TITE OH ATT A DAIXT BEEi FT? ID AT, MATtCTT 0, 1003. TlIE OMAHA DAILY BEE. E. ROSKWATER. EDITOR. PUBLTPMED evert mornino. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Dally lee (without Sunday!, Onf Year..$4 j Dally Hee and Sunday, one Year ' Illustrated Hee. One Year -' Sunday H". one Year fcaturday Hee. one Year. ............... " Twentieth Century Farmer. On Year., l.w DELIVERED BY CARRIER. Dally B (without Sunday), per copy.. Jo Dally nee (without Sunday), per week..l.c Dally Bee (Including Sunday), per week..l.c Sunday Bee, per copy 2 Evening Bee (without Sunday), per week c Evening Bee (Including Sunday), P"r fjaft( Complaints of Irregularities In dHlv'ry hould be addressed to City Circulation De partment. OFFICES. Omaha The Bee Building. South Omaha-City Hall Building. Twenty-fifth and M Streets. Council Bluff 1 Pearl Street. Chicago W t'nlty Building. New York 2X!8 Park Row Building. Washington &1 Fourteenth Street. CORRESPONDENCE. Communication relating to news and ed itorial matter should be addressed: Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or postal order, payable to The Bee Publishing Company, Only 2-cent stamps arcepted In payment or mall accounts. Personal checks, except on Omaha or eastern exchange, not accepted. THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. State of Nebraska, Douglas County, ss.: George B. Tsschuck, secretary of The Bee Publishing Company, being duly sworn, says that the actual number of full and complete copies of The Dally. Morning. Evening and Sunday Bee printed during the month or February. 1903, waa as follows: I StO.lAO 1&. 20.MB SO.IUtO 18 8i,.iao 1 80,.K 17 81.B40 4 80,4 18 31,4IH B 80,4(M 19 31.4!M ; 80.B70 tO 3I,U0 7 8OJV50 21 31,1170 g aw.aoo 22 iti,2s ao.uio 23 3i,:o 10 80.BOO 24 Sl.rlBO 11 80.UA1I 25 3l,0O 12 "0,040 26 31,520 1J 3O.04O 27 3l,H0 14 80,870 28 .....31.7NO Total 803,432 Less unsold and returned copies.... 0,304 Net total sales 844,wt Net average sales 30,143 OEOKOE B. TZSCHUCK. Subscribed In my p.esence and sworn to betore me this 28th day of February, A. D. 11W. M. B. HUNC1ATE. tSeal.) Notary Public. The legislature will soon be on the home run. . For. the present, the most strenuous labor of the water works board Is to smoke cigars. The floodtlde of bills that are Intro duced In the legislature will be stemmed within forty-eight hours. Omaha has again had a very narrow escape from being, advertised as the wickedest city in America. There are still others. The legislature will make no mistake In passing the Burgess bill that re quires fair competition in county and state printing. .According to latest accounts a fog hangs over St. Louis, although the president of the 8t Louis World's fair has left London. Thirteen new senators were sworn In at the opening. of the extraordinary session. Fortunately the thirteen did their swearing on Thursday. - The Steel trust Is spending a good deal of money judiciously advertising Its fabuloua earnings, but several hun dred .million dollars of Its stocks are still on the market Judging by the, number of amend moot bills Introduced In the legislature, there is a fair rhrfbee for the constltu tlon of Nebraska to be amended within the next two years. There la a well-denned rumor that the projected extension of the Burlington from Lincoln to Sioux City Is to be operated aa a sidetrack for railroad legislation. . Tie passes will be dis trlbuted after the end of the session to all who may apply. When the Latter Day Saint who is to represent Utah in the United States senate was sworn In there was much applause In the ladies' galleries. Men with large families, whether prospective or retrospective, are popular nowadays, at least with the gentler sex. Senator Tillman Is being soundly be rated for holding up congress during the last hour cf the session for a $50,000 South Carolina claim. But that sort of statesmanship Is very popular In the Palmetto state and Tillman has scored a great triumph by his highwayman's tactics. Unless the railroads put an end to the tax war by cheerfully or regretfully consenting to pay their Just share of the burdens of taxation state, county and municipal the paramount Issue in Nebraska for the' next two years will be, "Up with railroad taxes down with railroad freight rates." , Western railroad managers are said to be In a quandary regarding the call lng In ot passes Issued to shippers be fore the Elkiua hw went Into effect Up to date Nebraska railroad managers do not apear to be In a quandary about calling in the hundretltt of passes issued by their political attorneys and lobby workers with ' the deliberate Intention to defeat legislation offensive to the railroads, even where it Is absolutely Jnst both to the ieople and the rail roads. The aunouut-emeut that the manual training department at the High school will be greatly expanded next year and by the beginning of September, or a little later, will include casting, forging and pattern making, will be gratifying to the friends of manual labor Instruc tion, but it has not yet been deflujtely settled whether the boys are to work by the hour or by the piece. We ap prebend that the boys of the locked qut Union Pacific machinists and boiler makers will resist the Introduction of piecework. MEJD TOR PKRSVX3 AND PaFKRS. The? poorle of Nebraska have lost more tlinn hnlf a million, dollar through he Hartley emU-Tr-lenicnt The larger mrt of tit! a sum has never lnvn am ounted for. Part of It Las doubtless leen lout Iii gambling and sjieculntion. hut a larger part waa either repre sented by I. ).' t's. In that facious Igar lox. or by Investments In mine nd real estate, cr by private accouut n unknown, depositories. When Hartley was paroied the people were given to understand by Governor Savage that the parole would be Jus tified by restitution. Hartley, himself, us time and again asserted that he proposed to pay back every dollar the state lost while he waa treasurer. Hartley has leen at liberty for more than a year, but not a dollar has yet been repaid out of tlie contents of the lgar box. It Is up to the legislature to make a searching Investigation and exert all Its Influence to bring about restitution of at leaat part of the money the state has lost. The resolution calling for an Investigation should be pushed through the house without division and a vig orous effort should be made to bring about the recovery of whatever Is left In the hands of Hartley or bis confeder ates, whoever they may be. TflS 8 EN ATM SPECIAL SESSION. The message of President Boosevelt to the senate, which convened yester- ay In extra session, briefly asks at tention to the canal treaty with Co lombia and the Cuban reciprocity treaty, remarking that they are of far reaching Importance to the welfare of the United States and that there U urgent necessity for their adoption. Al though something more than this was to have been expected, in view of the president's great Interest In the con ventions, It Is sufficient, since there Is really no new argument to be pre sented In behalf of either treaty. It is presumed that Senator Morgan will continue his opposition to the canal treaty, though It would seem that he should by this time realize the hope lessness of keeping up bis fight. The Panama company has extended the op tion for the purchase of the property without making any new condition, the sentiment of the country Is very largely In favor of the Panama route and there Is the necessary two-thirds majority In the senate for the ratification of the treaty. Mr. Morgan ought to realize, therefore, that his opposition Is useless and If he does not senatorial courtesy should not permit him to delay ratifica tion of the treaty much longer. There Is no very definite Information as to the chances of the Cuban reciprocity treaty, but it is thought they are favor able to ratification. There will be a fight made against it however, and It has been reported that some senators who would have voted to ratify at the regular session will not do so now. There Is reason to believe that the ad ministration confidently, ' expects the ratification of both treaties. . CH1T1CISM vr THE SKNATt. s ' The remarkable speech of Mr. Cannon in the house of representatives. In refer ence to the rules of the United States senate, particularly that requiring unanimous consent should not fall to attract the attention of the country, since It points put a most marked and Important contrast between' the two houses of congress not commonly under stood, but which ought to be better known. The next speaker of the house, with that candor and courage that are characteristic of blm, said that while the house of representatives has rules that permit a majority to legislate, the senate lias no such rules and legislation In that body la had by unanimous con- Bent. The result of this la that a single member of the senate can block leglsla tlon and If he have the physical en durance prevent action on any measure to which he' may be opposed. This has been done more than once and In the last congress one senator was able to prevent the ratification of a treaty favored by more than the necessary two-thirds majority and force the call ing of an extraordinary session of the senate. An analysis of the proceedings of the upper branch of congress will show that they rest almost wholly on unanimous consent and the practice Is a part of that "courtesy" which has come to be a reproach to the senate. Says a Washington correspondent: "As loug as every senator continues to feel that in wrecking the plans of any other senator outside of the lines of debute or party organization he invites directly 'the wreck of his own In turn, so long the disposition of most senators will he to let the secondary interests involved In a measure take their chances, or to let the president call extra sessions If he wishes to; the one thlug to be careful about Is not to overstep the almost In visible line of courtesy for one's col leagues." Thus the will of a majority cau Ik set at naught In the senate, and more than this the action of the popular branch of congress may be thwarted by nn Individual senator. ' The protest of Mr. Cannon against this condition will be approved. It Is not to be doubted, by the intelligent Judgment of the country. We think there will lie very general acquiescence In the opinion he expressed that the senate must' change Its method of pro cedure or the bouse of representatives. "backed up by the people, will compel the change," else the house shall be come a mere tender, "a mere tender of the pregnant hinges of the knee to submit to what any one member of another body may demand as a price for legislation", . Mr. Cannon may be assured of an almost unanimous popular support In the position he has taken There Is little reason, however, to ex pect the desired reform in the near future. The recent discussion In the senate, of the proposition to put some restriction on debate showed that a large majority of senators. Irrespective of party, are firmly wedded to the tradi tional methods of that body. A change Is unlikely' until senators are chosen by direct vote of the people and thus brought under the Influence of popular sentiment, to which -for the most part they are now Indifferent. RVRHAZICS ELASTIC CHARTER. Attorney B. O. Burbauk, whose eagle eye bus been steadily riveted upon the city hall and a three thousand dollar attorneyship for some time past, and whose profound tulud has penetrated the Inner recesses of all the different departments of municipal government, has evolved out of his inner conscious ness an elastic charter as a substitute for the patched quilt charter bill Intro duced by the Douglas delegation. Mr. Burbank is quoted by the World Ilerald as follows: There Is no use of beating around the bush. We kept out of the charter amend ment bill everything that the railroads and francblsed corporations would be likely to seriously oppose. , We were careful to keep the Important charter amendments In which we were interested in a bill by Itself, so that these powerful Influences would have no particular reason to Interpose objection. That Included the change to the charter as to the time of the election, which ia now fixed for next month, but which will there after be changed from spring to fall, and the terms of offlca made two years instead of three. We have sought to rob the charter of some ot the features that contribute toward the maintenance of a political machine and those provisions we have Incorporated In the charter bill. We have tried to change the street gang pro vision so as to prevent the employment of a small army at public expense to do political work for the machine without anybody knowing anything about It until the bills come in after election. If Mr. Burbank Is reported correctly, his prolific mind has performed a stu pendous task. The Burbank charter is strictly original and should by ail means be patented or copyrighted. Its conspicuous feature Is the duplex and delicate mechanism by which the old machlneis to be smashed and the Bur bank machine substituted. With the Burbank charter In operation, the mu nicipal government is to be as far as possible kept out of party politics and at the same time all city officers, mem bers of the school board and county officers, district Judges and supreme Judges are to be elected on the regular party ticket with a single crosa-mark In the ring In November Instead of hav ing city elections separated from all other party elections, aa has become the prevailing custom in every large city In America. Mr. Burbank Is one of those rare men who can eat bis pie and keep It at the same time. He can pulverize the mat chine, departisanlze the elections and at the same time nominate all bis candidates by machine rule at party primaries and ram down the throat of every voter the straight ticket from top to bottom, yellow dogs, cats and all. The stress laid upon the virtues of the double action, self -adjusting, elas tic charter improvised by Mr. Burbank and in part approved by the republican members of the Douglas delegation is the extraordinary provision that re quires every street sweep, garbage hauler and sewer laborer to be con firmed by the council before he can, do a stroke of work for the city. The In ventor of thjs reform evidently docs not take into account the possibility of a heavy snowstorm blockading the streets, or a -great freshet washing out sewers and culverts, . or a cyclone strewing the streets with signboards, billboards, telegraph , and telephone' poles, which would call for Immediate action on the part of the Board of Pub lic Works for the prompt protection of the community. He would have the mayor convene the council first and then require the Board of Public Worka to submit the names of the street sweeps and com mon laborers for confirmation, and if the council happened to be In a dead lock he would have tie whole city paralyzed In order to forestall the pos sible use of the street cleaning and street sweeping, force In a primary election. But Mr. Burbank and his followers. who nearly all afe expecting to break into the city hall In some capacity, would not object seriously to have the street gangs, sweepers, repairers, sewer men and all mustered for the support of the straight ticket on election day If they were candidates for city or county offices. The truth of the matter la that the city treasury has never been looted to pay political street sweepers under the present Board of Public Works. As a matter of fact, only a fraction over one hundred men were employed by the city all In all at the time of the pri maries before the presidential election two years ago, or at the time of last fall's primaries. It Is a matter of notoriety that any one of the fre.nehlsed corporations em ploys twice, thrice and even five times that number of men and no amount of charter tinkering will prevent them from appearing at the primaries. The only lustanee, within the memory of the oldest Inhabitant, where three or four hundred men political street sweepers have actually bwn paid for by the city was at the end of the first term of W. J. Broatch as mayor of Omaha. ut even that abuse, which was an impeachable offense, would not have Justified the legislature in the en actment of a law that would prevent the Board of Public Works from em ploying common laborers on short notice whenever and wherever they are needed. There Is no more reason for requiring the city laborers to be confirmed by the council than there 1s for them to be qamed hv the mayor. There Is Just as much reason to fear that a majority of the council would get up a political street sweepers' combine as there is that the mayor would exert his influ ence to compel the employment of po litical roustabouts. There is Just .as nmch dnge from the machine with which Mr. lfcirbnnk has coupled up as there is from the old machine which he Is so anxious to pulverize. Many of the so-called law and order people, who want a governor-appointed police commission for Sonth Omaha trot with the class that elbows Its way regularly Into political conventions, school boards and city councils In order to barter their votes to the highest bid der. They want to purge South Omaha- of vice and debauchery on the Kelly plan of rake-off, with dividends distributed twelve times a year. There is nothing In the constitution of Nebraska that Imposes upon the legVsla ture the duty to regulate and fix the standard of time, but such a unique measure is now proposed and pending. The next thing we will hear of will be a bill to create the office of state clock regulator and time starter with a stem winder salary. One of the first citizens of Cuba certifies over his name and under his spectacles that he lias been cured by a celery, compound. But one of the very first citizens of Omaha threatens to sue the compound company for dam ages because his picture has been pub lished far and wide without his aid or consent Why Not Retorn to Jackson f St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Democrats may as well go on voting for Cleveland as anybody; it Is patbetle to think of what the party would do If Cleve land should die. - Entitled to m Grin. Detroit Free Press. Omaha parents are vigorously objecting to a negro teacher In the public schools. This entitles Senator Tillman to at least one sardonic grin. Who's Whot Washington Post Colonel Watterson's suggestion that the next democratic nominee be the Man-Wlth-The-Iron-Maak was doubtless created by a desire to get away from the Man-WIth-The-Iron-Jaw. , . Candor Worthy of Emulation. Springfield Republican. Mr. Quay's candor should be emulated by his senatorial colleagues. In declining to vote on the question ot taking up the Lit tlefleld anti-trust bill he frankly admitted that he owned stock In various corpora tions known as trusts. Now there must be a number of other senators who own that kind of stock. , An Even Chance. New York World (dem.J The boy stood on the rotten plank, whence all but htm had fled. The boy's name waa William. He shouted Incessantly that the plank must be ""reaffirmed." There Is Just about as much chance that William J. will have his way aa that the democrats will declare In favor of colonising the moon, re-establishing slavery or reaffirming the resolution that "the war Is a failure." Will the lfa.Tr SnrviTef Minneapolis Journal. Admiral pro'w&inshleld, the choice snob of the navy, has 'resigned. It Is good for the navy to get"rl of him, but it is too bad to think of the government having to continue to pa htm $6,(25 a year,, on the retired list. But even 'at that, bis rid dance Is cheap.i There Is no place In the American navy for an admiral. who takes offense because he can't have a splendid battleship for ordinary cruising duty, espe cially when such use ot a battleship Is In conflict with the departments regular plan for disposition of the battleships. How the Good Tnit Worka. Springfield Republican. Since acquiring the plants of the Sharon and Union " steel companies the United States steel corporation has secured a fuller monopoly than ever of the steel wire production of the country and the event Is being celebrated by an advance ot $2 a ton In ' the prices of ' all kinds of wire products. Thus again Is the He given to tho repeated assertion that the big trust alms to follow the noa-monopoly polloy of main taining moderate prices and relying upon large production at a low margin of profit for Its advantage. It is not a "good trust" any more than the others are. It is pursuing the general trust policy of charging all the traffic will bear. TRAGEDIES ON THE RAIL. Limited Dsnsge In Death Caaea m Premium on Cnrelessness. Cleveland Plain Dealer. So long as human life Is cheaper than properly raised or depressed tracks grade crosstug tragedies will continue. So long as it is "good business" for the railroads to pay nominal damages to the heirs ot train wreck victims rather than provide adequate equipment and capable employe disasters by rail will continue to shock the country. On last Saturday alone a doren people were killed and injured In railroad accidents. A week ago today the New York Sun printed a list of a score of such acci dents during the previous week and took occasion to say in conclusion: "It la re corded that the total number of persons killed on railroads la this country during the year ended June 30, 1902, was 2.819, while the number Injured was 39.800. In 1901 the number of killed and Injured was even greater than this." These accidents continue to be recorded with alurming frequency and the present winter has been even more remarkable for the exceptional number of wrecks Involv ing laren loss of life. These facta are being used with telling effect by those who are now urging the Illinois legislature to apnal the law fixing the limit for a life at S',000. In Ohio, too, this is me maxi mum amount that can be obtained as dam ages. In New York and some other states the nueitlon of damages is left to the jury. In the cases arising from the New York rentml tunnel wreck of a year ago large verdicts were returned, based solely on the earning capacity ot tne victims ana what the Insurance men call tneir ex nc.-tatlnn of life." Many who oppose the repeal of the $5,000 limitation argue that.' were It not for this, the svmDathles of Jurymen would be worked upon and excessive damage obtained which the reviewing courts might not nave me rnuma to set aside. As a matter of fact the setting aside ot excessive damages is a familiar experience In every state and arouses no comment. Moreover, wny anoum nnt the courts be trusted In this SS In nther matters? It la not to be forgotten that la personal injury suits the door Is open to frauds which would be Impossible In cases brought to recover damages for loss of life. In the latter there can be no dispute as to tne r.r nt pth or as to the victim's earning capacity and expectation of life. Ia the former there Is a wide margin ia om ai lowed for perjury and honest error. ROtSD A BO IT MEW YORK. Ripples on the Cnrrent of Life In the Metropolis. Attempts to enforce reasonable respect for the law and decency in one of the tough districts of New York proved abortive be cause the local or district magistrates do not approve of police activity. Recently Tollce Captain Gorman of the Mercer street station raided a number ot joints, raptured 128 prisoners and marched them Into Magis trate Crane's court. When asked by fhe astonished magistrate what all this meant, Oorman said he was trying to suppress vice tn his district. "You cannot suppress vice, for It has existed since the world began," was Crane's tart remark. Captain Gorman said meekly that it the magistrate would assist him In cleaning his district he would be very grateful. Crane replied contemptu ously that he was not doing police duty. He then roundly scored Gorman for making wholesale arrests, declaring that they did more harm than good, and discharged all the prisoners, who hooted at the captain as they left the court room. Michael Coyne, patrolman of the Delan cey Wreet station. Is the last candidate for the life-saver medal. One night recently, relates the New York Sun, a drunken man fell Into the East river opposite Corlears street. Coyne saw the struggling man In the water and plunged In to save him. The water was, of course, like Ice and the tide was running rapidly. Coyne knew enough of the East river and ot the season to know all that before he jumped. But he also knew that there was a life to save and that It waa the man on the spot. Coyne reached his man and attempted to swim ashore with him. That task was too much for him. The tide carried him out Into the middle of the river, but the brave policeman held on to his man for fully half an hour before two other policemen In a rowboat reached him and brought him ashore with his companion.- Only a short time ago this same policeman saved the lives of four persons In a tenement house fire. Apparently he has ne fear of either fire or water. Coyne Is a splendid type of the New York "cop." t. A collector of Wall street trifles has as sembled the nicknames by which the best known stocks are known In the brokers' of fices. Generally speaking, they are mere abbreviations for economy of time and space, but there Is a dash of fun In some of them. Canadian Pacific Is "Canuck;" Mis souri, Kansas Texas Is shortened to "K. T." or "Katy;" Missouri Pacific, Mo. P., "Mop," and Southern Pacific, by a similar condensation, becomes "Soup." Atchison, Topeka tt Santa Fe preferred Is "Big Atch" and the common Is "Little Atch," Just as tho preferred and common shares ot North ern Pacific are respectively "Nipper" and 'Little Nipper," which, blind as It may seem. Is a pretty close approximation of N. P. R. R. Ontario A Western, "O. A W." Is the "Old Woman," and Peoples Gas, Light ft Coke Is "Postofflce." Toledo, St. Louis & Western becomes "Tolu" and American Locomotive "Cboo-Choo" for reasons suf ficiently obvious. Either "Smelts" or "Strikers" stands for American Smelting A Refining, while Chicago, Milwaukee ft St. Paul Is known by both "Paul" and "The Saint." Colorado Southern, C. X.,.is still called "Co ley," and Pennsylvania Is of course "Pennsy," just aa Jersey Central is "Jersey" and plain "Central" New York Cen tral. "Met" stands for Metropolitan Street Railway and "Telegraph" for Western Union. "Jojo" ts the derivative nickname for the far western St. Joseph ft Grand Island. Such familiar names' as "Maple Leaf," "Panhandle," "Big Four," eto., which have been seml-offlclally adopted by the respective railroads to which they ap ply, are also current In the street Ethel Bowman, who Is 20 years old. walked for the first time In her life, one day last week. She is the daughter of A. H. Bowman of Plalnfleld, N. J., and soon after her birth paralysis developed In her ankles. As she grew up she managed to get about the house in braces and on crutches, but she had to be lifted In and out of choirs and to and from her bed. A strong nurse was always with her. The successes of Dr. Lorens reawakened hope In Mr. Bowman, and he had his daughter carried to the Hahnemann hoepital In New York City. ' ... After suitable preparations Dr. G. W. Roberts cut the ligaments snd tendons about her ankles. On Thursday, the twenty, first day after the operation, the plaster casts were removed and Miss Bowman was able to walk. She uses a stick snd a crutch, but says she feels sure she will soon be able to discard them both and walk as well as other people do. George Bettner of Bayonne, who has a large collection of geese and chickens, says he can recognise, any of his fowl, even after they are killed and dressed. Because of this faculty the family of John O'Shaugh- neasy missed a gooee dinner they had planned. Bettner went to feed his flock recently and found the finest goose In the lot bad been stolen and he' determined to have re venge. He was told by neighbors that the O'Shaughnessys were going to have a goose for dinner and he sought Chief of Police Manner. Then detectives started for the O'Shaugh. nessy domicile. As they were coming around the corner Mrs. O'Shaughnessy grasped the goose and Jumped into bed. The head of the house declared he had seen nothing of anybody's goose, but the youngest child prattled Innocently, "Mamma has a nice goose for dinner today." The detectives made a search. They found Mrs. O'Shaughnessy in bed, but she got up on request. The police wrapped the goose In a newspaper and took tt to headquarters. The. other day a friend said to James R. Keene: "Why do you work so hard? You have all the money you should want, and yet you keep on aa hard as when you were collecting your first million." The veteran Wall street operator lighted a fresh cigar and replied: "Ever see a young dog chase a rabbit? He's Just as eager after his second and third aa he waa after the first. As the dog grows old he draws all his ex perience to bis aid, and though he may lack speed he makes up in finesse. He dis plays as much desire to catch his hundredth rabbit aa he. did his first. Catching them only whets his appetite, but does not glut It. Say, I'd rather talk horse." ' . Few Interments have taken place In Trin ity church yard. New York, of late years. The other day one occurred, however, and the Incident set the tongues of the gosslpt to wagging. MJss May White, granddaugh ter of the revolutionary patriot Jacob Le Roy. waa burled in the vault of her illus trious ancestor. Great canvas shields were spread over the tall Iron fence to prevent the gathering of a throng, but this served only to whet curiosity. Thousands gath ered on Broadway to witness the strange spectacle a burial In the very heart's heart of New York. The Only Obstacle. Springfield Republican. Resolutions favoring election of United States senators by popular vote bava been adopted In several western legislatures by a nearly unanimous vote. Only the United States senate Itself, by blocking the sub mission of a .constitutional amendment, stands In the way ot this change. Appar ently a large majority of the members ot that body feel that they would have no chance of getting back on a popular voU. A PORGOTTElf EPISODE. nerole Incident In the life ef Conrad K. Jordan. Washington Poet. "The evil that men do," says Shakes peare, "lives after them; the good Is oft Interred with their bones." We might paraphrase the quotation and say that the official record of a public functionary Is often all we ran find In his obituary nd tlces, whereas the qualities which gave him his chief claim to our esteem as a man are promptly forgotten. Conrad N. Jordan, formerly United States treasurer, was a person of forceful char acter, and not devoid of 'sentiment, but cherishing a wholesome horror of over doing it. Forty years ago he was a hard working clerk in a New York City bank and lived In New Jersey to economize. One bitterly cold Deeember evening ss he was crossing the Cortlandt street ferry on his way home he had an adventure. A young woman; who, with her betrothed, had been hurrying to catch the boat, boarded It as It wss moving out, but. dis covering that her escort had been left be hind, turned and tried to jump back, missed her footing and fell Into the river, disappearing In the swirl of water and broken Ice. Young Jordan, without an In stant's hesitation, sprang In after her, brought her to the surface and held her there, at the risk of his own life, till the deck bands could fish them both out with rope and boat hooks. With his characteristic contempt for what he called "flummery," he declined to let any one know his name, but through the men who bad contributed enough dry clothing to send him home his address was traced, and presumably he received a letter from James D. Stryker of Lambertvllle, N. J., the young woman's father. Inclosing $100. Jordan returned the money at ones with a brief message to the effect, that the rescue was merely a response to a humane Impulse, and did not call for compensation. Miss Stryker. however, was not to be put off In this way, but sent htm a case of doTiestlc currant wine, with a note saying that he must accept It. as she had made It with her own hands. The father also called In person then, and every year thereafter till his death, to express his thanks to Jordan afresh. "And so they were married, and lived happily ever after?" Not a bit of It. This was not a fairy story or a romance In a 10-cent magazine, but an event In real life. Miss Stryker married the man for whom she got her lea water plunge, while her savior went his ownway and reared a separate family, who probably would never have known what their father had done bad not somebody besides himself let thffm Into the secret. In Mr. Stryker's will, opened In 1883, was found a bequest of $250 to Conrad N. Jordan for the pur chase of a souvenir of his December duck ing for an unknown woman's sake. There were a few persons In Washing ton when Mr. Jordan was her under the first Cleveland administration who sneered at him because he showed scant regard for the civil war record of a subordinate whom he had to - discharge for drunken ness and Insubordination. By what right they demanded, should this stay-at-home civilian have authority to take away the livelihood of a man who had had the cour age to risk his life for bis country? The mond. Is that not all the brave men prove It by gelng to war. PERSONAL NOTES. Australian merchants have placed In this cpuntry a big order tor British flags. It Is a reversal of the famous commercial ma21m when the flag follows trade. ' Senator Patterson is one of the most en tertaining men In congress. He used to write jokes for circus clowns, and much ef his native humor ta still preserved, . ' King Leopold, the gay monarch of Bel glum, regretfully announces that he will not be able to come to this country for at least a year. The country can stand it If he can. At his Washington's birthday reception at the state house In Boston . Governor Bates of Massachusetts shook the hands of more citizens of the state than bad any of its governors In any preceding similar function, The number was 3,177, Including three Infants. Prof. Shaler of Harvard pelnts out that European peasants sre suspicious of ."the people In the next valley.'.' Age-long feuds like that between Sienna and Florence are common. In this .country, .owing to con stant travel, the most Ignorant are ready to trust strangers. - - United States Senator John W. Daniel of Virginia, In an address In Baltimore Thurs day evening on "The Thoughts of Robert E. Lee," said that the nineteenth century produced five soldiers to whom the world has given the title of great these being Napoleon, Wellington, Von Moltke, Grant and Robert E. Lee. i Two elderly women were sitting In the house gallery in Washington carefully scanning the various members of that body on the floor below. One of them turned to a man next her and Inquired: "Could you tell me the name of that patrlarohlal gen tleman there?" "That is General Oros venor," was the reply. "Orosvenor? Gros venor?" the woman exclaimed. "I wonder If It is possible for a man to be as wise as he looks?" . Senator Foraker, like numbers of his col leagues. Is not a society man and only "does society" from a sense of obligation. During one of the laat nights of the season when he, with Mrs. Foraker, was obliged to attend several liinctlons the same even ing, .he gave this order to his coachman: "Drive us to Senator -'a to dinner, then call and take us to Mrs. 'a reception. At 12 call for us to go to the embassy and after that take us to the madhouse." The doyen of French medical men Is Dr. David of Montpelller. who celebrated his 103d birthday on February 10. The doctor was born on the 19th day of Pluvlose, year IX, and practiced medicine until he reached the ripe age of 98 years. He then retired and went to live at Montpelller, with his daughter. Dr. David Is In full possession ot all his faculties. He Is an authority on certain diseases, and patients still come to consult htm, some from great distances. T7 PAIR FOR PAIR , Means a pair of suspen dera for each pair of trousers. That's what every man nwa ought to have. ' If It's one pcir or five pair, we have what you want sa we have, live styles and colors ot a new Lisle suspender of ths "Crown" manufacture, that are out of the ordinary; light In weight, but heavy and strong In service. On' sale today at Mo a pair. I different colors In S different windows. Notice , them on 16 th street side. yo CLOTIIIXQ FITS LIKE OUliS. POTT TEIX THE DOCTORS. I Ins.raVee Acalnat Eapenae er Death front Appendicitis. New York Times. The latest novelty among the speculators la Insurance has made its appearance at Lloyd's, In the shape of Insurance against expense or death from appendicitis. The applicant who Is free from a well-defined or discoverable predisposition to Inflamma tion ot that Inconvenient and apparently Inexplicable organ, the appendix vermi formts, for an annual premium M S shillings gets a policy guaranteeing his direct ex penses if he has to undergo an operation, up to the amount et 200. and tt he dies during or In consequence of such operation the designated beneficiary recelvea a lump sum ot 200. The new scheme Is said to be taking very well and large numbers of such policies have been written.' The scheme Is legitimate enough, and tales Its place with specialised accident Insurance. From the point of view of the underwriters, however, It may be found necessary to In sert a clause In such policies making their possession confidential between Insurers and Insured. It the surgeons knew who held Insurance of this kind there Is reason to fear that the number ot operations Im mediately and Imperatively necessary would show an alarming Increase. " FOISTED REMARKS. Towns (read!ng "Headquarters for $3 pants." Well, that's queer Browne What's queer about ItT -Towne I always thought $3 pants were designed tor other quarters. Chicago 1'ribune. "I'll never speak to them again P ' "Oh I You shouldn't get as cross aa that Flonele!" "No! I won't speak to them again, and I'll tell them so every time I see them,!" Puck. "Slr " said the old lady, "1 am quite con sumed with thirst. Can you direct me to a soda water fountain in this neighborhood?" "Soda water!" exclaimed Weary Walker. "Say, lady, you don't deserve to have a thirst" Philadelphia Press. t "I wonder," said the Qllmor street reel dent, "who originated the expression, Where there's nmoke there must be lire.' " "I dunno," atd the eaet ender, "but I'll bet he made the remark before my furnace was Invented." Baltimore News. h "Is he still superintendent of that powder mill?'' "Oh, no; he's traveling now." "Is that so?" "Yes. At any rate, he hasn't come' down since the explosion laat week." Detroit Free Press. "Shakenpeare says there is good In every thing," remarked Mrs. Buyby. i- "The old duffer evidently never went shopping with bis wife," rejoined the frelgnt payer of the combination, "or he wouldn't have made a fool assertion like that." Chicago News. "I see that somebody has figured out that Adellna Pattl will receive during her tour $3.47 for each note she utters and 12.50 every time she breathes." "Say, wouldn't that make you short winded r' Cleveland plain. Dealer. BOMB MADE BREAD. W. D. Nesblt In Chicago Tribune. It makes a fellow hungry Just to think about the bread Of honest old-time baking, on which In youth he fed The loaf that showed the traces of the pan's Intense carern. But bulged above those wrinkles as If spreading; out to bless The ones who gased upon It with a Joyous appetite That revelled In the prospect of the slices thick and light. s Today the chemists make It and the flour la analysed; t The bread Is scientific and Is properly devised; The baker's wagon brings It It la con scienceless and hard; The cooking schools concoct tt by tha rules upon a card; Exactness and precision guide the baking, It Is said, - But, oh, they never equal the old-fashioned loaf of bread 1 ........ Sometimes there comes a fancy from the mist of yesterdays That holds the yeasty perfume of the dough set out to raise, u And when we hear the patting on the floury mixing board, And see the old-time oven with Its load of goodness stored. ' And when the door Is opened, what a.eatis- fylns; gust Of pungent, rich aroma floated from the browning crust! .., The breakfast foods displace It there are foods you needn't chew, And foods that give the stomach not a single thing to do, And foods with wondrous titles, that have leaped to sudden fame The old-time bread was splendid, wtth the same old-fashioned name; It held the balm of, summer and the'glory of the wheat :o And breathed an Invitation that would make you come and eat. i The good old times are going, and the good old bread Is gone! The thick cut slice of "home made" with the wealth of Jam thereon! t? The piece of bread and butter thgt was such a boyhood boon And Ailed the void that clamored In the hungry afternoon! And, oh, Lucullan fancy! You were fit for any fate. When home made bread was floating In the gravy on your plate! Its crumb was always flaky, and Its crust was never burned; Tour mother used to make It (but-your sister never learned). The constant march of progress hurls our cherished things afar The home made bread no longer flanks the apple butter Jar ., No more the tang of spices tells that something good Is spread . A-top a tempting portion of the good old fashioned bread! CLOSING OUT txt a j.n all nlata Cameras at Half Prlve. Big discounts on all supplies. Call or write for prices. J. C. HUTESON & CO., 21$ 8. 16th St., Paxton Block.' n 'M. S. irusa. Mi