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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1903)
10 TITE OMA1TA DATLT NKE: THUHSDAT, MARCH 5, 11)03. WATER BOARD IS ORGANIZED Latest Addition to Omaha's Government Eai Taken on Formal Life. JAMES t, BOYD ITS FIRST CHAIRMAN Matter nf Naming a Commlasloaer Srrrrtarr and Chootlng aa A p Itralorr Left for a t'ataro geaaton. Fix of Omaha's moot distinguished, In cluding Fome of the most wealthy, citizens, wrnt to work for the city laot Bight at 150 a month each and organized themselves as too first Water board. Tbrjr were selected by the governor to control and operate the first water works plant and system owned by Omaha, after they have assisted In ac quiring It. An utter lack of feature char acterised the first meeting, which was wit nessed by Albert O. Wella, agent for the surety onmpany that bonded the members, a newspaper photographer and two news paper reporters. It vs hpld In council committee room C on the second floor at the city hall, which the council bad designated as temporary quarters' for the board. Apart from the fact that illumination bad been provided, there was no sign that a new department of city affairs was to be organized. Former Governor James E. Boyd was elected chairman, Isaac E. Congdon tem porary ' secretary, the hour for regular meetings fixed at 3:30 In the afternoon and a recess taken until that hour Saturday, March 28. The latter action was done as a matter of precaution, so that all points of law might be complied with. John F. Coad was the first member of tho board to arrive. He came at 7:40, sat down and lit a cigar. Five minutes later Iranc E. Congdon . and former Governor Iloyd appeared climbing the stairs and Joined him. Guy C. Barton came under the wire a few minutes before the 8 o'clock bell sounded, while Milton T. Bar low was Just late enough to be late. T. J. Mahoney was fifteen minutes tardy and the Lther members smoked and chatted until he arrived. Meanwhile the agent of the bonding company appeared and presented applications to each member for bonds that have been Issued and approved by the mayor and council. Then a staff photo grapher for The Bee came with his machine and made a negative of the entire board s soon as Mr. Mabocey entered. Setting the Board in Motion. By common consent the other members appeared to look to Mr. Mahoney to lead them. He did so by moving that Mr. Congdon act as temporary secretary. This motion was secondod by Mr. Boyd and was carried unanimously. Then on motion of Mr. Congdon Mr. Mahoney was made temporary chairman. The temporary chair man stated that the next business in order would be to appoint a permanent chair man to serve for one year. Mr. Congdon made the- motion which provided for the election by ballot. lie was named as teller of the vote. Each member of the board took a loose sheet of paper on the long table around which they were seated and tore oft' a ecrap, which he wrote upon with pencil drawn from his pocket. Almost Instantly the ballots were folded and placed in Mr. Congdon's hands. There were five votes for Mr. Boyd and one ballot was blank. The chairman said: Gentlemen: I thank you for the favor. It shall be my burDoae and my pleasure to execute the p.'euaure of the board, knowing that what It does will always be lor the best Interests of the people of Omaha- Mr. Congdon was then elected temporary secretary of the permanent organization to serve until the commissioner-secretary Is appointed. The chairman asked whether the first meeting is to be considered the Arse regular meeting and after opinions had been expressed by Members Mahoney and Congdon, the two lawyers on the board, that It would not be deemed the first reg ular meeting, such was informally agreed. Mr. Barton, by motion, had the time of meeting at regular sessions fixed at S:30 In the afternoon. Appointment of Appraiser. The board then discussed the question as to whether or not an appraiser will have to be appointed before tbe next regular meet ing of the council. Mr. Mahoney said that tbe board was not bound to appoint the ap praiser until notice had been received from the mayor and council to do so, and that In asmuch as such notloe could be served on J he board only while it Is In sesrion, and the notice will not come until Thursday, that feature could be arranged later. At tbe first regular meeting the board Is required to appoint a commissioner-secre tary and after the meeting on Marc 28 It will bo necessary for the members to nomi nate before the next regular meeting of the council an appraiser to act with an ap praiser appointed by the water company. and a third to be ebosen by the two In de termining tbe value of the water plant. The council may appoint or reject the water board's eeloctlon for appraiser as It sees fit. By the motion of Member Mahoney the board took a reeeas until the last Saturday in March. The reporters were excluded and - with copies of the Howell-Qllbert law and the city ordinance making arrangement for tbe acquirement of the water plant, the C ha Offences against tbe lawa of health are nun. WE" ished rigorously i ana inevitably by nature. A matt may break civil lawa and es cape punishment. But the man who transgresses na ture's law of health cannot escape the penalty. Macy a man is to-day a prisoner for life, and for a very brief life, because of his outrage of the laws upon which health is conditioned. lie sits idly in his chair torn by coughing spells and easnintr for breath. The ndkercliicF which wipes his lips shows a red stain. He is slowly wasting awav. Weak lungs, obstinate coughs, spitting of blood, weakness and emaciation are cured by the use of Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery. Thousands who have been cured by this medicine attest the fart. Sick people are invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter, free. All corres nomlence is held as strictly private anil sacredly confidential. Address Dr. It V. Pierce. Buffalo. N. Y. Accent no substitute for "Golden Medical Discovery." The sole motive for substitution is to enable the dealer to make the little more profit paid on the sale of less meritorious medicines. "Three vrara iro I had lh grip," write Mrs. t.i ... i !.,',. of r.rawl hwiurli. Marion Co.. Kentucky. "It ten led on my lungs, aud the doctor wid I had coominulinn. 1 took i but tie of -CoMea Medical Irtcovery,' and aut tlmnknil lo uv I am enlirel well. Yea may print Ibii letter if vou e bt u do o Dr. tterce's Pleasant 1'ellcU keep tM bow cla w bcalthjr activity. , Ladles' Rubbers In Basement 25c Ladles' Rubbers In Basement 25c SPRING SUIT SALE it ""hf'fVK Today Very Special Bargain -Xt 5 Figures on Some of Our iZJWCH new 1HUUCS 1U1 Spring, 1Q03. $8.00 SUITS FOR, $5.00. Suits that Are Stylish and Good. Made of good, nobby materials. In navy and hlack. with satin stitched bands. Silk lined blouse Jackets and wide flared skirts, made to sell at 13.00, at $13.50 SUITS FOR $8.98 V rsvLa m'Yik mm ' a DaUUB. aim 5.00 ITZl laUD) is a w( 8.98 The new blouse jackets, with postillion backs and stoll collar; the Jacket all silk Uued and taffeta band trimmed; made of hleh a-rade all wool Venetians, in red. navy, brown and black, should sell at $13.50. Thursday special Dress & Walking Skirts Two entirely new lines, Including many odd and sample skirts, a fine assortment reaf.h.B.8.....4.98and 3,98 Misses' Skirts Basement Black and brown taffeta and satin band stitching, full flare, worth 'TEwO $2.00. at J. KJ IN BASEflENT. Ladies' Tailor Made Suits gray, blue and brown, made to sell at at5-.T.f 1.98 i Extraordinary Pattern Hat Purchase. $20.00 and $15.00 PATTERN HATS AT $2.50 Tomorrow we place on sale 350 Pattern Hats of midwinter and early spring do- signs, a grand collection or importations ana designs or Americas Dest Known millinery artists. v e inciuoe in mis magmncem onenng your choice of any Pattern Hat In our own stock, which tlll contains some of the smartest ideas of the winter. These huts have been $15.00 and (20.00. They all go Thurs day at 2.50 PYROQRAPHY DEPARTMENT, Third Floor Pyrography outfits and I wood for burning. Prices the Very Lowest. Sale of Tapestry Portieres Monday. "We specially announce a remarkable sale of Tapestry Portieres for next Monday. This Is the greatest tapestry sale ever attempted in Omaha. Remem ber tma sale cgins .Monday morning. New Linen Etamines Have Arrived. LO TOHf, Linen Etamines in Dress Goods -J'SsOWS Department. Take Advantage of Havden't Profit-Sbarlne Carnival brand embroidery sale. m ;lllS THURSDAY WILL BE EMflROIDERT DAT WITH t'S. DO NOT MISS THIS SALE THE FINEST LOT AND THE CHEAPEST WE HAVE EVER HAD TO OFFER INCLUDINO EMBROIDERIES, 1NSERTINOS, ALL-OVERS, BEADINOS. FLOUNCES. ETC. PRICES. M CENTS VP. TART PAYMENTS ACCEPTED ON LOTS OF ONE DOLLAR OR OVER. NONE OF THESE GOODS SENT C. O. D. COMB EARLY THERE WILL BE A BIO CROWD. REMEMBER, IV CENTS UP THURSDAY UORNINO. Women's New Spring Suits More spring suits than all the houses In Omaha combined. After months of careful selection and comparison, we . have gathered together the best assortment, tbe best styles and the best stock of women's tailor-made suits and skirts, in America. Our suits are Individual and distinct. The prices will please the shrewdest buyers. In justice to yourself, come and see these. Take time to It. Examine carefully and see what we have to offer. 200 women's sample suits from four of the best manufacturers in New York, at $16.00, $26.00 and $35.00 each. - . 20 sample garments, beautiful costumes, at $45. $50, $60 and $75., 200 suits bought from a Eth avenue man ufacturer. In all the new eollarless styles, taffeta lined Jackets, in all the new shades, Stylish, dressy suits, on sale at $12.50. S00 suits special for Thursday, every color Imaginable, every style that is made, others ask you $15.00, sale price, $8.96. MANUFACTURER'S STOCK OF SKIRTS. The well known Arm of Brown . A Hy man sold to us their entire made up stock of skirts at 35c on the dollar. They wanted the money we have the goods. On Bale Thursday In one great lot. 100 skirts worth up to $7, for $1.98. Another lot of skirts, rainy-days and dreBs skirts 300 of them, from the house of Turtle ft FellsUner, worth up to $8.00, tor $3.90. 400 sample skirts at $5.00, $6.00, $7.00 and $8.00. EXTRA SPECIALS 200 silk dross skirts, worth up to $15, on sale at $6.98. 60 dozen women'swrappera, ruffles over shoulders, 15-lnch flouuee, worth $1.25, on sale at 50c. 600 women's silk waists, in blacks and colors, new full sleeve, bought at a sacri fice and on sale for $2.90. SPECIAL SHIRT SALE. (Great Wrapper Sale Our entire stock of t women's flannelette wrappers is to be closed out in one day, We have divided the stock into three massive lots and they will go on sale Thursday. $1.00 Women's Wrappers, 49c. LOT 1 About 29 dozen flannelette wrappers, made of a good quality flannelette, full wide, 9 inch A Qq flounce, Dicely trimmed, regular $1 wrapper,. . ' $t.25 Wrappers, 59c LOT 2 About f0 dozen flannelette wrappers, made of an extra good quality flannelette, cut extra full, has a 9 inth flounce, trimmed with braid CQn $1.25 wrappers, Thursday $2.00 and $2.50 Wrappers, 98c. LOT 3 About 25 dozen of tbe very handsomest' women's flannelette wrappers, made of the very finest flannelette in beautiful patterns, wrappers that sold for $2.00 and $2.50 closing out price Qff Thursday Z71J to n mm&m m f SPECIAL SHIRT SALE All the men's and boys, shirts, slightly soiled, worth up to $1. on salo at 25c. Men's $1.60 colored laundered shirts, on sale at 50c. Men's pure linen handkerchiefs, regular 25c quality, on tale at 10c. Men's white ' unlaundered shirts with linen bosoms, on sale at 25c. IT 111 mm A COLD PROPOSITION sni QBEOLasDS J. L. BRANDE1S & SONS, BANKERS. STATEMENT AS TO DEPOSITS. Close of business Opening Day ? 16,095.C8 Close of business Sept 30, 1 month's business. . 02,763.29 Close of business Oct. 31, 2 month's business. . . 85,137.88 Close of business Nov. 30, 3 month's business. .. 119,275.49 Close of business Dec. 31, 4 month's business... 157,208.06 Close of business Jan. 31, 5 month's business. . . 174,170.08 Close cf business Feb. 28, 6 month's business.... 200,762.52 members of the board went into unofficial executive session. Annomncetuents of tbe Theater. At the Orpheum there will be a matinee today. The bill has an abundance of com edy in It, and is well calculated for both women and children, who constitute the greater portion of the afternoon attend ance. In the presentation of the little com edy, entitled "A Daughter of Bacchus," by Fllson and Errol, ' women, besides being highly entertained, can get a cue to a cure tor an Inebriate husband. It's rare that Manager Burgess plays one show twice during a season, yet he has given K&therine Wlllard that privilege be cause of the very excellent Impression she created on theater goers an her first visit here In December In "The Power Behind the Throne," a romantic drama on "The Prisoner of Zenda" order. Miss Wlllard will be aeen in the same play at the Boyd tonight for but a single performance. The same company will be aeen with ber. Wright Lorlmer heads It, playing the young count. Tbe story of the play tells of the intrigues of a countess, a court favorite. to win tbe love of a young nobleman who Is In love with Aria, Impersonated by Miss Wlllard, the daughtir of the court musi cian. The piece is full of sword duels and exciting situations and .climaxes. Mark Hamburg, the pianist, played with fine technique and much feeling the con certo in B flat minor, opus 23, by Tschalk owskl. While no credit should be taken from the pianist, much praise should be given to the Instrument he used, for one bears few pianos with such tone and res onance aa this ; instrument. New York Press. Will appear at First Congregational I church Monday evening, March 9. i.COLLAR Howell's Anti-Kawf positively curea coughs and colds. For sale at all drug stores at 25c and 50c per bottle CUTTING HOLES In the walls, tearing things up generally, getting ready for our new fixtures and fountain, that's what we're up to and we are also tearing holes in the lint of cus tomers of some of our BIO BORED com petitorsgetting new ones every day who are tired of the hold up prices they have just been paying, and especially on prescrip tions just compare our prescription prices with what you are paying. , Attend our NO LIMIT sale. A 10c cake of Toilet Boap for...; Bo $1.00 Temptation Tonic no limit 25c $1.00 Peruna all via want 61c $1.00 Sexina Pills Ho limit 75c Rubber goods, all kinds get prices. If out of town write us, 'cause catalogs are dead. - C. t $1.00 Pierce's RemMiea all you want.. 64a Boo Murine, for ey no limit 40o S5a Castorla not imitation 24a 5ftc Gem Catarrh Tewder 80c 60c Texas Catarrh Cure one bottle cures 40o $2.00 Chester's Pennyroyal Pills $1.00 SCIIAEFER'S DRUC1 STORE Two Pfcasios T4T TOT. I. W. Oar. lOth Cfcle . 1 I IK Hr.A i. Il.tHKKT, INSTRUMENTS placed rfn record Wednes day, Aiarcn t: Warraatjr Deed.. A. W". Kelpln and wife to Carrie 8. Hammond, n.10 feet of vKo fevt lota s and 9. block 2. A. 8. Patrick', ailil 11 t tfai-oD iir.s ana wue 10 norn AiiKKei- un, lot z, block. 1. 1st add. to Mt. ItouKiaa ana j. t. utrorge to Mary O Connor, lot t. Buiuvan s ana itQ t.urn u. Angwi to Anna Brown, lot 10. uiuca , eniun s aau , Zw ilt Claim Deed. Ellen O'Neill to J. J. Wear, lot t. block Zl, 1st add. to booth Omaha.... 1 imroara tiuoa to Antonla tlrram. 101. i to i. d'dck in. eouin omana, and lot J. block tt, Park Forest Dceda. 6herlff to O. W. Bchaefer. lots 7 to 10. block I, Rlvervlew park 85 Same to M. J. C. Ityun. lot 11. blcck I. Logan Place 7V) Bnma to same, lot 19 block , same 775 iit.rbara i 111.1. K. puHnlitin, in Antnnl Bream, tola 1 to 4. block 14S. South Omaha, and lot 3. block , Park For est add 43 Total amount of transfers. HIGB CLOTHIXQ PURCHASE. J. L. Brsvadels St Sons tecar ttnmcDM Line of Black day 'Worsted Salts On Bale Satardar. We have Just bought from an eastern manufacturer an Immense stock of fine black clay worsted suits. We bought at a I great bargain and we will offer this stock for sale at a wonderful reduction. The finest, handsomest $15 suits, full satin lined, absolutely pure and warranted Is-os. clay worsted. Never such a mag nificent value. On sale Saturday, March 7. Every suit at one price, $7.50. Watch our windows. J. L. BRANDEIS SONS. Boston Store. Kottce. The reward of fifty ($50.00) offered by Plumbers' local union, Vo. 16, tor the recov ery of tho remains of J. C. Moran, drowned November 4 last. Is hereby withdrawn. H. B. H1NTON, Rec. Bee. No. 16. Fifth Ward Hrpabllcana. There will ba a meeting of the Fifth Ward Republican club at McKenna's hall, Sixteenth and Locus streets, Thursday even ing at o'clock. Good speakers will be there. W. B. CHRISTIE. President. PAIL B. SEWARD, Secretary. NOTICE All (Unsatisfied policy holders In tho Northwestern Life and Savings com pany of Dea Moines, la., please call or send name and address to Robt. B. Haaker, ears Regent Ehoe company, 206 8. 15th BL, Omaha, Neb Very Low Haiti. To points In Montana, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, British Columbia, Utah and Colo rado, la effect dally from February 15 to April SO, via Chicago Great Western rail way. Write to J. P. Elmer, O. P. A., Chi cago, for full particulars. Publish your legal notices la The Weekly Bee. Telephone 23$. Tliroua-b, with Tas Caaes. Judgs Iay Wednesday finished the laat nf tha foriv-to tax cnwi against the city whloh ere bunched In his court. The raw Involve an agrca1 sum of about tlO J0 In U1H. and the city lost moat nf them. They ralals to vii yaviUa and tiuruveiaeut MEN'S $2,50 WELTS Box calf or vlcl kid, with genuine welt sol? absolutely the best value In Omaha far $2.50. Why should you buy a machine sewed shoe that has tbe rough bot toms when you can get a genuine welt sole for $2.50. For spring wear this shoo has no equal, aa It will stand all kinds of rough weather usage, and the price Is only $2.50. Tou had better let us fit you a pair of these $2.60 welts. DREXEL SHOE GO. Omaha's Up-to-Date Shoo Hosa 1419 FARNAM STREET. LOW PRICES Still Prevail at Our Closing Out Sals of Drugs Only Rock Candy, per lb Carbolic Acid, lb. cans.... Perry Davis Pain Killer... Perry Davis Pain Kllrer... Sloan's Liniment. Howell's. Anti-Kawf Kendall Spavin Cure Horsford's Phosphate Tyree Antiseptic Powder Hydrolelne Kay Renovator Hood's Sarsaparllla CAN'T BEAT 'EM. Fuller Drug & Paint Go 114 Booth 11th Street. We sail paint. . 15c .. 20c . 15c ,. 30c . 30c ,. 15c .. 65c ,. too ,. 70o ,. 70o .. 65o ,. 600 taxes prior to 183. Judge Day will now begin with his regular call. IIKD. BMITIt Mra. ' Buvtlla, aged II yeara 4 months, March 4. Funeral aervtces at residence, 643 South Twenty-fourth avanue, at T:3 p. m. Fri day, March 4. iuurweut vrivaw A WOMAN'S ' S3 SHOE We sell a woman's shoe for 73.00 that is equal In every way to most of the shoes known and sold as $3.50 shoes. There is as much style to them; they nt as perfectly;- they feel as comfortable; they look aa well, and they wear as long. There Is no other shoe sold for $3.00 that compares with them in style, fit or wear. They are the best there is for the price, and good enough for. any body. See them. FRYSllOLca o. T. & a co. 1-408 DOUGLAS 5T. Commencing Thursday and continuing Friday and Saturday we will offer our customers these specials. We also carry a complete stock of Fresh Fruits, Vegeta bles, Meats, Bakery Goods and Groceries Our prices are always tbe lowest. Pnffas Out new Porterico blend, WUllOl psr lb., only , Flnnr Reliance, Oold Medal lIUUI or Blue Bell Ctlrnfa Best Minnesota flour. ainuiv 48 lb. aack. 55c 98c 1.25 2lc 25c 8c 10c Clara prunra, lb DG FOR FRIDAY ONLY. 3ic 10c Putter fancy country roll. vuiiwi wort Soap Peas Pork Loins Yog.bp,..!K:rk:. Drnnae Another lot, Santa I IUHBS urth 2&o lb., Good laundry, "Home Brand," 8 bars Good quality, 2 lb, cans Fresh Yellow Perch per lb Fresh Smelts, per lb ata iiaanawmmsians! i.i i i iiTTlH .ffllPllTiTWW RE-N041AY POWDER A positive cure for sweaty feet, hands snd excessive presplratlon under the arms; cures corns, bunions and chilblains; eaves gloves, shoes and clothing. Special office treatments. Consultation free. Price, 50c. If your druggist hasn't it, accept no other, but aend to A. Mayer, Manf.. 512 Bee Bid?., Omaha. Phone 1716 " Try Re-No-May Blackhead Lotion, Skin Food and Face Powder and Complexion Cream. (Strictly Pure and Hygienic.) 233 ALBERT EDHOLM, JEWELER, 107 North 16th Street. Opp. P. O. Watch Inspector for tl. P. K. R. Co. Diamonds Are a Good Investment To gay nothing of the pleasure of wearing them. We have them loose and mounted In rings suitable for bethrothal, birthday and anniversary occasions $15.00 to $500.00; Lockets, $10.00 to $75.00; Studs, $15.00 to $500.00; Ear screws, $36.00 to $660.00; etc., etc. Price marked in plain figures. Just take a look some time. AN UP-TO-DATE BUSINESS HOUSE Is judged more or less by the Stationery u sed in carrying on Its correspondence. No matter whether your business standing is of .long or short duration you can't afford to use an inferior class of Stationery. We have the facilities and the-material for the execution of first-class Engraving of all kinds. ' ' BUSINESS. BANK, PROFESSIONAL AND PRIVATE STATIONERY ' Prices reasonable and consistent with good workmanship. THE IYIOYER STATIONERY CO., 220-222 SOUTH 16th ST. BAILEY THE DENTIST 312 Paxlon Blk. ALUMINUM PLATES COST A LITTLE more) than rubber, but . are more satisfactory, being pleaaanter to wear and more ' healthful. We make a full plat for $15.00. A Birthday Gift Of an umbrella always makes an acceptable gift We have them ror l. 'W,, sz-w, h.w. a very nice one for $5.00 some handsome ores for $7.00 to $8.00. Spend a few minutes In our store. Look for nsroo. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler 1516 Douglas Street. () Via kno -vv ycjL I i Ue SHEM BMI GjlDA L EquMly doodfor b2ajeburnerbrcookind Victor Yhite 1 601 F&rn&n JITel. 127 JEWELERS AND WATCHMAKERS We have a complete line of Ladles' and Gentlemen watches of all grades and dif ferent make. A large assortment of plain Gold Kings and Set Kings of evnry des crlDtlon. Ladles' and Gfnta' WHtclirhalns. Charms and Lockets In Solid Oold or nlated Mantle Clocks, Fancy Gift Clocks. Regulator and Office Clorks, Opticul goods In fact anything that goes to make up, a well arranged Jeyelry Store. JVSrll"B iuiiu uu a" P. E. FLODMAN & CO., JEWELERS. 1614 Capitol At. THE OMAHA TEA & COFFEE GO 1408 DOUOLAS SI. Telephons your orders. Nob. 164 snd 726. March Grip Remedies 1 00 Peruna LATHROP'8 COLD CURE (guaran teed) 25c Lathrop'a Compound Cough Syrup.. 2&c 2ci 7Bo Boschee'a German Syrup. (Be ttK Ryrup of figs 6c, 36c fHatorU 26c K! Ballard a cough Hyrup... zoc Ura I'lo"s Cough Syrup Sbc 2ar Chamberlain's' Cough Syrup Xic Zbc Laxative Bromo Qui nine 15c LATIIROP'S ffiST Kith mm Haaatltoaw laa A 14a. RUG DAY 60 3i63-lnch Wilton Rugs, worth $3.00, for $1.69 Rugs, $1.69 an-lnch All Wool Smyrna Rugs, worth $3.00. for $2.60 Sample of -High-Grade Velvets, Wilton snd Axmluster Carpets, worth $2.60. for 7-xl0- Smyrna Rugs, worth $15.00, for 90c $9.95 ORIENTAL RUGS Thursday and Friday we will make a special discount of 25 per cent on all Oriental Rugs. BAKER FURNITURE CO. FORMERLY SHIYERICK FURNITURE CO. Indorses Cramer's for Grip. OMAHA, Jun. 2. 100L CRAMER CHEMICAL CO.. Albany, N. T. Gentlemen 1 have Just recovered from a bad attack of Grip through the use of your wonderful remedy. My case was serious; my temperature high; my kidneys failed to ant; I was so sick as to be con fined to my bed for a week. Seeing your remedy advertised and learning of people who had used It saying it was good I In vested in a bottle. Its results were won derful. After a few bottl.'S I am as 'll ns ever. I give you this testimonial hoping It may be the means of others taking It and getting well. Very truly yours, HENRY KOEWLKR, City Salesman Omaha Tacking Co. Genuine fresh Cramer's Kidney and Liver Curs may be found In two sixes, 60c for 0c; $1.00 slsea for 7bc at CUT PRICR druq storc SCHAEFER'S Tto Thoaea TIT nnil TUT. I. W. Cor. lOth and Cblcaico Sl. MERCHANTS rJATIOHAI. BANK Or OMAHA. M. B. Cor. rtnxa mtA Uth ts. PsviA l Capital . , . ... . S&oo.OOO lwlu Fsad . lOO.O' I'lITPD STATES DEPOSITORY, rKANK afURPHT. President a. wool), VUm FraaMenl bier. Assistant Casus fcOTHCK L.RAKB. Caehier It llakUI.KiX. Aaal