Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 15, 1903, PART II, Page 14, Image 14

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1 I
Altrrtlirmrala for these rolimai !
will ha taken til lit m. lor ths .
evening; edition and anlll 30 p. sa.
for niorilii and Bandar edition.
Halm, 1 l-2o a word flrat Insertion, I
la a word thereafter. Xothlas? takes
for less fhaa 8ne for the flrat Inser
tloa. These advertisements But be
ran ponaecntlvelr.
Advertisers, by reqaeatlnsl a in
tiered rhrrk, ran hare answers ad
dressed to a nam be red letter la ran
f The lire. Answers ao addressed will
ha delivered aa presentation af ths
cheek only.
Blank bok and maailn binding.
414-416 Po. 12th St.
ELDERLY gentleman wishes position as
coachman; temperate, industrious, expert
with horses or stock. Address Y 55, Re.
A 316
WANTED, position by dry goods, clothing
and shoe clerk; 10 years' experience;
peaks German; references; country pre
ferred. Address Y 69, Bee. A-M362 15
YOUNG nun desires place to work for
board while attending school. Boyle Col
lege. Tel. 14. A-3G8 15
1 AM a young widow, 24 years old, with a
llttlo girl 17 months old; I want a posttloi
as houseker Per; experienced In all kinds
of housework; can give reference. Mrs.
12. E. Konne, Manlcy, Cass Co., Neb.
A-M379 IS
WANTED Position aa business manager
of a manufacturing plant by party wno
ha.i been eminently successful In th 8
Hue and Is n expert accountant. Host of
references from present and past employ
ers. Addrefs. V. D. W., 714 Wei, Eighth
St., Des Moines, la. A IS) 15'
A OOOD situation for a wart or mole. 1
will take yours from you.
Dr. John Hoy, Chiropodist, Room 3, 1306
Farnam. A
PRINTER, competent, reliable, wants
country Job, wek. Address P, Bee
office, Council Bluffs. B M364 20
RE-NO-MAY Powder positively cjres
sweaty fe?t and excessive perspiration
under the arms. A. Mayer, Mfr., 512 Bee
Building. , A
BITt'ATJON WANTED On your side
board, for a bottle of Hitler's Old Private
Btock Whiskey, $l,no per quart. Hlller
liquor Co., 119 Farnam. ., A
A PLACE awaits you for a nice lunch at
the Lobby Cafe, 17th street side of the
Bee building. A
SITUATION wanted In good bath house Is
often wanted by weary men. A Turkish
bath at Buck Keith's Is the thing. Conti
nental block. A
WANTED, a situation In good smokers'
mouths for
the best of 5-centers.
Btoecker makes and sells them.
SITUATION wanted as salesman In dry
goods or general manager of general mer
chndlne business, 15 years' experience;
best of references. Address A 7, He.
A-M577 17
Blank book and magazine binding.
414-416 So. 12th 8t.
MEN to learn barber trade; free railroad
fare upon our tallure to convince you of
this being the BEST and only reliable,
most practical barber college In the
United Slates. Write for catalogue today.
Western Barbers' Institute, Omaha, Neb.
GOOD messengers wanted; high salaries.
A. D. T. Co., 212 8. 13th St. B-618
SALESMEN Up-to-date, active, to sell
first-class groceries direct to consumers
at wholesale; nrst-class territory and lib
eral Inducements. George Meldrum St
Co., 69 and 71 N. Oreen St., Chicago, III.
B M167
THREE broom makers wanted at Coin. Ia.;
steady work; for first-class workmen: no
others need apply. B M223
DIME Pantaflorlum Pressing Co. Pants
pressed, loc; suits, Soc. We call and de
liver. 11 8. 16th, upstairs. Tel. 22S3.
B 438 24
WE FURNISH HELP. National Employ
ment Agency, 1511 Capitol ave. Phone 1618.
B M266 20
BOOKKEEPER) wanted; experienced young
man to keep retail accounts In large dry
goods store; must be accurate and rapid:
state references and salary expected. Y
W, Bee. B-M296
WANTED," bright, clean cash boys; must
be over H years; good chance for advance
ment. Apply Supt. J. L. Brandels & Sons.
. "B M3o5
WANTED, experienced man to take charge
of four-sided moulding machine. Address
National Wood Works, 61oux City. Iowa,
B-M341 18
WANTED, an all around fclacksmlth;
steady work guaranteed. . Nells Hlcim,
Bancroft. Neb. B M3J2 18
WANTED, traveling salesmen to carry as
aide line 8weat Collar Pads, Patent Rid
ing Saddle Pads, Horse Collars and Sad
dlery Specialties. Sell everywhere; lib
eral commissions. References required.
Write for full particulars. State terri
tory traveling. Tom Padgltt Snddlery
Co., Waco, Tex. B M356 26
EXPERIENCED brlckmaker wanted to
take half Interest In brick yard In a good
growing town hi northeastern Nebraska.
Must have tl.ou) capital. Address Lock
Box 231, Osmond, Neb. B M367 15
WANTED, a nrst-clasa collector, with
good horse and buggy. Addrets Y 54,
Bee. B-M327 14
WANTED, first-class machinists and help
ers for out of town. Call at State- hotel,
1313 Douglas St. Room No. 8. B 370 15.
WANTED, trustworthy persons In each
state to manage business of wealthy cor
poration ; salary S18 cash each Thursday,
direct from headquarters; expense money
advanced. Manager, 372 Caxton bldg.,
Chicago. B M392 16
WANTED, persona to call on retail trade
and agents for manufacturing house; local
territory; salary $19.70, paid weekly, and
expenses; money advanced; previous ex
perience unnecessary: business successful;
Inclose self addressed envelope. Standard
House, Caxton bldg., Chicago.
B M391 15
WANTED a good furniture man. Nebraska
Furniture and Carpet Co., 413 N. 24th St.,
South Omaha. B M&6 15
WANTED, men to learn barber trade:
short time required by our method of
steady practice, expert Instructions, etc.
These advantages cannot be had else
where. Tools, diplomat, posltHns, Satur
day wages and board provided; partic
ulars mailed free. Moler Barber College,
I'M Douglas St. B M3S0 lit
WANTED Electrician who understands
wiring and will do any work required
around light plant. State salary wanted
W. D. Burner, Alliance, Neb. B 46 15
WANTED. A No. 1 union printers; also
good lockup; steady work and highest
wages. Tribune Printing Co., Tribune
Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. B
WANTED, permanent position open for
rtgnt man. not io canvass. Dut to travel
for old established manufacturers with
large capital; guaranteed salary of S1,0m)
per year and expenses with chance of
promotion; previous experience not essen
tial. State age. general business qualifica
tions ana rererences. Address K. A.
Byrne. Manager, 44 N. 4th St.. Philadel
phia. Pa. B M5os 22
PAINT SIGNS. No experience required; no
fraud: samples, instructions, etc., 10c.
City Sign Co.. Springfield, O. B-505 15
DRAFTSMEN and englaeers wanted Im
mediately; excellent openings. Engineer
ing Agency, Mouadnock i;ock. Chicago.
B 47915
WANTED A bushalman. 309 8. 16th St
B-474 15
WANTED, men who are good Judges of
clt-'ara to trv the
It takes the place of 10-centers.
Btoecker makes and sells It.
WANTED, sober. Industrious man, fair
education, to travel, placing stock; terrl
lory, portion of Nebraska; salary and ex
i ex
lable I
mer, I
14 I
penses; young man preferred; reliaoi
house: references. Aldress Ed Wlm
bUtr iJuilOiUg. CUlUtgo,
Spring Term
Will Open April 6
in the
The value of a business edu
cation according to promi
nent business men.
John Wanamaker
In these days business is difficult. The
young man who starts In at this time
will stand but little chance without a busi
ness training. The mercantile profession
must be studied Just the same as medi
cine or law.
Chauncey Depew
To you, young ladles and gentlemen, a
business training Is absolutely necessary.
and the best thing you can have, whether
you come from tbs common schools, from
the academy, from the seminary or from
the university.
Lyman J. Gage
This scene before me today carries me
back very vividly to a period of about
thirty-eight years ago, when I myself, in a
Business College, sat at one of these desks
and obtained very useful Instruction In all
the forms of business, such ts, I suppose,
with many improvements, you now study
and pursue.
That drill, that information, that educa
tion I look back upon and count as ot tha
greatest practical value of any 1 nave aver
Andrew Carnegie
I rejoice, young men and women, to
know that your time has not been wasted
upon ths dead languages, but has besn
fully oocupled in obtaining knowledge of
shorthand and typewriting, banking meth
ods, bookkeeping, penmanship, business
correspondence, business customs and com
mercial law, and that you are fully equipped
to sail upon the element upon which you
must live your Uvea and earn your living.
Hon. William Lawrence
' I apeak advisedly when I say that ths
Business Colleges are one ot ths necessi
ties of our civilization and system of In
dustries. .
Albert G. Porter
The young man who starts out In life
writing a plain and legible hand starts with
a great advantage. It I were a young man
and bad to make my choice , to graduate at
a Classical College and stop there, or to
graduate at a Business College and stop
there, I would take the Business College
in preference.
C. H. Kent
The best advice we have to offer Is for
every young man who possibly can to avail
himself of a scholarship in sotns first-class
Business College. No matter what It costs
It will be ths best Investment he can make
if he ever expects to superintend his own
personal affairs.
John Sherman
The Importance of business education to
the young men of our country cannst ba
overstated. The ordinary college educa
tion is of great value, but It Is not to bs
compared In practical Importance with the
training of young men, who have to make
their own way In life. In a Business Col
lege. Doctor Johnson
Let no man enter into business while hs
Is ignorsnt of ths manner of regulating
books. Never let him imagine that any
degree of natural ability will supply the
deficiency or preservs a multiplicity of af
fairs from Inextricable confusion
Horace Mann
If a father wishes to give his son a
legacy that will endure while life lasts, let
him send him to an institution where bs
can obtain a general, practical education,
and hs will hava tbs satisfaction of know
ing that he has given him what Is better
than houses, lands and farms, or even
gold and silver. These things may' sud
denly take wings and fly away, but this
knowledge will last while life and reason
E. I. Freedley
A business education will be of advantage
to svery young man, whatever his future
occupation may be.
Thomas C. Fletcher
I have ths highest opinion of Commercial
Collegos, having seen many reasons to
think that plan ths best ever adopted to
educate young men for the responsible and
arduous undertakings ot commercial Ufa.
Their sfficlency is attested ia ths wsll
formed business character of thousands ot
those who have, within the past few years,
entered ths stage ot manhood la our large
Call, writ or telephone today for id
Vertisiruj literature. It Is free.
H. B. BOYLES, President,
New York Life Building.
Every Day is a Loss of Money When a Little Want-Ad Will Rent It.
A Remarkable Showing by a Remarkable Institution
'ROHRBOUGH BROS., Proprietors.
Pointer No. 1. Spring Term 'opens
Wednesday mornlne Anrli 1. New clHKses
In all departments (
PfilntC V n Th. fl r r rm-mm 1a an.
perlor prestige, influence and popularity to
the following:
1. To Its being the oldest 'and best
equipped commercial schrol In the state.
2. To Its progressive policy and etllclent
cors of Instructors.
J. To Its endorsement by business and
professional men who employ Its students.
4. To Its maintenance of a Literary So
ciety, Gymnasium, Ixiw Course, College
Orchestra and lecture Course.
Pointer No. 3. We teach Mosher Short
hand and that is why our sudents ure in
such demand by buKlneys men and why we
till a majority of the best positions. They
have no occasion to fill ositlons which
only pay from ;t.ii0 to $4.ii0 per week. Many
students who learn i'ltman, Orahum or,
Orpgg. and because they have failed to
acquire sufficient speed and the ability to
read their notes, are forced to stand Idly
by while writers of Mnsner Shorthand ob
tain the positions so numerous upon every
hand. If you want to waste months of
valuable time learning rules, exceptions to
rulesj and memorlln word-signs, take up
one of the old I'itmnnle systems. Tho
Oregg system In its purity has proven itself
io ne unoeveiopea ami lneiiuient. It wouia
be worse than a waste of time to lchrr It.
Is It not better to learn a system which
was not oriKlnated prior to the flood and
which Is so constructed as to be legible and
speedy? It Is easy to learn. eHsy to write
and absolutely assures the student of a po
tiition. If you desire to spend your time
learning one of the old fov, mocs-covefed
systems like the IMtman, do not despair if
you never obtain a position.
Pointer No. 4. Several students who have
had their attention called to the superiority
of Mosher Shorthand, ami who have at
tended other schools In the city, have Joined
our number. They were heartily discour
aged, but now they are happy. They did
not have a whole year to spend In learning
a system of shorthand. A number of others
visited us, all of whor.1 sincerely regretted
that they were so selfishly advised to learn
Pitman or OreRK. It re'iulres a vast amount
of coaxing and palaver, in these later days,
to keep a Pitman or Gregg student In a
docile and receptive mood. Students of
Moatier Shorthand have no anxiety as to
luiuro results.
Pointer No. 5. The hard work of our
students Is relieved now and then by
pruiimuip recreanon. Mucn tnings as Lec
tures, a Public Eentertalnment or an Ath
letic Contest are provided. Our students
believe In having a good tlmp.
Pointer No. 6. We published in lt Bun.
diiy's Bee a picture of a group of students
representing twenty-four different states
and one foreign, country. Verily, the O. C.
iihb uecome cosmopolitan .in character.
It always pays to graduate from am Insti
tution whofe Influence and power command
universal respect.
Pointer No. 7. We Klve helow n Hat r,f
students who are now reaping the reward
of having made a wise choice of a school.
it represents only about half the number
located during the past few months. Many
more will soon be ready. Positions await
them. Notice the list, for It means much;
Albetta Stewart. Vehrn.k. unA T.
E. r . Wilson, M. 13. Smith & Co.
Hugh Murphy. Jr.. Hugh Murohv. Sr..
Abo Levlne. World-Herald.
Alex Hllbert, Bemia Omaha Bag company.
Miss Arilla Knox, Nebraska Seed com
Charles Nelson. Farmers' and Merchant.,'
Bank, Kennard, Neb.
Clark C. Tapn. Y. M. C. A. nronrietor of
Miss Clara Rosenbereer. Falrhurv Keh
Nursery company.
Oscar Martin, Kingman Implement com
Henry Grohosky, O. K. Scofleld.
G. A. Koechlg, Cudahy Packing company.
Paul Keplar, A. Hospe, art store.
MII Rertl. Tlnne,, Th. Ar If. -
ket, Sallda, Colo. - I
Miss Gall Hoe. N. BDlesbererer. wholesale
millinery. '
Artoir mors. Merchants' National bank.
William La Violette, Union National bank.
Miss Grace Grant, J, L. Krandels & Sons.
Mies Maybelle Chestnut. City Savings
Why Waste Time and. Money?
Toung men who contemplate learning the barber's trade should stop and se
riously cons'der the above question. Why enter an Inferior barber college when you
have access to the best?
It Is poor economy to begin In a small concern and then be compelled to pay a
second tuition In order to araduate from a school which will ouallfv you. when you
tan arrange for the price of one tuition
It Is absolutely the oldest, best eau'DDfd and only reliable barber collet In the
Country. It we fail to establish the above
tive students or to students themselves we will pay your tuition to any other barber
college you may desire to enter, or will positively pay your fare to and from your
This Institution Is the only one of Its
cltiiens and the better class of barbers.
As we sre the oldest and best established, and having been especially courteous
to customers, we have a patronage which affords the students constant practice
which other establishments have clamored for. but as yet have tailed to orocure
Therefore they are unable to furnish the
atuoents. 1 ne president ot tne western
barber and has no equal In the country
competent ,and has the gift to Impart his
monials rurnisnea upon application.
For terms and catalogues address
The .Western Barbers' Institute
1402-4 Dodge St. Omaha, Neb.
WANTED, experienced dry goods clerk,
salary $15 a week; send application. In
closing references, to A. R. Mcrrttt, Doug
las, Wyo. B-588 15
WANTED, experienced marker and sorter.
Write or wire W. H. Seymour. Sioux
City. Ia. B-M402 17
LIVE MEN for circular distributing, etc.
Good pay. permanent. Distributors'
Nat l Union, Cincinnati. O. B 431 16
BRIGHT office boy wanted. Nebraska t'n
derwrltera Insurance Co-., 1218 Farnam St.,
second floor. B 4 15
WANTED, representatives for the sale of
high grade copper mining stocks, which
are paying a dividend of 1 per cent
monthly; A contract for right party.
For particulars, etc.. address Clark, Drake
A Harper. 79 Wall St., New York City.
BM517 IT
WANTED, men everywhere, good pay, to
distribute circulars, sdv. matter, tack
signs, etc.; no canvassing. Address Na
tional Adv. Co., 600 Oakland Hank Bldg.,
Chicago. III. . B M310 17
BAND MAN wanted, printer, ctgar maker
and statlonsry engineer: best of wages.
Must be good cornet, clarinet or trom
bone playrs. If Instructor could do well.
Answer at once. A. V. Smith. Box 221,
Madison, Neb. B 453 15
WB PAY $2 and expenses for men with
rigs to introduce poultry mixture; year's
contrsct. Defiance Mfg. Co., Dent. 41,
Psrsons, Kan. B 463 15
EVERY man afflicted with corns and bun
Inns to let me cure him up easily.
Dr John Roy, Chiropodist, Room I: 15oS
Farnam. B
LEARN proofreading: sltuatlnna secured,
tla to I weekly. Hums Correspond ne
school I bit" UUUli, - A- .
Miss Anna Chrlstensen. Hex Stock Food
ftnws r.ilttn Jones, iseDrasaa teiepnone
J. l. Hnell, Charles A. Tracy Tobacco
jnrms A. Blahn, Hayden Bros.
Kobert ailace, Commercial National
bank. H. Kennedy, E. E. Bruce, wholesale
drug company.
Ansa tiiixa Camm, Nebraska Shirt com
pany. i. A. Madden, Business College.
Hett Hobinson, Oliver 'lypewrlter com
pany. 8. J. , Kramollsh, Cnlted States National
. ti. E. Smith, Bank of Pisgah. Plsgah, Ia.
Arfhur C. Olsen, Cudahy Packing com
pany. Miss Bessie Berry, Kibbell Paper com
pany. .miss Neta Phelps, t"unty attorney, Mar
shalltown, Ia.
Thomas Perhall, Cudahy Packing com
pany. ai .our Ie, Union radflc R. R. Co., Chey
enne, Wyo.
MIls iiyrta Biscr, Omaha Employment
Uu au.
i'a.1 Cntllk rtmaVia CnmrniirMfll pnl.
f. J. Rattermnn Oxnard Beet Sugar com
pany, Nnrloik, Neb.
Jerry Jeffries, K. A M. headquarters.
8;idie Cox, palrbury Nursery, Falrbury,
Minnie Ketchmark, Crane company.
Elizabeth J. Harkness, teaching school,
Sheldon, III.
P. C. t3wlft. National leather company.
Edith Winner. J. J. Derlght & Co.
May Erahm, Nebraska Cycle company.
Miss Nellie Messersmlth, Rex Btock Food
J. M. Paul, Burke, Harl & Tlnlcy, Coun
cil Bluffs, Ia.
Miss Olive Afhton. Lumas Coal company.
K. Tlerney, Haney & Co.
Miss Minnie Lease. Woodmen of the
George Locke, National Paint A Oil com
pany. Miss Lottie Klots, Real Estate Firm,
Beaver City, Neb.
C. M. Slier. Postal Telegraph company,
Fort Dodge, la.
Mrs. Stella Upton, B. & M. Ry., Alliance,
Miss Ethel Hurd, Postal Telegraph com
pany. Jesse Cramer, Postal Telegraph company,
Council Blufts. la.
I. G. llipsley, V. B. & Q. R. R., Coin. Ia.
L. 8. Barnes, Broken bow Business col
lege, Broken Bow, Neb.
John B. Collins, Omuha & Kansas City
R. R., Dunlap, Mo.'.
Samirtl Alkire, First National bank.
Herman Weston, F. E. He M. V. R. R.,
Bennington, Neb.
Sylvester Wassum, C, St. P., M. & O.
Rv., Coburn, Neb.
Harry Brennan, Love A Co.
Dell Wallace, Titus Nursery compan
Nemaha, Neb.
Charles Koutsky, grocer, 13lh and Plerc
Margaret Bell, V. P. Headquarters.
Harry Hanson, Fort Steele, Wyo.
Ellhu A. Searle, Armour & Co., Spokane,
Miss Christine Kruger. Nebraska Plumb
ing (supply company.
I. T. llonnold, J. W. Towle, civil engi
neer. Mlsa Ethel Williams. Wright & Wll
helmy Hardware company.
Henry Huseman, Pacific Express Com-
P8Mtss Olive Olsen, Valter Molse & Co.
PhlWIp Bartosh, Barret . A Graham,
Prague, Okl.
Harry Roche, B. & M. headquarters.
John V. Gillespie, U. P. headquarters.
Thomas Green, IT. P. headquarters.
Henry J. Peterson, U. P- headquarters.
Benjamin Walllne, IT. P. headquarters.
Arthur Katskee. Beebe si Runyan Furni
ture company.
E. P. Flanlgann, Robertson Bros. To
bacco company.
E. F. Head M. E. Smith & Co.
Joseph A. Horkenhagen, Westlnghouse
Electric and Manufacturing company.
Emma Gustaveson, Bradatreet's Commer
cial agency.
Miss Sara Page, teacher, in college, Cedar
Rapids, la.
Laverne Hall, Underwood Typewriter. Co.
to complete the trade at the
statement aa a fact to parents of prospec
kind which commands the respect ot ths
principal requisite for development ot the
Barbers Institute is strictly expert as a
as a teacher of the art. He ts thoroughly
knowledge to students. Bona fids testi
YOUNG man copy letters st home, 88
weekly, permanent. Address, enclosing
stamp, .Western Trading Co., Cincinnati,
Ohio. B tlti 15
PAPER ruler wanted. Good down line
man. Steady work. Baker-Vawter com
pany, Atchison, Kan. B-M 403 17
PAPER cutter wanted. Steady work.
Baker-Vawter company, Atchison. Kan.
B M404 17
MEN wanted to learn barber's trade. Fret
transportation to Kannai City, Mo,
where you will find the largest and best
equipped barber school In America. Con
stant practice, expert Instructors. Tools
furnished and commission paid whl s
learning. Diplomas granted graduates.
Situations secured. Write at once for
particulars. Kansas City Barber School,
bus Delaware street, Kansas City, Mo.
B 401 15
WANTED everywhere, hustlers to tsck
signs, distribute circulars, sarnples, etc.;
no cnnvassinir. good pay. SUN Advertis
ing Bureau, Chicago. B 445 15
MAN of good habits and energy to repre
sent large manufacturing establishment
known to every bank in the United States.
Definite talary 13 per day to begin at
once: litto per year and expenses, pay
able weekly, according to conditions of
contract, sent on application. Splendid
opportunity tot advancement. Apply,
stating age, qualifications and references,
to Manager, Dept. I 3, Box 824. Philadel
phia, Pa. B
MEN wanted whose feet offensively per
spire to use RE-NO-MAY. A positive
cure. 50 cents a box. A. Mayer, Mfr.. 613
Bee Bids. B
WANTED Gentlemen to bring their lady
friends to the Lobby Cafe, the great
atter-tbs-theater frill rooms. Bldg.
WANTED, a good, active, young man to
sell advertising novelties In the city of
Omaha and vicinity. For particulars ad
dress the Pattle-Sutherlnnd Co., Des
Moines, Iowa. B
WANTED, men to know thst the purest
whiskey, leaving no bad effect. Is Miller's
Old Private Stock. Il. a quart. Hlller
Liquor Co., Farnam. B
ADVERTISING school students to Send fo
spccial offer for successful advert sing;
4' psecs. 12.00. Best and most practical
advtrtlsing book published. Lincoln Pub.
Co., Philadelphia, Pa. B-48'-15
GOVERNMENT positions-More than W.OO)
appointments made last year. Chances
better for 19"S. Examlnatiore soon in
every state. Circular 151, full par
ticulars as to positions, salaries, etc.,
sent free. Address National Correspond
ence Institute, Washington, D. C. B
DETECTIVES, every loeall'y, good salary,
experience unnecensary. International Ue
tective Agency. Milwaukee, Wis.
B-48S 15
WANTED. 100 men to tsk a bath. A
Turkish bath at Buck Keith's will re
lieve the strain. Continental Block, 15th
and Douglas. B
WANTED, a bright office boy who writes
a good hand; t-tate age. Addrers A . Bee.
B 5u9 15
WANTED, a man to take care of horses.
Apply to C. H. Gulou, Chicago Lumber
Co., 14th and Marcy. B AM 15
PRINTER wanted, a man who can satis
factorily handle any work that is offered
in a country printing office, reoman
Neligh, Neb.
B-M j83
WANTED, men and women to start a mall
order business at home; good Income; no
capital renuiredT Mutual Mall Order Co.,
Albany blugs., Boston, Mass. B 689 li
SELL Bitters as side line on commission;
tine article, well advertised, -bin Cuming.
WANTED, two salesmen, salary or com
mission. C. F. Adams Co., 1619 Howard St.
M 299
SALESMEN wanted (experienced clothing)
lor Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa and Col
orado to sell the best line of pants on
the market (union made). A. Stauber
Mfg. Co., Streator, 111. 194 Li
WANTED Three Al salesmen willing to
hustle six days In the week and ten
moirths In the year for an income rang
ing from fci.oOO to o,00o net per yer.
Others are earning It, why not you? For
full particulars write Bushway, Brltt St
Co., Decatur, 111. 49 16
SALESMEN Traveling or local. S ds line,
25 per cent commission. Goods sC.l to
every business. Sample case free. Ad
dress, L. N. Co., 112 E. 12ath St., New
York. 481-15 '
WANTED Live man of good appearance
and address to handle dividend paying
p.antat.on stock. Liberal commission to
right man. Hefcrences required. H. F.
Ewald, 812 Security Bldg., St. Louts, Mo.
CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska
with staple line. High c;mmlslon., with
advance of Into monthly. Permanent po
sition to right man. Jess H. Co.,
Detroit, Mich. 4bti 15
vVANTED, salesmen by manufacturer,
traveling and local, for advertising goods,
novelties, etc.; large and complete line,
Including copyrighted life subjects, Im
ported and domestic banners, cutouts and
shapes and high-grade, three-colored cal
endars. Address, with references: appli
cations treated strictly confidential. R 39,
care Lord & Thomas, Chicago. 135 15
SALESMEN calling on any class of retail
merchants to handle side line; no charge
' for samples; men now making $0 to SI 2
per day: s'ate line you are handling. Ad-
dress "Side Llne," -3ia Dearborn St., Chi
cago. 427 1B
CIGAR salesmen wanted everywhere; ex
perience :rnecessary ; v per montn ana
expenses; secure your own territory; sam
ples free; Inclose stamp for particulars.
The Pioneer Cigar Co., Toledo, Ohio,
42 16
LARGE, established wholesale house wants
two experienced salesmen at once: ex
ceptional opportunity; high commission
contract with liberal advance for ex
penses: best trade; staple line. Blxler A
Co., Cleveland, O. 419 15
WANTED, experienced salesman to handle
Chicago manufacturers complete line of
gloves and mittens In Nebraska and Black
Hills, on commission basis. Give refer
ences and experience. Address at once,
507 N. Robey St.. Chicago, 111, -518 W
SALESMAN, to sell staple line; good talk
ing proposition; scheme man preferred;
expenses advanced. Wilson, Close A Co.,
Iowa City, Ia. 447 15
The men o Omaha and vicinity to know that
of any this or any other country for the
price. We have just completed one of the best
work-shops in the city and are now ready to
make that EASTER SUIT and TOP COAT. All
garments are carefully fitted, before being com-,
pleted and made by Omaha's best tailors.
Suits with style, suits that fit, $X and up.
Top Coats, $25 and up. Trousers $6 and up.
Tel. 1857.
SALESMEN John Sexton A Co., Importers
of teas add coffees and wholesale grocers,
18 to 22 State St., Chicago, want experi
enced, honest, energetlo, high-grade men
to sell farmers and other large buyers.
We are the largest grocery house In
America engaged In this business and the
originators of honest and modern methods
of conducting It- We handle the finest
goods and gjarantee quality and quantity
of every article. No capital required. Ex
clusive territory given. In which an estab
lished trade insures nne Income. We are
farmers' headqusrters In Chicago.
414 16
WANTED at once, experienced traveling
salesman for Nebraska. We want a sales
man; none other need apply. - Box 614,
Chicago. 412 16
WANTED, first-class traveling salesman
' for Nebraska to start at once. Good
Eosltlon to capable man. Box 808, St.
ouls. Mo 411 16
WHIP MEN, selling harness makers; take
oak harness leather side line, trig money.
Harness leather Baldwin, Malta, Ohio.
407 16
$30 A WEEK and expenses to men with
rigs to Introduce our Poultry Remedies.
Orwon Rem. Co., Dept. 60, Parsons, Kan.
tot lo
sition will be made to nrst-class salesmen
to introduce and sell the finest line of
Do rues tic and Imported Calendars fur
1'j04 ever offered to the public. Write
promptly with references. The Kemper
Thomas Company, Cincinnati, O.
WANTED Salesmen; $60 monthly and ex
penses; permanent Brown Bros. Co..
(uiuiiuter. N. X.
An Institution Having Few Equals and No Superiors.
"Tne best recommendation of a school is the success of those educated
therein, and the prestige it has attained in the business community,"
Solid Endorsements of Omaha's Leading and Representative
Business Men
We, the undersigned cltiiens and bust
dorslng the Nebraska Business and Bhortn
class in every department, and heartily c
Menraska ana tne west.
Hayden Bros.
Sherman A McConnell.
Jas. Morton Bon Co.
orchard Wtlhelm.
Browning. King A Co.
Mawhlnney & Hyan Co.
A. Hospe.
Drummond Carriage Co.
Meyer A Raapke.
Fry Shoe Co.
Columbian Optical Co.
Nebraska Business and Shorthand Col lege, Oirihha, Nebraska. Trof. A. C. Ong,
Proprietor Dear Sir: We take pleasure In stating that we can cheerfully recom
mend you to anvone wishing to attend a business college. Those of your pupils who
have entered our employ have all proven satisfactory and well prepared for tlulr
We are able to say, further, that all our dealings wllh you have been sattsfac
tory. Your, truly. & KorNT7E Altflltltnt CnBllIpr,
First National Bank of Omaha.
You lake no chances In entering a school backed by men whose statements are
known to be absolutely reliable. ... t ...
Over thirty students assisted to positions In the last sixty days.
Before making a selection visit our Institution and secure a copy of our new
catalogue elegantly bound in alligator, and you will be convinced of the superiority
of our school.
Address A. C. ONO. President.
TRAVELING salesman for Nebraska terri
tory; all around hustler; no technical
knowledge; exceptional opportunities. Es
tablished, reliable and well rated house.
Sales Department. 21 Atwater St., Detroit,
Mich. -443 15
Wit Ml'ST have more traveling salesmen.
Apply at once. George A. Baker A Co..
South Bend, Ind.
SALESMEN WANTED, wages wfkly.H
perlence unnecessary; permanent. Man
ager Western Nursery Co.. lwrence.
SALESMEN Automatic copying book,
new; needed by every business man;
bonansa for agents. Pershing Mfg. Co.,
South Bend, lnd.
SALESMEN wanted, who are all used up
and not fit to do business, to call at
Buck Keith's and take a Turkish
WANTED, an energetic salesman and
solicitor on Ceclllan piano player pros
pects; 600 good names to work on. Appiy
to Piano Player Co., Arlington block, 1511
1513 Dodge St. Mj3 17
A. I. ROOT, INC. , Mt
Blank book and magaxtne binding.
414-416 So. 12th St.
100 Girls. Call Canadian office, 15th A Dodge.
A GIRL for general housework. 2608 Pierce
street. C 758
WANTED, a cook. 3620 Farnam. C 177
WANTED, experienced seamstress for
cloak alteration department. Address Y
18, Bee. C MS93
WANTED, experienced forelady for alter
ation department; one capable of taking
full charge of 40 to 60 seamstresses. Ad
dress Y 17. Bee. C M892
WANTED, girl for cooking and general
housework; no washing, $5 per week.
Apply Mrs. John Grant, 1016 Park Ave.
C M360
WANTED, thoroughly experienced sales
ladles In cloak department; Inexperienced
parties need not apply. Address Y Id,
Bee. . C M89t
55 Farnam St.
WANTED, girl for general housework;
small family, good 'wages. Mrs. Slmeral,
876 N. 28th Avs. C 317
WANTED second girl. Mrs. Joseph Bar
ker, 1506 Bo. 6th St. C-318 U
WANTED A capable girl for general
k.3Usework; small family. 132 S. 3"th Ave.
C M387 15
WANTED, ladles to maks neckwear from
sample; experience not necessary; steady
work, good pay; send self-addressed
stamped envelope. Ideal Mfg. Company,
60s West 133d St., New York. C M330 la
WANTED, a competent cook. Mrs. P J.
Rogers, 1120 Park Avs. C-373
WANTED, experienced waist hand; compe
tent to superintend others. Address Y 62,
Bee. C-374 16
WANTED, girl for general housework.
Call evenings or between 1 and 2 p. m. 515
S. 26th St. C-371 17
LADIES wanted to laarn halrdresslng,
manicuring or facial massage; advan
tages of free clinic, expert Instructions,
eto. ; one year saved by our method; tools,
diplomas and positions given; call or
writ. Moler College, 1301 Douglas st.
C-M3K1 19
WANTED, girl for general housework.
201 Bo. 25th. C-322
WANTED girls to stuff cstslogues. Apply
Hsyden Bros. C 661 15
A GOOD strong girl for general housework;
8&.00 oer week, fc22 Bo. HXtu C til li
Ten Years.
and Firms. '
ness firms of Omalm. tnke pleasure In en-
and Collece as befnir thnrmmh nnd tlrst-
ommend this Institution to tho people i.f
Thomas Kllpntrlck Co.
Thompson, H Idcn & Co.
The F. E. Siinhorn Co.
Sunderland Bros. Co.
Milliard At IIohkImihI.
Midland Glass and Paint Co.
Megeath Stationery Co.
Dewey A Stone Furniture Co.
Omaha Gas Co.
Western Paper Co.
Omuha Carpel Co.
Woodmen of the World.
Omaha, Nebraska.
WANTED A good cook In private family.
Apply 1724 Davenport St. C-M388 15
WANTED, girl for general housework.
Apply 1518 Madison Ave. C 347 15
THOROUGHLY competent girl or woman
for general housework; permanent posi
tion. Call 2117 Locust. C 318 15
WANTED, three ladies In Vlavl work for
city and adjacent towns; only those quali
fied and doslrous of earning a good In
come consldfred; no Investment required;
Interviews by appointment. Address Vlavl
Co., 84i Bee bldg., Omaha. C M397 16
MILLINERY apprentices wanted at 1624
Douglas St. C 4T8 lo
WANTED A good woman for general
housework. Wusee, $26 per month. Ad
dress, MrB. R. MacNeil, Florence, Neb.,
R. F. I). C-M456-17
COPYING letters at home, full or spare
time: no names to supply or addressing
envelopes; nothing to buy; $20 per thou
sand, paid weekly. Send addressed en
velope for cony and application blank.
Imperial Co., 125 Liberty 8K. New York.
C 457 15
HOME employment; plain writers; filling
small blanks; rate, $25 per 1,000; stamped,
addressed envelope. Woman's Commer
cial Union, Desk 32, Chicago. -
C 163-15
325 PER 1,000 copying short letters and re
turning to us; paper free; 600-sheet lots
to accepted copyists. Send addrrssed,
stamped envelope. Amazon Chemical Co.,
Desk 6, Chicago. C 4t3 15
$25 QUICKLY made by ladles and gentle
men In pleasant homo work; nothing to
buy or sell; no canvassing; steady em
ployment. Handy Co., 140 Nassau St.,
New York. C 4ti9 15
WANTED, young lady, copy letters at
home; $8 weekly; permanent. Address, In
closing stamp, Western Trading Co.. Cin
cinnati, O. C 418 15
$5.00 PER HUNDRED for addressing en
velopes; send dime and stamp for material
and Instructions; steady work. C. E. Mil
ler, Ely Bldg., Chicago. C 417 16
GIRLS, send us 10 cents and we will send
you a beautiful gold bangle ring with your
initial or Lord's prayer on bangle. Rust
Jewelry Co., Box 4U5, Cincinnati, Ohio.
C 470 15
$20 PER THOUSAND paid for copying
short letters; several lines of work to
give out; $6 to $6 weekly working tvenlngs.
Inclose stamp for copy of letter, Instruc
tions, ele. Address Eagle Wholesale Co.,
Chicago, 111. C 413 15
LADIES to do piecework at their homes;
we furnish all materials snd pay from
$7 to $12 weekly; send stamped envelope
to Royal Co., 34 Monroe St., Chicago.
C 15
LADIES to work dollies and centerpieces
at home, all materials furnished; highest
prices paid, no canvassing. Send stamped
envelope to Ely Novelty Co., Ely Bldg.,
Chicago. C 4uti 15
WANTED, energetic lady to travel in Ne
braska; $60 monthly to start and all ex
penses; steady position to satisfactory
party; experience not necessary. Addresi
Mrs. Porter, 211 Pontlac itidg., Chicago.
C 429 15
LADIES with superfluous warts, moles, etc.,
can have them eaBily removed. No pain.
Dr. John Roy, Chiropodist, Room 3, Iff
Farnam. O
WANTED, good second girl, Mrs. Mnrsh,
804 line. C M1S4 17
WANTED, ladles to know that RE-NO-MAY
Is the best blackhead lotion, skin
food and face powder, strictly pure. 50
cents a box. 612 Bee Bldg. C
GIRL for general housework- Mrs. Archer,
410 Farnam. C 521 15
WANTED, all the women who are thinking
of making their husbands a present of a
box of cigars to buy
the best 6-centers. worth 10c.
Btoecker, 14o4 Douglas St. C
WANTED, ladles to travel outside of Ne
braska; good salaries pild. Apply Mon
day morning between 10 and 12. Mrs.
Klley, Merrlm hotel, 25th and Dodge.
C-M) 15
Young reliable girl for baby; easy place;
o home nights. Apply room
24 Midland
C iw 15
WANTED, small nurse girl. 1041 GsorgU
av. C-bW la
WANTED a girl for light housework,
family of three; no washing. Apply 1816
Grace. C Masl
. -r-
LADIES or gents copy letters at home, no
names to supply, or addressing envelopes;
nothing to buy; IM a l.ouo paid weekly.
Send addressed envelos for copy aiid
application blanks. Practical M'g. Co..
128 Market St., Newark, N. J. C
LADIES and men to make good wages In
spare time at home; no canvassing. The
work Is elevating and can be done by any
person. Elkhurst Institute, Tyrone, Pa.
WANTED, every married woman to know
that Hitler's Old Private Stock is the best
rye whiskey for medicinal purposca. Jl 00
a quart. Hlller Liquor Co., l-t'J Farnam.
WANTED The ladies to know that a little
bit better lunch at much the loweit prleet
is ssrved at the Lobby Cafe, Bee Bldg.
LEARN proofreading: situations secured.
$15 to $26 weekly. Home Correspondence
School, Philadelphia. . j
A OOOD position awaits every woman who
will sell our beautiful petticoats and solid
comfort walking skirts; exclusive terri
tory; big profits; no experience necessary;
send fur catalogues and particulars. Paris
Skirt Co., ClvUa4.4J . JJ-