10 THE fftlAIIA DAILY "BEE: F1UPAY, MAtlCH rf, iwr.. RAILROADS PLAY FOR DELAY Tax Injunction Casa Maj Dot Be Tried Within Present Year. MEANWHILE TEMPORARY ORDER PREVAILS m i r ill una v. - . a a. 11 One of the Attorneys on Railroad Kid Sara Ilia Clients Will Take Advantage of Every Legal Formality J The ease of thn Union Taclfle arfl Bur lington railroad against the city of Omaha to restrain the levy of taxes against them on the basis of the asfpftsmcnt as made by the tax ccmmlHBlonrr probably will not be tried at the May term of the United Stairs circuit court, and It Is also probable that It will not come up within the present year. An attorney connected with the case on the aide of the railroads made the state Bient that If the companlfs pursue the policy thy have outlined they will take advflrftaae Of every legal formality to which they ar- entitled, and this will mean that It will bo impossible to make an Issue In the case be fore the next November term of court at least. The city has not yet filed Its answer to the complaint of either of the roads. After the answer Is filed the complainants will have sixty days In which to file a reply, and In this reply points can be raised which will force the city to respond to the reply, and the complainants may again file tn the ease, ao thnt, with the necessary time for the preparation of the pleadings the No vember term will be called by the time Issue la joined. May no to May Term. According to the practice In the federal court It 1b not difficult to have the cause passed over one term after the issue Is Joined, and if this continuance Is secured It will be the May term of the court in 1904 before the case will come to trial. Pending this hearing the temporary In junction la In force and It may be,' in the opinion of lawyers Interested In the case, that the Injunction Issued by Judge Hunger last month will have considerable effect upon the levy of taxes for next year as well as for thla one. The tax commissioner and the Doerd of Review must meet and decide upon the assessment for next year before the November terra of the federal court ad journs, and the city council must again pass upon the assessment and make the annual levy before' the May term of court of next year, the term at which. In all probability, the case will be tried. Saturday Saturday SPECIAL FEATURES FOR TODAY BARGAIN FRIDAY i About Colds. In all countries and among all nations of the globe, cough medicines are used and .used probably more extensively than any other one class of medicine. The simple reason Is, they are required to aave human life. Every human being Is subject to throat and lung troubles, which may terminate his existence. The people of all nations know the dangerous conse quences of a neglected cold, for the ma jority of fatalities have their origin in and are characterized first by a simple cold. It is true, also, that many take alight colds, and are soon rid of them without noticing any serious results at the time . and thla fact alone leads many others to careless habits. Every cold weakens the system and makes the next one the harder to cure. The more careful and prudent persons everywhere do not permit cold to run Its course, but treat It promptly. For many years Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy has been In use throughout the United State and many other countries and time has proved it to be the best adapted of any remedy yet made for all throat and lung diseases, and especially coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough. HELD ON CHARGE OF MURDER M Thoaiaa McGslgan Waive Prelimi nary Examination and Goes to District Court, Thomas McQulgan, charged with the mur der of Patrick Murphy, near the corner of Fourteenth and Howard streets, the even ing of February 2$, was arraigned In the jollce court yesterday morning. L. J. Plattl ippcared as his attorney. McGuigan ihowed but little concern when he was :aken bolore the magistrate and pleaded not guilty. He waived examination. In ac rortlance, with the recommendation of the ;oroner'a Jury he was held to the district sourt for trial without bonda. He was taken :o the county Jail yesterday and will, Deputy County Attorney Burnam expecU, e arraigned In the district court Saturday nomlng. William Shaw, Patrick Slnon, E. O'Don lell, James Lowe, John Williams and Thomas Dailey, witnesses for the state, sere unable to aecure the necessary $300 ' onds and were taken to the county Jail x be detained there until the trial of ricGulgan. Children will take Plao's Cure without ibjectlon, because Its taste la pleasant. At Irugglstg. 25c, 3. CAMPBELL MORGAN CANCELS Ua Voire Falls at Atlanta, Georgia, and He Calls Omaha, Kn (ittmrst Off. The Young Men's Christian association esterday received a telegram from Mr. foody, manager for Rev. G. Campbell Mor ;an, now at Atlanta, Ga., stating that Rev. organ's voice had given out from over rork and that his physician directed that i week's rest waa imperative, therefore It rould be necessary to cancel his dates In Ills city, but he could give Omaha two seeks In November. A meeting of the directors of the Young ten's Christian association was held yes erday to discuss the situation and a rlegraro was sent to Mr. Moody request ng that Rev. Morgan postpone all his laies for one week and come to Omaha on larch 15, as it was Importaut thai be hould be here. Rev. Morgan was to have pened a series of meetings at the First fethodlst church next Saturday evening. Burklen's Arnica. Kalve. The best In the world for Cuts, Corns, Soils, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Sure, l ifers, lull Rheum. Cures plies or no pay. 25c. Tor sale by Kuhn A Co. A popular concert will be glvnn under he.Ulrcrtion of Mrs. Lena Ellsworth Dale it Hanscom Park Methodist Episcopal hurch Friday evening. Mendelssohn quar et. Mrs. Edyth Thomas Wallace of Coun cil Bluffs, reader, will assitt. 75c Clinllics a 39c Yard We have bought direct from the manufacturer his entire accumulations of strictly All Wool Challies, In light and dark grounds and Ihis spring's pat terns, floral designs, polka dots, also pMIn colors, such as creams, blacks. greens, Diues, old rose, etc.; earn remnant contains from 2 to 6 yards and many of the remnants match. They are esneclallv adanted for house gowns, kimonas, dressing sacriues. children's dresses JL U C ana waists, every yard guaranteed to be 75c quality on U sale at per yard J $2.50 Suitings at 75c Yard Our entire stock of Casslmeres. Clay Worsteds, Cheviots, Broadcloths, Co ven mins, in piain gooas, also cnecKS ana plaids. This material Is ap propriate Tor men s and boys weir, rainy dny skirts, ladles' tailor made suits, etc.. In all lengths, from 3'4 to 6 yards, and ' all Hi yards wide on sale on bargain squire at per yard...., $2 Dress floods, dress and skirt lengths, every weave, at 39c 75c and $1 Dress Goods, skirt and waist lengihs, per yard ...25c $3 quality silk and wool stuffs, importer's samples, per piece 19c Waistlngs, Batiste, Albatross, etc. , worth 60c to 85c, per yard ..... .25c 50c Serges, Cashmeres, Cheviots, ets., per yard 15a 25c Dress Goods, short lengths, per yard ; 5c 75c Mousseline de Soie at 25c. All this spring's colorings In silk mousseline de sole, old rose, blues,- black. greens and creams, suitable for evening gowns and waists. In lengths from 2 to 5 yards, many pieces to match, all go at, a yard 75c 25c Silk Remnants Having purchased from one of the largest silk manufacturers their short lengths and trial pieces, as they come from the weave, In plain colors, brocades, taffetas, l'ersians, Loulslnes, etc., In lengths of '4. V4. and 1 yard, go for entire piece, according; to length, at 25c, 15c, 5c Black SilkRemn'nts In lengths from 3 to 5 yards In the finest qualities Bonnott and Lyons, go lu three lots, worth $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00. go at ' 98c, 69c 49c Great Basement Remnant Sale 31c One big lot of light and dark colored mercerized waistlngs, In basket weaves, and In short mill remnants, worth up to &c, go as long as they lajit at, a yard One big counter of best grades of standard prints in black and white, blue and white and fancies, a none better at any price, fcC , go at, a yard Fine corded Madras and Per cales, 36-in. wide, worth 15c, at, yard .71c 4 King- 8k One big counter of fine corded ging hams and all the newest weaves, worth up to 15c, go at, a yard AT 6C YARD White mercerized waistlngs. In short remnants, worth up to 36c a yard, go as r long as they last at OC 75C MERCERIZED WAISTINGS, 39C One big counter of plain white and fancy colored mercerized basket weave and damnsk pattern waist lngs. In long remnants, that generally sell for .lUc 75c a yard, go at AT 10C AND 124C YARD One big counter of India Itnons, nainsooks, 40-tncn lawns, oimities ana waistlngs. worth up to Zoc, go at lUc and AT T9C YARD One counter of extra fine French ginghams in fancy weaves. In long remnants, 4 worth up to 35c, go at, I Uf 12k 15c a yard Mercerized sateen In double- folds, black and colors, worth up to 40c, go at yd.. Our entire accumulation of table damask remnants running In lengths from 14 yards to 8 yards, In all grades, on sals tomorrow at about half their real value. NEXT MONDAY GREAT TAPESTRY SALE $10 Tapestry Portieres will go at, each $1.59 J. L, BRANDEIS 6t SONS. CPMBjmimi BBBBBBBEMSSBBOBlflW lUi'HHWffiBBBB J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS, BANKERS. t STATEMENT AS TO DEPOSITS. Close of business Opening Day $ 16,095.68 Close of business Sept. 30, 1 month's business. . 62,763.29 Close of business Oct. 31, 2 month's business. . . 85,137,88 Close of business Nov. 30, 3 month's business. . . 119,275.49 Close of business Dec. 31, 4 month's business. . . 157,208.06 Close of business Jan. 31, 5 month's business. . . 174,170.08 Close of business Feb. 28, 6 month's business- - - 200,762.52 rti r HOWELL'S ANTI-KAVF For sale at all Drug Stores. GIGANTIC CLOTHING DEAL. J. L. Brandela at Boas Boy Entire Line f Black Clay Worsted Salts for Great Saturday Sale. The most attractive clothing offer In years. We will sell entire stock of $15 black clay worsted suits,, just bought at a huge sacrifice, on Saturday for $7.60. Remember the date, Saturday, March 7. J. L. BRANDEIS ft SONS, ' Boston Store. ( Announcements of tbe Theaters. "The Moonshiner's Daughter," a melo drama that appeals to all lovers of that sort of entertainment, opens tonight at the Boyd, for an engagement that termi nates with the week. A matinee will be given Saturday. As can be seen by the company's advertising matter, the play Is crowded with hair raising episodes. A pistol fight between revenue officers and tbe moonBhlnera, the blowing up of an illegal still with dynamite and the struggle for life on the brink of a cliff are three of the prominent goose-flesh-producing acts of the many shown throughout the piece. A splendid company is said to handle the piece and the scenic equipment is said to be adequate. Cm ' We desire to eiprees our gratitude to our friends and neighbors for their marked kindness to us during the sickness snd death of our daughter Mabel. We were deeply touched by the many beautiful floral tributes that were sent and especially by that from Mabel's teacher and classmates at the Walnut Hill school. We are grate ful to all. MR. AND MRS. C. H. WASHINGTON. BEL'LAH WASHINGTON. Forty-third and Emmet streets. Publish your ler.l notices lit Tbe Weekly Bee. Telephone 238. CaplUl and Su-piu. $108,000.00. 1 A Strong Savings Bank v . tk. L A.. - . - - ; 1 i Is the best place for your savings because your money Is constantly earning mora money, without hsk of loss, anJ without any bother to you This bank was established in lbS4, and has always paid depositors In full on demand. Every dollar placed to your credit will earn 4 per cent. Interest compounded twice a year. You can bein with any sum from 11 up. Our Ultl ttaeJ banks help you to uve Ol snd get on. frae. CITY SAVINGS DANK. Brown BleoH. StstnW and Douglas. Strwota OMAHA. NEB. RELIABLE I31ID IZ3 DENTISTRY Union DentalCollege Post Graduate. No Students Old reliable, en pert, 'accurate, painless dentists to do your work here. Graduate dentists come here to learn our painless methods. Expert dentists admitted to our course for $100. Then "all could have a big business. Beware of Jealous, Idle, sore head dentists. They have lost their fractlce. Poor work ana painful methods hey have used caused people to come here. We can make money by teaching our painless course to expert dentists. That way we don't have to 'charge auch high prices. We are always crowded. DI RIMQ MARCH OXLYt Set of Teeta, front 3.00 nn Gold Crowns ap Bridge Teeth . .I.SS a Geld Filling TBe ap FUlla. SKe ap Teeth Extracted .' Free WORK DONE FREE Pmall charge fur material. Bomethlng new In artificial teeth No plate, required New patent anchor Mis fit, loose and broken plates repaired end made to fit. UUIOIi DENTAL COLLEGE OF PAINLESS DEHTISTRV, 1523 Donclas Street. Room 4. Open dally Nights till I; Sundsys, I to 4. Deputy sHats Ti Pood Inspector. II. L. RAMftCGIQTTI, D. V. S. i CITT VETEHJNAJUAN. I p(Boa and Infirmary, Sta and sfaassi Olnuhu. Ntrb. Ttl phulie 6. DRUNKARDS WHITE DOVK CURKorvrr -U ivdt-sttrojr crmr , ihfcf for ttroBic drluk. th fplll for wuict ctutKat ciisrt (tsr uni thb remtiiv. Olvea In any tluir with or wilt. )Ut tmiiM of rtiiu: tui;itM; II 9 In TAKE ADVANTAGE OF MAYHEM'S FRO F1T-5HARINO CARNIVAL. WW THE RELIABLE WM STORE. Friday in the Domestic Room. The finest domestic department west of Chicago. Every thing in linc-ns, muslins and sheetings, all kinds of cotton goods at prices far below anthing shown In this city. FRIDAY IS REMNANT DAY This will be the largest line of remnants ever placed on the squares of this room. Remnants tif wool dress goods worth up to $1.60 a yard, all colors, henrtcttas. novel ties, suitings, etc.. In this sale at 4Sc yard. Remnants of-wool dress goods worth up to 39c a yard, on another counter at 10c a yard. Remnants of lace striped wash goods, worth 2r,c, at 12c a yard. Remnants of printed Swisses worh 19c, at lfc a yard. Rcmnanta of 12Hc and 15c dlmltios, ba tistes, etc., at 6Vjc a yard. Closing out waistlngs worth 15c. 19c and 25c, at 10c a yard. Closing out extra heavy flannelettes, worth IVtv, at 2c a yard. Remnants of 10c satlnes, at Be a yard. Remnants of 36-Inch percales, worth 15c, at fic a yard. , 600 remnants of toweling at half price. 500 remnants of tablo linen at half price. 600 remnants of theetlng at half price. 8c quality, extra heavy, yard wide, brown sheeting, at 4 7-8c a yard. Remnants of checked and striped nain sook, lawns and dimities, worth up to 15c a yard, at "He Remnants of 40-Inch aprori lawn, worth up to 25c, at 124c a yard. 40-Inch plain curtain Swiss, worth 124c, at 74c a yard. 25c quality, 68-Inch bleached unlpn dam ask, at 124c a yard. 58-Inch turkey red damesk, I5c quality, at 124c a yard. $1.00 quality full bleached mercerized lunch cloths, size 36x3, at 39c. 64c quality heavy bleached twilled crash, at Ze. 100 dozen gocd quality of frtnged bleached towels, at 24c each. 60 dozen large fringed napkins, worth 6c. at 14c each. REMNANTS. OF FLANNEL Remnants of drapery silkollne. 36 and 40 Inches wide, worth 15c, at 6c a yard. Remnants of fancy striped and checked cheviot Rhlrtlng, regular 124c grade, at 64c a yard. Remnants of all colors of ei.lerdown, worth up to 75c, at 25c a yard. Remnants of extra heavy Shaker and cot ton flannel, worth 84c at 44e a yard. Remnants of all Wool white flannel and embroidered flannel at half price. . G3EAT F.'.USLIH UNDERWEAR SALE. THE BIO SPOT CASH TURCHASE OF NEWEST AND MOST EXQUISITE STYLES, ON SALE IM THE NEW, REMODELED MUSLIM UNDERWEAR AND CORSET DEPARTMENT. plain Ladles One cambric corset covers, high neck, worth 19c, at 10c. Ladies' fine lace and embroidery trimmed corset covers and drawers, handsomely made up from selected cambrics, worth 75c, on sale at 39c. Ladies' fine powns and skirts, made of high grade cambrics, with lawn ruffle, trim med with embroidery and lace, worth $1, on sale at 60c. Children's drawers. In all sizes, full lies, from 1 to 15 years, on sale at 124c SPECIAL FROM 3 TO 4 P. M. For one hour we will place on sale la dles' fine cambric corset covers, lace and embroidery trimmed, worth 60c, at '15c LADIES' 50c VESTS AT 15c. 300 dozen ladles' fine lisle vests. In white and fancy colors, regular 50c value, at 15o. Lamb Legs Roast Beef 10c and Boll Beef Veal Roost Loin Steak, 10c and. MEAT AND FISH SALE FRIDAY Qn Round qr. Holland W Steak 3 pounds for....iUC Herring , Cm Shoulder .. Uv Steak 4 pounds for. 31 n l.arge fancy Bloater 'C Mackerel Da Best Imported .. WW 7c Mackerel.. , No. 1 Irish Mackerel Fresh fish every day fresh and salt water., OCr Small Fnmily a. WW MacKerei A( it Fancy Kngllsh fUC Bloater 2 for OCFnnilv aVUW White Fish ... ttr N- 1 White .IOC Fish I2c ...5c .5c 64c .10c HAYDEN BROTHERS I An Office With a Vault I FOR $17.50 PER MONTH." We can .how you an offlc. right next to th. elevator the moat desirable location in the building. The room i. 14x18, and al.o has a large burglar proof vault. Everyone .ay that our Janitor and elevator service is the beat in town. It ia also a big advantage to you to be able to tell people your address, because the beat known building in Omaha is The Bee Building. R. C. PETERS & CO., Rental Agents, Ground Floor, Bee BISg. 2; Yovx will be'of f muchV&lue'to olhettf, ftjyou fccvve beenioyourj-etT if you atdvaje ihemio USE 511 EKIDAN. COAL Worhj perfectly inbajeburner, D&.ndy forcookin4 Victor Vhitel605FrneonJtiTel.12T TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Mast AirU.ll.r.l Aaak.lv. At BENNETT'S At BENNETT'S For Friday and Saturday Our Dry Goods and Women's Wear Pricss Are Out Wide Open. Avail Yourself of These Real Bargain Offers. DOMESTICS. New Goods, New Patterns an 1 Colors, tioaaht under coat of pro dnrtton, yours at same, plus frrlicht charters Friday, FANCY AND STAPLE CALICOES All nice patterns, light sod dark Ql and guaranteed fast colors, only, ysrd Sj2w GINGHAMS New line of best patterns and colors, In stripes, a closely woven cloth that will wear, warranted to wash, very nice (or children's dresses, waists and men's shirts, regular 9e grade, ft at yard ; )Q New Twine Etamines, Reps and Tub Cloth Cotton Suitings. 9c $1.48 A swell line of mixtures, all the very newest effects, 29 Inches r)A. Vide, at ysrd tCGC LARGE SIZE TURKISH BATH TOWELS size 22x44. unblesched. made of the best absorbent cotton, worth 14c, at each Children's Dresses. A large showing of pretty plaid snd check dresse for children, all nicely trimmed, some with braids and guimps and buttons; sizes, 4 to 14; all pretty colors, for FRIDAY AND SATURDAY'S QUICK SELLING Your choice worth $200, at 100 Ladies' Sample Suits All colors, all sizei, some with capes, all blouse effects, plain snd pleated skirls, blouse all lined with nice quality satin lining. This grand sssort ment takes in sll the late new material; the values In this big bargain run as high as twenty-five dollars on sale Friday and Saturday 0 00 at $13.90, $12.90, $11. UO, $10.90 and l.tjU A big clean-up In LADIES' WASH WAISTS end PRESSING SACQUES OOf at each 0JC 100 dozen very pretty WASH WAISTS, almost every material, all sizes, lights and darks, worth at least 69c, Friday and Saturday, each , 100 dozen LADIES' FAST BLACK COTTON HOSE, all sizes, worth 15c, at pslr .... 100 dos. Ladles' Spring Weight Under Vests, high neck and long sleeves, silk tsped, worth 30c, at each PILLOW CORDS AND TASSELS, all new colors snd shadings iEs CUl 39c 10c 19c worth 40c, at each. mm FLOOR, BENNETT'S MaManjanjaBjaannannanBnjw 1 Rk SSn tx jj n lis mm pit mm " thought of spect our li Today we open our en tire new line of en s Spring Overcoats Top coats 'and cravenette coats. Our showing is a wonderfully complete one, and the values that we are offering, from five to twenty dollars, cannot be dupli cated anywhere. We are showing all the new shades, including the new tans. We request the presence of every man who has a buying a spring coat to in-ne. H nlsT- tm-uf i mil f i ii i. in' i IIM. mm w i m V Clothing tips to put you cn the inside. A top-coat requires pecu liar tailoring talent and particular tailoring. The collar must hang Just so, and it won't do that if the tailoring of that collar isn't true, isn't painstaking, isn't made with upwards of a thousand thrusts of the needle. The 1903 back is full very full. Our New York cutter tells us that the Fifth -Avenue swells are ac centuating the full back by creasing both sides of back making it hang lux uriously ' loose. Sturdy Coverts In the old-tlme popular tans with just a mixture of green In It are "it" In fabrics tn 1903. We're the necessary tailor ing talent garment workers who make top-coats a spe cialty a New York cutter who knows top-coat cutting from A to Z. . Top Coats $25 to $50. MacCarthy Talloring Company, 1710-12 Farnam St. ' Pbane ISOS. Bee Building Court House Is opposite. Sorosis Value Should be judged by the qual ity and style and NOT by the price asked, as Sortsis Are $3.50 Always Their equal la always $3.00. SorosisAShoe Store 203 South 15th St. Frank Wilcox, Manager. GORDON MALT WHISKEY 1 a brand of Canadian goods which we sell for strictly high grade family ut and guarantee every ounce of It to be tri per rent proof, which Is much superior to many ADVERTISED nail whlnkle. The retiuUr price of this malt is tl.Ou per bottle, but the quantity in which we are buying It enables us to retail ai 75c per bottle, or $8.W per dosen by the doxen cime. Kvery bottle guaranteed, mind you. and MONKY, NOT ritOMlSES, refunded If not uuiia factory. WK HAVE TIIK LARGEST MAIL. OR I) EH HI8IES OK AW 1)111 li STORE 1 EHHSKA! Our prices must be right, 'cauxe we ad vise any one to (JET THEM AND COM I'AKK WITH ANYUODY'B CATALOG HK KOKK OBDERINU AND -WK GET THE ORDER! If you live out of town see our. ad In the Council liluffH Daily Nonpareil, Western Prew. Danlwh I'loneer, Dally News. Dally World-Herald and Dally Hee of Omaha, and If you don't tlnd what you war.t write us for prlres. REMEMBER Sohaefer's sell It for lens." CUT PRICE DRUQ STORE SCIIAEFER'S Tri 'Phones 141 nnd TWT. , W. for. Ittth aad Chicago Bta. Free Homesteads Are becoming scarce. Join my Homestead Club and liicreoite your opporiuultlt-8 of obtaining one by being kept poated. I have sjmething good In view. Bend for my pamphlet of homestead lnstrutloiiM and treatise on public land surveys. I'rtce cents KlHer and stamp. C. J. CO.VMCK, ISUo Uwwar SU, Omaha. PE'S HQS A'i-t t ' PIANOS Quality the Finest. Price the Lowest. Terras the Easiest. ' March Sale Now Going On i Note our Incomparable line: Knabe, Kranlch & Bach, Kimball, Hallet & Davis, I.indeman & Hon, Sterling, Mathuahek, Adam Schaaf, Hoape, Burton, Krell, Schu mann, Bweetland and various other makes. Just Sis of Onr Many Ilararalus for Friday. Bargain No. 1 Upright Piano CTO Eastern make used 4i O Bargain No. 2 Miller Piano re- ' Cfftft finished good as new iplWV Bargain No. 3 Illnze Piano up- CURL right used I t-J Bargain No. 4 Hallet & Davis' (os large size used ipl0 Bargain No. 6 Kimball Upright Cif rosewood uaed kPItVI Bargain No. 6 Schumann Piano case slightly marred returned from $200 New Pianos Eastern make C1"7 mahogany caise iItJ $3.00 flonthly Payment. Note Our Special Offer on a 500 Piano and Player, complete with stool, ecarf and bench and 12 rollg of music, $275. j Terms, $25 cssh, $8 per month. Bee sample in our east window. A. IIOSPE CO. 1513 and 1515 Douglas Street PROGRAM Cecilian Piano Player Rectial BY riR. PHILIP OAHM. ttatarday Brenlnar, March 7th, C. M. B, A. Hall, Same Floor as Piano IMay t'o. Parlors, Arlington Block, 1S11 1513 Uoilf Street. 1 Le Tourblllon Valse de Concert.. Mattel 2 Mississippi Ride Btep Berliner 8 Iove's Old Sweet Bong Molloy 4 Invitation to the Dance Weber 6 When You and I Were Young.. J. W. Hisehoff 6 Thousand and One Nights Walts titrauss 7 In the Good Old Bummer Time... George Evans 5 IV Inquietude Dreyschoclt lioh.mlun Girl Then You'll He member Me Ralfs 10 Reels Hughes U Melody In F Rubinstein i Htars and Stripes Forever Mousa ) Our object In giving these weekly re citals Is to show the great superiority of the Cecilian over all other Players; easy to pedal; control simple and perfect; the touch soft or powerful, as th aa-erator wills. All music lovers are cordially invited. Beats are plenty and free. Has It ever occurred to yon that the Cecilian Club pl'Ui enables you to secure a Cerlllan Piano Player or a Piano for less per week payments than you could rent either for? Well, It Is a fact, and when the opportunity passes you will be sorry yon did not take advantage of it. Come and see us. PIANO PLAYER CO., Arlington Blk. 1511-1313 DodgaSt. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK OP OMAHA. ; N. B. Cor. ramaa and Uth eta. ' raid ls Capital...... S&ou.OOO ' anrplas rand a 100,000 ' rwlTKIJ STATES DEPOSITOMY. sraAMV wi RPwr t.M.n a. a. WOOD, VlOS UmitK DKAKK, Cuhler.