Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 06, 1903, Page 7, Image 7

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re'i Lrt Vert
Tr achtr ef ikr Pit- CVae !
Hewgbtea A nifllCt U Pwsitee
ties -The Jnrul f inkn
MlrllBA. m Nraxt ".eieL
"The Rthr ibe Power. "" by lr 1.
wcnei 1 a nrt ber ib romantic and
nrrtal mingle wv,b ibe tru-fc'ul nod real
Tc sto-y open with
- ' l
broinw stsring at an sunt a Tb
g:rt Ia Just returned from .") and it
anon vts.'ted by a young man. who in
uneducated, jipi cam-n kuM, propose
and is ilf way Accepted.. Tti arts k
in ill spirs tins Jnr him 1 ek aa educa
tion, aad he enter aa academy near Chi-r-ago.
wber b meet with rvt tiJ exciting
.iipMomi. Is th meant (to Betky hi
ectbean has been rauf tt is in arm
while Is A skiff en Sciots rlw. tni
faiBted swsy. When b regsined eon
micutiBriit. it was ta look into tb lac trf
fncrn.aB, ho louiifl ber OB fcti lfclant
is lb Ohio river, tar from bom ui
friends. While b was regaining her
nrmp b 1b nhbennan ttugEt ber his views
at l tb best wty t hand tru union
and trua's. She lcme Imbued with bit
spirit ol reformation and ibry Oecifl ts
Iff! I k sytneaittie work political line
Is Chicago- Their fiTst actions threw
5 bra lnts Js.Il. when tn-en c;n s nth ysung
Attorney. bo becatb infaiuatefl bw
twsu:y bUr ihf t sick., soil brr tru:
1fTT hiirfkr en tbf inm. ib'tr tt
VTi8 Ibry re riwfl. Tbcs B-( kr is r
tnut ik kr I.mHr. bo hrr
srnhli.c Jot bT sHr- bfT e wk vpsrssr
(XA 11 Is C)KctwJ lbst tbe fiBbfrmsti Ik
s hmtbrr nf br sunt be s ss SBjiJfl
1s bsve berE kiUea enribf tbe rtvU mr i
- m tjoni eier-.ea as wna:i t: mu
re)iaM is rewarflofl Vy a spewfly marriare J
with Beicky. fn;bl;fchrtl by Dr-UiB rublh-
. .llif oomjimB.
"Xtoua-fcbuis st D:jilomas." by GtbrteDe
K. Jsrkstim. is a mry eiBlertaHunf slory.
for (rirls joblifcbed by Henry Al'urmus sm
pasy. It is full tf. subkbIb asS humor
CBi beir fhtraners staitfl tnrt r)e.rly. ITe
first meet tbe bra-oice 1b a little vUlafe
trtlinc at tbe foot of the AC.roi)dr-k bills.
3t is "bakluc flr 'aBfl Pranoes Frrs is
IcmsClbx breaO. TTe uo:e, brseTrr, tbst
ber eye, as of lea as ber ocxuparias per-.
SBita. are upoa tbe par cf Ltiio fTjn
Biar rroppofl arainst tbe sail before her.
cbA this onutii twrupatioB arrt)1 ber to
be a youBg voaiaa r.b a ocfiblte ;laa 1b
rit m ahC sufBrieBl errrer-rLh of purpose to
rwrronw all btatls ib ibe ssy of its
ooom;1u.bnieiit. As tbe rtury profresses.
:be plaa unfolfls, asfl at last -s-e can ts
l.up that tbe Ciakiiic vt ' IwutbButs" ia
Xrw Tsrk has beeia a means to tbe acguA-
, sJUob of a "TJiplona" ta Ititiiaa. la bor
ooflicaiioB ts tbe "True FraBoe-a. Mrs.
'Jaiksos says that tbis little book rL
. be-ver fls lbs criglr, 1 1 iueui-s."
" ""A Iisufhter of tbe Jlt."" by starearet
Xwyie J at k sob, is oxe of H oucbt oi. Slit iE
& Co s set books. Tbe bctoise caaaot fail
is make aa appeal is tbe sympathies of
Its roaSeirs. Tbe ettoeBtial retmomoBt of
brr nature remains unaBprtrJ by tbe tDost
adverse ronfiiootis abB tbe r. ory of ber
Ue si lbs, Cauchter of a ooal miser, a
' pupil-teat ber tmder a bard mistreaw la tbe
tooardibf srfaooj f a LABcaahire miBin
tost. of bttr strurirle srilh poreTty and sitk
tb srCtdnasa uf ber urrousfltTifrs, is faSl of
pathos so fl of charm. Her Irrvt for the
fcers. aa Americas nxitmf ea(::tier, and ber
lieroc eSurt At tbe time of a s-rck ia tbe
misc. sriTjs the reader's intwet Tbe pio
kBres of the crest ooal mine, srith all tbe
j ActiTity. mystery And gloom erf its deep
worktbea, ar jiresestod srith much two..
Mrs. Jsfkscn frrw up amoLf tbe soejies
tb Oesrrlb and It Is tbe memory of
lariOercts srttnessed ia ber eiarly l.fs that
furms the fotmdsuoa of ber story.
"Tbe Journal of Arthur Bier lib g" De
scribes the trials and tribulations of maa
of fiucatioa and culture shs had hifk
ttterary aspiratiana, bis -vaBoerinc amopg
- ibhabers and mttuint diors, ibe im
pressions be (rained by tbe tray and bis
Bttsth by suicide. Of ibis tragedy tb New
York Times and the Near Tork World, in
une if lWi. fare full reportA. srtih a let
ter addressed by taerliBg 1s one of bis
friebfls Just before be nrssTed himself in
fbe Hudsoa river. At tbe tints be oom
mittd suicide be as ia tbe Z1& 3ar of hit
3 if. Tb Journal describes lb -srltinc of
"Tbs Capua." beca in Aprti, lues. It 1s
a tranrly iaterosnni book. rie sri
a fare of emotloa
end. Tbe man saj
- , . .
tbst hcuds on ts tb
car ccnducxcr. w aiter
and Cthbs-aKhfT la cheap resxauraBta, Krinc
on a tew dollars a efc. shile he srrote
Hit drama. Be rails against society ills,
and tbe trials srf life. It is as lmna
yurtrsrsJ of loolinens. And tboujrb w j
rosy rriticisc him. e tunri help bttt i
It is a trtrsr-ge but interesting book.
h- w Ti am,-iM ri.
. Th Aaiericaa Botik con-jry has Issued
A new reader ia their "Eclectic frere.
eetlilel "Btories T H unbi Frjcnda," by
Ka'bertn Pjl. Miss Pyte is ibe siner of
the well knewa author and srtwv, Bewsrd
f5 1, and Abe hat much of tbe latter s
abiity in writing and lEustraUBg. The
sioriea ia ibe book, which is Iai ended Icr
the third reader grade, ar about Animals
and birdt familiar So cnildren. Tbcy ar
ainapl ia tbeir strlfa. s uracil v la tbe;r
abject matter, and well suited ts arouse
Tbe pupil's interest and t culitr-ate a
fueling of rjTcpatty tor our "bumble
irtrnaa. Tbe 111 ustratient add is the in
terest of the stories.
la the Garden of Charity." by Basil
King, author of "Urt Not Maa Put Asub-
SOMFTTME5 IT hard ts seiart Jutn to
Uuus tu a iAa IB bat'Xaa in u-riei e4
a ur perp ars wiubw tMx
w arms A w ait at-eut m Aeep In
teut b wti a ta wniitiS-a of e I author.
"H ;-a tt- e-oed im-b tn anas stiaat laa--
r. tb Aud ay arry.
I0 r ATAAai Strict. OAkl, Ni,
I w A a 1 Ail i-r.-v
Sf " is S Irt-r trr tf 1t Ncrs Rjss
rnswt, iSTi-nflurttif tb rft-r is ss tri
ibsJ sn f rbsrs-" Th rrs"sl f.rur
tT ib norr is 0sr1:r rrr.isj6. sbs mr
rirfi Is bT ru"k kssftsoiM ssfl Asb:n(
IBw. E wrtit tiff ts ssrs s 1
ifcof.b sTirr ibrlr raarrisr CbsrKy
"S:1-l fivivs jwi Tnr bts rf in t'Tnj
b :inj. ji if ib riiisf. 1 rsflu f fc-r
Furors sol rsi:r.j s fli)T .fii ts r"1
liw btisfisnd brtn. rs bts vir sswk b
asA s ntrk Bisrr.krs 'lik s ssnt:rul
htf Grk rirl ra lb Iters Sro-lst msnr.
Ftrsb rtrnij Dr-s: iotis fimu4. sta Cbkrity
-sTfl ;b truth. Tbrs bw bsrsrlrr s-s
SLtJ-r;ffl ts s it snrb as bsmss ns'nr
i fiim. rs.:f C ns is iteu Kvt brr
tb s.f-L S r of tA im.k Tbr bus
Cw. sot Cbsri-T's st:rnft irssrS
tb sr' set thst -s-iTf s tt.M it
. .... . . "
r u . vn nruti i t: r nr s.n-iis rcu i
srtw 1 sbts-s Tb sw6 -i:-b i- j
furuitif itrs. FiiorocE m usic. -b jwrs:rt j
rat tun !'biinM;br.l Jtms. ts mw
srf si; tjun,c sot mifiriiji:l;t. PBslicbsd
ti.rprT 4 Bros.
'F.ioT)Ttioiis of s Cit-n Ebcnr." y
T. H. Atxusnb. is as tiriiii soopbb:
of rrjpfnmopt ib Krw Tors.. Jvwm.. S
tTkfcks. Itskots. niiDois, Mtaoourl. Kito
soxs so 4 Co)ors6D His rjfn-fnr pptw
s iwnofl ntmeinf fmna JW ts J KPT. s
it-fr J.rt of ihtTS briuf is sat sjtjui i
Cmsbs. Dlfl Tm6mit will fut kt etpe
r.Ej lsirrR.ixiK. srt orly lor tb inr
wtiu muxmrr IB shiLb it is rrmn. hot
sipo lor i.b ts.)u b Osts it omixsibs 1a
rtUbfrtjOB sirs 'r)T TBilrofl bviifiiiic is
NetewU. It it 3tiimprTSf snth ajBusiuf
scrcn:Bts is rorsfrtjos V.'S lb nosytir
srcomictiflfjtnit vh.i srs to b bsd :s
tbosr tit?-, AH jb sii. it is boib csir
tsiBiiic el ibs-rii7ti-e. It ribm frona a
Nrs-ioc, lfc rtViiibiulig bouse.
MrQur. Fbidi-s Cs. bsr rublisbrfi
tbe or hob 1 book ia tbrlr "First JCotoI
ojes." by r srrii.trs. It is fBUUofl
"Tb TsbkmsKirrs." ul tbe su; hor t
Gforre K Ttiropr It is s t.litir.sJ orr
f , vf.- Ei.rlki.fl Isotorr tos-s. Tb
Tskkmatneir- are the rrsat niasnfarrnrers
w v rrt. tM rtn .t.
ef-u-lU tsbt fi tb moiiF'uer mills slid fATtoriek.
flresr tosiis and riliares around them And
made these barma valleys, vainly tilled by
the jKnr hiS farmer, ths s-orksbrps of the
s-orld. Ia the fcsvti ths Author has made
the -ner of tbe farmery the master of the
cros-deft. prosperous trs-a. Tbe bers is tbe
candiCst for a.Lyor under tbe suspioes
of the domineorisf and exscttnx lritb vara
bosses. Altbouth it is his first novel, the
sutbur has dras-a his characters And scenes
ia a realistic manner, his jarntitnss mak
teS the story, for a politinal novel, most
interesting and BteriAinin. Its serious
nes is broken occasionally with a bit of
food Infcb humor, and the hers is left by
tbe author hapjy and contented In his
Wile's preseinoe.
It is a matter of ccrnnwst Amtmc Steth
ofiists that tbe old-time cohftcra&ed clast
leaders are pssaiBf; swrsy. Nearly rrmy
church hat one or two J these time-tried,
iempiAtJon-scarreA, while-haired veteran
of Christianity, whs. tboutrh perhaps teble.,
are always found la their customary jilaor
la tbe amea corner at prayer metibg And
church, roady ts riv tlelr rip expert -enoc
ts aid aod help1 the ytmnfrr fol
lowers & Christ. Eatoa a Stains have
published a booklet, by Gnorfv V. Elnc:.
entitled "Brother Bea," which vrriffiy por
trays tbe consecrated life of such a char
acter la tbe pm-aoa of Bsrhydt. The reader
merits him ss be is being tntrodnood ts
the new pastor, when be answers by asy
in. "Call me Tad "Ben. r Brnhr
Bern," that Is what they -3 call to-." When
amr maflt the short account cf his life
aad tbe unliaLitsd Bmouat of a-od that he
did ia fcelptng everybody w-btrta - he aae
Is era tart with, they would be surprised
if be re)lve any other title tut "Brother
Ben. It M a truo-y that win creaat nobler
Ideals ts any whs mad it And w-IH be a
souro of Inspiration and help ts All Chrt-
A manual ot ""Angora Goat Raising,,'
with a chapter ea milch goats, by Ooorge
Parent Thompson. M. , It t complete
ancount of the origin of the Angora gw
wtth aa account of their introduction lets
the Csited States, tb great In crease of
their numbers, their monoroir vain and
their Adaptatioa ts arid climates. Also their
rain as subduers of brush lands. There is
rout A information about the vaIu and
na of nrehair. tb prodDct f their fleece.
Full di"rJons at gSvea for the breeding
and .i,-,T.t f tb Angora. Tb Angora
goat has come 1s bs nonsidered ab lm
psrtAnt fmcrer ia tb live stack iadustry
of the csitBBT. and any inlormAtioa about
it will be of taterest to aa increasing sum
lier of our stock grrwers. There is a
cbApter oa the milch goat, which is a dis
tinct Animal frets tb Angora. Those whs
art. interested ia this subject caa get this
i I' vA U V1H JABtrrj s i.sasi i 0 m want
l 1. ,
! Company Press, Chicago, ZU.
( -""- '
sr ar aa receipt of a "Bandy Electrical
Dictionary" compiled aad edited by R 1
"sTeber and published by Frederick 3.
Itrake A Co. It is vest-packet sise and is
a practical handbook of referenoe, coxtAia-
to - -ni rms and
1 phrases In general us, la th bsck are
I It is a ooti cie aad eeaveaiect book of
ready refereacs ts all interesLed ia Alee-
trmal scienoa.
The above books are tor sale by tbe
Mngeath Stationery Co . ISO "arnam street.
The ttotr.- Cwrb ECrsAsratar.
(From the Sbortsville. X. J. Enterprise i
This is tb o on ik that one takes cold
so etiaily and ouuAly acquires ihat "hack
ing" tiough. which is so penustextly dis
agreeable, as w knew by ironal es-penenre-
And we alas kbow that the quick
en era dies tor of such cough has been
ChamberiaiB S Cough Render, and which
has beB our staunch standby fur several
years. This is ns paid "put" but merely
a Just recegnltioa of aa ixvaluabl rem-
edy tor coughs, onidt and ail lung afec-
tions. and l.k tb editor, it ha snciret ot
rtber staunch triendt la this tosn.
ChAn.berlais's Cough Remedy does not
suppress a rough, as ia th case wi-.fe
preparations containing opium, but loosens
and relieves It snd ailays th irritation
of tb throat, effecting a permanent cure.
Mrs. J. A Weed ft PacAteTlft. Idaho, and
V M Cuttniiigbaai of Ciay Oenter are At
tbs Merciiknta
Mr and Mr J 3 Kiefer of Bantrofl.
V, sii a J. C HocAeusmith uf Mostaiis
ar anti.g tb lit arrivals at tb Murray.
A B um of Fremort John B Hans
ley at Denver, SLuben M Parroc of Cregb
tua ar.d James A. Cnn of Mtudea ar
registered at the lr Grand.
G L ShuiTWay of Seetts Bluffs CbArle
F. Hcinx-c if lxitgion, C Mtaer of
Kisuxg ilty. F A M.vers cJ Portland Or.
Slid AltOti 1- I'Kt lo? ft C4UUTBA SlTUlg
ar rvgtstered at th Pattern
J a rev -nfl N. M P:i of CoHrnnhu.
Jasiab Giirt of Ibs Mnirtea. Jobs A Par
rua of Puchnunid, Vs.. V. Fogeuiabg f
Ia-toTi. la., aiid Jimm-iiB Straw bora jf
tut. hi Citv are ai th MS.iard
C. CI Haiwtiaugb aod J. N Hartrauft of
CrswfurA. Juit J I aod A K .bat
of lup Cit. T T LarAtuJ-t and F K
LiitAhan ef ChtrvidgK. pmrcmcct sttack
art. at laat xugni s amtais la it" city.
y rcttlve Ttrptao Qtrhriag
Ctf-as Oca ka Om tomy. Crt aa 3 Day.
Eutcbei Lok toX.ODO sud Oif Ircni tJ
rtMLcrr rt.F:s r:&.c fioddj
SI IT -r-li Isst. IW-strrt
Crtlk. Drfvlsc hls &sbr s4
C k-r-l RrlnM
SJvrh Asskir
rtRT "WCETH. Trx.. Ksrrb I r:".msl
I tnfrs rt urns frtiE Lb rt.bofii tmBHtry
r:T ttst tb sirnstioli rvrt.T.xi Irra lbs
it rbf sprst rrrr Mts
ll"T Tb ne "Jt
or Trass sue tb iT!:prt. if ssia. s-.u
r,rt iriW.dW Tin is ro&sj toT-rd s pos
ts of tb loss c! Jj- si nek
i 5Tr SS 2i JeT t-eux.
Kestsekr Hwi Daasr.
CT-EXFBOBO. Ky, Ksrr 6 Tbe rteT
bore ha bees rtsttif as ibrb as bour s ore
Pub3t d a s'naer rsia has boex Islltt
s!o- boob, s ivh o tmrTort ef Jetttnf xtp.
Tbe -str urs- is wlth's Jess tbaB lour fern
Pf tbe fan-tout IfcM rise.. A besry Tnf kkk
bors harpite r-er the rit-er an flay an!
host are trim ts tbe sbsrs.
Rirer mm a-e fparfu) of tbe result tif this
rise. Tbe creel sriH bar!y be here for er
ersJ fls. G!n rl-ror anl Its tr;bBtartos.
Ponfl so 8 Koutb riven., are hlpher thaa
tbey bars bt-ra ftir years. Tbe Aamasre
rftn a rsfiiu cf forty tbOos from bore
sril be kreat F;otk is SBf!eriif abO s-bere
s beat is rrerBfsefl it "iU be a total loss.
LOriFTILiLE. K.r., March S Tbe Obis
rivnr it sum risinr rsjuflly brre, a rise of
rs-s loet belnf reponefl sritbiB tsresty-four
hours. A ntft tJ 212 la tbe cabal sofi 24 4
OB tbe fsJls -s-as Tftw.rrrt totipbt. but t;-
i lew besry raibt tirur it ts sot rxiert8
! thst the Cabkrer line. ts-exty-i:bt fet 1b
the rsnsl. wiU i rosibefl. Ns Asiusre bai
ETAVrnii;. lnd Stsrch l The Ohio
river 1 at tbtrry-eirht feet six Inches and
tbf-re it Almost a oortlnuout stretch of
water between here and Henderson, ten
miles south, over "h lowlands and Ken
tucky bottoms. Tb 8ood abovs hat About
The Indication are that tb river her
will to ts About forty -on feel.
rsa De-lars Tnwh.
NEW TORK, Starch f.. Several Atlantic
liners reAched port today, all bearibf rvi
dences of as unusually rough crossing. The
big ""Tilbelm Oct Crosse and Coeanie
were compelled ts refluoe utesja for fv
IrlM Stem Jwlsi la ava Ot
war EsssvlT Ostr
VAX001 VaE. B. C StAt t Tb trtrik
of tb Cnited Brotherhood of Railway Em
ploye against the Canadian Pacific seem
likely ts crurod. Seventy- tve men at Nel
son on the Kootenay division went out to
day and members of the union At Calgary
and Winnipeg Ar said ts b merely await
ing tb orders of President Bates ts oiA.
Tb tws transfer barges which convey
freight from Vancouver te "LAdysmlth, And
the tag Ccar. which tows ths barges, arc
tied up today, the firemen. Bailors aad
freight handlers having AH gone out. . Mem
bers of tb Team XJtrlvers union refuse ts
haul either freight or baccagF ts the Ca
nadian Pacific railway dockA. or ts any
plane where it anight be hAAdled by nso
saiaa men. The member of tb S4aa
boaxmea's tunioa refuoe ts Itisndls freight,
but ar oealing with mails and baggage.
CfLcials of tbs company Announce that
areparAtiont ar being made ts bring la
a large cumber of freight handlers from
the east, and that upon their arrival they
will bs Able is care for AD freight oa
wharves and At the local sheda.
rv-BMr tvmwLa FAt A-r C Elewe-a fks
to BewrsirSl Lsrar rajs
HARRIFB1TRG. Pa, March I. Mr.
Blumle of Cameroa oounTy, thr father of
eleven children, introduced la the house
today a bill ts subsidise large families And
ts pro-rid gold medals for mothers ot large
Th bill prpvidet prises ranging from
SI And a medal ts cost Suit for mothers of
families ranging from nine ts fifteen chil
dren. Tbe seventh son or daughter bora
w.thia the state it ts be educated At An
erprnse ts the state sot ts eaoeed SuMI.
JwAar Aaabss Tmts
Ibis OAVctal Basil
FT. LtnS. March f. 3n tb Cnited
Stales district court today. Judge Adams
sppointed K. R. 1 Morrissey reoeiver to
tai-e charge of tbe assets of tb John Ryan
company, one of tbe turf invest meet con
cerns. Icnng the arguments oa tbe application
for a receiver Attorney Campbell tor tb
Ryan company said tbe available assets
would pay ti per cent, InstABily Judge
Adams took tbe matter iats his own hands
and appointed a receiver.
aaae Beraar la HeaaWaBtt Ft eatbt
tary Law Faateg "Plfly lean
It ta Eleiara.
ACGCFTA, He, March I Tbe ouesUon
i of resubmitting th Maine prohibitory law
passed -nor than rty year ago. ts thr
electors, was be! or tb bouse today and
was rejected.
Thr rot was tt to Vt
Maa. Jks Clvta.
MITCH ELI. &. Jj, March "...Special
Telegram.) Htm. John Colvia died sud
denly at I It' o'clock this morning after
a brief illness resulting from th grip. 1b
lpt and Mr. Coivia represented Iiavi
soe in th legiaiature of this stntc and was
honorad Vy being mad speaker of tb
house. Th announcement of his death was
receive with much sadness on th part of
lb people. Tb arrangements tor th fu
neral hav not been made as yet.
Alight h 1 Wit si at ataa-teetaav
tarrON. Pa, March I Georg F. Bow
maa died tadty, making th eighth den-a
from tb Edisoa cement mill ecploAion At
New Village. N. J, last Monday evening
JACKSOVVllJ.!-.. Tex,. March t G W.
or-t.a. aesitan engibeer if lb Sojtbe-s
pscibc rs- wsy vst-m. in tbarg ff tr
ctrtiatructjis cf tn L.llas Aivitiob of in
Taae A New Orleans railroad hk arrived
h aod retrt uiat ia a ff bt atsoTig tb
ocastruttitiB crew trita were AuieA.
Bt a A Cleartaaw gteeaAv All Beeaeaa
NEW TORK, March l-Bradstreet ee
pons that tiat.a rauiiA ti Fetrruary tt.kt
-ear v- Ui iarsnn on recu-rd tur that Tte. arrrefated fa 4 t aw tub. a
fuabparad wit A "Ail.ii i IA iC Uia heat
pieiivus fauruar recura
S-.At1st.ies recently gathered is Chtc shew
tbat tb tversr wage pa'id is wen-B !
ti KI a wk and lb sve-Ag cost of l:rlng
K.S4 a week. TTe b.ghest average y j
tbat ft worn a making swiies. let's etc:
tbe lesest thai of ga-lt ia tbe b'.g mat-bint
sbojiA b mak be it a. nuts a0 warbera.
la CulutrbuA weea oolTB-mskert aver
are ff. KI jr week, Lrw wages ar sup
poseCiy dot ts latk at rrganisa'.joa srortg
Tb teumuaUr libera! party has ntrt
duced ia tbe Stat General st Tb Harue
s bill ts amend tb oons-itution of lb
Netherlands ts enend vntrsr ts ill mea
and womea rver ti resrt of age. Tbr bill
further rrevioe that lb electoral shall
b tb asm tor both chsmbera.
A determined rtruggle It being msfl ia
Triinpis for tb issage of lb child labor
bill nsw before tb legislatur and repre
sentstives of lb rarious ricbs. wr.h tb
representatives ot the ChtiAg Fefierstios
of LAbtar and Packing Trades council, bsve
ron to Springfield 1b the Interest of th
bill, which was framed by the women's
clubs and factory Inspector of the state,
Tb March meeting of tb Nebraska
Ceramic cluk was held oa Monday after
noon at the home of Mrs. Hood. "Back
Grounds and Imtm" was tn sub.iert and
"lBvet and Tinting" to study. Mm. ierg-
ner acting as leader. Mrs. Truax. Mr.
Strauh and Mrs. Morrpw wer th ex
hihitorA It was Aecioed during th busi
ness session that tb club will sot g?ve Its
Barter exhibit and sale, as had been
Jtrt Stary Moody Pugn, nsw holding th
chair of domestic emetic at BeSevue col
lege, w as Dreamt At Thursday morning t
meeting of tb household economic de
partment. Mrs. Pugh it atiD a member
of tbe Omaha 'Woman s dub.
Mist Ivy Reed will dflree Ibe Bundty
afternoon gospel meeting of the Young
Women's Christian association at 3(i
o'clock.. "Pj'ponunluei" will be her sub
ject. Tb monthly meeting of tbe hoard of di
rector wCl be held an Saturday morning.
Mrs. mma F. Brers, general secretary of
the local association, w iD return th last
ot the week from a month's vacation
On hundred and forty-tw member and
thirty renewals is th membership record
tor February. Tb grmnastum sow has Sot
members and the basket ball teams ar
planning much of interest. On March SI
the second Association team win play the
Belles-ue team. Kiss Flora Ticknor, J criti
cal director, baa been Asked ts not as one
of tbe umpires on SCarch 30 tor th garnet
between the Haskell Indian girls and the
NebraskA university, Kansas university
itfTim NebraskA xuuveraity at Lincoln.
The early part Thursday morning's
meeting ot the household economics d-s-partment
was oevoted to bust sees, tb de
partment then adjourning is hear the ad
dress of Rev. K, F. Trefx. delivered before
the CngUah literature department. "Tom
Moor" being his subject. It was decided
that the nen Aensingtoa should be held oa
Thursday afternoon In lha club rooms,
Meadnmes Ralph Bush, F. Owens and Bjcfa
ts be hostosseA. It is planned that a ken
ington aTtemooa shall be given sik A. when
th meimbars at the household economics
department of the Council Bluff K Oman's
club will be the gruesta-t It is the inter ti on
of the oepartnoent t put tnta lefiet form
the progrAm recently g;vea by them be! or
tbs open meeting of the. club. "A Quit oa
BousehaH 'teeiaomtoA'Vr
The March naeeting t tb Omaha Chart ty
AsasdAtion was half aa Thursday morning
at the Crocks And tbs regular kmslness of
that organisation
Tbe members of the Bom Queens' cir
cle met at Mount St, Marx's seminary on
sTedneseAr aJternaon, where the soembert
of th npttsebold oannmias oensrtment of
th K" Oman's club repeated th program
that they presented si th opea meeting
of tb dub 1st weeks ags- A oemonstrs
tioa was given la th mornlnc at St,
CstberlDe-s acafleniy'by Mia. Mac Murphy.
A conferenos has been called by the Na
tional Florence Crirtenton mission oa "Th
Best Method at Con doc-ting Rescue "V ork."
t b held At the to ber missian, II, St
BleeAar street. New Tork City, March 11
ts 1. A number of iwroons prominent la
philanthropic work will present paper an
important phAses ot this work. An op
portantty w ill b given tb visitors At the
convention of visiting tb various public
institutions of New Tark City and ts In
spect the latest method employed la
philanthropy and chArtty. Tours will be
mad each night through th lower districts
of tbe city. Affording gUntpses of the needs
snd possibilities of tbe an-night mission
ary. Tb California Stat Federation is rigor
ously pushing the long resisted claims of
the Fremont heirs In behalf of the daughter
of the explorer. Tb pension which was
granted Mrs, Fremont was th chief sup
port of beratfi and dAugbier and that hav
ing stoppe4 at her death. Miss Fremont,
s woman new la middle life. It left Almost
Tbe resignation of Mrs. Tilliam Todd
Helmu-.h a president of the National Coun
cil of "sTomen hat com as a surpris ts
everyone and Mrs. Mary "Wood Smith of
San Francisco, vice precideBt of th organ
ization, will act In her strAd for the iires
ent Tb fourteenth executive council
which was postponed from last fall if ts
be held in New Orleans March 6. ZT, and
Sk. Though the New Orleans council is on
of tb strongest ia the country, this w.Il
be tbe first time thst ibe general council
has ever bees neio in tn snutn. . ot
local ew t."riean tvuvui mine j i' vi -gamrationa
of women and has long been a
farter in tb municipal reform f that city.
I stteA At at- lnrsf Cetera Aalle
Fl hi sat ta Case Agalset
J. H. Ftabee.
Aa old cat was from the dorkt
of the Vniied StAta district court yesterdsy
men. ing. whea the district attorney en
ter! nolle prosequi la th cas at the
rnitsd Stntet Against Joseph M. Fiaher.
whs !b lEfc! was indicted for emhettrlement,
tt being charged that while cashier of the
First National bank of Geneva hr took from
that Institution more than tl.l(Ki
tCAted by th district Attorney. b record
shows thst Fiaher was never arrested, and
tb docket of th court aba t that th cax
was disn issed by B. &. Baker while dis
trict attorney, while tb Journal entry
shows that It was cox tinned The cas has
never bees ea tb docket a. not th Bakiv
Administrauaa. but yestercsy. upen re
quest of an acamey lor Fisher. It wat
Iiaced upon the oocket and immediately
Beaktsi at Aswan Cm,
A few oases at tr. King's New Life Fills
will cleanse, tan And urtgorst th whole
system. Try them. Oal c "w aal
by Kuha A Ca.
Keeps You Looking Young fg" D FTP?
Test Its Hair Crowing Powers U LTW Lmm L
To aro-yo what this promt Hafr Beatrflflor wfll do far you,
every r&aercr tnta tutpw vrno ts trouoi&a ritn nana run
. w m A aT al aV. . f
or wrut up& appearmnoB of trray or tmaea nmir or
spots may hiw by mall a FMJE sample bottia
.kx max moms ormt atxew)
Don't Look Old. .
A It-rlmf of ? r4, 1 r: prnr Vftb tW
Ir-Tit ermy bum Itt rrrc rt
ttvf fiT CIS tnwmfi tf itri
ttsf vntiuirui hemrr t hair.
Stops Falling
"Vy hair new lemined
tr ir'yntirHn' ctttar 1 h"
s a grT huir Vt
biwbsnl ns 1 inck M yea-t
ycatigfsr. sril ttt hair cpri
T tmL. wbi 1m Wi. t I w S
6r,rer of bectrmmg batG
K c rscer1 many such tetleiA
A Pts&TSo Boon
arw Hatr-BeaitJt In
ea-nrti tb- tttku snl fbns
suniift T cnicvnig f :u bead erf
Vi it rrTMlnrrci i,T ttit i' eia'S-
titm. It otnck'T cieariMW scalf
iciiii" it CMirtmE. stmt iallmg an
b-eakmr ol th hif. aeo ctinr it
gray to it yputhtni eorar ans lucurianot.
S TT - I K -
Stains Kothlng.
2t 1 tt t tif- or sttdrr: ant a eye; 4c
tint rob of. Never soils sr-thing. 3t n mso
lnm abohirey part mrrediems end nv V
crr'T nsrti l- oid or yowl. Eifl Hair
Maatth a tta. cesnir ortwsms. delicate?
jv in in and fcigti'y besirslii re every wsy.
rrots lfln-lR tbi yrrenarstinr bs beet temei to
threEmttof r-er fcv million pmj m thT.tivd
tts snd B-nrafc )iiiniMiiiia ll a highly eaoarsed
by peopa od feunGnxciA.
Wt "bV bW la k. bai-ies -,.--
iwntrftr- r rKIiX? HAY Sft-u-A-L J iLS
W1m-1i hnmp, bcK samp tar toiie., tmik.
taction Till Xot Be ICaSt
Areola C Kst ts tbe Only tXagA.
ee-r ta ru Farasal ApaUeatiaa
tar Faaltiaa, Vat Others
Ar Belac Caaillrrei,
To restrain at long as pDsaiblc tbe w lec
tion of an Appraiser ry tbe water board. Is
order thst the members may have all tbt
time possible ts tnd the right engineer,
w-as the object of considerable mental labor
At tbe city hall yesterday morning. AEairs
finally were shaped as thst tbe board win
have nearly a month is weigh and consider
its nominee, whom th council will appoint
or reject. Tbe law requires that th hoard
propos ab Appraiser ts tbe ttrst regular
council meeting aft v It has been notified
by the city clerk ts mak such a nomina
tion, Th ordinance declaring tbe neces
sity and erjiediency of purchasing the water
plant and directing th Appointment of ap
praisers ts determine its wain has been
passed and approved and Is la effect.
ITcdnesdAy sight the water board. In
stead of aCJourninc took a recess until
Saturday. "Siarch Ss, there being so mason
stale a la the motion tor Cuing. How
ever. It was stated that the organisation
would not be considered complete until that
Assembly had been held and the first meet
ing concluded.
Oalalaa at City Attaraey.
Testerday City Clerk Elboum addressed a
letter ts th city attorney asking when
would be tb proper time 1 notify tb board 1 select an Appraiser. City
Attorney Cennell replied In writing that ia
his opinion, tinder the terms of th declara
tion ordinance, notioc cannot bs given until
th "Aster board sab soused the council
that It has organised and is la existenoa.
InnamBch as tb organisation will not bs
finished until March Sfc. th notice ts cbooa
an Appraiser will not be presented be-far
that cats, snd the intervening time may b
used by the members of the board ts find
their man.
t ts the present lime but on cthcia!
application has been made for tbe imsition
of water commissioner-secretary. It was
filed with Temporary Secretary Congdon
and Is from Arnold C Koenig. wbs has an
engineering office ia Omaha. He is a young
man, a nativ of Nebraska, w as graduated at
Cornell university and Is said ts have had
oonsiderabie exnerieno la water w orks con
Btructiun. Other men whs lift v been men
tioned at possibilities arc R, B. Hcw-ell,
Andrew P-oarwater and A. B. Hunt, whs It
superintendent fr the Omaha Water com
pany and therefore thoroughly familiar wlih
th plant.
(elea FartAe Aat
trtstlen la Merfca
iteal Dr.
John Powers, genera foreman of the
f Bins Pacific mat tin shops, has bees
transferred ta Cheyenne. He will 1 auc
ceded ber by Mr. Imdson. lormcrly cob
necied with the BalCwin "jociomouv worTra.
Thr following chanre are announced It
the mechanical de;iartment uf tbe fnuiB
Padhr out along the line: William Niland.
master mechanic At Has lint, it transferred
1 to lb fnrrmanahip of the machine shops st
Cheyenne; Iian Sullivan, general toremas
of the Green Rivr kbopt, it transferred ts
the sun pcantion st lAramt City; Wil
liam White, assistant foreman of tbe ma
chine shops at Green River, it trans! erred
ts Raslint at general foreman.
Baras aad tealAa.
Tb giaia of a burn or scald it almost
Instantly relieved by applying Chamber
laia't Paia Balm with a leather. It sis
heals th injured parts mor Quickly thaa
any other treatment and uniaat th bura ia
very severe does sot lesv a scar.
Feyalattea at water Aer ark-
NITW TORK March I According T tb
rMrt of Presiot-i.t L-Serine .f in Board
pf Health, based n figure coir pied by his
lm jwiurs ti iiuiauoii of V Tork t
t Till lC. oii-ioed a lcntw: Manhbttan.
llK'B; IsrotiAlj-n. liS'.ii": tb Bronx.
atrrtat Uerst.
Licenses ts wed bar been isnued a fei-
low .
Name and Resioenc Age
Tneooor lann, Vlle. Net T.
Chrirtma Burn, Vamy. Nt 2
Jktnet P. Higgina. ' mt i.
Be.kj G NeiMon. -mkJ.k , it
MertaUif MatiMin.
Tb f oik w it.g tTirtht and oestnt hav been
reorted is tb Board of Hei'ti:
Birtli Jsr Kelwy. 3K." Sewtrti. bej
Rohert ti.:) ZX. "Ut t li i tL.
Arctii.H Ortiei .t part-r. pir Jens
Hu'tiea N"nh b .' . Ntit-KS
Z.ii b.-T laJ Si. tin Tt. rteertr g.r!
IwaJn Aim F I .. Ni"i t Z wrty
Aixtn. sl. narry H Cs-m-. -.C ou A
" One Bottle Does
Ths T tit f -tl'T nff. c
v bo h had tt'-.T a-tf
imi' rt tc yntr:litt. P(tt:i
r." ' . r a
thfl ! Ttt err-fC Vt
ht i ter swug Ksyw Rair
n-w oi -a
BeaiiAw I ou wu.h v
No More
"tiia VT' "'
vfrvc HP. T1 t'T ll
Bavw Bair-tJeaith or-
cvRinnat'T. it it a viial
bstr lDd
C-KV, riUCKLj oi
W HJ7 E KA-k tt- vnu-.hml
pint vnbt'Ht trsimut ti
nktL. An eccsmma
cstinB kr : th
gtoiw. s..rrr tmn fttti,
i:Tnra tf rrrnaTT rr arr te-
irrl 'itim E-vt !c na tier dresMS.
Harflna Soap,
j.nthtnr ! it Vei'iimt tt
J' . ',. ' w a
iron otitt-cfl. Tt ii si! Sen. sue! tli su
ciear snd Tory. Iiiti-rf caoet hC"Trv 7
krv tb ban. scstr and lrn-C re eealsry e--cmcrtL
mart s tmnr lathe nf Earfcni fnp
snd hinj.oc t if it t)-in- w
r-T .uii to ynmhiul color. am'v Bay Bair
Bealth shrr shsirpoo. Tb ptnt il c-api-r
and th hair rrcw it vrntiilul
cmnr ard lcur
BVv as nmrtme durriaa r -aina AV-. llfl
ar tvkk.1i! n' u-i ht fii.i' ? "nn. , 'i... n
nt Mt. yrwart.. V. 4. Juttia aii uumma.
aw - aa,aai4saa A Weaw SnT. l(Tn jfTtl. IVT'RsmtA. T TIT
i-Jkrar Siu, jsrwu-m.. janm m
an4 tm.asmli as Tererrtt ol lac.anc Uii acwimmmm-
aava BAXJTXA tOAF aaa I issa ail swAaUSaaea,
Twexty-fc-urth. bey; Lajrtnd Jane Frrvr,
n I a ret 3J-: Asa Pi GiostimAa.
North Fortieth, C montna.
C-ts flOMne a Seas.
Because be Lai a keen, clear brain in a
rigorous body. Electric Bitters give both,
and satisfy or ns pay. Try them. Mt.
For sal by Kuhn Co.
At tbe Harnev Street temT'ie F.tMii Sirnoo
win lecture tctiigbt on ' Prof, IeliFttii t
B-bi una i- "'
XT. P. Baunv lirinr At tSi CuTririg street,
abused hi wife yesteraay eventtif;. so ab
et't. and ru in cotisetjuisnc arreeied.
Mrs. Raum will Allar sj-ainpt ber buer-ana
in ptiiicc cciurt,
Jtnie McCarthy of Ma2ierrr.. "VClr... cttled
itj at ti j'iit Fikticn j-eMtirasy kftemotio
ioj.g Jitufb It' bkv s ailc-c.ied ihui-ib
lined up. McCarthy received th Itlury
w-tiii wrestling.
L,iliie Turner of llxlf TiaveTptirt rtreet wa
arrerted Iset mcht on compiajnt uf
iri.w-ii of i0l Stuith Ttiirveerith street, a
traveling cigar eajitina.T. srow-n aticuee
the j.riiner of mealing frtus bis pockct
btit.k in ber r:omt yertraay afternoon,
Fraxtuska Tavak bA brought suit fnr
divorce from Vaclav TavaA, w bnna f he
stsie .b msmea in IiecemSier n. 1KK7.
Piaintif" a.1) rioti-supjKirt as tbe reason
for her action Rbe wisbes tbe cusr.ody of
her three children. All by a former xuar-ruig-e.
Lulu Taylor, colored, living at Eleventh
street and Capitol avenue, was arrested
yesteroay afterntion and win answer to a
chary cf i nrrr from tbe person of J. K.
Katinia-tn. who mom At rtie rorB hous,
"The theft tw cjueeucn eocurrefl t'v tia;-
age in tbe woman a rounta. The Amount
taAen wa small.
Harry and lira Brewer wer last night
hartored lr. the polio stk-tlun, tieing ill and
In 6estitute circumstances Brewer ha
tieen tnplcryed in the abens at rrand
lelanA. but tieoomirig ill tb Two decided tt
gu to St Josenb, ilii, w l)r tbe woman
parents live, Tbry have tieen In Omaha A
few Cays and hav xie money.
Geortr W. "W illiams, charged with as
sault with Intent ts rch. wa arraimed In
criminal court j-esteroay and pieaoed not
guilty. Me at tOiargeo witn ABMauitiTig
7Mwt Murrisoa on Fetiruary IV last. John
W". Carpenter, against wbum stand two
separate complaint of furgery, was Auto
arraigned and pleaded nut guilty.
Geurg-e SaUnner. Uvtng on Eleventh street
at It lntereectiuB with Fowler avenue, wa
mother and aistar. who charg Mm with '
asefcultliig them while be was tirunA He !
BJd to have puabes hi xnutner out or oaor ;
ta ftrlS? halr'rnnST't.'v.
threatened ts shoot tbem.
Tb case In which C. H. C'ld&eld seeks t
rtimiel tbe xnayur and other ofbciais of
South Omalia to miku refunding taonds ts
tbe amount of t. in wa tfiar Judy
Stutita Tliun8). Tn testimony of A K.
Kelly, wbe wa mayor of that city at the
tun the bono were aaitbonaed. w as desired
sua tn court gk tnirty aaya in which to
pi It Mr. Kelly is htiieved ts t in
Tbe board of Fir and Police Commis
sioners met yesteraay ati"notm. Tb mat-t-r
ot gruiTing a iiceni is eichroeoer A
K lein lor a saioon at South Thirteenth
tnrwt cam up for action. lut as Mr
Sprbtien w-as not present ru deferreo until
in neat rerular meeung. Monday evening
Tti rwugntiion i-l poit-man Guy
wa aoceoteci. to lake ttwl from the first
i1 tin morj-Lh Mr Taymr. w no i a -ar-cnter
ly trade, will w or tn tmth OtaUia
Is oelrrinu fear, lookiiig tehind him at
every jurop a no crj'ing aioud tor help.
Cbarie Jr'nillija a Council Blur negro,
bounded pour tieaduukrtrrs lan mcht
for protection A b entered lb cfhoe,
anting and exhausted h saw a row of
otlicers oust ha.-igiiig on one sio of tb
room H recouec in rrght, only 1 ory
out w tbt aigbt .of a tk.b in a bark cor
ner. Three poiiceBTien wer necemmry to
lock hits In a (U. K ccmditios is du to
tiie -use of cocaine. piiUliia tia mad sev
eral such ei trw mtt tii ikiuci eiation. en
the t.rn occjLtiiun 43 it ks. ing Jtuier Ktrfe't
nit iiail Acroet the room And a
A linle red, a little vhltc, ddicatcly blended. Thit
one way. Here's a better :
Tile Ayer$ Simparilli. It Bales the blood pure
tad rich. Yoa know the rest: red cheeks, steady
nerves, good digestion, restful sleep, power to endure.
Keep the bowels regular with Ayer's Pills; this
will greatly aid the Sarsaparilla, Two grand family
medicines. Keep then on
Ci -
I ' f 3D
I I rn
trTOsF lf ll,a BIS
tw urn hmtx.
f M TTrT'Uni SlfT larT
'-d :-a v-- ct lAVa l-ithr
I ,T r"vr utA iHtirtr lajst. ItamiUT
'J tmf0svln.r - UsT
tnis th lafttt MttV iutn
i tut CvaAC tr -flatis3 Jl
j UstAl 4.t PUT ir --tttlujA
tr "S-
ia. Prt Soa IJnrn.
.atw . .o ffn -P : !-
hir rift.
f K lv C W VC.PI I
i rix tin t'i rr
I rtsi Hi SBS--.IIMI Cm
saaitie-.w b Bat -
Free Bottle Offer
T. T1. T
sAtMRftrTA ry X:mt f.t ArHlrlt-1l1
1-ib uumi it tiirtl imtu-'TtisT
i !i gmivnr Uf m .'- i ": tt
itik ! ft mn j r ;. '
I tt., t urn. !- H'. k
1 I 1 f tent txrm u hw tii.
I tru. imiT fcttu ntintiiM'-iiitt.. ikitu
I r''mfci mimiikii' it? niw itt
', iinvf riTfcHr-i. Itf-ssliT utit: t!'l
Tii urn- hi 1 ) iwiiu T"f
tt) . i 'T r. 1 I i A
. h f . u: "ti' tii jacjv. 411 or
I jAAtr .
nek's 1-e
ftr4 a&tlrtm .
H-k, - . Mttull. tic r" rr til u
aUaUr tfLlJ 'fLi fc. t.i-i:i- M
Tt Fewer Behlea the Threae" at
the Bera.
Stist KAtherine "eriT.ard rereiveC a vry
substantial compliment frtim the jople of
Cmaha on tb oenatitTB of her appearance
at the Bcyd lart hlgbt lor tbe aernnd Um
within a few weeka. It wst in the nkture
of largt !y increancd attendtnet . At ber
first performance Mist aiilr.rd had an
t sCiHijc-e that was large, one ii.dcc-a tiiut
should satisfy the ruatiartinicnt of an un
known star, coemtng. At sb Cii. almeir; ud
heraiapd, lAP! f.gtrt tltie ibtAtrr wat m:irr
thtB ocnnf ortalily filled, and tbe j4rurr
of tbs auditors wa i;'reHsea ia geucrou
ai'ilause and curtain ctilt at tb cd nt
each act. Mist "WiliArd t,hc r uth
strength 1b the grett scene of ihe tl.ird
act, the most powerful 1b th jity. Sbs
was entirely at esse lust nigfci. and tb
slight tendency ts overset, w-hirh marred
her totrrocT performance, wrs sttl noticed.
Mr. "Wright Ixtrimtr. who ha tbe leading
role of Baron Hohcnlnbe, Also showing Im
provement In this regard. The cast it tbe
same as before and the production is
given wmoothly and efficiently. M'ss "Wil
lard has certainly made food ia Omaha.
4raveee Faaer Arreat far lkry tall
ed Htif Maatkis
Edward C. MoCoy. a grader ia the cm
ploy of M. Eimor At South Or. aba. w 31
answer t tb charge of larceny ren mitteed
last Sej'tcTLlier. tbe coniIla.Ek.nt l-eiiig
Henry Callahaa of Eldred, 1U, ttotber
grader. Callahan caw McCoy in Pat
Moran's saloon. Elevmth and Drtiglut
streets, last night and caused hit Arrest.
Complainant says that the prisoner rc biied
him is a lodging bouse wber lb two baa
printing Ul evui.nt
H says McCoy belpefi him undrcs 101
biter bs noticed this man wf-.h 1 it irounrrs
th morning complainar,;. watch, a ring
and t21i la gold were "niBKing Five dol
lars was left in the money sack in h.t
pocket. The prisoner admits being with
CaBahaa oa the evening 1b cutstion, but
denie tb theft, H aayt that CtlitLkn
waa iH and that be, McCoy, put him it
bed and thea went dosa and got hint a
bottle of blackberry brandy. While in thr
saloon he was lmortuned tor tuusry t r
Another grader and insulted because be re
fused is give it. In angir, McCoy, so b
aaya. pulled tbe bottl frtrm bis pocket and
Vtrurk tbe other man over the bad. There
was a sudden outiKiurtng of durk liquid,
which. McOcy say, he took for Mood
Thinking h had tM-riously injured tb man
he fled 10 Vlllisca, la., shere b rmi..nea
until recently.
aaTees MreAe ef Par-air'.
Mr. V.mmu Irunl tf K!f South TwfTitr
fre street Fufft-red a fU'.ik ol purait'Kit
whiie atir-t.aii a st-t-ial gktb-rir:s bt-rwioi-tit
ol Mr 6")jh 1 K?er V rt
nesciby aftemo'-n Tti lrr w-nf jjai
lirrtkii g up and when Mrs l.uiifl uner
lot.k to put on ber hat sti retubrfct-c -tiat
ber hancl was numb. Aiw-r t-itt.ins
lor a rest ab discovered .n tin un
atl to hipv agtm en ikkeu btme
in a c-Aj-rikr kj,a wa Tf,xirt j eK'.'.raay
at somewhat lmprovec,
hand. j. a atxs ca.