Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 03, 1903, Page 10, Image 10

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Mayor Mcoros Decides to Approte the
Action of City Council.
Trenaarer llennlnca Says 200.000 of
Delinquent Tar Can ne Col
lected Thla )nr If ""ravea
er" lllll Passea.
father than to do something that might
Jeopardize thf interests of the city In the
railway tax fight. Mayor Moores nas oc
cldcd to nlgn the levy ordinance a panned
by tho council, fixing the rate at 6.45 mills,
which, added to the achool levy, makea K
total rate of 8.75 mills. The mayor baa
reached thla conclusion after ascertaining
the views of numerous prominent citizens
and the people generally. Recognizing the
fact that the city will be considerably crip
pled by short funds, due to the low levy,
he decms-thls course more acceptable to tho
taxpayers., thun to run the slightest risk
of extending aid to the railroads by re.
turning the ordlnnnce to the council with
his veto attached. He said;
"In all probability I shall sign the or.
dlnance today and return It to the city
clerk. The sentiment Is undoubtedly for
i low a levy as possible and for a de
termined fight on tho railroad tax propo
sition, and I do not propose to stand In the
way of a puMIc movement, which is Just
and right, aa this one Is.
Fluid Will Be Short.
"How the city Is to get along with each
fund thousands of dollars short I do not
know, but I suppose the only thing to do
la to go ahead and take our chances and
do tho best we can on an Inadequate al
lowance." The one bright ray of hope that Illumi
nated the soniberness of the outlook at the
ai'T ball Monday was that the so-called
w(cavenger" bill may be passed by the
legislature. This measure Is designed to
facilitate the collection of back taxes, by
making It possible to remove the cloud
from tax-ridden property and effect settle
ments, not for full amounts due. but at
least for rortlons. There are $2,000,000 of
such delinquent taxes standing on the
treasurer's books In Omaha.
Held back by temporary Injunctions se
cured by the Union Pacific and Burlington
railroads are $20r,2r6 In taxes, figuring with
the 8.75 mill leyy rate. It Is this amount
that is to be shy, that la to couse every
tity fund and the school fund to be about
one-fifth short for tho present year. Should
tho "scavfnger" bill become a law the col
lections resulting may almost recompense
for this loss.
I'Uy Treasurer's Statement.
City Treasurer Hennlngs said:
"If tho bill becomes a law I estimate at
loast S?n0.000 I" delinquent taxes can be
collected during 1903. Of course the total
amount that ,wlll be realized will be much
greater, but the money will come Blowly.
With the new arrangement for getting at
the back taxes we are given something to
work on that will enablo us to put money.
Into each fund. Only about SO per cent of
tho money appropriated for the funds is
collected and paid into them every year.
This leaves the funds open to the addition
of the back taxes, pro rata, when they are
paid In. Therefore if the city could realize
on some of its outstanding claims there
can yet be money enough put in the treas
ury to pay running expenses for the year
and leave the right for more equal railway
taxes unimpaired."
Foreman on Structural Iron Work at
l'nlon 1'arlfle Shopa la
Chariest McDonald, foreman of the struc
tural iron work on the new Union Pacific
boiler shop, fell from a scaffold at noon
resterday and received injuries which may
prove fatal. It is reported that during the
morning fourteen structural iron workers,
having some grievance, stopped work. A
new gang of men was placed at work with
McDonald as foreman. While he was di
recting the work of the men on a scaffold
ing thirty feet high he lost his balance
and fell to the ground. His forehead was
split, his face was badly lacerated, while
his noso and one wrist were broken. Mc
Donald's condition Is reported serious,
as ho Is thought to have been Injured In
ternally. Ho has been removed to his home
'on Casa street.
Seat of Lumber Is Reins; Vaed to Re
move Defects of Old
New voting stalls for the seventy-six
precincts of Omaha are being constructed
by carpenters at the city hall under the
iiipervlsion o( City Clerk Elbourn. The
work will cost about 500, there being
lomethlng like 400 stalls required. This
will be the first time that the municipality
has ever possessed a complete outfit ot
voting stalls for the booths, those which
bave been used previously belonging to the
Why do women continue to endure
i Suffering caused by womanly diseases?
There are many answers to that ques
' tkra. Sometimes because they have ex
hausted the skill
of local physicians
ana remain un
cured. At other
. times it is because
they shrink from
I submitting to ob
noxious examina-
( t I tions which local
V, X -If physicians deem
necessary. And to
sum it all up, they
endure suffering
because they do
not know that Pr.
Pierce'a Favorite
makes weak wom
en strong and sick
women well.
" Favorite Pre
scription" establishes regularity, dries dis
agreeable drums, heals inflammation and
' ulceration and cures female weakness.
I enjov good health; thanks to Dr. Pierce's
Favorite r"rcriptiou and ' Golden Medical Ina
covrry,' " m lis. J. J. Schnetyer, of r"oollac,
l.ivnigstou Co., III. "1 wis taken sick and
the l.jcr here called it ' Grip ' 1 lav tor four
week in bed, then when I gut up I found I had
'ditulaoeineut. Had Mich ache and pain in
mv nack and limb cnul 1 uot stand any length
ut'time. 1 knew that our home doctor would in
sist the Drat thiufroa an ciamiuation, and that
1 would uot autmiit to. utile 1 wu daugermuly
sick. My son had votir liook. Comtuuu &euae
Medical Adviser,' and I thought from reailing
it that lit fierce' medicine would do tue
mote good than ail the home doctor and o it
' haa. I can truly uv I wa kurprised at the
brue&t I received. I en a do all my wattling and
also tend my (lower aardeu. lu fact I am on my
feet m t all the time. An old friend of mine
uid to me, Why what i the matter with your
You are getting young atrnin.1 1 told her 1 had
taken ix Unties of I'r. H-ierce a medicine, and
lliat if he wouM do likewise he would fed tea
years youUKcr, too."
Pr. lierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser paper covers is sent re on re
ceipt of ai one-cent stamps to pay e
peuse of mailing on v. Address lr. R. V.
i'ierce, Buffalo, 7A. V.
In Our
tl I 111! II .1 I v'i
of a Leading Newark.
We have Just received a shipment
walstlng silks, the surplus stock of
turers In America. Included in this lot
effects, representing every conceivable
was there an opportnulty offered you
purchase such exclusive patterns and
ties In silks as we place on sale tomorrow. There
no limit to the quantities. You may
want at, per yard
Those Fine Quality Taffetas
In Innumerable changeable effects, including plain and glaze. These are excel
lent qualities and positively cannot be
America under 98c. To crowd this square tomorrow we will
place the entire lot on sale at, per yatd
Another Lot of Shirt Waist Silks
In the new hair line and seeded effects, also bars and checks of different
sizes. These are all 27 Inches wide and Include the most popular shades for
this season. They are excellent qualities
duplicated under $1.50 a yard. For one
we will sell them at, per yard
Tuesday will be a memorable day in dress goods. At no time in the his
tory of this business have wo been able to offer such bargains in fashionable
dress fabrics as will go on sale tomorrow. This is a golden opportunity that
every frugal woman in Omaha should grasp.
98c Vesiin S at 49C U8t received a hundred pieoes of handsome mer
"wiwwaa cerized vesting in every possible weave, both
white and colored, also handsome neat
In the lot worth less than 98c,
special tomorrow, per yard
75C Mohair WaistingS at 59C and
fancy mohair waistings in- excellent
quality and usually sold at 75c Special
for Tuesday
Beautiful EtamineS and MaletlfCS Etamine. and Malenges In a
"""wwM hanrlsume range of colors. Goods
-at are sold regularly up to two dollars -4 wmt mf -fl "
wr yard special for Tuesday, V-""l 5)
EXTRA Tweed Suiting at $1.25 Another shipment of tweed suit
"wMwiiaiawaMa ings Just received from the manu
facturer. This lot includes a most beautiful line of the late styles so much
in popular demand at present. These
ularly at $1.76 for this sale, Tuesday,
they go at, per yard
We still have on hand a -quantity of late novelties In wood for burning.
Also a complete line of Pyrograpby outfits. '
SPECIAL FOR TODAY A complete outfit. Including all necessary
utensils for burning, usually sold at $4.00, tomorrow (SL'y i Q.
they go, while the lot lasts, at ipeO
Wood bought in this store entitles the purchaser to the use of our special
outfit free of charge. This can be done
county. Many ot the latter have become
damaged fr destroyed, and as they were
made of poorly selected lumber they never
were satisfactory. The defects in the old
shelves resulted in many spoiled ballots
and some of the poor marking that later
on puzzled the judges and clerks of election.
The new outfit will be ready tor use at the
spring election. Authority for construction
was given by the council some weeks ago.
Slrlc Headache Cured.
Sick headache is caused by derangement
of the stomach and by indigestion. Cham
berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets tforrect
these disorders and effect a cure. By tak
ing these tablets as soon as the first indi
cation of the disease appears, the attack
may be warded off.
Oi Way Rates
To many points in the states ot California,
Oregon and Washington.
Every day the Union Pacific will sell one
way colonist tickets at the following rates
from Missouri river terminals: '
$25.00 to San Francisco, Los Angeles and
many other California points. Tickets on
sale Feb. 15 to June 15, 1903.
$20.00 to Ogden and Salt Lake City.
$20.00 to Butte, Anaconda, and Helena.
. $22.50 to Spokane and Wenatchee, Wash.
$25.00 to Everett, Falrhaven and New
Whatcom, via Huntington and Spo'aane.
$25.00 to Portland, Tacoma and Seattle.
$25.00 to Ashland, Roseburg, Eugene, Al
bany and Salem, via Portland.
Tickets on sale Feb. 15 to April 30, 1903.
From Chicago and St. Louis proportion
ately low rates are in effect by IlLes con
necting with the Union Pacific to all above
points. City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam
street. 'Phone 316.
The reward ot fifty ($50.00) offered by
Plumbers' local union. No. 16, for the re
covery ef the remains of J.' C. Moran,
drowned November 4 last, is hereby with
H. B. HINTON, Rec. Sec. No. 1.
Thoae Who Do Small Business Say
Urease of Five Dollars
la Excessive.
Bakers who conduct "their Industry In
Omaha on a small scale and in a limited
way are protesting against the annual fee
for the permit to engage in such business,
which is issued by the health department
of the city. The small bakers are quite
numerous and are making Individual pleas
to the councilmen to have the fee reduced.
At present the amount is $5 yearly. It
formerly was $1, but was raised by an ordi
nance passed laBt fall. Now the little
bakers say tbst the ordinance was the work
of the big bakers, who can well afford to
bay the $5 fee. It is only with the be
ginning of the year that the Increased
amount has become effective, and therefore
nothing had been aif up to a few weeks
The permits are charged for to defray
the expenses ot an inspection made once
a month by an officer from the health, de
partment. It Is possible that sn ordinance
repealing the one that raised the fee will
be Introduced into the couuull and it may
provide a eliding scale, charging according
to the extent of the business carried on.
Railway Kotea and Personals.
W. T. Flhher. chief traveling auditor of
the Mihsouri Pacini-, U in the city.
Gtrrlt Fort, a.-slxtant general pansenfrer
ami ticket agent t.f the I'niuii Puciilc, has
rrlurm J lruru Chk-agn.
K. H. Ward of the Union Pacllic freight
dt i iiortmert left for Xan.u City !' even.
I:' to nil the mn Ui g of the Trai.s
Mivxourl Freight bureau.
nu. u.
M tMI.I Mrs Aurretta F.. wife of J. E.
MiUill, HMtunlay, February IS, at ( p.
m., Ked 4y yearn.
Funeral from lair residence, 1014 Martha
street, to I.aurt-1 Hill cemetery, TucaUuy
at ! V- m. i'ricud iuvltcd.
4 percent
N. J., Manufacturer.
of more than 15,000 yards of handsome
one of the best known silk manufac
are all the leading 1903 colors and
idea. Never
VOU ""
elegant quali
have all , you
equalled any place in
and cannot be
day) only
effects. Not -a yard
49C Several thousand yards of
goods are sold reg-
right in tho Pyrography department.
Statutes Do Not Apply to Notes of Defunot
Bank of New Brunswick.
Secret Service Agents Cnn Do- Nothing
bat Arbitrarily Confiscate the
Notes as They Are .
Officers of the United States secret serv
ice are considerably wroueht tin m tho
decision of two federal ttiriffpa nn In
North Dakota and the other in California,
mat under the present laws on the subject
of counterfeiting no rtllnlnhmpnf pin ha
given to persons who pass the notes of the
aeiunci uanit or New Brunswick. N. J.
These notes are made In thA lllrpnoaa nf
the greenback of the United States, but are
one or the old issue of state banks. The
word New Brunswick leads the raaual nh.
server to take them for an issue of the
Canadian province of New Brunswick, and
tney are accepted often without question
at their face value. The dates Were
cured some time ago by a dealer In curios,
wno maae considerable money in selling
prints from the plates, which were Issued
probably with no thought of defrauding
the government or the people. They were
sold in seta of bills, from $1 to $20 for $1.50
a set and soon fell into the hands of par
ties who passed them on the unsuspecting
at their face value. In many of the larger
cities of the country there are people who
legitimately deal In these sets, selling
them to any who will apply, and the vol
ume of these worthless bills Is said to be
large, particularly In the west and north
west. Cannot Secure Convictions.
When they were first discovered In cir
culation representatives of the secret serv
ice arrested those who passed the bills,
but no conviction was ever secured, and the
California decision, following that of North
Dakota, has caused the secret service to
despair of convictions until the present
law is amended. At the same time the
secret service haa declared the bills con
traband and where one is found it is con
fiscated and destroyed. By this mesns
ths department hopes to find someone who
will make a protest against' the arbitrary
action of the secret service and attempt to
recover some of the bills confiscated, so
that the question can be brought to the
supreme court of tht United States for
final declson.
Without such decision the secret service
agents can do no more than caution all
persona against these bills. There beln
no penalty for passing them It Is expected
that their clrculatlou will be greatly in
creased, and the only way in which the
government can protect the business pub
lic Is to call the attention of the people
frequently to the matter and caution them
to be on their guard.
Tells Court that Quickly Acquired
Caah Came from Game
of Crapa.
A term In the city jail In no way di
minished 17-year-old Roy Green's efficiency
as a crap shooter. Released at t o'clock
in the afternoon without a cent, he bor
rowed a small "stake" from bis father and
by nlKDifuU he had accumulated a net sum
nf $5.50 by doubling on "fever" and "little
Joe." This was the nature of the testimony
in Judge Stubbs' court yesterday, whoru
Creen was tried on a charge of stealing
borne $50 from John rredeiickson in the
Klondike hotel two months ago. It was
shown that Green left the jail without
cent, and that the next morning he bought
underwear and other clothing to the cost
ot $i. The iioasessioa ot the money was
Ask About Kayden Bros.'
York Dry Goods Stock
rembrook fc Johnson carried one of th
Forced to settle with creditors, the stock
buyers, right on the market, secured the c
The goods have been received, checko
Tuesday in the new Domestic Roor. ,
The biggest bargains that ever greeted
wash soon. i
Over a carload of new Wash Goods of all
kinds will be on ssle in the Domestic
Dotted and Figured Swisses, worth 19c,
will be on sale at 10c a yard.
Lace striped, high grade. Wash Goods,
worth 25c, will be on sale at 12V4c a yard.
Wash Goods worth 10c and 12Hc will be
on sale at 9c a yard.
Flannelettes worth lOo will be on sale
at SV4c a yard.
36-Inch Imported Flannelettes, nice col
ors, will be on sale at 5c a yard.
8c extra heavy Linen Crash at 5o a yard.
8c extra heavy Twilled Crash at 3c a
8c checked Glass Toweling at B4c a yard.
25c extra heavy double warp Turkish
Towels at 15c a yard.
15c Huckabuck Linen and Turkish Tow
els 10c each.
60c quality Turkey Red Damask, guaran
teed fast colors, 60 inches wide, at 2jc a
36c quality heavy cream Scotch Damask
t 22Hc a yard.
40c quality full bleached Union Damask,
64 inches wide, at 25c a yard.
You Owe it
to see what we have to offer in women's new SUITS, SKIRTS AND WAISTS before
you purchase. Every express brings new goods. Customers more than satisfied.
Another lot of new Suits, the new collar
loss stole effects, in cheviots, broadcloths
and some etamlnes, sold everywhere as
high as $18.00; bought by us at 45c on the
dollar the newest styles only $8.45.
Sample Suits from four of the leading
bouses in the market for Fifth avenue
trade on sale at $12.50, $18.00 and $20.00.
200 Sample Skirts, the latest creations, at
$4.00, $5.00, $6.00, $8.00 and $10.00.
IN THIS DEPARTMENT Every sample so
cured for the season will be on sale tomor
row. About 200 sample Wool Waists at $2.98,
$3.98, $4.98 and $6.00.
Thin flat Roman Color with a fine Monogram Is the
thing those days, we have these in gold, silver, gold
filled, beautiful designs from up. Spend a few mln
utes in our store. LOOK FOR THE NAME.
,S, 1V. LINDSAY, Jeweler and Optician
1516 Douglas Street.
explained as above. Argument of the case
was concluded yesterday morning, nad the
Jury sent out.
In the afternoon the jury, brought In a
verdict ot not guilty and defendant, being
held on no other charge, was dismissed.
Yon Risk Yuir Life
If you neglect piles. They will cause fatal
diseases, but Bucklen's Arnica Salve posi
tively cures or no pay. 25c. For sale by
Kuhn & Co.
NOTICE All dissatisfied policy holders
In the Northwestern Life and Savings com
pany of Des Moines, la., please call or
send name and address to Robt. B. Haaker,
cars Regent Shoe company, 205 S. 15th St., !
Omaha, Neb
There's only one Stonecypher. He prints.
Publish your legal notices in Ths Weekly
Bee. Telephone 238.
Bishop Worthlngton Explains Ilia
Lon( Continued Absence
from Nebraska.
An Associated Press dispatch from New
York reads as .follows:
Right Rev, George Worthington, bishop
of Nebraska, says in response to criticisms
of bis continued residence in New York al
leged to have been made by the Rev. Dr.
Mackay ot Omaha:
"Of the eighteen years I have been bishop
of Nebraska I have served fourteen years
there faithfully. Then I was seized with
heart trouble. I came here and conaulted
Dr. Francis Delafleld. He told me that If
I remained in the high altitude of Omaha
my days would be few. He wrote this to
our standing committee.
"The standing committee agreed that it
would be better for me to come to New
York to live. I do nof receive the bishop's
salary. I merely take $600 a year to pay
my trrveling expenses to Nebraska for tho
three or four trips I make there each year.
The remainder goes to the coadjutor bmhop,
the Right Rev. Dr. Williams. He attends
to all the affairs of the diocese id what
I have always thought a satisfactory man
ner. Dr. Mackay knows these facta.
"I am totally at loss to determine the
spark which Inspires Dr. Mackay. But I
shall not criticise him. It la my duty to
protect him."
In comparing Grain-O and cofleo
remember that while tho tasto i
the same Grain-O gives health anil
strength while coflee shatters tho
nervous system and breeds disease
of the digestive organs. Thinking
people prefer Graiu-O and its ben
efits. ',
Atronrra ere-ywhae ; IV. aod Me. per pacta,
a Imperial Hair Regenerator
L V ft V 1 IS svary waatw ncogaiao a mum
ll tor Orsy or Blaaohwl Hair. It sppll
rrfii'caOou la uot atfiMiled by taiaai permit
Ijl eurilnrii ar.nolin.-iy liaruiU. aiut !
VlV; fcdola at rour hair iwloraS boa.
Imi-erial C'tiemlcul Co.. L3 H . ZZti St.. N. Y.
Sold by Blorron A UcCnnucli Drug Co.,
Oiuaha, Neb.
Profit Sharing Carnival.
Big Sale of tho Pern-
brook & Johnson Hew
Will Continue Tuesday,
e finest dry goods stocks In Ne Tork.
was sold for spot cash and Haydrn Bros.'
omplete stock for 50c on the dollar.
d and marked, and all will be on sale
shrewd, clever buyers. Be on hand early
40e quality Oriental Damask at 25c a
75c quality, 72 Inches wide, all linen
Bleached Damask at 59c a yard.
$1.00 quality, 72 Inches, extra heavy silver
bleached Damask. 69c a yard.
$1.23 quality, 72 inches wide. Satin Da
mask., comes In ptfli.a dot and floral doelgns,
at 80c a yard.
$1.50 quality extra fine Double Satin
Damask, 73 Inches wide, In all the new
patterns, .at !iSc a yard.
$1.75 quality heavy Double Satin Damask,
72 Inches wide, with the new wide open
borders, at $1.15 a yard.
Will i K fiOODS.
25c quality 40-lnch sheer Apron Linen
at 12V4c a yard.
25c Pique at 15e A yard.
15c English Long Cloth, 12 yards for $1.2".
15c Dimities, Lawns, checked and striped
Nainsook, at 7Hc a yard.
18c Curtain Swiss, 36-lnrh, In all the
fancy weaves and dots, at 12'4c a yard.
20c quullt'y Bheer India Liuen at 12Hc a
50c quality bleached ready-made Sheets,
torn, not cut, at 45c.
12V6c quality ready-made Pillow Slips,
size 42x36, at 9'4c.
to Yourself
200 sample Rainy-Day Skirts from a Chi
cago manufacturer at halt price at $1.00,
$2.00, $3.00, $4.00 rind $5.00.
450 sample Wrappers in one lot, your
choice at 60c.
Women's Shoulder Shawls another lot
on sale at 19c.
Women's new Black Mercerized Under
skirts Jtmt received, go or, sale at $5.00,
$4.00, $3.00, $2.00 and $1.00.
Women's heavy White Waists, most ele
gant line in the city, made by the Marquise,
the Royal and the Oeyser three distinct
lines confined to us the best and most
stylish waists In America, on sale at $1.60,
$2.50, $5.00 and $6.60.
and Hair Tonic
Makes (he Hair Grow,
Keeps the Scalp Healthy.
Sold Everywhere In
$1.00 and 50 Cent Bottles.
A. R. Bremer Co., Chicago.
(10 LIF.1IT.
Until further notice, we have decided
to Blve our uatroiiH the benellt of our
PRICKS. TIiih means that drUKKlma ax
well as COMMON PEOPLE. Charley and
his lonK-talled signature, or anybody
else, can have many things In our line
at l'ss than cost.
$1. Pernna all you want 61c
jl.iK Pierce's Remedies no limit 64c
ll.urt Iler'H Malt all you want 6-'c
Jl.oo Canadian Malt Whiskey no limit Tie
J1.U0 Duffy's M ilt nil you want "oc
Hoc (lenuine CastorlH no limit 24c
2c Pierce's Pills all you want 18r;
2'ic Laxative Promo Quinine no limit 16c
tl 00 (ierman Klmmell Hitters no limit 75c
(H! Texim Calurrh Cure one bottle
cure 40c
7rc Moeller's Cod Liver Oil no limit. . 64o
tl.iM) Huttler's Femule Regulator guar
anteed 75c
Two Phuacs T47 and TOT.
W. Cor. 1G aid Chlrasa Sts.
N. B. Cor. rarnam and 11th Pta,
rat l Capital...... a.Vio.OO
arplaa Faaa t 00,004)
WUAHK. MURPHT. President.
B B WOOD, Vloa Praaldsat
V. UA-aUi-lX'iL Aaalstant Cashtaf.
pring Suits
Now Ready.
Tuesday wo will lo rcaily to show to mot hers, the strong
est line of boys' suits that has ever horn seen in this western
country. We request the nresenee of every mother of a boy
to inspect our assortment.
.Tllut in tM'lLii it i lirtL iiiinf.iui imr i ri i'liat lnro ilnTlill-t.
" iiitint ft nil II uititr'iiii. ill I uv ir'.ir, u 'in i mm
ment, we will place for special seling, two lots of suits g
mat are priced remarkably
At $2.00
Made of all wool cheviots and eas
s I meres several colors to cliooao
from the styles are "Norfolk"
sizes 4 to 12 years, snd the "double
breasted Jacket" 8 to 16 years
made to retail for $.1.00
Here thla week for
GST 0 0 J.
Rental Agents,
107 North 10th Street. Opp. P. O. watch inspector to, u. p. r. r. Oo,
SIGNET RINGS, engraved with monogram, crest or Initial are the latesl
fad. Made in rose, Roman or bright gold, $2.00 to $30.00.
BLOODSTONE RINGS are proper gifts for March birthdays, $2.00 to 115.00.
DIAMOND RINGS, we have some particularly line and perfect gems, at prices
ranging from $25.00 to $300.00.
312 Paxton 61k.
more than rubber, but are
more satisfactory, being pfeasanter
to wear and mora healthful. We
make a full plat for $15.00.
Bi Wyoming co&l,&.n excellent jubjtituter
orWd confine f or cookinri.'
Victor White l605 it. Te 1.127
Ave have a complete line of Indies' and
feient make. A large assortment of plain
crlption. Ladles' and Gents' watchchalns,
i.. Manti. f'l.u Wa Fancv Gift Clocks.
goods.' In fact anything that goes to make
Everything solid on very small margin.
rbone 1874.
A Cough Remedy
that Cures
Ask your druggist, or send 25c
A Word to tba Women
As has always been the ease,-we
open the season with something new.
This time it's an entirely new toe,
Totay," the flrst time it ever ass
shown in Omaha.
The sols Is a welt, with medium ex
tension edge.
The uppers are of patent colt
on ths blucher cut style.
The beel, military shape. The very
wellest shoe you usve ever seen.
r seen. m
sizes and jfl
Now cn sale In all the
! Omaha's U-tt-Date Shos Hoae
' -a
a.y. ...lW8-am'IMJ..i..,J
At $3.00
Mado of high grade materials
many colors to select from perfect
lit guaranteed We have them In
"Norfolk" stylo sizes 4 to 1 years,
and the "douhle-nrrasted Jacket"
sizes 8 to 16 years made to retail
for $4 f
Here all this week for.
In the Bee Building
We have two offices that we can offer
at a very low rental considering the
fact that the price of $10 per month in
cludes light, heat and janitor service.
These offices have both been newly dec
orated and are attractive and comforta
ble both in winter and summer. There
are not many offices like this in the
building and they never stay vacant long
Better call at once.
Ground Floor,
Bee Bldg.
Gentlemen watches of all grades and dlf-
Gold Kings arwt Bet Kings ot every aos
Charms and Lockets In Holid Gold or
Regulator -and Office Clocks, Optical
up, a well arranged Jewelry Store.
1614 Capitol At.
to Howell Drug Co. , Omaha, Neb.
If you. nopd a rlr of tbnrt
find want them to lie up-to-date
and rlfc-lit In every way-Ix nt
quality, well mailc correct
lle and cnrnfnrtHble-we In
vite you to call at thla store
miii allow us to ttiow you some
nhoea that will satisfy you In
ev-ry respect lit, comfort wear
ami price.
Ol'R $.1.10 AND IVO0 MNKS
Include all the popular styles
and leathers. In all sizes and
v. i.itliH, and we can fit ami
I lease you as you never have
Ineu before.
1 ,l' Att-i iCflM