The Omaha Daily Bee. ESTABLISHED JUNE 10, 1871. OMA1TA, FBI DAY HOBNIMG, MA11C11 (J, 1003 TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY TIIBEi: CENTS. CANNON IS SCORED Special Senate Section Opens with Reply to 111 noisan'i Speech. TILLMAN WAXES ESPECIALLY WARM Calli Bepmentative'g Remarks Indefensi ble and an Outrage. HALE, ALLISON AND TELLER JOIN IN I esent Attack on Rules and Their Work on Appropriation Oenfeience. SMOOT TAKES OATH AMID APPLAUSE Qualification Questions Are Post poned aad Sew Membere Sworn la Without Protest, Amid Spec, tatora' Plaadlts. i.'ASHINOTON, March 8. In obedience to the president'! proclamation the senate of the Fifty-eighth congress convened In ex traordinary session at noon today. An Im mense crowd witnessed the ceremony. Echoes of the Fifty-seventh congress had not died away when the senators who were re-elected and those who were to take their teat for the first time, marched to the desk and took the oath. Friends and admirers of the senators loaded down their desks with beautiful floral tributes. Mr. Cannon's speech In the house of representatives early yesterday formed the subject of soma fervid remarks by Mr. Tillman and by the senate conferees, Messrs. Hale, Allison and Teller. After the Invocation Mr. Bennett, the secretary of the senate, read the proclama tion from the president convening the ses sion. Xrw Senators Sworn In. Mr. Hoar, speaking for Mr. Burrows, chairman of the committee on privileges and elections, referred to the constitutional procedure of administrating oaths to new senators, and said If there were any other procedure the result would be that a third of the senate might be kept out of their eats for an Indefinite time. The result of that might be that a change In the po litical power of the government might be Indefinitely postponed. Questions of qualification should be post poned and acted upon by th senate later. The names of the newly elected senators were, called alphabetically and each was escorted to the desk By his colleague. As some of the names were called there was applause from tha galleries, that given to Mr. Gorman being especially noticeable. Messrs. Spnoner and Allison received generous applause aa they war escorted to the desk. ' Mr. Smoot of Utah subscribed to the oath with an emphatic "I do." No objection was made to his taking the oath. When Mr. Ankeney's name was called his col league, Mr. Foster (Wash.) announced that he was under the doctor's care. Three other newly-elected senators did not respond- Messrs. Clark (Ark.), Qallinger (NT. H.) and Stone (Mo.). .The were, aevettyfoar. aerirtors pres ent. Vlesare. Hoar "and Cockrell ' were ap pointed a committee to wait upon the president and Inform him that the senate was ready' to proceed to business. Senator Tlllmnn Replica. Mr. Tillman (8. C), holding In his hand a copy of the Congressional Record, rose to a question of personal privilege. He was proceeding to say that In (he Record yesterday there waa a remarkable speech, when Mr. Fettus (Ala.) suggested that it was the custom of the senate ami a rule of courtesy to transact no business until the special committee had returned from Its visit to the president. The chair agreed with hlra. Thereupon Mr." Tillman, at 12:40 p. m., moved a re cess for half an hour, which motion pre vailed. Messrs. Hoar and Cockrell reported that the president said he would at one make a communication In writing. Immediately, afterward Mr. Barnes, as alstant aecretary to the president, appeared with th following message from the presi dent: To the Senate: I have called the senate in extraordinary session to consider the treaties concerning which It proved lm- poneiDie 10 lane action during tne session of the congress Just ended. I auk your special attention to the treaty with the republic of Colombia, securing to tne United Klatcw a rlKUt to build the txihmlan ranal, and to the treaty with the republic of Cuba, for securing a measure of commercial reciprocity between tha two countries. The great and far-reaching Importance of these two tnatl.s to th welfare of tha United State antl the urgent necessity for their adoption requires mo to Impose upon you the inconvenience of meeting at this time. THKODORE ROOSEVELT. V hite House, a.arcu 6, I9U3. Th mcbsage was not read till later. Mr. Hoar announced that he Intended to move an executive session unless Mr. Till man desired to speak. Mr, Tillman then resumed. Referring again to Mr. Cannon's speech, he ssid he did not know that there had ever been similar tirade delivered In either branch of congress. There were two Issuts involved in that speech, one affecting the dignity of the senate and the other affecting his own of ficial Integrity, responsibility and personal character. The speech was m holly lnde fc.nslbl, Indecent and an putrage. History of Claim. Passing on he gave a history of South Carolina's claim and, answering Mr. Can ' non's criticism of legislating by unani mous consent, Mr. Tillman said nothing In the house of representatives seemed to go except by Unanimous consent of a few lead ers. "The unanimous consent of the mem bers," he said, "has fallen Into Innocuous desuetude and the unanimous consent he apeaks of so strenuously her is the unani mous consent of those In control." Mr. Tillman quoted the law authorising the payment of Interest on South Carolina's claim and said It waa that which led. the committee on appropriations to act, simply because it meant to do a loug-delayed act of Justice to South Carolina and undo the strong which had been done. Mr. Hal (Mo) said he would let the matter pass Into oblivion, disagreeable as It was, but It affected him because he bad charge of the deficiency bill. Speaking de liberately, he aald there had been no legis lative blackmail. The appropriations committee, he ssid, tad acted on the claim as a matter of fair and even-handed Justice. It has never been thought, he continued, that on house should arraign the other. It has never been t'aought or said before that the processes of on bouse are pro :esses of blackmail and that tbey have beconie so Insufferable that one bout will preach a crusade against the other. Mr. Csnnon's use of the words "legls .ativa blackmail," were unfortunate, lm- (Continued en Fourth Fag.) SUPPLY OF FOOD IS AMPLE till la Time of War Grat Britain Mlthl Hare to Par Fancy Pr!, LONDON. March 5 Replying to a large and Influential deputation which visited tha foreign office today to urge the appoint ment of a special committee to Inquire Into the question of security of the food supply of Great Britain In time of war, Premier Balfour expressed the, oplnlor" that the danger Great Britain had to a S9 Dot the exclusion of grain and ra ,. 'v -lals neceasary for the country's nstlona. ' . ence, but the cost of introduc icing them. V The country could get all if wanted If v ' wss prepared to pay the price and the ques tion of price was ultimately a question of Insurance. Sufficient stress was not laid upon the part neutrals would play In thu event of a war. There would be more than sufficient nputrsl shipping to supply Great Britain with grain, but not with raw ma terials. As to the danger of a "wheat corner," the premier was unable to estimate the magnitude of the danger, but the country was exposed to this In time of peace aa much as In war time. He admitted that an inquiry Into the matter -was advisable, aa It would tend to allay some unfounded fears as well as show that somo of the difficul ties of the situation could not be wholly removed. Mr. Balfour added that he thought the Inquiry ought to be brought to include the questions of Insurance, the conditions of modern maritime warfare, th methods by which commerce could be protected and destroyed and the amount of the actual grain supply of the country. He hoped, however, that nothing would be done to establish a government machin ery which would Injure the national com mercial machinery by which Great Britain was supplied. SAYS POPE IS REALLY WELL Nephew Visits Pontiff and Gives Ont Renssarlnar Statement to Public. ROME. March 5. Count Camtllo Peccl, after a vlBlt to his uncle today, gave a full account of the pope's condition, saying be would not hesitate to tell the truth even were he really sick. "The pontiff not only is not aufferine from any specific sickness," remarked the count, "but it will be difficult to keep him quiet, as be said to me: 'The doctor wishes I should stay In my room until Monday, but I cannot have so many people waiting who came to Rome purposely to see mc. If I continue as well as I am at present, I shall resume my audiencea on Sunday.' " Continuing Count Peccl said: "In the meanwhile the pope has announced that he will assist tomorrow at th usual Lenten sermon, together with the cardinals. "Or. Lappont would like the ponliff to have kept to his bed so as to regain his strength quicker, but the pope aald: "l cannot do it. Staying in bed, instead of strengthening me, weakena me. Besides, 1 need light and air.' "Yesterday the pontiff arose at 4 In th afternoon, but today he got up at S and will remain up until th even. log Th pope had his usual oonfennce with Secretary of State Rampolla and em ployed the remainder of his time in read ing the very many telegrams received. wishing to personally examine each of them." Count ' Peccl ended with saying: "The best proof that there la not much the mat ter with the pontiff is that today he bad for lunch a good-sized beefsteak.'" CANADA CANNOT STOP RAIDS British Officer Sara United States Mlarht Easily Selae All Korth America. LONDON, March C Colonel Kltson, for merly BrltlBh military attache at Wash lngton, and now commandant of the Sand hurst military college, speaking before the Canada club last night, said: Fortunately, at present, the possibility of irouui) ih iariner on man ever, Dut i as Lure you mat Canadians would enter a campaign under the greatest strategical disadvantages. You will be Rcky In upper Canada If you have any ammunition. The American regular army quartered on the frontier would be ready to raid your lines of com munication which lie along the frontier. Your only arsenal Is at Quebec at the end of the line. Without better organisation and without another arsenal In the In terior you never will be safe from raids. Lord Strathcona, who presided, said the Canadians were ready to defend their rail ways and their homes with their lives. Another arsenal was being built at Ottawa, which was some distance from the frontier, VOLCANO ALARMS SCIENTISTS Men Would Relinquish Attempt Climb La Sonfrlere bnt for Woman's Kncouruarement. to KINGSTOWN, St. Vincent, March 5. The American scientist, Edmund Hovey, and Prof. LaCroix, sent by the French govern ment to investigate the recent eruptions accompanied by Mme. LaCroix, ascended La Soufrlcre on March 2. ' When halfway up the mountain the party steam, which, after rising to a height of 8.000 feet, fell and besmeared them. They halted, but, encouraged by thJ pluck dis played by Mme. LaCroix, proceeded and reached the summit. Immediately after beginning the descent more serious erup tions occurred and the party was overtaken by a downpour of mud and had a naiow escape. The scientists are still In the Vol canic regions. COLIMA WARS ON SUNLIGHT Sends l"p Clond of Ashes, Drives Char coal Uarncra Away aad Makes Men I'neaay. MORELIA, Mex., March 5. The showers of volcanic ashes continue near Uroapam at times so dense that objects cannot be distinguished 100 feet swsy. COLIMA, Mex., March 6. -The volcano continues active, a new eruption taking place last evening at 5:30. The charcoal burners near Tuxpani left their work and hastened to town. A feeling of uneaalness still exists, though no real terror prevails, the people being confident that if any violent demon stration takes place they can easily flee to plsces of safety. An eruption this afternoon was accom panied by the usual shower of ashts. which shut out th sunlight. Campbell Enters Parliament. Dl'BUN, March 5. Solicitor General Campbell has been elected member of Par lismrot for Dublin university In succession to Mr. Lackey, who has resigned. CHEAP RATES MAY ALL GO Ra'lroads Fear Op in Cutting Now Secret Reductions Are Illegal. FRANCIS HEADS COMMITTEE ON MATTER Slity-fteven Wnters Lines Consider Joint Action nnd May Shut Off Low Fare for Convention Managers. CHICAGO, March 6. rassenger repre- "'atlves of sixty-seven railroads west '"ago held a mass meeting here today. at, . the new Elklns law was discussed. It v general opinion that the act would 6- away with secret rate cutting, as it was designed to do, hut would en- courage open reductions and lead to the filing of reduced tariffs with alarming fre quency. Unable to reach an agreement as to Joint action the meeting appointed a .commit tee of Ave, of which General Passenger Agent Francis of the B, ft M li chairman, to draw up a report by tomorrow. The committee will report among other things on the propriety of Issuing trans portation to committees of arrangements for conventions and mass meetings and representatives of land companies engaged in settlement work. WILL SPLIT UP 'FRISCO LINE New Pnrchnaera Divide, Sonthern Tuk- laar Eastern, and Rock Island 'Western Part. BIRMINGHAM, Ala., March 6. It Is an nounced on good authority that the 8t. Louis San Francisco railroad control of which- waa recently acquired by the Rock Island, In conjunction with the Morgan Southern railway interests, will be par celled out as follows: That part of the "Frisco between Bir mingham and Memphis to be operated as a part of the Southern and that part west of the Mississippi as part of the Rock Island. It la not stated when this arrangement will become effective, but It is believed that it will be some time within the next ninety days. The Southern thus gets a great weatern connection without departing, from its policy of keeping east of the Mississippi and without being In direct competition with any western system. Cheaper Ratea to California. TOPEKA, Kan., March B. Santa Fe pas senger department offlclala tonight an nounced that on March 9 the cheap rates to California will go Into effect. From Mis sou i' I river points a rate of 125 will be made. Thla arrangement will be in effect until June 16. Passengers will be allowed to stop over at California polnta while en- route. Investigate America Railroads. NEW YORK. March 6. A number of offi cials of the London & Northwestern rail way of England arrived today on Oceanic to study th railroads of the United States and th systems by . which they are p- erated. - . . Erie Ralaea Frelsht Embargo. CLEVELAND, March 6. The freight em bargo which the Erie railroad baa issued against receiving freight from connecting lines waa raised today. BUILDING WORKERS QUIT Schenectady Lathers Strike, Carpen. tera Threaten and Other Tradea Promise Aid. SCHENECTADY, N. Y., March 6. Th beginning of the threatened building trades tleup took place today when a large force of lathers struck. It is expected that all other lathera in the city will go out to morrow. The refusal of the employers to consent to raise wages from 40 to 55 cents an hour caused the stoppage. - The carpenters' union has demanded an increase from 35 to 40 cents an hour, to take effect on April 1, and this demand has also been refused. The carpenters' union announces that it will stand by the lathers, and the masons, plasterers and all others employed in the building tradea are pre pared to take similar action. The strike will Involve 8,000 men. The employers say that the wage limit has been reached and they will fight to a finish. SAYS SANKEY LOSES SIGHT Pennsylvania Relative Reports that Cold lias Struck Evanarrllst Blind. NEWCASTLE, Pa., March 5. Charles C. Sankey of this city has Just received word that his cousin, Ira D. Sankey, the world famous evangelist, has been struck blind at his home in Brooklyn. The trouble came from a cold which aettled In hla eyes. It is believed his sight may be restored after prolonged treatment. NEW YORK, March 5. At Mr. Sankey's " . . . . . . ... . T. I Ilw Anntr lh.1 tiA huu hAitnma Mind It ,that . ,8ankey ad tTB " I 111 heIth. about tw0 m0n hs w'nf.t0 an attack of nervous prostration, but that his condition bad improved MADMEN FIGHT FOR FREEDOM Ten Inaaae Criminals Attack Kcepera and Flee from Missouri Asylunt. FULTON, Mo., March 5. Ten criminal patienta at the Hospital for the Insane msde a desperate attempt to escape from their keepers today. Four got away. Ben Jamln Richardson mysteriously secured a knife nd cut the iron wristbands from nine other patients and they made a rush on their keepers. Richardson. C. E. Morlldge. W. S. Wil son and Harry Edwards succeeded In escap ing from the Institution. GLASS WORKERS QUIT WORK Strike to Deride How Much Consti tutes Fair Oatpat to Earn Day's Pay. CINCINNATI. March 5. The Glsss Work er of the Pittsburg Plat Glasa company and the Western Mirror Plat company quit work today on account of difficulties with their employers as to the amount of work to be done by them as a fair day's output. i Up lo thla time It has been the custom to estln-ate 47.000 inches of roughing and t.loo Inch of smoothing aa th avirsge per day. MAY STRIKE JS INDIVIDUALS Wabash Men Walt I r Court, hut Are Read to Qnlt Any Tim-. ,' i ST. LOUIS. March 5. TV Wabash strike Pltuallon Is resolving Itself into a legal battle for the dissolution oI the Injunction granted two days ago by Judge Adams. Attorneys for the Bremen and trslnmen are still at work on the affidavits to be filed In court, showing why the restrslning order should not be made pertnsuent. These papers ill pot b ready for sev eral days, and till then no change In the situation is expected. The possibility of the firemen and train men of the Wabash striking as individuals. without waiting for word from their lead ers, is now .being discussed. It Is stated that the men are ready to go out at a mo ment's notice. Unless President Ramsey yields it Is further declared that engineers, j conductors, telegraph operators, brakemen and trainmen to the number of 50,000 may beconie involved If Judge-Adams does not dissolve his order. : The rule of the brotherhood prohibit ! striking without the sanction of the grand master of tho brotherhood. Everything Is quiet at headquarters. At an early hour a conference was begun In the offices of Judson Green, St. Lnuls attorneys. Attorneys E. J. Pinney of Cleve land and W. T. Irwin of Peoria, with Grand Masters Morrtssey and Hannaban, were present, as were also members of the local firemen. They were In consultation behind closed doors for some tlrc, deciding on a course of action to be taken In respect to the dissolution of the Injunction. At the conclusion of the conference it was announced that Messrs. Judson and Green had become associated with the counsel representing the trainmen and Bre men and that the motion for a dissolution of the restraining order would not be ready for presentation for several days. John H. Murphy of Peoria, general counsel for the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, who reached here today, was .present. President Ramsey said today that he had no statement to make on the situation, as the questions at issue are now In the hands of the court. LEGISLATURE STILL LIVES Delaware Minority Illerally Adjourns and Judaea Decide Whether Dissolution Followed. DOVER, Del.. March 5 Tho statue of the Delaware legislature Is under consid eration by the Judges of the state courts, 1 who will decide the constitutionality of the act of the minority in adjourning the assembly or more than one day. The constitution does not authorize a minority to adjourn either branch of the assembly from day to day. '"he legislature adjourned on Monday after the election of two United States senators to meet the following day. On Tuesday, however, a majority of the members went' to 'Wash ington to see the new senators aworn in. As only a few legislators wore present, the house adjourned untiModay. Legal authorities say that act waa un constitutional and has rendered the bouse non-existent. The . judget. assembled at Wilmington' today t;declf J-'.s point and will tomorrow report their findings to Gov ernor Hunn. The governor, it Is believed, will be com. pelled to call an extra session to meet for thirty days, beginning on Monday. This would necessitate the renewed introduction of every bill now pending before the legis lature. WILMINGTON, Del., March 6. Five of the supreme court Judge met here today to consider the legality of -the adjourn ment. Their decision, announced tonight, was that as the state constitution gives a minority the rtgbt only to adjourn the assembly from day to day, there was no adjournment of the body on Tuesday, the legislature technically remaining In ses sion until legally adjourned today by the majority. BLUEBEARD'S VICTIM BURIED Poat Mortem Show Dry Luna; and Ho Strangulation Mark on Body, HAMILTON, O., March 5. Hannah God dard Knapp waa burled in Greenwood ceme tery thla afternon. The casket wss conveyed from the morgue to the hearse by the chief of police and five policemen. About 200 people crowded around the entrance of the morgue and filed past the casket before the removal to thi cemetery, although they could not see any thing except a white covering over the body. Charles Goddard and William Ster rett, relatives of the dead woman, were the only attendants at the funeral except a large number of reporters. At the request of Prosecutor Card, Coro ner Sharkey held a post-mortem examina tion this afternoon to ascertain If she met her death by strangulation or drowning. The lungs were dry and had fallen In, show ing that the unfortunate woman was dead when ohe entered the water. No marks, however, were found ti support Knapp's story that he had strangled her. OUT OF PAN INTO THE FIRE Mnn Gcta Divorce, but la Sent to Penitentiary on Perjury Charge. CHICAGO, March 5. For perjuring hlm aelf In order that he might obtain a divorce from his wife, Henry Frey, a church snd Young Men's Christian' asso ciation worker, was found guilty by a Jury In Judge Brentano's court today, and sen tenced to an indeterminate term In the penitentiary. In addition, a fine of $1,000 was levied against him. To Induce Mrs. Frey to leave him, It is claimed. Fray Invented a fictitious per sonsge, whom he claimed to have mar ried In his teens. He told Myra Frey that she (Myra) was, therefore, not his legal wife. By this means Mrs. Frey wss In duced to go to Ohip snd while there Frey instituted divorce proceedings. At tne present trial It waa shown that Mrs. Frey had lived with Frey up to a month of the time be filed the divorce bill, in which It was stated that his wlfo had deserted him two years ago. WILL CURE MAD DOG BITES University of Michigan Derldea t Start Pasteur laatltnte at Aaa Arbor. ANN ARBOR. Mich., Msrch 3. The Board of Regenta of the University of Michigan decided to establish a Paatsur Institute for the treatment of hydropho bia. It I expected that everything will be ready for receiving patient by April L SENATORS ARE NOT AGREED Both Deny Reported Compromise on United States Attorneyship. URGE CHARLES J. GREENE FOR JUDGE Sooth Dakota Deleajutloa Renrhea an Isilerttsnsins on u Siumber of Contested Appoint- (From s Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Msrch 5. (Special Tele gram.) The rumor extensively circulated In Nebraska that an agreement had been reached between tho two senators on the United States district attorney is em phatically denied by both senators. Sena tor Dietrich, when seen today, said that he had absolutely no knowledge that Mr. Lindsay had been agreed upon as rumored; that while he was still for Mr. Lindssy and would be for Mr. Lindsay until an ap- I pointment was made, he knew that Senator Millard was Just as strongly inclined toward I Mr. Summers. Senator Millard confirmed the statement I of his colleague as to the present situation regarding the district attorneyship. "You may Bay for me," said Senator Millard, "that before I leave for the west, 1 shall I urge the president to reappoint Mr. Sum mers. The only serious difference that has occurred between Senator Dietrich and my self, grows out of the district attorneyship matter. I use word 'serious' In the sense of being set in our opinions. There coul 1 not be any more pleasant relations exist ing between two senators than exist be tween 8?aator Dietrich and myself. But he Is for Mr. Lindsay and I am for Mr. Summers. If the president should decide, In view of this division, to take the mat ter in his own hands and make an appoint ment, that Is htB right. He is the boss and I don't propose to get Into any quarrel with the president. My impression Is that nothing will be done in the district attor neyship until fall and then it is Just pos sible that someone will be appointed at present not even mentioned for the place. Of course you can hear all sorts of rumors, but so far as an agreement between Sena tor Dietrich and myself having been reached on the district attorneyship matter it la entirely outside of the probabilities." Crgre Greene for Judge. On Monday Senators Dietrich and Millard will present to the president the lame of Charles J. Greene of Omaha as a candidate for a position on the bench of the Eighth United States circuit, a position which is shortly to be vacated by Judge Henry Clay Caldwell, who la to retire on account of age. The two senators propose to urge with all their power Mr. Greene's appoint ment. In, addition to the active support of the Nebraska senators, Mr. Greene bas the strongest kind of endorsement, not only from senators from other states,' but from lawyers and Jurists throughout the country, and an active and energetlo campaign is to be made In his behalf. Senator Millard left for New York to night, to return In time tar the session of the senate on Monday. Aajree on. Dakota Appointments.' -The 8out.vDakota 'delegation today set tled a "number of very Important contests for offices in that state. They decided to recommend the appointment of John L. Burke of Hot Springs . for the receivership at Rapid! City vice W. 8. Warner, whose term expired on March 2. Mr. Burke is at present state senator from ' Fall River county. For assayer at Deadwood, the dele gation' haa agreed to recommend the ap pointment, of L. P. Jenkins of Lead, at present state senator . 'from 1 Lawrence county. Both Mr. Jenkins and Mr. Burke participated In the election of the present senators from that state. The delegation also settled an aggravating postofflce fight at Howard by agreeing to recommend Boyd Wales for that position, vice F. T. Hoard, who was not an applicant for reappoint ment. There were three applicants for the place Boyd Wales, who bas been agreed upon for appointment; Jacob Johnson and O. M. Osborn, the latter having been in Washington a few days ago to personally look after bia candidacy. Mr. Wales, the successful candidate, was In the Philippines with the First South Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Greene, who have been in Washington to witness the closing ex ercises of congress, will leave for Omaha tomorrow. Golden Invitation, A solid gold invitation waa presented to the president today to attend the national raining congress to be held at Deadwood and Lead next September. Senators Kit- I tredee and Gamble and . Remeaenotl v..a Burke and Martin made the nresentatlon ) Burae ana martin mane tne presentation. ' the latter being the representative of th Black Hills mining district. The Invita tion was Inscribed on an eighteen-carat gold plate three inches by five and an eighth of an inch thick. The Inscription follows: "To the Honorable Theodore Roosevelt, President of the United -States: The Black Hills Mining Men's association beg to ex tend to you an Invitation "to be its guest durtng the session of the American mining congress, t be held In our twin cities of Desdwood snd Lead, South Dakota, Sep tember 7 to 11. 1903." The gold plate was enclosed In a beau tiful plush case, with a gold plat on the outside Inscribed: "Hon. Theodore Roosevelt, president' of the United States." Accompanying this Invitation was one from the American Mining congress Itself. This waa a written Invitation, Including resolutions adopted by the congress. All 1 i.. i was dhiiu wriuru iu cupptrr piaie style do parchment, with beaut irul leather cover. Representative Martin, who presented the two Invitations In a neat apeech, recalled that a similar Invitation had once before been presented to President McKinley and said: "Gold Is so sbundant In our state that we make many of our own invitations in thla form." The president expressed his pleasure at the receipt nf so beautiful an invitation and at tho honor done him by the Black Hills Mining Men's association and by the Mining congress. He did -not know whether he would be able to accept the invitation. Routine of Depnrtments. Merrill C. Purvis of West Liberty, Alvan A. Hernbsck of What Cheer. Charles Ream of Lamonl, B. M. Skehl of West Branch, Harvey J. Foster of Knlerm, la., were to day appointed railway mail clerks. E. E. Brooiter was appointed postmaster at Pitzer, Madison county, la., vice Cor nelius Vanstlght, resigned. Claude A. Patterson of Des Moines waa appointed stenographer and typewriter In the land oUce at Helena, Mont. Tnese Iowa rural free delivery letter car riers were sppolnted todsy: Birmingham, John W. Hearn, Warren D. Brown, reg ulars; Jay Deahl, Docla H. Brown, substlr tutea. Carsn, Lemuel H. Boltno. Jerome Doollttle, regulars; Mrs. Bolton, George Stephens substitutes. Corwlth. James L. Oxley, regular; George H. Oxley, substl- (Continued pn Second Pag ) CONDITION OF THE WEATHER Forecast for Nebraska Rsln and Warmer Friday, Saturday, Fair and Colder. Temperutnre at Omaha Yesterdayi Hour. Den. Hour. Dear. Drtr. . . .HI . . ai . . .11 . . HI . . 81 . . Hii . . aa . . .t.-t ft a. nt .hi I p. m .11 T N a. n. a. S p. ni :tt a p. m SM 4 p. m tt.1 A p. m 3.1 I p. ni . . . . .1.1 7 p. nt SI H p. nt at O p. nt 4 n. 10 a. 11 n. 1 m CUT TO PIECES BY ENGINE G. W. I'ytsvrlrk Run Down by . Loco motive While Walking on the Trnck. George W. Uytewlrk was run down by a switch engine at Twenty-sixth and Ban croft Streets yesterday afternoon and liter ally cut to pieces. Nothing could be found of his hesd except his teeth. Uytswlck had been working in Armour's packing house In South Omaha. He lived at Thirty' first and Wnlnut streets, and leaves a wife and five children. The coroner took charge of the remains and will hold an Inquiwt at 3 o'clock this afternoon. The accident happened when Uytswlck and John Veit, a fellow workman, living at 2509 South Twenty-fifth etreet, were coming home from work, walking on tho double tracks of the Union Pacific. They were on the track used by' westbound trains and about 5:30 o'clock, as thry reached the crossing at Twenty-sixth and Bancroft streets, they saw a train ap proaching on this track. They got off. In- tending to take the other track, but In j doing so they stepped Immediately In front of a Chicago & Milwaukee switch engine, which was rapidly coming up from the rear and which they had not noticed. The un fortunate Uytswlck was knocked down and torn to pieces under the engine. The hor rified Velt, who was two or three steps behind, hud a narrow escape. The two men mado the change from one to the other track so quickly that the engineer of the switch engine could no nothing to prevent the killing. AUDITORIUM WALLS TO RISE Rochford A Gonld Get the Rrlck Work nnd A. Schall A Co. the Stone. At a meeting of the building committee, of the Auditorium board of directors last evening contracts were let for the brick and st on superstructure, including the walls entire. Rochford A Gould secured the brick work, and A. Schall ft Co, the stone work. The total amount of the con tracts for both was J60.000. It Is stipulated that the walls shall be completed within alxty days from the date of tho contracts. Three months more are caluculated as a conservative time for the finishing of the inside work. This will bring the building to a stags by about August 1 where it will be ready for the fixtures, and their establishment will be comparatively a small master. F. A. Nash, phalrman of the board. ' announce posi tively .that the Auditorium will be com ftleteA. hj tutOWr. .. .....,..,: ; DRIED CORN RULES TO STAY Warehouse Commissioners Decline to Place Product In Scpnrate CInas. CHICAGO, March 6. The warehouse com missioners appointed some time ago to de cide in regard to changing the rules cov ering "process" or kiln dried corn decided this afternoon that no change was ad Tleable. ' At the time of the ipoolntment a peti tion was sent to the Board of Trade asking that all corn artificially dried should be placed in a separate grade. May corn sold off 1 cent on the announcement of the ruling. THINKS PACKERS WILL QUIT Jadste Groaacup Considers Beef Trnat Unlikely to Flaht Restrain Ins Order. LOS ANGELES, March 6. Judge Groaa cup of the United State circuit court at Chicago haa arrived in Los Angeles. In speaking of th packing combine case in which be granted a temporary Injunction, Judge Grosscup said: I do not ap'prehend that tha packing com. nanles will care to proceed witn tne case. The Elklns Hiw certainly strengthens the lnter8tate commerce act, but how far any remedy will be effected it In difficult to estimate at this time. WIFE FINDER IS ARRESTED St. Louie Matrimonial Agrst Held fur Fraudulent Work In Arranar Ing Weddlnne. ST. LOUIS, March 6. J. A. Taylor, alias L. E. Dewet, alleged operator of a fraud ulent matrimonial agency, was arrested to day by Chief Postofflce Inspector Dice and his assistants. Taylor Is believed to have operated agencies lu the principal cities of the country from Detroit to San Francisco. He came to St. Louis about a year ago. ' 0ELRICHS TAXJS REMOVED t fHo Is Struck from Asseeameut Roll Wbeu Fair's Daaahter Pleads. virw vnpif M.rM, Knn (he ffrmmil . -, - that her legal residence Is In San Fran- Cisco, Mrs. Theresa A. Oelrlcha was today relieved of an assessment of $1,000,000. Mbvemeatn of Oceau Veasels March At New York Arrived Oceanic, from Liverpool; Llgurla, from Naples and Genoa. Sailed Koenlgen Luis, for Hre men; La Savole. for Havre. At Katlln Island I'atsed Carthagenlan, from New York, for Glasgow. At Malln Head Passed t'ortn'hlan, from St. John, N. it., and Halifax, for Liver pool. At Isle of Wight Passed Menominee, from New York, for London. At Brow Head Passed Noordland, from Philadelphia, for Liverpool. At Inlstrahull Passed Arcadian, from Boston, for Glasgow. At Antwerp Arrived Pennland, from Philadelphia. At Liverpool Arrived Ultonla, from Boston. Sailed Haverford, for Philadel phia. At London Sailed Mesaba, for New York. At Glasgow Sailed Siberian, for Hull fax. At Queenatown Arrived Oedrlc, from New York. Sailed Merlon, from Boston, for Liverpool; (ierinanic. from Liverpool, for New York; llaverford, (rorn Liverpool, for Philadelphia. At Movllle Arrived Corinthian, from Ht John, N. H.. and Halifax, from Liverpool. At Jaffa Arrived Kalsrrtn Marli 1 he rea. from Nw York via Mediterranean ports, lor Alexandria, etc, on orient cruls. LIGHT DARK PLACES Home in the Mood to Investigate Three Former State Treasurers. PRYING AT LID OF BARTLEY CIGAR BOX Two Ex-Governors to Be Asked to Tell What They Know of Content. MESERVE IS TO BE QUESTIONED ALSO Bean Brings Up the Bond Deals of Li-Treasurer 8tuefsr. STATEMENT OF THE BURT COUNTY CASE Hall of Donalas Introduces an F.vrn Dosen Rills, Several of Which Are of Interest to Omaha. (From a Staff Correspondent. LINCOLN. March 5 (Special Telegram.) lluvlng appointed a committee to lnvestl gste the so-called Hartley cigar box an 1 certain official acts of cx-Rtate Treasurer Meaerve, th house took tho initiative in a movement to subject the official conduct nf ex-State Trea"iirer Stuefer to publio Inqiilrv. Knox of Buffalo, Ferrer of Hall, Rlbbla of Palluc, Nelson nnd Kennedy of Douglsa, form the committee of bouse member that conduct the Investigation of that cle brated mystery, the so-csllcd Bartley cigar box. together with the official conduct of ex-Stato Treasurer Meservc Insofar as it Is said to relate lo this case. This com mittee was appointed by Speaker Mockett this afternoon on motion of Knox that th miming of the committee be vested In th spenkrr. This motlou followed the adop tion by Ihe house of a favorable report by the Judicial committee, to which th Knox rcxofutlon calling upon th house to Institute this investigation bad been referred. Tliis is the status of the movement to , have the present Icglsluture go Into and, It possible, lay bare the fact of this scandal ariHlng from the embczzlenu nt by ex-Slate Treasury, Bartley of over :00,O00 of state funds of which he waa custodian. Th . mysterious clgr.r box is supposed to con tain I. O. Us. representing part of the plundered ftmrln. Governor Savage also haa said that uuch a cigar box Is In existence. The general insertion Is that the names of the persons to whom this money is loaned and the amounts of such loans ara contained In that fcox. No one claiming to have knowledge of the box has ever consented to disclose its location or con tents. ' Call Kx-Gorernora. The demand for official Investigation of this remarkable case has been persistent, but notcr before has It met a response to this extent. Mr. Knox only a few days ago Introduced his resolution in the house giving practical Initiation to this move. , ment. As Is Indicated in the resolution, ' the committee Is to summon witnesses and tollect warwim. to 'aclltiat Its work. It I thttavowt'd uccVWiliiatlon to secure, It possible, thosa person who are best quali fied to throw light upon the case, and In this connection the committee will sum mon two ex-governors. Hnlcomb and Sav. age. Tho former la now a member of tho state supreme court and the Utter I In Seattle. Ex-Tieasurer Hill, -who Imme. dlately preceded Bartley, I another former state official who doubtless will be asked lo testify before the committee. Scars of Burt brought up th proposi tion of looking Into the affairs cf ex Treasurer Stuefer, and na chairman of th claims committee he submitted this state ment, which went on the house record: Sear Makes Statement. Mr. Speaker: To ao much of the portion In H. li. 164. as provides jor reimburs ing William Stuefer, lute treHKiirer of the late, X am opposed. My reason Is that two years uko Mr. Htuefer wrnt only reim bursed for his lli'Ht year's bond expense alter aiming publicly before the house that the earning of the public money should go to the state. After that he did not con rexve the public funds, in this that he neg lected and refused opportunity of buying DomlH for '.he permanent school fund, but did in at least one inHtanee, thut of th Hurt county bond, lurnlHh tho school money to an outMlder and then I ought the bonds, or pretended to 'juy them, after coupons to the extent o' nearly $3,000 had been oetached and retained by such -outsider, a loss to the rchool funds of th state, or to the county, in any event to the public, of the amount so detached, the state both f iirnlchlng tle money for the transaction and losing by It. 1 looked Into ' this matter at the request of the chairman or me county Dourti or Hurt county and wus HHiHte(l In the investlRatlon by Gov ernor Bitvuve, who afterwui'd wrote me that from the evidence before him. It ap peared a very great wrong had been com mitted, and thai he was deeply Interested. , Hxkej then that the matter be thoroughly .nveKtlgated. which was not done, and later stiggt Merl that a committee of such citi zens hh Senator Mamlerson. T. J. Mahnney anil Mr. l.iinihertHun investigate the matter, which suggestion was not acted upon. I might "lil (but a portion of the ma terial record in the matter of the purchase of the liui l ci unty oouda, appearing on pae 114 of the bond record bonk of 'he treasurer's otlice, has been changi d since I lnverilKated tho natter in November, 1S01. Hhnultl the house desire to investigate the niHiier 1 will furnish such information as I possess. Without my present statement I would not s hi n k that my duty to thla housi;, the Mute and my county had been performed. This ch:lm, coming to my committee, must be acted on by me. The house must judge whether my conclusion are correct or not. Nelson Makes a Move. Immediately Nelson of Douglas submitted thU motion which was later withdrawn before action was taken, as the author wished to amend and resubmit It tomor row: I move thai ecnmlitee of five members ' tills house be Appointed to "prosecute the Investigation of the conduct of ex-State j Treasurer William Stuefer in neglecting ! and refusing opportunities of buying county :T.,.K',rrLaLtH,;:'""d" ." of the HtHte -htiol Until to outnul jurtlfH n mi ii i j ipiih imaiu i tiuui v (ji rutin to the damage of the school I u rid. Also that salit committee bo empowered to Mill for books, papers and documents aifd com pel attendance of wltncvtca (luring said In vestigation and thut II Tt. liK h i returned to (he committee on elulms pending the re- J fx"" ' aald special committee There seems to be no doubt of an In vestigation being instituted into the Stue fer case. . This dominant spirit of Inquisition bas detracted from the interest in the revenue bill for the present, although that meas ure came back to tho house today. It was recommended for passage by the standing revenue committee, containing fifty pro posed amendments. After much discussion the bill was ordered placed on general file to come before the house In commlttea of the whole next Monday evening at 7:30, when a series of night sessions will b begun for consideration of this bill and continued until It 1 dixporft-d of. A great deal of opposition exists id '.ho rsvenu bill. The B.irtley investigation co.nmlltee met tonight, organized by selecting Knox chair man, arranged to employ a sieuogrsphsr.