Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 09, 1903, Image 1
Daily Bee. X ESTABLISHED JUKE 1J), 1871. OMAHA, MONDAY MOHNI NO, MAKCII 9, 1903. SINOLE COPY TIIKKK CJ2STS. The Omaha 4 r t Deputy Marahali Fro on Virginia Oitiseaa. DefenteleM BATTLE CALLED COID BLOODED CRIME Union Attorn Throwi Mori Light on Sanguinary OotflioU OFFICERS SHOOT WITHOUT WARNING Herer Atk Surrender of Those They Ara Bent to BULLETS CRASH THROUGH WINDOWS Only On Victim Returns Shoi nd Jury Finds Pff Officials flnllty f Felonious Killing; la f Out Cm, STUDY OF NOTED CRIMINAL Musllono, tar Italian Bandit, Affords Opportunity to Exploit Theor MASKED MEN ATTACK CAR Fin Volley of 8hoU in Darkness, Slaying One and Wounding; Another. INDIANAFOLIB. March . The official report of Chris Evans, who wss sent to the West Virginia coal fields to Investigate the killing of colored miners at Atkins rills on February 25, has been received at the headquarters of the United Mine Work, era. The. report says General St. Clair, who Is the attorney for the coal companies, cre ated an agitation to have the men arrested and taken to Charleston and that Immedi ately afterward arrangements were made with the United' States marshal by the Mine Workers' officials to give bond (or all who were arrested, but that later, on account of the agitation created by Deputy Marshal Cunningham, the agreement entered Into with the marshal was broken ead "Cunningham was sent to arrest -the men. Operators Suppress Wires. According to the report there was great feeling against Cunningham and the men decided not to allow him to arrest them and he waa driven away. Mr. Evans Bays ha sent telegram to the men to submit quietly, but the coal companies, who own all the telegraph and telephone lines con nected with the town, refused to deliver It and before be could get any measage to the men Cunningham and his deputies, who, he says, were the worst characters be sould collect, went to the town a second time and killed the miners In the night time in their beds. Mr. Evana says he went to the scene of the trouble the next morning, when forty eight men had been arrested for conspir acy to kill Cuunlngham, and found. In a house occupied by a colored man called "Btonewall" Jacl son, the dead bodies of William Dodson. William Clark and Rich ard Clnyton, all colored. The report con tinues:. On Inquiry we found that the wife of Jackson, with four children, together with eiaht colored men, were In the house, and ' that about daybreak all were awakened by hots being flreit into the house from the outside, z his shooting; took place wlthnut i anything being nld, and the three colored .. men 1 hav ruentlonrd were found ii iy on tlie -wmir; Tw a wtiiiln their iukU! clothe and the other one wae partly dressed, with on shoe on, ptrtly laced, and the other foot hare. We visited another house, where Joseph I User lay mortally wounded, hav ing been shot through the window aa he was stooping to put his trousers on after getting out of bed. Hlxer lived with his sister and she made the statement at the Inquest that she pleaded with those shoot ing not to kill her children and In reply Cunningham said: "Women and children must take care of themselves." In no instance do we find where the per sons were asked to surrender until after the deputies had commenced to shoot at the oc cupants of the houses named. We next went to the house of Lucian I.awHOn, who was considered mortally wounded 1 sm led to understand that after the shooting referred to this man, with others, returned the fire of the posn and this Is the cnly instance where any at tempt waj mado t.i return file on the part of the miners. During the shooting, in many instances, in? men and women pleaded with the men outside to have mercy on them, but their cries were met .lih Harlainn md cursed. Our InvestlKatlo.i provea that no effort had been made to j anoot or resixi except in um one cane men tioned, but that all would have been glad to have aurrendered If they had been al lowed the opportunity to do ao. Mr. K.vans say the coroner's Jury re turned a verdict of felonious killing agalna. ' Cunningham In th case of William Dod son. BABIES ARE AT A DISCOUNT Buffalo Preacher Says Club Life la Koapouatble tor Msrder, Divorce ' . and National Degeneration. BUFFALO, March 8. The Burdlck case waa referred to from the pulpits of some of the chu.chea today. At the Lafayette Baptist church Rev. George Whitman preached on "Church Life Veraus Home Llfa," aaylng: Recants events in our city have revealed the gay. Irreligious life which many of our more prospesou people live. There is a growing CJodlessneen among many well-to-do persons. The type of depravity among persons in the higher circles Is often worse than in the siums of the city. This gay, Oodless way of living often .manifests Itself in what Is epoken of as club Hfe. I admit that clubs differ In their arrangements, but 1 believe that that which is mechanically called club life is opposed to the Interests of the Individual, the church and the nation. A murdur Is com mitted In our city and two divorce cases are revealed. These have some relation to the club life. America is fast following In the steps of the old Roman empire. The home is de saed; children are an encumbrance; a poodle dog is of more value than J baby. Wealth and pride consume the llfeblood of the nation and aristocratic weaknesses sap our democratic vigor. POSTOFFICE JBANDITS HELD Police Find Stamps, Nitroglycerine and Other Burglarious Tools I sdtr Woodpile. INDIANAPOLIS. March I. Frank Slaus- on, William ocnroeaer ana jouu uiuiuu were arrested near Pendleton and brought here today charged with robbing postofflces at Deleevllle and Belle Fork. The meg had found $1W worth of stamps, 165 to cash and a can, of nltrr-glycerlno, twelve caps such as ara used by aafe blow ers, twelve feet of rubber tubing and three loaded revolvers hidden under a pile of wood In an outbuilding. SANTA 'FE- STILL EXTENDS lells Basil for Building; Mao frees Kaasaa Through Missouri to Teaaessee. JOPLIN. Mo., March I. Bonds for build ing railroad from Chanute, Kan., to Mem phis, Tenn., have been placed. The new line will be 400 miles long and cost ap proximately 112,000,000. Ths moat ImDortaot pointa on the line will be Chanute, Weir City and Cherokee, Kan.; Jopllo. Neosho. Casavllle aud Gaines ville. Mo., and Memphis, Tena. The Santa Fe U said to be behind the project (Copyright, 1M, by t "hlng Co.) ROME, March 8. t.V ' '''. ' "-rid Ca blegram Special Telegram.. ' . Patrlxt, one of the most d I situ, ' lowers of Lombroso's school, aods. at the Modon university, has Ju. . eluded a aerlet of moat Interesting exp. mcnts on Musllono, the notorious brigand and murderer who la Immured In the living grave of the Porto Logone prison, from whlcii he Is destined never to emerge alive. The result of the professor's In vestigations fully confirms Lombroso's theory concerning the born criminal. Musl'ono la not only left-handed, but his whole nervous system lacks equilibrium. Prof, Patrlsl found many Interesting sensorial abnormalities. Ihe shape of the handa and the complete development of the wladom tooth are also characteristic featurea of the criminal. Musilono has lost all of his former self assurance and arrogance. The months of solitary confinement which he has already paased iu the semi-obscurity of a sub terranean cell have already changed his proud spirit. He has relinquished all hope of ultimately recovering his liberty and has had to be watched continually, as he has already twice attempted to commit suicide by dashing his hesd sgainst the walls of his cell. Symptoms of tuberculosis have developed In the prisoner, whose formerly strong .constitution Is also undermined by acute anaemia. The prison doctor Is of the opinion that unless Musllono is re moved from his present place of confine ment he will not survive many weeks longer. , MAIMED MOTORMAN DISAPPEARS IN NIGHT Railway Men Nonunion Street Halrted by Fire Armed Assailants, v Who Lrt Fly In Deserted Wuterbury Street. HARRIMAN STOCK sorted, lOr a with k Pacln-i.,' IGHT OVER Kerne Pool Hepotte.1, Itr-ady to Settle Differences .with Southern RICHEST MAN IN RUSSIA DIES Son, Who Inherited Vast Fortnno, Only Survives Father One Day. (Copyright, 190S. by Press Publishing Co.) MOSCOW. March 8. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) The richeat man In Ruasla, Nikolai Terestchenko, has Just died In his 85th. year, leaving prop erty valued at $100,000,000, much of It in real estate In thla city. For more than fifty years he lias been one of the curiosi ties of Moscow. He slept only four hours In the twenty-four, two hours at night and two hours after luncheon.. At 2 o'clock every morning he had mass said In hla room. At o'clock he began work with his secretaries, eating nothing until noon, wheu he took an egg or a bowl of soup. He had only one solid meal a day and that waa at 10 o'clock at night. Though be was char itable his benevolence was extended In un usual ways aa. for Inatance, In establishing homes for one-legged and one-armed men. It la said he wanted to found an asylum for mothers-in-law who were badly treated by sons-in-law, but the police refused to sanction the scheme. Hla son, who inher ited the vast fortune, died at Monte Carlo of consumption the day after his lather's death. INVENTS JYEW. FLYING MACHINE Belief Is Expressed that by Its Aid It Will Be Easy to Roach North Pole: rangementa will be made by which the minority holders In Southern Pacific will not carry out their proposed plan to over throw the Harriman mi.-nsg"me-nt. A few dors ago the secretary of the Southern Pacific was served with a legal notice that an Injunction would oe applied for , on behalf of Talbot J. Taylor Co., representing the minority holders In South, em Pacific, preventing the. voting of tho Southern Pacific Btock held by the Union Pacific, also demanding a list of the stock holders of the Southern Pacific company. Within an hour the notice was withdrawn without any explanation. J Subsequently It was Announced that the,- order had been withdrawn, as It was found that a list of the stockholders could be obtained after the closing of the company's books on March 0. The real cause, however, of this hasty retreat was, according to reports today, overtures from tho Harriman interests for an amicable settlement of the controversy. NEW YORK. March lmlt Is earned on excellent authority, ihe Jrlbune will aay tomorrow, that negotiations are now u-dcr w ay for the settlement of He fight between the so-called Keene pool' In Southern Pa cific stock and the Harrlnjan Interests, who practically control the Southern Pacific. Important developments In the Southern Pacific fight tending to remove the cause for current differences may t looked for In WtTEHiu'RV r, u.w i.i-i . - i tho course of a few dsys. ad, according to lnTLH,?7'C -'-red iron, financiers who Waterhnr. . .-7.7. .1" .l,.'" I make the Waldorf their headquarters ar- . j . wi uiftu IcriiuR In connection with the street railway strike. This time murder has been done and a policeman, Paul Mendleaohn. Is dead. John W. Chambers, a non-union motorman, was wounded and his whereabouts are un known, aud a conductor, Oeorge Webern dorfer, waa pounded almoat Into Insen sibility. Choose Isolated Spot. The scene of the crime was ,at Forest Park, the terminus of the North Main atreet line. The spot Is Isolated and when the car reached the end of the line the crew made preparations for the return trip. Immediately after the conductor had turned the trolley and the motorman re versed his levers, five masked men sprang from the bushes by the roadside, entered the car and discharged their revolvers. every man being armed. Mendelsohn fell t the first report and as a later examina tion showed, the first shot waa fatal, hav-v Ing penetrated his heart. The motorman was also hit and leaped from the car with a cry of pain. Some of the men followed him, while the remainder turned their attention to the conductor. He was thrown to the floor and pounded and kicked until he was almost unconscious. The men then left him and Joined their companions outside. Weberndorfer saw the motorman leap from the car and he saw him followed by the murderers. Whether he escaped or whether he was can led off by the at tacking party cannot be learned. The conductor regained hla feet with difficulty and went to the side of the of ficer, whom he found to be dead. Webern dorfer, hardly able to stand, started the car back toward the city with the dead of ficer. On llje way he met nuother car, the crew of which relieved hlrn and hur ried to the city for assistance. 'w Motorman Still Missing;. The body of the dead officer waa carried Into police headquarters and Weberndor fer was also taken there. An alarm was aent around the city and in a few momenta the entire detective department, accom panied by thirteen policemen, went to the scene of the murder. A thorough search was made for Chambers, but at midnight he had not been fcrnd. An examination of the car showed thai a volley of shots had been fired and ac cording to the conductor's story the at tack was made while 'he trolley pole was off and the three men were In perfect dark ness, being caught like rats in a trap. , . - ' '' . , . w STRIKE AS LAST . RESORT ARMOUR TRIES AEROGRAMS Hopes to Do Awaj with Bnmerona Leased Telegraph Lines. PROPOSES MAGIC MESSAGES TO OMAHA Experiments In Sew System Start In ' Chicago on Wednesday, Which If Surreasfal will laaaga rnte Wireless Age. VETERAN PASSES AWAY Bnel Franklin's Death Removes An other Prominent Survivor of Civil War. (Copyright. 1903, by Press Publishing Co.) ROME, March 8. (New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram.) A teacher named Qulseppe Tetl of Oretga has Just Invented a most remarkable flying muchlne, which he calls the "Aerodlna." , The small model which he has constructed haa been fully experimented with and a subscription started among school teachers to furnish the necessary funds to construct the flying machine according to the invent or's designs. . He claims that his machine can fly in the teeth of the strongest wind and that It will be easy to reach the north pole by its aid. I is a torpedo-shaped con trivance propelled by electricity and easily steered. Slgnor Tetl Is already well known as an inventor, having patented special arc lamp in 1887 and having recently exhibited at Palermo a moat Ingenious musical In strument which obtained high distinction. RUMOR "LABBJTJS TO RETIRE Noted British Journalist and Parlia mentarian May Live In Italy. (Copyright. 190S. by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON, March 8. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) Henry La bouchere la credited with Intending to re tire from Parliament to reside chiefly In a beautiful villa reconstructed for himself In the suburbs of Florence, Italy. He la in Florence now teaching the municipality bow to become modern and attract foreign ers to reside there. A rumor is also afloat that he Is about to enter the Catholic church, but thla la due merely to the fact that his wife and daughter both belong to that commuclou. Brldgro Workers Claim Company. Re. (naed to Nearottate Over Grievances, NEW YORK, March 8. At the head quartera of the International Association of Bridge and Structural Iron Workers it was denied today that the striking Iron workera had refused to Inform the officers of the American Bridge company of the nature of their grlevancea. A representative of the union said to night: Our strike was not declared In sympathy ulth th hnlstina engineers. For some time the American Rrldge company haa been breaking faith with us wherever the union la weak. It haa been looking for trouble for some time. On many Jobs they have had our men do all the hard and difficult work and aa Boon aa easy work wua r chert have laid ua off and put on cheaper men. The claim that we have made no effort to settle our grievances with them im untrue The president ot the International asso ciation came here laat week from Chicago for the purpose of settling our troubles with the company. He went to the office of the company to try to arrange a meet ing with the offlclala of the American Bridge company, but they would not meet him. It was also said that no more meetings of the men are to be held for the present; that the strike is on and will continue. HARTFORD, Conn., March 8. Majo.' General William Buel Franklin died today, aged 80. He had been in poor health tor several years and had failed perceptibly since the death ot bis wife three years ago. He was born In Franklin, Pa., on March 27. 1823, and was the son of Walter 8. Franklin, who was clerk -nX..the bouse tt representatives. General Franklin graduated from West Point In 1843 and was a classmate of Gen eral U. S. Grant. He served In the Mexican war. In 1861 he was appointed colonel of the Twelfth United States infantry and Im mediately made brigadier general of volun teers. He commanded thw Sixth army corps and was In charge of the left wing of the army of the Potomac in the battle of South Mountain and In command of the Sixth army corps at, the battle ot An- tletam. i . ' ' He resigned from the army In 1866, with the rank of major gentral of volunteer! and brevet major general, U. S. A., and came to thla otty to live. He was. made vice president and genera) manager of the Colts Patent Firearms Maufacturlng com pany. He was commissioner general for the United States to the Paris exposition In 1888 and was decorated with -the Legion ( Honor. . . - - v ..-- . Oeneral Franklin was a member ot the Loyal Legion of the 'United States and ths Army and Naval club ot Connecticut,' the Society of the. Cincinnati and the Grand Army. He had been for several terms the commander of the New York Loyal Legion. CONDITION 0FTHE WEATHER Forecast for Nebraska Rain In West, Fnlr In Kasl Portion Monday. 'lueedMy. FhIi and Colder. Temneratnre nt Omaha Yesterday! Hoar ft a. m U n. m T n. m S) n. m t n. m . 1 a. m. 11 n. m. 12 m.. . . lira. . HI . a . ' . :to . 8t . il . 4U . 4.1 llnnr. t 1. 91 P. n. 4 P. .1 p. II p. T P. H i. 9 P. lies i , , , IT 4!l n Bl 41 4M 4l I 42 CHICAGO. March 8. Magic messages, such "aa Marconi propoaes to send flying through sir from continent to continent, may soon connect Chicago with Omaha, If experiments ordered by Armour A Co. prove auccessful. Pscklng, it seems, needs many a sudden oMer and many an alteration in ordera once aent, for marketa change, prices go up and down and money may be made or loat according as Information can be speedily, safely and secretly dispatched. In the past auch orders have been sent over numerous leased wires costing the firm some 8100,000 annually ta rent, and further heavy sOnis when storms tear down the lres, break the polos or Interfere with 'the current. In the hope of saving all this the De Forest Wireless Telegraph compan? is to make a sorlea of teata of their system be tween the stock yards and the company's head offices In Chicago, seven miles away. Should these experiments prove successful, the wires connecting Omaha, Kansas City, 8'.. Louis, Sioux City. Allegheny. Philadel phia. New York and Boston will be done away with and the wireless age definitely Inaugurated. Experiments Stnrt Wednesday. The first experiments will be made next V.'edneaday, when Mr. White and Mr. Qal bralth, agenta of the company, arrive from New York. m Polea will be erected on top of the hlgh eat building In the yards and on the root of the Hoint- Insurance building, with wires leading to them from the instruments tn tho rooms below. The only obstruction will be the Halsted street bridge, and the rep resentatives of the company say they are confident they can overcome this obs'acle. There are at present twelve wires be tween the yards and the offices, and If the new Instruments prove practicable they will replace the old ones Immediately. Then it will be only a matter ot time to extend the system, connecting all the branch houses with the home office. Beyond doing away with the cost of the wires, the new system would sffcrd greater security, aa It would be private, direct and certain, In that It will be controlled by the company's own men. The De Forest company already has a contract to install wireless Instruments on the Twentieth Century train between Chi cago and New York, and experiments made In that line are said to have demonstrated the practicability of the wireless system for business. - Should the plan succeed, It Is said all tht big concerns In the country like the Ar mour house, which has nearly Io0 branches in the -4,trn . territory . a!opejwlll fol low the rxatniiftt, and" a Crsf'siep, and' long' one, will have .been made toward -doing away with the electric wire altogether. TO BUILD A LABOR TEMPLE Committee Headed la Lonklnat Me Lot by Harry for Suit. Mr Yen A committee of the Labor Temple asso ciation, beaded by Harry McVea, the pres ident of the association. Is making ar rangements to aecure a lot upon which a building will be constructed. The success ot the labor unions of (be city In main taining a b'ulldlng for their use In this city has given them assurance that tho larger undertaking can be successfully carried out. The committee haa not decided as to the plan to be adopted tor raising funds, but a meeting will aoon be held to settle this point. It haa been suggested that the unions of the city contribute sufficient funds to purchase the lot and that money be borrowed to put up the building, the money derived from rents to rx'lngulsh the debt, which, with the revenue In sight, could be done In a comparstlvely short time. Another suggestion is that the Individ ual members ot tho unions bo permitted to buy stock In the building company, the amount one person can hold to be limited, ao that no one person can ever control the company. At the present time the Temple asso ciation ia not getting all of the revenue It ahould derive from the unlona, as the hal's at the present location are so few that many unions are meeting tn other places, KING GREAT COIN COLLECTOR Italian Monarch Will Writs Rook on Sabject Coating! Fortnne to Publish. (Copyright, 1903. by Press Publishing Co.) ROME, March 8. (New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram.) The king of Italy, one ot the moat enthusiastic coin collectors In Europe. Is about to bring out a work on the subject that will coit $140, 000. It will be a complete history of Ital ian moneys. The king has Just bought at Frankfort a collection ot Italian coins. This brings the number of his collection up to 60,000 pieces. SHIP BUILDERS MAY STRIKE Seek Shorter Honrs, H lather Wastes and Right to Unit In Aid of Comrades. HOLD THREE WOMEN ARE' ONE" Buffalo Pol lee Combine fines. Think ing; All Point to SlnsTlo I Person. . . BUFFALO, March 8. The most Import ant discovery in the Burdlck mystery was the discovery of evidence to corroborate the story of Policeman Meyer of meeting a lone woman on Ashland avenue about 1 o'clock on the night of the murder. It Is not much, but the police feel encouraged. The authorities will not divulge the name of the person who has come forward with the additional evidence and are generally talking less about the case. The fact that they are still working on the ."lone woman" clue Indicates that they have not at ndoned the theory that the woman had a hand in the crime. Three unknown women have figured In the case so far and are described as the "lone woman," the "lost woman" and the woman taken to the corner of Ashland av enue and Summer street by a cab driver. As a result of today's work the police have obtained one more witness to confirm their belief that these three are one and the same. The new witness was on his way home In the Elmwood district about 1:15 on the night of the murder. He met a woman unaccompanied hurrying along Ashland av enue. The place where he met her waa one block north of whera a woman had been seen by Meyer. His recognition M the woman Is the same as that given by MORGAN DOES NOT BUY CUBA Denies Reports of Hotel and Railroad Pnrehasea with Tourist T raffle In View. TAMPA. Fla.. March 8. J. P. Morgan arrived at Port Tampa this afternoon from Havana. Immediately after d'lembarklng his party boarded a special train for New York. . A rumor that the Flagler oystem of ho tels In Florida and the Florida East Coast railroad had been turned over to him, pre sumably for the Southern railway, and that the Atlantic Coaat Line and Sou'hern were to own the property Jointly and that he Intended to build up a large tourist bust ness In Florida and establish a modern line of ateamers between this state and Cuba, .was mentioned to him. I know nothing whatever of such deal," he said, making the statement with considerable emphasis. NEW YORK, March 8 It was announced today by F. G. McKay, business agent of the Boilermakers' union, that demands will be made tomorrow upon the owners of all the fabman policeman and bualneas man ine snip yarns in ine vicinuj ui n for a general Increase In wages and shorter hours. If the demands "are not granted there will be a strike of all trades con nected with ship building. The demands call for an agreement for one year, beginning May 1, that eight hours shall constitute a day's work on all outside Jobs and nine hours on Inside Jobs; that the men shall have a Saturday half holiday from June 1 to September 30; that the minimum rate of wagea for bollermakers shall be 40 cents ' an hour and for the other tradea from 85 to 45 cents an hour. It Is further provided that a sympa thetic atrlke la not to be considered a violation of the agreement. FAILURE NOT DISHEARTENING Mrs. Osborne aa I hie and Jaunt? as Toousth Late Venture Waa Success. (Copyright. 1901, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, March 8 (New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) Mrs. Os borne Is in Pari a and looking ao amart and Jaunty in ths lateat atylea ot street cos tumes that It is evident tbe failure ot her late theatrical venture in New York haa lelt no trace of permanent grief. Coaatress Fnvora Government. PANAMA. Colombia. March 8. Ths (lec tion ot congressmen took place today. Tbe official candidates, Allejandro Orlllac, Angel Herrera, Julio Fabrega. Gerardo !ewta, Oscar Teral and Luis Maria Calvo were elected for the alx provinces ot tbe Isthmus. Nearly all the liberals abstained from voting, claiming that the government would not respect the popular vote. Had ths liberals voted they could have won easilr to three provinces. The elected congress men In' end to flgtt In favor of the Panama canal treat. BRICK MAKERS ORDER STRIKE Kearly Four Thonaand Men Will Quit Work In St. Louis Today. ST. LOUIS, March 8. Between 8,000 and 4,000 brlckuiakers will strike tomorrow to enforce demanda for the recognition of their union, for' a change of hours and an In crease ot wages, and It Is thought that as many more in allied trades will follow be fore the eud of the week. The strike waa agreed to by a unanlmoua vote at a general meeting today of all crafts Identified with brlikmaking. Th trades directly Involved are ths brick makers, clay miners, engineers, firemen of boilers and kilns, machlnlats and teamsters. DINE METHODIST GOVERNORS Mickey and Three Western Collenarues Will Be Feted by Church In Chicago. CHICAGO, March 8 Four Methodist gov ernors In as many cfentraf western states have given a unique Idea to some bright particular star of ' the Methodist Social union. In order to emphasize the proml nence of the church In politics and possibly tho influence of politics on the church. grand reception and banquet Is to be given the quartet at the Auditorium hotel on Thursday. The guests of honor will be Governor Mickey of Nebraska, Governor Yates of Illinois, Governor Bliss of Michigan and Governor Durbln ot Indiana, and among others to take part are: John Farson chairman ot the entertainment committee; Allan A. Gilbert, president of the Social union, and James M. Klttleman, eorre aponding secretary. Governor Mickey Is booked to speak on "Methodism and Twentieth Century De mands and Governor Durbln on "The Fu ture Influence of the Layman In the Metho dlst Church.". Addresses will also be made by Governor Yates and by Governor Bliss Plates for 600 guest will be laid. MAY FILE ANSWER TODAY Wabash Employee' Reply to Injunc tion Almoat Bendy for Court. 8T. LOUIS. March 8. The answer of Wabash firemen and trainmen to Judge Adams' Injunction will probably be Sled tomorrow! COAL COMPANIES COMBINE Monenaahela Firm Buys Ellsworth Holdings for Sixteen Million Dollars. WASHINGTON, March 8. The Monon gabela River Consolidated Coal and Coke company of Pittsburg will acquire the im meose holdings of James v Ellsworth Company In thla county, according to re porta received today. Tbe Ellsworth company holdings amount to 160.000 acres and the total price to be paid by ths combine will be 81,(HK),000. SIX DIE IN HOTEL FIRE Many Gneats Escape by Jumping; from Windows on Second Floor of Build In ST. CUMBERLAND, Md., March 8. Six per sons were burned to death and one was nd some of the unions which do meet j at the temple have had to use halla too amal or change their meeting nights. The plan so far formulated contemplates the construction of a building In the busi ness center of the city, the ground floor of which may be rented for stores, leaving the upper stories for halla and assembly rooms. MACHINISTSrPRESIDENT HERE James O'Connell Telle Strlkera thnt Spotters" Are Working; Among; Them. James O'Connell, president of the Inter national Machlnlsta' union, addressed tho Union Pacific strikers at Labor Temple Sat urday evening. He said the company nai placed among the strikers men paid to re veal the work of the committees and to sow the seeds of discord; In some cases these men were members of the affiliated organisations, and he cautioned hla hearers TIME FOR BUSINESS Legislature Oinnot Wait Any Tims if it Intend! to Complete Its Work. SESSION IS OVER TWO-THIRDS GONE Up to the Present Little Has Been Accom plished in Actual KesulU DEVOTE EVENINGS TO REVENUE BILL Bartiey InTeitSgatiug Committee Also Expeoti to Work Night. APPROPRIATIONS ARE ALSO ON DECK With the Flood of New Bills Stopped by Time Limitation Legislature tan (Jrt Dsns to Arcompllsh Practical Hesulta. (Friim a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, March 8. (Specisl.) B gin uing tomorrow the house will hold day and night sessions unless It transgresses a resolution sdopted Inst week. This resolu tion provided that night sessions should bo held exclusively for tbe purpose of dis cussing tho revenue bill and to be con tinued until that measure waa finally dis posed ot The other regular work will be attended to at the day sessions. Inasmuch as the Barlley investigation committee has planned night sittings tor this week and as various other committees have extra dutiea confronting thum, It cer tainly would seom us If things were going to take on a strenuous aspect. But this is inevitable It the real work for which this legislature was convened Is to be don Really If the aession were to adjourn to morrow the twenty eighth Nebraska legia lature would go on record aa having accom plished less In actual results than any that ever assembled In thla. atate. No vital luws have yet been enacted and forty-two of the sixty legislative daya are gone. It the members are to redeem them selves they must do substantially all that Is to be done In the remaining eighteen days or extend tho time. In passing ono very potent result thus far brought forth looms up before the eyes of the people of this stato looms up to their sorrow, for in ths popular Judgment this result, the defeat of II. R. 230, was on the side of wrong waa a defiant rebuff ot the most urgent demand that constituents could make ot their representatives. 8o far as Omuha, Lincoln and South Omaha, were concerned, the three largest cities of the Btato, they were very pronounced In their demand for the passage of a law, such as that rontemplnled la II. R. 330, that would entitle them to tax the valu able railroad terminals for city purposes. Omaha people were practically unanimous In their doiuand. Oiher cumminltles over the state, Fremont, Columbus, FaJrbury, Nebraska City and others having railroad terminals, were loudly . pleading lor this law, .yet jho bill twas killed, Of.eourms'' to be eareiui oi .tneip "ornt ana "cimi! TJT , .1 ; r"t , '! J inn ine revenue mu mm to lueuioe t pre vision sought for la H. R. 330. Itallroad Lobby Powerful. tifmrtns "'spottersTou kept , from the meetings of the men. His haarers aoetned ratner aurprmea at this part of his address, fer in Omaha so far there has been no evidence of any die satisfaction on the part of any of the strikers, and the only criticism which has been offered in any way has been because Mr. O'Connell has not given as much of his personal attention to the Union Pacific strike as In the opinion of the local men Its Importance deserved. At the same time these criticisms have not been severe nor direct and those who felt that he had not been on "the firing line" as much as he should hsve been have waited to hear hla reasons, believing he could explain to the satisfaction of all concerned. The International president . congratu lated the local men upon the persistence and stability of the opposition offered the company and predicted ultimate succeas In their proteat against the piece work sys tem. ON BELLE FOURCHE RANGE Omaha Visitor Says Cnttle Have Win tered Better There Than Elsewhere. "Cattle have wintered better tn the Belle Fourche range district than at any othe. point in the northwest," said L. E. Parrloh of Rapid City, 8. D., last night at the Mer chants "We have bad leaB snow than any other section that t know of. The rangea have kept open and the cattle look as well as they did in November. The fatally injured as the result of a fire thla only trouble we have had has been tho morning In a small hotel at Letter, a min Ing town near Elklna, W. Va The dead: MAGGIE COUGHLAN. ANNIE BURKE. .HENRY BURKE. GEORGE C. ANDERSON. MRS. GEORGE C. ANDERSON. A CHILD OF THE ANDERSON8. Fatally Injured: Robert Long. Several persons escaped with minor In juries by Jumping from a second story window. DERAILED BY BROKEN SWITCH Alabama Train Meets Disaster, In flicting; Injuries on Five Persons. BIRMINGHAM, Ala., March 8. While running at high speed, passenger train t'o. 4, northbound, on the Louisville ft Nash ville railroad, waa badly wrecked twenty two miles south of here tonight. So far as known only five persons were injured, three of whom were members of the train crew. Occurring at the foot of a steep grade, the wrecked care' were thrown to either aide of the track, probably by a broken switch. The engine, tender, baggage, express csr and two coaches were completely wrecked. PEACE PARADE CAUSES WAR Aaatrlnn Socialists Clash with Police While Protesting; Against Militarism. BUDAPEST, March 8. Ten thousand so cialist protested today against the gov ernment's military bills, a monster street demonstration leading to collisions with tbe police. Many arrests were made, the police hav ing finally to charge the dmonatrators In order to disperae tnem. Boarko focbrnn la Beeoverlna;. CAIRO, March 8. W. Bourke Cochran, who is 111 at Assouan with broncao-pneu-monla, la progressing favorably. His streogta la well maintained. cold, which compelled ua to go out on tho ranges and. cut tbe Ice from tbe tanks, ponds and creeks, that tbe stock might get water. The only feeding we have had to do thus far la the young cattle and weaklings. We are beginning to expect the Inevitable cutting up of the rangea by the Influx ot homesteadera. Tbe Belle Fourche district Is about the last of the free range territory In tbe northwest. The homesteadera are settling In the valleys and fencing In the water courses, which Is a great Inconvenience to the cattlemen. There Is considerable Irrigation along tbe valleys and much alfalfa Is raised. No, the taking of the water from the streams for irrigation purposes is not diminishing ths water supply." HOLDUP MEN TURN A TRICK Otto Stllllek Robbed In the Shadow of Church In ThlcUIr Set. tied District. Otto Stllllek. a student rooming at 2021 Chicago street, was held up by two men last night in front of All Saints' church at the corner of Twenty-sixth and Dewey ave nue, and robbed ot a purse containing $14. Stllllek had been attending church In tbe southern part ot the city and after racortlng a companion to her borne started to return to his lodging place. As he was passing the church a man Jumped up from a dark place and presenting a revolver de manded his money. Tbe student, seeing that his assailant waa a young fellow, did not at first put up his handa. He then received s blow from behind, blacking his eye end slightly cutting his nose. He wai knocked down by this second man, who was j older than the first, and the two went through his pockets. Artnur Men. ot u.'t South Twenty-sixth street notified the po lice of the sffsir. Movements of Ocean Vessels March N At New York Arrived Tevic. from Liverpool; Philadelphia, from Southampton and Cherbourg. At The Llxard Passed Mlnnetonka, from New York, for London. At Bcllly Passed Main, from New York, for Bremen; Vaderland, trom Antwerp, fw New York. At Liverpool Arrived Bovlc. from New York. Sailed -Siberian, from Glasgow, for Halifax and Philadelphia. At yueenstown Sailed Ivernl from Liverpool, for New York. As to the revenue bill, which still hes the middle of the road not to travel In, but merely as a resting place, apparently its ultimate course Is fraught with uncer tainty. Tbe railroads, who ere given the credit for framing this bill, are alarmed ove- its fate and the friends ot revenue revision, who think this bill Is a radical, railroad measure, are feeling mure encour- aged than any time since the legislature convened. It remains to be seen, however, whether their buoyancy la Justified." The power ot the rallroud lobby must not be underestimated, though it is evident that the exponents ot honest legislation have mado themselves felt of late. Haa n Uueer Look. The street car corporations and others that were caught in tho act of tacking onto the revenue bill a plank providing tor I a novel scheme of "franchise taxation." are again laboring with untiring teal to aecure the endorsement of this proposition ' In tbe form of an amendment. The schouie Is to tax the gross earnings tor one year of the corporations tn addition to tholr tangible property, allowing the former to represent their franchises. It has been conservatively estimated that such a law would net to the Omaha Street Railway company alone a saving In taxes of one year ot $30,000 or more. The corporations seeking this benefit hold out the argument that tbe law would not decreaae, but might Increase their taxes. As a prominent mem ber recently put it, "When a corporation proposes a scheme to Increaso its taxes. It's time to get chary of the scheme." There are fifty amendments already pro posed to the revenue bill, so whatever fate the bill meets time will be required for ita disposition. It looks as if the speaker would not have tbe privilege of appointing a sifting com mittee and very much s tt no sifting com mittee would be elected by the house. There Is a very strong and potent Influence at work to have this work done In tbe committee of ths whole. Aside from tbe revenue bill and the Bartiey Investigation there are divers other matters ot Importance to claim tbe attention of both house and senate. The appropriation bills are yet to be finally acted on. A number ot changes ot eon sidcrabl? Importance are likely to be made. Already It has virtually been decided to tack on rn appropriation ot flO.000 to the appropriation bill tor the Lewis and Clark exposition In Portland, Ore.- The deficiency bill baa been changed from $73,000 to $118. 000. There la considerable? division of senti ment as to certain Items In ths general appropriation measure. BATES DUE IN ST. LOUIS Will Confer with t'orbln and Fair Olftflnls Keasrillsg Dedica tory Parade. 8T. LOl'13, March 8. Major Oeneral Henry C. Corhin, who Is to be grand mi -ahal of the World's Fair dedication parade here next month, arrived this evening from Washington. Tomorrow he will meet the ! commlJmon on ceremonies of the Expo- jitlon company aud a Mmllar committee from, the, World's Fair National commis sion, to complete the details for tbe dedi cation ceremonies. Major General John C. Batea. who will command (be troops In this parade, w'l! arrive from Omaha tomorrow. PCKER MADE JAIL OFFENCE Washington Oovrruor sinus Bill De--rlarluH (inmltllnw to Be at Felony. OLYMPIA. Wash., March 8. The gov ernor has signed the bill msklug gambling a (elony In the stale yt Wathlogtoo. t n i