Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 10, 1903, Page 7, Image 7

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i,13en of Seniritie-- G:re Erokcn Orjen
9 Bell Tbfm.
Dry C.oods Fallare ta Ifw Wrk aad
lrtli i( lrkrr la ( al.
nit A 44 ike I -eaftaeaa.
of Croft farsr record, toe BMstan of
tb boa-d d-.Ftrtd him from tb service
Firemsn Jxn.e M O'Brien wn th-d three
e' pay. He an charged with reporting
fur fluty after leave in condition of in
tcrratlon. H was oarned that another
snrh would nru dismissal. Cap
tats Emu Ga-diner of hook and lsddeT
No 4 granted Ibe annual fcai ve of tea
Mrs. Mark Fair.
I'AKCT A CTTT. Neb- Mfrb J1 'Spe
cial t-Mi. y.ari Fait, one of tbe old el
tlr of this cointy, died today at ber
borne to thi plre f;er several years'
Illness, for nearly a year past having
Tbe scene ox the floor of the exchange
was very ar.lmsled. The attendance of
broker was unusually large and selling
orders were besT all ground, a shown Is
tba Initial transactions, a hen prim, a lib
lew exi-ptions, svrrar'-d decllhee of a
point or more.
The selling order came from all point
and commission Iioumi wi;h wire connec
tions to tba middle twI were conepirunu
In tbe movement. Bostcn and Fhiidel$his
also bod a bis lot of order to sell aDd
trartically rtrt broker of prominence bad
as BTutt ulktloc of roronilactoiif of tbia
sort O'er Pun5sy.
A grcit many stop-Ins orders were un-l-overed.
tnlon Pacific Southern Pacltr,
Manhsiaan and St. Paul a ere about tbe
only stock that held tbeir own. The list
was dcridedlT feverish, tut bet: ibe rrifl
of the fast hour substantial rallies oc
curred a the result of large supporting
The market continued feverish and Ir
regular, however, all through the trst
Fallare ta C'fcteaara.
CHICAGO. March ft. The suspension of
"V.'llliain Toung Co.. brofccr. w an
tirunrrd by ibe posMnj tf a uttire on the
Board of Trade to dm all tradna for tbrir
The firm wa cot jromicent in the grain
trade, to ahleh tbetr tranaactloM aere
jarFjy cireriea, ci:uni:j;n an wiu
ltif ruroeeded hi father In the buameaa
KET TOnK. Karrb Comflerable rx
dtemrnt attrnflefl the rtwrlng of 1nCT
?ork Evrctt of la ek. rul- teen bedriofltn. Mrs. Talr a-a an aetire
iclnatins witb a Terr unfavorable bank ! nsettber of the litberan cburcb for ewer
tatement and tba failure of a trm '.z th a quarter of a rrctury. Bhe leTri a bu
flry irnofli tradt, aere the Boat dl:urb'.af band and the fnlloaitg ihiiAren: Mrs. JuTU
factor I Ttreiiler. Wayne. Neb ; Mra. Kate Jenaen.
Gaeton. Ore : Mra. Helen Hansen.. Wiie.
fjril, Neb.; Mra. Ida Gribble, Hubbard,
Ntb ; Mini Gertrude Fair of tbi place:
A. P. Fair. Council BluCa. and H R
Fair, Omaha. Mra. Fair aaa born In In
diur.a ootnty. resntylvania, February Z7.
182a. and a-a In tbe eveEty.aixt.b year of
ber life at the time of death. Sihe a
married 1o Mark Fair I e "em her JS 1RT-4.
and aita bim moved to Iiakola county In
(rfaeral Jamea Wlaali Hae-Wlllaat.
W AFHl.VGTOX. Marrb General Jamel
tTinntnc MrVilisn. a me r of the board
of review of tbe penaion bureau, and a ret
eruD of tKTtb the ciril and Meilean van.
died at hit home bere today, aged ??. Ha
i a fTcndaos of Colonel Jamer McMil
lan, a member of George W hinirton'i
KtufT. and aae a neigtatior of Abraham Lln
ccln for oar y yeara.
Oottlleb Jar-oka.
ARLINGTON. Neb.. March ft. (Special.)
Gottlieb Jarot. tbe young farmer taken
la tbe Fremont boepital four aeeka ago to
be operated on for appendicitis, died ye
terflay morning. Tbe funerai aerrloea
be held at tbe German Lutberan church on
iknl Bakle.
All the world lovee a baby and every one
1 more or leaa lntereeied in their hoali.h
and happineaa. Tbrre probably never waa
a baby that did not kirk off the cover
' and take oold. in fact, habiei are pfirucu
" larly auaeeptiMe to oolda and croup, an J
the feeorite remedy for tbeae ailment i
Chamberlaln a Cough Remedy. It alwaya
Gal of a kaaar Flkt.
George Carroll. living at The prosaing of
Twelfth and lBerd etreeta. wae arrepted
um nirht by Cfteer Bradv on a warrant
ewom out by Aenietart f;ty Froecut(ir
Burnajn rhBrpiT g htm with etaliblna vith
iTi:ent to kili Tb arrit ie tbe rem 1: of
the fight w hfceh occurred on tbe bottom
Fundav nfiernoon. wherein John Atiderwon
received eiaahee in the left aide ard arm
'He wbe arretted and hie wound ft reeled
Of Ir. H('etter. Tbe primmer rvfueea to
give ar.r information that niffct Put yee-te-dny
mornH.g eointed to fiie a om
pikirt. hfcinlt.g Carrnll txr hi" jiBeellant.
When cueeticined by Chptain Miin Car
roll spld that tbe rutting- w a b email
tetnlly affair. Brining fr im too many drltik
te much hp from any other couee. He aaid
that Anoereoti had aaeauited him near the
Mistiouri J'acifir treleht houee at Eleventh
trid Ntcholan etreeta Frtmi tm're they
eiit't Forn e rrt Folic--
Water t Be rrea-nel r Irrl-
arwttsa. F --4 fat trtiala fr baa
aa Patk Maa Ewy tmr
Har BalMimat.
oerrt waa vaaaed by obaflng Iron falling
act the raila.
elea ouick relief and i r'aant and aaf w,rt down on tlie KttotTi and Amleraon
im nuu iciK.i uu i " . , i atRin etiacked him. gtt:ng mm dcWa and
to take; In fact, it ?oa:ainB nothing ln-
1uriou&. Mother beve be:-rm acuuaimeO
1 with thi fact and do not beBimte to give
It to their btbioe abet, euct a prepcratiot
la required iirt.. John 1'. Hcrsinn if
Melta Station. Va.. wvt: "Abort two
week ago cur baby be 3 a dreadful cold,
and at one time 1 ' feured it would have
pneumonia, but one of our neighbor told
liow Chamberlain' Couth Remedy hd
cured her little hoy. and I began giving it
to our baby at onoe and It aoon cured her.
I had tried other remedie and they all
failed to do btr any good. Our baby ia
now .well and we heartily thank Cham
berlain Cough Remedy, for it cured her.
1 cannot reoommenfl it too highly or Bay
loo much la It favor. 1 hope all wha read
th'. will try It and be coevtnoed aa 1
refining to cup w eii be t ried for quarter.
Cht-i 11 enid he then cut hie way lrom be
neath in eelf-Cefence.
WASHINGTON. March ft -Commissioner
Richaru of the general land office, a bo 1
tb aperial repreaenutlve of the president
in all matter pertaining to landa. Irriga
tion an4 forestry, today laeued tbe follow
ing r.aieroeLt respecting the policy of the
admtniBtraUoE relating to the ectabliah
ment and control of toreetry Feneration:
Tbe preeid nt a purpoee and flealre le to
protect and preerve the remaining foreat
upen puh:ic ianda from tbe oevaetaiion and
Oeatruction wbtrh ha leen the fate of
tboae in iarg.- portion of the Appalachian
mountain and in other foreat aection of
the country. In doJt.g thi aupply of
timber wili be preeerted for future need
and natural eourcea of water mipply wiU
Vie o prourcted ae tr pre'ent flooding f
tYie etreame duritig the etring time and the
mttlunc the anuw and to ineure water
for trrjg-atJon and other purje during
"the dry -aeon
The tatilihme!i;t and proper mainten
ance ol lore el reaerve" w a indleJeniitue
to any eaienalve reclamation or tAiltivation
of land tn the arid recion under the re
cent ait of congree. wincn apprcpnttea
for that rurjx"" the ro-ed ut the aaie
of public land, it ie and baa twen tbe
preFloente conetant policy o encourage
the actual eetUement of the com try by
home builder in every way; to aee that ao
tuiil eertler within the foreFt reHervea are
Biltirded every reaeoneble protection, and
that thnee Uvtng within the immediate
vic.ltjty of these reerve w h" are dependent
upon the reeerve lor grtalng are accorded
acoea to the reeerve for projwr purjoet.
uncer auch reaMnnabte restriction a will
prevent wate and deerruction.
It ha leen fo conclumvely demonatrated
that un eon milled ebeep grating wliiiin
foreat reeerve 1 injurious tn the foreet
a-eowth arid to tbe naturkl water cover
that the great migratory fl:ck of f heep are
neccBHarily kept out of the reeervee; but
even thi' policy i pureued with cau'lou
attention to the prevention oi injury to
thoee et.cttged In aheep raislt:g.
The tin nervation of wild rtm, ruch a
moiwe, tik and deer, which i only a minor
feature of the control of the foreet re
serve, i lutboriaefl by on of congrea.
which direct that thoae employed in the
foreetry eertlce eliall tn ali practicable
waj in the enforcement of the game
am fuh law of the etate or territory tn
which tbe forest i located. Tbe law of the
etete or territory upon thi FUbjert k to be
the oie guide of thoe officer. The Trite3
State hue inteiToeed no law of it own In
eome of the weFtem Ftate and terrlTorie.
notably Wyomir.g. the government foreat
rhtiger are by the law of The Btate made
aaeiFtant arame warciena. The work of ee-
tabliahltig and maintaining foreat reaerve :
will have enrh a vnet ana neneficlal In
fluence in tbe eeulement and development
of the weetern Ftote and territorte that it
nun be controlled by a fixed policy, to
which mutter of minor temporary conald
eratiot' muM give way to consideration
of the fiial and tiermanent put'lic good.
Tlie oc gui'utig pt:rjK,e toe anmini.
Tea na Ctrl la Beer Cirdra.
Deirrr Fe4 era I Caart W III Try ta
elVe Caraa Tlta
1Mb rate.
CRimK CREEK. Colo., March Pre
Ident Moyer of tbe We'em Feflrranon cf
lumen aeid today that ir.ruenre a ere at
work which be believed would bring about
peaceful adjutroent of the Colorado City
rtrike and would obviate the neraeaity of
extending the diapnte.
DENVER. March ft Tbe federal mutt
today paBBed a reolution providing for an
invert, get ion of tbe mill men Btr'ke t
Colorado City, with a view to bringing
about a peart ful settlement Governor
Poabofly today recalled a portion of the
DENVER. Maach ft Governor Peabody
tonight announced that he looked for a set
tlement of the mill and smelter men's,
strike at Colorado City soon, possibly to
morrow. COLORADO FFRINGS, Mkrth ft Pet tries
at three points were fired on shortly afier
7 o'clock by unknown persons. At on
point an attempt was msde to enter the
sentry lines.
B14e Till kls heave Ual,
Trr ta Bask a liars, kat
NEW TORK. March ft Fierce struggles
with stowsway armed with knlve were
reported by the Austrian steamer Mar
gberlta, ahich arrived ioday from Mediter
ranean ports.
"Three dyB out from Messina." said the
captain, "four fellows came crawling out
of tbe forebatch with knives. They tb-ea-ened
the Bailors, but were quickly knocked
down and disarmed. 1 locked them up and
give them bread and water.
In the afternoon of tbe aame day thir
teen men covered with coal dust, came up
out of tbe bunkers. They had taiivc. too,
but my crew were ready to fight and wt
took tbe knives swsy from them. That
night we got to Algiers and policemen
came aboard and took off tbe stowaways."
Searra A4mi elaatarlBa? fcirls Maaaa
Was Arreetefl far Kill,
CAMBRIDGE. Mssb.. March ft. George O.
L. Perry, the negro lad a bo was indicted
for the murder of Miss Agnes Mclhee of
SoroeTFrille and Miss Clara Morton of
Wuvcrly. made a confession a ben be real
ised that he could not live, and now that
he is dead Sheriff Falrbairn ha made
public what he said. On February 25 the
tration in dealing with fcreu-v. wlih paa- thoriff aaid to the prisoner:
turaare. w!'h i itatinn. wi'b the land gen
erally, I to help una mtKe eay toe jinm
of the home builder. 5 he small ranchman
tjvv. .nr.r.v h cru.r, - ! nr tiller of the soil. T0 V it tn let the '.and
and CfRcer Thtimn In a beer garden, j be eajln!t.d and ekinned by Those who bav?
Harrv Hcvle feinted to give toe nmcers no jerrniiiieiii nuei-ei ...i-.n. - u-
anv information retarding ibe age or ri- n"t build hrmee or rema:n srtual n
C'aaaailaBlaaeea Dra atf Kaaaker
f Otrarn la Batk De-
The Board of Fire and Police Commis
sioners last night approved the blPs of tbe
. .two departments for The months of January
-.And February.
Patrolman E. J. Delahanty. against whom
charges of drinking In a saloon while on
duty February It had been preferred, was
f ncd the pay for tbe two dtys that he ha?t
been saspended. Anthony J. Cosgrove, who
had been appoint id as a watchman frr the
Chicago. Minneapolis, EU Paul at Omaha
; road by Mayor Mooret. came before the
hoard and tbe appointment and his bond
were spproeed.
William W. Croft of tbe firs department
.was discharged. Charges had been pre
ferred against him for being under tbe
7 influence of liquor February 4 and using
Insulting language to a superior, in view
denrr of 1h Clara Lenrtorf who wa
with him. Wlien lite offioer sought to
quehtlon her. he interfered and both were
arreeted. Pcyle i chrped with reirlng
n officer, while the girl, who 1 only li
vears of tge. is chargirl with ircorrlgi
bility. Tbey will have their bearing Tues
day morning The youthful prisoner 1
being detaln-d tn tbe matron's uepaJtmeEt
at tb city Jail
Hell aa Haltasm.
Ed Moore, living at Fourteenth and Wil
liam streets, and Charles Actll of 'i4 Bowt
Thirteenth street, sre held at the police
station under euFp-elon. They are thought
by Detecxivea Ferris and Lie vis, who have
been working on tl e caee. to he the pair
who held up Otto Prlllick tn front or All
atatjits church Sunday even lug. BiiLlIca
wili be asked to ioentlfy the prisoners this
Save Your Hair with
Shampoos of
Ccticcn Scap an j Dressings
Gf Ciiliccra,
PtTESt, Sflflffit, M HctiTg
Ll EccKiical EtzsJisi
Fcr Kiting the H&ir Grew when
Jill Elss Fulls.
Prerent baHne. and fleiinae the
aca!p of rrtins, scales und duiidrufl with
sliamjvou if ('utirura Soup, and liht
dressinir it-h Cuticnvs, purest f
mollteuts gad great si of tiiu rurea.
This trt-utmeut al onty etops fuliiug
hair, removes crutR, scale and d:iaii
1Z raS, destrort iaiir ji irusitt-s, sooUies
; bTiUted, ltcli'.ng gurluoc, nimuliite
the hair f ol'.iolei, loosen the sculp ti.n,
i gupjilte the rooU wi:h tui-rgj and
BourihhrrMTit, and maVe tbe luiir erosr
B)Kib a sweet, w linlcxume, L evilly
J kualp a hen all else tuiia.
Miillou now relr a C'utirBrm rosri,
r asaiatd ty Cwtirura Ciintrnent, tl
II "- great skin cute, fir preeein iiic, jury
r iek and bej.uni ug ibe skiu, litf t ieanfc-
lig the Mtkip ot crae-ts, Sck, and
dandrufT, and tl.e atnHti: f lallire
- tiair. lor Bi.ftenii.e, aiutecihi; and
soot Ml ted, roug-b. nod sore lirtikia.
- for baby raaliea, lu-Liiic and rbitw
; Ik tbe 'ions of bntlis for aiiscymj;
irriutjoii aud itfiitn.uasitioii or toa
r tree or offensive M-rst)iration, in tlie
form of waahes far kitierative aejik-
Z. ttesaea, and niaov satiaxive, antl-)ti
T pnrpoaes, wbk-h readii r enrreM titesn-
Z ) ta womoa and niuibera, u e!l
aa for all tl purpuaea ol tb Unlet,
fcaxb, and nurerr. hale (rreater thai
Z. tbe world's praduc ol other ski a rurea
- ui Uu wuxlavul tb dviiuaa a suiu.
Tbe Pelley Holders Par.
Among the defiuctior scid to be allrwed
the Income tax payer in Kneiand Is the
amount he ha previously taxed himself to
pay in the shape of life Insurrtice rre
mluma. Tils latter is thus evidently re
garded in Its right light over there aa a
loss, and ta tax a loss la neither consistent
nor reasonable.
Tet in this country the disposition to
regard life insurance premiums as fair gam
for taxation is by no means vnmnxrmon,
and legislators are not slow In comtng
forward with bills for that purpose. They
see that a goodly sum Is belug paid into
the companies in their states, and tba cry,
"Lot's tax It." is duly heard. But It ia
money that has already been a tax upon
the policy holders to meet in order that
thetr families may have future protection,
and for the state to further tax them is
merely adding just so much more to tbair
The policy holders alone are mulr'ed to
meet tb levy. It comes wholly out of
Adolph Begum of wncoin. a traveling surplus from which their dividends art
M.:. ha applied. l tbe United States dis-
VlettaBS ef Deft.
Mary Ioe No. 1 of 121ft Case street and
Frank Boorah from the Midland hotel are
victims f cocaine who were linked up
veeterdsv evening In a delirious condition.
Mary wiu found by Patrolman Kyan in
the street near her bouse in a temporarily
demented condition aud tn danger ul catch
ing her death of cold.
trict court to be released from bis obliga
Ucts. Raymond V. Cole. W. Morn McKay and
J. J." i-erigbt have incorporated tbe Cole
V'cKty company, which Is formed to do an
.mtm.mii.g and undertaking business on a
131;. capital.
William H W elRh. who lost a list against
George A. Joslvn at the Lincoln term of
me I cited Mktea c.rcult court last month,
hua aw-enled the case to the circuit court
of appeals. Tbe rult grew out of a pro
posed tale of share of stork in tb IS est
ern Neep!ier Vton. -
V f) Halt wtib foord watirtTlni' In the
i-ir'Titrr of Fttrtv-nlnth and llutim street
I w, ftrtu 1 , k -in 1t 1 it Itnilce KUiOL.
jitlt kin' ail tbe eymj.tom of being de
mtnted and was taken during tbe after
noon to the county where he will be
c-r fined until he is examined
The case of Nancy J. Taylor against the 1
fnion Pacific Railroad company, which
waa started in ludpe county, has been re
moved to the T"till-!l Ftuts clrcutl court.
The jiVltitlff ak C'M darrihtee for in
juries received at tbe Council Bluff trave
ler Ool niter S3. 1!W
paid; these dividends tre solery to either
reduce the agreed cost of the Insurance, or
to Increase the ultimate arm to be paid
their families. No tax on life insurance
waa ever paid by anybody except lbs pol
icy kolflers. - x
XWd you hit those girls, Miss McFbee
and Mis M on on T"
Te air, I did." wa the reply.
"Did Mason hsve anything to do with It?"
A negative shake of tbe bead as the
At this time Perry had JuRt passed
through a stage of typhoid fever and seemed
to have no idea he would not live.
... . a
ii i i war - V -.1
Life out of dcKirs and out of the frames which they filsy and the enjoy
meet which they receive and tbe eSorts which they make, come the
frvatrr part of that beaithful f3eveiorment which is so essential to tbeir
fctrT'-nes vhen frrw-n. When a liu'.;rt is needed tbe rcrnetfy which is
friven to .hem to cieanse knd sweeten and rrer.e-beti tbe internal orrans
on which it arts, abould t such as pbysicians wouid sanction. tecause ita
eoraponent parts are Vrnow-n to be wnolewme end the rernedy itself free from
e-rery obiectiorable quality. Tbe one reroefy which physicians and parent,
well-informed, spprcve and recommend and which the little ones enjoy,
because of its pleasant favor, its per-tie action And its beneficial effects, is
Syrup of Fip and for tbe aame reason it is the enly laxative which ahcmld
be used by fathers and mothers,
&yrap of Firs is the oc5y remedy whteh acts p-entiy. pleasantly nd
naturally without pTipinp. irritatir.p, or nauseatitip and which cleanse the
system effectually, without prodocirp that constipated habit wfcich resnlta
from tbe use of the oid-time cathartics and modem imitations, and apaiw-t
which tbe children ahemid be so carefully puarded. If yon would have then
prow to manhood and womanhood, stronp, healthy and happy, do not pive
them medicines, when medicines are not needed, and when nature need
assistance in the way of a laxative, five them only the simple, pleasant And
pentle Py-rup cf Fipa.
Ita quality is One not only to tbe excellence of the combination of the
laxative principles cf plants with pieaaant aromatic syrups and juices, but
Also to our oripinai methcid of manufacture and aa you value the health of
the littie ones, do not accept any of the substitutes, which unscrupulous deal
era sometimes offer to incrckhe their profita. The peauine article may b
bought axy-where of ail reliable dmppists at fifty cents per bottle. Please
to rfmralicr, the full name of the Company
CALIFORNIA FIG SYR. VP CO.- i printed oa
the front of every pack
ace. In order to pet ita
benefjciU effects it is al
ways neceMBary to boy
tbe penuine only.
:. L. ittsr
-5 -.14 -ai
e--V V7' VviwP7 f
i i iVi 'Pifiih VST XKf
fas. : r-C v 'Sijr
a . as. flTvv- -
I St
Kwrtk role Srsrek Afci4r4.
After attending tour wears in a fruitless
search for the north pole the little band
of explorers retarned home much the worse
for the dangers and hardships endured.
T.'ntil different methaas are adopted it
seems useless to make any further attempt
to locate it. It is alsw useless to try to
cure nausea. Indigestion, heartburn, belch
Inc. dyspepsia, biliousness or malaria, fever
and ague, tales yotr use Hostetter's
Stomach Bitters. Jio other medicine is
as good. Try a bottle and se for voureelt.
For sale by all druggists.
Old Arastastae (BiUrn rrk a.
aaetlta lsit -Sew Drirrr
CaaBty laeaabeata.
Vrtbera Paelfie Ofltrlala Seek
imether Flaaaea la Ma
taaus al PIC
CHE?TNTT, Mont., March S The fire in
the Northern Pacific coal mine ha broken
out with renewed vigor and at this time
the destruction of tbe entire property is
threatened. The mitf i f.'.led with flames
end smoke and it is impossible for firemen
lo get within l.ftOO feet of the blase.
Howard F. Welch, state coal mine in
spector, is on the scene snd as a last re
sort it is proposed to force steam Into the
working In an effort to smother -be
Of Over Tkrer Bsalrel Meaaatera Twa
Bulre aal Fifty Meet
aa fcew lra.
NEwT TORK. Marcn s. Two hundred and
fifty descendants cf Elios Meyer Ries ol
Baden, Germany, from all ever Europe, the
Crated States and Australia, have el4 a
reunion in this city. Many met tor te firrt
Elias Mayer Eies of Baxleu died some
years ago, lesvlng twelve children four
Bhe allege that while eons aud eipht daugers. Tbe descend
rEKVE, March . J. P. Watts, chair
man of tbs Board of County Commission
ers of tb old county of Aeapahoe, today
applied to the fnitad States circuit court
for an Injunction restraining the officials
of the new city and county of Denver from
assuming and performing the duties of
their offices.
A writ of mandamus compelling C. S.
Elder, treasurer of the new county and
city organisation and formerly treasurer of
Arapahoe county, to pay the warrants is
sued by the old beard of county commis
sioners, was alao asked. Arguments will
be heard on March 18.
Kaataaa Learlalatare Cats ProsHs aal
ftaia Baalrei Per feat
i Hay Is Eaesga.
T0PEK.A, Kan., March . The houe of
representatives passed a bill tonight pro
riding that the Kansas City stock yards
rate should be reduced 2a per cent and
that the profit on hay and grain at the
yards should not be over 1( per cent.
The senate has already passed the bill,
ahirh will now go to the governor tor hi
signature. Cattlemen of tbe states secured
its passage.
niBBonri Baak CmVrnlrr bmea Mtal
aal Villi Be Removed f rasa
KAVSA8 CTTT, March 8. Lee A. Gal
laber, former cashier of the First Na
tional bank of St. Joseph. Mo., is now
serving a fve-yeer sentence In tbe state
penitentiary at Jefferson City for embes
tlement of 12(1.000, has developed melan
cholia, and has been ordered removed to
the lederal tFylum at "Washington. I). C.
Oallaber will be started for Washington
Immediately in charge of an officer from
the Vr.itefl Btate marshal's office in this
city, who hss received instructions for his
Oarr Dewtray Ike IaraBT Geraa, aad
Hair Crowe l.axartaatly.
Anyone ran hve nice hair If be or she
ha not dandruff, which cause brittle, dry
hair, falling hair and baldness. To rure
fvdruff it is necessary to kill the germ
Wat causes it. and that is Just whst New
bro's Herpicide does. Cornelius Grew, Col
fsx. Wash., says:
"One bottle of Herpicide completely cured
me of dandruff, which was very thick, and
it has stopped my hair from falling cut."
It makes hair soft and glossy as silk; de
lightful odor and refreshing hair dressing.
It will positively make hair grow abun
dantly and kills the dandruff germ.
Over Owe Hialrel Mra Are Et
aaalaed Before Twelve Ceatd
Mea Are FataaC
CHICAGO, March Si Tbe Jury which will
try the cases against the coal operators was
completed today.
At noon the last Juror, the thirteerjth
man of the thirteenth panel, a-as sworn In.
There were 111 rxamined before twelve
men were found lo meet the requirement
of attorneys for the state and defense. Tbe
cpenlng statement will be made by Btate'
Attorney Xteneen tomorrow.
Rritlak Irlak Dlsalara-
lXNTON. March Replying le a iue
tion in the House of Common today. Voder
Fureirn RecretHrv Cranborne said he w
unable to give definite Information regard
inc the arranrement to tie made for tbe
Britiah and lrivb dieplaya at tbe St. Louis
exposition. He added that Invitations bad
been tsKued to those wbo were expected
to serve on the Britleh eommtsfilon. but
nothing could be decided until rbe govern
ment bed more definite Informal ion about
the degree of support which would be lorth
eomlng from attending exhibitors.
I aiseet ft. Iwls ItastMltlM Graaada
Wttk lie MUHarr
ST. lXriR. March - Major General C
Corbin, accompanied by Mr. P. V. tfc-grsw.
the exposition's representative at Washing
ton, and Major Central John C. Bates, whs
arrived today from. Omaha, with fcist aide.
Captain H. M. Reeves, wars escorted ta
the World's fair grounds today on a tour
of inspection.
The national commission will meet hers
When you are ia Rome do as tbe Roman
do; America ditto. Have the beat; Coer
Imperial Extra Dry Champagne.
aaoBBteeaeatB af tka Thaatara.
"Tnnrna" is the rather aaear title of tba
aveJodrama Mrs. Bran of Taaodara" fasna
is presenting this aeaeoa. Bhe will be
ceen at the Boyd tonight aad Wednesday
matinee and night- "Tnoraa" la a dram
atixatioB of F. Marion Crawford's famous
novel. "The Witch of Prague Tba play
is said to be as powerful as Is ever Craw
ford novels. "I" noma" is a priestess ra
a temple at Delhi. India. She poaacasea
occult power and Is looked anon as a aort
of deity. An Arabia named Kryerk. ta
further bis own enda, abducts her and
takea her to Prague, Bohemia. be l
rcscped from him and takea back ta ladra
ey aa English army efficer, who becomes
smitten with bar. The story is a moat In
terest tug and forcible en. Brrai Dunbar.
Junius Brutua Booth and Frank Hecmiag
are tn Mrs. Bruna's support. Tbe scenery
and costume ara said ta be tsagnifkoant.
walking from the acpiu -o Uie V mon i'a-! anta ijtb jj, Germany. Austria. Belgium.
cifir truir she leu lrom me piatTorm on , . ,. . , M j
aocourt of the lack of lights ilt tbe de,.ot 1 Australia. Holland. Franca. England and
and Injured herself aa Uiat she Is still j the Tnited State tnd number ever SOU. It
ui a le to walk. t0ok a year to correspond with all of then
Dcornuii didirdiouc , and get sr.o here.
rtnu,mu I (MlMUiiM ll. These li the Vnited State had never
P. Wlr.k snd A- Wiseman of Kearney are
at the Murray.
W. F. Tour.g of Ctxford is in the city
buyir.g goooa lor bis dry goods house at
that :lace.
met those from Europe end Australia and
those who bad never met numbered over
100. The eldest member of the cumber 1
Herman Rim. a retired btiter of Sea
York City, whose son, liouis J. Fies. is a
Mis riorence Moore, deputy clerk of tbe member of the banking house of Zimmer
1 ywieu PLUin tirim i i.;i i, ul (nui u
lrom Fremoiit tiKiay.
W. P. Cowan of Starton waa admitted to
man a- Forahay.
The youngest member is Edward Srhleis-
jitactice belore the I'hltefi estates diotrict ' nr of Baltimore. Among those gathered
tnd circuit court Monday. j vt.Tf prominent busiceas men from
T,E,DBrEnr'T"t"!I TV.mirXL"fJht iCin-innati. Chicago, Btltimon, Galveston.
attiTiiuot. frnn tii-ir boueyinoun tour.
Mr (Pii Mr G B Salter of Norfolk, A.
J Keliar. Mie W. Kellar of Hoi ftprlngK.
ei li.. aud Mrs H. P. ibettm oi iteud
oc. S 1 , are among ibe tmttli at the
1 ktlOIi
lilt. KLIL1 I alltkt'l.
INPTF.rVENTS placed on record March
, IMS: ,
I Ucrrtttj Dtea,
I Henry Oeldmar.n. jr to Mtrie Cel4-
mat.n. i.:Lri i;ii 47. hi IT-l-ii ZTt
C K CatT'jl eli U3 wile lo Joaeph
urys uus atfe, lot C bioca i. sud-
' nut udu
i Eftf 1 ooaru rtid bukband lo Mary
; A. fcrrwr. I t. iiKk 1-. dauLuera
! A H a,ia 21w
'. E i Ar.'.mi mis nj wit to Imvio
I Pltmiii 1 :. v- i t (. bi.'tik i. Ami-
; ilroli s -c ioj
G T lortiiti tii Ii. H isroti-uit. lot k.
block t iatruk -J Earatoga aii... iz:
Evi !:i.t Knit and hut.oi.iid 10 iditb
Benix lot . blui k i. liulmea' una... XJStt
3. k- Oet.rge lo Ida A. tw1 ' . 40
I fee4 ol w i1 feel lot li alkuoe a
i sod . lfii
-eiiiBk Loan and Fundini; twucit-
i: .u to K. A Burrtl., en ioi ., luuck
1 K inn. ha iew 82
w e. -ipp(etjn lo oeurgr ijgtr,
aa-la-lfc "-.) J
benr. li I -a n" company to jnte
vVLi. h kta i tb li. L ix k Beuaon l.f
P C j.t.u and wife lo T. 3 Mor
ally, i. l I. block 1. Momoi. add..
q art Cla'aa peeak
E M Morsman. Jr.. trure lo Epar
Zm iiriekia. u l i, b o:k 1. WinclMor
irrrace i
E. and wife to C. E. Mil
ler, ranie 1K
E J ltvan et el to Merchsrt' lknk. vinoua In in r tr-
flll'r 1
Matilda K Gtrdtner le P O. FarU,
t A block a. kountae plaor 1
Tv'Mi aisaattt f uauf Ir - a.Z17
Akron, Brooklyn. New Tcrk and New Or-loans
rrUai Aeeldeat aa tkc 'Ffieoa ia
Vklek Oat la Badly
SFRINCnELD. Mo., March t Tbe
'Frisco SouiheaEtrra limited, ahich left
prir.gte)d at l td this morning for tbe
north, was derailed at Bo: d'Arc, the ruail
car. baggage, express, smoker and one chair
ctr rclliig over tn :t?:r .dn Tie engine
end two sleepers remained upright.
Two postal clerk Miller and Davis of
Kansas City and the baggageman and ex
press messenger were hurt slightly. None
of the passengers was injured. Tbe acci
I Clee Tet Mea ki klllel
rolleeasaa si Valerkary,
WATERBCRT, Conn.. March . The
search for the murderer of roliceman Paul
Mendelsohn, who was slain by one of tbe
masked men is their attack upon a trolley
ear last evening, was renewed today after
a posse had spent most of the night scour
ing the region about Forest park.
Aa far a "known tbe detectives have not
secured cny clue.
Excitement runs fcigb over the tilling
end today strike leeder declared that the
union would offer a reward for informa
tion leading ta tbe detection of tbe men
rosakiae Will Lay Rails far Fttta
karg to Folat a Lake
PTTT5ECRG, March . Tbe Post tomor
row will say; Another rallrcad line from
Pittsburg ta the lakes is in prospect. It
will carry coal from this region to the
dock and pier of the Pitieburg Coal com
pany near Cleveland, ft will be owned and
cperated by tbe railroad coal combine.
Tbe lack of railroad tacit: ies during the
past year prevented the Pittsburg Coal
company from marketing several million
tons of coal in tb nortvwest and a'otig tbe
great lakes. Surveys have been made tor
a line, the lake terminus of will be
i south of Mentor morf h, on LEfce Eris.
Eves children drirk Grkin-O
because tbey like it the doc
tors say it h good far them. VTty
xtotT It contkiEs all of tLe nourikii
xnect cf the pure gru2a and son ,
ot the poi&ons of coffee,
kasBlaatee Oils Howard as Kaval
Cadet at Aaaawolis
AVNAPOUS. Md.. March S The follow
ing today received appointment ,to tbe
naval academy from Preildect F i:evtlt:
F-a'.pb Earle Sampson, son of the lata
Rear Admiral Samion: J- Ti'cofiward
Phillip, sen of the late Rear Admtral Joht
W. Phillip of battleship Texas fame.
Otis W. Howard, sen of Ms)or Guy How
nd. she waa shot in tbe Philippines, has
received an appointment from ex-Congress-maa
A SAomevrtal (kaai.
Weak, airkly invalids are soon changed by
Electric Hitter Into healthy aoea and
wasnen. Tbey core or na stay. biti. For
sals bj Kukn A Ca.
Purifies the blood
Strengthens the nerves
Brings color to the cheeks
A grand family
Tested lor sixty years
Ask your doctor
Then do as he says
We know he will approve
X C Ajtr Cdw, UwdB. Umsx.