Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 07, 1903, Image 1
The Omaha ; Daily Bee. KSTA1JLIS11EI) JUKE 19, 1871. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 7, 1903 TWELVE PAGES. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. MINERS WIS MUCH Coil Itrike Comm!nicn Findings Are Fora told in Detail. TEN PCR CENT WAGE RAISE tS GRANTED Pajment bj Weight When Practicable Will Alio Increase Paj. NINE-HOUR-DAY GIVEN SON EMPLOYES Per Diem Men Are to Kecdte Game Sakr for Leu Work. UNION PARTIALLY RECOGNIZED BY BOARD Causes of Rcrrit Dlspate Art Ana lysed mi Blame la Largely riarca to Coal Borons' Arcoaat. NEW TORK, March . The Herald print tho following as a luminary of the findings of the coal strike commlMlon ap pointed by President Roosevelt, which, U hi expected, will be handed to the presi dent within a week. There will undoubtedly be at least a 10 per cent advance In the par for mining, to take effect from the litre the miner returned to work laat October. The per diem employee will not have their wages Increased, but will be recommended for the lame pay of a day of nine houra. Ths system of pay will be regulated. Wherever practicable the operatora will be required to pay by weight, instead of by the car, and elsewhere by the lineal yard The mlnen will have checking representa tives at their own expense. This will prac tically amount to a second Increase In wages. There will be Indirect recognition of the union, which will come when the findings are submitted by President Roosevelt to John Mitchell, at president of the miners' union. The causes of the strike as found by the commission will not be comforting to the foal mining companies. The boycott will be condemned and the principle will be laid down that a miner has a right to work without molestation, even though he does not belong to the union. The terms of the verdict are to hold good for three yean, and recommendations are to be made for settlements of other questions at the end of that period. In local disputes the operators will be advised to treat with committees of the miners and there may be a suggestion for a local board of arbitration. . TRUSTED MAN GOES WRONG Driwi Cash oa Seven Thoasaad Dollar Chock aad Cannot Now Be Fossa. PHILADELPHIA, March .-Coarlee T, Maloaey. general., superintendent of. the Philadelphia Warehousing and Safety Da posit company, cashed what Is said to be forged check for $7,000 on the Glrard Na tional on Saturday last. The check bore the names of A. M. Bright, treasurer of the Pennsylvania company, and William Rommel, secretary of the company Tho check was made payable to "Cash." which is the customary form used by the warehousing company. It was presented In person by Maloney, it la said, to Paying Teller William Johns of the Glrard bank, who paid the money without question. The board of directors of the bank met today and the matter of the check and claim of the warehousing company were fqlly considered. At the conclusion of the meeting a director of the bank said that the $7,000 had not been refunded to the company, although he admitted that the bank was "legally responsible for the sum." Mr. Maloney, who lived with bta wits and child at Woodbury, N. J., has not been seen either here or In Woodbury since Wednesday. On Monday he telephoned to his office that he was not well. According to Maloney'a netghbrrs, the furniture was taken from his home last Wednesday In a van. Maloney Is under bond to the Pennsylvania company for $10,000. CORNELL STARTS PENSIONS Retiring Professors Will Each Re reive fl,AOO Yearly from Geaeral Fan. ITHACA, N. Y.. March . Announcement was made today of a scheme to pension Cornell university professors who will be retired after attaining the age of 70. A fund of $lo0,000 has been given the uni versity for this purpose and this amount will be Invested at compound interest until 1911, when it will amount to $250,000. Each professor retired will receive an annual pension of $1,600, three-fourths of which wlil be paid from the pension fund and one fourth be contributed by the professors. It Is expected, however, thst professors who reach the age limit before 1914 will also receive the benefits of the pension scheme. ROBS POOR MEN OF BEER Tiffany Glass Company Refases Right to Fetch Drink and Thas Caaaea Strike. NEW YORK. March About 1.500 em ployes of Tiffany's Glass company are on strike because the dally supply of beer baa beeu cut off by the Arm. The men aay the water Is unfit to drink and that three dayr ago tho company or dered that no more beer be allowed In the place. One of the foremen said that all day long there was a procession of beer cans to and from the saloons. The Arm did not object lo the men having beer at lunch, but It was not thought that a man who drank beer during working hours could do his best work. OFFER PLACE TO OMAHA MAN Milwaukee Park Board Wants ferv ires ( Charles O. Car. peater. MILWAUKEE, Wis.. Msrch (.(Special Telegram. At the meeting of the park commissioners this afternoon It wss de- sided lo write to Charles G. Carpenter ot Jinaha. who Is an applicant for the position f superintendent of the city parka, and ssk him to state the amount of eompens '.loo he would ask tor his services. The aoard seems Inclined to give the position to Mr. Carpenter, provided his terms sre v.tlsfactiry. The board set sside Ili.OuO the loicrevement of Mitchell park, WAKES BUDGET A SECRET Mara Mystery Aboil that Portloa Re- latins; to Requirements of ftermaa Navy. BERLIN. March The German Navy department make ""lerable mystery out of some portion.. "'Bret require ments. Herr lchtcr,';- ' ".leal leader, complained in the budgev e today that the committee Is sin. for lump sums for the malnteiw 'he flee; and has not even specified , or station on which money Is to Is. He affirmed that the Reichstag bat jo right to have detailed Information on the subject. Admiralty Secretary Von Ttrpitt replied that the Information supplied by the Navy department was adequate. Administrative discretion required some reserve. Mta In creased maintenance ezpenaes were largely for vessels on foreign service. As a matter of fact, Germany's battleships were rather behind than In advance of the narst pro gram. Herr Richter again asked for a list of the ships already equipped for the service and for Orders of the cabinet officer directing the ships to be pot into eommlf elon. Secretary voa Tlrpiti declined to fur nish the latter,' but said he would hand Herr Richter personalty's list of the ships ready for service. The strong German force sent to east Asiatic waters. Secretary voa Tlrpiti ex plained, were assigned to that station at the request ef tho foreign conferences. BIG PAY AIDS AMERICA Drives German Goods from Market and Sends (iermaa Clerks to Competitors' Stores. BERLIN. Msrch . Export, a trsde pa per devoted to extending German foreign trade, publishes' a series of articles on the methods by which American goods are sup planting German goods in foreign markets. The article consist largely of letters from Germans living In Mexico, Venezuela. Era xll and Australia. The writers explain that German houses are being beaten because they are unwilling to guarantee agents fixed salaries, as Amer icans do, and also becauso they depend on sending out catalogues, whereas Americans keep stocks of goods in established agen cies, where buyers are able to purchase after seeing the goods. German agents. It Is added, are largely taking service with American houses because of the better terms offered them. Export urges the German manufacturers to abandon their "penny-wise, pound fool ish policy" and give their agents decent fixed salaries so as to enable them to with stand the flattering offers of the American competitors, adding: This la all the more Important since Imprlran rnmnetltlon In the world's mar ket will evidently grow keener during tho next ten years. NO BOUNTY FOR GERMAN SUGAR Government Refases to Copy Aaatrla Ml Baa Risk of Called i States' Actio. ' BERLIN, March . Tho sugar producers of Germany want the government to Intro duce tho Austrian system of allotting to refineries and raw factories the amount of sugar they may produce yearly. Count von Camman Interpellated the gov ernment In the Reichstag today on what it Intends to do for the sugar Industry in view of Austria's action. He said Austrian sucar would enjoy an advantage in the American and British markets unless Ger many adopted the allotment system. Treasurer-Secretary von Theilmann, In announcing that the government did not approve the allotment plan, said It was highly probable that the United States cus toms authorities would carefully examine the new atatua of Austrian sugar after Sep tember and decide that It enjoys an Indi rect bounty under the double allotment system, as In the case of Russia's indirect bounty. CASTRO SLAYS GOLDEN GOOSE Recent Boost la Export Datles Stops More Trade thaa Allies' Blockade. WILLEMSTAD, Island of Curacoa, March 6. The steamship wbarved today from Maracalbo, Venexuela, carried only one- third of its usual cargo and no coffee. The merchants of Maracalbo say they cannot pay the present export duties, which they declare more ruinous than the recent blockade. Advices received here from revolutionary souroes In Venesuela say the revolution ists have gathered tbelr forces around Caracas, that all the- eastern pert of Venesuela, except the city of Cumana, Is held by them and that Preaident Castro has been unable to call a sesalon ot con gress because of the lack ot a quorum. BOLTING HORSE UNSEATS THUG Baadlts Rob easterns Officers la lo- haaaesharsT, Throning Cash to Mounted Mil, JOHANNESBURG, March 6. A desperate attempt at highway robbery In the center of Johannesburg was made today. A couple ot men attacked two customs officers con veying $25,000 to the bank and, throwing pepper in their eyes, secured the money bags, which they threw to a horseman, who galloped off. The horseman In his flight knocked down a man, who was ratauy injured, Buose- quently the horse boltei, unseated Its rider and enabled the police to arrest htm and recover the money. MEXICANS PRAY IN STREETS Fall to Koees Whoa Volcano Renames Activity, Driving Tax pans Cltl- seas to Hills. COUMA, Mexico, March . At 10 this forenoon the volcano was again in actfon, the eruption being the most violent yet. The people ot Tuxpam are in consternation. According to advices from that point the eruption was accompanied by showers of aihes and dense clouds, darkening the sky. Some of the people have fled to neighboring hills and ths people hare In their fright knelt In the streets to pray. Many houses and stores have been closed. Popo Is Recovering. ROME, March Although the pope Is ot restored to his normal condition, he Is better today than be was yesterday, so much so that hs gave his usual audience to Cardinal Rainpolla and later had a con ference with the secretary of stale. He has beea sitting up all day and his cold has almust -entirely disappeared, UNIONS COUNSEL PATIENCE Issue Manifesto to Wabash Men Deprecating Hasty Action. RAMSEY PUTS BLAME ON MEN'S LEADERS Says He Vtotld Have Temporarily Withheld Injunction Rat Letter Ho Wrote Beca Aaiweret la Time. ST. LOUIS, Mo.. March . The general officers of the Brotherhoods of Firemen' and Tralnment tonight Issued a manifesto ad dressed to their members on the Wabaah. An all-day conference was held In the Southern hotel by Grand Msstera Hansa han and. Morrlssey of the Brotherhood of Firemen and Tralnment with their at torneys, discussing the application for a dissolution of tho Injunction. This answer, with affidavits, will be filed tomorrow or on Monday. laloa Manifesto Coarlllatory. The union manifesto la a follows; The general committees of the Brother hood it Locomotive firemen and or the brotherhood ot Kallroad Trainmen recon vened at St. Louis on March 2, 10. 'the vote on the proposition to sirlKe unless; a settlement oi tne grievances satisfactory to the committee and officers of ihe organi sations could be ettected was canvnawd, and It was found that tna reuulred maloritv j or each of the organisations had voied In favor of a strike under such circumstances. ! A letter was sent 10 President Kumsey. communicating to him the fact that unless he rectded from his former noaltlun within a certain time the members ot the organisa tions would quit tne vervlce ot tne com pany. This letter was answered by Mr. Kamsey, who requested a statement from ' the committees oi the exact points In dif ference between hlmaett and the men. so that if a strike occurred he might know the reason on which the action was bused. About the time this statement was beinr delivered at his office Ihe officers of the organisations and the members of ths committees were served with a writ of In junction Issued by Judge K. U. Adams of Ihe I'nlted States court tor the eastern dis trict of Missouri, which has been published In lull. It will be seen by this that to have sanc tioned a strike under the circumstances might have been construed as a violation of the order of the court. The order of the court, tiHd a strike been declared, might also have been construed as prohibiting the prosecution oi tne same on tne pari or tne ci Sanitations or any of its representatives. The writ of Injunction was granted upon a bill ot complaint tiled by the Wabash Railroad company, alleging an unlawful and malicious conspiracy on the part of the organisations and other allegations equally unfounded and untrue. we are taxing tne necessary legal sieps to protect our reports and we believe we can furnish the court ample facts and sufll clnt reference for vacating the order. Until this has been done these organisa tions will respect the order of the court. We advise' our officers and members, not only on the Wabash system, but elsewhere, to do likewise. Fraternally. JOINT PROTECTIVE BOARD. Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen by Charles A. Lewton, chairman. General grtevsncs committee. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, by i. R. Courtney, Chairman. Approved : JOHN 3. HANNAH AN. Grand Master, Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen. n n i.p.r. First Vice Grand Master, Brotherhood Of - laiiway irminiurn. . r . j This statement was shown to President Ramsey and Colonel W. H. Blodgett. coun sel for the Wabash, who both expressed the opinion that the notice to Wabash employes to continue working would be pleasant news to most of them. . Regarding the probabilities ot a strike. President Rsmsey said: "In case the Injunction Is dissolved, I think a strike Is quite likely. In case ot the dissolution It will probably be ordered at once by the leaders. The Wabash em ployes will not go out until ordered to do so. "A strike may Inconvenience the Wabssb for some time, but it will not tie up the system to any serious extent unless a boy. cott is ordered at the different terminal and Junction points." Mr. Ramsey then discussed the action of lsst Monday, when the Injunction was served on the employes' officials. He said: "On Monday afternoon I received formal notice from the committee of the brother hood that the . vote ot the trainmen and firemen had been in favor ot declaring a strike In the event that their demands were not granted, and I was given until noon on Tuesday to answer It, falling to answer, a strike would be declared. "I replied to thia communication and my reply was delivered at the Laclede hotel to "the committee at 6 p. m. Monday. As this reply required the committee to fur nish me their ultimatum, covering the points which must be conceded in order to prevent a strike, waited for a reply until 11:15 p. m. Tuesday, or fifteen minutes after the hour fixed by the committee Itself. Falling to get a reply I had the injunction served. . . Delay Caascs lajaactloa. "At 12:38 p. m. I received a letter la answer to mine of Monday, giving the In formation desired. , "Had this letter reached me. by 12:15 the Injunction would not have been served at that time, but would have been held back In the hope that further conferences would have prevented the necessity of its service. Even after the Injunction w was served. 1 replied in full to the letter received from the committee, being of the opinion that the service ot the Injunction did not relieve them or the committee from doing all In our power to arrtoe at an amicable settle ment, and prevent the necessity of any strike, and I am of tbi opinion still. "My reply was delivered to the commit, tee at 4:45 p. m. Tuesday or fifteen minutes before the time fixed by them for a reply. "The policy of the Wabash la unchanged. It claims It is now paying as good wages and has as equitable rules as any of Its competitors. If It Is not doing this, it stands ready, injunction or no injunction. to carry out Its pledge, given to its em ployes, to advance its wages or change ita rules when It Is shown to bo out ot line wth its competitors." Messrs Morrlssey and Hannahan are look ing forward to the visit of George Tould, the head of the Gould lines. Including the Wabash, to St. Louis. Mr. Gould and his traffic manager, A. C. Bird, are now in Chicago and have an nounced that they will be in St. Louis on Sundsy snd mske a thorough Inspection of the lines. The leaders here are of the opin ion that Mr. Gould Is coming this way on a special errand to Inquire Into ths situation between ths Wabash and Its employes. Gonld Postpones Trip. At the headquarters of the Gould systems It was stated tonight that George I. Gould has indefinitely postponed bis trip over the southwestern and western Gould lines. It was emphatically denied that M. Gould's proposed trip to B. Louis was tor the purpose ot Investigating ths Wabash trouble. It was atatod tart Mr. Gould ha from the firat referred thess matters to the officials of the various systems sad has paid no attention to notifications which be j te received from the railway organiLa- J Uons, WESTERN MATTERS AT CAPITAL Trensary tlrpartmeot Preparing Aet oa Ihe Puhllo Build- to (From a Btaf Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Maria '- Special Tele, gram.) The Treasury department tolay received aa official copy of the so-called omnibus public building bill. . John Knox Taylor, supervising architect of the treas ury, said today that he would at once put the machinery Into operation to carry out the provisions of the bill. A great per cent of tho provision of the public baildlng bill passed by the congress Jwst closed provides for projects under way. There sre, however, quite a number of cities where appropriations , have been made to acquire sites upon which to erect ne-w nosiofBees. Architect Taylor said to day that In rases where authotiratlona were aade to purchase a site for federal build ing his office would prepare tho usual ad vertisement and It will bo ready for gcnral promulgation within the; sett two weeks. Mr." Bowen, who went to Brooklyn to at tend the funeral of his mother, returned to Washington tonight. He will resume Immediately negotiations with the remain ing Venesuelan claimant The protocol with Belgium is now ready i for signature and will bo signed by Baron Moncheur, ths Belgian minister, and Mr. Bowen tomorrow. It will fo'low mainly the lines of the protocol of the United States. When Belgium's agreement has been signed five of the eight protocols will have been completed. Ttre protocols with the blockading powers. Grea Britain. Ger many and Italy, for refer are to The Hague arbitration tribunal of the question . of preferential treatment In the payment, ot the claims of the citizen of those coun tries also will be taken up kumcdlatcly. These Iowa rural free tel. very mall car riers were appointed today: Crawtords vllle, David C. Griffith atfl W. E. Logan, regulars; Howard UrUIUk,- substitute. Mount Hamlll, T. K. Holland, regular; Mary A. Holland, substitute.' Frank Tompkins ot Stuart has , been awarded the cor tract for carrying . mall from Stuart to Oreenfleld, Is. . The pestofnees at Big Mound, Lebanon, Pierceville, Pittsburg, Upton and Winches ter, la., have been ordered discontinued. The name of the poetoffice at Competlne, Wapello county, la., la ordered changed to Falson and David H. Thompson commis sioned postmaster. . Postmasters appointed: ' Nebraska Benjamin F. RossslI, Thomp son, Jefferson county, vice N. 8. Batten, resigned. Iowa A. N. Nash, Torontar station, Mitchell county. ft, WILL ' NOT RECALL : TROOPS Colorado Officers Lft la Chsrue R. fas laloa Right t Picket Honaea."' v ' "''' COLORADO SPRINGS. March . Briga dier General John E. Chase, In command of the troops at Colorado City, returned to night, after conferring wit. Governor Poa body in Denver, and stated liar the execu tive left it with Jhlm snr- anel J- it. 'Brown, legal' adviser1 and nJentatiVe nf the governor, bow long ths troops should stay here. "We will not move a single man," said General Chase, "until the situation In Crip ple Creek Is cleared. Should there be trou ble following the refusal of the mine oper ators to accede to the request of the Western Federation ot Minera not to ship ore to the Colorado City mills we are In a position to put 1.200 to 1,400 men in the field.". An attempt to replace pickets on the part of the strikers today was met - with an order from the military authorities that this must not be done. The Federation of Labor men were aUo warned not to place pickets around the houses ot employes of the mills. President Meyer of the federation went to Denver today to the headquarters ot the federation, saying before he left that if necessity arose a strike would be called in Cripple Creek on March 9, the limit named In the demand on the mine owners not to ship ore to the Colorado City mills. RUINED AFTER MANY YEARS Indiaaa Backers Who Lost la Real Estato Deal Finally- Aaslara to Creditors. ! GREEN CASTLE. Ind., March . A sen sation has developed In business circles here In connection with the assignment of Individual properties of Thomas S. - Ham mond and Jerome Allen,-who were until last month president and cashier of the First National bank, having held the re spective offices forty years each. The assignments were caused by their inability to meet a note for $5,000 held by Alfred Hlrt, the new president of the bank. Since the assignments indebtedness aggregating $148,000 has been found, for which Hammond Is either principal or se curity. Jointly or singly. The two men were In a csmp of five men which lost heavily in Indianapolis real estate thirty years ago and all have now been ruined. NAVAL COURT STARTS PROBE Iavestlsates Aliened Keslcrt of Officer ' la t hirst of Maaaachaeetts Plrlaar Party. PENSACOLA. Fls., March S. The court martial on Ensign Ward K. Wortman for alleged neglect ot duty resulting In the death of eight men on the battleship Mass achusetts, convened at the navy yard, with Rear Admiral William C. Wise as preaident and Lieutenant Commander Cameron Wlrs- low ot the bureau of navigation as Judge advocate. Ensign Wortman pleaded not gulliy to the charges and specifications. - Lieutenant Commander B. A. Flske said on the day of the explosion Massachusetts was engaged In target practice off Culebra. Aa the gun crew had been properly drilled he did not think It necessary for the turret officers to witness the loading. JUDGE QUASHES SCHOOL WRIT Caarels lajuartloa Admitting laiac. claated Children to Indiaaa C!aes. TERRE HAUTE. Ind., March A tem porary restraining order granted by Judge gtlmaon to prevent the health "ard from excluding unvacclnated children from-the public schools was dissolved today. Whils the order was In force all the city public schools were closed. They will be reopened Mondsy, with the vaccinstion or der still In force. A hearing of the suit brought by the antl-varrlnstlonlsts comes up on Minr'av The case will be carried to the mp-ct ourf to establish the power of the heilla board. CONVENTION IS STAMPEDED Seven Kival Candidates Contend for Mich igan Judicial Nomination. REPUBLICANS REAFFIRM FAITH OF PAST Praise Roosevelt. State Coarta and Valverelty, Then Flsht Over Mas to Head Bench, Finally Selectlait Hooker. I' DETROIT. Mich.. March Judge Frank A. Hooker ot Charlotte was tonight renom inated for Justice ot the supreme court of this state for a terra of ten years. The nomination followed the itormiest repub lican state convention held In this state since the Grand Rapids convention that nominated Governor Bliss In 1898. Seven candidates were In the field against Judge Hooker. The convention was stam peded during the sixth ballot' In the inter est of Judge Edward E. Kinney ot Ann Arbor, but the seventh ballot gave a large majority to Judge Hooker. For regents of the University of Michi gan the convention nominated Peter W. White of Marquette and Loyal E. Knnppen ot Grand Rapids. Itcaflirin Old Principle. The following platform was adopted: We, the republicans of Michigan, in Ju convent! m Hfsemblcd. reafltrm our u!'.rnlHni e to the principles and policli of the republican party. We rnnllaliy endorse Hie patriotic, cminigeou and wte poll-.y ot th preaiiltnt. Theodore Roosevelt, und htreby renew our pledac and nipport and our expremion of contlderce In him and hla atiminlstrHtion. We congratulate the mo ple of Michigan on the election of the en tire repuollcan xtute ticket last full and (m the economic administration of state af fairs tinier Governor Aaron T. Bliss. We glory In the national fame. of Mich igan's supreme court am! in the continued Mrength and probl.y. We commend our treat state university to the continued sup port, confidence and esteem of the people. Resolved, That It Is the sense of this con vention that a general primary election law rboiild be enacted for the entire slats of Michigan. W. W. Wedemeyer of Ann Arbor was se lected as temporary chairman of the con vention. He said in part: I believe 1 have a right to assume that the people of this state otlll have faith In the principles and purposes and men of the repjblkan party. And I know that the people ot the entire union have an abiding latin in the courace. the firmness, the robust Americanism of the present and our next chief executive, Theodore Roosevelt. Since he took the presidential chair there has been a steady continuation of the pros perity that followed the re-enactment of republican policies during the administra tion, of the martyred McKlnley. Not aa laccrtaln Policy. - Prosperity and uncertainty don't walk hand in hand. There has been no uncer tainty as to the nation's policy, . either under William McKlnley or his worthy suc cessor. It has been throughout a truly American policy, one which has opened silent factories, advanced farm values, de veloped new industries and I r creased our manufactures and exports to u degree that was not anticipated by even the most ardent supporters of republican policies. The republican party has created these conditions. And in the great campaign ot ls.90 It decided once for all that, not only muxt.all labor be free labor, not only must it be, protected against .uorapettilon .with chere.,4r TXMies across, the ..sea. .out It must be paid in money that shall every where be as good 'as BjpM. There Is a disposition on the part of some to belittle the legislation passed by the republican congress on the subject of trusts. But 1 believe the value of this legis lation will be clearly shown by the history of the next few months. The rDUbllcan party, which has toIveU the problems of tne past, may be depended on to solve this problem also and in such a way as to do injustice to no man and to no interest, but to do equal and exact Justice to alL Prominent Men oa Platform. Two v. United States senators and one former senator had seals on the platform during the greater perl of the morning session. Senator Alger was called upon for a speech at the conclusion of the ad dress of Temporary Chairman Wedemever. He spoke briefly, thanking the dele gates for their warm welcome and Imme diately introducing Senator Gallinger of New Hampshire, who Is here to make sn ad dress at the annual banquet ot the Michi gan club tonight. Senator Gallinger spoke highly ot Gen eral Alger's services to his country and declared himself proud to have been Sena tor Alger's . friend through adversity S3 well as through his hours of triumph. For mer Senator Thurston of Nebraska, who is also here to speak at tonigl''s banquet, ad dressed the convention after Senator Gal linger, closing his remarks with an elo quent eulogy ot the late- President McKln ley that treated a tumult ot applause. Chicago Rcpabllcaas Choose Stewart. CHICAGO, March 6. Graem Stewart, president of the republican committee from Illinois, secured a majority of the delegates at the mayoralty primaries today. The total number of delegates is 940; necessary to a choice, 471. Of these Stew art bad 531, with five wards to hear from, and John M. Harlan, his only competitor, 26, snd twenty-one delegates sre unln structed. 1 Stewart and Harlan both resided in the Twenty-first ward? and from It Stowart se cured every delegate. BLIND MUTE PLEADS FOR BILL Asks Massachusetts (Education Com. mltteo to Aid Mcasare for Slshticss. BOSTON, March 6. Miss Helen Kellar, who, although deaf, dumb and blind, Is a atudent at Radcliffe college, addressed, through an attendant, a legislative com mittee on education today In behalf of a bill for the relict of the adult blind. Her message was a feeling one. She said tne blind did not need higher education, but did require help In order to take their places In the industrial world. Many prominent people also favored the bill and the hearing was closed. KANSAS VOTESSILVER PLATE State Legislature Proposea. to Give Service to Ktn Battle, ship. TOPEKA, Kan.. March . The stste sen ate passed resolutions today providing that a $1,500 silver, service should be purchased for the new ba'tleshlp Kansas. The bouse will concur in the resolution. Vorrmrali of Ocean Vessels March 8, At Liverpool Arrived Merlon, from Bos ton: Noordtand. from Philadelphia; I .un cus trial, from New York: Cedrlc. from Nw Y rk. Sailed- Ueorgic. for New York. At Havre Arrived La Chmpagn from New York. At (iUsgow Arrived Arcadian, from Boston: Carthagenlan, from New York. At lmdon Arrived Menominee, from New York. At Kinnale Head Passed Devonian, from Boston, for Liverpool. At Naplt s Arrived Neckar. trim New Yc-rk I Clibraltar. fi r U)i:o 1, and pru-ce- cii d At Hamburg Arrved Bulgaria, from Ne w York; traf Walderve, from N w York, via Plymouth and Cherbourg. At M'lvllle Su let I'.ri (rum Liver- .piol, for HullUx r.d St. John. CONDITION 0FJHE WEATHER Forecast for Nebraska Fair and Colder Saturday; Sunday Kalr. Temperatare at Omaha Yceterdoyi llonr. Dec. Hor. Vrm. ft a. m a 4 1 p. m am. nt HSI X p. m 41 7 a. m Ittl v. m 41 ft a. m. . . . . . JI7 4 p. m 4(1 II a. a ItM A p. m 41 10 a. m 1l l. 11 a. m...... 4(1 T . m 4:1 I J na 41 p. m 41 p. m Stt CALLS IT FROZEN COUNTRY J. h. levering writes Letter pertain- last to Immigration loto Canada. Transmissouri railroad sre up In snns over tho systematic canvassing of this sec tion of the country by Dominion of Canada agenta In the Interests Of the colonization of Alberta. AssiniboU, Manitoba and other Canadian districts. They say that men of any class, agricultural or stock raising, who lesve this country tor that frigid northland will be disappointed sadly, as they will not get what they expect up there. A recent Issue of the Winnipeg Free ITees contained a startling story two columns wide, a special from Omaha, pur porting to give facts and flrires about great migrations of wealthy cltliens of Ne braska. Missouri, Iowa, South lakots and Kansas to Canadian lands. J. H. Lovertng of South Bend, Wash., saw the story snd in a letter to a land agent of a prominent Nebraska railroad sheds a little light on this "bonanxa" proposition from the basis of his own experience In the identical mat ter. He wrlta: In enclose a clipping from the Winnipeg Free Press that 1 wleh to call your atten tion to. In think there ought tj be a stop put to this allowing Canadian land agems to canvass our ceuntry and Incjce pros perous cltliens to sell out and move to that ''lrosen country." Now, 1 vpeak from ex perience and know what 1 am talking about. In 1H94 I sold out In Nebraska and moved to Kdmonton. Alberta, and lived there till 1SS. Then I sold my Mtock and left my ranch with all my buildings, fences, fields and such snd came back to the United States a wiser but not n wealthier man It i no country for a man who hus been raieed in the I'nlted States. The co pla are clanleh and will boycott an Ameri can to the bitter end. The climate is un certain 1 to raisins crops and the winters are . Ion and tedious. The summers are short and the air is laden wish mosquitoes. Th.t n niultoee and files will drive stock wild The market la poor. The Canadian Pacific lailwav has the key to the situa tion, and It holds the country In an Iron grasp. Its holdings, lands, roadbed, roll- lug stock and other property are exempt from taxation forever. Now this letter may be wholly uncalled for. but I wish to hear from you on the subject. If I can be of any use In slapping this exodus please let me knew. CALLS FOR POWER ORDINANCE Omaha View Improvement Clab Wants Coaactl to Give Voters aa Opportaalt). Following the example of the other Im provement clubs of the city Ihe Omaha View Improvement club last evening en dtrseT tqnV-Boaes'ater jiewaV- -canal -ordinance, after a discussion over the merits ot tho measure. The resolution, offered by Simeon Robinson, was unanimously adopted as follows: Resolved, That the Omaha View Improve ment club urgently request the city coun cil to pass the ordinance as the Andrew Kosewater ordinance, sJbnilttinp the quesMon of granting a franchise to Andrew Hoscvoter, his jucccessors and assigns, to build the proper power canal, po the proposition ran be submitted at the spring election without additional cost lo the iieople: and we further request o-r ! ward councilman, Mr. Karr, to work for said power can:.! ordinance. ,, , . . . , Councilman Karr, being present, was re - quested to e.ate his views on the propo- sitlon. JDurlng the course of hi. remark he said the question had been before the council tor some time, where It had been treely discussed, and ho did not desire to state his position at this time. "A great many people." said he. "con- suited me concerning this ordinance and requested the 'open door' amendment, that other parties might come In from othor cities in the slate and have a chance i t fhe proposition, and that Is why I favored ! ,ne appropriations proposed -in mis Dill the open door amendmentbecause the pen- 1 and lhcse marte ln ,ne bnl of ,wo M pie whom I represented wanted it that ! are these: Tne former measure ccntalned way," an appropriation of $10,000 for the Buffalo The club voted that the fire and police "Position. If there In to be an approprla comraittee should attend the meeting ol the I ,,on this year for the St. Louis fair It Fire and Police Commissioners next Mon- b(? made b "-parole bill. There Is no day evening and request that some action j appropriation this year for the Norfolk be taken on the Robinson resolution ob- j asylum, which was burned, although thera Jectlng to the police protection afforded the j demand for $107,400 for that tnstltu- ITnlon Pacific railroad at the exnense of the city. It was reported to the club tbat the fire escapes tor the Omaha View schooll house would be placed in position at once. SOUTH SIDE IMPROVERS WAKE Clab Hcorsranlses After a Sleep of Two tears aad Oatliaes a The South Side Improvement club, which has been hibernating for two years, awoke at a meeting yesterdsy evening, at Tenth and Hickory streets, sqd will 'hoafler hold regular meetings, the next lot, these absence of John Power, who Is 1 resident of the club and Is out of the city, David Cole Innk tho chair Moalrl Irnul Kluhl P E. Patrick. David Col. and Dr. W. H. H'. j chett made remarks appropriate to the oc- caalon and indicated many Improv veffif nle which are needed In the southern part of the city. The following resolution was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the South Hide Improve ment club urgently request tne city coun cil to permit the people of Omaha to vote upon the question of granting a franchise for an electric power company as pro posed by Andrew Kosewater. as this ques tion cau be voted upon at this spring elec tion at no additional expense to tne city. I rise." said Mr. Btuht. "to say that think it time that our improvement club should be reorganized for work. We were the first to have an Improvement club In the city and ln the past we did good work In securing for our section many much needed Improvements. There are now a number of things which should be done to make our beautiful neighborhood better. An active club can do much to secure these." Among other Improvements mentioned as being necessary, were the repair and ex tension of sidewalks and crossings; the erect 1 0.1 of a good ball at Tenth and Hick ory streets, this corner being near the cen ter of the ward: the construction of an extension of the Tenth street car line Into Riverside park from Bancroft street; for Eleventh street to be opened up south uf Bancroft; for the boulevards to be com- j pleted; the Eleventh street viaduct to be refloored: Hlckcry street, which Is ths only street open to the river, to be cut through to sixteenth street; additional land on the ; bottom adjoining ihe park to be added thereto, and Tenth street, south from Hickory, to be repaved In asphalt. FIGURE UP EXPENSES Appropriations for Next Two Yean Likely to Be Under Four Million. INCREASE OF ABOUT MILLION DOLLARS General Appropriation B 11 at Beady for House Calls lor $3,485,880. SECRETARY MARSH IS PUT ON THE SPIT Seta'.e Committee Brings in a Tart Beport cn gnpp!j ContraoU. CHARGES MANY OF THEM ARE EXCESSIVE Secretary Denies Thla nnd Saya Whole Matter Is lastlaated hr the Prlatlas; Combine Oat of gplte. (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN. March 6. (Special.) Tse principal appropriation bills that have bees Inttoduced aggregate $J,48o,8S0. This does not represent sll the appropriations askad for, aa there are several other bills carry ing smaller amounts for various purposes. It Is safo to say, however, that the grand total will be within the $4.0o0,000 mark by a good margin. Lait session Ihe grand total was S2,875.2S..l. One bill was In troduced today by Thorpe of Garfield ap propriating IJOO.OOO for the Installation of a twine plant at the state penitentiary, but this bill is not Included in the list, as there is little prospect of Its passage. One remarkable feature of the deficiency bill, which, however. Is among the less ex tensive ones, Is that only three Items reach the $1,000 mark. The largest and principal item Is $2,000 for tho Collins-Woodruff Printing company of Lincoln, and the other two larger ones are $1,000 bills for tho State Journal company. The Items and amounts of the eight prin cipal bills are these:. (St-neral appropriations j ftjfl.gtt) PalHrics SNO.IKX) Hullillngs 8,-om) Iet1clencles 75 yv Claims k.-kio Legislative ealarles sa.OuO legislative per 1 He ?s! niiuuiouui university 25.0ii0 Total I3,1,S6.8S0 The general appropriations bill glvea $239,000 to the university, a special bill contemplates $100,000, the smount esti mated from the government fund and col letted at ths university Is $165,000 and that coutalned In the salarlea bill is $300,000, making a grand total of $$04,000. Out of this amouut the state will fur nish from the 1-niill tax only $365,000, ap proximately, and If the special bill calling for $100,0(0 is passed, thst much more, ao tbat about half of the total amount will come from the government fund and sale of lacds snd what is collected at lbs uni versity. laereaaa In Kx pease Bill l-.Tha general cx'tns appropriation bill it! induced today by the bcraee fmauee rays and means committee shows nn Increase lft the total over that of :he appropriation bill of 1901, after being passed on by Gov ernor mctrleh. of $311,958. The total for the bill which went In today Is $1,640,880. The heaviest Increase Is In the appropria tion for Ihe Hastings Insane asylum. It be ing over $150,000 greater :han the appro priation ollowed two years ago. The State university gets $110,000 more this year than In 1901 and the penitentiary nearly j $.,o,000 more. The allowance for the Board I of PubIlc Iji"l8 "n,) tlulldlngs Is ma- terNlly increased, as $17,000 has been set 1 . . ; .. , . . . . I '" improvement, on the capital ! ,1 ",1 ,n,uh"c T U.'S ' ""0?',cd . ,h.e 'nPr "ay Th Grni ,I"'1 , 8ol?ler8 horae nrt ,h Llnco1' ,Ju"n9 asyIum re iven 'r88 lncrenB('f- The bill contains a proposed appropriation for tho Wmcnt ot ,he Premium on the bond of ! th J""1" "rumer for 1903 and 1904. ! whlh br'nK lnfl 11"ranc8 for this office up from $t,500 to $9,800. I Two points to be observed In comparing I tion. The total miscellaneous appropriations this year is $4.T3f less than two years ago. The claims bill this year totals up $11, 000. The largest Item ,of thin Is the wolf bounty claim, amounting to $40,000. It Is, therefore, nearly as great as the remainder uf tho bill, which consists ot minor claims. The sugar bounty claim of $48,000 is eon iainl tn separate bill, also introduced hr j tho claims committee. i t'niMuaratlte Ptateineat. Following Is a comparative statement of the proposed appropriations for 1903 and the appropriations for 1901: . mi. 1901. .0U0 $ M75 43.i:5 29,50) 6,000 6.000 WO 4o0 I. l' 2.J0 4.UH0 4.'l lH.iMI 142.0U 3ii0 3.7Si 7. tin . 2.wp0 2 .it 1.501 !.u 1.1 2.7'JO 11. ftO lO.ntV) I. :ti l,.mo a. SK) 1.70) 1ii,'i0 lu.udo .T.iw. ;.u;s 13,4u0 Oi.yj0 K5.850 II. 3") 12,y 74.70) :it.iny 2S.UU0 !.'" 17.775 si.-W) 8: 44.fryi 43.7R0 .W l!i.o72 IHM.W'! y.D.&rt) 12. !) 13.4 II. brHl uO. 4. U'O S.0O) 7.7 9 KM luuii lii.OO 4 3tO 4 30) 3 y x.uuo 17.ii TI.Ui 76.35) Governor $ Uourd of Public Lands and BuUilIng B an.l Fundi ...? ."! !ioard of Purchase and Hllplilll'H J JrarmlintT.n V::."'.: ! Lincoln liixane hospital.... I Mrcrrinry 01 ie Auditor Attorney general Treasurer lloard of Irrigation Commissioner of labir.... i 8ui rli't.'nclcnt of public instruction Hank ng board Hjpr. ma court Htatc library , ilasilnps Insane asylum.. (Kris Industrial school.... fllfori1 Hol.llera' Home I Uraml laianu noiqiers f,)' Estate 'industrial ill m ... Kearney Industrial Home Home lit Friendless Nebraska City Institute for Blind B-:itrlie Institute for Ft-ehie Mlmle.1 Youth.... Omaha Institute for Dvaf and Dumb State penitentiary 81 ale university S'oi mal schools Ntbraski National Guard Board of Charities r'lsh commissioner State Historical society.... Hoard of Health V od commiHHioiier Hldrwalks of capital 'Miscellaneous Totals ll.ft40.fcKl $l.J-.'S.9ai Secretary of 8tate Marih Is arraigned la report Med today In the senate Ly the committee 01 accounts and expenditures for discrepancies said to have been found in certain transactions njado by Mr. Maitb lo the purchase of supplies tor the slate. The committee alleges the discovery of three bills certified to by the secretary to the I amount ot $-,411. $4, which It says he had ao