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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1903)
8 TIIE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, MAKCfl g 1003. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL LUt'.e Interest ii Manifested by Board of Trade Brokers, AFTER FAIR OPENING GRAINS DROP Provlstoas, l!wvfr, laflneaeed by Shorts and Home Demand, Joir May Products Rlae from Two and Half to Fifteen Ceata. CHICAGO, March 4 There wai little of Interest In trading on the Hoard of Trade today and after a fair Fhow ot strength the grain niuikets closed eusy. May wmiit be ing off V-V', .May corn down '."Si'-ac ami ohis .tc lower. provisions were itroi.g and the May product! cloned from 2Vi'sc to IjO higher. The wheat market was Influenced largely by the action of corn and followed the price of that cereal throughout the day. Trading wag dull and conlined chiefly to local trader. '1 he opening was easier on lower cabUs and May waa off yc to Hic at o uc. letter the market advanced In sympathy with the strength In corn and along with the better prices at New York, May selling up to l'ic, but the extreme Inactivity In the pit and the large Argentine shipment, over 2.ouo,o0 bu. for the week, had a depressing effect, and when the break In corn occurred, with noth ing to support It. the market reacted and ruled eaay the remainder of the session. Way closing Wac lower at TTVi&Tic, after selling down to TTmc The clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 375.0UO bu. Primary receipts were 430.000 bu., against 406,000 a year ago. Minneapolis and Duluth reported receipts of 2 cars, which, with local receipts of 28 cars, two of contract grade, made total receipts for the three points of 3-'0 cars, against 245 last week and 250 a year ago. Corn was fairly active and the market displayed considerable strength early on the unfavorable weather conditions, rnlns being predicted over the entire corn belt, but havy selling by local traders caused a slump In pi ices and a weak feeling pre vailed the last hour of the sesHlon. Open ing prices were eoaler on lower cables May being a shade to ViUVtC lower at 47H!ff47Vic, but active buying by yesterday's late sell ers caused an advance to 4T:ic, but with the demand from that source satisfied tho market weakened and May closed Wc lower at 47c. lxcal receipts were 373 cars, none of contract grade. Oats were quiet and featureless and the market was inclined to follow tht action of corn. The close was easy, with May o lower at 36S,ffV)c after selling between 35Vc and XfaioJiC. Receipts were small at 214 cars. There was a fair trade In provisions and a stronger feeling prevailed, there being an active demand from shorts, while brok ers also were fair buyers. The close was strong, with May pork lfo. higher at 118.80, May lard lc higher at 13.97ft and ribs up 2's'6c at l'J.87',4. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wh-at. 20 cars; corn, 240 cars; oats, 120 cars; hogs, 80,000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles.' Open. Hlgh. Iow. Close. Ys'y. Wheat May July Bept, Corn Mar. May Juiy Oats Mar. May July Sept. Pnrk May July Bent. Lard May July Sept. Ribs May July Sept. 77Ji 77( I '.2iJ 72VI 77H 73 72V. ' 45", 47- 4ifd: 73 11, 45 47S 46W tr.v.i 4r,; 474, 4oJ 35K:35Vfi 32V 32 18 IS I 18 30 I 17 62l 17 77 32N,t 32H,32i'ai 18 30 I 18 15 17 774 17 65 17 27ft, 17 15 17 16 I 17 27Vsl 9 87 9 76 9 97H 9 82ft 9 76 9 97ft 9 82ft 9 75 9 87ft 9 72ft 9 67ft 9 IR 9 62ft 9 60 9 eiw 9 80 9 60 9 60 9 87ft 9 An 9 87ft 66 9 62ft 9 62ft No. 1. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Quiet and easier; winter pat ents, J3.6Wfi3.70; straights. 13.303.70; spring patents, 13.513.80; straights, 13.10(3.40; bakers. r2.464jJ.lio. WHEAT No. 1 spring. 7879ftc; No.. 3. 74c; No. i red. 75ftU76i.c. CORN No. 2, 45ftc: No. 2 yellow. 46fte. OATS No. 9. S4c; No. I white, 84ft(ij36fta. RYE No. 2X 49ftc. BARLEY Good feeding, 4346c; fair to choice malting. 48i54c. SEED No. 1 flax. 11.14; No. 1 northwest ern. $1.17; clover, contract grade, $11.95. PROVISIONS Meas pork, per bbl.. 118.12ft (fi 18.26. Lard. per luO lbs.. 19. 854)9.90. Short ribs sides (loose). I9.6va9.80. Drv salted shoulders (boxed). $S.37ft4;S.50; short clear shies (boxed), 810.00tgl0.25. Following are the receipt and shipments of flour aud grain: ' Rece!pts.Sh!pmentn. Flour, bbls 32.500 14.900 Wheat bu 66,600 22.700 Corn, bu 474.800 118.60) Oats, bu 424.900 153.60) Kye, bu 9,400 1,00 Barley, bu 116,400 23,9o0 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market waa steady; creameries, 18(9 27ft c; dairies, 14u24c. Eggs, steady at mark, cases Included, 17ftc Cheese, steady, tiWfP 13ftc. NEW YORK QEXBRAL MARKET. Quotations of tho Day oat Varloas , Commodities. NEW YORK. March 4 F"LOUR Re ceipts, 41.417 bbls.; exports 32,859 bbls.; mar ket steady, but dull; winter patents, $8.70 &4.00; winter straights, $3.5ft3.66; winter extras, $2.SO(f3.10; winter low grades. $2.60 62.80; Minnesota patents, 34.iag4.25; Minne sota bakers, 83.2Cjj3.40. Kve flour, dull; fait' to good, i. !). .io; choice to fancy, $3.3oiQ3.56. Buckwheat flour, quiet. $1.9)j 216, spot and to arrive. CORNMEAL Quiet; yellow western. $1.16! city. $1.14; Brandywlne, $3,4043.56. RYE Steady; No. 2 western 62ftc, f. o. b,, afloat; state, o7i(tt;c, c. i. f.. New York. BARLEY' Steady: feeding, 47c, c. L f., Buffalo; malting. 6tt(i9r, c. i. f.. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, 33.250 bu.; exports, 114.783 bu. Spot, easy; No. 2 red, 82c, cle- vaior, ana mc r. o. o., anoat; no. l north ern. Duluth, 86e. t. o. b.. afloat; No. 1 hard. Manitoba, lftc. f. o. V. afloat. Op tions suffered an early decline, but later rallied and closed steady at ftc advance to ftc decline. March closed at Mftc, May at lfto July at 7x,o and September at 7iftc. CORN Receipts, 117.0H) bu.; exports. 273, 907 bu. Spot, easier; No. 2. b'Jc, elevator, end 66c, f. o. b . afloat; No. 2 yellow, 60c: No. 2 white. 5tc. Options were easy all day. The market cloned easy at ftt'c net decline. March closed at 67ftc, May at W'c and July at Blc. OATS Receipts 103,500 bu.; exports, 5.972 bu. Spot, quiet; No. 2. 43': No. 8. 42Vae; No. I white, 4oe; track white. 43fti.c; standard white, 44c: No. t white 44ftc; track mixed western, npmlnal. Options were steady at first, but eventually eased off with corn. May, 41ftc. HAY Steadier; shipping, 56"0c; good to choice. 86 .00. HOPS Market quiet; state, common to choice. 12 crop 2li(j35c: crop, 23'o26c; old, t'ttl2'jc: I'uclflc coMHt, 1!K'J crop, 2ij3c 1901 crop, Ziit.w; old, euvl2Vc. ' HinES-Qulet; Galveston, 20 to 15 lbs. ISc; Cullfornia, 20 to 25 lbs., 19c; Texas dry 4 to SO lbs.. 14c. I KATH KR Firm; acid, 24-26c. PROVISIONS Beef, qult,"esy; faml'y $M'; meiM, 8.W)9.5o; beef hams. $Jo.6'K(i 21.50; packets, $l2.uiKii ls.SO; city extra India mess. $24 "tsrjn.oo. Cut meats, tlrm; pickled bellies, $9 5O(y l0.75; pickled shoulders, $i VAv 9.00; pickled hams. $11.26611.75. ltrd firm; western steamed, $10.16; retlned, steady; continent, $10 40; Sjuth America, $10 75 compiiuiids, $7.5uij7 75. Pork, tlrm; family' $19 short clear, $13.006 2100; mesa, $ia.ooij TALLOW Steady; city ($2 per pkg ). 6ftc; country (pkas. free). f,i6fto. RlL'E Firm; d unestlc, fair to extra, eftf fc: .lipnn, nominal. 1) UTTER Receipts. 6.026 rkgi. : steadier; state dairy, lidt24c; creamery, extra, 27c; creamery, common to choice, lWtJiic. CHEESE Receipts. 81 pkgs. ; firm; fanry large, state full cream, colored, fall made HiuUftc; fancy large, while. 14dl4'c; fancy small, state full cream, colored, 14c; fancy smull. white. Hftc. EGGS Receipts, 679 pkgs. ; Arm; state aim l ennsyivama, average uest, t.fte; west ern, fancv. 17c. POULTRY-Alive and dressed: Steady nd unchangi. METALS Tin lost 12s 6d of Its recent .d. Vance in Ixiiidun today, closing there at LIS 7s 6d for spot and 139 9d for futures, but here It was araln firm, soot closlnir ui $i"L'Wi31 "" fo per advaned 2s 6d to aw lus ror spin mnn tor f"ti'r-s In Ixindnu and lure It was slsi a ehad h nher but quiet. Staiidard closed at (IS. Lake and electrolytic rloxed at $13 50i 13.75 and casdug at $13. 13.60. 1-ead advanced te In lxjitdon. closing at 13 12s 6i, but here It remained quiet and uiiilmnied at $ lift. Spelter was unchanged at 21 15s In In dun, while here It was firmer at $51016.15 lron was steady abroad, closing at 56a Sd In Glasgow and at 6Ls (J In Mlddlesborough. Lot-ally Iron was unchanged, with No. 1 norUkoro foundry quuuu at $J4.0vsji4.W, No. I northern foundry at $22 Wi22 Rn and No. 1 e.iuthern and No. 1 southern soft foundry at $:3.5o24.60. Warrants continued nominal. OMAHA WHOI.If.SALh MARKET, Staple nad faster Prodoeo. EOQS Market weak; fresh stock, 14c LIVE POULTRY nens, lOtUlOfte; old roosters, 4iJftc; turkeys, 13015c; ducks, 1(0 9c: geese, 7nSc; chicken!, per lb.. Io410ft. DltESSKD POULTRY Chickens. ll'(7l?e; hens, i;)12c; turke, ljiiltic; ducks, ll12c; geese. U'y12c. PUTTER Packing stock, llftc: cholcs dairy, In tubs, ISiil.c; separator, 2Tr(!i!2Gc. OY8TERS Standards, per can. 2c; extra Selects, per can, 3oc; New York CouJits, per can. 42c; bulk, extra Selects, per gal. $1.76; bulk. Standard, gal., $1.36. FROZEN FRESH FISH-Trout. IWrlop; herring, 5c; pickerel, 8c; pike, 9c; perch, 6c; buffalo, dressed, 7e; sunflsh, 3c; btueflns, 8c ; whltelish, 9c; salmon, lc; haddock, lie; coilflh, 12c; redsnappor. l"c; lobsters, belled, per lb, 33c; lobsters, green, per lb., sic; btil'-heids. loc; catfish. Ho; black bass. 20c, halibut. 11c. WHAN Per ton. $15.5G. ' HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Dealers' association: Choice ro. 1 upland, I; No 1 medium. $S; No. 1 coarse, $5.60. Rye straw, $6. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. Demand fair; re ceipts light. r(ii('i:ic, OATS 39c. Kl E No. 2, 4Sc. VEGETABLK8. NEW CELERY Hals ran boq, per iozZiC, California, per dot., 45,'jc. POTATOES-Per bu., 4fgl6o. SWEET FOTATOLS-Iowa and Kansaa, ; $2 25 NEW PARPLKY Per doi. hunches, 400. NEW CARROTS Per los. bunches, 40a LETTUCE Per dos. hunches. 46o. BEETS Ne w southern, per doi. bunches, 60c; old, per bu.. 40c. CUCUMBERS Hothouse, per dog., $1.76. P.RBNIP8-Per bu., 40c. CARROTS Per bu., 4ic. GREEN ONIONS Southern, per dog. bunches. 4oc. RADISHES-6outhern, per dog. buncheg, sue. TURNIPS Per bu., 40c; Canada rutaba gas, per lb., lo; new southern, per dos. bunches, 60c. ONION8-Rd Wisconsin, per 'b.. lc. wnlte, per lb., 2ftc; Spanish, per crate. $1.75. PPINA( II Southern, per dos. bunches. 60c. WAX BEANS Per bis box, $3; string bean, pr u box, $1.60. CABBAGE Holland eeed, per lb., lfto. NAVY BEANS I'er bu. $2.6i TOMATOES New Florida, per 6-basket ciste. $4.Vf,5.00. CAULIFLOWER California, per crate, $2.00. FRUITS. PEARS Fall varieties, per box, $3 50. APPLES Western, per bbl., $2.75; Jona thans, $6; New York siock, $3.ZB; California Bellflowers. per bu. box, $1.50. GRAPES Main gas, per keg. $6.00(37.00. CRANBERRIES Wisconsin, per bbl., $11.00; Bell and Bugles, $12.00; per box, $3.60. STRAWBERRIES Florida, per qt., 60c. TROPICAL FRUITS. LEMONS California fancy, $3.50; choice, 23.25. ORANGES California navels, fancy, $3.00 3.15; choice, $2.75; Mediterranean sweets, $.' 25; sweet Jaffa, $2.50 DATES Persian. In 70-lb. boxs, per lb, 60c; per case of 30-lb. pkgs.. $2.26. FIGS California, per lo-lh. cartons, 90o; Turkish. Dor 35-lb. box. 1418c. MISCELLANEOUS. OLD METALS. ETC. A. B. Alolm quotes the following prices: Iron, country mixed, wer tonb, $11; Iron, stove plate, per ton, $3; copper, per lb., 8ftc; brass, heavy, per lb., Sftc; brass, light, per lb., Oftc; lead, per lb., 8c; zinc, per lb.. SWc. MAPLK SUOAR-Ohlo. per lb 10c. HONEY Utah, per 24-frarae case, $3.25; Colorado, $S 50. CIDER New York. $4; per V4-bbl . $2.50. SAUERKRAUT Wisconsin, per ft-bbu, $2; per bbl.. $3.75. POPCORN Per lb.. 2c; shelled, 4o. HIDES No. 1' green, 6ftc: No. 2 green, 6c; No. 1 salted, 7c; No. 2 salted, 6c; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., Sftc; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 6c; dry hides, 8012c; sheep pelts. 25eu75r; horse hides. Il.50.g2.60. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 15c; hard shell, per lb., 14c: No. 2 soft shell, per lb., 13c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 12c; Brazils, per lb., 12c; filberts, per lb.. 12c; almonds, soft shell, per lb.. 16c; hard shell, per lb., 15c; pecans, large, per lb., 12ftc; small, per lb., 11c; cocoanuts, per dos.. 60c; jhes'.nuts, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., Sftc; roasted peanuts, per lb.. 7c; black walnuts, per bu., $1; hickory nuts, per bu., il 50; cocoanuts, per 100, $4. St. Louis Grain and Provisions. 6T. LOUIS, March 4. WHEAT Lower; No. 2 red, cash, elevator, 71c; track, 740 75ftc; May, 72c; July, 70ftS70c; No. 2 hard, 70473c. CORN Lower; No. 2 cash. 4Hic; track. 416-i5c; May, 41Hi&41)ic; July, 41ftc, nom inal. OATS Weak; No. 2 cash, tfftc; track, 36 37c; May. 36ftc; July, 31ftc, nominal; No. 2 white, 39c. RYE Quiet at 50tf?8Ofte. FLOUR Dull; red winter patents, $3.401 S.66; extra fancy and straight, $3.1003.35; clear, $2.903.00. SEED Timothy, steady, $3.00(33.60. COHNMEAL Steady, $2.30. BRAN Quiet; sacked, east track, 83(f?R5c. HAY Firm; timothy, $11.6015.60; prairie, $7,00411.00. IRON COTTON TIES $1.45. BAGGING 6 (ft Sftc. HEMP TWINE 8c. PROVISIONS Pork, higher: lohblne- standard mess. $18.30. Lard, better at $9.65 Dry salt meats - (boxed), eteadv; extra shorts, $9.87ft; clear ribs, $9. 87ft; short ciears, $10. Bacon (boxed), steady; extra shorts, $10.75; clear ribs, $10.75; abort clear, $10.87ft. METALS Leai, firm at $4.00. Spelter, strong at $4.92ft. POULTRY Steady; chickens, lOfteilo; turkeys. 13514c; ducks, 16c; geese, 8c. BUTTER Steady; creamery. 20(S28ftc: dairy. 19&21c. EGOS-Hlgher at 16c. . . Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 6,000 16,000 Wheat, bu 78.000 1.V.00) corn, bu 129,000 193,o0) uats, du 18,000 110,000 Liverpool Grain and Provisions. LIVERPOOL. March 4. WHEAT Easier; No. 2 red, winter, 6s lftd; No. 1 northern, spring, 6s Sftd; No. 1 California, 6a lid; futures, quiet; March. 6s 4d; May, 6s 2d; July, 6s ld. CORN Spot. American mixed, new, steady, 4s 6fti; old, no stock; futures quiet; March, 4s 6ftd; May. 4a 4ftd. PROVISIONS Beef, easv: extra India meas. 90s. Pork, easy: prime mesa west. ern, 77s 6d. Hums, short cut, 14 to 16 lbs., tlrm. 61s 6d. Bacon, Cumberland cut, 26 to 30 lbs., strong, 61s 6d; short ribs, lit to 24 ins., nrm, oia: long clear middles, light. 28 to 34 lbs., firm, 61s; long clear, heavy. 35 f 40 lbs., strong, 61s Cd; short clear backs, 16 to 20 lbs., strong, 51s; clear bellies, 14 to 16 lbs., strong, 51s. Shoulders, square, mo i.i ids., strong, zs. L,ara, llrm; prime western. In tierces, 49s 9d; American re- nnei, i-i palls, W9. BITTVER F'nest United States good United States. 80s. nominal; e HE USE Steady; American finest white and colored, 62a Hd. TALLOW-Steady; prima city, 28s; Aus tralian, in London, 32s 9d. Kansas City Grain and Provisions. ir a x a A a TTiXT w . . . . 6,ftc; July. 'j!w. Cash: No. 2 ha.d 6!Ka'71e; No. 3. 6o.eiic; No. 4 hard. .-.96vlftc; COHN-Aprll. 3ntftc; May. S8ftraBU,c July. 3Sft4,C8c. Cash: No. t mixed. 3&rf ?ATS7-S2 wnltc' VilUMftc; No. ' J mixed, 3.';i)3jftc. RYE No. 2. 46c. prla1,YeSloo.,,m0,hy' 112 M chol BUTTEU-Creamery, 2H?25c; dairy, fancy, EGGS Fresh, 13c. . . Receipts. Shipments. Wheat bu u w... n. ,. 1,VIJ Lorn. u 17.6-0 Outs, bu 22.000 22.000 Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA March 4".-BUTTER-Flrm. good deman"; extra western cream erv. -Ik-; extra nearby prints, S2o. EGGS Firm and ftc higher; fresh nearby, I.e. at the mark; freh western. 17c, at the murk; tresh southwestern, luftc. at tbe mark; fresh sout'iern, 16c, at the mark CHEESE Firm, good demand: New York full creams, prime small, lcaUVke; fair to small, 13''ul3c; prime large. He: fair to good large, 13$13c. Toledo Orals arnd reed. TOLEDO. March 4. WHEAT Dull. low.';rJJ,.h,,?6,l'c: M- Jiy. WS.C. CORN Dull, unchanged; March. 45c: May. 4iftc; July. 45.c. OATS Dull, unchanged; March. 44c; May. 4tin4C. RYE No. 2. 6lfte. PKED t'lover. dull, easier; March. $7.3Tft; April. $7.15; tKtotier. $,-,.36; prime timothy. $1.80. nominal; aUlke. $8. nominal. Daatk Grain Market. JVL,UTHl . "Inn.. March 4. WHEAT ,h:v,No- 1 hrd- 761: No- northern. OATSMay0ri4c TIW; Ir T77Ji0- Minneapolis Wheat. Klonr and Bran. MINNEAPOLIS. March 4. W1IEAT May, itrfckftc; July, bva. Oo track: No. 1 hard, Tc; No. 1 northern, 77c; No. 2 northern. 7Sftc. FliOUR Flret patents, $3.9o4 00; second patents, $3 Wf3.9ii; first dears, $2.66; second clears. $2.1("(j2 2i. BRAN In bulk, $16.0016.26. ' wgAve commission company. 110-111 Board of Trade, Omaha, Neb Telephone 1B10. CHICAGO, March 4. WHEAT The mar ket has been dull and featureless, within a small range of prices. There was some strength early, In sympathy with the New York market and the corn rally here. There whs no Important news. The weather map shows unsettled weather, but no low tem peratures anywhere In the wheat belt, and none predicted. l"rimary receipts were 4.U.O1.0 bu., ag 46.o0 last year. Primary shipments were 44.U0O bu., against 161, ( hist year. Northwest receipts were 205 cars, against 213 a year ago- Clearances, 375,000 bu. There was no shipping demand here Lnd New York reports only live loads taken for export. Local receipts were 25 cars, with one contract. Estimates for Thursday. 20 cars. It is predicted Argentine shipments Friday will be about 2,200,ooo bu., compared with l.Ohfc.OiO lost year, but In 1900 they were 3,S"6,00O bu. Minneapolis re ported largo flour sales and some of them made to Australia. CORN There has been continued selling of May and buying of July by the English crowd and this has counted somewhat against corn prices. There has been no evidence of support for the May. Cash market haa been very weak, carlots ft'olc lower. The shipping demand is poor. Local receipts were 378 cars, with none contraot. Estimates for tomorrow, 240 cars. Primary receipts were 774.000 bu., against 3U,(nn last year. Primary shipments were 439.00" bu , against 298,000 a year ago. Clearances were bu. and for three days have ex ceeded 2,0oO,Ws bu., although there has been no new demand during this time. New York reports three loads taken for expert. OATS The market has been quiet, within a fractional range, and has been Influenced by corn, as It was yesterday. The cash market Is Arm and shippers report a better Interior demand, while receivers say offer ings are light. Local receipts were 214 cars, with 12 contract. Estimates for tomorrow, 120 cars. Clearances, 20,"00 bu. PROVISIONS The market opened rather steady. There was a raid on May pork, but Cudahy came to the support of the mar ket, causing the reaction. The selling In general has been mostly by local scalpers. Hately has sold on all advances. Foreign cables were 6d higher all around, flio weakness In grain had Its effect, while at times the market looked weak, prices were well maintained, especially lnrd. 'I here were 27.000 hogs. Estimates for tomorrow, 30,000. Hogs In the west today, 61,000 head, against 80,500 last week and 89,500 last year, WEARE COMMISSION COMPANY. Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, March 4-WHEAT-Steafly; No. 1 northern, 81(981ftc; No. 2 northern, SWirtWftc: May. 77ftW77fto bid. RYE-Steady; No. 1. Slft'iiiic. BARLE Y Dull ; No. 2, 64c; sample, 44 66c. " CORN May, 47ftc bid. Peoria Market. PEORIA. March 4.-CORN-Hlgher; No. OATS Steady; No. white, 3333ftc SEW YORK STOCKS A3D BOKDS. Bears Start Prices In Morning;, but Later Market Becovera. NEW YORK. March 4. The relief to the banking position afforded by yesterday s sharp liquidation In the stock market was manifest In the quieter tone of the trading today. The banks were apparently satis fled with the recuperation effected yester day and desisted from further calling of loans. Tbe bears started prices during the morning, but they found they were dis lodging little stock by offering- down prices and they covered their short con tracts. The result was to bring prices back to about last night's close. At that Plnt proceedings came almost to a standstill. The relaxation of the selling pressure en couraged a resumption of operations, by the bull pool In Manhattan, which lifted that stock 2 over last night, and support was given Amalgamated Copper. The strength In other local tractions and In Missouri Pacific seemed to be largely due to sympathy with the movement In Man hattan. A rise of 4 points In General Elec trto and a recovery of 4ft In Northwestern from yesterday's wide decline had a reas suring effect on sentiment. On the other hand, there were large recessions on small offerings on the generally active stocks. The stock market steadied with the ces sation of calling loans by banks, proved that holders of stock will not sell at the present level unless compelled to do s by contraction of credit resources. Buyers are restrained bv the same restriction of credits. The action taken by the United States Steel directors on the bond Issue and stock conversion plan and the elabo rate outlay projected for Improvements had the same chilling - reception as has been accorded similar projects by the rail roads, which promised heavy inroads upon the vanishing surplus supply of capital. The steel stocks made little movement, but the bonds when Issued were offered freely on the curb. Syndicate support was offered for a while at 95. but the bonds were offered down to 92. Tne sellers argued that the privilege of conversion for 40 per cent of the preferred stock In the bonds warranted an assumption of a parity of market value for the two issues. The prospect of action on the Cuban treaty at the extra session of the senate, as well as an advance in the price of refined sugar, helned susar. The decrease of 20 per cent In-January net earnings reported by Union Pacific seemed to be ignored, ins sun treasury statement showed $478,000 mot taken from the money market and New York exchange at Chicago fell back from 20 cents to 35 cents discount. Call money rose to 4ft per cent late In the day and rates for call loans were firmly held, but additional offerings of loan bills In the exchange market caused a decline In quotations there. The market , closed rather Irregular. Bonds were dull and Irregular. Total saleo, par value, $1,760,000. United States boids were an uncnangea on tne last can. The following are the closing prices on the New York Stock exchange: Atchlaoa do pfd Bal. A Ohio do ptd Canadian Paclflo . . Canada Bo Chatr. aV Olilo Chicago Alton... do pfd Chicago H u. W... do lit pfd do 2d pld Chtiaso & N. W .. Cliiraaii Tar. Tr. do pfd C. C. C. & SU L... Colorado &o do lit pfd do Id pfd Del. A lludfon Dl. L. & W iMnvar A K. O do pfd Erta do lat pfd do Id p!d Great Nor. pfd Hoiking Vallay .... do pld Illlnola Central .... luwa do pfd ka r.rla A W ... do rfd . kl-tifo. Hallway pfd . 4ft . nvwiTaiaa racinc . H' Tolclii. 3t. U A W., "It . VI I do pfd 41ft .13i' Union PaclOo M . ,i I do pfd KHt .. 4 Wubam SOS . UVl do lfd il ,. 71ftWhcllni A L. li .. ii do td pfd 16 . o Wis. Ontral M1 .. IKftl do pfd 61 ..lWft'Adama El 216 .. li .American Ki If) .. lift I'nltrd Blalea Ex 140 .. 1 .Wella-Fargn Ex 22S . . :s Amal. CoppeP .. 73ft OtU'Amcr. Car F. 41 I do pfd. .. .. Il .. lft .. 41 .. 44 .. tiS .. 47ft .. 71 ....174 Amor. Lin. Oil do pfd.... .... tuft AmarU An S. A R . ... . 7H do pld it Amr. Mining Co.. .... tula Brnoklvo H. T .... to), Colo, rurl at 1.... . ..,1X1 jl'nna. Daa ....104 tCont. Tobacco pfd. .... Ocn. Blectrlo ....14ilVk Hocklux Coal , . ... 4J I.itar. Paper .... U I do pfd . ... 4a Lacledv Gas 11J Nntlnnal Ularult . 121 National Lead .... ....145:a No. Anvrlran .... l.-,ani Pai-lfc vt -Tt, Pacltlc Mail .... U a Pt-ot.a'a Uta ....10J TreaaMl 8. Car ... lutft do ptd 27 Pullman P. Car .. .... r.T4 Republic Btael ... ....17 do pfd 144'4 Sugar 11 Toun. Coal I... tv Union Bag A P .. l4 do pri 146-to V. 8. Leather .... do pfd k'v, V. 8. R ibller 73', do pf.l u r. SKt .... M do pfd .... 72' Wfattrn fnlon ... . ... 25 Amar. Ixicoinotlva ....l do pfd ....179 K C. Kouthsrn ... ...Ail do pfd .... l H.xh l.l.nd 34 do pfd ..210 ..11S Mi ..lXift .. 0S .. 17 .. 7J .. 844 .. 47 V. A N .. 2o Manhttlan L. ... ..112ft Met. Ft. Br.... Mil. ('antral .. Mx. National . Mtnn. A u h. Mo. Pacific .... k . K. A T.... do pfd N. J. Ontral .. N. Y. Cantral . Norfolk W... do pfd Ontario A W... Pvnr.aylvania .. Htatiliif do lat ptd.... do 2d pfd St. L. A 8 P.. do lat pfd ... do td pfd Bt. L. 8. W do pfd 9t. Paul do pfd So Pactfle go. Railway ... . . a. .. 3i ..102- . . az .. Mft ..330 .. 7ft ..130 ft .. as .. lift .. 77 .. II .. .. Hft .. A3 .. ti .. 7S .. S .. 2 .. IHW ... 11 . . 00 ... nos;on Siwalts aaail Roar's. BOSTON, Marc h 4. Call loans. 45 per rent; time loans, closing of stocks 't'j per ceni. uracial ina Donas: lo Allouca 7b'( AmalKamatad Tl Atchlaoa 4s alri Cntral 4a Atrhlaon do pfd Uoatnn & Albany... Boaton Ma Beaton Elavatad .... N. r.. N. H. H.. KttrhbU'Z ptd I'nloa Pactno Maitraa Cantral .... Atnarlcaa Sugar .... do ptd Amartran T. St T... rioininios f. 4 B.... Gu. Elrlc Maaa. glactrta I nltad Krult U. B. Btaal da pfd ' Blngbam 1314 'a .A.u.n.t m itacia....azn too iCaatanulal !'4 lli't Coiipur Kanga , 141 Sw I'onilnlon Coal .... t 1X4 .21a .Franklin .... 10 '4 .... 13 .141 lata Korala . Mnhawk . H Old iHimluloa ... .131 Oacmla .114 Panot .1IW.V) yulncjf . &7'iAaiita Fa Copper .19a Tamarack , . M T-.nt .lost, 1'iah . n .Vl.torlA . 174 Wlnoua -let 'Wolraiaa 1, .... ai .... 1H .... Tl .... to ....114 .... IV, ....'BJ .... us .... 24 .... I .... T W rating. AdTwatura .... II Mew York Meaer Market. NEW YORK. March 4 MONET On rail Arm, J1rU4'i per cent, closing at tT3 per cent. Time, firm; $ per cent: sixty days, S ) fier cent, ninsty oaya, thUiit, per cent; six months, M74 per cent, rrlme mercan tile mwr, oaiov, jirr rent. RTKHI.J Ntl i.XCH A NO E Week, with actual business In bankers' Mils at $4 8710 for demand and II Wl for sixty-day bills; posted rates. S-t.8o0i4.ti6: commercial bills. 4 W'.i4 83' and H M'i ril. r;it ttar, 4!sc: Mexlrsn aoliars, sc. HON D8 Government, steady: railroad. Irregular. The closing quotation on bonds are as follows: V. B. raf. la, reg....lO? I,. A N. unl. 4a IfOSi Utx. Central 4a 73 do la Inc 274j Minn. St. L. 4a.. .101 do coupon .wiH do la. rraj 197 do coupon ltrT'a do pew 4a. rag. do coupoa .... do old 4a. raf.. do coupoa do 4a. rg do coupon 134', IM., K. T. 4l I't '51 do la ."4 ..1!S ..10 ..o- ..1024 ..101 .. tl ..102U N. V. C. scs. Iia)...lS3'i N. 1 C. san. 4a 131 No. Pal6j 4a..,...10H do 724k Atchison gan. 4a. N. A W. con. Haadtng ton. 4 ...101 ... HH 6a 114 ... 4 ... II .... 81 .... M do adj. 4a Bal. A- Ohio 4a... Bt. L ft 1. M. do I Ha do conv. 4a .. St. L. A B. r. 41 ..1'I3 Bt. L. B. W. la.. ..10M4 do 2a ..107 8. A. aV A. P. 4a Canoda Bo. a.... Central of Oa. ta do la Inc. . . So. Pacific 4a I Chaa. A.Ohio 4Wa.-.ln4 Ho. Hailwar a 117 Chicago A. 1'ia... Tna A Pacific la. .lit C, B. s Q n. 4.... :is T.. (tt. U. fc w., C, M aV dt P g. 4a... Ub I'nlon Pacific 4a. C. Ac N. W. e. 7a....1.V'V do ronT. 4a C . R. I. P 10 Wabarh la .10244 .104',, .lltVk ..10T.1 . ll'S .111 . to', .. 2 . Ha . to C C C Bt L, g. 4a.lut.Vk do la. Chicago Ter. 4a.. 85 I do deb. B olo. at So. 4s Penrr A R. O. 4a. Erie prior lien 4a.. . 90 Wcat Shore 4a ... . MVi Wheal. & L. E. . 08 Vt'la. Ontral 4a.. . 84 Cun. Tobacco 4a. .111 Colo. Fuel 6a do general 4a F. W. A 1). C. la. Hocking Val. 4Vi,s...lOT London Stork Market. tiONDON, March 4. Closing quotations: Consols, money im N. Y. Central 14 do account 1 13-li.. Norfolk & Western.. 73H Anaconda I do pfd 1 Atchlaon M, Ontario Waetern... I:H do pfd ldla Pennarlranla 74V Daltlmnra A Ohio.... 96V, Rand Mlnta Id1 Canadian Pacific llt.14 Reading 3'K. Cheaapeaka & Ohio.. 4 do lnt pfd 43 Chicago tl. W 2i.' do 2d pfd 17 C. M. & St. P 177 isouthern Hy 2444 Pe Beers l'l do pfd Denrer A R. O 5H j Southern Pacific V do pld ... 5"S.,Cntou PaclOo... Erla ... 37H ... ton ...67 do pfd 'J do lat pfd.... do 2d pfd... V. 8. Steel 3NM, do ptd Wahaah Ill, do pfd tav, Illlnola Central ...146 I.ouiavllle A Nash. . . . 1254 ... IX. K A.l PAR SILVER Quiet; 22 B-lfid per ounce. MONEY 3Mi4 ner cent. The rate of dis count In the open market for short bills Is 8V3 11-18 per cent and for three-months' bills Is SVas r" cent. Xtw York Mining stocks, NEW YORK. March 4. The following ore on the New York Stock the quotations exchange: Adams Con Little Chief ... .. ..600 ..319 .. .. 44 .. 40 ..100 .. So ..260 Altca .. 33 . 60 . 4 Ontario Ophlr Ptiorilx Potnel Savaga fl'erra Nevada Small Hopes .. Standard Dretce Bmnawlck Con.... Comatock Tunnel .. Dead wood Terra... .210 .125 .. M .. a Horn stiver Iron Bllrer Leadvllla Con Bank Clearings. OMAHA. March 4. Hank clearintrs today. $1,700,006.87 ; corresponding day last year, 11.496,126.23: Increase. $206,9.14. rHII!AOO. March ". J'l .rlnirs KT7 010.- Oti; balances, $2.0tk,611 ; New Yorh exchange. doc aiscount; toreign exchange uncnangea; sterling posted at $4.35 for sixty days anj at $4.88 for demand. NEW YORK. March 4. Clearintrs. $245.- 531.073; balances, $9,149,982. xJUHTUK, March 4. Clearings,; balances. $l,9u9.009. PHIL.ADEL.FHrA. March 4. Clearings. $22,390,775; balances, $2,801,297; money, 4',iU5 per cent. BALTIMORE. March 4. Clearings. $4.- 7G9.614; balances, $567,6G8; money, bVi per cent. CINCINNATI. March 4.-C earings. $3.- 830,400; money. 46 per cent; New York ex change, 25c dlscoui.t. BT, 1XJUIS. March 4. Clearings. $9,563.- 718; balances, $997,399; money, steady, Mf per cent; New York exchange, 6c premium. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. March 4. COTTON An avalanche of selling orders swept over the market today and amidst great excitement ? .rices broke with such violence that for a !me panicky conditions were feared. The bull clique were steady and heavy buyers. nowever. and us support rnecKed tne ten dency toward extreme demoralizations. The market closed highly excited at from 11 to 34 points below last night's closing. March ana May options opened at declines of 10 points, selling at 10.17 and 9.99c respectively, as against 10.17c and 10.19c yesterday at the close and the high record price of i0.25c and 10.17c earlier yesterday. The bull leador bought valiantly and rallied the market at 10.15c for March and t0.04c for May. He took more than 20,000 bales, but a flood of offerings In 1,000 and 6,000-bale lots poured in on htm. All sorts of reports became current and as the selling pressure In creased prices made violent plunges down ward. 5 points at a time. The climax came at tne end ot tne noon nour, wnen an avalanche of selling orders from all direc tions appeared. The May option made a running break to 9.88c, a level of 21 polnU or more than a dollar a bale from last night's closing, and -the March oMlon droDDed with even ereater violence from 10.17c to 9.96c. The July option fell from 9.81c to S.Wc. As prices crumbled away many stop-ioss orders neia Dy oroxers on customers' accounts were reached and their execution and the bear raid made the low prices. It was estimated that the bulls were compelled to take more than 2UO.OI-0 bales In support of the market and total transactions up to the close were esti mated at nearly 1,000.000 bales. Wool Market. BOSTON. March 4. WOOU-The govern ment's quarantine against wool and the obedience of railroads to the order forbid ding shipment of the material has led to a very quiet wool market. Bids for a big line of territory fleeces are under consid eration, a fractional difference in price alone preventing a sale. Holders of wool have every conndence in immediate re sumption of trade and the quotations are strons. Some of the lines are offered as follows: Territory, choice staple, scoured basis. fine. 55at6c: tine medium. &2un4c: medium. 474J48C Territory, ordinary,' fine, 62(fi'j3c; fine medium, 43(giti0c; medium, 43uvl6c. Colo rado and lSew Mexico, spring. a2h63c: No. 1. 47&ri&c. Ohio and Pennsylvania wools have not been active, but a number of small lots have been dealt In. Quotations: Ohio and Pennnylvanla, XX and above, 3.W34C: X. Zfa29c: No. 1. 318132c: No. 2. 3fueic; Ohio delaine, 34pfk Michigan X and above, zve; ISO. 1, af'jBc; No. 2, 2qKc. Kentucky, Indiana and Missouri, combing. ouarter blood, 244i'J5c; braid, 22r23c. Aus tralian wool has continued In good receipt. iNr.w rtirtiv, Aiarcn . tHJic- r irm. BT. LeOl'18. March 4. WOOb-Weaker: mttlljm grades and combing. 17(ii0c; light line, lotjlV: heavy tine, 12&'i4e; tub wasneu, I'yt'JC. Oil and Itoala OIL. CITY. March 4 OH, Credit bal ancee. $1.50: certificate, no sale: shipments. 93,732 bales; averages. 2.i"J bales; runs, 71,- fis oaies; averages, m 1,333 Dales. SAVANNAH, March 4. OII-Turpentlne. firm, 6ic. Rosin, firm; A. H, C. D. E. F, $2; G. $2.10; H. $j.40; I, $2.85; K $3.20; L,, $3.40; N. $3.8": WQ, $3.85; WW. $4.25. TO l. EDO, March 4. OIL Unchanged. NEW YORK, March 4. OIL-Cottonseed. steady; prime yellow, 40U.C. Petroleum, steady. Turpentine, dull. Rosin, steady. LONDON, Mar.'h 4. OIL I.inxeed spot, 46c. I.lneeed, 4s 6d. ltoslu, American strained, Hstd; fine, 10s. LIVERPOOL. March 4. OIL Turpentine spirits. Arm, 43s 9d. Coffee Market. NEW YORK, March 4.-COFFEE Boot Rio. steady. Mild, quiet. Future opened steady at unchanged pieces and ruled quiet, but displayed a firmer tendency, not wit hKtunding the heavy port receipts, full clearances, lower foreign markets and a reported disappointing decrease In the visible supply, lii.Iit covering brought about by the smaller Interior movement. The close was unlet n n i unchanged to I notnta higher. Sales footed up 175 bags, including: May, 4.45c; July, 4. 55174. Cue; Sep tember, 4.75i)4.80c; November, 4.9oc; Decem ber, 5 15c. Saga.- ana Molasses. NEW ORLEANS, March 4. SL'OAR Steady; open kettle, 2?kii3ic; open kettle, centrifugal whites, SVyJc; centrifugal, 4c; yellow, 3W4 11-lftc; seconds. tWic. Molaaseu, open kettle, nominal, Wj'lH; cen trifugal, ltfalSc. Svrup. nominal. I!tj24c. NEW YORK. March i-BUOAK-Kaw, steady. Refined, steady. Whisky Market. CHICAGO. March 4.-WH18KT-Basls of high wines, $1.30. PEORIA. March 4 WHI8KY $1 30. ST. LOL'13. March 4.-WHlSKY-8teady at$isn. CINCINNATI. March 4. WHISKY Die tillers' finished goods, on the basis of high wines, $1.30; quiet. Stork In Sight. Following were the receipts of live stock at tne six principal western cities yesterday Hogs. Sheep. fa t.U)0 26 000 21.100 6 f a.aj 000 100 1 1,430 1.000 U.U0 H.300 Omaha Chicago Karsia City... Pt. Louis St. Joseph Sioux City .. S.M ..20.0on 4.'s0 .. 4.50ft .. l.Nto .. too TotaVlt $4JM OMAIIA LIVE STOCK MARKET reairtble Beef Bteen and Cows Bold tt Fall Stead Price. HOGS STEADY TO A SHADE LOWER Ewes anal Wet here Were In Active Demand at Cood, iteaay Prlees, bat Lambs Were Rather Slow Bale and a. Bbade Eaaler. BOUTU OMAHA, March 4. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 2,239 2.4.3 S.2t4 Official Tuesvlay 4.8H1 6.4hl .4M Oftlclal Wednesday 2.8U0 8.UU0 Three days this week.. 9.9"0 15.810 17,738 Fame days last week....l4.u7 30.596 21. 1M Same week before 12.425 21.617 Same three weeks ago. ..14.313 80.265 17,72 Same four weeks ago.... 9.448 19.::3 18.706 Same days last year 10.168 22.204 20,f.9S RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following list shoevs the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha and comparisons with last year; 103. 19J2. Inc. Dec. Cattle 1W,'40 140.630 21.810 Hogs 417.0M 49.644 W.otil Sheep 228,470 138,217 90,1:4 Average price paid for bogs at South Omaha for the last several days with com parisons: , Date, j 1903. 19O2.1901.19OO.ilS9B.lS9$.jlS97. Feb. 18... Feb. 17... Feb. 18... Feb. 10... Feb. 20... Feb. 21... Feb. 22... Feb. 23... Feb. 24... Feb. 25... Feb 26... Feb. 27... Feb. 23... March 1. March 2. March 8. March 4. 2T 6 27 a 4 83 3 68 8 s 8 34 3 a 81 3 38 3 33 a 3 ii 3 36 $ 41 3 49 8 42 3 43 a 3 50 1 0o4 6 79 6 781 6 K.I 4 76 3 o8 1 62, a 3 60 3 84 8 8 ". 3 91 a 3 9C. 3 84, 3 81 97 5 22 6 23 b SO 8 aWHi 4 83 4 7b B6 6 S8: 6 0 971 5 93 6 88 5 81. Vti a fi 92 (1 33! 8 291 6 32 a 1 6 38 6 33; 6 25 5 28 5 22 4 74 4 69! 4 69 3 47 6 651 S 681 84V, 6 81Val 4 3 M 3 .9 3 68 91 'til StUj J95.I 6 9" J 4 631 3 81 a 4 6? 1 3 c:; 6 fit 4 77 S M 4 68i 3 61 1 i 86, 6 t2 4 621 8 69 I 3 62, 3 66 i 01 a 3 78, 3 8 o .8 3 4 I 7 02al 6 731 6 07 1 3 731 3 20 I 1 11 5 32 3 8i 3 4 Indicates Sunday. The oftlclal number of cars of stock brouxht in today by. each road Was: Roads. Cattle. Hogs. 6h'p. H'ses. C, M. & St. P. Ry... 10 17 Wabush 2 2 Missouri Pacljjc Ry.. 3 1 I'nlon Paciilc system. 15 8 16 C. & N. W. Ry 14 7 F., E. A M. V. R. K.. 39 80 10 1 C, St. P., M. & O.... 39 10 .. 1 11. & M. Ry 33 20 17 1 C, 1J. & Q. Ry 8 6 K. C. & bt. J 1 C, R. 1. & P., east.. 7 9 C, It I. & P., west.. 1 1 Illinois Central 2 2 Total receipts 172 114 42 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Bh'p. Omaha Packing Co ,. 300 1,203 842 Swift and Company 890 1.800 2,654 Armour & Co 854 2,126 4,339 Cudahy Packing Co Armour, from Sioux City Carey tk Benton W. I. Stephen Hill A Huntslnger Livingstone & Bhaller 1,027 146 60 100 2.187 1,369 l,4u2 6 30 14 40 41 14 85 17 83 806 L. F. Hues Wolf A Murnan... B. F. Hobblok.... Dennis A Co Werthelmer 8. & S Rothschilds Other buyers 21 Totals 8.961 8,743 9,158 CATTLE There was only e. fair run of cattle here today and the market showed very little change from yesterday. Packers all seemed to be anxious for anything at all desirable and the prices paid were tally as good as those In force yesterday. A liberal proportion or the offerings today consisted of cornfed steers. The Quality was fairly good and a bunch of prime heavy cattle sold at $5.00. The demand on the part of local packers was liberal for good cattle and the prices paid were fully steady and in some cases sales were made that looked a shade better. Tne common to fair cattle did not show much of any change from yesterday, but still every thing sold without much trouble at very satisfactory prices. The cow market waa active and steady on all desirable grades. Strictly choice cat tle in some cases were a little stronger, but the canners and cutters were not In any too good demand and were no more than steady. A good clearance was made, though, at a reasonably early hoar. Bulls, veal calves and stags all sold freely at steady prices. There was a very light run of stockers and feeders In the yards this morning and as the demand from the country has been In good shape so far this week speculators were anxious for supplies. The few that arrived sold freely at steady to strong prices, but the strength was confined largely to the better grades. Represent' Uve sales: BEEF STEERS. No. A. Pr. Mo. At. Pr. 1 730 I 36 1 1100 4 14 I ISO I Tl Ill til 1 1030 I 10 33 1141 4 40 1 1001 I U 1 10)0 4 40 1 MS I 0 li Ilia 4 40 1 HO I (0 II 1231 4 40 I '21 I K 1 110 4 40 t 1041 4 OS I lint 4 40 1 1110 4 00 t ltBO 4 40 1 1030 4 00 II 1111 4 45 t 13 4 10 110 4 41 1 30 4 10 II 10OT 4 45 1 1033 4 II M 1141 4 M 10 MO 4 II ...., 1101 4 40 14 Ml 4 II 10 1304 4 40 II 1011 4 10 1140 4 40 4 1030 4 10 II 1187 4 40 Hot 4 SO II Ill 4 u 4 115 4 10 34 1344 4 4 103T 4 10 t 1141 4 40 t 1114 4 10 10 1241 4 M 1 1070 4 15 t 1110 4 10 1 1011 4 3 II ItOI 4 43 4 1017 4 34 1 1110 4 15 1 12V) 4 M IT 1207 4 II 14 1(4 III T ltd 4 II 1 1150 4 36 II INI 4 TO 4 121 4 15 II 1334 4 70 1 1061 4 36 17 11M 4 70 1 1011 4 IS 10 net 4 Tl II 1131 4 30 1111 4 Tl 3 1040 4 10 .1 1470 4 Tl T 101 7 4 10 T 1341 .4 N II 110 4 34 161 i 00 14 1113 4 IS STEERS AND HEIFERS. $ 0tt s to 11 Ml 4 W 1 1040 4 no 40 nu 4 to STEERS AND COWS. 4 " 4 4,. STEERS AND STAGS. M 116i 4 STEERS TEXAS. (4 lit 4 03 cows. I TTS 1 Tl 1 171 I H 1..'. 70 t 00 4 1161 I 1 1 0 I 00 1 M III 1 Ml III It a,. .loll I 40 1 130 I 16 1 174 I 40 1 1000 I tl 1 1160 I 40 I M0 I SI 1 lite 1 40 I M III I lint I 40 1 10 I II 11 107 I 45 1 1011 I 40 II , 123 I 4 1 10U I 41 13 1061 I it 1 700 I 41 10 1135 I 4 1 ItO I 10 1 140 I 50 1 1036 I 60 . 1 711 t 50 I MO I 10 K 1031 a it I M 1 1 131 I 40 1 11M I 45 It Ii ig 1 1030 I IS 1 1130 I 60 1 6M I IS 1 1240 I M I HI I 70 10 1324 I 6 1 730 I 10 4 1110 k 44 t loot I TO 1 1041 I 10 1 100 I 70 IT Ml I It 1 1030 I M 8 1041 I It I HIS I 10 I ll0 I 10 1 ISO I 00 T JU4 1 H 1 1140 I 00 1 1140 I U 11 aat I 00 t HOI i 10 I 76 I 1 1 MtO I 40 1 1140 I 10 I lilt I It it iso I li t ior 1 tt I M III tl lost I 7t 1011 I 10 4 im I 71 14 1017 I ;s I HI I Tl 1 1030 I 3S f Ml I 71 4 Hf 7 I 1 71 I 74 1 TOO I II 4 1011 II 1 1000 I 11 1 1031 I 71 I lift I IS t 1lt 71 I Ut I It II 1101 I Tl 1 lsoo tei 14 mi 1 m 1 1020 I ta 11 1070 11 1 16 I tt T HI I M 1 1130 I H U 1011 I M I M IM 1 1340 4 OS 14 M III I Hit 4 0 1 1110 I St 1 1440 4 0t I loai I la 11 iim 4 tt 61 M7 I 34 II 1000 4 ta IT Ml I It 1 1130 4 ot 1 1021 I 3 14 1170 4 It I I M I 34t 4 tt COWS AND HEIFERS. H 1001 1 ts HEIFERS. t HO I 1 14Tt I as I Tl I to 1 14M I If 1 4M I M II let I It I M IN I loot I Tl f 110 I M f 116 I 1 1 IM I 40 t 171 I 1 Tto to to are 4 aa I HI I l. 134 4 at 13 741 I to I NO . 1 WO I 40 1 1300 4 10 BULLS, I isi 1 ot 1 ItM 1 4 1 1400 I 1 1 140t I 4 1 in in 1 1360 1 it 1 nao 1 rs 1 urn 1 it 1 1364 I tt 1 117t I 64 1 DM I It 1 17M It 1 1140 M 1 130 I 40 1 8. . .t4a 8 tt 1. UU $ it 1 M IB t 14 I l 1 14 30 1 137 I SO 1 1 1 40 I la STOCK. COWb AND HEIFFR9. 1 610 1 10 1 W I 1 Bl llu CALVES. I n in 1 ti 1 10 Ill I M 1 240 I 6 1 100 t t II 00 1 160 I 61 1 SHI t 3 1 t IM 1 140 STOCK EltU AND FEEDERS. 1 440 I 64 I M, 4 W I... 1C40 I IS 14 HI I 1 1104 I 6o 1 40 4 It 1 733 4 06 IS W l 1 7M I 60 II 741 4 10 1 740 I It 14 711 4 1 I...'. Mi I 60 1 711 4 10 I C I 75 1 6V0 4 10 1 (30 4 00 21 TCI 4 II 1 4" 4 00 II 7C1 4 1 1 410 4 00 M 4 1 1 M0 4 00 It 106i 4 4 HOOS Rr ceipt of hogs were a little more liberal toilay. and although reports from other points were unfavorable to the sell ing Interests, tho mitrket hern held right close to steady. At the start there was an active demand for good heavy hogs, and they sold at Just about steady prices. The medium and lightweights did not change hands quite ns freely and could be quoted Btendy to a shncle lower. All of the early 6.1 rivals wero disposed of In good season, but aa several trains were late the market was delayed to some extent. The prime heavy hogs Bold largely from $7.10 to $7.20. Good weight hogs sold from $7.00 to $7.07H; medium weights from $6.96 to $7 00, and the lighter loads from $0.95 down. Representa tive sales: No. Aa. 8tl. Pr. No. A. Bh. rY. 10 114 ... Tt II 22t 4 t 0 64 167 ... 4 '.5 10 3M 40 1 00 IS 130 40 M 71 13 ,40 1 00 M 206 ... I liVt 11 244 It T M 62 217 40 4 15 14 ttt 41 1 00 14 176 40 f li 16 260 40 T 02H 6,! 114 ... S II 143 ... T MV 21 261 ... t H U 14 ... T Olto 211 ... M 0 14 W 1 01 S If. 221 ... t II 10 134 ... 1 021 (1 210 ... I 6 74 261 40 1 1 9 211 40 5 t ti 10 1 02V 74 110 ... 15 at. 16 110 1 0 6 101 ... I M 1 24 SO 1 06 16 111 ... M 16 241 CO 1 06 67 210 ... t 16 101 ISO 1 0 61 241 luO t 7Uj t 141 SO T Of. 6 214 ... t 7V 40 361 ... TO 1 203 M 4 m, 2 24 W 1 OR 33 243 80 7V 1 261 ... 1 0 77 231 ... 7, (1 1T.I ... 1 05 77 lit ... 7W 60 246 0 1 OS S 231 40 I'H 4 36 ... 1 0 tt lot ... 17 16 34 1 05 tl 2?9 4 ( 17V 2 171 0 I 074j 73 IM ... 4 17 67 Ml 40 17 I 245 10 1 00 16 Ill ... 1 10 68 r. ... 10V 13 170 44 T 10 7S 137 60 1 00 (5 21 ISO T 10 10 342 ... 1 00 66 MT 10 1 10 63 264 ... T 00 l 171 ... T 10 Tt 214 ... 1 00 48 MT ... t 16 17 Ill 44 1 00 43 !l ... T 15 10 ... T 00 II I4 ... T 16 12 241 (0 1 00 12 S3 SO 1 JO 77 Hi ... 1 0 10 101 win II 234 40 t 00 SHEEP There was quite a liberal run of uheep and lambs here today, but the mar ket as a whnle was In very satisfactory condition. Sheep and yearlings. In par ticular, Bold well, and the market could he quoted active and steady. Some western ewes sold as high as to. 00, which is the li! 8 heft price of the season. Western year lings sold at $5.73 and $5.S6 and Mexican yearlings brought $(1.00. Everything at all desirable In the way of ewes and wethers was disposed of In good season. The quality of the lambs offered today was rather Inferior and aa a result the market was slow and If anything, prices were a shade easier. Packers did not seem to be particularly anxious for the kind of lambs that were offered. The few feeders that arrived sold readily at good, steady prices. Quotations: Choice lambs, $6.G0.7S; fair to good lambs, $5.50iii41.25; choice Colorado lambs, f65n77.00; choice lightweight year lings. $5.6ofye.OT; choice heavy yearlings, $5.4iiiJ.66; fair to good yearlings. $5.0Or!jV.6O; choice wethen, $6.25&6.60; fair to good, $4.75 66.26.; choice ewes $4.606.00; fair to good ewes, $4.0f4.50; feeder lambs, $1.755.25; feeder yearlings. $4.254.75: feeder wethers, $4.0Otj4.66; feeder awes, $3,004(3.50. Repre sentative sales: , No. Av. Pr. 21 cult ewes 89 8 25 4 cull ewes 62 3 25 1 goat M W 299 western ewes 94 4 65 403 western ewes 112 4 85 404 western wethers 114 6 50 449 western wethers 105 6 50 10 cull ewes 82 3 50 8 western ewes 100 4 25 165 western ewes... 75 4 50 206 western ewes 98 4 60 1. western ewe '. 80 4 r5 11 western ewes 90 4 75 7 western ewes 78 4 .5 257 western lambe 62 6 50 390 western wethers 103 6 60 11 western wethers 92 6 50 435 western wethers and ylgs... 88 6 65 4."-3 western wethers and ylgs... 92 6 75 426 western wethers 92 6 75 878 western wethers and ylgs... 66 6 00 231 western ewes 103 6 00 lei western yearlings 99 B 75 4 western ewes 70 3 00 Si western ewes 108 3 00 2 goats 80 4 00 310 western ewes 87 4 60 19S8 Mexican ewes 73 4 65 IS cull lambs 64 6 00 301 wethers and yearlings 70 6 75 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattle Steady to Lower Honrs Slow Sheep Steady Lambs Lower. CHICAGO, March . CATTLE Receipts, 20,000 head; market steady to 10c lower; good to prime steers, $5.i5&6.75: poor to medium. $3.60fff4.&0; stockers and feeders. 32.60&4.76: oows. $1. 4004.60; heifers VL.IV'H 4.75; canners, $1.6092.80; bulls. $2.0-4.25; onlvrs 13 B1X&A7&: Texas fed steers. $3.6u2 4.25. M HOGS Receipts, Zo.ouo neaa; estimated tomorrow, 30,000; left over, 8,000; opened Blow and 5c lower and closed steady; mixed and butchers, $6 95i,7.30; good to choice heavy, $7.3MJ7:62Mi: rough heavy. $707.35; light, $.604j.!; bulk of sales, $7.0X3)7.30. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 21,000 head; sheep steady; lambs 15f55c lower; good to choice wethers, $5.005.76; fair to choice mixed $4.0084.76; western sheep, $4.73 66.60; native lambs, $4,6007.16; western lambs. $4.76fr6.96. Official yesterday: Receipts. Shipments. Cattle 6 756 1.810 Hogs 14.364 i,604 Sheep 16,224 Kansas City Lava Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. March 4. CATTLE Re ceipts, 4,ht0 natives, 600 Texans and 1,200 calves, all natives; fat cattle steady to 10c higher; cows weak; everything else active, steady to strong: choice export and dressed beef steers $4.605.60: fair to good. $3.00 4.60; stockers and feeders. $3.00t&4.65; west ern fed cteers. $3.006.05; Texas and Indian steers, $3.3O4.90; Texas cows, $2.0047.3.25; na tive cows $1.6o4i4.10: native heifers. $3.16'?? 4.20; canners. 1. 102.60; bulls, $2.7fl3.85; calves. $3.00fi7.0u. HOGS Receipts 6,600 head: steady; top, $7 27U; bulk of soles, $7.1or'J7.25: hesvy, $7.16 -127H; mixed packers. $7,0041.28; light. $6 80 4j7.07H; vorkers. $7.u0itf7.O7t4; pigs, $5.75!r 2S. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1R00 head; sheep strong: lamts higher: native lambs, 84.0tttfti.55; western lambs. $4. 60-S6 90; fed ewes $3.00fW".nO; native wethers. $3 iu'S 6.75; western wethers, $3 80.06.70; stockers and feeders, $2.oCKjf3.80. Bt. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, March 4 CATTLE Re- . . . a. . . - AI B'....-. T.v.a and westerns. $3.45ffi4.6": cows and heifers, $2 25414.40; veals, $3.00.76; bulls and stags, a o." 40 HOOB Receipts. neaa; ngni sna 'Uht mixed. $ti.24''t7.17H: medium and h.iw r7.(64r7 !S; bulk. $7 onflf.20. h r t r. f . I Anu i.A ... in. !' m.-wwv head; top native lambs, $7; top native ewes, . .. -IT. au..w. Sioux City Live Sto-k Market. PIOITX CITY, Is,. March 4 (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts. i0; market st ady; beeves. $3.504i6.00; cows, trolls and mixed. $1.5W('4.:5; stockers snd feeders, $3.75 4 "8: calves and yearlings, $? 5if4.0O. uir-!aitso1nta f rav,: steady: selling. $6&ij7.15; bulk. $0.S6 S6. St. f.nata l ive Stock Market. mm. . a.i.u tr.Ml. A f A TT. T .V T? i.l nt a 4.5iO head. Including 8 000 Texans: market strong; native snipping ana expun. aitn, Geo. A. Adams Grain Go. GRAIN, PROVISIONS AND STOCKS. Members Chicago Board of Trade, Bt Louis Merchants Exchange and Kan hi City Board of Trade. Room 824 Board Trade Bl.lg , Omaha 'Phones 10o4 and 1017. J. E. Vol lara, Vtee President. Writ for our market letter and casa grain bid. P. B. "Wears. Pre. C. A Wear. V praa Established 1Mb. WEARE COMMISSION CO., CHICAGO Meiuuera of the Principal fcxtaaaaM Prlvaia Wires to All point. SRAIX, PaoVIBIOaB. HOCkl, fKDI Bought and aoid for rash or future delivery. OMAHA BRANCH, lie-in Board of Trada Telephone LI. W. B. Wax 4, LMri M $4 5Mjt 2R. with strictly fsnoy quoted up tt. $5.76; dressed beef and butcher steers. $4 '! ti6.J6; steers under l.ont lbs.. I1.5njr4.8n: Stockers anil feeders, $2.3064 6": cows anil . . - M.a,. -..A... . - . J ,K.M . L..1I rieir- rs, -.w(i w, r'iri", a....'. i"..., $2.6o4ii.76; caives $.l.&Au1.00; TexHS and ln .. . . . . t , ... . .. i .. man atwra, v w. vu.. a..u " . -. $2.:SMf.4Xi. HoOSRecelpts. 8.000 head: market 6M- tower: pigs and lights, $t.tii.w; pnckir. 87 H'tfT.26; butchers. $'. SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipts, l.o head; market steady to strong; native mut tons. 84.6045.60; lambs, 86.0uu;.25; culla and ,. - A-. i.A.l Hit .i ..,.r.N tl ri.44 Oft! Tl.. ans, $3.Sou4.tU. Kvapornted Apples. NEW YORK. March 4. EVAPORATED A Pl'LES Steady under a somewhat Im proved demand; common are quoted at 4 'it 6c; prime, M4jo4C; choice, 6"M6V4c; fancy. Kb 7!jc. Poor Indeed li are those weighed down by mental rle- Kraakm. Men rise in tnis world rough (movant nerve force. The loss bt tills force dally drag down to failure some of the world' brlghteat mind a. Such a condition la commonly known as Nervous Debility. When you lose self-confidence and feel your strength, energy snd nerve force arc slipping wsy, it is high time you seek seualble Bid. Yon prefer health and success to misery and failure. 8 hare no equal a nerre restorer. A couple of boxes will dispel that heavy feeling; the unnatural weariness dis appears snd replaces as ltgitor with new force and vigor of body and brain. Hx boxes will cure any ordinary ense of nervous debility. II not, you get your money back. $ 1.00 per box ; 6 for $." 00. mailed to plain package. I'ook free. For sale by Kuhn & Co., Omaha. Dillon's Drug Store. South Omaha. Davis Drug Co., Council L'.ufts. Ia. DR. EVIcGREW SPECIALIST Treats all forma of ISEASES AND DISORDERS OP MEN ONLY S7 Years Experience. 17 Years In Omaha. His remarkable sue- . a V... navar tiA.n equaled and every day brtngs. many flatter ing reports of the good he Is doing, or the relief he has given. Hot Springs Treatment for Syphilis And all Blood Poisons. NO "BREAKING OUT" on the skin or faoe and all external signs of the dlseaso disappear at once. BLOOD DISEASE :.T!; VARICOCELE DVtR 30aOUl) 0rdeCbUUy. losa" of vu'iuyT uiinaiai discharge, dtrioiure, Uleet, Kidney ana U ladder Diaeusus, lii- " QUICK CURES-LOW CHARGE3. Treatment by mail. P. O. Box OIQcb ayver 'tis li. 14th street, between Faruana. aud frgujiBai atresia. UM A H A, ftaUi. IAILWAY TIME CAUU. UMON STATION IOT1I AU MAItCV. Union Paclfle. Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited... a 8:40 am r 7:50 pm The Fast Mull u i pin California Kx press a 4:20 pm Faclf'.c Express all;30 pin Eastern Kxprvss a C:TO pm The Atlantic Kxpreis... a '..) am The Colorado bpeclal... a 7:10 am a -40 am Chicago Special a :40 am Lincoln, Beatrice and Btromsburg Kxpress..b 4:00 pm bl2:50 pm North Platte Local a 8:00 am a 6:15 pm Grand Island Local b 6:30 pm b 9:35 pm Illinois Central. Chicago Kxpress.. a 7:S5 am c 5 10 pm Chicago. Minneapolis & St. Paul Limited a 7:50 pm a 8:05 am Minneapolis & St. Pau". Express b 7:35 am blO:3S pm ChlTdgo Local 10:35 am Chicago Express al0.35 am Chicago, Hoc It Island aft Paclflo. East. Chicago Daylight L t d. .a 6:00 am a 6:45 am Chicago Daylight Local. a 7:00 am a K..16 pm Chicago Express bll:lS am a 6:u5 pm Des Moines Express a 4:30 pm h.1'50 am Chicago Fast Exprees...a 6:35 ptu u ::j put WEST. Rockv Mountain I.'t'd..a 6:50 pm a 4:55 am Lincoln, Colo. Springs, Denver, Pueblo and "(Vest a 1:30 pm a 6:00 pro Cole, Tfxa. Csl. and , Oklahoma Flyer a 5:40 pm ai::40 pm Wabash. Bt. louts "Cannon Ball" Exuress a 6:55 pm a 8:20 am bi. j.ouis iocai, coun cil Bluffs a 9:15 am a20:30 pm thleug" v Norllntratrrn. "The Northwestern Line." Fast Chicago a 8:40 am a 7:00 am Mall a 8:00 pm a 8:30 am Local Bloux Clt) a 5:10 am a 3:30 pm Daylight Ht. Paul at 7:SS am nl0:26 pm Daylight Chicago a 8:00 am all:lo pm Local Chicago al0:65 am a 6:10 pm Local Carroll a 4:00 pin a 8:50 am Fast Chicago a 5:50 pm a 8:45 pm Fast Bt Paul a 7:56 Dm a 8:15 am Limited Chicago a 8:10 pm a 8:15 am Fast Mall a 2:40 pm Local Bloux City b 4:00 pm b 8.50 am t hlraicn, Milwaukee tt St. Paul. Chicago Daylight a 7:45 am all:15 pm Chicago Fast Express. ..a 6:4b pm a 8:40 pm Chicago Limited a 8:06 pm a 7:50 am Des Moines Express. ...a 7:45 am a 8:40 pm Chicago Local 10:40 am Missouri Pacific. Bt. Louis Express a!0:00 am a 8:25 pm K. C. and Sc. L- Ex.....alO:tO pm a :1S anj WEBSTEH DEPOT tOTH A WEBsTEll Cblcagco A Nortliweatern Nebraaka si Wyosnlair Division. Leave. Arrive. Black Hilla, Deadwood, Lead Hot Springs a 3:00 pm 6:00 pm Wyoming. Casper and Douglas d 8.-00 pm 0 6:00 pm Hasting. York, David City, Superior, Geneva, Exeter and Seward. ...b 8:00 pm b 1:00 pm Bonesteel, Lincoln. Nio brara and Fremont.. ..b 7:30 am 110:26 am Fremont Local o 7:30 am Mlssoarl Paelflc. Nebraska Local, Via. Weeping Water b 4:10 pm al0.-25 am Cbleaso, bt. Paul, Minneapolis fc Omaha. Twin City Passenger., a r:30 am a 8:10 pm qIai, f'lfv Paasenarer.. a l:O0 Dm all :'M am Oakland Local b 6:46 pm b k.46 am BURLINGTON 8TATIOIV lOTII at MASON Barllagton at Mlssoarl Rl varr. Leave. Arrive. "fl'ymore, Beatrice and Lincoln Ji 8:40 am tli.OB pm Kebraka Express a :40 am a 7:46 pm Denver Limited a 4.Zft pin 1 1:4 am Black Hills and Pugef Bound Express. ...... ..all:M pm a3:10pta Colorado Veetlbuled Flyer 8:10 pm Lincoln Fast Mall b 1:68 pm a 9:13 am Fort Crook and PlatU- mouth ......b 8:20 pm bl0:35 am Be.llevue at Pactfle Jet. .a 7:50 pm a fc:27 am Bellevu Paelflc -ct..a 3:50 am CkleaaTO, Batrltaartoai at 4aiaer. Chicago Special a 7:00 an a 4:05 p Chicago Veetlbuled Ex. a 4:00 pm a 7:45 a pm in Chicago Local a : am U:w pm Chicago Limited a Aki pin a 7:46 am Fast Mall a 2:40 pm Kautsas C'lty, Bt. Jaaaeph at Council BlaBTs. Kansas City Day Ex. ..a 8:16 am a 6:06 pm Bt. Loula Flyer a 6:10 pm all :05 am Kansas City Night Ex..al0;30 pm a 6:15 am a Dally. V Dally exeept Sunday, d Dally except Saturday. Daily except Monday. Sunday only. TUAJDBHIPB. HOLLAND-AMERICA JLINE New 1 wla-4Krw biaauuars a4 U y Taea. KBW TOHH KOTTBKtiAM. via BUULOO.aL gailar.g WaaUtaaUar at I . M. Aaaataralaat Uar. I; Noordam April I BlalaaaasB ....... alar. It hultaiilaiii ...April I ftraaam liar. Xw.t'otadaaa April li Hellaad. America Ltv ' U'nsr, N. V. hanr aKxarxa. .401 araaai af.. J. . McNally, lilt amaai at., H. . jouaa, Uj Faraaa a., Lauia Haaaa. Flral Nat' I bk . f. B Kiudis ft c.. U.4 Capitol ava. , ctias. aaaraa, 111 Be. itk at A. IV kAatlanri, MHHUlL, tlBiit. aaaattk