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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1903)
The Omaha Daily Bee. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, THURSDAY MORN NO, MARCH 5, 1903 TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY TIIll EE CENTS. SOLONS' WORK OVER Fifty-Seventh Gongreu of United Cute Panel Into History. PRESIDENT WAITS WITH HIS CABINET Tafos Station in Private Boom and Signs Bills Pasted at End DEMOCRATS CONTINUE TO OBSTRUCT Bepresentatives Fight, Then Unite in Sing ing Rpeaksrs Praises. HENDERSON BIDS FAREWELL TO POLITICS Close Trrm In Chair with fttlrrlaa; Appeal to patriotism mi Mem her and Cltlsena la GeaeraL WASHINGTON. March 4. Th Fifty-seventh congress expired at noon today by limitation. There has not been In many years men a demonstration in the house a occurred today, owing to the (act that Speaker Hendersoa was retiring not only as presiding officer, but from the house as a member. The bitter partisan feeling that has sprung up In the house of representatives during the past week reached a pitch Which prevented the unanimous approval of the bouse (or the usual resolution of thanks and courtesy which was offered. Wore than this, the resolution bad to come from the republican side, and while this has occurred before, It Is not the usual custom. The usual resolution of thanks to Presi dent Pro Tempore Fry was unanimously adopted In the senate. Two years ago, when the Fifty-sixth ccngress expired. It was remarkable, not only for the Inauguration of McKtnley, but for the (act that Senator Carter of Mod tana talked tbo river and harbor bill to death, occupying the time of the senate up to within a few minutes of the end. Today Senator Mason, whose terr ex plred, also talked an unimportant bill to death, but In his valedictory he lectured the senate for Its unlimited debate, which S'-'ows bills to be killed in that manner, and he also made a final plea for the free dom of the Filipinos. As all the Important supply bills had passed before the two houses took a recess this morning, no legislation was neces sary, and none was Attempted. The bills which had passed and reached the stags of enrollment were all signed by President Roosevelt, who, with members of his cab inet, entered the president's room In the senate wing of the capltol. This biennial visit of the president to the capitol Is on of the features of a cVvslng congress. MASON TALKS BILL TO DEATH Hetlrlasj Senator Marks Retirement ' ' ' denta. ' WASHINGTON, March 4. The senate was called to order at 10 o'clock today for ths last sitting of the. Fifty-seventh con gress, but business did not begin until some time later. The delay waa due to the ab sence of a quorum and to the fact that Mr. Cockrell Insisted upon the presence of the necessary number before taking up the work of the day. Mr.' Allison, chairman of the committee on appropriations, made a statement regard ing the amount of money appropriated by the present congress, as compared with the appropriations of ths Fifty-sixth congress The total appropriation for the present congress, he stated, was $1,564,108,518. as compared with tl.440.489.43S for the Fifty' sixth congress. KxplaJaa the Appropriations. There? is also, he said, an aggregate ap proprlatioa (or the Postoffice department of $153,401,(49 for ths next fiscal year, as compared with $138,000,000 for the current year, making a difference of more than 350, C 00,000 In excess of ths appropriation for the last congress for tbo postal service. This, he explained, arises from ths enor mous Incresse In expenditures caused by in creased postal business. Then also, he said, th sural free delivery service required , large sums. There was, he said, a smaller deficiency than there has been In many years In the postal receipts, as compared with the expenditures. He called attention to ths fact that the last congress passed no river and harbor bills. In the first session of this congress he said Jl'", 000, 000 was appropriated for rivers and harbors, In addition 18 which $20,000,000 was appropriated In the sundry civil bill for carrying out con tracts. Ha said that, while it appears that ths appropriations of this congress have beea largely in excess of those of the laat con gress, the increase Is chiefly made up of three items, namely, the $50,000,000 for the Panama canal, the Increased appropriation of $50,000,000 for the postal service and the river and harbor appropriations. Mr. Bailey ("Tex.) called up a bill amend ing the rivera and harbors act so as to pro. vide that the $125,000 heretofore appropri ated frr certain river and harbor Improve ments in Texaa shall be used (or the con struction of a channel In Sabine Lake, Tex. Hoar Talks of Philippines. On an aye and nay vote demanded by Mr. Mason tbe aenate agreed to take the bill up 41 to . The effect of tbe vol was to displace the Philippines tariff bill. It was thou temporarily laid aside, and Mr. Hoar spoke on the Phlllpplnea bill. The bill had been talked to death, be said. This wss no i' In criticism of senators who think that In the closing hours of the session this remedy shall not be dealt with In an hour, Tbe point he made, he said, waa that ths senate, the executive, the house of repre sentatives an! the publio are not 111 to govern the destinies of a people 1,000 mile away who bsv no vole In th govern ment. "It Is the first great object lesson," said he, "the wretcheduesa, the Iniquity of what tbe American people did two year ago in regard to tbeaa people." Lodge Replies to Hoar. Mr. Lodg mad a vigorous reply to Mr. Hoar, In mhlch he said h did not agree with him 4n th view that the American people are not able to deal with the great problems In ths esst. "I believe they ar thoroughly able to deal with It aa they doalt with greater and mightier problems before," said Mr. Lodg. Acting upon a resolution President pro tern Fry appointed Messrs. Allison and Jonea (Ark.) a committee to meet a similar committee from the house to notify the president congrer was ready to adjourn. Mr. Mason (III.) took th Boor and dls (Coatlnued oa FUih Pag.) COLD LAYS POPE LEO LOW t'ardlaal Fear Berloa Developmeats Beraase ( Holy Father's Weight of Years. ROME, March 4. Alarmlsta are to the fors again this evening and 'declare that Pope Leo Is really "1. The truth Is tr . ceeded in getting , 'e pope never sue- the cold which caused a slight cougV Tsenee. Dr. Lapponl-on visiting v , tU-'e today found him somewhat betuV ' 'rankly told blm that he must elthei i '. to cure his cold or run the risk of . - j serious. The pontiff thereupon gaw. aJ and promised to suspend his audience. '' However, the condition of the pope, tak ing Into consideration his advanced age, Is not without danger and is causing consider able anxiety, so much so, it is asserted, that the cardinals who have come to Rome from a distance have postponed their departure. BARK WRECKED ON A REEF Sarvtvora Manas: to Finally Reach Hons; Ken In the Ves sel's Cotter. VICTORIA, B. C, March 4. Details have been received by steamer Empress of India of the wreck of the bark Alex McNeil, which was lost on Pratas reef, when bound from Manila to Port Townsend. The bark left Manila on December 10 and thirteen day later piled up on Pratas shoal, which, ly Captain Jorgenson's reck oning, should have been sixty miles dis tant. The mute and four seamen left In the ship's boat to explore the reef and nothing further was heard of them. After several days spent on the wreck the survivors started in their patched-up cutter for Hong Kong. They were four days at sea, suffering great privations, when a Norwegian steamer picked them up and landed them at Hong Kong. PEOPLE FAVOR THE BANDITS Keep RevolntlonlsV In Macedonia In formed of MoTomeata of th Troops. CONSTANTINOPLE, March 4. Increas ing numbers of Bulgarian revolutionary bands are operating in Macedonia and fre quency , of stiff encounters between them and Turkish forces Is regarded here as Indicating that a general rising has al ready begun. The inhabitants appear not only to b sheltering these bands, but to be inform ing them of the movements of the troops, thus enabling the revolutionists to evade pursuit. The telegraph wires are being cut by the revolutionists, who are determinedly oppos Ing the troops whenever they encounter them. The aggregate losses on both sides have been heavy. PRETENDER COMES TO LIFE Bo Honiara, Both Defeats s4 Is De frated hy Moorish Saltan' . Troops,. MADRID. March 4. The Liberal today published a ' dispatch from Tangier, Mor occo, announcing that the pretender has defeated th imperial troops commanded by Mohammed Sherqul and forced them to re treat after hard fighting.. TANGIER, March 4. Notwithstanding the contradictory rumors circulated here. the governor of Tangier haa received a let ter from Fez announcing that the column of the sultan's troops commanded by Mln later of War Elmenebhl haa completely routed the Senajy tribe, the most fanatical of the pretender's adherents. FRANCE PENSIONS AGED MEN Aids Mlaers' Scheme a First to General Superannuation Allowance. Step PARIS, March 4. The Chamber of Dep uties adopted tonight an appropriation of $200,000 annually to increase the old age pensions paid by mining companies to their employes. Tbe measure was passed prac tlcally without discussion and without division. It is expected that today's appropriation will ralae each miner's pension from 55 franca to 360 francs per anntftn. The meas ure waa a part of th socialist program and Is avowedly the first step In the dlrec tton of providing old age pensions for all the working people. SEEK TO SET WEDDING ASIDE Noble French Parent Claim Son's American Wife Caacht Him Whll a Minor. PARIS. March 4. The civil tribunal of th Seine today took up the case of the Count de Keratry, a former prefect of po lice, and tbe Countess da Keratry, who asked the court to annul the marriage of their son, the Viscount Hllarion d Keratry, and the Viscountess de Keratry. Th parents allege that the marriage was contracted In tbe United States while their aon waa a minor and without their con sent. The marriage took place In New York In 189$. Th bride's maiden name waa Baugtan, but she was a. Mrs. John Mulllns, widow of a New York contractor. FRANCIS STIRS SPAIN UP Werld'a Fair Preaident fall on Alfonso' Minister la Madrid. MADRID. March 4. D. R. Francis, pres ident of the St. Louis exposition, arrived her this afternoon and was met at th station by llptted State Minister Hardy. After a ahort conference with Mr. Hardy Mr. Francis called on the ministers of agriculture, accompanied by Secretary Sickles of ths United States legation. Mr. Francis dined tonight with Mr. and Mrs. Hardy and tomorrow will meet ths premier and otber members of the Spanish cabinet by appointment. He expects to re turn to Paris on Thursday night. GOING TO AUSTRIA IN MAY Princes I.eata to Deliver Newly Born Child to th Isioa Coart. VIENNA. March 4. It Is stated that th courts of Saxony and Tuscany have arrived at an agreement by which the former crown princess of Saxony may remove to A us trla In May and deliver ber newly born child to the Saxon court. She will then b permitted to see her other children every summer. A satlsfae tor arraagswaat la aUa mad tot bar. ANNON FLAYS THE SENATE Calls' Attention to Evil of Unanimous Consent Practice. SPECIES OF, LEGISLATIVE BLACKMAIL i Sa It Is Time for People to Take Matter la Haad a ad Demand that Majority Shall Rnl,e. WASHINGTON. March 4. The speech of Representative Cannon, chairman of the appropriations committee, delivered after 3:30 o'clock this morning In tbe house on th conference report on the general de ficiency appropriation bill, protesting against 'legislative blackmail" and Insisting on the right of a majority to rule in the senate. In view of tbe fact that he lu to be the speaker of the next house. Is regarded as foreshadowing a contest upon this ques tion. The seen when Mr. Cannon deliv ered this speech was the most remarkable in this congress. As late aa the hour was the members were set on fire with enthusi asm and they cheered until the great ball resounded' with their shouts. Mr. Cannon said: Gentlemen know unripr the tiractlce of the house and under the rule of the sen ate the great money bills can contain noth ing but appropriations In pursuance of ex- iniiiiK taws, unless ty unanimous consent of both bodies. If any of theas bills contain legislation It must be by unanimous consent of the two bodle and any attempt to change the uni form practice has been dlKastrous so far as know. The Invariable Draetlce ha been. with the exception of one amendment upon mis mil, mat wnen one body objected to legislation proposed by the other upon an appropriation bill the body proposing the legislation receded. Canse of Disagreement. In this case the trouble In arriving at an agreement was because all claims for money clustered around one arrendment. If there were many amendments of a lens- lstlve character proposed by the senate, there were many amendment, covering hundreds of thousands of dollars of claims, pure and simple, proposed by the senate. One by one the legislative DroDoeitlons and the claims were disapproved and the senate receded, until we came to an agreement to pay me state or Mouth Carolina A word as to that. In May last, on the omnibus claim bill, a basis waa fixed for the adjustment of the accounts of Virginia and Baltimore and South Carolina with the united btates, growing out or the war of 1812-15. The audltlnar officers of the treas ury, in pursuance of that law, adjusted the accounts of Virginia. An Indefinite appro priation was made to pay the respective states whatever should become due by the auditing officers. Upon that basis and under that lealslatlon the sum of fniidu in round numbers has been paid to ths state of Virginia. Under the same law which la th law n- day the auditing officers in the adjustment of accounts of the war of 112 found due to the state of South Carolina the sum of 34 cents. Now, the senate of the United States, notwithstanding the law, proposed legislation on an appropriation bill to the extent of granting to the state of South Carolina 47,(MJ. The house conferees ob jected and tbe whole long delay has been over that one Item. Itales In the Honse. Tn the house of r0nrant Atf vtsj without criticising either side or any Individual member, we have rules, sometimes invoked uy our uemocrauc iriends and sometimes by ourselves each responsible to the peo ple after all is sold and done by which a majority. ..riant or wromr. nin.iin ,.r .otherwise, -can regtelate. in anomer Dooy mere are no such rules. In another body legislation is had by unanimous consent n another body an individual membet of that body can rise In his place and talk for one hour, two hours, ten hours, twelve hours. It Is a matter of history that a senator on the republican elde In a former congress talked to death a river and harbor bill. There comes a time constantly In the settling of bills when you must do so and so, or so and so, else your bill cannot pass and this with reference to the great money bills. In my opinion such a condition ex isted as to this bill and clustered about this one amendment. There was aleo sn amendment put on to the bill In another body which Involved legislation to the extent of granting the state of Vermont $1,M) In adjustment of Its war claims. The senate receded, but your conferees were unable to get the senate to recede upon this gift from the treasury against the law to the state of Doum iuroun.. Evil of Unanimous Consent. By unanimous consent another body leg islates and in the expiring hours of the session we are powerless without that unanimous consent. "Help me, Casslus, or I sink." Unanimous consent comes to the center of the home, unanimous consent comes through statuary hall and to the house doors, and comes practically to the houae. We can have no legislation without the approval of both bodlea, and one "body. In my opinion, cannot legislate without unanimous consent. There wss the alternative In my opinion this applied not only to the deficiency bill, but to the naval bill. Your conferees had the alternative of submitting to legislative blackmail at the demand. In my opinion, of one Individual I shall not say where ir of letting these great money bills fall. Now, what are we going to do about It T This bill contains many Important matters your appropria tions for public buildings legislation lately had all along the line of the public service to the extent of lao.OOO.Ouo. Now, 1 have taken the house Into my con fidence touching this matter, as It is my duty to do. I sm getting to be a somewhat aged man. I pray God tnat my life may be spared until an intelligent and a righteous a-.-ntiment, north and south, east and west, pervades both of the great parties, will lash anybody into obedience to the rl(?ht of the majority to rule. Majorities ana minori ties shift back and forth. Majority Bhoald Rale. Ah, says somebody, did that work In ref erence to the matter or statehood, and did you believe In statehood? I did not believe tn statehood, and I am putting now the strongest case against my own party, but a n-.ajorlty of the people, voiced in th senate and house, had the right to have Its will expressed. Oentlen.en. I have made my protest. I do it in sorrow and in humiliation, but there It is, and in my opinion another body under these methods must change its method of procedure or our body, backed up by the people, will compel the change, else this body, close to the people, shall bo come a mere tenderer, a mere bender of the pre?nant hinges of the knee to submit to what any one member of another body may demand of this body aa a price for leg islation. DENVER COUPLE TRY SUICIDE Aged Pair Flad Life Too Uard and Determine to Die Tocether. DENVER. March 4. Major Martin Hurd, aged 73 years, was found dead In bed to day, at 4606 Homer boulevard, where he livid with Mr -i. Georgie Stanley, an aged voman. Mrs. Stanley was still alive, but unconscious. A dog and a canary were found dead In th room, wher the r.ian and woman lay. Th police believe that the couple, who were la deatlta.e circumstances, determined to commit suicide together. UTAH PROTECTS LOCAL SHEEP Katahllshe Commlssloarr and I u pector with View to right. In Bean. SALT LAKE CITY, March 4. Th house today paased a bill creating a state board of Sheep commissioner and a stat sheep Inspector. The main object of tbe bill Is to provide for abatement of scab among th sheep of the stat. Th bUl has already passed the seaat. STANDS BV HER HUSBAND Wife Tree d Merderer Knapp Be- ana K e Thinks He I Insnne. March 4. Carrying a I.N'DIANAPOL basket filled l derer. Mrs. An.: of the man he!, murders, left In' morning. h laundry for the niur- i Knapp, the fourth wife at Hamilton. O., for five anapolis for Hamilton this "I am going to have a long talk with my hupbend," she said. "He must have been insane. 1 la true that he choked It is not true that I Mrs. Knapp's sister. In mc lu bis sleek. hare threaten? Cincinnati. I hove threatened no one. All I want Is to be kt alone. If they take my husband to the thalr I want to die. I am j representatives, at least in the past occanc. so lonely." ' n met such cordial and general personal HAMILTON, 0.. March 4. This after- well wishes as did David B. Henderson to noon the fourtfi wife of Knapp, Annie i day. Immediately after laying down the nimhi. t.i.n.nniu tn I Ravel after the nronounciDK 'words, "I now ton and waa driven to the Jail. In com pany with the 4eputy aherlff and Jailer, she was admit ttd Into the presence of Knspp. She c.rle4 bitterly and asked Knapp If his confession; of tbe horrible murders was true and he answered that It was. ' She wouldn't believe the confession until Knapp himself tild her It was true. She "111 return to Indianapolis. The remain of Hannah Ooddard Knapp i were burled this afternoon. Her uncle, ' Charles Ooddsrd. had no means to pro- vide a burial, so the city authorities took charge of the funeral. Knapp will be csked to Identify1 the ring and earrings. The chief of police believes that Knapp will break down when he sees this in disputable evidence against him. It Is not likely for tbe present that Knapp will be s.hown the ring and ear rings, as no further Identification is needed for them. Miss Lldla Sterrtt of this city, halt sister of Hannah Knapp, was today shown the Jewelry as she lay 111 In bed. She at one declared them to be those worn by tbe murdered woman. Another half sister afterward identified the Jewelry, making th feurth relative to Identify them. The reason tor the making of all of his confession was given by Knapp to his sister, Mrs.' Sadie Wonbell, today. Tbe prisoner harbors 111 will against his sister, Mary King, and her husband, and does not attempt to co'iceal It where hi charge that they betrayed htm. "They told on me," he said, "so I Just thought that I would tell everything and if they were looking for disgrace they could have the disgrace ot it alk . 1 hope they are satis fled now." PROTEST AGAINST TROOPS Mayor of Colorado City Says There Is No Occasion for Presence of Soldiers. DENVER. Colo., March 4. Mayor J. F. Faulkner, Chief ot Police George Birdsall and City Attorney John McGoach of Colo rado City have protested to Governor Pea body against the, presence of the troops In that city. t . ; In their- message to the governor tbey say: .. , "There ' ht . bt- 'ne disturbance mor than a few oeoaaloaal brawls since th strike began, 'and we respectfully protest against an army being placed In our midst. A deleagtion of business men will call on you with a formal protest ot the cttisens of the city." Governor Peabody said today that he had received some protests on account ot bis sending the state troops to Colorado City, but tl at he wss satisfied that he had only .lone his diity. "The troops will stay here," he declared, "Just as long as thty are needed to protect property, and when they are no longer needed they will be ordered home." COLORADO CITY, Colo., March 4. The troops sent here by Governor Peabody are doing guard duty about the ore reduction mills which are operating with nonunion men'. There has been no disturbance of any kind today. A petition to the. governor to recall th troops is being circulated here and tn Colorado Springs. STUDENTS MAKE DISCOVERY Flad Germ that I the Can ot Cholera, Infantaat Antl-Tosln to Kill Also Pound. BALTIMORE, March 4 Another great discovery, the anti-toxin which shall de stroy the germ of cholera Infantum, haa been announced by Dr. Simon Flexner, director ot the Rockefeller Institute ot Medical Research. It was the death of his grandson that turned Mr. Rockefeller's attention to the absolute inability of the medical profes sion t cope with this disease that annually carries off many thousands of infanta and resulted in the plan tor the establish ment of the laboratory and hospital that Is to be built In New York. Last fall the announcement that two stu dents ot tbe Johns Hopkins medical school hsd discovered the germ which caused ths death of millions ot children wss received. It was then stated that the energies of the Investigators would be directed to ward the discovery of a serum which would destroy the bactlla. In or- of the private lecture room of the J(4Ss Hopkins hospital Dr. Simon Flexner and Dr. J. H. M. Knox pf the hospital staff. have declared that as a re sult ot their Investigations, the qualities of the needed serum had been discovered and that the perfecting of It would occupy but a few months longer. Dr. Flexner declared that before th end of 1903 th antl-toilne would be ready for practical us and given to the world. RAILROADS AID COMMUNISM Arrange Blgc Esrarslon to Old Mexico to Exploit Fsrnlsg Possi bilities. CHICAGO, March 4. An innovation In railroad land colonization is to be tried by the Rock Island and the Chicago Great Western. On March IT a big homeseekers' excur sion will be run to Old Mexico to exploit tbe possibilities of farming and fruit rais ing in Mexico when undertaken by Amer icans under the community plan. SEEKS TO RESTRAIN JUDGES Illluol Legislative Committee Re. port Rill Llmltlaa; lajaaettoa Power In Lahor Dlspate. SPRINGFIELD, III., March 4. Th com mittee on labor ot the Illinois bouse of rep resentative took favorabal action tonight on a bill providing that no Injunction In volving a labor controversy sbt.ll be Issued without a bearing atttr du notk haa been given. ALL WISH HENDERSON WELL Affscting Scene When Ex-8peaker Takaa Final Leave of Fellow Members. ETTER GETS SOUTH OMAHA POSTOFUCE !enatora Will Make an Effort to Settle t nlted States Attorney ship Rosebud Bill Die with Session. (From a Btsff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, March 4. tSpcclal Tele- gram.) No retiring speaker ot me nou m declare this house adjourned sine die," a number of members possessed of good voices started the national antt.-m, which brougnt all n the floor to their feet, and those tn the galleries as well. The timid ones on the floor quickly added their voices to those In the lead, and the galleries took up the refrain till the great hall rever berated with the echo ot that grand song sang In almost perfect unison by the 4,000 persons present. Meanwhile, i-8peaker Henderson had descended the few steps from the speaker'a rostrum and stood at the right of the chair. During the singing of the national air every member on the republican side waved a small flag. At the conclusion of the eoDg there was sn almost Imultaneous movement from both sides of the bouse toward the part of the ball where the es-speaker stood, all eager to grasp his hand and wish him god-speed. A dosen members, who, it Is said, lead church choirs when at home, rapidly formed a hollow square about Mr. Henderson and started the Inspiring aria, "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow, That Nobody Can Deny," and appar ently that proposition was carried unani mously. Judging from the great number who pressed forward to grasp the hand of the ex-speaker, pronounced by the choir an all around good fellow. The chorus, "So say w all of us" met with no opposition, and there waa no call for the "yeas and nays." Kiss and Make tp. Representative Underwood, representing the Third Alabama distrlot, a great, big- I hearted fellow, strong In debate and one of the leaders of the recent filibuster for tbe derson threw his arms about him and kissed blm. Representative Allen, who represents the dlsttlct ot Maine so long represented by the late "Tom" Reed, was also most pronounced In his salutations of the retir ing speaker. - He embraced Mr. Henderson, kissing blm upon either cheek. There were many glistening eye In the throng of mem- bers, who pushed forward to grasp tne hand of Color-cl Henderson during the ten- I minute Impromptu reception he held today on the floor of the house of representatives. I As soon as th people In :h galleries could gain an admittance to th floor they, too, pushed forward to extend their greetings I to Mr. Henderacm. -T'Etter Geta Another Term. Senator Millard stated 'today he "had re ceived word from Postmaster General Payne that F. M. Etter. present postmaster at South Omaha, would be renominated for tbe' place he now holds, and that In all probability the preaident would send In Mr. Etter's name to the senate tomorrow. Attorneyship Come Nest. Senator Millard expects to leave for Omaha early next week, important business demanding his attention In the west. Be- for going, however, be will have a talk with tbe president over the district attor- neyship, which la the next hard nut for the Nebraska senators to crack, and It Is giving them much trouble. Unless an agree- ment Is reached. It Is doubtful If the preal- dent will make an appointment until fall, Senator Dietrich is Just as pronounced as ever In favor of Mr.. Lindsay, while Senator Millard leana toward Summers, and ther the matter rests. Just what the outcome will be la still problematical, although It la believed the president does not lean to- ward Summers with any great degree of warmth. Mercer Looking; for Place. Casting about for a place to land, ex-Con greesmaa Mercer ha had his friends begin to talk him up for director of the census on th assumption that ex-Gov ernor Merriam of Minnesota is soon to re sign to accept a position In New York. Mr. Merrlam's son. however, continues to say the family knows nothing of sny contem- plated retirement ot the census director. When Senator Millard was told today that there was a well-autbentlcated rumor to the effect that ex-Congressman D. H. Meroer was to be appointed commissioner of th census in place ot W. R. Merriam, who Is shortly to resign, tbe Junior senator from Nebraska aententlously asked, "Will his nomination be charged to the District ot Columbia?" Itosebnd BUI Dies. Th Rosebud bill died on the cslendar with tbe close of the fifty-seventh congress. Every effort known to shrewd snd efficient representatives was made to get the bill before th bouses before adjournment. At one time during the early hours of this morning It looked as if It might be reached. Speaker Henderson having indicated to Representative Burke (S. D.) his intention to recognise th congressman for tbe pur pose of putting tbe bill on Its passage. But Just as hope seemed brightest confer ence reports on two big supply bills wers presented, and as th gray dawn broke over the city the bouse 'took a recess until 10 o'clock with every appropriation bill dis posed of, and tbe Rosebud bill, like thou sands of other bills, died with th congress. It is the intention ot the South Dakota del egation to bring about a ratification of the treaty with the Rosebud Indians during the summer along tbe line of the last bill Introduced, so that there will be nothing In tb way of speedy legislation when con gress meets next winter. Senator Millard, accompanied by Con gressman Hitchcock. calkd"on Commissioner of Indian Affair Jones today with a view of securing an order from the department for the inspection of drugs Intended for the Indian service at Omaha. Tbe com mis aloner stated be would take the matter un der consideration, although be told the gentlemen that ha had only one drug In spector, and he waa located at Chicago, To Th Bee, however, the commissioner stated he believed that the matter could be brought about. C. H. Paul of St. Paul, Neb., who has beea connected with the ordnsnc bureau of the War department, has been trans ferred to tbe Treasury department, and haa been given a position with the Immigration service In New York at an increased salary, Hoatln of Depart meals. Charles T. Doty of Chicago was today warded the contract for electric wiring la I Continued oa Second Fag.) f CONDITION OF THE WEATHER Forecast for Nebraska Fair Thursday and Friday. Temperatare at Umaha Yesterday! Hoar. Deer. llonr. Dear. !t n. m .It 1 p. ni 113 li a. ni :t4 SI p. m...... SI . r i, aa 3 p. m n N a. m rt.t 4 p. m 3.1 It a. tn B p. m...... at III a. n :t p. m : 11 a. m..... r.t T p. in : 1 3 m 34 a p. m 9 p. ra 1M THRIFTY MILLARD RIFLES Reorssnalsed Company Show Mach Activity anil Is Growing; la Kantber. Since Its reorganization last November the Millard Rifles has Increased 1U mem bership 100 per cent, and Is now a first class infantry company. The progress he been In all departments sad the record of the brief four month has been most flat tering. G. W. Sues Is captain. R. H. Walker first lieutensnt and E. V. Colby of Beatrice, Neb., Colonel Frank E. Moores and Frank Dunlop of Omaha were elected honorary members. Leaf Friday was held an examination ot candidates for noncommissioned officers' positions. On Monday tbe promotion re sulting wers announced as follows: Guy M. Matson. first sergosnt; Elmer A. Wlemer, qunrtermoster sergeant; Frederick Hanson, second sergeant; Bert McMahlll, third ser gosnt; Eugene Harris, first corporal, and Arthur Hardy, second corporal. There are still to be Issued appointments of two sergeants' and two corporals' war rants. These positions are being held open to give tbe new members entering a chance to compete. Sergeants Hanson and Mc- Mnhil! are both former regulars and Philip pine veterans and have both been under Ore. Sergeant Hanson has in addition served as second lieutenant In the volunteer forces, while Sergeant McMahlll made the entire Philippine campaign with a Kansas regiment. A feature ot the company's work this year Is to have the weekly medal drill. This will stimulate Individual Interest. Corporal Arthur Hardy has twice won the proficiency trophy. In addition Second Lieutenant Cooper haa offered a handsome gold medal to t awarded to the most proficient all- ground soldier at the end of the year. DOCTORS TAKE NEW DEGREES Phi Hho Sigma Hold an Initiatory and Anniversary Session and Celebration. Eta and Iota, th two Omaha chapters of Phi Rho Stsma. the national medical fra ternlty, held their Joint annual anniversary celebration laat night. Eta chapter, at crelghton Medical college. Is Just one year to the day older than Iota chapter, at th University 0f Nebraska medical depart' ment. The mflar comprised the usual two features, an initiation and a banquet. Five undergraduate candidates were led across be gridiron- and back, and sis honorary members were received, th largest list ever handled-at one time. 1 i Phi Rho Sigma is now exceedingly strong In Omaha. Eighty medical men attended the festlvltle last, night, and the two chapters of th fraternity here start an other year with the firmest of foundations and the brightest of prospects. The hon orary members received were: By Eta Dts. Coulter, Barstow, Jennings, Summers; by Iota, Drs. Milory and Mogrldge. The undergraduates tortured were: By Eta, Messrs. Wead. Echller and Nelson; by Iota, Messrs. Eplln and Fuller. Initiatory rltee and the usual accompany- ing castlgattons ot the spirit and tbe flesh were conducted at Royal Arcanum hall, in tne Bee building. The banquet followed at the Her Grand hotel. Among "prominent membera of the fraternity In Omaha who attended were: Drs. A. 8. Jones, W. H. Christie. A. H. Cooper. A. B. Llndquest, B, B. Davis, F. S. Owen, G. H. Bicknell, B. W, Christie, A. C. Stokes. C. F. Mayer of Eta chapter was toastmaster and the responses were atl or lne stellar variety. HOLDUP MEN TURN BOLD TRICK! Ksoek B. Lehan Down While He Standing; at Thirteenth and Dodse. 3. Lehan was the victim of two holdup men at an early hour this morning. He was Handing at the corner ot Thirteenth and I Dodge streets looking at the elect rio lights and. other sights when th holdup men came up and knocked him down. They Im- mediately proceeded to go through Lehan's pockets and secured what money he had, departing without even thanking their vie- tiro, tor tho contribution. Lehan does not know Just how much he lost, but place the sum at somewhere between IT snd $12. I Later the police arrested two brothers, Dan and Matt Babic, whom Lehan identifies as the partieo who held him up. The two Babies are Austrian and room at the Cam bridge hotel. HIGH LICENSEIN VERMONT LI.tior to lie Sold Openly In Many Town Flrat Time In Fifty Year. WHITE RIVER JUNCTION, Vt.. March 4. Returns from remote towns of the sta's on the license question yesterday are con siderably delayed and today twenty-five towns out of the Its cities and towns In the state had not yet been heard from. While the high license advocates ex pected a substantial victory, tbe figures at hand show a surprising Increase on the high license majority aa compared with tbat at the special vote taken a month ago, when the legislative act annuling th prohibitory law which had stood for half a century wa accepted by a margin ot about 1.000 votaa In a total of C0.0O0. In every on Of th alx cities ot the state, . Burlington. Montpeller, Rutland, Barre, St. 'Albans and Vergennea, liquor will be openly sold on April 1 for the first Ime In half a century. Movemeata of Ocean Vessel March 4. At New York Arrived: Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse, from llerlln; Minneapolis, t-nm lncion. Haliea: i elite, lor iJverpool; Rot terdam, for Rotterdam. At The Llsurd Passed: Bulgsrla. from New York, for Hxmburg. At Ulbmltar rtd; l''l. from Naples, for New York; Calabria, from Naples, for New York. At 1'iymoutn Arrived: urar W aliiersee. from New York. At Ueyrout Arrived: Kalserln Maria Thersla, from New York via Funehsl, Malta, Constantinople, etc., for Jaffa, Alex andria, etc., on cruise. At C herbourg Arrived: Grnf i aldersee. from New York via Plymouth, for Ham burg, and proceeded. At mmtnampton Arrived: hi. raul. rrom New York. At Liverpool Balled: Sylvanlan, for Bos ton. At Sicily Passed: Kt. PauL from Nrw York, for tsuuthaiuplon. BIG FLOOD OF BILLS Approach of Time Limit Has Caused the Legislators to Wake Up. ONLY TWO MORE DAYS TO GET THEM IN Several of the Bill Introduced An of Cot liderable Importance. RENEW FIGHT FOR RAILROAD TAXATION Several Constitutional Amendments Fro posed bj Memminger MOVE TO REVIVE THE MAXIMUM RATE LAW Kennedy ( Doulas Believe Pros perity ( Railroad 'Would In- dnoe C'enrts to Reverse Their Rallna-. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, March 4. (Special.) In the deluge of bills that broke loose In tbe house today forty-flv were Introduced, among them several of great Importance. Tbe unusually large number was due partially to the fact that the house had been so crowded for days past with other work ss to have little time to devote to tbe Intro duction of new measures and pai: tally to the fact that but two day remain ot tbe session on which bills may be Introduced without special consent of tbe house. The senate waa less prolific In Its production ot new measure, only about a dosen being In troduced. One was of considerable Import, especially to the people ot Omaha t-nd other cities which have Just been dcfuted by the railroads In the attempt to secure the pas sage of a measure that would give to mu nicipalities the right ot taxing railroad terminals for city purpose. This bill was Introduced by Saunders of Douglas. In the lojg list of house bills waa one by Kennedy of Douglas, presenting a Joint resolution Instructing and directing the at torney general to begin proceedings for the enforcement of the maximum freight rate law. Other bill ot unusual Importance In troduced In the bouse were four by Mem minger ot Madison, providing for constitu tional amendments, increasing the number of supreme court Justices, changing their salaries and the salaries of the state offi cers and providing for the sate Investment of the permanent school fund. Woald Knforc Rate law. Representative Kennedy, tbe lono demo crat from Douglas county, set forth In his bill for a Joint resolution for the enforce ment of the maximum freight rate law, that that law has not been enforced In late years. He specifically provide that tbe attorney general shall proceed at one upon tbe passage of this resolution, to th en forcement ot this law and shall furnish to th legislature at the earliest possible dat a statement of his estlmste of the appro priation necessary to oonduct-such action. It also provide that -the governor and at torney general shall, employ any and all necessary assistance In the way of counsel, clerical help and oxperts In prosecuting this case. The bill explains tbat the federal circuit and supreme court held that when this law waa enacted In 188J the rates which It contemplated were too low. In view ot the depression, due largely to crop failures, to enable tbe railroads to teak fair Incomes, but that since the radical change In Indus trial conditions th courts have modified their rulings so ss to validate these rates and remove any cause for their non enforcement, that deaplte this latter action ot the court th officials of Nebraska charged with ths enforcement of this act have been derelict in their duties. Tcrmlaat Tasatloa Bill. Close on the death ot H. R. 330 Is born another measure contemplating taxation ot railroad terminala for municipal purposes, constructed on the aame fundamental prin ciple as both house rolls 171 and 330. This new bill 'was Introduced in the senate by Saunders of Douglaa. Douglas county members assert that this Is their first step In reu-wlrg Ibe fight, and that It will ce followed by othera calculated td force the sanction ot this proposition upon this leg islature. The Sannders bill merely provide that the railroad property shall be assessed sad taxed on Its fair cash va?ue tor city pur poses the same as otber property, and that In fixing the standards ot assessment and taxation the figures as returned by ths State Board of Equalisation shall not be taken by the city tax commissioner, except for school purposes. This, of course, would eliminate that obnoxious clause in thu Omaha city charter which compel the tax commissioner to accept theso figures, and which is tbe cause of thla entire fight, in stituted by tbe Real Estate exchange ot Omaha. Of course, tbe Introduction of no number of bills on this subject Is going to do any good unless ther Is an avowed determina tion, snd a ceaseless endeavor on th part of the Omaha delegation to fore their proposition through. It is seriously ques tioned If the fatal miatake was not made In allowing thla matter to go until near the close of the session. . Not a few mem bers from other sections of the state have declared It to be their belief that bad the Douglas delegation buckled down earnestly and persistently to pass this bill at ths first of the session, employing sll ths tndans at their disposal, such as that one so com monly used, trading of measure for meas ure, or tbe reciprocity plan, tbe bill would long before this have become a law, and there would not now, be any necessity of Incriminating railroad lobbies tor Influenc ing tbe legislature to defeat this proposi tion. Amendment to Constitution. Memminger of Madison, a fusion mlmber of the house. Introduced four bills pro posing smendment to the constitution. H. R. 391, the first, provides for th In vestment ot the permanent school fund of tbe state in registered school district bonds ot tbe state. H. R. 392 provides for changes In tbe salaries of state officers, conferring upon the legislature the right, by a two-thirds vote, to rslse or lower such salaries, provided, however, tbst the salary of no official la changed during his trrm of office and that no changes can be made oftener than once In four years. H. R. 393 and 394 deal with the member ship and aalarles ot the supreme court and doubtlesa will b considered most Im portant. The former provides tbat the legislature may, by a three-flftbs vol, cbangs th salary of th supreme court Justices, and the latter Increasea the mem bership from three to five, providing for the election of two Justices for a term of two years snd two for a term of four years In 1904 and thereafter one for a term of five years annually. TUtse three propositions, th prevision