TTTT OM ATT A n All.Y nrr. tit : ti a -v -vr utr o i ' ' I SPECIAL NOTICES will fee takes went la m. far Ikt editing in M (to p. as. tor atriln aad Saaday edltlaa. flates, 1 1 -2e. ward rt lasertlaa, la a ward thereafter. "el-lac take far leaa tbaa xfv far tke flrat Uirr. Three ad vertlsesaeata asset fee raaj eeaaecatlvely. Adeertleere, r reqaestlaal m Ban. " rkeek, raa have aaswers ad dressed ta a am be red letter la ear a f Tke Bee. Awe-rare a addressed will delivered areseatattasi af ta keek aalr. . WATKU-MALK HELP.' WlN to learn barber trade; free railrosd far upon our tenure to convince you of " this twin tne BitST and only reliable. most practical barber college tn the inited gtaies. S rue lor ouo today. Western Baruera' Ihstltute, Omaha. Neb. kl-2H GOOD messengers wanted; high salaries. A. D. T. Co.. il Ho. l.tb. Be B 7M - - 1 SALESMEN-Up-to-date, active, to sell ,' rirst-rlaHs groceries direct to consumers ec wholesale; flrsl-cUuia territory ana lib ' era! Inducements George Meldrum Co., S and 71 N. Ureea su, Chicago, 1,1. b MlKi THREE broom makers wanted at Coin, la.; stesdy -work f.r tlrst-Uass workmen; no others need apply. B Mii DIMES Pantallortum Pressing Co. Pants pressed, loc; sins. c. We call and de - liver, lis B. ltitn. upstairs. .Tel. 22M. ' li 43s Mch24 'WANT cornicemakers; married men pre- f erred. J. f. Grlsset Cornice Co., Cedar Haplds. la. B (30 Mo WANTKD, men to learn barber trade; pre " pare now fur spring rush; mora calls man ''tan be suppled, uo limit to time; con stant practice and expert Instructions; tools and board given; positions guaran ' teed; call or write. Muler Barbi-r l.ol - lege, law Douglas at. B Molo e WANTED, three bollermakera, with gen ' eral experience, including locomo'ive work.. .Address the Colorado uel and . iron Co., Pueblo, Colo. B M6c iWANTKl), trustworthy persons In each ' state to manage business of wealthy cur f " poruUon; salary sis cash eacn Thursday direct Irons headquarters; expense money so vanned. Manager, 772 Caxton Biiig., " Chicago, B 7w WANTED Up-to-date Job compositor; union. Deitcta & Lamar Co., Printers, Stoux City, lows. 11776 1 .WANTED for V. S. army, able-bodied un ''. married men between ages of 21 and 35; .' citlxens oi I'nlted States, of gutxi char ; acter and tempi-rate habits, who can ".' speak, read and write English. For Infor- matlon epply to Recruiting Officer, lath ; and Dcdge Sts., Omaha, or postoftice building, Lincoln, Neb. U KALliliMEJf W1XTED. i WANTED, I salesmen to solicit and collect; t 4U1CX promotion. fct7 faxlou block. . BtLL, Bitters ar aide Una on commission; - uue ariicia, wail advertised. km Cuming. WASTED KKMALll HELP. -400 Girls. Call Canadian office, 15th & Dodge. A OIKLi for general housework. Z6U3 Fierce Street. C 78 'V ANTED, a cook. 3630 Farnam. C-X77 WANTED, fifty gtrls who live at their.own homes, South dide preferred, to learn '. taey factory work; U per week to start. ' For full particulars call between 1 and X ii. in. today cr tomorrow at Koc.n 19, U. & "' Nat. bank Bidg. . C Mltk ill'T ILADIE8 wanted - to learn halrdresalng, ' snantcurlng or facial massage; ariort '" course by free work; expert instruction; positions and tools given; call or write, n: Moler Coltege, WM Douglas at. CtdUlS UlftLi for general housework; good wages in to competent girl. 4ti61 Dodge. O-JilJ QIRI for general housework house with modern Improvements; good wages, ii, b. Clark, Uretna, Neb. C TbS S G1RU H to IB years, ta assist at general - housework. 127 8. 26th at. C M7KS 1 COMPETENT girl for general housework; family of 4. Apply 1X17 So. 31st St. 1 C-T78S WANTED, girl for general housework In small family.' Ura. Huteson. 2u9 8. 25th St. O-eoSlC WE PAY JM per thousand for writing let ' ters, also furnish the material and names; r,cD writ ( to 12 an hour; send two stamps lor particulars and copy to Stylus Puo. t Co., DunlPr 1- C-l 1 WANTED A' competent- lady bookkeeper to take charge of a set of books In a ' large, retail bouse. One with experience ' in large dry goods business preferred. ' Must be- Kiuick and accurate. Only ex- i . ' nrliinf-ftil lMMikkeetter hmaH orm A , ' oress, - I s, xea. 'WANTED A cook and second girl, Slg 8, ' lh Ave. Mrs. Mol Degen. C ea WANTED, second girl. Mrs. Joseph Bar ker. Hub B. kth. C M-t 6 rOR HEXT HOlsKS. - liOUSta. IS upward. Sea-a. Paxtoa Blk, D is , I1UUOCO ,Vavui Co., eo Bea Bldi! VANS and baggage wagons. Tela: luo-tlte. if . -.- . lt1 .llOLBES. Q. a. Wallace, Brown Block. D-;l HOUaE- and naia. Rlngwalt, Barker block. . D IW- tnUUOCOc- Peura Co., .Bee Bldt D 7c rO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage Co.; office, lUVi Faruam, or Teis. lico- FINE J-room brick house, modern In every way, one block to car. good location. Iju. U. U Turklngtcn. a Boa. D MU7 'R KE1"T, r-room modern' house. EiiN Z?1- D M473 ' ISOR KENT, a large s-room house &oi ,, Blnndo St.. 114; also l-room. 2767V Cumlna Pi.w. The Omaha He-It y Co. 310 N y' Lit Bldg. -. D eCT FOR RENT, la-r-xvm modern house two t-alh rooms; good barn. Just the 'thing for private hospital. Thomas hrennan. Sut Bo. lth Bt. d ii? ai :iXR RENT. l Modern house, Uli Ersklne St. US House, dty water 914 N. ISth 6t 4l Modern house and barn, 702 8 36th Bt $. Modern house, 2ul3 California Bt. Uhomas Brennan, 3u bo, 13th Bt. D 1631 CENTRAL, modem, steam heat. T-room ,,; house. 20 N. Sid. D-M47. FOR RENT. 6-room eottage 1314 Bo 11th city water, t-t). L.. D. Spaulding, Omaha NaC Bank Bldg. P. 230. Dlvb t - N1CHOUA8, rooms, large yard. 3S Barker Bik- L774 J rOR RENT, t-room rot tags. I7u Jackson su Inquire Dot B. loth. l Maua I ;.V)R RENT, excellent groom cottage lai t. California sL Apply at u7 N. lih st., D Msl f TEN-RK5M house, Kit Davenport, mod ern. 1&. . .Hi x -room house, city water, gas. Ml Bfti- nsy 81., tu. fix-mom house, nio N Klh Ave , til. JU.BT. H. LANDER YOU, 4U Chamber bf Commerce. D s71 FlK RENT, t-room modern " house, fur nished or unfurnished, tath and wonh. Immediate possession. J. H. .! JuhUBon, N. X. Life. N IN E-ROOM house. I3l Harney st . US. ' lmjuire next doi. . ... D MmI pV'ANTEtk ladles to make neckwear from j sample; steady work, good pay; sent any distance- send self-addressed stsnaped an vciupe. Ideal Mlg. C sua Meat Uid st.. Ktw York Cit. O-Ms.s ! POR REST HOI SE. FOl'R rooms, i7Z Dodse. S. Others. R!na wait Bros., Barker blk. D MT2 WE MOVE pianos. Murrard Van Ptor. age Co. Tel. 145. Office, 1711 Webster st. I MK77 I'OR REST Ft R HI 411 LD kOOMI. DEWEY Europesn Hotel, 13th and Farnam. E 77 11 PER WEEK-4I. 8. Mth 8U. one block south of court house E 7M AETNA HOCHE. European, Uth A I)o1ce. E 7 P.OYAL HOTEL, Earopean. Itth Chlraco. E so L. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephono 7'. E 8"1 ELEGANT steam-heated rooms. 19"9 Cepl tol Ave. E 131 VJENWA HOTEL, 1011-U Farnam 8t. ELKO ANT rooms; hot water heat; modern; leferenees. JH16 Web iter. , E M3S7 RONT parlor, hot water heat. 1617 Cass l. K-MI A M1K it'E"LY fnrnlfheil rooms, With or without . board. 1610 Davenport st. E M370 NICELT furnished front room, suitable for two. 1714 California St.. E M4? COZY rooms, Capitol Hotel, lMh and Cspl tol avenue. E 7' Aprl TWO nicely furnished room, with or with out breakfast. 1138 8. 3th Ave., one block north of Hanscom park. K 8T3- FlKXIsllED ROOMS- ASD BOARD. NICE rooms, steam heat, with or without board; low rates. Midland Hotel, 16th and Chicago F 1S4 FOR RENT a derlrable front room, with alcove. 2d floor. The Pratt, 212 So. 2Mb Su F 461 THE KENWOOD-First-class board and rooms. References. 2016 Farnam. F 860 4 FOH HEXT ISFIRMSHED ROOMS. L'mUBLE parlors. Call at 1618 Weoster St. O- M718 rUK UKSiT-TOUaSS AA li OFFICES. OFFICE In The Bee b'xlldlng. tiu.uo per month up. Hentai price Inciuaes heat, liitht enu Janitor service. H. C. Peters at Co., 1-snial Agenu, oround Floor, Bee Blug. I Hit FOR KENT Building suilabls for whole sale purposes at Vi Fainam; t-xtw, tour to,ies sua nrsl-oass ceineuied basement, elevator, tire and oorglar proot vau.t, oUlce counter ana flxcurea. .or price ana particulars inciuire C. C. Bosewaler, secre tary ilia Bee Building Co., room lov, ilea building. 1 li7 FOB KENT, store In first-class location; rent reasonable. Appiy K. C peters Co., ground Boor, Bee Bidg. iM FOR KENT, the building - formerly occu pied by The Bee at l Fsrnan. bt. It has lour alorles and a baaeuienl, which was forme! ly used as -he Bee press room. luis will be rented very reasonably, if Interested apply at oince 10 C C. Rose water, secret-ry, room luv. Bee builuing. FOR RENT, brick store. 22x80, and base ment; good location tor saioon. William Arnold, Fremont, ieb. 1 Mito4 AttEXTS WASTED, WANTED, cauvaasing agents In every county to solicit suoscriptluns to TU. TWENTIETH CtM'lhV FARMER. Bteady employment, with assured good lu cerne. Agents in tne country wnn norse ana buggy especially desire . Canvassers make easily M to luu per month. Ad Ores, Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee building. Omaha. U HETAL AUE.CY. ; LIST YOUR HOUSES: With J. U. MOMOoMEux, . .n. i: Life. L M. Ami Fust -AC46 FlrtAl'l ina, CHICAGO Furniture Co., 141u Dodge. TsL tuM. sew and eecoiMiuanu, bouat., soio. eavaangeo. . you A--nuasak, WjauvAa, K't'C. HOK8E AUCTION at Union Stock Yards norse maraet every rt'eu.e-dr aneruoou. FOR SALE, time given, black Norman, k-year-oia stauion, i,m 10-., guaranteed. Box ass, bioux City, la. toot li DELIVERY wagons, buggies, carriages, any sixe or any price to auiu xx. Frost, Min ano ieavenwurio. WANTED, horse to use for feed awhile, with view to purcnase it euliaDie. i. 11. 'Johnson, N. Y. late. P sb FtlR SALE Cheap, fancy single-footer saudle mare. F. i. Kllby, Missouri Val ley, lo wa. P M&3 4 FOR SALE MISCELL.A.HKOCS. NEW and 2d hand typawruers. Ult Farnam. W til SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; billiard lao lea repaueu; a iare stoca ot cheap bar uxtuies, C4u counters, eta. The ilrvaswita-ia-.oueiiar Co., wi- k leth. . 4 HtM Mi FOU BALE Two stoves and three sbow - cases with stanus, cneap a taken at once. Auuresa, 0 si. sMta. - l-kui INDIAN goods and relics. .LUJ Farnam. FENCE LATH for quick shipment, crib bing, combination laudra. svi Douglaa. FOR BALE, phonographs, superior to any other musical instrument, te up, laa ' Wlttmanh Co., ltd Farnam. -. Q Jl FOK SALE, slx-pasaenger rockaway car- In V1..L1J , 11111111111 uiii... . . - , -.. ... . . w u nuieri M. U,n. 1 -it 11 l. . vsM.iH EDI8ON machines and records. Fredrick son, lith and Capitol a7e. j M467 Mch26 FOR SALE, flrat mortgage note bearing per cent Interast, payable every a.x months; has about 2H years to run; good security and endorsed by responaible party; amount, tl.suu.' Inquire C M. Uachmann, Boom iii Paaton block . W-464 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlghu Uls Farnam. Q aid CATALOGUE cut drug prices free. Sher man McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. 75 LADIES' and gents' watches, laa dia monds, left In pawn, good as new, selling at half price. Diamond Loan Office, 140I Douglas. Q A2 CUIUiOIaAII. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. 1614 Cass street S U MME. GYLMER. genuine palmist. US 8. li - . -H li MA DAM B LUCRKTIA, medium. 16c Chi cago SU a M4i VI 4 BOVEREIGN-Clatnoyant 807 N. ISth st. B MS7J At KU-CTBIU Ik-ATMIMT. MME. SMITH, baths, lit N. U, Id floor r. 1 T-M444 Mt GRACE O BRYAN of Kentucky. TM 8. 13th. T Mliil M17 rEHSOKAL. DR. ROY. chiropodist; corns and superflu ous hair removed by eleclricly. K. i aud i, Hub Farnam Be U e!4 MAC NET PILE KILLER. JT CURES. At dru flats, ii. U Mlns Spectacles ir,a!tit,ob' cpUcLl TELEPHONIC 7B0 f or I M. JS. Baasengera. L-aLI MKaV JACOBttON. Xtua N. tut SL L-M7 M WANT miE BEST DIRECTORYOF ROOMS FOR RENT IS ON THIS PAGE FERSOAI INFORMATION WANTED. Wanted, address of WM1 I. Lockwood, for merly of lyos Angeles, fa I. C. H. Ixn-k-wood, 1H7 Grattan St., Los Anselc-s Cel. V M'7 TO OUR FRIENDS AND PATRONS We have moved to lit B. 17th street. We will continue to carry a nice line of pianos, talking machines, small musical mer chandise and sewing machines and will endeavor to merit a share of your patr-.a-ae. COLIN 3 PIANO COMPANY. U 14 RUPTURE CURED without pain, hrmplre Rupture Co, N. Y. Life tiidg., omaha. U-sl. A wholesome nerve At tissue food home treetment for disorders of women. Write for free booklet Vlavl Co.. 84. Bee Bide.. Omaha. Tel 16M. U-Mtel WANTED, 10,000 families to um Hubbard s Buierlatlve Flour, li s the best. Ask your grocer for It. Omnha Hay and Oraln Co., jobbeos, 1014 N. 16th St. Phone 773. U 439 Mch24 CHIROPODY, manicuring, facial and spe cial maasaga taught and practiced. A Mayer, iu Bee Bidg. Consultation free. I1. 1714. , U-tUJ PRIVATE sanitarium for ladles before aai? during confinement. Dr. and Mrs. Gerlacfc. !& California HL Terms reasonable. L-M477 PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement; babies boarded and adopted. . Mrs. Gardeis. .34 Lake. Tel. Red lsM. U-Ult RUBBER GOODS cftalogue free. Sherman ot juc-.uiineu rug o-, omana. U-MS32 ECZEMA BALVEhat cured W. A. Paxton. B. J. Scannell. agent, 5oS Ware Block. U-Mi MARRY Western ladles with means wsnt husbands. Btar, 672 tlh st.. Sun Fran cisco, Cal. U M7H6 M14 CI Cfl Tlaiios tuned. Room 7, Ree Bldg 1. 3U perneld Piano Co. Tel. 7ul. U 3 M!l ORIENTAL RUGS CLEANED BY COMPRESSED AIR BY THE GATE CITY STEAM DYEING AND CLEANING CO., 518 S. 16TH. TEL 3265. U MST7 M8 MARCH MARCH Is the time to do your spring sewing, Tor we will rent you a new Wheeier At Wilson, ball-bearing machine, or any oilier make, for $1.60 per month. This olier good lor MARCH only. Nr-BKyVSKA CYCLE CO., Phone 16ty. Corner luth riarney. 1 hone B-!8. XX Broadway, Council BlulTs Phone 43. U N. .4th Be, South Omaha. L M3 J FREE SAMPLE, WHISKEY. Bend ic to cover cost of shipping, etc., we will forward you prepaid sample bottle of "H1LLEK 8 OLD PRIVATE STOCK." Pure, 11-year-old whiskey. Sample quart, 41.01) prepaid; four full quarts, 44.00 pre paid. Dept. "li, Hlller Liquor Co., lJ Farnam bt., Omaha, Neb. L Mil Mil MUJKV TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE. 4 TO 6 P. C money. Beads, Paxton Blk. W-MJ fty PER CENT on business property. b per cent on residence property. Options to pay whoie o.- part any time. W. B. MEiKLE. 401 8. liili ST. W-8j MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real a late. Brennan-Love Co., tut 8. Itth. W-ail WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds and warrants.' R. C. Peters 4c Co-., 1701 Farnaoi be. Bee Bldg. " W l FARM and city loans, low rates. W. H. '1 nomas. First Nat. Bank Biag. TeL 164 W C PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. w WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Farnam cUnUn Co.. lAi Faruam street. PRIVATE money. W. D. Wead. laii Douglas. W Ml PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 837 N. Y. Life. ' W--7S . . . a.-.- DO YOU WANT TO bUKKUW MONEY? We loan Iloiu v-w -i vu iuouiuic, .ive slwcK, piuuo. etc .AUAlii LUAAJ Wiuioul uoi taaae lo peieons who iioiu al nrKu pbiuoi . All luiel vlew will you taat iu. cwuu;liuiis ui oui comia.ts are the mull liberal uoiaiiiabm ui tne ciiy. Vte uiaka no uevia.Uoua iroiu lite amount borrow eu, as .oiue uo, tuere oy compeiing you to pay lor money you ao not gvu our omce is very easuy fuuud, ana having re cently nau it again reuioaeiea, it is more private man ever, rte aiways try to please. UAuA MUli'lUAlii. LOAN CO., IXj oaru ui xraue -nugr., 'l ei, i. j. Estabusnea UM. u 8. uta 6 1. Ae4 "headql'artekh" fok. oaijah . loans. Every man or .woman In omaua, Soutk Omaha anu Council Blufls getting a salary cad and get our money on your puuu note, wiihoul publicity, murlgaa . u euduraer. TRY US ON FURNi'lUKE LOANS. Goods remain in your poaaes-iou; you get the fuu amount ot loan without deduc tion, our ayslem of payineuls UM our rale a-e eaaiiy Uie lowest. V aua to plea . KEUABLE CREDIT CO. Uel Oil Elevator at Xbird Floor. Room oi. PAA.TON BLOciv Room tot. TUB STAR LOAN COMPANY. Room k44 Pas ton Block. 'Phone F2-M. This company la the private bank ot the wage-earner and salaried employs. if you have a permanent position as clra. bookkeeper, salesman, machinist or arU aaa ot auy a-iid, you can obtain on your nuie, without security or Indoraer; 8eml- Monthly.Montnly. Weekly. tlOO return to us....iJti.wi U Jo e t fco-return to us.... iX 1 j return to us.... so4 14 Ls. I li reiuru tc us.... 4.UU Lue Our ounces are private and our business ' coiiude ua I- From k a, m. to J p. m. W ll'it The BEST place to borow money on your 6ALARY. FURNITURE. LlVESTOCl.. etc., ls WHERE you can get any amount WHERE you get ne lowest rates. WHERE no charges are made In advance. VVlitTJ'.E everything la conndentlaL WHEnE you retuin it lu easy paynienta. WHERE you pay tor only the time money is in use. WHERE csn you do better then at the PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. Gl Paxton block. llh and Farnam. 3 M iwi4 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO 8ALAR1ED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc., wilnout ee curtly; easiest terms; 4(1 offices In prio ri in I cities- Tolman, 44 Board of Trade Bid. X-sl CHATTEL salary Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co, sue to D. Oreen. R. t. Barker b'.k X-e-1 MONEY loaned on plain note ta salaried people; business conrtdential. lowest rates. 414 Pax toe block. The J. A. Hutton Co. X Ui MO!YEY loaned on pianos, furniture, lew. elry, horse., cost, etc C F. Keed, tit 8 U. X-4tl4 WE LOAN money on furniture, pianos and diamonds OMAHA CHATTEL LOAN BANK. 14b4 Far nam, upstairs. Tel. A-nit, X hit BC-lNKkl tUAACEI. HARNESS shop for sale, inquire at L. 8chafcr. Mari-tn, 8. D. Y M474 CASH for your real eetate or on stress, oe mailer where located. For a quick sale send via description and nrlca. North. weatern Bualne-s Agency. D 112. Bank af mug., h liinestxilH, Minn. X-M47I MI iwsB m m wBweaawMnB-w- I ....... . . A GOOD ROOM ? BHIM CHANC ES. GEN'L MDPE t-I.WX). $6,000 $n.(, HS.onn, clean trl stocks, live Nebraska towns. Will consider good, clear improved land. FLOURING MILL 7 bbls., fully equipped, dwlng good bulnes and sn S-ronm resi dence variety of fruit bams, csttle sheds i also 15 acres choice land, completely fenced for feedlnK cattle, located in fine wheat f rowing section of Nebraska, money mak ng enterprise; t.S.041 cash, or good Im proved land or city property. FRUIT FARM 5 acres. Just outside cltv limits, has an elegant large, substantially built 2-story house barns, sheds, poultry yards, i4 acres nne grapes, producing 40.(1X1 lbs. a atason. an abundance of other varieties of fruit and shrubbery, an irteal home, cost owner over tl5.(n). Will con skier good Improved ISO acres near Omaha or improved ranch lor this property at er than cost. HOTEL FURNITURE 36 sleeping rooms, first-class, t- house, completely furnished, doing tine business. In thriving eastern Iowa town of t.loo. Will consider goid lrrproed farm, valued tS.OOo, part cash, 'balance eas, or good improved farm. rooming and boarding house-) eooms, elegantly furnished, controls finest patronage bst location In city, monthly Income iX to ll.uuo. Owner's health ne cessitates sale of valuable proposition. N. B. Any legitimate business or property which you want to sell or exchange fur nish me full particulars and description, stating your requirements explicitly. If you mcnn to do business, and 1 will speedllpy put you In touch with a meri torious proposition, and do business quick lv. J. H. Johnson, N. Y. Life. Y-SG6 i DESK ROOM, with roli-top desk and 'phone services. J. H. Johnson, W5 N. Y. Life. Y-MSit FOR SALE, confectionery stock. Including tesc-8, counters, etc.; good location. Ad dress E. Pascol, Fremont, Neb. Y-M511 6 FOR SALE or exchange, complete stork hata. velvets, plumes, ribbons: new; $-n). W. P. Keefe, Sioux City, la. Y Mist FOR SALE, stoek of general merchandise; good business; good location; good rea sons for selling. Address X 62, Bee. Y 493 Mcha FOR SALE, general merchandise stock, about $4.00, In splendid, good business town. , Neb. Address Lock Box Western, 1 M761 3 IMPLEMENT STOCK Staple line buggies, windmills and farming machinery, t.5U; also real estate and buildings, 3.50"; Pottawattamie co., Iowa. Annual sales, toO.Ouo. Good Improved land considered. J. H. Johnson, N. Y. Life. Y S&4 TO GET In or out of business call on Wil liams, Room 411, McCague building. Y-SSS FOR ALL KINDS OF BUSINESS OPEN INGS. OR IF YOU WANT CASH FOR YOUR BUSINESS QUICK. ADDRESS M. G. MONTGOMERY, 614 N. Y. LIFE. Y 762 Al GREAT BIG SNAPS MUST PE SOLD AT ONCE. DRUG AND STATIONERY BUSINESS IN LINCOLN. NEB.. ONLY2.?00. IN. VOICES AT $6,000. Merchandise business In Lincoln for $6,000. Invoices at M.UU0. . Merchandise business for 16,000. Invoices at tS.wO. la Sanborn, la. ' Sporting goods business. Best in Omaha. Invoices about 5,000. ".; Will sell tor 7 J per cent of invoice. M. G. Montgomery, 814 N, Y. Life, Omaha. Y-M874 4 -II" FOR EXClIANGB. FOR EXCHANGE, airmail, clean stock or buggies, harness nd implements; the only one In a good farming community In centre! Illinois and doing a good busi ness. Want house in or near Omaha, worth abou.. tl.Ouu, balance cash. Fletcher Real Estate Co.. tog Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Z M7&2 Hotel .for Exchange, Modern .-story" frame, 40 rooms, well and completely furnished, $2 house, no com petition, a bonansa, in thriving S. W. Iowa town, tla.wu for entire property. ill consider good Improved farm or city property. Thla prdpositlon worth Investi gating. J. H. Johnson, N. Y Life. . ' Z 62 " FOR SALE FOR SALE. MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE. A ; Modern K House. (QUEEN ANNE STYLE) ON GEORGIA AVE. EAST FRONT. , $4,000 ' Buys it if taken at once. (Cost the owner nearly twice that) i. . . . he biggest snap in Omnha If you can't come quick. Telephone me-No. "mana. J. JL SHERWOOD, Wi New York Life Building. DO YOL'WANT TO v SELL A FARM? If you want to sell a farm or ranch, tell the far-mere and stock raiser about IU The best way to reach them Is thtougn THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This agricultural weekly goes to 40,004 homes oi farmers and stock raisers, so if you have si good piece tit land to sell at a reasonable price you ought to find a buyer amoug them. The cost of an advertise ment is small I cents per word. THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER, OMAHA, NEB. RK 6o4 A SNAP IN MISSOURI. No " lw acres t miles from town, all fine land, deep black soil, 4u aurea iu Umber; tuls farm la worth a great deal more than asked, but belongs to some heirs aud must be sold at onoe. Price t?7 per acre. Cooky lnv. and Real Estate Co., &i N. Y. Life blug. RE M441 WE DEAL IN first mortgages on farms. No security of .ters the investor as nigh a rale of inter est consistent with absolute safety. You control your own investment. If you have idle funds on which you wish to sec ura mora Interest than the banks wlU allow ball on us. - , POTTER, FORGAN HASKELL. iM N. Y. A-lfe Bldg. -7 THIRTEEN 40-AC RE FARMS. closing out the last 40 and aO-acre farms, 4o miles from Omaha. All under cultivation, with house, barn and well with pump on every 4u or k) acres. Sold ' on 11 years' time; only l-lo cash at tline of purchase; balance at 4 per cent In terest, payable In ten yearly installments. 4e farms sold In the last thirty days, if you want a farm on these terms, ready to move on, come at once. , BL1XT A 1XJVGREN, 436-7 Paxton Block. Omaha. 1l M7W T MODEL HOME. Five acres' level land, young orchard In bearing'. 10-room preaaed brick dwelling, barn, carriage houae and other out build inns, chicken yard and garden, near street cars and Country dub, a snap at t,au0, leaa than half what Improvements cou W. N. NAaVoN, ts Bee Bldg. J.E-M-1J II FOR tALD-BKAL .'.STATE 160 ACRES of choice land In southern Ne braska to trade lor city or town property; also a few choice-quarters In Kouth Da kota to sell or trade. Address John Ptttlt. Vienna, 8. D. RE M444 Mcht HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; also acre property and fertn lands. The O. F. Davis Co., Room w Bee Blug. HE--S40 FOR BARGAINS In real estate, houses for rent. Insurance of any kind, see Robt. 11. Landeryou, 442 Chamber of Commerce. HE 74. At le bv Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. McAllester, land commissioner. Union Pa cific Htadqtiarters. Omaha, Neb. RE SU INVESTMENTS. Twenty-room brick block, blocks north west of city hall; rental value, $5 per room. Room for another 20-room build ing. Property under foreclosure; must be sold. Fair value, flS.OuO; price, (11,0X4). Might cut out the vacant ground and reduce the price pro rata. ACT gUICKLY. HARRISON A MORTON, SU New York Life. Telephone 114. RE 8702 FOR SALE, eeven store buildings on main street In i remont, Neb., and twenty good Improved farms in Merrick county. William Arnold, Fremont, Neb. RE MS56 4 CAN GET CASH for your real estate qnlck, M. G. MONTGOMERY. 14 New York Life. Omaha. KE-68 MODERN 8-rocm house, also t-room; good iecauuuH, low prices, inquire 1411 Vinton. RE 7-4 Ma CHOICE trackage, paved. Monroe, til N. ISth. HE 948 .ll I lAMCnw CHARLES uul t llirm34H Farnam street. Hal 842 SHOHT11AXD ASU Tl PES WHITING. QREGO 8. H.. Touch T. W., Bus. Branches, 'icieg. Cau free. Om. Com. Col., 17 A Doug. A, C, VAN BANT' 8 School. 717 N. Y. Life. BOYLES college, court reporter prlnclpaL n. x. ure. NEB. Business 4t Shorthand College, Boyd's i neater. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. A. J. PIERSON. BOth and Burt. Tel. L-2XM. 7ii i L. SPITZBART. Tel. F-2j0 212i Laka -au7 Mchl4 PATENTS. H. J. COWOILL No fee unless success ful. 21s 8 lilh Bt.. Omaha, Tel. ITSi. SO SUES CO., Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Es tablished 1&S6. No fee If we fail. Hand book free. Telephones Ut and A-Sld. - -4to2 M10 HAY. CHAIN AND COAL. M. LONDON, an. Cuming. Tel ASK. M87i A2 GENERAL ROOFING. work in any part of the country. Jones Roofing Co.. L717 Burt St. TeL UsS. . -M17! KOOFING-, lightning rods and repairing. Germanla Rooting Co.. 1612 Capitol Ave. . Tel. 2440. . 104-M14 TAXIDERMIST. J. E. WALLACE, 605 So. 13th St. 475 ' CARPET CLEANING AND LAYING. A. K. JETT. J015 Cuming St. PATENT orHfE DRAWINGS. PATENT DRAWINGS, application blanks. ,v' -o., oee ctiag. Tele- . . j. S1IU- REAL ESTATE. RE MS78 GARBAGE. ANTI-Monopoly Garbage Co.. cleans (ass pools and vaults, removes garbage and dead aidmals at reduced prices. 121 N. 14th. Tel. 1779 7 TREES. FRUIT, shsde and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, roses, small fruit, etc. Address Omaha Nursery, Papillion Neb. 722 Al DANCING ACADEMY. MORAND'S, Uth and Harney. 'Phone 1021. Classes lor bticlniiers formine M.ri-h 1.1 Tuesday j -iiu i nuay ui p. in., akseuiblies Wednesday. Walts, two-ale;., guar- every anteed, $5. .4 M: MEDICAL. DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and lrregularl'.ies of women, from any cuse; experienced, reliable. 16ij Dodte Arlington block. Omaha. Neb. Tel. tif ' LADIES Chithester English Pennyroyal Pllla are ih . best; safe; reliable. Take no ,Ih, . 8vrd. nips. for particulars. Relief fo' Indies ii, letter by return mK 1 i A,)t. yo.ur.. dru1t. Chichester Chemical Co. Philadelphia, Pa. SIGH PAINI1NO. 6CHROEDER Sln Works. t0 8 17th. Wa alao ship signs. Write us. 7t Junes ELECTRICIAN. GRAND Electric Co., U0 So. ISth. Tel Z&44. Electrical supplies, wiring, repairing. -724 M LAINDUY. OMAHA Steam Laundry and City Towel Supply. 17&u Leavenworth. Tel. A-17S3. ISO SEEDS AND FOlLTBi St PPLIES. B. U. ULLERY St CO.. 1U Howard 8L MTU LOST. LOST Gold locket. Initials I. M.. with small chain. Reward for return to omce Dellone hotel. Lost 467 'i LOST Baturdsy. white spits puppy. Re ward for return to Mr. F. B. Crowley, ila 8. 7U- ixwfc 1 t II po-toffick notice. P. MELCHOIR. Uth and Howard, ma- chlnisL w OMAHA Safe and Iron Wks. make a spe cially of fire escapes, shutter, doors and safe, a. Andreen, Prop., lul So. loth Sc GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. OMAHA FLATINO CO., Be Bldg. TeL KJfc. DRESSMAKING. K.VfTS R.s Tailoring College, Suite M4--. Douglas block, 14lh and Dodga. 4- D. Snyder. Mgr. Write for booklet. -AMI BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bala Tie Co.. HI North lsth, . : TlrtWRlTERI. LAMBERT. 2i. Monroe tk Co., til N. 16th street. STAMMERING AND STITT ER1NQ. CURED. Julia, Vaughn, 4M Raxnge Bldg. , 8?o PHONOGRAPHS AND SIPPLIES. ALL MAKES talking machines; send for catalogue. Omaha Bicycle Co.. I6ib and Chicago. 7 BIPEHT ACCOUNTANT. Q. it. Rathbun. Room U, Cdm'l Nat. bank. WALL PAPER AND PAPER HANGING. OILS, paints, varnishes, window glass T J. Sterner, 2i N. 2th Bt. TeL A-SS7. . -MXU LAW AND COLLECTIONS. BT1LLMAN 4k PlfUCB. U. 8. N l Bk. Bldg. NEW SNOW-THCRCH CO., 1st floor N. T. Life Bldg., attorneys and collectors every- MACFARLAND t MAT, New York Life iwura oi. rnoiM uku. AVTOMOB1LES. ELEC automobiles. De right, 1111 Farnam. 877 OSTEOPATHY. GID E. ALICE JOHNSON, osteopath. Suite. Eli. N. Y. Ufa Bldg. TeL 1664. . 71 CORNICE WORK. OALV. Iron cornice, metal ceilings, sky- II villa XT' ..-. . a i i . y:uer cornice WKS., S14 8. Id. -M477 FINANCIAL- WALL STREET, a certainty to the right man, at the fountalnhead of finance, with knowledge when and how. wante com munication with man of means only, de tlring profitable nvestmenta Address A. 1. Room u5. 108 Fulton St.. N. Y. ' M513 MS ACCORDION PDEATING. GOLDMAN Pleating Co.. X Douglas Blk. . MISIC THOS. J. KELLY, voice. Davldge BlocV. 36 FARMS FOR RENT. PJ- ?EKT, 40 cr" ,n Bo-" Omaha. Omaha Realty Co.. S10 N. Y. Life. - Mia TICKET BROKERS. CUTIJRAJhf,sra"'dJtlckeU " P. li- Philbln, 17mS Farnam. Phone 78 -No DETECTIVE AGENCY. tV kiT'JU T14. Prtt. detect ive. 817 Karbich block. Telephone A-2WJ. ' ais HAT CLEANING. LaDfi?' nd ent-' Wc- Schwartg'a. 114 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing, all business confidential. 13ul Dougiaa. t4 GRAVEL ROOFING. BRRi?K Roonn Co-. Oi Cuming 8U - -- I1TS PLIMBING. DALY A BON. TeL t34L 230S Leavenworth. -3f Mch7 SCHOLARSHIP. BUSINESS college scholarship for sale at a bargain In one of Omaha a leading com mercial colleges; life scholarship. Address B 47. Bee office. M716 PH1NTING BRIEFS, ETC. WATERS PRINTING CO. Linotype com position. Tel. .190. Mlk ANNOUNCEMENT. W. C. RUB8ELL moved to SU So. ISth. sii Men t ARl LMEHS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree -vi h and Lake atreeU. I7w SHINOLINU and repair work; email own- .fjt ujr w L-oniract; estimates free, b. Henderson. 181 8. (Mlh, South Omaha. 1 Mvi a ' IPHOLSTERINO. CARLSON 8; CO.. 1121 Leavenworth. TeL ti. - . 7 PETER6ON & .undberg. 414 & 17th- TeL -74 GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS.' MRS. 8. J. VANDERBECK. t21 N. 14th St. M4&4 Mch.'t THINK- ANU BAGGAGE. OMAHA EXPRESS C.Ci Trunks and baggage delivered, liod How. . -ci. vn. TWIN CITY EXP. "Phone ITU. 60S 8, 14th. ku THE) DEPOT on Urns. L. M. E. TeL 7W. ISA STOHAGK. OM. Van Btor. Co.. lu, Farn. Tel-. -x3-S6 EXPRESSMAN'S DeL Co. Tela. HJ6-114(. eat MAS411ERADE COSTIMBS. T H EG. L1EBEN. Uli Farnam. eoatumes. MS7 POSTOFPICE NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by all Interested as changes may occur at any time.) Foreign malls for the week ending March 7. li3. will close (PROMPTLY in all cases, at the general postoftlce as. follows: PAR CEL POST MAILS close one hour earlier than c losing time shown below. Parcels poet mans for Germany close at t p. m. Wednesday, xr 1. 1. Koenlgui Louise. Regular and supplementary malls close at foreign station half hour later than closing lima ahown below (except that supplemen tary mails for Europe and Central America, via Colon, cloae one hour later at foreign station.) Traasatlaalie Mails. TUESDAY At 149 a. m. for ITALY direct. per a. . Cltta dl Milsno (mall must be -.t.r..!M ' n,- Alilann"!. NEUNE8IAV-At & a. m for Kl ROPE," r-r s. s. Celtie via V(ue,viston tmsll for ranee. Pm lis.-rlnnd, Italy. Kpain, l'ortu gl. Ttirkey. I-jpt, Greece, British In dia and lorenso Marques must he dl . "VT ' "h'"; a. m. for N E ntKRLAN D8 direct, per a. a. Rotta-r--dam (mail must le directed "rr s. s. Rotterdam"); at 11 a. m. for DENMARK 2. Frr 0"'r 1L (mail must be directed "it s. a. Oscar II. '). Till RSDAT-At 7 a. m. for FRANCE. JwnytiiUNn italy, spa i n. por- T.U"' TPHKET. KG Y FT, GREECE. BRITISH INDIA and 1-lRENO MAR VI EZ. ter s. s. La Favole via Havre (mail for oilier parts of Europe must be directed "per s. s. La Ssvole "). 8ATIKIA-At 7:30 a. m. for EUROPE. PT s. a. Cainpanln, via (Jueensto n; at 4 w. m. for HEUiU'M dlr-c. per s. s. F.eeland (mail must be directed ''per m. a ieland". PRINTED MATTER. ETC.-Thls steamer take printed matter, commercial papers and samples for Germany only. The same class of mail matter for other parts of Europe will not be sent by this ship un-b-ea socially directed by hr. After the closing of trie euppUme-try transatlantic mails named above, addi tional supplementary malls are opened on "the piers of the American, Rnallah. French and German steamer, abd remain open until within ten ruinate of the hour of ailing of eteamerV( Malta for Soaih aad t'ewlral Asaerlra, West ladles. Kte. . TUESDAY A I 12 m. for BARBADOS and NORTHERN BRAZIL per a. a. Cearense, via Para and Mtnioi. WEDNESDAY At a. m. for MA YAGUEZ (ordinary mall only), per a. s. I'aihrlnder (ordinary mail for other parts of I'or lo Rloo mut be directed ler a. s. Path tinder"); at :.10 a. m. (supplementary W.sO a. m ) for CENTRAL AMERICA (eacept Coeta Rltat and (H)lTH PACIFIC IHDRTS. per a. a. Beruranca O'tter mall for Guatemala mut he directed "per a. a. Seg'.iranca"); at 12 : p. m. (supplemen tarv 1 j. m i for TURKS ISLANI and DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, per s. s. Chero kee; st 12:30 p. m (supplementary i: p. m l for ST. THOMAS. ST. CROIX, LEE WARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS, per s. s. Fontnbelle (mail for Barbados, British. Dutch and French Guiana must be directed "per s. s. FontaixMIe"); at 1 P. m. for ARGENTINE. URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per a a. Egyptian Prince. THURSDAY At 8 a. m. for CUBA. YUCA TAN. CAMPECHE, TABASCO and CHI APAS, per s. a. Monterey (mall for other parts of Mexico must be directed "per a. s. Monterey"); at 8 a. m. for BRAZIL, per s. s. Hyron, via Pernambueo, Bahia and Rio Janeiro (mall for Northern Bra ill. Ara-entlne. Uruguay and Paraguay must be directed "per s. a. Byron"); at t:i s. m. (supplementary lr: p. m ) for INAGUA and It KT AU PRINCE, per s. s. Flandrla (mail for other parts of Haiti must be directed "per . s. Flandrla"); at 10 a. m for HAITI, per a. s. Prlns der Nederlanden (mail for Can Haiti. Port tie Talx, Gon, lives, St. Marn. Jeremle, Curacao, Venesuela, Trinidad. Brltloh and Dutch Guiana mtwt be directed "per s. s. Prlns der Nederlanden"); at It m. (sup plementary It 30 p. m.) for BAHAMAS and SANTIAGO, prr sx s.- Saratoga; at S p. m. (supplementary J p. m.) for BAR BADOS. BRITISH, DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA, per s. s. Brasberg. FRIDAY At 12 m. for MhTXICO. rr a. s. Niagara, via Tamplco (mall must be di rected "per . s. Niagara"). SATURDAY At 8 a. m. for BERMUDA, per s. s. Pretoria; at t a. m. (sj mo mentary :30 a. m for PORTO RICO, CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per s. a. Caracas (mall for Savanllla and Carta gena muat be directed "per s. s. Car acas"); at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary H:30 J. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JA MAICA. 8A VANILLA and CARTAGENA, per s. s. Altai (mall for Costa Rica must be directed "per s. s. Altai"); at :30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for HAITI and SANTA MARTA. per s. a. Athos; at in a. m. for CUBA, per s. s Morro Castle, via Havana; at 12: p. m. for CUBA, per . a. Ollnda. via Havana. Malls Forwarded Overlaad. Ele Ex cept Trast-Parllp. CUBA By rail to Port Tampa, Fla., and thence by steamer, closes at this office daily, except Thursday, at t5:S0 a. m. (the connecting ma I In close here on Mon days. Wednesdays and Saturdays). MEXICO CITY Overland, unless specially addressed for dispatch by steamer, ch,jea at thla office daily, except Sunday, at 1:30 p. m. and 11:10 p. m, Sundays at 1 p.- m. and ll:3o p. m. NEWFOUNDLAND Bv rail to North Sydney and thence by steamer, closes at this offjne dally at S 30 p. m. (connecting mail close here every Monday, Wednes day and Saturday). JAMAICA By rail to Boston, and thence . by steamer, closea at this office at 6:3 p. m. every Tuesday. By rail to Philadel phia, and thence hy steamer, closes at this office at 11:10 p. m. every Wednesday. Mlyl ELON By rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, closes at this office daily at : p. m. - "ZE. PtTERTO CORTEZ, and Letter Mall for GUATEMALA Bv rail to New Orleans, and thenoe by steamer, closea at this office dally, except Sunday, at fl:80 p. m. and tll:30 p. m., Sundays at U p m. and tll:30 p. m. (connecting mall cloaea here Mondays at 111:10 p. m.l. COSTA RICA By rail to New Orleans, and thence by steamer, close at thla office daily, except Sunday, at tJ; p. m. and tll:w p. m., Sundays at tl p m. and til so p. m. (connecting malj closes here Tues days at til :30 p. m ). LAHAMAS (except parcels-post malls) By rail to Miami, Fla., and thence by steamer, closes at thla office at )6:S0 a m Y?r7M(,ny- Wednesday and Saturday', TREG18TERED MAIL closes at p. m previous day. Traaspaclfle Malls. CHINA and JAPAN, via 8eattle. close here daily at t:80 D. m. un to Ki.reh int. clut-lvc for despatch per 8. a. Kaga Maru . i,A1L.C"J:NA' JAPAN ""d philip:-1 r ouAiiim, via ean r'rancieco, close here daily at :30 p. m. up to March th. Inclusive, for despatch per a. a. Siberia NEW ZEALAND, AUSTRALIA (except W?t,.W,CAE1ON,A- FIJI. SAMOA and HAWAII, via San Francisco, close here dally at :30 p. m. after February 2th and up to March 7th. Inclusive for despatch per s. a. Sonoma. (If the Cu'nard steamer carrying the British mall for New Zealand does not arrive 4n time to connect with this despatch, extra mails closing at 5:30 a. m., k:3o a. m. and : p. m.; Bundaya at 4:80 a. tn., :3U a. m. and :3p p. m. will be made up- and for warded until the arrival of the Cunard steamer). . - HAWAII. JAPAN, CHINA and PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via San Francleoo, here daily at 6:30 p. m. up to March 14th Inclusive, for despatch per s- s.. Coptic. HAWAII, via San Francisco, close here dalr at : p. m. up to March 16th. In clusive, for dispatch per s. a. Alameda. CHINA and JAPAN, via Vancouver and Victoria. B. C.; cloae .here daily at :30 , p. ni. up to March il7U, Inclusive, for des patch -per s. a. Erpia-of India. Mer chandise for U. S. Postal agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded Via Canada. TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS, via San Francisco close hers dally at .4o p. m. up to March fifth, incluelve, (or despatch per s. s. Mariposa. CHINA and JAPAN, via Tacoma, close here dally st S SO p m. up to March 14th, Inclusive, for despatch per s. a Shawmut. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Ma Ban Fran cisco, close here dally at S:30 p. m- up to March 27th. inclusive, for despatch per U. S. Transport. AUSTRALIA (except West). FIJI 18-I-AND8 and NEW CALEDONIA, via Vancouver and Victoria. B. C close here daily at 50 p. m. up to March -Mh. In clusive, for despatch r a. s. Moana (kixciallv ad(lre.i,-d only 1. NOTE Unless otherwise addressed. West Australia ls forwarded via Europe, and New Zealand and Phlllpplnea via San Franclscotha quickest routes, Philip pines specially addressed "via Canada'' or "via Europe" must be fully prepaid at the forelifn rates. Hawaii Is forwarded via San Francisco excluidvely. Trans-Pacific malls are forwarded to port of sailing dally and the schedule of closing ls arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. I Regis tered mall closea at 6:00 p. m previous r-ORN-LIUS VAN COTT, Postmaster. Post office. New York, N. Y., February n. ia. GOVERNMENT NOTICES. MEN WANTED FOR THE UNITED States navy; machinists, firemen, coal passers,' electricians, shipwright-, seamen, ordinary seamen, landsmen, apprentices and mess attendanta; must be American born cltlsens or have made legal declaration of Intention to become cltlsens. Only men of good character and physique need apply. For information apply in person or by let ter to Naval Recrjitlng Station, at or near the Postofnce, Omaha, Nebraska F21 dt M LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE OP STOCKHOLDERS- MEET ING. Notice Is hereby given that the regular annual meeting of the stockholders of tha BcAith Platte Land Company will be held at the office of sad company In Llacoln, Ne braska, at 11 o'clock a. m., on the 4ih day of March, A. D. lsuL By order of the board of directors. C. H. MORRILL. President. A. B. MINOR. Secretary, Lincoln, Neb.. Feb. L Uut. Ft I Vs.