Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 10, 1903, Page 8, Image 8

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Board of Trale Market it Errat o with
Genera 1? B aady C ose.
Oat and Corn Rise Sllantly, While
Iro4 Isloaa After Active Vacillating
I)7 Rrnali Little hanged
la Price.
CHICAOO. March 9 . The wheat market
today ai unsettled and a severe break
developed on generally bearish statistics
but a rally occurr-d near the close and
final figures on May were only Mj'sC
lower. May corn closed N'd4c higher and
oats were up Vi4?sc; provisions ruled er
ratic but the close u steady, the May
products being unchanged to 241i5c lower.
Wheat prlcea fluctuated nervously during
the latter half of the session, a sever
break being espenenced late In the day on
general selling by locals and pit traders.
The opening was easier on lower cables
and large world shipments and May wes
unchanged to a shade lower at 744r7474c.
The market held quite steady early In the
day on the strength in corn and May
soid at 71c. Expectations of a bearish gov
ernment report tomorrow caused consid
erable selling later and May broke to
73c, but a good demand from commls
rlon houses and shorts brought about a
rally end the close was at 744c a net loss
of kraSc. Clearances of wheat and flour
were 6sJ.OOO bushels. Primary receipts
were 6S&.0UO bushels, against 4-19.0") bushels
a year ago. Minneapolis and Dulut re
ported receipts of 582 cars, which, with local
receipts of 36 cars, made total receipts MS
cars, against 403 last week and 4.9 last
There was a strong sentiment In the
corn pit and In spite cf the weakness In
wheat, which caused a temporary decline,
higher prlcea were rea.iied. May closing at
an advance of Nfoc at 474fe-47Hc. after
selling between 4,'' and 47V47'iC. Open
ing prices were somewhat easier on lower
cables, but with a good commission house
demand and light offerings the market ad
vanced. The break In wheat caused a
momentary recession, but clearances of
over 1.000,000 bushels soon brought about a
rally and the close was strong. Local re
ceipts were 339 cars, 2 of contract
There was only a moderate trade In
oats, but a firm feeling prevailed. Influenced
largely by the strength In corn, while the
light offerings added to the strength of
the situation. Shorts were the best buy
ers. The close was strong, with May Sk
,c higher at 3474i''aS5c, after ranging be
tween 34W&34H and 35c. Local receipts
were larger at 266 care.
Trading In provisions was quite active
and prices were somewhat erratic, the
opening being strong on hlglur prices at
the yards followed by a d'dine on selling
by packers. Covering by shorts caused a
rally and closing prices were about steady.
May pork being 24c lower at 318.324, May
lard 24r5c off at 310.llW10.124. and ribs
unchanged at 39..'4.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: W heat,
cars; rorn, 496 cars; oats. 216 cars; hogs,
27,000 head. . m ,,
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Artlcles.l Opn. High. I Low. Clcae. Bafy.
Mar. May
May July
May July
7" 71W!71H
694 694
454 Kk
45,f 454'
44Hil'14 4o
45 4
441 44
18 424'
18 35
17 70
17 66
' 10 20
18 17V4I
18 ran
17 85
17 624
10 12
17 70
10 20
10 15
17 70
17 65
10 10
10 03
10 074
10 0741
10 00
10 024!
9 97H
9 97V4!
10 00
9 9")
9 90
9 70
9 624
9 8
9 70
8 6741
No. 2. M
Cash quotation were as follows'
FLOUR Quiet and easy: winter pat
ents, 33.60C&3.70; straight. 83.SOtg3.40; spring
patents, Wu'3.W; straights, 33.10caS.40;
bakers. 32.46&2.90.
WHEAT-No. t spring, 76tST74c; No. 3, 75
4976c; No. red, 7241730.
CORN No. 2. 454c; No. 2 yellow, 454c.
OATS No. 2, S3htUMc; No. 3 white, 310
36 c.
RYE No. J. 48i49e.
BARLEY Good feeding, 4345c; fair to
choice malting, 48&64c.
SEED No. I flax, 11.09; No. 1 northwest
ern. 8i.10m.11.
PROVISIONS Mesa pork, per bbl., 318.124
fl8.26. Lard, per 100 lbs.. 310.0610.074.
Short ribs sides (loose), 39.7tV6-9.90. Dry
salted shoulders fboxed). $8 Short
clear aides (boxed), I10.3744jl0.60. ,
Following in the receipt and shipments
of flour and grain:
Receipts. BhlDments.
Flour, bbls 22,700 12.70)
Wheat, bu 31.500 20.30)
Horn, bu 291,100 127,70)
Data, bu 269.600 77.fiOI
fcye, bu 9.500 16.20)
- Barley, bu 61,000 10.00)
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market was steady; creameries, 1S3
274c. Eggs, easier, at mark, cased In
cluded, I64&. cneese, steady, iz4WiJ4o.
4ottlon o that Day - Virion
ceipts. 28.965 bbls.: exports, 16.272 bbls.;
market unsettled by the weakness In wheat
and lower to sen; winter patents,
34.OOtff4.25; winter straights, 33.5o3 65;
winter extras, u.ttucas.iu; winter low grades
32.6cxu2.9o; Minnesota patents, 64.lV4i-t.25;
Minnesota lfc.ers. 3 "t J 4l. Kye nour,
quiet; fair to good, 32.9tKa3.30; choice to
fancy, 33.364?3.55. Buckwheat flour, quiet,
31.9uci2.15, spot and to arrive.
COKNMEAL Easy; yellow western, 31.11;
RVE P-u.ler- No. 1 western. 61UW1HC.
f. o. b., afloat; state, 67i&12c c. I., f .. New
' BARLEY Pull; feeding, 47c, c. I. f.,
Buffalo; malting. 6Z4Q59C c. 1. I., ButTalo.
W11UAT Receluts. 33.260 bu. : exDorta
142,536 bu. Spot, easy; No. 2 red. 7c. ele
vator; No. 2 red, 604c. f. o. b., afloat; No. 1
northern Duluth, H'.Ho, t. o. b., afloat; No. 1
hard Manitoba. 87c, f. o. b., afloat. After
Irregularity In the forenoon wheat turnei
very weak around 1 o'clock, continuing ao
up to the close. The close was unsettled at
So net decline. March closed at .62'kc;
May, 7S'in' imifu at cvtjui uiy,
1-Mnc, closed at 76c; September, 75
r7d40, closed at 764c.
CORN Receipts, 138.000 bu.; exports, 61,
628 bu. Spot, eaay: No. 2, 654c- No. 2 yel
low. 55c: No. 2 white. 660. Options ex
perienced early firmness on big clearances
and wet weatner west ana innuenuai sup
port, but later turned very weak under
heavy liquidation, the wheat decltfie and a
big visible supply Increase, cloatni irrefilar
at Ho n" loss. Marcn closed at ooc
Anrll rlnuil at RAc ' Mil' f,2U4ifJ g-lrt,.
closed at 624c; July, 50Vtit0Tc, closed at
OATS Receipts, 79.500 bu. Spot dull; No.
I 4Jc: standard white, iie; No: 8, 4:c;
No z wnite, 44xc. ro. wnite, c. ithck,
mlied western, nominal: track white. 44r,i
4Xc. Options after early steadlneaa sold oft
aharDlv with grain. May closed at 4"Hc.
HA Y Quiet; spring, 65(70c; good to
choice. SOcciitl.00.
. HOPS yulet ; state, common 'o choice,
citlc coast, 19j2. 26iJuc; 190U23U-6c; olds, 4 J
HIDES Firm: Galveston. 18c; Cali
fornia, lite; Texas ary, lie.
LEATHER Firm: acid. 244l26c.
PROVISIONS Beef, quiet; family, 314 (XV
1560; mess, xuucko'jku; Deer nam. lixjt
21.40; packet, lU.OCil 13.0c); city extra IndU
mwi 14 do 25.00. Cut meats, steady, nickel
bellies, f9;?xn 11.00; pickled shoulders, tH.Md
8 75; pickled ha mm. tll.2MiU.75. IjurS.
Arm: western steamed, 10.3i ; refined
firm; continent, lloni; South Amer
ica. 311; compound, 37. 5187.75. Pork, firm;
family, 319 Oin l.jO; short clear, llamas il.oc,
meaa, flS iJ.cM.
TALLOW Dull; city, 64o; country, 3
' 6c.
KICK Firm; domestic, fair to extra, 41S4
O'v; Japan, nominal.
BUTTER Receipts. 6.861 pkgs. ; firm;
state dairy, 16ti24c; creamery, extra, 28c;
creameiy. common to choice. 1827c.
CHEESE Receipts. 1.420 pkgs.; firm;
fancy, large, state, full cream, colored, fall
made. 14(('144c; white HiiH',c; fancy,
small, colored, 144c; white. 144c
LOUS Receipts. 17,1m) pkgt. ; steady;
state and Pennsylvania, average best, 19c;
western, fancy. lkHC
POULTRY Alive : Market unsettled;
prices not eatabl.shed; western, weak;
western chickens, 14jl44c; western lowU.
lie; turkeys, lie.
METAlS Tin closed 15s lower In London
today at 1361" for spot and at 136 104
for futures. The New York market was
About 60 points lower at 3O.75ai0.26. After
opening 17s 6d higher In London copper
there turned easier and cloeed at an ad
vance of 110, at data for spot and 62
lua for tuiuxaa. Tba local uarkct was
44l 44, I
431 4314
I 4H
31 31 I
2SVk 28
18 36
17 S74
17 60
10 15
10 00
9 924 9 924
9 Jo 72Xj
9 65 9 63
higher, but unsettled and practically nom
inal. Standard is quoted at 3135; lake,
eleelrnlytlc end casting at 814. nominal.
Lead Advanced 7s fed in Iondon to 13Ss9d,
while here it remained quiet and un
changed at H l-'i Spe.ter whs higher both
here and In London, the latter market ad
vancing )" to AtiSd. while locally the
price was raised to !6.1.uu.i. Iron was
higher abroad, "losing In Hiasgow at 56s
lud and In Mlddlesborough at 5ue luHd.
lxically Iron continues quiet and un
(.hanged. No. 1 foundry northern in quoted
at 3:4 O'l&.&o, No. 2 foundry northern at
W-OtKiiffi-iiO. No. 1 foundry southern and No.
i loundry eoft at f.3 6ufi J4. Warrants
contlnuo nominal.
Condition of Trade aad Qnotatlome on
Staple and Fancy Prodace.
EGOS Market weak; fresh stock, 13B
i.iVE POULTRY Hens. l(xaio-,c: old
roosters, 4'yftc; turkeye. i:tl5c; cluckt, Mtf
8c; geese, '('.lc, chickens, per lb., I(ul04c.
IrtESSED POULTRY Chickens, lKg'.'c;
hens, lliiiJc; turkeys, Jjal)c; ducka, llici-llio;
geese, llyl2c.
BUTTER Packing stock, 124iS13cj choice
dairy, In tubs, lul.c; separator, in'ilc
OYSTERS Standards, per can, 2Sc; extra
Selects, per can, 36c; New York Counts, per
can, 2r; bulk, oxtra Selects, per gal., 31.76;
bu.k, Standard, per gal., 1 3j.
FitOZEN FRESH FISH Trut, 910c;
herilng, oc; pickerel, Sc. pike, .; perch, 6o;
buffalo, dressed, 7c; sunfleh, 3c; blueflna, 3c;
wmtellsh, 9c; salmon, ' Hie; haddock, 11c;
codfish, 12c; redanapper loc, lobsteis,
bolied, per lb., 40c; lobsters, green, per lb.,
&.; bullheads, luc; catfish, 14c; black bass,
2ic; halibut. He.
BRAN Per ton. 315.50.
HAY Prices quoted bv Omaha Wholesale
Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland.
37.60; No. 2, 37; medium, 35o; coarse, 36.
Rye straw, 31. These price are for hay of
good color and quality. Demand fair; re
ceipts light.
CORN 4.1c.
RYE No. 2, 4..C.
NEW CELERY Kalamazoo, per doi..
25c; Cnllfornla, per dox.. 4.Vu70c.
POTATOES Per bu., 4"t(i4.c.
SWEET POTATOES lowa and Kansas.
NEW FAK8LEY-Per OOS. Duncnes, 4C.
NEW CARROTS Per do. bunches, 40c.
LKTTl'CE Per doz. bunches. 4ac.
BEETS New southern, per doz. bunches.
60c; oid, per bu., 40c.
CUCUMHEK& itotnouse, per aox., x..ysi.
I'ARSNll'S-Per bu., 4"c.
CARROTS Per bu., 40c.
OHEEN ONIONS Southern, per doz.
bunches, 40c.
RADISHES Southern, per doz. bunches.
TURNIPS Per bu., 40c: Canada rutaba
gas, per lb., 14c; new Bou'hern, per doz.
bunchea, 5oc.
ONIONS Red Wisconsin, per lb.. ITic:
white, per lb., 24c: Spanish, per crate. $1.75.
SPINACH Southern, per doz. bunchea.
LEMONS California fary, F.Z5; choice.
WAX BEANS Per bu. box. 33: string
jeans, per bu. box, 31.50.
CABBAOE Holland seed, per ID., 1'4C
TOMATOES New Florida, per 6-basket
crate, 84.6tMft6.O0.
cauliflower California, per crato.
PF,ARS Western, ner bbl.. 82.75: Jona
thans, 35; New York stock, 33.25; California
Bellflowers, per bu. box, 31.50.
OKAPKS Malagas, per keg. 66.007.00.
F'OS California. Der 10-lb. cartons. 90e:
Turkish, per So-lb. box, H'jflSc.
UKAMiEB-California navels, rancv, 3.oo
K nhnln. ft (...( I .
(2.26; sweet Jaffa. 32.60.
uatks-Persian, in 70-lb. boxes, per lb.,
60c; jior case of 30-lb. pkics.. 32.23.
POPCORN Per lb., 2c; shelled, 4c.
No. 1 salted. 7c: No'. 2 salted. 6c: No. i
veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs.. 84c; No. 2 veal calf,
12 to la ids., be; dry hides, Su'-c; sheep
pelts, 2575c; horse hides, 81.50(2.50.
NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, nor lb..
15c; hard shell, per lb., 14c; No. 2 soft shell,
Ber id., 13c; Mo. z hard shell, per lb., 12c;
irazlls. per lb.. 12c: filberts, ner lb.. 12c:
almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell.
per id., lac; pecans, large, per lb., 124c;
small, per lb., lie;, cocoanuts, per doz., 6nc;
cheatnuts. n,r lb.. 10c: Deanuts. uer lb..
54c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 7c; black
wainuts, per du., 11; Hickory nuts, per bu.,
8150; cocoanuts, per 100, 34.
OLD METALS. ETC. A. B. Alpirn quotes
the following prices: Iron, country mixed.
per ion, in; iron, stove plate, per ton, 88;
copper, per lb.. 8V4c: brass, heavv. Der lb..
84c; brass, light, per lb., 64c; lead, per lb.,
8c; zinc, per lb., 24c.
MfbB HLUAn Ohio, per lb., 10c.
HONEY Utah. Der 24-frame case. X.T2E:
Colorado, 33.50.
CIDER New Yotk, 81; per V4-bbl., 32.50.
SAUERKRAITT WlHconsln. ner 1hM
32; per bbl., 33.76.
t. Louis Grain and Provisions.
ST. LOUIS. March 9 WTIEiT-Turw
No. 2 red. cash, elevator. fiSVc! track 7Mi)
74c: May. 69Ac: Julv. libKa: No. 2 hard
CORN Weaker; No. 2 cash 40'4t; track.
404ic; May. 40&41c; July, 40u.
vjAio oieany; iso. i caen, 3jc, nominal;
track. 354di36c: May 24tkc: Julv. 3uWc: No.
white, 38c.
ktk l-ower at 604c.
FLOUR Dull, steady: red winter pat
ents 33.30&3.45; extra fancy and straights,
13. oocij 3.25; clear, 33.762.90.
ob,h,u iimouiy, steady, 12.75(83.40.
Cc i. 1 M K A I. Stead v, 2.30.
BRAN Steady; sacked east track, 813c.
HAY Irregular: timothy. 8U.60ii;lfi.5O:
prairie, 37.0(11.00.
BAGQINO 6iif64o.
PROVISIONS Pork. weak: ioobinir.
standard mess, 318.324. Lord, higher at
3966. Dry salt meats steady; boxed extra
shorts, clear ribs and short clears, 310.00.
Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts, clear
riDs ana snort clears, 110.074.
METALS Lead, Irregular, at 34.054.15.
Spelter, strong at 35.00.
POULTRY Steady; chickens, 104c; tur
keys, le; ducks, 15c; geeee, 8c.
BUTTER Steady; creamery, 20g'!84ct
dairy, lSf(j214c.
EGGS Lower at 15c.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls K.Ocrf) IO.00O
W heat, bu 43.000 122. 00c)
Corn, bu 22&.000
Oats, bu 153,000 64,000
Llverpol Grain and Prorlalona.
LIVERPOOL, March I.-WH EAT rSpot :
Quiet; No. 2 red western, winter, 6e 14d;
No. 1 northern, spring, 6-j 8'd; No. 1
California. 6s lt)d. Futures: Dull: March.
6s 3d; May. 6s 14: July, 6 Tad.
t-UKN-Hpot: American mixed. new.
steady, 4s 4d; old. no stock, futures:
Quiet: March, 4s 64d; Mav. 4s 34d.
PROVISIONS Beef, eaay; extra India
mess, 89s. Pork, steady; prime mese west
ern, sis. Mams, snort cut. 14 to 18 lbs.,
firm, 66s. Bacon, strong; Cumberland cut
26 to 30 lbs.. 5Ts 6d: short rilis. 16 to 24 lbs.
65s; long clear middles, light, 2s to 84 lbs..
imb; long ciear miuuies, Heavy, aa to 40 lbs.
63s 6d; short clear backs, 35 to 40 lbs., 63s;
clear bellies, 14 to 16 lbs., 64s. Shoulders
square, 11 to 18 lbs., strong, 4is. Lard
strong; prime western, in tierces, 51s
American refined, in palls, fils.
BUTTER Good United States, steady,
80s; finest United States, nominal.
CHEESE Steady; American rtiieBt white
61s: American finest colored, iv's 6l.
TALLOW Prime city, steady, 6a 6d; Aus
trallan, dull.
Kansas City Grain and Provisions.
644i,(itilV: July, tuV3c. Cai-h: No. 2
nam. iv(i-,cir; -so 3 nurd, (Wotec; No. 4
hard, 67jjt4c; rejected, 52'tf57c; No. 2 red.
6M'.e; No. J. 6citiV.
CORN April, 371j37V; May, 37V63-io;
July, STVv Cueh: No. 2 m:xed, SHHcrtsc;
No. 2 white, 3440c; No. 8. 3f'-.'(!41c.
OATS No. 2 white, S4c; No. 2 mived,
344 354c
RYE No. 2. 46946c.
HAY Choice timothy, 312.60; choice
prairie. 8.x.7f.(U9.0O.
BUTTER C reamery, 214f25c; dairy, fancy,
EOGS Fresh, 13c.
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu 35.3 a) 11. 2")
Corn, bu 6'.).2i 52.oi'0
Oats, bu 37,0uO 12.0CO
Toledo Grain and Meed.
TOLEDO. O.. March . WHEAT Active
weak: cash, 74c; May, 74c; July. 72c.
CORN Active, easier; March and May,
444c: July. 46c
OATS Dull, firm; March and May, 36c;
July. 824c
RYE No. 2. 634c v
SEED Clover, falrlv active, lower;
March, 37.10: April. 3695; October. 35.42Va.
Prime timothy. 31.70.
Milwaukee Grain Market.
MILWAUKEE. March 9.-WHEAT -Lower;
close: No. 1 northern. ?jc; No. 2
northern. 774.fj7V; May. 744u4Wc
RYE Lower; No. 1 614c.
BARLEY Steady; No. 2, 63&64c; sample,
CORN May, 474c sked.
Minneapolis Wheat, Floar and Braa,
. July, 744o; oa uaclt. No. I bard.
7RHc; No. 1 northern. 75e; No. I northern.
Fljnvn First patents. P 70S : second
patents. S.!t3.70; first clears. 3-70; seco id
clears. 32.u'ti2.10.
BRAN In bulk, 314. 75 15.00.
llO-lll Board of Trade, Omaha, Bieb
Telephone 151B.
CHICAOO. March 9. WHEAT The mnr
ket showed some strength early, helped
by general short covering on the low
temperatures In the extreme north and
Home uneusiness of the crop. There wns
also some sympathy with tbe early crn
advance, hut later both wheat ind corn
slipped off and wheat declined lc from
Saturday's to 73 the lowest price for four
months. Mere than half of the loss was
recovered before the close, following the
rally In corn. There was no cold weather
Indicated in the west or southwest. Pri
mary receipts were Ssn.nOO bushels ngtlnst
.13.000 hu!iels last year; primary ship
ments, 207,000 bushels against 1H0.O0O bushels.
Northwest receipts. 5J12 cars, against 445
a vear ago. Cabtes were lower. Clear
ances were large 676,00c) bushels The visi
ble supply decreased l.C50,ooo bushels. Chi
cago stocks decreased lOS.OOO bushels. New
York reports 2o loads taken for export.
There was a sale here of fSOon bushels of
No. 1 northern. Ical receipts. 3d cars,
with none of contract; estimates for to
morrow, 30 cars. Liverpool reported navi
gation from South Russia opened. There
is the expectation that farm reserve will
show liberal, larger In the northwest than
has been assumed.
CORN There was a strong corn market
early on the bullish mood of the crowd
and on small offerings of May. The best
help was the large clearances, 1,104.000
bushels. There was enough commission
demand for May to advance It to Sc over
Pnturdav's close; ell the advance was lost
and part of It recovered in the last half
hour. July lagged all day and at one time
wns 2'4c discount. The weather not so
wet and prospects of a moderate drop in
temperatures. The visible supply Increjsed
l,O72.0c bushels. The local stock Increased
218. 01X) bushels. New York reports 17 loads
taken for export. Local receipts, 339 cars,
with 2 of contract; estimates for Tuesday,
4S9 cars. Primary receipts 645,000 bushels,
against 847,000 bushels last year; primary
shipments, 476,000 bushels, against 115.0O!
bushels. The shipping demand wns poor
and the east trying to sell. Cash was 4c
OATS The market has been IrreKular In
sympathy with corn. The trade has not
been largv. Cash market was yS4c lower.
Country offerings were moderate and there
was a fair cash demand. Local receipts.
266 enrs, with 21 of contract: estimates for
Tuesday 215 cars. The vlrlblo supply in
creased 2M.O0O bushels. Iocal stock In
creased 23.000 bushels. A largo farm re
serve Is expected.
PROVISIONS Market opened strong.
The longs that sold out early bought back
again later 01.. Market has been a de
cidedly strong one. Llghc receipts will
probably bull the market further. Th.-re
were 38,000 head of hoes; market strong
and 6c higher. Estimates for tomorrow,
27 000 head. Hogs in the west today 56,000
head, against 4S.70O head last week and
H.MK) head last year. Weight of hogs for
the week. 211 pounds, the same ns pre
Phllndelpl-la Produce Market.
Firm, good demand; extra western cream-
an- f0r- nenrhv nrlnts. 32C.
EOOS Firm, Bood demand; fresh nearby,
IS40 at mark: fresh western, l&4c at mark:
frtsh southwestern, ISc at mark; fresh
southern, 17c at mark.
cil T.T.'.riF' Firm crnod demand V New York
full creams, prime small. 14"&144c; New
York full creams, fair to good small, 13V4
1.c; New York full creams, prima large,
Dnlntb Grain Market.
pm'TH, March 9. WHEAT Cash No.
1 hard, 74,c; No. 2 northern, 7mc; No. 1
northern, 73Sc; No. z nortnern, cz,c; may,
74Svic74i2c; July, Mc.
OATS May, 1K4C.
. Peoria Market.
PEORTA, 111., March 9. CORN Firm;
No. 3, 40c.
OATS steady; mo. s wnite, asmoke.
!lew York Money Market.
NPW YORK. March 9. MONEY On call
ruled firm, but closed easier at 24fi7 per
cent, closing offered 3 per cent; time money.
firm; 60 days, 8 per cent; six monins. o per
cent; prime mercantile paper, 6ft5 per
oTii-nT.TKri TilVPHANfJE-Bteatlv at de
cline, with actual business In bankers' hills
at i4.8275tSf4.e3 for nemana. enci at iihotj
4f65 for 60 dav bills; posted bills. 34.M4'8
34 K4 and 34.S7&4.874; commercial bills,
34.824ffi4.S3J. ' . ,
SILVER Bar, 494c; Mexican dollars,
BONUSMovernmeni, Bitrccuj , ivmwu,
The closing quotations, on bonds are as
U. 8. rot. 2a, reg
do roupon
do 3a, reg
do coupon
.107'4 Mn. Central 4i 774
.1074, do 1st Inc 2
107 M. A St. L. 4, 101
....1074 M K- & T. 4, ll'O
....1344 lo 2" -14
....IMU N. Y. C. c. 4....1"H
do new 4, res
co coupon
do old U. nt JO.- N. J. C. f. la 121 4
An coumn 1U4 4 No. Pacific 4l 103U
do la. rr( 10- do 724
do coupon 10!? N. W. c. 4 1004
Atchlaon sea. 4s 10 Reading arn. 4a
do aAl- a It Ht. L. 1. M. e. Ca.114
Bal. tc Ohio 4a 101', Bt. U. 8. Y. 4a.... M4
do S4 !4 St. U 8. W. la It
do oonr. 4a VH'A do ta M
Canada io. ta lo 8 A. A. P. 4a.... 8:14
('. of O. Ba.
94 so. racinc a
C. A A. S4a 77 j
C, B. ft Q. n. 4a... M
C. M A St P 1. 4a... 1101,1
O. N. W. c. 7a.... 1324
C, R. I. 4k P. 4a... .104
CPC. B. L. g. 4s.. 1004
Chloazo Tar. 4a 34
Colo. go. 4a
Peiiver A R. O. 4a.. 84
Erie prior lien 4s.... !
do general 4a H5
P. W. St D. C. la.... Ill
Hocklnu Val. 44a...l074
Ko Kallwar 6a Ua
Teaaa & P. la 1144
T.. St. L. W. 4a.. 774
Union Pacing 4a. 1024
do conT. 4a. ......1034
Wabaah la 114
do 2a 1074
do deb. B 754
Wnt Shore 4a Ill
Whacl. L. E. 4a... (04
wia. central 4a
.. 14
.. 4
Con. Too. 4a..
Cclo. Fuel ta.
.. if
L. A N. unl. 4a 1004
Boslon Sicicki nad Bonds.
BOSTON, March 9. Call loans, 6ff per
cent: tlnia loans, 664 per cent. Official
closing ot stocks Mia Donas:
Atchlaon 4a :..lo0'4
Mri. Central 4a las
Atchlaon altt
do pfd 74
noston at Albany. ...2i.4
. 724
. 24
. Kt4
. 114
. 134
. t44
. 204
. 73
. S04
'alitmet & Hecla.
Copper Range ....
Dominion Coal ...
Ule Horala
Boaton 4 Ma 17
U oat on Elevated ....147
N. Y.
N. H. & H...172
Kltchburg pfd 1414
t'nlon liclno
Mx. Central t
Amor. Sugar KV
do pfd c.U"'ii
Am,r. T. 4 T IC54
Do.nil.ton 1. & M4
Gtueral Elactrlo ....VJL
Mass. Electric i-'4
t'nlled Fruit H'S
XI. 8. Steel ti
do old S
Old Iiomlnlon
Santa Fe Copper....
. 24
tamarack ...
TrtmcuQlain .
t'nlted Sutra
.. 7
.. 11M
.. 24
.. 10
.. 7Vi
.. 1
Weetlns. Common.... lui Winona
Advenluro 124Wolvartns
Ailouea i
London stork Market.
LONDON, March 9. Closing quotations:
Conaola for monar. tl 3-14 New York Central. .. .1444
do account 2)4 Norfolk & Weatern... 714
Anaconda a I do Dfd...
, 1014
, 2
. i.4
Atchlaon 2 Ontario 4V Weatern.
do pfd loo Pennaylvanla
Ilaltlmiire A Oljlo fc hand Mlnta.
canadiau Patlfi'- U'4 Ktfadlng
Cheutpeake t Ohio .. 44 do IH pfd
Chltaao U W 24 do 2.1 pld
C. M. & 8t. P 17;48outhern Hallway..
lleBeera 22 do ptd
In liver & R. Q .
do pfd
do IhI pfd....
do U pfd ...
Illlnola Central.
21 Southern Pa-ltlc
M I nion Paclflc
3tl no. pfd
41 ,1'nlted Statea Steel
do pld....
do pfd
l.ulavllle a Nash. ...121
Mlwourl. K at T ... 2t'4
BAR SILVER Uncertain at 22d per
MONEY 34e3 per cent. The rate of
discount In the open market for short bills
1st 3Mj3 per cert and for three months'
ullls is 3 Vi to '' per cent.
Ktvr York Mlulna,' atoeks.
NEW YORK, March 9.-The following are
the quotations on the New York Stock
Adaiua Con 10 I Little Chief 9
Alice 14 Ontario 4'4J
Urraoa 26 llphlr 214
Hrunserick Con 1 !' o.'ilx I
t omato, k Tunnel 4 Polotl 43
Con. Cal. A Va 216 is
Horn Silver 16 iHierra Nevada 96
Iron Silver a tiii.ll Hopia 40
UaJulle Con I 'Standard 2o0
Foreign Financial.
LONDON. March 9. The demand for
money was active In the market today and
Ktipplies were poor. Idsaounts wege firm.
Business on the Stock excharge was gen
erally light, operators being largely occj
pied with the mining settlement. Atten
tion was generally directed to Americans.
The opening was in several Instances a
little above parity and prices were Inclined
tu harden. After some I'd value on liear
covering there was a general weakening.
There was much nervousness experienced
regarding the position In New York but
stocks made a fair recovery after the re
ceipt of the opening quotations in New
York and closed with a better tone. Con
sols were weak on the slackness of busi
ness and the financial position In America.
Home rails were lower on liquidations for
the bull account Grand Trunk wavs frac
tionally lower. Rio tlntos were weak at
first, but aUiirotl oa IL strength ot cop
per. bear covering and good outside buying.
The metal reached 624 an! closed at
The amount of bullion taken Into the Bank
of England on balance today was ;2.oiJ.
PARIS, March 9 Prices opened Irregular
on the bourse today. Influenced by the ad
vices from New York and lnndon. and a
general decline followed. Rio tlntos re
covered sharply and absorbed most of the
attention. The advance in the price of cop
per caused bear covering. Industrials were
In good demand and harder. Pebeers and
Kaffirs were dull and easier. The private
rate of discount was 2 15-16 per cent. Ex
change on Ijnndnn. 25f 15c for checks; three
per cent rentes. lcf 20c for the account.
BERLIN, March 9 Home funds were
irregular on the bourse today, foreigners
were maintained and locals were firm.
Canadian Pacifies fluctuated sharply. Ex
change on London, 20m 50pfg for checks;
discount rates for short bills, 2 per cent;
for three months' bills, 24 per cent.
Expected Incline Does ot Come Off,
as Market Hardens at Ootset.
NEW YORK, March 9-The action of the
stock market today verified a Wall street
uphorlsm that the expected does not hap
pen. A disorganized market and vlo.ent
declines were looked for today. The events
proved that the opening prices where there
were declines were the lowest. The fac
tors that made for recovery were at work
from the outset. There was a vigorous
contest of the elements for reaction and
recovery during an hour of furious ac
tivity. By that time the reactionary ten
dency had been arrested and recovery
fathered force for the rest of the day.
he closing was rather unsteady, but not
fur from the top level.
It wm clear enough from the weakened
position of the banks, as shown by Satur
day's batik statement, that liquidation of
stocks muft be resorted to. This expecta
tion proved correct today and the banks
did In fact call loans to a very large ex
tent and stocks were thus dislodged and
forced upon the market. But the keen fore
sight o the bear partv had evidently been
anticipating the coming of this forced liq
uidation by their large selling of last week,
so that they were ready to bay stocks In
order to cover their short contracts and
take their profits today. Buying of this
character forced fractional advances 'n
Union Pacific and Southern Paclflc In the
very face of the opening tide of liquidation,
which wa aggravated by the accumulation
over Sunday of Belling orders by mall, tele
graph and cable from all quarters. It also
developed during the day that while the
local banking houses were calling loans
the foreign banking houses in the city
Were In abundant funds. They were able to
make loans on call at 7 per cent. The ex
change market was resorted to to replen
ish the fund for this lending, so that the
call loan rate was forced down to 6 per
cent even while the active borrowing- of
the day was still In progress and money
rates broke to nominal figures after the de
mand had been natlsfled. The sterling rate
broke 611 to 65 points under the flood of loan
bills offered, posted riteg were twice re
duced 4c at a time. At the same time
sterling declined at London and Paris. In
dicating the extension of the New York
pressure over a wider field. New York ex
change at Chicago also recovered to par,
compared with 20c discount on Saturday.
lth the Immediate apprehension regard
ing the money supply thus relieved the
pressure from the shorts became more
acute and later In the day they rushed up
Southern Pacific 4i over Snturdav'a ll
The rise in Union Paclflc reached over 3
points, and In St. Paul, Manhattan and
Amalgamated Copper over a point. Man
hattan was a strong feature all day, said
to be on pool buying, the opening rise In
the stock being 14. The violent advance
In the price of copper both here and In
London helped the rise In Amalgamated.
In the active lists the earlier lohses, which
ran from 1 to 2 points In many cases, were
gradually wiped out and the net gains
reached as much as a point In quite a num
ber of leading railroads and specialties.
The influence of the failure In the dry
goods trade announced on Saturday
noon, which had been much dreaded, proved
to be very slight, owing to the time af
forded to sec j re explicit knowledge of the
failure and the evidence that the trouble
had been strictly localized.
The bond market, which had been quite
weak during the morning, recovered In
sympathy with stocks. Total sales, iiar
vulue. 33,180,000. United 8tates bonds were
all unchanged on the last call.
me ronowing are the closing prices on
the New York Stock exchange:
. at' Texas A Pacific It
do pfd
Baltimore & Ohio..
do pfd
Canadian Pacific ..
Canada Southern ,.
Chea. & Ohio
Chloago A Alton...
do pfd
Chloago A Ot. W..
do 1st pld
do Id pfd
Chicago A N. W...
Chicago T. A T...
. "Vi.T.. bt. L. A W
7 4114
. tl
. o4
. it
. 484
. J44
. 4
. 24
. 4t
. 24
. 4
. 824
. 4
. 244
. HU4
. 44
. 144
do Dfd
Union Paclflc ..
do pld
do pfd
W. A L. E
do 2d pfd...
Wis. Central ..
do pfd
Adams Expreaa
Amer. Kapreae
l. 8. Uxpreao..
do pfd
Wella-Fargo El 2M
C. C. C. A Bt. L..... t4
Amal. Copper
.. 714
Colo. Southern
Amer. C. A P....
do pfd
... 3e
... 91
.. 164
... 40
... 44
... to
... 464
... 464
... 4
... 104
... 11
... 71
... 424
... 9
... 4.4
... 254
... 364
... 41
... M4
... 20 S4
... 7
... 424
... 12)4
... 74
... 124
... 14
... 14
... tt
... 4
... I64
... t4
... 28'4
... 934
... 444
... 424
... 764
do let pfd
do 2d pfd
Del. A Hudson..
Del., L. A W
Denver A Rio O.
do ptd
do let pfd
do 2d pfd
Ot. Nor. pfd
Hocking Valley ..
do pfd
Illlnola Central ...
Iowa Central
do prd
L. E. A W ,
do pfd
Louie. A Nash...
Manhattan L .....
Met. St. Ry
Mex. Central
Mex. National ...
Minn. A St. L..,
allaaonrl Pacific ..
4 , K. A T
do pfd
N. J. Central.....
N. Y. Central....,
Nor. A West ,
do pfd
Ontario A W....
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd
Bt. L. AS. P....
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd
St L. S. W
do pfd
Bt. Paul
do pfd
So. Pacific
Bo. Hallway
do pfd
. 4,
. 4
. 344
Amer. Lin. Oil...
do prd
Amer. 8. A R...
do pfd
Ana. Mln. Co....
Brk. Rap. Tr...,
Colo. F. A I
Con. Oaa
On. Tab. Co...,
. 34V
. 464
. 6S4
General Electrio
74. Hex king Coal
lnt'n'1 Paper ....
do pfd
Int'n'l Power ...
Ltrlede Gaa
National Dlerutt
... S!4
... M
... 41
...ll4(Nallonal Lead ..
...14-4 No. American ...
...l44Paclflc Cceat ....
... i' Pacific Mall
People' a Oaa
Preaaed Steal Car.
do pfd '
Pullman Pal. Car.
... a4lHeDUbllc Steel
...HI do' pfd
... 714)Tenn. C. A I
... 'V. B. A P. Co...
... J04 do pfd
...144 U. 8. Leather....
. .. i4 do pfd
... M V. 8. Rubber....
... 714 do pfd
... t0)4 V. 8. Steel
...70 t do pfd
... 704 Weatern Union ..
... 24w Am. Locomotire
... tl I do pfd
...169VK. f- aouthern.. I do pfd
... W I Rock Island
... 22 ' do ptd
... 63
Bank Clearlntrs.
CHICAGO, March 9. Clearings. 332.140,660:
balances, 32.121.428.
NEW YORK. March 9-Clearlngs, 130,.
855,1,7: balances, $5,230 921; exchange, par;
foreign exchange, sterling posted at 34.84
for tin days and at 34.h7 for demand.
BOSTON March 9. Clearings, 316.173.142:
balances, 34.8U.014.
PHILADELPHIA, March 9. Clearings
315.106.072; balances, 31.903,915; money, 44fo5
per cent.
BALTIMORE, March 9 Clearings 32
970.523; balances, 33&6,0ol; money 6 54 per
HT T nT'TCl V. A i'. 1 I ,n m. Ann .
"vi tj. 4Tia'i.ii ir-at icisjn. a,iui,99;
balancen, 3tW7.6i)9; money, steady at 5Q6 per
cent; exchange par.
CINCINNATI. March 9 Clearings. 344.
846.5CO; money, 4fi5 per cent; New York ex
change, ltXQlSc discount.
Olf and Rosin.
OIL CITY. Pa.. March 9 OIL Credit
balnnces 31 50; certificates, no sale; ship
ments, 14.17 bbls.; average, flo.010 bbls.;
runs. 121 VA bids : average, 71.922 bbls
SAVANNAH, Ua., March 9. OIL Turpen
tine firm, fi."c.
ROSIN-EIrm: A, P C, D. E, F. 32.00;
O. 32. 10; H. 32.40: I 32.85: J. 325, K. 33.20;
M 33 4: N 33HO; Wo, 33 85; WW. 34.25.'
TOLKno. March 9. OIL No change.
NEW YORK, March 9 OIL Cottonseed,
st-adv; petroleum, steady; turpentine,
stend v.
LIVERPOOL, March 9 OIL Unseed,
IONDON, March 9 Oil Calcutta lin
seed, spot. 44s 6d; Unseed, 23sl04d; turben
tine spirits, 43s.
Coffee Market. '
NEW Y'ORK. March 9 COFFEE Snot
Plo. iirm; mild. Arm; Cordova, 74f74e.
Futures opened steady at an advance of 6
10 points and continued steady to the close
under firm cables, lighter receipts, reports
of ngltatlcn in Brazil to curtail production
and covering. Speculation was quiet, prices
at the close on the opening basis, and sales
to that time 15.75.) bags. Including March
at 4 Sic: May, 4.55c; July. 4.70c; September.
4.8'ij4.9i)c; October, 4.utVS5.0i)c; November,
Whisky Market.
CHICAOO, March .-WHISKY-Basls of
high w4nes, 81.30.
PEORIA. March I. WHISK Y 41 30.
ST. LOCIS March 9.-VHISKY-Steady
at 8130.
" Nl'INNATI March 3.-WHI8K Y-Dls-t4-s'
flnlHhed 'soods. on the basis of high
tW , quiet, 31.30.
, Wool Market.
ST. LOt'IS, March 9. WOOL Quiet,
easy; medium grades and combing. 16ffl2oc;
light fine. l.Vn:l8c; heavy fine. WqUc; tub
washed, 19b29c.
Blarln Batter Market.
ELOIN. March f. BUTTrR Nons was
offered today and there were no regular
sites. The market was declared firm at
270. Output this week, h.60O lbs.
Liberal EeceipU of Cattle Caused Beef
Bteeri to Sell Lower.
Demand for Pat Sheep and La tub a
Continued In Good Shape and the
Prlcea Showed Ko (.notable
thaagt from Last Week.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Official Monday 4.210 4.cV4 7,243
fame day last week 2.231 2.429 2.284
Sttme week before 4 617 8.768 4.514
Same three weeks ago... 4.408 6.792 2.463
Same lour weeks ago.... 3.345 6.465 6,796
Same day last year 3.672 4,339 8,852
The following table show the receipts of
cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for
the year to date and comparisons with last
year: 1W3. 19jC. Ipc. Dec.
Cattle 174.23 149.243 25.040
Hog 444.0M8 527,106 83,007
Sheep 251.647 147.WS 103,668
Average price paid for hogs at South
Omaha for the laet several days with com
parison?; Date. I 1803. 1902.1901.U900.1899.lt98.:i897.
Feb. 16
7 034,1
96 I
6 814
4 83 3 Ml
4 76) 3 og
1 3 62
4 3
4 78, 3 50
4 74 3 471
4 691 551
4 69 3 58
4 691 3 C3I
I 3 681
3 8
3 34
3 U
3 31
2 38
3 36
8 31
3 3
8 41
3 49
3 42
3 43
3 60
3 47
8 20
3 43
3 bi
8 65
Feb. 17...
6 79
6 22
6 23
3 84
Feb. 18...
Feb. 10...
Feb. 20...
Feb. 31...
Feb. 21...
Feb.' 2S...I
6 78;
5 85
3 86
5 M
3 87
3 91
i 3H
5 :t
6 291
6 32
3 96
s i7
3 34
3 81
Feb. 24...
3 83
3 .9
Feb. 2il...
Feb 26... I
Feb. 2f...
Feb. 28..
March 1.
March 2.
March 3.
March 4.
March 6.
March 6.
March 7.
M irch 8.1
March 9.1
6 93
6 38
6 88i
i 81
6 33
4 o
3 81
6 M'
6 Swt'
6 25
6 28
6 22
4 6
3 6'i
3 64
3 61
6 t2
3 69
3 62
2 54
5 90
4 77
4 68
3 66
3 78;
3 86
3 73
8 87
6 01
6 28l
6 32
7 02V
7 ni
6 731
4 62
4 74!
6 07
6 971
6 36
3 821
7 fo ld
7 15fc I
7 H
6 !9
7 10
6 051
6 37 1
5 391
6 41
4 70
4 71
4 72
4 71
4 601
3 89
3 63
3 58
3 76i 8 67
3 76 1 8 6J
Indicates Sunday. '
The number of cars of stock brought
Ir. today by each road was:'p.K'ses.
C, M. A St. P. Ry 6 15
Wabash 1
Missouri Pacific Ry 1 .. 1
Union Pacific system... 27 12 8 2
0. & N W. Ry 13 S
F., E. A M. V. R. R 63 19 6
C. St. P., M. & O. Ry.. 39 3
B. & M. Ry 87 7 14 2
C, B. & Q. Ry 6 .. ..
K. C. & St. J 2
C. R. I. & P. Ry., east 8 .. ., 1
C, R. I. & P. Ry., west .. .. 2
Illinois Central 6 3 .. 1
Total receipts 192 63 30 7
The disposition of the day's receipts was
an follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated:
Buvers. Cattle, llors. Sh'D.
Omaha Packing Co.
Swift and Company.
Armour & Co
Cudahy Packing Co
Armour & Co., Sioux City
Vansant & Co
Carey & Benton
JxDbman & Co
W. I. Stephen
Hill & Huntzlnger
Livingstone 4k Shaller....
L V. Huss
Volf & Muman
. F. Hobbick
S. & S .n
Other buyers
Totals 4,225 4,45
CATTLE Receipts of cattle were liberal
this morning at all points and particularly
was that true at Chicago, so that prices
suffered to a greater or less extent. Pack
ers here seemed to want the cattle, but they
took advantage of the unfavorable reports
from other points to buy their supplies
The beef steer market was a little slow
In opening, as packers were bidding gen
erally a dime lower. Some of the handy
weight steers sold at prices that did not
look much different from those paid at the
close of last week. Heavy cattle, however,
were slow sale and safely a dime lower than
last Friday. Sellers did not like to take
off that much, so that It was late In the
day before a clearance was made.
- The cow market, however, held up In
very satisfactory condition. Cutters and
the better grades of cornfeds sold without
much trouble at steady prices. Handy
weight heifers continued In good demand
and were easy to sell at steady prices.
Canners. though, sold at rather uneven
prices, the same as they did last week, and
sellers were calling the market on that
c'.ass of cattle steady to a little lower.
Bulls did not show any particular change,
and veal calves also sold In just about the
same notches they did last week.
The demand for the better grades of
stockers and feeders continued brisk, so
that prices were. If anything, a shade
stronger. Supplies of that class of cattle
were very limited so that sellers had no
trouble In getting satisfactory prices. The
commoner kinds were mors or less neg
lected, the same as usual, but still the
prices paid were fully as good as those In
fores at the close of last week. Repre
sentative sales:
BEEF BiLtna,
4 SO
4 SO
4 SO
4 IS
4 16
4 16
4 It
4 M
4 40
4 40
4 40
4 40
4 40
4 46
4 60
4 60
4 60
4 W
4 66
4 46
4 71
4 40
4 N
4 46
4 40
1 to
4 00
4 00
4 00
4 00
4 00
4 16
4 14
4 16
4 to
4 20
4 to
4 tt
4 26
4 16
4 26
4 16
4 16
4 26
4 20
4 SO
4 SO
4 ...
I. ..,
II. ..
4 10
. 44
4 10
4 16
t 00
I 16
t M
I It
t 10
t tt
t St
t 40
I 40
t 40
t 40
t 40
t 40
t 60
I 60
t 60
t 60
I 60
t 60
t 40
t 60
I 40
1 60
I 60
I 60
t 40
t 46
t 76
I 71
I 76
t 74
t 76
t 7
t 76
t 7t
1 76
t 76
I 76
t Tt
t TS
I 76
t 76
I at
t 16
t 40
I 00
t 00
t 00
I 00
I 04
I 00
I 00
I 04
t 00
t 00
I 00
t )
I 14
t 14
t 14
t It
I 16
t 14
I 1
I It
I It
I tt
t 15
I 4
t 00
I to
I to
4 1067 I 2
1 740 t 25
J 1100 I 16
4 1171 I If
, I tit I It
S ....10t I U
t 1070 t 16
4..., 1177 I 10
4 174 t to
Jl t4T I 10
1 1101 I 10
1 121 I 16
I 1001 I IS
t 1-7 I SS
t 106 I St
t 726 I St
41 PCI I 40
1 1110 t 40
T 1061 I 40
4 1070 I 40
t 1000 I 40
1 1U90 I 44
1 447 I 40
I I 40
1 1160 I 40
t 1211 t 40
ri 1064 t 46
I HOt I 44
t 1100 I 60
T 67 t 60
II 10S1 I 60
1 1130 I 60
I 7I t 64
t 1031 I 60
J 1010 t 60
I .' 1140 t 40
t 1CJ60 t 60
6 461 I 40
4 1144 I 64
1 1121 I 66
1 102S I 61
11 , 1044 I 66
7 1114 144
14 1110 t to
31 lost I 40
4 loaO I to
4 16 I to
4 ., ll4 I 40
1214 I lit
t 7r4 I to
4 1120 I 40
10 441 t 40
4. 111 I tt
1 1130 t 16
4 1U36 I 45
1: 1011 I It
1 13o6 I It
44 list I If
6 1M4 I 70
13 1111 t 70
II 1047 t 70
4 1016 I 7S
1 414 t 14
1 1O70 I Tt
1116 I Tl
1 12a0 I 10
1 ltoO I 10
4 1141 I IS
I 1140 I at
I ino I at
1 44T IM
14 U74 4 04
1 tit I 71
t 110 I 71
14 ttt I T4
14 420 I 14
1 171 8 N
I ...
4 ...
.. tit
.. 146
.. 440
.. HO
.. 47
.. 444
.. 810
.. 600
.. 134
.. ISO
.. 671
.. 124
.. 447
.. "0
.. taV)
.. 460
.. no
.. 470
.. 446
.. 14
.. 70
.. 40
.. IM
.. SH6
.. 636
.. t
.. 70
.. 14
.. 440
.. 11100
.. 130
.. 74
... 4
.. 40
.. 43
. loaO
.. 4M
.. 44
.. 4t
.. K
.. 470
.. too
... 470
. . . 1146
... 444
... eta
... y
... m
.. tr
.. 441
436 4 00
.1.170 I it
..P..-0 1 4t.
. .161(1 I W
.1010 I 40
..MM) I 40
, ..1H0 I 4U
..If 44 t 40
..1740 10
. u:n I to
...UOo I 5(i
..14S0 1 60
...1410 110 I 6o
...120 t 40
. .1. ..U I V.
..746 I &i
...ISO 4 00
... I JO 4 00
... 230 4 00
. . . eu 4 00
..130 4 00
. . lio 4 :
1 140 6 M
t 446 4 26 1 340 4 00
1 0 t 00 18 M24 4 15
1 "0 I 40 I loiO 4 20
It i:0 I 10
1 4.'0 I to 1 745 t 4S
1 780 I 60 1 6u0 I 76
1 416 t 60 6 S74 t 46
1 4O0 46 1 640 I 10
4 415 I 00 10 S43 4 10
1 440 I !5 1 M0 4 10
1 "40 I 15 1 750 4 in
I 7M I 30 1 1044 4 10
4 t!4 I 60 t SI'S 4 10
J 4'0 I i0 1 714 4 It
t 924 I 60 4 741 4 It
1 110 I 60 14. ... Cl 4 14
1 415 I fO 1 60 4 16
4 815 1 40 10 1014 4 16
4 K..6 I to 1 443 4 It
4 46o I 76 II 813 4 16
10 6:1 I 60 II 740 4 20
t 724 I 16 46 aot 4 M
1 60 I 40 1 426 4 10
I ICS t 40 4 1016 4 15
11 86 t M tt li'Sl 4 15
4 426 I 46 4 42 4 25
4 82.', I 46 till 4 25
1 T70 4 00 16 430 4 25
4 474 4 00 22 1(182 4 25
6 840 4 00 40 410 4 30
17 611 4 00 110 647 4 36
24 744 4 00 1 1120 4 36
t 10O1 4 00 U Iwl 4 36
1 10C5 4 04 1 460 4 36
II 1107 4 06 10 431 4 36
640 4 01 1 1U0 4 60
1 170 4 05 t4 84 4 60
11 Ill 4 10 10 1011 4 50
IS 740 4 10 Jl 1240 4 44
4 125 4 10
H . . . 441 I 70
HOGS There was about an average sup
ply of hogs h.-re today, and although pack
ers ttarled In bidding a little lower, they
failed to get the hogs, and finally had to
raise their bids. The general market could
be quoted steady to strong and fairly ac
tive, the bulk of the offerings being dis
poxed of by the middle of the forenoon.
Along toward noon, however, a train ar
rived with several cars, and those did not
sell to as good advantage, so that the close
was very slow and wak. The bulk of the
good weight hogs sold from 37.15 to 37 20,
and prime heavies sold largely from $7. .XI
to 37.26. The medium weights went from
37.10 to 37.16, and the lighter loads sold front
37.06 down. Representative sales:
No. Av. Sh. I'r. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
12 m ... 6 00 63 249 40 7 15
37 177 ... 6 96 61 247 ... 7 15
12 245 60 7 00 71) 239 ... 7 15
74 12 ... 7 024 60 252 W 7 15
6 lo6 40 7 02',i 63 2iil 200 7 15
76 193 ... 7 06 61 L"9 ... 7 15
7t 1H7 . 80 7 06 67 I2 ... 7 15
66 204 SO 7 06 H 223 40 7 16
36 216 80 7 07,4 62 235 ... 15
66 237 200 7 10 67 232 ... 7 li'i
52 224 160 7 10 67 231 ... 7 174
21 18 ... 7 10 62 261 ... 7 17V
71 212 160 7 10 61 265 ... 7 1714
79 202 60 7 10 78 247 ... 7 20
22 220 ... 7 10 64 255 80 7 20
88 233 120 7 10 46 250 80 7 20
76 214 ... 7 124 60 247 40 7 20
67 210 ... 7 124 18 277 40 7 20
87 228 120 7 12V4 69 264 ... 7 20
66 203 ... 7 124 64 26 60 7 20
66 234 ... 7 15 64 266 40 7 20
28 218 ... 7 15 61 248 40 7 20
80 224 80 7 15 67 246 ... 7 224
70 219 ... 7 15 66 3"0 120 7 25
20 216 ... 7 15 66 250 ... 7 26
68 2til 160 7 15 66 262 ... 7 25
28 241 160 7 15 72 268 120 7 25
73 221 ... 7 15 60 270 40 7 25
78 248 40 7 15 60 308 400 7 25
70 227 40 7 16 '
SHEEP There was a fair supply of
sheep and lambs here today, and the mar
tlet ruiea active ana just about steady witn
the close of last week. The demand on the
part of local buyers was of liberal propor
tions, and practically everything was out
of first hands In good season. Yearlings
sold as high as 35.90, ewes brought 35.06 and
Quite a few of the half-fat kinds of sheep
and lambs sold for feeders at prices that
looked just about steady with the close of
last week. The demand ' for feeders con
tinues quite brink, and receipts were hardly
large enough to meet the demand.
Quotations: Choice lambs, J6.oOg6.75; fair
to good lambo, 35.50'$6.26; choice Colorado
lambs, 16. 610 6.76; choice lightweight year
lings, 36.6&Ccj6.0O; choice heavy yearlings,
85.40fo6.65: fair to good yearlings. 35.00tIU6.5O:
choice wethers, 35.2otu5.6c; fair to good, 34.76
to 6. 26; choice ewes, .'.cutq&.io; fair to good
ewes, 34.OOt94.5O; 1-reder iambi, 4."fxiiS.:5;
feeder yearlings, 34.25(4.76; feeder wethers,
34.OOrg4.oo; feeder ewes, 33.003.50. Repre
sentative sales:
No. " Av. Pr.
294 feeder lambs: 63 4 10
420 western ewes 98 4 80
231 western ewes 108 4 85
242 western ewes 84 4 85 .
5 western ewes 92 6 00
751 western ewes 98 6 06
2 western ewes 110 5 06
244 western ewes 87 6 05
395 western wethers 109 6 50
2 western lambs 75 6 75
1 western lamb 80 6 75
425 western yearlings 95 6 85
8 sheep and yearlings 142 6 S5
27 western yearlings 89 6 90
66 western lambs 77 6 35
368 western lambs 86 6 60
1 cull ewe 148 3 25
1 cull ewe v 60 2 25
4 feeder ewes 90 3 00
IS western ewes 66 8 40
94 western ewes., 93 3 40
93 western ewes 75 3 40
lei western ewes 67 8 40
471 feeder ewes 87 3 65
127 feeder lambs 62 4 25
2 feeder lambs 60 4 25
135 western ewes 78 4 26
27 western ewes 79 4 75
133 western ewes 87 4 75
6 western ewes 98 4 85
283 western lambs M 5 30
442 western lambs K8 3 60
iJ4 yearling wethera 82 6 90
60 yearling wethers 78 6-90
35 yearling wethers 73 5 90
Cattle Go Loner, Hon Higher, While
Sheep Stay Steady.
CHICAOO, March . CATTLE Receipts,
80,000 head; loil5c lower; good to prime
steers, 36.o6t55.76: poor to medium, 33.5i8'
4.75: stockers and feeders. 82.75'94.75; cows,
31.4Op4.50; heifers. 32 2fi34.75; canners. 31.40
(12 60; bulls. 32.257M 25: calves, 33.5036.50;
Texas-fed steers 33.75''(H.50.
HtKJS Receipts today, 36.000 head; esti
mated tomorrow. 25,fiO head; left over,
6.000 head; strong to 5o higher; stockers
end butchers. 37.ltVa7.45; good to choice
heavy, 37.46'n7.fiO; rough heavy, 37.207.45;
light. 3 70&'7.26; bulk of sales, 37.15tfJ7.40.
SHEEP AND LAMBS- Receipts, 20.000
head; sheep steady; lambs, steady; good
to cnolce wethers. 85.0o(j6.66; fair to choice
mixed, 34 (fi4.7ri; western sheep. 34.75ff6 65;
native lambs, 35.00ru7.00; western lambs,
Official Saturday:
Receipts. Shipments.
Cattle 337 675
Hugs .61 , 1,98
Sheep 7C2
Kansas Cltr Live Stork arkrt.
ceipts. 6.600 natives. 1,000 Texians. 200 calves,
mostly natives; light corn cattle, steady:
others weak to 10c lower: fat cows, iodine
lower; stockers and feeders, lower: quar
antine, weak; choice export and dressed
hef steers, t4.50c).30: flr to good, 33.75-fl
4.45: stockers and feeders, l2.6tVii4.70; western-fed
steers,; Texas and In
dian steers 32.8504 60: Texas cows. 32.0ii
lili; native cows. 31.50ti8Wi: native heifers.
2ti&84 40: canners. 31.0o2.25; bulls, 3?.50g
8.65; calves. 32.7n4j6.50.
HOGS Receipts, 8,200 head; market
steady to strong; top. 37 40; bulk of sales,
l7 1if7W: heavv, 37.2f7i7.40; mixed packers.
37.06 7.8?4: light. .854i7.10; yorkers, 37.00'tf
7.10; Pigs. 35.31176 60.
BMEEi' AND LAMBS-Recelpts, 6 600
head; market strong to 10c higher: native
iHmbs 14 0016 46: western lambs, I4.50't 50:
fed ewes 33.0Ofi0(i; native wethers. 33 7Mtf
6 75; western wethers, 33.6ti5.70; stockers
and feeders, 32 5ocfiS SO.
SI. Joseph I. Irs Stork Market.
Receipts. 1.769 head; natives. 13 86ra6 25;
Tenant and westerns. 33.3Ti4.76: cows and
helfTB 32.?Mf4.4"; veals. 33.ifi.75; bulls
and stags. 32 .W&4.40: yearlings and calves,
t2 7fyh4 4n; stockers snd feeders, 33 254 1. 1.
HOOK Receipts. 8 740 head: light and
light mined. 37 0f(i7.37U: medium snd
heavy, 87 25a7.45; bulk. 37.25S7.4o; pigs, 35.75
'sHEEP AND LA MRS Receipts. l.GBJ
heed; lambs 37 .00; yearlings. 36 25. wethers.
36.60; ewes, $5.15.
t. Loals live Stock Market.
ceipts. 4.0 head Including 8 000 Texans:
market slow and lower: native shipping
and atport steers, 34.3oj620. with strictly
11 10:4 I 10 I.....
1006 t 46
I. lO0 t 74 I
1 1 7t 1
4 m7 1 it t
1 1340 I 00 J
1 1VW I IS 1
1 i:;o 1 10 1
1 llfiv I 10 I
1 100 t 14 1
1 no 1 10 1
1 1670 I 16 1
1 14T0 S 16 1
1 1246 1 :o I
1 1 mo t :6 1
I 1100 1 30 1
1 Ih40 I W 1
1 100 t t .i 2
t 170 I 611 I
1 m tm 1
it IM 4 04 1
1 116 4 on 1
J ISO 4 24 J
1 sm t 00 j
fancy quoted tip to JS75; dressed beef and
butcher ateers. 33.761 5.o; sf ers urdcr 1 "
lbs 3.1 5' 1 4 26. Mo. -hers and feeders. 32 So If
4 4o; rest and h. lf. r. ' 2i"it 4 50; canners.
3- SoftS t; 32 6"H3.76: ctlvea. 3h"rf
6 5"; Texus nnd Indian -tcers, 33.s"U-o;
rnwa -ind h,.l.-r. tL K.12&
tl, ma T.... !..' IHtl haH'
I.. , ttrm nlc. n,l II, lit. II. 6lVd7.tA):
packers. 37.ili7.."5; butchers 37.2.Vii7
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. S.") hend;
arKet strong: native munnn. m..t -i .
lambs, 85 Odor,'. 50; culls nnd files. -4
50; stockers, 1 jcxji.'l.oO; Texans, $3. .01'
35 .0001,'. 50; culls nnd bticR. .'i-ir
v Inrk Lite Hlock Market.
Beeves, receipts, ...P4o bend; steers, slow to
ldc lower; fnt bill's, P"i1."ic off: cows, shad
loner; steers. I.mh5 W; stockers. 33.75;
null. 33.4H0I4 40; cows 32 .005,4 On; ' cable ",
BtcHilv; live rnl tie, I21u1:'.c, and sheep. 144
thlM.-c, dr-osccl weight; drcftoxl refrigerator
beef. P44i1uc; no 'xpcirts; steady
CALVKS-Rccclpts, 2.K!'2 held; vcn'.s.
stt'Hdv to higher; barnyard and western
calves, steadv; venls. Hi '11 X76; choice, f.i.W,
westerns, $2.90; bnrnvard ciilves. 3-50; city
dress. d venls, 1C13
Hoc; Retx'tpts, I.tf4 head; hlshcr; Penn
sylvania and Mate hogs, 37.4i"7; mixed
western, nominal.
head; sheep and good lambs, steady; 111. -(Hum
lambs, sdow on over supply: sheen,
J4 0"r,,rt 25: culls. 3.10f i(3.5c; litnibs, I'LOi?.";
culls. 34.5t'J)5.().
slonx Hy Live Sto-k Market.
biai'v fiTV In frh 9.lHtierlnl
Telegram.! CATTLE-Rccelpts. 3.fii; msr-
Ket eironp; to i"c iiikuci u.i i.,.. mi,,
steady for killers; beeves, SSfi'iLVno; cows,
ImlN and mixed. 31.5"i 1 o; stockers and
feeders. 32.7ifn .;': veiulltiKS and calves.
... r . u
Htuia Iteccipis, j.ocsi; miirKfi m- uipm-i ,
qnalltv poor, felling at 3".iii.T.25; bulk,
Stnrk In Sluvht.
Following were the receipts of live stock
at the six principal western cities yesterday:
Cattie. Hon. Sheep.
Omaha 4.210 i.h t 7.213
Chicago 3.ei0 St'-."") 20.c
Kansas City 6.5.0 3 ,2- li.")
St. Ixnils 4.lrt 8.oc ."..0
St. Joncph 1.7 3.-10 l.w3
Sioux City 3.6-10 l.tV'O
.50,079 61,944 30,856
Evaporated Apples and Ilrle.l Krnlts.
APPLES Market shows cnnldernhlc llrm
ness on the more attractive fruit, though
demand continues moderate; commoi. aro
quoted nt 4(c"'c; prime, 6V4c; choice, 64W
64c; fancy. 7ff7Hc.
prunes being In. sllchtly better demand are
steadier In tone: quotations rnnge from 34
tJt'74o for all grades. Apricots hre t.nlet
bjt steadv at 7ViiM4c In boxes i.nd 7V-f
lOo In bags. Peaches are quiet and un
changed at 124(18c for peeled and CiilOc for
Visible Supply ot Grain.
NEW Y'ORK. March 9. The vNlhle sup
ply of grain on Haturduy, ns compiled by
the New Y'ork Produce exchange, la as
WHEAT 46,757,000 bu.; decrease, 1,051,000
CORN 11.291 .000 bu. ; Incrense, 1.072,00ft bu,
OATS 7,On2,000 bu.; Increase. 204.O11O bu.
RYE 91.000 rtti. : decrease, 159,000 bu.
BARLEY l,77s,0O0 bu. ; decrease, 62,000 bu.
Geo. A. Adams Grain Go.
Members Chicago Board of Trade, St
Louis Merchants Exchange and Kan
sas City Board of Trade.
Room 224 Board Trade Bldg., Omaha.
'Phones 1006 and 1017.
J. E. Von Horn, Vice President.
Write for our market letter and cash
grain bids.
P. B. Wesre. Pres. C. A. Weare.
Kstatinanen ii
aUeuiuera- of the Principal Excnuiics.
Private Wires to AU Points.
Bought and sold for cash or
future delivery.
OMAHA BRANCH, llu-111 Board of Trada,
Telephone IM. c
W E. Ward. Icai M-nager.
OMAHA, Neb., February 9. 19.(3. Sealed
proposals, In triplicate, subject to the
usual conditions, will be received here until
1-t a. m., central standard time, March 12,
1903, for furnlehlng transportation, dray
age and for handling stores In Department
of the Missouri, during year commencing
July 1, 1903. U S. reserves rlRht to accept
or reject any or all proposals or any part
thereof. Information furnished on applica
tion. Envelopes containing proposals to be
marked, "Proposal for Transportation on
Route No ," addressed JNO. W. Pl'I.L-
MAN. C. Q. M. F10iHi.M9-loM
Sealed proposals In triplicate wl'l be re
ceived here until Apr. 6, 1903, for conHtruo
tlon of Vitrified Brick walks and pave
ments. Information furnished upon appli
cation here. Bidders will state In their
bids the time In which they will complete
the work, as time will form an Important
consideration In the award. United Htate.4
reserves the rlfcht to accept or reject any
or all bids, or any part, thereof. Envelope.-)
to be endorsed "Proposals for Brick Walks
and Pavements," and addressed Cuptaln O.
O. Cress, Q M.
State of' Nebraska, Office of Auditor o
Vubllc Accounts, Lincoln, February 1st.
I4ii3. Tt Is hereby certified that the Aetne
Life Insurance company of Hartford. In
the state of Connecticut, has complied wit 1
the Insurance law of ihU state, appllcnhl
t such companies and Is thercf. r au
thoring to continue the business of life, ac
cldent, y and h-alth Insurance in till -state
for the current year ending Jmiui r,
31st, 1904.
Summary of report filed for the year end
ing December 31st. I9't2.
Premiums, accident,
etc ' 3 1,7.M1.621.?9
Premiums, life 8,4n4. 166.74 310,1"'-1,"V. 0"
All other sources.... 6,24t,2"d.22 .",2!S 251.2 :
Total 31:'.Slt!.8si..,i
Paid policy holders,
accident, etc 3 690,119 41
Pnld nollcv holders.
life 5.677,9xii . '(5-3 6 ,3r.s
All other payments. 2,840,r9 79 24
Total ..' I 9.2 'H
Admltted assets t.l.4nl
Net reserve 3532"i,l.9.13
1 99.7 i
5(9.7 1
Tjnpald scclder.t
claims and ex
penses 161.3:12 29
Net policy claims ... 31 1. l-'-.t"-Unesrned
premium 627. t '.1 7-9
All other liabilities . 2. 975.111. 07 r.7i2
Capital stock paid
up 1,750,0.10 00
Surplus beyond cap
ital etock and
other liabilities ... S,748,rV39- 5. Ill-;:! 3 1
Total 301, " 1214.0,
Witness my hand and the f ill of the
auditor of t-ublte accounts the day ami
year flrBt above written.
(seal.) lt.Aitl.r.r r.r 1 cir-i.
Auditor of Public. Accounts.
J. L. PIERCE, Deputy.
State of Nebraski. Ottlee of Auditor Jf
Public Accnunli, Lincoln, February 1st,
l&i.-It la hereby c.itllled that the Pre
ferred Accident Insurance company of New
Y'-rk, In the state of New York, has com
piled with the Insurance law of thl-i stte.
applicable t- suc h companies, snd ! the re
fore authorized to c-intlnue the business of
accident liisurscc - In this state fur the cur
rent year ending January 31st. p4.
Summary of report filed for the year end
ing December Slat. 19n2.
Premiums 31.167.3T7.40
All other sources .... 2i,1 13 75 31,187,491 .13
l'Bld pollcv holders... 8 412. MS 49
All other payments... 658,790.2-) 1. 071, fins. Bl
Admitted ast-ets l.ool, '.-61 U
Unpaid clilms and ex
penses 3 73.312 50
Unearned premiums.. 6'a..' M &S0.2.-2 JJ
Capital stock paid up 20ci,ouu.()
Burplus beyond cap
ital stock and other
liabilities 21,678 74 481.678.74
, Total 31.064 961.12
Witness my hand and the seal of t li -
auditor of public accounts the day and
year first above written.
Auditor of pubUo Accounts.
J. L. PIERCE, Deputy.