8 TJIE ILLUSTRATED BEE. March 8, 1903. f 9. Prunes for the People A Frenchman planted a prune tree out. In California In 1870. It wai the only prune tree In the state. All the prunes used in the United States at that time came from France. But now as a result of the prune tree that M. Pellsr planted California every year ships enormous quantities of prunes -not only to France, but to all Eu ropean countries. The growth of the prune Industry In Cal ifornia all came from Pellar's single tree. It was found that the prune, which Is a species of purple plum, throve on the Pa cific coast, and that the hot, dry weather of the country brought out Its full sac charine qualities. Th-s first orchard was planted In the' Santa Clara valley, Just south of San FrrncUco, a region which Is now the prune center of the state. It was only ten acres In extent, and began to yield In 1875. In four years the trees pro duced $14,000 worth of fruit. The size of the prune crop In California Is so enormous that the most cynical boarder la any boarding house In Chicago would be surprised.' In 1901 the stato pro duced 150,000,000 pounds of prunes, and the total crop of the year Just passed ex ceeded that of the preceding year by sev eral thousand tons. If put into ten-ton freight cars the California prune crop of I!i02 would fill a train reaching from Chi cago to Buffalo. The American prune has found Its way Into the European markets for the reason that It Is sweeter and pleasanter to tho taste than the fruit raised there. The California prune, for Instance, Is dried wholly out of doors, for the long period of absolutely .rainless weather which prevails In California from July 1 to October 1 per inlts the drying trays to remain out of doors day and night. The French and ither kinds of European prunes are dried In kilns for fear of exposure to rains, and the arti ficial heat fails to bring out all the rich sugar products of the pulp. San Jose, the county scat of Santa Clara county, U tlu chief prune center of Cal ifornia, and In Us mountain-encircled vul ley there are 3,567,140 bearing prune trees. There are, besides, great orchards of apri cot, cherry, peach and dive trees, so that In this one county there arc about G, 000,000 fruit trees. Fruit raising Is carried on there ou such a grand scale that for Bonie orchards of prunes thirty acres are re quired In the buey season simply as a drying field for the fruit trays. Train's Little Joke George Francis Train was congratulated upon the hot-cake-like selling properties of his recently published autobiographical book. . "Yes," said he, "but lots of people want tri e copies." "Indeed T" "Yes; there must be an Impression broad that I am an accommodation Train." New York Times. The ODELL patent adjustable FROG or BAIT HOOK absolutely weedlrss when adjusted to 111 (nig snugly. for Nalehy all Jobber ami Urtail Drain in finning tackle. Can bo adjusted tn a second to St any siie frog or minnow, and works squally well with pork bait. Price SO cents each by mail or siprtsa to any part of tha United 8talta or Canada on receipt el trlc. Ultra Viu-il -Alxray ( !. ROYAL M ANl'FA(TTlIRINO CO., Council blurts, la. RED GROSS m A 4 Full Quarts Or VKISXEY S3.Q0 Express charges prepaid. Recommended by the lending- physi cians and used In all prominent hos pitals. Tha Red Cross Whiskey enjoy to day the best or rep utations and stands above all In quality and purity. References: KI ItST NATIONAL. DANK OF OMAHA. OR ANY KXPKBS3 COMPANY. Di Western stilling- Co., 716 So. 1 6th st OMAIIi.- -Bote Owners. Orders from states west of Nebraska will be shipped by freight CAN YOU SOLVE THIS REBUS 9 Tlis plettir In ttis centra of this advertisement illustrates a well known saying-. If you can send us a correct solution of tha picture piiKils VOI' MAY HIIAHK I N THE DIHTRIHUTloN OP f l.uuo uo VUU:H WE AHE GIVING AWAY fur dolns a little work for ns. This you ran do by aivliiR- np a Itttls of your sear lima This and other most (literal offers are made to Introduce on of the very beat Mew York mainlines Into every home In the United mates and lanada. WE DO MOT WANT l)NK CENT (IK Vol K MONKY. When yon have mads out tha rebus, write your solution plainly and send It to us, and you will bear rrotu us promptly 111 Hiinn rani, ic may case brainy people who are always alert and ready to rrup real rood thine. ve nave uum up our enormous numees y being aiart ana liners, in onrUHAND GOLD T ItfcF. DI8TRIB1"! lONR. Me are continually offer- an entire to solve i lie rebus, but KTIOK TO IT AMI OUT V(M It eil UK OK T UB tl.UUO. A ropy of our F A8CIN A 1 1 rIO M AOAZINK WILL UK HKN 1' FKtK to every one answering this advertisement. I'o not delay. Heml in your answer immediately. WK INTKNK TO GIVE AWAY VAMT HUMS OK MONKY In tha future. Inst as we have done tn the paat, to advertise our CHAKMINO MAG AINK We hud It Is the J err best advertising we can ret to Kle away LAHUK HUMH OF OOI.D UF.E Here are (he names and addresae of a few people we have recently awarded K1IEK OOI.D I'llIZKH: Mrs. J. M. Ieolilln, Twenty third Htreet, I1ttslur, Ps. (llWuu; Mr. O. F. Ackeruien. Hill, N if., Iiatuo; Mrs. Fred Peace, let Atkinson Htreet, Rochester, N. Y., fl36W; Mr Georire Corhett, Klvs Islands, Nova Scotia, Canada, 10(10: II. C. Bars 40 Wisconsin Avenae, Columbus, O , l,7eO.M (this Includes the BUM ad Cabinet Graud Pprltrht Pia no) : W. Kettle, not ( arson Street , I'ltts bunr. I's, ; Miss Marths Ore cry. I Park Rtreet, Korwalk, Conn., JI06U0; Mrs. John tist. Do i T, Knueld, N. H., illftou We could fro on and point to hundredsof names of people who hava valued 1 a r r e sums of money from our contests, but only five a few names, aa we desire the spec to tell yon all about THIS BI'KOIAL I.UOUOO IN GOLD F 11 K K OFF Kit. The rebus can le solved by an alert ami clever person, and the reward Is so handsome thst tt will sinplv pay von to TRY AND MAKE OTTT THK INTERESTING VVZ7.1X PICTTTRE. Hralns and euervy nowadays are wIiiihiis' ioany Gulden l'rlsee. Httidy It very rsrefnlly snd lei u see If ynn are clever and a-nart ennturh to Itiakaont the well-known eaylnv. WE HAVE THE ti,Wl IN GOLD. Have you the brains snd enertry? If you can mske It out, send your solution to us without one rent of money. Ileiuemlier that this is our t'.OUOUU In Gold free Distribution, and we don't want you to send any money. When we ssy FREE, we mean l'KHFKI I M IKKK. We wonlil rather take this wsr of advertising our excellent niaraslne than spending many tlmuands of dollars In other wsys- We freely and cheerfully irive the monev away YOU MAY WIN. We do not care who gets the money. TO PLKASE Ol'R READRRH 18 OTR DELIGH I'. Ttie question Is, csn you solve the above unique proposition? If you can do so, write what yon read It tube, and aendyonr full address plainly In a letter and mail R to ns. snd von will hear from ns promptly by return mall. Money Is a iik thins to have, because there are so many nefnl nses we can put it to. By a little extra effort aomenne will iret the monev weirlveaway. Home laity anil foolish people often nerrlert these e-rand rohleii free offers we make and then wonder and complain about their bad luck. There are always plenty of good opportunities for clever, n our readers RAKE AND I'NUHUAL prizes. This special contest we consider one of the s-resteet offers ever made. Do not delay In s-ivlng this matter your Immediate attention, and if yon ran make out the pur.sle picture, send your answer at e. tl.OVUOU KF.WAKD will lie paid to anyone who can prove that In the many Free Cash Contests we have conducted In the past years we did not do eiactly as we agreed. We have a big capital, and anyone can eaxlly ascertain about our financial condition. To pay out these bla- (fold rash i rlres Is a pleasure to us. We intend to have the lanreet circulation of our hlKh-class nisKSr.lne In the world. In this progressive age puldlahers find that they must I liberal In riving away prizes of gleat sums of money. It Is the only sucreesfut stay to get your inap-a-alue talked ilxmt. For instance. If yon ahould read the purrle picture and we should hand you a sum rf money aa a free prlxe, you wruld never atop talking about onr mavazlne, now, would you? we POH1 TIVKI.Y CLAIM thst you will lie amply rewarded by sharing lit our ll.ouUM In Gold Free Oner. Of course. If you are easily dlfrotirsired and are not patient and are not willing to spend any time in tr)tmr to work out the solution, you certainly cannot expect to w in ' 1hl adver tisement was not written for drones or Idlers, who are not tiling to sire a I literal use of their time. Weex- Sect the reader to io some work and rive It the tin e and attention It de serves I-8EVOIR DRAIN 8. If you are aurcessful in solving It, well and rood. Write your solution and rend It to us, aud ee will be just as n.ucli rlrssrd as you are. we really drslra someone to be suc cessful, and as It docs not coat you one cent to solve ami answer this s p I e u il I d Free Money Offer, it will be very toollnh for oll to peas it by. n all fairness rive It some of your lei sure time HIT CESS IS FOR FN- E II G F11C AM THOnOHTFFT. PEOFT F., and the cause of FAIL! HE 18 LACK OF IN TEREST AND-I.AZINEHH. r-'o, dear reader, do not ps this rffer to von without trvlnv lard to make A SOLUTION OF THE I VIVA E PRINTED IN 1 HE CENTRE OK THIS APVER'I l.E VENT. We surreat that you carefully read this offer several times before rl'-lnic tip tl e Idea of solvlmr the rehus. The harder it seems the more Tcatlenre and de termination ynn sl'nnld have. Conrai'eand determination win many of the PRIZES OF LIFE. Your share in OUR FREE MONEY DI8T1I1DU TION depends entirely upon yonrown enerry ai'd brains Don't delny s mntn.nt in Tit I Nil TO KOI V. 1IIIS I'F. Ill I HT I N( RKHITS. Pin of the people we have rerentlv sent lsrre snivs of money to in onr Free Money Distributions write as kind and rrateful letter, profusely thank- Inr ns for onr prompt and honest dealinrs. and saylnir that If we had not so stroturlv nrL-ed them to trv to win The' wotlld not have lieen successful and would not have been the happy reidplents of a Isrre smn of money for only a few honrs' effort. It alwsvs pays to rive at tention to our rrand and liberal offers. OUR BIG ( ASH PR1ZEH have vlsddened the hearts of many persona who needed the money. If you need money you will rive attention to this special offer this very minute. If you solve It, write u immediately. DOVT DKI.A . ADDHESS t THIZ ROBINSON PUBLISHING COMPANY, NORTH .WlaLt-IAIVl STREET, NEW VORK CITY. fisSSsaS WATCEH1 I adlea end fleets born Is n 1-r.nesl artvertlsemonv When e gny WU1 send yow aVslchthat wlllftqnal fclSumtfSS , Solid CoTd wch n""e.U m. It. N. chance a.u t It. D..n;t pay fro,,, $20.00 to $40.00 for a ftolld Cold Udloa or (jont's wntoli. We wlU eoud you a watch that we will absolutely 8u,antee to ba exactly wlmt wo claim without aeklnu a cent. All ak 1 that you will ar.- to V ,'''''y our famous Corn Cur At 'inc. a box-ita tbe greoteHt Corn Curo on earth, and a,. Is like I t cakea. llore Is the chanco of your llfo, send us your nama and address at once aud wo will souU tho 8 boxes by mall. Whon sold you send us the money and Wa will send you the Watch soon as nionoy 1 rwiveO. o are oivlrHi away those watches to .uickly lntroduco our Corn Curo. and peoplo who have received a Watch from lis cmi teetify we do as wo say. Wo are an old reliable concern with a reputation for wjuaro and honost dealing and wo know every irson who receives a Watch from us will be morn than delighted. If you want a watou address at onco. Manufacturers Supply lept,, P.O. liox 133, New voracity. 71 i ii. " " PSijK "BLUE RIBBON" ('I'.hc Favorite Family Brer.) A beverage brewed front the very best and purest lnisredlents, under the most hygienic process. "Blue Ribbon fleer" Is a tonic; It assists digestion, acts as a mild stimulant and has an exquisite flavor, Kvery household should hitve It It can be obtained In bottles (quarts or pints) put up in cases of two dozen, direct from M Storz Brewing Co., Oninha. or Council W. A. Wells Agt. Phone J Tilnffs. Ia. 832 W. ProadwHy. Hello! HivOe AXRooi. IfitsSaltaUftkA OaBaka,Ha Ro C x I S ll iil US litinuaU occMor. Doeitbe Til ffilll 1 1 W WCfk oi n ltt ttn iiutvV liVl lllilliA "y Bcsicksv It lasts, u a ?JlnMiY fjfe UT,rul' CATStLOOUB nil j aawas The Smith Premier Typewriter CoraoanvJ Cor. 17th and Farnmm Streets, OflAHA, NEB. ivDS ORPIIINE-OPlUn ri)ANl'M n AUIT9 cured by a balnlwsi huiAe treauneut. e)iidra)d and Sued bT leadlnsr ohraloUna. A trial treatment etimcamt to euaviuoe you, aent free wlUt kook ot Im lmnnlsli sealed. OorraspoaueoM CotiUdentlal. Of A afi.CiAL.1 k i-OIHfb if. SeaaateaU. t.ias. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Popalar tsl Timely Articles. ARNOLD C KOENIG Assoc. Men Am. Boc. C. E. MeoL Am. W-Wk Aaa'a CIVIL ENGINEER V 8. DEPl'TY SIRVEYOR, 61t llee Uld(., Omaha. Water Supply, Sewerage, Oraile Plata. Pavlaa. Dridges, Hools aundpipea and Steel Towers aud Tanks. examinations and reports on railway, waterpowsf tjit rlecirical power tranamision projects. - V 0 , s