Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 06, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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V ? 'WejcloeeBeturdsys at I, p. m. , Bee March 6, 190S.
TNew Elastic IJelts, with five
and pn:ttj .fj.DO and fl.75 tafh,. ,. .
Ky Double Elastic Belts with large back piece afid dip front
bi&kles, at f2.00' and; 2.Q0 each. rv ..- ..... ,.-:
Elastic Helta, with small, dainty back and front buckles, at
$t:fc each. a. ' . - '
The new Combination Belt of .velvet.and elastic, with beauti
fujhjuckles, at $2.25 and $2.75 each.
!i'The Arabelld'Belt afid Tlain Tailored Belts at '25c : and
SOceach. - .-. . ..
Also a large line of I'ancy Silk, Satin and Hraid Belts, in 11
the latest designsranging in price- from 75c to $3.00 each.
We also desirei t call your attention to oQr jiewJipe of. Wrist
B&h, in seal, elk hide and walrus, at 75c, f 1.25,. f 1.50, $1.75, $2.23,
$2.$0 and $3.00 eachr' ' " v ' ' ' ' "' 1 ' "
i ..
. w
t. M. C. A. Building. Corner
I 'J! 1
sumnson wltiwnwerand begintaklDg testl
moay next .Monday nigh.. . ,
v Hall limit Dosvn Bills.
ikflntor i jlah of De'uglas ' Introduced
a tfozen ' bill " pfrfTldlDg" amendments
to "the constitution. ..Two , of the
bills, at least, fnateriilly affect cities' of
the metropolitan class. One relative to
ths merging of governments of cities of the
metropolitan class and- counties wherein
such; cities are located, 'beads an entire
new section, "providing that the two- gov
erdrfaents may ts merjed when a proposi
tion to do so has been voted by a majority
of the votes cast in the city and county."
Anetber provides that the legislature
may authorize cltle&to frame 'charters, but
sui:h charters wllh hot 'be ' operative or
amendment made thereto until verified by
a vote of the -peopi,-Other -amendments
1 provide thef salaries of BUte. officers shall
be Aged by the legislature;'1 legislators ahall
serte four yeftrs4,; raptUig ihe. right to
treSsmrers to Invest the permanent school
fund; allowing the. legislature to .Increase
the Dumber of supreme court Judges to
sevn; limit tha number . of . state officers
and any additional office, must be created
by the legislature by a' two-thirds vote; tne
legislature may author!', trial by a Jury of
leas' than twelve men In Courts Inferior to
the district courts, and In civil actions flve
slxtts of the Jury may bring In. a verdict;
providing for Using Voting machines; al
lowmg the hSialBtUr to Increase the hum
ber Judgs.K .,,
Aarre a Clalana . BUI. -
The wolf iounty claim of $40,000 and the
beet, sugar (Malm of $48,000 are to be recom
mended by the, -hoes elaltns Committee for
payihent. The commiUea has completed Its
work, and if will submit Its bill tomorrow.
The ''largest Item., by many times, Is tha
wolf ounty claim. The sugar bounty claim
was embodied In a jseparata bill. ... , - .. '
tij.- fnanqe ways;'jpd mean tomntlttee
wlll intfoduce its expense appropriation bill
toniorfov, hrthoughtt ls not tat complete.
Tha total ameunt ot itis bjlL win materlally
exefed tbji, of 190L I'hls Is due to general
Increased demands of various state Institu
tions. Tha university receives . $704,000, a
larger sum. tJyin iast aslon-. The HaaeWgs
asylum's fund. Is raised 40 .per wnt and
240 new MlTs'wre'prevldea'foT itlha peni
tentiary. On the other hadd soma retrench-.
Ing was dona, Tho' $25,000 appropriation,
to-, the') stata . wjlllt4 for encampment was
lopped 'off. The demand of tha Institution
for tha Deaf and. Dumb 'at. Omaha for con
nftcttops vrUbAtt-:ivatr- vorln was1 rejected.'
The. h9u,e, cowsuUtes on pubUo. lapo and
buildings yielded to a demand from, a sol
diers' home ' delegation and decided to
recommend $45,000 fer a hospital at MUford.
A deluge of bills, 100 In all, will sweep
Into tho house tomon-ow, tha fortieth legis
lative, day. Among tha number are aeveral
would-be , antl-borporatlon measures. .' ,
'A well developed opposition to the pend
ing' sifting committee bs sprung; up. Its
object ' Is! to Jiave, tbV house do Its own
sifting In. committee of tha whole.
DaaclaaMca Object to Taxtt BUI
' Gotttgr - f the nevew'
, 4 , Corosslttea.
. Fnatn a- Staff. Correspondent) '
, UNCOLJ,' March e:--(Spscial.) Consld
erablei flir ha beeoVworlLBd Up betWeea'
Lteutajiant Goverwof NcQUtoo and - tHa
nouglaa.'. .county ' delegation ' la the' senate
over B. t P. i48L-' The bill1' provide far 1 the
taxathJd of railroad teftnlnat ana telegraph
property far munldhpal purposes upon an
aestRsstnentinaadatiyttra city taxing author
ltleSj The. Omaha. 'delegation -desired the
till VciArfeXl H. the eommtwea on ' muni
cipal sjralrs. and-ed requested; Lieutenant
Governor McOllfon disregarded the request
and referred the bill to the committee on
revenue. This Is -the -eooHnlttee that Is
now holding up a similar bill by Hall of
Twuglss arid la ths committee that assisted
In' drartittg the Pw(i reven'ua 'blU' and' Its
member ?ael txnown tP .'e' unfavorable to
anf revenue measure that, would materially
change "th " -lair latln to ifaUroedj taxa
tion. , Te' c'o'mmUtee on1 municipal, affairs
would give the bill "favorable consideration.
In view of the faet--that the house
btltror a'slmllar-SatnrewaTererred to the
committee on cltler and towns, tthe Douglas
delegatoij In' 'tr) wsWater1sr 'covslders'bly
at outs, rtth Mr. McQllton' for his actions.
"I dld.jnr duty," said Ueutentant Gov
ernor McQllton, "when I referred that, bill
to thej revenue committee. The Douglas
members requested me to refer it to tha
commluee on municipal affairs, .but I could
not do -U and do my'twom duty." We have
etandtngi committees for a purpose and
"'",.v"""", i .w. H ' " ,cltP' ina provisions
H Is mf- duty to refer bills o the proper' "??.thJ? c,J11to dnne h duties of tha audi-eommitr-r
1. none of my business ' jft tth'et'h'oa VX0.
bers or policy holders. .
If 'the consumptive could
only-keep from getting worse
it wjdula b'j -same encourage
ment,' Sciptt's Emulsion at least
giveip tired nature a breathing
spelLj : TheJ nourishment and
strength obtained from Scott's
Emuion are a great relief to
the exhausted system.
mistreatment alone otten
1 f aL . a. ?
-bHnfTS "
. '
strength to the lungs and flesh
,, . , .
to the body. v"1- V
Vj,.' -, v. ' -'-,".' .
f - . v;
yjt tsf-Wfes Sssasla
ftOOTT ST lOWHt. CWuuass, s)ssit St, H. T
enables - the consumptive to ttTnraernx. "S
gathyr,force,enough to , throw UoWlS:
nff ttVf rilRPai altogether ' ' leKlslalure, nd more than 3U days in term.
Scc&t's Emulsion -
, Our $ewbelts are Jin and thej. Beyer pretty as novr, . - -
oxodiaed si Ivor links in back
Sixteenth and Douglas St$
what the house oes. I have been on many
occasions Importuned to refer bills to cer
tain committees, but I shall never do It,
unless the comnvlttee desired. Is the one
to which tho bill should be referred."
In view of the fact that Lieutenant Governor-
McGlItgn. had a., precedent, .to follow
the Douglas members could see no reason
why the bill i should .-'aot have been re
ferred to the committee on cities and
Senators Drop la. Bills.
. - r : .
The last day but One on which bills could
be Introduced was taken advantage. of and
there was a deluge... Hall of -Douglas In
troduced an even down to amend the state
constitution. Two Mile, by Hall will also
likely be of much lpterest to Omaha. These
refer to the game of "policy v" Hall's bill
includes- policy In the section relating to
gambling. The b.".l also provides that all
persona who have any kind of gaming de
vices or who make or ' sell 'policy dips
shall be prosecuted. 1 ' -. V
The South Omaha charter' wmendmenU
were Introduced 'by Howell".''. The 'amend
ments make no ' reference to aT board of
fire and police commissioners.
' H. R. 18, allowing troanty treasurers
seal, was recommenced forpaSsage by the
committee of the .'wbole. ' The -bill haa been
before.' many legtalaturesrMd Is now In "a
fair way to become a: law. ' , y
B. F. 87, the exereptlolh.;'a'w"ioolt up
most of the afternoon rod s. amended--fa
irequenuy luai i muer coma' ntt recog
nise It. The bill now provides that $35 per
month of a wage-earner la exempt from
garnishment. With the exception of that
change the bill Is the same as upon the
statutes at present
S.-F.-85, the bulk sale law had rough
sailing, but was. finally recommended for
passage. Howell of Douglas' made a Hard
fight for the bill.
Marshall of Otoe sprung a aenaatlon at
the end of the last round of the day's pro
ceedings by - moving It take a recess untP
7 o'clock tonight, Anderson of Saline sec
onded the motion.' . The motion was lost
in a deluge of noes.
The senate ' adjourned at 4:10 o'clock,
after putting In a .most atrenuoua day.
t Bemtfa.
Standing committees of the senate re
ported the following bills for general file:
B,vF.-17$k defining where it shall be lawful
foe. mutual. Insurance), company to Insure
nronertv. A ...
8..F. .174; providing wjien xallroad com-
panlaa may sell goods not: vailed for.
b. f. 1Z4, An act for Use relief of Daniel
Ik- Johnson.
S. F. 67; compelling railroad eompanles
to provide suitable waiting-rooms and ac
commodatlona for the public.
H. TL 136, relating to deposits of county
fl. F. 3(, providing for payment of costs
In misdemeanor cases.
The' senate went Into co"mmtttee' of the
whole to discuss bills on general file.
8. F. 85, bulk sale law ordered engrossed
Senate adjourned at 11 until 2 o'clock.
A'fiernoem Session.
The senate, went 1st committee of the
whole, with Hair'son of Hall in the chair.
8. F. 128, defining who shall be. permitted
to practice as attorneys. Ordered engrossed.
H. R. 8, providing when persons shall be
admitted to the bar and presiding for eg.
amlnatlon, .
S. F. 154, providing tor a commission to
revlBe the statutes; Indefinitely postponed.
S. F. 87, exemption. law, amended, and or
dered engrossed. The amendments Drovldi.
that wage-earners be exempt for 835 dsi
month. The Uj remains, .almost like tho
M-f?Beui law.
S. F. 88. Indefinitely postpone!.
H. R. 18. engrossed; .granting, county
treasurers a seaL
S. F. 118, relating " to, employment o
teachers bf school boards., ord.rd, cn
Senate adjourned at 4:30.
Hew Bills,
B '.r.-,-S0'. br O'Neill f Lancaster-To" pre
vent life Inirtiranca (.nmiuni., .......
i ineni associaiions rrom making special oi
oiner contracts - aiscrlmlnaUng . . between
ITfe!" " M e and expsctatlon o
Ti.1?1' ''N ot Lancaster-Provide
Ing. that life insurance - companies shall
".. iJu.o .iimiurai oo AoienK'Jia aotuarles
mortality or "combined expert
8. F. fej. b
by. Howell of Douglas (by re
elding for the jt a minittlon am
land SUrvAvitm V i." . . . .
quest) l'roy
.1K3, Jjy feaaiMMMnn of -6aere (by re
"V-To Provlde for the Insurance of thi
dings, books and records of rountlei
uuiiuiiisb, dookb ana records of counties
; 8. F. 2M. by Saunders of Douglasto en
aomeatio mutual benefit associations
ilur"l" companu-s doing bunlnesc
ma natural i.remium. pr stlpuluced pre.
iiiiuin mD, to, r. lnnurM-thlr Vleks In, other
uimuai or joini sioca legal rserv
vr to accept me urnvls on
8. F. 156 by Saunders of Douglas-tProvid
.'" ,.ulal corporations be appointee
8. F. 254, by Saunders of Douglae Cor
'V,0""..10.06 appointed administrator.
8. F. 257. by Biundrri nt nnimUu.
vidlng that corporations aa receiver slv
no bund.
8. F. 268. bv BaundMra nr. rini.i.. i tj.
vidlng that corporations aa executors shall
8. F. 2M. bv JenHlnva nr-'Th.t,.. k
quest) To declare the place of delivery ol
Intoxicating liauora te b tha nlu... r.r
I 8. F. 2tio, by Hall of Douglas-That city
v . . .. . . . . u i uiirii i) y i ne city.
8. F. 261. by Hall of Douglas-Joint reso
luts-in to amend constitution, salary o
officers flxd by to-thirds vete of leglslu
lure, not to be changed In four
.8 F. 2S. by Hall of Douglas-Joint reso
lution proposing an amendment to the con-
muni,,, iriaiivs 10 me merging :of th
uvc-riiuiciu hi chips or ine metrc(Millta
rlas and the auvernment tt th .............
j ?T r. rVy He!. DouXi.
le4tatiian rirnnnnlritf Ia em.n.s f
Joint rrm'
' ; . H. K. in, Dy nail ot , lViuicias A V Join
' resolution proposing an amecduient to Con-
. aalk,.l.n pAlaflr0 t .......... .. . . .
prm nrt.,!1'',rlcf 'ou
, msy j(tablJsh.lBry.
, s; f.ts.,of
MuMori- prescribing th.
4"Vtrea'st; s
m ........ . . . o .u . 'M.ii-Tiira Ll. ll oi FU
court juagra; leglslatu'
Douglas Joint reso.
intendment ia. I'tin,.!.
- nresoriomg tne -Biannevi-ln which
vrree snn-i.cBi: je voirnt mttcnjna.
luiiou to amend Couatitutiun, providing for
tha ln-eetment of the permanent - niic
tlrtnnl fund of -th" state; irnMtliig Invest
ment of permanent school fund In school
district bunds.
B. F. 27, by Hull of Iouglna Joint resn
)ullon to amend the I'onm tuition relating
to Increase In number of supreme and dis
trict cdurt Judges. . ''
H. Kr by Mall-of rn,glnajolnt reso
lution to smeml the Constitution relating
to Judicial por, giving Irglslature power
to establish Judiciary.
H. V. SK9, by Hall of pouglas Joint reso
ltitlon to amend the Constitution relating
to number of Judg of he supreme court
and their term of office, making seven su
preme Judges. -
S. F. 270. by Hall fit DouglasJoint reso
lutlon to amend Constitution, limiting the
number of executive state officers, allowing
legislature to create or abohah state offices.
S. F. 271, by Hall of Douglas Joint reso
lution to amend Constitution, relating to
trial by Jury; a verdict by five-sixths of
Jury In civil cases and less than twelve men
on a Jury.
H. F. 272. by Hall of Douglas (by request)
To amend the Criminal Code to Include
keepers of a policy wheel or writer of policy
slip or lottery tickets.
8. F. 273. by Hall of Douglas (By request)
To amend the Criminal Code, making It
penitentiary offense to keep gambling fix
tures, Including policy wheeis.
H. F. 274 by Howell of Douglas Houtn
Omaha charter, as was Introduced In the
house, except that police commissioner bond
Is not referred to.
Discusses Claims, State Treasury and
' Haa First Boasd on Bet.
tilt Bill.
". '
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, March 5. (Special.) The
house rode rdagh-shod over Its committee
on accounts and expenditures by refusing
to concur In a report submitted recommend
ing the allowance of a list ' of important
claims, among them being' a bill for print
ing the blue books and the bouse file covers.
The entire bill was:
' ' Bill Ren- Al-
Hered. lowed.
State Journal Co., 150 bine
I 450.00
Harry Porter, 150 file covers
Li. N. Pomerine, burners.
mantles, etc
Newell Novelty Co., keys,
locks and labor
Hardy Furniture Co., car
pets, furniture and settees. $1,269 43
Benton & Benton,: gov
ernors meosageit, letter-
heads 'and envelopes....:
. C Cox. Dlumbina 21.00
T. J. Thorpe & Co., rubber
stamps .
Llneoln Livery Supply Co.,
towel service ;
Lincoln Transfer Co., cVrsy-
Total ,
Hathorn of Red Willow, chairman ot the
committee, urged .that the committee had
availed Itself of every means of determin
ing the justice of these claims and had
satisfied Itself ' of the result.
Sweezy. of . Adams launched Into a vig
orous attack' of the report, demanding that
tne nouse De allowed to make lurtner in
vestigation, so as to satisfy itself of the
justice of the claims,. 'He took particular
ftxcepUoa to the Item for blue books, house
ler covers aid - furniture,, carpets - and
settees. He declared the bills as to these
Items all appeared, to be exorbitant and
said for that reason - further Investigation
should be had.
weesy la Inqwlsttlve.
"They say We should' pay $1,205 for fur
niture, carpets and settees," exclaimed Mr.
Swe'ezy. "Where Is" the furniture? Where
are the-carpets? Where are the settees 7"
he demanded.' " '
Mr. Sweety was particularly opposed to
accepting the committee's report and al
lowing' the bills on that basis,, because, the
contracts for these Items Lad been let, not
by the house, but by the secretary ot
state, whose right to let such contracts
was -questionable,. In ' his judgment. He
said he was after Information and wanted
to know It the house thdught It was right
to "blindly" accept the report of the com
mlftee as. float-$ tola, mattery , t 1'.v:.':
Speaker Mockett said that as ths mem
ber had ajikari fnr InfnrmAtlnn hit wntiM
say that the committee was disposed to be
eminently fair.
"Former committees have gone over slm
liar claims snd allowed them without ever
referring them to the house at all," said
the speaker, "but this committee, desirous
of being fair to all, has submitted It
work to the house, and. I think, we should
not repudiate a single claim."
Ths hill for carpets, furniture and
settees was contrasted during the session
ot 1901. Hathorn, In reply to Sweezy, said
the .committee bad located every Item un.
der this head.
Ferry of Furnas observed that these con.
tracts were made by the secretary of state,
a precedent followed In this state for years,
and questioned the moral or legal right ot
the legislature to repudiate a single claim.
Junkln ot Gosper said he was reliably
Informed that the secretary of state, when
he made the contract for the printing of
the blue -books, wss under the impression
that they were to cost enly $1.60 each In
stad of $3.
Sweezy then moved to reject the Items
of blue books and house UTe covers and al
low for the former $150 and for the latter
$260, and the motion was carried.
Allow Bills aa Anaeaded.
Epurlock in offering an amendment' to
aweezy's motion sarcastically declared that
Sweezy was a "standing member" and that
yet there were chairs lu the house, even. It
Sweezy did furnish bis own, "for which he
seems to have little use."
Epurlock asked if the house should go on
record as a dishonorable creditor. He said
.hgt such claims had been allowed from
time immemorial and he was in favor of
allowing these.
"If the gentleman from Adams objected
to these claims why did he not go before
the committee at the proper time and
make known hla objections and not wait
until this report waa Introduced?" bs
asked. Continuing be said the house should
iccept the report and work of this commit
.ee or investigate the work and reports of
.-very one of its forty-four committees.
"Will the gentleman demand that?" ssked
In reply to Spurlock's reference Sweezy
retorted that he thought the house could
cpnomlie In the supply of chairs, tht one
ought to do tor Epurlock and himself, be
cause when he wss not on the floor bis col-
'esgue from Cass was.
The repartee created considerable amuse
Sweezy then added that he waa led to In
sist on thorough investigation of this re
port, as he recalled that a preceding legls
lature had allowed a bill for $4,000 for wall
The Epurlock amendment that tha report
n clalma aa amended by the Sweear motion
be adopted waa carried.
First Debate aa Reveaae BUI.
At this time the general revenue bill was
submitted by the revenue committee, which
reported the bill for passage with fifty
amendments. Sweezy moved that the bill
be . placed at the head of general Ola, to be
considered In committee of the whole and
that the amendments be printed.
Perry moved as a substitute that. the re
port of the committee be adopted and the
1.111 placed on general file and the motion
was. at once, aeconded by Rouse of Hall.
This precipitated another spirited de
bate. Sweezy accused Perry and his aids
of trying to kill the bill, saying:
- "The gentleman from Furnaa and others
opposed to the revenue bill have sought
this opportunity of forcing the adoption of
this committee report, with a view ot se
curing the adoption In the vote on that mo
tion of the amendments to the bill, with
the ultimate design of killing th bill."
Sweezy Is thought by this remark to have
disclosed ' Ms friendliness for the messMre
as It was framed.
Wilson of rawnee took a hand In the
discussion, siding with Sweezy, contending
that the bill was the most vlta measure
before the legislature and should be dealt
with wlthotit Interruption. Sears of Burt,
while of -committing himself as exactly
favorable to Sweety's motion, urged sctlon
on the bill, contending with Wilson and
others that It waa 'of such vast Importance
that other. bills should wait upon It.
Gregg Interposed, ' the' suggestion that It
might be well .for' the house to work
through the days next week, on all other
matters! and ?put. In the ' nights on the
revenue bill.'.'. Recess" was then taken for
noon' without further action on the report
or motions. . " ' ' '-
Immediately; ot 'Converting In the after
nooif a motion by Joses of Otoe, embody
ing Gregg's ldak,vwas . carried and con
sideration of the revenue bill, which was
placed on grDeral ,BI, will begin Mon
day -at J-p. . m.'k knj .continued during even
ing sessions until completed.
'!sm HktHilsl Bill.
;.."... :' . ' '
The house passed H:,K. 128, by Jouvenst
of Boone,' providing 'for- gathering, com'--(tiling
and publishjtrgagrlculturtl snd In
duetrlal -statlsticsf. H.'.Ri IU, by Warner
of Lancsster'i providing. for Indictment, In
formation, complaint and summons against
and service opon corporations In criminal
cases. ' ' ' " . " ;'.', " "
A report ifrbra the 'iudictary committee
was then read' and adopted, recommending
the resolution by Knox gt Buffalo, provld
Ing for the appointment of , a committee ot
Ave to Investigate the so-called Bartley
cigar box and the official conduct ot ex
State Treasurer: Meserve, Insofar as It ts
aald to bsve been involved in this matter.
Tha report waa . adopted on motion ot
Knox, who asked unanimous consent to
have ths speaker name the committee. The
speaker named these members: Knox of
Buffalo, Ferrar of Hall, nibble of Saline,
Nelson end Kennedy of Douglas.
Report ot Telephones.
This report " was submitted by Christy,
Ferrar and McLaln, the committee ap
pointed to act with a rtnate committee
In Investigating telephone rates In Ne
Ynur rnmttlllfM nnninlH In ln.....ffat
telephone rates, has find the matter under
consideration and by the courtesy of a like
committee irom tne senate we nave Deen
able to go -very extensively Into the ques
tlon of rates over the state of Nebraska
ana many other states In the union, havlni
in our possession over 240 naaes or Drtnte
matter of the testimony taken by the com
mittees oi tne nouse ana tne senate, ana
beg to submit the following report:
- .The telephone, being of rather recent In
vention, some of the companies doing busi
ness In the state are paying a royalty, and
nigh as the rate may seem It would appear
that the comnanien are able, to na.v verv
small dividends, and It Is the opinion of your
committee that legislation controlling rates
at present would be a mistake, but that
any legislation Intended to foster competir
tlon would be proper and desirable.
We-will further suggest that the Question
of rates be left for adjustment between the
parties granting a franchise and the In
stalling company.
A motion by Sellers of Platte that the
house begin March 9, meeting at 8 Instead
of 10 a. m., was defeated by a vote of 46 to
The house In committee of the whole
recommended for passage H. R. 823. by
Hathorn of Red Willow, granting to Russel
F. Loomls a certain quarter section ot lend
In Red Willow county. The bill has been
the subject of a,serles of fierce debates and
Dr. Hathorn,' In gaining Its reoommenda
tlon, baa scored, a signal victory as ths re
sult ot a most persistent fight.
Loomfs filed on the land as a homestead
In 1872. He was given his first and second
papers by the government. But after ob
taining his second pspers the government
notified him that' the land had been turned
over to the state of Nebraska tfs school
land. Loomts began "suit agalast the. .gov
ernment and 'after years was advlseh that
he would, have t leek to the stats tor re
lief. He has been striving ever sines to
get bis claim,
The bill as recommended for passage Is
amended so as to reimburse tha school und
for ths price ot the unimproved land which
Is to go to Mr. Ioomls.
It wss during- the afternoon session that
Sears submitted his statement on 'the
Stuefer case, and Nelson seconded his mo
tlon, which be afterward withdrew. '
The house adjourned at 6 o'clock. .
(Continued from First Page.)
tute. Douds Btatlon, Grant Hanshaw
George A. Hlsaem, regulars; brother . of
Grant Hanshaw and J. T. Hlsaem, substl
tute. Farmlngton, Arvel R. Grant, reg
ular; Fannie Grant, substitute. Kalona,
Marlon E. Kehler, Obed T. Dunlap, John
A. Klrkpatrlck, regulars; Nellie Kehler
Thomas Adams, Horton Klrkpatrlck, sub'
stltutes. Ksoeauqua, Jesse Parker, reg
ular; Ralph LJndsley, substitute. River
side, William R. Hardy, regular; Benjamin
Godlove, substitute. Stockport, Frank N,
Lucas, regular; Samuel Douglas, substl
Attempt t Cat Down tne Hnsnker
( Deputy Sheriffs In ChlensTO)
, Causes Trouble. .
CHICAGO, March E. Judge Hancey today
entered an order permitting the members
of the county board to show causs within
five days why they should not be punished
for contempt of. court for their failure to
make an appropriation to pay salaries of
employes sssigned to the sheriff's office by
the judges.
The sctlon Is taken in conjunction with
mandamus proceedings Instituted for the
purpose of enforcing the right of tha.
sheriff to the number of employes allowed
him. by the circuit court judges. The con
tempt proceedings are In the nature of a
"flank movement" by Sheriff Tbomaa Bar
rett and are based upon the Ignoring by th
board of the authority of the judges.
When the budget was passed laat week
by the board, aixty-elght men were cut off
the sheriff's staff of assistants. It is de
clarrd Impossible to conduct the business
of the court with the number remaining
and that If the deputies are not restored
some of the county courts will be forced to
close their doors.
Utant Strides.
Connoisseurs, the fashionable world
those whose palates easily detect superior
ity In excellence, set the stamp of approval
and by general adoption are advancing the
popular brand of Moet Chandon "White
Seal" champagne towards exclusive use at
a very rapid pace. . The increase In salea
for the year 1902 over 1901 was 367,116 bot
ties, a record never before attained In the
history of ths champagne trade, marking
gain equal to 564 per cent greater than the
combined Increaae of all other branda ot
champagne. Moet & Cbandon White Seal 1
acknowledged aa "The Acme of Perfection.
To Fill Vaeaaey la CoBsrreaa.
SALEM, Ore., March I. Governor Cham
brlaln has Issued a proclamation nxln
Monday, June 1. aa tha date for an election
Tor niitng tne vacancy in congress caused
by the deatn or congressman Thomas it
j ongue oi ins r irsi aisirici..
axative romo Quinine
Cure CoM to On Day, Crzpla3Dy
fen. a5e
Republican With to Get Treaties Ratified
u Speedily m Possible
President M ill Not Consider New t en-
ana Dlreetor Till He Hears Dcfln
Heir that Present lnenm
bent Will Realsjn.
WASHINGTON, Msrch 6. The repub
lican senators will make a united effort to
secure action on the Panama canal and
Cuban reciprocity treaties as speedily ss
A meeting of the republican steering
committee of the senate waa held after ad
journment today. The situation was dis
cussed at some length snd tho conclusion
reached that business might be greatly
facilitated by keeping ae many aenators aa
possible' in their seats.
No one bad any definite Information as
to the time that may be consumed In de
bating the treaties, but It was stated, aa a
rumor, that Senator Morgan had aaid as
there were a number of new members of
the senate, he would feel It Incumbent on
himself to go over the ground completely
and even to review much he had already
said. The evident purpose of the repub
licans Is to svold If possible rails on ac
count of the absence of a quorum and to
keep the senate running as steadily as
possible. They sre agreed ss to the de
sirability of completing the session at aa
early day.
The Cuban treaty under the extension
provided for In the sgreement expires st
the end of this month. The Panama
treaty, however, will be the first of the
two to be taken up.
Mercer After Merrlam'e Jon.
Members ot the executive Board of Inter
national Steel and Copper Plats Printers'
union called on the president today to urge
the appointment ot David H. Mercer as
director of the census In the event of the
resignstlon of Mr. Merrlsm.
President Roosevelt has not received Mr.
Me r Ham's resignation and does not know
that he Intends to resign. He holds him
In high esteem and pending definite action,
he said, no consideration Could be given the
sppotntment of his successor.
Richest -Treasury, on Earth.
Statements made by Representative Can
non, chairman of the chouse committee on
appropriations, and Representative Living
ston, the ranking minority member of the
committee, relative to the appropriations
made by the Fifty-seventh congress, to
gether with comparative tables, were made
publlo today.. Mr. Cannon analyzes the fig
ures presented. by the tables and explains
the Increases In the appropriations of the
session just ended, with these of the last.
In concluding bis statement, Mr. Cannon
The republican administration of our gov
ernment, the dominion of republican policy
In both brancbea of congress since 1887,
has given us a bystera of taxation that haa
produced a national treasury richer than
was ever enjoyed by any nation of the earth
ana renaered possmie tnese great expen
ditures for the public welfare.
Mr. Livingston compares the appropria
tions made by 'the Fifty-third'' congress,
both branches of which were' controlled by
the democrats, amounting to $989,239,205,
with the appropriations of the Fifty-seventh
congress, sggregattng $1,654,108,614,
anf comments on the difference ss affect
ing some ot the big Items. In conclusion
he says: ' ''
"Nothing short of a revision of the tariff
on' revenue- basis and the administration
Of ' government under the. wise and prudent
methods 'of the democratic party can be
looked to to bring imout a reduction or
the national expenditures
exhibited by
uiese ngures in sucu ppi..ini "V"rM....
Both atatements are
lncorporatea in tne
Congressional Record.
. President Receives Golden Bid.
Ths solid gold Invitation from the Blaek
Hills Mining congress waa presented to the
president by Senators Gamble and Kittredge
and Representatives Burke snd Martin to
day Representative Martin, who presented
the invitation, recalled (hat a similar in
vitation had been presented to the Iste
President McKfnley. "Gold Is so abundant
In our state," said hs "that we make
many of our Invitations In this form."
President Roosevelt expressed his pleas
ure at so beautiful an invitation and at
the honor done him by the Mining con
gress, but waa .unable to say. whether ha
would be able to accept It.
Democrats to Hold Csaess.
' The democratlo senators will hold a
caucus tomorrow, the principal object being
to elect a auccessor to Senator Jones (Ark.)
as chairman ot the caucus, but tbev prob
ably will discuss to soms extent the ques
tion of their policy, on ths treaties.
It is the general opinion . that Senator
Gorman will be asked to resume bis old
place as chairman. V. .
Appoint Two In Justice Department.
Two Important appointments In the De
partmeat of Justice' were agreed upon by
President Roosevelt 'snd Attorney General
Knox today.
William A. Day-of the District of Colum
bia Is msde assistant attorney to the attor
ney general, at a salary of 17,000 a year,
and Milton D. Purdy of Minnesota Is ap
pointed assistant attorney general.
Mr. Day has been for a long time the at
torney tor the Interstate Commerce com
mission and Mr. Purdy is a prominent law
yer at St. Paul. He waa formerly assistant
United States district attorney of Minne
sota. These placea were created by a re
cent act of congress.
Troops to Stay In Cnba.
It is sgsln stated by the authorities hers
thst there is no present intention ot mov
ing from Cuba the American troops now
ststioned there. This statement Is made
in view of ths criticisms passed in the
Cuban senate upon the continued presence
of t'nlted States troops. The Cuban' gov
ernment thoroughly understsnds that the
United States always has Intended to keep
a few soldiers or marlnea In Cuba Indefi
nitely. It also understands thst this is
not for the purpose ot overawing or co
ercing the Cubans, but for the sole pur
pose of taking care of the naval and coal
ing stations which bsve been acquired and
to which points ths American soldiers will
be removed.
Lnmbev Dealers Fall to Agree,
The Western Retail Lumber Dealers' as
sociation today withdrew from affiliation
with the National Association of Wholesale
Lumber Deslers. The western retailers
announced their relations with the wbcle
salera would continue to be friendly, but
the retailers were unable to live up to the
agreement signed at Boston In 1892. It
was pointed out that courts In the west
have decided that such an agreement Is
In restraint ot trade and therefore un
lawful. Decides Battleship Namea.
.Secretary Moody today 'decided to name
ths five battleships provided In the new
nsvat law. Vermont, 4 Kansas.' Minnesota,
Mississippi and Idaho. The Ihree first will
be o H.OtyO tons displacement and . the
others of 1!, 009 tons." ' '
Mr. Moody Is anxious that the names ot
vessels such ss Cumberland, Merrlmac and
Constitution shall br perpetuated in, tha
new na7y, and will .recommend (hat con
gress protids tor this in ths 'nest naval
law. L'nder the' present law It Is stipu
lated that all battleships hsll bi nimct
after ths ststes of the union.
Presidential Nominations.
The president today sent the following
nominations te the senate: William D.
Crum, collector of -customs, District of
Charleston. 8. C; Page Morris, Tolled
SUM district judge. District ef Minne
sota; M Byrne, United State attorney.-
District ef IVlaware; William A.
Day, District of Columbia; Milton D. Purdy,
Minnesota, assistant attorney general;
Samuel J. Wilson, postmaster at Macon,
Mo. .
- Complain Aaalnat Consols.
(.'onplalnt has been made to the State
department of the conduct of Tnlted Slates
Consul W. Maxwell Greene and Hamilton,
Bermuda, In connection with the casting
away of the steamer Madlana. It 'is al
leged that the oonsul showed absolute In
difference toward the shipwrecked passen
gers and took no part In their rescue. The
local papers In Bermuda commented on
this matter and the papers have been sent
to the State' department, which will Insti
tute a prompt Investigation of the consul's
Moody Will Take Crnlse. '
According to present plans Secretary
Moody and party will leavs here next Mon
day by rail for' -Charleston, S. C.,' where
they will board the dispatch boat Dolphin
for'a cruise ot a month' or more. In the
West Indies. The secretary will be ac
companied by his private secretary, Fred
L. Flshback, and a number ot guests. In
cluding Postmaster General Payne, Senatrr
Proctor of Vermont, Representatives Can
non of Illinois and Gillette ot Massachu
setts, Judge Dunbar of Massachusetts and
J.' II. Heart of Massachusetts, Mr. Moody's
law partner.
Stndy Aa-rf6nltnre In' States.
Desirous of developing Its agricultural
resources by sclentlflo methods the govern
ment ot Nicaragua has decided to send to
the Vnlted States fifteen students to be
educated t Nlcaraguan expense at vari
ous agricultural schools In 'the southern
Find Gold In German Africa.
-Gold raining .will be undertaken by Ger
mans In German East Africa this year, ac
cording to a report to the State depart
ment from Vnlted States Consul Winter.
Travelers visiting the east shore of Lake
Victoria hsvs - reported the presence of
gold there.
'.' Belgian Protocol la Ready.
. It was announced today that the Belgian
protocol, providing for a settlement of
claims against Venezuela, Is practically
ready for signature.
Whether It Shnll Bo by Welsht or
Measure Is Problem for Strike
'WASHINGTON, March B.ltepresenU
tives of both sides of the coal strike ques
tion appeared before the anthracite coal
strike commission today. '
The main question discussed was that of
determining the beat method of payment
for coal mined and hinged upon the point
ss to whether settlement shall be made
with. the men' according to weight or meas
ure. The bearing today, which wa's not
open to the public, foreshadowed an early
report of the, commission to President
Roosevelt, aa It Involves practically the
only Issue which remains unsettled In; the
minds of the commission.
The following statement regarding the
meeting Was given out by the commission
late thla afternoon: ' " r "
-TheJanthraclt"''Coat strike"' commission
met $oday ,,r the purpose ef n, consultation
with the counsel, and representative of ths,
miners and the coal .operators, to enable
the commission to avoid any mlsunder-
to ,he mtttters under its ron-
: sideratlon, not
to submit to the bartles
any conclusions reached by the commission
or any form of award. One of tha difficult
subjects' with 'which the commission has
had to deal la that of paying for coal by
weight rather than by car. Various meth
ods have been suggested as a substitute,
some of which, were not -touched upon at
length in the voluminous testimony before
the commission. - -
It was necessary, therefore, for the com
mission to meet counsel on both sides and
have a free and frank talk with them.
Such a consideration could not have taken
place had it been open to the publlo. No
additional testimony waa asked tor nor of
fered. The commission is hard at work upon
Its report, sitting lats at night and milk
ing avery endeavor to reach a apeedy con
clusion, but lust when a decision 'can be
reached cannot bs stated.
Take Laxative Bromo Qulno Tablets. All
druggists refund the money It it fsftls to
cure. . E...W, Grove's signature on each
box 250. "..,;. i ..-: .!. -, i -r
Robber. Attneks Mississippi Conpla
with Hatchet', Aftorwnrds .
Looting; Hosic.
BIRMINGHAM, Ale., Msrch E, Mr., and
Mrs. J. C, Dlekerson, prominent qltlaens of
Jasper county, were fatally woupded by
a burglar early' this' morning near Cordlva
and their home was robbed of Its valuables.
My., pickereon's 6-j(ear-oJd. daughter no
tified the neighbors of the tragedy, wuo
found the man and woman lying uncon
scious on a bed splashed with blood. A
blood-stained hatchet lay near by.'
There Is no clue ss the Identity of
the robber, . though pos'ses bsa been or
ganised' and sre making every posslbje
effort to rapture the gjllty man.
Henry Walker, a negro, is being held oo
Striking -Engineers Agree to Compro
mise with Representatives of
Firms Affected.
CHICAGO; Msrch 8. Striking stock
yards engineers met today to consider the
effer of arbitration made by ' the large
packing firms. The meeting decided on a
conference between officers of the Engi
neers' union and representatives of the
affected plants.
Ths psrkers have In aome Instances ad
vised their customers to be In readlneaa
for shortage in the event of negotiations
falling to bring1 about a settlement.
Montank Leaves Maine with SOO.OOO
' Bushels of Grain to Bneeor
SiarvIasT. - .
PORTLAND, Me.. -Msrch $. Montsuk,
which sailed tonight for Hsngo, Finland,
rgrrltd the largest cargo ot oata ever taken
out of this port, sbout 800,000 bushels.
This cargo goes to Hango-Udde for the
relief of the etarving' Finns.
new pastry delights
All vho attend this week's Clearing
Out Sale of Plsnna, Pianolas and Or
gans' will Instantly realise that this
ssle exceeds all previous efforts ever
made. Yoil can save front 176. 0W to
$130.00 on a Piano by securing one of
those new uprights of a discontinued
style, or tine of 1hj new sample
pianos which just arrived. 'An Idea
of the exceptional Inducements we
Offer Can best bo Rained by glancing
at the following lint of bargains:
1 1600 Knaoe 'upright,' ' '
good as new, only. .....''.,.'. .w3 J
1 $i50 Decker upright, Circassian wal-
:V"7.:... .....$300
1 r09 German upright. In
fine condition, only
1 $450 Sample piano,
1 $500 Stegef A Sons up
right, slightly used
1 Everett, upright, oak
case, only
1 .$185
1 Ivera & Pond piano,
good as new, only .v. ...... .Vs. J J
1 Story A Clark. Hun
garian ash, only....,
Beautiful Chlckering upright.
thor- H
ou(,hly overhauled in our : CIkK
own factory,-only .,.9l0J
1 Arlon piano,
only ,.
Mr.hogany Martin
piano, only..."
1 Srbe A Cp.,
1 English upright,
...;.'... $98
Good servlceablo square plsnos,
s $35.00, $45.00, $55.00 and up."
- Good second-hand organs at $15.00,
- $26.00, $25.00 and up. - i
- This is an unusual opportunity to
purchase a high-grade )!ano for lit tie
money. New Stelnway & Sons,. Steger
& Boas, Sabmoller A Mu.iirr, Maron
& Hamlin, Steck, Hnrdman, A. U.
Chase, Emerson, Vose, Needham, Mar
shall -& Wendell and. the beautiful
. Ringer pianos bt cold- only by us.
Writs for particulars about this Clear
ing Out Sale, or. pay us a visit of In
spection. - .I?.-.
You can save money. We fell new
pianos within 00 miles of Omaha on
.$5.00 monthly payments, -ray the
freight charges-- both ways If the In
strument, after n sareful examination,
is not entirely- satlBfaotoryj.- r New
pianos for rent $3.00, $4 0P A5.00 per
' month.
'Manufacturers, , Wholesale and ' Ha--:"
. tall Ptalerft;,) "'
'1313 Farnam Street, Omaha"
Ph vue 182B. '
Iowa Hrnnch
502 Broadway, Council Bluffs
t none istui.
Treats all forms of
$7 Tears Experience,
17 Years In Omaha.
His remarkable sue
r.mmm haa finver heen
equaled and every day irlngs man
Ing reports of the goodv he Is doln
relief he has given.
ly natter-
g, or tha
Hnt Sarins Treatment for.S.ohitis
And all Blood Poisons. HO "BREAKlJJa
OUT'on the nkln or face and all external
signs of the disease disappear at once.
nvtR sfaTCt .
vjuutty, uiuiAfiMa! Aucaargss. otrtciure.
Gleet, jUdney and Bladder Ulseases, Hjf-.
uicK' cores-low' chakoeb.
Treatment jr uuu,.
vnr 21a 8. UU) au'eet. between Jiajruaia aae)
fclQUgias .streets w " . . ..
" " osed in 1
from time to time are for sals at tha
publication flee all Is good condi
tion low'' prices. . . ,
BOYD'S Woodrndrr'-
The Thrilling Melodrama
Moonshiner's Daughter
A Play for the Hultltudes.
Prices Mat., 26c, 60c; night. Kc, 60c, 75c.
Sunday Mat., Night and Monday.
Prices Mat., 25c, b0o; night. 25c, 60c, 75c.
Telephone 16JI
Matinee Thursday, Satarelay and 8nn
, . day, ?15, irf ? -
Pllaon and Krrel,' STrasaeltts, 1 Suite
die. Field and Ward, Collins and Hart,
The .Tnnnkaa and the Klsosrone.
Prices, 10c. 26c snd Wcf ' I'',
i ItUamarT.mst
TacLpionrean knew
. Somathtss e Usipt year -Yia
Is ! al aar !
Ssartlpa. AaaMaihaf "alar-tfca-UiMLmr
A sh4a fdwar ,la Sfka. .
- -sid iTta.-iM-e sjtdsr.
rrr i
tr i i