WAGE CONTRUVERbT SETTLED On IarTkad Var-a. FRtUDtUT BURT SAYS HE IS PLEASED ""rweenee af (.rand Onteera a at Re. a. a I re ta Etfrt ettleneat. as toaapaar lten:ilr GranH tbe Increase. T4 P rorTroveny bftnn the Vty fw-ifte railroad and tbe )ot remro.riee of Loiou Pacific trainmen and condtartort bab been settled fh complete satsfac Urm to boih aidee. la speaking of te set thMnent to representative of Be ystrday. Preside at Bart said : The settlemeat the Caloa IVriBe tai made with its trainmen and conductor speaks for itself. w are rU satisfied aith tb ont com of the corr.rmee. Tbt term ot tbe settlement. 11 pr lB. cr the nfn cf Um pnaseager train men and conduct on. and 15 pr cent ia lkw t tbe freight trainmen and eon doctor, u aa indication of try sentiments and those of the road, it goes to show that we feel that the, men ere worthy of an iKrtut If th' had not been they would not have bne granted tho conces sions. Tbe most prant of relations ox isted dariojf the. entire period that tho matter w unAer consideration a ad t bo time was there any serloua disagreement between tbo corn pa ny ana the committee Tbe mrairi of tho committee aro at pleaard with the results aa Mr. Bart If and they aro all matin preparations to retern home, filing- well satisfied with ttr outcome of their labor. Mr. Meeomber, general chairman of the Joint committee, Voiced the sentiments of tbo entire com mit ten when he said: "Eeerything 1 settled to oar satisfac tion and the committee will be a thing of the pas: before many more days. We hare hew working toward this end for little ejver two months and eaa ay tfcat the en tire affair baa bees pleasant la tho extreme- At ail times It has beea earned oa In a quiet and conservative manner, all disagreements being taken up at the time ad sifted thoroughly befaro drcisioa was reached. as Other ImIi. hare beea granted the same coa eeoBlona aa were granted to the joint ton "tnltteeo of trainmen sad roadac-tora that met with tho cfictais of tho Mlavoart Pa dftc. the Missouri. Kaaaas Texas, tho acta Fe. tee Texas Paclnc. the St. LoaU 4 8aa rranclato aad the Cotton Belt. M offerer, it la the only eosmltteo that ls beea able to efct a Bertlemest wr.i oat the aid of th grani ofAcera. ITheB the grand officers aro caJIed la It eese to be a regret, bnt become a demand, and we nerer had sic thonght of csillng them la The only other roaeessioa granted be lae that of the lBrrease la wages Is the elaase which relstes to the data away with the -double header. Tbo double Waders kaee beea the bugbear of the traia aaea and trioi actors for years, sod la moot r-e the point that the railroads and eomjaittees hare split upon. By aslng tho do4ebeader. It was possible to handle a doulJe tralaload with a mltgle trata re. This gave the trala crew extra work sod did away with a third of tho crews In the oerrtco of the company. Voder tbe aew rullag made Satarday, aocbte headers raa be ssed only oa tialas rf lees thaa thirty cars, except oa eertala Ktrvtcbea of track, what tha orada Is Wary and which aro specified, ia case of heaTy stoma, wbea engines break dowa and la moTiag eagtaea to aad from tho ahops and tbe yarda. Ia no rase Is tho toaaaaw of tho trala to be Increased wheat the double herder service is added. The tscrsaao ia was will affect about l.S0a Bxa. Sot at whom are coadaetors and l.Ww trainmen. Wages nader the aew chadale will amount to tpproximatelT fie per sooth for passenger conductors. 175 to ShS per month for passenger brake men. S12S to Slia a month for freight con ductors, sad St to 1M a month for freight brahemwB. DEFINES MONROE DOCTRINE feentary Hay Tells ArsTrotlaa Ian. trao Views DeMere f acataa. - WABHIXCTOX. March t eno Drago, the minister of forelga affairs of Argen tina haa seat his minister here. Mr. Gar cia Meroa. long instructions tiring the riewa of hla gorernmeat oa the general oeatloa of the liability of A merles a states for debts arising from Injuries to forelga ers or default ia the payment of loans con tracted by the stats. Argentina desires to know btw the government of the t'nifd States regarded the question. Whether this communirstioa wst msde the smbject of a formal representation to this government Is aot publicly known, but it Is stated that Secretary Hay has quoted from Presldeat RooscTelt's recent message aad advocated settlement of such disputes by arbitration when the claims were not capable of adjustment by the peaceful methods of diplomacy. la this rooserUos it Is well knows from their public statements on the subject that both President Rooaerrlt and Secretary Kay do sot betters that the South Americas governments should be shielded from the collection of Just debts against them by European aatlons so long as ia the enforce ment of the payment of those obligation! no questiaa of American sovereignty is la volved and as attempt to acqr'rs territory is made. Colonel Free man Thorpe haa beea com missioned to paint the portrait of ex- Capacity for business receives it speediest reward in the selling department. If you think you have the Ability to tvell a Five Per Cent. Twenty-Year Gold Bond on the instalment plan write me stating your age, present occupation, and give me bank or other good references. MM Better tissui as wricliy 1 GEORGE T. DEXTER. t,ttM of Piansa Asm fhs ataW LHo I Cias-yofWowVoet. 12 a ftawet. Me Vers. H. . Nassau, Cedar. William aad Libarty Sia, New Tors. K. T. ruiltfi Bros, Biusrr. Omaha, best, Ia Maaaoa, leva. Soeaker Hea Jersoa. to be bus la the loM-y ef tbe koutte of representa-tve. It ! ru temary to fare tbe portrait ef each rpeaker ad led to fbe collect toa already la the lobby of trfrom rresidiac oScers ef the bouse. Mr. Alexander Mrttosrll. clerk of tbe house -,f rtreststlTes. today made pub an ofB-ial ronrlattn ehowtng the or. done ty th ry-seventh congTess. I, shows tbst the lossret dey of the ses Isrtod. with rra. 144 boors, dor lvg ahich eiby roll eaJis aere taken. Tbe atnnber of bil's and tfoolatkma introduced la tbe bouse daring tbe two sessions was 1S.42P. on which report were made on :.:. The senate sent to tho house LIM senate Hilt and resolutions. The house disposed cf 2 411 of tbe measures ofiginat ing aith It. and of Ml J of the sna'e b.Ili and resoluUoni. making a total of M bills and resoIaUons acted on. It left en Its calendars 4 house and 111 senate bills aad reoolutlona. Fifteen members of the boose died, seven resigned and Mesrrs. Rhea ef Kentucky sad Butler of Missouri were unseated, the Utter twice. Tbe protocol between Venezuela and Sweden and Norway for tie adjnstmest of rlatmi aaaisst Venezuela hai been com pleted and will be signed by Baron Grip, the minister from Sweden and Norway, and Mr. Bowes as soon as It can be en grossed at tbe State department- The king of Spain will name tbe umpire of the com mission. This leaves only two protocols to be completed, vix: Spain and Decmirk. and Mr. Bo wen hopes they may be slgtied this week. RAILROADERS WIN STRIKE Fore Caaadloa raeiae to Keewcr. also Isles U British Colaasbls. VANCOUV ER. B. C. March I -The Vnlted Brotherhood of Railway Emplores cUim to hare won their strike airainst tbe Canadian Pacific, ahich. the officials staw. U1 be. declared off and tbe strikers retura to work with reeonitloa of the bro4herbod by Monday or by Tuesday at tbe latent. No corroborative statement has been Issued,-by the company, but It Is said that General Superintendent Marpool cf the Pa viflc division forwarded to the general Baaaager at Montreal today for hit approval tbe demands of the brotherhood. The telegram of President Estea last evening calling out members of the brother hood at Calgary and Winnipeg la (aid to have been countermanded in view of the prenaouity ot a settlement. SELLS GREEN GOODS IN PARIS ClIcafMi woesarally Works Old Trie It ow rsaadlsa Frecrk. KARI3. March t An old Frenchman earned ChamWer, who made a small for tune la Canada, re tamed bere last week on La Champagne with tS.OOq. He lost It all ia Paris. During the voyage he made the ac quaintance of a young maa traveling un der the name of Johana Wert her of Chi cago. On arriving la Parti Werther said he had Inherited a fortune from his uncle, who intrusted hla with II0.CO0 to distrib ute among the poor. He proposed to give Casus bier X5.000. Tbe latter accepted the money, which was placed In a wallet, to which Cbambier added his own K.OvKi. Waea they separated Chambler examined the wallet aad found that the bills had beea replaced by worthless papers. rise OU I. Mexico. MEXICO CTTT. March . There ia great interest la the discovery of oil at tbe Ara goa baths Bear this city, where oil la flow ing, minrled with water. Oil indications have beea found ia the aouthwestera part of the valley of Mexico beyond the suburb of Taaubaya. CollSBo Eraa-ts Aaralsu COUMA. March I Tbe volcano erupted violently early this morning. There was a alight overflow of lava ob tbe eastern side ' of the mountain, accompanied by subter ranean noises. There hsve been sharp sharks of earthquake at Tammaxula. Jua quilla ard other towna. HUNT BUFFALOES IN UTAH alt Lake Mea Have Ksritlaa: Tlase FTewlBS Herd of Vleiooa Balls. SALT LAKE. fteh. March I- A buffalo hunt took place today oa Antelope Itland la the Great Salt Lake. Sfty miles from this city. The hunters were a part of Salt Lakers aad their game three magnificent bulls among a private herd of buffaloes oa the Island, which were shot. These animals had become so vicious that their presence was a constant menace, not only to human 1 life, hut to the herds of cattle grazing oa the island. The hunt was aa exciting affair and several ef the party had airrow escapes from the bulls. Several times the animala, maddened by bullets, turned upon their pursuers. ho escaped oaly by urg ing their mounts to tbe s. most speed. DEATHRECORD. Charles M. Warm, BEATRICE. Neb.. March (Special. Charles M. Warren, aa old resident of southern Gage county, died at his home In Baraestoa yesterday of Bright 'a disease. Mr. Warren located In Pairbury, Jefferson county. Neb., ia 18T6. Ia ai he went to Barneston. where he was employed for a number of years aa agent and operator for the Vnioa Pacific road. He later engaged I ia tbe basking and mercantile business, which he followed up to the time of his death. He was well known throughout . Gage county and had a large circle of I frtrads whs will regret to leara of hit 1 oeata- r.m of Lobs; llloese. HUMBOLDT. Neb, March Special) After aa illness extending over a pea-Bod of several years, daring the last year bf ahlch she was confined to her bed, Mra. Ellsa Till died this morning at aii early hoar at tbe home of her daughter. Mrs. M. H. Richards, ia the northeast part of the city. Her husaaad died several nrs ags. but she leaves several growa chiHren aad other relatives ia this vicialty. ra. B. B. refer- rORCHESTER. Neb.. Mxh Spe oaL) Mrs. Peters, aife of K. B. Peters, a promt seat farmer living ir rjorchester. died Friday aight. Mrs. Peters had beea ill for a aumber of ye-a with coosump tioa. The fuaersi ser rice was eoadsried from tbe Methodist Fjtx.scopsl church this afteraooa by the pasiaw. Rev. Hall. Twtaly Years a, tssgreuaua. MACOX. Ga.. Msih S -James H. BlounL for twenty years 'ember of congress from Georgia, aad aft ward commiasMaer para asouat to tbe Hoatiaa islands durtag ths seeoad Cleve-tf,4 term, died hero today of coagestioa of tbo lungs. Bora Hlsheot rlfcle. MILWA'.'KEK. March S -Arthur Wal a ntier of the Lincoln boaung team 'aa i View ieg je. boa Usi a perft-rt -ore o se crtni ia a gam of tertina last Bri. FWiy twenty pennos saw uo Pjta bis remarkable run rscucd aad " ,bwba tut laa I " -t ti THE OMAHA AFFAIRS Al SOUTH OMAHA C.ty 05riI Bay Charter BeTiiion ii Sooewr for la press aec fa, SOUTH mUTY-FOwRTH STEEET PAVG Laewl Aceot Bays arllsatea Traehs trill Sot Be Cwaapleeed latll Say. City ofiriaii say that unless there is somethir.g done by the legislatare about tbe Sou'h Omaha charter that tbe improve ments contemplated lor this year est not be made. There is the overlap to be taken care of out ef tbe coming levy unless there Is some relief from the legislature, tad if this i aot tivea the revenue derived from the 14 tax levy will aot come any where near paying the current expenses ef tbe city. "No chitxge in the charter means no lm-proven-tiita year." said one of the leader ia tbe council. Continnlag. this official said that If the people wanted Im provements Boa wss tbe time to go to members of tbe lr.Utre and ask for the chaags desired. While no paving petitions have beea tied lately. It ia understood that aa effort wfU be made to have South Twenty-fourth street paved to the county line. Mayor Uoutsky has the matter In hand and was expected to call a meeting last week of Interested parties, but matters la court occupied his time. It may be that tbe par. Ing of this importaat thoroughfare will be taken cp some time thia week. In case a step of this sort Is made it is thought that other improvexorata ia the southern portion of the city will ve made. How ever, nothing can be done by the city offi cials until there is a change la the charter. Additional Barllaa-tea Tracks. "It n:n be along In the trst part of Kay bfore the Burlington tracks will be laid into tbe Taion atock yaria." said 1ck-1 ageat W. B. Cheek yesterday. "While the work cf grading for tbe tracks Is going oa rapidly, tbe contractors do not expect to get through before April t. Tbea will come the laving of tbe tracks and thia win take some time. Material iaa "a orderes id a aortic of it i oa tbe ground now. but nothing towards track laying eaa be done until the grading is completed. When these tracks are laid the transportation features at the yards will be greatly en larged and shipments of live stock can be bandied at leas com and macb more rap KUy thaa at the present time. stock Growers Cowveotlosi. An invitation has been extended to the South Omaha Live Stock exchange to send a delegation to the annual meeting cf the Northwestern Stock Growers' association at Belle Fourcbe. S. D.. oa April t. There also an invitation on file requesting members of tbe exchange to artend the meeting of the South Iwkota Stock Grow ers' association at Rapid City -n April 14. Both of thse Invitations were placed en tie and tbe secretsry was incructed to retura thanks for tbe same It is under stood that quite a delegation ef South Omaha live stock dealers will attend .both conventions. Coaeeasloas to sheep Feeders, la Saturday's Eto man-Journal Editor Bruce McCulioch has this to say shout the inspection of aheep: IT. W. A. Thomas, state veterinarian, came ap from Uocnm this morning and beid council with stork yarda ana rail road cOV-ials early in tbe day ia regard to abeep inspection lawa A recent ruling sn6e it necessary for all sbeep to be inspected for state ship ments. This order ms4c it ve-y inooa venenl for feeders shipping stock to mar ket, as delays were caused in waiting or tSe arrival of an inspector. On toanilti of these facts a committee was appointed to cusfer with tbe authorities at Lincoln and tbe result will doubtlees be appre ciated by Nebraska shippers. Tbe law has been adjusted camcellicg tbe recent order until July i. a-t a htr a time most of tie feeders win hare their stuff in Sben eert out will hsve to be 4o Terted the -am s Inter-state er.asmenta. but this anil not cause any inconvenience u ta inFpecior will be present at all times snd no delay will result. DrlvlB- Piles Today. Tbe work of driving piles for ths new hay bams at tbe stock yards will com mence todav. Abont SoO nilea nri'l In driven and it will probably be April 1 j before tbe work is completed. The aew j hay bars will be erected oa stock yard) j property north of the west end of the L I street viaduct. Two barns are to be buCt. Each bara will be forty-eight feet in width and V feet long. The height la twenty two feet. Tbe structures will be cased oa the 'outside with galvanized iraa and will bare gravel roefs. Tbe cost of these boras will come close to lie.w. MoBtklr Troop Daie. Tbe monthly dance of the South Omaha cavalry troop a ill be held tonight at the armory in tbe city hail building. Before the dancing commences Carta'n Bruce Mc Culioch will put the troop through a eahre exercise and also a carbine drill. The troop ia doing nicely financially and the dance tonight will most likely be largely attended. Hannon Starts sTiradlaa-. Dan Hancon proposes starting grading oa Seventeeath street betwoea M street and Mlrsouri a venae today. About 15. OM yards of dirt will have to be moved la order ta place the street on the lines laid out by the city engineer. The dirt taken from Seventeenth street will be placed oa Sixteenth street between M and N streets. Btaarie City Gwaal. The city council is billed for a meeting torjgbt. Jehn Moran and wife have rone tt Khll aXMiihia to visit, relatives for a mocth- Heal estate men say that there Is lots of I inquiry for South Omaha property Just now. Aa importart meeting of tbe local Grand Army poet wiil be bed this evectna: at the ptist haii. R C. Howe, general manager of the Ar-m.-ur plant bere. has recovered from an at tack of tbe gnp. SIAM'S WH1TE ELEPHANTS Ulikta tMUii aa la Haw Twer Are Recorded by the Bwbierts af Ike Bank. "There is a mifakea imprcattoa that tbe white elephant, the shang pbosuk. ia wor shiped by the Budihists of S.am as a de ity." said a missionary euoted by the Washington Star. The Buddhlsta do not recognise a material god ia any form and are shocked at the American Idea that they worship aa eU-j haul There is, however, some approach to worship ia their rever ence for whits animali. particularly the elephaat, monkey, dove, eparrew. stork and swan. Tbe reasoa of this reverence ta that under the Beddhist religion each soc cessivs Buddha hi supposed ta bavw passad through a series of t ra a migrations aad ia tura occupied the forma ot a hits enitoa't of a eertala class. Tbe white elephaat ranks trst because it ia believed to be tbe tem porary dwelling rises of the soul of sasse great personage, a king or great general. "The wisdom and knowledge of thai Cent personage are supposed to be re tained wbile ia this state, aad tbe ele phaBt therefore kaona what la bert for those around it. Its presence thus pre vents national calamity aad promotes peace aad prosperity. Ko It is customary aaea a white alepaaat is tosad la d DAILY IIEEt MONDAY, at it. bestow presents era ft aad make It la every way a favorite of the throne """bea aa etephatt of thia swt Is dis covered prar--rs are ordered la all tte tern flea. afc'.Ie the hatters go out to rapture it- The bearer of tbe aneseage bbsoubcUc Its rapture has his a-outa. ears aad aostrili stsfed with gold, and tbe ope who first discovered It is liberally rewarded The elpcaat it receKed aith grest ceremony oa the way ts the capi at aad a path cut through the forest for its convenient par-are. At every storting pi see arteed anta siac and dance, flay nnl'tl tss.ra ffieets and give exhibition of skill fr the eatrtaisment of the elephant. "Seveaty miles tro-n the capital the king, ha, court, priests and rrat prsooaaj. with musicians arid manor, meet the ele. phant and conduct h'm to hit stable, nti-h Is a palace. Tbe ceremonies coot in fvr a week or tea days, and concirtf of Inter esting details. He is kn. rated, anointed his tuskt are carped with roi and be is gtvea a title. Festivities and eaterta!a meats contlaoe all this tits ia h:s honor aad at the expiration ef th allotted time he i conducted ts his marftiSt-eat apart menta within tbe kings palace. Attend ants are rivea him aad wbea he is aires a bath be is faceed with fans of roll Pur ple robes are made for tim. and thre it nothing that the larenuity of th n-si fl eet t Orient raa suggest to a-ld to tbe glory of his surround tugs that M omitted These cere monies so doubt hsve rsused the Impression to exist la Christian coun tries that the elephant la worshiped as god. Should aa elephant die of Indigestion j and astonishment during the period of car nival, as once nappeaeu. there is deep mourning aDd the tuski and ekia are pre served as relic. During life tbe white ele phaat is tbe leading Egure fa Ul state oc casioas snd is stationed at tbe tno-r rate of the palace. At all times hit food is se lected with the greatest care and he It given the most tender sprout tbe country afford grass, sugrrcace. plantains aad wheat made Into cakes, and hit drink is highly perfumed. SPILLED SOME TALL TALK A leslherarr'i Warn Conversation fieeedlnar an Invitation to Drink. It was his first trip to the south, relates tbe Brooklyn Eagle. He had heard a great deal of sou tbe rs fireeaten and the southern code of boaor, and what be had heard had been exaggerated, as such things frequently are ia some parts of tbe north. Further more, just before starting he had beea ad vised by facetious friends, who knew of hii Ignorance and his Ideas, to be extremely careful. At tbe only hotel la a little ton in Mis sissippi a taTl, lank southerner wss leaning against the desk as he registered. "From the no'thT" asked tbe lank native, caauafly. -Tea, alr.- "I thought so. I generally ten a maa from the Bo th. sah. Writing any lettahs home, sah V "I expect to." "Don't lie. sah.' "I beg your pardon, I don't quite " "All noth'naht lie about the south, sah." interrupted the lank Individual. "Can't help it, van. Bo a that way. t suppose. They ride with tbe eirgaht and call the aouthe'a geatlemea fiah-oaths wbea they write about us. Eveh beea dowa heeh befo', sah V The northern shook his bead. "Toall Had the soutbe'B gentlemen hare been slandered, sab yea, sah. alandered. Wo doat allow such lies dowa beak. Wo hare but redress. Every, soTrtbe'a gentle man knows how ta act wbea he's slandabd. sah. But la the no'th Have you your weapon with you. sah V Tbe Bortbemcr was worried, but be re plied ia tbo negative "Ton ao'tbe'a gentlemen ah peculiah," commented tbe native. "Down bosh, sah. wbea one gentlemas lies about aaothah be gets his weapon ready, but ta the Bo th you lie about a maa and tbea go into cost. But that isn't our way, sah. Wc know bow to act hen a no'tbe'n or a aoutbe'a maa lies about aa. and all notha'naha ah liahs la tbo south, sah. It looked as If tbe lank native were work ing himself up to tbe proper frenry. for at this point he straightened himself up. for saking tbe support of tbe detk against which he had been leaning. The nonbercer reached tor the ink bottle, that being the oaly weapon of defense st hand. Then the southerner mads a grave little bow and said: - -Win yoa Jot a me at the bah. sahT" Tbe northerner besved a long sigh of re lief and Joined him. yioa Ot TM AFRICA. lew Way of Idas rkansrrlala't Caws; steasewy. Mr. Arthur Clapman. writing from Dur baa. Natal. South Africa, says: "As a proof that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ia a cure suitable for the oU aad young. 1 pea you the following: A neighbor of mine had a child Just ever 2 months old. It had a very bad cough and the parents did aot know what to give it. I suggested that if they would get a bottle of Chambrrlala's Cough Remedy aad put some upon the dummy teat the baby was sack tng it would no doubt care the child. This they did aad brought abont a snick relief and cared the baby." Loral Protest. Stranger Why was that reader rejected by tbe school trustees? Amber Pete (of Eagle Eyel Wal. stran ger, there was a story is it about a maa being left aa a tall chimney and saving himself by unraveling his nock. Stranger Well, that teaches the younger generation the advantages of perseverance. Amber Pete I kaow. but we don't wear socks out here. Chicago Kewa. Carbett Taken ta Ball a sal a. 6AN f"RANCIiKX. March l-im Corhett brotner of Jim Corbetu todav a gn-d with the lt Ansreies base ball team Tbe lw Angeles team has aa rrve1 Ir Sen-ton. who pitched for tbe Brooklyn rlLb last sea son. WHY STAY PALE. A pity to see pale girls stay pale and dull when it is so easy to get Scott's Emulsion. One of the best things Scott's Emulsion does is to give rich blood to pale girls. The result of regular doses of Scott's Emulsion is an in crease not only in the red color of the blood and in the appetite but in the good looks and bright manners which are the real charm cf per fect health. Bar rsa i s- roari It, U. T. MAI5CH H. 103. RIVERS ARE STILL RISING Bo -tiers Sates Pre pat fa Wont Flood b aUsr Yean. FEAR LEVIES WILL NOT HOLD WATERS Residents Flee ia SklaTa. Bttehia-tta Brldg-en Are f naked Away. Daa, Burst nnd Went Is Tet ta Caane. ClXCIXXATn March l The Ohio river, ahich had fallea last bight below the danger line of ftfty feet, haa beea rising here again todsy. The weather bureau reported for the t vrent y-four hours ending at I a. atu. a rain fall of I J at Ctacianatl. l.SJ at Colum bia. 2.22 at Perkersburg. 2.12 at Evans rille and 2 OS at Chattanooga.. Tbe rata prevailed throughout Okie. In diana. Kentucky. Tennessee aad Western Pennsylvania so that another flood is pre dicted this week ail along the Obis val ley. aitaatlna Grows Worse. PADCACH. Ky, March a. The Ohio river, although higher thaa since the great flood of IK, is still rising tonight, aa are also the Wabash. Cumberland. Tennesaee and other tributaries snd tbe situation from here to Cairo la the worst that has beea known for nineteen years. OWKXSBORO. Ky.. March a. A heavy rain fell last aight. Tbe river ts still rising and It is over all previews marks, except tbe record of ISM- Tbe smaller streams also are flooding the country. LP CIS V1I.I.F:, Ky., March S The Ohio river registers It 1 feet ia the canal here tonight, one-tenth of a foot ovwr tbe dan ger line. The rise began at aa early hour this morning after a slow recession, which began yesterday. The water ts now well up to Fourth street, while Shipping port, la the western end of the city, ii flooded. Tbe damage up to tbe preseot time, however, has been alight. SUsales'ppI Alea Ranea. MEMPHIS, March t The river after re maining ststioaary for two days, began to rise slowly again today. The gauge tonight marks 14 4 feet and more water is coming. Tbe levees remain intact, although a large area ot lowlands south of Memphis Is submerged. Crittendeu and Lee counties la Arkansas, are Inundated aad aome distress Is reported from there, especially among aegre farm ers. Many traina arc arriving from one to three hours late. TICKBBCRO. Miss.. March I A general rain throughout this section, commencing st 11 M last night, was accompanied by thunder storms. The total precipitalloa ap to this morning was IK inches. A thick fog has overhung land aad river all tho evening. The river rose I It, with 4CS oa tbe gauge, but levees along the bends on both sides are reported ia good ehape. NATCHEZ. Miss-. March t The Weather bureau's bulletin published today conduce to a feeling of relief, though there is still some Apprehension over the tact that there may be too much water for tbe levees to bold. Tbe river today stands 1.2S ot a foot above tbe gauge. CHATTANOOGA. March I Ccattanooga was visited by a raia which bordered oa a cloudburst today. Traffic oa aome ef the suburban trolley lines was practicaEy sus pended all day. Boats Bearae Flood seelaaa. WASHINGTON'. Ind-. March . White river Is rating tonight at the rate ef three, quarters ef aa inch aa hour. Much prop erty has beea damaged and miles ot tent have beea swept sway. Mea with akiffa were kept busy today removing families from their homea ta tbe flooded loolanda. EYA.VSVILLE, Ind.. March l Great crowds of people were carried out of here today by the boats because of the high waters. Masy of the steamers had ate re fuse people. Tbe river Is still rising and stood at nearly 42 feet tonight at II o'clock. Ail the hosts are delayed. The river between bere and Oweasboro is' over tea miles wide. Walts aad Pataka rivers are still rising rapidly. Reperu of heavy tosses eoctiaoe to coxae ia. Many towns betwoea Oweasboro aad Cairo are now at the merry of tbe high water. CAIRO. Ill, March 1 Otaerver Earth of the Weather tureaa has seat out warn Isrs ts places sosti. of Cairo to prepare far at leaat flfty feet ef water. A vast territory around aad below Cairo Is now covered with water, and many familieo have been forced to abandon their homos. Ths gauge here tonight marks 41 A feet. Mtrklcaa Brtdatea tim Daa a. CRAXD RAPIDS. Mich. March I Grand river ia out of lis baaka and toeigat was within a t'jot of the high marts record. Late last night the temporary superstruc ture of the new steel bridge of the street rail nay cosapany at North park was car. ried way. Thia afiarnoae tares actions "Hobson's Choice" Tobias Hobson was the first man in England who let out hackney horses. When anyone wished to hire a horse, he was obliged to take the one standing nearest the stable door he had no selection. Hence the old proverb, so familiar now. was born: "To elect tkers is Vat owe Ta Hobaoo'i cbocr take that or Bona." Before the introduction of U need a Biscuit buying soda crackers in a paper bag. was like hiring Hobson's horses there was no choice. In kind and quality there was but one take that or else take none. Whether stale, soggy, dirty or old 'twas ever the same "Hobson's Choice." U need a Biscuit in In-er-seal Packages have revolu tionized this old method and set an example that has received the stamp of public approval as the sale of over 200.000.000 5 cent packages attest The In-er-seal Package insures their quality, deanliners and crispness, because it is airtight, moisture proof, dust proof and germ proof. NATIONAL BISCUrT COMPAW of tbe North part waroa bridge gave way and were carried dowa la the rushing tor rent. Lowlandi oa the wast aide ta tbe south part of the city are ander water aad a cumber ef booses are isolated. Basements of business bouses along the river are Hooded by water backing up la tbe bouses. Reports from points up tbe river are ot flooded lands and basements and partly submerged hotzses. A amber of dams have been earned oat, including the Wagar dam. wblch faro! bed the power for electric lighting at Ionia. Detee-tl v UVas Peteeted. Tbe home detective had the floor. -Tea." he said, proudly, -we broke late more thaa forty private bouses just to show them bow easy it wan." Tbe visiting constable expectorated la an Introductory manner. I "Like us out in Cripple rulch in the earlv Ma," be remarked. -People got so keer lesa going about without their weepons that we had to hit a couple of dosea en tbe bead with a pole ax just as a warning to the others. Tea, atiree." A smile passed over the home detective's face. This was promptly shadowed by mm uneasy look ia plain clothes. "What did you any yoa would take?" lie asked, with unexpected ncumea New Tork San. Para far AU tte annates. A maa. 0 years old. styling himself Charles Marshall Lanrence. claiming Car finer. Me., as bis borne, who registered at the I'nlted States hotel on Friday, mads himself noticeable by giving away 11 bills to everyone be met. Not being aatianed with his room, he began smashing up the furniture. Tbe police were called and be said he had Just come from Phoenix. Arix.. where be had recently disposed of his min ing Interests for U.OM.OO. He didn't know it was anyone's basis ess if be gars away money and be had smashed the furni ture beea one it did not suit bis fancy. He paid tbe price asked and left. Bar Spttofal rrleaa. "She seeane to be extremely fond of skat, leg "Tea." explained her spiteful friend. "Too see. as a matter ef courtesy, aome man has to offer to pat aa her skates for her." -WeHT- "Well. it ' the only way sbs eaa got a nan on his knees to her." Chicago Poet. Ballade af a Beard. With dnwecast bead And ahifty eye. With timorous tread He shuf&es by: Why does be stay Like one crime seared? This is tbe why. He grows a beard. Fate weighs like lead. Ah! eouid he die; All yT has fled. Life's but a He; His throat ta dry. Kis eyas are biearod. He tortr to fy. He grown a beard- Sun overhead. Blue In the sky. rmrugfat's a dread. Natures sorry; Each foe s a spy. Friendship a feared. Wnere raa ha hie? tie grows a beard. Envoy. Friend, you and I ere likewise "qt There rore. we sign. "He grows a beard." Rochester foat-Expreaa. Laundry Lesson Number Five, How you should the dirt out-drive XV ai ai at "a. a Pride Soan quickly eradicates dust and dirt It makes Monday less of a trial than ever UataiQrr Osxaaa SLLstdt Swift k CaCififlf, QJCaTS Sljaacst Si. rani ITVarlh ft FOC CLOSES NEW YORK PORT S teamen Stud Helplessly Bj Vaitisr foi G la tepee of EarrouiiiiBgii. FERRY COLLIDES TW.CE II SINGLE DA) Inks Canal Boat aad la Barking; Oat Cats Btrra Completely OB baulk Anserlraa teasel, bat Slay a Sa Owe. KTW TORK. March t Dense tog caused the almost a tire suspension of rarbor aad river traffic today and for many hours effectually closed the port .-.gainst in -coming steamers aad coasting craft. The Americas liner Philadelphia anchored out side Sandy Hook early ia the morning aad was unable te reach tbe pier until late la the afteraooa. when tbe tog had lifted considerably. Three colllaloes occurred during tbe day, bat with out loos of life. The big car trans - fey steamer Express of tbe New Tork. New Haven Hartford liae. was in eollnUos twice. While groping Its way dowa the Cast river it ran late aad sank tbe canal boat Lyman Willie, tied ap at a bulk bend. While backing oat after tbe collision Ex press crashed late the steamer Rhode Island oa its any te New Tork. cutting of Its stem completely about two feet above the water liae and splintering the woodwork below the water. Rhode Ialand Immediately anchored. Tbe Bristol steamer Woodruff from Stint a American and Carribeaa porta, while com ing ts anchor at quarantine, waa struck by a barge in tow of a tag aad had an anchor d rivea through one ot ita bow plates. Aro Blanply Pervert. Dr. King's New Life Pills are prompt, safe, geatle and always satisfy or as pay. Beat for stomach aad liver. lie For sale by Kuha aV Co. Latent Air Ship Prater. An air ship company haa beea Incorpo rated by wealthy Americans ia tbe City of Mexico with a capital of fCO.MM. it i. proposed to built and operate a line of air ships whiah are to make regular trips be tween the City of Mexico and Washington. The plans of tbe first ship have been sub mitted and approved, and It will be con structed at once. Thia air ship will have accommodations tor flfty passengers ard It will carry 2.0M pounds of freight. It will make tho round trip la four days provided its designer has figured the aaattor out cor rectly aad the earth dosa't fly up aad smash it. Capitalist Indie-ted far Bribery. Henry J. Miller ef Fort Wayne. Ind.. ercll known capitalist and electric lighting man. has been Indicted oa a charge ot bribing tbe late Councilman George R. Hench, who oa his deathbed mortgaged hii borne for ttM. saying be must pay that amount to Miller, who. be Laid, bad given It to him tor aisUad ia aa alleged franchise grab that tailed. His wld.w took lcgJ means te recover tbe money from M.lier. A aot her Reminder. lives of ret-rteh-culckers parted Pram tfceir hard earned wealth bv snail. Enow that hayeeada. aintpte-nrted Lw not all from Hayvi.le halL Washington Poet. 0 P A 0 ii at ar ! mi 'w