18 THE OMAHA PAILT BEE: SUNDAY, MAT1CII 15, 1003. FOR I,K RKAI, KSTATK. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. W e sell Real Estate also nsurance (fire and accident) L et us show you outbargains In L ands, Ranches, Houses and Lots. also care for and manage rental prop erties. Abstract orders are promptly filled. received and M ake careful property reports and appraisemeuts. ( ell and buy county and city war ) rants. I want your . o N orders for real estate investments and mortgages. The former will et you 7 to 12 per cent. The latter Si to 7 per cent. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 120? FARNAM ST. U. S. NATIONAL BANK BLDG., OMAHA, NEB. M'G'N'G AGT.U.S. NAT'L BANK BLDG. M, G. WELKER, Notary Public. HARRY S. SMITH, Clerk. C O. EDLING, Salesman. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. . BARGAINS IN . Real Estate Houses; to Rent. W. H. THOMAS LOANS A10NEY on Improved city pio;icrty In Omaha South Omaha and Council Bluffs; also loans on farm landu In Douglas and Sarpy counties. Writes Fire Insurance Jn reliable companies and cares for prop erty for resident or non-realdcnt owners. I also offer the following list of choice RESIDENCE PROPERTIES FOR SALE. No. 2670 Fan) am St., ground 55x152. 7 rooms, $5,000. No. 2666 Farnam St., ground 90x152. 13 rooms, $11,000. No. 3401 Center St., 8 rooms, $3,000, No. 1512 8. 34th St., 7 rooms. $2,500. No. 3405 Center St., 7 rooms, $2,500. No. 1.129 8. 28th St., 8 rooms, $3,000. No. 1326 3. 32d St., 9 rooms, $5,000. No. 632 8. 21at Ave., 7 roonw, $2,500. No. 533 S. 27th St., 8 rooms, $2,700. No. 532 S. 26th Ave., S rooms, $3,500. The outhwst corner 35th and Cuming, I lots, 8 roams, $3,700. No. 2615 S. Kth St., 8 rooms, $2,750. No. 2517 8. 15th St., 6 rooms, $2,750. No. 625 8. 29th St.. 9 rooma. $7,500. No. 2623 Chicago, 10 rooms, make offer. No. 1527 Chicago, 6 rooma, muke offer. No. 1311 8. SOth Ave., a very good real. Hence, desirable location, 10 rooms, $500 No. 1501 Qeorgla Ave., S rooms, $4,200. No. 88 Seward. S rooms. $2,500. No. 633-6 Park Ave., double frame modern house, $ room, ach. $7,00i. Choice vacant ground, 112x152 feet, front tg on Karnam, norlliweat corner 26th and farnam, $15,000. FOR RENT t-story and basement brick building, No 15 Howard St.. 8-room modern house. No. 635 Park Ave., $32 50. s-room modern house. No. 1719 Park Ave., $22.50. 8-room modern house, No. 17?!1 Park Av. W. H. Thomas 1st NationaLJtank Bui'ding. I tUu- FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. HARRISON 912-1 J N. Y. Life BIdg. Investments. Double brick building, near the Omaha club at 20th and Douglas streets, cost $7,000 to build, has 10 rooms In each house, besides vestibule, bath and furnace room. It Is well built, all modern and in good condition. Lot Is 56x132 feet. This loca tion Is the very brst, reliable tenants are always ready to take these houses, and the rooms are as desirable for renting ai Ucr Grand rooms. The rental value Is $1,080 per year and might be Increased. The total expense last year Including taxes, $5,000 Insurance and repairs was $2"0. Let us show you this building and figure It with you; 9 per cent net on such a property with every chance of Increase In value Is good. The price Is $9,ooo. Do you know of a better place to Invest your money? Residence Lots. Sightly corner, diagonally opposite Joslyn's 100 feet east front, on 40th, by 125 on Dav enport streets. Very few locations like this. Owner intended this for a beau tiful home, but change of business com pels him to sell. Price for a few days, $10 per foot, 37x100 feet, east front, one block from the new Barnard apartment house, Park Ave. and Leavenworth St., Just right for grade, only $700; act quickly. 60x140 feet, south front, on grade, good surroundings, three blocks from end of West Farnam car line; only $.150, easy terms. SPECIAL EXCURSION March 19, '03. WHY LEAVE NEBRASKA when you can buy an . IRRIGATED FARM with PERPETUAL WATER RIGHT at Bridgeport, on the North Platte, for .$2 5 per acre that yields 6 tons of alfalfa or 60 bushels of oats or 40 of wheat, rye and barley, equal to any land in the state. i DON'T MISS the opportunity. Leave Burlington depot 4:25 P. M. For tickets and other information see . W. H. GREEN, 40? N. Y. Life BIdg., . Omaha, Neb, THOMAS BRENNAN, REAL ESTATE AND LOANS... 309 SOUTH THIRTEENTH STREET Represents Eastern Capitalists who acquired title to Omaha real estate by foreclosure of mortgages, and who are now prepared to offer same for sale at extremely low prices. Loans made on improved Omaha real estate and Nebraska farms. S. M. SADLER, ABSTRACTS OF TITLE,- 1623 FARNAM ST., OMAHA. NOTARY PUBLIC. ROOM 7 PATTERSON BLK., PHONE 1326 Have had 30 years' experience, 18 years in Omaha. Have your Abstracts made and ex amined now. By waiting you may lose your property. ' SUCH CASES DO HAPPEN. If your title to your property is poor I will perfect it for you. DO IT NOW. FOR ALE REAL, ESTATE. & MORTON Telephone 314. Residences. or lo-room modern house, east front, n"ar Hanscom Park, on 324 Ave., extra large lot. 60x10 feet, paving and all spe cial taxes paid, $6,000. 8-room nearly new all modern house, with barn; lot Is 62 feet east front on 32d Ave., Just south of Hanscom Park. You would be pleased with this. The neighborhood is growing. Price, $.1,000. 6-room, new, all modern, oak finish house, lot 60x124 feet, east front on North boule vard, fine shrubbery In yard; a very complete little home, $2,500. Would cost considerably more to duplicate It, but owner Is making a change and must sell. 6-room, well built and well kept home, with large shade trees, on full lot, near 3oth and Oak streets. A bargain at $1.0iio, on easy terms. Can show you photo graph at the office. Rural Homes. 20 acres of the old Griffin grove, the pret tiest land around Omaha, very sightly and nearly level, covered with large walnut and evergreen trees that took yeara to grow. Money cannot duplicate this. Low est price. $4,200, Vi cash. We have offer of $4,000 on this, act quickly. Can sell 10 acres of the grove adjoining, with substantial 12-room house, beautiful shrubbery and flowers In yard; price, $0,000. This is a cool and restful place for yourself and family In summer, and yet only a mile, from Hanscom Park, or 3 miles from center of the city. Drive out with your family and look at this. Next summer you will envy the lucky fellow who has It. rus- FOR SALB REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE Business Property $80,000.00 for retail business property on 16th St., near Farnam. Responsible tenant will take 2o-vear lease and pay B'4, net, tenant paying all tuxes, Insurance and repairs dur ing life of lease. $33,OiiO.0O for 4-story and basement brick building, 1414 and 1414 Harney St.; rental $3,000 per year. $30,000.00 for 3-story and basement brick building, lot 44x132 feet, on Far nam between 12th and 13th Sta. $18,000.00 for 2-story and basement subxtan. tlal brick building, lot 60x150 feet, Nos. 413-415 and 417 N. 25th St., South Omaha. Rental $2,900 per year. $10,000.00 for 3-story and basement brick building, lot 22x132 feet. No. lois Farnam St. Rental $M) per year. $ 6,600.00 for 66x132 feet; rental $360 per year, Jackson St., between 11th and 12th Sts. Residence Property. $ 6,500.00 9-room modern house, lot 75x140 feet, with frontage on two streets, Park Ave., near Leavenworth. $ 6,760.00 9-room modern house, 36th St., near Farnum. $ 6,250.00 10-room modern house, lot 66x132 feet, leased $50 per mo. 3 blocks from Hlh school. $ 4,000.008 rooms, lot 66x132 feet, near High I school. $ 4,000.00 8-room modern house, 30th Ave., near Pacific. $ 3,600.00 9-room modern house, 2212 Locust street. . . $ 2,000.00 7-room house, 4212 Nicholas St. $ 1,475.00 7-room house, lot 33x132 feet, 2309 California St., opposite Crelghton college. Acre Property. $10,000.00 for 100 acres, Improved, Joining Benson, 8 miles N. W, of post office. $ 6,400.00 for 64 acres 4V4 miles southwest of P. O. and 3 miles from South Omaha. $ 100.00 to $200.00 per acre for 6 and 10 B.CW3 tracts near Omaha and South Omaha. George & Co., 1601 Farnam St., Omaha, or 417 N. 2Jth St., So. Omaha. Improved Property 5-room cottage on north Boulevard, partly modern, a nice little home, $1300. 5-room cottage, three fifty-foot lots, good location, $1300. 5- room cottage, city water, good lo cation, small lot, $750. 6- room cottage one block from paved street, two blocks from street cars, $900. Double brick, 8 rooms each, all modern and first-c.ass, close in, $7500. 8-room house, modern except furnace, good barn, large lot, on Boulevard, $2500. 8- room house on Boulevard, modern except furnace, $2000. 7- room modern house on paved street, south front, near car, large 50-foot lot, $2000. 10-room modern house, barn, two lots, corner, Kountze Place, a fine property, $5500. 9- room modern house, barn, Kountze Place, $4500. 8- room modern house and barn, Kountze Place, $4000. 10- room modern house, 22nd Street near Lake, good barn, $3500. . Corner of Burt and 27th Avenue, two 5-room cottages and room for another, $3000. Lot 50x132 on which are three houses, rents $43 per month, two blocks from court house, $3700. I. N. HAMMOND, 617 PAXTON BLK. FOR SALF RF.AL, K STATE. Alfalfa Farms & Ranches We make a specialty of bargains in alfalfa farms and ranches, but also have farms for sale in various parts of the states of Nebraska, Missouri and Kansas at prices that cannot be duplicated. Write us for particulars. Here are a few samples: "Johnson Farm" 480 acres 8 miles from Lexington, Neb.; 220 acres rich valley land; 75 acres In alfalfa; all fenced and cross-fenced with J good wires and red cedar poets; 100 acres fully paid up water right; fair Improvements. Price, $7,600. Several bargains In alfalfa and grain farms In Dawson county, Nebraska, ranglrg In lie from 160 acres up. Write for particu lars. The Baker Alfalfa Farm 330 acres Irri gated land, with perpetual water rights; 24 miles from good town In Platte vulley; all fenced and cross-fenced; 40 acres In alfalfa; 80 acres of other crops; all smooth. Irrigable land; good well and run ning water on farm. Price, only $17 an acre. A fine RO-acre farm, 2 miles from state capltol, Lincoln, Neb., near farm of W. J. Bryan. Send for description. Sample Missouri Bargain 280-acre farm, 7 miles from Appleton City; 200 acres In cultivation; 80 acres timbered; blue grass pasture; house, stable. 2 good wells, run ning water In pasture, small orchard. Only $22.60 an acre. Fletcher Real Estate Co., Immigration Agt., Burlington Route, 308 BEE BLDG., OMAHA. HOME FARM RANCH 11 be ev'r BO humn'e, there Is no place like a home." If you can't buy a 10,000 home, buy one for $1,200. If you have not saved up enough to make a small cash payment, economize for a few months and get started In the HOMEWARD direction and you will soon get there. If you want to BUY or SELL CITY PROPERTY either !n Omaha or elsewhere, or if you want to BUY or SELL a FARM OR RANCH In Nebraska or elsewhere, fill out the following Information blank and either call In person at our office or mall same to us, and we will find you what you want. HOMESEEKERS'. ASSOCIATION, First Floor N. Y. Life. "Phone 12. Omaha, Neb. If you want to SELL, fill out, cut out and mall this coupon today: 190 Homeseekers' Assoc. atlon, First Floor N. Y. Life Omaha, Neb. Please send without cost to me a plan for finding a cash buyer for my property, which consists of '. In the town or city of County of and State of and which I desire to selt for $ The plan Is to be based on the following brief description of the property Name ... Address IRRIGATED LANDS You need not wait for several years for government lands, under irri gation. 1 have the exclusive sale of many thousand acres of irrigated lands, In the Black Fork Valley, along the U. P. R. R., a few . miles west of Granger, in Wyoming. The land is first-class. The farmers now here get twice the Nebraska price for their produce, from the local stockmar and coal and oil miners nearby. Prices for lands and perpetual water rights. Only $12.50 per acre, on easy payments. There Is oil and coal under the lands, without doubt. Work is plenty for men and teams for those wanting to pay for their land this way. IRRIGATED LANDS IN NEBRASKA Near North Platte for sale for $15 to $25 per acre. OMAHA PROPERTY Lots on grade, 20th and Vinton $50000 Lots on grade. 23d and Oak 40.00 Lots, 18th. near Vinton 400.00 Lots, Castellar, near 13th 600.00 Lots. Hamilton, near 28th I0.00 Lot, Webster near 30th . 750.00 and other lots. - RESIDENCES Cottage and lot, 2009 Center , $ 760.00 0-room modern, Hanscom Place .5.000 00 10-room modern, large lot, fine shade, 601 S. 2Sth St.. 7,600.00 and o thers. . . . , ACREAGE 8 acres, Spring Vnlley $ 800.00 23 acres near this 2,700.00 6 acres, 42nd and Grover 1,600.00 1 acre near It 350.00 4-acre block on the hill, southwest of Hanscom Park verv sluhtiy. only 1,800.00 Formerly sold for $8,000.00. Have other acres, but these are the best bargains In the city. David C. Patterson, Patterson Block. J. H. JOHNSON, . . Real Estate Business Opportunities For Sale or Exchange 820 A.. YORK CO.. NEB., highly IMP., no better In BTATE, only $6u. 160 A.. ANTELOPE CO., NEB., good raw land (clear), at $16; prefer furniture busi ness. 480 A., ANTELOPE CO.. NEB well IMP.. $30, for OMAHA property or business. 620 A., ANTELOPE CO., NEB., good clear, at $12 and $1,000 cash, for nulae. 2,400 A., GRKELY CO., good raw, $12.50, for HARDWARE or HOTEL. 160 A., HITCHCOCK CO NEB.. IMP., at $16. Personal property, $800, for any good business. 160 A., BOYD CO., NEB., well IMP., $3,600. 1,000 A.. HITCHCOCK CO.. ALFALFA RANCH. $12.60. 2104 A., VIRGINIA PLANTATION, well IMP. and completely stocked, $100,000. What can you offer for this? ROOMING AND BOARDING HOUSES, 7 to 42 rooms, completely furnished, can be had reasonable, fine locations. MANY other lines of business not named in this list can be learned about at' my office. So tell me what you have to sell, And tell me what you want to buy, Then if I don't find you a deal, Why, you nr. ay say I never try. TLLtPHONfc L2270 J. , JOHNSON, N. Y. LIFt BUILDING FOR SALF REAL ESTATE. .... RANCHRS. I.5W acre, Including 3t acres fine alfalfa land and 120 acre good timber; Platte valley; Improvements worth $3,000. Price only $9,000, on terms. l,00-aere alfalfa ranch, in Republican River valley, well watered by river, springs, wells and windmills, and well Improved 100 acres now In alfalfa; all good alfalfa and grain land. Price, only $12.50 an acre: reasonable terms. 620-acre alfalfa farm. In Republican River valley, good rich soil, some timber, etc : Improved. Price, only $10 an acre. If taken soon. Mylander Ranch 1,549 66 acres, Platte River valley; highly Improved the Improve ments could not be placed on ranch for $6,000; plenty of alfalfa and wild hay, six full paid up water rights of 80 acres JiV'" K 'lth ,hl" lnd. A big bargain at 116, oOO, Duckworth Ranch 440 acres, on Medicine creek, 8 mllee from Stockvllle, KTontler county. Neb. The ash timber on thin One ranch would more than pav for ranch If cut on for posts and Are wood. Price, only $S,Goo. Write for description. RE If you want to BT'Y, fill out, cut out and mall this coupon today. 190 Homeseekers' Association, First Fluor N. Y. L.fe Omaha, Neb. With a view of buying, I desire informa tion about properties wh ch corresponJ ap proximately with the following specifica tions. Kind of property Size State City or County or part of state preferred.. The price must be between f and $ I will pay $..... down, and the balance Name Address RE For Sale or Exchange GEN'L ML EE. $3,000 to $23,000 in live Neb. and Iowa towns, for good Improved land. GROCERY 8TOCK8-$1.000 to $3,000, thriv ing towns. Good land will do. HARDWARE Clean and staple, $2,500 to M.uv. Cain and Improved land. D.RI'GS Select and up to date. $1,600 to $6,Pm Good Imp. land and cash. GROCERY AND MEAT $S,0o0, Omaha, fine trad. Your chance, see It. STEAM LAl NDHY-$l,5uO to $5,000. Good business flood land or Imp. property. SHOE STOCK-3.5(0. up to date, fine trade, lively town. Neb., bargain. JEWELRY Staple. $1.5u to $4,000. Good propositions: big discount. BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY $500 to $1 tfi; citv and live country towns. FIX) I RING MILI-60 to 75 bbla. capacity good business. $7,0"0 to $10,000, Imp. land and cash. , HOTEI.B 36 to 60 rooms, paying business, furniture for sale; splendid trade. FOR 8 AI.FJ RE AL F.STATK. Payne, Bostwick & Co. 6TH FLOOR N. Y. LIFE BLDG. ROOMS 601-2-1. 8prln Is upon lie. Now Is tha time t tv.iv Omaha real estate. Puy a home, sto'p paying rent. Money Is cheap. Head our bargains. Come and see us. $7,750 for a beautiful residence in Hanscom Park dlntrlct, 10 rooms with large attic, down stairs finished In hard wood, mantel, gas log, tin, reception hall, fine bath room, well equipped; Ave bed rooms, laundry In busement, good barn with man's room, drive way, paved street, permanent side walk, large porch with east front. $4,000 will buy a strictly modern, 8-room house, beautifully .nlslied and nicely decorated, full lof, barn, rear car. $2,000 for a S-room modern house, with paved street awd permanent sidewalk, all paid In fuil, at 25th and Franklin streets. $3,000 for a 7-room all modern house, In good neighborhood; owner will con sider good building lot as part pay ment. $2,f0 for a new 7-room modern house, In Hemls Park; owner very anxious to sell, needs money. This Is a snap. $3,750 for a ft-rooni all modern house, with two full lotw, In Dundee, line loca tion, one block from car. $2,000 will buy a 6-room modern cottage, with a full lot, on Farnam St.; $l,oou rash balance 6 per cent. $1,600 for a new 5-room house, with city water and sewer connection, electrlo light, south front, neur 24th and Ames Ave.; street car barn; terms. $Hk) down and the balance monthly payments. $2,000 for a 6-rocm modern house at 19th and Maple Sts; this Is a bargain. $1,160 for a C-room house at 3009 Corby St.; full lot; 100 feet from car line. O.800 for a 7-room housj at 2530 S ward St. ; easy terms. BUILDING LOTS. East front lot on 4th, near Davenport; sewer and city water In the street; owner very anxious to sell. Maka us an tffcr. Siuth front lot on Marcy St., near S3d,'on grade, for $500. Snap. On North 24th flt, lot 1GIx255 feet deep, for $2,200. This 1 a bargain. In Bemls Park, nice building lot for $550. 33d and Frankllf. on the Harney ar line, good ' lot for $350, with sewer In etreet. FARMS. 40 acres on "L" street. Just west of SoutH Omaha; lays fine, good roll; would miki fine place to feed stock. Sen us for fur ther particulars. 40 acres In eastern part of Nance county, 1H miles from Genoa. Improved: $1 per acre; owner will trade for Omarm prop; erty. lC-acre fruit farm, S. W. of city, well im proved with all klnda of fruit. 6 acrea near 64th and Grover streets lor $525. This is a bargain. We would be pleased to show you any rf the above properties or give you any further Information regarding th .-m. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., 01-3 New York Life Building. UE F.D.WEAD'S Special Bargains in Homes for All Two 10-r. houses within 6 minutes walk of postofflce, all modern, rents at $i00 per year, always rented, $5.5ii0.00. Four 8-room modsrn houses on So. 32d St., north of Hanscom Park, with best tenant at demand, property rents at $1,350 per year, on paved street, fully paid: owner says I need money In my California busi ness, sell for $10,5O0. 8-r. house on So. 33d Bt. with barn, steam heating plant, In good repair. Will sell on easy terms, $3,500. 8-r. house and barn, 1922 So. 35th Ave., owner has moved from city, $1,860. 7-r. house In Hanscom Park district, which was built by me for home and was built good. I will sell It on easy payments. Two 7-r. houses, 1124 and 1UH N. 17th St., paved St., paid for. make offer. Two 7-r. cottages on northeast corner of and Cass Sts.. with paving fully paid on Cass and 2;d Sts. The owner Is going to leave the city for good, says offer the property at $4,000. 7-r. house in Orchard Hill, 3827 Decatur, at a bargain, $S5O.0O. 7-r. house and barn, 416!) Cuming St., good rep., on paved street fully paid. $2,000. 6-r. house, 2M2 Miami St., city water, $1,060. 6-r cottage on California, nice home on car line, $1,650. 6-r. cottage on 24th St., near Ames Ave., paving fullv paid; In good repair. $1,3V). 6-r. cottage 3128 N. 28th. Ave., full lot, good repair, $1,100. 6-r. cottage. 2531 N. 19th St., on the boule vard. $1,500. 6-r cottage, city water, 30S3 Emmett St., $750. 6-r cottage, full lot. 3811 N. 19th St.. $1,100. 6tr. cottage on So. 11th St., the new boule vard. In booH repair, with shedo trees, cistern, city water lot 5xlfll. $1,400. 6-r cottage, just the home for street car man. full lot. 3928 N. 21st St., $t.H0. S-r. cottage. 103S So. 4th St.. with well and cistern, 12 cherry trees and shade trees, cellar, barn and other buildings. This properly was built by a traveling man who has to remove from the city, says he has spent over $1,860 on same, but wants to sell; anys property Is the best In that addition; price, $850. 8 8-room cottages that ar always rented to good tenants, with city water, rental $180 per year. Price. $1,250. 2 3-room cottages, within 1 mile of post offlce, city water; rents at $8.00 each, $1,200. Vacant Property VACANT PROPERTY. We have 132 feet of trackage property on 12th St.. north of leaven worth, that can be bought at a bargain. 60 feet on 11th St., north of Nicholas, paved street and trackage. 66 feet on corner of 14th and Leavenworth, with trackage. Nice building lot, 2th and Harney Sts., outh front; bargain. N. W. Cor. 3Mh and Farnam Sts., east and south front. 25 feet, 20th and Farnam, owner says gt offer. 66 fert on Cuming St., bet. 17th and lth, would sell cheap, or would trade for Im proved, with Incumbrance Lot near Cor. 18th and Burdetta Sts., north front, $000. 6 lots near Krug Park, $250. 16 lots In Florence, on road new car line, $8110. acres southeast Hanscom Park, 6-room bouse. lare barn. well, clntern. well cave, nice orchard, owner lives la east and needs money. Call for price. 2V acrs south of Bnon, on Hamilton St., road, wl'h 4-room house and barn: good repair. This prnerty was foreclosed by party who needs the money In his buslnees. Now vacant and ready to move Into: $900. We also have many other properties that we can sell at bargains. You should buy now before the spring cleaning berlns. F. D. WEAD. 1524 Douglas Pt. We also write fire Insurance In nothing but good board companies only. Our rental list Is "mail. s we h-ive rented many houses and the time for moving has not bn"n. If vour nmpertv Is vacant we can serure you good renters. I want riffrr on 2 6-room houHes, 8118-50 Corby St., full lot. F. D. WEAD, 1524 Douglas Street. . . ;