality of a nail. Sample Sent Free To Any Man Whs Will Write For It. After years of resrtirch. eminent physi cians have nt last discovered a remedy which Is indorsed by the leading memliers of the medical profession aa permanent In Its effect. The principal Ingredient is an animal ex tract taken from healthy young hulls. It la scientifically prepared by the best chemists In the world. The reputation of the Institu tion is such that all phyelclans know when they stand sponsor for a remedy, that rem edy must be exactly as represented. And when upon their reputation they make the statement that Vitality Pills will cure all cases of lost manhood, spermatorrhoea, varicocele and weakness of any nature of the nerve or sexual orguns, a cure must be positive and permanent. This company will Bena every person wnu ih iuchuik m vimmy of the nerves or aexual organs a sample treatment absolutely free. There Is but one test for a genuine medicine, ana mat is me reaulta which are obtained by Its use; if it cures the disease for which it ia prepared, it Is a true remedy. This ia the test by which the Missouri Drug Company wish their sample free treatment to be tried. After using Vitality Pills for a short time a man will find new vigor In hla ortans, new force In his muBclea, new blood in his veins, new ambition; a new man in vitality, health and appearance. Vitality Pllla have a pe culiarly grateful effect and the patient feels the benefit after ita first day's uae. It goea direct to the seat of the trouble, no matter of how long standing, giving strength snd development where It is needed. This marvelous remedy banishes all feeling of basbfulnees toward the opposite sex, cures all the Ills and troubles that come from early abuse, excess of overwork and busi ness carea, all of which result In premature loaa of strength and memory, emissions, Impotence and varicocele. Vitality Pills will effect a cure at any age; there is no i as that It will not eure permanently, ex cept where epilepsy or ti.jurtty has already set In. The Missouri Drug Company makes no restrictions; every person wno writes will be vent a sample treatment, absolutely free and postpaid, carefully wrspped In a plain package with no advertising on It to Indicate what it contains. They have re ceived many letters from people all over the country, telling of the must ustunlahlng cures made by Vitality Pills. Their onu week free offer la genuine and no embar rassing questions asked. Write toduy to the Missouri Imig Co., 47 Broadway, St. l.i.uls. Mo., and receive the sample treat ment fri-e; their book, which Is also free and sent with the free treatment, will ex plain how to take the treatment in private and euro yourself at home. CURED BY WHITE RIBBON REMEDY No taste. No odor. Can be given In glass f wster, tea or coffee without patient s knowledge. White Klbbon Remedy will cure or de stroy the diseased appetite for alcoholic stimulants, whether the patient ia a con firmed Inebriate, a "tippler," social drinker or drunkard. Impossible for anyone to have an appetite foi alcoholic liquors after uaini: White Klbbon Kennedy. Indorsed by Meuiliera of W. C. T. I. Mrs. Moore, press superintendent of tbe Woman's Christian Temperance union (it Ventura California, writes: "1 have tested White Klbbon Kemtdy on very obsilnat drunkards, and the cures have beii many, in many casra the remedy was give;; secretly. I cheerfully recommend and en dorse White ltlbbou itemed v. Members our union are delighted to find an ecouuiir cal treatment to aid us In our teniperuii' work." Druggists or by mall, II. Trial pacX..t free by writing Mra. A. M. Tonnsind n, yesrs secretary a Woman's Chrlsiiin Ttnperance unm . lis Tren.oi'.t t , II imOU, Mass. .sold In Oi'ha by SCII&EFER'S Phom 'ii. W. Cor :8ih and Chicago, flood dellvared la any iiart ot our. Cuise DKIM them a slight shock. f